Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 04, 1902, Image 4

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    " : ;
'iiM ' ,
1 . " ' 'j . '
. :
L - .
! Iu tet Qt . : Ucpublicau
Pa lI.hod ecry ' 1'bar8dny litthe _ Coaal18ont.
D. M. .Al1SUmmy. . . } 11Itor
, -\lI1ee In Ou lcr mock. Foarth A'fe.-U"
Baterod at the pOitomco lit Drokeo lIow , rhb.- ,
at 8ooond.-olaae maUer for tranemluloll Itron ; :
tbe U. 14. Malls.
BUlltltJUWrWN l'1tlOB :
One Yllar In "dv""CG , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . il fA' '
" 041 ( 'oIDmo. I" r nooll/h / , 7 00. Onr.Jalt ! rol ,
. ' . $100 QUarlcr columll , V"
aIDo. pl'T m ' ! JIn.
moot:1 / ' : 00 I. . . Ibu. qua kr c"IDUlUr
ce"t , ' luch InuuUJ
: " p'r per
, Oaro. 00 aiel p.go 00 conte per IhCb , po
t montb Local edverU IIJ" Ii cen a per II. . 0 cnch
I 1 . tlOD. Notice lit church f"lr , eocleblcft nnd , 'olorlo/l / , .
I mente wboro mon , " I _ c/I rj ( d. ullo.hult rllle .
I Muolell "oLlCCI tnol , ce/oUOOI , / , onll-halt r t .
I j , Weddlug , , , tlcoa froe. balf prlcl. ' for nbllnl 1I
j st 01 I'r ' < 'ent .
Donlh noltco tree , hair prlc tor pDbllehlojl
I ' obituary not/cea. / Hnd card8 of thanka.
'I kgal notlCc at ralU prolded bl 8'IIIulca 01
I Nebr/Jlka.
1 \ - Thursday , Decemb r 4 , 1902.
: H .ve yon read the Presidnt's
J II me's9age ?
i 'The President insist ' that ai
10' protectati ve tariff should be main-I
I L tainedin the interest of prosperity.
I I ; " ? resident Rooseve1t' message
I - to'COIX-grcSS is an able document
! ; i- and in the main is saud political-
! 1 1) " .
I .Tne President's recomendations
I ff favoring a tariff commission
, II 9h uld be taken with a grain of :
JI salt.
.J , I
n J It must be apparent to Mr.
It I Cleveland that a few fine plati-
! I ttides about the importance of
I "tariff reform" are not sufficient
Pi to' rehabilitate a wrecled and de-
I ! m ra1ized party.-Kansas CitJ
" , ' j Journal.
I Congress reconvened Monday
, I I nOOll. Among other matters of
importance liable to be considerd
this session , besides legislation
dealing with trusts , will be the
consideration of the admission of
the territory of Oklohoma , New
Mexico and Arrizona as states.
Rev. S. C. Green of York , is a
candidate for chaplain of the
'state senate during the next session -
sion of the legislature. Mr.
Green is a man of more than ordinary -
dinary ability and in every respect -
spect worthy of the high position -
tion to which he aspires. The
EPUDLICAN would be pleased to
see him selected for the position.
Two BURgI'sIlfe Truth ! ! .
A commission means more or
s.s intelligent discussion , and
ll discussion tends to destroy
the abuses' of the tariff. The
commission of 1881 , was , it is
true , followed by a tariff worse
than its predecessor ; it was also
followed by the election of Gro.
ver Cleveland.
Thus the New York "Times'
concludes an e itorial in whiclJ
free-traders are urged to suppor1
the tariff commission plan. Th (
tariff of'1883 was indeed "worse
than its pre.decessor" precisely tc
the extent that it followed tIll
lines or the commission' recom
mtndations. And it IS in stric
accord with the truth of histor ;
to , say that the tariff I'was fol
lowed by the election of Grove
Clt \ ' land. " It is not often tha
two truths of equal significanc1
. \r brought into juxtapositiQ ]
by a fretrade newspaper. Re
publicans who have fallen vic
t m to the fascinatio'n of UII
t riff commission idea migh
profitably ponder over these tWI
f truths : 1. That the last tari !
commission succeeded in makinj
the tariff very much worse. 2
That the tariff thus made wors
f was forthwith foll'owed by th
! election of a free-trade president
I senate and house of represent a
i tives.-A erican Economist.
1 , lrOllerlty ! ! Willi the 1lIuo.
, -
, 'rhe result of the late electio
i shows tha.t , as claimed by t11
\ Republicans , the real issue wa
1 prosperity. The Democrats a1
tacked national prosperit ,
through the Tariff , and the R <
.publicans met them on that issu
. and won. The old issue betwee
I the parties was once more 11rougl1
' to the front , and the voters wer
asked to pass judgment upon th
question of Protection to Amer
can industries. The Republica
I party heartily welcomed the issue
There is nothing in its grea tree
, , , , . . . . 1111 r r -
. .
" " '
- - . . . . I
oret of which It IS proud , or 1t1 de-
fence of which it can invoke
morc splendid and conc1usi ve
facts. The part . is always fully
prepared to meet its opponents in
a discussiun of the 'l'ariff policj'
before the peuple , confident that
the history of the last four years ,
to go no further back , would amp- I
Iy vindicate and justify Republican - :
can policy , which is as necessary !
to-day to American labor and industry - i
dustry as at any time in the
Laboring mcn studied the question -
tion and decided to let well enough -
nough alone. 'l'he business man ,
manufacturer and men in other I
avocations decided that they did I
not want a change. Even con-
sen'ative Democrats feared their
party would gain control of Congress -
gress and repeat \Vilson-Gor- -
man mistake. It is then little
wonder that the Democrats remain -
main in the minority. Prosperity -
ity was the real issue , and the !
man who votcd with the Democratic -
cratic party last Tuesday was too
partisan to protect his own interests -
ests or use his ballot for the
general good of the countrj' .
Two years hence the same issue
will be fought and the same result -
sult will be recorded. Davenport :
( Ia. ) "Republican.II I
( ) ollego Unll.llng . Fire.
The Br ken Bow Business
Colleg-e building which we reported -
ported on fire last week as we
went to press was got under cun-
trol in time to save the lower
story of the building. The roof I
was burned and the furniture and
personal effects of the students
that roomed in the building were
only partially saved.
Mrs. Logan's furniture was all
burned. Among the others that
lost part or all of their pers nal
effects were the Misses Emmer-
son , Hc. aps , Rector , Keister and
the Mersers 'Wallace , sons of
Jasper Wallace ofVest Union.
Prof. Garlichs who occupied the
lower part of the building with
the music department of the
college sustained a heavy loss in
damage to his pianos. He estimate -
mate- his loss fully $500. Nune
of the above. property was 111-
The building is owne 'by 1. A.
Reneau who carried $3000 insurance -
ance on it. 'l'he insurance will
hot be more than enough to cover
the damage sustained. It is the ;
third time this building has beel' '
burned. Two years ago whel1
I the building was occupied as iJ
hotel it was burned and stood
, idle until bought by Mr. Reneat
a yearD ago and rebuilt and pu1
in shape for the occupancy of the
Broken Bow Busin ss College.
Prof. Roush , the proprietor 01
the College bought the 'Wilson & :
Dralce brick buildings last sprin
and put them in shape for th (
- business and normal department !
of the school and moved int <
v them at the begining of the
- school this j'ear. The Reneat
r building has since been used fOI
t the musical department anc
e roomers. The Prof. of music
tI Mr. Garlichs has secured a roon
- in the Realty block for his de ,
: - partment which enables the worl
e to move along without a break h
t the school.Ve understand thai
D Prof. Garlichs will conduct hi !
[ f
department on his own accoun' '
in the future.
1)n ; ) , llrown Killed by n Vicious Horse.
Sunday morning Pink Browl
" a well lmown horse man of thi
cit ) . was killed by a vicious horse
It was a horse belonging to C. F
Tierney that had been worked b'
different parties but had not bec
made gentle. Uncle Sila !
1'hompson had the horse on hi
farm and stock ranch on th
South Loup during the spring
, vhere he worked it but not witb
out more or less trouble. Brow :
took the horse some two month
ago to break. He had her so h
thought she was getting we ]
'e broken. He drove he Saturda.
e and she behaved very nicel )
i-I Sunday morning he hitched he
n up to the buggie and deli\'ere
. " the meat for Tierney's Men
: -1 Market without the usual precatl
I . . . . _ l " " " M [ 1 _ _ _ _ _ . . t'f ,
ti on of putting on the kicking.
straps. She acted as nice as any
docial animal until he had made
his last dclivcry at the 'l'ierney
homc. 'rhere C , Ii' . 'l'ierney and
his ncphew IIarr.r got in the
buggic to ride to town. ' ( 'hey
had only gone a few rods , coming
down th'e hill from the housc
when the horse began kicking.
Tierney got out of the buggie
and drew Harry out with him.
The horse struck Brown in the
breast and knocked him out. In
the fall he either broke some
1 > l00 vcssel or his neck. As he fell
hesai , "Oh mylGodl" 'l'hose were
the last words spolcen as death was
instaneous. IIis remains were
taken to Tom li'inlcn's where he
had bcen at work through the
summer and was still making his
hem . He was about 50 years
old and is single. He has nu re-
lativcs here. Two of his brothers
were telegraphed , no answer being -
ing received , his remains were
burried in the Broken Bow
Cemetery Tuesday afternoon.
University or NI'Iu' 9kn ,
Nebraska applied for admission
to the "bi g nine" at the con fer-
ence held in Chicago last 11'riday
and was refused admission on the
ground that more than nine mem-
bers would make the conference
unwieldy. The big nine embraces -
braces the following football
teams : ! \'lichigan , Minnesota ,
Chicago , Northwestern , Indiana ,
Illinois , Iowa , ' Wisconsin and
Purdue. Nebraska was in\ ' ted
to Join when the conference was
fonne'l , but did not then see fit
to do so. .
Since the Thanksgiving game
with the Northwestern the
Chicago papers rank Nebraska as
the second best team in the west
Michigan holding first place in
the west and Yale first place in
the east.
J. T. Orr of Broken Bow re-
presentes .the Omaha Medical
College on the Junior AQ tal !
board. He is one of the editors.
1'he Junior Annual is a book of
class history and class pictures
got out by the Junior class each
Nebraska's sharc of tl e gate ;
receipts at 'the nine fo t ball
games played this year was + 8 , % 6.
Of this $2,000 was spent impro\ "
mg the grounds and $2,500 still
remained in the treasury after al ]
expences were paid.
Eighteen students were ind li.
ently suspended last week fOI
l failing to put in an appearatic (
at drill. The parents of each one
have been rcgistere ( '
- - - - - - - - - -
'l'll llksgh'lng Services.
The Union Thanksgiving
5ervice held at the M. E. churcl
last Thursday night was well attended -
tended and .the session was ap'
parently enjoyed by all present
The pulpip rostrum was decorat
ed with pumpkins , squashes
beets cabbage , turnips , corn I
sheaf grain , grass , etc. Specia
music had been arrangeil for the
occasion which was furnished bJ
, members of the PresbJ.terian , M
I E. and Baptist choirs. The
services were participated in bJ
Rev's. Trites , Shetler and Morris
The sermon by He\ ' . Morris wa
one of more tllan ordinary in
terest and wa enjoyed by all
At the close of the exercises :
collection was talten for the 1'00 :
, and a committee appointed t. .
look after its distribution to 1111
needy. The committee appoint
. cd by the three churches repre
sented are Mesdams Whitehead
Day , Sidwell , Glass and D. M
Union YunJiIt Peope' ) " Meeting ,
Place-M. E. church , Brokel
Bow , Nebraska. .
Time-Six : o'clock , p. m. Sun
1- day , December 7111 , 1902.
Leader-Ramah : Ryerson.
Special music-Morris : Ryer
son , Choister. A chorous 0
fifty voices a lI d bj' a number 0
instnrments will lead t'c } music.
All the young people : ) organi2
, ations of the city and county ar
, ; cordially invited. A specin
d ' is . all YOUI
people who are not with a chris
, t tian organization. Services wi ]
I- I close at 7.15 p. m.
. . . . . , . c'j . _ . - ' . , .
- - "
nV INIIHJ ! COr _ I GF. NF. 'VIt.
Sc\'eral of the student ! , RpC'l1t
'rlwnksgiving' at homc.
Mr. A. D. Hunt of Ortello Val-
lc ) ' was a ca1ler MOlula ) ' .
Prof. Mac ) ' of the normal de-
partl11en t is at present doing some
Holiciting f r the co11egc. . ' ' .
Mr. .J , C. Wehling of west. table
was in Monday to malte arrangements -
ments to place his SOli in school.
MeHdalllcs J. A. Kellenbarger
of Dale , and A. D. Hunt of Orte11o
Valley visited school Monda ) ' af-
It has been decided to have
school until the Wedncsday before
Xmas and call Rchool again the
Monday after New Years.
Miss li'rancis He'ner who has
been out of school for some weeks
past has returned to tal up her
work in the commercial depart-
Mrs. J. E. Logan came up from
Lincoln to look after the welfare
of her daughter Alice and son Nels
who lost most of their belongings -
ing-s in the fire last week.
We wish to thank those who so
leindlv aided us in the fire-last
week and especially those who
rendered I the students who lost
their belongings so much valuable -
ble aid.
On account of a rush of business -
ness this week our reports may
be late in reaching the parents.
However , we expect to have them
ready to mail by the latter' part
of the week.
Misses Marguerit Orr and Mabel
Ho1cumb , and Mr. B.V. . Sillivan
who have been out doing some
work in 'stenography have returned -
turned to their worle in the shorthand -
hand department.
New students enrollcd this week
arc Orcelia Lamphear , Frank
Reader ) and Howard Kennedy of
Broken Bow ; ) Ticholas Rankin )
Paulin'C ; Sa'm Dodd , Green ; Anton
'Vehling , 'Vest Table.
Considerable interest is being
aken in their work by the students -
dents of the shorthand depart-
ment. Scveral new books have
recen tly been ordered for use in
that department. Our shorthand
department is weB equipped for
doing good work.
A neIghboring business college
has written us stating their sym.
pathy and offer ng us their assis.
tance.Ve were glad to stat (
1 'that ' our main building was not
inj red , although our loss is , abou1
$1,500.0P in the wa ) ' pf stationary
fJ,1rniture. supplies , etc. HoW'
ver we appreciate this kindnes !
. on tHe part { ) f neig'hbors. . ,
.J. P. Headley and L. S. 'Emp
field have finished shucking con
. am } had large cr < ; > ps. ,
We had 'our , first touch of rea
win.ter this ( 'I'uesda ) mornin
rain mixed with snow remindin
us that winter is fast ap
proaching. . . '
Frank Grifi th is the busies
boy on th Lo p. He 15 in th4
corn field' by sunrise and stay !
there till the stars , shine ; he i
1 shucking for Donnel.
. G. A. Griffith and Chal Emp
field are cutting down the hill !
. and putting the road on the sur.
- vey between Donnel and Empfiel <
south of Ryno in shape to-day.
I H. G. Donnel fears his shee ]
will get too fat for eastern mar
kets so he samples them. H4
has butchered several and the'
are fine , as I have had sever
. messes.
George Hoffman passed Rync
last week enrout to Lomax I
. care of ) 50 head of cattle owneC :
: ; by H. Lomax. 'l'hey were
pastured on the Olive ranch ane
arc in fine condition.
J. H. Smith informs us tha.t hI
will winter 900 head of cattle 20 (
of his own and 700 for a Colorade
firm. He is feeding several car :
and has 800 acres of corn to shuck
. thinks he will be able to fiU the
, ' ' Tierne'
'l'ake that turkey to .
'Bros. 'rhej' want it sure.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Anyooo .en < 1lnlr a eketeh and dolKTlptlon ma ,
qulckl , ascertain our opinion tree wboUler 8lJ
. .
Invontlon I' probabl , pltentabllCommunlca.
tlon'ltrlctlrconUdenUal. HANDBDDK on I'BtenU
IlInt free. Oldest afenoy ! tor locurlnjfJatenta.
I'atenll laken Ibroullb Muou " Co. reI.'eln
tpftlal notlct , wUboJt cbal'lfo , lu tbo
Sti ntific Jlm rltan.
A han < 1lomcl , llIuslmtad weeltly. l.al1181t ctr.
culatlon Of IUlY IclontlUo Journal. 'ferml. t3 a
M 'Nour &o O 3rili : : : : : N wa W e
Jirau OmC1 ! . ttl5 It at. . WubIDll1ou.1J.
, . . . . , , . . . .
- L
- . =
" _ . . . : : = : i : : : .
. . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . , . ,"A."t ; " ' ' ' ' ' 1 : ' UU' " '
. > ti ; tojWlri : I'iM " ' ' ' IJJ1 ;
: ' , .
! t . HIP , HIP , H iUiU R R A H ' I '
c 16th Celebration With :
1 J. C. BOWEN "
1 ; . and His Friends With Old
I 'c ' C I" .S.A.1'W-r'.A. : ' CL..A.08. : . . . , , , _ . .
: In Broken Bow , Nebraska. . : " ' . ' : f , I/
, . . .
: 'rhroug t drouth and good times we are still to the front
with one of , ' the largest stocks of Holiday goo s in the west
: in our line , consisting of. . . .
ri 71.
\ \
j Good to cat. _ V@ 'II g : ' : : e ,
c Water Sets ,
c Oranges ,
Glass Sets , '
it Candy , China ,
Cups .
N , .
c u.ts. Berry Sets , t
: l aIsms , China Plates , :
Dltes , .
cg ! Etc.
c . .
= . FI S wee g S ' C'.1 , Lamps , , all kmds , ' " t
: Celery , and SIzes. 'j' ' .
Clocks ,
Oysters . , t .
Etci/1\ / \ I ' ! Cutlery f : SForkS. :
: ( : . , . i .
/ 1902 ; 1
: L. . . , . . . ---1 '
Send , your Christmas Tree committees to see us-we will
: ijj save them mone ) ' . A ton of candy ) a load of nuts , barrels of '
c fruit. If . . . .
J Prices , Quality and Quantity Count ,
: the ' " the "cook wi11 kissed
'old" be because the plat ter is
: clean , " WIll be a true saying during our holiday business for : :
.c2 ! 1902. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and hoping to be mW L 0
' : favored with your patronage , I remain ,
:1 : Yours For Business , r i
jl J. C. BOWEN. AJ ! ! .
iJllk > > 'l > > 1imw . . ! . i1J.ft..l ; .
Cumpany Order No. 10
November 24th ) 1902.
COMPANY M. , 1ST. RUG. , N. N.
G.The : resignation of CV. : .
J.ayton , 2nd Lieut. , Co. M. hav-
. . il1g been accepted , by special
order No. 154 , . to take effect Oct.
: 26th , 1902 , Company M. is , hereby - ,
, . by ordered to assemble at the' '
armory in Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
on December 6th , 1902 at 7
o'clock in the evening for the
purpose of lecting a second
lieutenant to fill the vacancy
caused by the resignation of C. '
VI. La toli above set out.
The ompany will also elect
. seargerlts and corporals to 'fjll all
_ vacanCies in the noncomniission
r staff and to do any and all bu - . , _ _ . . . . . . . J
ness necessary to be done at that.
I time. Every soldier is expected
to report at the time and place
I specified. By command of ,
N. T. GADD , 1st Sergt.
FOR SALE-Five acres of land - .
in good sta.te of cultivation ad ' '
joining Broken Bow for $7.00. :
Inquire " at this office. 3-27 tf )
< 8 tjf ' \
'l'hla slgnaturo Is on every box ot the gnulno
Laxative Bromo"Quinine Tablete
&he " , me that eare. II cold 4D oae day
! . ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' . . . . . ' ' ' ! ' ' 'rm . : . ' ; , . . . ' , ' ' ' " . . " . ' ' . ' ' ' ' ! ' ' . ' " ' ' ! ' ' , _ " . . . . ' ' ' ! ' " . . . . . ' , ' . ' . . . ' . ' . : ' ' ' " . . .I : ' ' . . . " . " " . ' ' . , , , . . .tt" . . , . . . . " . , ' " ' ! ' . . . " . " . " . .I , . "m' ; ' . / ' ' ' ;
1 .rJj. . . " . 'lJi ! , . . . . . . .ii ; " " 'tt" ' . . . . . .i6 : . " . " " . .IiI' : . . . " ' . . . . . .ii' . . . . 00 . .v.'lJi ! . . , . . ; . . . . . " 'i.i ! . . . " . . , = . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . " ( { .I-
. . . _ ; , .
: ' i\J \ . . . . . - . i
. All partie8 indebted to tbe Eagle Grooery , are requested " M
I to oall and 80ltle tbeir aooount by oc h at 0000. I muat have
. ; ,
. : mooDy to p"Y bill8 , I oannot do b\18inR88 \ on wind.
, dl .
.tI ; r
Yours truly , . ,
: i . " .
rlf WiJ. ' ' ! : 1\1 ; ,
r . . . J !
1i . 4j'f ' ; .
' ' . . '
ift : Pl'Opl'letor.
fI 10 Bars of Soap for 250. l' '
ir'/- . ! . " "f'jplr ; : . : ij'P , lr : lf1rtle"lij/i : : r : . . . . J'Jlh . "if. ; 1 't2ll
. . : . . . .fw ; . "rioJ ' 1.v : . ; , v.'t.ol.r : ; ; 't't ' ! ; . . .i vJj.j vJi , ; 't"t : ijf . Iw.ii. ; I
. , . .1to. .
. ' .
- . \
is mv motto. 1 will sell goods to the pubJic cheaper than any
othe'r house west of Lincoln , and if you will spare a few minutes I
will gladly show you my goods and tell you my prices. :
100 Ibs granulated sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 40
18 Ibs best granulated sugar. . . . . s'j. } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 .
1 sack of Best High Patent .1 a "J lour. . . . . . . . . . 1 10 '
1 sack of Fancy Bakers C11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
( , bars \Vhite Russian tSpap _ . . ' ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2S i'
All Other Goods asrC.f . . . . - . . .In Proportion. '
J. W. COOK , and ' tc. : L. SHARP.
, 3
. . . a ' . i
. '
; '
' \\'I .
" , '
! " " ' \L " _ _ . " ' . _ _
- - - - - - ' - - ' - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - -