- - CUUlr , lJU lllY aqJllUllLUll . ) ( . AMSDE""Y , 1DlTOt , t 'Um.1811 } ' . . . - - , - BROKEN now , NlmIL\-ot. : J\ Whe - n ' ; I ; ; slgn himself to fnte biB resignation Is uSllnlly ncceptcII. Things nre lI"elllllg IIIJ a bit. A Chi. cage police st.-Illon hns been bllrglnr- ized. Words t11l1t burn should h ! ! Insurro. This 8Uggc.qU0I1 Is gratultousl ) ' hnndro te prlng poets. When one man lenrlls to prol1t by the experience ot another the dawn ot the millennium wJII he nt hI1l(1. Many a mnn's hnste to get nhnd In the world rslIlIs ollly In his getting a bendstone hefore It Is dlle. According to the Oommlssloner of EducaUon there were 278,1 : ! 0 more ehlnlnc morning fnce ! ! In mOl tllllU In 1000. Lecturer SnItel' sn's n creed mn ) ' menn "I believe" or It may mean "You belloye. " A conslderuble number of creeds menu "Nobody bcIlO\'es. " . " 0111' OIrls Must Be l ll'In , " snys the ' Ohlcngo Inter Ocenn. Don't worry nbout the girls. Most of them wllI get married nnd he the hend of the firm. It will he snfe to n&'iume , however , that Oubn will not grow so cold ns to refuse Ilrotectloll fl'om Ulls counh'y wIlen she gets Into trouble with for. . Igners. A former typewriter Ind ) ' Is now mnltlng a hlg hit as n lion tamer In Paris. 'fhe mnn who uSCll to dlctllte -0 her nnlsl he gocill IInd proud of him. relf now. Little Jnpan Is feeling n trille chesty since she aecured thn t large 10lln In London. Jnpnn alight to. ullllerstllt1l1 that nn nblllt , } . to borrow mane ) ' tioosn't menn prosperity. There cm'hllnly Is 1)I'lletlln ( ) lite In tllat salt solution. It hns klJpt Itaelf Ioornlngl ) ' ) 'ollthful ns It mcdlcal sen. f3ntlon for Imndl'eds of , } 'Imrs. 111111 no kIoubt will do so for hllndl'ella of ) 'ears ; to come. I A Inrge tat laundrcss elopcll with a showman lea\'lng a hllsbllnl1 .nnll sm' . eral children. She \\1'ote her husbanll saying : "I nm very hnPlI ' with the aUlD I love. Do the IICst , } 'Oll cnn for Mle children. Be good nnl1 110 rlJ.ht , nd tleaVen will rewlIl'd ) 'ou. " 'l'ho Orown Prince of Gl'eecc WIIS A&urt the other da ) In nn nutomoblle ncchJent. ' 1'hI8 Is the enl ) ' Intlmntlon Yro have had since the Cl'own Pl'lnce went out a few ycurs ngo to whllJ 'I'm' . key that ho ever stoPI1Cd l'lmnlng nfter tI1 first fight und cnme bncl. , The women arc right" as uSllul. A cture or Apollo Is not alllluhlo tal' n 8WI1n'S club. As wo rememher ApoIlo , e WIl8 a trlvolous person , wltll IIltIe uIturo and no buslnesR nblllty. It rau ) ' or the old.tlmers Is to al101'n the 'Walls or women's clubs let It he IIner. ITn. , who possessCl ) nlmost as much wls , ' dQm IlS the average club womnn of to- .a ) ' . t. The Indiana Supreme Court hns sus. I1Alned a verdict for heavy damllgle against , a pollco omcer who subj ctl ll . . 'prlson ' r to the ordeal of the sweat , ; box In order to extort Intormatlou 01 , : ' contesslon. 'l'he n olllcer hnl1neglect\I ] the lIttle necessai1' mattm's ot gettlnjJ o..t n logn.t warrant for UIO prlsonel and the Jury very promptl ) ' Bcorche ) ) Im wIth a hot vcrllict. It would b ( well tor polIce nuthorltle.'J to evurv , where take note of these legnl prec . dents nnll 110 order the wOl'k ot theh departments as to 110 a wny with till dmstlc and cruel methol1s of lIIe.tulb ; , treating prlooncrs and the ) Jre\'nlnci ( 'of which In most ot our cities Is llude 11lable. The brIdes nro now stocking 11)1 wltI their kitchen nnd othel' showers a lns a rn.lny dny-to speak parlllloxlcl1l1y- nnd the ImpIy bt'hlegroom contem plales with slItIsfactIon t1I1Re ! uhls tl 6uccc.'Jstul matrhllon , } ' . BUl 011) ) IIal1l recnIls the lIu's , ot his I Oll1't h Ip ntll marrlnge. when. the solemn WOI'Is hit \ ' Ing been salll , nUll 'ho 11I'1Ie ) ha'hll ren duly and nffectlonately 8alu ) < 'll , h , bustled tor kitchen thhlg l nnd hClh'oon furniture and pllrlor lamps aUlI ull ether or accompaniments to tl'IIO IIvlu . II .1hose daya ( says Imter ) IL 'ollug fIJII\ ( ' 'was glnd enough to get IL gooll wit tit auy cost , but now In ol'dol' to 11111\11 : Il YOllng mlln to mnrr , } ' It Is necesslu' : 'to "stock him up" In ILdvnnce , IIIIlI IIU hlm on his' teet and nUHlI'O him at : : comtortable living until such time n prosporlty 19 tlccuro 01' the worst hnr ens. Perhaps oltl pater Is a trlllu pm ImhlUe : , but tllC old chnp mc > anH wol I'orsootb he mny ha\'o moro dl1l1ghtl'r o marry than sons to lrol1t thm'eb : , ' . IIv. The coal famine lell pcoIle ot nn hi enUve turn ot mlllll to look tor Hut tltutcs tor anthracite. OUe WI'lte ndS that millions or gnllons of nice 101 can be mnde trom the corustnlle f the corn belf. IIe Auggc > str ; thnt pre lbltIOnlst8 , the W. C. ' 1U , or othe .toes ot the rum 11011I1 Cl\l11ll1t object t . ' 1Vlug alcohol bumell aftel' It hnd bee : So treated that no human helng Cl drink It. It IR posslllle that coni 011 wi be used In some form. Sooner or latc coal oU will give out , hut cornstnll , grow forever. OonI 011 cnn be dell vere In New York by Texlls compnnles 11 trom 05 cents to ' 1.05 a barrel , three e ton barrels ot which will turn Ish 0 .much heat as a ton ot anthrnclte. 'I'll creased use ot lIIumlnating gas dill " , ' . . . , - - - - . . . . . . , . . . t : ' dl . _ ; : ; ' if' : J ; ; ; : . . " ' . . . . , . . - , - - - In thl' P'I'It Il.'n , } ' { 'f\rs Is eqlllval'lll ns n IlrIII'I'r ( IIf IWllt to H..liiH.OOO tmts ot ( 'on I. Cl'rlllIII : ' ) lI'ocllll.'l' ! ' ! nn nrt/C'le / of fm'llIlIlh' of hl'\\11 coni , IlCut u/III Ihe wntl' ! ' ! of ( 'onl mines. I.ust , } 'enr 1Jljll , as : ; ton ! ! \\'I're Ilrollllcell mil ) s ld ntnn n'rn e of a.lj n ton. It II ! ( 'lr:1l1 , ( 'on. \'IIIt'nt to hn/IIlI' / ) , Irnctlcnll ) ' Ioilnolw- , Ir'lQ ! ' n/Hl / hllrnll with n Cll'U' : alii Intl'nSl' hr:11. Olher In\'clltlons huvo hecn llIel ) Iu the patent olllce , 110 that It Is safe to prNllct befol'o long 11 conllict betwlcn ! IIl1th'nclte OICI'lItors 1111I1 miners' unIons will 1I0t he nble to crtato wceslll'l'ul ( ) sllfferlng , The quelltlon of the "swentbox" whlt'h hnR IlI'ovolwd It grell t denl of dlsCllsslon of Illte hliH been treatell hy the IIllllnnll SlIflrumo COllrt III perfect consononce with pllhllc OpllllOll , 'rho partlclllllr cnse bcfore It WIIH that of a boy who wes ncclIHed of Il1rCml ) ' and who was put through the swellthox hy 11 pollco ol1Icm' , though the IlItter IU1I1 no warrant for hi ! ! I1rl'cst , Suit WIIH broll ht for penwnal dumnges , and the COUl't held that nn nWllrd of $400 WIIH modnrnte.s to the IH'lnclpleH lu- \'oh'ed , It IIcchu'ed firHt thnt "an ol1Iccl' cannot Ic/ully / hold the person arrested In custolly for 11 longl'l' 1)I'I'lod of tlmu than Is reasonabl ) ' lIl'COHSI1I' , } ' , under all the ch'cumlltances of the casc , to ob , taln a proper Wlll'l'nnt or order fOI' his further detention from some trlhunal or ofilcer nuthorl d uudel' the Inw to Issue such a , wll1'1'nnt or Ol'lct' . " In tile secoUlI plnco thu det'ltllon rejects the excuse that delny mll ' he neces- Slll' : " to In\'eHtlgato II case nnl ) lrOCUl'C ovldenco. 'l'he ono thin ! ; to pl'ocUl'e Is 11 wllrl'l1nt , und that Is uot II mnttel' thut IH loft to the dlscreLlon of the of. lIceI' . When he a suntes to nct on hif ; own rcsllonHlhlllt ' ho Is Ilohl ! ; some' lhlng he'OII1) ) his leglll IlOwors IInli he- comes IInhle fOl' the l1'anfl reHslon. 'l'he decision Is clclII'ly dlctnted In thu Intel'- cst of ch'U IIhJrt ( . , 111111 hoth the Hph'lt of ch'U IIherty ntlll humllnll ) ' Ilclllnnll thnt e\'en when tlwre hils heen 11uo process of Inw IlI'lsoners shollld not he HUhjected to cruel It'entment. Bl'utaIl. ty should ne\'el' he tolel'lltcd In the nd- ntlnlstl'l1t1on ot justice. A writer In the I.llncet InformH the \\01'111 that "tho operation of gash'cct. ont , } . Is on ILq trial. " lIe then quotefl the opinions ot others on this question thus : "Although the entire stomllch hllH been rento\'ed for cancer with temlJOrn' , } ' success , we cnnnot thlnl. that the mlnthel' of cnse l In which this can he done will he IItre ! ; nor do we 1001. upon the operntlon ns nt nIl 11 \'ornble one. Thcy do not e\'en dc' scribe the opel'l1tIon , as "I ( the gl'owth be sulllcluntly Inrge to WntTant such n se\'ere procedure , It Is practlcaU ) ' he. ) \/1(1 hope of Imntunlty from recur. rence. ' " It Is c\'ldent that Ule Lnu. cet's expert hns no plIUence wIth surgeons - geons who would permit people to re- talu their atomnchs when opportllnl. tics for removing them ha\'o he < 'n at. fercel. Hero Is his declaration : "It aeems to me thnt In nll cases of gastric cnrelnoma , where operation Is nd\18- able nt aU , gnstrectomy Is Indica ted , ns , It having been pro\'cll Ulat the stomnch Is not essential for digestion , the mal'O complete Its remo\'n ) the greater should be the probahle Immu , nlt ' from rccurl'once , while the rlak II ! not IH'oportionally Incrensed. It at nU I ltOsslhle It Is , 11 oWOel' . wIse , tor Ilhy. slologlcnl ronsons as well ns for etlRe In Opel'lItlon , to 1000\'e a small portion , or health ) ' stomnch. " The genUemall 8110ud ) he t11anl.ed for his concessloll ns to the smll11 portion of hl'.n1UI ' stomllch , but why lell\'e an ' of UIE I stomach I ( It Is not cssontln ) for dljL'S' : l Uon ? Why cnr ! ' ) ' a stontllch or even II portion ot one nround just /1S n mattel ot form ? Describing nn Interestln operation performcd by himself tlu 1.III1Cet's correspondent very Inter < 'st lugly sa's : liAs cOlllpal'cel with p'lo rcctomy the oporntlon as performcel It this Cl1S0 WI1S easlm' anll took less time bCi.nuse ! there was less stomach sur fnco to suture. ' .rhe cut edges wel'l easily nnd rnpldly brought togetIlel J with continuous sllIe sutures ( througl r fill the Ol\ts ) nnd then the duodenul1 J . wns Implnntcc1 lute the very smaIl lilli' fnce oC the fundus thl\t was lert. lIne tIlero been dll1Iculty In npproxlmatiOI 1 would hn'e closed Ule 11uodenum nne I t nttached lhe jejunum. " 'fhls paln ) nlll . uncqul\'ocnl stntem < 'nt should hlsplrl . the Imbllc with new cOl ll1ence In sur M"Y. When It heconws pOHslhle II caBO of dl111 cuIt , } ' of n IllJroxlmu Uon tl close tlw dl1011enum nllll attnch the jr , junllll1 who cun rellflonubl , } ' conUllIlIJ t , NIt hack III dOllht ? Down with tb , tomuch ! _ Nut 1llcullMulnlllo. II When Cnrdlnnl l\Innnlnr WIIS rccto \ . ot 1..o\'lngton ho went to visit n pll rlshloner. n widow seHmty.lh'e ) 'cur of nge. who hud ten clltlth'cn , of whol1 nIl hut aile dal1gl1tel' ball ma1'1'led nnl lert her. 'l'hls duughlr ale : ! was nbol1 to be married. 'l'he old lall , } ' woull then be quite nlone. E\'er'bm"s , ) In I1zlne teIls of the cardinal's . effort t , s'mpntllize wIth her , "Dnme. you must te1 It lonely no" nrter bavlng hall so Inrge n fundi ) ' . " "Yos , sir , " she aulll , "I do feel I lonesome. l'\'e brought up n long f.1Il' . I1y. nllli here I nm. 1I\'lng nlone , Al I mlsscs 'em nnll I wllnts 'em ; bl1t misses 'em more thl1n I wants 'om , " Not In the ' ! 'rIlKt. "Whnt's thnt ? " 1)\Hrlcll ) tI e 0111 hel as she obsClTell a str:11Igo' plant In th glmlen , . " 'l'hat , " repll(1 the gru - goose , "I what they cnlI an ( 'gg pll1nt , " "An egg plaut , eh't" observcd tbe 01 ! r hen. "WeIl , the , } ' sa ' that cOlllp ( .Itlo Is the IIfo ot trnlle , but I'm gettln to 0111 to take any chances , 80 I'll nl this 111 the bull. " Every man believes be pays his 11111 more prompUy than other people IJa r. him. . . . . . . ' . I " ' , I . . . , " " " 'v - - - - , , ; = ; . . . . . , : : . . . : ; ; " , - : - . _ _ a , . _ . . . . . . . . . - - Itor T 'ln Cows. Whllo the ol < l.fnshlonel1 wa ' of tast. enlnl ; COWH b , } ' means of slanchlolls Is fost going ollt of lise , some ot the sllb. stlll1trs , maltll , } ' the rope snop to the hnltm' end the chllin which Is IIl1s ell llI'OUlHI the Jlecle at the nnhnnl , nre not entlrel , } ' sntlsfllctol'Y. 'l'he method of 11f1ln n chin tic os 8110wn In the 11I118' trnLlon Is fmpI'lol' ! to the others. It pnS81'H ! n round the necle IH ! In the old methOlls , hnt III conncl'tell with two IlOsbl on whll'lI 1'1t1JR Ill'e 111l. ! ( Siele chllins conncct III ( ) neele cllllin with . _ . , - - - - - - - - - f ) n Q"t. " . If. allAI = - FOil "YJNII COWEI. lhese rln1s by menn .of Hnap haoles , as Ihown In the cht. . B ) ' the 118e ot these chuhlR and rings one clln adjl1Ht the tic to nny wIdth of stnIl one Is II1ecI , } ' to ha'e , nnd ha\'e It ns tant as Jlccdell. ' 1'hls plan of fUHten. Ing glVCR the cow grent frccllom. onnbl- Ing her to lie Ilown with her hcnd on either sIde of her body. Hhe cannot move hnckwnl'll ' forwnrd ' 01' nn ) more with this muthod of fastenln then when In stanchions. 'rhe plun of fnsten' Ing Is the hest of the more mOlle1'll' ' methods IInd shol1ld hu'e n t hOI'on1h trial. Storhll : Cclcry for " 'Intc. . . When Iellt In qnllntltles , celel' , } ' requires - quires conHlcll't'uhle room. An cconoml- cnl wn ) ' to pro\'lde the necessnr ' stor- uge Is hy the coverell Ilitch plnn , I . Dig n trench or trench ! ! : ' ! In weIl.dmln- I ! ! d soli , not more 111I1n four feet wille anll ahout two teet decp , Put a honr < 1 ( lnrtJtlon through the center or the trench to divide the mns I ot celer ) ' nnd pre\'ent It becoming too solid. Hntters of 2x4 stnff arc Ret nt I-a pitch four feet npnrt , Milke squnre hex ventllntors thnt mny be stutTed with straw to Iteep ollt frost In severe wenthcr. Sweating tnkes pluce litter storing' . . . _ . ' ' 'IN nII 1i'1OII\m ; lJT. . nnd I.eeps up for IIhout two weeks. A. rent den 1 of llIulsture Is thrown ofT ut lhls time nlHlliulIlclell1 vcntllatlon must he provided to cnrr , } ' It nwn , } ' . Hoot honrl1s IIhoull1 hc llIlt 011 liS eon ns trenches nre filled , to J.eepl'llin out , hut the ends mn ) ' he IlIrt open. At the lip- pronch of cold weothrl' It Is ncccssnr , } ' I to co\'er the hO:1I'l18'lth : enrth , The thickness or this co\'erlll must depend on the 10cnlIt , } ' . It 11'er , } ' h < ' . 1'y earth co\'erlng Is lIeCeRfnl' : , } ' , th meters shoull1 be plnced n nrer togcther. Two esselltlnls must he ohser\'Cll , suf. ficlent nil' to pre\'lmt rotting , nnl1 frost must be excluded.-J. II. Kent , In l pllomlst. - - } Thc l'otnto Crollo A tall' lIIustl'lltloll of the dlfferenco between nn IlVel'lI e Cl'Op nnd It good crop mil ) ' be fOllnd In the census re. llort of the potuto CI'OI ) , ns gh'en In IDOO. The \'m'ngo crop for nIl tlw , States was placcll nt 80,8 bushels per ncre. The \'m'II IJ \'e1'l11Ont wns 1:1.1 : hushelR that 'cnl' Ilnll In Inlno l U hushelR. 'I'hl' new Inllll In rontnllll c 1l\1'n ed Ihl' :1I1l0 : \'I'I'mont III 11100 , I hut I ilC ' had Hill 1111 III'IH In ISn 111111 IiO hllsllI'ls In 1Sntle'lIl)1I : ) hllll 1\10 \ busllllH In ISUII IInll lill ; huslwlN In 1000. Of the othl'l' Stll tl's. tlwre were 11\11 \ hushels per ncl'C In 11I00 In Idnho , r 110 In WIIRhln ton , 110 III Ol'c/on / nlld lOt In CIlHro1'l1In. The fllct thnt0' 'Ildll and Idnho WI'I' ( ' tw ) onh' StnteM that cxc'eded'ermollt hi 11100 , nlld : \rontana olll , } ' equal < ' . 11 It. Rho"s that the stony lalldH or : - \ ( ! \ \ ' gn llInl1 cnn equal the nowl , } ' Nettled nnd exceed , Ingl ) ' fertile InlldR of -\ol'thwesterll tntes ; allll If the cost of mnnure nllll ' ' nlld the lahar ot ellItlmtion s not liS mueh thel'U8 hel'e , tllCro Is gain In the hettel' vnhws Il thllt the , } ' 1Il\'e here when relld , } ' for market.- IJ . \l11erlcnn OuItlmtor. , I' I' l ecilltll : BecK In " 'Inter. i Don't fcell s'I'ulI to bl'es In WhllC > I' , Use the comhs of hOlwr 111111 thc ( 'IIIIII ' , It III just liS well , It lIot hell 1'1' , to feed right a Wll ' , \'el' ' quietI ) ' 1'I'mO\\1 thl' I , outsIde comb or combs nt one sldl' , so that you can put the fl'l1mo of hOIlI ! ' or cnllll , } ' right next to , the hl'e l. L'hu IS Ilt'es will do the rest. Of ' ' ( 'Olll' ; ; . : ! YOII wIll not IIse anr smol\l , It' , } 'Olll' " :01'1 , Is cal'efull ) ' dOliI' , , } 'ou \\:11 : 1111\0 HU trollhll' In l'e II1'd to colollh's that nn too light for wlutet' 11111) ) nl'l'I ) feedlll.t. ; -Amerlcnn He" .10UI'1lIlI , Nehrllll'n' " nnlr , . lrOllllct . Is According to the Neb1'llska Dalr " ) ' man , the nmollnt ot mone ' dlstrlbutL't1 to tbo nrmers ot the State ench menU & ' "f& ' : . . . : : ; : . . .d. [ L - - - for cream runs up Into the thollnnl1s. ! 'I'he BC'ntrlcl ! Ol'enm ( > ) ' , } ' Compan ' of J.III'oln palll to tile farlllerll IIf thr Stllte d\ll'ng : the 1I10llth of , IUIIIJ hI" twe n $ WJOOO : nlld $140,000 for buttl'r fat , alone. An cqual nmollnt will III ) dlstrlbutl.'d for pnC'kln Stlll' ) ; , or COUll. tr ) ' bllUer' . . \ ( , oIlSl't'\'llth'c estlmato IIII1CI'S the IIIIIOnl1t or n\oney that will be 11\1c1 b ) ' the l'I'enlllN'lrs of thlll Htnte for hutte ! ' flit nlone nt .IOOOOO rllll'lng the lIIonth of .Tunl : ! . A hanleer ft'om one of the town ! ! In the Stnte saId tllnt In hili town more money wa ! ! behu ; pnll ] Ollt to thl : ! ( nrll1ers for lIalry pl'olluet thnn for grnln. ; \lethOlll ! of J\lllklltJ : . 1\ethms ) ot milking have much In Ihtl'nce on the qunntlty ot mille gl'l'cn hy the cow , nnd some thlnl { that II flllllt ' ntl'tholl I1lso affects the proper , tlon of hllUet' fut In the mlll { . At n recent meutln ; of the rltlsh Dnlt'y ASloria tJon the sUbject wns discussed nnll IIn InterlJstlng I'"PI11' wns rl'nd hy Primrose lcConnell on the sl1hject. . lIe described the /I1'lpplng methode I us ( hnt In whIch the IIn CI's nl'O forcl. hi , } ' IIrn'n 110wn the ten t. somethnus . down with elllJl'g ' , liS If the milker was IlrawlnJ ; : tlw 11I11I. down from ; thE horns of the cow. If the tents nrf Hcmtched In the lenst 01' chnpped th ! ! l'Olllh ' ' nnd 11'1'1' ; III'oce1I ! opens leeepR ' tnted the hrokenIdn so that thcre will he II conHlllernhle soreness , Ine\'lInhly resulting In It decrense of the ) 'leh1. 'fhe squee7.lng method Is much the hetter. The operntol' rasps the tent , anl1 , the nrll1s nnd elhow mo\'lng , fHlueezes It enl ' , without nn ' pulling , llIu ) no cesFmtlon of the sOl1nll. for UIE fllI'elun Is stlll'ted fl'om one tellt heforE It Is stoI1l'd to tlll\O u new hold lit the othm' . The 1II'Iucllmi SUIerlorlt ) ' 01 this method. lies In the fnct thnt It denlfjl ently with the tent , so that whel'e thel'e IR a tendCllc , } ' to soreness the flores nre not contlnulIlIr rcopenell , nnrI thlls the nnlmnl stnnds more qUl t , I , } ' Ihn'lnJ : the operation. Sores heal UI1 Illore quickly , new ones lire not form , cd , nnd conselnentl ' the nnlmnl will ho a better milker , A cow thnt conld hll1'rlly he mnde to su1)11Ilt to the form , er metholl mny stnnd quieti , } ' durlnv the Intter'-X/w Englund Fnrmer. lIolUc.lUnde 8yrUI ) . Probabl , } ' farmers will arrnnge for II suppl , } ' of home-made s 'rup. They will plnnt f\ol'ghum fOl' this purpose. also somu for teecl. 'l'he annunl production of : ! uOOOOOO gnllons allows but a third oC It gallon for each Inhabltnnt. wblch Is sufilcent : for Ilbout ten dnys' news , Choice home-malic syrup Is much np. precloted , It slI\'es grocery bills nnd II Is pure goods. A ton of sorghum should mnke fif. teen to twcnty gallons of s'rup , Ther ( nl'e Impurities In the s'rup which shaul 11 be extracted , Plrst , the jUicE should be allowro to settIo before bo. Ing heatell. After coming nenrl ' to thE boiling point cmpty In a tub and fllld conrse cia ) and puddle with a hoc , Lei It settIe half an hour and then caretully pour It Into the pan ngaln. Boll an be pnrtlcular to sldm It. When It Ie halt recll1c d to s 'rnp again let It cooli agnln , In the tub , ndd clay , mix well nnd let stnnd o\'er 'nIght , Next Illorn , Intnrn / off the clear juice anll hall to the finlshcc1 s'rup. Bo particular to leeep the utensils clenn of skim. jUIU nnd all the wnste , nnd the syrup will be a choice article thnt would sell rendlly. 'Thls work calls for strict at. tentIon and not a little slelll , but It will pny In money nnd satIsfactIon.-Prae tical 1 > 'rnlt Grower , Sow Ins : Alfnlfo. The best wny to sow alfnlfa Is to plow the Innd deep In the prlng or winter , Turn up n lIttle new solI ; harrow down I nnd sow benrdless spring bnrley nt UIE : rnte or two bushels to the acre. Sow' ' firtoen pounds , or n pecle , of nlfnlfa seed nt the snme time. I u maIly 1'011 thE ) and well I1fter 80wlng. This mnl'PE the I1Ifnlrlt do better , but Is sometime ! hnrd on the bnrle , } ' . Alfalfa wlII comE up through \'ery firm solI nnd thrive better thnn when It Is too loose. Let the bnrle ) ' ripen and cnt It tor grnln. Then when the aIrnItn stnrts np n little clip It with the mower. Ollp It close , It will stnrt ngnln , andnfter a month or so clll1 again , It Is hetter to keep stock off tor two yenrs. egln mowing the secon ) ' < 'nr as soon us the blossoms form. Af. tCI' the first crop Is taken off It wlII ma , ture I1nother In exnctly , thlrt . dn's. Do not deln ' enttlllJ : th If ! flcconcl crop. It will tnke I1hout thlrt.fi\"e , dn's , for th ( third Ct'Op to grow. Tnke It 011 III'omptir. 1'hen In thlrt ' .II\'o or rort . dn's , thcre Is the fourth crop. 'rnl.e It , or grazc It-St. Louis Globe-Democrnt Form Note . Sugnr beet hnr\'Cst cost at 0310rnllo Ie n little Int < ' . . nslln o rows more and morc popu , In1' for heet cnttle. 'fIle rnltefIC or mllldng gent Is tnlk < ' . of I\S nnother IJromlslng spcclnl Indus , 11' , } ' . Beefmaldng on the "nbandoned fnrms" of New Englnnd Is nmong Intest projects. 'l'he lIn wnllnn Islnnds nro sahl to bE In need at foresters nnd en gel' to securE tIt ( ' III. 'l'hel'e Is quite n risk In hOdlng ) hogs , nnd Just 1111 soon as the , } ' Ill'e fit for mnr. I't It Is IJl'st to let them go. 'l'he fl'llit gl'O\\'CI' who eXIII'I.ts to hn'e , full' cl'ol'S ' at fl'lllt mllst bcgln with the IISO of Im Cctlcllles 1'Ill' ) , } ' . IIo I1II1St 1101 dellt , } ' too Inte In the sll1'lng , ns the I1l'sl \lIrn 'ln Is somethncH the most Imllort. nnt of nIl. Pm'ls gl'een will not destro ' I the Insects thnt live on snp , U Is 1I0t nlwa's the hl'st IInd most eln horn te 1I0nItr ' hOllses thn t shellc/ the choicest stocl. . Snccefls , howe\'er , mlllnl ) ' depends on Wlll'm , dr ) ' C0011S1 with luopcr care IIlIll manngement , an frlL'tom fl'011l O\'ct'crowtJlng , 1'hls latter trouble Is otten the cnuse of lII-succe811 , .L < it'f& ' .IiJlio u rW'L" : " . .i .i. \ . " " " ' 4 < " " ' " \I"'II' ' ' ' ' - . -u--- " r11 "I"I'I" ' ! ' " ; ; .iiii4 i u _ _ , . ' _ , . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . " ' 'f' I - - - - - . - . - - - - - . . . . , . . o . : , . . . . ' , . . . . ' : . , . . C' , , .f . E. ll 0 uo' " _ \ , . . n , . . . ' _ - o . . Z'I W : .c " - ' j 1'0 DOINGS orWOl CN , ' . - - OA , - -'II FOR APPEARANCES. O IEONE has snld that one-half S . ) the mlsrl' ) ' of IIfo nt least , If nol = mOl'e , comes to people from not hclng ahlo to make both ends m et ; . . . I . , } 'ct how unnecessnry Is the nCl..Ou8 stmln nnd worr , } ' or mind which urlses from the foolish nttempt to I.eep up nlllcnrances which lire he'ond one's Income. If It doeR hnppen , as It some. I times will , tllat people with small menns are thrown In the wn , } ' of wcnlthl ' . ' nh\'n ' let It < 1' ncquolntnnce ! ! , \ 's he wIth frnnlwcss , nnd with opeu nc , Il'ptll tlon of the fact. PuttIng on nil's Is deh'ltnlntal to self-I'espcct. [ ueh hetter to 8n ) ' nt oncl' , " ' ' 'e cnnnot IItrord It , " lIever UllOlo lzlng for the smnlluess of the hOllfle 01' the lucleot domestIcs , never tll'etendlng to be othel' thnn we are. If we would enl , } ' stol ) nnd think how little wc neell to cnjo , } ' life , Instend of how much. ] ( wo hought enl ) ' whnt wc nueded ns elthm' nseflll 01' orna. I melltnl In our homes ; only what we lIeed to he well dressed nml nlwn 's pl'esentllhle on ol' < ; lon l , nnd enl ' whnt we need to . .lIpense 0111' nppc- 1 tItc > s nnd to repcnlsh ) 0111' s 'stemH , If IlIJople would only ndopt this rule . the ) would not only be relieved of nn eIlOI'mOUR load ot worr , } ' , but woud ) find themsel\'es all the better for It.- New York News. .a } " . ' - - ' - ' . $ J"I I I @ @ ! , f' ' I , @r Uct : I , . For bl'enletnst : Oereral. crenm , lI\'er and bneon , crenmed potntoes , tonst IInl1 coffel' . To l'ew.1er ontmenl and other cereals enR ' of dlsestlon , IIml In proper condl , tlon for tlic stol1lnch , the stnrch must lJe converted Into dextrin. This requires fi\'e hours' constant cooldng. Investigators who bllve malic n stud ) ' of foolls Ilnd their propel' prepnrntlon 3tnte thnt stomnch trou les orlglnnte In n Inrge uumber oJ cases fl'om the hn , propel' prepD.1'Iltioll of the'foo . The banana can hc ) llIt to many uses. i [ t Is a toothsome dellcac ) " , Ban ann tonst Is excellent. Ohop the fruit fine. senson. Ing with snit , and nddlng sngnr and lemon juice. Hot cream shonld be poured - ed over the toast. . Should "ou desire nice fried currlell nusn e' fr ' the latter cl'lsp ; drcdgc itome curl' , } ' llowdel' In wnter In the fr ' . Ing pl1n , nud IIdl1 flour to thlclcn. Sim. mer ten minutes , IIdd Juice of lemon , stir until sauce IH donI' , put In the snu- , . ; nges IIml h < 'at ngnln. It 'O\l wish n gooll IIlsh of stewed bncon , wllsh nlld Ecrnpe : ! the bucon , put In a steamer o\'er boiling wuter , nnll cook forty II1lnut < 's , Ot' until tender. Plcl. oIT the thick outside skin when cool , season w lI , nnd sprinkle with brown cd brend crumbs. Put Ilito o\'en for n few I minutes , . - , . r , \11 munnel' of footls thnt have Btnrch , . IIml SUgl11' lIt'e necessnrlIy fattenln ! ; ' It r they cnn he digested. It thIs diet Is r followell , thcre Is promise of lIlnny ad. I dltlonnl pounds for the subject. ) llIIe hns grent'ullte , and If the Btom. nch cnn stnml It two quarts Jl.dny mny be tnl.en with ndvl1ntl1ge. 'I.lmewater- mixed with It III II Ices It more easy or nsslmllatloll to lIIost people. 'rhe best WII ) ' Is to drllli. milk slowl ) ' . Taken hot just befol'e goln to hcll , It promotes reHtful sleep I1nd so gl'cntIy helps tilt } . I thin ne to "III ' on" IIeflh. Cold bathll lire \'er ' thinning In their- I temlenc ' nml holtld he \'olded by the- i woulll.be plulllp person , ot course , . violent or IOllg-susta Ined exercise wlJI. . keell OliO slellder 111 spite oC nil prec.1u. tlOIIS. Xever tI' ) ' to en t 1II00'e thnn rOll hn\'e for IIIcrel ' loallln ' \ nn npJlctlte , ns the stoml1ch 1I0es not mcnn that the- food wllI ever bd tm'nell Into good , use. ful tissue. I AmI constallt01'1' ) ' Is td he n\'olded. for h'rltntlon of the ncr\'es would ron- deI' useless c\"Cn the most cnrefull ) ' se. . leetell diet. WJlllt Y"u Cun 110 with $ l O n Yenr. "Fcathers and IIowel's llI'e lo\'el ) , hltt I ne\'er bit ) ' them , " remnrlwd a stylish- 'Iooldng womnn , "nor silk wnlsts and pettlconts. 'l'he , } ' nre too expensh-e. " 11m' companion 8U1've'ed , her cl'ltIcul. I ly befol'c repl'lng : "Yet there nre few women of m , } ' ncqltalntnnce who nre so I unlforml ' weU dresscd. You look f smnrter thnn most of them , und"-nl. ) 'i ; " most Intcl'1'ogllth'el"must spend at least $ .JOO nnlluully on clothes , " "Xothlng IIIw It ! r ) ' nllownnce Is ex. actI . $150. Thlrt , } ' doIlnrs Is set apllrt for Incldentnls-tollet necessitIes , the hnlr dl'esser occaslonall ) ' , sometimes the chh'Ollollist-Ieuvlng $120 , or $10 a month , for clotIllng , and 1 make n. point of spending e\'er , } ' Jlenn ' of It evcry twel\'e 1110nths-not 11 cent more 01' ) es . "The most Importunt Item Is the brolldeloth tnllor-mllde street gown. By going to all the best shops It Is nways possible to fillll ut some one of them II first-class qualIt ) ' at n rtnsonable price , nUll It Is extravagnnce to buy anything excepting good mnterlal , ns this gown must he the stnnd-hy for a yel1r. The silk linIng should be of good quality as well. By the wa ) ' , never purchnse Ilny. thing but a black lining , even If th\ } cloth Is of some other color , because this Is one ot those Instances where one and one make one and not two ; that Is to Sll ) ' , a portion of one halt-worn lining .allded to a portion of nnothel' In Il slm. ilar conl1ltlon mnke what Is prnctlcnlly equnl to n new one , Street gowns Ill'e . . . . smm'test trimmed with the snme lUll- " terlnl or with stitching , nnd there arc tnllors who wllI 1111\1.e n cant nnd skirt for from $12 to $ Hi , IIccordln to the amount of wOI'k , furnishing hooles , sewIng - Ing sill. , etc. We wllI nIlow $27 for the cloth gown. 'l'he first 'ear It serves for church , for the theater and tor visiting. You mil ) ' be certnln , howe\'er , that there nrc ne\'er any risks talcen , and If thQ weather Is at all threntenlng , Inst ) 'enr's drN ; Is donn I ; ' . _ " _ , . . . . . . . I . . . . . . - . . - - . - - - ' ' ' . ' . ' ' A. " "v. " WH T LIQUID ) { O L.IS . I It ffl a black , oily liquid obtained by the dry dlstllJatlon of coa.l and embracln Blborate of I\odlum , calcium , I\odlum \ , pota. ; slum and extracts of resinous materIals with xy191 , qualacol and creosol. Xylol Is a hydrocarbon taken by destructive dlstlllation from the eUlpyreumatlc oleoresIn of PInus Palustrls. Creosol and qualacol are two of the main constituents of creasote. Dlborate of sodium fs prepared by lIxlvlation of earth , which fs stron ly Impregnated wIth borax evaporating the solution and crystallizing. UlLlclum , Sodium and Potassium are elements of nature The quefltlon mll1ht occur-ff these properties are found fn Coat , why n't use coal ? The answer Is-First , coal docs not contain all the constltucntfj secolld. those it docs contain are only ) ' /elded / at a temperature ' of over 320 degrees Fahrenhelt"and " It Is plain that If a hog's stomach generated this amllunt of heat the ho would become roast pork seasoned with fried paraslte/i / of hog cholera. ' ' 'I'housands of farmels are using this rumedy with great . cess , Our IIrnlt ( > d space forbids us J.lvln huudreds of testimonials Rue. as we couhJ , which will furnlshcd . YOll on request. fs an article whIch you wlllbnd daily use for. If you once adopt Its use 'ou will t1nd It , to be 1lIspen ihlc , and as the price Is RO . ol1al > lo no family IIhoul < 1 he without It. reas. = ; Liquid Konl will cure Corn talk : Disease , 1I0Oholera / : Swine PJajlue , Black LeIC. I..UIU : > Jaw , ScaDs 111 Sheep , Pink Eyc. , Guar. J antced as a Lice Klllut' . . PRICES OF LIQUID KOl\L ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL , KEG , $2.50 PER ONE GALI.ON - - 3,00 . . GAL I 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL. . $2 25 GAL FIVE G LLONS. $2,75 PER GAL 50 GAL. . ONE BBL. . $2.00 GAL 32-Page Book on Diseases of Animals Mailed Free on Ap- plication. If no local Agent , Order Direct From Us , We Prepay Charges. NATIONAL MEDICAL CO. , CAPITAL $250..000.00 YORK. NEBRASKA SHELDON. . 10 1 " "a\At..Ww\tv..ruv { , , ' . , J.l.Jt > , , ) , . , , . . . . ' . . . . , j . -uI .