Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 5

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    ' ' ' ' ' ' 'rfT' ' ' '
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. . , . '
- - '
' .
Flft , Vlafs'thl Standard I
, ,
.i'I I
; Awarded
I : Hllhlsl Honors World's Fair.
! , Hllhlsl tlsts USI Doy't Chemists
t' _ w--ul'.n ' _ _ _
. . ; ' . .t. . . . . . . u , . . . . I. " , .
( Omitted fr ; ) ; - w ck. )
. , N. K. Lec is kept UUs } ' fixing the \\clls
: . . for the farmers now.
. , _ . ' S : K. I.ce is 'flOW buisy hll11ling lumber
from Broken Bow for his new barn.
f , Old 1\Ian Grabert amI wife were visiting
Julius Johnson and other aquaintances
f' , the first part of last week.
f. . Allura Hill had her name on the roll
J" " of honor again this week , for perfect
; ' lessons and good behavior.
L There is a rumor that Edward Olsen
: and family arc going to come back to
Custer County from \Vashington where
they went last spring.
Frank Christie is building a new sod
hous covcred with shingle roof. He
later ill the fall is going to build a frame
house on his farm on the Loup Bottom.
, . . 1 ; Egbert Hall arrived last Sunday from
South Dakota , where he has been working -
ing this last summer. He looked tall
before , but still taller now with his new
i phg hat on.
. ' . ' It VNU -
( Omitted from last week. )
I. ' Next Friday nikht is Hallow'een.
' ' . Pickett and Pelkey have returncd from
; ; threshing in Hamilton and Buffalo coun-
. . \
ties. They did fairly well though . hindered -
ered by raill.
. G : A. Griffith got a fine Poland China
. . . hog from Iowa last week to improve his
- herd. He will build a barn 16x32 with
I hay 10ft , He is a hustler.
. . 111 the spring of 1900 J. F. Foxworthy
, . gavc Owcn Owens a ham1ful of beans ,
I ; and Owens planted them and raised
, three pecks. In the ! > pring of 19oI he
. . ! h .
I. , . . , -
, i , Where to locate ?
r Why , in the territory
I . Loui iri l & ' NCashville
Ra i 1 road.
Great Central Southern Trunk Iine ,
Kentucky.Tenne see , Alabama ,
M issi slppi , Flordia ,
. . . . -WIIERE-
1 11nrmcrs , Pruit Growers ,
Stock Raisers , Manufacturcrs ,
Investors , SpeculatQrs ,
and Money Lenders ,
wilt find the grcatest chances in thc
United States to make "bi moncy"
i by reason of the abundance and
I cheapness of
Iand and Fanns ,
I I Timber and Stone ,
Iron and Coal ,
I Labor-Evcrything !
I 11rce sites , financial assistance , anc !
free lom from taxation for the manu-
I facturcr.
: Iand and farms at $1.00 per acrc
and upwards , and 500,000 acres in
Wcst 1110rida that can be takcn grutls
under the U. S. Homestead laws.
Stock raising in the Gulf Coast Dis.
trict wilt make cnormons profits.
HaIf fare excUlsions the first and
third Tucsdays of each month.
Let us know what you want and we
I wilt tell you where and how to get it
-but don't delay , liS the country i5t
. filling up rapidly. Printed malter ,
maps and all information free. Address
, ; -tt : : . , General Immigration ancl Industrial
; Agent ,
.t I.O\JI.VII. . I" 11.a : ,
. . I. . . - . . . . . . .
I plnntcd one gallon and raiscd ! lcvcn bus.
t1l ! s. In the spring of tgo2 he plantcd a
bushcl ancI n half ntlll mlsed forty.sbc
bushels. "hc ) ' ore a specklcl , varlet ) .
amI arc prolific a11l1 cxccllen t for bakin
antI : : oup. If YQU are fOlllt of beans ct
S Hne unIt plant thun an It stund up for I
'N : hraska
- - . _ . . - - . - - - -
II , . I .tl. . U ,
( Omitted from last wcek. )
Thrcshin is progressing slowly , cause.
s : > much straw.
C. D , Day 111111 wife werc doing busl.
ncss at thc Hub Monday.
School seems to be runnillg sllloothly ,
Not ull the scholors in attendancc.
Mrs. Mary l1eals has been 011 the sick
list for several da's but is bettcr at this
writing. '
nilJs are out announcing a sale of personal -
sonal propert } . at Orte11o on next Wed-
nesday. .
The 'Phone meeting 11t thc school
house on Saturday Was quite wcll attellli.
cd , but 1I0t much business done.
Mrs. A. D. lIunt was a lIow visitor
last Friday. She was accompainell home
by ber daughter Clara , who is attending
co11ege. She callie to visit over Sunday ,
retuming Monday morning.
We omittcd in our last to mention thc
arrival fron High Hilt , Missouri , Messrs.
Graham and Hempstead. 'rhe latters
parents wilt move here in a few weeks to
ntakc their home. And the former is
here. to work because of better wages
than in old Missouri.
" tI. Uelhnollll ( 'tJI1I1IIg.
In the days of DailY Crockett's.
boyhood m ney was not so plenti- '
f tl as now , as , is shown by the'
story of how young Davy took up
a note for his father.
The elder Crockett lived in
that part of the country which is
now Tennessee. He owed a man
by the name of Abrham Wilson
the sum of $36. Such a sum in
those days seemed more gigantic'
than a mortgage of se\'eral thousand - ,
and dollars would today. The
elder Crockett did not see how he
could discharge the note. He ' ,
contlded his trouble to David wheat
at oance agreed to secure the
note. David offered his services
to Wilson who agreed to surrender -
der the note if David Crockett
would work for him for six mon- ,
ths. The time of servitude
seemed long but Davy Crockett :
was not daunted. He worked the
six months without missing a'
day. At the end of the time he
received the canc lled note andl
an offer from his emplQer : to continue -
tinue at his work. Crockett refused -
fused the otl r as he had been'
thrown with a crowd of disreputable -
able men who drank and gambled
and who were distaseful to Crock.
This is but one of the incidents
which explains the character
of the man that Ed. Redmond
impersonates in his famous play
"Davy Crockett" which will be
at the Broken Bow opera house on.
Friday , November 14 , 1902.
-ProprIetor ot- .
! t lllll1rant & ; Lllncb COllnler. Llluo 1I 'orlmen' '
or CODfpot\on \ , lee , Clg'lr ' and Tohllooos Nortb
"Ide of l'ublc ; Square , Dro'ion Do\V , Nebraska.
Physician & Surgeon.
0' cr I. . r..Rr of Iho Dank 0' ( 'ommerre. ROAI.
dellcl' Otb houlo weAt of Ibe Daptl8t cburrh.
tJrokell Dow , NebraskR.
'CA lIntON & HEESg ,
6lH0 J)03S 8 uJ ) ( l.ll l'S'
A1' LA\\ ' .
Hoom 8 and D. Realty Dlock , Uroen Dow , Nob.
CI1'Y l\tIIJL , .
G. F. MOCLUII _ , Prop.
U'II Flour. Duckwhrat , Gnb"lII , Feca. etc.
11. 'W ! ! 1bDIu ! IIl'i m. . . . . lf.
I * I
II Before You Built , Consult. . . . . . II
Contractors and Buildera. ' I I
Estimates Furnished Free 'Vith Plans and Specifications. ! I
. . i g
. " t ,
" rrHE P D. SMlrrH COMPANY ,
' 1 3/ . . , . AlwaV8 have the bC8t quality of
" ' '
: : , I
. . ; - , " , . . ' . . ' . : ' : : - . . . . . . : . . 'r' . . ' ; " . . . . . ' Lumber and olher building llJa-
; . . , . i " , ' . . . , . . . . . . - . . , . . : . . i ,
" ' , . . , . : . . .1-io. . \ . , ; j-- , .1 t' " , :0 :
, : . . I. + tl t , . ' . . . ! . .i : . .Y " 'l ! , , . . . . ' 1 ; ' 'a { ( ) I " ' teria18 at the Lowel'lt-PtiOI'8 ' ,
. . .ft" . . , . , . . -Jd ' " t "
, . ' . (1' . . , ' 1' . " 1fV'.I. - 't' . 'I" . . \
. ' " , )0. . " ' , "
I'd. . \ . " ' \ ' - , ! I , - l.f - t. . . : . ' .f - \11 \ , I . ,
! f'JI1' . ' . . \ _ 1t" ' I " " ' ; iN ' . . . I . . . . Phopu No , ' 10 ,
. - ' - ' ! - ! : ! , - ' : - _ , E ; : ' .
. .
( J. Ra JUDJINS ; Manager.
m n I 4 mn
Odell is Rc-Eleded G ; crnor of
New York ,
. . .
- - - - - - -
c tORADO cO : ! m : UCLICAN
. .
- - - - -
Returns Indicate ElcctlCi1 of Peabody.
D adlaclc Contlnyos In Delaware ,
Control of N3loJh.:1 . CongreDs Re.
mo1lns With the IlCIubllc.ana.
NtHYOl'k , Nov. 5.-ElectionS" , , " 01'12
held ) 'c8wrda ) ' In .12 tJtl\leS anci the reo
turnH Indlcato that tw ; control or the
lU1tlonul conCI'csli rCUlalns with th"
Uopubllcan party. While ul.lelal rc-
turns mar multo the worl.lng majority
ut' the Rcpubllcan party In thc hOUBO a
close one , thcn ! Is no doubt that It will
be sulllclcnt for all IHirty PUflIUSCS.
Fl'om a national standpoint the con.
trol of the lowcr branch of congress
was the I'eal contoat. 1\1uuy or the
statcli elected legislatures which will
choose UnltecStatcs \ senatol's , but the
result of these elections haB In no waj'
Imperilled the Hepubllcan majority
In the upper body. In those states
which electcd governorli there wali nu
state In wblch the party In power was
nut continued In that position. In
liamu ot the states , however , thcre was
II. decided change from the vote cast
two years ago.
New York re.elected Governor B. D.
Odell and the entire state ticket ,
though the falling ort In the } { epubllc-
nn plurality , as compared to 1900 , waB
enormous : Odell's plumllty Is placed
at about 10,000. The Democrats made
a very slight gain In the legislature ,
but not enough to injure the election
of' a Republican successor to Senator
Platt. The Democrats also made
slight gains In the congrelislonal elec.
tlons , the unofficial ftgpres placing
the delegation at 20 Uepubllcans and
17 Democrats.
} n 'Pennsylvanla , Samuel W. Penny.
packel' ( Rep. ) was elected governor
by a plurality estimated at more than
150,000. . while the legislature Is over.
whelmingly Republican. 'rhe Demo.
crats elected two and possibly three of
the 32 congressmen.
In the west , Kanlias , Idaho and Utah
'were storm centers because uf the
fight 1'01' United States senators ,
wlill In Ohio , Indiana , { lllnois and
sevel'al other statcs clo e congrcs.
slonul districts attracted much Inter-
In illinois , whllc official figures arc
lacking , thcre Is every Incllcatlon that
the Uepubllcan t\clet \ hils been clectcd
by 11 good majority and that the next
legislature , which wll1 elcct a suc-
c ssor to United States Senllto ! ' Ma.
son , wll1 be : : ) afcly Republican.
In Maryland the election was only
for congressmen , the Rcpubllcans
cl ctlng four of the lilx members.
In Michigan , the Republicans clect.
cd Governor Bliss and the entire state
ticket , besldcs securing 11 of the 12
congressmcn. The lO 3lature Is
strongly Republlcan , thus assuring thu
election of x.8ocretary oC War Algcl'
to the United States sonatc.
In New Jersey there was no change
. fn the present situation.
Massachusctts went strongly Re-
I In hode Island t c Democrats have
elected Hon. L. l1' . Carvin for govern.
01' , but with this exception the Hepub.
IIcan state tlclet will go through. 'rhe
legIslature Is Republican.
In California , the returns Indicate
that tbe go\'ernorshlp Is In doubt. .The
legllilaturc probably will be Repub-
The latest rcports from Montana
give the state to Hepllbllcans.
Indications In Kansas are that tbe
Republican state tlclwt has been elcct.
ed , with 8 congresllmcn. 'l'he lcgls.
laturo will be liarely Republican.
Returns from Nevada poInt to a fu.
IIlon vIctory In the state.
Heavy Hepubllcan gains are can.
.ceded thruughout the stutl : ! of Colo.
.rado , .
R'tturnB received fmm Iowa go to
show that the Republicans have oleet-
ed their state tlcltet by 70,000 majority.
The result from the leglslaturo In
, Delaware scem to be in doubt and a
deadlock , as was the case two yeara
ago , Is a possibility.
Ohio Is claimed by the Rcpubllc ns
by a plurality of more than 100,000.
In Minnesota , a plurality of 30,000 Is
clalmed , for Van Sant ( Rep. ) , tor gOY'
Ten Repuhllcan congressmen and
ono Democrat with the re-election of
Governor LaFollette , was Indicated
1.1) ' late returns from Wisconsin.
hi thc east the main Interest cen. i
tered In the two grent states of New
York Hnd Pcnnsylvanla , In the latter
because of tht ! conditions brought
about by the recent coal strllw and
In New York \Jecauso of Its bearing on
the futnre ot the party of the candl.
date for govemor
The Indlcationli In New Hampshire
are that Nahem 8. Bachelder , Republican -
lican candIdate for governor , was
elected over Henry P. Holllii ( Dem. )
by Ii plurality ot at least 10,000. There
WRB 11 heavy shrinkage from the vote
of two ) 'eara ago. The legislature Is
Republican In both branches by large
majortles ! , I11surlng a Republican suc.
cessor to Senator Ga1llngcr , who w1l1
probably succccd hlmsclf.
The Republicans In Connecticut
elected their ticltet by a plurality estl.
mated to be at least 15,000 , with the
general assembly sately Republican on
joint ballat.
Vlrlnla's election was confincd to
congressmen and the returns Indicate
that the Democrats have electcd 9 of
the 10 , wltl } one distrIct doubtful.
TenDcooee rolled up a Dcmocratio
majorUl for governor and the enUre
IItate tle t estimated at about 87,000
Tn lel1alatur. . . alJo Democratic.
- . .
' . . . ,
. , . . - ' . ' . - - - - . . , - . . . . . . . . _ . . " " . . . " , , , , , , . . . . . . _ . -.I ' . . . " . - . _ . . . . =
JJczJ cA bsfl'lZI il.l' ,
Abatrlcll Promptlv Vnrnbhl'd , Your IIUIItIOII
"ollclt ! l. OWee In nok or Commerce lIulldll1l : ,
Urueu 1I0w , Nebruka.
Tonti paill for non-rOHiclflntri.
O.H , CONHA ( ) ,
. . . . . .nclllerlll. . . .
Pumpa , ' ' 'Inll 1\111I. \ , 'l'ank. , 'lttll1 ' , a l18ulln. .
KnglliclI , eto. , elc ,
1110"011 Itow , Nebruka.
DH , C. JJ' l\tULJ.l N5 ,
Physician SurgcoIi.
IInd S&alr" " , ! 'rom"A't el1d lu Rpalty Ulock ;
ro ldenco , Sr.1 Wtllt , . . . K. churcb. on IlAmo.Blde
ot atree& . t3f' " ' Urolum 1I00v , Nebra k a
. . . . . .IINllerll1 . . . . .
Ural1ltForolgn aod I loerlcAl1 Mar loi.
Ornament.l Work a Specialty ,
DrokOIl ! luw. . . - Not ruka ,
Llucoln , Nebraaka.
l'atronBge ! : Ioltclte" . ,
Proprietor City Harbor Bbol"
s. 1\1. DOIUUS ,
mltmtUk.mIl1UIn. !
AI. klnllA lit work In onr line d008 promptly
aud In IInt-la A order. cFHed : Sbop 011 Ibe
corner wo t 01 tbo boso bOIl o.
GIVl'IK A 'rlf.IAI. .
Uraken 1I0w , - _ _ . NObra.h.
u. O. llUTTON. Proprlotor.
Flnt-claPB work. near 11.00' " ot llrokpn Uow '
State ! tanir , Drollell 1I0w. Nobraska. '
Thedford's Black-Draught has
saved doctora' bills for more than
s ycm. : For the common family -
ily ailments , such as constiP'tion ! ,
indigestion , hard colds , bowcl complaints -
plaints , chills and fever , biliousness -
ness , heado.ches and other like
complaints no other medicine iB
necessary. It invigorates and reg.
ulates the liver , assists disestion : ,
stimulates action of the } dnes ,
purifics the blood , and purges the
bowels of foul accumutations , It
curcs liver complaintl indigestion ,
sour , dizzll1ess , chills ,
rheumatio p ins sidcache backache -
ache , kidney troubles , constlpatioD ,
diarrh a , biliousnessj > i1es , hard.
colds and hcndo.che. Eve'y druggist -
gist has Thedford ' 8 Black-Draught
lD 25 cent packages and in mammoth -
moth size for el.OO. Never accept
110 substitute. Insist on having the
original mnde by the ChattanooiA
Medicine Company.
I btlltve Thtdford' , Black.Draught
Is tht btst medicine on earth , It Is
seed for any and everything. I have
g family of twelve chlldrto , and' ' for
four years I have kept thtm on foot
and hulthy with no doctor but Black.
Draught. A. J. GREEN , IIItwara , La.
< <
, , , < , , . , . - . . .
p - - - " ' ' - - -
. . '
' l.-I'r - - ' ,
- : . . . : ; < ! : , tJ
. . . .
- - . . : . . . . .
U. S. IJund ( Jfflte.
JAMBS WIUTRHKA ! ) " , , . . . . . . , . . . , ltfltlller
rlI , yOUNG. . . . . , . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . .Jlocolor
All luIYerlbemellta unI\r , thlA hC11I1 , ,1\1 \ bo
cbarKetl for at IlIlIal rl\h , viiI 111,00 . " 'r "qnar,1
tor IIrlt III"ortlon , aUlI 60c I'er ' l'1UBro ' for elleb
lub.l'qnot In erUoli.
" 'IUllru" II Ion lIneR or tr/lctlun / Iher o' .
l1n\t \ 1I8tatc. I.alld Ontoe. l
lIrokoll lIow , Neb. , Ocloher 31,1902. f
Nnllcu I lIeroby h'fln11 \ & In IlIlrpUllnro ot III.
truetlulI frullllhe OOlllml llulier of Ihu neueral
I."ml Ollll'e , ulldrr autllorll1 TOAled In hllII h ,
leclloll : : . ' ,1U. . H. ltOIHat. : . , R' ftllumlml , h ,
tlCt Congreu 1IIIIIr J\'ell lI'ulJru rr 21,18115 lVe
"llIllIocl'ell to oltor lit 8IIln
llUhllc nu thu Glh d" ,
01 JIIIIUUY. 11113 , lIoxt , at thl _ nllll'U , Iho ruliow
IIiK tract or land , tn.wlt : 110\1 el ! , l'C IS ,
NIY Nft ! ( , l:1 : e. 23 , tOlVlllhl1' 18 , IIl11th , r nlN
'O , lYe IlItlt I' 111. 11\ ' 1a,1 , all l'U' ' ' 1I11 claim.
Ilig a''o' ' ' 'ly the AbnTc Iioenillcil IIIlIde IIe lul.
VI.ed to Diu tbolr clalOlIIII Iltl I1I11JII 1111 or hu.
foru Ihll lIay allll' " .1 lg"IIII'tI fur 11. . . , COl1l1l1l1nre-
1II11nt ot APld ule , olhurwl fl Ihulr rlghls . . .lIIltl'
rorfu\tltl. \ 1 : < ' 11NK II. YOUNO ,
1. O-103 IIcl'olTer.
Unlhl Bllliel I.alill C'lUfn. l
1I'lIkolllIIW , ClJrI\8ka. Nnvember 3 IIl11t f
Nollco II heH'h ) ' "CII Ihllt th'l tollnlVllIg IIAm.
fll I'ttlur hili Died uoUco ) of hili IlIlclIIlOIi 10
make Onal I'ronr III IUI'III1rt fit h' ' c.ll1lm , "lid
that .nhllroof , IVlIlbA 11I11I10 hefuflI Itfl > chlor nd
Hecelnr , at Ilroklll ! Ii'llNeillI.leo , 011 tllII ISU\
day ot December , I9IJZ , Tlz : JO I\11 M t1'I.It ,
M bclr IInd tor Ilf'lu or lIuo It U Mn.llh. " r.I'A" '
cll , tor Iho He ( Nwoi ! , IotA I , 2 1111I1 3 , 37.19. 1 ,
4Pl'IIcali01l Nu. 131110 lie lIam. 8 Ihe folllllY" ' ! :
\Utlle ' lu prOTO hl cor.tlnllOUI re.ldunco III"
011 And oulllTAtlolI of "oIo1IRlld , vlz : II. M. WII.
lIam ot AIIPIIDlo. Neballka ; KIIJ.h KoUlII.
bo'llugh or New 118Ienll , flh'B8 II : Timothy
HobertA ot Now lIelena. I.lJrask. , I.ewl. Karlu ,
ot New 1I010Do , Nobrapka. 'l'e tltnony or JOillah
mlth to bo takou botoroclerk ot court , Covlng.
tOil. Allc b'n01 county , Virginia.
l. b-l04 JoUlE ! I\'IIITEIIKAD , HfglAter.
United Blalel 1,1 , Ol1lce ,
Nonh I'hl'h , . Nobraskll.
Notice ! . . hereby KlvclI tb"t 10 IlunURlieu to III-
Itructlon" trom &hu 0011I111111011111 uf till ! OOlernl
Lau I Office. nndor autborlty C h'1 III hIm by
Ieellrn : ! 24M , HovlAcd 8tRtlllc U , B. ftllmonll d
b , Act oU.oollrns lIuproved Folmary ! 10th 18\1 ,
wo will proceed to oa r lit pllbllo ulo lit 10 o'olock
a In , on Ibe 8th duy ot Novl'mher , 1\10Z. \ at Ibis
emen the tollowllg , IUct ot lllnll vlz , II. IC. 8. K.
el\tlon 26 , no" ne lecllon 35 , ! Owllahlp to. N ,
Uallge I , W"lIth 1' . AI.
III'ouona cllllmlog all erlly Iho RboTo lIeRrrl.
bOllllluli Brc BlIvlpcd 10 llIe tliulr claim at this
ollIco on or betoro , the IIBY dl'81g111tNt for the
comrnencem n' ot 8111d ulu , olhorwlAe thulr
rllthts will be tt\totHpd.
Uated Bt tbo Unlto.t . Stat" " LBml onto , North
l'llItt , Nebraska , tI , 11122 dllY ot BI'I'omber , tllt1Z
10194 GRII , 1' . l ltKNen , H KlatIJr.
Unlte1 SlalrA l.ou.1 OniOtt.
Urokl'D Bow , Nebr. , Oot Ulb 11102.
Notlco III boroby glvell that the tollowhlll.llllnllill
80ttlor bll8 lell notlco of lJIe Ilitont'on ' to m.ku
IInal llroot III Ui'l'or& nf hla cl'llm , IIntl thllt II/lid /
I'roor will be made hptororeglator rpo"lvcr ,
lOt Urokell Dow , Neb. . on NOTomhcr Z , looZ , Tlr.
Jobnl ! : , Hllrrell. Bundor , NIh. : tor tbu oUthllMt
qll1rtar ! , .oc 3Z , 'I' 20 N. . H. 2J WUlt. lie IIRutOR
till' tollu\\ WItIlP 'C III IlroVt ! hll conllnuolI
rl' hll'nco IIpOIl 11I111 clllllvlllloll of .lIhllolJll , vlz :
11.I Juhl1 o101 Boojl..r , , ; 0 .1. 1.1/0 ul
Booalr , " ( 'hr ; ' 1''r Wlnchc h'r of 1I0u.lnr
Nobr ; AI"y'IIIOhl'stcrot Uoollar , Neb ,
1 .13-\JI. \ ! .I.AME . ! ! WIIITRII&AII , ! ,
To wbolll IImV Cllllcerll :
'J'1Ie colIIlIIls.loner 81111UllilCII to vow n roat !
c1111111ellClnjr the tomor "f rclloll : 'U , 30. :11 : nnd
30 tlll'n > 11111 18110th rangllZ w l'olitiollo,1 ' fLr bv
J. n. (1\tron et II. . : Frolll Stilloll 1 SJulII'IO
cll.\ln 00 IInkllo slat 1011 2 ; from Iohtlult poulh
15 challl 00 lb \ 10 otalloll 3 : hem ytllllon:1 :
ontl171 t1l'ree8 wo t I chain 00 IIlIko toltntloll
4 ; frout .tlllloll4 e01l11 : 2dlgrc..15 mlnotea WUI
o ch IIIP 10 IInka to .tallun f. ; Irom Ilall01l6 pOllth
70 I.h'grco" en t I chsln 110 IIl1k. to 8tllllollK II ; froUl
11111111111 flIth 2 , ) GI'grlIPH CBlt I cllalllOO hnksll'
A .11011 ' 1 : troru etallllll ' 1 oulh 13 eballi/l 75 IIlik.
to BtBtlUh & on ICC line tn clv r ot P O 31 011I1 3Z
on town.bllline h.l8 rCllorlclll1I tavor. . , tbo e .
hbll bmtnt tbl'reof , 011I1 ull oloi"cllons ItheI'IO ,
or cllIllII for d.uug"AI\1UHt be 1\11H111I the OJUIII ) '
clc' ' ' ' . nmC\ \ ! Oil or h torlllloon of the 11th dllv 011
D o 102 , OIr lIeh rn d will he e telJI.holi : with.
out r"telellJe therctn
III wltne . wboreof , 1 bllve her'nllll ) pl'llII )
"lIlId " " 11 80a1 of lIhl counly , thl" 13th clny or OcL
1901 1M I-IOI. H. W. DIWBY , 00. Clurk.
- - - -
UIIUoellItc. . 1.l\ud OlUce , l
lInkcli 11011' , Nil" , "etoher 22. lOZ. f
Notlco I hercby Hh'cli tbllt II 0 lullllWIIl ! : num
011 lotllrr bilK 1111 'I ! , ollco or hi. . Ililolllllln to
make tlnal proof III HUll port of hl cJlllm , auel
that BBltl prouf will ho nlade bolero lol : : laler sncl
Rel'olver , at lIokclIllow. Nehrukll. 011 IJecem.
btr II , IfJ : ! , vlz : MAtlTlA ! 0 nUWMAN , All'
selmo , Neb , tor the ! lump"'elul ' Aprllc-tloll
Nn. 4'IZ , NHw . 111'11010 25. w ( NeVi amI
! \\J ! e l , ( ' .20.2Z. lie lIalllOK the follnwllg ! wit
fOIlSI s 10 provt. hlA conllnuolis re ldolico nllull
and cullI\'alloli of 811111 lalld , vlz : WllIlplII 11I.lrll
ot AIII"II1I'I. NrhlOllkl : Archil ! Meek 0'11,1 ,
mo , " ; ChurlcA IIIJlorll , of . \ . . . . . " e.
hr ka : Knlls Scott ot AIiPelmo , Nt brl > kll
20.25-102 JAId&I' WIIITKUEAU , lit gl tcr.
III cOlluty court , within 011I1 ror Cu ter COlility.
Neb l1 ko III the lDatter or Ihcollinto ot Alarolll
n 110\\11I1111 tlocesKl.d.
'J'o Ihll erc"ltor of .11111 f1tlhlo :
You , uo herony nolltlel. 'l'hllt I will lit nt lh.1
C'lIlInty court room , III IIrokml How , III 1\\11\ \
county nn Ihl' 17th II"y of Dlo. 11102 : 011 the 17th
dAY ( , t FelJr. loo3.Il1d ; uu 1111) 171h day or April 11I03 ,
lIcb I\t 10 o'clock II. III of l'IICh .IIIV , to rOI "IVII
1111I11'xMlllne all elllllll' lI alu.t slcl e'llIle , with
a v'ew ' 10 tIolr aIlJu'lIn"lIt IInllIlIuwaIICl' , .
' 1'lIutllllo IImltell for the IIreloutnlloll uf c1ahll.
r.alll.t . : , , "hl "lIlato IIx 11I11111 b8 fr lII tllII l'llll
IIRY of Ot : 1103 11111Ihe tlmn IIlIIlted for fI"Y-
IIIClit nr cluhtri I I1I1It ) 'ullr trom . "lel IIMu Wit-
11"8. IIIV lI.nolllulllle ' 01 uf IIIhl cnlllltv cnull
thlri Illh day or Oct , 11"2. ' 1.21-11 ! > I
J A. Allilonr , COllllt ) ,111111(0.
. . -
' " . . , .
. . . - . . - . . . . .
. _ - - - . . - _ . _ - - - . . "
I America's
Editorially FoorloBIl .
Conslstontly Ropublloan
NCWA froltl all of the world-Well
writtcn , orlglnl11 stories-Answers
tu qucries-Articlcs on Hcalth ,
the Holtle , New hooks , 111111 on
Work about thc fnrm null gardeu.
The W ekly
Inter Ocean
Is n mcmbcr of the Associated
Prcs , .lIw ouly Westel'll Ncw ) ( !
rccelVIII thc eutire tc1cgrnp lic
ncws servicc of the New York S'\1I1
nnd spccinl cablc of the New York'
Worllldaily.rcports . froUl. over
: ZXO speclnl corresJlondents
throughout the country.
Subscribe fur the RICl'UIIIICAN
I1ml the Wcckly Intcr O l\n enc .
) 'car , both papers for $1.50.
It IHn't the . . .nterIRI
th..t acCiCH Into , , 'our
rCIlIlrccI ' ' ' 'Wllch IhHI
rCH"UH In II. Icrfcct
JOh , It Is the
{ ffow .
thnt 11009 Ule 1In8111U89. IUIY llUOlClnr
01\0 buy the I1no kinds of materml
tbltt I u o In rCJl"lrln ; bnt 8klll
18 the 1I108t vl\ltlt\hlu . . . "terllthnt !
JOII bu n ocl In wnteh {
nl1l1 the'r . cnn't buy It ,
Bell my skill for wlmt It III worth
nUll It will OOBt yon lOBS thao '
bltoqllnK PIt. lowI1r prloee , .
Jewcler I\nd Optlolnn ,
WOBt Ride of equnro ,
jHtOI N BOW , NJ B ,
1.lucul. . , nenver ,
0. . . . . . . . . . Ilclcuu ,
ChlcUIlO , lIuttc ,
. .t Jo..Cth , . -Ol'U..II ,
III"'HAH : Clly , Hun I.akc City ,
Ht , 1.,0nlH , A "II H..lrrnncIHco
U l-oI..t , . . lijuHt. ; Alld Al1l"ulu"
nd "ontll 'VCHt.
No. 4l-V8oUbuled : e1I'rOllllallJ : ! Lincoln , Oma.
ha , fH. JOlep' ! KanlAs Clt" tit. IAmll Cbl
oago 111111 "lIllo\:1 \ i Ullllt nnll ollth. . . . 807 a.m.
No. 44-1.00111 OXl1rC8Q llrolly , I.1neoln. mllha ,
Cblcajo IInd 1111 poilits ell8t IIlId sOUtllln ! o a. m.
No. HYuAUbllloloxpreu dally , 11olona , Hcnl.
tlo , lIuUo , I'ortlal and all I'aclllc Cout
Ilolntll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 IH am
No. 43-I.oc41 cxpreA8 dally , Alllallru aud
In&ormelllllo : volntl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II M pm
I 8100111nl : , IIILlng ant ! rccllnll ! $ cbalrcara ( ' 011
Iruu ) on through tralll . ' 1'lckell lold antI bai-
flIglJ chocked to IIny point III th , United tltate.
alld Canada.
In/ormation , map. , IImu &AbleB and &Icket
r.all on or wrUo to II. L. OrmBby , agent , or J
Frllllcl. . O. I' , A. , Omllhv , Nobrll8ka.
II. I. . OIUllSIIT , Allont , '
Pouch for woet will close I\t 8 p. m. , eItClJlt :
81111d8) ' whonlt will elope at 111\6 I' m.
Ponch , 01l8t lor traIn No..4Z OIOlIOS lit II am.
nnd tOI No. 44 closee nt. 0.30 B.ID. Mall tor Aulle ,
, IIn"llolllt8 ouat lit UrAlld 18IKlld o rrlod on traIn
No. 44.
OCOlito Till ot IIYllo end Tllckorvllle , dally ex-
I cuptiunda \ ) ' clu ell , Bt 7" fit returDIlig 81mB da ,
Call8\VllY ' 1'111 , Mc'milley dall , exot.'Pt BultdllJ'
, cloAua lit 7 " III , returnIng eBIDo dllY. .
Hound Yolloy via Ureen IInd lUton 010.0 aU a
I 1II..Tucadoy , 'l'bursllay IInd 1lIltnrIlRJII : , returning
8al 0 .1ay.
SlImllor ,10 GllrDHOY , Gcorgeto\Vn . alld Ul'tOD
I Arrrivoe at1.30. . Tuu.IIII , 'l'burld Y aud tlatur.
I day rotllrul/ll ( IORve. I1t 1 .30 ame day.
, OmlH h01tr8rolll I ! . ( } ( ) II m to 8.00 JI In. 8ug-
I\"ye trnml n511. III. ' " :4t1 : p. III. LIIJby open
: 1 we k da8 trum 8. ID. to II I' ' III. 8unll4\e tJSU
. III tu II . m ( lolier.1 dOllvllry not open . ! : Inu.
lIay momln. . . : 118 huretufure. L. 1I.JllwIITT. 1'.111'
- - - - . -
- . .
- . -
- - - - - - -
- -
, .
J1J I m @ I AM GOING ' 1'0
r : - \ : f h ? iii f CLOSE
m ' ; 'i' ' \ , ! I : j I m 0 UT . . .
I ) I " ' - - - ' ' ' - ' m
[ : . . . . ? ' ! ' ! & -If.1 entire 8look of , Ol1l in priceB .
m I , : PtL'1If.1 . , . : . rn My olothing Big
. r.
ll' -t2J..t > .m ' "
m ' ; J. . . . L.-r ( ! : \d ' of IJ die'l Shoot ! to rct1l1oc the stook. Como and
I ; ' ; r'l hyA i 'R'MiDE SUIT .
I i i > . Prices From $8.50 U 1 ;
II The rigors of winter will $ eon As Good As You Vlant. :
be over ,
ahead , Don " t forget that we
Pleasanter : days
I Bright things In store f < 'r all. .
D Braghtest things In Men's Dress S ELL G ROC E R I ES
I Coeds that have ever shown . .
we . . .
. a. 0 aJ ! 1 1 IJ rIOC ! ! , lUll I pay t I Ie
I m -0 r se en. . -
Come and took at them- SUO.
. .
Itterns ; for the Spring and 51.11I' HI"'hest Market Pnces for Produce
received from Th . '
Im - Just -
H yal Tailors , Chicago , U. S. A , < , " . I
Everything made to your meas. . . m R R YAY . i
WIse-oraces u e--l1I : he tlme- wondrously never low , 'A ' , ' . I
, : ' . ' ' ' ,
L m Broken 13 ( ' v , Nebrl1Hkn , : ! . ' : . >
. . . . . . . . . - . . ' , ' , , '
- - -
, -
( ,