Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 15, 1903, Image 3

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    'f' ' r. ; - ' "
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- - -
1embers of the Leglslatule Gather In Lincoln
AIId Proceed to Organize the LegIslature ,
.An Interesting Rece tlon by the OUholng : and
Incoming Chief executlves-The State
! Officers Sworn. i .
ri I
" 'l'he st.1to Itglslature ! Is now tull }
- ( -olganlzed and In wnrldng order.
: N hlet-n I ne mem LJers uf the 110use
at Heprescntatlves gathered In I lu-
coin last week to perlOrm this dllt ) "
uno member ha\1IIg died slnco elec-
1 tlor. ' 1'he thlrt-thrce sonaturs wele
nil on hand In duc tlrue and ready
for work.
Many members reached Lln'oln
\ Sunday and some carller than that ,
Jlld all were on haneJ LJefure lunrlllY
night. 'L'he usual preliminary sklrm-
, : Ishlng was done , though there \\'IIS
I not us much p.xcltemont as usual.
I Monday was the busy day with the
, candidates and workers. as well as
" with the army of busv seelers after
! uppoilitments to the numerous smull-
{ or positions aLJout the legIslature.
r As early as Hunday evening tile re-
pnbllcan members helel a eonfereuce
und agreed upon 1I0n. W. II. lIar-
II Iison , of Grand Island , fcr president
' ' , pro mcore or the senate. 'l'hat Imr-
'I' ty hi'lng a Illrgo majority In both
houses It went without sayIng that
, its nominees would LJe elected. Mon-
( lay ovenlng .Tuhn II. l\1oclCtt. .Tr. , ur
t Lincoln , was nomluated hy the re-
i , pUhlcans Cor speaker of the huu e and
John Wall for cblef clerk.
Wl1ell the two house can vened at
noon 'l'lHJsday Uhlef Justice Sullh'un
, was called In to administer the uath
I. . to the membersaud the above named
I were elected. A. n. 1 < : el 111 , or 11'all
Oity \ ' as elected secrutary of the sen-
I ate. 'fhese preliminaries being tin-
ished the two branches of the leglsla-
t ture were duly : or anlzed and ready
tor bnslness. ' 1'hey then adjournld
until Wednesday.
'i '
: A t eleven IJ'clock Wednesday both
I 'branches eonvened. ' .rhe only bnsl-I I
! Dess transacted was the announcement -
{ ment of appointments ard canva sIng -
Ing the vote , for state olllcP.fs. This
( clone , adjournment was In order.
J 'l'hursday , Immediately acter assembling -
sembling the honse and senate met
In the house of represenlatlves In
I i joint session and proceeded to Install
I \ the state ol1lcerCl. Uhlef Just'e !
Sullivan. accJmpanleJ by associate
, I , Justices Holcomb and Sed wlck ap-
1/ / : ' pened : at the I > peaker's desk and ad-
I ministered the oaths of oOlce to t.he
' : state ol1lcers elect. Governor Savage
, 1\ \ read his message as also did ( jever-
nor Mickey , arter wh ! h the leg-Isla-
" 'tuee tooe ] a recess nntll Tuesday at-
T" " tnrnoon.
i j In the evening- reception was
, lleld In the senate chamber. which
was attended as IIsnal by a throng of
i ! oeople. It was a cala occasion and
I oilssed 01T very smoothly. ,
Men are prone to forget the seDsl.
tl veness ot a woman's d Isposl tlon.
\ " Women scout nt the utility of
I .1 " thlnlclng twice before spealdng once.
\ , Men dislike to be cOllslrJered ] ael ,
, , lng In ability to size up a schelller.
1'1 ' One-half of the Imports Into thl ! .
; -countrr are of mat rlals for manufac-
' Oanadlan trade , with Britain
,1 , \ has Increased ever 6,000,000 the past
d year.
Men arc possessed uf the Idea that
I I women are LJuund to tal\C tbelr ad-
III \ vice.
h \ WOlDen often Sl10W an obstlnancy
, whIch Indicates want of mental LJal-
\I \ unce.
t. ! Women are dlsposecl to overdo the
vlnences of gratltnde for favors
' 'Shown tLtOm.
I I Men resent the Impntaton of seek-
/ lng assoelatlOn with whht Is cllled
, r. swell society.
Women usually make the most of
! I an occasion which seems to enhance
, tlhllr social status.
, I . . 1\Ien rreq nen t1y fa II tet enjoy pleas-
ure because of a d Isposl tlon to demand
I more than a Calr share.
j I Women often Inc1ul e In extra va-
! gant expressions 1 [ ; a way to lead to
\ unfurtunate clrcurnstanes.
Twenty-three thousand ahles CO\--
) ered with hleroilyphlcs have been
! , brou ht from Nlppurln Mesopotamia
, by Prof. II1lprceht.
I ,
I 'rhe water. power available on the
J Pacilic slope for prod ucl n electric
I ener y Is equivalent to the coml.lus.
tlon of 300,000,000 tons of coal a year.
'I'A 'I' ' reat many modish women are
wearln the heavy , mercorlzed chov.
I lots so much In evIdence last sum-
I morbut whether cott nsllkor wool ,
I white Is the approved color.
In 1880 the value at Carm product
of the south exceeded tlmt of manu.
factured products LJy more than $200-
000,000 , while In WOO manuCaotures
" exceeded furro products by muro than
. $100,000,000 , thouJh ; : durln that perIod -
Iod the number of persons en aJed : :
11J agrIculture IncrcDsed 36 per cent.
n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
East and West Alike Suffer From Lack or 11-
SUIsly : Short Everywhere.
St. Paul , Minn. , .Jan. 2.-A special
to the l'Juneer-l'ress Crom Huron , S.
D. . says :
A nether severe wInd a snow storm
Rtrnck this parL of the state Saturday -
day illumIng. Hallway cuts ure
a.taln ) . IIlIed with SIlOW , and reat !
clclrts ure seen everywhere. ' 1'he
fltorlll cannot be otherwise than so.
\'ore to stock. and the scarcIty of
fllelmalces conditions III this looallty
aalllllnl ] ! . lIecauso of the fnel short-
ale thn mrlous churches dId not ou-
Sl'r\'U the weel , of prayer In theIr
houses or worship. but held meetlnJls ,
In pl'lvate homes. The strl test
ecunomy Is practiced III Cue1.
Topeka. 1\as , , .Tun. 2.-A heavy
snow Is fallng here , wlLh the weather -
er growing ohlCJr and the city Is
out of coal. Nut'll ( Iealer 111 town has'
a carload on hand and none In slgl1t.
It Is expected that tllere will be suf-
ferllll ! before the faml ue Is relieved.
as many of the poor uro entirely out
of coal. ' 1'ho Camlne In Kansas Is
tal,1 ng on a more serious aspect. ' 1'110
state retorm school has onJy a two
days' suppy left. In Ottumwa , Law
renr-e IInd A tuhlson I lots have been
narrowly averted durln the past
threa diU's whelle\'er n car or coal
would arrive. Mueh snlferlng exists
among the poorer classes , LJecause
they caullot ubtaln enough coal.
Mllwaul\Ce , WIs. . Jlln , 12-Af tor
the clt Izens' meetl n today considerIng -
Ing the coal Camlne , thu followlUg
message was sent to United States
Senator .T oseph Quarles by Mayor
Hose :
" 'fhe people or our olty are con-
Cronted by a coal Cal llne , and It Is
working great harsdhlp9. Wo are endeavoring -
deavoring to arrange to purchase coal
In Canada. 1'110 tax Is ( j7 % cents per
ton. Is It not possible to selure : the
Immediate passage of a resolution
through conlress at least suspending
the collectlun of the duty on han1
coal A bill ell ht to be presented
putting hard coal n the Cree list.
If we can gut the resolution , It will
wmk Immmedlate beneJt. ! I do not
thInk that the true conditions arc
realized. Great sulferlng Is resulting
from the famine and we look to the
future with alarm"
Detroit , Mich. , .Tan. 12.-Tbe mu-
lilclpal coal cumlsslon appointed by
Mayor Maybury to manage tl10 coal
business that city I emLJarkln In ,
met today and arranJed , ! a plan to LJe-
gin Immedlatoly the purchasing of
coal. J. fJ. Hudson , a prominent
local rr.erchant , who Is chairman of
the commIssion , announced that bo
will loan the commlslson $10,000 with
which to purc.hase coal pending the
passage of an ( ! tIa bll ng aot by the
legislature to legalize the use of $50-
000 of the city's iunds fur this pur-
pnse. The comlsslon decided to use
the yards oC the department of public -
lic works and the water buard for
cual yards.
Chicago , Jan. 12-Nlne of the ton
merolJers at the "get coal" commlt-
toe appulnted at a meeting held in
Detroit last fall to Investigate tbe
shortage In the coal supply , lind , If
poslsble , to IInd a means of remedyIng -
Ing the evil , met hero today.
A fter a careful analysis uf the coal
situation throuJlhout , the conntry the
Hev. S. A. White at Chlcagu olhred
a resolution call1n upon the governors -
nors of all the states and [ he mayors
of the principal eltles to tal\O a Ulllt-
I'd stand against the methods helng
practiced with reference to the c\lal
supply at the natIOn , and to set a
time In the near Cuture when the.
governlJrs and mayors shall go In aj
body to \ \ ashlngton and demanrl ufl
Attorney General Knox the enforcement -
ment of the law so that the people
will be able to , et coal at a ronson-
able price. It was the generalopln-
Ion of the commIttee that the laws
already In existence are sul1lclent to
meet the emergency. llnel It properly
enforced there would ho no trouble In
gettIng all the coal that was needed.
[ i'lnal action on the resolution at Mr.
White was dcrerrml until later In thu
day. Mayor l\laybury ( If Dl'trolt will
meet Mavor Harrison of Chicago and
pr'vlde ) for a ma s meeting in hoth
oitle. . . , the Incentive belu ! . : tllO gutting -
ting Crom the people mural .1'Jthorlty
to go to the capital city and ask fur
aCHnlnlstratlon of justice.
No Abatement of Pla ue.
Mazatlan , 1\Jxlco , .Tan. 11'he
plague continues wlthollt material
abatument. . ' 11here are torty-threo
pat lens at tbe Lazareto. and the disease -
ease Is now attacl\lng people convalescing -
lescing Cram pr vlous attacks. 'l'ho
city has been dl\'ldld for sanitary
purposes Into COllr selJtlons and each
sectIon will LJe thorolllhly disinfected -
ed under modlcal supervisIon.
Young Girl Kills Herself ,
Ottumwa , la. , .Tan. -Reoause. .
It Is said , her motller , refused to allow -
low her to play with certain Ilrls ,
Lydia Dwyer , ten years olcI.comInlt- _
ted suicide by drlnklug aclu.
Jumps From a High window.
Now York , .Tan 12.-Crazed by tbe
pain attendlllg his Illness ot typhoid
fever. 'fhomas A. O'Donough , treasurer -
urer of the 0' Donough ColTee company -
pany , sprang Crom the window at his
room on the seventh flnor of tbo
Oralnde department house , landln
on the sIde walk. ne died ten IDln-
utes later. lIe was attended y a
trained Durse. Mr. U'F > onougb was
.thlrty years old aDd a wllilonalre.
, , . ' ,
" r03cheel the Stove With It 53tur3ted = Gar-
lI1ent-An OIll.1l1a Lawyer Pound Dead
by the UOllelslde.
Fremont , Neb. . .lun. IJ.-IIlstorS :
HeIllS abont to relJeat Itself In Dudge
, 'OUllty. Farmers are be\lnnlng \ . : to
I'mrn COIll rur fuel ns they did III the
arly ulnelles when It was selllnl ; for
lell cellls a hushel and the crop wns
IJ\'erwhelmlngly large. Now It Is
IIlIt so much the fact that corn Is
illw In IJIlCe Imt that fnells high
ILnd In sume cases practlcal1y Impos.
t,1 ble to et that aCiJnnts fur the use
III' corn as a heat producer. Only
lho poorest part of the crup Is bolng
Ile\'oted tu that purpose. Part uf the
corn IIlled Inte and \\'ns caughtLJy the
irust and It Is this which Is beln
utilized to supply the pluco of Cuol.
Uoal Is very harc ] to get In Rro-
mont. Cltlzlns ! are golug Crom one
dealer tu another endeavorlllg to se.
'fre ' It LJut are met e\'erywhero with
l.tO response that more orders nro al-
I'eady on hat d than cnn be lIIied.
l'he de ders have no coal 'In stock
ami rely only on what they have
ordered. ' 1'he situation Is as ncute
as It could be wlthuut elltallllll ; gen-
lral ! sulTerlng. A lucal resldun t tried
In'nln toclay tu get sllmo nut soft'
coal and tlnally bonght hnlf a ton of
IltIlhraclte for $7.50. It Is nctually
easier to get the : anthraclte product
than the bitumInous artlclo at pres-
Poorer people ha ve been In great
need of fllel of any kind during the
zero weather. Chlldron have been
seen going along- the railroad tracks
plcl\lng up pieces of "oal or out In
the tlmLJer across thu rl vcr gatherln
branches to bring home. Some who
11Ie III good circumstances will have
to resort to burning wood If the pres-
\Jnt \ : conditions continuo 11Iuol.1longer.
Lawyer Found Dead
Omaha. Neh. , Jan. 13.-W. D.
lleckett a'ell ' known lawyer was
foun frozen dead Monday at noon.
His boy was lying two miles west ot
Benson near the Llttlo Paplo creek.
Henry } lapp. a milkman , Cound It
'lDd ' reported to the coroner. As the
milkman reported that the hody was
unt I here when he passed ea rly I n the
m 'ruIng lite had evidently not bp.en
! ! xtlnct many hours. 'fhe limbs were
frozen stllf hu t the body was not yet
rigid. Mr. Ucel\Ctt was CUI'tv-four
years o ! a e. He leaves a wife and
four children , Lwo of the children by
a former wHe. lIe WdS a prominent
attuIlley for many 'ears , bllt during
the PlSt year has been drlnllng
heavllv. Ills wife recently slled for
II dlvoree. ' 1'he last time Becwtt ! was
seoo as at 1 :30 : Sunday morning when
his nephew. Mr. Woodruugh , tall\Cd
to him. 'l'he nephew supposed he
was then on his way to his room at
the lIer Grand hotel Instead or goIng -
Ing there he evlclcntly started Into
' , he country toward Bensou. Dnrlng
his protesslonal oareer In Omah : !
lleckett was a member of several IIrms
and had appeared as counsel In some
of the moqt Important suits lIIed In
the courtil. At one tIme he was the.
law partner of Jllr1 e H. U. Read ,
\V01111n Burned to Dcafh.
Wymore. Neb , . Jan. 1:1.-\lrs. : : .T
'W. HobArts , the wlte of a proml nen t
farmer IIvtrlg south of town , died
th Is mar nlm : from the erfects of a
terrible hurn. 1\1Is , HoLJerts had
been washing a waist In gasoline ,
Saturdav evenIng , and had one near
the stove with It. The artlclo took
fire and Iofore she could help thorself
the flames enveloped her. Hhe thlew
a carcet o\'er her head and ran out
'of doors , where she Cell In an unc n-
: sclous condition. . and was In that
'state when the family returued frolU
town late In the e\'enlnJ. ; . .
No Extortion at Des nolnes.
Des Moines , la. , .Tan. 1:1-Tho : sort
coal oprratnrs' assoclatloll of the De
Mulnes district held a meeLln thl
atternlon and deolded to refuse tf )
sell coal to Des Iolnes retail deaJer
and teamsters who have In the past
or may In the future sell coal to can ,
SlllUers Cor more than $ :1 : a ton. th
retail prlc ! : IIxed by the assoiJlatiou.
DClubt Le allty of Will.
OInclnnatl , 0. , .Tan. 13.-A pecu.
liar cuntest LJegan hero In the probate
cuurt toc1ay when the widow of tllo
Intu mlillollalle , .John McCormlok
GIbson of thls , city. who died al
Asheville , N. 0. . a few months a o ,
presented ror probate a copy oC h"
\,11I , made from steno raphlc note !
alleged to h'\ve heen preserved bJ
'Atornoy'olls ' , of Asnevllio.
'rho origInal wIll , It Is assorted ,
Ibas never bneu foulld SIDCO tbe deat ! '
ur Mr. Gibson. '
nurclars Make a GeeS ; nank lIaut at Louis-
r oulsvlile , eh. . .Jan. D.-(1hls ( olty
wall the scene or n LJank rObhery nt
an early hour 'l'hursrlny nwrnhil- : - that
1\'Cs ovldence or hn\'lng heon ( JOiu-
mllted by expO ! ts. It ylclrled Its
perpetrators the lIeat sum of $ ,1 oo
hi Iold , sll\'er IInd currency , IIncl un
less thohlluncls are elTeelll'o lutr\l'I\- :
Ing thelll the robbers seelll 1I1\OIy tu
l'sea pe.
The robhery or.cuTlNI some LIllie
lH'twcen 2 aud : ! o'dfll'l , thIs 1110rn-
In . The BallI. ( If COllllllcree. which
Is the propel ty of TOIII I'll rllllle or
I'lat.tsllIouth. . pl'l'sldentlif thu Inde-
pellllenttelepholle 01 II ngi1.llLlon of the
! loc ated next door to the IHlst-
ol1lce. and cutral1lo : was alned to It
lIy lIIeal\ln Into the postol\lce. \ drIll-
111 a hole lar u enllll h to pelmlt a
llIan 10 crawl throu h the t\To-foot
hrll'l , wall lute the haok vault. tlmq
avoldln ! ! the burl.lar ! alarm. and dynamiting -
namiting the " "fo withIn DUlIng
1 he early mornIng hours. peopo ] In
tile \1l1lnlty were IIwal\Cned by a report -
port , of the e"ploslon , hut nune seemed
to hll(1 beer. IHOllllltlHl to deem It
anythln unusual. Shortly afterwards
1I10n were heald wallllIg ( Iown thu
street adjacent. but no one Hot up to
observe the meaning of the nocturnal -
nal visitation.
't'hls 1lI0rnlll when .Tesse McGrew
callie to worl , In Iho minting ol1lco
wh\lh \ aeljolns the banI , he peered In
that Insll tutlon aud cllscovercc1 the
\\"Iecl , of the vault , aUll In\'estlga-
lion disclosed the mcalllng of the
wreele. ' 1'here was u IH1r lar alarm
on tile door 01 the vault 'Iml the safl !
\Vas ostenslhly bllf lar proof , and the
cunning Illanner In which the bur -
lars avoided detection or luterrup-
tlUII prove ! ' thelll to be craolsmen.
Quarantine Will e R.lJtld. I
' 1'uscon , Ariz. . , Tan. n.-Informa- i
tlun frolll th ol1lce of the secretalY
IIf state of Herlllosilio cor cernlng the
plllg uo sl tlla tlon Is as follows :
'l'he strictest quarantlno Is lIIaln-
talned at GUllyamasa IIgalnst Mazat-
Ian. A cordon of soldiers has been
established Crom the tldowater on
the boundary line between the state ! !
of Sonora and Sinaloa , the soldiers
tJelllg stationed within sl ht of cal h
other alon the entire dlsllll1CO with
I nstructlons to shoot anyoue endew- :
OI'ln 10 pass the line. 'rho strIctest
1lndof patrol Is Iwpt alon ! . : the CUllst.
No passports are Issned to shl ps to
clear from Guavmas. and no ships
ar allowed to enter Crom any poInt.
Guaymas Is dependln entirely upon
her own resources tor subslstance.
'l'ho most tlwroulh system of fumigatIOn -
gatIOn and 'sanltalY regulatliJns hns
heen adoptod. LIme and sulpher aru
Issned dally to the poor people and
tile streets and yards Ilre oleaned
dally. Governor Isabel has LJeen
pJace(1 In charge LJy the Cederal I-tov
l'rnment. He branis the rf'ports or
the last Cew days to the effect that
Ihe pln ue hils secured a foothold In
Guavmas or In any of the LJorcler
towns LJetweon GUllymas and Inuloa
as false
Washlnlton. .Tan. O.-A dispatch
has been leceJved at the pUhllc health
and marino hrJsplt'lI se vjee Crom the
board of trace ] at 'L'uscou. Arizona ,
I c'alling attention to the existence of
hu bon 10 pln ue I n Mexico and re-
( ( uestlng- that necessary stops he
talcn to pr'vcnt ! , It.s upreul : Into A rl-
z na. 'l'he president of the superior
buard of health of Mexico has ol1lclnl.
] yannonnced to tile authurltles In
WashIngton that the Illague exists at
Enslnada aud Mazatlan. Mexico , ancl
has requested the public health IInd
roarlne hospital servlee to notify the
hureau of American repuLJlIcs that
the South American countries
th"on h them may be Informed. Dr.
OrubLJs , a mecJlccal reprcsentuth'c
or tllo ( whllc health alld marine hospital -
pital service now at La , Angeles , whe ,
has beeu Investigating the situation
1'1 I nsanda , and ! Jr. AleJl'andur , the
lIIedlCIl1 : representatlvo at Nnsanda ,
have ' , een directed by the surccc n
eneral to talw necessary ! lotion In
the mlltter.
J\lnde Effort to Linch 11Im.
fieno , Nov. . Jan. O.-A special to
Ihe Gazette from Eurelm conllrms
I he story of tlw tragrdy enacted at
tlw Keystone mine yestcrday. whan
uperlntendent ' 1'aylor was set upon
hy twelve union miners. 'l'wo men
ilre deacllwd another Is just all \'e ;
, ,1iI1I another has bCl'n gl ven up hy
I he doctors and a fifth Is not serJous ,
Iy hurt.
There was Intense oxcltement
among the mlncrsllncl It was thoulht
that 'l'aylor wOllld ho lynched last
night. 'l'he shorllf succeeded In splr
l\.Ing \ 1'aylor ancl Assistant GasKill
of Ely for un unknown destination.
lJetalls al'O hard to obtain. liS Bly
Is a remote CU1l10 Car from railroad 'Ir
tel graph communication , LJelllg 150
miles southeast of l urekD.
For ery Cause of Failure.
Nllco doches , Tex" Jan. D.-It Is
( ' ! almed that the de'elopments In
I he : or the Wettormarlt hanl ,
'It Naco doclH's and Hendorson show
I II . t rorged notes and recel pts to a
11'I.e ! amount caused the suspel1slon ,
I t I. . also stated that Investigations
' 1'e : disclosed $110,000 In Craudulent
p 'per ' ,
A lIIelllherot the flrmlt Is claimed
Ila" dIsappeared and II warrant III\s
' ' ' 'IHI sworn uut cbJrglng him wltl >
. , , ' . . . . ' , _ . _ ' , _ . . . , . .
Tele hone anel Telc\r : , , 11 Wires Are Keet 1101
Durin ! : Ihe DI1)-M3e1e IIlIlse I\e ort.
Lincoln. Neb. . .Inn. II.-.Toseplt A.
lIatrl , a lIalll\ur of } ) rolwn How
sentellcl'cl to se1'\'e ono ycar In the
penlt.entiary fur mal\lng II falsr'
statement to the state ha. 'II ' ! :
hrlald , was fa\'orecl with GOVlJllIOr
Sa'a o's last act IIf clclllelllY. : 'l'lw
govur , or cut llif all his sentence except -
cept ono day. liar rl1i Immediately
rushetl to the penItent lary to beL\l1I \
this IIno day's service. He vlrtnnllv
hrol\O Into ttlu IH'lsoli for fear thllt If
he clld m'L ' he ln service ' 1'hulsdas
the O\'eruor's cCllllmutat Ion whlt'h ,
was dlrecl ed tll the warden. wOlild ho
null today with a new UVOrl1l1r III I
the OXl'cutl\'e OmCl' . II wns some.
thing never hearcl of heroro In the
hlstury of the state for a mall to seelt
hl h alld low for the shmllf or hl
Cfmllty to 11Il11ICl' that ol1her.eItalc : \ .
him to the peliltelltinry. Mr. Harns
I'allecl to Ilnd the sherltf alllt liS a last
resort WOlit to the penitentiary.
" 1 have heull sentenced to ono year
III the pentllentlary , " ho snld when
ushered Into the warden's ol1lre. Ilnd
I ell'slre to olltl'r upun my ( tlltles. "
Walden DavIs wus nmllzed. 11e
10I\Ocl , at Ule mall and usl\Cel If he
had his eOlllmltment papers.
II No , 1 have net , , bllt the shoI1Jt
hils. " said the vlsllor.
II It Is IllIposslble for l\1e \ to receIve
you as a prisoner , " saiel the warde' ! .
. unluss YUII have a cumnJltment , but
I can rece h'o yon as a Ituest. , "
This Iliterview toole place IIbout a
o'clock Friday aftornol'n. It appeared -
ed to cast a gloom o\'er thu1..1 . tor.
For a time It looked as If hlJ efforts
to ImprIson hllllself would filiI ater
all. Ill' did not despllir. however ,
alld In Lhe mean tlmo hIs trlendsllnd
Secretary Hose of the state banklnlt ,
hOIl rei. we re scou ring the sta te for
Armstl'ung or Uuster ClIUllty
, to come and place tile man In lc al
cnstody uf the .vardon. The frlunds
of Mr. HarrIs Intlmated , qulto pialny ]
that the sherllT was not , doing hIs
duty. that ho was an enemy of HarrIs
and was trying to l\Oep him ouL uf
Lhe penItentiary. It made some of
them wrathy.
' 1'ullphollo IInd tele raphV Ires were
lwpt hot durlllg the day. I.'lemlly .
this resulted In Sherllf Armstrong
tald , , a forenoon tralll at Brol\'n
lIow. lle arrived III Lilicoin lit 5,10 :
In the evenlnanel \ . mudo Harris happy -
py by supph'lu him with commitment -
ment papers. I ast ovenlng thu prisoner -
oner Clepa rted f rum the prison a Crle
nHltl. Warden Da\'ls said It was too
late In the day to w ) through all the
formalltws of reccl\'lnl ! II prisoner ,
but he registered Harris , nve him
a suit IIf strlled ( clothllll. : alld locl\Ocl
him In a cell. ' 1'IHIs far lIart"ls had
escaped J.'JrIi ; ! ! to jail or to prls/'n.
Sen tence was pronoullcecl I n the d Is-
Lrlct court Novemher a , His aLtor-
neys were In LIIIC1UIIi on the evclllng
of that tlllY with II petltloll In error
which . . as lIIedln the supreme euurt ,
tOj.ctJer . ! ! with II req uest for suspension
of selltence. .luel e Hulcomb sl ned
the urder suspelllhn sentullce as Is
usual in snch cases when a proper
bOlld Is plesented. ' 1'ho bond WIlS
considered oocl as tu security but
was faulty In form and Dcputy Clerk
K W. Nelson III the abtence of Clrrk
I..l'o . lIerdll1un of the supreme court
relused to approved It. 'rho sus
prllsillu wa'l flf nu effect wlthollt an
approved bond , so the attorlleys
hastCJned tCl bll'ure another I n proper
form. 'I'h'y ! w're ! lIIuch wOlrleo for
Cear SherllI Armstroug would pillcd
lIarrls In jail ulltll the nolbOlld
was furlllslleel , bLlt Iln order 01' the
cllstr let Cllurt speclllC'ully sta tl ng thut
the prisoner was to bo Iept I n custody -
dy IJut nllt Illeareerateel was ohoyed
by the sl1crllr. Nut uutll yesterday
was lIarrls pla t'd hehlllIJ hHS , und
thou unly at his Ullfllt'St sollcitatlull
Harris was at the hacdlJf a ballk
In Ilrpken Bow which fallen ahout
one year II II. Len ! . : after the failure
he was charLed with making a Calso
repOl't tu the state hanklng LJoard.
' 1'he statntu makes this a fulony. but
lIal rls' cOllvlctlon WIIS the IIrst on
recOId under the law. The partlclI-
lar Irum In his report complalllf'd of
was that he saId hIs hallk had & 8,000
on deposIt with a certain Omaha
bank. 'fhls statement proved to bo
Have It Under Control.
WashlnJton , D. C" Jan. 1O.-1n 1\
relJOrt recel \ ed toclay hy Hecretary
Wllslln , Dr. Salmon , chief uf the hu-
teall or anllllal I..dustry , who Is In
doston dlrectln the call1paign
a alilst the flint , and mouth epldom-
Ic. fmys the cllseaso will be stamped
out. tllIS , willter. unlcss It has heen
cal rled to sOllie other part of the
country where It Is ) 'et undiscovered.
The experts hl1\'e only twu herds on
hand , \ \ hlch welo repolted withIn
the la t tWI ) or three days. . .
' - -
_ 1 IoL. : : . . . ' . _ " , .7. : . 'oL . . . , ' , _ , _ u"j
. ,
, _ , _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
- _ _ d
Ncbraslta Notes
MrA. MHi , JHIbbard of Utica , . .
was fOllnd dead or , her klt.chen lIour.
The all10u n t J n vcsted I n the Bi-
ber Ian rail wa , Is $ , IOJ , 700,000.
Pat Unrter , J8. ot Tabte Hock , had
his hand turn ulf In u carll shredder.
CharllJs 1IJlor Is In jail at Fremon'
for stealing $ . \0 \ frum a saloon n'
IlhcJel : Ulnre , a cd 70 years , died
11t , hIs home In Cortland. A Camll }
or sl , . . ohlldren 9111vl\'o hIm.
: A t 1 lk Crl'ek Oeor o OIark had
his hand callf.tht . In a pIIIIl'Y aud the
Ilesh was tenn from twu ngers ,
I'hlJ cOllnly , recorder's statemen'
mlllie shows that for the munth of
IDecolrlbor ' , he mlllt llgn redllctiun tor
( Hoe cOlin ty was $10 , U2D. 50.
' 1'ho O. A. Iurphy Clrm : , located
fOllr mlles north of Boatllco. was
nold to Ii' . 11. Kltumerllng Cur BOOO
cash , or $50 per acre.
'l'ho Water and LIJtht , company ot
Nehraslm Ulty refusocl to continuo
t.helr contrnct with the city Cor
IIL\htln \ the streets , 111H1 as a canso.
' 1ullenco the streets I1ro In darkness.
A I. l lm wood G. W. Swacl\Or's 14.
\'ear old daulhter hlld the thumb 01
hel' left 11111111 cau ht III 1washln
IIIllohlno hrellllng the bone nnd
lacerating the Ilesh. "
IIlIII er Can-er of the Nebrnskll . :
Olty wllter company Is to bo succeed \
cI February 1 , by B. 1' . Egan ur
: Jhlcalo , formerly of Lincoln nnd Ne.
tJraslm UltV.
.Tohn C. Beard , leslclent of Hum.
h lclt. dropped dead nt his home of
heart disease. ? ; Ir. Buard was an old
ettlur and a I/lember ot the Grond
Army. lIe leaves nVICo nnd two
Bec.H1So ho lost his job as Cfel ht
conduotor on the Uurllntgon thruoJth
excesslvo clrlnl\ln , W. W. IIambell
killed himself I.y : swallowIng carballo
add. ' 1'he IIlIlcldo was commItted nli
his homo In Wymore , his wlte and
child lJeln away visIting In LIncoln.
Charles II. McDanlols , ono ot Swift
. " ' Co. . 's chIcken plckors , dIed at
Beatrlco from the elTeots ot sIxty ,
ralns of morphlno talten the ni ht
befort ) . \1tanlols : and hIs wlfo , who
CIUllO to Beatrice from : lperlorNeb. ,
t\\'o mon thli ago , had quarreled and
3eparnted on account or 1\IcDanieis
Ilrlnllng hoavlly. ' 1'ho deceased wns
n years old and had $2,000 Insurnnco
In the Knights and Ladles uf Seour-
, Tohn 1'\'evllle ' \ , a Curtner llvln" rour
miles north ot Wahoo , mot wIth
ratalaccldent. Ho was hauling COrD
' 1nd altemjoted to drive across the
railroad track ahead of the lIdlOrn
I asson er train. ' 11ho traIn struck
the waJon and demolished It nnd Mr.
Neville was , thrown some distance.
IIII htlng on his shoulders. lIe was
picked up unlonsclouR : and brought
lIack to Wahoo by the tmln and med
Ical aid was surnmojed. 110 was
nhout .j5 yeara uf agC' , married and
had a la ) ' e fllh1l1y. 1\r. Novllle died
In the depot waiting room.
Several had I uses ot cattle bolng
poIsoned hy oatlng hay which con
talned er ot 11l1vo como to IIllhli
IIrouncJ l rell1onc. One herd ur cuttlo
northwest ot Jireillfmt Is In un especIally -
pecIally LJad condItIon , nearly all or
lhe 150 head showIng symptoms at ft.
, \ nUCllber were ordered shot by tbo
vetcrlnary. 'l'he disease aITccts the
hind feet , which swells up and In
mme cases actuallv rot and tull off
before the animal dies.
A conventIon of SUl.tar . beet growers
nf that part or Nebmslm Is called to
meet In McCoClk Saturday atfernoon ,
Januuy : , It Is proposed to have
an exchange of Ideas and exporlences
fn In pructlcl Jrowers : : at beets the
past season Cur advantage d'lrln the
uoxt season. An assoolatlon or su.
gar beet g rowers will alsu he Cormed
during the convention for tbo pur
pose of promotln the sUjar ! Jeet ia
clustry In southwestern NClJrasku. A
full atteudanco of farmers Is ur ed ,
as the matter Is consIdered of first
and largest Itn portan"e tu tl10m and
to the locality.
Anna Morrell , whoso husband was
1lIled In a r.olllslon at ' 1'able Rock.
Nob. , December W , whllo actln In
I ho capncl ty ot fireman , has begun
s lit In the distrIct oourt in GaJo ; :
county agaInst the Ohlcago , llurl1ng
ton " ' Quincy railroad fur $50,000
dllllages. It Is alleged tbat sOlDe o'
the lrow : were asleep on the train
which crnshod Into the englno occa.
pled ty l'lreman ! Monell. The sun
Is brought on the grounds that the
cOCllpany violated the law In competI-
Ing It.s employeli to work without the
required amount ot rest. It Is tl1d
largest suit or the kInd over instl-
tlltod In Gage county.
George D. Follmercommlslsoner or
public lunds and buildIngs , estImates -
mates the o1Cpendltures In hIs department -
partment at $ ( j . 780 Cor the next bIen
nlu. . ) . lIe recommends that the Innl' '
or the penitentIary land Cund be
elthor sold and the money appllod to
penItentiary repairs , or Iso attached
to the educational lands. In tty-
olght countlos 165,711.60 acres or land
huve heen leased. All lands bavo
been leased ut a hlgbor valuation "milS
l ' ,