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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1902)
FOUGHT RO BEHS . . . - . ' . . . . . . . . . + - ! . , FOUR MEN TERRORIZE EL YRIA , 0. , TTACKS LAST NI ' . , . . , . I 1 if J\\ARSHAL \ FATALLY IIURT i " . ONE ROBBER'S HEAD WAS BLOWN : . ' .OFF : ENTIRELY . -.1 . 'wf ; :1 : : POSSE AFTER THE RO RS 7hll ThlllvPII AtlPIII11tOll to Itob Third ' Cllhlolil WorD Sh'1Ut- IIn"An'hllo Iho Jill : nt 'I helll. Elyrla , 0. , : Nov. 15.-Marshl\l Henry Krohm was shot and an unknown bur- .Jlar had his head blown off early bere I today. The shooting occurred during a fight with four rob ers , who terrorized - ized t he town. ' .rhe gan ! ; stole horses and ri s , entered several houses and flhot recklessly In a wild cbarge down the main street of the town. J. E Baird was awakened by burglars - glars in his house. TIe ot up and saw two masl < cd men standln on either side of his bed. Revolvers were volnt- I : at his head , but in spite of this he : jumped from bed and foulotht with the , intruders. In the darkncss tbey brolw away and fled from the house , The bur lars then cntered the home of rown Marshal Krohn , who opened I tire onthem. When he had shot three times one of Ihe robbers , wbo bad jumped Into a bu gy , got out and began - gan shootln at the marshal. A t the third shot the latter fell with a bullet . . . . . through his hip. Baird , who had mea.ntime arrived , picked up the ollicer's gun and continued - ued the tiring 1'l1e robbers drove away rapidly. Baird followed them to tbe borne of Superintendent W _ J. n Iller of tbe ( Jleveland , Elyrla & ; Wt'steru railway. Wilen alrd again opened tire on the , ' robbers they walked Into the lIilller' bome , after smashing In the door. The nolseon the street arou ed HIllier and he reached for his gun , loaded wIth quail shot. A burglar opened the door and llIll. rier blew his head olr with the first dis- charge. 1'he other robber turned and ran , but llIllier discharged the second barrel. The robber ye.led and staggered - gered , but did not fall. He ran Inlo tbe street and disappeared. A possc was at once formed and is pursuing the robbers. r.larshal Krohm is perhaps . wounded. ] t is not. kl10wn how baaly tbe otller robber Is hurt. The dead robber's linen is marked , . . IIDavl.s. " lIe had In his pocket a mileage book sold at 011 OILY , l'a. , to "Mr. Da.vls. " Fell From n Tower. Omaha , Nov. lA remRrkable escape - cape from death was that of J. E. Adams , an employe of the Oitizens' Gas and Electrl\ company , In Council lutfs yesterday morning , Adams fell 138 feet and while he was bruised and cut no bones were broken. II e had gone to the ti p of the 150- foot steel tower at the corner of Eighth street alld Broadway to examine tI e four lamps there. Justas he prepared to descel'JdL cable on the automatic elevator broke and the ca e with Adams \ It wa. . precipitated to the ground. The Imprisoned man was bulfetted back and forth between the supports of the tower as the ca e was falllnJ. { . Ills arms were hadly lacerated - ated In an attempt to grab : L cable and stay his fall. 'rwelve feet from the ground on the towers Is a platform of Iron bars. The cage crashed through It and onto th ( ' , ground. Adams was pIcked up and taken to his home , 701 Ilarmon street. When the ph\'slclan who was summoned - moned arrived Adams met him at the Idoor u.nd tuld him that he would no have much work to do. The doct.or resscd his wounds in a few minutes. Another Indian Murder , Siome City. Ta Xov. 15.-A dispatch from Chamberlain , S. D. . says Deputy - uty United States Marshal Petrie left there this mornln for tbe Pon- ca , Nebraska , f\ub station of the Yankton reservation , for Thunder Bolt , a full blooded Sioux who murdered - dered Stalkln Bull , Tuesday nl ht. TIe was captured last night after a .bard chase. ' 1'he cause of the I.Hllng Is not gl v- en , 'l'hls crime took place about one mile frorn the scene or the lUur. der of E. C. 'l'u'lor and Johnny Shaw 'by ' George Bt'ar , Ortober 8 , and for which Ue.1r will be nllnged at SloUJ Falls , December 5. nany Students on Strike , Boulder , Col. . Nov -Flve l hun , .drod rltuclents oC the UUl Vl'r-.ltv III IColoradll are on a sl rlkl' . They liaw .been . re\'ol tl ng 0\01' les lIus du rlup .the qllarwcLlltcnnlal colt'hrutilin. ' 1I11W In prll ress. The 5t\llirnts \ heir class meet ! nlrS II net vlltl'Cl u 1111 \lUOus \ , 1y not to attend Clll1:51'S dUllnlI tile . . cell'hlll t Illn. Iris \ \ ho a ttcud IHI threatcned wll h lIstl'llt'lsm , anr' bllYs hll'e heen tuld Luey will IJI duoked In tbo lul < o. , : : .1IM 1b4t'"C _ _ - . " - - - - - - - - A CHAPTER OF ACCIDENTS , ItnlJrOlul Y.l1Ift (1)'I' ' ' IInvo a Hun of finrll Luck. Orand Is1:111 < 1 , : Neb. , Nov. 15.-A rl ruarlmule wuve ot accidents swept over t11e railroad yards oC Ulis city and vicinity I'rlday and Inr-t night. Yesterday mornlnglt Wood B.lvor , whllo Archie Campbell , u brakeman on frel ht : No. 27 , was maklult a coupling , a wheel of the cnr ran on his foot , tbe ear topplng whllo he was tbns pinned duwn. (1he ( foot wns uurllr crushed , though I t Is possible - sible that tlte member cun be Raved. Campbell in falllng struck his head on the tics nnd wus unconclous un- tillast night. Ho is reported as beIng - Ing In a much Improved condItion this morning. At about o'clock last evening , while the englno of another ellst bound freight was tal < lng water at the same place , Fireman Basko mounted the front of the engluo to IIgbt tbe headlight. Iu Sllllle manner - nor he sUpped and fell , striking his head on the tics and receh'lug a slight concussion uf the brain. As was the cuse'lth l\Ir. . C"Jampbell , he wuq Immodlately brou ht to the f t. l'mnCls ! hospital In this city. lIe has recovered l'onsclousnes51 and no serious results arc feared. At 3 o'cluck this ruornln an en- Ine of the 1800 clnss , just a ; It was pul1lu the passen er train from tno east lute the local rards , r\n ; IJIf a split switch , kept the ties for about a distance of twenty-Uvo ) ' ! lrds and ploughed Into the soil and Is halC burled. Engineer Fonda and Fire- lUan Bailey had time to jump and escaped - caped unburt. No one was Injured. The englnt. Is pretty badly wrecked. 'rhe tender was wrenohed from tbe trucks. Whle : the fly wheels oC one side of the en. glne are burled tboso of the other side are up In the air. In the Shop yards , at 5 o'clock this morning , an old man named Boyer WUi : plcl.ln up coal. He was strucl ( tJyan engIne. An emplo'e or the road hi\ppenec1 to see It and ( . : ave the alarm to the engineer. The englno had gone over tbe man. 1.'l1e 10c.\I0- ' tlve W.IS moving slowly at the tlmo and when It stopped the engineer and tlreman began to loolc under It Cor the presumably dead man. Ho fooled them and crawled out at the other side , between the enllino and the tender , badly scratched and bleeding , but otherwise uninjured. 1'he en lne run over him for its entire - tire lengt.h. J. W. MorrIs , a mernber of the Union PaclUc yard gang. while lettlll oJr u brnl.o ou No , 8 last night , had his hand cuught by a chain an three holes were clushed Into the member. Accuses Father of ape. Nebraslm City , Nov. -Last evenlnl { a sixteen year old daul-hter ( of Lillian Lemplwy , a farmer residIng - Ing near Syracuse , went before a justleo oC the peace and lIIed complaint - plaint against her father charl-Ing ( him with rape. The father , heal'lnJ : ( of the tlilng of the complaint. It Is chargt'd. mounted one of the farm hor5es and lied the country. OI\'cl'rs \ ' arc out after hllll but as yet they ha ve beeD unable toInri / any trar'e of him , but If l1e should be found ho will be Lruu ht to this city and placed In the county j.1\l \ fur safe keeping. It Is fen red he would be lynl'lJed it taken to Syracuse , liS av- other case something slrllilur happened - pened there last week and the lIIall WlS : allowed to make his escape. ' 1'he Jlrl : stutes that th past 'our months she has been forced to submit to he. father under the threat that If she told of It that she would be killed and that he woul then kill the wllole family. 'l'he father Is over IIfty years of a e bas a wife and four duughters , two of the oldest being married. He has beeu a resIdent of this county for years and nlwuys Lore a good reputation. tie Threntened to Kill. York , Neb. , Nov.A complaint to 1OI'p tile peace was filed at JIdgo Taylor's olllce yesterday , alalnst William H. Smith , ot Cripple Oreek , Col. , who , it Is fenred , medltutes do- In Miss Nora IIlltonl ot 'l'lJayer , Neb. . some Injury. Smith first met Miss Hilton ut Crl pple Oreek some tl me ngolIlId trn- mt'dlately became InCatuated. IIls IIttentlons wer distasteful to the \'Ollllg woman. Smith carne to thl , pI are , vowing he would either marrs lIs. . Hilton or b"th would dlo. Her brother became aware uf his Inten. t Ions and prevented his seelrlg her. lid now Smith Is In jail awaiting u hearing. A Plensant Surprlre. ErllZar , Neb. , Nllv. lfi- I1s N(11111 ( I.'owlcr was pleasarilly slir p' ' ISl'rl last f'\'rnln 11\ ' a Ilull1hpr IIf IIt'I frlenrls. \ \ hll had nllt IIr Iv plannprj : ' lIrnrl c palty , hut , camc IJrep..rNI ' \'IMI ' r\'en ! thln III'cesS lry to m.IIH I I III rcr'aSIOIi , pltHlsllllt alld f'1.j.l\allle . . The ( ' \ 'I'lIlnLVa' ! spent with galllCs. 111118111 , Sllllg. , and 6I1CIIlII'01l\'rI80 till near rtlHllltght. when h"l'lItl'OU" " rl' rn'shlller.t4'pre . ! fil'l , 011 Itftt'r whll'l : LIIU meuv LJarty sought tIIelr homes . " 'm ! 'mf : ; . .h. : : . i. " ; ' " : ; ' ; f . DOCTOR SHOT DEAD rRADEGY IN OCBULlST'S OFFICE ! AT KANSAS CITY , Ii I i EX-POLICEMAN A SLAYER COMPLETES THE BLOODY WORK BY KILLING HIMSELF. WAS PROnUNENT OCCULIST : lllIrlorpr null SlIlchlo ACCIIAPtl "h'sldl\lI Clt UClltrvylll1 : Ills Uyotaght-NCI " 'ItIlOM- 08 tn the Cralllo. Kansas Ulty , Nov. 12.-Dr. W. 11 Kimberlin , a pioneer citizen and a promlnellt oculist was shot aud killed In his ol1lce by John Soanlun , formerly a pollcemau. who then shot and killed himself. ' 1'lle bodies were tounr1 In the duotor's ol1lco. Dr Klmherlln was sLot three times and uoth men must have died almost III- stantly. Scanlon , who Is a brother or a prominent local polltlclall , asserted , It Is said , that Kimberlin had caused him to lose his oyeslght. Icallioll : ; left a note on tbe dresser In which ho had wrltton : "Notify my brother at cIty hall I did this because he destroyed my eyes. " Hcanlon had been receiving treatment - ment frum Dr. Kimberlin for alut ( two weelcs. lie eutered the physl- olan's ol1lce unseen and It Is not known how lon he had beell there. Another patient W\1O was waitIng In nil outsldo ol11ce said : "l heard Scanlon go Into the dtJc- tor's prl vato ol11co and heard he and Ute doctor talIelng. "Tbere was no quarrel or loud words. however , until Dr. Ktrnberlln cried Ollt , "Oh , don't , John. " liThe shots followed immediately. A bullet eamo though the hall alld passed over the chair fr'oID which 1 had jumped when tbo shooting be- gan. " The first person to enter the room was Dr. Kimberlin's soualso a physician - cian , whu Is a proprietor of a drul ! store situated In the ground IIoor of the buil lng. Botb men lay on thl' l100r COvered wi tb blolld and dead. Scanlon bad ! thot himself In the tem- ple. . the bullet teurlng away the upper - per part of bls face. Dr. Kimberlin was I1fty-elght years old and had practiced In Kwsas City for t.ho . past thirty years. Scanlon was years old and single. TIe lived formerly at BrelI : < lnrldj.te , Mo. He had wOrlCed as fireman on tbo Burll n ton rail road and 10. . tet u patrolman on the Kansas City police force. A Woman His Sinyer. London , Nov. 12.-A tragedy occurred - curred In this ctty In full view Ilf hundreds of people. A young womun nnmed Kitty Byron stahbed her sweetheart Arthur Heglnald Ual\Cr. to death. Ho was a weilimllwn mern- ber of the stode exchange. Berof ( ' the woman could move she was selzl'1l by several wltllesses of the deed and glvlm Into custody. ' 1'lIe rrlme tUOk place just outside the Lombard street postol1lce. Shortly - ly after 2 o'clock n young wornan of utLractlvo appearance went Into tlll' postullIce and sellt an expresss lutter to the stocl < exchange. In a few minutes - utes Rhe wa. . jfllned hy Mr. Bul < er , tu w ham the lot ter had heen addressed. Lllter the clerl < s noticed they Wllr ( ' quarrel'lD ' . As the mall turned II go tile wuman followed , ner\'ou'ily handling her muff. She dealt the Ulan a harJ blow In the back. As ho staggered and then part.lalls turned uround with one foot un thr lower stcp , the woman wHhdre\\ the weapon and struck again , thl ! time plungln It into his loft breast. The man gasped and tell hea vlly for , ward , his bead strl1.lrll. : : the stem pavement rrwo clel ks seized tl1l "olllan. who was leaning over th ( prostrate form as tholllh : prepllrln to strike II third blow. Mr. Uuker , died on the way to the hospitul. Sent Back to Prison. Fremont. Neb" Nov. 12.-Johr Johnson of Saundl'rs oounty has been taken buck to the prmltentlarv 111 Lincoln. He wus releasl'd ! J.1st sprln on parole secured Ui ! the result oj efforts put rhrth by his duuglltrr , Las ( wec'k he becallle enraged ut hi ! , . 'amllv fur some alleloed sllllht ane vent to OrnnlJa to ha\'e a will drawl ! Ip dlslnherltlnJt them. ' 1'110 mem , Jers of the family In retallat\ul. \ . lecured a recall of his p lrole. , John' ion was sent up for shoot\n \ Sherif Ferrl'i severalYl'a rs ugll. Ferris wonl to his farm to serve papers ou hln In a petty SllIt , . und Johnslln secllrer I a shotgun and wounded the unIcer. . Cannot Believe the Story , TIou hton. Mich. , No12.Car I Busch , brother awl only relut ! vor \ . this country of Augusta Busch. whl I died or osphyxatlon with Rev. W. C I , , uabe In his study at Omah ! . . Nov. fi absolutely refutes ! to br.l il'\'e th , stor les of thc IIJiI n nl'r of Ills slqtrr' ! I death. lie declareR that she ww ever one oC the hest. . and trurst wllm I en , Busch Is mellllll'r \ of the 1I0r t I ago Luke .tJaptist cburcb , and Is I I ountractor. 1. = - . : a..w. . . . . _ . . . . . _ _ . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - MOLINEUX IS NOT GUILTY. YorlIct nr , Jur ) " III thc S"colltl Trial-The l'Rctllllllllo : ! co tnthtl CIUII. 'i1tlls is the chrollology of the case or Boland U. Mollneux , al'quiLled o ( the murder of Mrs. llItherlno , T. Adams : l'olsoll pnelUigo mal1ed Decom ber 23 , 18US. Mrs. lCatherlno J. Adnms died by polsoll at her home , No. 01 West 1 lghty'slxtH street , December 28 , 18U : : ! . Boland B , rollne\1c \ : ! was nrrested , charged with sending the polson , and commlttod to the 'l'ombs , lreb. ruary 27 , 18UO. Arter a trial Instln litty-seven da's , he WIIS Cound gulltv of murder In the IIrst de ree , : Feuruary 1 , 1nUO. 110 wns srntenced to dcuth by He- corder GufT I\u : taken to SIng Sing , February 10 , lUOO , 'J'ho case WIIS murled to the court , of appeals by his cousel , , Tune 17 , 1001. 'nlU court of appeals granted a new trial , October G , HIOI. Uoland n. 1\olilleux spent one year , se\'en months lu the death coil at Sln Sing , ulld'as tala'u bacl ! to New York , a reor Ugll , when a ncw trial wus ranted. Ills triul cost the conntv $200.000 , and on the uppcal 1.080,000 words were submitted In e\'ldence. New YOl'lc , No12.1 n the second trial oC Uoland B. Mollucux for the IIwrder of Mrs. Katherlno Adams In 18DS. the jury this ufterllolln returned a verdict or lint u\lty. \ ' 1'he : ' Molllleux jury was brought In to courtlt : 3:3i : : o'clt/cl. / . A t the SIIIIJ ! ! time l\Iolilieux 'HIS talwn Crom the Tombs Into the court und District Attorney , Jerome W.IS suulIJoned. On Ills arrl val the court room was iJlocl < e and uo one was al10wed to enter or lea \'e It. 'rhe jurt' hnd remained out just twenty-live mlllutes when the Cllre. man anounncod the verdlot of acquittal - tal there WIIS much upplause and the chet'rlng extended to the orowd walt- In outside In the corrlolJrs and Oil the street. 1'he : ' orlmlnal court bul1dlng was In an uproar imlUedlately. At leash I three thousand persous were massed In tbe buildln . Close Call For L.lncoln Man. Beatrlce , , Neb. , Nov. 12.-J , O. Wulfe , or Lincoln , who Is hero mak- InJ : some repairs on the line for the Postal 'relegraph company. had a elose 00.11 . for his IIfo this evening. While at work on the rear or the Omaha store , he was handling a guy wire. which came In contaot with a prl mary wi ro of the electric light eompany , carrying a voltage of cle\- eu hundred and IIfty.Volte was at oue : J'enc1ered unconscious. Ills release - lease from the COli tact was reruarlm- hlet the wel ht uf his body as he fell to , the ground pulling the wire Crom his ha'Jds. The lIes'l ' on two IIners ! , ! and the palm ef his rl ht hand was hurned through his glove to the boue. Used Stnmps for Fuel. WashlngtouNov. 12.-Uver lI alllsl the Item of :100 : rullllolis direct und IlIIllrect loss sulferl'd by olllJrat Irs , millers and pl'ople and railroads. as the result of the coal Sl.rll < o , one branch of the goternlllent-tho bu- re.n : of rngravlr alld printing-will chilli. up a proUt I f not far from $ ] [ jO. Incl den tally , In UCCOI\I \ pllsh. , III this staving , the bureau has In the It 011 I h past bllrned fuel for which Lhe treasury paid In oold cash , IIIOl'e than enc Illlllioll. I n this par ticlilar Instance the gO\- ern men ti stokers ha ve beell shovellll I documentary re"CIlIJe stamps for which the trl'asury paid $ . \00.00 \ dally , Into the furnaces of the bureau aIling with a proportlun of ( ' 0..1 . , the stamlJS producing lIeaj ( that ot.Hrwlse would 11a\'e required the consumption uf lI.ore coal. Beglnnln with July , IDOl , follew- , In the rl'peal ot the stamp tax ou , bank checks , telegraph and telephone messages , and auumented { ( this last , July by tl1C repeal of all stamp taxes , the treusury has been retleemla the : revellue stamps remalnlnll In the ; hands or purchasers thuu\hout ( \ the r ClJunty. 'L'he slamps have heen shipped In wugollioarlsa considerable I.Oltion of thu bulle belnK made up of the blanl < checJrs upon which the Hamp was Impressl'd Oarloads and I tllns upon tOilS of tihls stuff ha vo Lleen shipped to Wushlnltoll and stored I n tile treasu ry _ III the latter purt of September , while the proL'ess of dostructloll was oln Oil , and while the ol11clals of the treasury deQartrnenti wOle rackIng - Ing their brains to l1 ure out a fuel I supplV for the various bU ei\U9 , the "Uj.lneer ! at tile hu.cuu of er.\ravln \ : and prlut1n wes seized with un lu- sprlatloll. lie SU H'sted the utlllza- lion of th waw'n load3 of sta m ps and stamped checks for the purpuse , uf pruduclng steam. Colored 1\18n I > lIuands Rights. I Wa8hlngton , Nov. 12-1'he Uulted ) tates supreme OOUt tOlla , cranted I a mutlon for IIn early hlarlnH In the . case of Jaclson W. Jiles ( IJolured's. ) . . the Board of Heglstrlltlon of : Mont- gOlllery , Ala. , Invl/lvlng the qu stlon whether the sulTraHe IJrovlslons of _ the uew constl tutlon of the state oJ Alabama Is repuj.nant ( t the four- 1 tcenth and Itrteenlh urnendruents to Lbo CDII511t.Uti0I1 ! oC tbo United States. - - - . . _ . _ . - - - ' " - , ' ' ' ' ' ' " . " , , " I l" " 'It'l'\11' \ : ; lViA Y H A VET HEM . . . . I POSSE AT CLATONIA CAPTUBES TWO SUSPECTS. " I ACTIONS AGAINST THEn\ \ I ALLEGED INCENDIAHY HAS FUIHH. ER CHAnGE TO FACE I WATKE IS IN DEEP WATER I hllllnllll'll" tlf Crncftlllllnn I"tllll\tl " 'hclI ' 1'III'Y \ \ lIrn I.IIIlnrllllt-lIIcw Chur&o III.ulo " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " .1" . " W..I , I neatrlce , .Neb. , Nov. H.-Sheriff Waddington , usslsted by John Schlek ut this elL ) ' has led od In jail two comparath'el.v 'uun men , who uro belleveu to he the oues who aU.empt- cd to rub the Olatonla banl < Monday IIlght. I Early 'J'hursllay mornln two mcn \v\l'e ) seen to all ht ut Olatonlll from a freight truln from tbo west. ' 1'ho attempt on tile bank's tremmre still 1 was , 'Ivld In the minds uf the towus- people , IIncI the prtsence of any stranler was' IIIstanlly nollcr'able so fr'um the moment the men stepped fwm the train their mo\'emont was scrutinized. After lolterlnc alJOut the depot "tew rlloments the men wall < ed down the tracl ( and to the poillt whole the robbers had abandoned - oned the hm'se II nd bu gy 'l'uesday l11ornllll. ! 'l'he ) ' Wen proceeded to a point near where the allg had crossed - ed the crcele. For IIJore than an hour they were watched hy Henry Alberts anct uthors who IInally corwluderI thut the pair must Imow sOlUethlnJ ( about the robbery ancI a posse ud- vunced on them and took them In custody. Meanwhllo a search was rnnde or the surroulHlIng premises where the rol1owln urtlcles were founll. ' 1'wo long 4-1-Colts revolvers one-halt pint of nltro-glyr.rolno : two Illes six sl < elo- ton I < oys u quuntJlty of fuse \lnd caps. ' 1'he men weru taken up town und wl1l1e no violence was offered them about every man woman \lnd ohlld in the town and surroundln country stood gua rd over thorn \lrDlod wi tb some 1 < lnrJ of : l weapon. ' 1' he suspects pleaded Innosenco unr1 said they were In Horton Kansas - sas Monday night. ' .rele rams were sent people there whorn they claimed to know bllt the responses were not at ull satisfactory. When the sher- IIf reached Olatonll1 ubout 3 0 'clocle this afterncon the men were In the rear of a saloon which was luuHled by Cully one hundred armed residents. The mn had mnneylnd speot It freely. They tulled a bout Ba n ker Chamberlain and using him for a comparison - parison spoke dlsparaglngly of all banlwrs and displayed an acqualn- toance wlth , nallles of prominent people - ple 1I1H1 ImowledJte of puhllc affairs whl h shows tl.ey are not stl'an ers to Nehraslm. The U1atonla people and the sherllf belle\s ! lIu'y ha\'o got the right mono 'l'hey are abouti tthlrty years old caell. When searched hele a long thin Ille was found on olle of them. ' 1'hey refu ed to Hlvo any names. Watlc In IJeep Water. St. Palll , Neb. Nov. H.-Hobert Watlre's tTllubl's did not end veRter. d'IY when he was released at Loup U1ty under $ /iOOO / bonds penrllng the prel Irn I na ry tria I on the ohar\e \ ( of settln lire to two Iraln pleva tors. . at Ashton last 'rllllrsday nl ht. A warrant - rant was Immedlat.ely sworn out f"r his arrest on the charge 01 grandlar- ccny and SherllT Hansen has one to \\'atl < o's home In Farwell to sel\'e It. ny telephone It Is learned that Wat- ke Iii a the 1J0me of his Cather.ln- law , near Boelus. wheTl he was captured - tured after a long chas 'l'urslluy DJnruln uncI It Is possible that another - . or garne.or hide and seele lias bellun. During Watke's absence last week a search warrant was securednrHl two very valuahlo saddles whlcn were stolen from 0 W. Fletcher or Boehn about two years a o wore found. Other e\'ldenco was discovered to Indicate - dicate that the man hacI been lead. Inl ( a crooked life fllr years. While lie has never borne the best renputa. tlon , th char es at his glliity IIf < arc astonlshln . 'l'h05e whll saJ they ha ve sulTered at his hands dp , clare thati they will swear out fresll char es aJalnst : ( him as 101l1l as auy , one cun II foulld to o his hall Joseph Korlnele was lined $10 and costRln county court this murnlll fOI petty larr'eny. lie was n purt.ner \ a 'est'lurant ' which waR recently soh' ' to II , It. VancIelur anri It wa'i al. leged that he carried off some IolOod ! wllluh were Included In the bill 0 : sale. Yukon River Frozen Solid. Victoria , B. 0. , Nov.14.rrhl stealller Amur , from Slw lVay , Ie ( Jorls that the Yukon has Iwen frll7. en wlllri nnd the steamer La 1.'ran"1 was caught and hl'lli In the 11'0 wher 011 routu rlllwn nrar 011 litO. Hlle \ \ II remain there all winter and Cellrs IHI ( 'xpresserl that she Hlay he cruFihec : , hv the leo , The II I st 81 U\O \ ! frlln \\'hll ( ! Horse rrllcltell 1 > aw-oIJn ! on Nfl \'emlJer n , artf'r sl : < days' travel , nnl the III f\t stlle ! I rOIl ! Dil w"lIn wag cltl I at While lIvrse UII Monduy. ' . ; ' 11 ; , > , . ; " . . . ' \ r " " ' ' . 'f'r' , t ' . - " ; ' , . ' " 'iI , ; . + + + + + + + + + + ; 0 + + + + + ' ' ' + + + + + + + 01' f : ! $ 1 + + + + + + + + Chicken thloves are busy at FrO' hlont. Charle.q rlekrol dIed at Sownrd 6 > t tJ'J1hold fever , Ncar CowleA hoth ends or threshet ulo\V out seriously Injuring three 'men. William It. ' 1'111 has been arrested ell rg d with cmbe7.zelfng tunda be. . 11In ln to lIumbolt lOdge , A.O. U. 'V. 1 Iward Welhorg was sentenced to two ) 'CarR In the peultent.larr at Col. umbus for forgery. Gov. Mickey's ton year old Bon Den had hili leg brol < en wbllo playing toot- ball. MrR Ir ; " Williams of Lltohl1eld com. mltted sulolde by drowning boraoIC In a mill pond. t1'11O ) 'early export or silks from Switzerland \'Ulued at earlr $ 'O , . 000,000. At l"arlmry " ! Lee Sprnllglnl ! who 5hot ; Constable Bu lurllelclln Daykln few weel.s ago WLIi al'qultted. I B. A. Stultz of .l"rernont ! , who kec a II very stable , waH Idoked by a hor60 and one of his loge , vas broken III two pluces. I Cyrus A. Deadorr sues David Strick- er for $10,000 damngo ! ; Cor alienatIOn of his \\'Ie's [ ' \ \ atl'ectluus. 130th parties 1'e \ near Bennett. I In a mlr1upon a I'club"dl"o I1.t lIen- Icy the shlmlf dlscovored and "ol Cll ulnl' case.Ii of beer and arrcslOd WlIJ Mulohow , the IIJI\IIa er. 'rhe new Union brick hullr1\ng \ at ; 1 xeler collapsed Injurill Vern Nov ins , Joe llInelis. . Sr. , and Rube Spo.n- gur. gur.At At 1)latt.smouth TIarry llic ! s 111 ROb 30 days amI his brother WilllIlm 10 duys for petty laro ny. Otto V'Oh"Ctr : man plead gull tiy to burglarhJb hilt. tathor's house. ' l mnk Micek whl ) resided 13 mllca BouthweRt of Columbus had hi ! > lIr cru ! > hed out by the props of a. . bulllH 1111- { giving way and a house settltugt upon him. Samuel Lindsey , of Murray , Nob. , WL ! sllot und seriously wounded by Jameli McReyno ds In a dispute ov Bt/me / money whloh Lindsey olaimt > , d : McHeynold owed. , ' 1'ho Catholic sOCIety has commenoct ( the erection uf it. new churoh at SI1. . vcr Creek. It wl1l be pu.hed to ootn- ! letlou as rapid y as possible. 'l'WS ! \V1II give Silver Oreek four ohurches. I 1'be G mnd Island Board of Educ tlon at Its meetln sustmned one 011 the tcachers , Mr. D.Lvls , In the mnttclJ of charges brought It alnlit him by w Mr. Auyull Cor the wrongful suspeusloni : > C ! lis daughter. : 'rhe Ord gas plant Is nearly oem pleted , and will soun be sellin gas Ord cl tlzells for lighting purposeB James BILrtu has securert a frallchls I . \rlll will at once begin the ereotlon of in eleotrlc li htlng plant. i I Formlll complaint ha. . . been ma ol l1 alusL Berman Uorchersof Columbus : for the murder of his father , and' ' rlg'Llrllit ( AuguKt Borohers as an ncces. ! lory. 'l'he voungest son John II ; no. mentioned. While engaged In moving the atatlon. at Sterlln ! ! with lIat cam the capstan hroke , George Harmon had Re\'eral rl bs broken , Peter Hansen , 'l'mmlOo Wilson , A t ! < ens mrldle and George' Cox were seriously Iujured. Near ITo lns' brldgo on the Nlo- bram rl vcr , tl1teen mll.a ; northeast of , Newport , a . .uan by the r.ame of Ira lcGee was foulld wlthL bullet wound In the forehead. Dr. Dudd of Nuw- pllrt wa. . . called and word comes by I telephone that the man Is still alive. hut has no ho.nce of recovery I I It John Corey , for many years an. mployee of the Burlington. . can furn. . Ish sLtlsfaotory ! ploor that be Is anI I nel r oC rlr Frallols Drake , he will rO-l : J..lve between $ IOooOJO and $4,000,0001 I II.R his ahare oC Drake's estate. Suoh ! IS tile meliSagl' borne to him by Geor e Corey of Hendricks , Minn. , who has. . Deen traveling over the country for I three years In a hunt Cor heirs. ; I Robberfl mnde an unsucccf\sful \ at. , tempt to loot the bank at Western , . 8iLline county. The robbers entered I the building and had succeeded In . blowlnr p"n the vault when they I were detected by t.he Burlington ngen' r who OCCUpl08 apartments over thQ I ballk a.nd who was awakenl'd by the I repo t of the explosion ' 1'he robbers ; left without f ecurirll { anything of val- . , lie A posse Is In pursuit or the baa- ; dltl. I While working on the nllrlln tol1 . , bridge at PlattRmollth L'rank J\alusek 1 : met wltn an accident wlloll carnl ) - nearly ending his earthly career , .A , hea vy piece of I Imber 'ell ' a distance or twenty feut , striking him a glanol nS' hlow on his head nnd side. lie wo. . . p o\erl up and taken to the ol1lce of Dr 14Ivln 'H.on. who found thiLt a numher oC Ills teeth Wf'fe knocked out , I I\nd tile side of his Ilead u.nd . ueck lIudly ! ! hrulserl und lacerated. but 110 boucs 01 " ; . . " . were ) rul..OI" ; I . ,