Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 7
t . - . . ' - ' " ' WHA.T LIQUID IO L IS It Is I\ \ . blaclnUy liquid obtained by the dry dlstll1atlon of coat and embraoln Blbomtc of Rodlum , calcium , Radium , potassium ; and extracts of resinous materlalR with xylol , qualacol ami creosol. Xylol Is a hydrocarbon takcn by destructlvc distillation from tbe clupyreumatlc oleoresin of Pinus Pulustrls. Creosol and . qualacol are two of the main constituents of erensote. llIborate of sodium Is prepared by IIxh'laUon of earth which 15 strongly Impregnated with burax evaporatln the solution I\.nd y- crystallizing. Calcium , Sodium and Potassium arc elements of ' . . .J . nature , The question . occur-If these properties arc found In ConI , why nfJt use coal ? ' 1'he anRwer IS-l'lrst , coal docs not ( 'ontain all the second , those It , docs contain are only yielded at temperature of o\'er 320 de rees li'nhrenheltand It Is plain that If a hog's stomach generated this amount of heat tile ho would become roast pork seasoned with fried parasites of ho cholera. ' ! 'housands of Carmels ar usln this remedy with reat RUC' cess. Our limited space forbids liS Ivln hundreds or testimonials " as we could , which will be furnished you on request. .1 . Is an article which you will find dally use for. If you once adopt Its use you will find It to be 1:1ClIsponslhle : , an as the price Is RO reas. enable no famlly should he without It. j Liquid Koal will cllre Corn Stalk Disease , ITol : Oholera , Swine Pla ue , Black , Lc . Lump Jaw , SCa.bS In Sheep , ljnk Eye. Guar- antced as a Lice Killer. PRICES OF LIQUID KOl\L ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL. KEG. $2.50 PER GAL ONI ! GALLON - - 3.00 I 25 GAL. . 1-2 BBL. . $2 25 GAL FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PIR GAL 50 GAL. . ONE BBL. . $2.00 GAL 32-Page Boolon Diseases of Animals l't\aited Free on Ap- plication. If no local Agent , Order Direct j From Us. We Prepay Cbarges. r ATION L MEDICAL CO. , CAPITAL $250-,000.,00 YORK. NEBRASKA SHELDON. IOWA " v.i , . . A rattle snake that Is fJre or six feet In lcn th will ) 'Ield a 'table- I spoonful uf'cnom two or three . times a month. It takes Its pulson sacs ati least a week to till again after - . ter they have been emptied. EnjlIsh trades unions are for dl- . ret : labor representation In parlla-.I ' ment. The eight hour day. natlpn- 'allzatlon or lanrl , railways and mines : f , old age pensions , temperance reform , , courts of arbitration , arc among tbe prlnclplIl demands. The IInnsons nre IlIlPPY. Ashley. N. D. . Dee , B.-Cured of that most dan erous of all diseases. Uheu" matlsm of the Heart. .1 , II. Hanson of this plnce loses no opportunity of SIIl1 ; ' in the prals of Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I nm able to work a nhl , " sa"s Mr. r Hanson , "And nm feellnJ : : bettel' thnn I hnye for fi\"e ) 'cars , Urolen down and falrl ) " used UI ) nnd suffel'llIJ : : Crom Uheumntlsm of the Heart and Dropsy I wns In . . . .ery bad shnpe. ' ' 'I'hen I started taldn ; : Dold's [ Kill" ney Pills aUll-well , 'ou can se how I 'Iook and I fcel as wcll ns I 1001 , . I ) ' Uheumatlsm Is gone and the Dl"IS ) " with It , "I don't thlnl , they'll e\'cr bothcr II e n aln. but If Ihe ) " d I'll just et some more of Dodcl's 1\lIlne : ) ' Pills. I Imow that w1ll IIx them. " lrs. lIans'on. too. whose health WI\S far from Jood. : tool , the same \ nml shl' .loins with her hllshand In I'ec" ' \ ' Pills. ! O1U1lIe11l1ln Dodl1's K\llne ) A t the ago of seven , Henrietta Plnlltz , or Marlunbnr ! ; , Prussln , swalluwed a hairpin. A few weel\s 'ogo , at the ago of twenty-two. she r Ihad the hairpin extracted from her leg. When a Russian family moves , It Is lusual fpr the head to carry about half a pint of omhers or warm ashes In a cl sed vessel from the hearth of t'lne ' house to that or the otnor. I .NO\Y York 111 Nllt hell , The New York Wurld thus surr marlzeR salleDt features of tlJ "ca pi tel or the western homlsphero. 'l'ho Metropolitan Streut rallwa carries 1).10,000 ) passen ers a day. II Of these passengers 480,000 m transfers. I Seventy-five per cent oC these rld ( arc taken In the mornlnJ. : between and I ) , and In one hour In the e\'et , In sixty minutes of the evenln there are 70,000 passcgers carried UI town. Se\'enty-two thousand people star 00 the sidewalk to walt tor cars ; the ] etllnj ! out or the theatres. 'rh much for the surface cars. The elevated r(1ads carry 225,000.01 peovle a year. This Is more than all the ste : ! stJrface roads of the country cnrr. . and It Is done on tbe sixty. two mil of ele\'ated roar ] , New Yorl , mal1s over a million ar a halt lelters a clay. The posol11ce carries G50OOO pounl of mall a day. 1'he express compames carry 50,0 packages a day. New Yorl\ sends 350.000 telcgral messages a day. The A tlantlc cables carry 4,000,0 messages a year. A school boy In Lyons , Mass. . , v asked to write a sentence with ti word "hominy" In It. lIe prompl produced the following : "lIowmll marol..s ha'e you i " Flrefiles are sold nightly by stre pedrllers In the crow ed qaurters 'l'oklo and other Jnpanese clt\ \ ( The Insl'cts sell for three rln cae n rln being equal In value ta Of ] tent.h at 11 cen t. .A. ' . ' 'f . . _ . I - - - - ' . - - ' . - A l1nlnt 1)1 _ ; ' . - I Mix six ounces of lobster meat With ! two OUIICUS ur hread crumbs , two hard I boiled e ItR , chopped Ilno , a grntlng of nutlllel { , 0110 tllhlesponf , II IIf lem- all juice , salt aud cll'onno popper. Add a smnll amount of creum snllce and wo'lthe whole lo a pnsto l\l\e \ consistency. Fill slime soallop shells with the mIxture uuc1nrter smoothllJ over the tops , add a sprinkling or , sifted bread crumbs aud brown In n qulcl { o\'en. COllvlllolnJt' rl'oof. Cnse No. 'J1OO.-Cnpt. : Altrell O. Hl ler of Hose C011l1Illn ) ' No.4 , CUll 111 , Ohio , sn's : "I hnd a weak bnek ( ler since 1 was n bo ) ' , nnd nbout six ) 'eill's ngo the cnuse dl'velopell Into rathct' 1\ bnd cusc ot kidney complaint. It was not n little bnclwche now nml then , hut buclncho which caused nctual suITer- Ing dny nnd nIght , nnd the h/mlel' / I trlcll to get rid of It the worse It became - came , "When the nUneks were In the ncule Btn e It wns dllllcult to sit down , 1111(1 when down It wn" jllst. ns hnr < 1 to re. gnln nl1 cI'ect pOHltlon , on IICCOlll1t of the twInges of IIl1ln In the Iddnc 's. I cnn enl ' descrlh.oIUC of thc Ilan s ns sl11lllnr to tlml ttcelycd CI'011l a knife thrust. "In time , dlstressln nml tel'rlbh' 111.1 cOl1\'enlent urnnwealmcss : I'csulttd , ' emhnl'I'nssment dUl'- cnusln ! : nnno 'lng In the dn ) ' nlHlloss of sleep durin ! ; the night , "I tool , eYer .thlng which camc to my notice fl'011l'clullnlr. . from observntlon ' , n11l1 which m ' fl'lclu18 nnd'ncqualn. . tnnces nd\'lsed. I COlH I11ted IIh'slcll\n8 , but none ot thmn were nble to rellevo the trouble. let nlonc stop It. "It became so well known tl1nt I hall n pronoullced cnse of lhlI1C ) " cOll\lllalnt \ thnt I ofll'n rl'cl'l\'etl circulars CI'om medIcal comIlmll's olTerln to curc me. a 1\(1 one dny elghtcen letters were hallh.d ( to me by the mnll cnrl'ler. "When Doan's KLhlC ' PIllH attract- cd I\I ' attention [ wllntl'll tb tt' ) ' thCIll , just ns 1 had trll c\'er'lhlng else , a 1\(1 Irs. Hl :1er went to DUl'hm : & Wright Co.'s rug stOl'e Cor a box. He. lief follo\\"CI1. "I knew nfter n dose or two thl1t the medicine wns nctln dl\'ectl ' on the Itldnl''s from the nltl'red condition of the Itllln\ ' secretIons , IHul. encol1l'n " etl , I contlnuell the tl'l'llIent. \ . 11 nil ll.\ ' , tbe haclmchc nnd othcr c011lpllcn tlons stolllel1. "Let me sum up my opinion nbol1t Donn's Khlne ) ' PIIIH h ) " "a 'lng I woultl wl11lngl ' 1111) ' one month's wu es for n hex of them If 1 could not IHl ) ' them tor less , You clln I'efer an 'one to III ( ahout Doan's Khlne ) " Pills nnll I wlI : con\'lnce them thnt the ) " act jut ! : m represented. " I ollr Yenrs After. "Lapse of time hns stl'en thened11 nlIH'eclatlon of Doan's Kldne ) ' Pills I a'e this rem ell ) ' my unqunlHletl at dorsement In the SU11lmer of 18tHl , be cnuse of the results I ohtalned 1'1'om I course of the treatment , I can no\ ' adl , to m ) ' orl lnnllnLlol'sement the me perlence oC n number of others who ar jnst aR enthuslnstlc , whell tlle ) ' e press their opinion of Doall's Kl ne , Pills , ns I. " ad A FRI'E 'RIAIJ of this great Id ne It medicine which ured [ r. nI ler \ \ ' ! be malletl on appllcntlon to nny pal Is of the UnIted Stntes , Address I.'ostel Mllhnrn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. For Hal 00 b ) ' nil druggists , pI'lce O cents per bm - - - - TlJ boats owners on the' Rhino hav m comblnerl to raise to\Vuge rates. M. . . . Wln.low'r SOOTHI : ' . . 1i\"IlUP for hl1 < l. . . es rHhln . M'lIrn. Ih.tlun. . . reduce. Inn"ID"Uc "na ) . 1 alII , ( un' . wlnrl colle , o bOIUe. lel Iridium , which costs $780 pe pounrl , Is tite hardest meal known. ( IS 00 ELY'S CREAM BALM Curas CATARRH. It Is plooed Into the noslrn , ) h spreads over the membrane and Is absorbcd. Jellcfl lm. mediate. Itls not drying , docs 00 not produce enrozlng , Drultlst ; : , 110 cts. or by mall , ELY nnOS..66 Warren St.N.Y. as lIe 'llhe Sultan of 1'urkey Is a VOl : ly tender-hea'ted husband , and cann bear to see n wlte abused. In h oy private theater , whllo n Greek con "Othello " I pany was performing , et was so muoh artected at the a ] ot proachlng murder of Dcselemona thl ) s. be mlsed his hand and forbade thl h , she should be smothered. Ie- Nearly an the ostriches In Sout Africa are rnlsed In Incubators. , II II I I ' " . ANN VAL SALE . ' . ' " : ' r " . ? " ' ( , f I ) . ' , 1 , ; ' 'I" ' ' . 'I , , " . . . : 6) BOX S re tes ' ! tl the Wordd A : MILLION AMERIOAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure , their complexion BOft and clear , their breath sweet and their whole bodies aotivo and healthy with OASOARETS Oandy Oathartio. The qui ok effeots of OASOARETS as system oleaners and blood purifiers ; their prbmptnoss in ouring pimples , bolls , blotches , livor-spoto , blaokheo.ds , and in Dweotoning talntod breath , have become known through the kind worde of ladies who ho.vo tried thom. Hence the 8ale of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. The qulckeat , surest , way to beauty Ie to oleanse the blood , for Beo.uty'a Blood Deep , The first rule for purifying the blood Is to keep the bowels free , gently but positively. OASOARETS Oo.ndy Oathartio are the only medioine to do it. All druggista , 100,250,500. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet Btamped 000. . Sample and booklet freo. AddreBB Sterling Remedy 00" Ohlcaao or Now York. r.81 . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . . : _ , . . . . . . . . 1 " " ' 1 r - r r---1 nib , , , , , , - ! 't" - ' .A , . - . , . . . ' , . - - - I PIRATES OF LUZON. FnlllOUII tnlny JlucCllltoer. . l1elnl : Ex. tcrlllllliltcli by Ullcle IIIII. I As n rcs't \ ! of the rl'lentlcss warfnre I\'njcd hy Unrle Snm'silollcelllell III the PhllllllllllCA 1I lIlnRt 1llt'ner , there Is 1m. " _ _ _ " _ ' _ _ 'h. ' 'oo "o. . _ It I'I'I : < UIICII III LIIC1' Inge ot Lc nlll , on the Islnlld ot J.II' ZOIl , 1hnlld of 31 , which It Is tho\l ht CQl1\prlses \ the Insl of tbe fnmolls old : \Inlny plt'nlcs , 'I'he } lnrtlculnr chl1r c n/nlllst / tbls halld III an nttempt to tntte 1)01l8C881011 of the , - ' . . . " . - , H . slenmer Dos Hur , I YAY.AY l'lRATJt. 1I\nllOS \ whllo It WI\S It Vlrnc. 'l'ho otte1l\1)t. \ ho\\'o\'er , wns Ihwnrted by the pollce1l\cn \ on dllt ' Denr that \1l1nge nml tbe 1)lrntes'cI'e l'nllture nCtet' 11 fierce bnttle In which two of the blleCnllCl'rs Wl'rU 1lIIc,1 1\1\11 lhreo ot the cI'eW of the Dos lIermllllos . were nlso sll\ln. 'l'he IHlI1lshlng of thef ; ( ' n\11 will Ill' the cultnlllntlon of l'I'UlI\llu whll 11 Uncle 8n1l1 hnR cnl'l'led OIlIl/I1I111t / th ( ' II\lI ! ) ' Illmh's , ' 1'wo dn 's 11 ftOl' thl' Iklol IIermlinos Incillent n J.llllhont'ns fl'nt to Nn\lllHllln. \ with IlIstl'lIclollH ! to 1:1' OCIIItUl"e e\'el' ) ' Illmtu fOllnd thl'I' ( ' r-inplllllnll Is the ! lIst home of t hI' ! ' IJUccnneers. lIl'l'e dUl"hlJ. : the In t l''n hlr ) ' the ' hn\'e lived UR IIshermell 1111 : pre'l'd ullOn thc merl'hmtpss'ls : II' ' IlIg het'ecII 1101'Ls 111 I.ngllnu de Ba ' IIl1d IIIIIIIII. While the 8IJ\lIlarllR : cOlltrolll'd thl' PhlllIlllIes no nttel1lpt WUH o\'or nUlll , to Xh.l'l1Ilt1lltl' ! thl'sC IHll'cllllecl's. Whl'I' omillaints'el'e lIInde lI alnst tJll'm thc' SlIlmlh ! OIllCl'I'H would Ill'OllllHO to In- \'estlgnle the IIfflill' , nnd thcI'e 11 \\'ollcI : enLl. enLl.Whell Whell UlIl'Ie SI1I11 Ul'l'I\'I't1 n t I IlnJllI , howe\'cr. things be nn to ellllll e. , 'I : : OI'OUS wn I'fa'e \ \\'n wag'll ugaln'll 1 hl' IIlrates. who hnd held \Il1l1l 11\l1lll ! swn ' since the dll's o ( : \la l'lInll. 'I'he fl'l'I- bootl'rs nt Nlllllnilan t'OIlIlIl thl'llIteI\'I' hllrlll > fed ; so that the ' hl'/lIn / to ! ! lm- mtl' nnl1 chnn e thclt. IIHHll'H of IIttnl'l" lInrllel' thlln the Insl1l'I'L'L1l1nl ! ts themselves to caJltlll'e IIl'e thclll ! ! : \ \ ' : IllmteB. 'l'hey wl\ll\lI \ ' tlw1ll cl\'l's wlti , unrone who 1s willing to tlll.e a 1101't01l ! i DC their hoot ) . uml who Is "l\'ollg cnollh to IH'otect them In I'et lIl'n.1l1cll ; tu their dlsmn ) ' the ) ' hll'e fOllnd that Uncle Slim' ! ! n l'nts will not necelt al1 ' of thcII' plunder. IIol11ulcll cOllstnntl.\ ' \I \ ) ' the contnbulllr ! ) ' , the ) ' nro beginning to seek other Helds. Some of them hn'e gone to 8nmlll' , l\I1ndnnno , nnd Ncgl'os. while others IIl' ) pl'lng their tmllo ou the Sulu nrehlllll. " n o , before cl\'lIIzation found Its wn ) I' to tile Phlllllplnes , plrnc ) ' wns nctlyl'l ) Ilracticed there. It undollhtedly hnd It I u hglnnlug among the MoslemH 11\'lug 01 the Sulu nrehillclago , who lu\'led trlh ute upon nelghborln Islnnds 1111(1 ( rub bed Chlncse mercbllntmen. Whl'l l\Ingellnn stnrted out to find n pllssh 1 conuectlng the Atlnntlc wltb the I'll cllic ocean , his first Inndlng nenr th , Philippines WllS nt a group of Is1:1I1(1 : where the nutl\'es pro\'ed thmuse\'l' ! to be the most nrtful of arICul dodS ers. 8e\'ernl of them stole a smnll hon "I Crom Mngellnn's ship , nnd the rl'n na\"l ntor gln'e the nnme of I..ndron , ( the Spanish wOl'd fOl' thief ) to the IHI Illllls. After the Spnnlnrds hud Rettlcd In th Phlllpplucs a plmtlcul ull\unce \ wus et Ceeted uetween the Sulu nnllllndunnl poteututcR , unci plrncy WIIS prosecutel with I'eat"lsoI' h ) ' orgnulzel1 force cquallng those of the SIlfiulnrds. 1.0 o\'er two ceuturles nnd u half I\IlIssul llJun junls 1'Il\'nged e\'ery coust. Not : sln le IHOlllcd ! Islllnd wns 6pnred. I' ! rucy hecnme un Incessant scourge nn , It eOHt the Spanlnrds rl\'ers ot bloo , nnd millions of dollul's enl ) ' to keep I III checl , . A 1\lu810111 AlllhnlJot. A for Andnnte , whIch menlls ruther blo\'l ' is fol' HilI' , we must connt ns wo o. o for Cresccndo , get lend hy degrl'ell. IJ for Dn CllPO , repcnt If 'on plcllse , E for the Exercllll' , pln 'cd dny lIy dnJ [ < ' IItnllds for Forte , 118 lend us you ruUJ U Grnzlose. In soft lIinglng st'le. , h II the two Hun s which wo use ull tl1 while. _ [ Is the Instrnment , IIkmCully mnde. I for our Joy when wo henr it well 1111l1' ( K Is for Ieys , blnck nnd white us yo Imow. [ Is for J..urgo , 1110st solemn anLl slow. M Is for llnlm. just two III n hnr. N for the Notes , whnt n number thel ore. D stnnds for Opern , n muslcnl piny. l' for the PcLlnl , use cnutlously , prnyl Q 6tunds for Qunver , In n bnr there 111 eight. it Is II Ilest , count one while ) 'oU wnlt. ; Is n Semlbrc\'e , to It couut four. L' is n 'l'rlo. tllrce'olces , 110 more. U Unn Corc1n , or 1)loJ"l'd ) nil III olle. \ ' for VI\'nce u time full of fUll. V for " 'Iher. ! whoRe lIIulllc III lille. K for Xcell , which just melUlIJ. to ou Hhille. Is n Youth who cnn piny sorno 1:11 thhl l'I. lIs n Ither , with mnny 6\\'CQt IItrln8. : -Chatterhox. 'l'ho 0111) ' l\tuIRttll'n. TosR-I'm IHlrprlRcd thnt those stoc1 nJH ; Rhoulcl hl10 llro\(1 ( ! In tlHtactory. . .JessjUlt uHcd them for hnthhl Jtocl.lnJs , you know. TeAs-YeH. hut I thou ht molsh1 ould mnko the ye run. JesH-But then , ) 'OU know , I c10n lerslro [ at ull.-PhllndeIIhln Press. Secklnlt HcJ'lIJt'o In l'II&lnncl , 'l'lIree [ Iroperlles In different larts 4 ; 1ul11pshlre Ita'c recently been sold frellch rell louB communities who n : nklug refue ! In Englulll. ( The tlT8t dny thnt n girl geta her no ) Icturcs home trom the photogrnplItr Iho do n't do nnythlng but loole I tlIem , and wonder It they are " od . . . . . _ _ _ , . , _ , . " > Iu" " " " " " " " " " " - - jj - - . . -T-T T T . . _ . - - - - - . - - . - In ( ! Vl'ry conntr ' of the cl\"lIIzl',1 ' ' lstl'1'1I of Chll1'It . 111'0 kllown , Not oub' 110 thl' ' mlllth'l' ! to till' IIplrltunl nJllI Int'III'ctnnl nl'l'tH of thl' ehlll" l'H cUlmult- ! let ! to thl'il' enre , hnt they 111110 mlul"ler , to their 1111(111) ' ncclls. Wllh o n\llll ' ehlhh'cn to tnl.1 : ' cnre of nnel to IlI'oleel from clhnnte nllll dlHNHlc , thl'-o willo 11I\11 III'Ulh'lIt SllIterH ha\'e fOllllel Pt'rllllu lHJ\'r fulllllIInfl' / lInrl. Dr. 11111'111I1111 r'ceh''H III n II ) ' ll'ttl'l'fI fl'olll Cntholl ( ' SllItel'lI from 1\\1 \ O\'er the Ullltl't ! Stntes. A rl'commellll recl'lItI : ' I rl'I'l'h'cd from n Cntholle IlIstltntlon in nl'troit. I leh. , rel\ll11 1\11 [ I\lows ) \ : Dr. S. /fartmnn , Columblls , Ohio : DcarSlr-"The ) 'Ollng girl WllO used tile Perm" . , was slIficrlng frorulnr'ngl- tis IllJd loss of ' , 'olcc. Tile rcsult of the trcatruent was most sstlsfactor ) ' . I She found grcllt rcllef , lJnd lzftcr ! furliler use of the mcdlclne we hope to bc obI& ? to sn ) ' she Is entirely cllred. " -Sisters of Cllllrlty. , 'I'hl ! youn:11'1 : \\118 tlIllle'r the nI'oC Ihe SllIter ! ! of < ' : hnrlt ' 1\11I1 1I1\1'l1 I'ertlll for cl\turrh of the thront with 10011 re" ! Buttll nR thp. 1\1I\\'c leiteI' tCRtll ell , ) Hmll1 to 'rIll ! l'crl1llMI'llIclnc Co. . CO. , \ ' Ohio. f(1r II fret' "uk writren It , . Ur , IIurtlllnn. I' I'II II I . el' TRY e MUSTANG LINIMENT . t REMEDY THE GREATEST FOR P I L E S I" ' . ' 1'0 Whit II UUI IIl\nh. - ' .ro whiten tllo hands equal parts of lemon juice atglycorlne are excel- lent. Anuther old fushloned rcmedy Is equally ns ( ) od. . 'llako 90..le horse ohestnnts , Jleol dry and trllcn pOllnrI r1 them In a mortar unLIl they beeome u fine powder , whlc J can b kept tor a Ilng time. A pl/lch of this flour t.Jrown . ! lute the washing \vater \ wIlT make fine ] otlon ror the hands. TrnnfJlIllIty. Who docs not IOTe a tranquil heart , a sweet-empercd. baluf1ced 1Ite ? It docs nllt matter wllctJer ! It mlns os shines , or what misfortune como to those iJosscs' lng these blessings for they arc always sweet , serene and 10 call'L. That exquisite poise at charaoter putter.bTew , : York Sun. 'rhe Frenol1 row chestnuts that arc tram two to three times liS Jarre : as the AmerIcan variety. Palladium Is 11 meLtal used for the mounting of nstronomlcal Instruments - ments Rnd cost $482 a pound. One hundred tiHJnsand visitors are I In the olty every day. I The newspapers use 1,800 tons or , whltp. paper a dRY. ' .rhe press associations cable 100.000 I words a day. When two cats pull otI a fight after dark they scratch a match. Fortynve honrs constitute a week's I \V"rk for women and Irls In New , ealand. I. . . I : Money that a man doesn't save by remaining a bachelor would probably sllpport R wUe and ten chll rcn. The best Limber Inown tor ship. I't ! llIlIdlng III tcala forest tree COI11- 'non In India. fl'rS lint I' J'IJII\bPnllyCurrll 11&0 UI" 0Ur , : , fnnu h1l1l8' ornpnoUlnOUall''J . ut lier.l. . . . .1 or" " , ! \nOli ( Uo JI'I1I I : . 'lII"'rI(111 ' < . and trtaU. . . . . . Ult , n , II , lLINt : , L'd , . $ JI..c'Hlnl'nll"drlpnl. . . J. . . . 11110IuIIIIY ! IIdlcloullylbyrlttd , can hr mlrle to urn Il1lndlomo nrorn. . F.lmtnll' 1'0WH of n.ylnH.unenb , AI hIgh to prr rent , ) 'or particulor. . arldre. . JA E3 II1LLIN09 , t1 WIIII"n Blru' . Nrw York City : . -.w- . ' ! . ' . 'I1 ( ! followlllg ll'lter III from Cousrcs8' mnll l\It'l'ld clII. of NlI11Olcun. Ohio : ' 1'11" 1 ' 1'1'11111h'IIIt'llIe Co. , ColulllhnR. 0. : Gelltlemen : "I . . . . . . . . . . . hn\'o IlKc.1 . SO\'l1l'1I1 hotth'R of l'ermm 1\1111 feel Irelltls hl'1I1' II 11'11 UWl'C- hr from nI ) ' en. tnrl'h of thc hencl , III III fCI'1 Cilloonr- lI/l.1 / . to Itelll'\'e t h 1t It I : ! C 0 ll' tlullecl 11110 wl\1 \ Jlllly ( 'rlllllel1te 1\ 11I1I1'11t1 ( . of thirt . 'l'III'tI' Htllnlllll . " , DII\'III 1\1'l'ld ulI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ur , 11111'111I1111 , olle of the ! Jest kllown rllt 'lIlclnl1t1 111111 tHlrj.CIJIIS ; In the Unltet1 tllh'H , Willi the IIrllt 1111111 to forlllnillto 1'1'1'111I11. It WIIS thl'oll/h : his /l'l1lu9 : IIl1d 1Il'r.\'rl1l11'e ( hut It WIIH InlrOlllllell (0 lto 1IIl'L1ICIII 11rofef'R101l oC thll ! counlry. If yall flu not cleli\'e Ilrolllilt IlIltl suth- fllctnry rl'Htl\s \ ( from till ! IISC of l'ernnn , wrltl ! lit ( Ineo to Dr. IIlIrllllnn , , ; Ivlllg n filII "tul"merlt af yonr ense , nrlll ho will 1)1) ) 1)lel1l1l'll ) to'clvc ) ' 011 his vnlnnblo nil. vlel ! rllth , luldrl'HPI nr , 1Inrtlllnll , I'rcllhlent of 'rile IIlIrtrnna SlIlIltlll'lulII , OolumhuR , 0 , A vinyard owner In Algiers dls- :0'l'1'C : d that reat i'Jronds were nade nightly on his grapcs. He mloherl for the encmy and foun Ihut a ] ar e herd of turtles wore : he culprUJ ! , 'Llho sugar cane of Cuba must be lellelouB , DS there ure twenty-sIx' lItIerellt kinds of Insects that Iltaclc t. - , Peerless Plum Puddings. Wllh the rrost comes the a"fletltc ror hcartler table dalnlles. Why . spend time and Iobor . . : when Ln.hy's I'Ium l'uddln ! : ! are so delicious. , IJUre , wholesomeand & 0 easily securedl Aslt yonr Grocer , T \ leY are nmon ! : tbe best of LIBBY'S NATURAL FLAVOR FOOD PRODUCTS Pul . " in convt'nlenlslze key.openinK..cans. Our IItlle hook. "Uow to Make Good 'Dllngs to Ent. " Is rrt't' , Write ( or It. Llbby's Atlas of the W"rhlmallcd an'where ror five : zc Btamps. Libby , McNeill & Libby , CHICAGO. U. S. A. FREE TOWOMENI To prove the healing and cleansing power of l"ax- , tlue 1'ollet Al1tll1cptlc wo will mall a large Irlal packue with book of In- il . . ' structJons nbllolutely . . 'I ; - free. TIls Is not a tiny ! , , ample , but a 1Irle packa c , enough to convince onyone .o : , , ' , of Its value , Women 011 .L' , t ov , = r the country ore praisIng - Ing Paxtlne lor what Jt hlAs rlone III local trel1tU1ent or renule IIle , curine allinflam- mallon and discharges , wonderful as a cleans- In vaJlnal doul'he , lor sore throat. nasal ca- tarrh. as a mouth wlIsh , and to remove tartar [ lnd whiten the lenth. Send to-6uy ; a poslal card wlI do. Sold "y drq.hte or 1" ' & o.tpAl4 107 .1 , 110 .0..1t. larl ( ! , beL IIAlhr..tloft . . & ' . . . . . . It.t'AXTon CO. , 21U Columbus An , BOltO' , U. . . . N. N , V , NO. 74.9-S . "mnu. , VJD .