Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 20, 1902, Image 6

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    ' , \ ' " " " "I [ . " " , , . " , . . . , . " . " " . , . , . , . , , . ' -t' " " " "
. . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i.-t' , . ,
, , 'JIrt" " ' " ' . .L. . . , ' . . . . . . . . . . - ' , ' " " ' -YT - . , . - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . \t. _ . - - . . - " "
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CIIAl"l'Elt IV.-ICOlltlIlIlCd.1
"CIII'Re lIUIII ! " ( 'xil'l Ahrl , llti Ill ! l'l'l\ch-
cd lhe ollwr tihh ! o [ UII' ( lOlllt , 111111 lia w
thllt which hlH Rister hrul sel'lI f"JlIJ lhe
cliff 1/hIlHllllc / ! ! 1 lItlu l' .
Un lool < ed roullil 11111I Cor II Cn' h wuy
of C1ICIII ) ( ! . 'l'hl're1111 tile 111'11 , I ( lIIl'Y
IIIcII If I leoLI 111 1111I1 swllll : huL thl' ) ' coultl
bo enslly orcrlukell. 'i'lll ! rocl'lI IIhuvu
them werl ! lee o\'erhullgillg lo clhllh , nnll
there \VUR 110 "lhcl' wuy , IInlel' 1I Ihl'Y re-
turnell , ullil lrlcl1 to rllRh through lhelr
purHllerR : ror heyolld 1I1l ! [ Iolnl lhe tilll'
lied UIIIIII lhe dllT ,
"No glHHI , Hurt ; we're trIlIIIH tI , " Hnlll
"t'li ' Corglve her.-
Ahel , Rlolhlly. Iw\'cr
"Yell , , rou will , " Hllhl Bal'l , f\lttillg tlown
on n l'oek , 1111I1 curcfullr lnldllg off , hlH
Cur cnll to wil'I' ' hili Illatell LJI'IlIv. I , uu
'wlll HOllie dn1' . Why , I ( 'Oulll ffrJ.ive Iwr
lIII1'thlllJ-1 cUllltl. She'K Il wOllllerful
gell : IlIIl , 'I JIIIM ) nre werry IIUI'I : ,
He Hut Hlarili1I0wII / III the hual bl'-
101111 lhe ) lOllIl , the ullchor hllVlug hcell
tneell ! 1111 honrd , ulIll thl' ourn bl'llig fllIl
to heep her off lhl' rochs , ilK tlw rOlle IUld
f { ' ) ) wilh Ihe COIIIIII ! ; lillI' ,
"No ! " 111I111 Ahel , hiltl'rly. "I'll lIeVl'r
for ! ; \'e Illr-lIevl'rl" !
"Nay , 11111 , dOll'l AUY thllt , " Halll Hllrt ,
, Tuhlllllg aile Hth' ! , " ( ( I' ) ' , I lit ! " ( 'I'liurc
slle Is. ' 1'ofl 0' the clllT. Lool , ut lIer ,
Dlute. "
"No , " lIultl AlJzl'l ; "Iel her loolt-lIlIllr
cownrdly worlc.
uN OW , tlllm I" Bholllell the 111'1\(1 ( cOIIslu-
bll' , IlII he came 11111111111 ; Ull , "II : ! It Hur-
rCllller , OT ITght' "
11'01' all8wer , Ahel cllmhed lIoIowly down
to the annllH , fllllo\Trd hy Bart : nllil lhe
next mllllllu lIllY wel'tJ flllrroullflcl ) nnd
SlOOI' wi g'vell ullon lhelr wrllllri.
" 'Vnrm worlc , " Huld lIle CO III U ! .It e ,
cheerfully ; "LlUt wilve gOl you sllfe noW. "
In silence the [ Inrly wlLk thdr Ill'l oJ.-
era " 'l\lIcCI' ' Rlowly bncJc , 1\1111 bl'neatla the
Blmt whcru l\llIry sloollillce n IIgurl ! corv-
ed out ol roclt , tur nbove lbl'lr hcuds ,
till they hud olle out ol Hight , without
once looldlll ; UII or lIIuldllg u trigll ,
'i'hen the 11001' girl Blink clowlI In te
roclcy nlchu where Ahc hllrl cJllllhl'1 lil t ,
and bural illto all agolllzt-d fil ol Wl'el-
Ing."l ul1ler - mother - broUler-:11I g011l1
Lover In IIle I Alllnt'-alolltJ-ulollll" IIIIl'
lohbed. "Whut Imve 1 dOlle to deservtJ
It nil ? NollllIl ! ; ! " Bhe crirll , flercly ! , liS
Bhe Bprnng to hcr tect 1\111' turlled 111111
ItlOIt her cllncJled fists IUIIiI ward. "i'loU.-
tng but lovc n colli , cruel wrelcJl , Yell ,
love ; and now-oh , bow 1 hate hl"-aIIlJ
all the world I"
She Banle down ngnln In the nlclJe l l of
a henp , nnd Hat thl're WIUI thu 9'1111 Hlow-
Iy lllklllg lowlr , nnd Ule aenblrds wLwel-
log roulld null r01ll1l1 nbove her hellll , I1mj
wntchlllg her wllh IlIqulsltlve eye. . , nil
they earh : now nnd Ulen uttered 11 11I0urn-
tul wnll , which 801ll1Cleci IIYI1\)1ntheUe. )
AIIII lIIC1'I' IIhe Hnt , hour utter hUUI' , till
It WWI quile tlnrl" "hell Hhe lIerun ; Rlow-
Iy to descend , lt81dllg Illrsclf whl1t IIhe
IOhoulll do t.o sn ve her hrstlllr Ulltl hili
triend , haUl 1II11Ier mlllconeellUIIII , but
sulTerlng ( or her nle.
"And I atny here I" Hbe suld , pnRslou-
ately. "Let tllllII Ullnk whnt tlwy wlJl.
I'll try und IInvo lhem , for thl'Y must lIc
In IIrl80n now. "
Ml\ry wa Ilullu rllhl ; Cor 1l:1 night Cell
Abel Dell und Bnrt , hili cllml1l1ll10ll , were
Ilnl'tllldllg of II Vlry ! frugal melli , 1U1l1
ulnllu uncomCorluhlu by the fnct thlit It
wns not good , und tllnl lIley-mcu fl' o
to COUll' IInll go on HI'II and IUlld-wer\ !
now IInfl'ly cugetl beblnd n mn'mYe 11'011
" 'Yell , " Imld arl , nt IUllt , " 1'11I only
sorr ' for one tlllllg now. "
"Whnt's thutItry : , helng 110 1IIl1le' ! "
Mnry bl'll1 ! : HII hllRe' ! '
IINIlY , 1'lUllorry tor lhnt , " rl'lllIell Bart ,
"bnt whut 1 IUl'nnt WIJI Ihllt 1 tlllu't ,
Jtlvo the cUlltuln olle hllrll ' 1111 IIn thl'
tlCul ! . "
'l'he la wa wl're trtJInllllloUllly litringent
In those duys when Il wnll condllm'ed
IllUch ellHler to brlllg 1111 olTlutlcr'lI bud
enreer to un cUll thnn to keell him at lhe
Jlutlon'H UXllellle : lIud whell the titl'.IIII1j : ;
of IIhl'l'lI WIIS consltlercd II crimI ! to he
IJ'UniHhed with dl'llth IIU I\ltncl ( Ullon lhc
sacred Ilcrson of 0111' of the klng'M ollle rH
by 1\ couple ol notorious law-hrcaJccrs
wns 1I0t lIIely to he looltld uIIOU lenient.
Iy Iy n judge well knolVn Cor Htl'ru sell-
But II jury ol De\'ou men WUH IIUlIUI ;
Ufl 1II tll offense of Abcl Dell : lnll Hal'l
W.\Ijley , ulld tel'llllg dllillOscd tu tJe-.I1
" 1111111' with It L'OuLJle Itl Joung tl'llows
WhORC prevloull ball ehnracter W1\8 nil III
cOUlll'cUon wilh sUluggHng , a crlweTlth
thl' Hltld jury ol n VI'I'T light le , L'Crtalu-
Iy nol blllek. Abul uut. ! Bart clcullel1
the rope , and wl're Il'ntenced lo trnuII-
1lort/llion to one DC W8' lDajcllty'a ( ( Jlunll'lI
III the Wl'sl Indies , th 1't. . . do COli viet
worl ( In connection willt plantations , or
the mnklng . .f roadll , as lhcJr tnsk IlII1S-
tel'lI IIIlght think fit.
Time glided liT , alul AlarT D\'U Coulld
thnt her life nl home bnd 1.teoc > > u lu..iU -
She WUII not IMlg Ln finding lhut. U\V"
thut Hhe'us Iclt aloae ud uuprotected , :
she wns not lo lie free trolll [ tll'1iccutiun.
Her L'Onteml1luous rl.jecUoR ol 0311tl1l.
Al'lUlltrOng's nllvnucffl seemed t. hl\Ve thu
elleet oC Inerellslng his perBL'CuUoU ; Ilne !
one evening nt the end ol a COUIII" .r
monthH , Mnry Dell ! lilt on one ol tau
Tucks outside lhe cllttnge door , ! ; Iulnl : :
out to lieu , nnd wulchlng the ships sail
w twnrd , ftK she woudered whether
the ! ! ! ! 011 bonrd would eTer see tlte lIrolh.
cr who seemed to he all thut wus lett to
this world.
her In I
Thnt llurtleulnr night the thougbt . . . . .hlch
had been hntchlng 10 her lIraln ever
IilllCt ! Allel bnll lIeen sent aWn ) ' tll'W forth
tllily tlellged nUll reudr , lIud IIhe rOliu
trom wht'ro Hhe hud bl'en 1Iltllnl : In th\ !
on-ulng IIIUlshlne , aud walked luw the
. , ttne : ,
She wellt Into her brolher Ahel'lI ! ted-
" ' 00111 , whcre she stn'ed for soml' minutes ,
&nd tlltJI , with n quIrk , resolute Atcp ,
. .11\1 rl'.t'ut = I'd the cottne ! kitchen , thrllst
Ute Cew embers together thnt burncd upon -
on the henrth , toolc n pair ot scissons
trom a .box , nlld Realn lIedcll bersell bu-
' 01'1' a Ius. ! :
'J'h ( ' 61n wnB sellin ! : , aDd filled tl , , '
alnte.lllJarl"l kitchen with. UJht which
- -
IInllllld hacl ( froUl the hlurred looldnl ;
JflnsH , 111111 cll8l II Cllrloull Jlnrc III the
Jfirl'n IIll'rn COUll tell nileI' . with ItM 11l'1I\'Y ,
Ilnrl , hroWH , ! ! 1I11-hroWlIl'lI , ru lly clICcl'H ,
111111 Jll'nllllng I'II'S.
'fill' fIllUrl1 HclllsorH hncl Iltllled thrc.ugh
Iltll' lock or thl' IIUlllllive hlnck treell !
whIch Hhhnll Hhnkl'u over her slwuhlcrM ,
tHl which tlll'lI rI\llll'd \ tll the cllttng ! !
A Iwlhl1' cut , aull llocI's hnd Culll'lI.
'J'lIclI rU\lldly \ 1111111 , liltlf' , SIlI1I-11 ellrl-
UUIi lhlcle , shuI'I1 Sll 1\1-11 \ 1111 thl ! ll'lIt
WII\'II lIC glorlllllll hair 1'llt [ nllllll ; 11M thl'
hare , Hllu-huruell , rllddy nl'lII plnYI'IJ ! Jerl'
nllll tlwrc , nnd the : lled hlndel IlItlerccJ
nlld olllwcl [ null elosl'lI , Uli Il a 1'11I , hunl.l
ullfl IIcI/I'lIUrli forllllc1 the neck , htHltl ulIlI
IIl1gry hili of SO III I' lIerce hlrll nttllcldllg
lhnt wlII'Hhnllctllll'nd , nllclllt CVl'I' ' IIIJIII :
lool , off II lhlelc lrl'lI ! ! of hlllr ,
Au huur luler , jlHlt us tLw red moou
I'ose Hlowly IIhu\'e the Hurtl\eO of the Hen ,
II IIlurd ) ' IOllldllg YUllllg 11I1111 , with U stout
HUel , lu onl' hlltHl-lhe vl'ry illicit which
hall 1IlIIIell lo beillbor OU\ltu11l \ Arllllltrou
-null II blludle tiell1 \ lu II hnlldlterchl t
bellcath hili nl'lII , Hll'\lllld \ out of the cot-
tngl' , chullged the Iwy frUI IIIilh' to out-
sldc , closed the old door , loclwd it , drugged -
ged out the leey , lIull with a lIulldfu ! jorl (
lIelltlt lIylll fllr Ollt lulo dCI'll wntcr ! JI' .
YOllcl lh ! ! rocks. ' 1'111'11 tIll ! figure tm'lIl'
ollce Ulore to the cottagl' , gazl'd at It fix-
cllly for u few 1II0llleutll , lool < n Htcl ) or
t.wo a\ray ; bllt lijlrlln ! ; hllek tlirl'etl ) ' with
1111 ( 'xccelllllg hitter cry , /11111 / Id hwd the
rough , UIIIllIllIll'lI wooll work ugnlll an
1I lIlu with rupltl uelloll , nlll.l lhell clushed
oil' lo thu foot of the cliff nnd climbed
rl1flllll , to the shl'll ) trael-the talntl ) '
seen Imlh lhat led lowllrd Siuplon Len
nllil the old hull , Whl'r\ ! the elj\ltaln \ stili
HlIlYl'd with his YOllng wife , nud then
jolnell the west road \Thlch led to l'ly-
mou th.
Shl' Btrodo olt IIInufulIy lor allother
11unrtl'r of 1\ lillie , whclI ull at OIlCtJ lhere
wn ! ! 11 slolillngl' , for : uwther figurWilli
Sl'ell comlllg from lhe cllrl'cllon of 'ror-
crosq , alld the 1II00n shlnlllg full u\lon \
the tllce ahowl'd [ llnluly who It wnll ,
'rhere wnll IIU Ilueatioll fll Itlentlty , Cor
thnt eTellln Ollptlliu J alllcs Arlllltl'oug
-whose journl' ) . hnd heu llOlIt\lonell-hnLl \
Huubbl'd his young wlfl ! el'lllllT , quu1'l'd ,
I'll with his coulIllI lIulU\lhre1 \ , who IUllt
heeu tlll're to 1I111l' , aud tlll'n Il'ft till'
house. t.cll'rlllhJld ! to go do"n to ar1
Dell's solilarl cottag ! ! .
"Who's thlll ? " lIIutterell the cnplnill.
"Humphl Hllllor on the tralllp to Ply-
mouth. Well , Ill ! won't know DlC. I
WOII't turn bucl ( . "
lie IItrodl' 011 n dozell yartlIJ nllli lIll'lI
slopped lihort , a ! ! the figur ! ! before hllll
hnd stoPlll'd n fuw momellts hefore : unli
theu n ehunge cnllloVl'r the nspect of the
cuptllill. II I IOll'cli Shlllll < , his face tUl'U'
l-d wol , IIl1d his throllt Irew dry.
It wnll horrible ; but tlll're could be 110
IIIll1lalcl' .
"Abel D1'1It" hu cried , hoarsely , ns hI'
lenpl'd nt the Idl'll thnt the brutlllr Illul
retllrlled lu spirit , to su VI' his lilster Crom
nil hal'lII ,
"Out of my path ! " 1'lIng forth III nil'
SWl'r , till ! volcu bdul : loud , Imperlo\l \ IUIII
fierce ; 1\1111 theil , III a tOile of IlItl'nsl'
hutrl'd ulld supfJl'essed IJIISIi 10 II , the ( , IH'
wurrl-"Jol ; ! "
AII : thu last word raug out lhl're wns
11 whlslliu ! ; nil at a HlIelc fHHlslu ; ; thl'Oug1 !
UII' nil' , a trClIlllIl1oUI ! thu , 111111 Ihe cup
lalll fdl helHllolI ; ; IIpOIl thl' roely I'OIllIlI
' .rhell thl'rl''IIS uLler HilellCI' a : ! , the
1'OUIIJ ; slIlIor Illacl'tl au ! ! toot UpOII the
III'ostl'utl' IIIl1n's dllMt ! , HtUlllfll'd UIHHI II ; , alld MtroLle 011 I'i ht awn ) ' 0\1'1
the wild cOUlltl' ) ' hordl'rlug thl' seu.
'l'he IIgllre loullled up OIlCU iu the 1II00U-
lIht : , us lhu Cl1lltnlll rOlle slowly 11111111 IJIII'
clhow nllll . ; . ; azl'd nfter it , tll IIl'e thllt It
IIcell1cd to bl' ot superlllltllrnlll1'ollOrtlollll ,
/11I11 thell he ! ! Imlc lIuelc 111:1111 : with u
' 'It'lI : a spirit , " hsnltl , 'ICOUIl ! hack to
hl'r : " 1111I1 thl'lI the poltroou flllllttJd dl'ud
u \\'U1. .
SOllll'olle wus ! ! IIIIII ; ; ' ; a wl'st-couutry
dltt1' , 'l'here wa II IHlllse lu till' sillg.
illg , and the ! ! trlldug of IIl'verul hloWII
with n rouh ; hol' , to till' lIestructiou of
weells Illn colTeu plulltatloll ; while , ns till'
chops of the hol' Htrllck thl' clods of ( 'IlI'th ,
lhe tettl'l1I worn by the IItrllcer ga'tJ !
talut Clllllcs ,
"Oh , 1 KUY , Abel , mall ! ; dou't , lnd ,
1I0u't. "
"Dou't what " salll A lIel Deil , rl'still ) . :
UIIOII his hal' , aud looldllg lip nt 1I1 BU1.t
Wrigley. clothed 1II , , hlmselt , nru1l'd with
n hol' , aud , ,1110 decornll'd with fettl'rs ,
UII he IItood wiping thl' perspiration frolll
hili fordll'ltll. .
"Dou't 11111 ; ' ; thnt there old SOU ! ; . It O
1lI1l1'e IIIfl'cl so uukl'I. "
"UIIIell , Bart ? WI'II , wbat Illt does' ,
'j'hese I1ruuled dIl1'S. "
"Ar ; but ench time IOU alngs thnt I
seem tll see the roelcs nlon ; . ; by tbe Rhort !
at hOIllI' , with the Ivy buuglng down , Iud
lhe sheell tOllIln ! : , nn the Sl1I rolllll ; In ,
aull the blu ! ! 1Il. : ' , with gull ! ! n-th'lug : aud
It Ulukl'li mo tool 1Il.:0 : a boy nglllu , aud ,
big ali I um , as If I IIhouhl cry. "
. .
Alwn's wl're like n bl ! : 1I0y , Hart ,
Hoe uwny , 11111 : thl' o\'ersel'r's looklnl ; . "
Harl Weut ou chllllplnl'clIIIi , IlIlhelltl ) '
followlug hl'J friud'/i enm\lle. : \ 11:1 : II lIour.
looellll ! ; , 1'ellow-Cllcl'd IIIUII caUle lIr hI
COlUlHlIIY wilh a soldier 100seiT IIhouhler.
Ing hili mllaltot. Hul th ! ' ) ' Ilussed b , with ,
out IIlleuldu , nn111'1 eontlnut- , } :
" 'l'here'/i ! ; eu here , nud blue Ilk , . uu
IIUU9hlllt ! , "
"Ay , " ! ! ald Hart ; "there'li 'llullhln hot
enough to Crr 11 Ulllck'rl'l. PIA e II : \.Ihl \
enullgh It ) ' 011 WIlS Crl'e : hut It I\rclI'l
home , AlIel , It areu't hOllle. "
"HoUle ! 110 , " suld thyoulIg man , sn : ,
1I1ft-ly. "Uut we huv 110 lIOnHhl
&lJOIId t ha t. "
"Alt. ) 'ou're n harl1 'UII , AlIel , " remurl"
ed Burt , utter n time.
"ys : IIUlI 'ou're u 110ft 'UII , HI\\'t. Sia
coulll ulwn1i turn ) 'ou rouud t.r IIltlt
fiuer. : "
"Ay , ble hl'l' : lIud ube dldll't teU 01
UII , "
"Ye9 , IIhe did , " Bnld Abel , sourlr : nUl
hi' tnrul' lInck 11\1011 \ his 1.011I IHlI\lnn , UIII
tolled away to hid\ ! the workllll ; of hi :
tncl' ,
'rhe : iun Jihoue down :1S hoUr ast Cll !
. . -1----- . . . '
. ' - - . . . . " " . . . . . . , . . . , . . " , . " _ . .
_ .J _ _ -
"hlnc lu the 'Vesl luelll'lI , ullil thl ! CIIIII.III !
shirts till ! ) .OUIII : IIII'll Wllru Hho"ell
pntehes ol nlOlRturl' where thu Pl'rllllll'll'
lIolI cnmc throu h : but thcy worked OU ,
tor the labor dl'utll'lwd lhu mlll'r ! ) ' In
their IIrl'nstll ,
"How long hnve WI' heeu here , IIIntl" : "
snlcl Bnrt , I\tter a 11I11I l' ,
"Dunuo , " rl'pll'e1 A 1)1 , fll'rcdy.
"I1ow 10111 ; will thcy fW1'11 11M In lhl
ller ! ! plncc'lnld Burt , IInl'l' IIllf1tlwr lu-
tI'1'\'III , nlill hu .Iooh-d troln thc beautiful
Rhot { . at the bottolll ol the IIlopl' on whlela
th'y worked to thl' cltJsttr ! of IIlono : lIud
wooll-hllllt hUlldlnltll , which Cormed the
Ilrllioll IIndthe stutlou lurm , with fuctory
nud mill , ull worJwd lIy convict 1111101' ,
while thosl' lu thc nehhborhood weru
ulUuuJtl'd by blncls.
Abl'l did uot I\U8Wer , only St'Owlcd
flerclly : IInd Bart slghl'lI nud rellel1teel
his clllelillol1 ,
" ' 1'11I wu dll'l" IInld Abel , anvn ely ; ,
"Hnmc ns WU'VI' IIl'en other Cellow ! ! dl-
oC flVl'r. unll hurll wurlc , nl1d thu InMh. '
Cursl' the \ltnlul \ Curllt'- "
Hllrt cluPlled onl' hl1ll1l over hll ! com' :
pnnlou' ! ! 111111 , nud he held thu otlllr be- I
hll1tl hi ! ! heud , droPlllug his hou to lenvl'
[ ull IIbll'ty to net.
"I ue\'l'r qUllrrels with you , Abel , Inll , "
he lIuld , Hhorlly : "bllt If you ! ! nYIi words
ngllill thnt [ 1001' JtI'II , 1'11I Jtolng to flght-
null thllt wou't do , Is It ells ) " ! "
Ahel sl'elllell 11IIWSl'd ! to IItruggle : hut
he gnVe In , uotltled his Illnll , ullil Burt
loosl'd him null plckl'd 1111 hl hol' , jUMt as
the O\'I'rSl'l'r , who hull cOllie Iottl ' 111' '
bl'hlnd , brolllht dowu the whip he car-
rll'd with Htiultlll'Iolence .
\ ueroi. " ! tIC
Hhouldl'rll of IIrHt oUe lIud theu till ! "tlllr ,
' ! 'III ! 'ouUJt IIIl'n IIllr/1l11t rouud foIU'IIe ; -
Iy : but tilerI' wns n st'urry closc IH.hiJlIl ,
lIIuslwt.nrme nud with LII11'onet tixlll ,
uUlI they Imew tllat lirty lIoldlel's Were
within cnll , nud thnt It they struel ( theil'
tllslullustl'r down nnd mllde Cor the juulll'
thl'Y would be huuted out with dOIS , bl1
IIhot lIowu IIlce willI bl'nlltll , or llle or
stnr\'ntloll , nll : other ullfortunllle1l hud
lliell 1I1'fore them.
'j'here wns nothln. ! : Cor It hut 10 rcsume
tbl'lr lullor unll hoe to the clauldu ; : or
their t'tters , while , nfter n prolllisc of
whut WUII lo follow , 11.1 the Hhupe of tylug
up to the triuu les , nnd till ! cat , if they
Clullrrcled ngnln , the overeer Wl'nt on to
sel' to the others of his 1I0ck ,
"It's worse thl\n 1dog's II f ! ! I" snlll
Abll , hltterly , "A do. ! : docs get pulletl
us wrll us kicked , Bart , Ind , 1'm sorl'y
I got 1'OU that InHh. "
"Nay , lad ; ne\'l'r mind , " sulll Bnrt.
"I'm sorry tor you : but too'tsllenlt. hard
thluJs of lury. "
"I'll try not , " anld Abel , nil he hoed
IIWl1r excitedly ; "but I hope this eOfCl'\ !
we grow mny 1I0lsoo those who drink It. "
Bllrt wus close up to n dense pnteh of
for'st-ouc wild tnngle of cuuc aud crerp-
I'r , which IItl'rully tlell the tall trce to-
getlwr lIull mud ! ! thl ! corest IlIIpnssnhle--
when the IIhrleklnl : ; ot II Idlld ol jny which
hu bcen flitting I1bout uxcitedly stopped.
nnd wnf ! foll0\\'l'f1 h ' the lI1elodlonR whistle -
tle of a white bh'd I\ull the twlUl'rlu ; ; of
( lulle n flock of Illtle fellows ot Ii gor-
I'OIlS scvurlet crllllson , 'rheo till ! shriek-
111 ; ' ; of sevrrnllurrots \ nnswer lu ; eneh
other nros ! ! ; while just nbove urt'g helld ,
wlllre ehltl'rs ! ot tl'umpet-blossom : ! hun ; ;
down from the edge of the forest , scores
of brllllunlly senled hummlllg blrlla lit-
Cl'all ) ' buzzl'd nbout on nlmoRt tl'nuspnr-
ent wln , nnd then lIuiilleut1l'd thl'llI l'lvel : :
In mid nil' nil they prohell the lll'ctnries of
the flowers with tlllir lon bill' ! , Hnrt
Ianccd nt his fcllow-con\'lct 111111 was
nhout to,01'1 , huck , when there Cllllle n
sOUIIlI frolll out thr durk torest which
iliadI' him stnrl' wildly , IInll then thl'
sOllnl1 IIrose ngnln , Hurt ehno cd cohlr
anll did not IItop to hol' , but wnleml ! rnp.
idl ' Ul'ross to Ahll ,
" " 'hnt's till ! matter " salll the lattel"
"DUIIIIO , lutl , " snltl the other , ru hill ; !
his brow with hi ! ! Ul'lII : "bnt there'li tOIlIl ! .
thlll wroll ; ; . "
"What 1M It ? "
' ' 'j'hnt's whlll I Iullno : hut JURt UOW , .
SOllll'lhlllg sail ! Ilulte plain. 'Bart. art ! '
" : -ouselUl ! ! ! You werl ! Ill'camlag , "
" a1' , I \\'as wltle aWlllte as I 11m now ,
nlld all I turnetl : wd Htured It : ; ultl it
nllllu , "
"Pull IHlrrot , " saltI Ahl'l , rul1ly. loGo
on with 1'our WOl'JC. nero's Ihe over ,
sler ! , "
' 1'hl' 1'oUn ! ; men WOl'kl'd uway , and tlwlr
! ; ullr\.llIor ) ! Ilassl'll them , alld , uppnrcntl )
satlsfil'd , cOlltlnuel1 hili jourlllY rOUIlt ! ,
" lU1' hu vu hcen a poll parrot , " salt !
Bnrt , " ' 1'IIlY do tullt plain , Ahl'l , Ind'
hut this soulldcd III'e ROlllethln ellie , "
" " 'hnt else coull ! It he'l"
"Sountled like n ghost , "
Ahel blll'sl Illto u heurty Inugh-fill
hcarty thut Bart'll fnee was slowl , ovel
spreud lIy a brontl smile.
" " 'h ) ' , Iud. that' ! ! heltN' , " he said , grim
Iy , "I ar'II't lIeen 1'OU do that Cor mOllth. !
\Vorl , nWIl1' . "
'l'1' hint was h'en 1I1'cause of the over.
sl'er glnnclng In their lt'eellon : 1\1111 the '
now worlwd 011 toetlllr ; Idowly , going
down thl' row toward the junglnt !
which Bnrt kept all dlrtlng , unensy :
: ; llInces ,
"I nough to lIIale n lIIau luuh ; to hear
1'OU tall , of ghollts , llurt , " suld Abel , at'
tCl' a tillie ,
"Whnt coull ! It 111. . then t"
"Pnrl'ut SOIllIudr talU d , " lIald Abl.'l ,
shortl ) ' , as they worked au IIlde 111 sldl ,
, "CSCUIId to the woods again. Some at
thl's\ ! birds tull ( JURt llke II. Chrl U .o. "
"A ' , " sRld Bnrt , lifter a few moments'
Ilull't thoujht ; "I've hl' "il 'eln , Ind : but
Ihere's no ( loll Ilurrot out here lIB kuows
III e. "
"Kno\vs you 1"
"WI'II , dldu't I tell Tall as It callll me
'Burt. Burtl' "
"Soulllled like It , " IilhI Abl'l , Illcon.
IClllly. "What dOl'S be wnnt ? "
101' ; jUlit tllln till ! oVt'rseer shoutd , hull
, ,1 11I'11 to thu ! ; UUlIIcn ; lo come to hIm.
" 'fo blln ! ! Anoth r job-Io-rollln , : ; , 1
think , " growled Bart , IIhouldurlog hIs
At that moment , as Abel tollowed his
I eumlll' : ) , thl're CIlIII ! ! In a 10\T , aer ! tonl.
of voice frolll out of the jungle , t\Tenty
1'ards nway :
"Burt IAhelAbell" !
, > "Don't look , " whlsller d Abel , who r el-
cd Uti If IItrnck , nnd rtcoTerl'd hlm lr ! hi
cntrh hili cOlIIlunlon ) br thl' arz. . "All
. , r1htl" ; he ! laid nloudTU'U ; b ( . ; :1" tv-
ulUrrow. " 'c must 1:0. "
, -
CllAP'l' H V1I.
It wnll Quite n wl'ek b'Cllro the two
roung IIIl'n W\rl' at'ul'k In the plall atloll
of young trecg lIgllln , nntl durin ; ; 1111 that
1 tlmthl ! ) hud fl'VI'rlshl ) ' dlsCUllst'l1 th"
\'nlce the ) ' 'lI\d ' hearl ! . vl'ry thul ! they
I ul1llroachetl the bordl'rs ot the 1IIIIutution
I wheru It rnn up to the virgin torlhlt th\'y
II hnll lIe\'n 011 the Qui vlve , eXl1l'ctlns : to
hcar tlll'lr nnllles called again , but only
1 to be dlsaVllolnted ; aud , after duo con.
, \ , ' . . . . . ; L"'L'.IiPJIiIill. ' . . . . . . . . ' . .
. . . . . _ . . . . . . . . , . . _ . _ . _ ' _ ' _ _ _ . ' . , T
, Hltlurlll1on , Alwl Illucet ! n rIght Interprc-
tntllJll IIPOII thl' reuson.
, "J t WU ! ! ROllleone who Itot ashore Cram
honl , " he Huld , "unt ! mllnngl'd to crnwl up
'there. ' It'H the only 1)lace where anyont
cOl/ld Il't 1/11. "
"No old matu would tnke 1\11 thaI
trouhll' for IIH , Ind. It'll sOllleoUe llIrY'H
Rl'nt to hrlng us 11 INIlr und n lilt ol
nuws. "
Il wnll nt nllht In lhc prwn ! 11111'1 that
Hllrt 1111111 lIrls , 111111 thell II ( ! IIslunetVnll ] -
derlngly In till ! llnrk , for he henrd sonle-
thlnl ; like 11 Roh from clollu to his elhow.
"Abl'l , muley I" Iw whlsperl'd ,
"Dou't tnll ( to me , old Ind , " cnml' hnck
hourslly nfter u time. Aud then , ntter n
Ion It : dh ncl' . "Yes , 1'ou're right. Poor
lIur-poor lussl"
"Sny thlltngnln , Ahel : Ray thllt ngaln , "
whlBpered Burt , excitedly ,
"Poor lusHt I'VI' hl'l'u too bard on Illr.
She dllln'l Itet us took , "
' ' 'l'hullk Goll t"
'nll'sc were BnrL's hoarsely whlsperl'd
worll ! ! , choked with emotlou : nud I1lrl'ctly
ufter , as Ill ! IllY tlwre , AIIlI Dell ( elt 11
! ; rent , rough , trllIIhllng hund IlallS ncross
his fncl' 1\1It. ! sl'l1reh nbout 11111I till It
rl'uehed 1I1s owu , which It gripped nnd
held with 11 slronJt , lit'lII clnsp , Cor there
wns helllath Bart's rough , husk-lIItu ( ! x-
ll'rlor II grl'llt lIelll uf thu trIll ! , 101'ul 11111-
terlal of whlelt EIIlIsh ! JtllIth'lI\eu ure
11I:1111' : ; nnll when tawilI'll morning tl1f/SI'
two prisoners Cell asleep in lheh' ehulns ,
hl1l1d WUS HUll rlllpell III 11111I11 , whlll ! the
.h'l'ams thnt hrl htl'lIed thl' rllnalnlng
hours o ( their rl'lIt trom peul1l lubol' were
\'ery simllur , bclu of II I'ough hunw 110\\11
Iwueuth DI'\'on'H IO\'l'11' clln's , whl'rl' the
sell ruu : ! 'llIIrJcllllg o\'er the c11'ln-wlIshcll
pl'hbll's , unll the hllnilsollll' fuee ol hlry
IIl11ilell U\lOIl \ l'nch In turll ,
( ' 1'0 lie cuutluued. )
HnlJctl , Uutthnvcll Hired 1\llIu 1'urll8
Uut to Ue u Uich Suftor.
Miss Laura ll , Keller , of Montros ! ! ,
W. Va" a gll'l of excl'pUonal buauty
, ur 11 YlIIugo hell ! ! , \'cl'Use In a lUat.
rlmoulal paper for a cot'rellpOII : ! ! nt ,
thlllklllg to ita ve SllOI't. ' 1'\\0 of tito re-
( Illes Interestml her an she began a
COrl'OllpOlldellee wllh the wrlturs. pito-
tOg't'aphs w\t.o exchange and a meet.
lug wIth the two suitors was urrungell ,
PrIor to the medlug a trump nppl'lu' ,
od ut the Keller homo and procurc
emploJ'mont , lie wus ruge ; un un-
aha vuu , but gll.0 o\'l l'ucu of hn'lng
seen beHur UJ's I\II wns g'eutelln hi ! !
deportment. lIe f1l In love with lIss
Luura , und Iu spill ! of his beIng a
trump she l'eturlle h ! ! ! lo\ ' ! ! , although
shu told 111m IIho coul novel' thInk oC
mat'l'ylng' him.
Hccenlly lIellry Snodgrass , ono of her
uukllowu sultOt.s , uppearo unll was re-
jr.ctell. On the l1ext day llUITJ' WlII-
Iu IIIH , the other man with whom she
had cOl'ruspol1lled , was to appcat. . llut
she wulte ull dnr ; and he failed to put
In llis alpenrul1ce.
That evnlllg' the trump spol , , to hcr
ot love an she told him she love
him , but cou1l1ncver marry a poor muu ,
'l'hrowlng' off his disguise , HOl'rJ' WillIams -
Iams , J'oullg. wcalthy llnd d\'essed In
thu helghl of Cashlou , stood befot'e her ,
Uss Keller was 'Iulto overcome nt the
ououol1lent , but all obstacles having
buu O\\t'collle she renewed her love
vows nn tlllY were marl'led , WlIIlamH
Is said to hl1 vo wenlth und social standIng -
Ing , suys u speehtl to th ! ! New York
World , hut tool { the disguise of a trump
to uscel'tuln unsuspected whl1t l1Iuuner
oC girl Miss Kellet' WitS , Both wrc
satlslled ,
TummY'H Hnuuncl' ,
' 1'he Beuel1em Camlly was II haPlJ. '
Jo.lueky one , aud rosy-eheekCll
Bridget , "just u week over ( t'OIU th
ould eounthry , " seeu1ld u most appro.
pl'lute hlndtuaill. ! 1"01' the most Plll.t
her mlstals umused nnd dcllghted
them , but 011 one occasion : l mlstaku
catno nenr tnuldug serious trou le ,
I She had been with the fumlly two
! duys , and was In the llurser , ) ' with
' ' ! 'o ,
3-yeut'-01l1 Ul illY
"Hl'lll/et / , " cried Irs. Beachem , us
she rushed Into the l1ursCl'y , " Ir ,
BeaehelU hns just telephoned me thut
he lort his re\'oh'er on his dl'esslng
tu le b , ) ' mistake , alld It Isu't iliere !
UII'e yon seen It ? 1 Imow you WOl'\ :
there tldJ'ln : ; up the t'oom. "
"Whnt Is It 1011\0 , Ullm ? " l1slced
nrldget , " ' ! 'hCl'e WIIS II little thing
about so Iou : ; , wid a crook 1011\0 ut wlln
end , 111111 brolht : 1011\0 sll\'er , Coul
thnt ho It ? 01 Jn'e It to 'i'ommy forte
to hammer hIs IIltlc tneks Into the
boorll , but ho hud no funey for It , nno
01 tiJlnlc he 1I00nIt / under the bcd.
Yls , mtm , there It Is , 11 WilY ever ln the
tar cornor. "
Irs. euehelll glnnccd under the bOil.
l.'he rovolvcr was there. "Let It stU ) '
until Mr , el1chcm comes hOlUe , " she
9tld : , faintly , "I'll take ' ! 'ommy Into
'wy room ! lnd lock up the nursery. "
l xnotne88 ,
"I IIUpp090 11 mun must have an tn'
tenoo loye for his I1rt to succecII on the
sluge. "
"lIe mnst. . " unswered rr. StormIng.
tOI1 Barnes ,
" 110 UlUt ! bo11ln \ : ; to mllk the
1I00r lu order to attain his IlIeaIs , "
"Not precisely. lIe tullT hn ve to
. . not ilio 1100r.-WI19hlutoll
, , .alkut ) ;
Still' .
'Whllt He fl1ht ,
"Novor , " 9111d the Il'son ( ! of good iU ) ,
vlel ! to the dellcntely nurtured UostOD
" 'I elln't. ' "
louth. "never say
"Iudeol1 , sir , " respondl-d the Intellee-
tunlllld , "I trust thut my diction 19 not
so ( lpen to criticism. It ) 'OU \ \ ' 11bm \
be I\ttentlvo to my cou\'ersntlon you
w\11 \ ohsel'\'o thut 1 sny 'ell.wn't.-
UIlIUmoro Amcl'lcan.
In Hili 1.lne ,
Alent-Do you nel'll nnytllln : ; In th
way of dalr , ) ' s\lllplles
. ' Ontcakl.--o ; ' '
1.'l1rl1ler - : , 1 hl1ln't needln'
ony Jest ucow ; but I heel' NOlghbot
lIn'rlx dcown tow th' cross rends say.
In' 1111 hl'oW he W\lS oln' tOl' glt II nuw
pump. You mhht stop 1\n' SOO Wm.-
Ohlcugo Nv\Ys.
I > _ \
j. . " . . " . , _ ' , ' . . , ' , u ' _ ' . . . . . , , , , .fo'PI ! - , , , . . f. . . .
- . .
. > " . . . "t . . . : < v. > . . ; ' ' ( ' ' ; jj ( . , AWJl"I\ : : " . . . " . - . . .i1' ' , - . : ,
" . , , , , , " " , , ' , " ' " , " "
.1IU q"
. . . . , , _ _ . , , For . . Infants and Children.
" 1" ' .l > ! ' ' "l " ! ' ! ! ' I
'I ' SJbRi I' ' The Kind You "ave
' 1' .
, = _ ' " , n".I' , . " " , , , , , , ,1 , , ; ' > ' Always Bought .
AgcaJle ( ! Prcpnrlltionfor As- { , I !
slmitatinJ [ thefoodmume ula- :
I till theStol nchsnndBow ) ser .11 ( Bears the
I I'J I .
Promotes DigcslionChccrrul- J ! :
\C5S : ll1d ncst.Contains neIther ] , I ,
OpiumMorphine nor Nillcra1. 'I ' 0 f
NOT 'N.ARC o'rIC. , , .
. . . I I' ' '
' . ' \
I I1l11vu .rrut-- . fl !
AIr"J'tnlll& '
l16r"Snl - I' '
. , ,
. , '
I A.r.wl" In
.I1-yl'I7lJJit - . . , . , i' '
/J ( a. !
I 1I.rt.d- ' I !
rItd , .I ,9'P. il , : I
J' ' " " l'7al'w , '
IkIY" " : 'ra'
- - - - - - II U
S e
Apetfccl ncmedy forConsUIk'- Ji ' .
non , Sour SlomachDiarrho 1 'I '
Worms , Convulsions , Feverlsh-
ness omt I.oss . . OF SLEEP. ' : , ; , ' I F 0 r 0 V e r
FllC simile Signnlure or '
I Thl I Y ears
E'V yon , { , n rty
" , . . . . . . . ,
" if 'II - . . - , ' . . - - . , . . . - - _ , - ; ; - - - ' . _ .L
i . .
CUT OUT this RUr' nnll fioull It at oneo wIth $1.7 null you
wlll l'ccJOlvo
FREE -An the IFiSUOS , or .rho Youth'Compnnloll for the remnln-
rn week" of 10 ( ) .
FREE -1'h" llelllltlful1y 111ustrnt < ' 11 Double Numbol's for Thnnl.s-
, , Chl'lstmlls " ,
. Jlvlnl : null New Yenl"s
FP..EE-.1'JO Compnnton . Cnlol1llnl' fOl' 1003 , lIt1lojl'nphell In twelTe
COOI'FI ami gold.
Anll ' .rho COIl1\lllnron fOl- the r. weoc of IOO:1-n lIbl'nl'Y of the best
1'01\111111 : fOl' OVOI' } ' mambol' of the 1hmlly , TCII' ,
Cuts , Old Sores , and
All Open Wounds
. . . . . . . . . . . .
.w .0
Trallllullity ,
Who does not love a tranquil heart ,
\\eet.tcmpeled , bllancecJ : lite ? I ,
lWeS nlt Ulutter wllOther It ruins or
I\hlnes , or what misfortune come t. . .
t se j10sscssl nrt these blessl ngs for' '
t ey uro always sweetl serene mid
caltu. I
'l'hat exqulslto rolso ot charaoter !
putter , , " -Now York Sun ,
A sn.ull boy Is never so Indllstrlous
AS when It Is tlmo tote ! t.o bed.
CU1W Iron
Ely's Cream Balm
Eul and pl.uant : to
. . . . Cuntalna uo In-
'arlool ' dru , ; . ,
) lllqnlcklyabcorh&d. c
alrea ! teller at oneil. " , > ' /
It Oplnl and CleaniCI
till Nltal ) 'al-aKe. , COLD I H EAD
. I
.A1I..lunlmmIUon ,
nutl and J'rolectl Iho , Memhrane. lttltorn the
S.nee. or ' 1'111 and /mell / : ! , Larlt' 8tEP , 60 centl at I
Drnutill or hr mall : ' ! 'rlL1 ! RIE ! ! , to c'nll by mall . , !
I ELY JJIIO'l'l.I lC3 , WArren Street. New ) .orll : .
I Tbompson'sEyeWater
N , N. U , NO , 746-4.7 , YORK. . NEB I
. . . . . . - - " " - _ . . . > . : " " . . .
Fronf ot FIlt I A11'.ct on. t {
When a Carthage futller bel'ame 8f f.
b Idly jllgged a few nlJ.thts ngo thab 'l
he could ( Jot walk , hIs musculdr sun 1
throw him over his shollJder nnd
"totec1" him homo much liS 00 would ,
have carried u sack or nour-an ex. i
htbltlon which tends to dlspro , " the .
theory that IJIIul ulfection Is dearens.
Irlg.-Kansas Olty Journal. _ 1
No wonder a DIaD kickS \heD In
comes to footlllg the butcl1er's bill :
What a pity It Is that a law pr
venting the birth ai fools Is Imprac-
tleu ble.
No trollhle to 1:1'1 hrl'lIkf st f1l1lc1c If 70'4
hnve Mt'lt U II"8 flllllf1l1 . PRncak , Flout.
ollr croceI' wulls to SIIPI'I ) yea ,
Any wotUan who nrtmlts that bel'
shoes are too tight Is Inclined to be
You cun 110 yonr 11YI'II1In / hnlr alt
bour wltb PU'1' A 1 1'AIH L SS
l ) r gS ,
I Hissing may tJo unhealthy , bat !
nothing rlsleed nothlurt gained ,
I )1.'In.IAw' , NOIHt\f1 \ ! l1.HUI' tor chll < 1rwso
h I"lnll' , . .oflenatu'n. ' . , " " , IUM' hU1. . , , , . . , , , , , ,
. .u _ ) _ 1..ln. ulu wla,1 olh' , u 1 > 0\\1. ,
It doens' ( mutter If a woman Isn't
pretty If : he doesn't know she Is ugly ,
It ou 10'0 YOllr wife , mnke It u , . tor h 1' ,
to Il't hrl'nkt'18t , Tnke bome rll. Ultlu'1I j. . . '
l'aul'lIkIlour. . .
Couslstaucy Is a jewel tbat Is often
swapped for SlllJCeSi ,
UIl'lhol"amllus Het ! Cro. . " Dan DIne. Lar
2-01. pank. ! : , , , Ii COlltl. Till ) nUll Compliur ,
South lIoud , Iud
. , . , . , . , , '
. . . , .
, )
' " ' ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! .VJoJ' ' ' ' ' ' ; r
! rotl