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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1902)
' " ' " " -'l1'"r - "fV" ' . . . . . < : . . . , . 4liW \ ) " . " " . " "I'V ' , , , . ' - . lUSTER OUNTY EPUBLICN. _ . I S'l'ABIISUED 1882. TilE O1'FICIAI , PAPEI 01' CUSTER COUN'fY. IARGI S'f CIIWULATION OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'IIE COUNTY. " . , _ . . . . VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , T U S AY ) NOVEMBER 20) ) 1902--EIGHT PAGES , NO.23 , ( I " I 'i - . . , . . , t ; " . " . . . ' It" " . I' , ' l' J . I . I " f Count Your Flng'ers . . - YO\l couut the week , left for Christl/llis / selecting utilI . huying. Five--thllt's 1111 , :1IIel : , herc let II ! ; give you a reasoll : . for each wed : , why you shuulcl buy YOllr Christl/las / ll1CStllts : hcre. We gin' YOII Moocls I whi h always llellse. 'Ve ell- gra\'e all goOlree \ ! of chllrge. \Vc CXChllllre ; gumLcfOle \ or I aftcr preselltatioll. We give : ) ' 0\1 Il gnnm\ltee thllt GUAHAN- Tlms. We sell ollly the Ilitest I : .1tIcl hest ill desigll 111111 w rk- j , tJHlIIShip , at prices lIe\'cr morc thall elsewhere. t : I : I , , , . . . , , , r Chi' ' " O"'m' ' , cn" , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i - - . - - - - Tahlttsl l ' -ANn-- School Supplies , -A'r- J. G. Haebel"le's : _ . ' : " ' " - - - - - - - - - - . Perle Elizaheth Fields , DR. ID 1JlJ n 11J Wb Birm. OFIIIClt IIOUHS : 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1 :30 : to .1 p. m. Or by appointmcnt. AG'rOffice o\'cr Anderson's jewelry Slore in Rcally mock , BrokCII Bow , Nchraska. nVNO I1a\ ' you repaired 'your fir- guards. 'you m tY n < 'ad thcm at short notIce. A. J. I ee\'es has lost four head of catUe of corn stock disease and 14. S. I mphficlll has lost two hogs : Cholera is feared. Died at Oconto , Nehr. , No1 11)02 of a complication of diseasm incident to old age , 1\lr. Jame 13renman , ag''d ahout (14 yean Ill' is sunh'cil hy his wife ane ! six chi111ren. Interment in the Ca tholic Cenwll'ry 11ea r Oeol1 tc : on Monday. Died , 11ear l'no , Nebr. No\ ' , 15 11)02 , Macde : daughter of Mr , and Mrs. 14. 1\1. Pickett of hem. orage of the howles , ageel lImon. ths and H Ilays. Interment iI the Brolcen Uow Cemetery 011 Saturday. It \ \ . .i1be \ a happ ) meeting when children and par cnts meet in the better land. JUnt. 1A. . 'VuU" " , HuNt Hhtl 0 Klluur. . , atur Ilo"ll"y ( ooht Knit goods a spt'cia1ty. Jnfants knit hootees anll jack ts Infant ! > stoclcenette caps. Infants Bil1e knit hoods. Childrens' hoolls. [ .aelies' 1m it sldrts. T4ad ies Faci na tors. l.adiesGolfsldrts and shirt waist Lallies undenkirts ami wrapper ! ' > 1.lIlies : Dress 'l'rimmings. I4adies novelties. Mi1\inery \ , anll dress-maldng- perfect Ii t guaran teed. Be sure and reae"A \V ord 0 'rhanks" in this paper. ! , . _ _ , , , , , . "T' _ i I _ - - rg ; : : : : ] l ead UAVoret of 'I'hanlcs" In this issue. Mrs. H. n. Sargent ofVal - worth , was a city visitor Mon- day. / 1 . C. Cross and wife , of Miller - ler , are visiting' in the city with thl' family of W. A. Georg . J. ' \T. Bruce'has had his carpenter - penter shop moved this week to the east Bide of Fourth avcnueon till' conner opposite McClures fl'ed mill. John Muh'aney of Mason Cit ) . , was a friendly caller Sat u relay. Ill' was in the city as a member of the Olel Soldiers County l e- lief Commis ion. N. B. Predmore of West Union , was in the city Saturday as a memuer f thc Soldiers "He lief Comm ! ; sion. 'I'his ol1ice acknow- ledgcs a fncnelly call. 'l'he rail roall property west of the depot is being grade d this week with a view of fixing it for a park or flower lawn. It is a comenelable enterprise. Gnv. Sa\'agc went to COlly , Wyo.ning , Saturday night as a guest at the opening of the Cody Hotel. 'I'he go\'ernor was to ele- liver an ad ress on the occasion. 'I'he foot hall team of Broken Bow Business College will pI ai' the Mason Cit.y hoys next 'li'n- day. On 'I'hanksgiving' day , the Kearney team will play the college hoys in this city. Jesse Gandy is afllicteel with \il baelly hruis d limb which he' sustaincil one day last week in hauling a load f lumber. N bones were broken and he was ahle to be ill the eity 'l'uesday. \ 'I'he attention ofte . \ reaelers of the Hm'UDT.ICA.N. ' / IS 'Fa 1 leel .to the article of HOlt. A : R IIumhrey in this issue , on the revision of the revenue law of the state. 'I'he 'sngestions are worthy of the careful - ful consideration of law makers. l\leredith , the little boy of 1. A. Heneau , who has been very sick for several weeles with the thyphoiel fever we are glael to note has sufiicienUy recovered to'be up agaiu. He was out doors 'J'uesday for the first time since his sic1mess. We ommitted to J'C. week that Dr. nhller , formerly a dentist of this city who has been in the asylum at Council Bluffs , Iowa , for se\'eral years . , died on the 28th of Odohet. last. For some time his mind has heen a blank , the refiult of softning of the brain. Eel. Hoyse , Secretary or' the Banking Board , accompain 11 hj' ' his family , came up last 'l'hurs. day nigh't from I , i ncoln to'isi 1 Mrs. Gates , Mrs. l oyse's mother who returneel from a visit of sev. eral weeks in Denver , with het g-rand Ilanghter , 1\lrs. Johnson. . 'I'he ) ' retul'Uec1 SUlulay. II. G. li'uestman of T4itchfiele was a frlCnelly caller at this office Monday. Ill' informs us tha1 the pops elect ell their assesso in IWe Creek preci nct b. I only majority , and one repuhlf can hallot was thrown ou because th party casting it hal written hh ; name on it. H. A. Babcock , formerlv Statl Auelitor , is to be Peter "Morten sen , state treasurer elect's , deputy Mr. Babcock was for a numbe . of years associated with Mr. Mol' tensen in business in Ore1. Mr O. P. Paist. who has heen bool , . keeper in the First National Bani of Orel Will be Mortensen's bool , - keeper. lIon. I'rank Bacon , rece'er 0 the U. S. Ianll Olliee at Nort ] Plattl' , elit.'d.'l'ueselay . 1ght ! ! ( ) la'3t week , with IHleumonla. 1\1r Bacon was 1 arge I\ ' in teres te i 1 farming in Daws n County nea I Coxac1 , where he had made hi home for a I1\lmber \ of years. H was elected a memuer of the leg islature from Dawson county il 184.t on the republican ticket : A ( Itde { wellding' occurred a t he home of 1 r. and Mrs. R. II Sargent of Walworth , on th s evening- November 15th , hI : t ween D. H. I ohle ( ' of Comstod anll1iss laud 1\1. Sargent ( J Walworth. 'I'he father of th a hride tying" the knott. ' 1'he HI' ' l'UlIJ.ICAN extends congratul tions to Mr. anelM rs. Hoblte an If wish them happiness and prO ! I perity an a long lif . . _ : : . . . . . . . , - . . - - . J' C. n. Pelham of an Anselmo was in the city to chi ) ' . ' 1'he Political I lualitj' } Club will meet at the home of Mrs , Caroli ne Carlo . 1i'riel ay even i ng , Nov. 11. A full attendance is elesi reel.-J m.IA WII.T.IS , Sec } ' . ' ( 'he second foot ball team of the Un'ersity elected I'dwin : Ii' . 1\1)'res , one of Cnster countie's reiJrescntativt.'s at the University to Ue their captain , last week. John Wehling of West ' 1'able , was in the l' ty 1\lonela.y , with a wiM cat he had caught in a steel trap. I t was a fine specimen of the hreed. ' 1'he game of foot ball between the college team of this city anel the high school team at Grand Islanellast Friel' ! ! ) ' at the latter place , was a elraw. Neither team macle a si"ngle " score. 'l'he lad ies of the Presbyterian church 'il1 hold a fair and give a supper in the afternon and evening of December 11. Many fancy ane ! useful articles will been on exhiuitio for sale. , , 'l'he Daily Star of 14nicoln , Neb. , wants agents in evcry local it } ' , and in addition to paying a liheral conlluission , is offering some handsome premiums to club ! raisel's. l'ull p.l1'ticulars : maj' he obtained by aeldressing 'l'he Htar , Iincoln , Neh. 20-22 . . . , ' . . . , 1I.0tTNn - \ " 1.1.1t' S. K. Lee is busy worldng' on his new harn. Andrew Olsen is now living on I . the ranch of his brother Ole. N. K. I4ee went wcst I&st week . o get sheep to feeel up his soft corn. ' 1'he Johuson boys arc going to 'Jb.e ITaumont's. Joe is threshing this week. - - _ . - . - - - tIns week , although hc hael ri - elcn in it several times since that ela te. Aillm Ul1klll ! 'tl\Hlm' . The following list contains the nal les of a number of the baldng powelers sold in this state in which chemists have foun alum. It will ue of interest to both' ' p'rocers mill consu mers : CA J.A U- ; 1Jm'l' , K. C. , C. P. and RABIn'l"S FOOT. Many grocers sell what theY call their own special or p.rivate branel of Imldng poweler. 'l'lese are put up by the large Mannfactnrers anel usuall } ' arc maele frotll alum. Baking powders - ders solel at a low price or with a gHt are mosU ) ' of the alum vari- ety. . A Worllllr'l'lumks. 'l'hrongh the kinelness of our friends and customers we were enabled to sell out all our last year's Chri5tmas stock sleek and clean. In return for this kind patronage we propose to show our frienels this year a stock I wJ\ich \ is entirely new ancl enc which is not "aelulteratccl" with relics of by-gonc-clays. If you want presents which arc new and up-to-date , come to us. If ) 'OU a c. . . hunting Illast year's hircl nests" go to some rtlmmage salc. Yours vcry truly , 1 \ 'HHRONV A'1"t'R. , A 'l'rOlllcl1lllolllc. ' , . - 'l'he new evening paper at Lincoln - coln , ' 1'he Daily Star , is out with something entirely new in the I waj of apremium olIel' to agents who will secure subscribers to th bright , newsy paper. Se\- I eral tracts of valuable Janel in a most esirablc location in the Rc- pulili : of MexICo are offercd as prizes to agents. I t the most valuable - I uable proposition ever macle by a - . - . , - . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! " ' .It. " .A. ' ' ' ' ' .14. . " ' 'Ji" I . . . ; ' 'H' : ' 'f' * ' ' ' v. ' "Ci' , ! ! : ' ' , , k 1S ! r. . 1J i7 ' ' 'V' ' 'I' ' 1' ' 1'If ' 1' ' 1' , ' 'Y' ' 1' ' 1' ' 1' 'V''I' 7I'J " 'I To Make Room For Other Goods ; ' < ? t We will sell for the balance of the year our lar e stock of C urlages < t and Bug"les at prices which' ' . will * : be sure to clean out the stock as . 'II- soon as I < nown. ' ' 1' ' 1' f- 'It. I\ . . s. , . Crroa"t CO. ; I t t Ht - . ' 1'he boys " of this neigborhoocl arc goin"g to have a shooting match 'ruesday the 25th in the afternoon for turkeys. ' ( 'h re will be quite a number of turkeys. , 'I'h is is a chancl for the boys to get a 'I'hankst'ing turkey. OI TEr.I.O. C. D. Day is putting ill a large cistern. T. A. Coleman anll wife were I I in these parts on 1\lonllay. J. R Balcer and wife , and J. 1\1. l.'oelge and wife visited Beals , Ru nllay a llernool1. : I Jennie \Vaddington and Al1ura - Hill hall their names on the "I ell of TIollor" last week. A. D. Hunt is finishing the in ide of Mr. Plymale's Ilew house near New Helena. - F. C. l mbree and Chas. Blale- ! man shipped a car loael of hogs I to South Omaha 'l'uesda- . Justice li'oc1ge issued warrants for the arrcst of four young men near Cliff 1\1. g. church , on MOIl- clay , anll their trial wi11 de held as OOIl as constable Sce\'e'rs c ln roullel t hem It 1' . We olllmitted to mention the arrival of 1\1iss. laude IIIutxel at the hOllle of 1\lrs. : Ashbaugh , week hefore last. TIer home is l\Ialridy , Iowa and sIll' is on a 1110nths visit with her aunt and e cousins. She is pleased with QtIl' l'OUIl try. Some ( ) f au r you 11 g bl.ool1 s were ill attel111allCe at a party in l urala valley a short time since allli hacl their harness rings un tie straps ! ; tolen. ' ( 'hey should remember the stol' ) ' of "OJd Dog 'I'm ) ' ' ' and hen'a fll'r ' keep cI a I' of hael company. One of 0\11' most careful fart - tmers was the victim of IIallo\ enl pranls , ancl strange to say , he noticec1 that one of the i- front wheels to his huggy Was on the hind axle and vi -\'er a , uutil , _ I . dailj' newspaper and our readers are asleec1 to send for a free sample - ple COpj' of ' 1'he Star , which will contain full particulars. ' 1'here are no complicated conditions or strings to 'I'he Star's proposition and competition is open to any one in Nebraska in the various classes. Adress Pub. Co. , TA ncoln , 20-22 "VHINI HH COI.I.uan NE.\VH. - - - - . WaItel' Cady of 1\hllJU I'll , has entered the Business Course. Mr. I . B. Wilkins was a husi- ncss caller last week. Prof. Blue went to Grand TsI- and Friday and wrote more than four hundreel \ ' siting cards. 'l'he physics class in the Normal - mal Course are making pen anll ink drawings of enginc parts. Prof. Davis and Chas. Rohin- son accompany the organ with their violins in the chapel sing- ing' in the m01'l1ings. l\Ir. Herman 'Wedeking of Cal1awar : , came l\Ionda ' to place his daughter Sophia In schooL I1is son IIarr _ : also exp cts tc ellt'r school a lIttle later. 'I'here will he no classes 011 'l'hauksgiving nay nor the I'ri. daaileI' . Ifowc\'er the c100n ot he Collcg-e will he open 1'01 sucll of the studt'nls w dt.'sir ( ' t ( l'ome anc\ \ stud ) ' . 'I'he College f..i tlmn' Soeiet \ ' met last Weel. night iuiel heJd a in teresti ' ' , session. ng . 'I'he ( lues tiOI1 as to whet lIcr t hc Negro 01 I ndian hall becn most wrongee h ) ' the whIte man , was elisclIssed ' ' 'I'he managcmen t of the Col lCI\ earnestly desire that par ( 'nts who hl\t. : : l'lil ! ren in schoo wi II call l1Iel see if t he\ ' are eloi n gooe ! wurk. Allhouglj some : ll'4 doing nicely , there is still a grea cleal of room for impro\'emellt 01 the part of a great man ) ' . Hev. Allison of the Christi.u Ch\11'ch conducted chapel exer ciueuVc ucs a , . > ' morning of Lhh - . , week. Rev. Smith of Ansley , and Mrs. Hamilton , soloist at thc revival scrvices of the Ch1' st- ian Church were also prescnt. II Mr9. Hamilton sang soloof g-reat sweetness. 'rhe l yerson Bros. qnartett ware presmlt and sang. Hev , Smith made a bricf addres\ ! to the students. ' 1'he foot-ball tcam went to Grand Island last Friday hnd playecl a game with the High School there. 'rhe game was a tic , ncither side scorcil. Man } ' of the spectators said it was the most interesting' game of foot ball they had evcr secn. Being the first game the boys have played this year the showinJ ? is remarkable. ' 1'he team receIved nt'any Jdnd artent\ons \ from the high school ami collegc 81\1lents of Granel Island. Scvcral people - ple from here accompanied the team. A lilrusullt SIlI'lll'lso. ' 1.'he members of the Baptist ch\11'ch and congregation gave a very pleasant reception amI Bur- prise pad ) " to theIr new pastor , Hev. S. Morris Monday night , at the home of Dr. Day , where hc and wife had been 111v lecl to tea. Before going to Day's , the company - pany , of se\'enty live in number visited the parsonage , where they left a large su pply of groceries , vegetables , fru i t , preserves , jel1y ect ; in quantities sullicient to last I the familj' a month or two. Of some the \'arieties thcre is enough to last through the winter. On arriving at the home of Dr. Day they took their pastor by s\11'prise , as he had his hat ancl . was in the act of starting homc. i After spending an hour in a social waj' , light refreshments were sef\'ed to the entire COl11 pan } ' . ' 1'he visitors accompaniell Hev. Morns and family to the parsonagc , where an informal pre- scntatiOlt , of lh contributions" which o'ccupieel the kitchen floor and tablc was made ' 1'he trustees of the church had just completed improvcmcnts on the parsonageamounting to ovcr $100.00 , which makcs it ( luHe a c mfotahle homc. l ev. Morris is starting in under v' r.r favora- auspices. His aucliances at thc regul ar preaching services , a we11 as of aU the othcr ( lepart- ments of church work under hi supervision are increasing , an indication - dication that his etforts are appre- ciated. Union YOllnlr 1Jeollle'H Mcetlng. Place-M. : E. church , Broken Bow , Nebraska. ' 1.'imeSix : o'clock , p. m. Sunday - day , December 7th , 11)02 , I.eaderHamah : Hycrson. Special music-Morris : Hyer- son , Choi'Jter. ! A chorous of fifty voices aidcd by a number of insturments will lcad the music. All the young' people : ! organizations - ations of the city ane ! county OIre corclia11y invited. A special in\'itation is extended to a11'oung people who are not with a "chris tiau organixation. Services will close at 7.15 p. m. Church Herv.ce. . . l'llItRII\"rmUAN CHURCH. Rt. jolm' : ; Hpi copal : ; en'ice Rllnclay , No\'elllher 23. 'J'he SlIlIlla ) ' next before Ad\'cllt. Morningpra'cr 11I\11 : ; crlllOn at II II. 11Evcning prayer 11I111 scrlllon lit 7:30 : p. III. Sunday School at JO a. III. 'J'hc puhlic is cordially lIlecl to these scrres. . W. II. XANHl\ltS \ , Rcctor. lIAl"rls'r ClIUIlCII , nihle School JO a. 11Incrcased at- tenelcnce and wowin intrcst. , If rOil arc not nllcncltng an other school , we havc a class that is jllst right 31111 \'lIcant scat for you. Divine worship 11 II. 11\ \ ' 'rhe pastor prcachc : ; IIpon "Thc Church. " . jnnior : ; ociet ) . lit 3 p. 11IIlIcl \ ( , :30 : 1' , III. lcUller for the cvclllngIhs : H\'II Cae\wcll. \ 'rhe gopell : ; hour is 7:30 : p , III. "COIIIIIIOU Scnse Hcligion } frolll II Stnmge Source" is the topic-a goo sillg , a cOlilinl welcollle IIlId a thorough I ) . gospel serlllOIl. \ \ \\'clllleselny- :30 : p. III the mielwcck pm'r scrvice , lell 1' > ' till I pastor. 'rhurscla ) ' 2 p. III : I.a ies AIel So ciet ) ' meets ill the pm'cr rooms of tI\I l'IlIltIh. : 'fhllllksg'mg nil ) ' Union lier vicc at tIll" 1\1. It church-hour to he all 1l01lIlccII\aler. \ IUnrlu ' Ih'lurt .ur ' . 'oct" , . . \Vb 1I1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ululll ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . 010'- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ( Joru. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t 1I't ' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . : - IIntl.r , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - : _ 11l.1I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : ; : 1 otlllot' . vtr bu llul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 Uulou dlllr hudhul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. : Uhlckull . I'/lr II0UIllI , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 1I01d , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . Ii. f Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.r,1) : : , . tltl'6111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .51 @ . . Turkufll , V6rllOllud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I tllr.wolI8rcwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1' ' liar , NtiWoIlOr too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t. I ! II/t ! r , Ilor owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 UTOITill' ; covall A1'lIID'\VOIUC.H ( U lr ' . 'III' ; cOI.n. JduUva UroUlo , QUIIlIUI'lllhlald corull . CHIa . 11&11111' II. , . Nu cur" , Nu J'1I1. ! 'tlCd , CeD" . . m : l1 I. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf Get your Olocls at Ed. McComas' . Money loancd on improved fa rms. J Al\J1\S 14ItDWICII , 7 IS tf.Broken . Bow , Neb. . , Clocks , the very best , at Ed. McComas' . FOR S.u.H-A n"c room house and six lots in Br01cn Bow. 1 ( , tf S. 1DOIuus. . Lubricating oils of all kinds at \Vi1kin's drug store. 1t . ' Elegant Jewett'y at Ed. . KcCom.astl. Job printing at this ofi ce. -'Vhy . 110t buy your Christmas p..e ents where you can gct any thing from a penn ) ' cloll to a piano ? See RyersonVaHs stock. li'OR SAJ.H OR 'l'RADH-1.'owu lots and a few five acre 10tsJtt this city , for cattle , horses or farm land.-Allen Rcyner. With their swell ncw floor cases and other improvem nts , l yersonVatt ! ; will he prepar- ed to accommodate their im- mcnse new line of fancy ifts ancI prescnts for the hohday trade. Everything new anci fresh , at prices reasonable-a\ usual. ) 'Vest Union , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash for butter - ter anel eggs. RUltUS G. CARlf. WatchesuThey Are FIne , At Ed. McComas' . Several\gooel farms for sale at : Lbargain , including my on.-- : JJts m GANDY. \ . 44 tf , . FOH SAI.H-Pure bre .DurQC Jercy Males. G. E. CADWUtI. , 22tf Broken Bow , e . . . .o : : Ahdinelol1 wagon is the best . J wagou on the market" for the moncy.Squires . Bros. 20 tf" - - Far Elegant Watohes Co to Ed. McComas' . Vo you remember where you bought your toj's last year ? It was at the post ollicc store. You'll find a larger , newer , better - ter Hne of them there this year. Go in and sec. ' 1'he RJ\PUBtICAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. See Ed. McComas' Fine Jewelry. Pcpsin Gum , two packages for a llicl < el at 'Wilkins' Pharmacy. _ _ n . Ed. McComas has a Fine Lot of Nice New Silverware. Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , dcntist , offi northwe t corner of Realty Block. 8-1 tf. , j A "pcclnl Oller. 'fhc RI PlJlII.IC - ; ; Nehraska PoSr- . Iller call he had at this officc for II limited lime 1'01' $1.35. Call carl ) ' if YOI1 wallt to . take IlIlvalltuHc of this offer. IIcn : is two " papers for little mote thall tIll : cost of r.l olle. : : Jo-zB 1 A good house for sale. h 17 tf. II. BANGS. ' r : . . ' Repairs for any stove made.- 1.1 I Squires Bros. 20 tf" FOR SALE-Fivc acres of land 1\ \ in good stt\te of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken Bow for $200. Inqu at this o ice. 3-27 tf 1 I If you intend to build call at I Dierks I umher Co. and get prices , ' 1i'arms for sale tmd lands for ren t. Now hi the timc to get a farm cbeap , as the cheap farm I arc aU goint , and prices arc advancing - I vancing rapiclly.-J. G. nreni er. ' - - ial salc on trimecl hats , also - ; so street hats at Mrs. 1) . A.Val - : ton's. Would be pl asecl to have yon ladies cnll ancl ace. East ) i c of sluare. 21-23 Just recd \'cel a car of hedge J posts at Dierkt > Lumber & Coal Co. in lIds city. Price , 12 aud H , cents. 2 tf _ . . - - - - - - - - - Slluires Bros. who I receutl ) . purchaHcd the 'Villing stock are old implemcll t and hardware deal- ers. 'l'hcy are prepared to meet theldemands of their patrons. 'fhe public is invited to call and see them for bargains. Fair and , honcrahlc treatment will be their motto with all. lotf. .