Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 13, 1902, Image 4

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    . . . , , ' I" " \ ' w't.-r\ , . " . , , \j. . " , , . . . , . , , , , . . it./'I' / "
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Rnt"red l tlwJu ttJmcu nt lIrolrill ! lIow , Nob. ,
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tit : brIU lib .
- - - - - - -
'rhursda ' , Nov tI1bcr 13,1902.
As a result of th preachers
crusade against the ga blers of
Hastings tour men \ho pleaded
g tilty Wert each fined S1')9. ' and
, the g1t ! d'iccs confistica-
tel ) .w .re burned by order of the
court , ' 1'he . value of the ef1ects .
burned is cstimated to be worth
. ' Iorc complcte rcturns from all
parts10.c . the counJu shpW that
whcre people have had the most
to d w th fusion , the , rpaj'orities '
la g / .t , The only tntes carried
bY'tlie Democr.ats are those in
which they have followed T. Jef.
f rspj ! a.d. . . no one e1seThe
"ti 9,1n'D ily Sta.r.
- - -
. . The Lincoln Daily Star in J
l.engthy. criticism on the expos {
or < I'fhotnpsoti\ road passc !
m 1uif ' ) t a Iltr d' f5re ' IJf per.
H t fteHnl { 'r .rt1tl' ' : < t t } ; t : 1)4'1t : <
Joitnw ] . lH.1 membet < < t ; : 1.-
IJt1bh. . . : . ' : : ' : i1te C.JI : 1' .1.'IJIl.r.riul.1 :
wit. . 'm'I . . , ) " ' : \ J ) t. : 'l'h''tTJ" .
su , . " . : : : 'w' tl. L Jl. ll.
States Senate. If the Star hope !
to. build itself up as a popula :
news paper with the republican
part ) . or Nehraska it will find il
nphill husiuess bJ' making : :
lipedalitj' of roasting those 01
prominence who were opposed tc
"l'hompsonR elcction. By sud
'methods the editor of the Stm
may succeed in building up : :
facton in the ranks of the repub
Hcan party to defeat it nominee
bu.t it will not succeed in convin ,
c.i , g , the public that it is honor
ble journalismor that one mat ]
pul rule the part ) ' in the state
I e'l httlv , ' 'I't'lut !
- -
An ahstract of th ( ' vole of Lo
g n ' ountj" on the candidatl.s Co
meJIibers , of the legis aturc wn
,11 '
received by County Clerk Dcwc ;
Tuesday which ho\\'s that A
l , ' is clcctel
, Cop e , repuhlican ,
bJ' a pluralit.r of ' ) ( , , and J. J
'lqoler , fusion , h ) ' 5 over Wa ]
drQn. It , vas a pretty close raci
. between Waldron and 'l'oolcy
but if no irregularities develop
in the count the majoritj' is suf
ticient to warrant Mr. 'l'ooley
s at in the legislature. 'rhe fo :
10\\ing is the vote on the se\'er ;
ca 4id .tes in each of the countic !
I Custer. Logan. ' 1'010
. Copsey. . . . . . .1759 48 180
Waldron. . . . .1668 3 170
1'ooley..1639 72 171
Eastman. . . . .1454 63 1 1
L c" . . . . . . . . , 115 3 11
Groat. . . . . . . . 111 4 11
; l'hc'otc on sena torial cand
d . , . s hy counties is as follow.s :
'CII Il'r V"I II' ) ' 11I,1111) t.1II111 'rill
I'.rh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11126 ! l7 7:1 : I I
' ! . ' ) ' . . . . . . . . . . ' 7tll 61 13 < 1' 2
. nYI\o \ r . . . . . . . . . IJJ 1111 to hJ
FflCS' plurality is 511) .
. . 'I'h. , 'fhompsou Cartonll.
Lincoln , Ncbrasl < < l.
'N vember 11th " ' '
, 190.2-1'1
Orn-ha ! Wodd-Herald .uld Li
cc : ; > ) Jt'Dally Star ha\'c charged tb. .
th.e ' 1'hompson 1 > aSS cartool
w 1 ch appeared in the Linco !
J l1rnal ; and was afLerwards ci
eulated by the Republican Sta
Committee was a forgcr ) ' .
I desire to say to the Repllbl
! of Nebraska that I positive
l\R w that Mr , 'rhompson , tl
late fusion candidate for Go\'e
nor , carried and \Ised annu
p sse for the 'ear 1902 , on tl
l.Jn o.n p cilic and Fremont , E1
horn & Missouri Valle ) ' railroal
and used free transportation ov
. die Burlington railroad the exa
( Jrm \vhich I do not know.
"r.I ' ! 'UOMSON UAS NO' ! ' D
, , , J\ ' . ' . " ' , . . . . . , . ' . .
" - . . - - , . . . - - - . . - . . . . .
ml > TillS 9TAT1t m 'r , I
II , C , J"I : > W ' \ \ ' , Ch'm ,
'ritc uho\'c will et at nt : thc
mattcr of the " 'l'WtllP"OIl } pass
cartoon" with c\'cry candid re-
publican. Mr. J"itulsay is a lUan
whose varacit.y is abo\'c qucstion
and a man who would not stoop
to a dissreputahle act intention-
ally. Neither the Hcrald or
Star charged thc forger ) ' to Lind-
! > aj' . The Herald put the blame
on li'ranl { Harrison and the Star's
insul1ations pointed to the , same
source. LI.t the author of the
fac-simile be who he may we have
thc statement of Harr ) ' Lindsay
that he personally 1cnows that
the late fusion candidate for
Irovernor carried and used ann-
CIIal passes for the year 1902 ou
t'nion : Pacific and Ii'remont , Elk.
horn & llisouri'alley rail roads ,
As we ba\'c bafore stated we d < ;
not blame any onf ror using free
transportation f IC can get i1
honorably. But when an indiv ,
jdual makes a hobby against t1H
use of r il road passes as the fus.
iQn party and its 1eaders ba\ ' {
through their political existenc {
the ) ' intc certicism and shoull
be exposed when they hotd pas.
ses that they condemn otb rs fOI
using. . .
- -
\'Iclllll ' \411 hi 1 ; .
' 1'hc cam'a $ $ , of the \'ote it
Omaha reveal : ! that the tight Ot
Mercer in the sC1ond distric
L \ \ ' s 1Iot as great a3 wa the op
position tf ) J. H. Mickey for go\ '
arnor. It , in fact , $ how a de
. plorable state of affairs political
Jy in Dour. las county. Whil <
, I th. : ( 'PPo'itinn to Mercer wa
1' l1 ell by . tn , : lWr Olln , ,1 fl\'n > ! H ;
J':1 , \ . ' . " 'n J. ' ( ) "l \ ; , C" : t1(11..rcc
J't uui ) ' reached the limit of th
Dee's influence in the district
But Micke. , ' , against whom ther
was no personal fignt , did no
get as many \'otes in Dougla
l county by IIcarly 1.000 as dil
Mercer. It is plain that ther
was a well organizcd plan by th
saloon and gambling element 0
Omaha to defeat Mickey for gO\
rnor for the simple reason tl1J
_ he has always been prominent 0
a church member , strlctiy ten
_ perate and a member of the ant
saloon league. fpecial attentio
l was called to the fact by the ci1
. culars sent out on the eve of ele (
tion that he was a director of tb
anti-saloon league , and for U1i !
reason he should be defeatei
r The Wholcsale I"iquor Dealet
and Brewers Association wa
ahlscconded , in this move b
the "Los Blotter , " a paper pul
lished in Omaha. Had not tl1
voters of the state outside (
Omaha resented the liquor de
ers interference in the matter (
the pelcctiol1 of governor the
doubtless would have succeede
in a complishing Mickey's dj
feat. 'rhis would have g'c
them such prestig'e that it woul
not have heen safe in , the futm
" ) . to place a name on any tick {
that was known to be a so be
temperance man.
The vote shows a deplorab
state of morals in the cit.r
Omaha , but thc' result sho\ '
that the state as a wholc cannl
be controed ] ] bj' the liquor den
ers and gamblers of thc state
metropolis. lIad the issue bc (
thoroughly understood and
licvcd as it is now Micey's' ] 111
jority would have been sever
thousand larger than it is N
because of lack of interest in t1
democrat candidate , but becau
Ie . . .
o f 1 11S pnnclpa 1 supporters.
n- was unfortunate for Mr. ' .rhol11 .
\ son and his part ) " that the liqu
I wholesalers entered so openly
n the fight for him.
, r-
te ROOstYEL'r : Hl\'ES 'IU.\.SKS
. St\ls \ the nil ! lur the 1'ltl1l1kf ; h'IIiS' . 'CI
[ 1- _
1ly Presidena Roe eve1t has issul
: le his proclamation designatil
'l'hursday , November 27 , as ad
al of thanlsgiving. 'l'heprocla111
Ie Hon is as foows ] ] :
1"According to the yearly Cl
ls , tOI11 of OUJ people. it falls up
er thcprcsident at this season to tl
point a day of fest'al and than1
giving to God.
n"O'cr a centure and l quarl
. . . . _ A . " . " , _ . . . . . . . _ _ " ' . . ) . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . ' . -'oIf
1 1 i ce thi ountrj. took I
it place atllClng' the tlatiul1 of I
the earth , an during that timc
we have had on the whole more
tu he thanldull for than has fal-
Icn to thc lot of any other people.
Generation after generation has
grow. . to manhood and passed a-
way. Each has had to bear its
peculiar burdenscach to face its
special c\ ' sis , and each has known !
years of grim trials , when the
country was menaced b ) ' domcstic
or foreign levy , when the hand
of the Lord was heav ) ' upon it in
drouth or flood of pestilence ,
when in bodily flistress and anguish -
ish of soul it paid the penalty of
folly and a forwar heart. Nev-
ert heless , decade by decade , w
I lta\'c struggled onward and upward -
ward ; we now abundant ) ' enjoy
material well being , an under
) thl' fa\'or of the Mo .t High W
arc string eart1estly to achie\ '
moral and spiritual uplifting.
. The year that has just closed has
been on of p ace and of overflowing -
flowing plenty. Rar ly has any
: ' people enjoyed greater prosperity
than we are now enjoying. For
this we render heartfelt and
solemn thank to the Giver of
Good ; and we seek to praise him
npt by words only , but by deeds ,
by the way in which we do our
duty to ourselves an to our fellow -
low men.
"Now , thereforc , 1 , Theodore ,
RQo3e\'clt , president of the United -
- ed States. do hereby designate
- as a day of general thanksgh.-ing ,
- Thursday , the 2 th of the coming -
- ing November , and do recommend
e that throughout the land the pees -
s pIe ecnse from thdr ordinary oc-
' : l1pations and in their several
r lOl11es and places of worship ren-
dcr thanks unto Ahnighty God for
the manifold bles : > ings of the past
I'ln witness whereof , I have
hereunto set my hand and caused
the seal of the United States to
be affixed.
"Done at the city of Washing ,
ton , this 29th day of October , ir
' - the year of our Lord,190 ' . ; and 01
the independence of the Unite <
, s Statcs the 127th.\
'LTHHoDoRE RoosHvm.'l' ,
"By the President
"JOliN HAY , Sec'y. of State. "
- - - - - -
( Jov S"voge's Thanksgiving IJroclama
Divine Providence has visite (
many blessings on the homes 0
Nebraska during the last year
Uuder favorable climatic condi
tions the fields have yielded boun
tifull.v and the harvest promise
) - ample reward to the hand tha
le toils. Throughout the state thl
) f people am well housed , well pro
1- vided witn the necessities of life
) f healthful and happy. It ha
: y been a year of unexampled pros
: d perity.
- Humanity become the legate ,
: n of these material blessings no
Id without corresponding obliga
re tions. In our hours of prosperit.
t we should remcmber our duty t ,
f , society. Wc should remembe
the church , the school and the
Ie home. In these placcs we shoull
: > f labor to strc.nghcl1 the fiber ani
vs architecture of truc manhood ani
ot womanhood , thereby attestatio
11of our appreciation and gratitude
's ele\'ating the menta ] and mon
: n sta1'l1danl our fellow being. Pre
ICvidence causes rain to fall on fel
a- tile lands'j not on descrt wa te !
al We are thereby admonishci.l t
ot etnplo ' our facilities and our m
he ter'ial blessings to rigijteou
se cnds.
' ' virtue of th
It ! 'hcrefore , by
.p _ authority vested in me by law. ]
or E"ra ; P. Savage , governer of N (
in braska , do proclaim and desi
nate Thursday , November 2
1 CJO : ? , Thanksgi vi ng day.
And I do hereby direct that tl1
Public offices of the state be c10
eel on that day and I respectfull
ed request that the people in the :
19 accustomed places of worship of
ay er up thank to Him who lu
la- given so generousl ) ' of His , bles
ings antI Who has exercised suc
\s- sweet solicitude for our wcal at1
on happiness.
LP- In testimonj' wherof 11m ,
ks- hereunto set my hand and cause
to be amx ( l the great seal of t1
ler state of Nc raska. Done atLi ,
" ' - . - " -
- . . . -
. , . ,
- - - -
co1n thl 7th dnv . or Novemuer ,
A. D. LO ,
Uy the g'oVC\1UI' \ ,
. Secretary of State.
Dli'red W , Millcr , Deputy.
CUll II' ' } ' .lg clll ; ; ; ; . . ; ; ; t MCIIhig !
'rhe mceting of the Custer
County Agricultural Society was
helel in the court room 'ruesday
aft''I1oon \ , and was prcsided over
by the president , J. J. Wilson.
Thl. : report of the secretary , E. I
C. House , was read and adopted. .
The repurt showcd a low condition -
tion of the treasury , owing to
the exces-ive : rains at the time
of 1 he fair which prevented at-
tf1dHltc t WI ) days of the time.
TUl : report showed that the indebtedness -
debtedness on the grounds had
been adjusted by the society paying -
ing S&OO on th mortgage and
deferred payments granted on the
balance due. 'l'hc election of
officers resulted in the choice of
D. C. Konlde for presidentj E.
C. Housc , secretary ; Alpha Morgan -
gan , treasurer. The retiring
members of the board , Dr. Hanna -
naVa,1t George , and H. Lomax ,
were re-electec.l y acclamation as
was also 111 < : : treasurer. The
matter of thl : secretary' salary
' , \'as referred to the board of
directq. : ; .
HE PO\.G . : = 1 OF MUSIC.
Great Compq.t r Explains Nece8elty ot
F'lnlchinJ ! Improvisation.
Tbe duke d Saxe.Welmar once In.
'vlted John Scba < > tlan Bach to attend
a dinner at U.e palace. Before the
guests sat down to the feast Bach was
is ked to glv un Improvisation. The
: ompCS91' seated hImself at the harpsl.
chord and stralght\HIY forgot all about
Inner and everything el..e. . He play.
ed so long that at Jast the duke touch.
ed his ahouJdtr nnd said : "We are
\'ery much obliged , master , but we
must not let the s'oup get cold. " Bach
RrmUig to his feet und followed the
dul.e to the dining room without utter.
Ing a word. But he was scarp-ely Beat.
cd when he sprang up , rushed hack to
the Instrumel\t lllw ono demented ,
struck a to\\ ; chords and returned to
the dining room , evidently foeUnt ;
IIIlwh better. "I beg pardon , your
highness. " ho said , "but you Inter ,
l rupted me In a series ot chords and
nrpegglos on the dominant seve th
and I could not feel at ease until they
were resolved Into the tonic. It Is as
tr you had snatched a glass of water
trom the Ups ot a man dying at thirst.
Now I have drunk the glass out and
am content. "
New York a Place Where All Thing !
Are On a Large Scale.
A New Yorker of a statistical tur [
of mind has been figuring on what thE
. veople of that city pay tor luxurlel
. and other thIngs. ! i'or Instance , h\
_ says : "For our dally newspaper read
Ing our papers use 1rom 450 to lOO (
tons of white paper a day , Which 11
the average paper amoun
to trom 8OOOOOj ! . to 20,000,000 caples
'rhe various 'press associations cabl
- us lJetween 80,000 and 100,000 word !
a day. Our entertainments In au
s forty odd theaters cost us trom $751
000 to $100,000 11 night. We Bold 01
- our mock exchange floor over 2511
000,000 shares ot stock during the las
year. and while 1,000,000 shares a da :
Is a large average , on May 9 , 1901 , th ,
traffic amou ted to 3,336,695 shareE
- And so It gOes. We IlUrely are justl
11ed In declaring that New York Is thl
city of big numbera. as well as bli
( hlnga. "
Longest Letter on Record.
A tormer Phlladelphll1 . who Is no
In business In Chicago and who ha
been spending a portion of his vacti
tlon with old trlends here. wrote a 101
tel' the other day to a chum In th
Windy City that surely breaks th
record for lengthy letter writing. H
had promls d to write "a good. Ion
IlQtter , " so ho procured a coil ot thl
white tnlO paper , such us Is used b
the telegraph comll1.lIles . 011 their tlcl
III ! ; lIIachlnos , aud llroceollod I u worl
o wrltlllg slllll" 11110 lellgthwlse on th
, - tallfrolll the heglunlng cIonI' throui
to the IIttio wooden contol' . 'rh I ,
tel' was In the neighborhood ot j
fcut IOIl .
, .
- - - -
You enD mRko four hi"
nl'l'l lIS 80" 119 II Gluv. . ,
, .n < l R 10111:11 II > ! II IroJ hy
n.lng tWIlIUnr -
1111" . nil.011 l'un
1 IIIILIIl'n III J II" IUllk" It
11I8"Ice Ai 1011' . . . "
ur lulirUr would.
Harness Oil
mllkee a JIOor 1 0011 : In II' bar.
I1I"U 1110/1 new. )11101. of
'e pur. . IItav ) ' bO\\letI \ 011. ee.
peclally pr"part'd tu wl
d llaDoI Ih\l w..lher.
Bold eytr1wb.
It : In canl-AU IUea.
- - . " " " - .
. .
- - -
ChUr6h Whls.tlcre ,
WhIBtlInif hi hurdi ; t ce rO ! , ; ded
rlt r to. be.
u a profanntlon , noW bl.dd
cOlDe a rogutaJ feature of the service.
At. one of the Ilow York churches Mlee
Louise Trua ; bne Introdl1 cd the novo
elty of whlBU ng"thc rtertolj' . So sue.
cessful h"s thin been In "ttractlng th
congregation to worahlp that many of
the mOllt fashionable churches In the
city are now bidding tor her services.
-New York Letter.
Indian's Neat Retort.
One of the most richly deserved retorts -
torts I have ever met with was that
of a Sioux girl at the Hampton InsU ,
tute not long since. A silly visitor
, .
to the mag.
to the school went up
nlfIcent redsklnned belle and said :
"Are you c1v 111 zed ? " The Sioux rnls.
cd her head trom her work slowly-
she was fashioning a breadboard at
the moment-and replUld , " "No ; are
you ? "
Of London.FOD. .
A Frenchman was paying his first
visit to London 'and was walking
through Hyde Park on one of th
many foggy metropolitan morn ngs
with aD Engl1sh friend. "Fog ! Ha ,
ha , mon fl'on : ejaculated the French.
man. "Now I understand vet you
mean "en yau say ze sun nevalre set
on yom' dominion. Ma tal. It doeI'
not rIse.
Taken for Treatment to a Veterinary
A dog with a diamond set In one or
Its front teeth was In Philadelphia
recently. It was here tor medical
treatment , and during Its stay In the
dog wurd of a veterinary hospital up ,
town It astonished everybody with It9
A French poodle , It had chic that
the nurses said was tru y Parisian.
It had also Innumerable tricks. You
would , for In tance , say to It. "show
your diamond tooth , " and It would
curl back Its lip In such a manner tbat
the diamond would gUtter. I .
The dog belongs to a wenlthy woman -
man or Trenton , N. J. She had' the
brllllant set In Its tooth two years. .
ago. What her the Idea at this ,
says the Philadelphia Record. was
undoubtedly the sensational story.
printed long ago , of tbe blaze of dla.
munds th t illumines the mouth of
, itzslwmonl , the - pug11lst. .
Thla signature 19 011 every box of the gonulD8
Laxative romoQllinine : : Tablets
Ulo reme4y tl1c. inrC8 0 enlll 4D ODe dllJ'
If you intend to build call at
Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices.
Farms for slile ar.d lands for
ren t. Now is the time to gct a
farm ( "teap , as the cheap farms
I arc all goit1 . and prices are advancing -
vancing rapldty.-J. G. Brenizer.
- - - - - - -
Special sale on trimed hats , also -
so Rtreet hats at Mrs. P. A. Wal-
I ton's. Would he pleased to have
you lad ics call a nd s e. ] ast
side of square. 21-23
, " 'I'-'w. ' '
' , . . ' . .
- . . . . .
- - - - - - -
-r ,
" "III'
Miss Ida. M. Snyder.
Treaaurer or tile
IJrookltn Eaa& End Ar& CIa' "
u If women would pay more attention to
I th&lr hu1th we would have more" happy
wIves. mothm and daughttr. . and If the ) '
would obmve resulb they would flna
that thl dodors' prescrlpUom do not
perform thl many cure. they arc Jlven
credit for.
uln consulting with my druggist he lid.
vised McElree' . Wine of CarduT and Thed.
ford's Black.Draught , and .0 I took It and
have evu ) ' reason to thank him for a new
life openea up to me with restored health.
and It only took three month. to cure me. "
Wine of Cnrdui is a regulator of the
menotrual functions Md is a most astonishing -
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty , supJ , > ressed , too frequent , irreg-
ul r and painful menstrttation , falling
of the womb whites and flooding. It
i. helpful when approaching womanhood -
hood , during pregnancy , after childbirth -
birth and in change of life. It frequently -
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists bavo f1.oo bottles of Wine
of Cardui.
- - - - - -
\ ,
Rice on a Letter. ' "
A queer letter passed through the
general pastoffice last week. On the
envelope was 1 border ot rice about. (
half an Inch wide , broken only to"
allow a stamp to be placed in the
upper right hand corner. AUght glue
was usud to fasten the rice without
Injuring the paper. On the back or
the envelope were the letters "B" and
"G. " formed with rIce. It was the first
rice letter that had ever gone through
the olllce , and after It had been care.
fUll- examined It was allowed to pro.
ceed on Its way to Pennsylvania ,
whel'o It undoubtedly reached the "B"
and "G" for whom It was Intended.-
New York rribune.
TRA ! ) ! : MARI\
-ocaofS ;
Copvn'"IiTs &c
Anyone 8t'nrtJng n Rkct h nnt. ! f1"'I1/1J"\ ' ' ' , , '
qnlckly nscortnln our 01111110n freu ( ! ' tll :
invention Is probnlJly patentl.h" ' ; ( ' ( .mnllll ' 1'1' .
"on8Itrl 'tlyconlldenUIlI. 111U1.lbl1uk OD 1'3101111
lent free. Oldest ellry for RN'lIrnl ! : 1"111'111 s.
! 'atentll taken thrnllllh )1111111 . . . en. hiCIJlvf'
rpielal notlctfllhnu CllltrllC. 111 tlU\
Sdetttific nmcrI tt . , ;
A. hnndso'11cly 111'lro'l'l1 , Ul'n h' . ) , ' ' ' 1' ' ' ' . , ,1- .
culatlon nt nnv : "Ie"tllj'l' 'U. ' n' . ' 1'"n. . J . ,
'PRr ; fOil' "I"th . -.1. Ulol l > J 1411 111'o"RI ' ' .
'UflN ' & CO,3610-caoJwn1. , . . . . , Nnw , ftJ ,
'IMlII < :1 > 00'f ; : ' I > I
, ' . . . . : . .gt. . . ' . . . . . 4 : . . 'f.ti . . . . . : " ; " . ' . . . : . n..J/e 'i , . . .r. . . : . i.'i . " 'i..ftjj.i . . ! . : . . t ' . 'i""n . "ii'f"jl . . ' . . . : " " , . ' : / . ' ' . : ' " ! ' ' ' . " " . . . . .mt.'iJt.I L- , . , . : . . . . 'A .iL'f. : . . . - , : : ' . - : : : . ' . : ' " ' 4. : . ; .0 " : , . . . . . . . . . , : . " , ' ' . : ja.tjJ'l.jd .0 : . : . . . . . * .O'JL . : : " : . . ; . .
, : . , 1 # t E A GLE GROCERY 8 i. ' f ! : . } ,
: . . , _ a
: i
i1" ' " " .
L A II parliod indebted to tbe Eagle Grocery , rf1 r. 411cRted f
) , to liS II " . ] " ( lttle their al count ! ly o'lHh : at ono" . I ml1Mt bave I
: mon.'v to , 'BY bills , 1 oa 'ot do hUHin RR on win < 1. .t
ji YOl1rR Irllly , . ! i
* W. S. S'W AN ' ! "
II ProprIetor. r
10 Bars of Soap for 25c. ,
_ i. , . . . . . " . . . . _ , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d.
, ' , , , , " , ' . " . , : ! ! . "f. . . ! /.t.--/ : . P" . : "T. . ' . ' . " .1. . ' . . .JI" : ; ' . ' . . . . . ; F , . 't. ' " " . . 'r ; " " "f..CIJ"- : ; , , : : ! ! " , , ' , " . ' ' ' ' /-r. . . : . . . .yrrJ. . : , . : . a. . . . . . . . " . . " ' . .r'.1r"u . Mit'f . . ! :
: - : : : 'I : 'tN _ : : : ' : : l : . : / : , . ; . ; ; : : . ' : ; 'IJO . : / : : . ' . . . : : ! . : , i : : / : ' { " .t " . : : /.y.JiI
- -
, I
i is I1lV " motto. 1 will sell goods to the pub1ic cheaper thau au '
otho"r honse west of Lincoln , alt'if yolt will slare a few miltntes , ) \
will gladly show you my goods and tell yon my prices. .
100 Ibs granulated sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 40
18 Ibs best ! rranul ted sugar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00
1 sack of Best Ihgh Patent Callaway li'lour. . . . . . . . . . 1 10
1 sack of Jfancy B kers Flour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ) . . . ,
( , bars \Vhtte RussIan Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 25 . , -
All Other Goods as Cheap In Proportion.
- J. W. COO , d M.nS. L. L. SHARP.
, ' , p