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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1903)
. USTER OUNT r. EPUBLICAN. : : : ' . . . , I S'rABr41SHED 1882. 'I'HE Oli'FICIAll PAPEH OIi' CUS'l'I I COUN'l' . TJi\HG .S'l' CIRCULA'I'ION OF Al'i2 PAP R IN 'l'UE COUNTY. , . . VOL XXI" . BROKEN BOW CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA THURSDAY . . . , , , JANUARY 1,190EIGHT , PAGES. NO. 29. - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - - y . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . i , ANNOUNCEMENT. , . N \ \ . tuat "the hu1hluy IIlSh" . . i over , I will , in : t few cluys , he , . nule to uucwl to VoUI' Willits . with Ul ) ' IIsual pnJln JlIlts . U1111 ' I will--as ill tIll' - - ' past-apan : J , ndthel' pains nut expense in 11IY efforts to plea.e all who entruo.t ) J their W01 k tu 111e. \'uu IOU ) ' ue : assured that it will he IItlended , to properly untl in a competent , . ruantltr. It is 111) ' IImuition to . udd to the lcputation I hl1ul - : leady estuhlished : : in the past si" yenrs. Pril'C will a1 WII'S ht' , found tht' lowest , quality und , . . work consi elld , ulld the interest - . est of UI ) ' patrons will be : : kept : constantly in , 'iew. In Ods space I will-euch week-eu. , del1vor tt } tell you something of , interest. Again thanking ) 'ou t for the l'oul euce so genclOllsly J munifested hy ) ' 011 in the past , 1\1111 soliciting ) 'ollr further com" , mamls ! > well liS thosl' of lilY , new frielllls , [ relll iu . . J Lt ; ; d ' \ I . ! . . . . . . . . . , . . . . - . . . - - - - - - Tahlets I -ANI\- I School Supplies , -A"- . . > - " J. G. Haeberle's : - . . . . - - - - - - - - - - DR. Pprle Elizaheth Fields , I I . r . 'mi'ilDp ibiB Ih iliil.i. I I OFPtclHOUH : I 9 a. m. to 12 111. 1 :30 : to 4 p. m. Or by appointment. J6rOfi ce ovcr Anderson's Jewelry Store in Really lIlock , Broken Bow , Nehmskll. . . . . . : I : > El'TIIJIXS-r : R B' MULLINS , M. D , M8kt ! Q Specialty or Crown rlll lIrldlo WoIrk. Plcea reaaoDllbo ! , All 1I'0rk gqaranteoll , Call and eeu 11I0 betoro I : , lug el t\wber . Onlce-In lJroK u lJoW'IIIBtu : lIauk UuI1 IIIC. lJroken Dow , N ebr81l1.l. DIED. 1I0GlU.AND--1\Io : day , Dec. 29 , at ( , :30 p. m. Grifiith Hogeland aged 70 ) ears. 5 months and 2 days. 'L'he decea'ed was a Cana ia n ' by hirth. He has hecn a resident of the United Statcs for the past 35 ) ' ars ha\'ing fir ! ' > t located near Fairfield , Iowa , where he lived until thirteen years ago when he located in Custer county , 1.01' several yca rs he had bec"n i nca- \ . pacitated froll1 manuel labor by rheumatism. Although able to -around bthe assistance of cancs he has bccn a suffer for the , . . . past twel\'e ' years , more or less. Ill' lea\'cs a 'faithful wife , thrce of his own sons. enc step son and two daughters to mourn his death. His step son Charley Nickcruoclcer has been mainstay through all these 'years and was with him to the last. IIis own sons are Amos and Ed. who are in Montana and John , who last heard from was ill New 1\Icxico. His daughtcr are Mrs. II. 'I' . McArthur of l\fcchauicsdlle , Iowa , who ha heen with him for several weelts , until a few days ' ago and Mrs. " l ! . : S. Osbortll' of ( rand Island , who was pri\'ilaged to be with him in his last hours. He held the respect and esteem of all who lcncw him. Uis funcral s r\'iccs were held yesterday in the M. E. church at 2 p. III. l e\ ' . 'l'rites ofliciating- allli his remains were laid to rest in th Brolten Bow Ccmetery. 'l'he Rm'UIILICN"extends thc s'm- path ' of the community to the relatIves in their great b reavc- ment. . - : I [ : : : : : J ; : : : : : : : : : JI . _ - " ' - Judge Shinn of West Union , was a ci t ) ' visi tor 'I' Bcrt Gregory , foqnerly of this eitYI Was in town j'est rday. 'I'hc Sargent 14 ader stat s that . .1. C. I . Wisely hus located at I Cu 1 bCl'tson. _ ' 1' . H. l ussell , proprietor of qle hotel at Whitman. made fhis ofiicc a fricndly call Monday. J. Ii' . Brechhuhl of Anselmo , was witnesging the proceedings of thc county boaI'll 'I'uesday. 1\liss Sadie Whitehead went to Lincoln the Hrst of the wcek to attend the meeting of the 'I' acll- crs Association. 1\1. B. l gglJstoll of r yno , made this ol1ice a bm ines call 'I'uesdavand renewed his suh- scriptio'n to the l I\PUBIICAN and the Inter Ocean. National Bank Examiner visited - ed thc Custer National Bank Saturday of last week. He complimented - plimented Cashicr 1401nax on the conditions of his bank. C. G. Douglasrepreseutative of the Nebraska N wspaper Union , was a city visitor over Sunda ) ' . He madc this ofl ce a business call l\10nday , returning on 42. Chas , I . Wolslenben of Somer- ford , and twu guns were in the city l\Jonday as witness in the county court. 'L'he RRPULICAN omcc acknowledges a business call , Ro ) ' 'l'holllpson , who has heen in Jeweler busit1 ss in Callaway for the past year or two will re- . lurn to Broken Bow after the holidays and open up his jewelry and watch reparing' business in . McComas' drug store. : 'l'his ofiice acknowledgeg the receIpt of a COpj' , of the Christmas - mas edition of the Desert News ublishcd at Salt Lalee , Utah. l'hc paper is highly illustrated with public buildings and west- ern scenerv . and contains 84 pages. Wonl COUles all the wa'y from Shuhert , Nebraska , that Arthur Doman and wife arc the proud parents of a nine pound girl born : to them in Dec , Mother and and child arc doing wen and it is thought that Aurther will eventu- ! aU ) ' recover from his dhmppoint- : ment. 'rhe U nion Young- Peoples 1\Ieet- . ing to hc held at the Christiau Church , Suuday , January 4 , 1903 , will hc something you can not a- fforel to miss. I e ldcr : li'red Skillman. Suhject : "Getting a TI'resh Start. " 'L'ime : 5:30. : Come on timc as lerv ices will he- gin promptly. Largc chorus. .r udge Su lli'an and Amelio , thc li'ilipino , accompanied hy the hounds , arose hright and ( Iarly yesterday morning anll went to the counrry for wolvcs. 'l'hey returned ahout fonr o'clock , with two dead corotes straped across their saddle ; . one of which was the largest the Judge has yet capture . Ill' ays it made a galUe light. Born to 1\1 r. atlll 1\1rs. Al1en , Faidley of I exington , Nehraska , ; 1\IoJlllay Dec. 22 , a boy. Mother I and haby reported doing well and I that Allen is the proudest papa on the U. P. railroad. In recognition - nition of this happy e\'ent the citi1.cns of Broken Bow arc reminded - minded that when in the presence of 1\11' . and Mrs. O. II. Gonrad that they should Ill' port thcmsel- ves with that vcneration hecom- ing' and in a manncr due grand parents. Judge Rullivan has leasell the II. U. l ogers' ranch just east of town , consisting of 1300 acres , for the next ten years. We under- : . stan the consideration h. SlWO. . a year for tilt , I rst th'e .yean. and. $2,000 a year for' ' the'ncxt fi\'e years. l ogers will nut only furnish - nish alfalfa tu seed lhe vallcy land but will also furnish ten thousand - sand dollars to stock tlw ranch , in cattlc , at a low rate of in- tcrest. cven or eight hundred acres of land can he set to alfalfa. It is one of the largest lease deals that ' \'e have any knowledge of being consumated in the county and the results will he watched with interest 'l'he land is worth Ion the market about 18 or $20 an , aCf including improvements. R. E. Brega .of Clll way' was a cit ) . \'i itor .sa turd a ) ' . . Ilarr ) ' Osborne is spcnding his' holidays in Centra.l City. ' . John ' Jcnjaman is do'i lg'-stcno- graphic work f r aUornc > ' oJ as. Lctlwick. . . A. R. ' luJUph.r y'/aud wite 'r - / turned Monday rught from their visit to Iowa. - 1\1 is ! > Verde 'l'horp , t ac.1ier , of t hc fiOltlax schopl" ! ! ; . ' .sp nd . iug. bel' vacation < it hO I\ ( " ' . . L. E. Kirkpatrlck. : . ' and wif re- . tur.ned Monda ) ' night 1'1'0111 thehi holiday visit in Clay. count ) . G. ' 1' . Hobin on' and' ! . . , N. . Marcus shilped ) their fat . .cattle to Omaha th , first of the. week. C. S. Osborue of Grand Island. camc up Monday night to attend : the funcral his . of father-in-law. W. G. Purcell and wife are' spending their holidays in St. Louis with Mrs. Pnrcell's rei a- ti veSt Supt. J. G. W. Lewis went to Lincoln Monday 'to attend the meeting' of the. Stat Teachers Associ ation. Dave Coultcr f the West 'I'ahle wa ! ' a friendly caller at this otTlce Monday. Mr. Conlter iH feeding a number of cattle f r th early spring market. 'I'he county hoard of supen'is : ors convened in adjourned session - sion 'l'uesday. 'I'hey estimate that they will have a weeks work in c1eari'ngup thc business of the. year. year.Mrs. Mrs. C. S. Osborne of Gran Island came up SUIH1ay night to be at the bed side f her father. Mr. G. Hoagland , on receipt. ' 'of news that he was not c.C > ec'ed to live. . . . In .the Stt1ulal' Bee we notice the picturc. at Willis CadwelI , gronped with the ofl cers of .the Nebraska real estate deaters of ; which Mr. Cadwell or"tl is itJ is one of the Vice-Preside tItS. . . 'L'he ordinance ot baptisl ; w s administered last Sunday n ght at the Baptist to Ray Armonr , older son of Judge and Mrs. Ar- ' monr. 'I'his makes rive accessions - ' ions to the church : in the past month by baptism. The Callaway Courier is authority - ity for the statement thaa Geo. 'Willig ' of this city , has purchas. cd the old Redfem farm on Red- fern table of R. E Brega. Mr' : WilHng is becoming qllite an extensive - tensive land owner. , Prof. Macy ha.s res gn d his po ition with the businesscoll ge , here and has ccepted the principals ip of the high school at 'recumseh. lie will move to ' 1'ecumseh this weelc and assume his new duties next week. ' We are sorry to have Mr. Mac ) ' and -.if. : : , leave as they are highly respected and \'aluahle citizens. Hugh l\TcHurnie , foreman of l encau's mnch was in from the Middle 140up Monday. He says of the 217 head of cah'es that wcre dehorned just hefore the storm and cold weather sct in he has not lost one. But thc night aftcr the sleet he took his lantern and staid with thcm all night. Such care 110 doubt ccounts for his goad luck. Good lude gcnerally is the re'ult ! of good care. care.On On Christmas morning Mr. and 1\Irs. J.V. . a\'ison were greeted by hc arrh'al of their dal ghter , E < hth , from gngland. Miss gdith is 22 ) 'cars of ge and undertook - dertook the journey to cross th brillv ocean alone , ' amid the cold winter hlasts of Dcecniher. She reports having a gootl timc while , on t he ocean , also narrates om' lit tic experience she had to undergo - go during one night of hcr voy- ag' . A storm. arose which greatly - ly disturbe . the the pealefuilles : : . of t Ill' passenger" 011 board and Miss Edith found herself IJ'ing on tht floor of lwr herth , ha\'ing l.Icl'lI thrown out of hi r hUlllc uy llll' hca'i ng a lid pi tell ng' of the ship. She , huwcver , managed to stecr her course alone and ill dut. tilllt. reached Broken Bow , the hOIlll' of her parent ! > . We need nut say allyOung of 01 ( ' I't - ceptioll that aw 'tited her as she steppell 011' the cars. gnough to sa.y hoth parents and friends re-I celved her kindly and gave her a : hearty welcome. Now there is I joy at home over her arrival and lating with 11tr parents again. Clau Pickett , rrincipal of Mil. leI' schools is at home spcnding his \'acation. Mrs. S. K. Warrick s father W110 resides in Virginia , is , 'isit. il g the city with h1s daughter. Judge Armour united in marri- gc , RaJmond I .Gri ith of Hyno , and MISS Minnie Gray of Callaway. , John Robinson of Plell1ing Vallel' got $60.80 for one cow h slapped to Omaha th first of i the week iu the bunch shipped by ' other , parties. 'I'hat is prett ) . 'I good 'for a cow. Mr. and Mrs. P. 1\1. Dady started - I ed otl an extended trip last atur- da ) ' to Iowa , where they will visit tt\ends \ and relatives for several weeks. ' 'l'his is the tirst visit I tfley h'ave made to their native ! 'c th since coming to Nebraska. , Here is wishing that they have a g'90 time in Iowa anti a safe re- tl.\1'11 to' the'onl ) ' state worth Ih'- .trig in.-Cronicle Citizen. 4A. I. Johanson , who has been cler.king in McComas' drug store f9r the past ycar or two left last l i ay mornll1g to visit with his parents at Oakland , Nebr. Mr. Johanson has resigned hig position - tion here with the view of ac- I . c pting a more lucrative position offered him in Omaha. He is a fihe young man and it is with regret that his many friends in this vicinity see him leave. The bC ! t wishes of a host of friends gh with him. SOblO Urct'zy " : llr'Kr ' wlI , 'l'hc dialogue in "Other People - ple ! ) Money" is 'witty and unusnal- IY clever , ' It being repletc with . such. . epigrams as' "Blessed is the. : man who gets wisdom from another - I er Irian's experience ; " " \Vhetheri a man marries or not , he will , dread it. " , "Only . fools ask ' wisel .men . take ; " "He. who 'I i wealth by 'patri1ll0n " , must get it : hj' iiatrimonyj" u'l'ber < < 1's nothhtg. . o od 'as money , and no mone ) " so gOQd as pe ple's ; " A matrimonial - ial amance with the love all on one side means trouble on both. sidesj" "Wh r 'monc ) ' talles , the average man dosen't care whcthcr it Icnows. vhat it i talking abont or not. " . - - - - - - Samnel VanBuskirk of Merna , returned la t nig-ht from a visit in Iowa. Roy ' 'i ; DU1pSOJ1 .is now csta - lished at McColUas drug store In the jcwelrJ Il < l repair bu iness. Bob Far1 y returned last n'ight from a visit at his 01 < 1 home in Missouri. . rt was his fir t visit in t we\'c years. 14ee Iandx rcturned last night from Harvard , where he had been visiting at h mc. . His. brother allli sistcr , rcturned with him. J. H , Caywood came in this morning and rtlcrd the R pum.l- CAN sent to his : "tlldruss at Ii're- muut , where he will attend the Ii'rcmont Normal. T dith Lomax , Bessie 01'1' and l.'aith Gutterson returned last night from Lincoln , where they' ' spent a weele visiting with the family of Judge II. M. Sullh'an. J. Spain who has recentl ) ' 10- catcd in this citi , having per- chased propert ) ' on the north sid , made a good begining the lirst of the bv calling and having his name enr lled for the RFpuml- CAN. CAN.Miss Miss Sara Scybolt of J4incoln , is spending a few days with her brother , A. 'r. Seybolt , before hegillin her school in glton ltistrict. Miss Seybolt has just completed her course in the Peru Normal and holds a professional c'rtificate. JtIA.UI D , SAlU-BI < YSONA t th bride's ' homc , eighteen milds south east 01' Broken Bow , on Christmas at noon , Mr. Haney Said of Rock > ' Ford. Colo. , and Miss Minute Bryson , of Custer Count ) ' , C. V. Allison ofi'iciating. When the minister said to Miss Bryson , "Your name is now Mrs. Said , " the joyous looks of Mr. Said , said he waR glad it had u en said. S/I'UJNHI CKWI/J'lI-A t tilt' honu of the bridc's parents Oil Christmrs , at ( 'iOO p. m. , Charle Sturner , of Callaway , and Miss May Beckwith , of Broken Bow , were united in marriage. C. V. Allison officiating. Her litany fricndi ! , especially lltr co-laborers in Church and gl1deavor , deepl ) ' regret the bride's departure from among u\j but the reports that come to us from the \icinity of her lIew home , encouragcs us to beleille that her excellent choice of a life con panion will aid rather than hinder her in being c\'en "sterner" in t he defense of right al1l1 obedicnce to dur ) ' . ClIAIIIN-MYl RS-SundaJ , Dcc. 28 , 1902 , at the homc of the bride's parents , Emery J. Chapin and Miss Lulu Myers.both bemg rcsidents of this vicinity. The bride is the daughter of Mrs.I I Chas. Hammond , residing about nine miles south of the cit ) . . l'he 1room is the sou of C. I . Chapll1 , a contractor and builder of this city. 'I'here were present a large number of relatives and fricnds , whose looks and actions bespoke the hearty conccrn and well wishes they felt for the hapy , couple. C. V. Allison officmted , and after the wedding dinner he felt so concerned about the safet ) . of his buggy springs , that he camc home on horse back. 'l'he HHPUIJLICAN , together - gether with their many friends wish thcm p. long al1l1 happr life. WOOD.GUOHGl-- thc homc of the bride's parents. W. A. George , in Broken Bow , at I ) a. m. , 'l'hurs ar , Januar1f 1st , 1903 , in the presence of a few friends and relatives of the contracting parties , Mr. I.'ranle Wood a 1111 Miss Abbie George were united in marriage by ReGco. . P. i 'l'rites. 'l'he'bride was handsomely - somely dressed in white and the groom in conventional black. : Mr. Wood is the son of Josh Wood , a successful ranch ma n of the South Lou } ) , and is a young man of sterhng worth whose acquaintances are all his friends. The bride is the oldest daug-h tel' of Count ) . 'l'reasurerV. . A. Georgc , who possesses tnan ) ' . charms' and' is. adthirc"uy ( } Ii lnrg eirc1e of frien s both in this city and at her former . home on the South Loup. These happ ) ' young people took the cast bound passenger - enger immediatel ) ' after the cermon ) ' , for Sioux City wh rc they wIll spend a fcw days with friends and relatives , after which tIle ) ' will be at h mc to thch" fricnds ut the Wooel ranch neal" G orgetown. OWRN-RJ\vNOJ.I > s-At the residence - dence of the hridc's mother , Mrs. gva Martin , Mr. UIYRsis Owen of Oconto , and Miss Vienna Reynolds of tIus city , were joined in marriage by Rev. D. Augustus Shetler , pastor of the Presbyterian - ian church ; the ceremony taking place at noon on Christmas Day , which was witnessed b ) ' a large number of the friends and relatives - tives of the contracting partic : ; . 'l'he hride was attired in a'cry becomingly gown of blue , and was quite handsome in her wedding - ding arm ) ' , while the groom was dressed in black. A luxurious wedding dinncr was served as soon as the ceremony was at an end , and around a table ladened witIi almost ever ) ' dainty and its hospitality unbounded , the newly - ly made hnsband and wifereceiv- ed the best wishes of their relatives and many friends. 'l'he happy husband and wife will make their home on the groom's place near Oconto , Ne- braska. 'l'he RUPUBI.ICAN joins the man ) ' friends of Mr. and Mrs. Owen in extending congratulations - tions , and wishes thcm a long and happy life. CAnn 011' TII4NItH. We desire to extentl 0111' sincere thanks 10 the litany friel1l1s , who Ilssiltell , 11ur- in the ickness. .leath . Ilnd ll11riul ( If our belovcd hl1s1ml1l1 and father. , 1\IItJ. ! II. lIUGlU.A-U. ANU CUII.Ultl ! : ; . IUurket lI"port for 'l'OdU ) ' . W " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ H lJarley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : / \ Oah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JJ 0011J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 UYII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : JI Uf\U"r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o ) Bk " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ' 0 l'olalulJ. . I' ' ' ' bUIIlIJ1 . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :5 : Onionoller budbel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , Ohickeul. I'ilr ' 1'01111,1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I I 1I01le. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1i. O COWl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : ! .W 4f , .7/1 / Htl.llu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 = 1.51 @ t.W Tarke'M , ! Jllr 110111111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .ct ! Hlraw.Jlorcwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1f ! lIa"New,01 1011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ ; .00 'IUM" ' . Iler ( WI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\,11 , W. 11. Penn & Co. havc a tine line of mens anti hays shoes. Call and see thelll hefore pur- chashing elsewhere. 21)-30 I . . . TO CURIi : A COI.I ) IN ONR UA. . 'rak. . Lanll' " IIromo Quillin. 'fablell. All I drulfllu ! IPhmd Ibll'UOI" ' , If It r.u. . II. cu , ' ' . I . - : . W. Ulut. ' . .IIIUAIW. II.uu . .ell. bux. 2c I - - - > . BUSINESS w.JiIIMJ mmmmm : : r& Q . _ n J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tC. - - - - - Pepsin Gumt two packages for it nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. - - FOH SAr.It-PUre bred Dut'oc Jere ) " Males. G. E. CA wnLL , 22tf BrokenlBow , Neb. 11'or Cannon City Pca coal for sladk burners go to Dierks Lumber - - - - ber Coal Co . 25tf . -I1'o ; ' ; . : SALH 01 { rRADlt-Town lots and a few tive acre lots u this city , for catt1 t horses or farm land.-Allen Rcyner. FOR SALI-Onc large English Berkshire boar.--FH . . \YJus- I NlmDI\R. 5-tf Farms for sale and lands for rent. Now is the time to get a farm cheap , as the cheap farms arc all goin , aud prices are advancing - vancing rapully.-J. G. Bren 7cr. : . . . - - - - - - Don't forget you get bargains in new as well as. second hand goods at Jud Ka"s , south side of . square , Carlos' old stand. 1400k out for the new sign. 26-tf - - - - - - - - - - - } 1'OI < SAIn-A : farin 'near Georgetown , consisting- 160 acres. A good location. Inquire of 1\Irs. Fannie T4. Stuc1tcy , Aus- . ley. Nebraska. 24 tf Several gootl farms for sale at a bargain , including my owu.- JHssn GANDV. 44 tf Potatocs wanted a J. C. Bowcns. Call carly. 29tf W. H. Pcnl1 & Co. have a nice line of overcoats that they are closing out at reduccd prices. Can and see them before purchas- in& , elsewhere as they will save you mone ) ' . 29-30 West Union , Nebraska-Yes , ' , we will pay a parl cash' 'for' but : ' ter and eggs. RUItm ; G. CARR. - \ I havc purchased the dental practice of ' 1' . W. Bass and have moved into hisonice in the Realty Block. All parties who have made paymcnts on extracting ' plates will be" given credIt COl' the a-mount by me.-T. [ I. J FAltNSWOHTlI , D. D. S. Dierks I 1Ut1ber & Coal Co. handles the 'Carmon City Pea coal for slack burners. 25tfI MOlley loaned on unproved farms. JATIma T4RDWICH , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. If you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. nd get prices. Lubricating oils of all.1dnds d Willein's drug store. 11'01 < SAr.F.-Fivc acres of land in good tatc of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken Bow for $200. Iuquire at this oflice. 3-27 tf W. H. Penn & Co. have the unly exc1us'c clothing and gcnts furnishing store in Broken Bow. 'l'hey maIm that a specialty and " have anything you may wish in the clothing line. 29-30 . . 'l'he Rm'ulIllCAN and. Inter Ocean , $1.50. FOI < SAT.u-Within : the next few days 1R to 25 finc healthy pigs that will wcigh abont 125 pounds. Li'or particulars call on or phone J ames Boggs , Elton , Nebraska. ' Stamp Photo's at Bangs' Studio. 29-tf FOR SATn-A : frcsh milch cow. 29 tf J , G. BIHtNIZltR. FOI < SAI.H 01 < ' 1'ltA.DH-fl'or : young- cattle , a fresh milch cow. l n < J e t this ofiice. 29 t " _ _ , 1i'0l ( SAI.I'l'he north east . quarter of section 31 , township } I ) , rallg-c 22 , Custer county , Nebraska - braska , situated three miles from Ausehuo , Custer county , Nebr. 120 acrcs under cultivation , 40 acreH feuced for pasture. For terms address MTCU 1U : GnAHAM , Edgar _ , Nebr. ' 25-tf 1'-- HOlue Unre lIurK""I. . . 1 have au all wool carpet- secolul-hand , but as good as newi one oak roller top patent lock otncc deskj a fine polished California - fornia red wood book case-a lloveHYi aud a thousand othcr things too numerous to mentien. 'l'hesc thinf"S must be closed out by March 10. JUD KAY , at Carlos' 01 < 1 tand. ' Gel then- at once for bargains. I . ,