Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 18, 1902, Image 1

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    .el' "
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I' ' ' '
. . . . . . . , . II , . . " . . .
. ' ES'l'ABLISH ] D 1882. 'l'HE OIi'Ii'ICIAI4 PAPEI 01i' CUS'L'I R COUN'l'Y. \RGBS'l' CII CUJ A''ION 01i' ANY PAPl R IN 'l'HID COUNTY. . ,
, ,
- - - -
- - - - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - - -
. .I
I I ,
I "Be On Time"
( . . . . . , With ) 'our hoUlllI ) ' hu'in if
I. , YOII walltthc ue\\'st , thc hest. ,
" . thc pick IIncl choicc. lIc 011 ,
' ' timc if } 'OU want to s\\'c worr ) ' . ,
I f'J' f' J' Bc on timc if } 'OU waut lIe\clcd \ .
. pleasurc. no ) 'ou know it is
t lcss tha.n 7 11(1)'S ( to Christmas ?
Bc on tlmc.
f t ; 'Note our add on last ,
, page of this Issue.
: , ! I
\ , J \
. , t , . . . , . . . , . . . . . .
- - -
II' I .
I :
l Tahlets'
! .
! ' -ANU-
i St'hool Supplies ,
t . .
. , --AT-
, . . . _ , . . . - + - , . .
, ' . . . . " . .
, ,
J. G. Haeberle's :
: I [ . _ . . . . . _ . . _ _
I . Perle Elizahtth Fields ,
T' DR.
I ii IBDpi ht bBi111In.
, _ 9 a. m. to 12 m.
1 :30 : to 4 p. 111.
i Or by appointmcnt.
I&"Ofl1ce o\'cr Anderson's Jewelry Ston
in Really mock , Brokcn Bow , Nchra1ka !
- - -
\ " " Christmas trees at Ryersorl
- & Watts. .
If you intend to build call a1
I Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices ,
Lubricating oils of all kin:1s : al
\Vi1kin's drug storc.
. FOR SATlOR Ri\N'l'-All o.
hlock , Jewctt's Addition t (
\ Brokcn Bow , Nch. A fine homc
sley , Ncb. 2-21
, li'OR SAI.It-Five acres f lanl
in good sbtc of cultivation ad
1 I joining' Broken Bow for $1.00
! Inquire at this ofiice. 3-27 t
I Toys ! toys ! at Post Offlcj
Store , Broken , Bow. .
- - - - - - -
'L'he RIU'UlIlICAN and In tc
Occan , $1.50.
l"on SAIH'l'wo No. 1 farm
four mi1cs from Brokcn Do , , ,
. ' ' . ,
Alsoothcrlands.-A. 1' SHYlIOI
'falcel that turkey to 'rierne
Bros. 'l'hey want it surc.
FOR RHNT-OnC of the be
farms in Custer county , but fc'
improvcments , one hundred acre
Good chance for some one ShOI
on horses , and machinery. I
. valle ) ' six miles from Bow. AI
dressCom. , hex 74City. 27- :
- - - - -
. "
Air rlRcs , drulII ! ! , " 81(01111 , 1001 bull
toul Cbcatll , utilI e\'orythllll ( IlIIuglulllJ
to IIInko bOH , bnlll' ) ' to bo foulld
i It EUSON \ : W A'l''fS . . . O. Store
- - - - - - - - - -
, A good hous ( ' for ale.
17 tf. n. BANO .
'l'icrney Bros. wants poultry.
- -
A dandy lot of Solid Sivc
. Souvlnlr Spoons frol
, upwards at A. E. .Andel
loaned on mprov
Broken Bow , Neb.
1 [ : c ; : ; : : : : : JI
'l'ho alluce to huy toys , dOUR nud Inucy
Chrlstwlls IU''lIcutR Is III the l'ost Onlco
I Storr , Urok'u now , Nellrll\lm. !
. , -
'l'aylor } i'lick left 'ruesday
morning for ' ! 'cxag to visit a
, l'ouplc wcel < s with his boys.
I A. l . Humphrey and wife have
gonc to Iowa to spend Christmas
with ? \Jr. Humphrey's parcnts.
r adics will hc admitted frec
Monday night , at the opera
house , 'whcn accompanied hyone .
n'sen'ed seat tic1 < et.
John Rhinchard and Joc HaelTlc
of McKinley , wcre. cit ) . visitorg
Monday. 'l'his oOicc acknowledges -
ledges a fricndly call.
Fred Kopp of Grcen , madc this
oOice a business call 'l'ucsday.
Hc cxpects to move to Oklahoma
in a few weeks with his fathcr.
Mrs. O. N. 'fhostesen of Alli-
ancc , camc down to attcnd the
marriag-e of her hroth cr and visit
with her parents and fricnds a
fcw days.
'I'he scric of re\ ' val mcctings
I at the Christian Church closcd
Sunday night. Between thirt ) .
and forty accessions to the church
is rcportcd. Most of them werc
hy baptism.
l'rollllucl1t 1'1'01110.
Among the people supporting
M y Sargent , late lcading
woman with Margarct Mather
and Ma ame Modjeslca compan-
I ies , who may pIa ) ' an cngagement
hcrc soon in "Othcr Pcoplc's
Moncy , " are wctI-Imown and
promincnt artists , Conspicuous
among thcm arc David Marnell ,
thc well-known comcdian ; Eva
'L'hatchcr , a mctroplitan favorite ;
7eltah Covington , the promincnt
"juvcnile" man ; John R. Hobin-
son , the man who made thc play ,
, t" Paradise Allcy , " the ta.11c , of
Ncw York and Boston ; Hazel Kil-
day , the popular and swect littlc
ingenius , etc. , ctc.
Miss Sargent bears striking rc-
semblancc .to Amcrica's famous
I , Maude Adams and it is said that
hcr g'owns are magnificent.
J. 1" . Bryson of Upton , was a
friendl\ . ' caller at this ofiicc 'fues-
lI , G. Hogen. returne 'l'ucsday
morning to HowlcyMassechuctts.
Mr. Rogers is cngaged in mercan-
tilc business in Brookland , IIis
son Frank is marricd and has a
storc in that vicinity.
P. II. Munk took fir t premium
I on his thoroughbred Duroc Jcrsey
sow at the fair' last fall and
as \'erificahon of the award she
brought him H , pigs last Monda ) '
. night of which hc saved 13.
'l'hc commi ttec on arrange.
ments of thc M. E , Sum1a )
school havc decidcd to g'e any.
) enc thc pr'ilege to place pres ,
cnts on the Christmas 'l'rcc. 'l'h (
_ cxerciscs will hc held Christma
'l'h is locati ty is co\'erell wi t1
cight inches of snow , the hcae
sincc 18RS. It commcnccd snow
ing last Friday morning and con
_ tinucll for three days. Sleighin
is linc and those who are fortun
ate cnough to own a sleigh arl
- cnjoying it.
Attorney A. H. IIumphre ) ' ha
_ resigned as city attorncy , owinj
to having .ecn clcctcd county at
torncyhich position hc will a
sume carly in January. C. L
Guttcrson was appointcn to iii
thc vacancy by thc mayor , an
his abpointmcnt was canfirme
unanimously hy thc council.
Notwithstanding the depth 0
, snow and thc continued sno'
storm , the services at thc Bapti
church Sunday , the aUendcncc (
the scveral scrviccs wcre but
fcw short of the rcgular attct
dClicc. 'l'hc earnest work of t1 :
ncw pastor , I e\ ' . Morris , is a(1 (
prcdatcd by his church as
sho\vn by thc att ndance and t1
fruits of his lauor. I a t SUI
day night two mcmhers wcre rl
ceived into the church by haptis' '
- as wcrc also two on the preol
Sunday cvening. 'rhe atte !
: ; dancc at the praycr service whic
i ! > an indication of the lifc of t1
church has heen continually i
r- creasing until 'Vednesday nigl
_ of last weck the number reach (
d 37 , completly filling seatit1
: capacity of the small room th
has uecn utilizcd for tha t purpos
I 'l'hc county board adjourncd I
Saturda ) ' to December 30. ,
John Pcrnic , superintendeut of :
thc connty farm , madc this otlice '
a husiness call MOlHtay. I'
'l'he Kempton Komedy Komp-
any will play at the opera house
next week , cOll1mencing Monday
night , the 22nd.
In ordcr to closc out my applcs
beforc Christmas I havc reduccd
the pricc to 65 ccnts. Open
c\'cry aftcrnoon whilc the ) ' last.
East sidc of public square.
G. H. WIll'l'MAN.
W. II. l eeder and wifc , of
Merna , 'came down Sunday morn-I
lI1g to attcnd thc wcdding ccrc-
mony of Mr. Fred Rceder and
Miss Ircnc Rcynolds , and rcmain-
cd over to Monday evening , attending -
tending thc post wedding dinncr
by thc groom's fathcr , Hcnry
] dwin F. Mycrs is offercd a
placc on thc rcgular forcc of the
Nehrsska State Journal as rc-
portcr , begining the tirst of the
ycar. Mr. Myers was thc Journ-
al's Brokcn Bow correspondcnt
for scveral years while attcnding
the High School.
Mrs. U. S. Grant , wido\v \ of cx-
prcsidcnt Grant , died at hcr
home in 'Vashington D. C. Sunday -
day night at 11 :17 : of hcart failure
aggravated hy a sevcrc attack of
broncll1tis. Hcr daughter Mrs.
Nellie Sartorie was thc only enc
of her childrcn with her at thc
time. One son was in 'rcxas and
the other two in California at thc
timc of hcr death.
'l'hc Deputy Grand Master
, V orlcman , Ii' . G. SlInmons , of the
A. 0 , U.V. . spokc at the Court
Housc on Friday evening. Mr.
Simmons is a i > lcasant speaker
and gm'e his audicnce a dclight-
ful talk on fratcrnalism and
particularly on the history and
advantagcs of the order. ' l.'hc
Ancient Ordcr is cnjoying a
healthy growth and the consider-
ahle increllses in membership , of
our local 1001'ge is 'the result or
the dcputys visit and work. Hc
wcnt to Mason City ' Saturday
whcrc he wss il1cd 'for an address -
dress Saturday night , Hc was
booked for 'Ra\'cna 'l'uesda ) '
nigh t.
Vv. A. Bishop of Kingston , is
convinced from his own cxperi-
ence that the cattle husincss is
profitablc if propcr carc and at-
tcntion is gi vcn it. 'l'hree ycars
ago Mr. Bishop movcd fromncar
Bcrwyn to W. W. Pott's farm on
Clear Crcck. Hc took with him
one cow and a heifcr calf a fcw
days old. 'l'hc next spring his
co\v. \ brought him twins. 'fhc
second year shc produccd twins
again and thc hcifer he took
with him brought a calf. Thc
third ycar the old cow brought
anothcr pair of twins and the
heifer luta second calf. Starting
with enc cow and calf his hcrd
. now 11l1mb rs tcn hcad in three
yc\rs timc.
A PI'cft ) 1Iulll0 Wltllu- ( ! : '
At thc rcsielcncc of thc hridc's lIIothcr ,
Mrs. Hva Martin. Mr. I recl Rccllcr unci
Miss Irenc Re'nolcls wcre joincd ill th (
honds of holy wcdlock hy the pastor 01
1 the First Baptist Churdl of this city ,
5 RcS. . P. Morris. The ceremonr too ! ;
place at noon on SlIlIIlu\ ' and was wltlless.
eel h ) ' IL IlIrgc nllmher oi' thc relatives anI'
- friends of thc contracting pllrties.
' 1'he swcct meloll ) ' of the wClhlin
- mllrch pll1yed by Mrs. O. . 1'hostcsen , :
e gister to the groom. ILnnonnccel the cn
trnnce of the hridal party. I II allel1l1ancl' '
111'011 ' the hriele was Miss Icolic Rccdcr
S while the grooms intcrests were carecl fo
by Mr. Clarencc Receler. # 1'hc hril1c wa :
most hecolllingl ) . gowncd in white. ane
was qnite hallesomc ! in her wede1in : II'
, - ray. The groom wag attired in thc 1:011 :
\'cntionlll hlnck.
A sumptious wedlin rliltner was scn' '
ed liS SOOIl as the ceremony was complf't
cel. und arouud II tahlc ladelteel with ever.
dainty , allli unbo lIIdcel in its hospitn1it )
the newl\ ' made husb:1I1Il ancI "ife n
cc'ed l1i earnest hest wishes of thei
friemls. mill ga ) ' repartce was mllde th
\'chic1e of sincere hopes for the futurc L
Mr. und Mn ; . Reeder.
celebration of the welldin1 /
coutinued on Monda ) ' whcn the pllrcnt
of thc groolU. Mr. IUldl\lrs. Hcnry Reel
cr n\'e II post wedelin dinuer in hem
of the e\'cnt.
'rhe hnpp ) ' couplc will lIIake thc :
1hOllle IIbollt thrtc miles sUllthcast of tli
is dtv. IUl\'ing prcviollsly flUcl1 "I' tll
IC ho l C in a neal : uul comt'urtl.lbll' IIUlllnc
'rh Rm'uIIIlcA : > ; joins the malltrielll
11 - of Mr. anel 1\lrs. Hecllcr'in l'lII
egratulations. .
Chrl tmlls Tree Ilt Bllptist Churcl
I. . -
[ 1'l'hosc who desirc to plac
: h presents on the tree at the Bat
IC t ! , t Church for their children (
nfricnds Christmas Evc arc rl
lIt quested to lea\'e thcm with t1 :
d committcc on decoration prope :
Ig ) ' labcled any time WedncsdtJ
at aftcrnoon , that they may 1m ,
, e. proper a ttcn tton.
" . tl ; rl : : m ; r. : ' . ' : r'J" : , . : r. : ' ' ' ' " 'fr.'Prle. - ; : ; ' ' , - ' : ' : r , . : ' "I'J.ri , : " " ' . ; r.r'i'J : : : : : } : " 'r'f-t'Jrw' : ; : & : .
" ' : : " ' ! " : 'llit. ! fttJjir. : : " ! ' : ! ! " 1J " : l ii.11r ! iLIii : : ! ! ! i " ; ; l . ! ! ' : ; } ' ! " ! i1
. . . . . . . 1 : L . . . .
k . V.t . . m . ' h. . . : . < " ' . ' ; : \ 'f. f' . " 0 'I"Jr I ay 00 S I ; : 1 ' , a. . . ' , . . . . . . " ,
. I - . - - - - . - . - . - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' ' . :
M1 r T" r-------------- " - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' - - ' . : t
ED. : : LV.JcCC : > : LV.J.A.S' :
/ :
. . . .HEADQUAR'l'EI S Ii'OR. . Of t-rj I
At Broken Bow and Merna , Nebraska , in I
I . + ; : ii Jt * D I
. . . . \Yc have the fincst line to sclect from/that , . 'can bc found in thc count ) ' . In t'I1
.1 , r"\ - IIf. ' ;
# 'l'oilct Goods our stock is u , ! : ; ur ssed- wM
. . . , . . . . . 0
Pcrfume , Dressing Cases , '
t n AtOtlllZCrS , Colar Boxes ,
' 1 'Mirl'Ors , . Cuff Boxcs , n m
'I'ravcl1lg } Cas.cs , . Glo\'c boxes , . 0
. 0 1-4adles 'l'otlct Mal1lcures. Hand1 < crc1l1cf Boxes. . ,
_ . . . . _ .
- , . = _ - -
m = - : : : : : f
- - - = : : : : : : : : :
1h I 'Ve have a full and complete Iinc of copy-wright books , fancy gift " ' 1 .
. . .I books , childrcns' hooks-all kinds-in papcr , cloth and hoard hactcs. ' :
t .L. . I ' 1'0) " of all kill < ! , i'OIl , lill , "lid chill" . GII-ca'l' , buggie" elc. ? - - d - . i
I j + _ ; ' L' Msi' iB Msi L 3us Ai B MSi81
r - . - - - - - . - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - - ---4- ' - - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . W # , '
k j , , Games-Ping Pong' , Crokenolc , and all ldnds of small gamcs. li'or 1--3 .
: f'I' i
assortmcnt. quaiity and prices , we I > -P-4 . ;
fT" d
'fi : ' L' d All C 0 : jl
l ! . . ea ompetltors. . 0 .
, '
See our stock before elsewhere. r :
' purchasing
'Ii . . . . . . , .
. " , .n L . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . - - . - - . . . . . . . . - . . - - . - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - . - . - . . . ' ! , . . : .
. ; , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . ' . _ . . , . . I j
,1- - , J. . . li . . tV.I.i . . . . . . M. 1ft. . I'I . -t.Kt. :
. ! ; -i ! : J.r .I ! : ! : .i. ; . " ! : . . . . 'fi ! 'ln . :
. - . . . . . " ' . , . : h. M C C 0 m as ' I. r . ; ; , . . : : . . . . . .
' / tl . . '
. /1 _ , , \ . . .
' . . . . .
. : . . . . ; : . < ' 01' . : .
' . , " 'j. .1. " : ' , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . , - , , , . , . . . " ' ' ' ' ' ' 'r ' . ' " ' . ' -r.- , . . . . . . . . . r . , . . . , . . ' , " . ; . . . . . : . . , - . . . , ' . ' ' , . ' , ' " " . , - . .I. . " ' , . . , . . , . . . . . " , . . . . . . 'I/\ , ! ! . . . . . , . . . . . . . ! - , . ' ' " " . . . . . . " . . h
i : ' ' " ' " " ' ' ! ' ' ' ! 1 ' " . ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ! " ; : r ' ' ' ! ' " " ! ! ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' . -l'I'"u" .I.:1r
. ; : 17'J. 'f. : i 'iii . ; : !
: ' . I-t.
. . . . i't'Ir . . ; ' . "iil' . , , ! . . . . , , h.Fc7' . ' . ' . . , . . ' : ; ' . . , ( "J.t . . , . . . . . :1' , . ' ' . . m : :
-r ! 'f \ : ; : : lt'lf..l 'f h-i : : l1.j ; : : : it. : f'i \ : ' : it':2trioli : ' " ' : ' ' : ; ; ' .01 f : : : t.i'Ioio4 : \ i. : i : : ; : 'f ; ; ' : ' : : rot ;
" , , "nIltl ) .
PwmIN-TuAsoN-At the resi-
dcnce of Dr. and Mrs. A. Albcrt ,
uncle of thc bridc , 208 Gambo
Strcct , Manilna , Phitipine Islands -
lands , Decembcr 5 , 1902 , at 7:30 :
p. m. , J , T40uis Perrin and Miss
Maria Conception Tuasoll.
'rhc grool1l was a mcmbcr of
Company M. , of the l'irst ; Nc-
braska rcginH'nt , that went to
Manila in dcfense of the Amcri-
can Flag' Whcn the rcgimcnt
was dischargcd Mr. Pcrrin remained -
mained in Manila and soon secured -
cured a lucurative position in
the custom house , Wll1cll position
hc has since retained. His bride. .
is half-breed Frcnch and Fil.
Iipino. Hcr father rcceived a
land grant from Spain adjoining
thc city of Mani1a that is vcry
valuable. and her stcp father is
now a mcmbcr of thc civi1 com-
lIIi sion in Manila. Her pcople
speak gl1glt h fluently an ( werc
rriends of thc Amcricans from
the fir t. Dr. W. E. 'l'albot ,
who was wcll acquainted with
, the family , thinks that shc is
worth at least' a haIr million ,
Hcr stcp-father , IIHI enc of her
sistcrs visited the World' ! > li'air
at Chicago.
- - - - -
D. S. Kopp of Grccn , will scll
at puhlic auction on 'ruesday ,
December 30 , tt) ( 1 :00 : o'clock ,
22 hcad of cattlc , consisting 01
cows , l1cifcrs , calves ; 8 head 01
brood sows , farm machincry atHI
household gool1s. Ten month
timc will he g'cn on all sum !
over $10 , on approved securit )
with intercst at 8 pcr cent.
mn hnokH ! 'l'ho luh'Ht IIt'II'K : ut hI's
11I'\'I\fI \ \ nt ltycrsou ! . \ : " 'UhH.
. . . . . .
Our uhscriber who have corl
, for salc will do wetl tl
: write Ii' . } t . Stcal'l1 , BaYard , , Ne
Il' IJraska , quoting' him pnces. H
. . wants tcn car loads at once.
' 1- " 0 CUll. I ; : ( , ' ( H.n IN ON.t IIA V
'l'"kll 1.lutl\.u IIrolllo QUllllllt' 'l'ablee. , \
1. lrug ! l tJI , , 'fulld 1111)IIOIlt'Y It It fa\1 \ In CIIII
K.'i. . Uro\'e' . .lluittufI' leoll ellch hex , 2S ( .
) _ I.cnv 'I.A"'J H I. 1101.1 DA , 'f4
Ir "Ia " 'he JJnrlln tnll nonte.
- 'J'o points within 20U lIIiles roulIIl tri
Ie tickcts will he sold at grcal1y rCllucc
r- rates on Decelllber 24. 25 IU1I1 31 an
Januar ) ' I. Good rcturnlnlntil Jalllllll
LY 2 , 1903.
, 'e For furthcr particulars IIsk the nurlinJ
ton a cnt. . 27- :
: m m s
! lm 1iir&mmmmlmm I ! & : l ; : : h : :
J. C. Moorc , abstracting. . 2tf
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lovely Toilet Sets at Ryer-
son & Watts.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'fake'ourducks to Tiernc ) ' Bros
Pepsin Gum , two packagcs for
: a nickcl at Wilkins' Pharmacy.
Fen SAIH-Purc brcd Duroc
Jcrey Malcs. G. E. CAI > WmL ,
22tf BrokcnlBow , Ncb.
I'or ; Cannon Cit ) ' Pea coat for
slack burncrs go to Dicrks Lumber -
ber & Coal Co. 25tf
FOIt SAl.H OR 'fltAI > H-'l'own
lots and a few J ve acre lots in
this city , for cattle , horscs or farm
land.-Allcn Reyncr.
FOH SAI.H-Onc large gng-lish
Hcrlmhirc hoar.--li'HANK Wm -
SHNltEI > HH. 25-tf
Xmas. presents and fancy
gifts at Ryerson Watts.
Ii'Ql { SA1,1t--'rhe north cast
quarter of section 31 , townshif.
19 , range 22 , Custer cou n ty , Nc.
braska , situated thrcc milcs froll1
Anselmo , Custcr count ) ' , Ncbr ,
120 acrcs under culti vation , ' 4 (
acrcs fcncclt for pasturc. 1"01
terms al1 < 1ress l\ItCllAHI , GHAH.\J\1 '
. Edgar , Nehr. 25-t
- - - - - -
Chickcns , ducks , geese , a.nd
tnrkcys , wanted at Tierney Bros.
Dicrks Lumbcr & Coal Co.
handles the Cannon City Pca
coal for slack bnrners. 25tf
Toys and fanoy gifts at Ryorson &
Watto , Post Offlco Store.
West Union , Nebraska-Ycs ,
we will pay a part cash for butter -
ter and eggs. RUFUS G. CARR.
- - - - - - - - - -
Scveral good farms for sale at
a bargain , including mJ own.-
JnssH GANDY , 44 tf
Try Ryorson & Wlltts' prloos on
Holiday Goods.
FOl { SAlH-A : farm near
Georgetown , consisting' of 160
acrcs. A good location. Inquire
of Mrs. l'i'annie T . Stuckey , Ans-
tcy , Nchraska.
Don't forget you get hargl n
in new as wetI as second hand
goods at J ud Kay's , south sidc of
square , Carlos' old stand , f400k
out for the new sign. 2-tf
. _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'l'ierney Bros. pay thc high st
priccs turl < cys and poultry of all
Idn < 1s. Bring in your fowls.
Beautiful Sea sh lls for
Xmas. at Post Office Store.
. .
- - - - - -
Farms for sale and lands for
rcnt. Now is the time to get a
farm cheap , as the chcap farms
, are all goin , and priccs are , ut-
f vancing rapully.-J. G. Brenizer. .
. . .
- - - -
- , -
1 , ( t MMMMMMM } 'MMMM1FM ; } lwIMMMJ'.l tM1t J1riTlWtMMMMMMMMMMM'ftf ;
Great Display of Holiday Presents i
C 1li : . . . , At thc Headquarters for. . . . ' : . )
\ Millinery $ ladies Furnishinl ! Goods :
i , ' . ' , ' . , . " . . . . . " , , , , , , , , , , , . , . . 1 , , , , , , , , , , . , , . . " " , " ' . . . . . . . . . . " ' . " ' ' "
" ' ' ' '
: ; : " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' : : : :
I . ' .
'I ' B. E. PREDMORE'S " !
II , olcon ; ! ; ; : . . : : I : ' SI' ' I'i ; s : D : : " : ; : ; : ; : " " ' ; . ' ; ' : , I om co. 1
I IDOl a'lieles cOllsisting of an kinds of I
LadiesMisses 1 Childrens Furnishing Goods ! !
. t3 Also a completc linc of Notions , Jewelr , } ' and many other I
= li useful and heautiful articles for Xmas and ew Year gifts to :
,1 , : af your fricnds. Call amI see thesc heautiful articles we carry :
. cl . f ; in stock hefore. thcy are all gone.
I 8 10 1 : ; . : . . . . , . . . u vu l1t.U ! n'I " : ! i W fi l If nJ \ ) lij'MIi1. . . . \ : . \ ' \ ' I _ m . . . . . . lJJIl . . W . . . WVjfJ. \i ! UV"U\i. illl.'W ; : m\l4illt'ivm U\iUV