Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 6

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. CIIAP'l'Nlt X I.-Contlnllell. ( ,
Whlll followcd WIIS olle terrlhle scrne
ot l1elJllalrllll ; mell slrlvltlJ , : ( or theIr lIveR
R n"lI t n toe ot ovetIO\\'erlll [ slrellj.\th. \
.l.'h6 neree fire ot the SCIHHIIWI' , u IIho
clIl le neur"r nlld lIenrer. Willi fl'ehl ) ' I'H.
IIllojHlel1 to , IIIHI III II I1hOI.t tlllle Ihe del'l.
IItI' nllwd with 1110011 , Iltl thl ! Hhut CIIIIII ! i
crll hlll ! : throll/h / ! thl' IJlII\\'lIrl'lJ , IHIIIIIIIJ ! , : ,
IIho'erH or flllllu 'r'H to 110 Ilentlly welrl.
wltit the hnll or Itr lle , 'l'hfre Willi IIU
thull/'ht / , t clllltllrl' hoIlu'III'd : \ ( or hll. ,
'dlll Ihe ml'lI nttll k. ; ( ul1uwllI/ / : the I'X-
11I1I le of their ( ) lIihlr : 111111 Olll ! : \11I1 1111
lIu/'Jetll / ) ' cterlllhud to sdl thdr Ih'I's
1IrlId ) ' , the lIIen tlrllj.\etl \ ! 1I11 u ftl'I' UII
rquhd 1111 11101'10 they worl\Cd Wl're Iii fl'
nillell , IIml IHJllt n shut III relll ) . liS oftl'1I
1111 thl' ) ' cOIIIII ,
WHh ulIlorm torn nllli 1)'lluhhlell , with
1110011 , rllce blnckellell with IHlwtl'r ! , 111111
thl red lI ht or bnttle III hlH D'eS , 1111111'
Ilhre ) ' Arllllliroll ; ; SIlW [ llnllll ) ' ellolllh thlll
hIli cnse wns hOllele.clH , 111111 thnt , with 1111
Ilel' 11011I1' of wnr nlld Ilride u ( dlfll'illhll'
IIlId sll'ellJth , hill IIloull WitH proslrnte he.
forI' l111 ! buccnlleer'lI Hllnky crnCt ,
l'he IIchooner's flllle ! ! wort ! vOIllII1I11 :
alOol'I' nlld flnme , nnd Hhe Willi close IIIOII/ / ; '
.dele IIOW. She IlIId hecn SII 1I111111'IIVll'ed !
1111 to lIull rllht 1'uIIIIII the 1'1111 or till' reef ,
whoso position fM'IIII':1 to he l'xlletl '
kllown10 thllt frolll f rlnJ , : IIpOIl tll ! '
moup's how/I ulIll rllldll trolll stmll to
"lerll , Ihe firln ; ; IlIId heen cOlltilllled III-
filII ! III1Rsed ulun thl' IlIrhuar sldl ! ,
HnrlH ) ' hnd 1I1I1IIIIhrl'Y Ken the elle
1I1)"s Intelltiollll nlld Ialhered hili lIIen tu
Jether , thnn the schuoller'g Bille Irulllld
Ul' nlnlllst the IIhntlcrell stern lit tll !
loop , LTellrnllllllllJ / , : Irunll were IhrowlI
011 honrd , nUll with n turiollll 'dlllll ; II
horde ot hlnclwnl'd , snvngc.looldll ! ; men
Ilourl'd on to the bloody , spllnter.ltl'e\\11
deck , nl111 comIng cOlllpnrutively tre ! ! ! .
1I110n the slooll'S exhnllst11 crew , h01'1
( lown nil opposition , 1\lell were dl'lvell
helow , Cllt down. stllllllell nnd tlrh'l'n tn
Bilk tor qUllrter ; nnd so turious was thl
onslnllJht thnt the sloop'lI crew were Ill.
\'J.Ileel Illto two hlllr.helpiess bodies , I.'nl'
ot which threw down theIr nrlllfl , whlh' '
the other , which Incll\INI \ the cl1l1lllln IInd
the officerll , hllcked slowly townrtl thl
bows , hnlting nt c\'l'ry sllot where the
CQuld mnl.e' n stnlllI , hut torcell to 'Iehl
toot by root , till tbclr tllte wns to 8ur.
render or be driven throllgh the shnller.
cd bulwllrl.s into the Ken ,
It wns n mntter ot mlnutl'8 , 'I'll ! ! fi ht
wns desllernte , hut IIseless ; IIulllphrey
Armstrollg nnd those nrolllld him seelllllll ;
determined to sell their lives denrly , for
! IO qunrter wns nsl\Cd , 'fhey hllli ! ( IVl'/1
\1ny IItl'lI by stell till there WIIS nuthlnl ;
behind thelll , but the shlltterell bulwflrlls
nud tIll ! sen , when , heullell by their lender -
er , thl' bllc llneer/l mllde n despernte rUHh ;
there wns the clnshlng ot R\vorllnulllIllcc ;
uud , ns snllor nnd ullicer tell or were ls.
armed , I1ulllllhrey stellilell In n hnlt.con.
genled 11001 ot blood , slll'lled , lIt1d went
llea\'lIy hnckwnrd , the buccanel'r's lIell-
tennnt lenplntorwnrd / to brnln him with
11 hen vy nx.
There was n rush , n fierce 8hout , nlllck
Mllzzllrd was thrust n81de , Ilnd thu commodore -
modore sprlltlg pnRt him to plllnt hIli toot
upon the fllllen officer'8 cheRt , willie , the
ghtt'1Jelng over , the rest held their hnnds
-the , conquerors and conquered-to see
whut wouM be the cl111tnln's tllte ,
, , ow , Onptnln Armstrong , " cried the
bucclineer lender , "beg ror 'our wretch.
cd lire , 'OI1 cownrdly 1I01" !
"Cownrdl" rOltfed IIlImphrey , raising
1IImselt. sllJhtly on one hnnd , n8 with the
other.'he IIwCpt the blood trom hlJ ! elllll1- I
gulned tace. "You cursed houndl you ,
1'he buccnneer shrank bnck ns it tram
IIOlno blow ; hIs toot wnH wlthllrllwl1 { rom
t111 ! wounded officer's chest , he lowered
the Ilolot at his sword and stood gnzlllg
at his prostrate enemy wildly :
" 1.'ho cnptnln shirks the job , .tntlH , " cried
a cOllrse voice , 1I1Iere , let me cOllie , "
It walllllack Mazzllrd who IIpoku , Iwd ,
drunk with the spIrIt ot the turlous fight ,
he I'ressed torward , ax : In hand. I
J1ulllllhrey rnlsed hlmselt a little high-
r , with hIs white tl'uth bllred In ! lerce dc-
IInnce ns he 11relulred to meet thl ! de:1th-
blow he saw about to tllll ,
nut at thllt mOlllcut thp. buccaneer
caught hIli lIeutenllnt's UIlItted nrm ,
"EIough } 1" _ he cried , fiercely ; "no more
blood. lIe Is no coward , nrt-Dlnny ,
tnke thIs gentlemnn ashore. "
Dumphrey Armstrong dId not hear the
words. { or his de nnt nct exhllusted hlIJ
fallln ! : stren th , nnd he fell back , In-
Hen sible to all that happened tor lIIuny
bours'to cOllie.
"Not dyIng , Dart ? "
"No , not eXllctly dyIng , " nld that Worthy -
thy In a low growl ; "but s'II08e yon shoots
and wlnls n gull , pIcks It up , Ilnd takes
It Ilndlilts \ It In n cage ; the wOUlIII hen Is
up , Ilnd the blrl1 seenllr sound ; but arter a
time It don't Ileck , an l don't Ilreen Its
plumes , and It It don't bent ItRelt IIguln'
the burs 0' the cnge , It sits I1nd looks nt
the sea , "
"Then you melln thllt Onlltllll1 Armstrong -
strong Is pIning aWIl ) ' ? "
"That's It. "
"lIas he IIUY suspIcIon ot who we nrc ? "
"Not 1bIt , "
"And ) ' 011 think ho Is suffcrlng tor wllnt
ot chlln ! : ! ! ? "
"Course 1 do , Anyone woulil-trhut up
In , thn t dllrk Illnce , "
"Uns he cOllllllnlned 1"
"Not' he. ' 1'00 brll\'e a lad , Why not
gIve ) llm Ilud his lads a bent , Ilnd let
them go ? " ,
"To cOllie bl1ck with n strong torce nud
destro.r liS ? "
" . \h , 1 never thought ot thatl Unke
hllll tlWl'lIr he wouldn't. lIe'd keel ) hi : !
word , "
"But his lI1el\ would not , nart. No ;
be will IlIIve to stIlY. "
' , him loose , then , to run about the
Illace. IIe can't get AWAY. "
"I am ntrn\el \ , "
" 'VIII1t 00"
"Sollle trouhle nrlslnsHazzard 1101'S
not 11I,0 hllll , "
1'he bllcelllleer took a turn or two Ull
and dowu the qnnrters he OCCU1111'd In till'
Vllilt fl1nge of buildings burll'd In the
torcst n Ullle bnck trom the bead ot the
IInrbor , wlll're hhr Hehooner la7 ; and nl1rt
" , ntched him curiously till be stopped ,
with Ills flice twltchlllg , and the frowu
dl'l'lll'ulng upon his brow.
, . . n ( ' , will IO gt VU , hi. word ot honol
, t , .
, . _ . .II . ! ' ! . . . . .rwlO . . . .t i\ " : . . \ ; "I 1f. : ; - ' t ' " , .
CIIPe , Hnrl , " Huid the
Cltlitulll , llllUHlug nt Illst hetore hili fol- , ,
10weI' . '
" "I'wur'II't IIkel ) ' " sllid Bnrt , " 'Vho I' i
wOIIIII'lIe'd /tet ; wuy It he cOllld , "
" 'rhe prltwllers CUllllOt I'flculle IhrolllhI I
the torcllt ; tlu're Is 110 W/lY / hilt tlw sell , \
/11111 / th/lt / IIIIIHt he IJrOlwrJr Wlltl'hed , Dlle
uoll'e mll t he 1\'clI Iu 1111 thllt nny nt-
1I1I,1 ! , , In I'scnll [ ' will he followl'd hthu
IlIlnlshllll'lIt of .tenth. "
"I hl'/lr / , " /1/1111 / BIII'I , "Am I to tell the
cnlllnill th/lt / ? "
"Nu , 111'.lIIlIlIt IOlllw It ; hut I J:1"e him
11110 ) ' 0111' chllr/tl , YOII II1l1st wntch o\'er
him , 11111 ] Ilrute'l him ( rom hllllHelt IInd
frolll 1111)0111' t'He. ! "
"Blncl. I II/Irf / ! ? "
"I rolll IIlIrOlll' 1I1.I'J . ) ' to do him hllrm , "
IIIII the Clllltlllll , sll'rnl ) ' , " 1'011 IInltJr-
itllllll ? "
" 1'1'/1 , 1'11I JolnJ ; , " repllcd Bllrt , III n
low r\vl , /HI / he ned III his lenlm'H
, , ) .t's ; 111111 theil , with n curious , thought-
:111 1001. In his OWII , he Wl'lIt Ollt ot the
' 1IIIt/llll'6 / qllnl'terH 111111 In the direction ot
the 1Il'IHun o ( I he 1"11111 ollIcer.
As Bllrt IIPIII'ouche,1 , he he nme IIware
"r n rnlnt rllfltllllg IIOUIIII , 1111 ot Homeolle
, 'etrl'lltlllJ , : frulII the wllllluw nmons ; thl'
trees , 111111 stnrlllll ; forwllrd , he looked
IUt , Bllt nil wns stili ; lIot n 10111 ; rOlle-
.Ik ! ! IIUIIl1 quivering , 110 lent crushed ,
"Some monlwy , " 1Illlttred Bnrt , nnd
turnlnl ; hack , he Ijlled down with u
.I ell \'y frown nt the fr/llll" / halldsome rlle
, r tbe ) 'uunl ; olllcer , till he sn w the ten.
lures twitch , the ( lyell open nnll Rtnre
, vunderlngl ) ' Into his ; nlld ouce mOl'e the
Irlsouer , l'oused b ) ' the Ilrt'SIICe ! ot nn.
Ither IlIzlng upon hili sleeplnl ; rnce , lId-
Il'ul ) . sprnn np ,
"You Ill're I"
"Yes , Rlr , I'm here , " slIld Bnrt.
"Whnt tor ? 'Vhy ? "
"Nothillg much , sir ; ollly to tell you
hnt ) ' 011 cllnto. . "
"Go ? " cried the captnln , excitedly.
"Yes , sir , Cnptnln .Tacl's urdrs-
where ) ' 011 like , so long ns you don't try
to CSCII pc. "
"Bllt I mllrt e1lcnpel" cried Humphrey ,
IIIJrlly. " 'l'ell the cnlltnln I , , :111 : not give
II ) ' parole , "
"lIe don't wnnt It , sir , You Cl11l go
where 'ou like , only It ; ) 'OU try to escape
YOII will he shot. "
I11111111hrey ArmstrollJ ; rose trom where
he hnd heen 1)'lnl ; nnd mnde nR It to JO to
the c1oor , his fnce full ot ! ! xcltement , his
e'es flnshlng , and his hllnds nil ot a
trl'mbll ,
" 'l'here , the sickness hils Ilns' > l'd o IT ,
ow helll me out Into the 8unshlne. "
HUlllphrey Armstrollg wns wenker
trom his wuullds than he belle.ed ; hut
the chlln e from being shut up In the c1lm
temple chnlllber with the Irent stolle 1c101
tor compnllY to the comliarntlvel ) ' rree
9pen IIII' ot the torest clenrlng rnpldly
restored the elnstlclt ) ' ot hIs nntllre , nud
gn'e hIm nmple oPllortunlt ) ' tor stud'lnlj
the stnte ot uffulrs ,
lIe tound that the buccaneers went Ollt
but seldom , nnd that when expeditIons
were mnde they would he tnlrly dl v\ell'd \ ,
At olle time the cnlltaln would bp. 111 com-
lUund , nt nnother the lIeutenllnt , so thnt
theIr settlement wus ne\'er left unllro-
tt'ctec1 ,
As rnr ns he cOllld judge , they Were
nhout n hunllred In number , nnd grent
dllnplc1ntell chambers 111 the rnllJe ot
temples and 1IIllnceil termed ndmlrllble
bllrrnclls nnll melltl1l of lle'teuse , such nR In
time ot need could enslly be held nJnlnst
attnck ,
But IImnpllrey's Jrent Idea WIlS to es-
enlle ; n1ll1 to accomllllsh this It seemed to
him that his first need WIIS to open Ull
commulllclltion with his ml'n ,
1.'hiR he determllled to nccompllsh , for
with the liberty given It seemed to be n
very easy thlnl ; to wnlll to some henll ot
stOtll'S at the ed/'e / ot the fOrl'st IInd there
lIellt hlmsl'lt till he wns unohfler\lI. when
he coull1 Ilulet ! ) . , step Into the denKe thicket -
et , nnd IIInke his wny to where his followers -
lowers wore IlIIprlsoued ,
I lIe bnd not Ionto / walt , for It seemed
thut , litter beIng CIORI'I ) wntcht'll tor the
first tew dnYR , the IlItltude allowed to hllll
WIlS grt'llter. He had hut to wnlk to the
( ! c1 e ot thu torest nnd Wlllt , tur tbe ll-
portunlty wns sure to COllie ,
'l'he torest 1I1lth hud evIdently been
rllrely used ot Illte , for the sort l'nrth
RhoWl'tl no Imprints , the tl'nder slcldy
growth at these lIeep shndes hall not been
crushed ; 1111I1 nR I1umphrey realized theRe
tncts , he glnnced bnck. to see how enslly
hIs trll,1I COli III be followed-each Rh'll
he hlld tllken bl'hlg either IInpresHed In
the vegetllble 11011 or mnrked by the
crushlnl ; down ot 11IUSS or herb.
The sIght ot this Impelled him to Ildoll-
tlonnl effort , so thnt hu might Jllln sume
dl'f lllte Inorlllntion abollt his people , nnd
perhups seek them by nIght , wheu once
he hlld tound tlw 1II1'nns or cOll1l11unlcu-
tlOII. In this spirit he was hurr'IIII on
when he cnnw sudden ! ) ' , In one ot the
dllrkest pnths , Ullon a figure which burred -
red hIs WII ' , nnd It wns wIth the nc1ll1tlon
ot a rnJe-wrnlll ; sn\'IIe ; exclamlltlou thnt
he littered hIs CIIItdr's Ullme ,
' 1'here WIIS 11 denl1 slll'nce In Ule dnrk
torest I\s these two Itood tllce to tllce ,
bllrled , nil It were , In n gloolll ) ' tllllnel.
ACter 1I1IlIIphrl'y's IlIIllntlellt ejllcllliltlon ,
quill ! 11 mlnllte elnllsl'd ; nnd then , hlllt
mocl"u I ) ' , Cllnl ! ) lu II deel' , low , "ulco :
"Yesl Conllllollore Junkl"
Humphrey stood glnrlng 110wn nt the
obstllcle In his ( llIth , 11u wns tall IInd
nthletlc , nllll , In spltl ! of his wealmeJS
ulIII the tllies he hnl1 henrd of the other's
powers , ho felt that he cOllld seIze thIs
IIInn , hurl hrm down 1111I1 plallt hll root
UlOIl hI ! ! chest ; for the buccllneer cnlltnln
wns wlthollt welllolls , nnd IItood lonkln ; ;
lip nt hIm wIth one hll11l1 resting UIIUII his
hlls , thl' other rlllsl'd to hIs bl'nrllll'slI
fnce , with II " : I'II.shII1ICII , IIlIInll Index
finer ; slightly 11I11lrellsing hlH rlluudec1
chl'ek ,
"Yes , " he said lIIocldllgl ) ' , "Comlllodore
JII1k ! " 'ell , lIulllllhrey Arlllstrong ,
'whllt mnd lit Is thl/ "
" Inllllt ! " crled.I1nlllllhrey , qlllcldy ru-
coverln hImself. "You II110wI'II111e to be
at liberty , nud 1 am ( 'xplorlllg the 1lncI' . "
' 1'he bllccnneer 100kl'(1 ( In hIs e'etl , with
the mocklnJ. : smile growluJ ; more IIIl1rllJd ,
"Is thIs Clllltniu lIumpbre7r11ltronJ. ! . : ,
brave cllllimnudl'r Sl'nt to N.terllllnnte me
nnd mIne , stoolllnl ; to ) lUak It mlscrable
eXI'usL'-to tell u lie 'I"
" . . \ . lIel" crIed 1Iumllhrc7 , fiercely. as
be took a IItep In ndv nce.
"Yes , It lIel" said the buccAneer , with.
- - - . . . . . . . . -a. : . . . . . , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
- -
: " " , - " " , , . , - " . . . .
. - _ ,
- - - - - - - - - - -
Ollt 1II0vlll n mllscle. "Yon were > tryIng
to finll ' b ' wblch cOllld .
SOInC wn ) ) IOU es.
Call ( ! , "
Humphrey wnll Alleut.
I "Oollle , Cnptnln 11l1mphrey ; 'ou will
suffer tor thIs. ' 1'hl're nre chili ! ! IInd
tevers In Ihe depths ot this torl'st which
sele > upon strnllJI'rS like ) ' 011 , eSllCclnll ) '
upon those wenkt'l1ed by their WOIIIIIIR ,
nlld I do not Wllllt to lose the ollicer 111111
Jl'ntll'lIInn who Is to hi' III ) . Crlellcl filld
helll here , whlre I lilli , ns It werl' , alone. "
I "Yollr rrll'llil nnd hl'lpl" snltl IIl11n-
phrer , hnu/thtlb' . "I 1111I YOllr prisolll'r ,
fllr ; hut ) 'OU tor et to whom 'Oll nre
sllenklng , 1I0w dnre 'ou aRI < me to IInl ,
my tnte with thnt ot 'our cntthront hancl
-to shnrl' with ) 'OU n lite ot 1IIIIncler nud
dl\'JI'lIl'e with the the .
! \ ; , noose nt ynrtl.ltrm I
ot every ship III hi ! ! IIIl1jl'lIly's nn vy wlllt-
Ing to ( 'lid ) 'Ullr mlernble ! cnreer ? "
lIe IIIndl' II cllltch nt the nenrl'st hrl1nch
to sn ve hllllselt , tor hlH hend SWI1I11 , blnck
spots \'ClIl'd 111 IIIIt IIl1d IItrnllgely blurred -
red sel'lIIell to 110 .leRcl'IIiUnl . ; trolll IIbove
to (01'11I II hlllllllll/t / veil before hIs t.'es ,
II ! ! recovered himsel ( rur II 11111 III IHI t , IUII
enough to reS1'11t tIll : hlllld stretchNI Ollt to
sn'e hilll , IInd thl'n ' nil wnll blllllle , nnd
with II honrffe sigh he would hnrlllll'u
Ilea vII ; ) ' hilt for the strolll ; 111'11I8 thnt
clllI/tht hlll1 , held hllll lirllll ) ' for.1I tl'\\ '
1II0lllellts , nlld then n fllint cntchln flilh
WII ! ! henrll In the stillness or the fOI'CI ! ,
11/1 1111 111 Ilhre ) ' Armstron ! ; wnll lowerell
/llowly IIpon the 1I101lS nnd n sott brown
hnnd III\el \ IIpOIl hi ! ! ( orl'hend , IIg the bnc.
cnneer bellt down Ullon one Imee ) ' hi ! !
' .
side' ,
" 'Vnllt lIIe ? " /lnlll II del'p , low \'olce ; nnd
the bUccall'er stllrted ns Ir fl'om n dn'.1I11 ,
wllh hili tace hnrdenln ; ; , nnd the wrin-
1\11'11 which hnll bl'l'n smoothed rOPllear-
IIIK lIel'lll ) ' In the brunll torewnd. !
"Yoll here. Bart ? "
' 'Ay , 1'111 herl. "
"O"'e 11Ie n lIet nnd I'll cnrr ) ' him
bncl. . "
All this wall 1I0ne , nnd Dinny SllmmOIl-
cd , so thnt when , IIn hOllr III tel' , Hum-
phrey IInclt'/l1'11 hIs I'es , It WIIS with hlll :
hl'nll throbhln with tever , n wild , hnlt.
dellrlolls reamllless troublin ! ; hlil brnlu ,
nnll the Jrent stone hnn/e / ! ; lllrIn1I0wn /
nt hllll throll h the dim green twilight at
the prison 1'00111 ,
It wns n bItter experience for the prisoner -
oner to find thllt II ! ! hlll1 overrnted his
Ilowers , The effort , the excitement , IInd
the mnlarIlI ot the forest prostrntecl him
ror n rortnilht , 111111 nt the end ot thnt
tillle he found thnt he was lu no condition -
tion to mllke n furthl'r nttel11pt Ilt secur-
lu the lIIenns of escnpe ,
"Y oll're to IWel1 to ' 0U1' lIrlson till fur- .
Hler orders. " IInld nnl't one dny as he
entered the IIlnce.
" "Tho SIl'S so ? " cried IIumphrey , nn.
"Lufftenn II t. "
" ' ' 'hntl 11Izurll ? "
"Yt's , sir , His orllers. "
"Ourse Lleut , Inzar ! " cril'd Hllm-
Ilhrey , " "There Is till ! cnptnln ? "
No nnswer ,
"Is thlg so.cnlled lIeutenllnt mnster
here ? "
"Tries to he , " grumbled nart ,
"The cnlltnln Is 11 WilY , then ? "
"Ortlers ure lIot to nnswer questions , "
snltl Dart , Ilbruptl ) ' ; nnd he left the chum-
bel' .
Milldny nrr"'ell , and Dumphrey wns
looking rorwnrd to the coming ot Dlnny
with his meal. ' 1'he Irlshmun Iihtnell ; :
hlH wellry honrs , nud every time he cnllle
the cnptlve rl'lt some little hOlle ot winning - :
ning him over to help him eSCllpe , ,
"Ah , Dinn ) ' , my 11l1I ! " he snld , IlS be
henrd n stell , nnd the hnnging curtln ! ,
wns I1rll wn nslde ,
He stoPlIl'd an IIstene , tor 11 olce
whlsllerell from somewhere closu nt hllud
the word , "Kellyl"
"Yes ; whnt 18 It ? Who clllled1" snld
the Ilrlsoner , nlolld ,
, 'l'here was a mOlllentnry silence , Ilnd
tht'n n pecullllr whispering voice saId : i I
"Don't be trightl11'd , "
"I'm not , " snld lIumpbrey , tryln : ; to
1II1111e out whence the voice Cllme , Ilnd
only nble to surmise that It wns frolll
somewhere over the dnrk corner whre
he sll'pt , "But where nre 'ou ? "
"Up above ; ) 'our chlllllber , " wus the
reply , "There Is a plllce wher ! ! the
stOneH nre broken IlWIl ' . "
" 'fhen I 11111 wntcll'lI. " tholl/'ht / HUIII-
phre ) ' , liS the IInUOUllcemeut reclllled the
cllptllln ,
"Onn ) 'OU see tIIe'he / usked.
"I cllnnot tlee ; ) ' 011 where ) 'OU nre now ,
but I could It you went and IllY down
upon YOllr couch. "
" 1.'hen I'll go there , " Illld Humpbre ) ' ,
crossing the JrI'llt chnmbbr 1'0 throw him-
selt on the blunlets Ilnd skins , "Nuw ,
then whllt do ' with "
, 'ou wllnt Dlnny ?
"I kuew the cnl llln bad gone to ! ien , "
snld the voIce , eVllslvely ; "but I did 1I0t
kuow l\elly : hnd been too , lIe
cnnnot be. without letting me know. "
"Listen ! " Rnld II umphrey . quickly.
"Yoll nre lIstress Greeuheys1"
"Yes. "
"Anll 'ou love DennIs Kelly ? "
1.'here WIlS slll'nce ,
"You need not teur me , I know your
hIstory , " continued IIlImpbre ) ' . "You
lire , like m'Helt. 11 prlHoller , lIud In the
power ot thnt blncl.-Iooklug lIeutenunt. "
"I 11111 n mlseruble sluvl' , sIr. "
"Yes , yes , I know. 'l'hen look here ,
clln we 1I0t all escllpe together ? "
"gscnpe , slrl How ? "
" ' 1'hrough Dhltl11 hehl , "
"lIe wOllld lIut g\'e ! It , sIr , It wOllld
bo IlIIposslhle. I-I-therel I will spt'nl ,
out. slr-l cnn bllir thIs horrible lite DO
i lon er ! I hu.0 II III. ell hl111 to tllku lIIe
IIWII ) ' . "
" " ell , will he not ? "
"lIe Is Ilrrnltl , sir , "
"And ) 'et he loves YOli 1"
"Ill' IIII 'S so. "
"A ntl ' 011 11l'1I1'\ ' ' It '
) \ ( , or 'ou would tlot
run rlskll by comhlJ , : here , "
"Hlsks , " snlel the WOnlllll. wIth n slJh ,
"It Inznrd ku w I clime he would Idll
I mel" ' ' ' ' "
1'he wrl'tehl" tllllttl'red II II IIIl1h re ) ' .
'l'llu , nlond , "Dluny 1II11/1t 1I'IIIU8Vom -
I\n , Hurety ) ' 011 clln wIn hIm to our ! ; de !
You will trI \ " ? " ,
I " ' 1'1' ) ' . tllr I will do nnythlnd" :
" "Pork 1I110n his teellugs , alld I will try
111111 do thl' Hanll' . "
I 'l'he curtnln dropped , HUlllphrly stoo
IIl1tcnhll ; uud thlnlduJ. ; . 1 lunlly he 101'11' '
and wlthollt IIII ' hesltl1t1ou wnll'e
straIght out throllgh thl' openIng , nud
IIIl11le hIs WII ) ' IIlon/ / ; the corridor to
whert' till' 11111I blllZl' torth ,
' 1'he prlsonlr 11111111 , n bohl dllsh In n
trl'sh IUrl'ctinn.oln / / : , strnlht : towurd
whl're II ! ! belit'ved hi ! ! lIIen's IJllnr I'rH to
be ; Ilnd. as betorl' , the monll'nt hI" 1111S8.
Id behllld till' rulus hi' founll hlmsl'lt
tace to tacI' with a deuse wall lit ver-
dure. Deteatl'd hl're , he trlt'd ulluther
lIud nnother 11lncl" tl1\ \ hIs Ilerst > 'erlince
: 'WIlS rewarded hy tht fludlng at OD ot
I the duk , wl1l lIke pttlui tgrwoll b7 cut-
, d"l' 1. . . . ' _
- - - .
- - - -
- I , . . . . , . . ! > < ! (
' 'i ' ' ' ' JOp- . . . ' " ' 7 ' cJ , YO' , , '
, , _ _ 'LA _
'ling ' nwny thp smnller growth and JIll"I I
/ throllllh lIlI ! treeH.
Into this dnrl. IH\thwny he pllll1led , W
find lit the enll ot 1I\'e IIIlnlltes he hnd I
10llt nil \ell'n \ , through Its nhrupt tllrnJ ! ,
ot the dlrectloll In which hu wnfl olng ;
while IlOturl ! II ! ! hnd IIl'netrlltt'd 1I111ch
I turther the pnlhwllY torl.NI , nnd , IIn. I
nhle to dt'clll , ' whl'h wOIIIII 11'1111 hIm 10
, the rlCJlllrI'l1 IlIrl'ctioll , hu took the IllIth
to the rhht.
'l'hls IItHltlenly debouchl'll IIpon nnother
golnJ , : IIcross II nt right nllj.\lclI \ , nllil ntter
n 11101ll1'nt'li heltlltlon the IIrlsoner tllru-
cd to the Il'tt , nnll to hi ! ! Jrent dllIlht !
founll thnt II ! ' hndsolved one ot thl' ; 0110-
, ; rnllhlcnl Ilro lellls of the IIlnce. ror this
I , h'd towllrll whnt wns I'vllll'ntly the outer
llI1rl ot the hUCl'ltll'l'rH' 8l'ttlel1ll'IIt , alltl I
ut this he hud Pl'oo ! h ) ' hl'nrlllJ ; the -
erl'll IIOI1I1c.1ot'OiCeR . , which hecnme clellr
I1S he IlrllCl'edl'll. 111111 nt Inst wert' pllllllly
to he IIInde Ullt u ! ! comllll ; rrOIl1 n rniulcJ
bulldlllg stnlllllllg I1pon n terrnce.
( ' 1'0 he cOlltlnued , )
' 1'he PUlIt..hllll'lItH O' 11 Hchool.
When the , John Worlh ' School of Chi.
CII O WIIH crelltell tlll'rt'1111 no IlIw on
the Htlltute boolal III'ohlhltln tlog lng ,
IIndso the Insllt utlon 1I0 g1. Soon so.
clut ) ' IWII1'II of It , 1'1vcd , fomenled 1IU11
HIII'1n1de11 IlI'olcsls III the newsplli1crs ,
1111I1 nClel'lIoon ten ! ! , nplllllledJut \ not
slH'echleHs , Werl ! II O with Indhnlltlon ,
a 11I1 the gl'eat c1t ' council. sth'l'C by
the fcmlnillo lIuHtu1' , ) lut , liS It were , a
gog on soclel " mouth b ) ' cnllctlng' an
ol' lnllnco milking em'pOl'al punlshmcnt
1111111 wflli. 'l'hclI the sol1lllr ' ccll , l < 1Iown
oUlel'wlse ns the sOlltll1' ' , or , vernllcu-
11II'lr , liS "thu hole , " clime Illto exist-
ence-sollllll' ' lonflnemellt ! fOl' one , two
01' three . II 'S , occul'lling to the offense ,
Uut .It WIIS fOllnd thllt offenses WeI'O
commlttc fet ; whIch solllm' ' conl1ne
mellt of un ' lenglh of time wOllld bo
too se.ereJut \ which stili oUg'ht to be
\J \ ' ' ' ' . ' 1'0
checked 111'0)11'1' ) rcprlmulIIl. sup-
III ' thIs WUllt n new uml peculiarly
punitive devIce was contrIved , In
COUl'SO of time \Jecnme \ known as
"llloughlng , " uteI'm BUlgcstl\'O of auy-
thing but 1II'IsoII liCe , 'l'hls new punishment -
ment cOlIslsted of continuous wnlklug
uhollt the four sideR of u Inrge rectun-
gullu' hllll , the wnU < IIIg' helug IncHssllnt
under wntch of a gUllI , IInll of n duration -
tion sufllclent In length toleI'mlt \ the
sutTe1'er to heUl' ut leust oue melll gong
to whIch he could not respoud-'l'hom-
us A , Steep , in Lesllu's Monthly for August -
gust ,
'Vhnt Is BIC'ctrlclty ? I
At u time when elech'lclly Is rapIdly
tl'l1nsformlug the face of the globe ,
when It has ulrendy In great meaSl\l'O
anulhllute dlstuucl' umlJlds \ fall' to
u\Jollsh \ darkness fOl' us , It Is curIous t
notice how completely Ignorunt "tho
pllllu mun" rumnlus us to the later de-
' of elech'leal .
\'elopments thuory.
SOllie recent corr'esl > ou euce , says 11.
writeI' In tile Academy , hlls ll'd me to
thl111. thut u vuglle notion that electricIty -
ty Is a l1uld which In some m 'sterlous
way tlows through a telegraph wire
like water thl'ough u pipe Is u out as
fur as he ha.s got ; uud If we u d to
thIs some Imowle ge of whnt he calls
"elcctrlc shocl.s , " we should prolmbly
exhaust his Ideas on the subject. Yet
thIs Is not to be womlered ut , Even i
the most Instructed physicists can do
uothlng but guess us to whut elech'lclty
Is , und the only poInt on whIch they
ugree Is ns to what It Is not. 'l'here Is ,
In fuct , a pel'fect consensus of opInion
among sclentllc ! wrltm's that It Is not
u tluld-1. c. , a coutlnuous stream or
ponderuble mutter , liS Is u liquid or a
gas-and thut It Is not u (01'111 of energ . ,
as Is heat. Out811le thl9 limit the scl-
entltlc Imnglnntlou Is at ltcorty to roam
where It IIstuth , an althoug" " It has used
this lI ert ' to a consIderable extent , no
definite l'esult has followed W' to the
presunt time.
Snrcu 1I1 thnt Fulled ,
lIe Is such a little mlln-only 3 'ellrs
old'et hu Insists upon Intruding h.ts
presence nnd a vlce upon his elders.
often to their luteuse IInnoyance ,
It was enl ' a few du 's IIgo that hili
mothel' anll hIs Aunt Bullo01'U dls.
cussIng some household pl'Oblem-
somothlng' thut un Infant wus not supposed -
posed to know anythIng about. Su -
denly cller nppearell upon the scene ,
und In u momnt wus Informlug both
of the femInIne memhers of the fam-
ny just whllt the facts were.
"Oh , WIsdom , when dl you arrive ? "
exclaImed Aunt Belle , thinking that
she mIght be able to "squelch" the
'oungster ,
" , Tu/lt come dls mlnlt , " replied' the
mlto , not In the lenst ahashed by the
sarcasm , And Aunt nelle guve It up
as a hopeless cuse-Duluth News-
Plvo BoouM of Life. I
In the mornIng of nfe clime the good i
faIry with her aUlI 8111d : I
"lIere lire gIfts , ' 1'al < u olle , leave tho' '
others , Aull be Wlll'y , choose wlselYi
O. choose wlsel1 for enl ' one of them
Is "aluuhlo. "
The girtH were five ; I'ume , [ .I0VC ,
Riches , l'll'ullure , Denth , 'l'be youth
sulll clIgerl ' :
" ' 1'hCl'u Is no neud to consIder , " und
he chose PlellRure.
[ 10 went out Inlo the worlll and
sought out thc 1I1ensUl'cs that youth
delights In , But cllch In turn was
8h01't 1I\'cd nnd dl8UIIlolntlng'nln \
and emllty ; aUlI cueh , dClIII'Ung , mock-
c(1 blm. In thu end he salll :
" ' 1'llI'se 'elll'S I IU1\'o wastell. If I
coulll hut choose again , I woulll choose
wlsel ' . " - larl : 'l'waln In lIarpcl"s
Wceld ' .
AllIce with the 1'llIIes.
"Yos , " snl thu III1I lol'd of the pic.
turesque old tll'I'I'n , "I mn going to ai-
tm' m ' 'Accommodutlon tor Man and
Ut'lIst' sign. "
"In whnt11) ' ? " querIed the tourist.
"Why , I 11111 going tolut \ uII ; 'Accom.
mo atlon tor Mun llld , Automobile. ' "
.1'0 ascertlliu thl ! correct age ot a
borse , ask thc owner IUld mulUpl1 his
answer by two.
Jm.'m- ' L -.i'8 '
- =
- - - - - - -
, ,
PJen nllt Iucldcnt ( ) ccurrlnl/ : the
World Ovcr-Snylnlt8 thnt Arc Chcer-
ful to Old or Youul-I'nuny Selec.
tlons that ver3'IJOdy 'VIII nJoy. ;
"Womcn 111'0 cel'lalnly ( IUeCr crcll.-
tlll'CR , " remnrlwd the 0111 llhyslclnn ,
"Wha t Is It tlow ? " asked the drll- ;
gls ,
"Wh . , " answered the old pill Ills.
Ienser , " 1 jnRt recelvcd u postal curd
fl'01la \ W01l\I\I1 \ patient mfll'kell 'Per-
sona I. ' "
111111 Not ncc1ded ,
'l'hentt'leal Iallnger-llere'/J a letter
from the I\thogl'lIllher \ , and he wnnts
! to Iwowhn t11I he the color of your
I hul' this sl'lIson. "
Actress-'l'ell him I'll wire him next
wecl. ,
Ycry Active.
JOlles-\Yere 'o there whe they
passed around the cheese ?
Smlth-Ycs ; I toolc un active PUlt.
Dcst Conr c.
"Husband , " wulle the spcckloo hen ,
"I l : my eg s hIgh up In the Ion IIn
SOllle one toolc them. What shoul I
O now ? "
"Lay lowl" chuckled the roe rooster ,
fiS he Stl'Utted away.
HI8 Confcs8lon.
"To what , " asked the Inquisitive per ,
son , "do 'ou owe your success In IIfeY"
"To my wife , " replle the mUll who
was In the tax-doller ; ClMS ,
"Woul,1 'ou mind gl\'lng me rurthcr
details ? " asl.ed Ule I. p ,
"Details nre scal'ce , " replied the cup-
ltallst. "I simply lIlalTled a wIdow w110
had hulf a llllion In col cash. "
An Awful Jolt.
"I say , barbah , " queried the very
young man as hI' pause at the door ot
a crowded tonsorial porlor , "how lung
wllll-aw-huve to W'Illt foh a shave ? "
"Oh , " replied the barber as he glanc-
ell at the beardless fn.ce or the speaker -
er , " 'ou mIght come hack In a couple
of 'ears , "
Not a omJlIment.
"I see Reginald has changell his mln
an decllled to prosecute the owner or
the automohlle that ran over him. "
"Yes , Indecd , At first be thought It
was the racing machlne'of a Newpol't
mllllonal1'e , but now he finds It only
belonged to a common broker. "
U"etes8 ,
Sue-Yes , It ws\s terrIbly lonesome
do\\'u to the beach , No one to maIm
I love ,
Bclle-nut you said there was oue
ml111 dow1I there ?
Sue-Yesi hut he was no use to us.
He wns the "lIrmles8 wonder" from the
museum ,
Did Not Understnncl.
"What on earth's the matter w1lh
Irs Sl1fle , nl1 'how ? "
" , J enlous of Safte , I guess , Slc's
been 1II1\11e ever sluce ho to1 ! her the
other day thut he was goIng' to buy n
neW ribbon for hIs tYlle\n-lter. "
A n..nw ,
Summer nOllrder-1.'ell mo somethIng
to decldo a bet , Is that horse ot yours
ol or thnn the wagon ?
'fhe l ' '
al'll1Cr-Thuy're twlns-Puck ,
. .
1.lko II lIooJe.
" lr8 , , Tullson sa 's she knows her
husbanl1l1l.e tl bool. . "
"Yes , ami she treats him 1I1.e one. "
"IIow's thl1t ? "
" ' 1'I':1t8 him carelessly Aad shuts him
up. "
UCluly to Tllke Ch1lf\'e .
I'lrst 0111 IalWell , you know ,
ilia rl'lnge Is a letter ) ' , M I truly be-
Iluvu It.
St'CUI1 Old lalI-So : 110 II nut where
110 ) 'OU 8UIP080 I coul get a tlcke [ ?
- -
A. . 'n lI'otcll.
Plng-'l'hat tellow G1'I\1I1 > lt certaInly
tmowlJ the \'aluu ot It. dollar.
POI1-Bl'eu ! tr'lnJ : to borrow one of
! lltnOh.cago \ N&w. .
' .
. ' ! I ; o , ft
- -
, . .s..T'\ ' \ "
. . . . . - . , - - . . . . . . . . . .
I J'rnctlcn I I xllerlence.
, "What wo require , " sul the I11.I1n.
aging editor , "Is the servlcos of ( l Ulnn
I aIlIllJle of tnldng full churge of our
'Qnery Box. ' Are you cUllnlJle or an.
swerlng all 1ln s of questions ? "
"Wcll , I rather guess ) 'es , " repUed
the applicant. " 1'111 the fnther of elev4
en chlldl'en.-Ohlcugo News. .
A , "nlted ,
Young l\Jan-Ro l\llss Ella is your
oldest slstor ? Who comes after her ?
Smull llrotlHH'-Nobody uln't come as
) 'eti but pu sn 's the th'st fellow thn.t .
comus cnu hLve her-Pearson's ,
In OUOlt ! : ; hllJC. , Y
I ' ' ' 1'hat young Hlmler who marrlud th ) -
l\I1XOl' gIrl sa 's he's going right tel
houselwcplng. "
"Indeed , Is he well fixed ? "
"I guess ho Is , One of his frlen s
tuld 1110 thnt ho hud enough conI to
lust him throug1 ! the wlnter.-Olevo-
lalld 1'lulll Dealur. '
'I'he Henl Problelll.
"Do ) 'UU expect that ) 'OU will be .
to 11Iul < o n 1I 'llIg machine that will
really lIy ? "
" 1'1\1 absolutely certaIn or It , " nlll
IIwered : t\o \ IU\'ontol' , "It's bo tro bl ,
at all to gut 11 lIylng machine to l1y
'l'ho dllllculty Is to maIm one thll.t will
let ) 'OU have 80mo Idea of which WilY
it Is goIng ! Lnd how It Will llght.- '
WashIngton Stur ,
All Alh'alltnlc.
"Wealth hus Its embarrassments ! "
"Yes , " answel' d Mr , Cumrox with.
sigh. ' 'It's a gl'oat advantage to n mal
to bo nblo to Su ) ' ho m\18t stuy at hem ,
anVOl k Instea of being dl'Uggd
around fl'om one Cushlollllble resort tJ
another-Washlngton Star.
The \\'QI.rleli 1I0Ullcwlfe.
IIusbuIII-Wlmt ha\'e you been lool
Ing so blue about ull dnr , my dear1
WIfe-I'm afraId 0\11' hired girl won'f
( lPPl'ove of our new .
lloston ) est ,
, They Cost Money.
She-Certainly you have some J.
friends 1
lIe-Yes , but It takes ever oent 1
can rake and scrape-Town Topics.
l n..y to Go OfT.
"So , your former employer Is con. d1
ered n big gun ? " Interrogated the
friend ,
"Yes , II. rapid-fire gun , " sIghed th
clerk who hnd been discharged without
notice ,
Wecltl int : tocle ,
Customer ( lookIng over the stoc " 1
I can't see a useful thIng In all you.
Jeweler-Of course you can't ! Thes < < . aU weddIng presents-Pearson's.
l'olnt of View.
Duet-"Who In the world would
want to use that stutr1"
"IIow did you enjoy the automobUd
pal'ade ? "
"Very much Indeed , " answere th4 / '
timid pedestrIan. ' 'It was very gratl ' .
fylng to see so many automobile pr
prh tors going along peacefully , all In
honor bound not to run over the peopld
In front of them.-\Vushlngton Star.
The l.nte Arrival.
"Was old nender soher whell he'
came home lust night ? "
"Judge for yourself , lIe thought 11
lightning bug' wus a street lamp and
trle to light his cIgar by it.-OhlcagQ
The Only One.
Madge-What's the prIze In the girls'
plng.pong' to\1l'nl11nent ?
MarjorIe-The 'ouug maD whQ ha.
just arrlved-Puck ,
Thc Thorn u0111 the Rose.
Mrs , 'femperton-I'va got the dea1'Cst
old darling of a hushan that ever hap !
poned' lie hus un nwful temper and
nbout once a month he gets mad and
teurs up my best hat ,
MIss Singleton-And you cull hIm 8
dear oltl dUl'lIng after that ? How call
you ? :
Ml's , 1.'emperton-'Vell , you see , h ,
always has a fit of l'emOrllO : next da , '
and buys me a hetter one. "
IrrclI b" " Preference.
"What does Freddy like to pa1t" !
aslw the caller.
"I reddy , " ruplled papa , "likes tc
pIny whatever gnmes mamma and J
decldo nre too rough for him. "
" 'cli " 'ntcred.
Stubb-You cOlUplaln about
. . . .
streets being d11l11P , Why , 1 know a
cIty whOl'e the stl'eots are always II
Held of water.
Penn-WllUt city Is that ?
Stubb-Yenlce ,
nllt Not Fntls er.
The Author-'l'hls II ! ull nonsena
about the ' '
lIterlll'Y Ill'ofesslon beltl
! : un-
lulU It hy.
'llhe Poetf course , Why , It Is the
greatest appotlte lll'Oducer In \ ) hoVorI
Blggs-'l'hey HU ' lt'S
, GnbbletonJLf \ . _
gul\'ty \ of 1111 attOUlllt at black1UlllI.t 'r
Dlggs-I dOll't bulleve It.
m s-Why 110t ?
DIls-No : womnn on earth wo.J ,
tklnk ot aCCe\ltlll1 \ : "hlUlh 110l'1eJ' ' . "
. I
" . t.
. , , r. ' \
4" f'
. < : moE . . . . . . . or. ; ' : '