" ; ' ' " " ' : ! " . , , , " 'Ir ' . " ' 7j'W'/ : , ' ' \ 'I\f" . . \ _ - . . "r LI E ECYPTIAN ; BONDAGE. , DepJornb1e ( 'oudltlull or the UChrC\Y8 ' " UUIIl1Inllln. Houlllnnln-hnpo"e1'lshel1 uy the ex- nusUolI of her lIuWrlll , w,1\lth , the fl1lhl1'l' of ( , l'oll IItHt th ( ' III III of III' , y- i , IllIstrles , cur sell dl ' u ' ulld gl'l\ced heartless . ' u 1 e r S whose la W8 hll'e IIIIHtl : ' degelleru tes of the peusllllts UlHI hu"e Corced thL' IIeurews Illto u stute WOI'se thun thn t of 111'11 te ! ! I1tHI I 1I0t uul\le \ thu t of , IS1'I\el III g Yllt of old-t 111 S IdllutOW ! JUNO CJlAIII.H. of n IIn UOII Is n blot on the cl"lIIzatloll of Europe. At. : tentloll hils I'ecelltl ' ueell directed to I : the wretched cOlldltIolI of the IIeJrews ! , b ' Secretnr ' 1I1l " ! ! 1I0te to the siglin. tory Ilowel' of the treut . of Bel'lln which gUllrallteed protectloll to the peo. pIc of HUII\l1UIIIII. ' 1'hls HCtlulI of the .chief Hll"lser of 0111' Presalellt has uroused much \I1pathy Cor the Ullful" tunute.q , uut olll ' the most heroic meas. ure : ! CHn resclle 1I0t olll ' the lIeJI'ews ! , but the Chl'ltllllIS of this ull hted coulltr ' fro\l1 their uwCul wretched. ness. Hulll cOllfl'Ollts Houmallia. Her goverll\l1ellt 18 us 1 11Jeclle ! lIS It Is cruel , amI the people themselves lIre l\I1po- tent. 'l'helr Klllg Is a 1111111 of ! Jroad sympnthlcs , ! Jut Is powerless. ' 1'helr Queen-Carmen S 'I\'I\-Is n wOlllnn of cxt1'nordlnllr ' lutelllgence nnd l11entHI cnlluer who Cfin write romanecs U11lt poems , ! Jut fiction will not Hppease nn wing hunger nnd rh 'me cnnnot Iothe the nlllwd. ' 1'he Clll'lstinn world : hns stood nghllst nt the horrors of 'l'urklsh rille In Armenln. No less I , should It shlldder ! Jecnuse of the n w- .fulness of Roumllnlnn destitution nud . Is-aelltic perscclltlon. noumnnlu Is one of the Bnllwn stntes -n crescent-shnped telTltory of nbout the same size ns New York nnd with - , nlmost nn equnl pOI1\1lntlon , "Iz. , nbout + 0,000.000. Buchnrest , with n popula- I ' tlon of OOOO , has many of , the urchl. teetul'al fentures of Constantinople nnd t f much of the po\'erty of thnt great clt . . It Is the residence plnce of King Ohnrles nnll his Queen. The former comes of n brunch of the 110henzollern fn nlly nnll hns reigned since 18lJ3 , ! Ju t did not nggume the title of King until 1881. Hou111anm clnlms to l1e complete- l ' l11drpendent polItically , 'et she pa 's uJlJluni tribute to 'l'urlcey. The C01 stl. Itutlon Is IIl1eral , gunrnnteelng to nil Itlzens equnllty before the law. yet the , jlmposltlon upon the .Tews shows thnt 'the ' constitution Is n meaningless shnm. 'The ' legislative power Is eXl'rclsetl ! Jy two elective 110dles. the I'epresentntives of the pcoIIle. 'I'he Inw8 which tllCY pnss prove thnt our sympl1th ' for the supposed Chrlstlnns of the cast of Eu' rope hns been mlspl.1ced. 'l'hey nre In renllty ual'JnrI3ns ! , for the Inws agnlnst the .Tews mudI. In the pnst few years nre nmazlng In their unfairness , In the first pinel' , nIl .J ews were mnde aliens. I..nter the pollee were gh'en rights of domiciliary vlsltntlon nnd expulsion - , , , . pulsion , so thnt In Houmnnln n .Tew's 'r house wns no longer his cl1stIe , ' 1'hen 'I they were prohll1lted from strcct- hllwltlng , which ruined 5\00 \ fnmllles. 'l'he ' were excluded from n1lmhct'shlp in the Chnmbel' of Commerce and 'l'rude. I..nwJy ! Inw the ' were driven out of the pl'ofes' . . slonal clnsses nnd confined to the artIsnn c la s s . ' 1'hen the nrtlsnn e m p 1 0 Y ments . . , r. . . . . . . , . were slowly closed - ed to them , until In Inrch of this yeur n In w wns passed IlrohlJIt ! , ; Ing the emplo " .uL.L ment or .JeWl1I CAmmN B LY A. I : w 0 l' Ie Ingmen In 'nny trnde or culling , nnd forl1hhllng their eVl'n tnklng pnrt In .the meeting -of the trnde 01' nrtlsan societies. AlUlOUgh tileY hlld to pn ' school tux- free educutlon wns limited to HOll- mnnlnns , the .Jews ! Jelng comlCllpd to rpny , nnd e\'ell then were ndmltted enl ' If tlwre WUB 1'00111 nfter 1111 the others "Were necommodntell. 'rhe ' were ex- I luded nHogethm' from the higher schools nnd fr0111 the teehnlcnl schools , ' 1'he1 were not only driven out of the public service nnd from puJlIc ! worl : s , but fines were en1\cted for Houmunlnns employing .Jews In retail trllde. It Is estimated that the nrtlsnns lllw of last Inrch will soon deprive 5OOO , Jewish worlnnen of nIl menns of IIveIlhood anll reduce over 100,000 men , women unll children to beggary. AlthouJh tnxed for tlle 8upport of local hOSIltnls , they . : A ' ! mny not enter those Institutions. Pun. Ishmenl.'i fur otrens's ! committed against tilem nre mude light or I'l'mlt , ted alto ether. 'l'hey cnn ! Je nrrested nnd benten with Impunity. Theh' som nre recruited for the army without re- gnrd to nny of the ex mptlons nllowe by h\w to other Uoumnnlnns. They mny not write letters to the newspl1' pel's. ' 1'he ' mny not holll puhlle meet , ings nnd they hn ve no right of petitiolJ . . \ , to the government. ' ' 1' : : But the Injustice of the Inw Is not nIl I' ! t1le lIehl'ew In Houmnnln must contenll , : : - Iwlth. ' 1'here nre 1O 000 of tlu' race III " tthe country anll not 1I10re than SOC 'hn "e wenlth nmountlng to $ :100. nl. i though n few 'el1rs ugo mnn ' were : compnrntlvely rich. 'l'he uverle enrn 'Ings pel' fl11111ly before emploY1l1en1 Iwns prohibited was $4 pcr week. Nc ' ; woneler thnt hundreds of lIehrews 111' ( : star\'lng In the streets. HeDr. . Gus , tel' , of London , chief I'nJbl ! of Whlll Ilre knowr , IlS the SE'phllrdl coml11unl t $ J1 ' \ \ ' ties In EI1 lnnll , has I'cclntl'Isltl t 'Uoumnnlu , to lel1rn the condition 01 , thlngD , nnd , If possI ! Jle , to 1110\'e tlu . , \ln1 : . . ; . ' . p lIe wns given respl'Ctful hl'1\r In ! : 'and King Ohnrles made proU1 1 t , . . . . . . . - - . ' - ' - P. ' . . , . . . . . , -1'- . , . ' . . ' . . " : " . I which crl'nte the hope thnt the coun. tr ' I11ny ue n wnlellett to the Crlghtful hnrdshlps It Is Imposing. I SEMINOLE WAR SURVIVOR. OnJ , . Olle 1\llIn I.eft or the nee Who i 1\Inrchcll Under CoJ , Tnylor. , Of the lioo 80lalers nnd'olunteer8 who 11IIu''hcd under the cotnmnnd or Colollcl achnry 'l'I1 'lor nguillst the Seminoles In Flori- du , ! Jut one now 11'es , so fnr I1S Is known , to teU the stol'y of thllt CUUl. IlI\lgn. The Inst mllltnry opel'atlons nnlnst ! the Semi. noles took plnco the Inltel' pnrt of 1837. 'l'he sole pen- slonlI' ! of that wl1r , CJ.\1I1UIIN , , ' \ \ ' Lilli , I1ml prohuhly the enl ' 8\11'\1\01' , Is Clnlborne Webb , who lI\'es ' Blue Io. \ nenl' Sprln/s. / I h' . WeJu ! Is IIOW In his elghtse \ ' - lnth ! 'ca1' . lIe wns uut 22 'el\rs of ngl' when he nnd IIfty othel' 'oung men of .Jl\ckson CO\1nt - , lIsso\1rl , enlisted 111 the Voh1l1teCl' COmll:1ny : of CU(1tIlIQ ( .Tn11les Childs of Indeplndence. ! lIe wus In slI'\'lce ! ! Jut six momhs , recel\- Inl ; InjUl'les In the Inst I\nd most dc- clsl"e ! JlltUe nenr Lnlw OlwechoJee ! , In Southern \o'IOl'ldn. \ ' Of nll 111lllnn wnrs that In Suuthern 1"I H'ldn Is descI'lJed ! ! Jy the I1gl'd'elel' - IIn ns ! Jelng f1'l\ught with us h 111'(1 , If not with gl'cater , dltllcultles thnn Ilny other. Dlsense , sWlmps'enOUIOUS Insects - sects nnd dnngel'ous reltI1es wel'e com- bntted liS well n8 I'ed men. Long mll1'chcs were undergone nnd oCten whole c01111lnnles were for dllYs without - out their 1'I\tlons. 'l'he Seminole Will' wns cnused hy nn enden01' upon the purt of the United Stntes gO\'el'n111ent to dl'l\'e nIl Indians westwl11'11 ncross the Mississippi RIver. 'l'he Creek trlJe ! IlS 11 whole Wl1'e forced to terms of suumlsslon by Gcnernl Andrew - drew Jucl.son In 181,1 Ilnd Wlre compelled - pelled to 'Ield their Innds , But the SemInoles , who were memhers of this trlJe ! , escllped Into Flol'lda. 'l'here , under the lendcrshlp of Osceoln , who hnd become n tralnl'd soldier In the ' 1'I\11I.s nnd Snm Jonl's go\'ernment \ , , lID Americanized Indlnn. they committed mnn ' depredntlons upon the popula- tion. destroIng ! Juth lI\'es nnd pl'opel ty and dp\'nstntlng whole sections of the country. Se\'L'rl\l cnmpnl ns agnlnst Osceola and .T ones. nIl 01' which IH'o"ed futile , werc ml1de b ' Gene1'llls Cllnl'h , Cnll and .J essup. A dl'tachment of 112 l11ell under the commalHl of Injor Dudl' was sUl'rounded Dec. 28. 1836. nnd all ! Jut three prl\'lItes wel'e Idlll'd. 'l'hls wholesnle SlllllJhter HI'oused the United States go\'el'nl1ll'nt to rencwed efforts to Illlt un end to Il1lllnn warflu'e In the South. DUl'lng the summer of 1837 n com- mnnd of OO mcn wns gl\'en to Colonel Tn 'lor nnd he WIIS sent ngnlnst the Indlnns. Mnny douJted ! the wisdom of the campaign. mulertulwn ns It WlS : with n lliC1e hnndful of I1Il'n , outnlll11- ! Jered hy Snm .Tones' brnves three to one. But It wus successful. The Seminoles - noles wel'e put to rout at a hutUe In one of the I1Il\1'shes of the Kls81mml'e HI\'el' nenr Lnlw OI.eecholJl > e. A trellty wns I1Inde dm'lng the ensuing winter which pro\'lded for the remo\'ul of the Indlnns to 11 , t1'l\ct of Innd west of the Mississippi HI vel' . In spite of yellrs nnd nn nctlve life , Mr. WebJ ! Is stlllnn l'nC1' etlc old I11l1n , one to whom tlml' hns hel'U 1.lnl1. lIe hns lIvln eight ( 'hll < 1I'en. twenly- ! grandehlldrell. nnd 1'1 hty , : : r'nl-grnnl- ( children. lIe hns outlived I hl'ee lon - lI\'ed wl"es , the Inst of whom died Inst summer. The Queen's Itf'hulco. Some 'ellrs ngo , whell thl' present Queen of nglnl1l1'IIS Princess of Wnles IIn her children were vl'r ' smnll , the3' were stll3'Ing ut n quiet wnterlng-plnce. The 1\Iolltrenl Still' repents - pents this little stor ' of the ro 'nl film- II ' , which shows t11ut Queen Alexnndrn Is much 1II.e nil othel' good mothel'N , nlld thnt her children nre 111 > 1. chlh.h'en the world o"er : Once all returning from 1shert 81111 one of the little princesses wns wnll.lng up the plunk. . An old sulloI' Instlncth'p. I ' snld : " 'I'lllw cnre , little Ind ' ! " 'l'he child drew hel'self up hnughtlly nnll 8uld : "I'm not n 11\(1 ' , I'm n princess I" The Princess of 'Ynles. who uver. hem'l1 the klndl ' Injunction nnd tb mtherllhrel1l'eII \ ! ' , snld quickly : " ' 1\11 the good ! 'allor 'ou nre not n lit , tle Indy 'et , ! Jut 3'OU hope to be som dn ' . " Lou VII'WH. Persons who wish to put off the 1.\1 ] dny of spectacles should nccustonl themsel\'cs to long \"Iews. The e 'e If nlwlI 's relle\'etI , nnl1 sees ! Jetter , 11' nfter rending 1while. . we dll'l'Ct tlH f sight to some fnr < 1lstl1nt ohject. ' ever for n minute. Great tl'l\\'elel's 11111 : hunters nre seldom nenr sl hte , Sail 01'14 discern oUjects nt n reat dlsta11l'e with conshternble distinctness whn'l 11 ( 'ommon eye scl's l1othl11 nt all. UI1I Is reported to hU\'e such al'utl ) sl hl t1m t he could tell wl1l'n he'IIS oln tl see nn ohJect. On one oeclIslon whel the shill WIIS In n slnld11 c011II1t1011 nn < 1 nil were exeeellhll.d ' anxlolls for I slg-ht of lalllt. he l'elorted. ( from thl lool.out thnt he co1l111 110t etuetl : ' sel the shore , hilt could pretty nenrl , ) ' dl so. Chen ) ) 'I'ra""portnt1on In tlie enrl ' mornlnl ; I.eeds worlon1 can tm vel fi'e mill's for 11 pe11ny J the lUunlelpnl elect1'Ie tramway cllrs. The women think men hu'e nothln to do , und the llwn nre deud cerlull thl' women 1111 ve11't. 'fhero Is more worl , In the cnre of j gnrden than in tbo care of twlWl. . , ' ' - ' , , - , . ' - - ' - - , ' { . , " . . . . , TU " "I : . . , ' . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - I I I . . . - - - - - - - - - New YOI'Olty \ hus lt OOOO organlz d wnge wOl'lwrs , 1'he South Wules Ul } , rs' l edel'l\tJon hus 11 lllemJel'shlp ! ot : 120,000. It tnltes the constunt Illbor of 00,000 Ilcople to mnl.e mntches COl' the world. It Is l'sUmllted thnt thel'e nre 0\1'1' 22,000 union electrical worlcra In North A1l1cI'lcn. Halll'onds In this counh' ' elllploy 0\1'1' 1,000,000 people at nn allnunl co\t ! ' \ Cor wugcs nnd sulnl'les of OVer $ UOOOOOOOO. New Yo 1'1. uI'leldn 'el's l'c l\'ed GO cents 11 dn ' fOl' Com'teen hO\l1's' 111 bOl' In 1770. 'l'he ' now rl'clI\'e : ! $ ,1.80 for el ht hour . I 'l'he L' lplo 'es ot the vurlous cemeterIes - terIes of SUII I l'I\nclsco 111'e fOl'lIIed the1l1seh'es Into U ullloll. It Is thoil' IHl1'pose to ol'nnlze ; the CC1l1etlI'r wurk- 111ell of the United Stlltes , I It Is estimated 1111\t thel'e 1Il 800OO wOI'ldng Pl'Olle In the clt . of Ohlc1I0 ; , und the : I dllrel'cut tmdes u1110118 clnltu nbout ,10 lIel' cent of that lIumh l' I1S me1l1hCl'S. AJout ! 8 : 11m' cent uf i\1l the \'lll'lous cmfts In the clt ' I1re UI' lIn- Ize.l nnd ' the lllt ' ' the , dul'lllg ! ! two 'el\l'S , 1I10st II1'OHllel'O\1S pCl'lod OhlclIgo hils ever seen , the luJol' ! organlzatlon hl1ve reached their grelltest powel' I1ml Inll\1- encl' . 'l'he Increllse In the number of unions hns been 200 pel' eont IUld the IUl'11IJershlp ! .100 per cent. Arter for ' ' ' I worldng thh't3'-two 'ellrs WlIlla111 S. Hughes , n New Yorlt mn. ' ehlnlst , pet'fected u sU1oltc-conilumlnl ; device for locomotive nnd other enttille ! JoIlCl'S. Hughes had no cnplt111 tu bnel , his Im'entlun , uut succeetled In hn\'lng' It bl'ou ht to the notice of Cornelius \'underbllt. 'l'he mllllonnire meehnnle had the de\'lce tested on an Ievate tmln locomoth'e un .er his 11ersonl11 In- tll1lctlon , mnllng n h'lt > from the Battery - tery to lIlll'le1l1. Ir. YantIel'Jllt ! hns 'lecldecI to aid lIug-hes In the 11111 ttcl' . In Its unnunl report on stl'III ) ! ! nl1l1 lockouts In IVOI the BI'lUsh Uonn1 uf . ' 1'1'l1de notes a Inrge decrel1 : e In Ihe I n111uhel' of Inbor disputed nnd In the' nl11uher of wOI'lwrs Invol\'etI. 'rhel'o Were UI dlsa I'eementg that ' ( , : \1' . nf- I fecrlng 1711.n-1O work people. 1'hls Is the 81111111est numJer ! Joth of dlspntes nnl1 lwrsons In\'olve I reported since ISD7 nud the Improve111ent Is - cd to u growing tendency to tlttrlhut-I ! Jor troubles b ' nrbltl'l\tlon. The rellol't I fm 's thnt 73 per ce\t of 1111 c1mnes ; lu wuges nnd hours wer put : n I'treet . nfter nt'bltrntlon. 1 .A 1I11lchlne which will drlll square hull's hns nt Inst beeu made. An Eng- lishmnu nll1l1el1 Edward Segltz Is the I Im'entor , antI his IIPIlI\l'atus Is suld to : hn"e solved n 111'ohle1l1 heretofol'e - gllr etIns ! Jelng nhout as un\ccoml1l1 : h- l1ule ns the muthemllticulimpoosslhlllty ; of "squnl'lng" the circle. Segrlt 'B ml\- chine Is a "thl'E'I'-wluge I" dl-Ill , S ( ' 111 1- round , which cuts four stmlght edws ; In Its rotnry motion , That Is , tbe 1110- I tlon appenl'S to the eye to be I'otnry , but thC'1'e Is of ' . ' . ' ' In , co11'S 1. , u mnlllm\ I the triple tInn , which producl ! : ' ! the SUnl'C cut , trlnugulnr , or othnr 1I1HuI111' holes , with Ilutomutlc regulnrlty nnll mnehlne speed. CURED BY MLK. ! A fhnllJe Tr"utmcnt for AU KIIIII or ervIl' ll"en..c't. " " 'nnt to Icn1'11 how to hlcl'ense 'our weight Ilnd gnln 8trength und nerve fOl'ce In the ellslest possible wnr ? " nsked the Iliump Idle W0111nn , ns she stttled ! Into n COI'nl1 ! of the dlvnn for c0111f01'tnJle ! chnt. lIeI' listeners were hl1lf 11 dozen women who go In for the strenuous life to n I'ellter ur lcss de- gl'CC , nnd consequently nny one or them could stnnd 11 few extra pounds without Incunvenlence. "Of course , " wns the reply In cho1'\1s. "Well , then , eh'lnk mille , nothing' ! Jut milk for n few months , " snlll the Iliumone. \ . "I'vo I tl'Jed It antI I lhlnk thnt I 11m Il prett . I good \1Iustmtlon \ of the effectiveness of the 111\11. \ dllt. ! FOUl' 1110nths ngo I wns 11 nervous wreel. . Oouldn't stund un- , thln : wept If the lellst thing wlnt wl'on at home , jumped n foot e\'el'y time the doOl' ! Jell rung , Ilnd wns fnst ! Jec0111lng Il nulsnnce to mYHelf IInd nil the rcst of thc fllmlly. li'ortuul1tely , I hnve 1\ little common sense nud illY doctor hns more , 80 when I WI\S 01'- dered to I1rop everything nnlt just 'I'ust' Cor n while 1 did It , with the l'eHlllt thnt I hl1'e gnlued IIfty-one 11O\11111s In wel ht 1111I1 my henlth Is comllle'l'ly I restored. I lived on ml1lt , ItS I told I I 'ou , 1I11llresied nccordln ; ; to directions , I , spe11l1lng 1l1 ' time In 11 10vl'l , ) ' 0111 1''St , C1l1'e hume up the Stllte. ' 1'he diet 111111 ! the I't'gt en'ected n cure without nuy I nll'dlelue whute"el' . I ml ht 111111 , though. thnt the mill , wns not the urdl- , unry decoctlou 8Cl''ed hy the denIers ) f the lI1etropolls , hut It l'l'b. cl'l'nmy I 'IuJstnuce ! furnished hy the IInest ! JI'e11 Qf .Jel'sey cows. How hnrd It wns 1'01' 'in netl\'c hod ' lIIw me to 'I'ust' 1'01' sixteen weelt8. you Rtl'enUOU8 full.s clln ' 1III1''clllte , hut If 'ou wiHh to ! Jecoll1e , plu11lp IIntI coutcnted with the wOl'ld I In genel'lll tr ' 11I ' l'e11ledy.-1l1'00Id 'n Eagle. CII > lI I'H 011 I ho H.hhw. It Is iltnted thnt from the 1110uth to the sOl\l'ce of the Hhlne 7 : ! ; ) cnstll ! ! ! , 1'00'1I'l'I ' the homes of war-III > c l'hlefi , ' I ' 1I'e to lie f01l1111 O\tlol..o ! < tllj ; Its wulm'lI. H ) t. " , ' , I ) 'I Ihul 1.'lmlll ! . 111 l'ollQhlerlllhontli : \ the dory , 11 tInt. hottolllt'd ' , lUll sU'l'ak hont , thol1 h ! Jut I twel01' thh'teen feet lung , III the Iureit that 1I0atli. B\'er ' Ol1e hntes n coward , and eve1'1 olle at heart III one. . . _ - - - - ' - . .If . . . . t " " , , " " " " ' < .L. , . ' I , . . . . { . . - - w " = - - - - DROPS BELOW ZEHO UrE York State Shivers In Face of Wlatry OIas1 No Warn lor or Colt ! Wave Now Yurk , 1)eo , 10.-Now York and Now l Ullll1lld hllvo erporlouced durlnll the past twcnty.ful1r h lurs the coldest wCllther Cur 1111111Y vellrs. In this city It wns the coldest Dth uf December In twenly-slx yeurs , thu thurmol11otor rellisterlllit liS It. . did In thut 'ear , clllht uJU\'U ! zero. ' 1'110 sovotlty of the culd was lutenCJllIcd b ; the fnct thllt the peuplo worl' nut prolla.o for I t , the cUllIVII ve ha v- luJ. ( desc01lled upuu the cuuutry sull deuly IIl1d Wltlllll1t wurnhl ! ; . 'l'hen , too , the scarcity of , 'ual cllued much sulTerhlll nl11un lho puoror claRs lIud thuse whll could nut aITurd the luxlII ) ' uC 11 tuu of lIuthrnclto CUll 1 hlld to use It sparlullly for the culd SUIlP mlgllt Inst lIud they I11I ht not be IIl1le tu got u tresh sl1pply. Every errorL Is bclujl pu t forth to ulle\'hllo the suIT llult , chllrhllblo or lInlzllt luus hlL\'lult tllleu stops to supply lho poor IInd the board or IIhJormau ha\- III voted $100,000 tu help nloug the good on use. DII.lnll the dIL.V the rlvors were CO\- elt d wit 11 u heavy ml4t ShllHllIg Iho , rellt clllIelcnce betwecl1 the tem' perature of th nlr ul1d the walcr 1'hE culd 'n ' the d ty , was II1l1d com pllled with that plc\'ullllll ! In the Ilurthorn sl'ctlllns of the stlltO IInri In New En lalld. At AlhullY the morcllty Cell tu tell beluw Z"I'O III d In S0l110 nearhy dls ! rIels It wont own to twcllly. ' 1 he 11\'er Is flOl 11 o\'cr lit Alban ) ' . putllllIIn \ cnd 10 11:1 : V I a tll1n , Ballstrllll H'p11rted th I r. ty-two bclow , the lowcs re l"trntilln since 18(1 ( , and Harato a Cult. the glasp of weal her thirty below. In the Adlr' ullncl , I f'lon and nlong the Cha111111111n'I1l1c ' IIiU therlllol11et- cr Je lstered betweeu 17 IInd 2(1 ( le- low. Navlgnton the 'Jppor Hudson - son closed carli In the day , btelllllerH \\hlch had not luwhld winter qlllllt. ers ImvlnlI tr. 110 towe out of tl10 Ite ' 1'he cold wave stluck New Ellg. land Ilt the salllc tllUO It arllved III Now Yorl , . 'l'hroul-rhl1ut Maine IInl1 Conncctlcut the tlwrrnonwLer rej.ls. tor'd rrom eight to twenty below , a t.11I In sOllie places to forty dl' ref B In twelve l1ullrs , Nurr.II , , . Uonn. , leported n temperature lit tWl'IlIY- three deglees boluw zero , the collelot In yoars. Perhaps nCVer In the history . of the lelal' cual tra o In this. city 1111\'e dealers hild to tlce slIrli 11 sltuaLion as clillfrollted them t.olay. ! III I every ol1lco there were numbels of anxious bllyers , nnd ilL the Silt110 time enger IlIqulrlei for ' \0\1 : wel c constan. tly coming by telephllne. 'ro 1111 hut a few lho dealers wcro forccd to turn I n deaf oar. "We can't promlsc you m'll'e than ono ton , alia wo muy lJot ' be a hIe to dl'lI vcr tha t for a dllY ur two , II was the steH'otyped nply to , all del1luncq ) for fuel. The situation WIIS admitted to 1J0 oxtromcly bad and aecurdlng to enc dealer t1wro app'ars to bc nony of lellevlllg It. A .t"llr IIf the Elst bldo today revelll- Cd the fUCL tlJ1lt. there Is II1l1ch slllf- erlnJ.t I1nJng ) t.ho ponr. The II pora t- I .ms hll'e ceased to send coal to bc I sold lIy the plll and the tenomut : dwelll'rs ! In = J It dlt1lclllt 10 get fuel. ' ' 1'ho Salvation Arm ) ' IIlso I'clll1ts ( wldesplcad dlst.less . occa.luned by Lho coal laluillo. Wit I ) the thermometer marking t'1lllt ahuvo zcro the coldest \\'eal her o. the \.Intcr thus far prevailed to- day. On Staten 1..land the body of Jllhu SlallcnwtJrf , II hlaclsIlIlth , WIIS tllund lu the roadway. lie hlld up- pHenlly been frozen tll denth. , . ' 1'IH're was 111'lch sulfer Ing. elpeclully ! atOling 1 ho pour , bl C.IIISe or the car- city \Iud hl h prlcc uf cual. I I Two Killed on the Santn Fe Kan.as City , Mil. . Del : . 10.-'ho ensthlluu Uallfllrulu IIl11lt'd passl'n- ! leI' train on the Ranta FeV IS wrcckod at Hothvllle. Mu. . shOlt1y after nlllln today , callilll the deal b of Eogilloer Samuel Wise of Arg- elltille , Kas. und his Ihell/ln , IInd greut dal11 ' e 1.the endne and cuaches. .J'IIIII Ml'Cloan Ilf New Ylllk w ho recel led slhht , IJrulses , WIIS the only pas eoler I IIjll lE'd. A col..rl'd waltel' had his IIrm ! Jr. kl'n and twc otlHH waltl'ls were IrrjllrNl. UI'II. , IHeS3111all Loud of Cllllfllinia .111(1 , Rabbi IIlrsl'h of Chlc:1l11 : welc ilnJ'Hlg the paS'ien.l'S ! , and helprd tll care fllr tllO luju red. The WI eek WIIS cuused by thu cllllclH's ltelulZ derallcd , D Opl'lI switch \\'hlch tllo E'lIi oo had ( la-sed salclv when the train was U\rlg \ at a hllh rlte of speed. A Y l1r Imprlsulm..nt. A drllltlZlst In Pall" has Itc'n ! ; I'n , tl'nl'l'Il tOil ) cals' ImplIslIlIlIIl'lIt 1m arlllltl'ratl11lI sulphale IIf 1)11111\1Ie. ) \ Hhllll\lt \ he II'iIlIlIO ! ' , II..lne.Ill , I he CI'- p\lulilln \ If , Iii" term I r Implson. 1I1lI/t. ! / he \ \ IIIlU(1 \ III dl-plll } 111 hll Rtlltn a carll Clllllllllllllg a IJrlof dc. scn pLl1I1I of II Is I'I'III/e. / .sll lp.rln In D nmule Cllpenllll en. Dl'c. 101'110 wlr' ( IIplead slltferlul ! hele rcsultiult ' 10 I' ' 1IIIIIIs11IlI : sla lIallllll IIl1cl ( 'IIJIIIIII'I , cll1l d. prl'sslllll lias honll IlIlellsllllu ! In tlfe II I IISlIa I soverlty of till ! Will' ter w'uthel' . which S't III a llI11ntll earllel tllall IIRlnl. Bulll'\l11t \ II lit' I a , thlls IIn8 hugely hel'lI ulnlldlln d , tilLS luoroasluj.t tilE ! lIumhlr IIf UII' el11plll ' ( I(1 tll an Cxtl'lIt sl1rpa"slll III1'SI recllrris IIl1d serillosly tux I m the reshurces ot tbo char Ity or aul , I& tlOlia. . " ' . "r _ . . . . . , \ . . . . . . , - = . . . V > , : . . . . . : J. I , . , JlJ - - 1 STARTED FOR RETTER LANDI - - Fremont Dllttn\r Trlu To Kill IIImself D\Cause lJesrontel1 : ! .Farmer Loses 11:11 : Ler Fremont , Neb. , 1)ec. ) 13-Despond- . outu\'or his Cllllul'C to provldo I1IlIln. I tenanco for hltuself uud fnllllly , Enos Hush. n IJlItcher of this clt ' tried to 1011\ \ himself y tl1ltln n duse ot woud alcuhol. Ills \V I Ce fuund him gIOtII- In UII the l1uor In the contortions tit tllo\lIny \ , IInd thruu h the usslstunce ot thc neighbors Ulld tllo IIttcndanco ot II ph'slclall hoVIIS rocnllcd to the lalld uf the II Vhl ! ; , I At the tlluo uf tlll < lug the polslln nll"IIS f1'lul.r c1'a ed ( rolU drllllt , Iud ho 1 lalnls to rcmember nuthlng III " , hut he did , 110 hllli been work- III In bulchor shllp ulltll 1fow weel , I1 O , when ho quit Ills job to lUll 1b01l1 c1l1lg shuck lit n hny camp. 110 Illst 11I1,1ney there nud throw up the II IUlerta It I n ton dnys ago. Inco I that tlmo ho had boeu drlnlIIIR ruther hellvlly. Un Lwo I > rOVlOU5 01- I , cllsi liS ho has tried to termlnute his cn rthly l'X ISlenco Hush's wife wus \'ery l1Iuoh II Ightenml to I1l1d him In the condlLion thnl. she did , IIUlI hur- rlCllly Cllllcl Sl'lIIe nel hbors , Jlc PUIlIl1\1y \ leco\'elcd nftel' 1little , \ \ I\ ( II ho IHllled 11 huttle of wood III- ollOul out Ills pocket uud trlod to dl'ln" sumo IIl11re , ' 1'hc butUtVus Lultcn hem him IInd tllf)11 ) he trlud tu et u rC\'olver nud a Shlll UU In turn. bllt wus hcld bucl , uy thuse IU the rol'ill. A pllyslelun suun arll\'ed , und roll\'cd hi 111 by ndwlulsterln un oplatc IIl1d cl1uslu hllu to'lImlt , 1'u tIlJ ) ductor Hush stated tlMt ho had bee 11 rCl1dlll1- ; the BllJlo nud hlld CUIlIC tu the cUlicluslun thllt thele WIIS u better wudd than this to IIvo In. lie ulsu suld tlmt lie Iwow God would talO Cllle or his Inl1llly. 'l'ho ncxt lIa ) ' he p'omlsed that 110 would lIevor tuucll 1\(1 \ ( uur 1I1t1l11i. Hush Is 1\ very Cuulpctellt worlnnu n ut his tilldo uud Is al5u II uud carpenter - ter und pili 111 or. 110 11Il n record uf dlesslng 1\ beef III nluo minutes Crom the lime of knLOI < III L1JO l\ulll1al down to havlllg It ready tu split. . . Ho Is thilty-llve ycars uld IIl1d has 11 , vICe uud Iwu , sl11all child leu. Volcanocs Stili Smoldng. San I'ranclscn ! , Dec. 13.-1'wo ncw rutolS uf autll 1Iarln'olcaltrl , which I bUlst flOm tile sldo uf the l11uulltaln , on 1,110 motnln ! ; 01 Octuber 21 IU'It , und devastated n lafl e tlectlnn or Guatcl11ula , are stili slIItJldn . Ii'rol11 I uno nt the craters. beu'ath the cloud of whlto Sill 01\0 , hot 111 va exudcs In 1\ slll IIRh stream and frum tile other cold mud Is tnruwn In Rpasmlld Ic \ fasliion. This Information has lJeell . bwuh\t \ : hero oy peoplc arrl\'llI on the stea mer Aonpulco. On the trIp ! ( , wn the cuas the AClipulcc was ut Ullc111perlco a week nftor tue uuthreak of iluta 1\1arla , whell the luhilbl- tauts uf the town nud had thsoo who lied ( WIU the nelgbhulllUild or the vuleauu wcro In a stale of torror. ' 1 ho Acapulcu carrlod l1U uf them to the purt of : : ; all .Iuso. bllo uf the 1'0' fuges , Alfred McKlunlJll , uu Amorl. : alJ , dleLJ on 1110 steamer. C8ptur Last. . of the Lot. Ctllcugo , Dec. 13.-1'ulOllto JImmy - my , " bald tu lJe the leIIJor of the gllU ! ; ot six ILleu whu ellte ld ! the Ex- I challjo , ; ! Jauk aL UUl'ltner , 111. . Octo- hcr 2 . auel rubbed It. of $ IUIIO , has betJu UltO ted lu Uhlculo\o. \ 'lho prls- onor Is tlroo ht to he. the last uf the IUl n ! ! , Ed ward Huuser , 1I11 h Uule : , I Uhilrles Mltuhell , Jonh Fl'eel.lIId uud I fl1l11llel : ; Hltehie , thu uther members I hn\'III II ceutly bl'ou ullested uud seut to 1\Iolrls. 'l'he I11I1U Is uow ullder ludlctl11eut lu vUlluus stntes. HuLJbel les or 1.110 bllnle uf lJuver 1\IIn II. auel a buuk aud postulUco at N ells- vlllo , Wlti. , 11 LJunl ! . ut Milton Juue- th'l1 11ud auuther at lJeul' eld , Wis. ! lIe crimes In which hoissald t.uhuvo I had 11 haud. Pilgrims KIlled In Wreck. Me'Jrloo UI t.h . Dec. 13.-A t l'epa , on the Hidalgo railway t\Jlluy , 11 speulal I train bcurn UIIO Uwusaud p\l \ lll11s , I ret lulng to 'l'ulau' IIII { " fllllU this I city , was IlIjlJrcd , ItlllllJ three pelf - f S'IiIS ' a11d lujlJrIIJ UJ.1uy mUlc. ' 1'lIe : 'train ' was bleldug ( roUl u swllch tu the malll 11111. wliuu the ICiU car wm rler llkd , It rolled d Iwn au l'l11uallk , UII'Ut , drawlllg ! lvu ulher oUllchcl wltll It. . . Six hlll1lhed pelsuoscl1lelll WUl1leu , fJCCl/IJled the cuuulles , IIUl tile scene was slckeulng 111 It horrur , 'l'IIC II/JIHed / WI'I'O tllkuu tu tlill 11 liS' I pltal at Plulmcil. 1'wol\'o tlltJusaot IltlL-trlms froUl all pJrts uf tile re , pllbllc have tlHJi far vlslte tills cltJ to worship ut the shrluo u ! Guada' luupe. A Hl1hci Guat , The height or a Mnltcso Huat I ! , ahollt two f l ! filx 1t1lJhes , Its \\el hl I n lally 100 POUIUalld \ tile c"st 1111 , lIlId milch 1111 1111 a 1 Is l.l.lll : jjU ; tl $125 \Vater P.lmlnc At D lrolt Dctrult , Mlch. . lJeu 1:1 : - A IIc1101 , I ICd cloj ! ld the IIIIIIlw plles ( ot Ihl : . llical waler wc'rks sy.telll III Lalte HL Clllir dllrlllg lho ulllIt IIl1d tile ell ; I sulfered IrIlU1 \\lIl'r sh"l'tI 'J 11'11 i . lIeulY nOOll , It w I Sll S , IllIUi dUI I . tllg the elll'ly hours ul the 1111I1111111 thlt 11 1I11111hl'l of lacilltieslre ( , ' 11111 I rl III suspeud ' "I' lilt. (111 ( Y IlIr III . f.11I . Ide ( , f wl1tlr. ! It Is C.tlU1illed Ihn r 3,0110 or 4.vUII U1011 wcre l'lIllIlIuliell t . belul { Idle alld lo e I'lie rillY'S pay 01 accuunt , IIf Lbo wu er tU11Iluo. : .l ! w. , , . . i - - Nebraska News ) Olat Zimmormnn fcll from his \vng- ' on his way homo frolll llohlrclo nntI ' \Vas dra ge ( ) to ellth , . JtJhn Plsar nnd l'rI1nk ! DocelcnlVcro Onod $100 ror Iteepllllt tholr suloons open on Su ndllY \\'ymoro. \ . . IIUWlll .J. Ohnpmnn , a wcalthy young tllrmer of 'l'utlle Uoclc hlld his' loft rue nmputated by the cars. J It Is rotwrtod from Br , tr I o that ,1 William Hllttolsuhl hus el"'c " with ' ; 1 Miss Iharttls ! , nged 10 , or lJJY1\louth. ,1 I Dan Swunsnn has been nomlnnted a ' tor pl'stuastor nt I'rolllont ! ; Harvey t:3. : Muscly at SuuLt ) UUluha. ' li'red L , Eames hns becn appolntod. ; postmnster of the vlllll o of mllrt. \1110 , vlco Juhn R. HlllIo , rosl ued. Huwl\rd 11. Bnlc1rldl\e , \ of ( Jmaha J hus been adlllitted tu PIIICUCO bofuro , the supreme court. A AI I At Lynch.llermlln Hngurlln bralo- " mnll ou the eastbol1nd Illcul frel ht. I slipped whIle \'ItCII1I1 , wa9 drng ed , J uy the CIII-S uud 1 < 111ed , 1 . , ' , 'l'ho most urdlunry gln hnlll dress " blkos 011 an IIltogelher llrorcnli , u' nSjlect nhcn douo lip lu uno ur these pretl ) ' holldl1Y gift lJllxes. " 'l'ltuo l1\eB \ but you oan't mlll\O the i. man believe It \ \ 111I Is cOllIpelled h ) ; ' wllit IIvo hours CUI u train at u cuuu- " \ ' try stat.lollUlncngo Nuws. 'rho tlJl1llage or 11I0l'cIIl1n I , 8h I tiS In euurso IIf COlIltrlctluli In Great Brlt- uln Is less thau : ut UIIV LIllie slnco I U1. Ulliford Williams , one of the leud- ' " ' ' . IlIg tuelchnuts of SYI'lcuse , ruPPl'd - llt'ud us hu olltorellhll , hOl11o aud slurt. . ' od to sit on u chull' . 'rho state board or charities nnd . correctluns leclllUmclld the pl1ssa o of lnw by the lIext Ic tslul.uIO : . muk . I ng wlfo desortlon n cllllle. " Uun rossll1nn BlIrlteLt hus rocom , menLJed tllo nl > pllintmollt of A , A lIyers to bo p\JstlUuster nt llnvolock 3 to slJccecd G. : : ; . Uopclu nd , Wl1030 rcslg un tlun takes enect Fobruury 1. ' " \ Wlllium 1T. ' 1'111 , chalgod with OIU- bozzllull $2.10 : 11'011I lho lucal ledge ot ,1 t.ho AnclenL Or er of. United Wurk. i men o ( IJumlJUlt , hus lUudo 1tlJ1Jd , th ( ) ' sllurtu o und hUF , Lecl ! Iclel.1te ! 110m j' custudy. , .J A clllding to the JODort of Land ConJ1ubsluuer .lfoltllor. the lnl1d tutal ur u\l \ trullsnctlolls lu ! Ita to luuds durlll thc last LWU yeuls Is $1- ! { jl-1 ( , UU11.II : , cunsillorably lalgor tban " t1Je l'l'cvluus pellod. [ , ho uonuul report IIf MIs. Sarah U _ SuhJs , supcllutenclellt ur the 1I0lUo rllr the l'llendless , , s utcs that 123 . ohlldren has lJeon received llitu tbl ! : , IIOUIC durin ! ; the pcsent yeur ' 1'ho i cust pur ollplla uf maintaining the 11111110 WiS ! $181.03 last yea r. ' 1'ho sugur beot. seasun just olosed ' hns beoll very su Listuetur y. 0 ver GOI ) Cllrillads lIu VI' becn shipped to G rupd Island rrum McOook alllno. The j ) Ielll pOl' ncro uudor full' clrUlllUstl1n- 1 tout. . the lucLOry will SilO II be IlUntrlQ Vlllh 11 full force ut men. ' 1'l1e tac- tury empluys 2fiO lllon. At n IUO tltIA of the Commercial cluu It wus dcl'ljed to send 11 tabulut- o I stul emen [ , tu the \lllIcers ur tbo Great \\'l'slern rllllwllY liS tu tbo lJupublllllcs IIf 1'rclUunt and Dud o , Cllllllty Uti shippers. 'l'here Is a possibility - sibility 01 11Ilvlll an ox tension built to the 0 they bellevo. 'l'ho unlvelslty regents will ask the " state leJ.tlslatulo fur UIJIIUt. ( lOUOOQ ; lhls year , 200 000 of will , 11 wIll ho I requlrm1 fill' lIew hullcllllgs aud the ; rOlUulnder for the mulnteullco lit tbe 'unl ver lly. 'rho eucral gUYot nmoll' and the studouts furl1lstJ $1G50,00 uj the ubuvo SUtU. Ouo of .John Waltomnth's children. t htJ fa IlIl1y resl dlnJ. ! SOli thellst Ut ' 1'e. c lInseh. ot a ralll of corn rust 111 Its noso. 'I'he services lit n pbyslclun were required to remove the uhslruc- tlou. Wheu tuko out Ih'1'I11D / ; bad swlIon to that l'xreut thut It. . was ro. mucd with dllllc1Jlty. . Art Icles of Im'orporatlnn tor th , KllIlllslUan Catt.\o \ company hu\'e beel IIlwd with the secretary uf statt ) Capltullzlltlun Is to be 5U.000 and t gOllUral bu'lusell / ; I IIaud / ; trucllnl busluess will lIe ellJaled : 111. Heal , estuto will bo nllndlml. The prrrol. plo pillel ! of ulng busluess wl\l \ be I Sa rlcu . - Mrs Al Se'lIrest , who pl1rtlclplltelf ' . 11 fllko SlllCldo locently 10 order tlJ.lL she I11llo1ht nllt lJe dralled ht to loStlfy alaln6t the m.lIlhllm SI1& I ft'nlcd , alld whll hud killed her hus < ualld , has Ictllnll'd tll Llm'lIlu , aftel I \'Islllnl { In Kanslls I1l1d Umllllu Sht says she will rClUove tu Omaha 01 Uuullcll UlulJs. Some tl mc ngo a fut.1le clf Irt Win made to chulI e the 1I11111 of Hrnart- villc to lIelona. ' 1'hlvllla c wat . flllmed ntlor Its earliest settler. .Hllhert SlIrart , for many ) 'ears de- . ceascl1. The reUS'11i ' fill' waullllg tc cllilll e the nllmo WIlS that tll Slllllt - pellplu's oars " : ) l11l1ltvlllc" did Del cha\'o 11 prl'tty Illig The petlllIn , I sallctlllllt'd by the district Clllllttllr. II . chlln E' did IIlIt havl' the deslreli eacd rwlth higher authur 1tS. ! : :11M : , - . , . , . . . ' ' . . . . . ' . .I - - " . _