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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1903)
. . . - - ' " . . - " . " , , " r. , . . - . . , , " , ( I ' " _ . . . . . j. . . . . . . . I . - . I , ' USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN.I ; ; : ] S'I'ADT4ISI1ED 1882. 'rUE OFli'ICIAT4 PAPEI OF CUS'l'ER COUN'I'HGl S'l' CI1 CULA'J'ION OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'UE COUNTY. . . . - _ . . . - , " . : : " - - . VOL XXI , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 15 , 1902.nEIGHT PAGES. NO. 31. 'I - - . "Y D.-.e e. e.J J J : J. : : , : l ; ; Let Me De . :1 : Your W tch Mon. . p 1 WUllt ) 'ou to feel that whell I ' 'ou lea\'t ; your watch with lIIe I lor repatrs , the work witl he. llolle tll the hest of III ) ' uhilit r , alld ill a cOlllpetellt lIIallller. It t ' is III' ' " amhitioll to mIll to thc : I n pu'iatilu I haw ill a smu ! ! I IIleasurc estahlished , of Ioill ! , : hOliest thorough Watch Rl' . . " . pairillg" , ! I : : . \ L J A . - : - . - - . u I II' I I' I . " , I , I I ii Tahlets I , . I -ANI > - r it School SuwJies , I. . . 'l t. \ , -AT- " , I " ? j' f : ' ! ' J. .G. . Haebelole's ; . rJ' : \ :7" : " , , I , - - II . . . : : . ' . - . I . - - - - - - - - - ! ------1 I1 II ! , . . J : ) 1.'JrISr : \ ' R B MULLINS\ . D. . , , Makc a tiJlccla\t \ } ot Crown IIn Hrldgl' Work. . . ' 8 rl'asoDllhlo. J All \York Juarllnteld 1 \nll ! > nll tee 11I0 bcforl' I ! , Iu ! : ol ewhcr" " \ Olllco-in 1IOl > 6n lIow tHat. . Hank Uulldln\ \ : . H.oken Dow. Nebraska. , , \ ( nUtiIN M C ! . I GI < : NI.WH. l' ' Mr. Dean of West Union was a j caller Monday. , : Splendid interest is manifested , i\ \ in thc class in Rapid Calculation. J . Newstudcnts arccntcringdaily. Miss 'l'ucker from Eddyville is { 1 I with us again. I Our class iu mimcographing is J } doi g gooc1 work. . They wilt soon .1 hegln letter cOPYlIIg. I Mr. C. I . Conn of Camcron , Nebraska , is back afaini he is 1\ \ \ realy for more hard work. , We have classes taking' upI work in the shorthand , and husi- I ness courscl' at uur night school. I , I \ A reception will hl' givcn the students I"riday c\'ening , of this : \ I week , at t1I ( ' colleg-e. All h ( ' on r ha nl. ( . , I' ' Our classes In pClIIllallsl11 pare now worlciug for laurels. 'I'he I winners will he anuouncec1 in next week's isslle. I . fJ. K Gosselin , ont' of our for- I . mer shorthand students has been \ promoted , and is now with the U. P. railroad at a salary of : l55 per man t h. ) I We have had chanccs to place . more students in gooll positions lately , hut we havc no mOl' ' ' g'rac1. uatcs at prescnt. All of om graduates ha\1' goo(1 posilinn at present. ' 1'hl' followi ng are st udents holding' good salaric(1 ( po itiom in Omaha : Olivc IIesup ! > , Franl Hublee , Howard TIall. Lee Gos. scHn , Clyde' RI1i ! ; anl Claud Rid. \\11. Claud Sidwell informs us thaI he has passcd a satisfactory ex. " amination wit h the Burlington , t and the Union Paci f c Railroall companies and is at present hohl. " ing a ver ) ' profitable poitiol ! > with the I'ad'r. Claud W IS. good student. HTOI-S " 'III COUGII . . . . u 'VOII.ICM ( ) I I TIII COI.t ) . l.uatJYCllJrulDo-QuIIlIUI ! Talllcls curell a CIII , . III 01111 tll\J' . No cur" , No I'ay. I'rlce , 15 c.uh. . ' . I' . . ' I : : : : ; ; : : : : : : : : JI S. S. Ic < ' : onnell ofGeorg-etown , was a city visitor Saturday. E. E. Pcacock'isited his home 011 the South Loup'l'uesda } ' . .I. I . McCrea of Weiscrt , madc this oflice a business call Satur- day. Major glison of Ansle } ' , was a friend1\ ' caller at this otlke the latter i > art of rast week. ' 1' . W. Dean of West Union , was a I.'ity'isitor Monday. 'l'his ofi c ( ' . knowlcges . ( } a fricndly call. Sunday night was the coldcst of the season tlnls far. 'rhc thcr- mometcr registered 14 Ilegrees IH'- lo\v 7.ero. 'l'his onicc aclmowledg-cs a friendly call from ' 1'om Wright and A : II. Barksofthe Chronic1l'- Ci tizen Monday. 8d. Neth has solll thc Palace Barber Shop , he rcccntl.r bought of I. C. Frced , to glza g. Pea- cuck of South I.Joup , 'L'he county hoard at its session yesterday named the Deacon' and Chief as the otlicial papers , each to reccive half the legal rates. Ueor.gc Brown has lost sixteen head of cattle from cornstalk disease this week. It seems strange that no one can find a sure prevcntativc of this trouble. --Sargent f4eader. ' ' the 'l'his of1icc ac1mowledges rcccipt of a copy of the Bicnnial 'report of the Au itor of Public Accounts to the Go\'ernor of Ne- hraska , December , 11)02 , for which Auditor Weston has U\l1' thanks. I" . M. Currie informs us thut hc is going uut of the stock busi- ncss on his own account , and will devote his timc to the man- agelHCu'l of the .affairs .of the Kinsman Cattll' Company.-Sar- gcn t Lcader. Frank Conlcy of the Callawa.y 'l'ribune , IS treating his patrons to an intercstingwritc up of the things of interest he saw and \'isited in the Old Dominion in and around Hichmond , Virginia , on hi\ ! recent visit cast. .I. C. It. Wiscl ) ' of Sargent , camc O\'er Monda ) ' to attend the meeting of the Custer County Editorial Association. He re- tumed to Sargent 'l'uesday with thc intention of mo\'ing to Cul- bertson , where he wil1 establish a news paper. Mrs. Mollic grickson of Drews- tel' , died at hcr home Januar ) ' 3 , of organic livcr complaint. 'rhe deccase ( } was the only daughter of l\Ir. arulMrs. G. W. Brewstcr , founder of the town of Brewster and wife of P. C. ] rickson , editor - tor of the Brewester News. She leaves hushand and one chilli , il ho ) ' elevcn years old , father and mother to morn her death. 'I'h ( ' RHPUIl1.ICAN extends its sympathy to the relatin's in their great uerea Vl'me n 1. One of the saddest and most shocldng e"ents we evcr chronicl. ed is that which bcfell the 3-year- old daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Will < c , ! 'outh of Cooley ton , last aturrla v noon. While its mother was < HIt of the house the child's dress caught fire and the clothes covcring the front side of its body were cntirely burned when the mother returned and cx. tinguished the namc. Medica1 aid was at once summoncd , bu1 to noa\'ail. It li\'ed but 24 houn aftcr the accilen1.-fJoup } Count ) i News. A liUll' chmdl in Penns\'lviln' in recently celehratcd thl' om thousand inillionth minutl' sinc ( Christ's coming to earth. In at i arlidl' on "Pierpoint l\lorgan i his Advisers an(1 his or aniza' ' : lion , " John Rrishcn Walker m'n. lions that 1\11' . Rockefeller i : popularly sUlposed ) to control oUt thou- ! > antI million d llars , an ( that Olll' thousan ( } million dollar ! woulrt represcnt the lauor of tet thousand lIIen since Christ's COlli in ' to earth , calculated at tlH an'mgc scale of wages paill dur iug the past two thonsand years I In the same number of U11 I Cosmopolitan a'ery interestin calculation is made as to wha the one thousand million coule 'accomplish in the hands of : .I thoroue-hly amuitious man. W. W. Burton of Merna made this of1ice II business call yester. day. day.Mrs. Mrs. W. H. I eeder of Mcrna , was down Friday and \'isiterl the Business College. Hcr sonClnr- euce , retnrned home with her li'riday night. 1)1' . Bass came iu Frida ) ' night from Lincoln to remain over Sunday - day Ill' secured a position as time keeper in the senlttc during the legislature. IJool < out for the dimc museum coming to Broken Bow uudcr thc auspices of the 14adies Guild , Satmdal"ebrnar ) ' 7th. Mon , particulilrs next weck. Gov. Mickey , with a number of other good suggestions , rec- ommeruls that the state taw pro- \'iding for the inspection of oil hc amended so as to pro\'ide a test of purit ) ' as well. Geo. n. Mail' , H. R. Barnard and Frank Conley , editors of the < . : ourier , Oueen nd 'l'ribune re- spectivelv qme'O'CI' Monday ' to the of evenittu' attenll meeting : : > . . thc County Association. G. I" . Perl < ns of Berwyn , was a fricndh' caller at ttlis oOice yesterday : IIe informs us that the COlllity Horticulture Society are trying to malcc arrangements hold their Ii'cbrnar. ) ' meeting in Ansley. J. H. Cosner returned th first of the week from Scoots Blulls and Uering where he spent a month working for the M. B. A. lIe orgoranized a lo ge at Scotts Blulfs and added sevcral members to the Gering lodge. W. P. TIennman of Ash Creck , was a friendly caller yesterday. Ir. lIennmul ha added 240 more acres to his land pos e sion joining- ! : ' farm within thc last year. He still has 100 acres of corn in the lield not husl < cd. Heprcscntati\'c A. H. Copsey of Westen'i1le , was a friendly callcr Friday morning. As. the legislature - " ture "tdjourner1 'l'hursday night until 'l'ueslay afternoon Mr. Cop- SC ) " came up to look after matters at home , coming in on the through train. Attorne ) ' IJ. K Kirkpatrick informs - forms us that he expects to leave for the state of W \ ! hington about - bout the first of next month , where he expects to locate. His friends here are many , who regret - gret to loose him as a citlzcns and the hest wishes of all wi11 follow him to his nl'W western homc. Will Steven , who was formerly - ly employed in the Dierks' lumber yards at this placc , but who for the past year has held a similar position for the same company at llroken Bow , has been made manager - ager of the Anselmo yard where hc went to talce chargc last Sat- urday.Vill i ! : ' a good huisness min , and well merits the promo- tion. We wish hi m a Imnrlan t ! > uc- cess in his ncw fietd.140upe Valley - ley Queen. C. ' 1' . Wright shipped in from Cle\'cland , Ohio , last weel < a pair of O. 1. C. pigs that he purchased from the originator of the breed. 'l'hey are two months old and are iine ones. Mr. Wrig'ht has come to the conc1usiol1 that it docs not cost an } ' more to keep blooded stock , 01' as much as it does scruhs , and intends to stock up with pure bloods in hogs and cattle. lIe ligures that a few wclll < ept will he more prolitahlc than a lat'g'l' uumher without special care. Mrs. Flossie Martinnee l inne , claug'hter of our genial town ! : ' . man , Fred Hinnc , accompanied hy hcr husband , J. 11. Martin , arrivee } in the cit , Suuday llIorn. . ing on a short \\sit. 'l'hl'Y re. side in nglaud near IJOIHloll wherc ttwy ha\'e made their homc I th past thrce years. It ha ! ' ; been eight \'ars since Mrs. Iar' . tin left her , when Shl' muh. : hl'\ honll'lost of the time previom with her father. Since her mar. riag- she has tra\'l'lell O\'l'r mos1 of I uropl' . Her hushand is ; J . , horSl'UHlIl uf UOtl' aul ( was thl ; 1 winner in thl' DerhraCl' la51 - Sl'aSOTin \ whkh he d aned up nkc liUIl' fortune. His pruf'ss , - ionul name is " lcccts. " 1\ll's . Martin gave a party at the open house Monday night to a numbcI , of her old guests where a royu t time is reported. 'l'hey lef' ' : - lay fLr the Pacilic coas te it VISIt her mother , Mrs. Rtnnt bcfore returning to I nrope. - l . Hatcher of Lillian made this ofi ce a hllsi ness call yester- day. 'I'hc Ladies T4ihrar > " Association - tion will givc lt1 exhibition and supper before very long. Date will be announced next week. l esen'e scat tic1cet will be on salc Saturday , Jan tary 17 , for I thc grcat attractIOn , "Other i Peoples Mone'I' at the Opera I Saturda ) ' January 24. I RcJ. . R. W oOils of h\son City , was a social aller at this' ' ofike this morning' . lIe was on his wa } ' to the Holcomb Hcttle- mcnt north cast of town where he will hold sen'ices Sunday. 'l'he county court was occupied ycstcrday ii1 tr\'ing a rcplevin case of W. J. .Woods against Hillman. It appears that Hillman - man had bought a team f Woods. 'l'hc jury retumed a \'crtict in fa\'or of Woods. Sincc writing an ehtorial on the proposed farmers cot1\'cntion to elcct delegates to attcnd the state meeting , we have rece'ed a ca1l from Mr. Baycrholl'er for a meeting to ue held in Urokcn Bow , Monda ) ' , January \ ) , at 1:30 : p. m. . - - - - - - - - - 1UI1II ) ' tlnhol'nhHOWII : ! ! . ' 1'he gowns to be W01'l1 by the ladies of thc compan'duritig the performance of "Other People's Money" here are of Panquin dc- sign , and made by Madam Gianie , the late designer and litter of Dunstan , thc largest and most famous dressmaking establishment - ment in New York , patroni7.ed by the I atintr ; actrcsses , 1\1rs. Le 1\1oyne , Vela Allen , Blanchc Batcs , etc. , also by the Icad rs of fashion in metropolitan society. Coming Saturday , Jannary 2'/ / , CHII Scttl\I'I Mccllng. A meeting of the Old Settlers Association of Custer county has been ca1led to meet at the court house .in Brokcn Dow , onVcc1 - nesday , January 21 , at 2 o'clock p. m. 'l'he object of this meeting - ing is to adopt report of thc committee on constitution and by-laws with such amendments as ma ) ' he determined upon. All members and those that desire to become members should he pres- ent. 'l'he constitution as drafted - ed admits to the mcmbership of the association all residents that wcre here prior to 1900 on the paymeut of 25 ccnts , t he mcmber- 9111 p fe ( ' . i'armcrs Attcntlon. Upon request thcrc will be a meeting of those interested in the Farmers cooperation movement - ment in Broken Bow , Monday January Ie ) , at 1:30 : p , m. for the purpose of clecting delegates to the state convention to he held at T.Jincoln and for the transaction - tion of such other bu inesR a.s ma ) ' ] ) roperly come hcfore the mectwg. . - - - ' 1'\Vo eseL'let. " Arrestod. IJast nig-ht Marshal 'l'uwsley reccived a telegram from Crawford - ford to arrest two colored men entrain train No. 42. Not being advi'ed ! : of the nature - ture of the crime for which they were wanted l\Iarshal 'l'owsley ecllred the assistance of Sheri IT Armstrong , who accompanied hy gx-Deputy Shcrifi' 'l'aylor and a numher of citizen ! : ' who received a tip were in waiting at the de. pot when the train pulled in. 'rhe porter said they were not 011 thc train unlcss the ) ' were in th smolcer. As the marsha1l pro. ceeded to the smol < cr Sherin Armstrong intered the Con. ductor who said the ) ' were in th sleeper. 'l'hc Sherif ] ' amI marshall - shall passing- through thc tra 11 I found the conductor at thl' door of the sleeper. 'l'hc SherilT pro. o duced the telegram when thl conductor tuolc them intu thl sleeper aJlI pointl'd out the bunk where the uwn were. It toOli considerable persuasion am threats of violenc before till' ) I would crawl from their IJt1nlc and dress for the ol1icers. As thl and sherilI passcd theil I clos ( ' to them they had opportutl it ) ' to Il'arn that Ow ) ' had noin / . arm > ; . It was this knowll'dg-e upon the part of the ollicers Uta saved thc prisoncrs from gettin scriousl ) ' hurt as thc ) ' put up i stiff hluff and werc determine ( not to go with the oflicers. I was not until the sheri If had mad ( a dcmonstration with his rc\'olver . - - - - - and the marshall his bilIj' that they ga\'c up. It is said that the officers in Alliauce attempted to make the arrcst. Sheriff Arm trong an Marshal 'rowsley are a nct'\'y pair to run up against and when thc ) ' go after a fellow h had just as well givc up. A telegram was received this morning from Crawford to hold the prisoners that the ) " are de- serters. Whether- this is the only - ly charge against thcm cilnnot. . be learned at this writing , but ' the probabilities are that it is I' not. By some mcans enc of them dropped or left his pocket hook in thc coach. After he had got I out the conductor discovcred it amt threw it out of thc window I remarkinEf to one of the lrisoner "thercs your hook. " 'l'he prisonCl' remarlced t ha tit was not his. Marshall 'l'owsle ) ' pick- cd up the hook and turned it over to the sherilT. 011 examination - tion it was found some Ipieces of one or more bilts that had hecn partial burht. 011 one \iicce \ was eliscernable S1.0t > . ' 1 he hook contained sc\'cral good hills. 'l'ogethcl' thc\ ' had ahout % O. Since heing lo ked up one of the prisoncrs has acknowledged the book is his. 'I'heir niunes arc Bill Streetor amI Oli vc Perkins. Streetor is about six feet lall and will weigh 190 pounds. Perki ns is lighter complexion , ahout 5 feet 10 inches , weight about 1,5. Church Hervlce" . CITtJRCIOJI lO/ : / ) . el'\'iccs IIcxt undny lit II n. III. althc brick huilc1ing on thc north sidc 1I0rth of north side park. A11 nrc conlia ! ! ) ' ill. \'ill'll to nttclu1. R. ! lcl1is , I'n tor. I'ltltH1\'TIUU.\N ! Cl/llnCII. erviccs lIext Sahhath nt II n. 111. nhjcct , "The Prayer that I're\'uils. " Evellill en'ice lit i :30)1. : ) 111. lIbject , "The I'nhlic School 11I111 the Bible , " V. P. . C. It ut 6:30 : p. III. A11l11e l'orc1inl. l1y invited to the sen'ices. HI'ISCOI'AI , Cl/tJltCl/ , l. Johns gJisr.opal ficrv le : Smulny. Jnnuar ) ' 1M. Second undny II ler the Hpiphllny. Sundny school 10 II. m. Morning prnyer alld sermou II n. m. l velling prn'er IIl1d serlllon 7:30 : p. III. 'fhe pubhc is cordiay ! ! illviteel to lhese scrvices. \ \ ' . II. Xmulers. Rertor. II. II. cl/uncl/ . ullday chool 10 a. tH. Sermon I t II. m. Subject "Thc Devels Estimute of II GoodMl1n. " Text. Jell 1:10 : Y. P. C. 1 ] . scrvice 6 :30 : p. III. ' Sermon 7 :30. : Snbject " 'rlu 'l'rue Hstillll1te of n Good ! \IUII. " Tcxt Job 23:10. : Vou arc invite cd to attell thCSl' sen'iccs. \ \ ' . II. Perry. 111. It. CUURCII. Sunda ) ' school lit 10 a. III. . K. Warrick , SIIt. Preaching Ilt II a. 111. Subject , "Pig 'free Ioessons" Tcxt 14 ukc 13:6-9. : Class IIIcetillg 12:15 : , n. D. Gloze , lender. Junior I.euguc , 2:30 : p. 111. Edith 1.011I ax , Presi ent. Hpworth Leaguc at 6:30 : p. III. Preaching I\t 7 :30 : "The Price of Our . " p. 111. ubject Peace. l'cxt Isa 53:5.'ou : wi11 he welcolllc to ul1 these sen'ices. l H ( ) . 1' . 'J'nl'rIiS , I'astul' . 1I.\\"rli'l' ! cmmclI. t 10 a. III. the Ilihh school. The 1II0St thorough lIIethods lire heing used to lIIak , . this school second to 1I0lle ill the state. 'rhl' latest : ulditioll is the Uarucli ! lihle Class fol' youug men , taugh by II } 'oullg 1II1111'S friend. Se\'ernl IICW lIIelll. oers since the organ 7.ation. We hav SOllll' of the vcr ) ' hest of the fe1ow ! ! ! ill the town ! CUll } 'OU IllTof(1 to he left ( IIlti I > i\'ille worsnip lit II a. III. preaching" h ) ' the ] lastor. Topic "The Fnutage of JIIess. illg. " JUllior II .Y. P. r. at . ' \ . ] I. III , 'rhis wi11 he a re\'icw SUllday. 'rhe worl < of the Senior Societv goes stcadily oil. ward ill lIulllhel's IIIl1f illtcrest. 'J'he PIIS. tor deli\'crilll { 11 series of lecturcl Oil the (1ospel of 1\lathew. 'i'hesc Ice. tUtes arc of fifteclI lIIillUtcl Ilutlltioll , alld begill prolllptly at 6:30 : 1' ' . III. At till close of the lectnre the regulaI' topic i ! cOllsidere'ollg ! Christialls ill traillillg for church work. " 7:30 : p. III. Au hOlll with the "Old Uld Story , " A serlllOi that 5ents Jesus Christ. Topic "Tlu JOY 0 lJtt t. " The son service wi11 hi IIl1ule 1II0re attructi\'e thall e\'er hy th ( lIifl of the aracn Orcheslla. COllie nlll clljoy the sil1 in . The elltire ser\'ice h just sixty 1IIll1\ltes. Wedllesday at 7:3C : ) I. III. the lIIid week Prnycr. Jlraise , ani lIolIg. 'I'hunall1Y 2 p. III. Iachl's Aiel So ' . . l' l.ty. ' - - - - - All watch and Jcwclry rc' pairing neatly and promptl1 donc at Ed. McComas' . - - 1\loney loaned on ill1l'l'O\'c ( farms. J IItH 14Jwwfl'U , IH tf Brokcn Bow , N'h. ; "nrlu : t 1It.'Iorl .or 'l'u(1..y. W 111'111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f . I Ub.l"y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l eora , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u'u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\'ltlllI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I _ c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'otlituCi. 1"1' hU.h , , ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unllll\-ur huawl. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ClllolIlJlI" , " "r 1'01111'1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 lIol' ' : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NI . ; Ht..nll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.5' ) @ . : TurklJIJerI1ollnl\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Ir.w.\lercwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 UIIJ'.NcWICrlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI.1 ull\r. per cwt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I\ . " ' 0 CUIU' ; ' " COI.J ) IN ONU n. . . . y , 'rllk" lauU\'u UIOUIO Qulnlllil 'I'abl.t. . - . , lruj ( I. refund tb. . money U i rail. 10 tlU , I K. " UIOVII'Ij .I nalur" hun n lt 1101. 'lSe. , . . . . - . - - - , . . . . " - . . . , . - li'fU-ln In ! . . allll S SS POINTERS. m : t : " . ' ' J. . C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf .j - - - J Pepsin Gum , two packages for . . : . . i a nickel \Vilkins' Pharmacy. , - - Fort SAI.It-Pure brcd Duroc , . : Jere ) ' Males. G. E. CADWKLL , ' 22tf " - BrokcnlBow , Neb. 1"01' Cannon Cit ) . Pen coal for slack burners go to Dierks Lumber - ber & Coal Co. 25tf ; , - - - l"oH OH 'l'RAuH-'l.'owa 1i lots and a fcw five acre lots i. ' : this c tj' , for ca ttle. horseR or fnr. . land.-Allen Hevncr. . main. i Watch main.springs 75c at Ed. McComas' . 'l ' li'arms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get . farm cheap , as the cheap farms . arc all goin , and prices are ad. . j vanc ng rapully.-J. . G , Brenizer. 1 i Don't forget you get bargains 1 in ncw as well as second hand goorts at Jud Kay's , south side of square , Carlos' old stand. Look out fot' the new sign. 26-tf . . . - - - - - - 'l'ho e who know themselves : i nde hted to me for horse or jack . sCl'vice don't fail to call inside of tcntont hs from service and get 10 per cent discount. You will finet mc 1st house north of obI Star Barn. 'V. J , WANT ? . 31-32. li'oH SALU-A : farm near Georgetown , consisting' of 160 acres. A good location. Inquire of Mrs. li'annic T4. Stuckey , Ans- ley , Nebraska. 24 tf All kinds of Jewelry repairing - ing at re sonable prices , and work guaranteed at Ed. Mc- Comas' , Roy Thompson w tch maker. Several gooc1 farms for sale at a h .l1'gain , including my own.- Jlt slC Gi\NJ > Y. 44 tf li'QI ( S.\I.1t OH TRADJt-For a gooc1 cow a good two-seated sur- rey. J. H. COSNRR. Poultry wanted. 31-32 J. C. BOWHN. Potatoes wanted at J. C. Bowcns. Call early. 29tf - \ ' { ; t 'onion , Nebraska-Yes ; we will pay a part cash for but- tcr amI eggs. RUl1US G. CARR. Dicrl < s Lumber & ; Coal Co. handles the Cannon City Pea coal for slack burners. 25tf Watches cleaned at Ed. 'McComas' for $1.00. All work guaranteed. If you intend to build call at Dierks I4umber Co. and gel prices. uricatil1g ! oils of all"kinds at \V1Ik111'S drug store. . FOR SAI.U-200 tons good hay I and cane , stalltS , range and water.-C. B. TUOMl'SON. 30tf Your watch or Clock can be repaired at once at Ed. McComas' . 10SAI.H OR 'l'RADJt-li'or : young cattle , a fresh milch cow. gttcluire at this office. 29 tf FOI { SAI.n-Fivc acres of laud in good state of culti-vation ad- joining" Brol < en Bow for $200. In < plire at this ol1icc. 3-27 tf - - 'rhe l Hl'UlII.ICAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. FOH SAIn-Within : the next f ( w clays 18 to 25 fine healthy pigs that will weigh abont 125 ponuds. 11'01' particulars call on or phone J ames Boggs , Elton , Nehraska. Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Stuclio. 29-tf . . . - - - - - - - li'OSAI.H : --A fresh milch cow. 21) tf J. G. DRl NIZl\J ( . . - . . - Balance staffs$1.76c ; pivet staffs , $1.00 ; at 5 Ed. McComas. ' Huue 1& nre III\rK..IIIH. : > - 1 havl' an all wool carpet- sccUlut-hand , but as good as new ; OIW oal < roller top patent lock ol1 ce clcski a tine polished Cali- romi" rcel wooel book case-a Ii novelty ; and a thousand other things too numerous to mentien , $ I ) 'l'hese things must he closed Qut by March 10. JUD KAY , at Carlos' old stand. Get ther I. al oncc for bargains. 1- _ j" o' , e. . , .