Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 11, 1902, Image 2

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    ' , . - . , . . . . . I . ' . . . . , ' : l , . ' ,
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GDGIer Coqnty Republican
D. } I. AM SlIICltnJtlH'J'OIt , .t l'umISI/J / '
' . . - 1'1
OfiOKEN now , NgBItASI\A
Never tell 'lItI1' IIIll1fol'tIIIUllohull '
likes to tmvc llI1ful'tUlllllc > ( l'I1'11I18 ,
Another thlll COI' whll'h eI vII I l.n tI 011
18 c1nmorlllg Is n lIolReteR11111 teh.
TIle Joose thnt 11I 's tile J.otllcn ( < , gJ.R (
Jenernlly belongs to sOllleholl ' clso.
When pneulllonin wellt IIgnltlAt Hu/ ! .
BOHllge \ ) It WIIS III'e1 / roll of butter
8trll < 1n ( ; n brlel. willi.
BUll , the $200,000 lIeelletl to dlscovor
the north polo will he CorthcolllltlJ. (
wbon the rlgllt IIIl1n cnll/ ! for It.
lt profossl01l1l1l"1II gets Illto foot.III1I1 ,
the enl ) ' slIfc1l11l1tour / IIIIOI't left IIIICII
will o croquet botweclI IIIl1l CII nUllts.
The average mlln HCCIIIR to tllllll ,
Homebody ought to prol1ose three choel's
tor him whono.ol' he perol'lIIs / 11 gcn.
tleman shou ] ( ] .
Now that AUk II ! lIIade without
worlas , let UEI Imlulgo the ( olld hOlle
that ere long cheese lIIay be IIIlIlIe In
the same mnnnel' .
Ono ot the professors hilI ! foulld thnt
lIghtnlug will uot touch wn tlr. ! ' 1'ho
tbun erbolt should ho IIdolltell ns the
emblem of Kentucly.
'hC ! dostructlon ca IIHel1 hy Mont
, 1'0leo Is not ended. 'l'hnllthors hll vo
' 1 sel7.ed upon the clltastrophe nno 111'0
\ wrlUng nonls ahout It.
, t Amerlcnns are IIl'one to gush 1II0re
or Icss over tbelr dlstltlgulshell visitors
trom tbo old world , Imt Ihey wOlIlII
drew tbe IIno nt Klug J.eopoltl.
Who can doubt that we 11\0 III nn
, 1 ngo of rapid progrlSS ! when chllilrell 10
years old do men's work III Chleugo
laundries and do It thirteen hoUl's a
\ day ?
I What the country I'enll ' nceds at
I present In the 'my of I\ . game IrlW Is
ono that w11l restrict the 11111 'III or
, II
plng'pong to not more tlum two mOOll1l
, ur the twelve.
: ) It ne\'er occurs to UII ' olle to ord01'
: , out troops uguillst the III wIeRs eml110y.
cr. It Is ulwuys the Inwless employe.
Tbls Is strunge.ln 'bo It wl\I \ be
hnng SOlDO day.
A lonteIDpOl'ary chronicles the death
of a citizen under the hendlng , "Sui. .
cilIa ills Last Act. " In this l1art of the
country II. farmer otten milks the cows
nttor commlttlllg tbe hal1PY dispatch.
A. Kentuclc ) ' WOlUan hils had her pns.
tor rea.d to her the sermon he Intends
to deliver at bel' funeral. It ho Is n
wlso pastor the meal ought to bo first.
ClUBS wben ho takes din nor with that
Jnd1 1Ierencter.
The Arm ) ' nml Nn\'y Hoglster sa 's
thllt there Is no oUlcer on the Ilctl\'o list
of the 1\1'111) ' who held n commission In
the l'cgullll' urmy at the outbrcuk of the I .
1\1I Will' . 'ho Illst olllccr conlIuls.
aloned before 18Gl wns recontl . retired.
rho fact shows that the fraternlll strlfo
" 'as In a I1llst which ah'cndy Booms dls.
tant , the remoteness ot the o\'ents
Is eT6I1 more clelll'ly I11111cntod b ' thl !
rhnnce of feeling between the I1llrtleH
10 the costly strugglo. ' 1'ho healing of
Ihe mental wounds which the Will' In.
Ilcted has proceel1ed unlnterrulltellly ,
and nntlonnl unity Is now not onlr u
Jlcory , but a condition.
1:1 : Cxtraordlnary ! plea for clemene '
\\'ns thl1t Imt forward by n thief nr.
rl\ltned In a New York court , who asl , .
d the Judge to suspend sentence bo.
Il\lse he. the thief , mennt to reform ,
11111 wns about to marr ) ' "an estlmnhle
, ally. " The wlsu man on the bench
; Jromptly eent the tellow to the penlten.
: Iary for six menthe , eXllresslng the
wish that during thnt tlmo the ) 'oung
woman ehould Investigate bls record
I\ud break her engagement. 1'oollsh
; ; 11'18 ot her t 'lll' , who marry rascals
with the hope of retormlng them , uro
? ltla lY numerous. It the rascals could
:10 : lacked up tor lx months , moro or
CBS , beforehand , so thnt the girls could I
} nTe a fnlr chance to thlnle things over , I
here mIght be fewer 11n1nppy ! wlvos.
It Is evIdent thnt prOSIerlty and en ,
.erprlse quite ns mucb ns carelessness
:1elp : to swell the Kansas fnrmer's junlc
Jeap. "I have a three-horse rhllu
Iow of a 1lnd used extensively elghl
> 1' ten ) 'enrs ago , " writes nIJsas cor.
: ospondent. "When I took the Rlum
:0 : n blnelsmlth to bo shnrponod th (
) ther day the tl1nlth wnntell to Iwo\\
wllat 1lnd of plow that bclon et1 to ,
t'Is nlrendy so ohl.tnshloned that hi
and noyer sqcn onei 111111 n fnrmor whl
ta 'pened to bo In the shop said , 'Lool
JCr , neighbor , ) 'ou can't arrord to fee
lWny ) 'our time with that thing
l'hrow It awa ) ' nnll cet n mOllerl
Iow. ' ' 1'hl'l 'runner' wheat drill hnl
IHJlluced the 1100 drill nllll the 'IUsk' II
dh ! ) loclng tbo 'runner. ' The two.horsl
: orn plnnter Is now rcgartlel1 os ohl he
: nuso the 'lister' multes n bettor croll
" the jUllk heap grows because th
; humers ho\'o lenrlled the wisdom 0
; , tecplng up with the times. " Evldenl
Co' _ I Iy whnt ICanaRs needs 18 not n warll
; ' hll ; ngll1118t thrlttless hublts , but COt
J 1 , rntulntlons for her enterprise.
It Is difficult to work up symlfith
, \ ro Il hOIlIccked mon In tbls countl1
' . A 1d when the pottlr.oat government I
, , the rC.iult of n 1I1ntrlmonla1 advortl61
. , , ' .t , who" t. .q. . . . . o.t ac. .
, !
. '
' .
f' .
. ,
" - - ' " ' '
. . : ' / > ( ; ' ; ' ; ; . .I"i. \ . . . . . " . , . > l\i \
! ! l" " " , . ' 1I.II "I"of'w- " . , . . :
. . . . , .4' " _ - -
nnll he ferry ; ( or 010 mnn In the CnflO ,
' ' ' ' ' In Ihl8 hns
'l'ho 111I1'11111111' mlln CIIHlJ n
wooll'n I ( ' . II ( J nlh'm'IINclI' for n wlro ,
nnd sUJJJllllcll that Hho 01110 fllIUllld
Wl'or It woollen 11mb. Ho 0180 1I0111allll.
ed curlY locIs orlll swore to 10YO end
elll'l'lsh (01' the ng's. He Jot It wlCo.j
It dooll seem thot nhnost nn 'lhlng that I
\\'CIIl'/J / IruIIsCl'A can gel a male. She
WIIR II widow with mllscles ) II'e 11 )11'11.0 )
lI htol' , 111111 (0111' Chl1l11'CII , pOflHCSHllIg
nlllwtltcH 111'0 II hlrlt1 ! wlln's. She nlHo I
IUHln t1h IIOHllIon thnt stood Ollt lllto the
hllrll8 011 n wt'o ! ( ellce. She 1I11lrrleo
the ilia II , IIlId ho nt OIlCO Iwcnme It hll.1
lIIun ellhol' ) . In n week Nhl' hnll hllll
hOll8ehl'olw 111111 1'l'lllIeed to n stnto ot
U WIlnll ( el\1' . " 'hclI she gll ve an or.
del' he fluid : flYeR , l1IothOI' , " nlld hill"
rled. Ono IIlght he Illclwd 1111 n IIttlo
coul'n u nllli III'olestcd. 110 spent the
reHt or the III htln tile ) 'Ill'CI. La tor hO' '
IllIt III his nl htH III n hullow tree , with I
u fulthful dog' , IInd ! ihe held the fOI't.
Luler stili thl'I' ( ' will hu a divorce I1nlll1
11I\'ll-Ilon or IH'oI1I'1.t . nllllll seumlullnd
u1l hOCUII8C u 11\1111 Inclwd 1)lucl' . ' 1' II e
thlu 18 u tJ' ( ' . It soulIIls 111.0 a joleo
\ccuusc \ lIIen Relll'lI , 111111 wOl11en 11I1\'e no I
rosllect fOl' IIIlIh'R who are , or wlIo cnn' '
be Iwnpeelwll. IlleltlontI111 ' , the CI1IJO I
clills uUelllloll to the fllct tltut Ihe men
alld WOII\CII \ who IU'C worth murl' 'IIIJ ;
do 1I0t Ituvc 10 ulh'm'URo.
The geolo lclIl 8\1l'\'I ) ' lit Wnshlngton
hus done tllllcl ' 8cI'\'lee III Issulllg 11 re.
b ' IIolH' ' Gnlluult '
port 1I110n the wOI'I ,
or deorostatlon lu the Stnte ofVnsh. .
lugton. 1'ho l'eJlOl't shows thut lu nine.
teou coulltles of thnt Stutl ! weHt of the
Cnscudo ' 2:1:11I1 : : mllelJ
I'auge , HllIurc wcre
( ormerl ' covered with merchllntublc
tltnhcl' , of which ] 2 11m' ceut hns
been cllt , Ii pl'r Cl'lIt hnH hoen
del ro 'ltl ! II ' lIre , IInd the I'elllnindel' la
stili covol'cll with StlllHlhlg timber. In
[ r. 9Ullnett'll own words : "lnlcss thnn
n gcncrutioulJ'url ' olll'.thlni of the tlm.
bel' III oue of the I'lehest tltn1 > er regions
of this contlncnt hUH beell dostro 'cd ,
and or thllt deslt'uctlon milch mOl'e thnn
hulf hUR hlcn cnllscd b ) ' fire. " In other
wOI'd8 , ncurl ' two rcm's' slllllll ' or tlm.
bOl' , wOI'th In lUone ' Ilhout $1:1,000,000 : ,
hus heoll desh'o 'ed by Ih'e , 'l'hls report
WI1S IIIndo borol'e the recent terrIbly de-
sh'uctlve IIrcs In 'Vashlngtou , Oregon ,
W 'omlug I1ml Colol'l1do , which huve
added materln1l ) ' to the nverngo da-
sh'lIction every : ronr. ' .rhe Depnrtment
of AgI'lcu1tmo estimates thllt every
'el\r \ nt leust $2 , OOOOOO worth of reul
II1'OIIeI'I ' Is Ilestro 'l'Il , fu1l ) ' tell million
ncres hurued OVet. , 1U1Il $ i , OOOOOO I
worth of YOllu forest gl'owth dostro ) "
cd. 'l'ho fu1l exhmt of this forest do.
structlon , In the Stutes named will 1I0t
bo Imown until the hurenu of toreltry
mnkos Its report , which It will soon do.
Enough Is Imown , howe\'er , to estab.
lIsh the fnct thnt In one ) 'ear more dam.
nge has been done than can bo mudo
good In n century , If It eycr cl\n be mnde
good. Such flguros as these should
.multe n ( leep Itnprl'IJslon upon the public
mind , allll 'et It Is douhttul whether
the puhllc will give this'tnnt mat.
tel' more than u passing Ihollght. It
means not I110ne the prOIcrt . value de.
sh'oyed , but the detcrlorntlon of the
soli , the dl'ylng up of sprlnglJ nnd wu.
ter courses , the Increased exposure of
the furmlng regions to drollght , burn.
Ing winds , nlHl cyclolles. It mcnns n
monaeo to health , nnd 'et , so Cur ns the
pUblic Is concerned , this destruction
will continuo without an eITort to ehcek
It nt the heglnnln or to stu ' Its IH'Og.
ress until It reaches vlllnges und towns
and 1 > e lns to destro ' personnl 111'OP'
ort . . It Is only unothm' llIustmtlon or
wuatefulness of the Amorlcnn people
nUll theil' IndlITel'enco to the deslructlon
of Ilropel't-an ImliITcronce which nloo
extends to the destruction nnd In more
thnn ono case to the extinction of nnl.
mill lite.ho burel1u of forestry has
do no over'thlug It could In thc wn ' ot
securing Stuto loglllatlon , but the pen.
nltles arc light , the nreu Is too Inrge to
bo patrolled ef1lclently. and , worst ot
a1l , the burenu Is not bncled by public
seutlmont. Of course , there will como
a dn ' when this wholesnl ( ! remo1 1 ot
the forests will bo regretted aUll peOIlo
will hn0 to suITel' for It , hut so long as
the penlllt . Is not Immoilioto the public
wll romnln Imllrteront. If the Department -
ment ot Agrlculturo cnn find some WilY
of rouslug Imb1lc sentiment the sltuu ,
tlon will bo morQ hopetul.
NRIlOloontlO1' .
In n tJ' nsll1t1on ot two f01l , 101'0 tales
about Nnpoll.'on , ono Crom the li'rench
uUlI the other tbe Uussilln , GoorgQ Kon.
nan SI1 'S thnt Nalloleomlor II ! the Hus ,
sian llIlsant'tI na111e fOI' the Emperor. I I
Is not quite clear why he hna I1dopted
It. Possibly the 11na1 s 'lIablo del' hm
been added becauso. to the car of tit (
I pensant , Nalloleon se0111S Incomplete , af
"Aloxan" would sound to us wlthou1
the "der. "
'l'hc point ot vlow of the two nation
nHlIcH IlIfrl'I'8 I1mnzlllfly. ' 1'110 Frellcl
IICaSllIIt regards Napoleon as 11 grel\l
londel' and eonluercor , nhled , If not III
l'l.'Ct1 : . " sent , hy Goll , to show ( ol'tll thl
lOwer aUlI glory of 1 1'I\nce.
The Uusllloll IOnsl111t , moro thoulht
ful b ' nl\t111'e , ns wl'lI as lOBS excltabll
11U11 comhallvl' , 11l1mllB that the con
queror was sellt to carth b ' Goll to II
lUHtrate the dh'llIe nn11l1'o of N'lJlpath ;
nUll Ility through the cI'uelt . of Will' '
Botb 111'0 convlncell of his IHlpcl'lIatma
ol'lgln. The Ii'rellchmnn helll'\'cs tha
he WfiS lell h ' 11 I-uldlllg situ' . 'I'IJI' Hm
sll111 l11'gucs thnt ho was cI'cated hy th
t. dc\'I1 , uUll thnt Goll , hnvlll ! : 1-:1\"l'n hit :
fi floul , to IHlnlsh the HURlilall 11Iollle : Co
tholr sills , then matIo him n mOil h ' 11 :
sl.ll1'lnl ; him with c01l1pnssl01l.
011 VurliUlI OORI ,
The Southern Pl1cll1c Hllilrolltl hn
Coulld t'hnt tour barl'els of 'I'exas 0
will do the worl , of a tou of coal. ]
pays O cents n burrol for the 011.
In ndlllUon to his age , an old ma
becomes fearfully loUPJ l\nl"-
. _ A _ " :
. . _ _ _
= _ _ _
1If1 It"lr " ' ( ) \\r. r"\\.I. . . , , II lilt 111IRhw
H"JllrcIIIVIIII rill' I'nr..ty..Nllm- .
h..r . . . "r.'cl .ulIl Oth"rII
811 rl < . . 'III..1
Uhlpnuo , Dec , 5.-l'ourteen ! peMor s
umong the scores cruwded Into Lln-
ouln hotelnt 17U Madlsun stl'eet , wet
deuth shor lIy bcCOIe U o'clocl ( FrIday
1II0rnln In II IIro whlclt will puss In.
tu locul hlslory us the most horrible
Ohlcugo lIas OVJr expellellced.
Deatll UUIIIU suddenly to a tow. bu
with uwful 810wne5s to others , who
were pellnod up III the death , trap
IIlId sulflcated or burnec1 to fJel1th.
OI1H ! died In , tholr rooms , some chan-
red : all In Jumping IlneJ were lost whl10
uthers were lost In hallwllVs whore
t ICy hllll oxplraed with thllr lingers
dUI-t InLo Ihe Clllcls to tbe lIoar.
All of the bodies wme reco\'ered , as
the holel was not destroyed.
' 1'110 victims were taltCn to Ral-
stOll'S morUlle , alld 1111 < lay the pluoe
WIlS III10d with unxlous people In.
torested In the death or scol < lllg to as.
sure thelllsel ves of the sutety of relat-
I vm ; or frleuds.
' ! 1I1C I.JUlldlu was a lire trap of the
worst 1 < 1 lid , according to experts.
1'here wme but two exits , 11 lJUJrow
stairway Ir.adlllg down the four
l100rs of tlle , building and an In
complete lire escape In the rear.
' 1'he lire sturted on the second
0001' . presumubly from It JI hted
cigar dl'lppcd on the carput. Guests
Occup'lng upper rooms III the trunt
part or the hostelry , aroused by the
soreams ot \\'OmUII , were able to
escape duwn the sta r.vnand } atout
thirty people reuched sufety by I
means ot the lire ecsapo. To add to
the horrelr , however , Lh's ' gave way
while others wore utemptln to ecsape
und three men were dashed to deuLh
on tbe pa\'ell1ont of the alley beJow.
For the pcople In tbe rear
wus no escnpe save bv Jumping ,
'rhe sta Ir wuy was In l1umes and tbo
lire escape goue. lIorror-strlcklJn
fuces appeared lit the windows und
Cried for help. Firemen cned
bacl ( to Ihem to wult until nets or
mattresses oould be brouht , und those
who did In most cases escaped wlLh
slight Injuries. B..t . some , crazed
with fear , jumped to tbe pavement
un : ! were elthcr Idled or bady hurt.
It WIIS an IIwtul scene which DIet
tbelr gllze. L'l1o dead or uucl1uscloUS
I'III streched on the 1100rs. und In
some casei 011 their beds. Some had
uttempted to slip on u lIllnent be.
fore maliltlfo : : the street , but
they bad beeu o\'erCOI1H' , although
most of them were In their night
clothing ,
E\'ory stori } I1n d hotel In the vlcln.
tly wns tll1ed with men and women
who had escaped with only their
lIlght gnwns. An In\'estlgatlon will
be ml1de. A 111'0 wal1 around the
freight elevator and other precaut.
lonary altomtlOns Iml been ordered
some tlmo I1 O , but the matter bad
beeu nCl-locted ! , Little damuge was
none to the hotel. lmt the smole
was so dense that the persons who
met tholr death were IVOrC01110 aud
died before Ilsslstanco cOllld reach
thorn , Many jumped trom the
fourth stOlY windows or tried to sa\\
themselves by cllmbln down the lire
escape In the trent of the building.
only to Joe ! ! tholr ! : : taSp on the cold
I run bars and to tl1l1 to the street ,
Am bulnnces and patrol wagons
from 11 ] ) parts of the olty were called
to the place and the ead and In.
jured were quickly attended to. All
but fourteen of the uests at the
hotel wrro' out-of-town perscns ,
Most of them came to Ohlcago tlJ
uttond the Internl1tlonul l1\'e stoch
Up to ten o'cloolc 1l1st n"'ht persom
were taken In at tllO hotel und 111
e\'ory ro 1In or plao11101'0 \ a cut
. could be erected , It Is said , Juest : :
) werc I1ccommodatcd , At thnt time u
. Jar e lIumbor of stocl\lnen. with thell
families. were turned away. Thl
holel was I1l1ed , Shortl\ utter the
fir\ ) broke out the firomcn rushed ul
tIe stairway Into the pluce and be ,
, an the worle of resoue. Men , wo
i , mon and children were arrlOI dowr
t 'Iadelers ' , lire escapes nnd smoke tlIlee
. hnl1s ,
o Zero \Vcather In Kansas.
nl' TIpeku , l\ns. . Dec.Z..m
I' , weather Is rtJpol ted tram a numbe
: of localities In lIorthel n Kamins bu
: th sudeJon fa ] ) In temperature Is be
\lIo\'ed \ to have cuujht : but few caltJe
Ii Tffion unprepared. In 1\lowl1 count ;
II In the southwr.'Itern part. . of the stut
It ! the ) of coal for general con
sumpt on Is scant.
Slou" , Olty. . Ia. . Dec. 5.-Toda
n iwns the ooldost ot the season , nhi
klolrecs below Eero.
. . . .
' : -'d : ; , " , ;
- - -
- - - _ . - -
NebrasIa { News
An effort , Is hel nl ! mode to enforce
the Sunday .clusltl law at Oroto
The Western Brick factory bu rned
Ilt Hastings wllh a loss of $1,200.
Orete hils nn entlro now system of
electric IIUhts
At Plnlsmoulh OUo VOlZhtmnn
WII' ! gcnt to the penltontlary for
elgltlo 111 months tor robbing his tuth
, Jacob 'I'homag' s Iloon at David Olty
was roltbed of EOO olgurs IInd a tow
ltoWes of w I no.
At Blk Oreok Conrad Harmon's son
WnS Iclclwd lu the fuce by 11 horse and
hadly Injured ,
At l'ecumseh , Dr. J. G. A tterberg ,
n deutlst , sulfcred a $1,000 loss by
Uro. .
An Appersun Oo.cJothorels bad $500 .
loss ; Illtl\Ut $200 dal1luge was done Lu :
the l\IcUru ly and WrIght building.
Mrs. Joseph Leibold of Nobraslm
Ulty , wus thrown from a bug y aud
Uon rogHtlonnllsts of Geneva have
had an acetylene gus plant put III the
basel1lent of theIr church alld now
arc ussurcd of a good l1 ht.
- -
The Methodist society at Monroe
hns Its new I hUl'ch on the foulld.
utlolJ and Is antlclpatln bolng abJe
to occupy It by Chrlstll1as.
Mrs , .Joseph Bloltolc1t of Nebrnslm
Olt. . . died ( rom the effects of her
IlIjul'les , received 111 a runaway acci-
A house occupied by Harry IIaliat
Palmyra , al'd owne1 by Henry Catrlll
Jr. , of Nc ruksa Ulty , was destroyed -
ed by fire.
D. 'E , Brown of Alliance , a con.
ductor ou the Burlington road , was
futally Injured In 11 at Ard-
more , S.D.
William Gates. l\Iaywood ag nt for
the Beatrice creamery. brol\O through
tne Ice 011 Mnywuo lake und came
nen druwnlug.
TIle OIt1zeos National bank of
Tecmsch wllJ soon ( lpen alld ranch
bank lit Sterllnj : ! . A new building
wllJ be put up for the brancn Ins.
I. Krauso's gelloral merohandlso
store was burned at Aurora. Loss
$16,000 ; Insurance $8.000. The bulld-
In was ow nod by M. Kohn and wus
Insured for $1,700.
The contest for the Schuyler post.
omce has prnctlcaJly terminated by
the IInllouncenJent of COllgressmun.
Elect J. J. McCarthy that ho w111
endorse D. McLeodd.
John W. mme Is got.tlng along lu
years and docs not care to be actl\'l Jy
enga erl longer In business pursuits.
For this reason ho has resigned as
postmastl r of the town of Smart.
A ponslon of $12 per month , with
$2 : Jbacl , pa y , has ilst been gra n ted
to Joqeph Grothe , the father of II
Cumlng county hl1Y who was klJled
In the chn rgo at El Canoy , Cuba.
Two youllg men of CumlnL : county
lost their lIves In the Ouban war
The now Methodist Episcopal
church at Geneva Is nearlug compo
letlon. It IS built of brlcl ; and stonc
with rOllnd tower , and w111 be a
handsome erlll1ce when flnlshl'd.
SlOce cold w athor lelan the congre
gatlonls using the Ohrlstlan churcl ) ,
which It ha rented.
The Fremont Sugar Doet Oompan1
held a meetln , and rfHlted the Town.
or Smith tarm of , J80 acres , north.
west of the city tor a term of years.
One-haH will be plautedto beet !
el1ch year. This company Is com ,
posed of a number ot Fremont busl ,
ness men.
The report or the secretary of thl
state shows that urlng the tWI
years ondlng Novomh\r :30 , 1902
there was recohed I n tees : For no
I tllrla1 commissions , $1,335 ; rcc rdln
stook brnnrJ , $ ,133.80 ; tlIlng and ra
I r.orc1lnJ : : articles of Incorpollltion
$ tG 007.91 ; trunscrlpts , cerUncates
labeJs and trademarks , $781.90 ; total
; $50,258.61.
The Epwotth assembly , composer
I of ropresontl1t1\'es of the varlou
I 1 pl\'orth Lea ues of the state , I
r Methodist ofl anlzatlon , has abou
) completed the purchase of a tract 0
laneJ 1\ few miles south of Omaha as i
) permanent home. ' 1'\10 \ price Is under
. stood to bo $8,000 , und a contraot ha
. alreadY been mode to extoml th
'rmatlon com pan i'S 11 nes to the ne\
park ,
Hallie , the 20. 'oar.old daughter 0
.lo1m Uathbun , a mercl1ant of Shl'l
by , hl1d her II fo hnnJlng bYIItI ro II
for so\'ernl hours. Rho arose to buill
a IIro and was dlEcovered Inler In .
. chair , partiy dre sCl1 , unconsclou
. and her body quite cold. The rooll
wn ! ; fined with carbollu aolrt odor nn' '
the empty bottle lay on the ! 1oor b
. side hor. lIer muuth and throa
were budy burned with the fluid. J
y Is thought that she mistook tne ncl
tor a cough romody.
. . , .
- - - - - - -
: : : r - .Ji ' 11 1 - - " " , - ' " > f , . . . .
. '
- - - - - - - - - -
Germain Clalmantll nre Orowlng 'Vl'arr
ot th" JJellly-\'enczlleh'lIl'recarlolllll'o-
IIIUon. '
Oerll" , Dec. 3.-.rhl.1 publlsbed
statement thot Germany's cJalms
against Venezuela umount to 5 ml1Iion
duJIurs Is Incorrect. Whllo the Ger.
man government Is not yet ready to
publish the details of Its demands
pr.rsons who ha'e seelJ the papers say
tbe total Is altouL 2 million dollars.
President Oastro represents to Germany -
many that Venezuela has little crel1-
It abroad. that the country Is just
emerglllg front Ii olvll war during
which planting and Industry were
partlaJIy ruined and that therefore
no matter how much Venezuela muy
aeslrc to satlsf ! IJull10dlately the
olall11s IIgalnst ber It Is obviously 1m-
pussl ble.
An agreement on the subject must
provic1e fur deferred paymell ts , The : :
sczure ! of the custoJU houscs therelty
depriving the go\'ernment of an Im-
pOl'taut meaus to administer the
conntry wOllld a ! rl to the Internal
alstress and disorder.
While President Castro's proposals
are not dlscJuserl Lhere Is reason to
believe that they Include the rlnlsslol1 !
of bonds nt a nwderutely higher rate
of Interest , wIth some sort of II uar.
antee tbat If the Interest of the In.
stallmcnts of the principal are de.
tauJted certain Venezuelan customs
bouscs may bo takeu o\'er by Ger-
Nothing Is known here of the plans
of Isaao N. Sell man , of New York
for floating a Venezuelan loan. HQ.
hus not approached the governmmt
In this matter.
There Is no dlsposltlou here to pro.
coed with harsh measures toward
Venlzuela It milder ones \1'111 sllnlce
to exact satisfaction , but tile Ger.
mun government 's fully commltted
to the Intention to obtain ample sat.
Isfactlon. 'he claimants are constantly -
stantly : urglnl ! the"o'ernment to
press Lhe collection or tit e amounts
due them , uot only because of tbe
'sums Involved , but , It Is represented ,
In view of the fact that the Ion. . : de.
lay has rendered the posItion of Gor.
many In Venc7uclll more anll moro
vexatious. ' .rlerefore ! It Is claimed
that the go\'ernment mllst strike and
strike hard ,
tfomelcBs Wnrfs Now \Venlthy.
Omaba , Dec. 3.-'hree North
Platte chlhron ) I1haudoned se\'eral
yeurs ago by their parents on account
of po\'erty , arc heirs to 11 fortune or
$300,000 , It the stOlY told the authorities -
ities of the county court by a prosper.
ous appearing mine o\\'ner of Crlpplo
Oreek be true. The waifs al'O located
I In sl'pluato bomes tOllnrl for them
through adoption by the Nebraska
Uhlldren's Home society. 'rhc death
I of their fathl'r , William P. lIagor , Is
th reason they are now weu1thy
1.'ho Cripple Oreek man , who Is In
, Onuha looking up tbo chlldrolJ , has
, kept his name sl'cret , but the tll tS
of the case corne from reputable
, ounty omcers. A cordln. . : to the
stranger , , Wll11lam P. lIager came to
Cripple Oreek a year ngo from North
. Platte and ] lelped him to work au
Ilbandoned claim. Se\'erul months
a o ore was dlsco\'cred. 1'ho mine
proved a b'JUanza after macIlrery
had been purchased and a shaft sunk
, to a sunlclent depth. IJ.gcr. : however -
over , died from an attack of pneu.
monll1 brought on hr work Ollt of
doord. A memorandum he left re.
ferred to the adoption of the children
by the Nebruslm soolety at North
, Platte , Murch 1. lUO ! . 'l'lIe fnther
owned a two-Ufths Interest III the
millE , for which $800,000 hus been
olTered ,
'l'ho oblldren will hu'e to be tClllnd
and guard lUlls appointed bcfore the
Colorado courts will permit the work
il In of the mine , IInd that Is the reu.
. Bon that th Orlpple Creele mine
5 owner Is so auxlolls to nud the lIttJe
e ones , who are Lillie , Hattlo and Fan-
v 1110 , aged 6 , 4. and 2 yeurs respectl ve-
Shrpplng Gold to South AmerlclI ,
New York , Dec. 3.-The sum 01
[ 1 , $ . ' )0,000 ) ' In Jold : : will be shipped to
( J South America tlJUlorrow. o\'eral
a bunks are Interested lu tbls ship.
s mente which Is said to be for account
D of the Arlentlno wheat mo\'ement. . .
d Argentine recently drew on London
: . tor ( told , but this later p1troltase IR
t made here because of the lower rato.
A telegrap111c transfer of $3000,00 In
d II gold tl' San Francisco was made b1
tbo sub.treasury today.
. - - - . - - . - - . . - . . . .
. - . . , i' ' : ' ' ' , . ,
"I..r'r- , -
. ,
, " . ' ,
, " , . . ; - . ,
" . . ' ; , ' , , . ' . , ' I . ' ; ii'
. A
Many 'Women and tloctors do
not recognize the rcal symptoms
of dCr ugomcnt of the fO 131o
organs uutil too 1ato.
\I r 1111.(1 terrible pll.lnn along ml
Bplnnl cord for two years and suffered
drcadfully. I wns c' Ten dlf1crent
medicines , were plantcrs ; none of
thcso things helped me. RClI.dlng of
E.I > > lwhnm's
the curcs t11l\t LyeUn.
Vegetable Compound has brought
about , I somehow felt thll.t it was
: what I nccded nnd bought n bottle to
talto. 1Iow glad I nm that I did 60 ;
two bottleB brought me immense re.
licf , nnd II.fter using t111CO boLtIes more
I felt new life nnd blood surging
through my veins. It sccmcd ns
I though thcre had been n regular house
cleaning through my system , thnt nU
the siclmcss nnll poiton bed bcen takcn
out and now Ufe givcn mo instcad. I
hll.vo advised dozensofmy friends to use
IJ3'(110. E. PInkham's Vegetable
CompoUllll. Good health is indis-
pCISIle to complete hnpjJJncss. nnd
JJJ'I11o. E. I > > ! n1chnm's : Vegetnble
Compound has secured this to me. "
-Ins. LAunA. L. lllUCClIR : , Crown
Iolnt , Indiana , Scerctary Ladics ItcUcf
Corps. - $5000 forfeit If original ( Jf aboue letter
prorlng genulneneS ! Clll/not / b. produced.
Evcry sielc woman who docs not
unllcrs'ta.nd llCi' ailmcnt should
write : nIl's. I.inl l1am , L3'nlll
I1Iass. lieI' all.-ice is free anu
nhvnys 11ClpfuI.
To'J per cent of English trade
union shipbuilders arc out of work.
Fruit n'hlA will not alliin loods'dyed
with PUT A I Ii'AJ.gSS ) ! DYES.
Uranluw Is a metal used In tbo
Iass alld pottery business and costs
8G a pound ,
It yon lire ot hnck'hant , try Irs. Austin's
tamous I'mu'alil ! flour Cor a chnnge. Ma o
Crom the grent too cerenls.
DlIststorms nnnulllly do an Immense -
mense amount or damage in Australia -
rrs. Austin's Buckwhent Illenses the
whole tnmlty. Crom the . Imh ' to Jrnnt1tnJlu'r.
Mules n henltby , henrt brenktllsl , slltlslles. '
It Is said that sOllie of the Venetians
-those who have novel' been to the
malnlanrl-have never seeD a horse In
aU tholr lives. A showman on'e : :
ltrought ono to a fair and called It a I
monster I anrt the factory hllnds paid I
a quarter to see the marvel.
It was a woman who Invented the
tack puUer , which Is now so widely , . . . . , , '
used In this country. ' 1'he tacle puller 'I
Is slmplv a large like arrangement b , ,
means of which the tack hllldln a I
carpet to the Ooor can be easily IInd
speedny pulled out.
Though thera arc many goats In
Malta they l1ave no rellulal grazing I
IlOund' but the hcards arc driven
aloug the roads and hllJsldes , where.
they pick up anytl1lng they can lIud. I
Near human habitations tl1e tOllJato
can Is usaUy lare.
crop (
. . . . _ . . . ; + . ,
A birth , a marriage and a death
occurred on the same nl ht , within
live hours , in the home of Edward
Orlswoll , at York : -prllJ ; s , 1'11. At
eight u'clock In the evening a niece
was married , at ten o'clocle n graud.
son was born , and about ono a. m.
Mr. Urlsn'cll died ,
011 Is being used liS fuel on a number -
ber or steamers sailing between San
Francisco and lIonolulu.
\I The Proof of the I'ulllllllJ : LIes In
the I ntlng. "
The doctors Rre dumboI1lHle.1 , the
druggist : ! nstonlsh d , Rlld the people ex.
ciltrl nnd joyfl1l ov r the wondn1' ul cures
nnd tremelldous 8nl s of the , reRt It'3m.
edr , St. JAcobs Oil. EfI'r ! CIUC of WHm'
nlRtlsm-lIome of mll" ! , .eRrll' stnndln/-
hnt ! given wn ) ' to thlll 1I01nrfui rellledy.
'houlIRnds of cerllficatell like the follow.
IlIg ellll be furllillhed nil to Its vulue :
George Scleler , Publl her of the
ChlltOll , 'VIII" "Yolkllbote , " nSl'd St.
Jncobs 011 ( or " 3Imo.t I1nbPftrn lc pnlns
In the bnck. which had complete I ) ' lros.
trnted him , " . . . ( ew IIpplications cured
him entirely. -.1
Mrli'r d Eb rle , nf'lInlr , 0" wns for -
II long time sl'\'I'rely troubled with Hheu.
matl nl. Rt..J ncobs Oil Instulltly 1'0'
liend IIlId CIIIITl'ly currd lI r.
HcV' . Dr. B. Pick , of Itochester , N. Y. ,
sl1fCered so III tensely from ltheuulIUc ;
Ilnlnll U.nt he ' 'fns I1110ble to prelleh.
Ienral : 11111111catlollll ( rom bottle of St.
Juco s all "rell T'd him. "
Ii' . Itadder , CleTl'lund , Ohio. Bnys :
"Two RllpllcaUOlIl of St. THcobs 011
currd me ot r Rt 111111 101l .continuel1
pnlll In III ! ( oot. "
Iessrll. C. I , . BrulJlln e IInd SOli , Drult.
Ists , llIskegon1I'h. : . . wrltt'- .
JRcobs on hnll R 1fOllllerlIll1nlc. We sold
clht ottlell nt rl'tllil Y'II'rliny. 'I'll Is
will IIV'e you I < omr Idt'R of hey well It Is
liked III thl. . stctlon. "
Ir. LOllis Hinkel , o ( Enst I'oellten ,
Kill , N.Y. , "R's-"I : ( ' 1111 Ht. JneolJrI 011
the best IInlll1\1t I l'1't'r 1181'd , It clII'ed
me of Ithl'lIl1lntlsm nllllllOlII ill the huck. "
lIermnn mllllerlnlll'llr'lter : ' , N. II. :
-"I hR\'e trltll St. .TncolJlI Oil , nntl fOllnd
It exc lIrnt. All tllon who hnvl ! IlIJrchuR'
cd It 811cnk of It ns ' hnplT JUCOI1lIJltrl1'
ble. ' "
Geo. G. Erme , Plilt'slllle , 111.-1 ; was
In IJttI surrerlng from II "wol1ol1 le . I
\lsed St. Jacoba Oil , Its ( 'rrect was won-
derful. 'rhe ( ollowlng dnT 1 attended to
my blllllnrn 1I1/lln , "
Dr. Otto FIlIII , I1eadl\1j : 0. , wrlte : -
"The 61le of St. Jacobs oh III constantly
InereoBlnr ; It III prllls'd by ever'boJ1 , .
and never foils to give entire Blltilirac-