Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 20, 1902, Image 5

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, . . . . . . . . . . . .
fIilJ1"\"Jrt-W' ' ' ' ' ' > ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 'I. ' : 'tI = "
J. . tmr brother advocate , but the
three Hebrews understood the
law of God.
Itis not true that thousands
of cases are lost by Christian
fvr ; ! ' , ' ; , , : , Scienc.e where. 'yith "natural
\ t remedles adttll111stered by a
t , " ' : ' > skilled physidan pain and death
" . " would have been averted. " On
, ; l , the contrary , Christian SClence
is by far the most successful sys. . i
. " . tem of heahng the sick on earth ,
1'- ' ' . and man ) ' patients have been
" _ ' l'bealed in Christian Science after
: . ; : : ; , : ' ever ) ' other means had been tried
; in vain. In fact , a majority of
the cases that come to Christian
. . Science have been diagnosed ,
I skillfully treated , and finally
prounccd incurable by the floc-
1 Mrs. Eddy , in "Science and
. Health with Key to the Scriptures -
res , " defines a miracle as " 'I'hat
which is divinely natural , but
. must bc learned humanityj a
phenomeon of Science"-page
, 591 , line 22 , and on page 273 at
, , " .f , line 21 : "God never ordaincd a
n , < f : material law to annul the spirit-
1. "J. uallaw. If there were such a
. .
. f : law , it would annul the supremacy -
acy of Mind aud wisdom of the
creator. Jesus walked on the
waves , fed the hungry , healed
the sick and raised the dead , in
direct contradiction to material
laws. His acts were the demonstration -
stration of Science , as against
the false c1aims of material law. "
I . Our critic discourages Christ-
.1 . . lans from trying to heal the sick
\ although the Master commanded
his dic4 > les to teach all nations
"to observe all things whatsoever -
ever I have commanded you , "
and he had commanded them to
"Preach the kingdom of Gm1 , "
and 'Iheal the sick. " Really the
, preaching of the kingdom of God
. \ docs heal the sick. Last night a
I. lady testified that at the first
Christian Science meeting she
had attended in I incoln , she was
carried into the meeting in inn -
, n- , . . . from
- ' tense agony a cancer ,
which the doctors had told her
would cause death in a short
, >
Where to locate ?
' : Why , in the territory
,11' , , traversed by the
: ; . ; : , Louisville & Nashville
, " Railroad.
: , : -TllH-
0/ / : ; ' Great Central Southcrn 'rrunk I.ine ,
f ; ' , . , KentuckyTennessee , Alabama , '
> ' Mississippi , Flordia ,
0 ' . -WIIERE-
; 1. ' Farmers , Fruit Growers ,
, . Stock Rlliserll , l\1anufacturers ,
ro' Investors , Speculator : > ,
' : , and Money I.cllliers ,
: , ' will fiml the greutcsl chances in the
United Statcs to make "hi moncy"
: , by rcason of the ahu ltancc and
, ' cheapness of
" : 'i . Iand and Fanns ,
, , ' : " , Timber and Stone ,
. . . .j { i Iron anll Coal ,
" , > : . Labor-Evcrything !
: "f ) ! . Frec sites , financial assistance , anlt
. ; r' , fl' " - freec10m from laxation for the Ulanu'
: y'f" "
" facturer.
Land and farms nt " 1.00 pcr acre
and upwards , nnd 500,000 acres in
, Wesll1lorida that can be takcn grutis
I under the U. S. JIol1lcsteullaws.
Stock raising in thc Gulf Canst Dis.
trict will Uluke cnorl1lons Jrofits.
Half fare excursions t { IC first allIl
third Tuesdays of each l1Ionth.
lct us know what you want I1nll we
will tell you where ami how to get it
-but don't delay , as Ule country i
filling rapidly. Printed mutter ,
maps UI1 all information free. Alhlress
General Immigration aUll Industrial
Agent ,
" ' : 1.0UI vn.I.E , KV.
I : '
Wj\i , " 'f . .Aoot" " ' \
time. Whilc she was in thc
mceting thc pain lcft her
and has ncver returned. She
then took fi\'c treatmcnts and
though the discharges from the
cancer continued several months
longer , yet there was no return
of the pain , and she has been en-
tirley well for nine years.
Many others have been healed ;
at the Christian Science services ,
and thousands have becn healed
by reading Science and Health ,
the Christian Science text-book.
Because this book preaches and
teaches the omnipotence of God ,
and since God is almighty there
is no power ascribed to sin , clis-
ease and death , and you cannot
acknowledge an ) ' might to Ules (
enemies of God without denying
the divine omnipotence and
Whenevcr a demonstration is
made over sin or discase we have
not only prayed but received the
answer to the praycr , " ' .rhine is
the kingdom , and the power , and
the glory , foreverj" for the do-
mini n of the evil habit-or disease -
ease is takcn away , and the mall
is loosed from his infirmity.
But , says our critic , we have
the poor with us , and we can
give them the gospel and sympathy -
thy , and often material assistance -
ance ; "A cup of cold water given
with the Christ spirit is commended -
mended by Him. " Yes , we answer -
wer , do all thisj but in the name
of Christ an with the lIoly Spirit
that animated Him you can also ,
with t11 gospel , heal the poor of
heir dlseases as well as Save
them' from sinful habitsj and
when they arc saved from both
vice and disease they can then
earn a Ii ving and not be dependent -
ent on charity. I cannot conceive -
ceive of conditions in which the
healthy laborer could not succeed -
ceed , provided that , in addition
to giving a cup of cold water , we
do not , as a society , neglect the
weighty matters of cquality.
justice and brotherhood under
the Golden Rule.
Christian Scientists , in common -
mon with other Christians , cultivate -
vate the grace of humility. All
Christian Scientists have promised -
ed , among other things : " ' 1'0
strive : watch and pray , for that
Mind to be in us which was also
in Christ Jesus , to love one another -
other , and to be mcek , merciful ,
just and pure. " 6th Tenet of
Christian Science. See puge
497 , line 21 , of "Science , anc ]
Health. " Is it not meekness
that declares the allness of God
and relies wholly on His omnipo-
t nce for health and holiness ?
And would it be more humble to
say that although God is almighty -
ty , 'yet for practical healing we
must turn away from God to
, man , or at least divide our trust
between drugs and Deity ? 'Ve
would not interfere with those
who rely on medicine as well as
the divine Mind , but as for us
and our children we have choscn
to look only to God and
His Christ in every need ,
am } we know that there is
none other name given among
men wherehy we must be saved
from sin and disease. ' 1'0 tell
false prophets from true followers
of Christ , cxamine their lives and
their- deeds ; for hy their works
more than by their words and
cries of Lord , shaU ye know
Our critic admits that "It is
I . JI9" !
, : . . . . . . . . .
I ' Before You Built : , Consult. Iilll
Con.tractoJ : & and Buf.lder. . . I
Estimates Furnished Free 'Vith Plans and Specifications. ffil
I fJi1s } _ ii ! Hj ! * _ 1'iD ) 'eu'1. - UtU1WU
\ : Alway have the be t quality 0
Lumber Bnd other building &J1a
I . "
I 'tl' . "
> terial al the3Lowo tPl oe .
. . . 'Phone No. 19.
I C. R. JUDKINS , Manager.
v" . ' 4 ' .i.'t' ! . . , ,
. . _ . . . . . . .
the will of God that none sh mlt1
perish. " 'fo prc\'ent men from
perishing it must also be God':3 :
will to destroy the sins land clis-
cases by which men die.
If God is willing to destroy sin
and disease , what can binder
Him from doing so , since his
power is almighty ? Christ
Jesus , doing the will of God , .
o\'ercame sin , disease and death.
And when Ihe , pronou nced the
will and word of God , Be Whole ,
imt1lediatly the man was healcd.
'l'he conclusion then is irres-
tible that the immutable law of
nodmalces men whole and exempt -
empt from sin and disease for-
e\'er. Yours Sincerel ) ' .
W\I. : n. JHNNINOS ,
J incoln , Neb.
For lack of space we defer com-
mcnt on thc above communication -
tion until next week.-En.
It W. ll1U'tol1 Murdcl'cd. )
The Rm'UlIJ.IcAN stated that
R. 'V. Barton of An'adaV'om -
ing , had bccn shot , but were uu-
able at that time to learn thc
particulars."Te learn from J.
O. 'Paylor of Berw'n , who recei-
\'ed a letter froUl the family , that
Barton wa9 shot by his daughter
in law , late wife of hh. son Guy.
It appearg that his son , Guy
Barton , was married last June
and that in a few weeks he and
his wife separated. ' .rhis fall
she was employed to teach school.
'I'he school board for somc cause
discharged her and she blamcd
Barton for having been dismiss-
ed. On Monday , the 10 , she
walked into the store ancI post-
office where R. 'V. Barton was
sitting and drew a revolver and
shot him. lIe fell dead to thc
floor without speaking a word.
His remains were taken to Sheridan -
dan on 'V ednesday of last week
r >
and buried there.
The deceased wag for a number -
ber of years a resident of . . .this
county ncar Berwyn , apd enjoyed
the esteem of a host of friends.
He was an old soldier a d 'lost
one of his lower limbs by amputation -
tation a few years ago resulting
from a wound he received while
in the army. At the time , of his
death he was post I laster at
J\ravada , anel had quit a stock
of mcrchandise besides several
houses in An'ada.
ItCY. Irl It IIIcks 1 DOli Almanao.
'I'o say that this splendid work
of science and art is finer and bet-
terthan ever , is stating it mildly.
'fhe demand for it is far beyond
. : lIl previous years. 'I'o say that
such results , reaching" through
'fIllR'fV YJtARS , arc not based upon
sound sense and -usefulness , is ante
to the intelligencc of the m lions.
Prof. HIKS , through this great
Almanac , and his famocs family
and scientIfic journal , 'VORD AND
WORKS , is doing a work for the
whole peoble not approached by
any other man or Pltblication. A
fair test will prove thisfto ; any
reasonable person. Aelele l to the
most luminous course in astrono-I
my fOl' 1903 , forccasts or storms.
and weather arc given , as Ilcver. .
before , for ever ) ' cIa ) ' in the yeay ,
all charmingly illustrated with
nearly two hundred engravings.
tJ'he price of single Almanac , including -
cluding postage and mailing , is
with Almanac is $1.00 a yearr.
I.ISIIING CO. , 2201 Locust Street ,
St. Louis , Mo. , and prove to yourself -
self their great value.
Special sale on trimed hats , also -
so street hats at Mrs. P. A. Wal-
ton's. Would be pleased to have
you ladies call and sec. East
side of square. 21-23
0 ! \
to . . Iloffl .
o O\ . , Sfl .0 . "
- ( I\ " ttllflt
co o
II. ( e. Alway. . . . rellablt . ! . L.dlu..laal1 : : nrurrllt\lr
. . . . . .
CIIIClI&.J.U. : > > ; NULINU 111 Ued .Ult
t.lold uo.t.UUc : boln , s , : , " . : < 1 with "Iue rlbbou. DO o'ber. U"naae dauaerou. .ubaU.
luUun. aDd lIullaUuo. . Jluy wf yuur Druuttl.
or ! lena .ar. In . Itawpa for . . .rUeul. . . . . . . Tean.
DluDlal. . .na ' , , . . . .
. 'Uell ( "or L.dl"tlltr. '
by . . . .UrD M.n. 11).1)01) 'l' dull1 by
IIIG . . .Uaoa INI. . . . . . . PIIlLA. . 1'4-
. . . " . . a&aa atil-
" ! " " "Wb-- : . , . " , . . , . --o\ : ' , : : . t. t . 1 'p '
Llucolu , N.bra.ka ,
l'atfonage3ollcltcI. !
Ptot'tletor Clly lJarber IIbop.
- . . .
u. O. HUTTON. Propriotor.
Flret-olau work. near Room of UrokoD Dow
Btllte Uank , llroken Dow , Nebraeka.
s. 1\1. DOHRIS ,
m1\sn \ & ! ) IDlllIJIn. ! ! } !
AI , kind. ot work In ollr IIno douo promptl ,
and III tint-clan urder. eTUOlt Shop on Ibe
orner west 01 tbo bOle buu e.
GI'\.n ' UH A TRIAl. .
Oroken Dow , - - . . Nebraab.
I.D. . ( .H AZK ,
. . . . . .Dealor In . . . . .
Oranlte , " 'orelgll aDd I merlcan Marble. .
Ornament ? ! Work a Specialty.
Orokoll 1I0w. ' . - Notraska.
U. S. I.Jund Office.
JAMES WllITEIIKAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itejthter
F. U. YOUNO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Uecel'or
All hdYerl\eemoll\a \ ullller tblll IlCad will be
cbarged tor at lel'al rall , vl& : SI.oo rll'r
for lint tn ertton. and 60c per sqllare for eocb
Inb eqno t Inportlon. i
A "equare" Ie Ion lIuea or fraction tboreor. I
United Statu I.l\uII OlUc .
Urokfn : 1I0Nebr. . . Oot Ulh IOO
Nollce Is berob ) ' 11on ; that thn toUowllJ .nluIOI\
'ettler baA tiled notlco of bts Intention 0
nallJroof In auPllort nr bh chlm , anfl tblt uld
proof will be made beforerc\lllor \ : al\ll rf'r.lvl1r.
. , Broken Uow. Nob. . all No'omber 2Z. lIJOZ. 'Ir :
.Iohn II. Harroll. 1I0fl.lor. Nuh. tor tb" .onlhealt
qnular , ec 3Z , 'I' 20 N. . It. 23 WOlt. lie namoe
the tollowlnl ( wltnulcs to prove hll conllnuoul
resldenco upon nOlI cultlvalloll nf raid lall' ! , ,11 : :
/1. . n. Johlleoll ot Uoo ler , Nebr. ; 0 J. [ , He ot
nooslr. l' ' , ; ' 1' . T. Wlncbl : ter of llooller.
Nf'br : A I.y A. Wlnobe14lor of 1I0011er. Neb.
18.23-99. J.UII8 WnlTKuRAU. negt tor.
Unit. d SllIlel Lind ome" . l
Drokoll Uow. N'ebrt\8ka. Novowber 3 100 . r
NOllce II berohv Ilvon tbot the t lIowlug lIam'
ed Attler bas tiled notlco of hili IntentIOn to
maktJ nRI Ilroof In .upporl ot 1II ( , la\lD. and
Ihllt .lIld 'rQt will b. . madO beroro nouleler IInd
nec lver. III JJokclillow. NebraRkR , on tbo 15tb
day ot DecembAr. 1m. Tlz : JOIII.\U BAll'I'II ,
11ft belr lIud tor h61r of lieD II 0 tlmlth. , ' , ceae ,
od , tor the BeJC NwMlotll 1 , 2 IInd 3.37.19-21 ,
IIPllllcltlon No. 131M lie IIlIm'l thu foliolYhl
' 1'lIne.pes ' to proy" hlA cor.tllluOUII re lllenco up.
ollaudoultlntlOIl or , "M 101ll1vlz : O. M. WII-
lIame ot Anptlmo Nebrallka : Elljlh lotUe _
bonllgb ot New helooll , I'Hlhraslo , , ; Timothy
1I0bertll ot ow n..lellll. "braeltv. LowllCarnu
ot New Uoleno , Nebrll ka. 'I'c llmon , of Joelah
mtth to be tRkou betorerlerk of court , Covlnu.
tnn. Allelhanoy county. "Irlliola.
21.26-104 JUIJttI WI\I'UnKAU , Ilegl wr.
NOTIC ' 1:0 : OHKDlrUI1S.
In county c ; > urt. wllhln nnd tor Clister county ,
Nl'llrllsll ' . In tbo m ttor ot Iho OBtlllo of 1I0ne-
diet Orlebol , decea.od.
To the crcdllors Rnd belre of lIahl estlte :
Yon are b reby notlOed that I will III at 'h8
COODty cOllrt room. In Brotton Jlow. tn laId
connt' . on the : lOlh lIav of December. 1901i on the
20th day of Fobruary. 1003 ; alld on .be IUln ! day of
May , . .OO each at 10 u'clock a. m. of each ua , .
to r Mv" IInd eXllmlne all cllllmlillainsl IIld
ostlltO. wllh" Tlow 10 tholr IId)881111III ) aud al.
IOwance 'rhO time limited tor " u preeonla.
t'on of chtm- against paid oelate III ftlx menthe
trom Ibe OOlh da , of November , 1'D nnd the
time IImlled for tbo pament or IIIbl8 II ono
, eRr trolD aald dllo It Is turther ord red Ihat
allllellllon of wId IW for sllltlllory or other al.
lowllncel for l.olDo.teali aod oxomptlons be
heord 00 DecemborlO , 1901 , lit 111 a In
WltlleeIIY b81II"UII tbt' eealot laId coullty
cOllrt , this 14th daY of ovom"or. 190 : : .
f3 b-107 LSKALl J. A. Aluloun , COU'lt , JudltI.
COPVnh.HTS & .C ,
Anrono sendIng n sketch nlld ' ! III/If /
IIlIlelll , alcorlaln our opllllnll freu w wther III
illyonUon Is probllbly plltclllahlc. COOlOlullkn ,
conOdelltllll. Jlnnlhnok ulIl'lIlellll
'op lgr t . : ; r. Iou [ : : ; r "cllr' : : ' : i'vr
IJItclal notice. wllbout chnrlo. hI the
Sd ntifit Jlm riCatt.
A handsomel , 1I111.lrlltl\ wl'ckl , . . J.nrlle1 elr
culatlon or allY orientllio 'ourlllli. ' 1'UIIIS. 13 t
M : NNr &o 3 li : : ; 'lrf v7foer ;
tlr llcb Olll . . . , \ V "t " ' . ' "
; . . . .s.H' . . . , , , . .
. . . " . : . ' , ; J " . ' . . . . ' . . . - " " ' . .
. ; . , . ; : - . : .
Unl1ell BIIII. . Land oalOtl , l
Droken 11011' , Neb , Octobl'r U. 190 . r
NoUco Is hereby Alven Ihat the tollo"lnlf nam.
oil lothl't has IIII'd tottce ot bl. Intontlon to
make nllill Ilrollt In IUPIort or his cllllm , RIIII
thllt tlllll1roof will bo Inado bet ere ROlllsler "lid
HII'olver , lit lIrolu.n Nebraslo. on noc m _
berI \ , I'JO'l , 'leI MAU1'I A o. BOWMAN , An.
"l'lmo , Neb , for the 111111I1'111'1111 AIII'Jlostion
No , IWJt ; , NII' ( \ ! - IlCllolo , tllV NOll and
N'II Nl' , ( ' . . \V-li e nlmuo Iho tolfll"lr'K ' 11'11 '
1I11.ato 10 l\tovl' hl conlllluoni rt'.lollco ( . nlon
anll oullI\'lIl1nn of PlIllllIlIt. 'fIt : WilliIII 1I"lrd
of An'hllo. NeblllPk. : Arehlo MI1t'k or An ol
1110 , f'braUta ; Chl\rles tI"lefl IIfn801l1l0 , No.
bra h : l ptJII Scolt ot Amellno , Ntbrll kR.
0'102 JAM.S WmTEIIUtI. 1I1'jleter. !
Ju County Court , WUhln Rnd for ( ulter counly
NebraskA In tbo DlllIOr at tile ellat < l ot John
Shroder. dect'uel.
To ih" ertdltcrs ot Rltl telale :
YOII are hero by Ilotlllod lhat 1 will lit at the
ooullty conrl rOulll. In IIrokoll 1I0w. III sAid coun.
t , . 011 tbo 71b IIRY of Februllry. lpnS , IIlId 011 thft
71h Ila , ot &ta" 1903. each R III o'clock 1IU. . ot
each dll ) ' , to rccelvtI allol l'JIlIl1Ilue all ClllhDl
allalnat .alll e.tate , IV th a view to their IIIIJumt.
IIIOllt alld allowance. ' } 'l1o limo 1111111011 tor the
I'relolltmont of clalm8 ag"llIll eald 0811I10 III Ilx
II10nlbe from Ibo 71b day of November , I9IJl.llnd
tno Hmo IImllod tor the 11\ment of lIebl" tll ono
ro.r flolO laid dalo. Wlloe smy IUlOd alllllle,1 , couu y cOllr thle blh da , of " 1902.
:11'24-10\ : J. A. AMlulln. NO"j 1\lIKIl.
Nolleo 18 hereby Rlvell 1I.lIt 1 . AI. lIn\loo \ , O.
W. lion III Iud J It. nC1I1I ot llroken 1I0\T , No.
br""kw. hl\'o eePOclatell IhomaelTel tOllolhllr t"
torlll a corporation , TIp ; : "Wcetern 1.lght . \ \
fuel 011 , " wllh thl' 1ltiliolpIII III lice of tmnRast.
IlIg bllslueu at lIro"sn 1I0w. Nobruka.
'J'be jtonerlll naluro anllurlloao for which
thla corlloratloll Ie orKalll1.Oli Is tlmt IIf mallll-
tnclurlnK 11011 dOlling ( looorlll1y III all kltJd of
1(11I IIl1bllulf machillor'l IIxlllrclI. bllrllo , IInd
altllchll1l1nlslnclndllJ : ; ul1lgal. heat on,1 Jlowor
machillory , I'nlllne8. 1II010re , an,1 all klnlle ot
lIIotlvo pllIVor , Itl" , toee. ranllol ami 1\tIlIlKII \ ,
ruber IIlId molnl tubIng. 01111 .ho manlltllcture ,
hulalllDI : orectlng , IIllerallllK amI IIIle at 1(1111
IIj1btlng planla 111111 oil nocoBlllry mnchilloryallli
connectlone for cilloe. vlllaKos IInll Indlvillnal
buHdlu1:4. gll gOl'eralorll allloarhurelrfl \ anll
rlr the purpoeo of Dlllllllt30ctllrlng , bU'lnJ , : allli
8011111" , 10RA101 [ . 1111I1 del\II"K lIellorally 1111111
kllld8 of tlluDllnolhlK lamll , contrlvllllcell , 11111'
ohillory , metefl an.I ' 1lpllrallil tor Irallin-IIIIIII :
.rtlllcllIlllgbllu.I , heat , an.1 POWH. Il\lImlr. \ '
entH and ollllllllilbo rualilltaclllro or 1111 kltula ot
lIIullllnallul ( , tuoll\0I1 power KI'll , alld buSI , , ! : ,
eOIHulf and 1I0'lllul ' : [ n the right to IIUIIUrllclllrO
faol , IIInmlnatln 1 power IInd gl\s IIght1 g U1\ '
chillery gfnerdly. Rial I1xturcslit IInllor the
1I0ull and nthllr IIII'enl nml. tmlltOVelUollt
tbenon and Ihoreunder and to nllfcha.o and IIWII
or Il1l1Pe the \lecellearv relll oltlilO aral bulldlllKI
for .be bUllue. . of uld oOIllJlanv all II to nrry IIn
all the patel buslll\l's al wholp81110 alld retRllln
tbo stille of Nebraska , and IIllIewboro , null hold-
lug , o"nlnll Rnd olJnl [ ( Itock or IhlN anll nther
C lIIlll1l1lesllid 110rtlcll.athll.'ln the OrKlnization
ot olhor cOlupanlr termed tflr tllII IIu'II080 ot
olectluc ; anll oiloraUng RI8 IIghllIlK , fnel nOlI
Illanlll tor tbo manllracturo or IIl0mln tug -
IlOwor and power 11M tor cltlel allll 1'111. CI
InLlludlldllal planl . IInd dolOR 1111 Iho thlns ! :
1I0eolillry to c8rrylnlo elrect the IlIIrleSO [ of this
The .lIIount ot capital Itock aUlhorl1.oll Ie
115,000.00 , tully pllid when b u d anti nOIl'8'SOIl-
IIble ; tbo tillho t amount ot IlIdehlollno 1I which
tbo corllOration Is to subject tlselt Is,000.011 ( ;
the eald corpouUon ehaft COIIIIIIOIICO on Anl/nl'
251blm oud continue twollty- VII yellr . 'L'ho
IIllal'e of corJ10r/l1l01illrO to bo coulllcted : by
n 1I0Ard ot Dlrectofl , ProAltiollt. Vlco.Pr sillolit.
Ooneral Manaller , Beeretary and 1'reasoror.
lr. 111. HUULKR.
8lgned- . W. IIUNTd.
.J. H. DUN
ACkuowll'dlto AnlIIBt 25 , 1 02 , beroro R. n.
l'lckott. Notary I'lIbllc. 2-20-101 : }
Unltod Stllca Land omco. I
I llrokon "OW , Neh. , Oclober :11 : , 190 . r
Nollee I. bereby Iv ll IIIRI In l'ur'lIl1l1ro ot In.
htlctlono tronl the 001ll1l11R810ller ot Ihe ( Jolloral
Laod onlco. under autborlly Toeled In him h ) '
locUon2.1)1I. U. 8. Hev. I3ll1t. . III 11I1II'n < 1oI1 by
act ot OongrcSR "Pllrcwll Ir"bruIifY 20\,181 ! ! ; wo
will plocuail to ollu , at Iubllc ale on Ihu ( Jth d. . ,
01 January. 100:1 : , lieU. 01 thl otUco. the tol.ow .
Ing tract ot IImd , to.wlt : 1I0 -e , 'Ille. 15 ,
Nw Nw l , Hoc. J , lownehll lB. lIorlh , range
: . ' 0. wl\lIt.IIII1 1'.111. AllY aD II all Ieraolll clalm-
lUll ader tbe aboo doecrlbed laud arlllld- .
, Ieed to m" l\1elr clalml III thh 011I00 011 or bo'
tero tbn day IIboTO dCIlgrllted for tbo commencement -
ment or lIald sRlo , olhorwillo lhelr rlgllli will bo
torr.lttld. l/IUNK : 11. YOUNU ,
: U.21-I03 Jlerohor.
: l
( " , . t .
' scriber. OrI , SO ccUII 1 ) ' &IIr.
rM5 CALJ.S : _ .
A Rm : b.ulllul cololtl 1'1.1. . : ' . . . .I
, . .hlonl ; .lre..rnaklolC rennmnl. . : I.n"
wurk ; houehold hlnw ; hCllon , tic. ! ; nh ,
.crl".lu.d.v , or , . .nd o. ru , lal..1 copy.
L.dy ac.nt. wanleJ ; > .nllior I.m , .
St'lI h. Rnllllbtc. Hillllll. . . Up.lo.
dale. Economic" I lnd A "oollllaly
Pcrlecl.Fllllolll'al'er Pallotl1l1.
P M mRNS . '
All Seams Allowel ! snl ! Ptrtoratlan\
the ltln anI ! Selling Lines.
Onl , . " anJ 's cenll roch-non. hl hrr.
, uk 'or Ihem. 50lJ In ovey chy
anlllown. or by mlllitom I'
113.115-\17 \ We,1 31st St. NEW YORK. '
.J . _
, , , - , , . " , .
. .4
It IAn't Ule ntRterla.
thnt KoeMlnto your
repnlred watell Ulnt
reMult , . In a I.erfeet
'nh,1t ' 19 the IIOW flow
thnt liDOS thu buall11.188 , any bunJler
oaD buy tbu 11no kinds of materlnl
thnt J UBC In replllrlnl ( ; but skill
18 the moet VRluahle matorllll thnt
Jlln bo need In watch repnlrlng ;
nud the bun lor cnn't buy It. 1
Boll my Bkl1l for wbnt It 18 worth
nud It will cost you le09 tblln
bungllDg at lower prlocs .
F. W. IlA YES ,
Jeweler and Optlclnn.
West lllo at qunro.
nROKI N now s NEB.
1.lneol. . , De..yer.
Ol..nlln. Iletenn. - ,
ClllelllCO , IIuttc ,
Ht. .JOltel.h. I.oru..d.
KunMAN CIt. , . . , Hnlt I.n1r.c City ,
HI. LoniH. Hnll " r""eilico
A,11 , I.olnt. . ICtnHt Anti All " 'olut , .
, , -utI Houth. 'VcRt.
No. 4'.1-\'II'lIbllled cxlre. . .lal1y. Ltncoln , Oma.
ba , lit. Joseph , ) { IIUIIIII Olty. III. Loul. Obi
oligo 11011 oil polo" ooet Rnd-llouth. . . . a 07 D.m.
No. 4C-Loonl oxpren 111I11 , . Llncolu. Omaba ,
Cblcl\j..oo IIn&1/111 polnta CIIal ROIl eoutb.l0 so a.m.
. No. U-Vestlblllod oXllro 1 dally. 11010111. tlORI.
tlOI lIuUe , I'ortland nnd nil l'aclllc Ooast
1'0 IltA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .00-1 am
No. 43-I.ocll exprOll1l dally , Alllancu allll
Intermrdllllo uolnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tt 1i8pm
IIleeplnl ( , dlLlIl1f IInd recllllincbalr / cart ( Ioata
tree ) 011 throlllb traIns. Tlckoa 80ld and bag.
< < lIgo cbockod to I\ny poInt tn tb United 8tale.
anll Canada.
Intormatloll , mails , tlmo tablol and tlcko\
tall on or wrlto to 11. L. Orullb , . . ageot , ur J
Franoh , G. 1' . A. , OIDnhJ Nebrll8ka.
u. L. Onxen ) ' , A\tent.
Pouch tur we l will cl ( ) o ot II p. m. . except
811Ulla ) ' when It will 010110 It ! 6 : II ) II 10.
1'0noll. oaRt tor train No. 4'01 OIOS08 at 8 a 10
IInd tal No. 4-1 clo.os lit , 11.80 lI.m. 1111\11 tor An ey
111111 polnl8 eosI of Oraud I luud o rrletl on will
NII.4& .
Oconto Tla ot 1Iyno oed Tllckorville. I1I111y ex ,
cepl ' : Iuuda ) ' CIOIlOIi. at 7 II In : ruturolng "lime dlY
CallawllY v e , Mc'Klnley dally oxel'PI Bunday
Cl0801 017 a III , retnrlllllj : ( IIlInJO dllY.
llollnll Vallo , via Ure n IInll Eltou olole at 7 a
m.Toclday , 'I'hllr l1lIIlId alurdR ) ' e , rotnrntng
B.ltO Ilay.
11I1IOIIOr ,11Ollrn oy , GoOrlolOWn alld Upton
arrrIVOS lit 11,30. ' 1'1I"lIay 'l'burld ) ' aud atur-
day roturlllllg 101lvo. nI12,30 eame dny.
OffilH honrll from 8.00 n m to 8.00 )1 m. Bun-
11ays from 6:411 p. III. to 0:411 : ( I. m. Lobby open
weill , day. trolU 'j II. ID. to 8 I' m. Bunda. P 8:30 :
a. m. to II n. rn. Ucnerlll dOllver ) ' nOl OJ1on Bun-
.I.y momlnK II berototore. I. . H..JurW'M' ' . P.M.
J . .c _
Editorially FoarlosA
Consistently Ropublloan
News from all of the world-Well
writtcn , original slorics-Al1swcrs
to < 1lcries-Articlcs ! on Hcnllh ,
the HOUlC , New book : ! , I1ml 011
Work ubolll the farm I1I1tI garden.
The W eldy I
Inter Ocean
Is a mcmher of the Associatcd
Press , the only \Vestern :
receiving the entire telcj.ruplic
ncws sen'ice of the New York Sun
fIIl IIpcciul cubIc of the New York
\Vorlll.-c1uily reports from over
2,000 spcciul corresponc1ents
throughoul thc country.
Suhscribe for the RItI'UIII.ICAN
an the Weekly Intcr Occlln one
year , hath papers for $1.50.
- - - - - - -
.li'al1cy job work at this oflice.
, ,
- - - - - . I I
clai1lli" 2I
Jl I AJ G01NG ' .1'0
i & [
. ; trf't t < CLOSE
I . ! ' . ' , ' '
J , m
m : " . . : OUT
. . .
) . .
. - : ai. . { f. ' m
rn My entire stock of olothing. Big out iD priceB
l. . , .
( J Tit. rn .
'I ' ) ; V lf-r .o' ( If LadLes ShOQ8 to reduoe the Btock. Come and
W - rn
t _ . have your meaBure taken for a
m .
i fj . ' . r I T llOR MADE SUIT ,
! { , Pnces From $8.50 Up
m The rigors of wlnterwUl soon As Good As You Want.
be over. r ,
Pleasanter days ahead . Don l forgot that we
'J ' l l
! , I Dright Drlihtest : things things In store In Men's fN Dress all. W ( l S ELL G R DC E R I E S
Goods Ihat we have v r shown .
I \1 . a t 0 aB b P rloca , an d pay. e
tJor "eell.
I 1 .
Corne and look at them-SOO U
m patterns mer - Just for the received Spring from and Sum- The I L HI"hest Market Prices for Produce
] floyal Tallots , Chicago , U. S. A.
I m tvdything : rnad to your rneas-
ure-all the tlrne-nevcr ! othcr- ! I H J
pJ wiseorlces wondrously low.
1 m
rf. ) ! _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rd Broken now , N "brallka.