Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 04, 1902, Image 8

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Il. , : - = - - . .hi !
' 1 ! Having bought the goods of the . 'c.\ ' . . .
: Carlos Second Hand Store , I will . I.
; } ur rrI-IIS S'fOCI ( t
. * t CLOSE 0 . f
! . , I ,
I at a Bargain. Those desir- ; T I'
j ing to purchase anything In if'
1 if' : my line will find it to their In- ; 1
* > terest to call at once as these { ? t
, { ; goods must be sold. ; 1
, JI. all and see goods and get prices if you : ) t-f.
' . 'I'J
" want bargr1l1s. .
; y -Location-In Rcaltv ' Block , South Side < ? t
. . .J7of . \ Public Square. * .
. ' 1' "I'
. , . . , I ,
J"'UD : : ] E. , , . .A. - -
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'V' \ jfV.iV"r. y. ' 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' V' ' 1' 'Y" ; 'v'
. -
Cbu 1t Hcrvlcc. . .
Scrvices ncxt sabbath Uloruing at I I U.
tn. Subjcct "Imaginary. " Evcning
: : t'\i : nt 7:30 : p. m. "Relgeous ; Coast.
: l1g. " Tjnt : > II ervicc of Youug Peoplcs
' 'i'l ' .ie' : "t the I. E. church at 6 p. m.
Siql music in the evening. All arc
; ; elcOU1e.
.St. John's Episcopal Church service
Sunday Deccmber 7. The second Sun.
day in Adveut. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Morning prayer LitAny ROil QPrrnon II a.
m. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p.
m. The pubhc is cordially invitcd.
W. H. XANDER9 , Rector.
. It. CHURCll.
Our First Quartcrly Conferencc wilt be
; held next Saturday and S-tn ! ay. On ac- ,
i count of the slcknes9 of
. . the presidin Elder , ReL. . W. Chandler
of Ansle } ' , wlll hold the sen' ce. Can.
r. fercnce Saturday night at 7.30. Preaching -
ing Sunday morning at 11 followed by
Sacrament. Sunday eveninf ; nt 6 the
Union Youn Peoplcs servlcc led by
. RalUah R'erson. At 7:30 : the pastor will
prellch on the theme "THe Measure of the
Man. " Text Prv. 20:19. : Special music
, and a cordial welcomc at these service. : : ! .
! Sunday Decett1b r 7. Aftcr the Dible
\ scho l , which meets at to a. m. the Christ.
mas music will be tried for the first time
then , and in addition one of the Christ.
mas arrangemcnts will be announced at
h s session. Aftcr this session will cOlne
the morning hour of divine worship com.
moncin : : at I I n. nt. The sermon will be
concermng "A Tale of Bondage. " 'fhe
ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be
celcbrated after the morning servicf' .
Junior ociety at 3 p. m. 'flu : Senior's
t 6 : 0 , will be led by 1\Iiss Ama Ams.
berry. Topic , "Do I discourage others ? "
Gospcl preaching service at 7.30 p. m.
At this bervice there will be Baptism.
The pasta : , will prei\ch a sermon entitled
"Discovered. " Wcdncsday at 7.30 p. 111.
the blessed hour of prayer. Thursday
The Ladies Aid Society at:2 : p. . m. The
best vacant seal in the house is for the
stranger , the non altendant , and thcir
Stereopticon Lecture
Under the auspces of the B. Y.
P. U. , Rev. S. P. Morris , pastcr
of the Baptist church , will give
a Steropticon Lecture on the
Spanish American \Var v"'riday
night in the corner room of the
Realty Block-admission to the
ccturc will b ten cents. This
will be followcd by a basket lunch
to which th ladies are requested
to bring a basket with lunch for
the auction. The auction of the
baskets will he one of thc most
enjoyable features of the c\'cning.
I have had occasion to use ) 'our
Bluk.Draught Stock And Poultry Medl.
dne and am plused to say that I never
used anything for stock thAt save haU A'
good satisfaction. I heartily recommend -
mend It to an owner. of .tock.
J. B. nE ItER. St. louts , MOo .
Sick .tock or joultry should not
eat cheap stock fOod any more than
sick ( It'rson. should expect to be
cl1etl by food. When 'our stock
RIlIl puultry nre tlicle slve them med.
icino. 1I0n't stulf them witb wortb.
lell Btock food. . Unload the bowels
and slir up the torpid liver nnd the
animal will be curedJf It bo I > ossl.
ble to cure it. Dlnckuraught Stock
and Poultry Mcdicino unloads the
bowels nnd stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures everr malady of stock if
taken In time. Secure 25-cent can
of.Dlnck.DrauRht Stock nnd Poutlry
M edlcino nntllt will pay lor ilself len
tlmcsover. llorsesworkbettor. Cows
give moro milk. IIogsJIaln flesh.
And hens lay more eggs. It solves the
problem of making as much
flesh Dnd energy n , rssilJle bloodl
the slUallest nmoun of food con.
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
- - , - - - - -
om'l'u.un : .
. .
l.eavell have their thne to fall ,
} "Iowers to wither at the north \\'lnd'9 urealh. .
And tars to set , uut aliI
'I'hou bast all seasons for thine , 0 , death. "
The truthfulne s of these beau-
tifullines was brought home (0
the citizens of Anselmo and vicinity -
ity in reali3tic manner last Friday
morning , when Mother Kingery
fell suddenly and peacefully into
that "sleep that knows no waking -
ing , " in the arms of her son Dan ,
as a tired child softly sinks to
cradled rest on its mother's
breast. She awalcened in her
usual health and having finishcd
brcakfast , which was always
brought to her bed , he was talking -
ing to her son about superintending -
ing the cooking for the threshers ,
whom they were expecting that
afternoon , when she suddenly remarked -
marked "I'm going I"
And.It 'twas the wInk of an eye , 'no's the
draullht of a urel\tb.
} , 'rom the blonom of health to the palene'iB
of deatb. "
Mr . Mary LouisaKingery , with
her two sons , Theodore tlnd Daniel -
iel have been rssidents of Custer
county for over twenty ycars ,
hqving came to Anselmo , Nebr.
from Wisconsin in 1882. lrs.
Kingery was upwards of cigh ty
years of age and in most feeble
health , yct was the link that made
home for this trio , and for ma.ny
years she has been very frail and
her physical strength was slowly ,
but surely going. There is no
language at our command by
which we can fittingly portray
the siucerety , unwavering and
untiring devotiort of these two
young men to their aged and infirm -
firm mothcr. If anyone ever
graced earth with a pure and unselfish -
selfish arid selfsacrificing life , it
has been these two sons.
At 3 o'clock , Saturday , Nov. 29
short religious exercises were held
at the home , 2 miles south of
Anselmo , and were in accordance
with the cxpressed wish of the
dead , of a simple and unostatious
ldnd and were the more imprcs-
sive for their very simplicity.
Appropriatc selections from the
scriptures were read and a few
befitting remarls , exprcssions of
sorrow and sympathy were made
by the Rev. Mr. J. ' 1' . Haney i 11
his usualleeling manner.
'l'he songs were the familjar
hymns : "What a Friend We
Have in J csus , " "Onc Swcetl ) '
Solumll 'l'hought , " "Nearcr 1M )
God to Thee. "
The pall-bearers were old
friends of the family. Messrs ,
James LindJy , Ira Foster , F. H ,
BrittonVm. . Richardson , F. C.
Willson , H. B. Andrews , James
Lewis , and Fred Brcchbuhl.
\ \ i1lin hands had prepared it1
Grand View Cemetery , "tile low
narrow house , whose portal ncvet
outward swingsj" and in thatlas1
rcsting pllce was tenderly laid
and left , just at sunset , all thaj
is mortal of a mothcr and a geol
neighbor. And as we returned
sadly and thoughtfully home , W (
were made to feel. "That aftc1
ll there is something appropriat <
111 the serene death of the old
Nothing' is more touching that
the death of the young , tlt (
strong. But when the dutic ! ; 0
life have all been nobly done
when the sun touches the horizot
when the purplc twilight fall !
upon the present , the past an <
the future , when memory witl
dim eyes can scarcel ' spell thl
records of the vatllsbed da's
then. surrounded by friends
neath comes 1i1ce a strain 0
music. 'l'he day has been long
the road w.eary and we gladlJ
I stop at the 111n. "
- - - - - - - - - -
" 'I..t Nc , , ' lIouk nn
'J lut DIG IICHt 1" II , . .IN
is off the pres ! ' an read } ' for { hstributior
It is a little the best publication dcscrit
I tivc ofthb wonderful section of Wyomin
yet Issue . It g'es brief glimpses (
Its forms , gardens. caltle ranches , irreg !
ting canals , oil fields nnd a word nbet
the golden opportunities. Illustrated b splendid half.toncs frol
. -4
- '
- -
. . . , . JI
. " " '
.LI T ; " } ' : , ,
. " , . I ,
, I '
, . . . . . . . . , .
.r . .of . . . . . . -n - - , . .
photographs , Free to nuy a rc.Cls on reo
qttest. ' J , 11IlANCIS , G. 1' . A. ,
nurllngton Rotlte ,
0111aha , Nrb.
23'l5 :
. . .
- ' - - - - - -
EXprr811oll ! or Grntlhule. .
- -
\Ve desire to rcturn sincere and
heart fclt thanks to fricnds who
werc so kind to us on the occasion
of the death and burial. of our
motherj and to exprcss < ? ur decp
apprcciatiQn of thc sympathy and
ktndly off'erings so gcnerously .
givcn. 'rmtoDoHl KINGItRY.
J ) " < ; I ) .
DmDRol.Hyattof Kingston
nt the hospItal 'l'uesday , from
blood poibon. Age 44 years.
'l'he decased was cut on a barb
wire some time ago from which
blood poison was contractcd. He
was brought to tbe hospital for
trcatment last Friday week. He
was the oldest child of the late A.
W. Hyatt , who at one time was
county clerk of the county. He
leavcs a wife and five children to
mourn his untimely death. He
crrried insurance of S2000.00 , in
the M. B. A. lodge of Mason Cit y
in favor of his heirs. The funcr-
al is to e held at Kingston today
at 2 o'clock Rev. J. R. Teagarden
omciating _ _ _ _ _ _ .
IJnhlic Sl1le.
Peter Rapp of Berwyn will sell
at public auction at his place of
Iesidence : , two miles north of
Berwyn Friday Deccmber , 12 02 ,
begining at 10 o'clock a m , of 46
head of cattle , consisting of milch
cows , calves , two ycar old steers
and 36 head of horses. consisting
of geldings , brood mares , saddle
horscs , two year old and sl1c1dng
colts. Terms of sale six months
time without ttterest , if paid
when due.
- - - - -
CumllOny Order o. 10.
November 24th , 1902.
COMPANY l\L , 1ST. RnG. , N. N.
G.'rhe : resignation of C.V. .
Layton , 2nd Lieut. , Co. M. having -
ing been accepted , by special
order No. 154 , to take cffect Oct.
26th , 1902. Company M. is hereby -
by ordered to assemble at the
armory in Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
on Deccmber 6th , 1902 ' .at 7
o'clock in the evening for the
purpose of electing a second
lieutenant to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of C.
\V. Layton above set out.
The company will also elect
seargents and corporals to fiU all
vacancies in the noncommission
staff and to do any and all business -
ness nccessary to be done at that
time. Every soldier is expected
to report at the time and place
specified. By command of ,
HOImAcR , F. KUNNEDY , Capt.
N. T. GADD , 1st Sergt.
'I'C ) CUIUo ; . . . COI.n IN ON n'A.V
T ke L x t1vo IIroU18 Quinine 'rable's. AI
( hDKIl\Al. \ rnruml the 11I0111' " It It 1/lIIB to cure.
E. W. Grovo's algnllturo Ie on eaeh box. 250. .
Union YClUIl l'OIle's , 1'IceUn ' .
Place-M. : E. church , Bro en
Bow , Nebraska.
Time-Six : o'clock , p. m. Sunday -
day , December 7th , 1902.
Leader-Ramah : Ryerson.
Special music-Morris : Ryer-
son , Choistel' . A chorous of
fifty voices aid cd by a number .of
insturments will lead the music.
All thc ) 'oung peoplcd organizations -
ations of the city and county are
cordially invited. A special
invitation allyoltI.lg
, pcople who are not with a chrts-
tian organization. Ser\'Jces will
close at 7.15 p. m. !
- - i
! Url'4. p , . ' . 'VnHr. . . . 11.t : . HIt1 of I
( It1url' . 11"ul' Ilulle'luy Good" I
l Knit goods a specialty.
Infants lcnit bootces and jackets ,
Infants stoc1cenette caps.
Infants silk knit hoods.
Childrens' hoods.
I4adies' knit skirts.
Ladies Facinators.
I4adies Golf skirts and shirt waists
Ladies underskirts and wrappers.
Ladies Dress Trimmings.
I4Clllies no'elties.
. Milliner ) ' , and dress-maldng-r
perfect fit guaranteed ,
f 'l'ake that turkey to 'fierney
, Bros. 'l'hey want it sure.
t ; : ;
. "NO 'VOlt . . . uFF 'III COI.1) .
I.\ull\'l , ' ubl'l '
\ UrunlO-Qu'UlUP . ! carl'S n colli
In 011U. " ' , No Cllru. No I'll , I'tlr < l , c..nll.
. . . . . . - . . . .
J )
'J ( 1 . ' t
0' , !
' = " ' to"
, c "
( ) " ! t\c\\ . ' - , . . ' S 6 / ) 1111
Co ( \ \ ) t1t t .
Har. . . Ahvn1 reliable. Lndl . .WI" ruilrlet fUr
( II'C.II'II''IIt'H : IN'CHISII III It"d and
O 1 < 1 m ! idlla boXI4 , l'all'll wllh blue ribbon.
Tnkc n. . other. Ill , , . . . . . , dnu'r..u. .ubltl.
' "U..n. nnol hnltnllo. . . . JIll ' '
) or ) 'ollr Drulrlrlsl ,
1C1Il1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1. III
or ! . 6tnml' . for .Rrtle.ula. . TeaU.
. . . . , nlul. . . nnd Ih'll. . " "or 1."lh' " . " In "ll" .
by . . .turn 'Inll. , 10.000 ' 1"oslllUonllllli. 80ld . by
nlllJrutoo'alA '
, . .00 Iludlaon S.IIIA. . . . . I'UI . . . . . . . . IPA.
> > 1..Iga Willapo"
" " " '
. . . .T" ' . " " , u \ . 4.tti.J. . ; , j , .J , " . 1
, . . . ,
- -
- -
tlf > >
JlJff& , r.
. . . . . .
- _ _ - . . . . . : : :
- . . . . . -
- . . .
' " The Gr 'lBS Tht'lpa.
nullotJn 83. of the ttlalno \ '
cOllslsls ot 11 sclontific and Statlo1\1
descrIption of the graltB thrips ( Bnn.1
pholbrips Btrll1tll Osborn ) . As the ,
bulloUn is not of general Interest , only
n Ihnltcd odltlon WIlS prInted' and It
wIll bo sent only on applicatIon.
Thl ) grnBs thrips Is n mlnuto In.
sect , from one twenty.flrth to one.slx.
teonth of an Inch In length , ullun11y
livIng in some part of the grass plant ,
from which It sucks the juice. In the
early summer Its work Is confined
chlofly to June grass , but later In the
season tImothy nnd other grallsos lue
atlacketl alia. The dead grasil tops
seen along the highway and In thQ
edges of the field are often duo to
this cause. If the top of a. plant thull
afrected be gently pulled , the stalk
usually parts above the upper joint ,
and the part which was covered by
the sheath Is found withered I nd
As the thrJps feeds by sucking the
julcoll at th < . ' plnnts , oontact poisons.
as kerostuc cUluision or whale en
soap are the Quly ones whlah arc of
use In combating It. When onl'y IJ
small Ilrea Is Infested , one ol he In.
sectlcides just mentioned or even l\
libernl application of wnter will prOVG
successful In oontrolllng the pest.
When a larGo area. lIS Infested the I
appllclltion of an Insecticide 18 not
feaalble on account of the expense of
mnterlals and application. In such 8
cnso the burning ot the dead stalks at. .
ter the grollud has frozen In the fall
so as to secure a close burn without
Injuring the roots ot the grass , may
prove successful. With badly ron out
fields , which are the ones most likely
to be badly Infested , tht ; best remedy
Is detlp plowing In the fall or In the
early spring before the grass has
started. It this is followed by thor'l
ough cultivation none ot the InsecTs
will be able to make their way tc thu
surface of the ground.
Egyptian Clover.
Trifolium aloxandrlnum. This I :
an nnnual clover recently Introduced
from Egypt. It Is helleved tllat It'
will do wel In the southern states , but
. .
\ \
\ 1
, \
. . . . . , . .
It will require moro experimentation
to show just what Its value Is and
just where It will grow to best ad
One Kind of Farml g In' Mississippi.
BulletIn 76 , Mississippi slatlon :
The r"e1ent system of farming In
MlclI ; ) lppl falls to make profitable
use of nIl the land on the farm. It
permits the most excessive washing
of surface solis , and In consequence
the cultivated area becomes less pro.
ductlve each year , while the gtllIes
and washes get wldor and deeper and
moro numerous. Grnss Is 1Iot wnntod
and Is either treated with IndUforence
or as an euemy. The money receh'ed
for the cotton crop Is spent fOl' sup.
pUes , for work stock and tor feed. be.
cause not enough of these things are
gl'own on the farm lo supply the de.
Oland , The present system will not
liermlt of pa'lnH good wnges for
labor , and labor thnt is poorly lmld
Is gcnerally unsatisfactory.
The growing of 11\0 slocl : on the
farm has an Imllortunt bearing on
Its lu'o ueth'enoss and Increases very
greatl ) . the opportunities tor using nil
pnrts Qf It profitably. By furnishing
n mOl\n3 for diSposing of. tha crops
Jrown. ! I\'u stock elllouraes dlversl.
Ilcatioll u11l1 1Jlnke It OdSY to umatlco
rotation without "losln ! ; tlm UBO of
the laud when It 1M ( ) r.uJllcrl hy rooster
stor tlve CI'OJlS , " OUtler the I.rosent
8)'St < HII one dollar IH.r nnt.C' 1'01' the
cntlre nrC'a Is ver ' gooll reut fur the
nvcrngo farm. A fl'\\ ' will renl for n
muo .more , whlo ! man ) ' will not rent
for so m'uch. This con11ltlon , : lIIPIl'
ronth' , Is Inn ely Iluo to thq fact tho'
no returns whatcver are gotten from
large areas. while the ttverago pro.
ducth'eness of other largo arol1s hI
too small for nn ) ' profit.
World' , . Careal Crape for 1902.
The Hungarian minister of agrlcul.
turo Issuca on SoptcunlJor 4 his an.
nual esthnnlo of the { : train crops of
the world. 'l'he flS'Jreo arc uP1l1'oxl.
: JUately I1S follows :
. Bushels.
Wheat . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . :1,900.000,000 :
Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,3,00,000.000 : )
Corn . . . . . . . . . . '
" : . . : . , u , , ; 2,970,000.000
Rye . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ] .fii5.000.000
' . ' . . . . " . . . It .
1i lflllili1. _ J _ , . .
_ t Isntt tile nlntcrhu
tllt KCJclt Into your
. . . . .
-ppnlrcd : watch Ulnt
rC'"I' , ' ' ' ' In B perfect
/ ' . It t9 the IQOW JtOW
h t does tbu business. any bun lur
ol\n btty"'the fine kinds of matorlal
that. I U80' In rep8Ir'n ' ; but skill
iA UIO most valuable maturltlI that
I , an bu u80d.1n wntch rePlllrln .
od the bun ler cnn't buy It. l.
eell my Iklll ! for what It Ie worth
aud It will oust you lees than
bunllllll "to lowl'r prlccs.
Jeweler "ntI Optlolall.
WOBt sille of aquaro.
. - - . - .
Mnrkctncpo forTodn
WIrat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 .48
[ jllrley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Ollta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .U
Uyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
[ jllLlor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1I < ! is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
PotatOCI. per bushel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Oolon. . per busbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
< 'hlakens. per pound , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06
l1ogs" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.70
Oows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : ' : .r.o ( il. .76
8t..els. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.51 @ 4.0 ( '
TarkoYB. per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CO
traw. per cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
IIlIy.Now , per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60
RUlar. per cwL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Dr. T. W. Bass , dcntist , office
Ilorth west corner of eal ty Block.
8-1 tf.
A good house for sale.
17 tf. H. BANGS.
' ' Bros. wants poultry.
. . . .
ff l'-9 3S 8 uIce.l1 rs
A'r LAW.
lIoome 8 and II , Uealty Dlock. Broken Dow , Neb.
o . H. CONRAD ,
I' . . . . . .Doaler In. . . .
I '
Pnmpa. Wind Mille , Tanks. Fitting. , Gasollnll
Engines , etc. , eLe.
Drok n Dow. NebrUkl\ .
Physician Surg oH.
i 2nd Stairway fro weot end tn Realty 1IIook ;
resldenco ; 3rd WIIsL 101 E. ehnrcb. on same Bide
ot street. crJlroktJU ; nnw. Nebraekll
mnmu9&.ml : ma.
AI. klndft ot work In our line done promptly
and In Ant-claftB order. I'U"Rod Shop on lhe
orner woet 01 the hoae houee.
GIVI. : tIS . \ . . TRIAl.
Broken now , . . - . Nebraska.
. I.D. . GLAZE ,
. . . . . .Doaler In . . . . .
Granite. ForeIgn /lnd I'111l'rl aD MarbleA.
'rqa'ment.l Work Specialty. J
Uroken Bow. . . - Nolra.ka. :
. . "
SOAN LON , . . .
-Proprietor of- .
R4'taarant& Lunch Countor. Larlfe auortmant .
ot COnfl'OtlonlI lr Olgar ! ! and Tob8cool. Nortb '
Hldo ot Public Squaro. Drokon Dow , Nebraska. 'I
. \
Physician & Surgeon. .
OlJlce tn rear or 'he Da.nk ot Commerce. Re'I'
dence Olh bonae welt of tbo Daptlst church.
Broken Dow , Ncbra ka.
- - -
CITY MILL , ' y i
E. F. McCLual , l'rop.
Uye Floar , uckwbrat , Grah..m. . Feoa , otc.
. o. HUTTON. Proprietor.
FIrst-clan work. Uear Room of JJrokcn Dow
State Dank. Droken Dow , Nebraaka.
i." 1I..k.lP.
arrll1oe' ' and oltlmates on IborUlollce.
Brokeo Dow. Nebra k" ,
DR. ' 1' . L. FARNSWOtt1'H.
' . '
arO1lce ! Over Swau' Grbcory.
- - - ;
and Duroc Jerse , . Uoga "red alld " 1I1d. Blut blood
ortbelrclaa8. Addrea , G. H. CADWELL.
"token Dow , Nebratks.
Ii& .JIUldI 1 1 ; j ) ANI > NOTARY '
-jr' " till , PUBLIC.
'Iso Juetlco or the I'aace. Speclahltonton ! ! tITon
to coUecllon. Uop08\tlon8 \ tllkinllenelon voueh.
1fe oeaUy e.xecnted and all klndJ of legal papers
written. Offioo In the rear at of Commerce.
Droken Bow. Nebr sk. . .
'I. . tint ! 1..ilIDHD
Two block8 norlh ot Orand Oentrl1l' Hotel. Pat.
ronago solicIted. Prices reaaonable. I
. . . . . 1
. . . . . . . . I
DRS. R. O. & W. E. 'l'ALBOT , _
Oll1eB over llaeberle's Drug Store. ' , :
Brok6n Dow , . . - Nehra a.
Free Inetrnellona . flow to take and developB t
pictnre wIth eer , camera sold.
FinIshIng done tor amaturee.
Latest Styles inotographs. . ' . , :
Estllbllshed In 1801.
Broken Bow , N"braaka.
I Rnamua Anderson. J. C. Moore. .
. ' .IE. . . . . . .bo" . . . " .
-.r _ .
cIllndl tor pale I1nd ronL an Cnlter county and adjoining e.oantles. Equities snd mortglJU !
boaght and sold. Abetra ts plomDtly and nentIJ made ,
Office-Main Street , DeLween 4th and IItb Avenuee. Droken Bow. Cueter county , Nebraska.
Money SaveL.
. . . . . .
Custer County Republican
and the Nebraska Fanner one year for $1.25. The RIU'unl.lcAN is
the official paper of Custer county , and is the oldest paper in the
I county ; and is an news aper. It was.founded in 1882. It
will continue in the future as in the past to faithfully chroniele and
report all the home and neighborhood news , as well us to furnish
weekly Il budget of general news , entertaining miscellaneous rending
and keen editorial comment on matters of current interest. It is in-
dispensnblc in the up."ith-ihe.titnes home.
I is the leading general fann und live stock paper of the west. It was
I foun ed in 1869 and hns outclassed the dozens of rivals which , since
that time , have been started in this territory , all others having died
or been consolidated with the Nebraska .Farmer. except the latest
brood , hatched since 1900 , which are merely political papers masque.
. rading nnder deceptive a ricultural titles. Nebraska Farmer is ex.
I. elusively agricultural , pohticalmutter and everything which divert
attention from agricultural industry and home making are exclu ed
from its columns. The editors and owncrs of Nebraska Fanner , ellch
I and e\'cry one , are practical fanners , owing land and farming or in the west. It is a fanners' paper published by famlers-
nicl1 who plow nntI plant as well as pen thelr thoughts and report
their experiences to help other planters.
is published hy mcn who have un their live ! ! been doing the things
thc ) ' teach ; 11o.other farm paper is so closcly in touch with the farm
life of the west ; no other farm paper can be so helpful to the farmers
of the west , its 24 to 32 large pa es , weekly , teeming with practical
information uml advice which will help to make tile fann pay and the
hOUlC pleasant. Nebraska Farmer is contributed to by all the leading
thinkers nd workers in agricultural industry. It gives aU the news
about agriculture an live stock a/Tairs. / The REPUBLICAN .has succeeded -
ceeded in etting II. special subscription price from the publishers of
Nebraska Fanner. They have cut the bcst clubbing rate ever made
nlmost squure in two to acconllnodate us. Hence it is wecano/Ter / Ule
Nebraska Fanner and thc REPUBLICAN both togeUler for $ I.l5 : ,
almost the price of the REPUBLICAN alone.
. Call on us at oncr with our su scription'.or send it bj"
mall. Remember the
bargam combmatIon pnce as shown'
below :
Regulllr Regular Subscription SUbsorlption Price Prloo of of Nebraska Republloa er Yea.r . . . . $1.00
Regular Prloe of Both Papers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -2-0
' Special Lombination Offer , Bet . er Year , $1.25.
Ie ) . . Th publslcrs ! ! of Nebr Jl ! [ I guarantee to us
that they will posItively stop tIle'r. '
. f\lout notice when
. . . \
the time for which it is paid irtf . , ilva , res.
. . . Jr.
, . ,
. ,
- - . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . I ' . '