Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 7

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Fibroid Tumors Cured.
A distressing ca e of , Fibroid Tun1or ,
'which baffled the skill of Boston doctors.
Mrs. of Boston Mass. in
, . Hayes , , . ,
the fol1owing letter. tells ho\v she was.
cured , after everything else failed , by
Lydia E. Pinkhamt s Vegetable Compound ;
1\Irs. Uayes' First Letter Appealing to l'Irs. Pinkhnm for Help : '
"DEAR : Mns. PnmuI have been \1nder Boston doctors' treatment -
ment for a long time without any relief.they / toll mo I have II , fibroid
tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain , amI the soreness ext.ends
up my spine. I have bearing-down pains hoth back and front. : My abdomen -
domen is swollen , and I have had flowing spells for three years. : My appetite -
petite is not good. I cannot walk or be on my feet for any length of time.
"The symptoms of Fibroid 'rumor given ill your little book accurately -
curately describe my case ) . so I write to you for advice.-Signed ( ) Mrs.
j. E. F. HAYES , 252 Dudley . , t. , ( Roxbury ) Hoston , Mass.
Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice-al-
though she advised l\'lrs. Hayes , of Boston , to take
her medicine-which she knew \vould help her-
her letter contained a mass of additional instructions -
tions as to treatment , all of which helped to bring
about the happy result.
"DEAR l\Ins. \ PnmnA : : - Sometime ago I wrote to you describing -
ing my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied , and I followed
nU your directions carefully , and to-day I am a wel woman ,
IC The use of Lydia E. Pinlcl1am's Vegetable Compound entirely
e elled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk
miles now.
"Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetatle Compound is worth five dollars -
lars a drop , I advise all women who are afilicted with tumors or
female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial.-Signed ) Mns.
E. F. lIAYES , 252 Dudley St. , ( Roxbury ) Boston , Mass.
] \Iountains of golclcould not purcl1nse such testimony-or tnke
the place of the henlth nnd hnppiness which Lydia E. inkham's . >
Vegetnble Compound brought to 1\ll's. Hnyes.
Such testimony should be accepted by aU women as convincing
evidence that L3'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands
without a peer as a. remedy for all the distressing ills of women ; all
ovarian troubles ; tumors ; inflammations ; ulceration , falling and displacements -
placements of the womb ; backache ; irregular , suppressed or ainful
menstruation. Surely the volume and character of the testimomal letters -
. ters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no room for doubt.
- Mrs. llaycs at her above address will gladly- answer any letters
, which sick women may write for fuller informatIon about her illness.
lIer gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham and Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetnble
Compouml is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble iB too
great for her to take in return for her health and happiness ,
Truly ill it said that it is Lydia E. Pinkbnm's Vl1getnble Compound -
pound that is curing' RO many women , and no other medicine ; don't forget -
get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else.
FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith produce the orlclnalletten and ligoaturel of
$5nOO aboTe teatimonlall , which will prOf8 their . ab.olut. lI"nUID"n" : . . ,
L.dla E. . . .lllkham Medicine Co. , L7J1D , M.I. .
Death strll gles are sad. but they.I I .
" ' . . . . . , are Dothln In comparison wltb the
nfuggles or sOllie people to ] lve.
. The New Lon ! ; Cont" .
The Dew long coats In silk arc vol-
uminous. But they fit beautifully.
They al'o perfectly adjusted at the
shoulders and tall loosely to conform
with the fI ure. Some ot thorn shtJw
wldo plaltlngs that are attached to
thu yuke and which In the back arc
released an Inch or two below the
yulce. Others gl'e a smar flare by
means of seamR. In some mcdels
there Is a scam In the center of the
bacl { and tills scam curves , glvin 11
cape-like appearance.
rs : OOj c isl
, . . . . . g Rheumatism
g Neuralgia
g lIeadache
g All Bodily Aches
o o
A void abbre\'latlons In wrlUIIS' :
otherwise you will et Int'o tbo babl
of breakin your wllrd.
Cnrpl'ts ( 'nn he color'd on the flee
with PU'l'NA r 1.'A\I' \ I.m'S DYES.
The politician absorhs a lot (
liquids In order to make lIh selt 8011
with tlle b"ys
Mrs. Austln'A Ccrl'nts hllTC the Illrgest snl
ot nn ) ' sll11l1l1r oods , Try them , nnd yo
will uuderstnnd why.
Employcl's may not be meddlesorn
yet they are always minding somt
boy else's bllsl ness.
1\Inny of us mhht be happy If we di
not suITer frolll IlhHlr ers of the Ii\'l ; '
'J'hl'n wo ought to UIIO Dr. Ausust 1\(11
nis's llnuluurs DI'OII ! ! , which cure tli
herders IInd uring the whole IIYilt m 1
n henlthy con itlou.
I t Is easy to have the patlence I
Job who'n the bolls arc on SOl !
other fellow.
; So ( 'nrlhrl'nfl1st ] Is complete wlthO !
I Mrs , Austill's Buckwhent cnkes , BUy :
trom ) 'our gl'orer to'I1I1) ' .
It Is a curious ps\'cholo lcal fae
that a man can be In a dozen dllTe
ent minds.
Home men come Into tbe war :
asking "why ? ' but no one is ab
to answer'
Rothl'r1mm. ] n lund , has a "MIIOI
rakers' Gang , " whose special ohjec
I It Is alleged , Is to create dlsturl
ances , ,
Dense clouds of smoke and showe
of red-hot stunes are now heir
thrown up by the Mexlcau , 'oleo I
Coli mil.
I There has been 11 decrease of I
per cent In the population or the 1s
of : Mun silice ] 891. At the last ce
: sus It was fi.t,752 ,
- -
Cold weather is sure to ripen a crop of Old Aches an
, Pains.
' ,
c11CB 1\11(1 i11juries. It ought to be in cnsyrcnch in cvcryl10nl
, ' > " ' . . . .
, , ,
EvCt'y hotlsC'wlfc Imows the rl'sult 01
Olletlll1 a window III sumUll'r ti1l11' to
clo the outsldo 111hll18 , I1S thl'rl' Is
altnost SIIl'O to be a SWI1I'11of \ ttll'8
ready to l'Ittlr us 8Mn nR the wny U
made clear for Ihem. ConsNluellt13
the SUIl Is sonll'l ilnqs al10well to potU
Inlo the I'oom , the occullallt tlecl1\llI \ II
hHS oblloxlous th:111 : the Ins(1ct IIl'sL
To all HIICh the ! \huttl't. worl\01' Ilnd
lOl'l { hN'C shown will e )1eclal1 ) ' recom
nll'/1I1 1t.C'lr , ns It Is entlrel ' l1Uncced'
:1\ : ' ' to oJlen the window snsh 01' to ga
outside of Ihe room to ndjust ntHl locll
thc lJlhull In nn ' desired position. IX :
IlIacI. of the 1III11n hln l' ol'dln\rl1 : ' used
at the hottom or the blll1l1 a special
' " .
hln el1 , 11I\\'lng a 1111tr cog.wheel cnff
Oil one end. Is nCCI'SS:1r : ' , with a slol
cut In Iho cHsln ; to allow free pIa , )
of the wheel liS Ule llUil Is Ope11\ (
nnd closed , A rod nnd pinion to wo1'1I
In the cog wheel nre mounled In tlll
whulow fru1I1e , the pinion sliding Inter
nlt ' on the rod , ut re\'olvlng with It
wh\n the rod Is turned. A ncxtensioll
of the COfr wheel In line WIUl the end
of the rod Is perfornted nt Intel'vnls
nnd h ' 11Ushlng the rod out , ' a pres
sure on the Imob at Ule Iner end , UlI
outer end Is Inserte In one of the pcr
foratlons , Wlllch , of course , pre\'enl1
rotntlon of the shutter untIJ t1le rod II
puHed In. In operntlon the Imob II
gmsped In one hm1l and I\'en n put
to wlth < 11'11 w It fr01l1 the perfornte
disk. when the rod Is turned by UII ,
hnml In either dIrection to swing UII :
blind open or shut. , Tohn W. Apple 'I '
gnte , of Philadelphia , 1'n" Is Ule In
v ( ,11tor.
j)1f@ ) nE' [
It Is sal that braills wlll tell , ul
sometimes the more ralns IL nuUl hus
the loss he tells ,
' .rhe terminal wedge of Vesuvius hal
faHen nenrly fifteen meters on the sltll
of Pompeii , amI visitors are 1I0W ] e
up on th sl e of Mount Sommn , whlcl
Is not tbought to be dnngCT'Ous.
"rasps ha\'e mnde a nest In an o ]
grandrather's clock tbnt swu s In I
Idtehen at nnglnn , Pa , The wasps ontel
and iea ve by menns of a keyhole , an
no"er Itltel'ere with the inhnbitants 01
the house.
Prof. Wright , chief editor of the grcn'
English Dlaect ] DlctlOlll\r ' , pUbllshe (
at Oxford. now sn 's that he expectl
to complete his worl , by tbe enll 01
lD05. The work ( 'gnn In IS ! ) ; ) , nnt
twu parts a : rear have been pUblished
Captain I1arlan of the Britta1
_ gteamer IIardl1nger reports having l'U !
Into a mln of bnts on the trll ) fron
New Yorl , to atthnore , ' .rhe ship \Val
attncked by grent uumbet's of the bats
r and It was with great dlflleutty thl1l
tllOse on deck coul protect UhemselYCI
from their aharp , fln-1Io ! ; : wings.
It Is sla ted that San Dleo ! , southon
Callf01'nia , Is raphlly becoming till
Buddhistic center for AmerIca. In enl
house In Los Angeles a shrIne has bem
erecte to ud ha , and the owner , I
woman of wealth , haR brought a udd
hlst priest from the Ohlcngo wor\l' \ ,
fall' , and man ' people gabher weel ; : ! )
there for worshlI } ,
On the : \exlel1n national narrow
ga ugo railroad. from Corvus Christ
through Laredo to the City ot Medco
, , 'Ith Its hmnehes amounting to mor. .
than 1,200 miles ot operatcd road. to.
moro thnn twenty years no passeoC\ :
hns been I ; : IIJ ec1 , Yet this roall cllmbi
more mountains an turns more curvc.
than any 1'oac1 in the Unlte States.
Jim' Cue ,
"And wllnt are the pl'llIclpnl shots II
hllIlariJs7" askcd the fall' 'oung dall1se
of Ule wise , young man.
' . "The I"s. " the follow. the hnn1 ; : nn. .
r , the dra w , " he replied.
"lIow 10Yel ' ! " she exclaimed , "It L
nlmost tII.c a eom'tshlp , IrlrRt the love
gets a kiss , then he follows the girl al
ahout , and then- "
" . \nd then , " IntelTuplH the mnn , wh ,
aspIres to rll'sslrulsm , "nnd Ulen the :
'get manled and he goes to the hunl
and drnws , for that Is his cue. unle&
, he wlshes to he frozen , "
, ( For the b(1l1efit of the unsuspeetlnl
trendor we will state that "cue" nnl
, "frozen" also arc billiard terms. 'l'her
:1' : ; nre sUII more iliat might he worlPI
'Into the IIU1e jeu d' esprit , such a
' ' ' ' ' "brenl , " " " " " "w
'scrntch , , "drive. "UI ) ,
hIe. " "run , " etc , . but lack of space : prE
\'ents cut.t' 'lng the UlCme to the bltlo
ol1lt.-llultlmol'e AmerIcan.
LillIe Wl11le..Whut's a phllosophul
pa ?
d PIl-A philosopher , my son , Is n IWt
son who utters tru ths he doesn't be
lIe\'e und cun't make othcr people hf
\ A woman mny "go with" a man to
years without IIn lng him out , hut sh
understands him thoroughly within
month atter marriage.
-iJ. : . ; . : ' J. . . ' " " .at . > . . .
- , .
- - - - - - - - -
- -
Chllrconl JlI"cnIt8.
There Is nothing better ror thl1s0 who
11'0 subject to Indigestion thun eh'tr.
: oal biscuits. 'l'heI1n \ ' bo ml\tle liS
: ollows : ' 1'I1Ie ; : half n pound of corn
lour , one ounce I1Utl a qunt.tet. of the
) est powdrdl charcoal , two OlmCO ! ! of
lUgar , oue egg , Itlld n little mill ; : . Hl1nt
Ille egg well with a tahiespoouful of
: nllk , mix all the dr ' hlgt'Cllll'UtS 10'
etbcI' , add the (1gg , and 1,1wn the i
I\'hole Into a sUfi' pnste : ron It out
Lllout a qunrter or an Illch thlcl ; : , ( 'ut It
Dto biscuits about two Inches III dlnm.
ter , anll balte 011 buttPl'ClI pnpcl' In n
Ilow O\'ell untllluJtI' erIRI ) . When ( ' 001
pack In n t:11 : box ntlll Iwep flit. US ! ! .
[ n cnses of hl'ltt'thm'n or IlIdlgcHtloD
lalto olle biscuit aflet. 1menl. .
. \111,10 UIIIIIIlIn . ,
Ohop two tnblej1\1oonfuls \ of 111'111 but.
[ er Into lul1rt of Hour thl1t hits been
sifted twlco with It saltspoonl'ul of
nlt alld It hcltplllg .1l'Itpoollful of bnl ; : .
, ng Ilowder. Wet with enou h " 111I ,
to malw 11 80ft dou h I1tHI t'on Into 11
! 'heet It little Icss thall It Ilullrier of
till Inch thlcl , . Cut the et'ust Into
sluarcs nnd Ret In the mhlfJlc of ench
square a peeled IItHI cOl'Pll Itllllle , the
center of l'ach Itp\1le \ I1lled with : HI IIt' .
butter utili \1lnch \ of clnnltmon. FolIl
the four cornel'S of each squat'e 111't1lly
togethcr , Illnchln thpt11 tl htl . . 'j'le
111' ' In cloths. lea \'III t'oom fot. swe1lln ,
nIlll hell for nn hour , Ot. hllke In 1\
baking pan to n geOl ] bt'own. I nt wltb
11 hlll'd Sit uce ,
l\1lnced TOflllcl'loln , Creole St'lr.
Cut six ounces of tendot'llIllI of bCl'f
len thwlsc , shn)1e ) the SIlCl'S Illto l'S'
cnJlops all Inch IttHI a hlllf In dlltmeter.
b ' IIn eighth of I1n Inch III thlelmclIi. !
Saute them In butter , whell I'cnely tl1l\ ( '
the meat out and Itecl ) It wltt'm between -
tween two dishes , n'lllng ! heef ! ! toek.
with pnt't of Its rltt. Rome hah'cil to.
matoes peeled , lu'essed IInd frlell In
hntter , also some reen IIClllm's ( RlIlcd :
line and fried In buttcr. Senson hl hl ' ,
nl't'nnge the mlncell ment In border of
rice holled In salted watet' , to which
half an ounce ot butter has been added.
and serve.
- -
Onhncnl GlnJcl' BI8Clllhl.
' 1'he Ingredients llceessltry for mltl"
lng thesc blHCUltS Itrc six ounccs of
, Ionr , six oonecs of medium Scotch ont-
meal , four ounces or butter , two tca-
Rpoonfuls of ground ginger , one tea.
spoonful of baking powder , two eggs ,
a quarter of a p0\l1\11 of gel ell HYI'Ul1.
Huh the butter Into the 110ur and oat.
meal , add the ginger and hnllng llow ,
der , then the s 'rup , and Instly the \gs !
well beaten , This shonld nutlw a stiff
aste. nolI It out on well-Uottrl'\l
board rnther thin , cut In strips two
Inches wIlle and four or live long , nUl ]
bnlte till hard.
l.cmon Torte.
Pee ] and grate a gQocl leIllon , add
two-thirds of n CUll of white su nr ,
'olk of one egg. one cup of cold water ,
In whIch has been well mlxm ) a deHsert
Rpoonfo ] of cornstarch : stir well to.
ether ; cook In II lIew tin or pOl'colam
pnn ; stir until It Is a smooth Jell ' .
'rhls Is good between layers of a cnle.
Fill the tart shells , Ice with the whte :
of one egg whipped to a froth with It
spoonfnl of sugar , nll set them In f }
hot oven one minute.
How to Boll n lIum.
To give a ham an excellent flavor ,
souk It In vlnegltr and water for Il few
honrs , then put It on the tire In co1l1
water and when It bolls Itdd two headset
ot celery , two turnips. three onlonll ,
nnd a bunch of herbs. Let It simmer
very gently until tender. It It Is to
be eaten cold , let the ham stay In th
wuter until ncarly cold. tllle ; : It out ,
strip off the sleln , and cover with brend
IJollcll SaInt ! 1 > rcnlng.
'I'ake two table.l'oonfuls of mustar\ ( \ ,
one ot sugar , one of salt and oue 01
'melted ' Initter. lIx these with tWI1
tohl\l < poonfnls ot boiling wnter. Ad
one cnp of cream or milk. Boll nU to ,
g'ther In a double leettle , 111:0 ; : soft cns ,
tnrd , Adel one cup of vinegar t'Idn ,
nlly , the Inst thlll . 'l'hls Is a usefu :
dressing' . IInd will keel ) In n cool 11Ilel !
for wees. ; : It cnn be uReli for all klud !
of Balnet.
Unlcetl 8tllfTciI 1'nmntoc. .
Cnt ont the stem end of IIrm , rount
tomatoes of e\'en size , scool' out thl
sceds nnll 1111 with this mixture : IIn1
a sulllclentlIllount of hrend eruHlhil
mO\ften \ with II1elteel hutter , n Blloonfu
or so of gooll stocl , . as I'e < ) ulred , 111/1
ahout two tllblesoonfuls ) of shet'l'J
wino , Season with snit nnd IleP1ler
Hnnge the tomatoes In It halln ; : dloih
and halo ; : Wi the tOils IU'O BlhhtlJ
Stcwed PCII rHo
Cnt the l1enrs lenJ'thw\c ; \ ; In halve :
and remove the cores. For n dozen 0
them when put Into a aaucolmn h:1\1 :
lUlU /l cn ) ) of suga/ ' . half a CUI } of Hhl\ \ '
ry and nR much wutlr : , Coyer Yet' ;
closely nnd sot In the o\'Cn for IIvo 0
six hom's , to cool , Yer'm'y slowl '
Add a bit more W/ltm' occnslounlly , I
they threaten to get dry.
Oyetcl'tI with l llIc lIel'h .
DraIn medlumalzell o ' ! Iters ; dt' ;
them Qn a cloth /lud rol1 them In 110m
tlwn anute them In very warm hutter
and dreas thcm on a hot dish ; fHlneei\l
o\'er the juce : of a lemon , nnll heltrf'\ : : '
the top with chcr\'I1 , pa rsley IUU
( : hlye8 , all Ilncly and f3epal'tltely cbUIJ
lied up.
. . . . . . . . . . '
.jf..ta.'JI. .A.
\.tt : . a : . ; . .
- - - ' " ,
- -
La o hell sets hit vo cumu back tit
Bvery man i\nl1\\'S that'a crnnl ( Is
sOllie otlIer fellow.
llClllle Is geltlng so hairy ItB nl-
must to JlUSS for fu r ,
An Inltml Is mhrohlNed on the
end of the smart watch fol1.
Leather cases just big enoulth for
the \'est pucket contain a tiny mlrrot
anti comb.
A fuuny l1tt1o military turban with
u cocknde at the side Is knowil as the
Unsslan ,
Moro novel limn pretty are the
, lor fJotte Chllus made of I\U mctnl
and baroque 11cnrls.
Iu puplcr I1IlIche bun bon boxes us a I
qunlnt old cuuutry womall peerluR :
o\'er stecl Rpeclacles.
Homo of the low priced Jl'welry tor
the holhlnys Is quite as dainty and
pretty as the genulno , I
Small t1Inks of burnt leather arc
lined with Hnlln lIud Otte with
tra's fDr m ) ' lady's jowcls.
Policemen should be sll'ccssful
spcculatorsj so many ser\'ltnt lrlj ! let
theltJ In on the glound 11001.
Hound brooches and hucklcR arc
mudo of the uew red ro'nl copper
with a lIeur de lilt In brlllIunts.
Don'b ' suub a mnn hecnuse ho ! l\llis )
gretm. A wULerltlelun has u sl ml1ar
1001 < , bub It Is usually all right ut
heart ,
Uecausq ho found It utterly 1m-
posslblc lo please everybody with
his declsluns 11 mayor of the little
1\rcnch ! town ( If St , I ml1l1l1ri hanged
himself with his slarf : oi onJce.
Plf'ty Hullnl's tll Sit , Uown.
Cltt'llwl , 1/ul. / , Dl'c. H , - I1' . .Joscllh I. ,
Dllffey l'elHte an eXl1el'lImcn thnt IIml
nrollso(1 ( cotlshh'I'nhle Intercst 111 Ihls
locality. It Is best gl\'l'n In hIs own
wot'lls :
"Wilen I WitS wl1l'lIn ; : In the II ( ' 111 s , "
sn 's r r. Dlln'l' ) ' , "I wOIIIII be 1'lIly : 10
qllit. hut I eOlllll 110t get 10 the hOIlAO
1 wns so wen I ; : . It WitS worth firt }
dolhll's to Jet to sl t l1own.
"I hlul no Bh'l'n t h It nil n IICI'qon !
without Rh'l'nJtth Is 110t milch II A ! ! ,
"Hut bh'ss the 1.01'11 I tool. fom' hlx" "
of Dollel'I 1\lIlnc : ' Pills nllil t1) ( ' ' 11\'e
m ( ' health. slrell th Itnd nlllll'tltc.
" l'lII'e'I. hut I ' \111
"I mll1t , : Any I nm . \
kC'cp on Inltln DOllll' ! ! I\hlney : I'lIloi ,
Yes. I'll et them If It tnles ; : the last
thln on thl' rnt'm , "
Dodtt'H KllllIY ! P1I1s ha ye ffected
qllite a 1Itunhet. of other ellres hm'o IInll
It seellls Rnfe to sny they nro un en'cc ,
Uve anl1 111'I'mnnent C\ll'O \ Cor nil dls.
cnaes arising ft'om the I\ldne : ' ! I ,
SbatJlstics show that Lho longest
lived people ha\'o genornlly been
these WhlJ made brenldast , the Plln.
el pal meal of the doy ,
The height of a Maltese goat II
about two teet six Incllc ! : ! , Its welgh1
nearly 100 pounds , aud the cost uf {
good milch unlmal Is t-om $50 t (
$ ] 25 ,
There arc now the , Jewlshl I > . ' !
in the British house of commons
H Is 300 yrmrs ago since blto Uod ,
lIean lIlJluryas , opencd at Oxford
Among the birds shot recently nea :
Oolchestor , England , was a stormJ
Though no special care Is tn\en \ h
the nntl ves tn preserve the strallJl
the Maltese goat manages to keep UI
Its reputlllon ! for looles and produc
) Ire , Wln.low'r SOOTIII1iU IIVIIUI' for chlhlre.
. , thlnll , ( Jllen. the \film. . redllco. Intlamatlor
alia , . I'aln.cllrra ' , , In < 1 colle. 250 hottle ,
- ' - ' - ' ' - " - . . - - - . , . . _ . . . . . , . . - - - , - * . . . . . ' , . . . - - ! ' ; '
. I
. . . .
. ,
Hl i\l VJJI. ( ) . Nrl' A OelA'I'lONSI '
Of Amcrlrn Use Pc'runn For Alii
Cnrnrrhal DIlnnses. ! .
. , . , .
" I ,
v I
. I
. ' \
\VOIIIIIU'H IIcnc\'lIlont AHHllclntlon of .
CItICIlI-tIl ,
MrK , HCllrlcttn A. H. J\lnrllh , 1'rcllltl\'ilt.
WonlU11'H BCIII'\'olont AliMoclntll1l1 , of
:127 : , JUCkMlI11 1'111'1 ; : ' 1'I'rl'uce , 'VoOlllnwl1 , ' I . . . .
OhlclIlo , ill. . HU 'H : ' '
"I ImlTt'rcd wllh In sl'll1110 for ROVOIt' ,
wceltI 111111 notllllll ; hcl11l'd III ! ! Ulitil 11
trlcel Perunn. I fl'lt ut OIlCl' thllt 1 hnt ! . . . '
ul IIIlt : IWI'lIre.l the rlJht : ml'lIl'luo , 0111 ]
IWlll HtCIIIJII ' hUllro\'lnA' . Wlthll1 thrco
weel\l ! I WUK flilly rClJloroll.-llcl1rlettn .
. \ . S. Mnrllh.
lndcllcllllcnt Orllcr of 00011 Tclltptnrll ,
of WII8h hUlton.
Mrl. ! 'lW. . 00111111:1 , 'I'relltlllrCr I. O. G.
1\ , ! t\'l'rl't1 , Wlltlh. , hns IIIIC" the Lrent'
cllturrhlll tOl1lc , l'crunu , for1 1IIItr , , '
\'ulc(1 CII C \1)'lIllClullI. . Shl ! wrlteti :
"Afterl1I'iug' \ II lIovcrc nttock of In
1:1'1111'1. ' , I IIlslI lIutTere\1 wllh d'IiIIlIIIIIII. ' : , ,
ACh'r tnldns 1'1'1'111111 I 1.011111 cat m ) ' rc/ / ; ' ' I
111111' melllK with rcllBh , my H'Ktom WIlIt ' ,
huilt " 11 , my hellllh returl1l'1l , nn" I hll\'o' "
rellllllnc" In excellcllt IIlrcl1llh IIlul vhor
1I0W for ovcr II ) 'l'lIr-1\Ir , ' 1'V. . 001.
111111.If ) 'OU "u 110t "erh'o Ilrompt IInll Hntla.
fllctory 1'1'1IU1l1l frl1m tI\\ IIHI ! of PCI'mlll ;
wrlll' III 11111:1' : to Dr. Itnrtmllu. jlvll1s it
filII IIluh'IIICUt of ) ' 011I' CIIKO , nlul ho will
ho Illc/lKCl1 to gl\'o ) ' 011 hla , 'nlllllulo 11I1.
vic ! ! g't'/I tis. .
Adfl1'l'sR Dr , llnrtmnl1 , I'rclIlIlcl1t of
The 1urlll1nl1 SlInltllrlllm , OolumulI ! ! , 0 ,
' 1'110lllIn \ who Is willing to help
YOIl Is usunllt unable to help him-
Oil n (1let of club : IlOl1nS , a IIttlc ,
and wecls , , a lob , the aVjrn o Mnltese
goat. provides fOllr and a haH to 11\0
pints or mill , dally. I
' ! 'ho GOlDshall Spllrrow cillt , Surrey - I
rey , [ ) Iand. has accounted tor 25- ,
702 lJlrds dllrllJ the illst six years , ' .
I1u\'III lost her fortune 11 French 'I
cOllntcss has gene lutu business ua i' '
rebsmaker lIud milliner In Purls. " "
Caine , Wiltshire , En lnnd , has so'
lected I ts Dew mayor lit tne dunu II
caito and wipe party bold tor the '
pll rpose.
. ,
In nil Its tallC'1 there '
Ihoull be cleallllne. . ,
Ely's Cream Balm
. cll'anlCS , 800lhesaDlI hcal"
the lillcl\scd membrane. "
, It cures eat.urrh and drlvcl
aWI\Y a coll1 In the hcad
quIckly ,
( : renm Bl\lm II placed Into the nostrllllpread ,
over the membrane and II ablorbed , lIellef II 1m.
anc lale nd a cnre foUo" . . It I" not drrln"-dool
not produce encC'zlng , LarJc 8lzo , o cent.e a DruK'
! lilts or by DlI\II ; 'rrlal Sizo. 10 IJAInh by ml\U ,
m.y IIIW1'lIImS. M Wunon St. , New York
I : : ; 'l Thomnson'sEyeWater '
. \ , . , ,
- - - - "
N. N. U. NO. 750-51" YORK NEB , ) ;
" , :
; " ' ' ' ' ' ' " , . , . , , ' :1 : : " : ! JU ! ! 1
I Dl'f l The Kind You Have
I ; m ; " ; ; I1I : " ' h , ' .1 . , 'h ' , , " " "T"o , Always Bought
! A\ ' ' IIII '
, Agclablc Prcpnrationf01'As- ' '
51mi111tin Ihcfood andRc ul1- [ j :
Ul\gth Prcpnrationf01'As1'1' 1'1' I Bears the
. . I " III
- -
: \ Signat1ll'e
! , Promoles Digcstion.Checrrulill ' ,
. -
ncss and ReSl.Conlnins ncllhcI' t
I Opium.Morphinc lIor 10 lincra 1. of
I 'NOT'NAUCO'l'IC. t , '
/ , , . . . I
, ' . '
/ Itmrp/a , ; , S tl-
AlxS lJJra
II " " SJ . -
< < ' .
A , &w ( I
/IoPlmruirt , - . . n
JlI ( p/6C , , ,41fo.fcrla
I1 iftt < r"l- ,
rfrttilitII/91' ! ,
Jflil"'Y""rn naw ; : '
, U s e
Apc ccl HCm ( ly forConslip , ' ; ,
non , Sour Stomach , Dinrrhoea
WormsConvutsionsl cvcrlsh.
HCSS l\m1 . LOilS . : . 01" Sump. " F 0 r 0 V e r
Fac SUlIIlc Slgnnturc or I
f" ; { . : Thirty Years
. . . . . . . . . .
THI : e'NT. " " .n..NY. HEW 10" " CITY.
" " ' :