Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 25, 1902, Image 7

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    _ r - . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . " ' - J 1
, ,
- - - - - -
. ' ' TO WOMEN
, b To rev ! ' tbe ben\ln \
. pol\er o
we wiU matt larg-c trl 11.1 treatmcnt with
boolc of instructloos absolutely rree.
'I ' { ' ' ; ; ' . ' This is not a tiny samplc , but a large
, " paclca , enough to convince anyone
: , r that it is the most successful preparation -
, : ; " tion Imowo to mcdicinc M a cleansing
> , ' ' vaginal ouche and for the loenl treatment -
: ) : " " ment of wOlUan's speclltl Ills , curing
" . . , : discharges and 11.11 infl amatlon , also
I" , i VI to cleause the tceth , mouth , and cure
, " , /1 , ( ' catarrh. Scnd to-day ; a postal witt do.
\ \ , " lIoht bT drnlr.hl. ft , . nt 1'11'01. ' b7 ai , GO cDte
f . : ' lareo bOJ : . " . .tlor. . Ulln cuar..nleed.
. . : , " R. PAXTON ! ) . . 210 ColumbulAvo. Boslon Mau.
, Capsicum Vaseline
Put. Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Suh6t1lnte for Rnd 6upt'rlor to : 'Iustnrdor nu ) '
other plaster , nn,1 will not "lIsler tllIIlIIO t dellcato
, 11tlu. Tbe pl\llIl'lllIyltl IUlt ! CllrIlU\'O qUlllltles of
" , / . " , . , tlils nrllole Rre wOIll [ rflll. It will sIn I' thA tootb.
: acbp nt ouce , und rellovololdacbo Rn. ' sciatica ,
, \\e rec'1mmrllllltR thol stnI1l1 slIfestcxtcrnnl
; ' aoulltcrlrrltllnt known , Rlso 0.5 IIn external remedY -
dY for paln III Ibo chest RIIlI tlJml1eh Rud nn
" rl1CUllmtle. nCllrnl lo nnd ont1 cOlllplnlnt
A trln\ will , what we , ' 11\1111 for It. Rml It I
' \Viii bo fOllntl lrove InvaluRble In the hon ' '
Many pl'Ople . . 89.1 . . It l tbo best of ull ) 'ollr ehol'I'1
Price 15 ( 'cutR , nt aU dn1ltglsts , or otber d'nlers.
OT'byscndlng thts amount to us In postnto ! slumps , '
' 11'8 will sen,1 , yon tnbo by 1111\11.
Nil MII'II ) should bo nccl'ptpd by the publ10 uu-
, le A the snlUO cllrrles our lI.bel. 0.1 . otherwise It II
not genuine.
17 State St. , New York City.
r ince
. .l-
In our mammoth kitchen we employ n Chef
who Is an eXllert In makinA' mince pies , lie
has cll rgc o ( making all o ( Libby's Mince
Ielt : , lie uses the , 'cry choicest materials.
lie is told to make Ihe
Ever sold-nnd he docs. Get a pacbge at
) 'onr grocer's-enonrh lor two Ilrgc : pies. You
will never use anolher kind : lg-ain. Libby's
Atlas o ( the World. with 32 new /III(1S. ( size 8xII \
Inches. sent nnvwherc lor 10 cenls in stam(1s. (
Our booklet. "Bow TO MAKE GOOD TIlINGS
10 EAT. " mailed ( rce.
. aN hno FIUa : IIOMt : ! ! for mil-
I . . .tr'-If ; liDO. . Upwnrd. of lOOX'O ! Amer ! .
5 J. "ifnI' ! ( 'R118 hnTO . , ttlod In Woslern Can.
.J 'IY. ndadurinlllhepnoL . . 'hflr
\is IJ . : 01" CO'I'DN'I' lJ. J API'Y ANlJ
. . G J J'UOSl'EHOIlIi.nnd : Ih rolRroom
.1111 tor JlIILLto-Ii : , Wonderful
lleld80f Wheat Bn. ' olher Irnln. , 'lhe he.L Orazlng
LnodR on Iho ( Jontll1flllt , 1IIol:11111coIII cllmale , . .lnnLr
of walor Rnd fuel , 000.1 ochool. . " .rellnnt churcuee ,
and opleud.d rallwnr fllc1l1t1u. , Allin Ih"
BelHI to III. . 10'loIVlnl ' : for nil AlIIi. nn.1 olhor IIler e
tuw lell1ng of Iho Grout rehource' of 1110 coulllrf. a.
" 011 OR forcprIIUrRll' " lrlnl-l ) OU 1.,111' " d rule" .le,1
SUl"lnlelllltltt O 111"111. : ' , . ! lOI1. O.tllI. . Canllda. or
to n. V. lIenne , ' I Nol'I York J.\le lIIdg , . Omaua.
Nell , . Alleut 101 'h" Government of Canada.
- . . . . . . . .
.JoU'.I. . O\ " " , \ h ) ' Hit " 'rl4.
1'hu Shah ( If Persia 0us the bl -
est diamond , the Sill tau uf'1'uney
tlte bh ! cst ruh ) ' , at d thc' Pope will
shortly possess the hl gest tODnz In
the world.
It hnr , ' , \ IhUII'8
' ] 'he . varies rrot ; , ] 2 pounds
to 28 pOllnl1s In welJ'tht. 'l'he
Inl ! est e\'er SIHt was ] i ! feet be
tweeo the tips of Its outstretched
N. N. U. NO. 751-52 , YORK NEB
_ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ Ll--
Every working' girl who L" not
'Well Is cortllnlly InvltC(1 to write
to IUra. Pinldmm , L 'nn , 1\Inss"
for I\lvlce ; It is freely glvcn , nnd
has restoretl thousands to henlth.
Miss Paine' s Exp r1ence.
II I want to thank you for what you
hr.vl ! done Cor me , nnd recommend
L 't1io. B. l > lnlt1uuu's Yegetable
CompoulHl to all glds whose work
klJep : ! then stnt1lllng on their feet in
the store. 'fhe doctor said I must
stop worle ; he did not scem to realize
that II. girl cannot afford to stop work-
ing. My bac1e achcd , my nppetite was .
poor , I could not slcep , and menstrun.I I
tion was scant.y and very painful. 000
day when su1l'erlnrr I commcnced to
talce L 'dln. E. Plnkhnm's Vege-
taule Compound , and found that
it helpcd me. IlJontinucd its use , : I.1l
1\000 fonnd that my menstrual periods
were free from pain nnd natural ;
CVl'r 'oue is surprised at the change in
me , nnd I am wen , and cannot be too
grateful for what you have done for
me.-MISS , TA T.T PUNE , 530 West
125th St. , cw York City. - t , ooo for/lit
If orl1/nal / of above Itter proving penulnn.u cannot -
not b ploduced.
Take no substitute , for it fo
Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable
Compound that cures.
A Sonl' eN" C"untry.
In splto of Urltl.ih rule India Is
stili virtually a soapless country.
Throu hut ( ) the vlllnl-tes of IIlUdllslan
sonp Is , Indeed , regarded as a natural
curluslty , and It Is rarely , If ever ,
kept in stock by the natl\'c shop-
I A Pro'Jem ) 80\vCtI. \
Cabbel. Kan. . Duc. 22.-'l'hls part or
Kansus bus solY < 'd the A'reat queston. :
lIow can Klduey TI'onbles be ( : tIl' li ,
and aR Hhenl11atlsl11 , l\l'l ht'R DI8l'I'3e : ,
Dlubetes and other ailments resultng !
fl'om Diseased KIh'e 's arc eomnlon to
nil pnrts oC the country the news Is ot
I great Interest.
'l'he cnre Is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
IInn < lrelis of people will tell yon this or
their own expel'lence. 'l'ulw .J. n. Uno-
nlnghal11. tor example. lIe hadl\ItJ : 1eY
' 1'I'ouble of lent ; ; Rtun\ng. ( ] \ lIc' 86'ht : :
relleC In vain. IIe hud tl'led Docrors
I1n(1 ( Icdleltlcs of dlfl'cl'ent IdI1l1 : ! .
I lnullr he trIed ] )011,1'8 Kidney Pills
mill hD stoPIJed rlA'ht twrc ] , o one
who tries nolld's Kidney PllIg for Kill.
UC . Complllint e\'er lIl'e g to lonl. HUY
ftll'ther. lIere Is what Ir , CnllullIg-
hllm n\g :
" ] ) olh 's Kltln ( > ' Pills arc all rl ht
fOl' Khltle ' 1.1'o"hle. I ha'e "s ( ' < 1 tlwm
nlHl know. fOI' the ' hare Ione IIlC llIore
I oed thnn I1n .thln I e\'Cl' "sell. "
OXIIII" Aclet I'rull1 SlnveluRt ,
\1aldn 011a1l0 aold Ollt of sawdust
1 < ; the worl , of tweh'o British ilia nll-
factullas. six German , ono French
aud 0110 Bchrian. YellolV and white
pi no dust Is the bcst IIJllterlal.
EII1lttl ( 'hit. . , , , , " ' . 'lIwn.
Eight YOIIII Chillese wOlllon of the
highest citcles In Klansll ! ha\'e beell
S lIt to JI'Ian ' for a tI reo years' edu-
' / . It Is the Urst Imown cuso of
the kind , . ;
I , p.l
, Better Jeeep on the safe side. _ t , .
Don't use a liniment you're 110t 811re qlbout.
. - . . ' . . . < \ ,
If you havc an Injl1ry , au Ache n. 8erio < , J..t..rrTIruisc ,
. Lumbago , Neu1'algia or unytl1ing that is curable by n. linimcnt ,
It cured aches uncI injuries of l\lan uncI neust bcforc many of you
wc"c born. It wus found to be rcliahlc by yoU1' sires and
grandsircs ; it will he found so b ; ) you ,
_ - . . - _ . . . . _ . . . . . . .h4&- . . . . . . . , - - - . . -
J XpOf Ie lice cannot lIe purchased at
lIar\-:1I111 \ : sules ,
Whntever ) ' 0110 , < loll't fl1rg < Jt : 'Irs. Austin's
' ] ' 110 milliner shoUld III ways feel In
guod tr I llt , ) 'ou tlo , IInll't forlct : ' [ rs. mtln's
An aching trmtll may bo IIttlo , but
It Is flerVy ,
Whalover ) 'OU 1\0 , don't forgot Irs. Atutlll' ,
Silence Is olden , Lar o fortunes
ha'e been 11111do fr'Jm slilis.
Whlltol'er ) 'OU 1101 , dOll't fnrg t Mrs. Austin's
Rome men try to get out of a dilemma -
lemma by drlnldnl { both horns.
Whatever YOII < 10 , dou't fjrRot Mrs. Austin's
Hope mU L no . , It spflngs
eternal In the hunan ! breast. .
Wllllto\'er you do , dOIt forc"t Mrs , . \\1s\ln'l
I Fe\\ ' mon acqulro pollsb trom thn
grIndstone of ael\'orslsty.
' .I'he cOJTImlsslon IIppolntccl to reap-
pIIl'Ulln Oklahoma has n t. nounced lhu
total p"pulatioo of the terrItory to
bo 600,000.
The huJ ) { of the oranberrles of this
country como from thc purt of cllst-
om l\IlIs uchusetts whlcb lies near
Cupe Ooel ,
Trade in GerDliwy hus nOVbr been
at such n low ehb , and the larger
towns are tilled with thousands of
persons out of wurk.
After hIs mnrrlu-o ! : the rector of
1\n III u ton , l' 0 I 1Ire. : \ . in ! : land ,
sent It pound of wedding cake to
e\'ery househuld In his parish.
When the New York postolIleo was
hullt Its I1I111ual recolpts were $2,8fI3-
637' tltey are now $ ] ] 670. . 74 j 111 a
year they will bo $20,000.000.
A coJectlon ) of ahont tour hundred
am } tlfty different kinds ofVoons
fUlInrl In North .America Is now being
arran ed In the 1I1 , soum o [ the de-
partiuent of furestry of the Unl vor-
slty of Michigan.
There nrc plenty of pcoplc who 11t\ ! '
becomlJ delll'eBBed lint ! dllcourll et ! . he-
clluse thllt J1r . , hllcldng cnugh 11111111 ; to
them contiul1l1l1y. 'l'hey hn\'e tllkell much
nll'uicine. mostly of the fill vcrliscd q ulIlJk
lort ; , nothilll ( like Dr. Auust ! KOl'nl/'tI /
] II 11111 hurl { BI'ellst 'l'en , Ihe tlsco\'cry ! of
n' ' then llOled Gcrmlln I1h 'sicilln UO ) 'ellrs
ngo. 'Ve dn not sn ' thllt Ihill will C\II'I' II
CIIC ! whel'e the lungll lire hlltI ! ' llillCnlet ! ,
for It will lIot , IInd UII to thill dute tlll'ru
Is nothin ! : that will curl' lIuder tll\'se cou.
ditlollll ; but 011 the olher hnnu. If the
IlIng ! ! lire not hnrd hit. the pntlent shoulll
tllke Dr. August Koelll 's Hamhurg
llrenst 'l'ell ; 'II cup full e\'l'r ' night on
! : olng to bed , ha\'c It hot , rink slowly ,
then e\'er . other night , rub the thl'out
lIud loP portion of the 111111:11 with St.
Jllcobs Oil , co\'cr with oil IIlIk , let It re.
muln nn hour. then r'mo\'e. Eut good ,
11111 in , nourishing fooll. live in the 1'lleU
IIiI' 1111 much liS pIIH"lhh' . B ) . all nWl\ns
slee ) ! 118 ! It'lIr out of door8 liS possihle ,
thnt Is. wlnllow8 wille lip en , ex.ellt in
' " \"I'r ) ' Be\'Cre wellther. 'l'nke 1\ cold SIHIII O
'bath c\'cr ' mornlnl : ; then Il1IlIIe llltel '
rub the hod'iornUsJ ' with II CClII'HC :
towel. 'L'lIke Dr. August Koellig's 1I1\1n- \
but'g Dl'ops C\'PIT otlwr dll ) ' IIceOl'11Iu ; . ;
, tn tirections. ! One ' : lIn hu ' the three
I re/11CIi1'1I ! for $1,2\1 of nll ' relillule urll ; ' ; '
Jist. Beghl the trl'lItml'nt lit IInCI'lnu
. "p" how /11l1ch hI'li PI' ) ' 011 will be IIlIlIost
within II weel.'s time.
SIIlI7.t..r " 1D. . 1'I. rted.
Soltzberj.en heloll s to no country ,
and since the cessatlun uf whaling. II
Is desertcd , even lu snmlllor. 'rtcu' ,
IIro deposits of coal aud pho < ; phales.
bu t It dues not pay to worl. them.
'fho sorrows of Ilfo enahles us to
appreciate the pleasn reI ; UJUI c'
1I111hhl'IItlIlIM nil Flllld.
It would cost a mUll $30 a dny tll
II\'e on mllshroollls. On the othcl
hand , 10 cents wOllld hllY sutllcllJl1t
lIour to supply hi III with elloll h 1'11011
to ollal.lle him to CIILlnuo at hard
wOlI ; : .
CUIIunl" ' , , 1'1110 I'RII (
'l'ho parl { sUlrolllJn Blenholm
palace Is 2 , iOO aorcs 111 extent , und
twel vo mile' > rOI1lI.
' 1"'rlll' ' ' IIh' f' " . , . . ! , 1'10 nu or 1I""OUR"C" ' , , , " . ,
fl'rS nr.t < . . .y' . . " . . ' , , ' Hr , KIIII. ' . u . . . ; ! l'ene II"
ot"re . . . ' ! , " . / III I. " ' : : HI' . 'rl,1 00' . " 'hh. . " 1. . , ,
VII. n. It. KI.IS. : t..II , VJI n. . . . bI..I'IUl1l1clpW. . . I'a.
- .
, \ r-
Greate5t in tbeWorld
A 'MTT.T , TON GOOD FELLOWS have fearned that " 0. OASOARET at n1ght makcs you feel aU
. . . , right-in the morning I" They have told other good fellows , until the sale of OASOARETS
I Oandy Cathartio is nearly A MILLION BOXES A IONTH. Nature punishes every exo ss , and
over-eating , over-drinking , under-sleeping result in stoxpach" liver , kidney Ilnd bowel troubles
that are llablo to booome very sorio s. It is very unwise to wo.1t until dillostlon Is stepped , the
, bowels constipated , the tongue ooated , the breath offonflive , and the nerves tortured with 0.
. \ , raoking wok heado.ohe. Take 0. OASOARET just before going to bed , and wake up in the morning
feeling fine and dandy. All druggists , 100 , 250 , 500. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet
stamped 000. Sample and booklet froo. Address Sterling Remedy 00. . Ohicago or New York. ' 6 >
_ . _
11 r
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
i + H"H-'H' + "H" 'H'or'"H" : : : : : -
, +
: I = : - : = =
' - - : t
of 'Vtro.U \
t : t :
+ + . . . . .He.1-H. : + .Io-H + H.-- : . . . . . . . . . . . . . + + + +
I - - - _ _ _
I :
The Hell ( It' 8h1l1l1101l.
With deel ) IIfft'clion IIIHI l'eeoll'ctlolt
I oftell dJiIl1c ( If thOSl' 811111111011 bellt'l ' ,
I Whose IIOUIIII IHI wllel wOllld III the tln's
of chlllllwotl
I JlII roulltl 1It ' crlllllt , t hrlr 1I1ltllic
On Ihl ! ! I Ilontler , wherIJ'cr I wllntIl'r ,
Autl Ihlls row fonder , 8w'et Cork , of
thee ;
With th ) ' bells of Shnnllon ,
'hl\t soultll 80 grllnd on
rhc lllel\81111t watcrl ! of Ihe Hirer I.el' .
[ ha\'o hel\rd bells chiming Cull II1l1n ) ' 1\
cllml' In ,
'olliu ! : : , Imblhllo III cl1lhrtlrnl shrhll1 ;
Whllo nt n glib rl\te brill's tonUl'H ! : woul
vlhratt' ,
But 1111 their tnllRlc 11111I1\0 IlItlIght IiIto
thlnc ;
1"01' " IIHmor ' dwelin ! ; : Oil l'lIeh Ilrotltl
Of th ' uelfr ' Imeolln ItR bohl ! lotM
free ,
Mnde thc b'lh of Shnndon
Sound fnr morl1 srnntl 011
1'hc 1Ubllllt.walers , . . of the HI\'er Ic ! ) .
I hn\'c henrtl bellR tollin ! : "oltl Atlril\n' "
molc" In ,
'fhclr thundcr rolling Crom UIC VnUCl\ll ,
Anti c'mbnls glorloulI , swln lnu ui/roari-
In the /orgcous / turrets oC Notre Dnllll1'
nut th ' 80lln s were RWI'Ir thnn thJ
dome of Peter
[ lIn fI o'er the 'iher , pelllln ! : : 8olemnl ) ' !
Ollhe bclll ! of Shnn on
Sountl fnr more ! : rnntl on
rite plensnllt wllters of the Hi\"l r [ I1.
rhere'l ! n bcllin Moscow. while on towm !
nntl Id081\O
In SI. Sophln thc 'Ilrlnl\n gel ! ! ,
, \nd loud 11nlr calls men to1rl \ \ 'er
From the tnpI'rln/ ; summits of tl\lImln.
I\ch ( 'mpt ' phnnlom I Creely rnnt
'em ,
But's nn allthem morc denr to me :
"ris the bells of 8hnl1llon ,
'fhat sound more rl\nd on
rhe plensant wnters of the Uh'cr [ ,1"1' .
-1 rllncis Mnhony.
'l'wfcJtclI hnm J erry.
'A-hoy ! nnd O.ho ! an It'll who's for Ule
' ' '
Cerr 'i'
( 'h ( ) hri lr's in bud IInd thc sun's golns
down , )
'And I'll l'OW 'C 110 quick and I'll row ye
so stend ) ' ,
And 'till hnt Il p'nI13' to 'l'wlck\Jllhall1
Town. "
rhc fcrr'mnll's slim nn the ferr'mllll'l !
YO\1ng ,
With just n soft tnng In the tnrn of his
tongue :
I\I he'a Creflh ns n pippin nnd brown ns
n berry ,
And 'Us but n penny to Twlckcnhnm
'A.hoy ! nntl O.ho nnd It's I'm for the
f'rr ' , "
( 'I'Ilf ! hrin r's in bnd , nnd the film's ; ; olllg
dOWII ) ,
"And It's Inte as it is nnd I ha\'ell't It
Oh ! how cnn r gct mc to Twlekrllhnm
'own 'i"
She'c ] a rose In hcr uonnet nn ohl sh\ !
I look ell "weet
As the little pink IJo\\'r thnt rOWR in tllf
whent ,
With . Iwr chel1k1l IiIw n rORe1111 111'1' IIPI
iii\ ( ! n c1wrrr-
"It's sllre hilt 'on'rc welcome to ' 1'\\'lclt.
cnhnm 'l'own. "
"A.honnll . ! O.hol YOI\'I'e too Illto for
the frr ! ' , "
( 'L'ho hrinr'f ! in bllll/\llli the RIII1'S oin
tlown ) ,
. \n Iw's lIot rowlnJ : quick mill hc's not
rowiu : . : stolldr ;
It seelll ! ! I\uit journl' ' 10 'l'wlc1tm ,
hlllll 'l'own.
" < \-h03' ! nn O.ho ! " yon IIIUY cnll nt ! rou
' 1'lw 'IIU" ' : moon Is risillJ ; o'er Potcrham
IIi ! ! ;
n , with lo\'e IiIw 1rosc in thc stl1rn 01
the wh'rr ' ,
1'hore'H c1l1n l'r In eros"ln ! ; to Twlcl.en
hnm ' 1'own.
-'fheophile l\fllrzinls.
- -
. 1'\1.5
, Po TIA
"I. W II'ijTON (
Booker ' 1' . WU6hlugtou's daughtCl'
who recently 'WUS reportell to be dalul
well at Wellesley College , has now , I' '
: ttIlDplre ! ! ! , been torced to lell ve the Itl
stltutlon nud go to Bradrord Acndcm '
It Is HIIll1 6he tlllled In music. Whll ,
Miss Wnshlngton was tnkcn up nn (
mnde mucb of by the Northem girls a' '
the college , her recrptlon y girls froll
the Soulh wnf ! , It Is declllred , or n nu
ture to glTe the faculty Dome embllr
The rupldlty of Improvement In nn ,
vnl mnttera nowlldnys Is 'shown ' hJ
the tact thnt the gul1sh ! ships IInr ,
eur nnd Centmlou. hullt just uhu
years ngo nntl mueh prnlsCil ot Ibe tlml
nre now so ohsoleto that tbey IIrl
to 110 recoDlltructcd at n cost or , : ; QO"
000 each.
I When \Towan 1mB nerve , a DUll
u" 1a It.
_ - 1 < 1 _ . . . . . . - J . " 'ICI
_ _ _ _ _ _ ' -'lal4 > . _ _ _ . . . , _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ : =
- -
C :11nlCl1 : S PcrUl1l1 to AI ( Catarrh Sufferers.
lIon. LouIs . , Johnson Is the ROn of Iho Into HI'vercly Johnfloll , who WRi
Unlh'll SllItl's Sennlnr Crolll Mnr 'llIlId , nl o , \ tlnrlle ' Gl'III'rlllllItler Pretl t'llt
.10hllllllll , nlld UIlIIt'd Stllles lIl1lster to 1i:1Ilnllll : , : , IIlItl' who wns rellIrde RII the
gl'Plltcst cOIIHlitlltiollnl hlw3'I'r tlltvcr Ih'ell.
] n n rel'l'lIl lettcr from 1000 I. ' Rtreel. N. W. , Mr. ,10hnOIRIIYRI ;
" No enc should longer suffer from c.tnrrll wilen Peruno Is ac-
cessible. To my know/edgc It Iws cllused rellef , to so mllnyof my
friends nnd ncqunlntnnces , tlwt It is Iwmnnity to commend Its use to
nil perSOllS suffering wit/I tills distressing disorder of tllc humnr'l
system..Louis E , Johnson ,
Cutnrrh 1'01..0" . . . .
Cnlnrl'll Is enl'nhllJ ' of chnnIII' ( ' : ; nll the
IICe./lvlll / ( . : Sl'erl.tlollt ! oC till' body Illto
sClllc1lllg 111111111 , which Ill'Hll'o ' 11I111 III-
11/11111' / en ! 1' ) ' IHirl the ) ' co III I' III coutllct
wllh. AllllIcutions ) to the I'lncl'1I ' nlrect- )
ed lIy entnrrh cnn do little gooll sn\'I to
, ootho or flu let dlslt/l'c'uhlc / R 'lIIllloll1t1.
lIeltce it hi thnt1':11'8 ( ( , sprll'H , IItom-
Izers nlld IlIhnllllltll olll ' Rervo 1111 tl'lII'
Ilorl\r , } ' rcllcf. So Illult ns the irritlltlltt ;
HcC'rl'llont ! of entnrrh conlIllue 10 he
forllled so 10uI ; will Ihe IIwlllul'nlll'lI COli-
thlllo to he IlIlInlllcd , uo Ittlttler what
trelltllll1nt Is lII'ed.
'l'lll'ro Is hut one rl'melly thnt hltl ! the
tlntllrllulc effcct : , IInd thnt rCIII'cr Is
, IIt. : : : ! ' ! ! : : 1't'f1t. ! : : J tm : : : : J'1 1.'L'2:311 : 1:31" : ' : nr.J'Itm : : : ; 111 : ' " 1 : IIt.J1t.I1I..t'I : : . , : : . , ! raw . : : : : : : . " : :
; : -r----o : " ' - - - . - ---t-.t -r- i"f : : : : : - = f" . . , .Nt ,
n nuuc : . cIm : : jJt'1'Ja :1j ; 1.C:1.G:1II' ; . ' .1.rl.lfm : : ! ; ; jjP.IJr:1tIUCOU" , ; : : :1 ii C'IIIn
: J U C"JII !
'U '
r It 11'n , blnck , oily liquid obtnllled by tlte dry distillation of f 'i
Jil1 conI and embracln'Jt : Bihorato nf "odium , calcium , sodium , potassium : : .
J : and t'xtmots of reslllotl materials with xylol , qunlacol and oreosol. .Ill HT
'i ; Xylol I ! ! a hydrocarbon takl1hy cI'st.rtlcUvo distillation from !
1 the elllp'reumatio oleorrsln of Pinus PallsL'ls. !
JlrJ Creosol and qualncol arc two o [ the main constituents of
m@ creasoto. Il rS 11 ]
! J , llIboratc of sodiult1 Is prepared by IIxl'iat.lon of earth which ' 1
1 Is stron ly Imprclnated wlth hhfilX ovn.pllrat.ln the ! ilIlutlon and
ml.5 crystallizing' . Calcium , Sodium and Potas81uIU are elements of .1 I
naturo. bi
iffi J
: : ! 1 ? ' 1'he question mlL'ht occnr-If these l\'operLIcs are found In tfi .
] 115 Coal , why not usc coal ? rl'lw answer Is-I'lnn" , cO'll does not I'ontaln IU $
; 1Jr all tlte constltuont. ' . j secolltl. these II ; < lees cOlwLln ILIO only yloldod Dl
t at a. lemp < 1fat.nre . or over :120 : dCJrrtH's f.'ahrenholl"and It , If ! plain tltat ; ,
. \1.3 \ If a hOj.s stomach enemtcd t.hh ; am 1\1I1t of heat 1.110 ho wuuld : .11
become roast pork Reasoncd wi tit [ fie I pLrasltcs of ho cholora.
TI1M 'l'housancs ! of farmers are uRlnJ : t'llq ' rcmedy with reat Rlte1 " I
. cess. Our IImltrd t'Jaco [ orhlds liS Ilvlnj : hundrr.ds of test.lmonlals . 1
JtH1 coulrJ which will he furnlshml ' .
, at > we , you on reqlt' st. \
. . nl j'
.m 1
? lI . 1000UO 0 !
! ' ' ! w---
lci KGl : 1m
j , f'
, ' , : OAL' tl
) . J' ' . , , h
" "
. . ,
.11 , '
; : ; ; m / ' ( / " ' , roe , P'H
Ujd dtl ! Is an article which you \ \ III Iwd clullY IIM rllr. If you once adopt Its I' -fU
' : f IIse you will find It to Ul' IHII Ieu.lhle , as Lito prlco Is " 0 reas1"
.J L.o ; ollahlc no family Hhoulcl bo without It. +
j.3 Liquid Koal will cure Corn SInllc , Dlleast' , HOI ! Oholera , SwIne ,
h ! q P.111 ue , Black LeI ! , Lump Jaw1 SCi.LtS ) lu Sheep , ! JIul. I ye. Guar. ' t't ! ,
m anteod as a. Llco Killor. t
wt : :
ill ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL. KEG , $2.50 PeR GAL t
. , : H ONE GALLON - - 3.00 I 26 GAL.-1-2 BBL" $2.25 GAL m
r FIVE GALLONS , $2.76 PEn GAl. 50 GAL -ONr : : BaL. , $2.00 GAL fiT ,
; G 32-Page Book on Diseases of Animals l\\afled \ \ Free on Ap- t
j1 1 plication. If no Local Agent , Order Direct uiu ,
Us. We . H
t From . Prepay Cllarges. ,
tH r
1 t
'u ' '
U t1 , ; ' . 'C"IIC : : . ! ' t : : 'f1 " ! Lml : m'.I1 : t : . . . t.r r.111. . . : :11t : 3ml1Ll : I'TE ! . . I : . : . r.C.11 . . D:2 : : . JC " . ' 1'1C" ' c.rI"'I.J' . : . . . . n n
- c.-
" " " : : - " " - ' - - - - - ! f"f - : : ' - f- t .f"- : - - - - - - - -
o Itn Ir. t1J f--'f-- ; M:1j CZ\ mr.1 --f : ; : : f' , 1':11 n 1i1 : < : : ! J r. : . " c v VJ : , : C:1. Ot.I ; : : J. : f----t- , ' ; :1umn : : .
- - -
'l'ho rod headed man doesn't mind
getting bald.
) In , "In.lo. . . . SOOTlIIfO Kynm' for cbtl4r. . . .
I tt lhlnlf. .oflen. the \.1111. : ndnf ' Inflanlatlon.
. alia , . pain , cunl wind chollc. ! c bottle ,
It Is well to rememher that l1n-
shillo wilhol1t shlldow evenlually
would become monotonous.
- .
l'nb 10 HI" h In Tullio.
'l'oklu ought to be the cleanest town
In lIl0 world. It hns 800 puhllQ baths
used dally by : :100,000 : pc/sous.
1'01000"0 lInele to n. e. 111\0.
Poln'ls t > robahly the oldest of nth-
lotlc sports. It hns been trnced to
'jOO n , U ,
- - - - -
II. . " " , . COlt or Anllnmll\l. .
The armleR nnl ! 111IC8 \ of the biDe
laruest European , ewers OIst alto-
Iotber Just over JO 1\1 mllllolU8llrl1 ,
I'erlllll'hl" rcmedy $ trlltCR nt oneo
to till' rootH or clllnrrh It ) . reatorlng to
the ellilillllr"CRHela tlll'lr hl'nlthy elns-
tlclt ) ' . l'erllnn III not n tl'll1lJOrnry pal.
1111 tI w , hut II rndlcnl cnre.
Senll Cllr Dr. III\I'tllllln'
\ " Intl'lIt book ,
Relit frI'o for It Ahort tlllle. Adllrl'B8 'ho
I'Irnlllt ) Drllg MllnuCncturluA' Co" Co.
IlIlIIhulI , Ohio.
1f 'Oll 110 not I\erl\'e \ prompt nllll M1I8-
fllelor ' remltH : frolll the 11110 of I'l'r It II a ,
wrlh' lit oileu to Dr. IlnrtlJlnn , gh'llIj ; It
filII IItllll'n1l'I\t of 3'U1lr CIIIIC , 11111ho \ will
I" , 1111'11111'11 to A'h.c ) ' 011 his vnlun hlo nil-
\'I ( ' /rlltit / ! .
' \dlll'I'1I Dr. Hnrtmnn , Pr'shlcnt of
' 1'11l' Hllrlman SanltllrllllJl , ColulJlbus , O.
OuoII.I'n Two Oountrles.
Neither In France nor In Anstrln
are pauper chlldron permitted to enter -
ter the workhouse. 'l'lIey are boarded -
ed with pensant famIlIes.
81t11h 1'1" lteoor < 11 > rloe.
'Vben tHe Hltah of IJersla vlsl ted
Drury Lune theater In 1873 he paId
the record pllco of 500 fo hlB box.
: = DId you e\'cr stop to consider how
mall ) times you rnl ht have done ;
n 1II dncss and did nlt : ?
EIy's ' Cream Balm
WILL OURE , ' , f
Dru&gf.rl , GO Cta.
_ & ! ! p'I.t. , . ! 1D Inw MOb nOllrlt
' '
KLT AI&WthOOWunIIlIL.eH. : .
/ '