Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 25, 1902, Image 6

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OIIAP'l'Elt X 1l.-Colltllluc'II.J (
HUl1\phrey coulc1 nol hcur all thllt WII1
anld , but a word ( ! ! II 1111011 his ear ( roil
thlle to time , aull liS he Itleced the 1
words tOJether it IHeUI'd nil I ( tlw b1WIIt ) ,
er were lIeclallllln : ; nll\lust t'r\IIII ' IIII
olllll'e8slon , anll culllu ! : upon hi : ! heurer
to help him to pllt nh ellll to the stutot
affllirs exlstlllJ ; .
I 'I'hen Cllllle nu cxcIted oulburst , as the
! IIH'n kl.r I1IUSt l1a'e t\ll'ucll hili fllt ! to.
I , 'Wurc ! the door , tor tlwsel'ordlf CUIllt !
: : ' vlnllll ) ' : ,
' " 'l'he end at It w11l be Ihnt they II ! ! s.
. ' " , cnlll' , nnd hrln.I ilia 11'0-\1'111' dO\\11 UII-
I , , 011 us , ulld all through his ( ooillg. I "
f <
: II' , A lI1urlllur arose.
! "lIe'B OIlC iliad , I tell ) 'OU nil ; 111111 IC
: . 10U like to choose n cnptnlu for ) ' 0\11"
! if ' seh'cs , choose aile , nllli I'll tollow I 1111I
) \ , 1lIU ! a man ; but It's tlllle somelhlug WilY
I : ' 'dolle If we wont to Ih'e. "
, Anolher burdt at lIIurlllurs rose here.
: ' . \ "II's mad , I t11 J'oll , or lw woullln't
'I' klep hIm like thnt. So whnt's It tl ) be ,
M ' nJylnde , d new cal or the yardarm 1"
, ;
' \ 'I'he time glldcll on , and Humphrey ai-
I' 'I ways knew wheu hlB captnr WIlH at hell ,
I : tor the severity at his hllprisonlllcllt way
t then most telt. ' 1'he Iteutenllnt117.7.111'11 : ,
; WIIS alwnys leet In charj1 ! of the pillce ,
: but Bart remalnell behlnll by tht. ! Clip-
taln'B ordon , IInd at the ! ! ! ! tllll ! ! ! lIum-
lIhre1 was rrternly or erel1 lo keLI to his
Dlnuy C/Ulle an wcut , but , try him' how
he woul , lIulnl1hre ) ' could get nothing
tram him tor du's aull duys ,
' 1'he tide turul'tl at luut.
" \Vell , ser , " BRIll DIIIIIY one mornlll ,
"I'ye been thlnkln It Oft.r ! n great dalr.
, I don't like desartlng the Cllptlllll , who
! ' has been like a brother to me ; but there's
" Misthress Greenhe's. olld love' A wall-
t derCul excuse tor a many thlnjs. "
More dllYB plIsell , , alld e\'er ) ' stroll out-
' ; \ ' sll1e his prison had to be lakell by lIulll-
; " vhrey with Bart as close to him 1111 his
Iho ow ,
r Dilluy kept away ngllln , nnll the llilln
'to ' cscnpe wlsht as well hue never been
Bllrt alwoY8 went well armed with his
vrlsoner , nnd seemed unuBually suspl-
cloulI , as It trdrln , ; au attempt at eRchlle' .
Dluny's little willow callie no more , nnd
the hourtlI'tW / so Irksome with the COli-
finement conseQnent IIpon the cUlltaln's
nbsence thllt Bart 101lled tor his return ,
Ono morning Bllrt's mllnner howr.
that something hlul oecurre . Iliff sour
tllce wore a smile , alld he was e\'l ently
greally relieved oC his reslonslbtltty ) All
he sllid to the prlsouer :
"There , you can go out. "
. "llos the coptnln retllrned ? "
, Dllrt dlltvered hhnselC oC a 11110rt nod.
" 'l'ell him I wish to see hhn. Bill him
come hl're. "
"Whnt ! the sllpper ? You meAn , aBk
him Ie I may take J'ou to him , an he'll
see you. "
"I 8ale1. Tell your sldpper to come
llerel" slIll1 Humphrey , drawing hlmllelt
up fl. Ie he were on the qllarterdl'ck ,
"Tell hllll I wlgh to , see him lit ollce. "
Hart drew a Ion , ; breath. 'l'hen. ymll ,
hlJ : grimly , 11C slowly leet the lliace.
'I'he buccllneer , who loolted anxious and
dlsplrltl'd. was IIstenlllg to sOllie com-
Illaint mude by his lieutenant , IInd nnlr ) '
word ! ! were posslllg which IIInlle lllll't
as he heard them basten his stells , 1-1111
look sharllb' tram one to the other as he
lllnelIozznrll : 8cowlec1. his tnce being
v1llninoull without.
" \Vell. " he snld IIloud , "I'\'e warned
yonl" alld he strode out at the alII chllm-
Lor which termed the clllltnin's Qual'tertl.
"Yon two been qunrrelln ( ; ? " snld Unrt.
" 'he Ilo's Insolence Is worse thnn
e\'el'l" erlcll tbe cnlllnlu , with IlnhlnlI !
e 'cs , "Bllrt , I don't wnnt to slll d the
blnol1 ot the mlln who has been my olll-
eer , bnt- "
" someone else bleed blm. " JI'owlell
Bell't. "Vlck would : Dluu ) ' woulll Ilve
nnylhlllg to cIa It. We're 'bont tlrec1 ot
hlul. I should like the job myS'dt , "
"SIIl'lIce ! " snld the clllltnill. IIhrnIJ' ! .
"No , spl'uk ; tell me , what IH\s been going
011 slncq I've been away ? "
"mackazzarl1" : "
The captalll nocll1ed.
"HIIIt thc' time he's silent III tbe south
ruins IIr'ochlng to the men. "
"Prcachlul : ? "
"Yes. wltb J'ou tor A text. Just In ht ,
old way ; bnt I've been too busy with the
Ilrlsoner. He Willits yon I"
'J'he buccnneer sprang to his teet.
"lIe wantlr n\L'-he haH sent tor me ? "
be crtl'd , eaerly ! ,
" ' "
"You'll go ?
"Yes , Perhaps he hns lIolI\ethlnl : to
SI1Y In answer to an offer I IUnlle , "
"An offr "
"Yes , Durt , to join us , IInd be one at
my lieutenants. "
"J oln us , alld be your lieutenant ? , cried
nllrt ,
"Yes , IUY Crle'nd. I IIkl' him tor the
"nke at bls alII gelll'rolls WIIJ'8. and I like
him tor his IlI'esent maullueu. "
"Yon-like hllu "
"Yes. It Is not Impossible , Is It. thai
1 hould 1II'e to ha'e n trlend t"
" li'ril'1H11"
"Yesl" snld the captain , stl'ruln "nn'
other trlrnl1l Dou't stllre , mnn , IInll thllll ;
of the Plllt. : \Iur ' Dl'1 ! died , a 1111be
DI'II stili IIves-Commol1ore JunK , He ! . : .
Inll to tnle'euJl'ance upon the : ! ! ! whe
cut that J'OUIII : liCe ghort. "
"Laale here , " sall1 Bart , who Itllprt !
all he IIst'ned to his l'olll/lallion's / wll ut.
t rauces ; 'Iarc J'ou going mad ? ,
"No , Dart : I nm as sane III' ) 'ou. "
"But , you 111I111- "
1I\\"hat I choose to Sll1 , mnn. Let IUI
brllcve all that It I like , Do YOII ( Ollp
IHJIII ! I do not wllnt HOIIIl' shield 1I1II111H
the Irtln s oC 111) ' own thoulhts ? I chuosl
to think all that anll It shl111 be 110. YOI
llliall think It too. I nm COIIIUlodore Junl ,
and It I wish this man to be my Crh'nll
and he consents , It shl1l1 be 101"
Humphrey was beglnnlug to teel th
tbl'tll ot returning IItn'n/th / In hlB vdu
nnd It brought wltb It hili ohl hlllupt11
dc'nce of slllrit aud the memorl tluH h
hucl 1.1' < 11 trained to rule , HII IIttll' elll
Belle \ \ Ith Bart thllt morning bad rousc
hiln n little , nnd prepllred hlu\ Cur 1.11
lIIcounter with the buccaneer f'AptAIt
_ ; ; upon whom . he telt he WAI about to cut
reI' . t , .or ,
t . > L liIj.di
I A 811111e IIIIIJ'l'11 lIuOllt his 1111'1 tiS a Hlep
c ' dl'C'uenrl'r. . 'I'he hucclllleer 1'"lprl'.1 the
I dl lllher , lIe stunll , ; mdll dowlI Ht Ihe
. 1I/II1111101lIC Inllllly fi ' ot hi ' ' .
/ , III' ! ! ! ! Ilri14011l'1'
" 'I'lli'll n trowu puclccrd hili hrow , 111111 hI !
I ! ! 1I111. ! Juletly :
"A leell ? "
: "No " Hllid ' "liD ' Iood
, lIuIIIIJhre ) ; , III ) ;
Cellow , I Willi ClIII ) ' thluldll , "
'I'llI' bUcl'lIueer fro\\'II11 u little more
heI\'II ' he 11911'111'11 hi ' , ' '
: \ ) nil to ! ! 1lI'lwul'r'lI
cool , cRrell'lis wortls , Ulld Cc'll thl' ( 'outI'IIIP-
hlou , touo In which III ! wus IIlhlre'\seel.
"You RIIII tor III ! ! , " he sRltI , har"hly , ,
Ilild hi'olcl' ! Rounl1ell conrse nllil rou h.
" \\'c'II , " . nld II11lI1phre ' , with 1r1l1U1l'ut
cOlllc'lIIpl , "how IIII1I1Y fihlps havu 'IJU !
plullllerlI-how 11I1111) ' throatJ hU\'e J'ou
Cllt thl : ! \'oJ'ue ! ? "
'rhe hlJeca IIl'er'H O 'CS Heellll'tI to nllHh
liS hI ! tool. n Hlep torwurd. nllll Ul/Hc' / IIU
11I1 I' ' [ : C'stUI'l' . Bul Iw cheeked hlllllll'll
011 the Illstaut , 111111 , wllh a lllillt H 11I11 e ,
l'rI11ll'tl :
"OlllltullI Arllllltrolll ; Is dlspo\e,1 to he
lIIerry.'hy hnve YOII lieut tor IIII ! ? "
" llrr'I" ! Hnlll HUlllphl'ey , sttll huor-
IlIg tIlt ! Iitlestlou ; "olle IIced 1) ( ' , shut up
lu thl , tomb. " 'ell. ) 'OU are bnel ; allIllI ? "
"Yl's , 1 nm blll'lt II/nlll. / " snld the huc-
ClI\l'Ur , flmoothllll : his hrow , lIud dedln-
III ; : 10 be nUJry with his IlrlsolH'r tor hi ,
Illsultlus.'IIJ' . "II Is hut th ! ! pecldlll ; of a
I.rlsolled bird , " he snld to hllllselC ,
" ' \lId not been caught alld hUII11 ! yet ?
I way In hope that I hlll1 Heen the Inst
oC you. "
"I hn'C heRrd h'1I hctore oC prhlOners
r < 'I'l1tn their cal1tors , " flllid the bllcca-
nem' , Iultly ) ,
"nuI'lIel Wrll , Is It not your portion ? "
"I'ur , trlotlllg you with the cOII"ld\ra-
tlull due to a gentlellllln 1" Halll thr buc-
canl el' , whosr features rew 11I01'1' cnhn
nll.1 wlllfle eJ'rs hrlJhtelH'd as It tram
slltil'fuctlon at findln the Ilrl olllr so CO'II
nnd dndn , nud In how little IICCOllut he
\\'a' ) held. "I ha\'e Jlvru ordlrs that thl'
lIrlbollcr shoull1 be lre'nted well. Is thlre
IItI:1 hlll more I cn n do ? "
The harsh. , ; rntlng'olce bad grown
! IOn , tleep , rich nnl1 lIIellow , whllo thl ?
ctnrlc. lIo9hlll eyes seellleel to hn ve lJe-
C.IIIl' lIrl'ulII ) ' ns tllIY reslNI upon tbu
Ilrlsoller's hllnelRollle , dr/iU1t / tnce.
"Yrll" snld llul1\11hroy , bitterly' "slve
mo III liberty. "
'rhe bl1CClllleer Hhook his hl'ad.
"l1l1rllc' J'oul No : ; ) 'OU l1roelfs to [ , r.rve
1II1 - tol'rat \ lIIe well-and ) 'nu Ite p 1lI
here barrect UII mte sOllie wild beallt Whlllll
) 'OU hll'e cRgeel. "
"BtI'rcd-cII II1I" IIRIeI the bu'caneer ,
raisin ; ; hlR l'yehro\\'II. "YOIl have free-
dUIII tll wunder wlll're ; ) 'OU wtll. "
"Bnhl tn'el1olll ! " cried IIlIlIIllhr , y.
sprlll lng UII. "Curse J'ou ! wh ) ' dun't I
strnlljle J'OU where you Italll1 ? "
At Ihnt mOll\ellt there \\011 n rUIol1tIl
onlllI the Il'aveR ontslcle the wlntluw ,
nnd 1l1l1l\1Ihrey burst Illto a lIIocklllA
"lIow brovel" he crlL'd. "The tJUccn
IIICI' ! cllptllin cOllies to see hhf IInal'lI\,11
IHI' > OIIN , nnd hili jllnrds wnlt oI'Hhl' !
the doorway. while nnotlllr party stoll IJ ; ) '
th whulow , reRdy to sprlllg In , "
'I'he 1'lIl'cnnel'I"s toce turllel1 nf a l'ep ,
dull red-the glnw at nnlloyunce. liS hI'
strnd ! ! to the wluelow lIud OXCItiIlWd
fil'I'rl'ly :
" " 'hy ore ; ) 'OU here ? Gal"
"lIut-- "
"Go. Dart , " lIald the huccanecr , mnre
IlIletl { ' . "Calltilin Armstrollg will nut
InJure llIe. "
'J'hl"r'IIS II hell vy rllstlln ; ; Bound
1I111011 the Il'n res IInel the huccall"er
IIInCl aft Ic to go to the [ : I'oat ctlltnlr. ;
tmt he cllol'lu eI hllllS'l'If ' , tllrllllI.n,1 said ,
IIlIIlIh' : , : IInellJ' :
"Ollltllill : Arlllstrong will bell\\.o we
I WIIl'II I tell him Ihllt there 18 Ill ) J'1l' Ollt
j th're , COllie , sir , J'OIl ha ve sent tur IIII' ,
YOII ha\'c' thouJht wll 1I110n 'III I sllcl : ,
All th1I ! hils bl'ell so lIIuch nUlry 111'111-
Inllee , nlll1 J'OIl nre rently tu tllke lIIe IJ '
the ! hnncl-to : hl'eol1\e my Crlend. Xn , nl ) :
I helr III ! ! You 110 nut thllli. oC wnllt J'l'ur
llCoJ ! lrre IIIn ) ' he , "
, "ThRI oC II plrllh'-a murelererl" cried
' - . leorllClllly.
"No , " said tIlJucclIlI'er , ushln oncl'
III arc' . "I 011I rich. All that cnn hI' jilllle- i
thlll oC the past. 'I'hl ! ! 1111111 Is 1II1r1l' .
IInl1 here we cnn mise lip II new lI:1tloll : ,
for lilY Collowel'lf nre de\.otell to lIIe. ,
OOIlIlI nre we to he Crlrml ! ! t" I
"It'rlc'nds ! " crirl1 1I11I1\IIhrey , scornful-
Iy-"a uew nallnn-J'our lIuollle devotc'eI-
why , nllll1 , I sent Cor 'ou to wurn ) 'ou ! "
"You-to wal'll me ? "
"Yell. Oue oC ; ) 'Ollr tollowers Is Illot-
Un , ; IIlnlllt ) 'ou. 1I ! ! hns hel'n lIell1l'ess-
In , ; ) 'Ollr lIIen ; ullll If 'Oll Ilun't tulto carl'
J.OII wtll be l'le\'lltl'd o\'er 'our 1II'0111n In
n \\11) ' 11\01'0 lofl ' than plelslllt : to the
kllll : ot allow ullllon. "
"I IIIHlerstfilHI 'our Slll'orR , sir , " said
the bucclllleer , Qulctl ) ' : IInd there \11"
lIIure Iflchwss : thall ancr , In hili tlllH' ,
" 'l'hry nre ullworthy oC the bl'I\'II lIIun
who has wornl'd 11I1' oC a cOllllnl : , lallI'r ,
nllli thl'Y nrl' frolll ) 'our IIlls. sir , lIut 1'1'(111I
thl' hllrt ot till' Jrn\'e nd\'ersury I IUl\'e
\'owed to lIIulu' III ) ' ( rleud. "
lIulllllhrr ) ' wll\'rel. tor thl' call1l , 1'1'-
llroaehful tOile rnllRcl1 hllll , 1I11e1 hl' IItoOtl
there trowulng liS the bucclllleer went
"All to the plottlug aJulnst 1IIl' , I nlll III.
wn 'fI prellllrd ( or thut. A IIInll III 111) '
) Iosltlon lIIaltes mln : ) ' enelllles , 1'Im ; ou
ha'c' 'ollrs. "
"Yes-J'ou. " erl1 IIIllIIllhrr ) ' .
"No ; I 1111I II trlend. 'l'her ! ! , I thank you
, Cor J'our wllrnlng. It Is II IlrooC , thollh :
J'on do 1I0t Imow It , thnt the ap hl'III'tell
us grows leS's. ' SOI1\C' do ) ' . Cnptlliu . \ rill-
BtrOnl : . you wtll tnke III ) ' hand , We ! ohall
be td'lIds. "
HUlllphrey rel1\alllrll Rlll'nt I\fI the huc-
canrer Il'et the chnl1\ber , lind , once lII re
alollc , the prlHuner allkc'd hll1rlt It this
- was true-thllt he hnd rnll ' htrhll'n
! ! ) ' fllre-
well to clvtllzntloll Core\r , IInct this was
c' to be his home , thlll straul' ! COIIIIIOUIIII oC
! In'nJe fiercell\'tr9 II nl1 Jc'n lit ] tl'leul1l1l1l 1I1I
his comilallion to the end"
lIumpbrc ) ' ArlllHtI'Unl : wlIIIril ou hllllll-
11 turther anll Curthc'r Into thl' , for
hI' wall UloVl'11 Ulort' lIll'Llly than c'\'I'r he
blld 1I1'I'n movl'd bl'ore. 'l'hl' prellt.uce !
oC this lIIan wall hatr.tul to him , and yt
he lIel'Ull'd to 1101lllC'IIII all Inlluencl' I'hat
Wail Inl'xpllcable : Rnd hili Batt , deep tone.
rau. : In hili ! ' &rlr nOlf be Wall aWl1r ,
"OoQd hl/neul" / he cried. " "hat au
. . . . . & : ' . . , \ " . . 'd. ' " . J ! , . , ii.t ! , J " " ' \I.\ \ , . . " " .
- - -
I ( , lIcl to nn olll'l'r's ! : cnre'l'r'till' lI1'utl'lIallt
ot II wrl'lIclll'd Illratl' klll d Nt'w 1I/IUonl
Buhl what 1111111111",11"
I 110 Bnt ( loWII wllh hIli hend rr1t1nJ ; II
, all hlK hllllll , Jtn1.llI hnck II10nlo ; JlIII nur ,
t ruw II/lth / , Whl'II , to his horror , jll/lt COlli.
; In , ; 11110 view , he IIUW tlw 1IJlIr ! ! at thl !
hUccRlleer npllOnchlllJ ; , with hr.I\1 LOll , !
! , ulld nrlll ! ! CrIlIlHl'11 lI\'l'r his chest , evhltlIt.
I ) ' dCl'll III lllOulht , ,
I IIulllllhre ) ' ! ltllrtedull 111111 hal'l'd nWDY
r01l1l111l l'lIr\'e hl'fllre turllinlit. IIl1d wlIll.ed
\ \ ' ulan/ / . : the pRth , 10ultllI ellgtrly !
for R trllck by which III ! could u void nn.
I olhl'r ellcoullter , wlwlI tor thl ! flrit tlllle
, he heenull' II wure or thl' (1Il't thnt he \\1\11
I I IIlhe 1\11) ' Il'uIlllI to IIU old leml.le . which
hud bevil COl'lIll'd IIlto U UlUUHOlcUIII. allll ,
ullleRs III ! Hhulllci hu uble to fllld allo hl'r
I pllth , houlliI Cor thv unclent HtruL'lure.
Hu cllmlld UII the doorwllr nlld lookl d
huclt. I
AllIS / HII'lIt unl1 dim liS he stooped
nllil ! ! lIlered , stppllJl ; cuullously all , IInd
theil , ns 110011 liS wll shl.ltered. turnln
to Iaze hUI'k. .JUHt thell the hllccnnc'r
callie Into II ht IInl1 wull < cc ! slowlJ' to
wurd till ! 0111 tNllllle , 'l'here was 110 tlllle
tor ( IIrlher IlI's1tnlloll. He IIIURt either
holellJ' lIIec't till ! bllcnnuer 01' hide.
II 0 rIIlHH ! the In tlnr course , Ht"II(1lng (
cnuttulIly Ilito OIlU IIC the rl'CeSRIII hehilld
n Hltllug filuro , wlllre ! III ! cOllld Rtllnc ! In
COIIIIIII'I ! ' dnrlHless IIlId wnlt ttlt the buc-
cn IlIl'r ! h/lIl JOIl ! ' ,
'I'hr Intter enlrel1 the n'xt moment ,
nnd llllllluhrl'v hall lIIall wllh hi III ,
IIl'lf nt hi ! ! HII-lIIw cOllduct , for liS he ! law
cllmlJ' tlw 1I lIre l'ntl'r , Ill' hellrll a low ,
llllc'oll ! ! 11I0111I , nnll HII w hllll throw hlrllsclt
upun his IHI'e ! ! hl'slde n druped collin , his
hUIIIIH clnRII"II , ulld his Crallhenllllll :
with elllolloll , us III n brolteu'olce he
prn 'ed nloult.
Ins words were Incolllreut , nn.1 but
tew oC tlw uttlranCL'R rached the IIlrten'
Ins ; IIIIIII'S ellrs , ns he bit his IIlls with an-
jr ! , ulld then IIRtlIed with wonder at
whnt lIeeUled u stranle rvelatloll of char-
"Oh. ! fIve Ule strength I" he murmured.
"I swore revell L'-OIl ull-tor the wrens
-for the dell Ih-Io\'cd-strellth to fiht
down this wl'lIlaJeHs-to be-seIC-for
atrl'lljth-tor gtreuJth-to lIve-revellgL'-
death. "
'rho last word oC these nJonbwd utter-
IInccs wus still Qul\'vrlllg upon the nlr a8
IC It had ben ! torn tram the Hpealter's
brenst , when thl' dlmlr sen doorwny was
slll1dl'nl ) ' dnrltned nnd there \I'IIS II Ilulcl ,
HUUlphrey Armstrong's position \Vns
one which ! ! noblc'd him , Cnlnt IIIr was the
lIht , to sel' I'\'er'thlng-the dra(1c'll ( coC-
fin. thl' kneelln , ; filure bent ov'r It , nnd
n Jrl'lIt crouching form steRlIlI ; ; IIOrtlJ'
behilld , ns If [ : lIthCl'llIg for II H(1r1n ( ; ; .
'l'here wus tlw dull glcam at IItl'I up-
llfted by the fiJllre bl'lIdlng ovr the buc-
Clllleer. Assnsslnntlon , without douht.
'I'he 11I011ll'nt of 1)1'11 had come , Ihhtly
ns It hnl1 bren treatel1 , nnd. tlrrell to
the hellrt by the trencher ) ' lIud horrol' oC
till' deel1 IntcudI1 ! , HUlllphrey ! ! prnn
tl'om his place oC conceahurnt , IItrllclt the
buccancr's asmllallt ! tull lu tilt ! ch'st ,
IInl1 the ' rolled lI\'er together on thtIIl \ -
III ! ! lIoorll.
"Quick. lads , belill" shollted the mnn
wbol1lIulllllhrl'y hnd Rl'lzed , nnt ! two
comllnllions rllllI'l1 ! ' ! lu for II gl'nernl ml'lce
to ! ! nllUe at terrible dlRCh'autn e , for the
assalluuts wer ! ! IIrllled with Imlves nl111
those they assnlled deCenseless ns to
Wl'lI tIOUS.
HUlllllhrey knew this to hl COllt In till !
Ilulck stru [ : lu which ensiled. lIe had
wl'lthrl1 rounll liS Ill' strllJglet ! with the
wnulll-be lIIurrerl'r. ! nnr ! contrived to Jet
ullpermost , wlll'lI a 1\I'cn Sl'nse oC pnin
Ilnssln ! : throll/h 0111' oC his IIrnls , II1Uell'
him luocn : hili holr ! for n momcnt , r.nl1
th ! ! next he was elnRhel1 hack.
lIe Hprnn ! ; 111 , thol1g-h. to IIl'lze hlR as-
sallullt , stUII h ) ' the pnln Into a fit ot sav-
u/c' rag-e , when. liS III ! cln14ll'll nn I'IH'm ' .
he rOlluel that It wnll not hIM first nutag'l-
nisi , but a les'r mnn , with \\'holll Ill'
elosrll ficreclr JURt ns the fc'llow wns
Htrlvlng to Jct Ollt ot thl' doorwa'II Ilur-
l'OIIl' ' Ill' ! ! ff'cted , drugjlnJ ; IIulllllhrc ) '
with him ,
'I'he pnRnJe1111 ! ' ! darker , thnn thr Inner
trill pie. where bnllrSl' 1111ntlll ! ; nllll the
sOllnlls oC contelltlon wel'e still JollI ; ; on.
onthll , CUrSI'8 111111 cnllllllt\lllls IItterer ! III n
volcc' to "Glv It him "
snvnge ! ! III1W-
"XoIItl'lItc , J'ou tooll"-"Ourlll'hllll , IW'R
ItIce nil ! ! el-allli ! the Ilk ! ! callie I'ollfus-
elll ) ' through the c1oorwllY. nil , slllurlln
with lInin 1\11I1 : : rlnlllll hl14 tf'th with
rage , UmllllhrJ' strll J.ll'd . nn In the Ilnll-
Hue. Sll'a c'IJ' c1l'tl'rmllleel to l'l'tl\ln this
Olll' n [ lriHonur , as he Couht ; to Iet the
IIInstrr at the hlllCe.
Unw It IIll oecurl'eel wus more than hc'
cOlIlII IIfter\\'RI'tl clellrl ) ' urrange In his
mind : what III' could rellll was that
the plIIII'I'III.I'lIl'd him , 1I11r ! the mUll
with wholll h ! ! Htrug' ler'rc'III'heei ! his
II.ft IIrlll Cre ! ! . sUlltchl'r ! the Imlft. ! Ill' IH'ld
from his rlJht hlll\ll , 1nr ! woulll hn'e
) lhlllC'r ! It illto 1II1I11\1hl'C.1I \ Im'l\st had
lIot the IlItter IItrucl , him n shnnl bluw
upwnl'c1 In tIll' fUl't' so vlorousl : ' thllt thl'
Imlfe Cell tlnldlll on till ! [ :1'0111111.IIcl tI\ ( '
ttJ'uJle ; wus rsullled ullon mort. ! c'llInl )
terlll ! ! .
It wnfl a Il\nlh'r of II'ls ! thlln : t minute -
ute , durlnJ : which IIulllllhreJ. fOIlht ! Il'lS !
fat' IIfc ! tlllln to lIIuRtcr hl14 IIRa1l1l111 : unll
lec'll hllll II IJrls'lIIl'r. ' 'I'hl' ' hllli IH'I'II
dowlI twirl' , trlllllln : . ; o\'r till' stOlll"
strewlI IluVl'melll , a 1\11 Olll'l' IIUIII\lhl'I'y \
hud bc'l'u forCl'lI 1I1I1118t : thu wl\ll , but h '
II SUrclCII ! Nllrln , ; II ! ' 111111 Ih'lvell hlH OIIPO'
Ill'nt Imcln\'arll. alll1 1111'i'c'rc' IItl'U/ : .
gUnl : In the mhillh' or tbe oll'lIlu [ , whl'lI
R wild shl'1c'1 : 1'11111 , Ollt ( rolll tbt ! IIlIlI'r
telll\lll'-U \ cr ' whldl sel'lIIc'll In curclh' '
'nllng olllct'r'lI hloOlI-ullIl tbls Wll8 thl'l
10w1 by a l'u14h ot SO III I'll I\ ( ' rSrlllllll : ,
Ills \ 'l'trrut108 only wltll'ssl.d b ' OIH' . ;
tal' thl ! Rtru ; ; lu Willi cOlltln\Il'II \ tll the
Iloor. 'l'lw t'n rllh'rSllrll'lI. InclH'tl III n
tlJht rlll1lracc' , sll'U\'I' to I'I'ach tlll'lr fl.t ,
IIl1d , Ilnllllul : nnr ! Wl'ak , IIlIlIIllhr 'y had
nl'arlsuccc'eelc , \ ! III so doluJ.'hc'u his
( O ! ! forcl'r ! hllll hllckYt'nrc1 , 111111 hi' Cell to
dluJ. : 10 the rl\g'J.I'r ! HtOlIl'Worh : .
I'or liS he wus elI'I\'I'U hllc ! . thl' Iloorlll ! ;
aCl'IIII'II to crlllllbll' II WII ) ' 1Irlll'ath hlo
fl'et : th're'as II terrible' jc'rl. , IInd he
Couud hhll8cIC hnnglllJ : by .11s llI1l11ls , his
enl'my cltuJ.lllg to hllll 8ttll. unll till'
wl'lht ! IIllOn his mllscles sl'cmlll ; ; us IC
It wOlllr ! h'ar thc'lInpart , In tl hurry
ali c'xdtlI\c'nt IIulI\llhrl'Y co1111'
eOlpn'henr ! his 1IIIltiol tor the mOlllllt.
'rhe Ul't hc' IIllh'rtond It too " 'c.ll , tor
tbl stOI' whlcb hnd gl\'n WiY tl.ll wih
I bhh'oUII , l'cholll ! ; 101I' , which came
trom II ttrrlhle clstn nre hl'low ,
Almost lu tntal dnrklls , his hllnlls
crulI\lll'd Into the Interval hltwrc'l tWI
11I11l'S at brolu'n IItcne whlcb termed
pllrt ot tbe dl'brla oC t e rooC aho\'t
hanln : ' a hldcus gule at the ful
stretch at his nrmlr , and with hl Icler.
Sry's bandll fxc'd ( In Ilrb ald
drel . he Itroe to cawher up k. to
tht foor a bet
.U nUl t u Ue . . . 8cn ti
H ; L . r < htd. & t ' 11't. : , ,
- _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _
Krill 1lIlIIllhr.y wilh hi ! knl'IB and clmb
\I ) , " " 11' trl'll lt If 14tlJC' rUHhel1 down ,
II tlll tlr 1"'II'lh , , Iltl.hilllr ( 'cho.
ot that rob.
Ini wih I relJltllul 01ut19
'IJtl ' hi II of 111'1 "II'I'lIllh iK relllled
II hlul. uIII II dr'I"I ' IlnSI\tlol clunc al
"It IH thl < 1111 , " thnll ht IIIIIJhrc.y , tor
hll Illlitel'H fllt liS It th'c'n' 'h'hll ,
1\1 II Inolhc'r 11I111111 hl' lulthlt he
lII\st (11. wlln t\ Jrlll 11111 him In'
crl'used , anl tl 11\1 who chi ! Ull'red I
' .
hon rse J'c'l Cor hl'IJ.
"Quick " I" he Ihrlwd , " 1'1 leWII )
But lit thut , IU1lont sOllthln tlnrk
Rl'llll1 to ( ,011' hl't\I'l'(1 hll IllItl tht'
, [ : IC'111111rt ftOIU I\IIY a IJI1' . him II
, the root , nllithel thrre'n / ultIn U\'I'
at SIOIIS h ) ' ,
gmnl lhll/
, / '
1'0 1,1' , cOltllIlCI.I
Superioriy of the BnJtKh lICUllt
( h'cl' thc American ,
The El hlnn perhnls uI1el"
stlnds ! eter than the Alerlcnn thnt
lu enden'orln to get the tWlt IIOlsl.
! le worl { out or lell In nthlete tml" .
IJ , elre lust he tllwl not to Inlw
thel leroUI. 'l'hu gugllh "conch"
tall.s pleasanty to hI ! IMI. 111 In
tne coure of an afel'noll on the rh'l'I'
the ' fnh'l ' 01' the '
get a good Idel I'C-
qllred Hl'olw , ' 1hl ! Alm'lcal accol'd ,
In to , John C < J'oln , the luthol' of "An
Aler'lcau at Uxforc , " Is lwl ' to he
blSIW ( , If 10t'Iolellt. . le sarl :
Whel I trlml fOl' the freshmau crew
In mel'lca , I was IIUt , with seVen oth ,
er ullfol'tunntes , Into a huge elllla r
blrge , In ehll'ge of the 8ollhomore cox-
swnln. On the frst dny I wus told to
mind the Ingle on my oar.
'Ihe third dny the CoxHwlln wrought
himself Into n fu , ali swore nt le
for not Iweplng the propel angle. When
I glnneed out a t m ' bllle he yeled :
"Keel your e 'es In the boaU" Igaln
wih In onth ,
'l'hls ul1set me 80 thlt I forgot there
afer to keep n fat back at the Inlsh
of the strolw. When we touched the
feat he jumpe out , looled at I '
! cl. , brought his boot ngnlnst It shnrp-
Iy , 111 told me thel'e was no use In
trying to row unless I could hold 1
fat bncle and swing my body between
my knees.
'l'hat night I snt on a dctonnry wltb
m - feet hgalnst the root-bonrd , nnd
trll the e Injunctons unt my bncl.
but It wouhl
sceme tor Into flets ;
not come lnt. I ne\'er went down to
the rl\'er ngnln , nnd It was two 'eUs
befCre I summone cournge to try un-
oth r spor
On Amcrlcan Halroad8 Bxcccd8 Nnw-
bcr ofCusuultlc : In Two
In the Urst three Donths ot the yenr
813 PC'sous WC'O 1.ted and DS
woundl'd b ' rnlh'ond colsious fnd accidents -
cidents of ni 1lnds. Of thi totll 3
passengers ouly were kted aud 82 !
lujUed ; al the rest were l'alh'ond ew-
, plo 'es.
'l'hls Inrge Cl'Op of denths and wounds
WIS the fruit of 1,220 colhons Ind 838
. ' ! ! ' mnde
dellments. 'lhes fgures 1'0
Imblc by the I lerstn te Commerce I
Commission. 'Iher co\r only n Iuar-
tel of a J'enr. Iultpled by four , we
get tlese IIH the 1 > 'obnbie totul101 thl !
ful J'enl' : Kled , 3,2:2 ; wouuded , :3- :
'l'hnt Is to sa ' , a huger number of persons -
sons arc I.led e\el' ' yel' on our 111- ,
I'ouds than wel'e l.led In the wur with
Gl'ent Brlnln rrom 1812 to 18l und
the Wi' with : \Iexlco fl'om 181 to 1818
nddpd together , n11e tmes ns 1UlY
' WOlu111 ns wel'e woundd In both I
th08e historic cOlltCtS. Yet If thl'se
'fgures tor l02 l'e not exceeded the , ' I
wl be u ml'l.ed hnlll'o\ement oyer I
those fa I' lOO , lu which ) 'ear 7Sm : perI I
sonl wel'o kted nud O,320 wOIIId
on Unltcd Stutes l'ulrol1s , which ex-I
cerded the comhlued totnls of the Union
Hohlers I.ted nnd wouUled In the tel- I !
rlUc hates of Antetnm , ' '
nUl the Wldrness. I
Surlly pelce huth hcr sncl'lfces no '
Ills shoel.lg thun wlr. Is It nut pos-
slhle to mll'l' ra1I'ol\1 ollerntoll less de-
struct\e of human le 111Ihnb-Ncw
YOl'k Wold. i
BnthuRII m 01' 1 1)'ln , Solentist.
'Ihe th'st pen lIln we met , SI 'S Prof.
C. . ' ' \ ' . , the Antarctc ex.
plorel' , II LCsle's Mouthl ' , ITh'ell on
the 1th of Octo her. 18 { ! nt Cnpe
Adlh' , In South \'letolla Lund , thus
long before the Ice hnd brol.en up. I
I.led him nt the rl'IUest of my 70010-
gist , , who wus d 'lng nt the tme. 'Ihe
loww thnt his death wns ani ' a
q mln 11stlun of hO\'s , but he hnd loola'd
' to the 1'l'l'ul of the birds , uUI
the news of this Il'st 1'I\nl excied
him. le heggell us to It alI dlRsect
tw hh'd before him , nlholl/h Ie him-
Iwlt was to tolow the hh'd lute the
m 'stll' > ' of dCath hnlf nn ' ntl"
wnrds. IIUl he Imew It , le showNl the
utmost lut'est In the opernton , IInd
dlctlted 8elentfc notes ns he wntched
It t t wlthlu . Jf'n minutes of his dis-
"No , " slIld the enplallRt , "I 8hnl not
In'est In , 'Ol' In\enton. I'CI' > ' 8111 ,
ously clueHtou Its II'actcnbtt ) ' nli tts
' .
hupol'tn nee.
" 1 or wha t rel on ? "
"BeCa\H ! no one has come forwnrd
wih n claim thnt 'ou stoll' It froU
hlm.-Washlngton Star.
Fuel BUlroc in : \ Cxuo.
Ono of the JI'Cltesf ch'awhnck : In
: \llxlco Is the SCI\'CI , ' of tllc'1 , lop
lire placed In the probnble dlsto'ey or
al In IH\'lng , Iuunttes.
A Nnturnl \ .
Oaths he Iu
. wlre constuntv 11 &
clet In Londou I O 'e'lrf KgO. Wlb
tht Intrducton at If le1 ere 11 _
becoming fusllo lhlu
Wlcn two cat pul on . tbt att
. .rk the ) ' , crltcb I : It.
: ; . , . 'IZ ' , : C , . , , ; , .
- - - -
. .v"
'l'h { perol'mnnca was o\'er unl1 the
II'oprletol' of the dog pOI ' show
t'lIUest ! tl audience to reUlln n few
Ilments'hla he 1Id I few ' :
"Now , b ( ' : 'OU hae ni seen whnt
m ' ogs CUl 110. \l rou be SUI'llIsc
when 1 tel -ou thll some of ' dogs
CIII O the ! H\le tlIIIS ? Now , then , I
um coming here ugaln In six months.
If nD ) of ) cal , b ' that tme , t'lln
a dog to stund on Is helld , pll . ' deader
or dancc , [ wl gl\e him C doluts
( or the dog.
"I touk that were '
notco YOl Jartel'
- the dog that
Ilrl JI lSe wih lite
the of . .
pilyed part a polcellJ. gh.
t el months ago I bOlght him from 1
bu ' , I ' ' .nyC
lte Jnd dolars
for him , blt now t\e hundred ( lollts
coul,1 not blY him , Your dog may be
IS els ' to trlnls he wus : try It.
"Here are some ltte puuphll'tS : tel.
Ing you how to care for and tlln dugs ;
Ihey are only f\e cents apiece ; who'l
1uy \
' 1be b 's of leIO\\l rised a great
I holt when ' 01 Dowen stepped forward -
ward and hnnded the man a nleJel
Tom's dog had the of
reputaton bclnJ
.ho nearest to n good-fol'-nothlng In
town ; but 'rom Ioyed him and belevcd
In him when no one else dill. lo ac-
Imow1oJgcd that the anilna1 was no. .
hiId dog , nlhough Is mother had been :
a famous satter ; neither wns ha 1
watch dog ; nnd he was mortaly nfrld
of cats-a flnlt which , ul boys know ,
plnces a dog a wny down below par.
'om's bl'other Ned oWled -
t mnnlf-
l'ent malese , which answered to he
lusl1.1 nale of luzlal. I 'l'lp pos-
! essed u Ilet aversion , It certainly wus
this same luzlul Wlen the table
Herps were scrped out Into au old
vun , he stood ural ot untl the mllty
luzlah ate al tie clolce bits au ni
the plainer fare tlut ho coulJ hold ,
'hen-If ' were any left-he !
woul be ' t slnk up au carI I .
IY the . l'emanlug bis beind the wood.
When Tom went homa fl'U the
show he culed 'rip , and the t\o repal'-
ed to the haJ'loft , where the do was
duly Infol'med of what was In stol'e fOl'
hll. A rust ' l'ed tul wlgcd UCllul-
escence ad the training of 'l'lp was
'l'om mlde a SCC1'et burgaln wih his I
mother , conseclulnty the Il'lce ' .f a I
new pair of lllt WIS In hIs
Ilxt morning , As Tom au. N ! ! tturt-
. cd for school , Nel was 10t long II dls-
cove'lng a good-sized Illch on the seat
of Tom's trousel'S , "I sa ' , 'l'oml what's
up ? low cume you \IUI those ( , Id
hreeches on ? Didn't fatler get 'el
" ,
I any new ones ?
I 'l'om shook his head. l'an his han
i hack o\er the lltched ( II't of his , IP-
plrel , and suld , "Oh , that's 11 l'1htl
can't sce It , 'ou 100W.'hen 'l'om
, l'eache the pln 'grouud , he was lilde
i the but of much good-natUe. fUl
, Howe\er , .the thought of what his
purse containe uud Its ' com-
him. "
forte "I
'l'hereafter , for weeks , 'rip WIS fe
on fl'csh ment In rIle hn 'loft , whlle ,
outslduzlah : whll'cd 1111Jul ' , Xo
ono Itow , eno\\J41 : : 'lo , pml Tip what
'n thaI ' ( n'h
went 01 hl ) ' t mother
had a pretty goolllea ; 1)it 1ou Imow ,
lothe1s le\'er gl \ 'ou a way.
' [ 'am wore 113tclHd clothes to schol
al winter , nll WIS ulwl 's on the 1001-
out for 81U1 johs , wlwl'eb ' he II t
l'arn a nlclwl , or , l el'ehalee , a dll !
The hutclw1 down all the COI'nel' got ni
of ' 01'S ( 'alll s , und 'l'lp WIXO. fat
on the lJst tie hull'her Iml
At Inst sl"'IIg . IImlh It the
dog and pen ' 8how. With beatng
heart Tom toole Tll 111'01\1 to the teut
Hpccltlel for cnndllltci \ow l'elc\'cl )
he \\\1 when he fouml that the tl'lal
WIS to be IIHlo befol'e 10 011 hu tl
1.lnd faced profpssor hllsel'l ' 111 went
throuh tile ol'llelll l'l ht bl'u '
\ / .
: bl'u'eJ. nld
\IS loclw I up with a pOl'tel'lwllse
steale. whie 'lul went In to witness
' ' , '
the nfternuon ! el'fol'lullce
Atter It \\'IS o\Cr the lroll'letor fl-
nouneed thlt he hld hought enl Bul-
town log frol : Ilster Tholns Ihwlm.
who woull COI < forwal'l nUl show
what the do could do nld thcn ' '
. l'ecel'o
his lf dol/u's.
Wlnt un excitement there wns
n mOI tw bo's , as 1ul tool { a Sl'l t
I on the pa ! t forl L nd he/a I Illnyll ; 1
II-el ' tUlle al 1 It'rcnch hfI , 'I'he 1'111
< 1.tnlus 1111'11 < 1111 In rushPII Tip , At-
Ilr a gcsture fl'OI Tom. he l'alRe I hll-
s'lf on his hild les uUI IW:11 to
llnce. 'I'hlt1 al : hu ht ltll wel
i Iow th < frow ehlrred liS Tom 1Iwl-
< < l the nfy 111lnrs , ' 1hcl he w < nt
111Inl the l'urtalnl wih 'l'lp to bid
111m t lon farewel.
The Flora or Aln kn.
I Accol'llg to a repot ot the special
Igllt ot the Delllrtnlent of Agriculture -
ture i rUl1 of Jlk. Inrcthnlol8 ,
, " .11' ! , .J . ' \.I + ' ' . "I ; "IU.a { "t"
, -
_ _ _ _ _ _ .n _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
n trWtlcr ra ' go from ole cnl or thf
lulwu to the other II stanneI wihout
seellg snow , ( I the OUIl' hand , \ego ' .
I taUCu , ! uge (01tst8 , nnd wilI rnSlHJc'
I rles , rlcl currlnl , hucltel'ert'lts and
, lI'alberrlcs wl be fouud I proCudolL
II plnces the gl'ass grow8 ns hlgl ni 8
lun's hend. [ 'hero l'e seyerl plact
along the coast , nt the Stka unc Kenai '
expcrlment stations , nnd at mnn ,
Illnts Il the ' , whel'a lrucUcnl )
ni of the cereals of the temperate zona
most of the \eetnbles , and n consider.
, able \'I'let ' of cullynted fowers llve . -
boel gl'OWI wlh mich success for sev.
' 'el's , l lnu spring wheat has
been ralsec at Sltm for thre yeure
past , At Hnmpurt , slxty-n\e degree. .
: , 10rtl Inthldh , winter rye sown in the < r , )
autumn came out In the spring In per r j
foct conditon , though the temperatue
fel to seynt ' d greel below zero In te
I winter ; tw glIu matued by Aug. 1
Dnle ' sown II May WIS ripe by th
middle of August Olts nnd potato1
I thrl\e In IIIY II aces , Cnte nre kept
, at every conshlera1le setement , c'cepl
I at NOle. ' 'he Alaslm Commerclnl Com ,
pany hns for mlll ' yem's Iept e te
sheep , and .ngorn goats It Kolml
they requiring but lte Coed or sheler ,
except In nn occasional storm duri ,
the winter.
Icbrnlc Colony in China 'Vho lnT'
! ' ; 'Ilclr Hltuul ,
Irorotcl VCI
I I not generaly known that tere
Is a colony of .Jews In Ohlna-Jews
who war pltnls , bear Ohlnese namc .
nnd speak the Chluuse h1guage ex.
ciuslely nnd who hu ve forgoten t
God of their fatlel's and neglectd
their ancIent ritual of worslip untl
It has len entrey lost to them. But
there Is 8uch a colony , and Its peopl
huI puzzled orIental scholars Ir
luny 'cars.
Ucccnty It las been establshed that
they entered - l'ather , tei
prognlors dld-alout tbe year 31 A
V. , In the reign of tlo Emperor 1lugl
I I" nnd Iormed a colouy about 70
mUes from Shangbal , on til Ioangho
or Yelow rlyer.
At one tme these Jews were n powe l
In tle land. Their ciy grew In pop .
ulaton ultl Is Inhlbllants numbere
about GUOU Jews aloue , and tley be
came so wealby that thcy were ab
to loan money to the .mperor , who
esteemed tbem that he bui for them
a s 'nugogue. ' 1'wo of them , whos
names ha\'e been lost In the pnsslng
, 'ears , were especialy honol'ed by th
emperor. OUe he made the treasur <
of n glmt pro\'lnce and the other WUf
a gnural In the Impl'lal army.
In the golden du 's of Judaism i
Chinn they prospered , nnd whcn thei
magnltcent temple was destroyed b
tre they l'ebul It In gl'eater Dagnlf.
cence. In a lund wlere tlel'o al'e man ,
fne templeB tholls was one of the wet
splendid. I was 30 feet long nnd IGO
feet wide.
'l'o-day their temple Is a mass ot
ruins. Stone by stone , almost I haa
beun tor down b ' tlose whose care I
slould ha ye been to pl'esen'e It ' 1 !
stOI'y , even among the heatwn , Is that
the ' forgot the worsblp of tlelr God
fnl le forgot them. 'l'hey gl'cw poor'
er uud pOOl'er wih the ndymelng year
dUln. ' ' whlcb the J ' faied to kep the , . .1 ' ,
abhath of tlelr lelglon ald were fn. ,1
aly fOlced to sel al tw ' hnt for food
nnd cothilg. Stone b ' stone , a110st
their te1ple was demolshed , to be
sold to buldC'S or othm' tamples and
houses ; twh' sacl'ed books wele dls.
110sd at ' \Imt money twy would
\ > 'ln : ; thy hul 10 place for wOlshlp ,
111 gldual ' theh' relglous ries \\re
forol ( ! and even their Innguage IQ
neglel'ted thnt It has now become :
' ' ' and th ' themsel\'es
IWl'e 1emOI'J' ! ! \ a
people lost amoug the heaheu ot the
'l'hey are only a hllndul now , Ohlna ,
men In al tllt outw/l'dl ' marks one 01
thlt Iaton , sn 's the New YOl'k 'l'I'lb , ; .
ll. except that e\ery one bears the ;
facal cbamctelsUcl of tha .Jw
'J'hele Is a tmce of ' old
twh' relglon
lef but so very lt und so garbled
and mixed wlh the relJlon of th
lund thlt otl ' IXI1I'IR run clltcct It
Pnh.a .vAb 1 11 . ,
Youn 1UI Hal nn l xeclcnt Chane ,
to Buy 1 VOl
A hnnlsome baclwlor of Baltmor
Imown In socllli und
wel cducatonal
ch'cls , aclmowledgs the truth of the
folowing ' . : He wus dl'l'lng wlb
a \C'y prtt nnd atlct\e 'oung
WOnII whn on the outsl.lrts of the
ciy thl'y met a lad of nlOlt 12 J'ur
lell1g by U clnln a singularly ugly
but Iley bl'ed bultC'I'ler. 'Ihl' JIt1
, girl welt lute I'apturs O\'C' the cug ,
he' escort deul'mlnd the
, shoulc be hers. uuhuu.
I "II : ' , SOII ' , " he caled , "what wl
' ' ' ' ' "
'ou dog'l" t
"lnwthlug , " lelllll'd the lad. W
$ : "Nousenle for him. " , " cled11. : Baul { , "Iere' .
I snle. "No " , I won't ' 'lls Iere dog nln't ( Ol
I " 'Im1. " snld Mr. lank , and them ,
gl'uwlng dsle'nte , " 1teen , tweuty , "
the owuer Ntl refused.
Ilut the time the cou\rsatlon
Al ( WI j
going on Ow 'olth , ultholgh tul.IIIS
I to the UlIn tw hlg ' . la'ilt his ! ! CI
' on the other
Jxl'c occupant of the
\'hlele , nll at Ilst he slhl , gl\ely :
i , "I dou't Wlut yr mOI ' , hut 1
'ou'l just g1'e that Indy there n klsl
'ou mnJ' IUl'e tl doJ "
I Mr. Buul. was MleLl'hless. fe stared
I nt the ho ' uu In8tlut Inc tln put
I the wlip to Ils hOl'se , starting him 00
, at a lun.
I 'l'he story goes thnt n mie wna gone
' without a word
Iwlng SIIOI'l
wlln as the horl'H gait !
rnplc leellnu
I ewer as It tUled cowu a cOlntlJ
the '
Inne prety gll'l turned e\'er ,
" : snld. ' " I I
"ihhty Ind lhyl' : "Ohl h' (
I lnnlt , wly don't 70U buy tJut dOir
Inltwol Su
, .
W. : : : . " " .j , : : f"