Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 4

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. . '
oru ter Qro. JepubUcan
Pabll.b.d enrr Thl1rad .at Ibe Count8eat.
D. II. A1ISDEIUlY. . . lIUtor :
"OI11co in CUlter Dlock , Fourth A' . . . . "
Jlntend.t the poetomco al Broken Dow , Neb. ,
u IfIOOnli-4lAla maUor tor tranamlPllon throoih
Ulo U. 8. Mall. .
OnoYoarinad'anco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
On. colnmn , per month , 87.00. One.IJalt col.
azn. per montb $ J.W Qoarter colollln. per
Jnonth , a tban qaartllr colollln , ro
centl per Inch per month.
Card. on IIrat .ge , { jIJ OOIlU per IlIeh , per
LoCAl , hertLdDjt 6 cellI. per IIno each
Notfco ot chnrch falft loclabloll ADd eDtorta I n.
Ulents wbero mOllO , la charged , ODfJ.baf ! rDlU.
8OOloty noUce. and reMlotloDI. oD&-hlLlf ratel.
WeddIng Dotlcea troe. bait prIce for pobUlnlDIl
lIat of prellents.
Death DOUOO' free , hAlf prltll tor PQbll.hIQ
obllllan' notice. , and carda of thank. .
Lejtal Dotlcoa at ratea proJded b } ' . ! atntcs of
Thursdaj' , December 18,1902.
Uncle Sam occupies an uneasy
pinaclc as he observes the Ven-
e ucla trouble.
Eight inches of snow at this
seagon is unusual , but it practically -
ally assures a crop of the fall
"Juit d States Minister Bowen ,
in Vene.uela : , by promptly inter-
ceeding in behalf of arbitration
between England , Germany and
Vene.uela : , has temporarily , at
least , stopped hostflities between
those governments . , if not per-
Secretary Shaw , in declining
to go to the relief of Wall Street
the. second time has induced J.
Pierpoint Morgan and four other
strong financial concerns of New
York City to pled'ge fifty millions
tQ prcvent' a panic in 'WaU Street.
The pledge no doubt wiJl be sull. .
cient to avert the panic and but
little of the fifty million will be
The Special Edition of the
Scientific 'American ' , devoted to
! .
Transportation on Land and Sea ,
cannot fail to attract widespread
. . ; : : trest. : , t' . : b:31.1Se : of the very
ha some. 1Danll r 1U 'hhb. it 15
gotten up and on account of the
volumiJIous amount of information -
tion that it contains. It is safe
to say that anyone that reads it
carefuly through will find himself
throughly posted both as to the
magnitude and high quality of
our railroads and shipping. The
Scientific American hag its own
characteristic way of presenting
what some might call dry statistical -
tical matter in an interesting
form ; and the present number is
no exception to the rule. Both
artist and Editor have collaborated -
ed to certainly very good effect ,
and we beleive the number will
meet everywhere wtih a hearty
Thnt Crnln of Snit ,
"The President's recommenda.
tion favoring.a tariff commissioI1
should be taken with a grain 01
salt.-Republican Dec. 4.
, . Why Bro. Amsberry ?
W received the above com
lUunkation from a good republi.
, I can and substantial citi.en : oj
this city last week. It is witl
pleasure tbat we/acknowledge t1t (
Wdnfer tbe good hrothel
has been inclined to fall in witl
the argument that has been go
I ing in the east for some time it
favor of taking the question 0 :
tariff out of politics and put tbt
- - -
entire matter into the hands of
a commission to be appointed
for term of years or for life bj'
the president , reprcscnting hoth
political partics. Prc.idcnt
t oose\'clt who is an able man and
in the main correct is not infaU-
able in judgement. Becam c a
man is capable of holding thc
highest position within the gift
of thc American people it docs
not prevent him from making
mistakes. Presidents ha'c i 11 the
past and the , } ' witt continue to do so !
as long as they are human. We !
may b ! wrong in our judgement I
on the question of tariff but we. .
gladly accept this opportunity of :
( living our reasons for the position - '
tion we have taken and sti11
maintain that lithe presidents.
recomm ndations favoring a
taritT commission should be tal n.I I .
with a grain of salt. " 'rhe republican - I
publican party has mainfained I
' ) uccessfully for more than forty
_ rears that prosperity is secured. .
to the people of the nation
through protective taritT , rather
than from a tariff that has for
its object revenue only. The
operation of the laws providing a
protective tariff bears out the
soundness of the principle. At
110 time in the past ixt ) . years
has the c.,2untry been under a
protective tariff that the manufactures -
factures did not enjoy a good
business and were able to furnish
employment to labor at renumer-
ative wages. At the same time
the farmer had a demand for his
produce at fair prices , and all
I departments of trade were active.
Prosperity has been enjoyed in
large degree by all classes.
The reverse has been true in
days when free trade laws prevailed -
vailed Tariff for revenue not
only depleted the national treasury -
ury but brought financial ruin
and missery to the masses.
Striking illustrations are presented -
ed under the administration of
Uuchaunan in 1856 to 1860 and
under Cleveland from 1892 to
1896. Should the question of
tariff be left to a commission
chosen from the republican and
democratic parties at the best t1i (
rule that such a commissior
would agree upon would be ,
compromise bet ween protcctiOl
and free trade.
For that reason we are oppose (
to tb question of tariff bein !
submitted to such a commission
The republican party has prove I
its ability to band1e the questiOl
of the governments finances fo
the best interests of the people
when in power and has mad
such modifications from time t ,
time as the conditions required
\Ve further b lieve that with th
matter left wholy in the hands 0
l the chicf executive and congres5
such changes as may be best wiJ
be more speedily effected b ) ' COIl
gressmen who receive thei
authority of the public than fror
a commission appointed by th
. chief executive and whose tcmur
of officc is for a term of twent :
1 or more years. Let the govenJ
ment of the people c\'cr remai :
as near as possible in the hand
of the pcople and we call not hav
a bad form of govcrnmcnt ver.
- long at one time. 'rake the COlI
trol of the tariff out of the powc
of congress and you will tlnt
take it out of thc hands of th
- - - "
' \ . . . . ; -
) k. - - * * * (
't' T ! T ; : 't' ' 1' , -
? * ? ? ? ? If , tf
! CLOSIN - : lT ! - _ SALE ! 11 :
, I . Having bought the goods of - the ,
i7i' Carlos Second Hand Store , I will *
, f * ' CLOSE 0 DT THIS S'OCI ( * t
I at . ; t
a Bargain. Those desir- .
\ I Ing t. purchase anything In II' v.
my line \1,111 find It to their in- ? I '
' * . terestto call at onoe as these " "
, goods must be sold. 7 * '
{ _ . .
- '
" I 'I. !
JK Ji " , : l . w.1 . J C goods and get prices if you 3 :
want '
uargnns. 71'7'
.1 I ' * I.Location-In ! ! Realty Block , South Side { ; , *
of Public Square.
* ?
JU"C : . .A.y - . *
yNt t
. , " . . .
. .
peoplc.Vc want no compromise
011 the question of a protect \'e
tarilT , ncither do we want thc
electors deprived of { heir privel-
ig-c of cle ting such mcn to otllcc
who , will , 'oice t111 ir 9 ntirnents
in congress "pon tbis great
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"t1HINI tt CI.I..ItGI NH'WH.
Night school will begin on
Monday night , Jan. 5 , 1903 ,
M sse Flora Allen , and May
Jacobs , of Bridgeport , visited
school Monday. .
Mr. Sam Thomas returned to
his studies in the commercial department -
partment 'ruesdaj' .
Students enrolled this week are
John Robinson , of Broken Bow ,
and Guy T.anphear , ofVester -
ville ,
A mceting was held in one of
our rooms last Friday night for
the porpose of organizing a Y. M.
C. A. The writer did not learn
the out-comc of the meeting.
'l'he highest gradc made on a
test examination in spctting in
the commercIal departmcnt last
Ji'rid1v , was % perccnt. Miss
Anna Badcr carried off the hon-
School wilt bc closed the two
wcel < s ! 1ucceeding this and will
reopen on Monday , Jan. 5. A
number have recently talen out
scholarships and will enroll with
us at tbat time.
\Ve were quite busy posing for
our pictures Monday and Tues-
day. Mr. S. D. Butcher took
quite a number of views of the
school. Mr. A. A. Swick also
took some views.
Messrs. Ray Conn , and Harry
Willis , two of our commercial
stud"n ts. wi111ea ve for their home
at Cameron today where they will
spend the holidays. Quite a
large number wi111eave for horpe
the latter part of the week.
Prof. C.V. . Roush and the
writer tuok a sleigh ride out 111
the country Monday eve. On returning -
turning , too short a turn was
made in getting out of a snow
drift , and the cutter was upset ,
throwing it over on the rightside.
Prof. Roush , who was driving ,
stopped the team and we dug
ourselves out of the snow , right-
I ed the cutter and proceed on OUI
journev homeward with out
furth r mishap.
" - ,
I < 'ompton Komody Kompany at Bro.
ken now Opera Houso.
One week , commencing Monday ,
1 December 22. Opening play ir
the great comedy drama in 4 act !
1 "The Night Before , Xmas. Al
special scenery. Lots of 11p.tO
date specialties between the acts
No waits. Somcthing doing al
the time , Entire change of pro.
. gram nightly.Ve carryall om
own special scenery. In order t !
introduce our company , we wiI
make ladies free first night enl ) '
that is , eyer ) ' lady accompanie (
b ) ' one paid reserved seat ticke1
if reserved before 7 p. m. on date
of first performance , will be ad. .
mitted free. First night only
Prices , 25 , 35 and 50 cents. Re
served scats on sale at tht
usual places.
Kempton & Arington presentc (
" 'rhe World , " a six act melo
drama , to a crowded house at th !
Graud opera house. The pIa ]
was vcrV' good and every membe
of the ompany acted their par
well. The compau } ' is a stron !
e one and deserves success where.
ever they ma ) ' go.-Ogden , Uta I
Daily Standard.
" 'rhe World" with all its thrill
ing' situations and startling cli
maxes , is on the boards at Dcnve
for the week , and judging fron
last night's audicnce is going tt
have a successful week. 'rherl
are a number of spcci 1.1ties whicl
pleased the audience illlmcnsly
'rhu play is vcrj' mclodramic , bUi
c pleasc8 the patrons of thc house
and that is all that is to he de
sired.-Denver TimesMch. 31 ' 02
- - -
The.\.O U. W. Hleets Ofilcors.
At the regular meeting of th ,
A. O. U.V. . last weelc the fo11o\ "
ing officers were elected for tIll
ensuing year :
MaSler'orkmall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G W Appl
} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J S 1\olyuelt
O'.erBeer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J . S Squire
Recorder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } Hlno
FInancier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } ' 11.11111
Recel'er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J G Uaebtlrl
Gltlde. . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J llllenr
IdeldcWuch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JohnDclall
Olttslde Watch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n ; \ [ AI1I bcrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RasAlldcrso
Medical Exanlillcr. : . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr WlIlls'ral ! > 1
Among the visitors present a
this meeting were Deputy Grant
Master , F. G. Simmons of Se
ward , and Ehnis Scott and Will
Baird of Anselmo.
I\H' II. " " .
Taken up , No\'ember 1 , 1902
one light red three year old hcif
er , branded on the left hip witl
J. aild a combination tigure rcp
resenting P. R. L , 'rite ownc
is rcquired to provc property ant
pay expenses. C. E. BA'rns ,
27-30 36 miles south of Gates
, . , " , , ' , . , . - - . . - . , - " " " . . _ . _ " . . . . ' ' ' - _ . ,
- _ . . . . - , . , - - - - , . - - - - - . - - - - . . .
- - , . - - . . - .
'file ClIst'l'COllllt ) ' lfortJcllltlll'l\l Sncll'Iy. !
- - -
'I'hc nt nal meeting of 'l'he
Custer C Ullt ) ' IIorticultUl'e
Societv will ht 1Il'1 < 1 at Broken
Bow , Neb. , December 22. 'l'he
following' programllJe witt be
carried out :
l'r..ldt'nl.1dreu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. O. Room
Report of cretar ) ' . . . . . . . . .J. H , "alullir
CommerclalOrchardln < < . . . . . . W. J. ' . Jenkins
Spra11I1r OrchAnt4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11. Wakolln
} 'arll1lr'l lIurtlculture. . . . . . . . . . . . . .G/o. GrllJllh
Our ! Juciet ) ' . It' ! StllTlulu'l lu ( Joncrtl 'J.'rec
I'lantlnil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .WIIlI"Cadwull
UNstiOtl 1I0x.
Hl'lIort of TreB'Iurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. 1' . Sc'bolt
1Ieitlotl of Officofll.
' 1'he public is cordially invited
to attcnd.
Church Huno'lcc" .
St. } olm's Episcopul cr\'icc Sunday I
Dec. 21. Fourth Sund1in Advcnt. I
Sunday school 10 n. III. orniug praycr i
I.il11ny and scrlllon I I a. III. Evcning
praycr I1nd seru/on 7 :30 : p. m. Thc
public is cordially invitf'd to thcse
services. W. I-I. XAxDlm.s , Rector.
: .t. It. CHUItCH.
Scrvicc : ; in 1\1. E. church Suuday. At
II a. 111. prcaching , subjcct , "Christmas
Thoughts.II Text , Luke 2:0. : Evcning
at 7:30 : ! 'ubject "Room for Christ. " Text
Luke 2:7. Entcrtainment and Christmas
T l : , Christums Evc for Sunday school.
( no. 1' . T/U1'1tfi , Postor.
1'/HiSlJ\'TlUllAN / CJltIItCH.
Services ncxt Sabbath morning at II u.
m. Subject , "enivcrsalityof Christmas. "
E\"ening scn'ice at 7:30 : p. m. Subject ,
"The blcssings of Ad\'cnt of Ancient
versus Iodcrn 'fimes. " Y. P. S. C. r .
at 6:30 p. III. Thcre will he special
ChristmlLs music both morning IlI1d
c\'ening. All arc wclcome.
Our meeting is ovcr , but not our
inthusiasll1 and intcrest. Thc Red and
hlue contest is still on in the Sunday
School. 1'hl : new ycar approaches. l n-
limited work to bc done. Will the En-
dcavor rcach the hundred mark ? Lct us
fill t902 to o'erfiowing'ith labours for
Christ. Lct c\'cry one who unitcd with
the Church during the meeting , be Jre.
$ ent at next Sunday morniug's servIce.
ilIoruing subject , "The Joy of Scrvicu , "
cvening subject , "The Accepted Timc. "
Don't forgct the prayer meeting Wed.
ncsday c\'ening.
C. V. AJttSON , 1\1 nistel.
Sunday December 21 , will he filled to
the full with ante.Christmas spirit , at the
scssion of the Bible School the final announcements -
nouncements for the Christmas good-time
' \\ill bc made , and the music will be sung
for pructice. This will be at 10 a. m. 1 t
a. m. Christmas serlnon by thc pastor ,
topic "A 1\Iessenger from a 1\Ianger"
special music , decorations in kceping
with the season. 3 p. tn. the Juniors
have their Pre-Chf stmas gathering. The
Senior Society meeting at 6:30 : also ' \\-ill
have the Christmas influcnce rife. The
leader will be Miss Katie Kelsy. 7:30
p. m. A practical Christmas night , this
will he the first of the Christmas festivities -
ties , a ver\ ' interesting feature , . , ill he ,
well just otne and see for yourself , to
tell it would be to spoil it. The Boys
Choir of twenty voiccs will render specIal
, music that will more than please you ,
1 the music they rendcr cannot be surpass-
cd. Nor will the spritual interest bc
1 allowed to suITer , the truc worth of
Christmas will rece'c due attcntion.
- Christmas exerciscs \Vednesday even-
. ing' in the church. A cantata cntitled
I " "hl' New Santa Claus" "ill be given by
. school , the music and librctto arc of the
highest merit , a dclightful evening is
assured for those who attend this exer-
cise. A cordial welcome awaits the
strangcr as well as the hest vacant scat
in the house.
Christmas Tree at BaptIst Church.
Those who desire to place
presents on the tree at the Baptist -
tist Church for their children or
friends Christmas Eve are re.
- quested to leavc them with the
committee on decoration properly -
ly labeled any time Wednesday
afternoon , that the ) ' may hayc
- proper attentton.
Chnut"uu. . dC/4IEH. : 'or chllUrcll
at n1" Rt4N & 'v..H.
. ' .ft- r 1r IW ftI IJ
' 'IiED10RDs
" , WIlttMrJ J. _ II .
A saUoW' complexion , dizziness ,
biliousncss and n coated tongue
are common indic.\tions of hver
Md kidncy discascs. Stomach and
bowel troubles , severe as they are ,
- lve immc iate warning by pain ,
but liver and kidney troublea ,
I though les painfnl at the stmt , are
u much harder to cure. Thedford's
x I Dlack.DrauHht llo\"cr fails to bcnc-
H fit dlsease liver and weakened kid.
' noys. It stirs up the torpid liver
e to throw off the germs of fever and
) ' I ague. It is n. certain preventive
t' of cholera and lIright's discaso of
I the kidne ' 5. With Iddne\'s reo
II I inforccll by Thedford's black.
t Draught thousands of persons bavo
,1 , dwelt imlUune in the midst of yel.
low fovrr. Man ' fatn lil's liyo in
perfect health and have no other
doctor than 'l'hedford's lack-
Draught. It is always on band for
use in an emergency and savcs
many xpensive c/1l1s of a doctor.
\lIl11ns \ , S. c.arch \ 10 , 1901.
I have used Thedrord' , lack.DrAught
ror three yeall llUd I have not had to go
to. doctor since I have been taking H.
I _ It Is the but medicine ror Jne th3t Is
on the nurkd for liver And kidney
r troubles Inti dyspepsia anti other
: I complalntJ. Iev. A. O. LEWIS.
.1 L1' 1' . .W . , .
- - - - -
f. :1. - - Hiii PH : RRAHiW.
: 15th CelebrAtion With
! I.J. . C. BOWEN Ii
and His Friends With Old ' :
: . . . . SA.oo--r.A. : CI..A.U-S. . . : . . .
I ' Broken Bo , . , . , Nebraska , r . . r
t ! Through drouth and good times we are still to the front "i '
: with one of the largest stocks of Holiday goods in the west . : t
: in our line , consisting of. . . .
( I ; ?
Ij I /j / . i
j \ \ II g : w'r : e. i
Good to eat :
c Water Sets ,
' 1 Oranges , Glass Sets , :
c' Candy , .
China CUS it
c N : U.s. ! ) ' )
c U. s. ' t Berry Sets , "
RalSltlS ,
: China Plates , :
Dates ,
< .
c' Etc . .
: ' Figs 't . Lamps , , all k1l1ds , :
' . S , wee C. < 1 cr , .
C and sIzes. )
Celery , Clocks , . .
Oy ters ,
< .
C ' Etc . Cutlery ' t .
c Ro ers Bros. Y Jt
) ( KUlVCS and Fork. .
i / t 1 W
: n
Send your Christmas Tree committees to see us-we will
c 1 save them money. A ton of candy , a load of 11UtS , 'barrels of
: 1 fruit. If. . . . ,
j ; Prices , Quality and Quantity Count , . .
: ! the old the "cook will be kissed because the platter is .
c clean , " WIll be a true saying during our holiday busin ss for : 4 .
: 1902. Wish ) 'ou all a Merry Christmas and hoping to be
: favored with your patronage , I remain .
cM I
cMi i Yours For Business ,
: c ' . . . _ : J C BOWEN , " ! i. :
Cx . II . JI .
( , - . . . . .
, . .
c . ' " : " 1.O- : ; " : , .
vvvvv x ! > \ vvv UVVVVVVVVV : i. : :1m : ? YV w. ! ? : VVVv t ( :1m : vvvvvv ; ; . . :
LnV R\.TES R. HOI..IDAVtt. j
Via Tllc DurUIJ.ton . noute.
To points within 200 miles round trip I
tickcts will be sold at greatly rcduced
rates on December 24. 25 and 3t and I
January I. Good returning until January
2 , 1903.
For further particulars ask the Burling.
ton agent. 27-28
D. S. Kopp of Green , will sell
at public auction on Tuesd'ay ,
December 30 , 1902at 1:00 : o'clock ,
22 head of cattle , consbting of
cows , beifers , calves ; 8 head of
brood sows , farm machinery and' '
household goods. Ten months
time will be giyen on all sums
over S10 , on approved securit ) '
with interest at 8 per cent.
r NO E.
To whom it may concern-'rhe
I public is hereby notified not to
, purchase one promissory note
given by me to one T. B. Damre11 ,
dated March 17 , 1902 , for 5210 ,
due in one year , as the same was
obtained under misrepresentations -
tions of fact and I did not recei ve
value receipted for.
B. W. Lown ,
26-29 Lodi , Neb.
ThIs slgnnturo Is OD every box of the genulno
Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets
the remedy that .enres B cold 4n ODO day
f " . , . . . . . ; ; , .j.O..1.'I. . - : : ; . , J" " ' ' . . . : . ; . : . . " I' . . . . - ; ; . . ; . ' : . , , . , . . ! : . . ; : r ; , . . . : ; . . . . , . .n'm.-- ! . .1rl . . ; . , . . , . . - . . ; . i . : , . . . . . : r , l. . : ' _ . " " : ; . . . . . . . . . . . : : r . , : ' . ; ' " : ; 1. . . . . . . . . _ . , , , : , ; . ' . . . . ' " . ' ' . ' . ! , . . : . . : 'h-.oJl. r . ( ; " ' , . : / ! . . . : f . . : ' . " ' : ; . , .f ; . . ! . ! . . . . . . . . . . " : " . ; : . ; . . 1. n..h. " . ' l'.1 ; r { ; . : .
! I. . . . . . .
: t.r' " . , . ' .
U ! : ' . _ . , - . I
: . lii . _ , . . . . , ! ; : o
" ' " il-Z
! All parties indebted to the Eagle Grooery , are requested 1 ;
to oall and Iottle their account by oash at onoo. I must have
r. i money to pay bills , I Ol\lInot do businllBB on wind.
, . "J.f
I Yours truly ,
\ n i
' " : , : .
: . . . , m
: P roprletor. ) t1
10 Bars of Soap for 2504 i
, .Jt' . . h"oO . . ' ' ! ' < 'f A : ' . - ! . ' . . . . r .0 .u. p. . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . , t' . . . " ' ! . " . . : . . . . , t . : , - : ! . ! . ! . 1 ' . ; . . " . 1" . . . . . . . . ! . I. . . . . . : " : Y Io. . , : " ! " ! . . . . . Y.Io-1' , . . . , . . . . . . . , - : ! ! , " . I. . . . . iJ' . . , Ii' I. . . . . . . . . . : . . , owl , , , , : , : ' . . . . . " , . . , . . . . . . " . . 'l.r'l' . . . . ! WTro. . ' . . . . . " . , '
: , , , . . t. : t
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IIIU'.UINO ! A vIClnU5 f.iICf.iDR : : J -1"
is my motto. I will ell goods o the p lblic cheaper th u any
other house west of Lmcoln , and If you wIll spare a few minutes I
will gladly : you my goods and tell you my prices. '
100 Ibs granulated sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SS 40
18 lbs best granulatcd sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
1 ack of est High Patcnt Cal1away Flour. . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Ih. .
I sack or Fancy Bakers Flour.\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 OO ' _ "
II bars White Russian. Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 i& '
All Other Goods as Cheap In Proportion.
J. W. COOK , and MRS. L. L. SHARP :
" # . . , . to
' 1
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