Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 6

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ClIAPTEn IX.-Continuell,1 (
"Iouk utlhllt , IIOW I" hI ! whIIlIH'rcll.
"Ay , I WIIS looklll ! : . Whal due ! ! It
"Mllllel" IIlIld 1)hll1) ' , scorutull ) ' . "It
DIll II I'll lhat Hlllck MIIZ1.lIrtl thllll ( ! ! 1w'g
" ' 1'111'11 It thl1throllL.cullillg ! 4COllllllrl'l Js ,
1'11I olT I1rl'lt ChIlIlCI ! . "
"Au' 1'111 witl ) 'e , " Hl\ltI IIIIIIY , l'urll'
( ' ! Illy. " 1'11"0lutl IlItln a vJrtullu IIf , ' . "
" . \1111 Il'uYI ! LlIl ! sldllJler's hroLlII'r 111111
1Iarl ? "
I > 1I1I1Y IlIIlIed 01T his Cl\p 1\1111 rublJltI
) lIs hl'II11 ylclousl ) ' .
"NQw , whr Illel YI ! wI\IIL to O IlIellUY ,
thill'hI ! crietl. "Cvnr'l.hlllj : WII'I liS
alsy UR could be , nlld YOll o Iltul UJlset
It 1111. "
" 1.1/01' / A beJl" Rnld , T lick , lit 1111011 , 10CtJy.
"Ar. poor old Ahell" MltI Bart. with II :
grollu , I
"You here ? " 111\111 .Tl\rl. . IItllrtill IIJI 11I111
cutchlu ! ; the rouh ! felluw hy the IUJU. I
, ) "lIere-nyl" 1'owletl Blrtllowly. .
. " \Yhere did ) 'ou thlllk I was , IIIII ? "
' ; ' I I dltIu'L thllll ( . Hart. , or I HhllulllJl't
" havt ! RaltI Lhnt , " crlell .rllnlt , eartH'lIlI , . .
IOWhere woultI you hI ! hut ullll ) ' l lhlJW It.
, ; II WUII In trouhle , I'eaely t.o 1111 ttf Iwlll ? "
I IOAy , but thl'rc's ! 110 hellllll : : ) 'OU hrl.I. . . .
, snlll Hart , wllh a "rolII. : "Whnl'lI ) ' 011
do. Ind'/ / "
" 001" crlell Jl\ck. wlLh a sn'Ie : nuh !
-"do what poor Ahel ul\vufll hum ; Illicit
troll1 doing , allil Htollllltl Bll1cl May.7.ard
trollllllall ) ' 11 lIlIIe. I tlon't reud III ) ' Bihle
now , HluL ; hut doellll't it 8ny thut Ulerl !
shull 'Ie ' hlootI tor hlooll ? 111111 lilY Iluor
bl'Other' . , crillI nloull Cur \llI ! enIlCI ! , us
tbey Rhall see ! "
10 No , no , 111) ' lad , " whllll'orel Bart ,
honrRely ; "let It IItoll hl'rl ! . It lIel1II1I ! tome
mo all It ftometlllll ! ; said : "l'hls hlre' Ule
clUl on It. Now S'tJt her to "I ) bacl ,
. .
"Home I" RaltI J uck , with u fierce laugh.
" " \Vhere 18 hOllle ? "
uYollder. " BI\III Hl\rt , stol1l1ly.
IONol Here-aL Hea. Bnrt. lhere IH 110
othlr home tor lIIe ; no other hOlle hut to
} Ia ve revenS'e ! "
"Uevellge , lad ? "
"Ay. II blUlr , cruel re\'ell e , I couhl
} Iave h'en dlffcI'ellt. I WUIf OUCI ! full ot
lovl ! and IWlle hetore I 100Iw what the
world was IIlw , hut Lhnt'li ul1 Imllt l1ud
deud-'es , delltI ; 1111\1 Lhe Ilcnd ) 'oJ1l11r l'J
100khlS' towurd untI nllltln to '
l11e 1111' I'e'
Ulelllher what WI ! have sufferlll. "
"But thlnl . "
" ' 1'hln" , Bartl 1 hll VI ! lhought till III , } '
bruin hUH swmed to hum ; u1II1 Iwerythlll"
poInts to re\"lnS'e " , aull rl\'lmge I'll ha VI ! I"
"WhaL ' ' to tlo IIlxL ? "
ure ) 'ou "olliS' !
There \\as 110 uuswer Cur u tew minutes -
utes , and then the wortIs whispered were
'Very IIhorL antI decisive.
uAlid let 'el11 thlnlt It'll IIcnrell liS. antI
'we"1 ! gone right ! lway ? " Raid Hart.
uYes. "
Blut 'ga\1 ! a short. qulel , uod ot tlle
helI ] , waUwd slllu'ply to thl ! turecallUe
an relied to the men to tumble up. ' .rhl !
result WIIS that In a'ery short lime Bull
atter Rail was spread till dUiky ! ( 'loud
BeelllctI Lo hovr over the deck ot.he
chouucr , which r'elc over lu the Ught
'breeze ' IIUtI beJau sklmmlug as lI htly as
Ii Yl\cht el\stwnr , as It tit ICilY ! ! the
IIcene ot Lhe commotIore's execlIUoll Car
'rile merchnnls or Bristol sent In n PI-
tltlOII to his lIIuj'st ) . the 1 lug , sa'lug
that the trade ot the port was bcln
ruined , that their RhlllS wre takII. thnt
the HUPlllles ot allll1r and tobncco luust
run . .hort . , nnd that , while tbe ladles
" 'ould RnlTer liS to Lhelr coffee. thlro
' \vould SIlOll be no snuff gralllltl up tor the
titillation ot the nosls ot thl ! I\IIIg'lI : lIe/l' /
IlUhjeeLs. , '
AhvllYII the same st01'y-COIIIIIlO OI'1 !
[ ulllt. . lu COlllllllllltI ot a lOllI ; , low , fllst-
sailing schooner , was here. there nnd ey-
IJI'Ywhere. Go\rullleut heIlI'd whllt WIIS
ald and replied that five years hetol'e
they had sent out a ship to calture Oo.n-
Ulollorc Juuk , thut there wus U s\vere eu-
gag\lIlcnt lIud the captain was tnlwn and
.hung , and attlrwar'd glbbetell off the llort
where his deeds obtlllllctI 1II0S't ' t\II1C' ' .
I ' 1'0 which the UrlsLoimerchl\nts replied
in II turlher Iletitloll Lhat Lhough It was
. liS Lhgo'ernmeut staled. Oommodore
unk' hod ) ' hnd been tnken OWII trolIl
the gihhet aoon ath'r It was hnn up ,
that he had come to lite agalu , and thnt
his tIee s were now ten times worse thuu
! \lortJo\\r \ , that somewhere or anuUIN
on the western IIhorell ot the great Mex.
Ican gull , Iw hud II rclt'culV1al re 1w IiVl'1I
In grent luxllry when IIlIhore ; thlll ullny
blootIy dertIs hlul bl\n dOlll ! litter tIls ,
llerllio fighting. men bring comlll'lIed tu
walk the Illalll. or Rent n rltt hI Illuall
boats tllr Crom Inllll : ulIII that , thlluv11 ;
Ilh ! ! hnd hlen ! sent out. 110 one hnd bee
ablto discover the lI1ysterlous retreut
even till' I11I1Iallll who IlIu ) b ell bribe' ' :
to go returlllu ! ; with th\lr hends : nlnll
their rors , or ( 'Ise with straue ! tlliell thai
the h Cl'lIlIeer was uneler the pl'OtecUoJ
ot the thl1l11ler goels , whuse home WI\'J h
the bl1l'UllI mouutaills , aud that It \\'al
useless to trJ' to tIelltroy him nnd his 04UW
Moreovlr , the meu or rlltol ! snhl tha
it wus n cr'ln ; ; Rhame that their ship :
aUlI cllroes should 1I0t hllve ntItIIlulltl
prolect101l. le'ln whnt " d'nl' they Ilull
to the rm''IIIW tor thl' ! ; oods the , . hllilort
cd , 111111 thut Oilot hlR mlljest's ship
oUJht to be more thlill a matclt Cor ul
the thlllldl'r Olls III CCIItral ! America. aUI
his IIIl1jC'its ' lletltloucrs woulell'\'Il' l'r J
1'hell the JOVll'UUll'lIt cnllchliledthnt thl !
tUIIHt all 11lIlI1cthlllg , UlltI ! ; I\ve thdr ;
tIers a'cortllll ly.
'l'hl ! l' llUlt'US Ihat olle dlOll'tul
IIUlllllh1'I J' Arnltt1'ouJ ; wlilked 1I101l th
lal1ll1 hili big hoots. which crcaltet1lul1l
Ir : O\'cr till ! gra yel. 'I'he JOltIIce \ 0
his IIl1ltorm glittered uhl ! 8uullhlul
111111 : IS III ! wore his cocled hat 1111 Oil ( , II
sldl' . nlltl 1'rstetl his left hl\nd Ullon th
hill of hlR sword ,
'fho captnlll WIIS on his way to B
J1I1I1II' SlllIlIre , to keell IIn allllolutll1el
nt l.oJ'd r.O lIl1l1tulIl"II , IIl1d betore lOll
be118 III c.trncst eon'erseTlth Lall
1 ( ' 1111) ' WlhlerR'C ) ' , his 10rtIsblp's younS'cJ
iallllt II" OliO ot the 1II0st tuhlouab
paluh'H ot IlI'r tIIIY.
"y11. . " saltl the calltlllv , attt'r IIcnr :
,1\11 r 1111 JIIIJII"H flrellmlllll ry con verllt : tlo
. 'It II ! illlI eOllrae ot duty , and I wu
' " .
FO ,
"I.f\ " 6a\l \ ) " , h 'r IpQ'shll ( , wiOo. nl
, r' , . ' , , .
, " . ' . . . . . . _ , "I. .
Hweet sllllle. "HuL cOllldu't ) ' 1111 Reud
, ,
IIOllleolW els\ ! ' ,
" , \ t the clIlI oC jluty I" crll.d thc ( ' 1\1"
lllill.uNo. . 1II'lltll' ' ' , ) 'OU would IIflL wlHIt
IIIIJ to RlllY ulleh'r Huch circulllstlillces as
tlIOIl ! ! . "
"La I"laId her Ind'lIlllf1 , 1111 , nttor a
IIhow of I'esltllullce , shl' Hllrrelll'rell ) her
IIly.whlte hallel , IIl1d RllfTrrcellt to be Itills-
Id. ! "AIIiI Iww IOIlJ , : will It tal" , YOII to
1'1If1ll1r1 ! this tm'rlhle hUCt'lIll1'er ? "
"I Hhall hI ! IIlVny fur 1II0Ilth'J , " IIl1lel the
1'/1/1111111. / /
" 1,111" IInl,1 , till ! I/tlly. /
"Hut I Hhull lI htII \ \ ! ! lIollle 1UIS'ht
l'rl'ant uf ( JIll. 1111I1 lIy hICI. : . with the wlnJs
of lilY " 0011 ship , " lIulel lhe cUlltalll , "alld
IJII lell to I/lY / thl' trollhlefJ oC IIIJ' victory
ul 111) ' Ilnrllll ' 1I feet. "
"Yoll will he Hure to IIrill ! ; hllll ? " fluitI
the 111I1y.
"I IWlle I" , will tull 111 the fh1It , " Hald
the eallt/lill. /
" 'l'hl1I ! you are golll to f1 ht ? "
"Yes ; I IIIU ) ; 01111Ollt In cllmmanel ot 11
sIIIellllll1RIJ111 wllh a Cre\T or brave l1Ion ,
l. . , IItllll'k alltI extlrmiliote ! this borde ot
wasil" , IInel 1 h011l ! to do Itlite \ a mnu. "
"Bul will IIII'hol1y bleed' { "
"I fll\ Sll. "
IILal Will you be hurt1"
III Imlle 1I0t. Hut I IIIlIst run th ! ! rlRlq
antI It I cOllie bacl' wOIIIHled , It will be lu
) 'OUr service , dearest , alld thell I IIhllll
o1nllll III ) ' reward. "
"No. " IHIIII the Il1dfTILh olle or her
most wlnnlnJ ; looks. "I dOll't believe 10U.
S\lIorl : ! IIrl ! wOfle tllaa sohll'rll , anll you
will f/lll / lu love with one ot thl ! 10Tely
8'l/1l1ll1h ' / ladles out tbere IInd tOI'get nil
IHHr little lI1e. "
"I"oret " ; you ! " cried the cnlltaln. 11llS-
siolllllt'ly ; "nlverl ! My 10YI ! for 10U Jrow9
, strolljl'r ev\ry day ; IIUt ) as tu beauty ,
Wlifl tlwrl ! eTer a WOlllall " 0 IJCautiClu aa
' "
) 'OU ,
Ollptlliu HUll1phrey was nbout to throw
hhusult ou his ] owe't all well liS hL'I boots
wuulellillow , but just then the 1100r opeu-
ct ! . allll fresh vlsltora were allnoullcell ,
and the tUlllc ot the cllptnlu'l ! IIppolntmlnt !
to till ! Hloop.ot-wl\r Quern .Tullc , tor the
extermlllntlon ot thl ! 'Vest Indian buc-
Clilleers , forllletI the stallll ! ot , thl' cOllver-
Lovl ! hlld blhuleel the eYl'R or till ! Rtout
caltnln Illtoly Introehlcl'el to the Calhlon-
able IJllIut ) ' , alll1 wllcomee ) on IIccount of
the tnct that he hnd Intely RucceC t'1l to
the DI\'ollRhlre eRlntclI ot the Arm-
stroll ! ; ! ! . consellueut upon the denth ot his
cousin , Tullles , who hllil heen Idll'd ( In a
So , lt'eply ! In 10vI ! with ns pretty 11 hit
of artille1nllty liS Iv\r IlressltI , or rath'r
IJllIevlnS' hlnlllt ! l1eeply 1n love. CIIII-
lalll HUlllphrey jolll'd his well-touud ship
lit 11'l1huonthlnd / slIlIed tor the tllr west
unll the lantI ot the torrlll SUII. 'rill ! mell
lit Brh.tol rubb'tI their hauds , thouht ;
or their trel hts aUII Sl\t down to their
leIIJers. wMle thl'Y wlllted , tor the nlws
or the hnnlllI ! ; at Commollorc .Tunk.
. . . . . . .
Ol\lltnln Humphrey had he en out In the
Mexican /ult / tor six mouths , nntI WIIS
. 'J tar off finlshhlS' his tMk ns un the
day whell III ! hlld rellched Kingston Jtllr-
bor. antI listened to till ! tnles ot the buc-
caneer's lust dcells ,
BuL It wns no lIIyth. Put In where he
wonld. It'IIJI to hear tresh news ot the
Illrntls. ! Now flome nntortunatl' eOlltaln
\VouhI arrive In n sll1ull bOllt , with his
crew , sulYerlng tronl heat. thirst line ) stllr-
Tatlon. Now the hulC-IJ\lrued hull ot n
Ioollly IIrgos'oultI hI ! encountered on
the ellen Hell. At I1ny uther tlmo news
wemltI cOllie ot a Ilerl'1lct that hllel been
lIeutUetI but uot sunk , nnd seeD In such
IIl1d such IlItltul1e.
, , 'herever he went Oaptalll Humphrey
' . 'UN lI1et with news. nnd I1t lal1t with re-
Ilronches IIntI 1I11110st Insult by the au-
thorltll's at the various ports I1t which be
touehrd , tor the way In which his task
WIIS hlln110ne. / . ,
, . Wor there wns he with a small , swltt-
sl\lIInJ ; ship. tull ot stout senmen , brl1 vely
of1iclrltI , well armed , lIud with ! ; UIIS hlg
ellonJh to blow all the Bchooners lu thc
wellt to matchwood. while trom the CIII-
f tnln to the slI1all'st ( lewder mOllklY 1111
were red-hot with desire to lIIelt ! the
I cOllunotloro and gl\'e him a toe who Imew
how to fiS'ht.
l\Illsaes travl'led slowly lu those da's ,
but all the Hllme Oaltllin lIumllhr'y Armstrong -
strong hud received II dlHlatell hlntln
lit a recull , and a trlendly letter telllug
him that It he did not SOOIl llIl\'e Rome-
thIng to Hhow he woull1 be sUllrsetIeel and
In tllRgrllce. I
l1e WIIH 11 rIch mau , alul nt thl' ( 'nd ot
three Inonths he did not scruple tu offer
rewards Cor lutormatlou ; he doubhd hIs
offer to the llIan who would hrlnl ; hIm
withIn reacll ut thl ! conl/nildore'll schooner -
er ; II.Dd beglunln with ten gulncllH , he
Wlnt ! on hlerl'llslug , as thl ! thue went ou ,
till he reaehl'd a ilIludred , 111111 , at last ,
whell six mOllths had IIIIBSed , It was
Imown ull round thl' CORst tltIIt Clliltulu
Arlllstroll/ / ; would glTe a thousan(1 julueull
to he hrought II10nlsldo the sehllollor.
O&lltaln lIulIIlhreJ' ( grountl his te\th
when he was alone 10 his cabin. untI h
> lwore us a De\'on cUltalu conlil swear In
. t ese dl1)'s ; but It 11111 no coed , unl , In
liplte ot 1111 his strug lls. lie coultI "nI ,
look upon Coul/nol1orl ! Junk as wl1\.o'- \ -
"Whnt wl1r.ndy \ Jenny think : " he
. : orol\nl'll. "And I IIIl'ant to do so IlIlwhl"
At last whnt he tlrcuded nrrlvl'tl. lIe
: lIIl1l'tI Into Ilort ono Iln ) ' , to find hli 1'0-
: ' 1111 ; and ho went bncl. on board , ; hlil.
ol'tIered 1111 sl\l1 to be 111 ntl e , untl , Ignor.
; 0" thl' ordel' , determilled to find the l'OIU-
' . lIlotIoror die.
OIIAl"l' U XI.
HUlllllbrey ArmstruuS' snt III his clliliu
IIstenlug to the whlrr ur a bl'etlc which
hlld bCln attract\d hyhc \ , aut !
.Iown In throuh ; tlw OII111 whHlow. t
makc n bass to till ! treble hlllll ot the 1111111'
IUtOIII ! which hnnntt'II the 1II0uth ot thl
rI\'cr where the shhl hntl allchorell rOI
the nllht.
lIe hall beeu I\\TU" fin ! tln9 since thl
Irdcrs hud COlliI' Ollt tor his rt'tll\'U. \ hi
the vahl h011l' that Ill'l'hulliJ now III' mlhl :
It lallt encollnter tht" IJllecllle'r : : hilt , S (
'ur. he 111111 seen or hl'lIrtl nuthlni.t : IlUI
he Illrutl ! l'alltnln IIIlcht hll\'o I1rOPl1l'1
HIt ot sllht , or neyer ' , 011 thl
\\'I'nlug when the captnln Hellrl'hl'll ( ' 1'1'1 ,
.Iller crl'l'l. alon : ; thl' coast. tl1nlhttllI \
whell , tor ! latety's lIak ' , he hllll IInehorel
r ! 11t the mouth ot the lll111ltIy strlUIII.
. . . . . . . " ' . . , . , . . " , ;
- " - : L ' L iI .dIJI ! J
II. ' _ . _ _ - . -
An olllcer ot the wlltch cUllle 110\\11 to
anllounce Lhe nrrlvllI ot a coullo ot 111-
clluns b'nrln neWR.
"lL's the old slory , Irlr , but I thoucht
l'tI better report It to YOII. Shlll\ \ klr.k
thClu. and Ict thelll ! ; o ? "
ul'o. " sal the cl1l1tllln , shortly , tor III !
was ready now to sllnteh at straw '
IIWhat docs the mnn lIay " 'l
" 'l'herare two ot thelll , "Ir ; antI they
Rllf lIlI ! pirate "essel Is to be tOUlltl a
tiny's jrml'lley to the IIOllth , nlld thLt t the ) '
1111 VI ! Sl'\n It 1)'lng ut anchor. " 1
uDo tllt'y Sl'elll hOliest" "
"lIolwllt II ! ! lul1laull. sir. I Lhlllk It' ! ! all
IIIlule UIl. "
'l'lte clIltaln rOlle 1\1111 went on I1lclt. !
where he fountI a couple or sort , hrllwlI ,
( lhlllll.looldnl : Indillns , with InrJe ,
dreamy e"CR , nlllt lan uld 1lI11I1I1l'r , lIelltetI
11111111 their he\ls near the gUlllotwny , where
tllt'y could give a glance frolll IlnH ! to L11111 !
lit tllllr canoe swlll"lnS' by a Crnll'louldllS'
hnrl , rOlle.
uNow , " he IInld , shltrIlly , uwheru Is this
1III'IIIu shhl ' , " '
'l'be lIleli loolwd at him vacl\ntl ) . .
uCommolorl ( ! .Jllllk " snll1 nlllllphrey.
uHhow-m COlillnotIore YUllk , " erlel1
one of Lhe Il\IlIun . uMoneY-llOwtler. "
"Yon Hhnll hnvl' plcnty , " snll1 IIl1m-
Ilhrey ; "bllt mlllte him uniIerstnlltl Ihnt
It hu pln'R liS tnllle he shull be hnnl : nt
thl ! ynrtI.nrlll. "
'l'he of\icl'r \ or the watch seernetI to cnby
hili tllsl : tor , cntchln ! , ; lip the IIllnal 111I1.
) 'lIrels , he rallidly mnl1e a uoose , throw
IL over till ! Indlnll's heall , anti tlrew It
lIht. : 'l'hen , polntlug IIllwnrd , he snl
slowly :
"It ) 'ou chenl1"
" 111111S' us ? " salll the Inl1lnn shnrpl ) ' .
"LIJht-sulIl" he cried. eagerly , poilltln ! ;
to the enRt , aud then , seizin ! ; the thin
l'Ulle which hlll1 been twlstell aroulld his
neck , he rail to th ( ' : lIJgwny , slid down
Into his bont. made the cord tast , lIuel
Cluno scrambling up aguln to securl ! thl !
alJnlll line.
' 1'hls 110l1e , he snld a tew words to his
compaulon. and. goln ! ; to the side , threw
hllllselt down 1111111' the blllwnrlsIud
If\eullII to go to sleep lit once.
"Yes ; that's plnln el1ou h , " snhl IIlIIn.
lhrIY. "Ue means to walt 'till dnyllJht.
KCIII n strict wlltch. 'Ve IIIny hnve
tOllnd the riJhL ml\n at last. "
lIe \lee have heen III1t1er no anxiety
liS tu till' two Informer ! ! tor the ) ' Iny motionless -
tionless till daybrel\l" anl1 then rose slid-
dNlly. 10olwl1 shnrply aronud , alld. Iolng
forwurd. pointed to the rope which 1Il0or-
ell them In mltIstr\am.
lIalt 1\11 hour later the sloop WfiR ! , ; lItI-
In ! ; slowly Ollt ot the mOllth of the rlvlr :
till ! low\r'd ! ! lIir ! cuu hl the ( ' 001 , moIst
l11C1rnln hreeze : and , In ohctll'ucl ! to the
11I1111111' ! ! dlrlctlons , which WII e/HIJI'Ilc-
cd lu the polllLlIIS' of 11 hrown hantl sOllth-
wurd , the kln 's "hip 1IIIIII'd st'lIdlly alol/g
the const n t'w miles (1'011I the shorl ! .
It was within two hOllrs ot Rundown ,
1111 the l11en were at their d1'owslelt mo-
IIllnt. when , liS tI'y ) were rOllI/din ! ; n
rocky polllt teatheretl with Jlorlous 1lIllms.
heyol\Il which the countl' ) ' rllll up toward
thl ! 1II111111tllillS In a Iorlolls Chilli' : ! ot
plied-lip rocl. . deep 1'aVllll' I\I/d fire-Rcnth-
cd chine. the prllHlpal : Intlll\lI sllelt1lIIlJ '
seized thl ! cllptl\ll/'s arm IInd Iloil/leel
straight betore him to where , a cOllple of
miles nway. and looltlng ns It she hllil
JURt lhllll Ollt ot Bome hltIdeu dlanUl'1
rllnnlu II/to the land. there was II 101l .
low. black-hulled schooner , sprrl\diul ; IIn
ouormolls amount ot canvas Cor so 111111111
II vessel ; nlltI liS he SI\W the rl\ke ot th\ !
mnsts I\lIel the dlsllroportlol/'d size ot h'r
spnrs , II IIl11phrey Armstrol/I ; telt a thriller
or exultntlon rnn throu h him eyru liS his
wholl ! crew WIIS now Inlvl\nlzetI into IICI ! ,
Ind he mentally repeated the wor s ot
the I ndlnu :
"EJI Oomlllodore Ynuk. "
YlS ! ; lher could be 110 tloubt of It. The .
shape nutIslze ot the yellsel nnsweretl the I
deserlptlou exactl ) . , anl1 no trader or I
IIWUIUre Ve/lSCI , rorelln or llrlusn , WOUII1
Rail with so tlnngeronsly an overweight-
Ing rlS' as thnt.
"At last. thl'nl" cried Illlmphroy , ex-
citedly. "BrluJ ; the poor tellowil here.
They shlll1 haye Uwlr rewllrd I\nd o. "
'VaR Ittr'nehery , or tenr ot the encrn ) ' ?
Humphrc ) ' usl.ed hlmselt this qllelltloll
as a shout onme trom the RtelrlllInu : ,
who. 111(0 the relit , had been Iazhl ! ; lit the
schooner , but who WIIS the firRt to lIeo a
cn\loo heln ! ; paddl'd ( rapltIly tor the
No one hnl1 been attenl1lnJ ; to tJlI ! two
Indlnns. who had waited until the attentIon -
tIon or all was bent upon the buccnne r ,
and then silently slipped o\'er thl ! side.
! tllded down the side , glhled down the
rOl'e , nnl1 Cllllt off , to paddle shorewurd.
'rherl' WIIS gool1 I1lsclllllnl ! 011 bo.lrtI
'ihlp eve\l then , nlld lit the cllII to quarters -
ters eYlry mnll tel1 lute place. 'l'hu luu/ / ;
gun w/ls / run In , loaded. run out. IIl1d dl.
rectly a Her there was u puff otlmolte , a
loud report which wlnt ecboln amtlng
the mountaIns and through the dense\ \ ) '
wooded ra villes , I1S a rountI shot slclpPl'd !
oVlr the water right In trent ot the
ul1urruhl" shouted the men , as they
Sa\T the 101l veNsel alter her cOllrse a
"She surr'nders , " said Humphrey to
hlmselt ; IIl1d lu the brlet moments that
followetJ he Rli w hlmselt returntn ! ; to I n'
JllInd III trhllllllh , his tallk done. und beau-
tltul , tushlounble r.atll .Jenl/Y WlIl1erse ) '
wll 'omlll him with open urms.
It was II IlIIff ot tllncy , dlsslpnted lI1.e
the IlIIff or sllloltl' which came trom the
! fchooulr'lj bows ; while , III cOlllpl\ny with
the report thnt rllmbletI heayl ! ) ' IIWa ) ' ,
came II rOllnl1 shot sldpplllg o\'er the
cnhll Hllrrllce ot the Ill'a. 1I0t torwarll11" \ ,
the SUIIIIIIOIIS to henve to ot the Idll's ;
shll ) . hut strllight at her hull , alldllO well
Illull'd that It tore thruuh ! the stlll'bol\rli
blllwarl , 1I1II1I1 > lhl1s.
" 'rhe IUllol'lltl" exclalmetI HUlllphre ) ' .
tllrnlll ! ; IHlrp11 ! with rllgl' . "lIow dare
As hc sllol.e he rlllsl'd his MI1).glll > ; i to
his l''I. ' : , Cor sOlllethlllg cOllltI he sel'lI tlllt-
tel'1l1l ; lip till' sltle ot thl' great lIIaillsall.
aUlI dlrl'ctly artl'r II IlIrs1. ' : bluck tllI wnll
wuttld Ollt b , . tlle breezl ! .
" "ery JootI , cOllllllutIorel" crlrd HUIII.
phn'y , with a smlll' . "Yuu cau't l'lcale
liS IIOW. (1I'II\lt'lIIrn. \ thl ! hall hnll 011l'ned.
DOWII with her'lIlllIrs , lilY IlItllI. l'\\I'
mhlll her hun : wc wallt that to takl !
I bllcl , to 1i'lIlmouth. "
'rhl' sloop cn'llt 11 little lIeltrl1' III IIlIe ot
the IHlIT" of willtl thnt cllmc frlllll timt ! tll
tllIH' , I\lId till' firlll" " ; Wut ! on , 1I1II1IIIhl'c ) '
111111 his otllcI'rs brl\ll : IIl1tOUIHh'd lit tIll'
IIblllt , . with whlt'h the schoollel"S UIIS
were served allli tllo accllracy ot thl'lr
" o wOIlI1'r thnt the"yo cllrrletl all hl'-
torl ' : tlll'm amollg thl ! lIIerehantmt'II. " IIIUt.
t1m'tl Ihllulhrr , ) ' . 1111 II Hhot eume crulih ,
Ins ; Illto tlll'lII , 111111 thn'e mell wert. ' : cur.
rll.d helow , 1IIIIIIhll'II1) \ ' 1IIIIIIIt'rll.
. AR he "lloIH' hI' IIlol.ed 1I1I\lousl1 : : roulld
I to make slIre that the IIchoollcr would lIot
be IIble to pUllS them In the apllrouchlns
# ,
: U. . , " >
' ' - - - . '
'J--- ! . . .A'1. "
_ . . . , . _ , . .
iI/ulmeRII , nlld Lhen. tCl'lIng more nn'
luure thntlllell who cOllld scrve thllr jun ,
110'ell wOllld III' lerrlbll' IId\'erHllrle-l : I
a I'ose ot hOll1'lllllg , IInd determlnetI te
Hparl' hIs IIIl'lI till the Hchool1er WilY 11111'
ilbll'd , III ! kept III' tIll' IIrtlilery duel till
thl ! 0111) ' Clliele for JII'IIIJ ; their gunR wa ,
the IIlIsh of thlI1l'lII"R /11\ces. /
Dy thlf ! tlllle the lire or the buccnlleer.
hatI pro'ctl10 l'ITectlve thut the HloOII' ,
bulwarks Wlrl' shaltl'1'ed nllll her Ilecl , .
w're slipper ) ' with blood , while her Clip'
taln " 'as ClllllhlS ; with rnto ilt the untor.
tUllnte alDl ot hi" mell ; tor , thollfh , tht !
Hehool1er had e\'ltIelltl ) ' lx..n . . hit 1Il11I ! alill
1IS'lIln , she seellled to hllI ! elcnpetI'Itnl
( To he cOlltllllled. )
I rCllchlllCII HccJcllIJ. : tll I.cllrll the
A 80nwwlmt nO\'el nllil Interesting
Cl1l811 of eXllel'lnwllts Is to lie IIttelllpt.
cil 11) ' Il Il'l'eneh soelet . ct'enteel lit
Longchllllliis. 'l'he mentnl powerot / !
d\lfcl'lHlt \ 1 lllls ( of nlllllluis lIt'l' to h
tested. Accol'tl1ng to n c01'l'espolllent (
or Lhe LOI1Ion ( IJIIII ' 11l11 , Lhe Lests of
the I'ellsonlllglOWel'R \ uf thes ! ! .lower
OI'tlO1'S of el'elltloll ' '
IIl'e to lie enlt'usted
to liS IIInll ' of Lhe lIIelllIJers ns possllJle ,
In OI.tlO1' to \'ohl tIIH.1ue llel'sounl bins
III jul1glll of results.
' 1'he lIIetholl Is ns follows : A IlIrgl !
eh'cus 01' IIrenn hl : the scene of 'the In.
\'estigntionR , InLo which the nnllllllis
l1stlllell ! to II1'O\'e theh' rensonlng ahll.
Itles m'e tu he Inh'olltwl'(1 , A 1'011I11 I Il
lire the sellts for four lIulillret1 lIIem-
lJers , who wl1wntch \ with 1'I'ench , en.
thuslnsm lIut sclentillc self-l'estrnlnt ,
the puzzled fox contriving shifts to
drink out of a deep vessel , nnd the
thoughtful elYorts of the crlUle to drlnlt
soup from a shnllow one. 'fhllt , fit
leust , wus Lhe form which the first
experiment toolt.
A lion wus given some ment sh\t !
UII In n hex covered with a lid , find the
spectntOl's wntehed with hrenthless In.
terest the solution of the question
whether he woull1 mise the lid or cruclt
the hox. fIe mlsed the CO\'Cl' , much to
the grntlficntlon of the companr. :
'rhe Longcbnmps lion wns ulI/ml-
mously votel1 to hn\'e nctetl rensolnbly ,
unl1 some monlw .s. to which a ruther
11I00'e cOl1lpllcnted tasl was assigned ,
clime out with fI 'ln colors.
If the l'l ht clnHs of FI'eneh Inquirer
tnltes up thlH subject anl1 hns the us-
slstnnce of n Ioclet ? . nnl1 stock of
cl'en1tIl'es to use In exerlments. } nnd
convenient plnces to multi ! them In , I '
much may be hOlled fl'om Ruch nn In-
qulry Into the renHonlng powers of nnl.
The USIlIlI " 'a ' .
One morning Chnrles Bonnpnl'te , the
cele\1mted \ In w'el' , of Bnltlmol'e , was
surpl'hlcll : to leurn that the ten'enr -
old SOli of one of his frlelld ! ! desh'ed
to see him. 'rhe New Yorl ' 1'lmes tells
the 1I0y's errallll :
As the hey wulled Into the } ) I'lyute
otllce , Ir. Bonllpurte snlll , "Good tUorn.
lng , Chul'le1 , Whllt cun 1 do for 'ou
this momlng ? "
" 'VeIl11' : . onllpllrte , " said Chnr-
ley. "I wcnt out to the countr ' Satur-
dn , ) ' anll caught a tadpole , but as 1
wns cumln hllck I lost him on thu
Baltimore & Ohio Uallroad , and- " ut
here Chlll'le ' stopped. sutlsfle thnt he
hnd plainly stated his case.
"Oh , I sec. " snld11' : . Bonn parte ;
"nn , ) 'OU wllnt me to sue the rullroad ,
do you ? "
"Yes , sir , " repllell Churle ' .
Mr. onapllrte stUotherell a smie ,
nnd contnued wlb his most professional -
sional manner : "Wel Charley , do you
want return In kind or In'alue ? "
"I want my tndllolel" snld Chnrley ,
wih el1lphasls ,
"All right , " said the IlIw'er , ; "that's
setted , ut now , look bere ; wbat am
1 to get tor my t'ouble ? Suppose 1
make the rallroud gIve you your tadpole -
pole , what w1 ) 'ou glvo mo'
"Why , :11. Bonaparte. " prompty rc
' "I I would
spollell the 'lIoy , thought
just gIve 'ou the tadpole. "
Lofy ImUtlrCaCO. :
A ) 'oung American woman who hap-
peled to lo out on the strelt In London
earl' one momlng notced that the re-
flected lght gnvo the sun tbe nppear-
Ince of beIng In Ul west. Not kllow-
Ing with cortnlnt , ) ' the polnt8 of the
compass , she asked 1 polceman which
dh'eeton wus wet. He poInte to the
place from which the suulght seemed
to stenl.
" " sllid the ' .
"Ah , 'oung womnn. Jocu.
11Iy , "so the sun l'lses In the west In
London 7" "As to thnt. " l'upled tbo of-
fcer , . wih gl'eat dl nly. "ll'eally clln't
sn , )
Now lllarli Cuo.
' In ' ' from
Quite mall l'espeet
the ordinary bllllrd CUe Is I new one
Just patented. 'l'ho plll'tS of whlcb I Is
ctnllset ure n SIPlll't , a cut mO\'lll"
the'eol , a 811l1g Intll or trl ger nnd \
lo\'nble sleeve , which Is l'runged UpOI
the free end of til support nnl1 whlc\1 \
Is deslglled to rO/ulnte the lIYect ! 01
( nch sh'olw. 'l'hm'c Is nlso ulothel
sleeve ut the other ( nt and lIetweer
the two Hleeve/ the cue cun Hldo freely
Anl'l' a strolm his leen gIven th (
spring cnusel the cue to I'ecal und re.
t\I to Is ' positon.
" 'I'nl' " " 'l.'lc rfI1Ihy for I\rm\ U O ,
Wireless telegrnphy Is slggested II
a suhstute for the helorph as I
1l'IS of COllulleatol betwel'l mi
Itnt'y pOts ulollg the northwest Indll
fl'oltm' .
Mexico HIIIJ l\ollcrnlzet.
Mexico CI ; his over fry mie 0 :
' ' nnd It IR
olrctl'lc street l'llrond. one 0 :
the best l het citIes In the world ,
A mlImO' genUt'ntei more enthnsl
nsm thnn wheu bo Is tr 'lng tQ &el
'ho hilS no use for.
- - - - - -
I you nro past 30 year 01 no OUI
admlrs YIU a5 1 dog admh'us Ibo bo ;
: wlo OWU' Mw.
_ ; ; ' : , ' : l ! ! ' . , . :
_ . - . _ , ' ' ' . ' " " " " \ . .
" . , . " . " . " , '
- -
The ' 'II'kllh Hiler "no Ie" niI Ac" R" .
' ' '
" 'cre
'J'llIU:1 le lnuntell '
Prohnbly no Iloteutlte on ea1'Lh Is so' ,
contnuousl ; hllnted b , ) ' the fenr of ;
denth n8 Is the Sulnn of Tulty. 'l'hla
18 the pen picture jh'l'n of him hy'ni I
Amcrlcan corl'esJluteut whu l'ecnLy
alw him In ConHlanLnople :
" 1 stood 01 the ] Ulnce ' ' rising
abo\'o thu lte rondwny down which
on Irldur the Hnlnn vent mes fOlth to
sn ' his prnyel's. I sn w the extruorll-
nlr ' prccnutlons taken to protcct him
-the gnthm'lng of 11 his , OOO t oops ,
the Itollllge of tllc b ; wils of urlll'
ell mel In o\'el' ' I'ond"ny lelu ng up
to the pllllce , tln the Hurl'oUllngs of
the few htul'ed 'I\'ls of l'Ol11wIIY
which the Hnltnt lust t1verse from
his pnlnce ILe to his mosllue by rows
of loldlerH Itee.deel ) . I WIR n sllnge ,
gorgcous , IlcoUgl'uous 8pectncle.
"Preceded by his wOlen In closed
cl1'l'ln es , sevell of their sons and
some 80 gl'elteuC'als Ind ocers of
UI arl ' Unrchlug on foot , came the
Sulan hllself. le WIIR drh'eu slowly
In an open ' Cuclllg forwf'd ,
wIh the mlulstel' of wal' fnclng OP1)0- )
sIte. And this Is Ahdul raml I. the
IIbsolute rulel' of 2 , OOO.OOO people , the
defender of the fnlth. monnrch of the
lul ) ' .mct.I'selllze , the ' government -
ernment , vurlously known elsewhere ns
the 'sick Uan of Europe' nnll the 'gl'eat
a8sassln. g\'er ; . splendor of genell
nnd trooper Is fOI./olen ; e'c1'eye , Is
fxed on the lLe , old , round.shoul-
dered mnn In the clrrla e. A shout-
wcl.tmlned nnd evidenty long-plc-
tced ! ! hout , curloull ' Incldng In fre or
spontnnelt-goes , UJ from the Lroops ,
'fhe old mnn raIses his hnnl In snlute ,
le wen1'S a I'ed fez ; his face Is sickly
white , lke parchmen ; the nose Is thnt
of an nged engle. long , hooltd , hlgb-
bridged-the Al'menllln nose , his subJects -
Jects wl whisper In contempt. His
e'es , whnL one sees of them , for he
tUIS his head neiher to the right nor
to the lef arc Ieep sct anll bluelt.
"Those who Imow him best say that
he hns a peculur W11Y of moving his
eyes wihout moYlng his hend. as If he
were always seeking to loolt behhul
him , to pry out secrets. to surprse
hlddcn motves , Ills benrd Is deep blue-
black , as nre his eyebrows ; nntmal , ) '
they would be glY. Imt he d'es , Lhem.
for the Sulnn must ' look old. To
hIs generals be leaves al the pomp and
dlspla ; of gold lace nnd tnsel ; for hIm-
sel he Is elld wholy In blnck. lke a
eunuch , without ornllmentaton of any
klnl. "l'he Ua ven , ' he has been caled ,
nnd the I yen he looks. ' .he Sulan Is
not reall ) ' old-Ind 'ct If there Is one
Impression uloye another that he gives
I Is that of nge and I grent weariness.
WOlld Not Have Been in nn Accldcnt
Llee That of Uooac\elt.
"Had JUles G. mulne been alye anl
a lemler of President Uoosevel's pur-
ty at Pitsfeld lust week , " remurked
AssLtaut Secretlu'y of the Treuur '
Tu'lor "the dlsllster by wblcl
Cmlg lost hIs 1e would not hl vo oc-
cUTed. I dou t thluk 1 ever met uny.
one wbo wus In such lortnl fear of beIng -
Ing In a ruuaway tbe
lS wu briIant
Mnlne stutesmuu. le would take abso.
lutely DO risks with horses , uud relulrell
the most extreme to ue ol
) recllulons
served lIefore he would submi hlmsel
to l'lde. I '
, a clrrlage rememler muu , )
, ) enrs Igo thlt Mr. BaIne WIS to ylJl
OUI' city of lIwnulwe , and I was Il
chlrgo of tbc UTungemeuts for hIs re
cepton aud elltertnhuueut. One of the
IJ'omlnent lver ' 1eu of tle town CUi
to me unll olYered free of charge tbe
servIces of a Ulgulecnt telm or sIx
whie horses to d1'U w the currlage of
Mr. Dnlne. I acceted the ofet. , an
when the stltesman arrh'ed at tbe dc ,
pot 1 escol'tcd him to the street when
t I the team aud clrrlngc were waItng ,
1 WIIS aleut to hand Ir. malne Into thl
I vehIcle when he sUddenly drew lncl. ,
I " 'here Is uo oue ut thc heud or thosl
I horses. " he salt , "und I wuuld prefel
, thlt 'ou get SOIO num to gUlrd then :
: lefol'e we proceed. ' I told the dl'lvC
; I whlt he sultI , nnt the IlUm' Inslste
. that he hld 111solute control over hI
: . nnl1nls ; lhlt they werc used to lIunll
, nmi other noises , anl thllt thcre WIS nOI
w slghtest danger. i relwlte tll
to Ir. Ullne , Itd Lold him thut ]
. thought he could sufey tll'e a seat
! But he 'oullln't do I. 'I shol not 111
I m ' toot Into the clTlage hI suld , 'untl
- n IIU Is put lt tbe held , of elch honl
I and Is made to stay there. 'I'hat endel
, IInt we hurried IIround anll ot hnll
n dozen 1en togl'thC' Ind hld elel
hoole on to a bridle. ' .hen Mr. BlhH
r gut Into the cltlnJe nlltl we proccedel
r . " ' . ' .
uptown.-BI'Ool.I 1 Engle.
JC III. IUnllrc Chlilron nnd . x' '
hlblt fnr .
'hol G"fl.
' 'hlt the making at cripples Is cm'
rled on In lulsiu lS a regulll trade. nnl
, I Ut q nlhty prottuhle oue , bns jUJ
belu prond In a startoway. . 4 thl
. , k . , . .
: : " " , . " r { : " ' ; j' , ' , , . . . "
resulL ot 11 Irniate hapeulns nt the
nnuulI rnlr ut lodlwUII , I bls come to
lght that nuslnn beggars muke n lrnc.
tce of mnuglng and difgurIng chl-
dl'eu In order thnt they muy show iem
In ) ullc un ) ocket thl alma dn "n
from . by tbe
tender.beated peo1l slglt
of them.
At the podlmml tall In the cbnrgo
of nn old beggar ' , Olln , there wns I Ut-
Ue gir of Ibout O. whose conditon
shocked ever 'one. She was entirely
blul. she WIS ) nme In one ) eg , one or
her n1ms wus brol'en , and her belly wns
a UISS of dlRgustng sorcs , MOley 81m.
pl ' ) ourell In ou the old hng who hlld
her In chnrge , one of those who glYQ . "
bclng n shuhbly dressed woman.
Hlndlng the HUe girl some 101ey , )
Ihe suld , "Pray my chid , for w1 lost
niece. KILyl"
"lal Kily. " sllll the lte gu' !
'l'he hng with her WIS urrested at
ouee , nnll I WIS soon preyed tlut sio
had stolen the chil ) ft'om her lunt's
house at Zllr\ule , In Galcil. She took
her to thl headqullrLers of a legulnr
gnn of which she wus II wemb ! ! anl
thele the chld'l c 'os wee put out , ono
of her legs nul one l'm were llol.en.
and telTlble womlds were lude on dlf.
ferent pnrts of hcr boll , ) ' . 'l'hen the l.
te girl wns tuken from pluce to plnce
In the country , the sight of her never
Culng to hrlng pocketfuls of loney ta
hel' ubductors.
When the people who were nt the Pod ,
Immln ful' heur Ule stor ; they vowell
thlt the ; would lynch every beggur on
the 1'ounlls , and I was 11 the polco
could do to Iwep them from doing so.
Ilvestgnton ) r ves that over Ify.
cascs slmlnr to the one ecrlbed nbon'
haye been detected dmlng the last year ,
'Vere the Homnntc A.tvcnturc8 of on
J xlc 11 Austrnln ,
I.lke a page of sensatonal fcton
the rOlllantlc adventures .
real of .Jo'
seph , T. Gi. once a rcsldent of Bruk ,
. r.-ffA + : # : " . , . ' - , " , "
. , . ( , - . . - . . ' :
: : : ' . . . . , , r\ \
: t
, <
Iyn , who died re
centy whie hoU
wnll bound from I .
life of rOlnrlmlh
exie celrr
In lSG Gi leN
his wife and tw
chidren aul se ;
snl for Austrnlu
to look '
afel' some
minIng . . _ u _ . , In tllsl
. . , . , ' " ' - , Lucre. ALer ! ! ome
tme no leter
Wet'C lecllvetI flom him. und ufe
Jeals of waitng his relntves In thIs
, ) ' bele\'ed him -
eOUlr ccal-a lcl [
thnt wns Irmly established when. II
18O , wOl'l enme from the Unletl
States consul at Sydney , Australn , Llat
wnn named , four
II Gi tOlelher wih
compunlons , hnl beCi ambushed nnl
klel by bus.hmen In the Interior ,
Three : renrs IfC' Ils reportet elth
his wife became Mrs. I'rnk JohlsQU
of Brooklyn.
leanwhle Gi was having hIs chlp ,
ter of ndventures In .
of being Itled by the bushmen he hac
lIeen clpturell by them anll forced Intt
servitude , doing the most menial worl
nnd subjecel to evel ' Illgnly. FoJ
twelve , ) 'ea1's he lve In constant hopl
of delYeranee. lIut so close wns tl ,
watch upon him and so far bad he beer
removed from eh'1zltou that hi
hopes seemed Vlhl , 1'llaly the op
IOrtunlty came aul Gi su eede h
making his WiY to the COSt
yearned for the hOle and
le frlenll
whom he hnll lIeen
frol alsent ror six
teen years and sought Informaton re
uriing them through a deteetYe ngen
cy. Aftel' some deluy he wus Infol'mc
thllt his wife waR dead , Acceptn tha
report as true. he remarrIed II Aus
trala nnll this second wife and a chiI y
him , In of
survive llrch tils yelU
Gi mal0 fmohor Inquiry for hIs peopl4
and wIh more success. le leurned
from the Brooklyn polce that mcmlerJ
of his famiy were stI IYlng In thaI ,
cIty and It was wblle he was on hi ,
way to join them that deatb come. II
dIe on shipboard ! nl was buled al
sea In the straits of Jayu.
Quite arl.
The tt Is never more conYInclI
tban when I "slps out" Inyoluntlrly
Geenrnly at such tmes I bas 1 pe
eular chnrm nlso , as this Incldlt au&
gestR. A tllttered Inl forlorn YOUI !
I Irl of 15 summers or so entered
{ tl
otco of a real etate mllu the othC
dllY. OrdInriy he Is the poltet 01
, IntIlvllul18 but tbL duy bo was a
busy thut he did not leO\T wblch WOJ
to turn. So , wIth I swif glllllce out 01
, the corer of his eye. he suld ruthc1
Ihur1I , ) ' :
"Welvhl \ do you waut ? "
" . '
"P.p-p-Iense. mister. won't you buy a 01 our cuckoo clock ? " replied I
tbe gIrl , heltatngl , A"
"Your cuelwo clock ? Wll\ could ]
110 wih a cucko clock even If . I hould
get 11"
"Oh , you won't get I mIster Plcns ,
buy a tlcl.eU'
OI'ISS JIISC8 In Oklllhol ; . .
Amon/ the most Ilterestnl fenture
ot S"uthel'n Oklaholllu 110 the remllu
of the grss 1UISlS formerly ulllt b , ,
the Wlehlll Indilns , who , to 1 certul.
extent , Iwep up their 10vel mod" ot
. Il
chlectule to the II'eselt da ) ' .
Be"t " ' ' .
1J0 JnrnC'8.
In the \'el'lge WIgS puld to CI
' the Intlush' ' that
Illo'cs ) stunds hlghes
ulllong the lurge ullertllldngs Is thaI
ot sUelng nli relning , BUrS Muhll't
luJnzlne , llre the IIvergo ror tu
l , UO wOllwrs Is $ U:2 pcr worker.
Catle SIrl'ml wllh ICcrulcne.
' 'he catte which dl'aw the mllhogan
10gI In the rorestl ot tbe Isthlus 01
- lallll hlve to be sr'cd wih 1"/1
' 1'IW . to llsh'o ' tl parlsles whIch art
Ikel. dClldl ' enemll'lI.
'I'he snutlur the Inn. the Ilter oth
a u" usos.
. . . - -