, , . . , , ' I r , , " - , ' " . . . . , , . - - . 'r" . ' , , ' , " , . \ . . . " " . I1t. , L\ttart.a \ ! . .t\ttf t USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. ' . Es'rABLISHED 1882. 'l'IlE OFFICIAT4 PAPER Oli' CUS l'ER COUN'l'Y. T4ARGES'1' CIRCULA'l'ION OIi' ANY PAPgR IN 'l'UE COUNTY. . , " - , " - - : - = : VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THQRSDAYJ DECEMBER 25 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.28. - - - - , - . . . \ . . . . . , . . . , . . . . " " l 1 . I NE p I - " " ' " - - - - - - - ' I . Afterthoughts. I Dhl you forgct SOIll olld I r Did ) 'ou get a I.cttcr p1cscllt than you gave ? . Why not c\'cn up the scole with a New Vear gift ? 1 . It's perfectly propcr. For such nil occasioll gold J and si1\'er articlcs arc perhaps I : appropriat than anything 'Ve have man ) ' desirable ami I besutiful articles sl1itahle for New Vear prescnts. Prices that will ellublc you to , J statt ; the year on all ecollomical . b" " . , J.eve. J .eve. . . Tahlets - ' . -A.Nn- \ > School Supplies , . -A'l'- \ . . . - - : - . . . . . . J. C. Haeberle's ; . Perle Elizabeth Fields , r DR. tHlI' 1J UtlJikn . 01 1rICH 1I0US : 9 a. m. to 12 111. 1:30 : to" p. m. Or by appointment. . - Anderson's Store . -Office over Jewelry in Realty DIock , rokell Bow , Nebrnska. Nebrnska.'I 'I - - - - A dandy lot of Solid Siver f . B. Souvlnir Spoons from 66c upwards at A. E. Ander- son's. 'rierney Bros. wants poultry. " -ubllc Stde POHlponcU. C. P. li'oote of Merna , post- .1 poned his sale that was to ha , ' ( I been heln the 20 to Dee , 30. I \ CORN , \.N'I'ltn. . Our suhscribcrs who ha\'c confer for sale will do well IIt ( j write F. E. Stearns , Bayard , Ne , braska , quoting him pri cs. II ( , , : wants ten car loads at once. I . - - ! : NO F. . . 't'o whom it ma y concern : -1'ht J public is hcreby notified not tc j , purchase one promissory nO i j' g'en h ) ' mc to one 'L' . B. Damrell 1 dated March 17 , 1')02 ) , for $210 t- duc in one ycar , as the same wa I obtained il11der misrepresen ta 1 , tions of fact and I did not recc \ " value receiptec1 for. D. W. Low , 2fl-21) Loc1i , Neb. J S . . < < . " , . . 'l'alcen up , No\'emher 1 , lym one light red three ycar old he l 1 f er , branl1ed on' thc left hip wit' J. and a combination figure reI resenting P. R L. 'l'he owne is r quired to prove property an pay expenses. C. E. BATHS , 27.30 .3f miles south of Gatc ! . . _ . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - I , : . . . . Jlnll.ltolc'4 - 10 - 1.lncnln , ' DCCCl1lJct ! : 21) anti 30 The UllrlillglJ i , Route will scll tickets from : UlY poillt i Nebraska or South Dakota to Lincoll i Feb. , nnd return at one fare for tl , . round trip. 'fickcts good returning UI i til Junuary 3. 19'13. . ! Ask the urhngton Agent. 27- : ; - . STOI1"111' " ; COlIOIl Al'CDWORJC.M OII'F TIIF. COI.n , . LauUvellrumo-QuItIllU ! Tablet ! curo. to en . . ' . , In UIIII dnJ. No eur . No 1'(1) ' . l'rlco15 \ cCuta , ' 11 [ : = ; ; . : : : : : : J - Frank Grieblc of Walworth , made this oO ce a usiness cull Satmday. Miss I4ih ic Brenizcr is u t humc l from th statc university to spend the holulays. . Ceo. ll. Mair , editor of the Cal- . laway Courier , was a city \.isitor : the hrt of the weck. I 'l'he lnI'tJIII.IcAN wisflCS its tIlany readers a Men'\ ' Christmas and 'a Happy New y'ear. Mr . O. N. 'l'hostcr on of A11i- cnce , who is visiting here with relatives , made this oO cc a husi- ness call yesterday. l\T. F. 11'reed has sold his ar- bcl' shop to Ed. Neth. Mr. l"recd expects to take up the study of dentistry in a few weeks. Dr. Farnsworth , the dcnti t. has liought out Dr. Basp , the lat- tcr gentlemall. . .et ritig from the business. Dr. Bass thinks of going - ing into anothcr line of usincss in the future. I Miss Bertha li'oot of Me1'l1a is I visiting in the city this week.i i She returned recently from a trip to the Pacific coast and stopeil in Colorado to visit friends on her 'return. 'l'he merchants of the city ha'C enjovcd a fine holhLay tradc the pas ( week , with the exception of Saturday. 'L'he prospective storm ind'cations kept most peo- pIe at home until Monday. I 1VI. Milmineolof Holdrcdge , fath- cr of Mrs. A. ' 1' . Se'bolt , will spcnd thc holidays with his daughter. Mr Milmineo represented - sented the Lombard Investment Co. in Custer County in carly days. 'rhe . city schools adjourned. last 11'rHIay for a two weeks , vaca- tion. This gives the pupils - a splendid chance to enJoy this fine sleighing weather and most of them are improving- the opportunity. F. W. ConIc ) ' . publisher of the Calla way ' 1'ri une , who has been visiting in the south and east thc past two months. accompanied by his wifc. arrived home Saturday. During his absensce , his son has had charg' < ) of thc paper. Judge Su11i\'an accompanied by his son , Lin , and Ameliao , the Filipino and something less than it dozen houlHls came in from the north ' 1'uesday afternoon' from a wolf chase. 'l'he Judge had enc wolf straped on his horse , hack of the saddle. E. } < ' . Stcphens , proprietor of . the Crete nurseries was a fricndl\ ' caller at thh ; onicc Monday afternoon - noon anc1 left liS a sample of apptes , for' which he has our . thanks. He gave a talk at the meeting of the Connb' .11 rticul- tural Society Mend : i afternoon. - DIF.D-Caldcr , . , , ; unday , Dec. 21 , ! i'lorencc M.ftI.'v.r4' II. B. Calder of Col > urg , age 24 years. 'rhe deseased was well and fa\'or- - ably known in the \'icinity of Cus- ter Center , wherc she used to live. She lca\'es a husband , two smal1 - children , a mother , two Rister ! and two hrothers to mourn hel death. MAHlmmlIosAHAwCOI'SHY. : . -On Monday Dec. 22 , 1 ' )02 , hj HeS. . P. Morris , pastor of tlu First Baptist church of this city Mr. Jess Hosahaw and Mis - Gcrtie Copsey both of W stcrlle 'l'he cermon\ ' took place at tht parsonagc aitd at its closc thl bride and groom wcnt immediately - ely to their home at Westerville - 'rhc city police iu\'aded a pri vate 101 Re in . ! west part 0 thc Clt ) ' one I11ght last week ani caught a four hand game 0 cards with $60 in stake moncy 01 thc table. 'l'he gam lcrs wer4 placed undcr arnt and taiwi before Police Judge G'SchwiuI the next day. 'rhcy plead guilt : and wcre Hncd each $12.00 aw - cost which they promptly paid ' 1'wo of them were young men I n order that the ) ' might b connced that the way of tll transgressor is hard tht : count ; a ttorney had them arrestel again under the state law an , IS took them bcforc J udgc Snyde - who bound them over to the di trict court. Kirk thinks tha S12.00 is entirely too cheap for hi game of cards in Uro ken Bow. . , . " , , - . . " .6 . . . . . . , . ' . _ . . . 'l. Ra } ' Armour camc home from T4incoln Friday . night to spend the holidays. Will \VaVgood and wifc of Wyoming are \'isiting in the city wfth the family of I' . J. Pitt- away. l .li'.l\Iyerswho is at hOlllc frolll thc tate'univcrsity for the holidays - days , made this onicc a fricndly call Saturday. Gus. J. Alb rt of Bamboo , Wis- consin. made this oOicc a fricl\llly \ call today in ; ompan ) ' .with his unclc , n. C. h.onkle. 11. \\r. Albert , who recently sold his farm \Vcissert haslmoved to Auslcy for thc winter. IIe made this oO ce a frienc1v . call today and rcquested thc. Hepublican changed to his ncw .lddrcss. Governcr-l lcct Mickcy , has : shown the courage of hi cOIl\'ic- tions in dcclining to sanction an inaugural all on his inauA'uration da v. His posit ion is recei vi ng th comUlcllIlation of the pr s of the state gcncrally. Mr. C. ' 1' . 01'1' and 1\Irs. Sails- hnry both of this city were married - ed at the hOl11 of the bride last 'fhursday night , l ev. Shetler officiating. . . 'L'hc high contract- . ' mg partIcs arc among tl 1C .t' S most highly re pccted citizens. 'l'he l lwum.lcAN joins their many friendi' > in extending congl'atulations. J. II. Cosner' of Broken Bow , rcpresenting the Modcrn Brotherhood - hood of America , a fraternal society - ciety , has been in our city this week. Mr. Cosner was at Gering two years ago the past summer when the " 2ta tion" consisted of four houses in a stalk field , and is naturally surprised at its growth. -Scotts Blufl" Republican. B.V. . Kellenbarger of Merna , was a friendl ) ' caller 'fuesday. He informs us that there is to be an Iowa reunion at his home on Christmas. A number of the Hawkcyes of that vicinity will be thcre and a good timc will be enjovcd.Ve regret that owing to previous arrangements wc can nut accept il1\.itation . to be among the number. It was our pleasure lrida ) ' of last wcek on an invitation of Prof. J. M. Scott , .Supt. of the ciry schocls in company with C. 'V. Beal to rcview thc class in 9th grade in English grammer. The ages of the members of this class range from 13 to 17. While the degree of proficiency as in all classes var.r thc general lmowledge of the work the class has gonc O\'er is cxceptionally good for pupils of their age. 'rhe review was oral and occupied - ed about an hour and a half and covercd 128 pages of HOlleshells tcxt book. 'fhc examination was highl } ' sati factor } ' ami thc pro. Hcency very commendable to hoth pupils and tcacher. Prof. Scott has reason to be proul1 of such a class. 'l'he U. S. Civil Scn'ice Commission - mission reports that the ycar ending June 30 , 1')02 , there were 14)83 persons appointed fr m its registers. 'l'here was 4fl')2 morc than was cvcr beforc appointcd in a single ycar. An.ron wishing - ing information about thcse pogi- tions can secure it frce by writing r for the Civil Servicc announce. mcnt of the Columbian Corres. pot1l1cnce Collcge , Washi'ng-lon. D. C , ' 1'he Commission will hold examinations to secure young men and women for these place during March and April , a ! . Bcatricc , Grand Island and Omaha. Many people do no ! twow that these appointmcnt ! . are madc without political in. . tlucnce and that a large share 01 _ thcm arc filled by those ha vi n only a common school cducation , ut such is now the casc. : U"I&AII ; ; . A vcrprctty wedding OCCurCI at the h llIc of thc hride's parents A , J. Uurns , 10 miles South West u Brolwn Bow at hie-h-uOOII , Sun day , Dcc. 20. 1902. In t he pres . cncc of scvcral relativcs alll , fricnds , Miss Mary Burns Wa ! united in marringe to Mr. Stew card Lantcrman. 'l'he bridc wa ! handsomely . styled in a whitt silk , whilc. the groom was neatl' clad in a cOl1\'entIonal blade. Mr 14anterman will be rcmemhered a' ' one of the soldiers of our late war , t having heen in the servicc a a I Manila for 18 months. He is : successful farmcr and Ius friend . . . . .1.- . . . , . . . < -.uu : " ' - \ ' JWL . - arc : all who are his acquaintiul' . ces. ' 1'le } hridc is the oldest daugh- . tcr of A. J. Burns , and a young' huh of a widc circle of admirers. pos-aessing in an attractive man- ncr many charms , and the groom is to be congratulatcd in his choicc. 'I'bcse happ ) ' young pcople will malcc their homc on thc farm and the best wishes of the community is thcir instrumentality to a successful - cessful and happ ) ' life. Jcsse 'l'cagardcn assisted at this most pleasant occasion and reports having done his best at the bountiful - tiful spread table , which gave continucd pleas1l1'e to the wcll- wishing gucsts. nootl NC\YII. 'I'he engagcmcnt of the charming - ing comcdicnne , Dainty May Sar- gent , is settlell at last and tbis distinguished artiste will appear here shortl ) . in the famous comedy - edy "Othcr people's Money , " during - ing Which she will display some gorgeous gowns from thc world- lenown establishmcnt of Madam Gial1nic of New York City. 'J'his is certial > . g'ood news and Manager - er Great IS to be conbrratulatc on this attraction for one nig 1t during its tour from coast to coast , as the com pan ) ' is of rare exc l1cnce , . comprising some well- knQwn artIsts. UllHINItHtt CCU.I.I.cut NIr'VH. o reports ll .be scnt out thii month. Prof. S. 1\1. Blue is visiting friends ncar New Hclcna thi wccik. . 1\Iiss l ub ) ' PinkIe ) ' , assistant in he commercial depl1.tmcnt : , is Spcltdtng hct ; vacation at her hOttle in Ansle ) ' . Mrs. Brownrigg , Prin. of the shorthand department , left for Omaha last Saturday where she will spend thc holidays. Pmf. C. 'V. Housh and family are , dsiting relatives and f "iends in Manvillc , 'Vyoming. The , will probably be gone ahout tW ( ] weecs. School will rcopen Januar ) ' 5 , 1903. Ncw classes will be organ. ized to accommodate the new students which are expected to enter school at that time. Our night schooll will open Monday eve Jan. 5 , 1903. Time , 7 to 930 ; : 'l'His school is for the benefit of the business community. Day studcnts are not expected to attend. Regular classes will be organized in the commercial and shorthand departments. The work in the cOllunercial department - ment will consist of boolceeping , aritbmetic and penmanship. 'rbat in thc shorthand depart- mcnt will consist of shorthand and typewriting. . . . - - - - OKTI'I.I.O. F. C. Embree marketed rye at Anselmo Monday. J. R. Baker is crying :1 sale to. day east of Anselmo. Miss CiaI' . Hunt is home fro111 College during'acation. . C. D. Day and wife wcrc doing business at l\Ierna on Saturday. li'athcr ] clwards will spend hi ! ' Christmas at Joc Moore's thi year. ' ' Hill thinks Uncle'l'hom thaj he must go to old Missouri t ( g-et his health. We will havc more news aftc' ' Christmas. Aud will now wisl you all a Merry Merry Xmas. A. D. lIunt and wifc , 1\1. J Beals and Mrs. S. Wuldingto1 were doing IHlsincss in the lIul last li'riday. now fcll again l.'riday uigh and Sunday accompanicd will wind which piled it , maldu1 travcl diO cull. A. Hughcs says that he wil he older than hc is now wlwn h , takcs another " 'Shhool Mam" tl Mcrna iu. such a storlll. Mattit } . 'odg'c camc home tl spcnll her \'acation with thc 011 folles. She has hcen teachinl threc months and this is her firs tri p home. Mr. J. C. Hempstead arrivec with family anti householl gouds on last 'l'ucsday. 'Phc come from High Jiill 1\1issourj We bid them welcomc. - - - - - - - ItVNO. MAHIUJ\D-At the rcsidence 0 , J.r ' " " 1 h " the hridc parents Dec. 21st , 1902. Mr. Steuart T4antcrman to MiR ! Mary Burng. No particulars. Bilt hoa1" < lsttys that Mr. Uly scs Owen of Oconto , and l\1iss Vienna Rc'nolds of Brolen Bow , will be married at Brokcn . Row , Dec. 25th 1902. Charles Conley mo\'od ycster- day from his fathers to' Sand Valley. Hc had farmed there last season and concluded it was less cxpens'e to move his stock to the foddcr than mm'c the fecd. DmD-Ncar : ! { yno , 'L'win daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Foxworthy agcd about three monthsl of diseascs incident to children ; the ) ' both took sick abont the samc time , thc lirst one dying after an illncss of a few dll's on the 17th of Dec. 1902. and the othe1' lingcrcel tiil the 23r when death camc to its ; relief. l'hey are laid in thc 1 \'cr- side Ccmctcry to awaint the -Hesurrection rilOrning. Several days since a J 01111 Doe was enroute to the post ofiice on horseback he thollght thc stced might move fastcr and shc did. After hc struck her with a strap , shc jumped from under him and he turned a sommcrsault hack. wards , alighting in thc snow on his back ; he urose not in the hest of humonr and mounted the crittcr th1t ; fortunately had not t\ot a wa ) ' from him , arriving at I 1\yno : wIthout furthcr mishap. HII ' I ' ' ' ) Nelghhors' II'l1t1nJ ; 'l'he Royal Neighbors will hold a special mccting in Woodman hallncxt 'Vednesday afternoon , Dec. 31 , for the pOl' pose of el.ect- ing officers for the ensuing ) 'ear and to transact an ) ' other busi- ncss tJrat ma ) ' bc hrought before the mceting. By Order of Oraclc' , Mus. N. R. llAHRJo'I"l' : . f - _ - : - - - - - - - ' , Church-'Servlce" lU'lSCOl'AI. CHURCH. I Hl. Johns Epicopal service Sunday Dec. 28. "lIol } ' Innocence. " Sunday after Christmas. Sunday school I ( ) a. m. Morning pra'cr al1ll sermoll I I a. 111. Hvcning pra'er and sermon 7 : . ' 0 p. III. , Thc puhlle iR cordially invitcI ! . W. II , XAN JIIUtS , Rector. I'IU\SlIVTltRIAN CIIURCH. . Son' ces lIext Sabbath Ulornillg at I I a. m. Subjcct "Hal111aniah Death Warrant. " Hvcniug sen'ice at 7:30 : p. 111. Subject. " ' 1'he Inf1uellcc of Sacred Song. " \ ' . P. , S. C. l . at 6:30 : p. III. 'fhc e\'cnillg scrvicc will be a praise service. The choir under thc efficient lcadership of Frank ' 1'avlor will render somc excellent - allthcll1s. These serviccs which arc held every last Sabhath evcning in the mOllth arc mceting with special favor. We givc a most hcart } ' welcome to strallgers. AlIare welcome. JlAI'Tls'r ClitIItCII. For thc last Smlliay ill the kinin ) ' 1902 , the program will bl : ; 'l'he rcgnlar Ncssion of the Bible School at 10 a. 111. 'fhe growillg interest ill the Voung I.aclies Class is a pleasant feature : in this dcpart- meut of the church work. Divine Worship - ship at 11 a. m. An appropriate sermon . by the pastor , subJect "power" in charactcr. Vou will'1 nd it suitable to New Vear'N. Junior . V.I' . U. at 3 p. m. l Senior B. V. P. P. at 6:30 : Ii. 111. A conquest - quest mceting' , leader 1\1rs. Cndwell. ' 1'hl : l.ewis rothers Quartette will sing at this Nct'vicc , 7:30 : p. m. preachingervicc : pastor preachcs brief gospel sermon cn- tilll:11 II A New Turn 10 all Old I.car. " it , is cxpectcd that the I.ewis Brolhlt's guartett will sing at this servicc also. ' [ hl:1I thcre is the hright happy song scrvice at the opcning , 111111 the gcttillg better acquaintcI } tilllc at the c1osc , Do lIol COUlC to these scrvices if } 'ou at'e afraill of the Gospel of JCSIIS Christ. WCllllcsdn ) ' night , thc Illst ill the oIl ! : year , will be enc of special ) , the hOllr will b 7 :30 : all effort wi Iruyer I made have this servicf' "God " to a fitting sleed" to the pl1' t. I.l1Ilies Aid Society ' 1 hurs- 'III ) ' 2 p. III. Stranger ! Our privileges . an' conlially cxtendcII to you. t - IO'V ItA'I'.tM Jrun 1101.1 u. VtC. ) - - " 'In 'l'hc nurUliutull noult ! . t ' 1'0 poiuts withiu 200 milcs rOlllill lrilJ 1 tiektts will he : ; ell ! at grclltly rCIltlcel } JUtes Oil OCl'cmber 24. 25 : Ulil 31 al1ll ) lInuar ) ' I. Good rcturnillguntil ) ulluar ) ' 2 , 1903. Per furthcr particulars IIskthc _ Bllrlillg. Ion agent. 27-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IUu'IIt"IItt"ltOrl feu. 'I'U. : " ) ' . \\'Lt'b1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Ihlrlu ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltyU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JlFlUur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KkllI. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'otllt" " . . I.r LU.lJal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unton. . Iur hualiol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CliluliolU , Vllr l.ou."I , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11t 1I0K. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. I Cuwv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t .r 1 "to . ; : :4tt.u. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' :1.51 : @ .lJI Turkoy.l'erpouOlI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 lraw.l.or cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J ! I. l1a ) ' . Nuw.lor tlln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii OC tllIlCnr , JlOr C\ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft. 1.1 " ' 0 CVIUo ; A COI.n IN ON It n" V T.kll Lautl\'O JlroUlu Qulnln'I'ablele , AI drulUlllIlII rrtuud llil/lUoney Ir II rail" to curu f ! 11 : . \ \ , Uruvu' . IIgolliuru I.un nch Lux. 25c. . )1' " " . . " " . , ' " ' . . . . . : . . . : . . - - r 'NTERS. ' ! iMimm : ! J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2tf 'l'al < c your ducks to Tierney Bros Pepsin Gum , two packages for a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. - ROOMS 'ro HItN'1'-.1\bs. A. E. MAXWIU.L. 28 tf } i'0l { SAJ.l\-PUre brecl Duroc - Jere.r Males , G. E. CADWELL , . 22tf BrokenlBow , Neb. For Cannon City Pca coal for " slack burncrs go to Dierks Lum ber & Coal Co. . 25tf 4 Pen SAJ.J OR 'fnADIt-Town , - lots and a few Hve acre lots in " th.is city. for cattlc.lrorses or f\1m : land.-AlIcn Revner. . . . FOH ALR-Onc larbl"C English . Berkslure boar.--FnANK WHIS- Sl\NHHmm. 25-tf - - 1i'arms for sale and lands for ren t. Now is the timc to gct a farm cheap , as the cheap farms arc all goinl ? ' und prices are advancing - vancing raplclly.-J. G. llrenher. : - - Don't forget you get bargains in'new as wcll as sccond hand goods at Juc1 Kay's , south side of square , Carlos' old stand. Look out for thc ncw sign. 26-tf - - rn'ey lk s - ; ; Y- the highest prices turkcys and poultry of aU Iteinds. Bring in your fowls. T.4os'r-A tan colored foldin'e' poc1eetbook with a dollar , some 'change besides and papersSatur- day aftcrnoon , Dec. 20.inder ! please return to this office. , FOH SALH-A : farm near ; Georgctown. consisting- 160 . \ acres. A good location. Inquire ' of Mrs.li'annie 14. Stuckey . , Ans- ' ley. Nebraska , 24 tf ' FOH SALu-One full circle. aU steel , Kansas City hay press. . C n"at t 1i ffic ' or on' ' Geo. W' . , lrow rd. , Several good farms for sale at a bargain , including my own' : ' ; " " JItssn GANDV. 441tf Wcst Union , Nebraska-Yes , : i we will pa ' a part cash for but- . tcr and eggs. RUPus.G. CARR , M Chickens , ducks , geese , antI i turkeys , wanted at Tierney Bros. I have purchased the dental i practice of T. 'V. Bass and have : moved into his office in the IRealty ' Block. All parties who have made payments on extracting for plates will he given credit for ! the a-mount by me.-T. L. FARNSWOH'l'I1 , D. D. S. Dierks Lumbcr & Coal Co. handles the Cannon City Pea . coal for slack burncrs. 25tf ) Moncy loaned on unproved i farms. J AMHS LUDWICII. 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. If you in tend to build call at Dierles Lumber Co. and get prices. J , 14ubricating oils of allldnls . at : Wilkin's clrug storc. { - - - ) i'j { SAJ.I OH HHN'r.-All of ' hlock fl , Jewett's Addition to ' Brokcn Bow , Neb. A fine home. . -Mus. Li'ANNII 14. S'1'UCJ.FV , An- ! slcy , Net > . 26-28 FOR SAI.lt-li'ivc acres lf land in g'Hl st < ttc of cultivation adjoining - joining Brokcn Bow for $1,00. Inquir at this oO ce. 3-27 tf ' 1'he RIU'UnI.ICAN and Inter . Ocean , $1.50. FOlt SAI.n.-Two No. 1 farms , four miles from Broken Bow. Alsoothcrlanl1s.-A. 'r. SnVllOI.T. - - - - - - - - - I 'L'ak that turkcy to 'l'ierney Bros. 'l'hey want it surc. - - - - - - - - - li'oH Hl\N'f-One of the best farmg in Custer county , but few improvemcnts , one hundred acres. Good chance for some one shorten on horses and machinery. In \'allc ) ' six miles from Bow. Ad- clressColU. , box 74City. 27-:18 : _ _ u. _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A good house for sale. 17 tf. H. BANGS. Ji'OK SAI.J'l'he north east quarter of scction 31 , township It ) . ral1g _ 2 , Custer oounty , Ne- hraslm , situated three miles from Anselmo , Custer county , Nebr. 120 acres under cultivation , 40 acres fcnced for pasture. For . I terms address MICJIA I. GRAUAH , Edgar , Nebr. 25-tf