: - ' : ; ; ; . ' _ . " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' - ' ' 111- , . " ' ; " : , _ _ . . L " ' ' ' _ _ ' ' ' : _ . - - - _ 11 _ . - . . - - - - . ? < - -r-f ' 7 ) f ( . , ' P ! : : ' . ; " ! ' - _ Y' ; , i A SISTER'S ' VENGEANCE ' By CEORCE MANVILLE FENN I 1 . ? t. " $ rrI i " ' " . C'IIAI"rloJlt 111. Alul ( II luullth after lhe IlIal'l'llI IJ OUII ! . j\rlllitrou : ! : waf ! rptlll'lIll1 fllI ( ' IIIJllt 1111 honwLul' ! : trolll Dllrtmouth to the 1wIIHt Dt hIs \\'itp'/4 tlllllll ) ' , wlll're he Willi IW' 101l1'll11l prior tu Irl'llltll { ofT 1111011 : I 10111 { \'OJIIHI ! . HIJ hlld hl'l'lI ' " till' ' ( III dltlellIh IWllle llliecrR ! Whll'il' I eSiI'lli : 111111 ju L tourhl'lI lher" trolll 1 lIlulOlIl h , IIlId IIUlllllhl' ( ' ) ' , who hllll he,11 ( prit'ut ( ! , hllil f\lt 1'4011I1' IIOllht ahout It'll illll hllll WI hOIllt ! UIOIIl' . "roil 1'1111 et II gOtli1 Iwd (1l'1'I' ( , 0.1111 rhll' 1101I. ! ! III till' 1II01'1I11I , " hI' aitl. "Y..I . . . . hnll hLlI'r Hln > . " Ihlll 'our OWII hUHllle\s ! , 1I\I'lal'l \ , " I'rlelt th ( ' ClIIIlIII : : : 111I11 orl\t'rillg' \ hli her ( ' , Iw 1II0uut,11 ( 111111 Hl ol ! with 11 lurch , firlit 011 olle IIle\ \ ( ' , :11111 : Ihl'lI 011 thl' 01 hlI' ! , ellch threah'lIllIJ ; to /1111 hllll IIUt II ( the 81111elle , "He'll III' 1111 rh.ht , AI'IIIHlrollg' , " ! ' 1I1t1 jo\'II1I.luul\lIg \ IIfIIl'l'l' , InllHhlllc , "Perhll\ll \ so , " snld 1Il1l1l\1hrl'Y \ , 111111111. ' .rhl'lI tll hllllself , "I lIoll't hall' Iii" , it. though , 'l'he rond'l ! hnll , UIIII I IIIIIIUIIlIl't cnre for 1I11).thln ; . : 10 hnPll1'1I tll hllll , 1'\1'11 if Il Iff 10 lIIulc lIIe Iwlr I 0 hi e 1 n tl ! . 1 wish I hnd 1101 let hIm ; ' :0 : , " Ite retlll'lled 10 thl' 1'00111 \\'llI'rl' till' otllrcrs WIJI'C , 'l'h ' hlltl uo I Olll' ; l' juur- 1H' ) " uefol'c them lhull 1I1) ) lnlrs 10 1111'11' roe illS , 11I111 therl' werl' Illelily of ' : ! l'r\'nllll ! to see them sufel ) ' Iuto hl'll. " { 'VI' , Ioue wrllu , " Halll Iluulllhl'e ) ' ArlllHtroll ; ' : , "lIu Willi 1I0t til 10 gll hlllllU 11101) . . . . It's II lOll& & ; wall < , bllt I Hhull not ( l'u ! cOIIICortahle IIlIlpss I liCl' whcthel' he hus got hOllll' slIfely , tIeroel'4 ; : , " lIu sHIll/ell oul oC lhu 1'0011I , uud , 1111.- . iu n siout Htlelt which Willi till' 1:011I11:111' : iou of his hul , hl' sturtell/orLh Illto the cool nlht nil' , atHt wullted 8lurl1lly 11 WilY 111 thu dirlction ! ot his couliln's hOIlHe , . \111)\11 hllir UII hOllr lutul' till' Ilrowsy croom who Willi slllln ; . : lip (111' the CIIII' tulu'li retllrll , I'OSwith a si:11 ! fir Hutlh fllClloll , tor Ilu IlI'urtl lIw ell1tt/rlll ot honfH In till' Htubl , ' ) 'IU'II , "At Illsll" hI ! cripelj lIulI , IlIlcillg II JI ht. ed Illull'rn , he hurrh'lt ollt , to 1\1111111111 Ills , 11111) ' stllrlllg lit Illc 1'111111' : slulllh' , lit thl ! trelllllHuJ ; ulllllll1l , hrulltllltlJ ; hurd a 1111 IIIhllJtllI ; ' : its hOl\d. \ ' " " 'hy , slll"s hit of u lIIuck , " IIIl1llm'ed 1he mllu : " 111111 the ( "ulllln nr'n'l 011 her , Ill' IIC fulll'lI ofT , I'llI well 1' . " 'l'he nHlII HIIIIIII IIlurill ; ' : for 11 f/w IlIln. uteff , whlll ! the home IlI\wC'C1 hllllRtientl ) ' , us If aHltlu ; . : tn ho IlIhulUeel to 1111 IItll- : LIe , 'j hell he ollUnelt till ! 11001' , the wl'llry LIJIIst WIlt III , ullll till' lIIun IItooll HIliI" lug with 11'111' II/vou Htollillty , It slllldeuly OCI lIrrl'l1 to him bOlJwthlll1 : ou/hl / lo lie dOlle IIhollt till ! Clllltlllu , luII ] 10 rOIlR11 ! 1111 thc conchlllnll to sllrell\1 Ihn 111111'111 III thl' hOIlSC , "Nn ) " , we'll ouly scur ( , thc 11001' ludlell to Ileuth , " Rlllel lhu , Tehu of Ule elltllh- lIshnHIIt ! , rn ) ' hulrll huvlug brollht ! him " , /tjdom. / : "Lct'Ie ! ! \'Irllt , h1l1 , If tllIr bc ulI'thllll : l'l nlly lUll\ \ , " 'j he horlll'H'I're Illliekly lIuddll'd , III1'U ilie two lIIell lenllutll trotl' ! ( ) 1I101l thl Darlmollth l'OIlt ! till uhollt hlliC WilY , wlwrc , III CIIIIIf the "Ioomlest l"trlll , t hlh horses he:1I1I ! 10 Hllort untl cxhlblt fdIIH ; oC fCUI' , Ulltl UII : they drew " 11 u'olet ! lI ollhHI : "Help ! Who' , ; ' tl.ut : ? l1I'III ! " "Why , It lIu l\lr. 1I1II1I1IIu'IY ! , " suld Ihe 01t1 cOllclulJlllI : 111111 111 1:1 : 111011 II II uhI' / gll\'e 1111 ! rein tll hili l'OIllIHllllolI , IIl1d 1'1111 for. " I 1 " II 1. . wroll ! : , 7.lr'f" " 'j'he CIlIIlUIII , ltll'b h1ll't , " Wlh 1111' rell ! . ) ' , "I thollht ! ZII , zlr , Ills hOl'Sl' c lllcd 1Iollle wlthollt hlll1 , llu'H bI'1I ! tlll'OwI. III' I'lIl1rd olT , " III. ! IlIlded III hllllselr , " 1\1 \ ! SlIlIlI'thllll ; worsl' , 1'111 ufruld , Here , hell' lIIe , 1I11t1 let'RIt / him hOIl1l' . " L'he oll1OIlChlllUII ! lellt hlH IIld , uud with 80me ditllelllty the CU11tu11l Willi Illuced UCroliS olle o ( thhortlell , till. ! IIIUtlllUllt ! 1II01lUIlIl ; ' : to holt ! hllll 011 1l1l11 HUllllllrt 11111I , whlllhe two senuull ! 1'OIlOWl'll 610wl ) ' hchlllll , "Pulled olT' ' ' ' whlsllered the 11'01111I , I "lIcllhc : " I1l1ltl the ohl coachUlllu : nUll till 11 to hlmllelf , "Lollkl ! had 1'01'Ir. : . 1I1111111hl'l'Y : ullil If hc IlIed , what IIhoulll i 7.IIY III t1WIII U ! ! IIslted how I (0111111 'em 'f" 'j'llI' ohl lIIun wlliket ! 810wly 011 for hlllt 011 hOllr betorhc answIred ! hlll'lI1ell- till questloll , IIl1d hIli answer Willi : " 'l'he"t ! lI1ulte lI1e dell 'em the truth , I1D/Ilt might brlnMr. / . Hlllllllhrey to lhe Cllllow ! ! : 111111 tr It dill , It wonld be ull throllllI me , " . . . . . . . Alter Il'uvlng hili COmlH\IIIolIH lit the lUll OUlltllln Arllltitrollg hlld dellcellllld Intu U nOl'row IIUSS whcro thc routl hud he/lJ cut down In the hillside , leaving a high , w/II.ooded huuk on c1Uwr hand , alld : here It wus tur more dark than 011t III the Ollen , and the 111ure , ufter wnlLln IItlIdll ) " on tor some dl8tanC\ ! with hel well.sholl hoots clluklng Ullon t o lees ( tolll' , liullnly shiell , stolll'ed short , un' BUllrh'd. "Whut'8 Ule ilia Iter with you , slUllld' Olln't YOIl stllll IItralght'l" Crll'l1 the Clap tuln , strlldu1 ; lhe bellst angrily wl.th hlJ 1IcC'ls , "Go Oil , " 'fhe horse , howe\"er , backell end swerv cd tr0111 sl e to tilll ! ! , 1110klug liS It to tl1rl slll1l'pl ) ' lInd Iulloll buck to Dartmouth bllt just lit thot 1II0mcnt there WUK I rll llIult souud hrurtl overhelld , where thl rOIl/h / lJIIsI1l'1I tl'lnud ; : the halik , ulIIl dl recti ) ' lifter II rush l\IId lhu lIollutl ot ROUII aIIClllllng llown Into the Illu ( ' hlotwcel thl' cUlltlllu IIl1d thl' town , ' 1'hls hud the ( ! Iect ot IItartllnl ; thi 110rlle more uIIII lIIorc , but In\ltead ot mal , III now for the way by which they hili coml' , II wllllngl ) ' OLl''rll Ihe toueh ot thl rlt1cr's Hllllr , lIull conl1l1ued Its jourue ; fa I' Imlt a d07.en ) 'llI'd8 , 'l'hen It IIlullllel short once 11111111 , tor a durk figurl ! leupll ! dOWII lute thlunl' jU8t 111 front , uud tL CUlltuln tOllnd hl1llllelt hemmd In , "Htuud huck , you scountlrl'I I" rol1rc' ' thl' calltuln. "I'll blow ) ' 0111' hrnllltJ outl A modlul ; IlIugli was tbl' rl'SIIOnSI ! , IIn IJ be dragged ut the holster a SI1l:11 : blow tl'OIll II clIlIJeI tell upou hili hll11l 111111\1111 ; him utter a yell ot 1111111 , 'l'b next momeut Oilof the men h1l Jellile uII IJlnd \ 111111 111111 C11l8Pl'll his UtIllS I lilt , IIlde , and In thl' I'ItrulJle ; which l'UtlUC bQt11 CI1I1111011'11 01T thl ! hortH' . wMclt u tcrl'd 11 loull 8uort or tear 111111 dUir\ll'd a II II gnllop 11011'11 till' hili tor home , \"hll nern' ( ) to l\l'l1on noli' by hili I1081110u ar IItlllll : by thl ! blllll'lI hl ! hud rl'celvl fro bls 111I8Ullllnt , the cUlltulnVrestell hhusc fu"i' and tlragsed ills 8wortl from I , henth. , . Ifl h\l111l11'lIly : rlliseel It III lhl' all''bl'lI I II lrellltJltlolllf hlow fdl lI(1on ( the hllllll' c'llIsu III till : hilt , IIII ! sworll SIIIIIIIII't ! III I lWo , I1II the CU11lu11l Willi Ill'tlHlSl'll'lI.i , ' " lvl ) lu , " he I'rlell , hueldll UWIlY tl/ lhe11111) flf till. ! 111111' 111111 flll'llIg till ! twu 1I11111y Iwell tI lIres hI till. ! durltllt'ljsj "what do you Wllllt ' / " ( JIIC or tlte lIIeu hllrl\t hi to 11 hOIHM" 1IIIIIt : , "I'n' hllrlllr IIn ) ' IIIIIIII'Y , " cril'll thn e:1I1' : IlIlu ; "u IlIl1wlI or t\\'II , It I girl' ) ' 1111 Ihut will ) 'III1U { JII' ! " "r.llr n ) ' 0111' nlO/ll'y , ) ' 011 COWlIl'llIy ! llIillld I" l'l'h'll Ihe'HI'CIIIIII 11I1111 , "Hllw dlll'l' ) 'OU , dlllfl" erlelltll. . CUlltlllu , . . nil , \1111 IIIIII\\ ' who I 11111'/ " " , IlIIIIirmHtrllll ! / ; , " 1111 ft I thH tallll' , S\II'IIJIl'r \ , . "Now , IlId , IJlllck ! " "VOII Hhllll- " 'I'he ( ' :1l1tIl : /I'1i worll1'4 tlll'lIl'11 IlItll II 'ull III' /I/OI1Y / UH Iw rl'l'l''el1 ' II'ioh'lIt hlo\\ ' 1"011I II Hllt" , lIewss ol1e 111'111 , Ulllllhill/ / , 111111 III' forI' itH cell ! ! rOMe fl'lllll till' ! ! tl'ell t < ! IIII1' of the hilI II ! ll'C'OIlII 111111 /I thll'll hili IV ( I'll , wllll'h ' Wl'I'1' fllllol\'I'11 hy II shower - er , Iho IIl1f'lrtullllto IIIIIU ) 'IIHIII ! , hl'I'4l''eh. III /lull ! 1hrleldll ; : with 1I1II11Y 111111 fear , I ! I' 1\1'01'111'11 \ 11\11111 \ hlH IWl'l'i : 1111I1 hl' ; ' : t11 Jllteollllly for lI\l'rl'Y \ ; hilt Ills toru1l'lItors IUIIlwll ; : ulIIIwlzed : thl ! O\'IHlrllluity \ I\l' \ offl'rell tll 1111111) ' lhe\t' \ hlowlI : 11I01'1' Elilis. fllclorlly , Bill' ! ; , nrlllll , leg's , nil III lllrn , \\'erl ! helu hureel UII t \\11 11I1'11 111'11 I II curlll'l , till lhe vletltll'H cries ; . : rew hOIl r.e , thell fuillt , 111111 tillully cellsell , UIlII he IllY III the trll 111 Ill'll 1'0:111 : , crllllll'd : uhllust 10 II IIIUIIIIIIY :11111 : IIl1l1hle to -tI1' hlHlI1 or Cout : /11111 theil , IIUlI thell 0111) " , did hl1111111111. : ; . I1l1ls cellSI' , "AIII't Idlled hllll , hU\'e we , ALel , IlItI' ! " : -wld lhl ! hl gel' or till' two III ell , "Kllled'WC ! lIever touchell his head , It wlIlIllI tllile II dl'111 lo kill II tlllll IIIw hllll , UIIIIlllilll" he silld lIIocklllgly , "Wlillt II cowllrllly wlll'll ) to l'lIlIlIllUIIII ullml" " 'Vhut IIhulI wdo 110\\1" " whisllerell the hler ; ; : IIIUII , " ) ) II ! 1'11I olllg tll IIIl1lte III ) ' lIIul'lt UII' on him , 111111 thell go hlllll/ . ! , " " 'V lIl , YOII hu ve , Iud , " "Ay , with II slIek , hut 1'111 Jolll to do II with lilY kIlICl' ; " ulIlI , 00 Ill ! SlllIlt ! ! , the lesser of the lwo lIIeu drew hlllituire frolll It II dUIer.lllw ; : lilWlllh. "No , 110 , dOll't tlo thnt. Oh'c hllll 11 ooll 'IIU UII the helltl , No kill ( e. " "Ay , hut I will , " ! llIhlthe other. honr8e. I ) " ; ulIlI , drollllillg Oil hlH kllel's , hI' Hcl7.ed th/ . ! prostrate 11I:111 : h ) ' thc /lIr , whllu the tremhliug wretdl littered n shrlel , or Ilg- OilY , mnkhll ; hI ! : ! IIs8allnllill start IIway , "nld ) 'Ou tlo it , 11111 ' / " "Yl'H : I 1I0ne It , I'm satilifiell 1IOW , [ 'Ct'll:0 / , " "AIIlI len Vl ! Ilhll thm'c'/ " "Why 1I0t'Wllat mel'ey llitl III ! show : 1 Ie wlIsollly Shlllllllllul ; , Iet hllll cull Cllr helll now till lIollleolle COlliCK. " 'rhl ! bl ! ; er nll111 IIttel'ltI u rllnt nnd Col1l1wcd hll COlli 1111 II 1011 liS Ill ! mOlllltel1 UItitClII ! ! sille of till ! Illnwhlll , ) , Cui lit , exhlllliitell ulIlI hleetlhlJ ; 1I0W , UUlltul1l , III1IWIi Arlllstrllng sUlik hue" IIl1d C/Ii/ltell uwny , OHAl'1'BI : 1 V , "You lIure not dell > ' Ill" el'iell luI' ) ' Dell , Cnrlouly ! , liS Hhe HtOlld III till ! door- wuy of the cotlllgu , 1'lIcillg her hrothlJ' UIIiI Bart 'Y l'igl I' ) ' , who IIttelllltcII to l'S' call1' , hilt wcre IIre\'IlItell ! 11hlr , ! lIal'rlu till ! WilY o ( I'xlt , " 1'011 CIII\'III'II'i-.I'III III wllit for 1111 IIl1l1rlll\lllIIulI ! " " ' \'hy , he'll got 11 I'Iwul'li ul\Il \ 111tol , " crlell Burt. " 'I'hewl" slu'lc1wll Inrr , tl'iulllllhllrt1) : ' ; " . ) ' 011 hll lIctru'I'd YOllrlelf , Hllrl. = "lIlW IlIrhllllH ! lilY hru vhrothm' will cunfe1 ! > thutlw IllY In wultln lhl ! dUl'k for UII 1111 IIrlued IIIUII , unll hellled to lIellt hill1 neurl ) ' to dellth , " " uII'rl ! II nil'tll1ow lu trust , Burt , " Hnld Abel , looldll/ / ; lit hi ! ! eOll1l1uuluu , "HI" trllyed yourtielf dlreetl ) ' , " "Oouldn't helll It , " grulllhl\ll Hllrt. "She's su shurll upOU u 1IIun , " "You eowunhrl" erlell llIry 8 1.:11 In. " 'VeU , I don't know uhollt belli/ / ; cowards - ards , " sllill Allel , IIIIlIenly. "tIe Willi IlIIountcd und hlld hili wuulIom" uutl WI' hud only two Htleltli. " "Then yuu contllS ItVilli you ' ! Oil ! what a vllluln to havl ! for a brotherl" "tlcre , lIon't go 011 1II1l ! thut , " crll'l1 AIII.I , "Sl'/ ! how hc hU3 servcd you. " "What Is lhat to YOII'erlell Mury , liercI'ly. "Ie hI ! Jilted IIInnll I forllve him , how dUr ! ! you Inlertlro' ( ' "Phuwl" whlHtlell Bart tu hlnllll'lf , " 'Vhut a wny libbusl" "Why , uny oue would thlllk YOII cured tor him , Polly , " Imld Abel , IIturtin'h / 11 I' Bart whllitlud soW , ugaln , untl wllll'l1 t the heav ) ' dew from his tOrl'head. "Oafe for hhn-l hute hlml" erl11 Mary , plllltllouutely ; "but do you thlnl , I \Vautt'l1 1111 own brother to go Brill tllk couusel with his big vuguwl1d CO 111 IHtII. lon- " "Phc\y I" whistled Bart ulaln , I\ortl , - DB he perslllrt'l1 now Ilrotuliely , nnl ! wli" I cd his tOrl'hl'i\d with his Cur CIIII. "And then go aU/I beut enl ! ot thl - klng'lI ol1lcers ? But you'll botlt : mffel 1 Cor It. 'l'l11 ! consta ble8 will be h're fOI you. und ) 'ou'll bOlh Ill' puullihell. " "Not II kl.ly-ch , Uurt' , " Huld Abulyltl a IUIIIII. "No , lUll , " growll'lI thut worthy. " ' 1'01 durl , . " "Don't you be too sure , " crl'l ! turl "Yuu COWIII'lhl ! a till It hI ! dles"-thl'rj wus hYllterlcal 11111111111 herl--"Ir Ill ! dlt' : ! - 'ou'll hulll go tu thglhbut II till swlnl in chulnlll" Bart Ia\\ ! hl8 whole holy wrlthl' , n : It he uirelllly telt thl' chuluit about hili liS hI' wus helng Illude lulo II lIeurl' licalllil "Didn't hit bllrlluouh / , 111111 1ll.Ve e touched his 111'1111 , " he growled. "And us Cor YOII , " crlell 11I'ry , tUI'IIIIl ) upon him shul11ly , "ncver ) 'OU Inuit nil ! II the tnce 1IlIln. ; : YOII a 1'1' wordl' thlll Ahel : ulld I bllIevI' It Wll8 ) 'our 1111111 , iu ! lolellt jeulousy Slt ) ' 011 persulldlllj. ; III ; foolhlll brother to h/III In this cowllrlll , ie 1It1l1ck. " "Never mind whut she 68ya , Bnrt1111 \ , ' SIIIII Abel ; "Hlw'lI thullk UII HOI.I' 11:1) : ' to halt klllln : ; 1111 bl a 8Cl111111 11.8 e\'el' st11 ped. " " 'rhllllk youl" crl'tI fllrY , with bl' 1.'C8 lIushlnl ; nnd hfr hsndollle ! tncl' dh t'lrttd ! , "I hOl1 ! to tiel ! ) 'UU both well llUl1 hllll'li l1utI- " "Who'll that coming ? " liald Ahel , IIbarll Iy , I1B st1llV1:1'e beArd alluroachhl , Q u.I ckJy , - - - , . - -It. J. U I ' - " " _ _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ LAO. - tL _ . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . A ll1ry lllrned 1'0\11111 \ to loolt , AIil'l I I'IlIIhl ! HIJht ot lIollwthln" " , oVl'r hl'r4holll - I drl' III the evenlll lIht ; : which IIIl1dhllll clltl'h hlA COIIIIIIIUloll by till' 111'111 , "Qull'lt , Bllrt , Iud , " he whlsllllrell ; "through hl'r roolll 111111 Slille/Ze out o ( the wlllllow. ' 1'ho cOlllltllhll'\ ! " IJ 0 01'1)1)1I ( the door ot hi ! ! Rlliter's little rUOIII , Ihrllst his IIInle lu , follo\I'I'II , IIIIII ! Hhlltlllld hulted till' dUM ; hut liS he tllrllct ! ' lIlI'u tll tlw'hlllo \ \ ' , u little Irlrollc . ! ) ' I ! IIInllIJ rrnlllIJ which hnll ouce dOlle IIl1t ) In II'es /I , : \1l1r "s vuke WIIS hellrd Slll'nkhl I I loud ! ) ' III eOI"erlllltoll with the IUW ar- . rl"Ils lu tw.IHlter rUUl , Ind thell ther" I wnll I 10111 Itlloeldll lt the door , , "Olleu-Iu the IdllgH ullllwl" "Opel It yourwl : : ( , " lutered Ahel , "wllm we'rUlle , ! Julclt , Hart , 1111 I" "OIlU't , " /rollel / hlH cOllljlluinn , " 11 1'ltell jusl ICI'OSS thc hills , uUII cUI'L III II'I ! , AI A hll fwlzedlln old ! ! un chetl1ld WIS nlHllt tn Irn It hcruw the 11001' , there WIIS a tl'elllel\lulI ! ! Idelt , tl holt WIIS trlv- ( 'u on' , thIJ Ilunr 11111 ; ' : 1IIII , 1111 the ' ) : I'IIIIUth eOllstllble lIulI u CUUlllu 01' 1111 ) fOI'I\'U Ill , 1111 , lu "plte If Alwl'l 101 1'/lfilllIlCl , drll ; ld ! hllll IlIlu the otHl' "Now , Bdl , lY lUll , " suid the heud 11I111 , "I'\'IJ Jot 'oll lt IllIt , " "So It sel'I , " lulll Ahel , who 1lr/11 illl lt his Ilslpr 1he RI"lke ; whie sh ( ! Htoud wih hlI' hllll.l1'4 cllJel1 : lIulll'l' her 11111 I II'clllialr rlJhl Irwk 11 her rlCe , IIlliug' "ltll > ' hlCI" "HIIIII IIt 11111 wl'ecldllg \elell'l ' ellou h fil' 'Oeh'r " " 'hil 110 YOI Wlll here' , " sulll Ahel , his Hlstel' I hell Ivll' 1 filal Icowl 1111 fulllg the 11/111 / eOIHtuhl' , "YIU , III ) ' 1111-01 , " SIII Ihlt lulll'lll' lllI , wllh I ) riu , " ' ' " 'hit Cor'/ " ' ' 111111 lhe "AtIIIIIlcll 1IIII'del' roillwry ou ItlI ' 1 hlhwlY , III ) ' lUll. " " ! 's u le ! Wllo III'S so'/ " cried Alwl , setug his tleth null fxlic his silier 1I 1111 with his dll'J , e 'l ! : ; Hle n ve hllll IU IlurlnH ( 1001 , . "ll"'I' lIIill who says so , III ) ' 1111 11- ' forllllltiul' ! 111111 111 rl't\ll1r IIlallst ) ' 01 ' " IIHI'r Burt Wrigl ! ! ) ' , YOU'll hoth Ca\lllrl'll \ IWlltly , Iere , how lOll ) lire ' to ue fOI'\\'nrd thu oth- ) 0Joilg lIrlllJIII : \ \ ' " er' , cried the eOIHtlhle , " 'Ve cun't get him out , " Hlwutl'l n voice , "U/'II Hluek 11 thl ! 1t1 wlulow , " "I'll soon seu to thnt , " said thl ! consta- hIe , hllcldn , Abe lute the ltte hedloom whIch wnll dnrl'eled h ' Bart's lIed ' HI- IIJ ; 11 thc window , "ll're , IllY hell O ( his leg ! lIuII ; . : Ive /:001 / jerk. " 'l'heru WIIS n shlrJ jerll , altl Burl'l IJ y WIH suatehed out or the Impllsuling Crnlll so 1IIIIelly thllt t\'l' men weul IIOWII 011 the nunI togpther , whlIhl' Ih'sl In rlsu wns Bllrl , who klclted hlmselC Cree , ulilu for the Inor lu sllltoC 1 Illstll ! lhrouth n'l'led I , ) ' the helld eOIllble ! , 1111 IHHlel1 welt "Cole , Oi , . hd ! " II sho\ted U ; II Alellllude a dlsh to ( olow , hut II nuly stlek his tuce Igllll l lhe 1117.110 ar 1 Illstll , Il1d the hellil cOlstlble hdd UII , , 'I'lIrle Wili I r\sh lner Uart , hilt It W.1S : , Cor thc relt , Htolld felow hll sleu tIl Htlte ot Ililllrs , IIld COle 111k , " _ \1 right , Abel , Ild , " he Irowlell ; "I wOI't lel\'e 'O\ II t e lurch. 'Vhlt's I Ilellu-Iocl-II [ ' "Yes , I ) ' Iud ; ChUl'1 : & or IIttelpted 11'- IIr bll ! 1111 rollher ) ' , " slil the Ieal cOlstn- Allel was ; ' :1zl1g : lereely at hlt Ils IeI , whl IUlk , me hi ! ! Il1lry eYl'S wih un 1IIIIolIlg "Alld 1) ' OWII sister , too , Blrt he sllll , bllerl ) " ' " e tou ht for hIJr. lall , uud Ih:1 / \'e Illtorlllltol to thl' ) olce. " "No , IU , 10 , Abc ! eriet Mllr > ' , l'UI- 1111/ / : to him to 11 ; Iwr arms 1I10lt hs lce I , ; hilt Il II'e hr u rugh thl'wt whleh seut her ! lug'Hel'w ; bal' ( , :111 Iwr eO\I\'UIIICt Chlllgl'lI Oi thl' lusllllt , flr Ilr I'YII tuIll ! \ ' lldleli\'lly , ulll shl ' 1llnt hefor hll wih Colllell Il'ms , " "rllUI'r eOlfeslet ill the [ I''Sl'ICI' or JOIl 111 thlt he cOlllmilel thl' Ict , " 11111 the cOIHtlhll ; 111111 hlH worls werc rlcli\- et ! wih II IUll ! o ( as'il'lIt , II ellls , llry Hlootl with her II'IS foltlellueroMH hlr lIl'el1st 11111 hel' hllw wrlnkll'd whie Ihe \ ' out or the eotne ; hut lurty 10\'Il : til uext ' Illtllt the seeue which 11101- cd lullu'llr rUl'4h olltllile 111 In1e widly wltll e11 IllltclulII hrlust heu\'lul. Il1d her hllll now clllll U ! ! Hhe watehl'll the clls ! It'or 11 thl ! lte plrl ) ' Htlloll o\tHllle , Bart sll wih his huud UIIOII hil COl' \llIlol'S 'houlllerbe : mld ( Iuiekly : "llw hout Huul" BlIlt Wili. IH II rule , rutler Hlow of eol- prlhelslou : but ut thlt 101lnt til SIIW hl'u Will Ilng his Ihul , 'l'hnt Is to say , It WIS uirellly churlrd , and Abel'H words werl ! us 10 IUIY lilurk : ! tltruck Crlm Hlel'l to iIthut cburJe , OOII'IIIIUty ! , lS thl ! . younl fellow ! ltrue the. cOItuble ! to thl ! ler Burt dId the SU11 to Ihl rlht. und Ilulihed towlirtl whew , tlY ol u olle 111 JUNt rounl the welter point ot rock which helpl'l1 to torl the It. OiY , thel Imcw thllt theIr boat waR Iyin , Iwll ! : il& & ; with til tde to I grpnel [ ylul on the ! l1l1ds. "rhey'll cseapethey'll eseuII I" cred Mlr1 , clllllpluJ her hUIIs joyoUIII , . , ' 'lhey'Uet / to til' boat ; the lul's In. ' brl'/7.e. It Iere lud thcrc't I gooll " / ! 01 \ere lul , with thell" , luddel thlllght strck hlr. ! nd she cUIht ; : UII I suu-Iolllt Crow wherl ! I IU1 01 thc o II I window lIil , "Il ! : o , " shc thollht. ' 'lhcy'l : Iill Wl'st. I could reoch llIlow'li Cove ucro's tl' lelll , uUI slgllil to thl'l , Thl' " 11 In end ' Uuull WI ! woull com 11' \Ick \ U\ , 1 ' lther . . " cent I'sealle tl till. tlr Crol Ilrl. Al this wih her ll''kl Ulllibill , Iwr I hIIIIHOIIIeyl : IIHuldll ! 11l Ilr hreast ril'4ln aud In ' ' her ' , . fullg tll' Il'iht lt tlotoU. 1111 u cllURe ( "UII' O\'er her. 1ct , IYI'S looled hellvy ; her toheud ! wtuklel I/ulll. / " 1 : 'IIIe 'Vhen" ! IIhl' ! ultl , hul alolld , " 1'tI IJldly go- way trllll ull this torturl' : hut thl' ) ' thlll , I Iltra > 'ct . , aud would ' ' I. thel . 10t 1'01l' II , The elllstlrl ) was gOll' out ot Ilr Hh'p , as she slowly cllllllll thl' CIIC ( ilt til rOI'k which 10Wl'rt'd \ IIe scurlld Ibo\1 thl ! colagl'I rIHI ; ISjIII , bllt Olh' tl ) . which Ihl' \\'U8. 11 It WNI' . borl , 111 wih Il'r I''S IxI'1 111111 thl 111'Sllr' 1I1 tl CuIt\'CI , sie Irllitl'll to Ilr hUlll : Ild f'et to tUkl' hl'r ! lt'ly to th , . tlil ' 1111'481n : lllot IICI'r spot Wll'l'l' 011' IIIUSI' ( " . to cIIILII : would 11 VI' stollld IIIIIUr. cd bee , NU ghldus t1 ! ll'I'Ut. ! 111 /r 1111 hlhl'r.INt llliuj. ; ' ' ) ' , Cer 111 cusler ot yell \ rlwort , with IHlrhe ot \urple hl'lth lud oldl'l Iorse , tll thl tlrtllr side of thl' rocty Ilnlut WUI IIIlU I'd lut , wih thl' bout I'lll Ilc u Hlled alullt bryoll tll ! nl' lt tom , lary.aUsl'l1 therl with her sun.bon Dct In htr bzwl to watll the resllt : bil ta 'D DO exulwtou i her . 'U , luJ - - - - , ' ' - ' " ' " . TF' , ; . . " lAt. _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ I 1001 , of Htoll ' ' , tor 1 ) cll'\Olll'ncy tlOI wlwrl IIhl' HtOOt Ahe cOlld SI'I uow Ihnt the 1Iort or hl I' lIrother ull his cOIIIW- lUll \I'US III"iu , 'I'h. IIIIY"I1. . ' ! were niI nil losrther , and ' to Htludy trot , which sltl'd \ 1 10\1 l1udhel "nl' ( ' thl' ) ' hll'rllI1'(1 ( II" Bart l1ud rlll'hlll tl lelt , " 111 , IUNl'lId ot ; . : olll rl ht rOIII , Ill' lIn to cimh on'r HOle fflY ' "rdl (1'01/ where thc \Iter wushed th11111 , " ' him time , "We're too Ilny Cur thl' " , "You wel'ell't Dllrt , my lul , cried Abel hit weru ) 'UI'/ " , ? No , Hhot ne\'er weut wlhll a "lheu mie of why . are ) 'ou dowslllg ) 'OU : Jib thllt 1" lw lI.thlllklu , , " \erl ulollt Ibe rnIc /ulll Bllrt , III 1 low Jlwl , "CUI'/ . ! her for 11 WOltl 11 0\1' ' ' silid Alel , "llwy tlku to u 11111 , 1111 th/ . ! lore he , 1 uses 'el they fsht fOl' hll thl' 10rIJ "A' " , Ind' hit to thllllt or hel' Illtl thllII OU to lS ! I IlolI't III IIlte ! II. " , ' , /o hI' ( 'oltl1IIII,1 BONNER AS A TYPESETTER , - - HIW lhe J.clhcr ; 111 Olce , 'urltet u , " 'oll'jHt" l'rl"ter "Ole of the oltle ( 'OIIIHIOI's who hoills towu I cn e II tlw GO\'I'1nent ' ' on the wOlw 11'Intllg olre II'e lul'Ulrd COI'nll wihl Inte Huhelt BoulC' whl'n he was zine-slllger 11 tlut olce. Ie SIIYS thlll oue Il ' I to\- IHt I'fll Ilollg , aII , afel' mlxtng Il'olml II til lOmllsllJ 1001 111 10' II tw I'alhllllllg ne 10 the IICIJI'S tl te , IUIIOUI' ( ! that he was uhout th Hwlfesl 1IIIItel' thllt e\'el' cume dowl I lhe Illt 0' cOllt11 cl'osstes , le fuid' ' he wus s"olllng for I contest wih some swif nmt Ullclslool thut Bouler wns one of tl men who found I uecessal'y to 111'0" wnle' Iu his sllac-hox 10 pr/- velt SIJtll his case on 11'1 I 1 Bonner tlul ' gl'ew tired of tw tOllrlsl's bluffs , aul ! mll Ihlt whie he WIS 10t a betlg mUl Il woul go him n - for trial of speed , len-slot 1 tte SI mngto Sll ' , the tomlst Il'oluccl 1 tell , whleh lonlel' coverel , uld th/ . ! two m\1 got 10wn to thclr knitng , In twe1t ' hous Illtwent ' .elght milute : I r , Bonner hulet Ild corl'ecte 2OU els of sold mlnlol hesiles tlklng tme to stul'e aWI ' three pieces of pll alll two glasses of 11" 'j'he tOllt WIS snowe uller b ' mOl'e UIU 4,000 els. :11 Bonnlr was t ] Hrst mnn to ellipr 1 tnlsettllg contest In .merica , ulII Il Is 1 colnedelce thut Leo lolI' 1Hlm1' , the la-t : ; to wIn Ole , 11 el wlhlH one w\lk of Ir. BOller. 'rhe glmtest record :1' , BonllC' e\'er iad ! ! wus fet- tl : 1111 corrlcUng 33,00nU In l Wen- ty-four huurs , an u\'elje of uhout 1,3i : ems 11 houl'-'Yashlngton 1osl - Pnpl the Fnrmm' ! " ' 01. GlltollC' an fruit IP'owers , Cpl" clally those resltlng near thl ! Ilrgel' elles oC thu counlry , Ul1'1 hlel 1"ljO- Ilg a Il'oltahle hUshll' of lat'elro Inl tl deland fi' tllr products Is sli 01 the Increase. ' .rhe hallilng o ( lhese urtcle too , has Ievelolc and Is a great hllslness entC11rlse , comlHc. In : milols of dolllrs of cllilltli AI- rl'a y North America Is the /reutest II'nltI'Owll : countr ' In the worl , Ilractcllg the must scicl tlc aUI 110' ' ' . ' gl'essl'e lethods. 'lhe tower'rwlng IltereHt Is Ilself un hlOI.talt source or latlonal wI'alh. 'Vhern oleo we grew lomatoes In an I lll t/I'I-h : ; way us I glllen protuct , we now grow them In hlll ] , s of 1I1111'Its 01 m'res , So grea t ha'e hecome the hOI'Uelllml Iltl'rest : II . this countl ' that dl'lll'tlellts of hOI.teullru \'c heel estuhllshed e\'en II mHy : smll us \el lS the Inrle school1h ( generuton to core . wi s\e thl' dIlr1lt brnch1H of hUl't. culm'e , lch In Itsef 1 dllurtlcnt 01 lhe . Instuton. 'lhexlent to which til'se SIJeclal 111ustrlcs ure slngle out alt elphlsl7ed IIJlsues the IICI'eas , whole Ilg 1I11ortunec , 01 ab'leuiure lS a Cholp IJlvilJ. ; Iexlean luhorllg men ' COI twelve celts a da ' , unt yet secure the necessites of Ufe tllIl some of whut tley eonsiler Its com torts. 'ihls muy secm Incre lblc , but I i I fact , You se more coppel' cents In thlt eountr ) ' nn moe lre usetl , perhaps , thnn In any country on the g obe , It Is not un , common to seu 1 : Icxlcan woman go to mnrket Ind buy t cent's worth at wed , E cent's worth ' of ( lorn or coe ! " nnd u stll of "une , She wi make u tre In the ceuter ot her adobe houR Ind prepllre a meul tor the famiy , They ent cunns we would an apple. The lUuu "ld Ils 110"10. . , " "Dd you see that dlstngulshed.look Ing lun who l'me down the aile 01 tle then tel nnd whispere In Mr. Gld , ' " Ilyp/\te's cur ? "Yes I suw him. " "le looked Uke a peret sn too. he was" "I's ustonlshln th wny thllt wom nn oe : ! on , Culd ) 'OU bOlr whut th ' " mlll su II / "lcs , I hC1I11 It. " " "Whut Ild he say "ne slll , ' : IIIII Jlelso remOVE , your Cevelunl hnt. Pluln I WIS Dellier. the ciief usler- Vuluablo OIICI'I" Oh\R'tI One ot the most costy 1111' of operl ! , ! llsses In the world Is owned by Quem : i AluxOllru , for whol they wcr eSlle ; lll ' mlle In Vlennl. 'rho blll11 11 l' ' , 11ltnul nnl set wih l1llunls i and ruhles. Various ' 11111Ihires etlltl' , I hu ve heen 11de us to Its Il'oblbll , I worth. An eXIIl'rt In such loters txel I the vnlue at the lornlte ut $ :5O . \ Nt.utrnlzhll thu Nloouuo , I I Is 11101lCII tlatlluent I ronc . I Ilh 'SIChUS 11 vr discovered a wu tl 1'ltl'ely IwutrJze t10 nicolnI' II to - . " Dr , Or bucca. ullr certfes thut hi has sloled "thirty lare \llcL : clglr . lu lwelve hours without nlYld e ! teet , wherea II their usterlzed stut three wike Wm 1/ ' ; : , " . . . . _ , . ' . . , _ - . . ! . . \ " , , , . " , " ' r " ' ' . , " " ) " . , , ' : ) ' ; \ , . 1 ' . . , . - - - - _ . _ _ - - v , - - : , , 'i , ! " , f , > 't' : 'ff , I ; 'II ' " " I r DOINGS OrWOJrN\ : \ : : , ! yl ' . " . , I A \ I ItNEW" WOMAN ON rHE FAHM. UBl Is cOIslleruble sl nll- V cunce In the flct thlt this 'elr over tJ ' Irs hl VI taken up the stud ' of sellntlc fl'lll1 ; at the Mln- n/Iols Colee of Agrculue nnl hu " 0 thus ' Intenton to nllHlcel twh' ' ' , ' ' It Illhere to counU' lfe 'l'he cole e , seem ! ! , his heen In existence Cor the { lst declle , but girls huve only recent- I ' been , ' charucter of lhe almlted 'Ile InHl'uctlon u mlluble to the gh'l stu. Iknts Is tmgcstlve , 'fhe COlse II'c' sllled elphlslzcs the sciences of bot. . un ) chemlsl. " physks Inl gcologr 1I'\luh'lu \ Ilm'lng the fl'eshmen IUI so. phomore 'eul's ut least two te'ms' work , n cuch of thel Bo 's nnd girs work together , it ! emus , throughout about I wothh'ds of the course , which entr luchHleg study In Ilnguuge , Ilthemat. Ics , scIence , civics , nn consldcrhlp tlchnlculork , In the cuse of lhe girls cookll , Ilun r 'lng on sewing are substtulel 101' carpentr ' , blncksllth- Ing and vetC'hlr ' seenee. 'fhgh'ls , too , give more Itenton to househot II't , homo economy nnd domestic h ' - gllll thln to the business aspect of rlu'mlng , I Is hnpply the chIef purpose at tbl' colege to 1 wulwn II is entre Rtulent body a keen Interest In fUlnlng , fm'm . lfe , the farm house nnd farm soclct . Both bo 's aUI girls lre taught to pilln farm bul1lng8 nnl how to IlY out the ! lunls artstcnlly. Oonsllelble at- tenton Is givn to tle ( Ullshln ot houses , to telture , music anl socal lulure , wltl the geneml thought "of nmldn ! the IlIm hlnne the most at- tructve spot on earth , " ' .l resul or Ih\ new movement Is helng wntche with Iecn Intel'est by ngreulurlsts and C uclltor , I Is evident thlt shou1 I pro\'e successful the Innovlton wi HII'eld to other 1gllculll1 Stltes. Is Illuence , one l'el ly ullprehcndH , Is apt to be social as wll as agrleuluml In chalctC' Heretofore one great dlwulck to faliing his been tle lt- lcul ' ot keeping the farmer' sons on the fnl'm , Wih trllne fnd e llc1tc gh'lH enthusilstclly tllcng up thc 111'0- fesslon of furmlng , It Is Iolnted out thlt lfe lu the countr ' woultlake on u new chlrm anl thlt th/ . ! exodus of young men to cities would ue llterlal ' les- sened. I Is lfcult to torecast the outcome. But It Is pleaslnt to think lhlt we mi , ' he com lug close to the 10nJ-souht s01ulon at the problem or . ' . cltes.-Boston .rmnscrlvt \Vomnn 101t8 Ofcc in Alnbamo. I or tue lrst tme In Is hlstOI' , ' I woman hold8 a State olee In Alabamn. : he IH ISi , I. Zlcholelle Bshop , Iud sle WIS recclluy np , poilltel I lemlcr uf thc , Hltl 1oxlm , I n I n g U 0 II l d o . ( heel 'l'euch e r s , i e l 8eleeton Co l' tie voslton caused , l'onsilerblsur . II'I-I : ; 111 conshlcr. I b I e Jmtlcaton , too , anl now that the Ice his be/u L ; " < hrok'n It Is exp\ct , ISS ' , : 15101' e tlt women of. lcehol er8 In Alabaml wi SOOI bc. , come uumcrous 'l'le right to 1111 such ofce , bowever , Ioes not hnlll ) ' lhe rlht to vote , the Ailbuml Ilw apparcnty being tl Slle us thai In Indlanl , unler whlcb women mn ) ' hold any omce under lle school In ws , llt cannot vote tor nn ' lublc ofce , ' .rIl only States In the Amcrlcun UnIon where the tuU right o ( sufrnge exists are Color'1o , Iduho , I tHnh nnd Wyollng , nnd there women , cnn votQ tor aU publc ofcers , Inelul , ling Presltlental eletor Indeed II Uub nnd Wyoming woman sufrage I , , Q coustutonal proYlslon " 'herg Womcn Io Not Pro . , , 'l'here 1 . prctcaly univerl pro hlblton againt WOleu praylug In 10 , hnmmedln ountrl 'l'hey are nol admiteeyond tie trc01ds at til moques ; but , on the other Ian th , Koran distncty encournJei wOlen t pray In llrl'utl Sle IlnO con re gntoW dny the priviege at prl'cr t ( their \yowen ultoglthlr. Among thl .olnu , I race supposed to be the abe rlInc8 at Jupun , women nre not per mlted to pray or olTer I1lcrllee eXC J' ' In rre cuses IS th ! deputes ot th:11 ' ' husbands , 'l'ho reasn 101' this Irae that lhe women are tcc i Ailu 10 SUPPOSIll to llssess : oul8 , Ilel then' . fore their Ir 'er woul le quie 111 \'llng. . Among the m\l\es ot llr 1j1tlr wOlen Ire lermlted to pray but only to the power at evi 1 kll \ oe Intercesory , Only men Irnyer 111 I IlrmltN to Iddress plyers lrelt to UII Supreme Bln ! ! Yltcl II HOlseworc ) , 'l'he { housewife 11 I , e : 1111\ : l' O\ Ilght for the wOl'k whll'h llS bt don ! the folowing day , PlolabJ 1 consl l'rble share of It tOUI to I t11'111 dny In each week , hut tlerl wi UU 1 number of things 10 tlo whlel 11't out ot ll 1'u II I' I'outne , nu. fo I thse 8he IURt Illu 9 that Bhu wl not them he I hln ul crowtl1J Up01 I It once uIII eiher belug nel'tct l'IHSI thlY nre so many or taltn II lu11 Ind carie through nt te cs or healh and tplris A dc lr Cr OD(1 Bmctw ' ' llln " I WOIII to a test folsh ex- , r , / t I PI'I IUI'C of elergy , which Is I'culy IL l very bal 1llt ot extl\'ugance , 101 , Instllce , tle has been Jarlcuhu'ly busy 11 dl ' 111 Is feIJlng tred , whel II comes I nel hhor who tels hm' of , thgrIJat laulcl sale , Iu I momelt : : she thllls of Utie 1ols " 8 IILuel pet- , tcoals-the chlt reaU ' must 1m VO , i ' . - slw rushes lo f lew onC'-IUI of' ; ' ' the matelli all retuls , delht- ! I et to have got I at I few penules tl- ' the prlcl' , As of . usulI 1 later ; 'f , flct , that tnnnl WIS I tell' purchase. ' t " I I was Ikl' the ) lo\elhlal stm w which , , , " broke the CUI'ls Imck , fOl' the next , ' . i ' the housewife Is either > la I n1111 ; I ahout , rll'ln , Incull\ ! of wOlk , or , . " ' she Is rostl'utl'll ' n \ - I wih se\'ele ) hell- . : ache. PIwllln/ : woull sayUII ! ! dnd " " of lhlng 111 ( le\lt Il cl'ow lug Into - . ' . one I ' te wOlk oC two. ' In lllauning all estmatng 1 day's > . 'I \011. tOlc Ilowauce should nlwa 'R , be mlle for Intel'rutous ami Cor the , " I wOl'k tlklng lOI el' 1han wus IntclJat- I d , 'Yltb too 111 ' "Irons In lhe lre""J" ! such hlltl'llces as 1 , 'Isllor 01 l1vlng \ " 1 to console 1 cl 'II chid In SOle IUo , ' ' trouble Uake I dllcult to Icel ) that clll Hweet teUel whIch Is necessary to the woruu who Is not melely the Inlnsllng ot tle Ilehlner ' of the . " household , hut i : good angel , who I multI's tlere. It hOle Indce to al who dUel ' , l - - L' , ' - ' - - " , , , t. @ & , : &i i i r Woolen Imen llg boards for hrend arc ' ' , Iecur unsnnlll' Nut nUl fruit tmn wlches should go Into the school IUlch basket . 'I \ Pour being watel' over mlslns be " . fore sce lng them , I's ensler , : Dates stufel wIh , Uurshmllow mnle , - plste I temptng desser : Sugur ndde to tw wuter nsl tor , \ , bastug weat Idds to the tl01. } . ' : / I or quick brea s nlll hatel's blldng : , : , Ilowder l.steld of 'elst Is use . , , Almost any colt ve\table makes a . I/ , , ' delcIous sliad It atractvely arltge " Coking Ilds to the lgestblty or , , " , ' _ nuts , : \1 man ' sort should be ground ,1 , " before being CI tel. l or nn Ippetzln IUlch ha ye sca- , loped toes , beef . t011 crol uetes. pe.s , ' and upple friters. ' . ' , ' SIa wberles ure ImOI " . " the most ULed fruis. Served i Ice . crenm ther ure telclous. I 1 ushrools are sometmes plcklcd , only In brlle anl arc useul In grl vies III the . winter Int sometul' II ylne- gur. gur.A A Hue ' ' jam (01' . cl'unbell ) cnls 010 j , 1111.t cllhclles , threequarters 01 a J' pint of wutel' , olle ( uund whie sugar. _ ' ; twent ' minutes , ' Bol , , If you whh delcious 1rlt' lmlhllt , , ' . : " , . : , ; j I cut thstelk Into llleccs two Inche ' , ; ' " ; . I square ; seasol with salt and pepper , : \ 1111 lp II n beatl1 eg nlt then breat , ' , ' crumb" : fr ' II deep fut. l'alll on plpcr , , " , 111 lllsh wlh pal'sley II lemon , " j , Thil Gl'cat IU.tulcc. , " _ ) : , ' 1'0 the u\erlge wuwan her husblnd'8 , _ e ( , worl , Is a black letter book which she , , rl'ely nttcmpts to open. I I I'cndors \ I unto ie house and the necessites o , , Ufe the thln s that Rhe loks upon as i J ; neellul , tl ( ' 1' conlclt , Wh ' 1 UIO IIL ' wlnt s'mpathy , wih i'i plans or IS- plrtons he Is to frequenty compc1- 1' to go to hi men assoclates-r ti ' ' some oth r woml I havc seen the rocks poke their beads out ot aD other " , , wie pleslnt Iltrlmonl/ Iwloly ' , 101' thli r\lson. ' " " The \TOlan loolwd uon th" wor ! which male the man's plAce In lCe as more then a nothlnJ certin capKelt for . ' ' n earning money. 1'0 train he mind to 8 proper understutlln ; ot that work , to enter Into Is joys and I fnlures wil unqualfed anl wise ! ym- . , In her pathy never grew mln' as ' \ ot . ' ' I It 8wetest dutcs. 'l'he atttude . r ' lt once er\ated I brrl/r harl to brenk own , spreallng evC'y Iay unt each thought It a neessiy. " : lon wl never tl1. 10 women \ltu ' the rough fl'lnlmes which they Use hltweeu themseh'es , OonVC aton b tween w seX { \ he 1 wl 1\IVIYS 11r " " tl1y Insincere , SIIYS I I 1 cron. I " 10le to Bee the IIY when hne\'er" : ud , . , "llwl 'S" can be stricken trom thet ' , : t , two sentences and to WOlln wl Ilm he n ral , ' . ' less woman cOlrle wiloutelng uny ' . How to 00 UllltnirE ' , , 1 'Ihe wl'on WI ) ' to o lIstnlrs , accord. ' ' / Ing to 1 ) hslcal cUiUl'e teachcl' , Is to ' leln over , contlct the chest , hoop the 111 Iwn the whole ' ' , - shouhurs hOI ) tor- wlrd trom the wulst. 'l'he person who , oes UIJstllrs In this ' be ' WI wi ex- hlustel . YcL at tie to ) at e\'en : 6hort " , .L :2 : , Ight. stulr.cllbillg , properly : : dOUIJ , Is considered 0 gOO exercIse , ' , , t hcod Rhoulde erect , the chest expand 1h6 _ R t the Rhouldel's back , ' , cd , , wih 10 b n4 , of lbe ' whatcver - boty at the " Wih this poise put the whole WIIIt ; , t { on thc bul ot the toot and o not touch ' - , ' the step wih the heel and note -J to uprlusioss tel at every tootni