Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 20, 1902, Image 8

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( . > , Mat.i " U III _ U ' , " " . . . . _ _ ' 1,1. . _ . . . . . . . . . . " . .h . ' " . , 'r , . . . -r , . . , . . J. _ " ' ' ' '
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, , , , , , , " , , , ' , . > " 'I '
" -k , " * - . t ' . 1 l 11k 1 . ? fE- t- \t " 't ' 1
, y , ? ' " * V 'TVt .V' ? " 'V ; ' ! , 'y ? F7t V ; " "Y'\'f \ l ' / '
i7I".I' _ {
. . . - . . . - - - . - : ,
. - - ; : : ; = - - - - I
: W Having bought the goods of the t ?
k Carlos Second Hand Store , I will ! .
i- ' " at a Bargain. Those des It.- " , - "
1t. Ing to pUI'chase anything In , ' , ? 'I'
; " my line will find It to their In- ;
t , ; \ " ' terest to call at once as these t
" goods must be sold. "
: * "
,1 k. ! , IJ& . < iall and see good. and get price. if you
" want bargnns. 7f'f
? I } va. . Location-In Realty Block , South Side f
< * of Public Square. 3t-
! . JTJD : : : E.A. ? t
* - . . . . . . . . . , iii
j , , , , , , , , ,
. _ . ,
* ' \ ! * I . ) I * I I ; k "
, , . . . . ? ' ' . , ' ? "V" , , , ' ' . '
\ ' 1' 'V' 'T' " " t " V' r 'V' ; " v'
Al'\C9EI.IUO ' , I
Frank Jacquot of Merna , has I
taken charge of the Jacquot
elevator here. I
A 'l'hanksgiving programme
is being prepared in each room of
our village school.
Ir. N dlle , our general night
op rater , visited his parents Sat-
u1" < lay at Wood River.
Our barber Joe is getting to be
quite a fisherman. He says that
he will yet land his Bass. Go in
Our new library books for the
school have arrived and the
teaclttrs ! and pupils are delighted
with' th m. I
Mr. Bowman's new house is '
nearly completed , It is quite a
. .
Constlpntlon Is notblng more
. tl18n a clu minll of the bowels
nll\lnulhinJ.fll' ! than vilal slAg. .
naliun or dealh if not relieved. I
If every constipated sufferer
coulll realize lhat be Is allowing
PUillUIIOUS fillh to remain in hiiJ
lI\'stmll. be woul 80011 Ret relief.
UU li\'aliun invites all kind of
conlaglun. Headacbes , bilious.
ness. coll1 and many other ail.
mutatIS disappear when consti.
pateJ bowels are relieved. Thed. .
furd' , Ulack.Draught thoroughly
ch'ans out the bowels in an easy
ami natural manner without the
purging of alomel or other violent -
lent cathartIcs.
De 8ure that you get the orlgl.
nal Tht.'dford's Blnck.Dmught ,
made by The Chattanooga Medi.
cine Co. Sold by all druggists in
25 cent and $1.00 packages.
Horgan. Ark'l.llIJ' 2a , lOOt. ,
I caDnotrc mmfnd Thedford' . lIIack.
DraughUoo hlghl1' I kecl' Itln mJ' houle !
aU the Uml and hlTo uledlt for thllut
teu Jeara. I noer lue m1 children
anf other luathe. I think I could
IIlYer be IIble to work without It
on account of beIng troubled nlUl
ronlUpatlon. Your medldno II
aU tllat keel'1 tile up.
Co D. JlcFAnLND.
I. .
commodIOus structure and a Ulce
addlttion to the village.
County Surveyor Van Ant-
werp and R. W. Buckner , bothof
Broken Bowaredoing proCessional -
al work in the vicinity.
F. C , Wilson did business at
the county seat Tuesday. His
daughter , Miss 'Vilson left Monday -
day to attend the University at
Miss Stella L o of Merna , was
canvasing for holiday books here
Friday and' Saturday of last
week. She reports that she did
a very thriving business while
in our village.
A Christian Endeavor was
'organized here last Wednesday
even ing. An en tertainment for
the benefit of the M. E. Church
will be held two weeks from
Wednesday eve.
The Teachers Association
which met here Saturday' , Nov.
15 , was not very well attended ,
though the papers were well re-
, 'ei ved and much enthusiasm ex-
mplified in the discussion of the
same. There seemed to be a
of professional reading on
the part of many of the teachers
tit attcndance. This ought not
to be so. One or two good booles
on theory and art of teaching
rend and thoroughly digcsted
each year would do much to
broaden the minds of the teach-
rs. Oue teacher present when
questioned on the method she
L1sed in teaching primary and
Intermediate geographl' said :
.11 am a little old fasluoned in
caching. geography , I follow the
luestions and answers in the
ext-book , " Swinton's.old . prim-
, try gp.ography is this up-to-
llate teaching ? Near the close
of the session , a business meeting
If the Association was held , A
Constitution and By-laws was
adopted , c0111pleting , the organization -
ization of the North-west Custer
Teachers Association. E. J.
Johnson of Anselmo , was chosen
president for one year and Miss
Ashbaugh of Ortello , was chosen
Secretary-Treasurer for the same
period. All teachers in the
i north-western part of Custer Co.
are considered members of the
Association. 'l'he next meeting
th ( ' , association will be held in
Merna , the second Saturday of
next January.
c-.UU1JLfUl..I'"U U 1..rULJ1JU
: : - ; -
c.t : ) _
fQ. t9
. . . . . .
' . . Q )
. - ; : - . .
, . . . . . - -
: o-ureu.'s : !
COlne One , Come All
: and leave your orders for. . . . .
5' Oysters ,
Celery ,
, Nuts ,
_ Raisins ,
_ _ _ Oranges ,
Apples ,
Sweet Cider ,
Sweet Potatoes.
J. C. . BOWEN.
. . Trade . . , .
pun It OI.D. at. " 'Il'\CEGA.R. '
. " " , . . , " . ; . . . . . . : : . . -.I. . . . . . . . ; . , . . . . " " 111.-T . ' 1 Itn . _ _ . . . .Io.o.-.y . . , . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . .
, 'dJ : . ; t 1 , i..Ml . 4t ; . , : t . & : . > & .h. } .
_ ' ' ' ' ' ' - . . . . . . . , .I < ' _ . " 'ff. _ " WJIto
'rho ' HCfcnuo InwB 01 Nchl' sku.
( ny . n. I1u.tPlInuy. )
More or ICBI attention has been
given the revenue laws of thc'
state during the past campaign.
All kinds of remedial legislation
have been suggested fro 111 letting
it alone to repealing the entire
law and enacting tl new one. In
my judgment there is no need for
an elaborate reyision of t1 e
state's revenue laws. 'With a
little fixing they are all right as
they now are. 'l'he trouble arises -
ses over the limited scope of the
Statc Board of Equalization's
power to adjust State levies for
general pnrposes.
Secn , 1 , Article 9. Constution
of the State , provides : liThe
legislature shall provide such revenue -
enue as may be needful by levying
a tax by valuation , so that every
person and corporation shall pay
a tax in proportion to the value
of 1115 property , the value to be
ascertained in such manner as
the legislature shall direct. "
Sections 3 and 4 , Chapter 77 ,
entitled Revenues. sets out thc
manner in which the legislature
has directed that the values of
personalty and realty shall be
The personality under Section
4 shall be "valued at its fair
cash value" and the realty under
Section 5 "at its fair value estimated -
mated at the price it would bring
at a voluntary sale where
notice had been givcn , the terms
of sale being one third cash and
the balance secured by mort-
gage. "
After the legislature provided
the manner of fixing the valuation -
tion 011 properties as set out in
Section 4 and 5 above quoted , it
then provides in Section 75 of
the same act.
Sec. 75.liThe rate of the
general state tax shall be sufficient -
cient to realize. the amount necessary -
essary to 111eet appropriations
made by the legislature for the
year in which the ta ) ; : is levied NOT
The valuation provided for by
tbe Revenue Act is a fail' cash
It is a notorious fact that
assessors do not return a fair
cash valuation of the property
they assess. It is also evident
that assessors it ! " different counties -
ties of the state o not use the
same basis or rate of cash valul s
in returing assessments. In the
smaller western counties property -
erty is assessed approxImately
at a fair cash value. In central -
tral counties it is assessed at
from one fourth to one eigllih oC
its value. While in the eastern
counties it is assessed at one
tenth to one twentyietb of its
value In the western counties
the asses or has to fix his valuation -
tion big enough to pay the running -
ning expences of his county on a
15 mill levy. In the eastern counties -
unties the assessor beats it. down
to a point where the valuation
will be small enough to pay county -
unty running expenses. Each
county must pay its own household -
hold expenses regardless of the
valuation. Only wlH re these
valuations meet to pay the running -
ning expenses are the counties
of the state interested -
ed in the valuation of property
returned by the assessors of
other counties. To illustrate :
LOlI'an counlY Is assessed at. . , . " oo 000 00
Custer countr : 16 : useseed at. . . . . . . 3 100 000 00
DoulI'las cOllnt ) IS asseesed at. . . , . 21 .500 000 00
This means that for every $7.
00 of property in Douglas county ,
Custer county has $1.00 in properly -
perly values : that Douglas county -
ty has only seven times more
wealth than Custer. Question too
absurd to . .iscuss. Yet it is the
basis upon which Custer and
Douglas counties pay state taxes
Now for aU purpo\es ! except
etate taxes it is immaterial to
Custer county what ratio or basis -
is of taxation in Douglas and each
of the other counties of the state
is , whether it is a fair cash valuc
or one-twentieth of it. But if
Logan county is assessed at a
fair cash value mid Custer at one
eighth , and Douglas at one
twentieth , then Custer and
_ . . _ - - - . . - " " , . . . . . . . . - . . . - , " ' -
_ . . . . . . _
' ' ' ' 'L1' ' Ml " - y
- -
Douglas are not paying' a tax iu
proportion to thc valuc of. property -
erty thc Constitutiun pt'Ovi-
des. 111 other words Custer and
Douglas are shir1dng' ! ; tate taxes
because the inhibition placed on
the state hoard of cqualization
uy Sec. 75 ahove ( luoted , which
provid s that 5 mills is all that
can be levied for general state
taxes upon the valuation returned -
ned by the assessors . of the state.
'l'he remedy thercfore h. to
amend Se . 75 so that it will
contain provisions something
like this.
1. Fix a rate Cor general state
tax say 5 mills.
: : ! . Embrace Section 49 chapter -
ter 77 a ammended Sec. 75 so
that assessors at their annual
meeting shall fix the ratio to cash
values they will assess upon ,
which' when fixed , shall be certified -
fied to the secretary of state by
the county Clerk.
3. Empower the state uoard of
Equalization to multiply the
rate for general state tax by the
ratio to cash values the assessors
agree to return as the valuation
of the property of their county.
'rhen the matter of state taxes
equalize itself' 'ro illustrate
again : Assume Logan cpunty
has $10,0000.00 inlproperties returned -
turned at cash value ; Custer
$10000.00 at one. eighth value ;
Douglasl$10000.00 at one- twentieth -
tieth vaiue.
t'nlr Cash Gen. 'l'ax ' 1'0 tal
Value. Rate.
LOlI'all-$10OOO SIOOOO SIll. , OO
Custer-SIO.WO-H 1.250 S III.xS-40 50.00
Duugla9-IOOOO-I. SOO S M.x20.100 50.00
On reducing the state tax
problem to a mathmetical proposition -
osition and stating it in the
form of a proposition it would
read like this :
The assessors base of valuation -
ion is to the cash value of the
property assessed as the fixed
general tax rate is to the equal-
i.zed general tax rate.
Thus thc "cheese" purifies
jo'rcllcrlck 111111 Moore ArrcstctJ.
John Frederick , of Callaway ,
was placed under arrest in this
city about ten o'clock Friday
by Logan Sammons , sheriff of
Buffalo county , on a charge of a-
dultery. Saturday morning he
appeared in Justice Reilly's court
and was arraigned. He pleaded
not guilty and was released on
bond of five hundred dollars pending -
ing the prcliminary examination
to be held ncxt Saturday , November -
ber 22.
The story of Frederick's alleged
offence has already been told in a
local newspaper with .some cmbel-
lisb.ments and not altogather cor-
rectly. 'rhe matter has been
talked about more 01' less during
the past week , and a warrant has
been out for his apprehension ,
but while he was at liberty the
Hub did not deem 'it proper to allude -
lude to the affair.
The offence with which Frederick
is I charged compromises also a
young woman , whose parcns reside -
side in Callaway uut , are tlowlvis-
itillg in the east. and the offence
was committed tn this city , ac-
cording' to the information filed.
R. A. 't'foore , alleg d to have
been connected with the aO'air as
an abettor , was arrested several
daysagocharged with drunl < encss
and with allowing his room to be
usedfor il1l11101'al purpoRes.He t 1ed
a motion to compel the state to elect -
lect upon which charge they
should try him. The state chose
the former. to which he pleaded
guilty. Meantime sentence is
suspended and the state may file
a new complaint on the second
Fredeick is a prominent stock
man of his comm1.\nity , a l11arried
man , and father of a number of
ch.i1dren. 'rhe young' 1:111. , . is
said to be about se\'cnteen fears
old. The facts will doubtless be
brought ont more fuy } ] on the
preliminar.r examinat on next
Saturday.-Kearnc.r Huh.
'hnt Nc , , ' Uunl011
is off the press a1\l1 \ ready for is\rihutioll. \
It is a liltle lh ( best publica lion d scrip. .
tive oflhis wonderful section of " 'romin
yet issued. It gi\'cr. brief gli\11ps \ r. at
its farms , gardens , catlle randles , Irregu.
ting ClUlals , oil fields fllld 1\ \\'onl ahout
the goldell opportunities. Jllustmted by splendid hlllf.tones from
photographs. Frec tQ nil ) ' adl1rcs IIn rc
quest. J. FRANCIS , , G. P. A. ,
Burlingtoll Roulc
. ,
' Nt'u.
23'25 Oma1111 ,
. " ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' , " . _ , " . . _ . .if' " , ,7 r
. . . JI lJ " _ ' _
. . .
TO cu.-.n A COLI ) IN ONE DA. 1/ / '
Tnkn LusUo IIromll Qolnlne Tabtetl , AI
11r1l ! ( I I rnfnnd the monoJ'1f It falll to curo.
H. W. Uroo' . Ilgosturo Ie on each box. 250. . I I
In tbu UI If1c' CoUlt , Cu tor 00uo17. Nobu ka
lo"a Loao & T , nit Company. l'lalnUIt.
1Iorlon Dl hoPl1 et III , lie fendaut .
'ro LJarlOlllllKbol1l" Alartlla A. '
[ lecnllu , UhrA I. Ueellan Ant Mary 1tceley ,
no".reehlcnt defendant8 :
Yun , enll each of yuu , will tllke DOIlco tll t 011
Iho 20Lh day of November. I'JOJ. the luwa Loan
.t 'hURL lJOIl1PbOY , JllIllotllt , IIled Ita lI tlUoLlln
the III.trlct eourt of CuiLCL' count7. Nebrakl ,
81alo : t Yuu , and eacll of , ou. together with OUI'
er deCondunte. Lllo cbhct aud IJroyer of wblcll
MId petlLlon are to fot.Clolo a cerbln morlgage
executed b1 Iho defor.dante , Jlarton lIt hopp aud
LdrLh " . III&hol'lI , to the 1lalntllt upon tbe
touth halt of too lIlrlh.welt : quaTtor. antI the
lIorth balfortho eOlllh W ! t Ilu"rLer. of Icetlon
8 , lown.blp 14 , range : U , 8ltuaLII In Custor countf.
ebr. Ik , whlcb luortggn WAS given to Becure
the p"YlllenL of ono Ilruml sory nOlo. dated July
I , j5'JI ! , fur tbolomof $ OO , due ao.1 payable on
Ihe flret day of JUly ,1816. That there Is now dno
and IIOlllilel open palll note ami morlglgo tbe
eum of t400tOlolher "Ith the InteresL tueroon
aL Ihe t400/ / 10 lIer cent. per annum from tbe ht
day of J'dy , 1898 , for whlcb snm and Inlorclt the
lllalntlfI IJraye for a dpcleo of foreclosure and eale
uf , aid real utate Yon.lnd each 01 YOUi ! are
uqulred tJ an'wer ald pLUUon on or before
Muudny. the 29 b day of Uecemllor , 1902. '
\Jatcil \ at IIr/lk..u How. Neb , . thll 20th day oC
Novumh rI902. low. & . t.O..1I & ; TllUeT l.o"
23.26-110 LJy O. L , GUTTEllBOIi.
1\s \ Alto I o y.
To "hom It way Oooeern :
'rbo commilitoner applJln' ed. to dow ' " road
peLltioned for by 1'lIn L. Metcalf aod others ,
commencing at the Nw eorller of ecLlon 7 , town.
ellil. II } . rang ! ! II } . thence eouth ahoot lU lods ,
thence oost one mlle on prelent traveled road to
ectlon IIno IJetweeu s ctloos" ; and I ! , town8hlp
19 , ran go 19 , tb nc , north to loctlon line runnlog
cast und west. thence east on ectlon IIno 'oco
mile to the Booth slele of the propoted now
brldgo acroel tbo Mlddlo Loup IUver , aod to
ucate the present eSLabllshod road No 71 so tar
81 It relale. . to tllat portion' through srcllolJ I ! ,
town blp tlJ. range 19. haa reportec1 lu favor of
the establishment thclcof , and all ob ] . ctlone
Ihnrcto , or clalmll f'lt ddlll1jes , most lie lotlln
Ihe county clerk's olllco on or bef'1re noon of tbe
23rd dllv of , 'anuary. 1903 , or 8uch rORd will lie
llIblbhed wILl thereto.
c out reference I
lu wllneu Whereof , I hBYO hereuoto set , my
hand and 81J01 of salll county. thIs 20th tlayof
November. 190 . GEO. W. DPW8 .
[ SEAl. ] Connty ClJrk. :
J.2J-108 { JOII : PIO IAN , Deputy.
' 1'0 " 'born It mar concern :
'I'be comml8 loner Appointed to view a road
petlLloned for bV J.P. Mackrlll aUlI olhers , com.
menclng 011 the quarter Mctlon I1ne , runnlnjt
uorth 1I0tween tilt' Sw , cf NwJ' . aUlI Se of
NwJ . sectton 29 , town8Ull117 , ran 8 20. wo t Mh
P. M.on the half section IIno , rUllntng calt and
wpst lurongh said e ctlon 011 Deebo. I'tree on the
norLb.we l corner of tlllJ city of Broken Bow.
Neb , The 8ald road to run north on atd quartcr
BPCUnn live nd Inlet sect section line road run.
nlng call' And west along the north IJolJndaryof
sol st'cLlon 21 } . hat ! roportfd In favor of the 'es.
tabllshment IberMf. south 0) rode La be on the
eo t clde of line , balaoco of road 118 potltloned
for ; all obJrctlon8 thereto , or clafms for dam-
uges , must bo led. n the eounty clerk'e 011100 on
cr before noo" oC Ihe : ? 3rd day of .Jannary , l 03.
or 8uch road wIll be cstbtlshed wltbout refor.
cIce tlleroto. In wltucSI whereof. I han hero.
unto Bct my hand Iud lIelil of MId eounty. this
20lh day of November , 1962. GEO , W. DEWEY.
LsuLl nOl1nt Clerk ,
2 26-101 } lIy JOII. : PIUMAN , Deputy
- - - - - -
lyleJ cA. ksf l'CZIclep ,
Abstracts Promptly Furnl hed. YOllr 1Il1 lllel'
! -ollclted. OWce In Bank or Commerce lIullillol : ,
Drokon Dow. Nebra loa. :
1'axOB paid for non-roRidon tB.
. . . . . . Dealer In. . . .
PUhll'l. Wtud Mille. Tallk , FIltlngsOll80llnil
EoglncB , etC. . Itc ,
IIrokoll ) lOw , Nebraftk a.
Physician SurgeOll.
2011 StaIrway from west cnd.ln Heatty 1I10ok ;
rcsldence , 3r(1 ( WtJst M. E. cbnrcb. on same aldO !
of stroet. lIroken Bnw , Nebraska'
- V' " " : : ; ; i- : = : . ' -
' ' ' ' ' ,
. . 'l' " " j , r .33'j
. AI' , 1flf '
. . . _ _
frl1ll1r' " 1 15F _
-Proprietor oi- .
Ue.tanrant& Lnnch Counter. Larlle auortment I
of Confoctlonarlo , . Olgars and Toll&OOOl. North f
Bldo of l'ubllc SlJuarollrokon 1101'1' ' . Nebraaka.
Physician & Surgeon.
omco In rear of the l1ank of Commerce. lIelt.
denco 61h hotlle w"st of tbe LJapUlt churcb.
IIroken Uow , Nebraska.
- -
ff r 3s' e U C . l Fs } - "
Hoome 8 and9 , Realty Block. IIroken Uo v , Neb.
E. F. McCLunl. l > rop. . . . . . .
R70 Flonr , Unckwhcat , Gr.b m , Feen , etc.
I.-a..t lJarekeu. )
, 'I '
, ,
1'lI'"l'Iaue and c8thnate8 ou 8bortnotlce.
IIrokeo 110w , NebrASka ,
DR. ' 1'rJ , FARN8WOH.'rll , . '
Jromco Over Swan's Urocery.
andUuroo Joraey lIog'red ' and doM. Delt blOod
oftbclrclaKs. Addreu , U. E. O.1DWEI.L.
1Iroken ! Jow. Nebraska.
. .
I thJIHI"Ilt1d ! ' IDJn , NOTAHY l'UDLIC. " J ' "
, Iso Jnetlco ot the Peace. 8pecllllllttent 00 alveu
to collecllon8 Uepoelllons tak n , pcnelon vooch.
ne neatly exocnted and all klndl ot leKal papere
wrltton. Omce In tile rear of Hank of Commerce ,
Ihokon Dow. Ne lraska.
WUjfJiiI 1l1Jf31 ilIJtm'ill .
Twulllocks north or Oreoll Oentrol Hotel. Pat.
ronn e sollcltCd , Price ! ! rell.8ouable.
D HS. R O. & W. E. TALBOT , .
0ll1C6 over Uaoherle'8 Drug Siore.
Uroke.n 1I0w , . . . Nehralh.
Free tnstrnctlons how to take and dlJvelope e
( Jjcturll wIth eerf camera sold. .
FInIshing Iiolle tor amaturee , .
Latest Styles in Photographs. . .
EltalJlIshed III 1 91. .
I \
Broken Bow , NfhraBka.
I Rusrnuanderlon - ! , . .
J. C. Moore ,
Roo'E.t. . . .
Ab" " " " "
ar'1.alld8 for . .aletnd rent III CUHor couuty IInll IIIJl > llIlng cOllnllud. XIIIlltlc811nll mortgage ,
bought and lold. Abetrads rompUylnd neatl , made.
Otllee-Maln S ruet. Bctwecn .Jth and /'jth / AyenoCd. Droken DalY. Custer county. Nebraska.
Money SaveL.
. . . . . .
Custer County Republican
nlld lhc Ncbraska Fnrmcr enc ycar for $1.2ii. The RIWUIIf.lCAN is
the of Cnster county , ul\Il is thc oldcst pupcr in lhe
counly ; ani is IIn ncwspaper. It was foundcII ill r882. It
will continuc ill the fulurc n in thc past lo failhfuIly chroniclc and
rcport all the home al\ll ncighhorhooll IICWS , liS WCUIIS to furnish
weekly II hudget of gcncral lIews , cnlertllilling misceIlancous rcading
unl kcen cditorial commcnl on malters of current interest. It is in-
llispensahle in lhe uH\lh.lhe.times ) \ home ,
is lhe leading general farm al\ll live slock paper of the wcst. It was
founded ill 186901111 hits oulclasscd thc Ilozens of ri\'as ) which , sillcc
thallimc , ha\'c becn slartcd ill this terrilory , , all others ha\'illg lliell
or been consolillnlcil with lhc Ncbraska ltarmer , excepl thc latcst . ,
' \ hrood , hatched since 1900 , which arc merc ) ) ' polilical papcr : > masquc-
rading under Ilcc pl'e a ricultural titles. Nebraska Furmer is ex.
clnsi\'ely agricultural , pohlicalmalter alld '
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Regular SUbsorlption Prloe of Nebraska. Farmer Par Year.I.OO
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Our Special Combination Offer , Both Papers , Per Year. $1.25 :
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that the ' win positivel ) ' stop their paper withont notice whcn r ;
the time for which it is paid in advance expires.
, . , .