Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 25, 1902, Image 3

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! lII ! " ! IG. , f "I" ' " " . . ' , ' ,
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, - - - - -
: : : :
TIONAL 1.11ES. .
; yo - , -
braskl1 Men Interested Alonr With South
Dakota embers - Conlrcssman Call Don
a Frlcud of ProJcct.
. \Vashlngtnn , Dec. : ! O.-Douhtlese ;
there arc hundreds of old soldiers In
the' west who feel a vital Illtere3t 111
the prllpose(1 S:1I11talllllU : wilich Is to
lie a ! Jal t of the branch ot the soldl
cr's hOllle at lIot Springs , S D.
Last winter cOlIlHess lIIa e 1\11 uppro-
pllaliOli III aid 01' tbc projcct.'Ith
the openlllj. ! oI' th Is se-sloll the honse
cOlllmltteo 1111 apprllprlatlolls Is considering -
sidering the llrl'hlleet's tental\'e !
plalls for the various bullrllllUs 01
the sanltarlulII , which contBlllpll1t.n
total expenditure .Ir half Il million
dollars. These plans \Hre drawII by
'l'IHlIl11lS R. Kllllhallilf Omaha , whosE'
ubilltyas IIn architect Is gonerall } '
recognized , Nebraska liS arc well nc-
qualnted with his work ut the Oma-
, I 1Ia exposition 111 which ho dlsplnyed
gellius tor cnlllblllllll { architectural
con eptlons with plulIcal : Ideas to
I meet the rcqlllrcments or the case.
Tl1e plans r the sanitarium llIet tile
I unanimous Indorsement uf . the uu-
I tlonal board fur the rulmatl'ment ( of
soldier's II 011I es. : : : ) upt. II. E. Pai-
I mer , of Nebraska , a member of ti1e
I bnard , submitted tno vlans tu 'Ullclo
.J. ' ,
I , J..e" Cunnon , chalrmalJ ot the house
committee un upplUprlatwns. slated
I for spe tker of the next huuse , who
, did IIOt hesitate to say that he was ,
favorably Impressed with the unique
I featurcs ( If the plans. ' 1'0 ha'U won
Uuclo Joe's favor so rCHlIly within
Itselr speals volumes for U.lO adequacy
ot the archlteet's schelue.
Conventlunal Ideas or hqspltal nr
cbltecture have heen lost slll1t of In
this case. I3rlel1y stated the plan de
fines an e ht'spJled wheel , the huh
ur which rcpresenls a clJUrt or plnza
the dlamlter or whleh Is aboufi 200
teet. a colonnq o thl'C'ugh which the
Inmntes may wulk under cover to
the vnrlous buildings which stand In
relntlon tu It as dtJ spokes to the huber
or u wheel. I30neath the colonllade
is a subway. alfllldln a conduit fill
all plumblnl , ! . pipes al ns a passale
way for supplies which are \ \ I.celetl
upon trucl.s from the s' OJeI1l'us . III
the ceDlcr or the COUlt Is a founlalrl
Into whll'h lIows the hot rnlll'ral
' wnter whose medlclnnl pr"petlls haw
r' mude famous the hot sprlnls 01
'Soul.h Dakota. SIandln at tile spllke
which polu ts towa I'd tile el tof 11111
SpIIs , Is the administration hulld ,
Ing , two stories and basement , wltl :
arclltedlllal adol'llllleuts , furulshlll
CLrcss ! and IUless ! to the j.rolll1Ci ! ,
DlllIlletrlcull'r' "ppJlslte or upon th (
other side of the Cllurt , Is the klteh ,
en , storehouse , ua ( ( lhoIlS , bil th ,
bOllse , etc. , \ \ hlch stands , of cOllrse
! In the rear. Between tllC'se two ilia II
structures thrre are thr 0 hopltal' '
I bullcllngQ on either slele IIf the wlleel
each t.ll\lng the rOlatlve pllsllllln (1
as many spolrs jllttln out from tht
colollnllde. Tneso am two stur )
Btrnctures ha\'III a capacity of ow'
fifty brds cache They are tlllrt
I teet wide and posslby : 100 fel't IlInl !
A pllrcl ; rnna III HI I ! one sldl' IIf ellch
Incllllcd pili lies lead from the ollin
'nade Into thesn hllp ltal bulldlllgs
easy or a"cent , there \1eln \ nil stall'
. wav. Tilere lire many wl1lc111wS III
, both sle1re ; , arr"rcllng a SlllerallUI1
danl'e IIf light , The RI'sl elll of vrnt I
latilln Is exllllu"tI\'c , nnrt seellloI' '
pNfrct , crelllll1l ! COI1"tHltlV a flp" ,
slIpplv of nUl' ! ! all' . III flll't , thl' c lIn
trlllllIl ! ! 1e1ea Ilf Ihe arcllltl'rt Sl'rlll
to have beel1 tll atlaln I hn 1IH' : < llIIlIn
slIpplv or Fillllshine IInc1 frpsh nlr 1111
to-dat ! ! Ilh'a'lof pprh'ct sanllarllll1
dllWI1 tolhr sI1nlkst (1l'tali l1a\t IIrcl
SllrstC'1. hrll'g " to Il'ar : npprllvl'l
srlentlne pllncrlle. ! , . ae ; an al1l'1l1f't ' 11
the ( 'urallv ! ! ' , ' ' IIf the IlIln
eral wlIll'r whll'l1l1h"lIIl1ls. I he valli
ot whIch was rCI lIgni'l.'rl ' hv'thr ro
dlans Iling herille tile \\hlte m'll
fllund In the III a rc III C'h' I'ur Illall
1111' .
Mes < ; rs , Mllrtln and Burke. flIlItl ;
Dalwlll's rl'fll'I I'IIIallvt' 111 the IIIW
cr hillisI' or CIIII\1re < ; s. are r1111ng rl".1
utmllsl to , well II' ; 1'1 Inl'rl'a'f ! In th
upplllprllton ! for Ihl" ! ! rlat prnjl'l'I
with 'air promlsr , IIr surres" fit I" "
pn'slnt sessl"11 It Is a 11I'1' ler whle'l
Is ( llIgllll1\ ! IIII' alle"ll' ' n of III
mClllll'rs fr"m sl\'la1 we < ; 'rrl1 stall'
lor thl leaSlln thllt I hI' c'llIlIpll'lI"l1 11
the Silnltarillm will alTrrl all Irt"11
trOlll for c1lsahlerl V"Il'llIn' ! 1111 11\1'
the IIIlrl-west t..r . whllm I hlrt' I. . tll
day nu room In gll\'l'rllulcnt hospllals
Killed to SaVe Ills Life.
TIeacllnl , PII. Dec , 20.-A ntnnl ,
Tarlrlili. IIn Ilallan. IIgerl SI'\'C'ntcetl
whn on Julv 4 Illst shlt ( John Tlavel
Edwllrrl Hartmall anel HamuJ1 8117.01
! flIIlIg IJICI whl ) had ass'wlted hi. .
after hn'lntrl d to pIck II t1lh
' " , Ith him. whlo he WIIS playlnu
fil rlOl 1Iunn , IInclllll I hroo IIf whol
$ uhqcquelltly died , wa.1 III'qlllttei I
. , ( : rmrt here tllday 'l'ac1rlal claim ! !
nlf-1efl'llsu IIlId Raid that he kllll
Ithe lureD weD to save his own lUl
" .
lie Slept " 'ueh , Att a Plenty " "d Enjoyed 111111-
Selr lIuclyOffered \ \ to Work for It.
l'hlltJleldphlt : , Dcc. 20.-Durlu
the last savcn wcels Jumcs lUlth , n
\'a rant , wu" wes urrnlngod beCoro
Mnglstrato I\.ochersper.ter ( In tuo
centiul poll co court , has IIvcd In
luore ellse nlld luxury than ha pI'ob-
11111y ( } I'er tallcn to the lut uf a trump
Whl10 tralJlplng througl ) Belfry ,
P.I. , lIo\'eu wcels ago SllItil happened
to pass the eautlful old nuuslon ,
the cUllntry resldcllco of Peter ay-
boldt , a deputy sherJlr.
lI.Ilth had seen many beautiful
houses In his extensive travels , but
the old manslun Imprcssed him so
IUllch that he declrled to make It his
rcsldence { or the winter.
lIe mude such elaborate promlse
or wurllnjl about the the ( , lace to the
old woman who was uctlrlg tiS caretaker -
taker to the house Ihat she tild not
hesllate to adlnlt him. Ollce IlIsldl !
the house Smith could not be luduced
to leave.
lIe selected the clwlclst room In
the ruauslun lIud ploeeedcd to IIx It
, P to suit himself. 'I'ho ! Jcd It ) his
roolll wus uut to hl IIldnJ. : , sn ho put
all erlra feather mattless 011 It.
IIu alsll In\reased tne ulllnlJer of
plcture3 In his roum by cur-ylllg a
few frulU other rOlms ) III the house
aul hallblri : them 011 the \\'tllls of his
own loom , Buch day he ate thlee
lUeals , On Re\'eral occuslolls the
trump trlod to Induce the caretakel
of the house to FieI'Ve his breakf.lst
to him In his roum , Smith contillu-
ally talle ahout the Wllr he IntII- ]
ed dlllu ulJout the place , b t be
never did uny.
Lmt : : : : ) unday Deputy Sherifi' Say-
buldt , accumpanled by hi ! ! dnullhter
aud his sister , took u trip to Belfry to
s"'e that guod care was helng taken
ur the house. ; The depuly sherlIT
was surprised nnd grew angrv when
he heald of Smlth's prcsence In the
huuse. A Ithuugh I twas la te I n the
nrternoon Smith \\as stili sleeplug
comfortably In his room un I SayholdL
pulle : ! him out or bed wlthollt any
ceremony. Saybolclt's IIrst tholllht
was to thlash the tramp , but he U-
nally declderl to have him arrcsteri.
Smith admitted to the ma 13LJate
that ho had IJiCU IIvln , ! In Savhllldt's
summer residence , aud also ucnow-
ledued that ho had stopped In the
nouse Clf correctIon for three months.
'l'he Intter place was lhlluLht ! by the
nHlI { I"tl II te to be thE. best for mlt h ,
and he was comwltted tbere lur six
JUonths moro ,
Ot"rs are CnmlnK to Colorado.
Denver. Colo. , Dec. 20-Ncarly
nine th'lJsandn"ers ' , It Is said. are
rrparlu to "trek" to Amerll'a. and
\ III settle , In Collrad" New Iexko
aud Texas. The represelltilth'o of
this muvement Is General SlInllel
Pearson , late ql/urtormas1or / gnoelul
of the South Ardcau fl'puhlJl' , whuse
hearlqualtels arc In New Yorl. .
Coioradu frlcnC1S IIf the Boers have
heen In COIlll1I1Ulcutlrlll with tI.e 10(011- (
eral In re lIld to sult.wle lands for
the s'tllers ( , and Vellcral 1\1. De VII-
! leI's , who Is nllw 1"0 ( ' IlIg over the
Ll\llls has cxpres ed hlm l'lr as'elY
ravorauly Impresse'l with this state.
The American Orfer the rst.
City or Iexl'h. Dl'c. 20.-1'I1C'Ml'x
1 lIn gm'erllml'nt lias rl'cl'l'd ( , Ifels
110111 New \'orl { IInuoclers fflr a 1I1t1
loan for public \\'IIJ'I\ , the go\'el n-
ment havlnl-t thc allthorlzatlon of
IClnlreS3 : to coutmct such a IIlall. The
o\'el nllJllet Is In no hurrY , IIm1 Is
pnylng ror the w'lrks Ollt of Its alll-
pIe II'SI\'e : und' ! , und It Is not e\-
pe ( te,1 to contract the Illall IIIIJH.Lt.
call do Sll on telms , ; ' he
- . '
sa tlsfalt"ry. : The IW'en.urnt has
recel ved from ahroad ultlmatlons
'hat ' , It can secllre a old Illall fill'
n e tahllshln ! ! u old II usls of elll relll'l' ,
hilt thl ! Illan lor . " ! I .nrp'l SU .t , , ( ; \
not be ( 'olltrctc.J ! 'wlthout allthutlc.a. :
tlou frolU Cln ! ! re.s ,
Callq President nn Enl'mv.
Chelsea , 1\I ass. ) )1" ' , 2t1.'a n t
a warlant fill' l're'ildellt Bllllsl'vet : , "
sal\ \ Charles < J. \\11 II e , a WI'II-III-chl
l'ltlzell. tflLIat tile eelll ral , p"llle :
slaLilln. cir1rl'sIt'1 ! P'tllce Capt.lln
G I'll0 ( . \ \ ' h Ile cOllllllllerl :
I Ill' hlrt'd 1'111I . \I ( Uarthy nnr ] .John
I"lIre.trl " . lI\salllt ! Ille I he lIther c1a '
aII'I ) I\a afiSlllllteri hi I hC11I on 1 lIst-
1'1 II 11\11 lie. H , (15c\'elt was Ilwre III
hl r lIrrllI.e : ! IIIHI c'nt'llurul-ttill the mcu
\ \ hlle thc(11'(1 sl Illill 11I0 . ,
'rhell tile spHillwr rlllIhlecl Intn n
. loug sl rllI of I ( Impllllnis u ul"sl
I'rl'tlcl'lIt ] Bllosel''IL ( unrl I he eOIl !
I' IlIetl"u. ] ' 1'hl > ! IIUII\\'II lahlllinu 110'
'I : rIel' cxdlelllellt lIud H'slsl'd Urt'I'st ,
lie wa ; ; o\'erpuI\'ert'\ \ IIlIrl n h'nderl ' Ie ,
\,1 vel' III1eI a 11I7111' \ \ crr ! fOlllld II
him. lie Is hel fur all exalUllJat\rl \
lJy plJ'slcluns.
nnrrln er Stnhhell tn Centh.
St. LOIII"i. Dt > i1. 20J , W , Halrln ,
I"r , JI. uJ.ted 27 Ytlar"i , a ( ' 1\11 PIIL'I ,
11"(1 ( III tllC' 1'111 plfl ' 01 Ille 1. LIlIIi' ! ,
Meillplll"i & HJlltlH'a'ilorli ( ' HI ,
. . . .11) stllllhe.1 to ! Ieal h hv S , M 1\1111"
tdll. In tile Hraillts hllldillg , Mill L"n ,
II ho IS ul11 n ch'lI eltglllcr. hUI al
II'I' nt 'lilt or IIIII'CI\'II ) , t , wu. . IIrrstcl
, I d t , kl'n to tile p IIct' slalllln ,
I hI" h tOllk a cltl ! ; ! ' of , " / ; " . frllll
1II cb III' I US I\'en ! relh rut the t'I J
cJl.puliSUry. The dead mlln was th.
sou ota Vloml1.lcut arUlY oUlcer.
'r !
. - - - - - .
" 'EAR
AJpcal : Made to Russia acd Relief Mt3Sures
Undcrtaktll-Wholesalc Em"ratloD :
Prom Dlstresstd Country.
St. Pctersb\1r , Dec. 2-'L'he : n\'el-
lI e Iraln crup In II'lnlaml Is vlllued
nt $ :10(100(1(10. : ( ( 'j'he csllmtae'uluo
flf the 1J02 ! l'Wp Is $ : . ! O ( JOO 000. Wh' ' 10
t.hls loss Is f.cnClllll ! ' dlstrlhuted
tlJrou huut lJ'lnlnnd , It Is allllu.t !
total I n the northern thlrlt uf the
country. where lire the pro\'llIces or
UleillJur , I { IlOpln , VasIL St. Michel
IItI(1 ( portillns uC Vlollorg.
Pells and bean. . onerally have ( all-
ei and the potato crop hils not been
gathered : the huy htls rotted or been I
swept away \y \ lIoods.
'rho d ISllstor 1S due to the la te
sprl n , the lIl'arty con tI nnous ohllly
rains and the early frost , which was
recorded An ! ! ust 10. In the north
there hllvo been onlv hair a dozen
days when It did nut ruin.
'l'he raills also spulled the Jlshlng.
So cllmpltte WIIS the fnlluro or vce-
tattol ) that dead bird' ! by the hUII-
( Jr eds ha veIJen found I n the rurests.
The present NOp flliluro Is the worst
that has been experience for the last ,
e fty 'ears. It Is boped , however ,
that better tnJthods of cnmmunlca
tic n will fa ( llIll\te the work of reller
und a\'old wholesale deaths by uun er
und I 'phus.
' 1'hero arc. all told , abl'lut 500 par-
1shes In l'lnlund ! , and 11)2 ) of these
parishes are IhlW nearly destitute.
Tile agrlcultmul board ha' recelvcd
reports from HO of the ! H parishes ,
shol\'ln thut 100 hllve rood sllpplil's'
which will sUl1lce tllem until Uhrlst-
mil ; only.
The unripe rye and halley which
the people are Corcell to nso m'Jlw a
IJIUer Inead , which even the hunlHY
h'lrscs ' refu'Ie to eat. In Sllllle parts
or the clluntry hreaells' baled from
baric ) ' anll straw , mlxerl with
It little IIl1l1r und Is purchtlsCli hy the
nerd ) ' people with thel I' honrlec1 : sa v-
11I1t Such hreud cllntnlns very little
lIutrltlon and Is extremcly ullwhllle-
Bllllle. 'rhe pellsants have expended
1111 their mOlley fur "lIur IInd cnnse-
quentlv are unable to buy clothln ! ! .
'Phe dllnger ot famlno was reullzed
( larlv by the publll
Ullnnt Bill ) ! IfllIIIT , j.tnvernnr general
IIf Finland his IsuerJ all nl1pl'al for
hl'lp In Husia , ann a voluntalY rellet
c'olllll.11 tee hils berm mlInlzeel ( ! by
I"i " ola lIell'r. , \ \ I th bl anches thnlUghoct
lhe 1'llInlry. I
The , \ I1lln-A ! me-lean church Jere
Is :1J11Iiatecl : with this ellmlllitteo.
Enllglut 11111 flfllU Finland Is In-
ClehII ; ; ! ! ( 'lIlIslantly. Up tn Nl\'elU-
Iter 17 , :10 : t5 : pelsons ha ; Ilrt tllo
cuuntry lhls'ear via IIl1n e , \\hlle
unl < nlll\'n numlwrs 01 FIIII.lllders IHI\'l'
crt"set ! the , ! IIf Blllhnia 10 S\'ed-
I'n anCl ha\'l ! t Ike passuge frlllll hOle ,
' 1'1.11' I'ITl'l'ts "I' the I'IP ( sHnai Ion on
eml rat"'u " will he felt lUore strongly
next ye.H' .
Death Llsi Jrows ,
Dyron , Cillel \ ) . 2.-i\s the I'HlIlt (
IIf n rear CIIl ( 1IIIIIsIIIII : of thu SlcJl k-
t n 11\01 \ 111111 the I'Ovl" train on tile
: " llutherll I'acillc at HyrOlllla't ulght
sll xl'ell death. ; Itave alreadv been re-
c"rrletl , allcl th''re are IIIIIII'I\1II1I1S
I hit tlte Ililal will SIICIU hI ) ralse tll
t\\eoly. , llst of the wOlllllled lias-
selllers who wele tllll severely Injolull
II' ) hlJ laliell tll Ilwll hllmes W\'lr \
takell III I he SIIIIIIH rII Paclllt : hllsplt-
al al S" " FIIIWlslo : : tIlO lV.OII the way
IlIlhai plnc" " live \1 lIlII" ( lleli.
TWl'nt\-tllrt'\ 11111 IlIjrlleri rl'.1rI1(1(1 :
the h' spital. Iwre It wai ; alll.ClIIIICI' ( ]
, tfllllll1l I Itat It Posl Cli Fowl"r , Cui. .
a nil Ll' SII I. a Ch i lIeie of SIII 11'1.11I-
cI'CCl , Willi III pllllialJly SllI'ellrnh
Of III' 1\\l'lt\-I\\l1 \latll'lts \ on1\
I thrt'l' \\II ( III ICC'l'l\ ' ! \I '
Ilors 50 srli"\Jsl \ ' wnpo tJoey sulfl'r ,
lols , N lit all the ( h ad ha ve hecl
I l elltlth.d ,
Alllnl1ct Nltt Pll.t I" .
Lo 1IC11I 11 III ( ' : ! -Pllbllc Jllt"rsl : :
I In tlte V'IIt'ZII"1.1I1 " . ' ' 'IIIIIII'allllll I
I I' r , " 10 : I III ! III U I ea I I III t II II , ClI\ ' I II. !
c'lIl II\ ' t" " I It I' lal'lllllli Ihe / ; ' '
IIIS ( ' ' 111111111 cast t ha I I h ( ' 1111 I
is ! ! . .11\'elllllll III 11th 111'1'11 I II 1/1 / II' ( ' cl 1111. .
1\ II I IIII.I\ ! ' III II" d Its"Jr tll 11.11' I'Xl'I'O
t" n Ilf nel 111'111 pUIIII' ' I' ' ' ' 1III'Ie Ii
/1111 / Sllllll 'I'IJI ' k 11111\ ' l..tllfI. ho t I hi
! tltllullo ' : ! l0 far 'IS II has hepn 1'1'
\1'1111'11 , IIIIPI" ( " S 1 "Lllshloen ( If al
' ; Iasses as hllltl ' f1l1sllh'llIus.
Fire In WiIwnvtle : : t-Intel.
\\1 < ; 0'1\1' ' " I'h. . De . -SlInll:1' : '
nllfllllll\1 IIrl' \\as cll''II\ ' rol 10 al
, , , ' , ' s rnflill III tIe t / 'I oWl'r hilI 1'1. 1
Ipls 11111'111 d a hili. ' III : ht ! ( ' 0' ' Iwr I.
t , \ " r.'III/IS . ' / ,11111 a h II\\'IIY , Iwd hac
! ! II ! ol'd ( 'IIII' \ ( ' , he 111 wa v Iwf 'I (
h , III 11,1 I I't ! It I. . ; "lIpSei ! t h 11
tlw , 111'1' starlerl III II lilt of IllIthll'
, Ilnl"III . III ! 1'1\1111'1' Clf Ihe 1"011111' ' ' C
was alH'lrtr'lI1 111\ ! -Jr Oil 1110 fl'lIl ;
IIIUlch III' l'Il.UI ! "tllh drl'plwll Ilwreill
1 , a. fO'f 1Jlllillellt8 1110 lire w OUJI
have hfllm hciulllt contlUl ,
- . -
Severe Wlnlcr III IInDrar ) ' Causln ! : M4CY
Dealhs Dally allduth ! 'rlvalloD ,
Lincoln , Neh.-Novellind 111111111e
W1IS the story or II Dudge cOllnty
womlill who called on GO\'oruor : : : ) a\-
ago Tuesday nrterullun trJ S ( CUle u
Jlllrdoll for her hushanr. lie had
been scntcned for ho stenllnf.t ami
tHe argul1louts Well ) distinctly CCIlI'
I'My husband was sent to the Ien.
'Itentlary II10n wlth- . 'l'hey boLh
"t'llo hOls. Mrs.told me her husband -
band wuuld Het out t'dav. She don'l
necd hi III nllY nhJre thall I lIeed III ) '
hllSblJIJ IInd 1 don't IUlOW that I'll
go u WilY II II tli JOII Ic t h 111I olt t. "
'L'hls statement ( If the case she re-
) terated uver nnd O"OJ a aln. ho ho
Ian to cry. lIer sobs were pltlCul.
For lIIore than au hour the or 'll1g
and preslsleut ropetltlon or her request -
quest eUlltllllled. FlnllY ) ) the over-
1.Iur had furmed a plan to J.tet hi : ; visItor -
Itor out of the l.l1Ico. lie culled n
member of the lllce torce.
"This nlln wIll take cnre or YOllr
cn , > e , " ho said.1 lIe knows thut the
other 11I1In hasn't been let out. "
More (1Jscusslon followed. Finally
the WOm1l11 was assured that swine
poacher No.2 had no , " b.een released.
Then she stopped.
"She ain't got any moro rl hts to I
her hushand thun I have to mille , "
she declared as she was leaving tbe I
Inquiry broaght out the Informll-
tlcm that the wuman had beell mis-
Informed. When she heard ot the
pllrdlln of the uccompJlco of her husband -
band she went directly to the capi-
tol. : No petition had ! Jeen lIIp.d nnd
Rhe coter e the olllce of tbo guvernol
without nutlcr.
'rhls Is but one or tl1e lon strln.t (
of appllcatluns that uwalts the nctlull
or the governor. Some or t.llem . urt' '
purely Inforillul , but the many re.
qlJlsts : have beeu modeled lu IIl'cord ,
aneo with the statute : ! .
Gray-bnlred and bent with a o , I
mother called on Governor Savage ,
Jer ] son was slcl { . lie would surelJ
die If I < cpt In prison nny longcr.
" 110 Isn't sir'k , " responded tlH
overnor. "I have talc/I the tioubl. .
to visit 111m ; I have had him e1'
amlue ! ! by doclurs lIe Isn't eve I
ho.lest In his appllcallon. I cannel
do auvthlll ! ! ror hllll , "
This statement arollsed her Inrllg
nltloll. : 1'I'hat hoy" had alway
beell ood. "They swore to lie : ! '
I\heu they put him there. 110 WII !
sic ] , nnd he would cli ] ! . III the meall
tllue n convict WIIS Inrlustrlously ruh
bln his limbs ulld preteudlnj.t to bl
Fireman Killed in n Wreck.
Table Rock , NelJ-Flremau Mfr. .
re ) ) was 1 < lIled In a wrecl , 011 tht
SlIuthll'dl'lslolI of the Burl\o \ tUl
1'uesday night at Tllble Heel , _ Thl
iJI'cldellt occurred ut 8:10 : : u'clock
Frellht train. , No. 22 und No. 21I :
III th extras , met In u "Iwad un'
cllIlslol1 UII the lIIulll truck In till
lallr'a'urds ' \ , the ellglnes or boll
traills bellig blldly dllluagedj litn
IIIJIHY I\'as sustllilled hy I he frel I ,
car , Accurrllllg to the lIurllllgtl I
"nll'lul ; ; In Lillcoin t.he Inc1lcatil'n
tlllt the wr'ck WIIS cuused uy Oil' '
IIf tllO clIglneers belllg IIsleep
althuugh furlll ! I' 11I\'eht llzatlon ilia. .
disprove this bl'lll'f. As TuLle HI , , :
Is on the f > ( lulhern dl\blUII ClIII
meaer repOl ts wl'ro ) ecel\d ut th
Lillcoill heallllIarters. ) A II II1\'esll
! ! al lOll will follow as SOOIl as the 1Jt' :
lies conce , ned can he lJruu ht tetur
llle SIlIH'llnll'lIClent
It Is suld that l\Tmrcll the mil
I williIIS killed , clalllled L'ullie nUll
H his hllille. When III Llncolll h
hoalded at the A I III1ltIJII h'tel. , '
Fundsluffs Ifdd the Germs.
I : : : ) an ) , 'ranctsco , Dec. 10.-Ach'lce
. recl'lvpd fr'm , 1I0llniulu show Ihil
- 11I\'esliUlltllln pro\'I'S thut IlIlIdstulI
- . .hipped to 1I(11tlulu ( frolll Japlln 1111
Chinn and HillI l'rancls ( tI IIle II'Sp' ' I
_ sl 110 for the Iases : uf pluue ! receltl ,
I up earln th'rn ,
Chief Five : ruws Is DI'nd ,
Pendleton. are. , Dec. 1O.-li'I\ '
CrowR,1I nllted Ulllatillil lurllull ( llIel
hIS IIeen fOil lid dClld IIca r A lIwllal
It Is suppllse1 ! that wllilo InlCJx
I'ated he fell 011 hl pllnv and fl1l2
10 death. lie wus ReVlnty ) I'IUS ( II
, lIIcl dlstlrl ulshcd hlnls'lf In tll
lIullnllck Will' ut 1t78ly ! \ kll1\n \ II ]
; , fIIIIIIIIS I I cHan Chlof 1 IIfI , of II ]
' 1IlIko IIIIlIulls. 110 hellll\eci E u
lito the hUll s uf tile nmalillas , wlJ
, \cro rrleudly to tbe whltcs ,
, ' .
- -
- - - - - - -
O eratorslold \ Ollt o lIope for nellef This
, , , Inttr.-Surplus Exhausted. j
1'hlladolphla , 1'1Dnc. . 10.-00101- '
als of the neadlll railway COIupllny
hold out no hllpe for rollof In the nn-
thrl\l lte cOlli strln ellcv this wlntor
desplto the rcprnti ! of the company
to IIIlne ancl IIhlp to Its lull capI\Jlty ,
"UmIN lIounal COlHlttlOIlS , " snld
nllo of the ul1lcllllS , litho anthrnclto
prorlultlon Is lIevei CIIUill to the clo-
mllllcl durlllJ.ttlle winter lIIunth ! ! UIIC1'
the Headln III1Il ull the Qther un-
tluuclte ctlIIllanles hnvo heell ohllged
to ( hllw upon the stuck ut'nrJuus
st 01 :11-:0 : : 110111 ts to Iiolp ou t the de-
mallds ( If the trade.
I TIlls 'ear thl're Is not , II pound of
coa I lit u II } ' or tlHSO ! storage lIolnts
111111 CllnSlIlIIClS uro clepelldcnt entirely -
ly UpOII the dally output uf tllo IIIllIes
' 1.'ho hl\.t \ dealers In New En lalld ,
who IISIIIIlly have III stock lit
seils 11of \ the ) 'ear from 50,1I0n to 100-
ouo tilliS , : Ire ! lepelH1ellt clltnely UDIIl1
"hat Is belillsllipped : to them by
the \'luIIIIIS companies.
II PI actlolllly 1111 the leael ! II COIII-
JlIIU"S collieries uro In opoaLlon.
'L'he com I'll IIJ sh I pped rrom the mines
dllrlll the last two da-s nearly 1.000
cat's of coal. 'rhls means II dnlly pro-
ductloll of lIearlv 60,000 tons. "
It Is stated thllt the Ponusylvanln
rallrllad has 300U of the nealn ]
cOlJJpallY's coal cars on Its trucks In I
Ithe western purt or the state us well
as 2 , OO bolun ltl to the Central
Hallway ot New Jersey , IInrl )
1110 urgently lIeeded In the anthracite
trade. Their non-delivery , It Is
ollllll1ed , Is cuuslnjot lIJuch delllY In the
shipment or unthraclto to points
west of HnrrlsburJ.t.
Headlug company ( , mclals decline
to discuss the question liS to whether
the nc1vance of fiO cents a ton maJo
In October wou1d hold lood during
JUoa. but they IIdmlt t.Jmt It will cer-
tllinly rule lJeyond January I , 1003 ,
the Ilate IIxed bylr Ducr tor n ro-
ductlon tc the old ruto.
An operntur , whd attended thr
meeting ot the opernturs 11.1 Now
York stuted that the advunce would
be retnlted : durln nil next ycur.
Washlngtnn , Dec. ' 1\J-A \ material
Increase In the number of CIISl'S of
plwumonlu nnd severe colds umong
the people of this city Is attrlbutod
lJy physicians to the coal fumille.
'I'hey ar that In most of the houses ,
they visit only a few or Iho roOIllS nroi
uelltedlIud evcn runny well to do res- .
Idp-nts bave alJaudoned their tur-\ \
nnces. 1
1'110 prlco ot bard coal trom tho. .
Inctepelldent operators toduv wns
il2 II t.Jn. Soft coal it retull brought
$8 n ton ami mnny or the deniers arc
IIUllhlo to turnlsh even small lots to
I rel-tuln I' custolJJers.
Urhl eport , Ounn. , Dec. 10.-At n
. .ecret meetl n borc today of I he Re-
tull CO'll Dealers association of New
l nl-tJand plans for plUtectl1.lg the
mcmhers were lscus ed.
Tile seC1rctary , 0 W. Scars ot Ar-
IIn ton , Mass , said :
"We arc cJl"cussln plans tn protect
Ihe legltlllJllti. ! deulers n ulllst the
- ennro'ichment of cumpanles and men
who propose to 81'JJ coal direct 11(111I
the railroad cars. WI' , with eXlcnsl\'o [
s plants , cannot rompeto with them.
- OIU nssoclatlon starls from Chlcagn
- und takes In the enllre cast We
e propose to notify memhers of the us-
sll'JlllIon of salcs to companlcs doln
business from curs dlre t uurl they
will bo l-tulr1ed uccnrcllnl-tly. It Is u
- move ror Ilrotcction pure nn slmplo "
Case Proceeds to Trial ,
St. Lou Is , Dec. D-J : .Jdje Hyun.
hetoro whom nellute ! : ! SherIdan ,
, Denny , Alhll ht , Bersch 111I11 Gutle
a re bel III { tried on the eha r o or
hrlberytodayoverruled tI.IC dCJllurrer
of the dorenbe to the jllint Informu-
tlon. 'I'he trlnl then promCrl(1(1 ! wllh
I he testllliony ( It J , K. Mllrrell , alslJ
fncllcted Oil the char e of hrlhery.
who turned slllte's ovldl'lIce aurl lold
about the suhurball tranlJhl o deul
Murrf'I'testimo'IV \ wus II recupltu-
lall'lfI IIr the well known St"I'V of lhe
dl'pllslt IIIIX Il1ld I lIB $7f UIIII which he
hils lelntprl at tlw o'llel l1earlll s.
Thn testllllClII of Philip Iocl , . le .
Islutl\'e lIellt. was t'llolined to the
lInl ! ! slIbj 'ut 1111I1 they ! llel lIot \'IIIY
- I rom thl' slllrJ ho has I' IlItrrl IlC'reto-
l' IlIrn , HI ! Clf\llIlI \ rI the : ! > 75tlUO 111
"I'Ult " ' Afrer lIl'ally e\'I'IY 'IlICsllll1l
a.kcd the rlelell-e ! ohj ! ' , I ( II alld whell
I he olljmH Illn 1liS o\'el'l'uled un ex.
leptlOlI was tal < ClI.
An 10wlI Man Pound Dcnd.
noise , 1,111110. nl'c. 10 - rho horl )
lit a lIIall u'lle\'ecJ , lU Ite elllJl'r Bal
, Ittlu or Andlew Iiltllo of Corlal
' ( l.lplcls . , l'IIYII. ' IYas tOllncl near MII ln'
, lIoole. I rln ( HI , Tile IIIIICI Is hll"
II sell to ha'e hl'C 0 II eil rI seI ! a
' ! , Hlth' ! III 111'1 pOi k"t'IIIR II UIII
' \'ilV tlCkl't flOIll CIHlar Hurwl I (
P Irl III IIrI , 0'0 , alld II pur'ie c mtaln ,
Ilig $1110 , 1'111' pillse uears the UU1l11
Ilf A udl'ew III tllu.
Pro n'ss uf Cablt : Sh'p.
San ) i'runl'lscfl , Dlc. ! lDThe
'Iated press hai ! rOI eh'ell the rollnw
! cnllle rulII from Its corrC'sporulonl '
'In hoalll the ( : abl' ; ! ship Sllvertowl
dlted at nllon twinr.
" 1'511111(1 ' a ( no n today , IlItltudl
2:1 : 14 1101'1 II i 1"111(1 ( Ludo 1:1:1 : : 3 [ ) west .
Sinre ( lfliln yesterday 207' knots 0
' 1\1le , lu\\'e luld. mallo the tuta
1,111Ofl2 \ knoll' . The wcul her Is goul
and the'R speed ulullt knots.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'e .
. . - - - - -
- I : _
Nebrasla Notes
1'remont Is to have noW' domo-
crnLlo pnpor JdnulIY 1st.
II"lr" did $100 dnlllaloto to Dr F , A.I
Hryunt's dru sture at Nurfolk.
.1'1.10 tour mon who robbed Hnyden
Uros" tit Grand Islalld were cnptu'rc
nt lcaruey.
.1'1.10 ndclsun Mercautllc company
ot Nell h lost $10,000 wllrth of odl )
In a flro. 'hcy had but $2,000 lusur-
G. A. Baxtcr , the nled Grnncl bland -
land negto , who slIwt/lored / hhl ehlld
plead hllty IInd throw hlmselr upun
the mercy uf the court. 1I0'ag glv-
ell teu 'cllrs lu the penitentiary.
'he ol ht ohlldren of the late
' 1'hllIllIlS : CulIIIuell of'nco , have
heeu notHled that thuy hn\'e Callen
hell' to IIn eRtnto ot $8,000 III I'ltts-
lJurJ.t1 la. , by the death or un uuclo.
IIenry llersoll , tmmerly or Platts. .
mouth metn tra ll death lit Guthrie -
rio , Okla. 110 aud his rllrlU lutlll ) < 1\ \
were searehltl Cor II l1\II lar wllun ' ?
the Intter took Mr. l'lersolJ tor the ;
Illtruder alld shot him , . 'eJ !
' I
Mrs. Burton , lIr.cil er1 ( lr Jnurclorlng \
her fllther-In-Inw nt Hherllall'PI. : . , j
blls been released UII $ , OOO hllll , pUlld- , 1 !
In her trllll In L'ebrunrv. MIs. 11111-
tOil wns furmerly oM Iss . A atha Stull , 1
or PlnLtslllouth. , 'I
'l'he II'arlllors' Grain and Blevntor , i
company of VIrJllIlu has purchased , If
property near 'the rl ht-of-\Vay oC the
Missouri ' )111I1110 road at Beutrlco and I ,
will COllllllcnso the crectlon or an 010-
vutm ur 8,000 l\Jslh ls OUItlClt ) ut onco. v
The Dempster M\11 \ MnnllfaetllllnJ ( J ,
company of Beatrlco whloh cmplo8 ;
a Jout 400 men , has closed down rur .
the annual III\'ulcln season , clnrlng
wllch tlmu , only Ufty men will bo
ellJpluyeti In the olllces. The nluut
will rcsumtJ operations January 6.
G 1'1 of o\'er UIO luss of his wi fa Is
tlwuht ! to bo re pouslblo tor the
sulolde or William IlIkemeler or
Bloomfield , who wns round dead In
his ban IIo Ilad IHIIIlcd hlJllbeJr tea
a raftcr In u lIurn. lie WUS Healthy ,
ulld several ohlldren sun'lvu. :
1 lro brolo ouL In th2 boiler room. . ;
ot the Yllullg MOil's Christian a so- . :
cl/ltlon bulldlnJ. ( at , I lnclJln. and t tr , -
a tlmo threntened the bulldlJ . The
Urelllen succeclled III eUllllull,1t the
IIro t'l the doulJlo nuor scparatlug lho
lymnaslulD Itnd the boiler roum. '
'rho water "upply ot Nebruslm Ulty.
which hud been cut IJII by a CIIlIll O
In the chltenel of. the river Is uuw
tully restore , 'l'he water wurks
cOIIIPany contemplates IIIJLLln In
permanent Improvements so that !
there will be 1111 dUII er of a repetil-
tlon of u water ral1.lluu.
Hallsbucl , Bros. opeoed their now
elo\'ntor ut Ashlalld. It Is ono of the
lar est eleVllt'uR In the stutu linn has
been built lifter twenteurs uf con-
tlnulJlls business In Ashlund. 'l'ho
lIullcllul { Is scventII'e t'eet hluh und ;
has a capllclty In its tweltty-uno bln8 . :
of 80OW bJshels or graill. '
To further the advancement ot
art , holll oxhlbltlons onCIIIHa o art '
In the public slhullls , purchllse plc- ,
tures Itnd stutues tur a permallont :
art gallery and to g\'e ! lectlllcs on ' : :
the sll\lject \ , the Nehraslm Art IIssucl- ; ;
utlon of Llnculu , has been Incorpu- i ,
. i
rated wltl ) a capital sttck or $1.000.
While Joseph Hostetter was Cllng 1
tn his hOllle un the outskirts 01 liar- '
vald , ho was tuken with a hOIll-
orrhulc ur th lungs. 110 was sceu
to fa II by SOIIIO uf his trlertlls , wlla i
carried him to the hOllle or 1\11' Gray
where ho died In u tew IIIOlllelits.
110 leaves cne slstor living In S".ltz- .
1'ho H.ev. Purker has sued Gal-to J
county for 20 per cent ot t he Une J.I
Imposed us the result of rClent : cllls- ,
IlIg 01' Illegal saillons III W 'more. ' ' 1'110 : ;
lilies a rcllllte $ : ! ! O alld the stul.lltes j
provldo ror the u per ceut alillwal1l6 \ . '
to thos whu are chlefl\ ' Instrumental
In clllslll Ule hallClllrus that have 1.10 ;
authority tu he kept open.
Inmates In the olcllers' and S'IJI-
01'8' hOllle. ; at Ora lid Isla nd ancl Mil-
furd are satlsUetlllndln halluony with
the ( , l1cers ! , according to II J'eprli
JIISt lIIade to I ho I.OV ! rnm hy Juhn
Hue50 , presldeut ' 1r the hoard , 1)ur-
In the year the l1(1n In the ( halld
lili1nd 11IlIle hllve Ilicrenserl flOIll : U
tll , lIi ) , Chcllp clothlllg hud to be I'lIr- '
l'haserl for the vctetullS o\\'ln tll the
IImlterl II Pl'roprla ' tlon. At M I Jr"rd
10,1 Inmllll's wern round to be t'xlot.
IIII , ! sal Isfucturlly on IIn aplIl'Clpllat Ion
/IIade / fur slxly-elLht. ! 'l'lJe 1\I1Irtird
hll/llo / neerl3 a IlIlsllllal. us the build-
In erecte Cur that purpuso cunnut be
' ! 'he attenrlanco ha. . c1ecrenccc ; ] o lit
tlJe German (1lIpllst ( church at Olllans
\ \ hero the Hllho-lIllch tr'l eClY " 0"
- ClllfI'hthat It Is pruposed to gne u ,
wurshlp tt.elo.
'I'he ) { nljhts or Pythills nrder w\1l \
hllhl n cllstrlnt IIIcelinu lit IIcntllee
o I"ehmary 4 , lit wt1l'h lime reprr'spn "
' tatlVI'S frlllll WYIIIIIIO , I < 'lIlrbllY. LIt > . "
ortlIoWllli , ' 1 ecuIIIS : ( h nnd Clthol
tllwns will'ml. . Sev"ml stat.
( Jlllcers IIf Lho order will nlpo aLLcnG :
tlio m oLlnl : . ' ;
. .
, .
. . . , ' , . .