Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 5

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. : : r
, (
. .
. Hilliest Honors World's Falrl
" ' lh8St tests UISI Doy't Ohemlsts
- - -
A. . D. Hunt is on the sick list since
No Sunshine for four days now , ) ct but
little. snow has fallen.
l d. Day purchased eight head of ,
young cattle from C. II. CUS ! ! on lust
Satur ay.
Mr. Gcorge Hughes will spend thit !
Christmas with his parents in old Mo. ,
he has been"uwny from home five years.
We ommitcd to mcntion last weel. . : that
David C iss hud sold his farm to Frank
. Michel , one of the pioneer settlers in
Dale Valley. It WAS a trade between old
batchelors and out side of that fact nre
both good citizens. Mr. Cass will remove - .
move to the C. H. Cass place , and farm it' '
the coming year.
The Suuda ) ' school will g'c an cnter-
tainment on Xmas eve. AI1l1 will this
year try the place of briving. rather than
receiving. And a box : of good things
will be gathered by the primary. and in.
termediate classes , : md sent to the Home
for the little waifs at the Christian Home
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
. . , . & . Miss Nellie Hills friends remembered
that Sunday was her sbteenth birth day.
And they planned to rive her surpris.e
on last Saturday evemng , Ilnd about 30
of the young people gathered at her
home but she was not surprised as she
had known of their intentions for more
than a week , ) 'et the occasion was a
pleasant one.
H. O. Donnel shipped his sheep this'
( Thursday ) morning.
, . Dert Waddington of Ortello is , 'isiting
among relatives at Ryno.
DORN.-To : Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Head-
ley on 11 son.
lt is not necessary for Custl"r " readers to
write that we have winter but Uley are
those in other localities who are anxious
to lier from us and our weather.
Two years last May . II. Carrell tired
of Custer and shipped to Colorado expecting -
pecting to beller conditionll but failed to
c Where to Locate ?
I Why , in the territory
, . . . . traversed hy the
Louisville & Nashville
. , . -THF-
! Great Central Southern 'I'nm\ ine ,
. -IN-
- - -
I Kentucky.TcnnessecAlabama ,
, Mississippi , Flordia ,
Farmers , Fruit Growers ,
. . Stock Ri : sers , Manufacturers.
, . , . ' " Investors , Speculatono ,
and Money Lenders ,
1 will find the greatest chances in the
I United Slates to make "big money"
l ) reason of the ahundance and
i . " " cheapness of
I ' Land and l anns ,
, ; , ; Timer and Stone ,
I . ' Iron and Coal.
, . J.abor-Everythingl
I " " , , , . Frete.sites , financial assistance , and
f' : . ; , ' freed m froin taxation for the manu-
: ' Land and fllrms at $1.00 per ac e
, : and upwards. ancl 500,000 acres 111
j ' " West lflorida that can be taken gratis
< . . ; : under U1e U. S. Homestead laws.
. , . ? Stock raising in the Gulf Coast District -
. ' trict will make enormous profits.
, . Half fare excursions the first and
. ; , : " third Tuesdays of each month.
: . ' I.ot us know what you want aUll we
" , illteU you where and how to gett !
: , \1 , : -but don't delay , as the country lS
: , ; ' mftng up r pidly. 'printed matter ,
, \ > maps and all1l1formalton free. Address
i General Immigration anll Industrial
Agent ,
I.OUI VIIa.E , IC.\ ' ,
" -
find what he sou ht. On IllSt June he
went to Indian Territor } ' , , , ith no better
success ; Inl1ornot : renumerativej malaria
plcntier thnn moneyj his fnmlly took sick
his oldest son died , and he concluded to
arise An return to his father in Custer ,
arriving ten days since ; judR n from his
conversation Indinn Territory lS a good
place for laboring men to stay awa } '
.t.O"ND V-I.Lt\\ '
- -
Ole Olsen is fatning 2 carloads ofsheep
which wilt be ready for market ill Jnnu.
ary , they arc no\Vvery l ne.
Fred Weinman wil1 be the first Ulan in
this neighborhood to get bis corn out AS
it will ve finished Kthis week. Alfred
Larl'on will hc the ncxt.
Severt I.ce don't believe in the mooern
way of building hy rushing up n building
in a lmry\but \ thinks oUr forel : fathers
way is the safest , in taking Hood time
with it then ) 'ou can be sure It i" well
dOlle , , 'hen once ready.
'rhe report is\Ulnt Joe I1ol1lnont QUIt
Ilronl. . : Christie are to ship n carloall each
of fut cattle this week to Omaha mnrket.
Oscar Engelsgjerd who has been feeding
his cattle since lost Jul } ' is to ! lhip next
week u carloud to Omaha.
On m'cmll1t of the storm the boys of
Round Volleydid : notJhave the Thanks.
givit,1g shooting match for Turkeys. They
put' lt off to Satur ay Deccmber 20th to
get Christmas turkeys. They will begin
at Jo o'clock forenoon and keep it up all :
dlL ) ' .
Say , ) 'ou'd hate to have people
think you were not real bright ,
wouldn't you ? Well , they will if
you refuselto gowith ; the crowd
to Ryerson & 'Watts to buy your
Christmaslprcsentsland tOJs this
Cure for Balky IInrse.
I see in ) 'our valuable paper of
November 21 , J. E. M. of Newport -
port , Ark. , wants to' know how
to break a balky horse.Vill
give him my way , and I never
l3aw it fail. Harness horse and
hitch to wagon , same as you usually -
ally do , except don't hitch the
the tugs , but tie his tail to the
center of the whiffletree and he
will pull a good , big load.V ould
Hke to hear results.
J. R. YORK , Athol , Kan.
Use fur CORI Ashes.
Sprinkle .the dropping boards
of the hen-house at least two or
three times a week with sifted
coal ashes and all the value of
the manure will be saved. The
place will also be kept sweet and
clean and the manure will be
much easier to handle. Keep a
bucket of ashes with tin scoop in
the water closet and let every
one throw down 'u little at every
visit. It will prevent the place
from becoming a nuisa.nce and
when you c1eiln it out the neigh.
bors will not complain. It will
, be even less offensive to handl
than barnyard manure. Some
persons ma.y object to the dust.
'rhis is easily overcome by moistening -
ening the a.shes very .Jlightly , not
enough to make them at , illl wet
or spoil th ir absorbent , qualities.
Leominster ,
Take Luatl.e : llrorol Qulnlue 'fablela. .At
drngRllt.8 refund tbe monllY If It mUI to cure ,
E. W. Gro.o'a .IEnature I. on eacb box. 25c. .
Take that turkey to 'fieruey
Bros. They want it sure.
FOR SALlt OR RItN'l-All oj
block 6 , Jewett's Addition tc
Br01cen Bow , Neb. A fine home.
-MRS. li'ANNIU L. S'rucKlw , An.
sley , Neb. 26-2e
. -
It 1811't tbe uanterllU
tllI.t gooe. . lutu your
repnlred wlttela UI' "
reMult't ! ' III a perfect
? nb. It Is Uae 1IOW } tOW
tbot dOOt5 bU8lnos8. I\uy bnlllZler
oan buy the Rne klnd of materlol
thot lu e In rtpelrlu ; but ak\ll \
ia the mo t ulul\bllJ material tbat
1I1n lit. n d In wllieh rI'Plllrlll '
oed the bunllll\r con't buy It.
soli my skill for whut It Ie worth
oud It will oost. you lCBS tban
lbnn l1n t Im\1'f prloes.
. .fuwoler ' ' 'ILl Optloion.
Wcat Ride of squaro.
ff'1. 1.- . . . . , "
I Before You Builf , Consult. . . . .
Contractors and : Builder. .
T Estimates Furnished Free With Plans and Specificatiol1s.
, ' ( , _ _ _ _
. I ! ) < i3'
I - - - -
AlwaV8 have the best quality (
Lumber and other building .m
teriah at thejLowestPioes. :
'Pkon8 No. ' 10.
C. R. JUDIINS , Manager.
NOTcmhcr Marriage Llcellsc.
1.'hc count ) ' judge issuctl mur-
riuge license in the month of
No\'ember to the following per-
sous , vb :
r\o , . . t I Sin" . . . . Comstock , r\ebra\kn
1 L atlla Conr..Droken no. , . , ' . Ncbraska
5 J A. 'l'lIolta . . . . . . . . .Mertla. Neb
II 1J091e . ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neb
II SJ neo. A. ( rlftlth. . . . . . . . . . . .R'no. r\cb
1 Mra.nnsa Nlckcl ou..CaIllwa ( ) ' . Neb
II J JOIIIIII 'l'Icklc. . , . . . . . . .Calla.'a ) ' , Neb
1 Gllrtrudu Cral. . . . . . . . . . .Calla11Y. . Neb
II 6J ylenar Dellker. . . . . .CleT/\laud. WII
. " II
1 MUllreUe : Montrrolller ,
II 7J NI1sOI1 ! , V. Tre" . . . . . . . . . . .CulUro. Neb
I Ida M. Malon. . . . . . . . . . .CulUro. Neb
II 11 J J. A. Allplc. Jr. . . . . . .ClIs'elinc. W ) ' ( )
1 Maybelle BlnltU. . . . . . . . < : .111:1".1) : ' . Neb
. . U J Walter L. Scrltsu1\re..Ll1llan : \ , Nab
11lRrrioue Swick. . . . . . . . . . . Milian , Neb
II IS J l'loyd L. Fort-cl. . . . Drokeu lIe , , ' . Neb
110101.11I'10 D. DlakesS ) . . . . Dllunhllr , Nllb
. . 17 J Jf\a. ' 1Da'l'II. . . . . . . . . . . . .Ortollo. Neb
1dua " - lot. Kirby. , . . . . . . .An ehllo. Ncb
II ISJ Cllas. Olh'\r..Klrllrslon. Neb
1011. , . . D.aU. . . . . . . . . . . .Klullllton. Neb
II ? 1IItbert : A. Smith. . . . . . . .Jtcdforn , Neb
Clan J. Nlxoll. . . . . . . . . . . .Cozad. Neb
II 21) Goo. A. Tbllrman. . . . . . . . . . . Lodl , Neb
Nora \"aIlClta..r. . . . . . . . . . . Lodl. Ncb
II 21 j J'llward : Ihllllll..SOlllh OntnblNtl ,
1 Ethel Dawk. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Allllloy. Neb
II 21 J ' 1" J. Andrrloll..Mallon Cll ) ' . Neb
1 Viola Cole. . . . . . . . . . . .Mallon CIty. Neb
II 21JVenner Zlmmcrman..An.Slc ) . . Neh
1 ! llelll ralcemln. . . . . . . . . .An81r ) ' . Ncb
Itlr8. 1'Vnltol1 , EnMt Hide of
tiqllurt' . For IInlldn7 GUUcJM
Knit goods a specialty.
Infants lcnit bootces and jackets.
Infants stockenette caps.
Infants silk knit hoods.
Childrens' hoods.
Ladies' knit skirts.
Ladies Facinators.
Ladies Golf skirts and shirt waists
Ladies underskirts and wrappers.
Ladies Dress Trimmings.
Ladies noveltics.
Millinery , and dress-making-a , .
perfect fit guaranteed. I I
A. I'VOR" : : oF1HE cor.t ) .
n Luatho lJrI'mo-Qnhllnp 1IIhlcte cnree a cold
In 001t day , No cure , No 1'ay J'rlce. f.1.'j crn" .
. CO . . 110//
. ,
o'll o\ 8//6.80 . / /
C f\\C t1t//t .
lIIafI. AlwlIYs reliable. Lad I. . . au" Druccllt tor
Oold metallic boxes. lel1led wltb blne ribbon.
Take no oaht'l' . nelI.e dnnlteroua aabsU-
tatlonlaud 11uy or ) 'our Dntgglst ,
or IOnd < It' . In slamps ror Partlc-ulan. Teatl.
monlnla and" neUeI' 1'01' I..dl. . . . . . Ili/dter.
by return Mall. 10.000 'I'eslimonlllli.Sold b , .
all Dntgglst. . _
a100 Mdl.on Hqare , "III LA. , r.a.
JhaUla tkl. , aper.
- - -
U. S. I..tJnd ( ) ffice.
J tES WUlTEnKAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltegtater
F. n. YOUO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .
All IIdnrthemenh under tbl. head . . .111 bo
cbarged rorlt levaJ rattp. , .11 : 11.00 ppr aQnare
for I1r t In erllon. and 60C per aqaare for eacb
.nbeqno 1t Inlortlon. .
J. "Iqnaro" I. ton IInell or fraction tbereo' .
United Statee Lsnd OfUce. L
Droken Ho" , Neb. , Oclober 31 , 19 . r
Notice IIIlIereby glyon UBet In 'llrwmr.e olIn.
trnotlonll trom tbe OolltlDlallonor ot the General
Lind onlco. under antbdrlly , .osted In 181m by
loctlon 24\11. U. S. lie , . . Stat. , U Ilnenrled by
act of Congro. . apprc."ed 'ebrul' ) ' 2',18911.11'0
, ,111 proceed to olIor at public ulo on Ule IItb dll'
01 Jantury , 1003 , next , at tbts oWee. tbo foliow
Inr Cract of land , to."lt : BeJ. .0U. Rec. 15.
'RwU N'B4c. ! : n , 'town.hlp IS , north , ran ! : .
n. .eat , 6U1 P. M. An , ud all pel'lons clalm-
In ad.enply the abo.e do.crtbed laudJ are ad.
T1led to ale tbolr elallDl .In tbh o l l oa or boo
tore tbo day aboTo dell ated for tbe commenC'e.
menl of IItd I&le , otbemlle their rlaUl' , ,111 be
, forfaltod. FI"NIC U. TOUNG ,
n.10J Uef'OITOf.
, Unltld 81atel Land Oftlce. L
Broken Do" . Nebraeka. Nonmb r 3 , 100:1. : r
Notice II berebY RITen tbat the tollowlng nam.
ed utUer haa II10d notlco of hi. intention to
mske inal proof In aupport of rhte c.lalm , Ind
tbat laid proof ' 1'1\1 \ be mlll1e before Regl ter and
UOCCllyer. at lIroktn Bow , Nebraskl , on tbe 15th
day of Decomber. 1901. Tlz : JOSIAH SMl1'U ,
a. belr and lor be Ire ot Gee II 0 Hmltb. I1lceal'
I ed , for the SeiN"oLlots , ! I. 2 and J,37.19.11 ,
oppllcatlon No. 13100 ne lIamu tbe tollowln& :
"Itneue to' ' prOTe blA eOfoUnnoaa re ldence ap-
on and cultlntlon of said land , vlz : G. M. WII.
lIaml of Aneelmo. Nebrallea ; EIIJ.h Kottlu.
, borouah of New nelona. tIiobraalla ; Tlmotby
Uoberte of Now Helena. tbr8lkl. Lel1'l1 Karml
ot New Helena ; Nobraka. Teellmony 01 Josiah
Smith to be tlken betore clerk of court. CoVin" .
ton , Allelblllel : countT , VIrginia.
21.11t-I04 J..UIK't'IIITIIUBAD. . : . Rc/llter. /
Uutled Htalel L dd omco.
Broken lJow , Nebr. . Dec"mb r 2190Z.
Nollce II hereby glfeo tbat ELI A. V l'OILI "
of Oatee. Nebralka. has OIed DolICII of tntentlon to
malte 6nall'roof beforA register bnd JeC < ! lver , al
his enlclI tn Broken 11011' Nobrllkl. Oil FrIda ,
the nInth dayortnury. . 1903. on timber cultun ,
oppllcatlon No. 117. for lbe nortb"eet J ( ot leolloa I
Mo. 21. III tow shlp No. 10 , range rooo. 10.
Bhe namea al "Itneees : Obllrles W. Bowmln , ,
of Ualel , Iooeb. . James Marlin nalel. of Llillall , I
Neb , < : harles AIIIon of Oatcs. r.eb. . Jam. . M. ,
lIunell. ot uatel , Neb. Jun : . WUITBIIIUD ,
2530-114 Ur/llter. /
Notlre II hereby sl.en tbRt relIed propoJali
accompantel\ plans a. d Pllecll1catlona will bo
rccehlld at tbe oWco ot tha Count. Olerk hI thl
of Orokoll n ? " . Cuetor connt ) ' . Nebralka. tOI
fnrnhblng all malerllll and the erectlnn and com ,
plotlon of III county brldg 8 r qUllfl1 hv CUIlel
fonnly durin ! : thllll1ar b , IlnlllgJanuarT 6. 19o"
Ea' II bid mult he rcconll'aDled by cerliDod ohed
ot live bund. . oj ( fSOO ) u . . gnarantce that II
a\Tardcd Ibo eotltral t , bidder wl'l ' enler Into elmr
with proper bent III required bT law. 'rbo DOIiIl
rellcrvee the rllbt 10 rcjefl.llny allft all bldl. AI
It Ile IIIUSt he I1lclI he'ore 12 o'cloCk , UOOn. Jan , j
} QOO. Giron undrr W ) hsnd and eal of Cu.ltl
conntl , Nebraka. thlb 9th day ofDec , 1902.
lJ ) older ot nOllnly lJllllnl.
\AJALl \ : 010. W. DEWEY. County Clerk.
.29-11 ( , lly Jos l'uUIAN,1Japut ) ' .
In tbe DI trlct COllrt. Onlt r Couut ) , Nebrll' "
lJanlt of We.cott , rlalnll1t ,
, .1. .
DuldV. . Dunlap , etll. Ddenihuh ,
To Duld W. Dunlap , f'"rah K. l'rlCe , sud _ _
PICfI. whole lint name II unknown , but who I :
the hUlhand ot Banh Jo . l'rlcC ! . non. re.Illnt de ,
fendantl :
. You. and etch of you , will tah nollce that 01
the 191b day at onmJjer. 1902 , lJult at Wepcotl
plalntln : bereln , 11Ied ttl pelltlon In the DI.Ulc
Oourt ot Cnater l'ounty. Nebr..ka , agaln.t J01
aud.e.cb OrOU , tOjlclber wllb olber defendant.
tbO object alld Irayu ot whlcb laId polltlou. "
to tor.olo.e a certll" 'IIorlllge executed b ) tb
dd.ndllnt DavId W Duulap & 0 the. plaloUl
) ( heretn , upon tbCl north-eut quarter. ( Nt" ) a
aectlon ol/hteen / , (18) ( . towlIblP IlxI.I'II , 111t1
DI/rtb , ranOlev.Jnleen. (171 , Illuated lu ( 'u le
couuty , Nebrun and "bclb Iltld 100rlgalo wa
1- chen to .0tarC tbe a'went ur a 1I0t
lOal1l1 b7 the l&u1 Dt , .Id W. Dnr.lap. payable t
'hi. lJlalntlJ % for the IUIII lit , , SO UO : ual. ] 1I0t
dUed Ioftember : ! 18. 111 . due December I , 18'11
Inlereltll p r ccnt uutll maturity. and lu pe
tbereafter , tbat tbere I. 11011' ' dao and IInpahl np
end nO\1I and martillge the Inm IIf * 10si.1 : 00 ro
whleb .nm wltb Intoru\ from tbll data. Plain
t\Sf \ pra,1 for 1& CI cree of forlcloluro Iud a 1810 0
nld rul cltate , to ntlltr I&ld d.bL You. an
ncb of vou , ara requlrod toIn''er IIld peUllo :
on or beforlltlonday , tba 5th d y of J.nuI"
1,02. Dated I' Broken lJowlnNonmber I 1' .lYO\
lJ n 0' WIlBOO'r.T : ,
2"7-IU \Iy \ ! C. L. Cl1IT\'J.'JOK ! , It. AttJ
. . - - . . - - . . - . - - . - - - ' . - . . - . . . - . .
, .
. . _ . ' 1. . , .
. " ' . . .
E.llrnate of Snppllea tor ( aller County , Nohru.
kll. for theltlr IQQ.\ . j
nrolten 1I01Nflhr. . . ntcombor 1I90J.
Nollc " blll'tb111hen ! thllt loalell bId. will b.
rccel.o.t by the underalllncd , Oonnl. , mlrk of
entler county , Nebt . tor tnrnlAhlnr the 'I1PI11181
for nld connt , 'or tbe 1enr 1903 al per Ibo ettl
mUo hereto attaO'1flt All bldl mnlt be Ole,1 In
myolllen On or betore Jannary I. 1'03. The
Ontmty Ollrd reAOI\'C , tbo rhht & 0 reject anI and
all bltll. 011:0 : W. DItWaY , Count ) ' Clrrk.
By JOII. PUUIAN , l > opul ) ' .
11qalrl' prllllpd lIeoo'l'\cOrd 110rml to PIK. :
18 qulro blallk .1eM.reroid ruled ; 18C\ulro blanlt
dced'rl'cord. plain : t 8 q nlre lIeneral tndox : 1 8
qnlre mOrlltall1l record , ruld : 18 quhe mouilio
reoord. fl.ln ; III CJ nlre trIal doclioq 1 Siulr. .
orlmlna doekot , 1 . quire jlldaen\ent r.corll : I .
qulrl D.O lIoneral Index 1 . quire proce , .
dl1clrelll 8 qUlro lIall , ba 1 ance llOok. printed :
18 qolre .hern fl'o booprinted. \ . I S qulr.
Inll nllors record ; 1 II ! tnlrll C lttlo mort , . . .
Index ; I I qutre prebate t . , boole i 3 Cannl COTOU
for an , boo. . each ; t 8u'ro connt1' court docke& ;
18 Qulro probAte record , Rleclallndex ; I II qutre
blind reCOrd.
Th IhOTe boob 10 be nUb ! beRt blmlln ! : . fait
lealber bound IIxtr. . . . .Ilh pat-nt lIexlble ; bactl ;
psper to bo ot Bron.\\'oston' . tln.n lodar pal'er
IIr olbor pllpor of flnal qUIIII ) ' IS dollre,1 by tbo
oOllnt. oillnerll Indes to be ( IIrnl8hod tor front
of book wheudeslrod and.o ordored.
JfJOOO note bea's , ' , prlntell , 611I , l1'1r 1000 : 11000
nolo head' , bllit1rtnttd. . 7111. per tooo : 10000 letter
belldR. bl'8t llrlnttll , 1011I , pcr 1000 : 1 oo bRIr
Jotter heads bl'st prilltod , IJer 100f1 ; llIIJOO ell'
nlopel , b05lllrllltod. b 10. , per 1000 ; 1110OO I'll'
nlopCI. lIutprlntcd , ilK In" 6In \ , per 1000 :
I OOO enTOlopu belt Irlntod. 10 In , pllr 11100 ;
lSOOO ell.eloplIs. be t llrllltO/l / , n tu,1 > or lOCO ; 110O
blottere. 4x9K lYOIb ; NIl ) rl'Voelble docamellt
enTOlollcl , II"e 10 , printed. : : er lOa : too rnel'lllhle
docnlUent ellTelop I , IIzII II , plain. lIer tOO ; 500
ro.erRlblll docnmeut onvelope" 81"e II , prlntel ,
pur 100 , 5Q ( ) re"l'r.lblll docnlU611t on.elopoi .11.8
10 , plaIn , vor 10oIOOroTenlble ; document IInve.
1011el,11&8 10 , Rlleclal "rlilted forlU. pcr 100 : 3
name Itgel nbslrcct. 161b. Iler ream : to reame tTPo
\\rller pS\lrr. wou , Ier realD ; lU rMmll t'I'8
" -rller papor.llnen. pllr ream : ) ) obattle mort.
1:8fellle : . leatber back. nnmbered on bac" ; 2
qUlrel tlPo wrUet mimeograph. No
360 , per 'Inlre : 11 IfOIR prrllmld plnl , largo 87.0 ! ,
per groll ; S gro , prralllid pIns. 8ma\l \ 811.0. pllr
gron ; 2 d01.on box woo1 rulci. bran fllced , I In ,
per doz : I dnm , nnlomlUc Ink.elllnds. 1 doz.
rnhbor ruiN' . tit In : 51 Ilocument boxCl , metnl
bol1nd.lI x4xCl III , per doz ; 1 gr'18S wood IInd
cork ptu.bolderll. per doa ; 1 Krall rubber pon.
holdcrs10r doF. : 100 4 t'lqo legal blan"s , any
form , tu \10r \ I , per 100 : 300 2 pll 1I Illgal blanb.
IIn ) ' tonn. tull el1.e. 100 ; 300 2 palte leaat
blan"e , an , rorlU , ha llor el1.e , per 1110 : : ! OO leltal
blanke. any ror.n. quarter pl1.e. per 100200 ; .pecl.
al term blanke , per leu : 30 .11\1 at per
boOk ; 100 Inslrurtlon carde to , .oter ; ' O\JO olUclRI
ballot"per 1000 , 7000 'IImplo bal10tl per 101.10 ; 10J
echool district tre 8urcre recelpl , dapllcato and
orhdnal. nnmbtrd. porrar8lell and bouud. per
book ; 2llO redomptlllu certpllcalcs , orl\luol \ alld
dnpllcatA. numh rcd , Vljrforatcd lIud bound. per
boolt ; 2lkl tex.eale ccrtlrcatc. , orhllll.1 alld
dupllel\le. nnmbered , lerloratcd and bound. per
boole ; 15000 tliX recell'tl. uumbered aOlI Iortorllt.
rd. 200 In book. orl lnal and duplicate , well
bound In clotb Rnd Icather. per book : 2 Kro a u.
n. Aaron Co. ebllled plaLenum pens No 27 , I'er
Ilrol ; 4urou Lcol ! Issc . ' . Co. glucenum pen
No.3 , per grol ; 4 grolS 1:111011. pen ! , auy tIum.
ber. per Ire . : -4 Iro88 .pel1corlall pOlle , anr
nnmber. porgroee ; /r08lcs&crhroOK pellll , any
number. per \roas ; 1:1 : Qnart' Commerctnl Ink ,
any Standllrd "Ind , per Ill : 3 dol' . Fabon be llnk
.nd pencil era ere. I'or I oz : 1 1101. . tTPO wrltora
Araaon ; I ! : roll Dlxon's pocrelary le.d l'en clle
No. 7611. per grou ; 2 IfrOIl trlumpb load pone lie ,
prrol ; StrOle E. FAber's colored pencils No.
61J , pcr IIro.1I : 1 gr..A. Dlxon.e Oablnet 1'lIuclle ;
2 gron A. W. Faber' hllxsgon beet penclli. per
; : reel ; 1 Ilroes Faber's p.ero poncl1s ; ! IrOI8
I'alur ! 611 penclll : 1 gt ou 8anforda el'ODjfetop
mllcllso , per do7. : 2 , loll : . maple ruici braBS Cocel\ .
121n , per doz : 2 doz. maple rill Ie , bran hcMt 18
In , erdo&21107. ; ufet , tllk .tandl. per 001. ;
2 doz. ebony handle .te)1 erl\SOrl. per doz ; !
dt" . lellor filel , word \1allOr \ covor8 ; 8 groes
rubber bando 00\1' \ per urol' ; 4 Ilroes rubhrr
bandl (1 ( ( ) } . per /lrou / : 2 jtr088 : rubber band OOOn.
po' gross .14 Krol rUbber ItrlnR bandl , per grolS :
1000 Megl 18 round bead fASteners , 14 , " . , Iln ,
1000 blPechloadlng elnplpa : 10 leather tab I prln\-
cd or namborod , ; 1 ( , qnlre. complete recorder
or court J'urnal paper. 12x18 , extr" h..y ledger
paper , ruled and prllllct' , per quire , 3011 ouo tOWII'
Ihlp .qusro plat. . , calo 1111. to mile , Jlcr 100 : aoo
, townlbtp alia are plalll s lIlo II . to rnllo. per 100 :
1 Iluart crlm.on Ink ; 3 rcama record pepor , per
rcam : WO warrantl. well bound tn cloth and
ICII horl 2 rO.lDs br8t 12D:11egol : call : per ream.
The "toTO ! loode to be farnthod III any Iinanity
de llfd ollher more or lelll during the , elllf 1003
and to be hid dowlI at the Court Uoule In lJrolten
D w "Itbont lreliht : , exprclC or dray
chlrsee. 26.1&-113
In county court , withIn and for Cultor eouuty ,
Neblalltn. 10 tbo IUcr ot tbe cltale of Dene.
dltt Griebel , decea od ,
To tbe oredllorl and belr. of uld eetate :
You hereby nollGed tbat I 11'1\1 \ lt at tbo
connty court room. III IIrokell Dow. In said
count , . . on tbe 20&h dav ( It December , 11))1 ; on tbe
lOtb day.of Fobruar ) ' , 1003 ; aMd on the 20tb day of
Mlyl902 elch at 10 o'dock a. m. of each Ilay.
to re cl.o'and eJllllllnn : all claim. aaainet laid
eatato , "lth a , .10" to tbelr adJuliDhnt and aI-
10Wanoe. Tbo tlwe limited ror , ne pre onta.
, tlon cf clqlm ' 1.ln.t laid e'lato II .Ix month.
trOll ! tbo Wlh al1 of November , 1402. alld tbe
, time IImllod for tb. vaJment of debte II one
Jear from IBid date It II further ordred tbAt
petition \ , of wld " for Itatntory or other ai.
10"lnclJI tor toIDo.tead and oumptlon' bo
board oa December 20 , 190'1. at 10 a. tJI.
Wlt.o. my bacd Plld tbe .oalot . . . .1 COUntl
conrt , thll14tll day of NO.omber , 1ta02.
23-1i-l07 [ IB4Ll J. " ' . ' & 111(01111. Cottnty Judze.
To "bom It DlaT couoern :
Tbe commlllioller applln ed to , .Iew A road
pslltloned for by 1)lIn L. Joletcalt And othen ,
commencing It the N" corner of Ipctlon 7. town-
ehlll19 , ran e 19. thenca outh abont 10 lodl ,
tbenco east one 11I1\0 \ on preunt. trnoled road to
aec\len llno botwoon'.ectlone 7 aod II , to\.n blp
19 , ran go 19 , tbance nortb to lecUon line ruulllulr
elstand west. thoneo cut on eeetion IIno eco
mile to & 110 eouth elde of thl propoped no , , ,
bridge acroee tbe ? tI1 dle LoupRher. and to
nCllo tbo pre.ont oahbUabed rosd No 71 o far
IS It rolatc to that porllon tbrougb section' .
townebl" 19. ranllo 19. has reported In favor at
tbe eatabllillment tbeloot , a011 a\l \ obj. etitn
thereto , or e1alrnll l'Ir "ama u. luuat b" IIled In
the connty'clerk' omell on or botore nOOll ( It the
23rl1 day ot Jannar ! . 1003 , or sncb roltd..1II be
CllabllAbed wit ! oat reference tberoto.
Iii wtne ! s wherool , I hue hereuuto .et my
blind an,1 real ( lr aald connty. tbls 20th Ilsy ot
No.omber,1902. GIIo. : W. DEwBr.
Inn ] nonutyClerk.
23,211-1U9 JOlt. I'JQJUIC , Depntr.
III the DItrlct Conrtot Cnlter county , Nebr.
8. I' Unl1l'lalnlllf ,
v. . -
William 11 ConnnrlJ. at al" De tend 'nta
William 11. Connerly , LydIa E. Conuerly ,
Jsmei L. Lombard and 'be Alllanco Truet 00"
will tNlto 1I0tlco tJat ! tll the 6th dav of Decombor.
1')2 ) , B. P. Dnll.plalnUII horoln , filed hla 11ct\ll01l \
11tbo DI lrlct Conrt of Custer County , Nebra ka ,
agaIn It ult ! deton,11nll. Ihe object and prayer 01
wbtch IIro to forocloeo a ctrlaln moltgs\c \ : , ex ,
eellled by tbe detelld.nte William n. IJonnorly
and LIdia R , ( 'oollerl , . to Jamel L. J'lmbartl end
II ) 111m duly a'llgnl d lO thle lalntllf. uron tbe
tollowlnl ; delcrilled prom"e . In Wll : The lonttl
ISO acol or tbo loutb west Iloarter of Sectloll 2. It
tow , Ihlp 18 , 'IIenth at ra II 10 t8. Ilvcn : to lecur
tha pa'montot a eerlaln coupon IIon,1 or note ,
dated on the 2ZIId day ot , Julie. 18.fI ! alld duo 01
lbe : lrst day IIf JllIY.I ' 3. for tbe IOme ot $ IOoo(1 (
Blld Ihat there II now dne nol1 I8ld note aliI
MorlgaJo tbe PUlI IIf ' 2 1.25 and allo to tllre
c1010 a certalll tax < < rtlllcate made bl till
ueasnr..r of CUltrr COUllty. NebrAlka. to tbl ,
plalll tl ! ) wblch there 111110" I\ue \ the 'liD
ot $164,75. lall tn t erllfioot. courlng Ibe 1I0tire
louth welt qoartur of ! AId Section two , .nd
plalDtlff prall tbat eald plemluA mllY be IIccrell
to bl lold tu IAtltry Ibe Bmollnt tlno upon 181.
morlaafis alld aho tbo BmonuL tound to he du ,
. npon the eald tax eertll1c.te. YOU and ellch 0
, oa are requlrod to all.wer Mid neUtlon 011 0
boron' the 19111 day at January. 19(13. (
Dated tbh 1I h da , ot December , llIOZ
- 8. } ' . nULL , l'alatill' .
I . 1 ? J-llS ny , 0.11 lIoLoou _ , hie atlOrllp-l.
r. To. . bum It ma ) concljrn :
It Tbe cowml..louer allpolntlld to Tie" a roa'
Q petitioned for by J. P. Mlclt11l1 and ettberl , COIU
menolng ou tbe qaartor lecllon ! lne. ruunlnl
uortb betweeu tb. I : ! , , of N. . . . and Se" 0
Nw ( . 'tellon 1'1. toW 5l1tp 17 , ranllI20. we t lItl
t. 1a1. on tbe half eecUonllue ! runnlu" oalt alii
"tit lurou&b . .Id IccUlln ( lU Jleebe etreo on tb
norlb.weet corner gf Ibe elt ) or Broken lJow
Neb. Tbe ulll real ! to rue nortb on eatd qUlrte
I8ctllllllOD alld latullect ocllon line reel ! rau
ntng CU' and weet along tbll nor&b & lJoundalY 0
laId Itctlon Y , hae repolttliin taTer ot tbo er
tabllebment eoulb UJ rod0 be on tb
ellt .ldl1 of hne , ba aeCe of road u pollUone
for ; all obJ' ' cUOI1 thorelo , or clafm ror lIalc
' 11118 , Ulnlt bo I1led. n the couuty clerk' , ( 'tUOd"
or before nOOJn of Ihe 1'3rd day of Jana&r7 1110 ,
or lucb road will be eatabllibed WIthout r tor
elice tbereto. In wltlleu wbereot. I haYe heu
unto 80t m , hllnd .nd ae 1 ot IIIld coanty. 'III
90lh day of NllTemborr 12. 011:0. : W. DJwJ\ : : ,
llULl Count' Olerk ,
2J 2-10'1 D ) JOB. 1'11lM4K. Depu\ )
r'l Job printil1C' a.t this office.
: : = . ' : ' , . . . - : : . . . . . . ; ! If.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .
. Try ' 1 aylor & Thompson's Coffees.
earn I5 I cJ.m ! 1l 1i5r1 NI W2J1j _
See Herel Do You Know Thot .
: me
; HA ! cc : . to t'S !
. . .Dry Goods and Notions. . . ! .
8 Boots , Shoes , Rubber Goods , : s ,
I Sta c ? f , ; L9cl ; ; ries. i
J3 W Teas and CoffeesFloursMealsTobaccos and Cigars , ! "
m ,
Egg Plums li'rosted Creams I
Gold Drop Plums Fruitcd Honey
Grcen Gagc Plums Koko Creams
d ) Lemon C. Peachcs en Orange Cookics
g Sliccd Peachcs t Mary Aun Cookies
; g Sliccd Appricots . ; j Combination Ban I . . . ,
d ) c. ! : ) Bartlett Pears 0 Dresdcn Fiugcrs
m A Muscat Grapes U U Soda Craclccrs W
String Beans Oyster Ctacl < crs m
Corn and G1I1ger Snaps m
m l.Mincc Meat. Uncetla Biscuits m '
. . .Honey , Syrup , Sorghum. . . [ : : .
- "
c i : : ' : = -01 ; a "toes S" .
Pottcd Meats , Lunch Ham , Potted 'l\ongue , Dricd m
m Becf , Oysters and Celcry.
- "
m I-J"j :
: Dried F"rl.1i 18. ;
D. . m Comc and havc your mcasure takcn for a 'railor . .I
" Madc Snit. Vve handlc thc HOJ'al1.\ailoring , made
"Q c by the Hoyal 'L'ailors , Chicago. Yon will pay lcss [ : ; 0 0 : : "
aJ and dress bcttcr by buying thesc goocls. We havc
( f ) ' 500 of the ncwcst and latcst patterns. I = D
HARRY DAY. m g :
0. . Brokcn Bow , Nebraska. 8.-
m rn .
51E ! ! ; ffim1ki'S.ffi ! ! ! ! . ! ! c1 ! R
I-lighest Market Prices for Produce. .
In the DletrJot COllrt ofCael.or CountyNohrasko.
II. V. Tomplo. HocelTCr of tbo HtIIlo j
nank oC Uothcn\ SI rit. Nebral1ta ,
Nils ITollmRIIotlll. .
To Nll Ai. ' 1'011111 m and Marl Chellotln ' 1'011. I
mlln , non.reeldcnt deFend nll :
YOY. Ind each ot you , will tRke noUro tbat Oil
the 21et dRy 01 November. 190Z , tbo IlhlllltllI. U.
V. Templc. rocoh"r ot tbo State ! lank at Gothon.
burg. Nebralka,11Ied his potltlon In tbll dl trlct
COUrt ot Cullur cOllnt ) ' N brlulta. alall1 t YOlI
end oaeh of yo II , tbo ob ! eet aud prn ) ' r ot whlc .
laid petition are to Corccloeo a cutalll lIIortla\o \ ,
executed by you to the Stale Dank ot Gothenbur ,
1\ebraeka. aud " , blch eald mortlIe ! ! wae "Iven to
secure the payment of three ccrttln promluory
nOlcel 'nld 1I0tOI daled Janullr'y 2.1 11196 ; oue lor
S100 aue .Tannar7 I. 1897 ; onll ror Io oo duo .1anu.
Iry 1 , 1898 : Oil" .or $2(111 dne January I. 1890 ,
eacb Ilrawlng 10 rur COllt. 'fbat 1)lallltIIT , II V.
Temple. all recol.or at ea"l bank. IR I'OW ' tbo
owner l111d holder ot tbo .all1l1. That Ihorn II
I10W duo and unpaid UpOIl paid 110tos IInd mort.
U. ae , Inclndln S36 " ' ' ) paid ror taxI's , th. . lum of
$771 611 , ror which eum with Ilituroet from thl
dale plalllUa pra'e for adocree of torecloenre of
Illd OIortla"e and lalo or eaht'real oetalo to lal
htyuld debt You. and oaob lit lOll , are rD.
Illllred lo aUI"or 881111)elltlou 011 or before Mon.
nay. lho Blh day of Januarv. 1903. Dated at
nroken BoW" . Nobraaka. thle llt ' ' ' 'y Of Novem.
ber , lOn , 11. V. TUlrLlI , Ilecahor of tbo
State Dank of Uotheuburu , Neb ,
: H.'l7-111 nr C. L , GUTTJR80N : , Hli AU , .
In tbe Dlltrict Cour' , CUltor OountT , Nebalka
Iowa Loan & Trult CompaDr , Plalu&IIf ,
, . .
llarlon ni.hopp , et ai , Defendants.
To narton1JlsIIO\lp , Martha A. ' Danlol
neensn. OI.ra M. Heenan Bnd IIIshol'tll teeley , ldont defendant : I
ron. and eacb of yon , will takll DOllco that O 1 ,
tbe 20th d.y of Novomber. I'OJ , the Iowa Loan I .
, t. Trult comPhnl' plalntilT. filcd It I petltlo1J In
Ihe dlatrlct cour oC Cuater countl. Ncbralka ,
alaln t , . . oacb "t yOU , togetbor with oth.
er dotondan 8 , tbo ebject aud praror of wblcb
eald potltlon are to tore close a cerhln mortgage
execnted by tbo detorldante , lIarton' BlehoPI' and
Marlh A. lJllbopp , to the 1latntitI upon Ihe
eoutb b.1r ot the 1I0rthWIlIt quarler , aDd the
Ilorlb hair of the eouth w et 'Iullrter , of BecUon
I tllwII8blp 14ranle 24. slluato In Cu.ter county ,
riebrl ska , wh ( ch 1II0rl\:1I1/:11 \ / : WAS clven to 8 el\rO
tbo p.'ment of olle pruml aory nOlo , dated July
1.11191 , ror tbo lum ot $0100. due and l1ayable 00
tbo lint day of Jul ) ' , 15 % . Tbst tlloro l now dno
aDllllnp ld upon ald notu and Inorlglge the
sum ot e4QU. tOietber.Uh . tbo Intcrcet tl1orOOI1
.t the rate or 10 per cent. per aunum trow tbe bt
day of Jllly. 1808. lor whIch OID Dl1d In relt the
plalntllt prays tor a dl'cleo of roracloellre Jlnd eale .
of , aid real eltate You , and oltcb 01 ) 011 , are '
rcllllired t'1 In.wer 8nld petltloll on or he tore
Monda ) , tbe 1'Jlb dRY of l > eccmDer , 1lJ2.
Datucl t Droken lIow , Nob" thll 20th day o !
No.ltmh'r , 1902. JoWl. L04N.t TuuoT LO. ,
23 6-110 lJy C I. . GUTTEIISON.
Its Atloll1ey.
Nollce Ie boroby given that F. M. Rableo , O.
W. Uont aud J U. DOlIn ot IJroklln lJow. Ne-
bru" , . have ae.oclated Ihom oloa togelhl'r tn
form a corporation , , .11. : "Wc lern Light
Fncl Co , " wllh till ! prll1clpal place of tronnet.
IlIg b'\llnen ' I' Broken 1I0w. Nobr8lka.
J'he Itenerol nature 0.011 lJnrpoeo for whlcb
tbl ! ! corporation Ie organl1.ed III that ot mSlln.
rocturlng aud Ileallng gooeraliy In all klode or
Jas tIhtlcg ! macblolrr. fixtures , burners ami
attllch'ocQlII , IDcludlng Inellal : , heat anll power
machinery , englne . molOre , Dud alllllndll ot
motlvo po\VorIlIU t , es , rangel ! aud tlttlngll.
rllber Bud metal tublD ! : , and tbe mllnuillcturo ,
IUIII.IIIDg erectlnl : , oleratlng aud lale at Ia
IIIhtlng plante and nil neco88l1ry IIInchlncry anl1
conol'ctlonl for cltled. vlllaRoa and Indlvillual
bulldlol : . 1:81 : gn erllnu Dnd carhnreler. ! II\ll
for Ihelurpo.o oC maunfJctllrlu ; : . bll'lnanll \
. clll n 1" , leallln" . eel ! deaslolC gUllcrlllly III uti
klnde of IIInmlnating lamp. , conlrlvance8 , Inll'
cbluory , meh : , . and ' 1lluuatud tor tran fl1ltllnl :
Brt1l1clalllgbt , tusl , hell\ . And power. iI1umlL.
allte and aile ulld tbll mallutacture ot all klnda ot
lIIumtnatluK , Cuol ami IIOWIr g8l. lIud buying.
801llnl : and dosllng III Ihu right to 1I111111tllclllru
tnel. IlInmlnaUn ! : , pOIVor Rnd gas IIlhtlol : : 111\ '
. I'hlner ) lipuer.lly , Dud IIxture , fI\I \ nllder tllo
Houll IIml other Iialenta and Impro"oulcUI
tbfrPon and Ibereunder and to lJurcbulio and OYrIl
or 10DC Iho I1cceuary real ostllle aod bulldlngl
tor the bullDII'G of Bald eomJlauv aud lo carry UII
all tbe ulel bn loo' at whole ale alld r..lllilin
'be ttalll ot Nebrallkll , suI ! elaowhero , anll hohl.
Ing. owulng IInd J06l11ug Itock or tbls au,1 ( llber
c IIIpaule aud IlarUclpatlnllln the orll.nlutllll1
otolhor COlllp.llle8 tormed' tllr tllU IllIrllOllI or
orecllnt ; "nd operaUng Rae IIghlln ! : , tuul nnd
, power 111.1118 'or tbo mallu'l\clnro at IIlnmlDllt.
r lug. tuol aud pOlVer gae ror eltlee allll ylll:01
I' IIn..lndlvlllual planllllInd doing ull Ibo thlngll
, f lIuce. . ry to carry Into ellect thll Ilurlle.e of Ihli
, . orlanl 'llnn.
o 'fllo 8Uloullt of cSllltal ! ! toek authorJ1.od Is
d tl15.000.00 , fult ) paid whelllllIutll \ and DOI1.ueee-
. .able ; tlte bIKho & amoullt ot IndelJledne.M whlcb
the corporation Ie to 1IultJect ! tsclt Ie IO.Ooo.OO :
Ihe ald corporation 8ban comUl1lnco on AUlllllt
. 2/11h / , 1002. nnct continue twenly-l1vo yearll. ' 1'1111
alT.I'e at tb. . corporallon are to bl con1uclell by
\I Board of DIrectors. Prelldenll Vlco.l'I"lldent ,
( Jeneralldan'ler. ! ) anI ! TNalDrer.
10' . M. ICUDLEE.
. 8lined- . W. JloN" .
.J. It. DJAN : ,
ACknowle jed AnKult ' 5 , I\IOZ \ , beforA R. D.
1'lckoU , NII&rrl'lAbllc. . .2lOO
. , . . . .
.b..t Nc\v Doole On
is off the press and ready for distribution.
Il is a litlle the best publication descrip.
tive of this wonderful section of WyominJ ;
yct issued. It givcs brief glilllpse.q
ItQ fann ! , gardcns. catlle rnchcs , irg .
lng cauals. oil felds and I word abe t
the golden opportunities. Iustrated 11
thirtv-one splcndid half-tonc frm
photogrphs. Free to ony address on 1 .
( Juest. J. PRANCJS , G. P. A. ,
Burlngton Route ,
23.25 Omaha , Ntb.
A "peclnl ORer.
'fhc RPII.ICAN and Nebra"ka Fa-
mer can be had at thi. ofce for a limt
lme for $135. ll earl if you want to
take odvalt e of this offer. Here il t
papers for htlle more thim the Clt e
one. I
, . .
Fancv . job , vork at this ofC.
" . . f
, .
' - -
( DAY ,
Physici n & SurgeOn.
t , .
Omce In rear ot lho l.nk of Commerce. . .
donco 6th houle welt ot tbo lapt.t chub.
rolten Dow , Ncbrleka.
E. F. ! cOLun.l'rop.
l\ye Flour , lluckwhoat , Onh"m , FeeD , etc.
1. O.lUT''ON. I'ropretor.
Flrll-olan work. Hear llom of llroken now
Btnte Blnk , Drokon llow , Nobraaka
- - - - " - -
c _ _ _ _
. , Ueuver ,
0.1..1. 1.llcoln . . Ileleul ,
, ,
C1ICIIO . . nute ,
IC'.IMAH Ciy. "llt kc C17.
Ht. LoulH. A nc' Ha.1frulcllcO
Alcl Al I-ulnt. Huu.1 IUHt Anc Al . Polut.
No. 49-Vo lbuled uxprou dally , Lncoln , Om&
hat 2t. Joeepn l an e CtV. 8t. Lulsl Ohl ,
cao and al polrUill8tBnd 1ont. . . . a OJ am.
No. 4C-Locllllx rci' .181y , Llncolu. Omaa.
CblCIO alli al ) Olnt oaat and 10uth.10 5 a.m.
. ' , .
No. U-VI1UIInlotl eXllrllP dall ) Uellna , Heat.
tie l'olnt. , lutu . . . . , . . J'or&al . ! . Ind . . . . . 11 . . . Pacilc . . . . . . .60 Coat al
No. 3-I.ocal exprces ' ,
Intermelllo , olllt . . . . . lal . . . ) . . . . AllnC . . . . . .16 Inl pi
Bloelln ! : , dl.lnand reclntnl cbal cr. ( eoat.
'rie ) 011 tbrolKb traln . 'llcke 10id and baA'
gage chockull & 0 an ) olnt In th. UnIt tlatu.
"lid Canada.
Information , mapl , tlml tblel aud ticket
tl on or writ to J. L. a"eut , or J
, G. . A. , .
\rallclt 1. Nobruk.
Omabvi L. Oluuur. Alont.
J'luch tor woat wl clolo at 8 V. m. . except
! unlll ) ' who II It wi cloeo at llt p I.
Jouch. oalt tor train No. 4 ololllt at 8 a I
and tOI No. 44 cloeol at 1.3 am. : ai ror All.le ,
aU11 polnte oaet Oraud d 011
No.4' . If Ilund osrl tlA
Ocnto , .11 of IYllo a 111 Tuckerlo , dat ) u.
os , at 7 " m :
C\t nlla clo returlllnl Imo d1
\ , . Mc'Klnley , exoeptund.y
I CalawlllY ViI. dal /und.y
clades lt 7 a I , returlllg came diY.
Hnund Val I ) vln Ureen and Elton 01011 7 a
m..TuellY , Tbunda ) and : aturda , , ret'llrnll
110 day.
Sumner . Tla Gnrnley. Oeorgetwn . and Uptol
, at . . ' ,
arr.ea 11.8. To'ds Tbuld ald latu
day returning loaol at 1,3 lme d .
OOoi honri from 1.0 a m to 8.op m. 8111.
da'a frolU tI : p. m. t 61 p. m. Lbby op.
wellk d.'e frm 7 a. m. to 8 p. I. Sandl ' 8 : .
m. to a. m. not -
a \ UClierl delnry tua-
dr morul ! u hortofor. . L. D.Jaw. PI'