Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 3

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    1 7"l' " , . . " ' ' 'n- " " . , , , . -
; . , . i" I" 1",1 " r > r- " > , ' ' i '
' . . . I ! IJ ' 1.- . . .
, . .
' - .
" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : ; : : ' ' '
I , ' , . " . " ' - ' . , . , - . , - . . , . , - . - , - . eEe - . : . , _ . . _ - _ - . - _ . _ , - . " . ' , - . . , - . , - . . - - - , . , - . " . - . - , - . . - , - . , . . . . , - . , - - ' _ " - _ _ . e - - - - , - . - - ee - - - , . , - . , - . , - . , - . , - . - , . , . . ee , " . e - ee . ' . , - . " - " . , . ' , .
: ' ' 0 the SClute nnl Iouse of Heprc. .
"fntntln's : We sti continue lu n 111.Jul
( f uuhouldcl llrosPl' ty. 'l'hls proslerly
IB 10t thu crenturo of Inw , but UI Olut.
( l ) ' the Ilws unler which wo worl. hn\'o .
becl Illtruleltul II crentln the com1.
" tlons which In e I pusslule , nul hy In.
w It wuull he ons ) ' Ino\\
; leglllton
. 10 lftro ' I. ' 'llrc wi un ou\ull ' lo
llcrllls of IlllrCtslon , 'rie WI0 , wil f"
I hut thu tide
- ; wllll\lnco
. -ele n Ilooil. we hln' 11 1) ' el 1 lurge
plrt In the world. 111 we nro hent upon
wuklng ou fllUrl' U\(1 InrI'r thln the
. uf lho
. . en'nts ,
II , .
iPlst. IIU.tcllur. tl
, IIBt fOlr 'I'nl.t hn'o lelllolr 10c11.1
, must
thut for woe or fur weil onr Ilneo
I ho g'reut nntloll \Ve ,10 lut
110lg tl '
shrill , from the 111'Ugl ( lJ.rul'e fnce us. 'rllro the
'nre IIUI ' II'ohlll1 for us tu lt
( llset of tl twontl.t h clltlr--gr\e
l1rohll'IR nhrotHI nld stl grn\'lr nt hOlw ;
hnt wo klow tint we CII Bol\e thom Ind
, ' enl ' thlt we
tWI Wel II'o\ilfl
the of hell
hrll ; thl 10iltnn qlultlls
which ' shown hr Iln
nll helrt Wlrl' .
who. In the ' of \\'Ihlnton , fOIIII.
' ll . . In the ) ' of
thlR \ In't
O\'lrllclt. ull.
1 ; ,
, ' ' It
Iln'I'\'ed (
Xo COIII rr hli 1\'Or ocelpicl n hhher
of wel.lel thln olrs
Illlnl Ilterlal ! .
. 'rhls
tt the prl'selt lolont. wel.hell ; ,
is Illu to 10 Nmldl'n ur necilentll cnlh\S
' of thu ' fOI'cs
lJt to the Illn ) l'ClHOllc ;
this for n clntlry ; to olr
il COlltrr o\er .
1IWS , olr IHNlnlHd 111 IOltnIOU pol.
: nIHJ'l 11 10 the high 111\l lnl IV-
cIA of ' " , Of courSl'Iwn
1'n1 olr Cil11'"Shll
; fnorl'd thu rowth
hn\e \
tJI COlcltiol1 \ ' havolso
. thc
( so Ilch thnt wns good. ) /lso
( m'orell sUlewhlt the growth of whnt
'VIS ovi I II olinelt ' neCI'sRnry thlt
cut uut this .
WI' Ihoull emlllvor tu I\i.
hut let ns 1Cel n 1 le Relle of Ilrullrtun ;
let not in UpOI
ou gl10
lS fxhlg , ' '
. 'l'ho
grenter evi forjCt tl oul
of them arc -
' Iln-
-vis nrl' rCnl nnl ! ole
, not uf
. idn . hnt thl' ' nrl the uutlrowtb
li"ery 01' tlclIlnee , hit of proslerir--
inllu trinl
' of
of the uur jhnlte
. lrOjI'CSI , ' In '
" lstrinl luvllo
dlvfloplcnt 'Ihil
. .
1Clt must not Il ewckl.d. hit side b )
sile wi b It ! holhl go fuch prolro : h'I'
h thu We
dillni evis
rl lllllon IR wi
holhl in our dlt ) ' If we dil not try
fai , , shnsuccl'od
' ,
to ' the
l'cledy 1'i8 hit WI shn\ .
. with
( nly If wo procel.d pnth'nty. Ilrnc.
ticnl wenB resolutou.
6Cllnrntlj the ; oed frol the bnl IUI
holc u : on Ihe former wbie eulenvoriu
tu get r l of the InttCr.
Hc rll Uu.
CorloratlolM iholid lInln
der l > ublic Helliutol.
In I ) ' UebSa e tu tle II'clent CUIr : s
: t ihlrst 1111101 1 Ilscusscd at lelgth
: bo IIIOtiol of the rCllaliuu of twe
> Ig CUl'pol'atunl cOUluII ) ' dulng In Iltlr' !
. ttate LJtin08 ! uftel with sumo tOUlelc ) '
I to mUlullol ) ' , which m'o pupularl ) ' Imuwl
. 'ril I'Xllel'lelce of the pnst
fb 'Inr II IS ollhasi1I'd. II I ) ' upiulon , the
dltirnhit ) ' of the Sl'PS I thun prulJse , ,
' of Bocinl -
A fun nloltnl l'llulsito 1,1-
' dlnc ) ' II n hih stnllnrl of ludl'llll.1
( I ollrg ' aul oXI'elllle : hit this it in 10
wise powlr to : tct In
5 ' ! wih
for which su
& -omhilution nils Clnlot
wI'1 be Ichle\l b ' the Inlivlluul Ictiu ;
\ .lonc , A fUllnmentnl hntl of cvlzu-
\ I tiul iR the invluilbilty of propert ) ' ; lut
1 hil il II no . WIBO Inconsistent wih the
r riht of suciet ) tu rcgulnll' thl oxorcse uf
' I : whicb It ' -
urtiicnl puworl eUlfel's lp-
, ( I the OWICI'I of II'upor ! . \Hlor tbp
I 1\10 uf CUIHl'atl frlCllslR. In such a
I Wa ) ' lS to the misuse of tblse
, lrovlnt
} \ ' . COI'puralulI , IU es luc \ , '
uf ' .
< omhllntons cUI'llrtiols. shuull lo
, ,
' under
numnjI'1 Plblc rlgulltiol Nxpe
ziclco hal bhown thut undlr uur 1)8tel
( gU'I'ulwnt til Iccelllr ) ' supen'islon
onllul bo obtnhll b ) ' Stlte Icton. I
must bl' hy
thorofule Ichlevol nltolal
, lctlon , Our nim II 10t tu do awnY with
I cUlloratol ! : on the cOltrnry. th te Li :
n ! rcgatols url 11 ile'ltlble IVuull'
of , Iho
Ilcnt 10lorl iI Ultrlnlsl Hnl .
. " elort to Illtru ) thel wo111 bl' futle un.
In ' that
lctt . ncculplshcl Wl 't woull
the utmost mischlof to the tn tire
udy poltc , W I' lre not hoste to thel :
WI' are merely doturminrl that they shnl
bu so hUldlrl os . to sub8erve the publc
; ood. Puhlct ) cnn lo no bnrm to the
" . , ' lunett corporltun : nul we need nut be
, " ' spnring thl' st
, olout Ilshou
; { co rn t Inn ,
; , I IJ cubing nnl regulltlg the combl.
. \ Iltions of cUllltn ! which nro or mn ) ' he-
-010 Iljurious to the llble we must be
careful lut tu Itull the gront clterpltct
which huve 11'itilltel ) ' ' the cust
! f'lucel
uf production. 10t to nblulon the 111111
which our COUl tn' ' his WOI in the lellor-
ship of tl ill'rl'ntiolal Illustrlnl \ '
to with the
, lut Itriw dUWI wenlh rCml
( f closing fncturioR 111 mhws. of tll'llu ;
the wnge workl'r l lo in tie SU'eet3
lel\'lng the fnrler withoul n mlrut : fur
hu grow8 , ' th , ) -
W/lt hlSittl'lcu . Ulon hl-
, II/ssiule monns dell 11 achiothl : tbo
IISlibll eXletly lS , UI the uthor tlld ,
the Ituhborl defllso nlke of wlt is
Jed whnt is bad the ' -
nll II existl ; H'J-
tel , thl' rlboilto IO'ort to obstrlct Iny
Itclpt lt hotcrlllt. bctrl8 hllllcls
to the wise
hiltorlc trutl thlt evulutol
Is the sure tnfllWnrd agnlnst revolutiol
luter.tntc Commcrcc.
:0 lurl hUpul'tUl1 blljcct CIU come
} .bl'furu the COlglCbt Ihll lhis of the reu.
. ;
. ' '
latll 01 iltOI.tlUll uI.hlHI 'l'his CUUI'
, u' ' Clllt ullul'd tu tlt supile UI the 1Ien
that ullor uur pocular s'Jtem uf U\II'I-
WO ' ' " In ' oft
t hu IUW CUlliiuls , Ild ulablo to ; rall-
' tlll or 10 cut uut whlten'l' of
.lll' wih
. arhwu with ,
uvi hit 11 COlloctol thll
The uf thl' ' rO
powcr COlgl'CtS t lllle
l/l'lltlt cOllerce it 11 Ilbulll 111
UIUlllllcl grnnt , nn without lhultn
tll : 1tlr than tboe II'ecl'lbl'd b ) ' the
lt lUl
1 1110\'o thnt mllupolls , unj ust cBs.
crimilatnns , which Ilrl\'clt or crllple ,
CUI [ 11 I 101. frlullll'lt o\'erCIIII tnlbl. .
tlul. 1111 uther evil 11 tlst urnI zn.
tilHI 11t 1I'ICtcos , which Injul'louI' If- .
fl'Ut ' O'nlh ' bl' ' \ '
Ilterttntl' l'll pr'ontld UI.
( .r the ' of ' to "I'O -
! . IIWI'r til COIJr'SS I-
Int. l'n I I l'rCl' wih fureh:1 nnton : mil
\ ' ' rou'
nlll til sl\'I'rnl Hiltes" tlruugh ; ,
' ' ' l
IltlolH 111 l'I'lluirl'moltt oJurltu :
I. " f'ct I ' UIIIU tlch COIII'ce. til II"tl'I'
I w"llnltos , thll'lf. 11) ) thlSl' l'IJI el
I l'II'II'IUF rl'collCl11 thiN Ubjl.ct ll
tl' l'IISillr:1 111 If I hu Cllgl'I' i with I
\'h'w ' ' law ' '
. II 111' IHItsngl' If I 1'1'11011111 ;
o , II 11 Ilrm'b.llnN Ind Illctl'l' iu It op'
CIIIIIIS : , IJII whl'h til IIUl'/toll l'll h <
11111)tllllII'11 Ihlt 11.l'il I' Iioubl
n 1'1 ' " of '
111' 11.I.I."I Clllllllh'lal
.Ulllldmllt. I It Ilrl\1 hlIU..III\ [ , UC'
. , . . _ , .
. ' : 'JIO ; -f . _ 'C
cUlpllh the llrJoses ) nIo\e Bet fut'h by
luch a Inw , thol , nBsurell' , We should
10t shrllk frul Ilellug the conltltu. .
tlon su nB tu 81eUre ll'onl IlerU'on.
II turo tll' llWlr ) ' : lful'CC ROI/ht. Alt.Tll"t [ , nw.
' 11 COlgroBI hUl nul herolutul'u mnle
I ni ) ' 11111'ullrlntlun for thl botor olfol'C' ! '
mUII of the Iltl'I'utt Ilw lS It IUW
Btondl \lr ) ' luch hlR bcel done ly the .
dl'lrtlolt ! of jnstco In socurll ! the on.
uf this , uut
forcelont IIW lnch lurl
Iiole If ' would 111 ; n
cuull 10 ConjI'cHs
! Illlcinl nllllrollrlntul for thlB Illrllrl' . to
be eXIIl11l'd Ullcl' the dl'ectol of tlw
' ' ' .
Atll'le Gl'nerll
' ' the
011' blol
II'UJIIltol 11\lcltcllll
of the uf
tul1 11 I
ronchllJ tl o\lt If' the trusts which
the , \ ' I ,
fnl wlhll cntljor\ hn\u dlscrill
Not ' fhls hc ' , ! '
Ilerel woul whol hlele'
tin' , but the cl"I'siou uf onr ol'lrts In
such n the '
directon wlulllC11 nblllll'
Illt uf ni Iltelolt Utclt ! ! to do
nwuy wlh thlsU 1'\ls , ( nn ) ' If the
, : those whIch
curllrntols I\F uS
Ihould CI'l.tlll\ ilclllll II nl ' Jro-
Illr schlle of rognlntlou , would not be
allctl il the Ilgh tl'St dl : rce I ) ' n
clnn o In the tnrll. la\e nf luch chnme
with the ' '
IntlrforCd Ilnernl Ilruflll'rl If
the countr ' . ' 'he qlHBton of rOlulliul
of the trusts ! tnldf lJnrt from the II\\S'
ton of tnrll ru\lslln ,
FIfl1 Ild HndlcI1 Chnlre ! Jcclnred
Stnllty uf Uudellrlblc oconomlc lllcy lust nl.
wn's be the Itrlmu oconomlc of thil
, neol
countr ' , 'l'hls fos-
) Btnbil ) BIIIII 10t le -
silvuton , 'l'he cuultr ) ' hll aCllulosCl'll In
the wls om of thu Ilrltoctvl tlril pril'
. Is cxcoedlnly Ihnt
cple. I ; unlcslrable
UII s'stel Bhoull II Icstru'od or that
there bo viulent
shuull nll rullcni
chlngeN thoreln , Our past eXJeriuuce
HhoWB thnt grl'lt prosperity In this COUl-
tr ) ' hns Ilwn'M cOle uldcr n lrutlct\e
tnrit ; nld thnt tbl' cluntr ) ' ellot II'US-
pel' under flful tnril chnnges , nt short
iltef'nlf loreover , If the tnrlf laws
ns a whole wurk wel. anl If bURhl R !
hns them is
pruspercl unlor nnl
IIorhl ; , it Is beter to on ure fur n til0
HIht lucul\eniences nnd Incqunltcs in
somu jehelules thnn to USI't business hy
too Iluick nnl too rnlilnl chnuges , I Is
enrnetly to be thnt
IU8t : wishel we
cuul tlont the tnril froU the stnl/lpoilt
solely of our business needs , Unquoston-
ably thesl bURinoss intcrests wl besl he
" ' If together with of '
nR IInrds the we comblue n \ '
; turlf H\'t.
tell whllh wl 11rmi Uf frum tme'
tme tu make the nocossnr ) relpplcnton
of the pl'inciple to the .
shifn ; nut.JII
nceds , \VI must tnle scrupulous I'lre
that the l'enpIlcntlon fhnl be mndo In
such u WI ) ' thnt it wl nut Imoult to n
Illecutun of our sYRtem. thp me1' thl" nt
of which ( nt to spulk of the . perfurm.
nnce ) woull 11ro uco lnrnl.tls iu the
u\ineSB ( neries of the commullty , ThE
frHt cuntilurnton in maltng thesu
chnngel woul . of cuurse , bb to prellI\'e
the principle uur whole
tari srstem-thlt IB , the princplu of
puttng AmN'icnn bURlness Interest ! nt
lentt on n ful olunlty with inturests
ahroal , Inl uf nlwl's nluwing a Rul-
cent rnte of duty to more thun cover
I the dilerenco between the Inhor cost hcre
and , ' of tbo
nlronl 'Ihe wel-bulng wngo
worker. lke the wel.helng of the tieI of
the bui. shoul he trontol ns nn elscntnl
In shnplnJ uur whole economic Ilole ) ' .
'fhere must never be nny chnnge which
wi jeopll1e : tbe stnnlurd of comfort ,
the stlnlnrd of wageB of the AmC'lcln
worker ,
One WI ) In which the rendjustmrnt
60uht ell he renched Is by recpl'uct ) '
trontos. I Is grenty to he deslrel thnt
Ruch trentcs mny he nloptel , I It prove
hnpoRslble to rntfy the penllnj trentis ! ,
nnd If there seem to he no wnrralt for
the to execute others , ur to
alonl the pln ing trentlls BO thnt the '
Cun he rntfed. theu the snme enl-to
secure - be met h ' dl.
rect .
Advucatcl n Tnrlf Commlsslln ,
\'horover the tnrl con llons are nuch
a chnnge oannot with -
tat neeled nl\ln-
tnge I mnle b ) ' the applcnton ff tbe
rrclproctr : Iloa. then It cnn be mnle uut- .
right by a lowering uf Iutes on a gh.en
. I posslhle , such chnne
lruduct. ! lllnll
bo only the .
mule afer fu\est consilern.
ton by lrnctcnl experts , whu Ihould
the Ruhject frum
111prolch 1 bUlincss
stanlolnt. h\IIj In view hoth the lnr.
tcullr InterestB nlccted nnd the commer-
. of thp whole ,
cnl wel.bein ; 1II0p11 ns n
'l'he mnehlnery fur Buch
provilln ! cnrlul
hn'eltnton cun rendiy be suppled , 'l'he
depnrtment hnR
Cxcoutve nlronly lt Il
dlsosnl methods of coloctng fnots nnd ,
; nnd if the Congress .
tUr08 Iesiros ndli.
tlonll consilernton to thnt which wi bo
glvon the suhject by Its own commiloll.
then n commission of hUBlness oXI/crt8
CUl be nppointel whose duty I shoull lo
to recummon acton hy the CongrlHS nf-
I tor n delblrlte nnl scentfc oXlllnn.
ton uf the vnrlous schedules us they nre
nfpcted by , the chnngol nnl chlnoing
'lhu cases In which the tnrl cln pro.
n lunolloly nre so few aB to -
Ince cun8t-
tute nu Inconsl ernblc fnctur In the queB-
tlon : but of course If In nny enso It he
fould thnt n given rnte uf Iut ) ' cloes Ilru.
mote n munopoly which worlR 1 no Ilro.
tlctolitt wouhl Objl'lt to snch rl.ducllol i
of the duty nR woull .
ton , equnlzC compet.
" 'ollci Iclove TnrHf Oi ConI ,
In m ) ' jndgmont. the tnril on althl'I' ,
Bhuuld be , nnd ' ,
cte cOli remo\ed Inthl'u
cie [ ut nctunl ) , where I 10W is loml.
\ . un free . ' hIB would hnve
lu\ly. tl lst. ) .
uu elcct at ni En\e In crilps ; but In.crlses
I IIht be of Rlrvlcu to the peopll.
1111dll 011 Currclcy.
lul.1 nru thu lnturllsor\unts of 101'
ml'ICI , nnl upun thcm shuull bu plucull ,
us far al prnctcnble. tl bur en of fur-
uhlhlng I II mnintalnlng 1 crculaton
' to RUllilly the of our dl.
nll'lulto neels
, ' ' of our
'orslfl'd llustrios nnl Iomeltc
nnl forolgn COllerce ; and the hNuo of
tlll Ihonhl ho NO f'julatel that 1 IUI.
ch'nt suppl ) ' Bhould hp nlwnys uvainhlo
fur thl hUt lst Inh'restR of the countr ) ' .
I wouhl Il Ilth unwllnnd unn cot. .
, snrr nt this tmu to ntempt to I'econ.
I "truct our fnnncni 63'stem , "hllh hns
I bCl'n the growth of n l'ntury ; blt 11
1111iolni h'ji.lntol IH. I think. dllrn.
! bi' , I It Nlg > I'Nt(1 thnt II future 1'11'
I the ' with thu
Iltol 01 luhjl'ct shol 11 bl
I view of tbo of In.
, ellnlra\ll ; 181 slh
' '
ltruloltalth's UI wi autoDlutlcu11 Slp'
' : ' - ' . . , - : !
- , ' . . , -.JI. ; , , . .
- - - - - - -
- - -
ngSIDEN' HOOSIVNL'"S messngo to Congl'oss Is less voluminous
P thnn those of mnny of his predecessol's , contulnlng In ful only Ihout
12,000 words , I mny he culed 1 conlse nnd on the wholc In ol I.
mlstc document. . 'rhe President conrutulnteR thc country on thc W'e
vulng prospm.I ' , und he ussules us thlt whne thc properous WIVO
wl reccde nnd u t tmes therc wl uguln come 11el'lods of depl'eslon. the
tde wl contnuc to ud\\ce , No countr - . he sa 's , hu ! c\'or occupied Il
hlghm' plune of mu tm'lnl wen.belng thun ours u t the plesent moment. nnd
slon he prClcts , thut the American people wl lcrllt of no natonnl retl'ogl'es.
'hc President In dealng wih the trust ( IUoston holds thnt corporntons ,
nnd especlul ' comhluutons of cOI'porltons , should bc Inul ed under llblc
I'ogulntou. Capltnl. he RI 'S. has tie rlht to combine ' Ia own [ I'otectun
und for dm'elopulut nloug Industl'lnl Inc ! nud thnt Ilbor hus olunl l'lhts . , '
nut thnt wllu caplnl Ins eOlhhlld to such un exhut lS to stte compet.
thc should ' Imch . If htbol' lu
ton Ilw-laldn ; Ilower reled . u conditon. 111
comhlnlug Interfm'es wih the rights of othet.s or with the welfarc of thc
genel1 llblc such cOlblnnton m\st lwwlse be l'cgulutCI hy Ilw. le
urges thut nu ' dlfects In the existng luw shuuhl he emdlclted ulI the
power glvon the Dlpurtuwut of , Justce to nccollllsh thc I'enl ref o 1'1 S the
luwlalm's Inteuded whcn Icglslnton regulating the t'uHta WIU : euncted ,
The PI'eslleut In 's somc stless ou the ueed oC cousel'vulve tu 1'1 1' leglsln.
ton , wllch. whlc not utlclduJ the fuuudlton upon which the Uepuhlcan
polcy of turll rOl' 11'oteetou Is bui. wi I'emodel It to meet uew coudltous
nnd remove un ' e\'ls tmt the pI'olonged Impositon of present tlrlrs muy
hu ve cu used.
'fhe foreign Ielntlons of this counry are revlewod In a ver ' hrlef III I ,
formal munner. No lutm'untonll lueston Is pending lu wblch this country
Is vluly Interested , 'lhere Is uot u coud on the hOl'lzou , the Pt'esldent sn 's ,
but he ndvocates provision for u th'oughl ' eielent nn \ ' ' to Insure 1 con-
tnunnce of this stute of u 1n 118 , '
On Cubun I'eclprucl ) ' the 1I'esident stands preclselr where' his pI'edecessor
stood this , fU\'ol'S und the .
on queston le \ urges Inrgest pos81ble meusle.
lelt of t'ude l'eclproci ) ' und pa 's pnrtcul/r atenton to the Impled pledJes ,
ot this government to see to It that au 1m wus put upon bel feet In a bUBlness i
as wel as 1 poltcul wuy , und not nntl thut hus been done through 1
mensue 01 recll'ocl w1 the dut ' or this gove11ent town Id Cuba hnvo
homl done.
'fhc nnusuul - Inr e Immlgrnton to this countrr durllg the Inst fscal yenr
und the grent pI'ollortol or Ulleslrhie hnmlgmnts thnt huve sought and , In
sOle euses. ' entrance to thlf country Impels the PI'esllent to recom.
mend correctve leglsluton uloug the lnes Illd down by the present ud.
11ulstruton of the humlgrton 01ce ,
'he strengthening of the cl\1 service receives the approval of the Presl. I
dent , IUd the recent signing of th ! contmct wih the PacUc Cuhle Cqmpany
Is l'eferrec to us another step tOWlll the ud\lcement of the Interests of
this country In the PlcHlc Ocenn nnd the fUI' gust
' 'he 1I'esident l'eCers to Congl'eRa huvlng ul'eudy wlsel ) ' provided thnt we
shul ut once buid un Isthmlun cunni. If Iwsslble at lunumn , le reports I
thlt a Jood tte cun le ncqulred from the French Punumu Cnnul Com puny. '
: md tels that the negotntons wih Colomhla ' stn pendilg. I
ply e\ery legltbnnte demnml of prod1c-
Illustrics of commerce. not olly
tve nnl .
II the nmount , but In the chnnetl.r lf
crculaton ; Ind uf mnkluc n1 khlg ] of
. , at the
money IltCrchnn'fnhle. nll wi
of the holdcr. cOlvertble Into thc estal.
11hed Jold Btnndnrl
Intcrelt of 1 leb 11 lst Hlrmonlzc wih
Intercst nf the Publc.
now to SIClrtalr treatm\nt alke tor
InIor Ind tor clplnl , bow to Iull In Ihelk
Ibe IISC1"llloul mnn , whetber ImpIO'I'r or
ellllo'c , wlUlul wlnk\nlng hl.vlluul
Inllntve. wlhoul bUlperlng unl crllp' .
lug lll Inlllslrlli devllupmclt ut Ihe coun. .
Iry , Is " problll rl'lugbt wlb gl'l'lt dll.
wblch It 18 ot the
clllls lud Oiwblch highest
to soh'e ou ot
Ilporllnce lues u11
rur.llgbtel CUlmUI tlll18 wl1 11 ot
, ' '
1l\01101 to lhl rlgbt 1'blt Is 11 era ur
tcdlrlliou aUll COlIIllllou , Bxaclly as
IISIIIII Uel fUll tll'Y UU81 urlu wurk .
, Is
tbrough corpornlluls ali II I a con.
' ) ' or 10
sllll tIIH1'1C thele cUrlurntulII
, 80 18 ' ( ' ' rnr
lur/lr I Irlel 11''I'IMlr
, )
Ilhurlug men lO wurl 11 fldl'rnloll , lul
' ' ' ' ' ot
Ihlshl'I' . II'I'OII' 1IIIorluUI . ruclur
m.111rl hHIlslrll1 lte.
klu/lN / .t ' .
I0th flll'rnlol. cUlllalstl
lahor , tlo , u '
111 Ilch gOOl 1111 ni nll'1
111) ' corolury til' cnl bolh 110 ei. '
Ilo llol In "uc'h klnl fr nrlnnhtnn Or'
1111 thl term ot oppolliol to whnll'\r 18 .
hnll ' ' ot ' ' ' '
II til' cOIIIII'1 alY Ih'I'1 l'ol'llora. .
or - ' ;
101 unlll-nol Ir 1t11'IR upon Iorlmra.
sncb ' , tor
tO11 lS 101 UIIOI Inloll lS Il'b
ot the " '
SOUI 10si tlr-rllwhlnl 111111"11
worl , tor our ' ,
1101111 hll Ilel Ic(011118hl',1
IhrouGh bnlh ' . ' : '
l'orllrntlll uIII 111011. 1'lc'h
Ilst rl'trull trom urllrlr ) ' or lyraluolS
' ' ' : ' , Or.
111.rtlrl'I' wlh 111' rhll1 o olll'r
cllllni ulll / Inlor ! e ,
/nnlzlIl orJlllz\/1 1 I
thut Ion
shoull rlllmllr II til ! 111 IIe
' or
IUlh hI brnlghl
1111'rlsl luII 1111 hil
mOi ) wlh tII IltfrlRt ot thl 1IIIrui 111.
le ; Inl Ihl ( ollhlt ot PIh mlM ! 1'lntorm
' ot '
to thl' tUltllPltnl rulls nht'lllnll 10
II luw. ot 1IlIvllnni trl'Pllom , ! or JUI.
tr ! nlli tulr dl'llll lownrll 11 I nlh
sholli rllpmhlr Ihll II uliliiol to IloWl'r
It mUltIrlvl Itlr thl' rPllzntou ot
, , .
bealh , loty aul ieleroul Ideuls.
Treaty with the 1.111'1 Henuhlc Soon
to le Rnhmltrd. I
I soon 10 lu
hOIl1 lubml Ihl Slnt u
reclprurly treuty wlb Cula , 01 : Iav ' : O
1111 Ibl' Unlld 1111'1 kl'llt 11 proll , 10 !
the 11111/1 / IT torlul ) \ ' cltll Culln Bol
\ ' ' tu '
nlli turlllj ( uln 1\'I'r Iboll' WhOl1 111
own ot 1110ple hld l'hOllU , 1 tbe lrt ullIlii
til' IIW rlllhll
CUII 1f1 UI olr noor. , nncl whnlll'r It- I
tl'cll hl'r tor gOOI or tor I aclcll 1M 1110 ,
10 mllh I1VI our popll telt Ibl Ihut In ,
the l'lnlt took
allndmeut delnlel ) I
- . , . . . _ . . . ' . .i :
the grounl thnt Cuhn mUst hercntter huve
closer IJOIIIII rllltons wlh us thuu
, ' ' wih
11) ut iI puwer n ot our In I 1\ISe Cula
hll Ilcomc plrt Iltlrnatlnul po-
, '
ltcnl s'llem 1bls luke ! I uel'elslry
thlt II relurl she Ihoull hi' Ilven S\IO ut
IIIen ts ut Iecolllg lrt ot our ' '
Kystem , Is , trum [ 1'10' .
ullic . I . 011 IWU tllulI.
I.olnt. u shorl.sllhtl.t ali mlsclle\'uul .
C ) ' tu tul 10 rClogllze tlil Iwel ) ul.
We sbouil UIl'I1 Ilarlls"I ) ' Ilslst upon
rlGbts the tal'e nt .
11 IhIlrolg. Ild
WI Rhould wih ungrllllUIald do our
' dul ) ' wI'nk , I
Iy Ihl
/11'ruul , ot rlcll.rocl ) url (
1c01,101 wih CuIu olly
beeuuse Is " ' til '
I "llenl ulr IWI liler'
to control
elis thl Cuhlu
larll Ild Iy
lvery mllll to tOllrr nul IU II r' 11 1) ' Iu
Ihl trollll lalls Ill wah'rN loulh ut us ,
lut nl80 II'CIUSWI ot tll Ihlt '
ot the nortl , 8huIII IRkl 11 lur r'IHllc :
11011 of tbe Am\rlnn conlul'ut tlpl Ihlt
whele\'lr IIcy wi pI'rllt 1 WI cl'slrl lo
tllW ourleh'eK dllinterestedly ! ud -
' ' ' .
h'II ) 1111 trl'lll.
A ( on\'lulo1 wlh Orllt Urllll ! ns bpln
nt laid
ronllullell wlich wil hf encl le-
forI IhSllule tlr 111 nla t 11. pro\'III
tll red/lmlnl / , Slntll Irne1 nlli NI'wtulldlull hl'lwl'I'1 Oi
Ihe ot ' '
uIKlnltul , lull 111 l'ol\'lntln
forll'rl ) Iplntntld hy the Hel'r'lnry ot
, Mr , . I '
\ '
8tl1e , ! all. 1111\1 rlclprol'nl lrllle
r'lnloll Iolh wil II'rl'ut . ) to tbl ul\'lltagl
'Il 11$11 "rlhllil.
WIlren'r JotslhlIrllrulul or so I I
' ' ' In
slllnr lelhlll shuull bl ) "
l'I/II'I'e / 1"1
ot ' ' ' '
Wil II dlll'III(1 1'1 wl'ln 1\1.
IZel1 , '
IUllull IltII/h al ) 11 Ihl wlrld his
101 Jrlgn'HHI'd Mlml'lllll ) In r'ulll'r I I"JI'
, ur , In
11111 IlceHtnrl ) Ill..lrlhl. Ilvlke
rbll rn ' \ ' ' ' " . ' '
11 n
Ihe 111 1'\'I'I'j" Il HI. 'Ihl' tl ri tll
lt nt
lullrlltnun Irlluull whl'h .lt
'lw Ha/ul' II In 1\111 ot oed Ulll trll
' ' ' ' ' fur
whll'l grl'at ( 'UIII'/II1II'11 / Ihl' wI'ltnle
ot 11 1111kllll mn ) ' luw ,
n ' ot ' ' .
I II 1111'1 Illcl'rl' 101lrnl.lltou to
011 cOlntr ) Ihll III 1111'11 Hlntl uIl
MI'xlco '
HhUll1 hl\'e bell 111' 0111 to lRe
the ' ur ,
soue utl'll 'hl lulll Iolrt ' 111
II 0 ' Inht ' h "
WIR I' 11UII'r 11 IIKI II I ItU I"
lor ' '
) rl'IIIIH II tl l'nKI ut I 11111 . lt Issul
' '
Ietwell Ul 1111 011 1111'1 rC'Plhlc.
TIl lSTIl1 I AN CA AJ. .
'VII Il the Grclttlt ' ' : I elt
Yrtcc' IIIIHhe t.
Tie COU/I'lbl 111 I IbCI ) ' II'o\'llld IIII WI
' ' ' .
I. If
shul bulll II 111'I' 11 1IIIIIIn l'l 11
IIO. llll' II 1111111 , Til' Atorl1) ' Ul'll'rul
' ' I'an ' '
rl'llJrl1 . Ilul 11' . uIIIIIII'lly al'Illlrl
' 1.'rl'ul'h ' '
In.,1 Illl rrll tl' , 1'lllla l'llll
( I I 11 1) ' . :1.glllllnlK nl' " 11II'IUII !
h ' ' Iu'r
wl l'ollllil II h'I'url Uhllnl I Ulr
I hi' ' , ' '
1111111 1'lllal 'lhll I'ulul 111 hI UII
ot III Irllll' > t t1 lul''rll ; t"111 ut III
' " 'Ih ' '
; U ' ' ' '
IWI'I . l'I'lllr ) 11'nipr I'UIII'I'rlll
t.'ul Ihll hnl YI'I 11'1'1 1I'I'III-h,1 llr.
Ihc. hl ' [
Ilg ln' lt 1111111 ' " Ilrk
alllll hp mrrled Olt 1M a I'OU I II '
, 1 ! [ oll'Y
' ut '
Wllhlll r"lrlln i'hllll 1,11111"11"1 ;
I ; hi' ' . ' " '
1 lllll hl'lll Ilul.r I'lr"lll'
1111(1'1 1lrldl' 110111. whJb11 al Idwlulllrllua In 1 I' I > 1 10 UUII'r lt
The canal wi bo or to
Alfrlcn , nnd ot ImJorlnl'1 Irent IelOt ul thl
worll , I wi be or 1d\111nll tu UI lu.
lud Rise ns 1IIIrO\'II .
1111rlily 011 111.
, bl at ' 10
tlry pOlllol I wi 11h'lltuII
thu 10uItrle ot troLllrl1 AUI'rlcR , I II
plrnlsly tu lo h0111 Ihlt ni or thelu
Iountrll' wi do IR 80mI ur thll InIl. .
' ,
rtldy dOlI wlh Iltlnl ! nCrl'SS 111111
to horeK ' h ) ' ' '
11\lte thllr cOIICr ( rl'CI !
n1211 ! tllt ot Ilnlllt ) 111 I . orlll'r nrl' tlc , Ill\
rllll lll 11 1'1111 rl .llvllul1lnt
' .
A l'ncllc Cuhlc.
Durin ! til' fiI ot 111 n cUlllnlrlllon
Wil Idlln'SSI'11 10 II MI'I'I'rlnry Ir Mlnl' ,
kllJ " 1\lhl'r Ilrlllllol wnlil hIrlnt -
Ill h ) ' the Irl'sllllt to I l'Or\llrntlol \ 10 IlY I
n ' ' ' l'onKI
l'nlh' trnl I 11111 UI til' Clltlrlin
10 ' ' , I
" hy ) lt
111 I'hlillplnl IMIII" WI 1Iwnl
A ' ' or ' '
1111'II'nl IllllOII l' h'rl Ipnl
whllh MII'h IIrllornllnl wnlil Illh'rlnlw I
In ' ' '
' IlY 1111 OI"rnll I 11111 \'Ollnlll'rl'll
' ' " ' nny
11' l'Onlrl'1 ltjourU't wlloll Ilklnl
' , ' \ ' Ihl' ' Iu " ' '
1I'Ipl l'I\'lnl 1111'1 l"nl'ly 11'
Slml' cUllllon In whlll I stuod wlcu the .
Coo rl'sM l'OI\'I'U'II ,
: II'llwhll' II Cllnlrllll PaclOc Cllle
) ' ' ' '
(01111) 1111 IlrnCI'I'II.t wlb
tnI 11)'hl11 IIIll" 1 118n 11111 nplllln.
' ' ' tor ' ' ' lu
111 II 111' 11'I'MIIllt nl'I'I'IS Inl iKI
or ' ' tbl' ' '
Inllllll Ilkl'l 1) lnlh',1 Htnl'K
11'1111 l'ro. ror Ihl' plrllOIor 11110\'fr
111 n ' . P 111 I I'n 11' rOltl tnI I trll 'PI\llc
clhll' II'lllnt Ionslh'rulul o thll RII.
Jl'I'I. 1 1111H'ln'\1 11\lrlnll 1111 111Klrlll' to
" ' ' '
nllrl 1"11111 1'0111 10nK II Ihl 1'rI18Klnl
tn ' ' , Ir It
I''IIIIC 111 ISI' 111 suuulllllI
' '
' ' '
111111 Il' rlntll 'l'hl'81 l'IlllllolS Ilrl'
' . .
srlll'll. 11111 Ilhlr Ihllg9. 111lllm
rll' ror rumml'rl'lll mC18ngcN nUll Ihll Ih\
Ihllll Inlllrll'l I lurrom Ihl
Inl\IIY \ 10 , ' hl'hl
Phi ppllC 11111111 ( htln Ihlrl' !
nt . Is \ .
prl8ell. lS 10 \\1 Imowl. , I Irltlh Ile
frll : llnln 1oUI 1\011
' ' ot ' '
'hC rl'lrllllluth'll tl' cIll' rOlllnlY
' ' , huwI''rr. 1 to
11\1' . It < 1t11 1 1111 Ill UIP81
101011118. nlli Qn II.Allrlllu Inl Il'
' ' ' nUll
tWI'11 niI IncWI' 1'111 lt Ihl CIlnrlO
1111111 I ' way ot 10nollil Inl thl 111'\1' ' \
IA \ - tor QUI A
IllnC hil 11 I IhlA pro\-IINI
pl'ctlc 1118111SR. wlhln I few luuths to II r\nly I
Porto IHco 1 , Pro , lcrnul.
Ot 11110 110 I Is 011) nlresslr' to Iny
thnl ' or
tlc IlrollHrl tll IKIIII nlil tl\
W181101 wlh whllh I hll hlen , uvrllll
hln' hlel sll'h ni 10 Ilke II SI'1'C I ! ni .
' of t Is hest
OXlllpll' . 11 thl II Inslllr nl.
J ACg IN ' 'nl PlIn > JINBS.
Hirhh or rlhcrt Oo\'orlleut
, nnl
) elch Ilnl of Alvl nhllt , .
Jul ' . Ihl' I ' '
On ) InKI. 01 lh Illh'I'rsnry
ot ' or ' ' ' , '
Ul'cllrllol Illh'II'ldll'C plll'e
' ' ' ' " Ihe
nlli 1IIIsl WI'rl' 1 rUI Ilgl 1'11 II"
IhllPllll1 111:1118. : Mnll' Irnlhll hl8 AIIle
trom 10 ' '
thrl'll'IWll wih til
Mnhnlll'llll 1mI Mnrul , hii wlh Ihe IIIII'
' hI' ' I
' I ' wnr
811111'10111) IfllllllOl hlK 1'
rt'lNIII , Ch'U IU\'I'rlll'll hls IIW 1"1'1
Inlrollul'I'II. 11m's l'lu'h [ "
( "llpllo
:01 (11)
' ' : Iu ) ' . .
I'ljlY Iul'h rlhlR Ill' 11111y. 1111 . tie
ot ' hI ' \ ' ' I".turl'
1111p1U'11 ni IIM 11'\1'1
mewl llrllg Ihl' rll'urll'll hlliury Ir Iho
IK111118. hii , thl' Ilu 11 I' Inkl'l , IA ' I whull
' ' '
' ' ' ot (
nuw ( 'lju I 1I'ItIrl' HI'JgJ'prlll'lt
' :11'11'1 Ihll tlnl Irnltet to IIY olhl'r
h ' ' ' ' '
Orlllnl 11) fnn'lgl Ilwl'r 111 Jl'II'r
' ' ' nlhl'r
thnl Ihll 1'ljO'It ly 11) Orllltnls
' , ' ' Ihe
\ ' \
1IIIer Illr OWI1'c'rIIIIIK 11\1'
JnIUIIII' 1101. WI' hl\1 Ilt gOIIuo flr .
II Irnllll th\'ll' rIghts Ir twrly nll 811t.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' 10
1"\'I'rlll'll : hit WI hl\'I' t'II'llllly glll
' ' " nt ' '
til' 1111 Ihll II tl' 1111'11'11" 111' 111111'
t ' ' ' wlsl' jlKt
1111 II0pll hl'IIIh'I'1 I Wil Il
100 , 'lu hurr ) ' Illl'rH. II 11 rlHI'I' Ihll
we 111 Inw / Illg0111 l'IIIII'nlnlly 11
. ' ' ' I
t hi' 1"01111' lt I hI IK111118. Ni Jlll'y 1\1'1
clIl'rll1 1110 1) til Allrlcnl IIIpll'
vlHlrn I I'll IAllt 11 lon' 811111 11 I Ilr .
' ' ' or Ihl'
Illu tl' llll' hollnl
'IIc trlullh ut lur IrlK , IllVI 11 til
Irlulllh ot nul IIWI11 Ihl IJIHIII' . hll
' ' I'X'
1101 800UIr thlu WI' hlli IU ) rhht II
' , ' ' b , ' 10
IH'I.t 100 111'h 111111 ( lluol IIvI1 .
' tor whn' thl' '
111' IrlY I his 1011 trom l'h\p.
phils II WlrtlrC 1111 11
I h'l' 111 II ' Ihe
111111 Il Illll lt Irl'lllrlll
WI ) fil l'lvl go\'erulllt : 11/1 / wllllr crltt
IllollK to thl' ch'l IUlhnrll's tnI th way
\ ' ' Ih\ ' ( ' ot
II wlirh IIIY hl\'l' Illullld Ih1'llN
Illt'IOV'rlllnt II til' Irnll/1 / tll Ilcle
, ' ' . Ihp
' tor
rl'll' IhPU 11 10UrllI' lu Ilh. ,
, '
l'l/lurnlll :
Ilg tll hlh Mollrrly 101'lllcy
nUl tl' II'nl'ral 1III.htlrlplhlpRS 111 11'
mlnly ot our Irlops hlhllJ lrlllugl"
, '
mlultl'Rtrl 'Ihlrl' 10W rlllll olly SOIIO
. , . '
troolls IslnulIR }
I.O II 111 Al loil. o'lr
. ' ' '
100.00 hIVI' hC'11 . 81'11 11111
, .
' '
COI.truct'.c 'cHlnI8hll.
Tlklu thl work or Ibe army nld tbe
cvi luthorlll's , logclll'r. II ulY bQU 8'
tolc'll whtlhlr lu'whl'rl , ls\ II 10 'r
tUllK Ibl wurll hnR Hl'I'1 I b tlr ( xulple
' thuu
lt r\nl 10lslruI'tVI stll'HIIUKblll lur
' ' Iu thl' ' Isl ,
peollll hlVl' "IV'I 1I11ppluI' I I lf
11 h prall should nlso bl glvln Ihose
1'11plu18 , 11 thl Igkrlglte very IUUlrOUI
, una
who ' ' '
I lu'c IccI'plll 111' III roucltoIS
Julned with ulr rlllrC8\ltuth''s to work
hlarty good tor tbc weltore ot
wll wil
'lhp IrlY bls hlen rlducll to Ihl mini-
I mUI tht Ilv. ot the hy unton Ilw. , I 111 IIIr mosl Iluul ctrtllnil tor
sloull II Iltt lt III hlihlsl polut or I
I ' , The " glv n
trl'IC ) lfnlor nmclr" , 111 SCllt
' 10 ex r-
chllce Indl'
orllnnr conlitons
cise cUllnld8 CIII\lplslrI , \ ' wih 111Ir
I , ' whlcb
rllk ulIlr Clrellsllnll's woull ft
tb do lu ot
1 tl thflr dlty tllot oclull
wur. A ssllU ot 111 uverlng our army .
Iu holllS or 80mI I I tp slZ hus blpn be.
anU be ,
IhOlil stlaliy
IUI CODtll l
[ \ ' tor
Thl mrlllrlH tro\'lllnc tlf rrlr.
ot sst m nnd ror
gnllzltou tIe nJllln . ) .
securing t"e hlghllt' In thl nn.
tolll ! ulrlhlh hls Ilrelt ) pa88el the
. should prompt
I IU 81. , It\UtOU ald
I acton
nvnI1nncuvcr. nUl The'r ObJcet.
l'or tll Orst tme In our billory nn vnl
wunlUVlrs uu d large tclie nrl bell ! b ld .
uuder ot Ihe
tie Immedllle cOlmlud al.
ot the , '
mlrl UIVY Cooltalty 10cl'elllnl
atllton Is helng pRil to tIe guuol'r , ut
thInvy , Iut II Is ) tur trom whal It .
shoull II , I urucsty ur\ tlnt til lu.
CI'IUSl 1" 1 I'd tor hT til Helrltury of the
Nuvy II the npproprlntlon tor IUJrovluc
thl 1II'kIIUIIlp be grlul'c ,
I 'llee hould Il 10 hnl II th& work ot
hullluI "II thl' unv ) ' , IlrO'llhl ! nlry year
IldltllnUI Ightll crltl. \I ur n very
rIch couutrJ.'IRI lu I'xteul or tlrrltory .
Dul 1I'I'nt II popuiltun : 1 Iountry , 10rc. ,
U\'lr , wIlch his IU 111" dlllulll'l IUII',1 .
' ' Ihal olber
whlu 1'lmlllrl't wIll lt unT Urlt.
I .
CllSS powlr. WI " hlvp dplhlrsl'l ) Illh' nul
I I'prtlin tur"gn 1IIIIK whlll tfmnul
the IIohlehllol ot n Urll.eIIH nn vy. ' 'e
' IUI'rl'usl' I.t-
181hluiln lunll wil trl'nly tie
tllplcJ ot our UI"y It th nu vy II ot sut.
tl'lell 8\a' : hul It WI Ilv nu IUldl'llllle
IIVY. thpu thl' Inllll' lt thl' plunl wunld
hi' 11'11'1) ' elvlll 1 " "ltngl tu IIY IHlvl'r
ot ' I " , '
'h DOI.trln
lulH'rllr II r. I I , ' ( Iulrll'
Ihl' '
thlnJc hI 11111,1 lS l'nrlllll rlllllrO
, \ ' ' ' '
\II'rl'lu tot'lgl , 1IIIl'Y : 111 I wllll le
wnrll' Ihll 1,11' Iu 1811'rt It UII'ss WI' II
I' up 111 ouly II hy hll'k 1 thoroughly II lP , nlli 1001 I IIU uavJ 11 back\d
HUHlnes ! , Aetvlt , the CnulC-PrnlreHN
of I'rre Hurul11 ; lclh'cry.
' 11 btrlIS IUl'rll l lu Ihe l'e\'eUUIS lt
the ' ' '
10slll'e c1'IIUrUllut IInwI leurl )
' ) ur UUI' ' ' ' '
IU'08JIlrlt tll'ullll 1111 Ilc'rl'ullag
II , . ur tl' ' .
111 I Ihl IUHIIIIS or Ill' CUlnlr )
'he ' ' ot '
rll'I'lltl t1 Ilollulcl cl'IUrtulol
tor Ibcul ) 'eur eUdlug ao
Ibl JII 1111
IIOUIIld 10 $1Ib. , UHU. 11 IllreUSI ot
, , . . ' ' ' .
\ : 1\1'1 Ih Ilrll'"dll ; ) 'Ilr. Ibe
lurgl11 lu'rI18klOWI , II Ibl' hl.IUI' ) ' ot Ibl .
IIU III Ilrvlce The 111111d\ thll 11.
crlU1 wil best rrlm Ihl' tlel lhul
Ihl' ( ' ' ullelr tur ' ' I
'otlrl IH'tlul 11111111 Ihl ) 111' O
. , ,
ulllltrt tu hit $1.IIOi
\lra. , rrl'dl'lh'lr ) ' II'r'l'c Is ni 101ler
In Ih ' : ' ' n
cXIllrlnwlll1 Ius 11I'UII'
811/1 I .
! ,
nXd rl's In.
Iluley 1111 I I I tullwlll ls
' ' ' '
111111'1111 \ )
hl\'I' tll JIIIII'1 111 tlllreS
Ihe [ , ' tur
II Ilrgl 111rlll'luIIIHIS wudl 11
l > IIIII lll'11 1111 I'XI'IIIUI , ' 11 a\'rl'lge
l'url ' ' In " ' ' ' ' '
) )
11'11811 I"SIII'I' f'C'I'ILII II tie
l'urul ' ' '
11111'ls lt Ihl 1'lullr ) II Ih"l :
Ilr C'\'II \1' un' 111ulif b ) ' Icllll re
, Ih"w ' ' '
KIIII II Ilut wlPr' rlrnl rrl'l 1I'Inr
I lulll II , bll\ ' Ilnl'llr ( rlrnl tl'I'Illlv. .
\'r ) ' ' ' hUM hl'I'1 ' ' 10
81'111 I'lllllhll'll hllI In .
l'xll'11 iK II 111111' " " to 111"1' cOllpurl.
: 1111 Ihl'llrl ) . ' IICleUl1 lal lel1 uII'urd
I ery 01 I rouled II'r IV. l'I'II. hld I. been , 1,0:0 estuulahed rural tnI uudore .
, - ' : " " , \ . ' ' . I . " - , , - ' , ' , .
- - - -
- - - - - -
In olr1tol. cO\lrln Ih011 .ne.thlr4 ot '
tl" Icrrlor ) ' Ir the I'nitcli Hlntcl IYlshl.
tor rlrnl trl'l' dCIry 11r'I'e. 'hfre 1rl ,
10W n\nltl til' nlton ot thf IIfpllrln1ot . ' /
Iwtlhl" 1111 nllllllols for thl Iltablth.
nl'lt or li.1 ndlltonnl rUltl8 , Thl.
shoWR IUIIIIII\fly the wlnthllh tbe . j
Ilhlshll'nt ot thl ler"I'e b1 met nnd '
thl ! 11'1'11 nr turthc'r ulellln : I as rnpldl , . )
iK lllllhle. I I" jlPtll'd 10ib hy tbe
' ' h ' ' '
11111'111 rl'Klls 1111 thl prnl'lcnl bene
10 our ; the ,
ItK rlrl Illlllntun \ hrlngl "
11'1 whn 1\1 11 Ihl 101 Ilto clo.e rll' [ ' 1
10lK wih tle nch'l 111111(18 wnrlt : It I
' thl' ' In ) ' .
kII'\R fnrll'r dnl toUll wih tie '
IlnrlwlR : It Is n 1IIIeltlli ( ll'nlolnl
turcl ; It Ilhnn < 'I ! tl'llle ot tnrm "
' , ' tar
Illkt'l rlrl Itl IllrlMnllr Inlt
IIH 111111'.1 , 1111i du 1111 to cll'ck . "
the ' current ' to
Illl'slrnhlcurrent troU 0Intr1
el ) ' , ;
I IA 10 II hOII'11 Ihnt the { ollrl Kvl \
Ilkl I II'rn I nll\rollrltonl for thl ! nn.
' or ' '
tnulnrl' thl 11'1,111 olrlnll ) t111hIKbcd {
rur ,
Ill IA tlrthlr eltln.lon
Irr1ZltCllf Arlll WCHtern 1.111" . . ,
1"I\r slhjldl or 1011 11110rlnul' hn"e , '
Ilcl tllu'l UII h ) ' thl (0 I I n'H I In II'Ot
' ' ot the
Ihll Ihl
3'llrs InnlI'atuu 1llllm
" ' ( ror orhl
lt I I tlll Ih"1 11'11 Irrlgnlluu thf
' or Ihl' rr ' . A
rl'IIIM : \l'sl. Iood hljlnnlol
' hlK hpcn Ildl. Sow thlt thll pol.
h'y lt Iltlunll Irrl llol hnK Irl'n Illo\lll ,
thl' ' ur h ' \
IN'lt Ilorol > 1\11 IC'IIIIII furlst
Ilrot'I'lol wil rtlW \ ' Ibla cver
thrllJhuUI Ihl' ! Iluhll'.lnld IIHt 11111.Ibla
Ho rlr . Ihl'y nrl' \ ' ' .
n. 1\'llnlll til 1grh'ol.
, .
turl nll 10 whnl'V'r Ixllll th ( ' 11" b.
' ' ' Ihl' Irrlinllun '
1'1'clllll'll 11111 olilonli In'1
thl' 1(11111111 11111' hll18 .holll 11 hfh
tur home ' .
rllldlr hlllh'r. thl Bltler
who IVII Oi hIl hllli. 1111 tor 10 111 IIAe.
II 1II'Ir 11'1111 ISIhl' ch'slrl 11111 Ilw. the
tllhl'r ulll SIOII' In\ Inll Ihe eOllllfton
or thl' ' '
I hlll'AIIIII Ilw hlII hl'ln
KI II'r''rtl'l trll Ihl 1IIIItOI wih wbl'h
Ihl. " .r ! PIIC'I'II 11 II plrli the nc "
or '
1IIIIliol lt 110
ror hlrll' 11118 tl Illhlr
1111 nllr Ihll nlllll 1Illlrs Ild
thl 1011 , IQII'lt , Ilre'llllol or 1llllmlnt. ' .
Morlo'er Ihl 1llllrolhllg rxhllsiiol of
tht 111111 rll/I'S hnl ot Iltf 1'1 to mleb '
1111I1Klon 10 or .
11 tie hCII Inllr nMlnl
thllf Ihl' \ \ ' ' J
111111 11111 II \\'IRI whl'h lre
UI I I hh' 11\0) ' or olh' ror grl7llg , The ' " J'
101111 ' ' ' ' ' ot .
111 II'III cI''I'iO\III'11 \ Ihl Wlst
' . ' .
111'1111 . 11111 Ihf 1111 111 111 homl.
tllr'll. MIl'h ' " '
nlr 11rl II'rly I" 1 nnlon
his 11'I'n 111 10 Ihl 1II'rliiol If thl bome ' 'I
' ,
On ' ,
11'111 IIW tl' Ilhlr hnlll WI Ihllld
thnl In
rl'l'olll7l Ihl tlrt Ihl Irl7llg ro
Ihl' who '
1111 111n IOrrl'lpollll 10 til hllo
81'ndl'r mny II Ilnhll 10
1\ , ' It olly Ilow"/l / 10 011 IltlC Inll 11lrmnlllt nmolnt ! ' . ,
or [ Ihnt hlH ,
IISllrf 1111 Irolblr thl homo
sllldlr IA OlllVl'l1 tn IHI or Irnll' InOl ,
, ' . .
AlnKll'l Nccd If Bctcr J.n" .
[ eSpfllllr 11/1' 1)1 [ Ihl COI11'SS the
Ic'll ot wlsl 1111811t11 ror AIIKlm , It
Is lut 10 olr I'rlll iK I 11101 Illt AIIRkn.
which ' ' tor ' ,
Ils hl'I'1 lurs IhlrtY'lve ) 1118
Ihnlll Itl 11\1 , ni pOl l n t1111 If II WI
11 II thc cnll' :0 10111 r ) ' hns n more _ .
\1 Ill 11' IIOMSI'KSIII-Il II 1 Ilrl I Wl'llh. In "
' ' ' , ' ,
" ' In .
Ilhl'I'I' til'S forl'IIA 1111 IIS1 Illd .1
IvlllIl' tor Ierllil IdlllK . l tnnlll ! 111 ' {
' , ,
IIOI'II./ro\llg [ 11M n ) ' ot '
/ I. rrll 1) Irl'nt
tlZI 111 vlrl'll 1'lllrc's , wel 111'1 to 'q
Hlllilorl I III/l'/Il'rmnlplt / 1111\11101 \ , AliiI '
IHI Il'ellA SOOI / ' )
I 1111 SII'b lro\l "
for ' ,
InlK IWIICKI'llls 1111 Ilre-emliliols ni
' . '
wil CICuII'Ie [ llrlnlell Ictt\melt.
Hlw tl lenl with the Illnl. :
II IlellUI wlh tlIndllls 111 nha ,
Rhoull he Ihllr 11tlat alllrliol Ilto .
tll holy or 011 11'lple , lul Iu IUln ) ' Clie
Hlmv. this allurllinn II IlortllR I1s1 ut IIHI Ildlll shol II TI'rrlorT Il'erT ' jl
the Ilxlll' " ut IluOI his IUIC Oi lt the
tllC tlwlh progrcls II wI'lllb und
Cdllltnl , "I 1111 Ihf1' Irl Illelty ut men : ,
) ' ' ' ot ot ' 1
I wih vur'II Illgr'I'1 Ilrly Ilcllln'
hloml wbo U '
nrl hKlhl Il' hllRllngllllllle
II IHIII ot SOCIII , Iollllni. , 1111 cl'Oiolla I
I " ' . <
l"II trol
tllr whll IMRlcllleK.
I , 111 ' ' yel . ; I
ntlr trlll'lhl'l hlvl 11 Inl.
no ' '
II ( ' ' '
I rC''IIIII' Ihlul'e luwlrl sllh ellllll' 'It
II ) ' , To try to tnrl' Kleh Irlles 100 tUlt I.
I to [ ,
lrlVrlt IIflr cllll rnrwlrd lt
' '
I 'I'll IrRI 1111 I1s1 IIJortlol SIIII toward i
til Ublnrllol [ ot Ihe 1IIIIn II 10 truch
hll , to curl ii Ih'llg : ) 'l'l I Is nol nll'e . ' .
1111 10 he Il''UII'1 ti I I In 11(1 COi. .
IIUllt crs ot , III "I IIClhll1 101 or Mlulk.rllll'rS IIKI Ilcoml , plhpr tl. ,
dlltrips IIY 11101111) [ hi' dlvl1lfII , l
thosl wlo sluw Nwcul ( delire or IIOpll' Inc : '
hllly tor 1IIIsiriai or I\'en cOllprI,1 ,
lurlllls hulhl Il 80 tlr as
Jrlellcnlll 10 tllow out Ilch his onn bent.
I 1''lry fcorl sholi/l / 11 mllp to 11\110
tl/il thl / [ lllal alon/ II1111 ' ot lulurll Illlr
IleulrnJI' PX18111 nltvo
hlhlKtrlls Illullr 10 ( Irllil 111111. MUlh
us ot ' ' ,
Ihl \rlous \
\ kllls blskpi wl'l\'lnl
, work. blanket
cunot bullilg smih
work , ' ' , ' lnt .
AIO\'I' girl.
tl' 1110n Ioys Inl .
uboull II li " "I cOlllltl ot ( ' 01.
101lUlli glglih. 1111 Iholll Iommnll Irllnlrly b.
IlrllHrfd rur 1 vlgorol8 slrllsll wlb th.
cOllllol1 lltlr Imlllllll wlllh tIllr IIsorllton pl'opll Into .
101f lort hlelll tlvllopll ( ommlnly.
tlcuce lrll ht tn l lrlrr'8 Ald.
In uo d\llrlllul ot uvernleul wlrk la
recelt Tlurl has Ill're Iel'l Irllt'r SUICel
thuo In tbal ot gvlng [ sclentOc Ill 10 Ih.
tlrllng , tbem
populntul showlll
how .
10it elcllnty to Illp tbl'mHplvu.
'Ihlrc I no ueel ot Insistng UpOI Il [ m.
lorlalce , tor tie weltlre ot Ihl tlrlpr Is
' to welrore of
fUldlll'llnly nl'ls lry tie
the rlpuhlc a 1 whole , Iu Idlllon to
lull work D qunrlllll I/nlnll anlmnl
IIII tlll veselabll whll pll/I'8. nll wlrrllg , nH1h l'II.I'nt Illhllt
I'n to ' turwpr
hllp bU I rllllrCl til' bT
ot n '
Illroduclul \ plnltl
Ulld tor cultvlton Iller the IrPI'laIT
d11011 . elttug In dlcerenl portoul ot the
I 'Ihe ! strlet ot Colllhin 18 th enl
, par
ot uur Iprrlor In which the -
uen.f8es natonal
t'rll\11 locnl or lunl'lllal fun
tonl , Ind whlrl 11 COIII/\Uencl \ tit go.
bnl n ' to
Irument trehU111 1
ot suclul
clrtutl types uld rconumlr Ilgl&
IltUI whlcb lusl le eSllnlloly 10lnl or
lunlcllul In thllr cIlrucler. 'be goverD-
Illt should ICl to I , tor 11811ncl tbat'
til hr"lllll anl Mllltlry lelllllon ulelt.
111 "llhlngtou II at n hl/h chlrlcllr. 'be
' ut ' ,
1\'ls Ilul dWI'llgl whplber 11 I shupe
I ot crowdpd '
, ald l'ol ellld tcnemlnl hlusa
' or ot Ihl' ' ,
1181111'11 Ilck nll'y Iypl Ihnuld
nr p 10row UI' In .
l Ie rlllel /row "ush.
111:101 , 'I hI cl ) ' Ihould Ie 1 modl'l lt
e\'lry try. rClpect , tor ul Iho cle ot tbe COUD'
'rhe 81tlyaplllanrc Ilw. lor Ihe bltrr
prolfelol ot Ihl IvlS nnl IhnIs ot 111.
, ' WRS ' In
WiY elpluPIhl'l PISII'11
) I8IJ
, . .
weut Ilto tll Illcl 01 AUI 1. 111. it
bli reSlllld 11 " ' IhuuKlnds ot -
u"I'rln ! laKU-
all . , 1 lpl'rl'II'1 Ihl\l Iuwl'ver , the
IlclKsllY tlil low , ullllonli leglllatln per
UHclcn Ilblc JoClmcltl.
1llrIs u 11\lng tIOdl'Ul ) ' lu Ilro\lt.
tor ut ut '
lll IlblcUllol maiSIl dOl'ullnls
tor which thln' II IU Ilublc d 1111 I
tur Ih Ilrlllllg ut whll'h 111'rl IK 10 1111 ull
hy. ' bT
Irces NUlllug IhOllJ tl Ilrllh'd
' ' '
IIY lt Ihl dl'plrlll'nil III'KS I cUllalnl
IOIllhll1 Ir pl'rlllllt'llul Ilcl III l'ln.
"rt' S I'ulil Ivlth Ih'IIII/I' IUI dl1'pr1
lulerlul ) ' UI 11 IJI prlllng wll'b I ha
' ' ' .
' I' ) lu
III 11'l'U I 111101Ir prl lll.
' '
Urltl111 prll1'll IIK lfll 111111 dur
Ihl' ) ' . 10 ( ' ot thp
111 .ur 11 IXIlIRlol lprlt
' ot I Ih , ' .
1)'llem Ilkllg 1 111111 mllA II gny.
I'I'llllt Kln'll I slWll1 hI 1IIIdp/I / hT
luw I thHlliriel or .loIUlhll II I.
1111'h to Il dlllrl'll thai uur I'ol.ulur Ky.tlm
h lwlllllhlll hy II11 1 11111 pru\'ll.IZ
ror ' ' In
8111UfICI nl'IIIIIIII'11 pro\ ull Irfl0tuu 011 , COi.