Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 3

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    J .
" " : ;
1I11V A \ ' TO TilE GALt.OVB
SJOUX Fa1ls. S. D. , Oot. 28.-Walk-
10g Shield , a Rusebud Indian , has
been hun lor the wJrder ot Mrs.
the Rosebud
Ghost-Faced-Bear on
Indian leservatlon Muy 8. 100l. On
the way to the galluws tbe Indian
Joked with the marshals. The mur-
'dered womun was the mother ot the
girl with whom Waladng Shield was
namoured and the Indian kllled her
"so sbe would not be in the way.JJ
. Last nl ht at sundown Walldug
' < , Shield sang a weird death son , as Is
the custom of Indluns abJut to dlc.
Love for a woman whose regard for
blm 1Wderwent a change because of
t the clv1lizln Influence of tbe white
" ! man'8 rollglon led Walkmg Shlold to
iJ commit the crime for whlcb he paid
t the death penulty. Not understand-
I. . .
. ! ing wby his his affection was not re-
ciprooated. but blaming the mother
of Mabel Ghost-Faoed-Bear tor stund.
tng between him and his heart's deSire -
Sire , the sava e stole at nlgbt tu the
canin of the woman , 8bot and kllled
tbe motber , seizing the daughter.
rode away to bis camp three mlIes
The story of this Indlan'8 love tor
the Ilom : : : maiden possesses many ele-
ment8 f a romance. WalklnJt ; Sblelc1
. was a "blanket Indian , JJ one wbu
; ' . adhered to tbe bellef of bls tore-
tatbers. The great Spirit and the
'J happy hunt1n grounds of tradition
" were his God and his Heaven. The
, " killing of u squaw was , al'cordlng to
{ bls reasoning. merely an incIdent In
attu1nment or happiness.
' ; ' ' ' ' His victim and ber daujChter : were
" ( ) brI8t1an Indians. Education at the
, Carlisle Indian schooi was a tnctOl
t 1n opening the eyes of the girl to the
\ imperfections of her tormer lover.
' 1 : f.fhe mother , ignorunt , and old and
ogly. but posse'islng the Intuition of
' /0. , . ' .the wuwan , prevented an elopement
ot her daughter when the latter wus
" bUnded to the faults at Walking
, Sbleld.
Ten years ago Walking Shield. then
11 a rugged. handsome youtll. daring
, I and reckless , attracted the attention
, ot Mable Ghost-Faced-llear. Mable
\ , returned the atIeotloD.
WaJkl nR Sh leld betrayed a love of
adventure wblch led him to crime. !
lip robbed the store of Sylvan Wiu-
ter , the post trader ut Luwer Brule
agency. lIe was cau ht and throwu
into jail. from whlcb lIe esoaped by
sawlUg his way out.
' 1 'lIe IndIan police were aroused
aDd opened Ure on the pllsoner. II e
sl10uted dellance to his eUl'mles , and
running amid a ball 'Jt flying lead.
reached the Missouri rl vcr haIr a !
I mile away. Altbough exhausteD by
his exertions , be threw hlu.seIr Into
the stream. 1'he bullets ot bls pur.
6uers pattered about hl8 head. 11e
swam aclOss the rlverand taking tu
the bluffs , went sllutb opposlto White
I rlver , where he again swam thu
\ stream and rejoined bls tribe on the
Rosl'curt reserva tlon.
His exploit made him a bero among
the youug DraVes. Walking Sbleld
defied the police , who feared 111m.
He was nbver re.arrested. F ( ur years
later ho ana hl8 brother ran 011' u
herd of oattle and were captured and
locked up at Deudwood. 1'he brother -
er committed suicide by hunglng and
Walking Shield later escaped. stlUck
out tor the foot hills and was left In
'l'hese transactions In no marmer
, injured his social staudlng among
the Indians or his ellglblhty as a
llusband , but Mrs. Glwst-J'acl'd ! Dear
oblected to her '
dauglHer's etlgage-
ment and forbade her assucclatJolJ
with him. Mubel planned to elopi
witlJ her reckless lover. The moth.
er locked her dau hter In her room ,
1'bo next day shc was taken to the
agency and the 8tal-O : bore hflr awa
to the Carlisle Indian school , whele
she remallled three yel1rs.
When she returnl'd she was a dllTer
ent girl. She avulded Walking
Shield 1'he Influence ut tbe rellgluu
and euucatlon of the I'palo faco"
had wrought tbeohang
Dut of tbls Walking Shield know
Dotblng. In tbo sbade ut hl8 lonely
Has a Bullet In HIM tI d.
Chlcu o , Oct. 28.-Tho body at
Nels Anderson. said to have been one
ot the OIl1st widely kncm n stellmslll p
, ( meu In the country , wus found today
au the WushlngtclU park lIlf links
by a pollcl'mun. CUD.lderahl" ! mys-
terv surruunds the ouso , us ther "US
a b'ullet hule In the III11n'8 lu'ad , ut
nil trace at any weapfln. ndersuo
wa. ; at one tJme eneral ajlent of .he
White Star Steamsllip cllmpany uod .
WIIS at ono tlrpe ouullect'd with' ' be , I
A\laaLlc B' lDil1lp compao , . LI
I ,
tepee at thp. 10 1\an \ cnmp llc smoked
Ius plpo and pondeled. The memury
lit thn opposition ot the wother at
the girl accounted tor the clH1fIJte ut
heart mUl".sted by the duughtor.
Be would ICmO\'O the obstuclo or his
happlncss I
'l'he night of May 8 , n sky overcast
by black clouds kept the red men of
the camp within their topel's. Walk.
IfI Shll'ld , at midnight , stele away
on the baok ot bls broncho nnd was
SO/fI ut the lodge of the girl , o
raised his rille nnd fired through the
door. A cry came trom within und
by a l1ash or lightning Walkln ! : Shelld
saw Mrs. Ghost-.Fucca-Uear In the
She quickly retreated , closing the
door behind her. Glln to the reo'
of the cubln the savage peere
through tiJe window. 'rhe next I
stant a flnsh lit up the lotorlor ,
rille sounded and the mottler ot Mub
fell to tlJe floor ' .1'he next Instant
Wulklng Shield was rousing the girl
ID the room adjoining that In which
his victim lay dying.
"Someb , dy sbot at me as I passed
the topee. " ho whispered to the
trlghtened girl. Your mother bas
gone to the polloo. "
Wbat Is that noise ? " asked tte 1r1
as Walking Shield led her througb
the darkened room past the body ether
her mother.
It Is notblng. " the murderer re-
plied. Des.lte the shrieks ot the girl ,
he seized her about the waist , swunR
ber onto the pony's back and rode
away to his tepee.
Walking Shield apparently realized
the seriousness ot his crime. He
stalked about the tepee until day-
lneak , wben he wen Into the bluffs
and eluded the police and deputy
marshals on his trail. A weAk iater
he sent word that he would surren-
der. He gave blmselt up at the Rflse-
bud agency and by Deputy Marshal
Petrie was taken to Dl'adwood , where
1\Iuble testilled against blm. Her evIdence -
Idence convlotd him' .
. _ : . ' "
" ' . - ; ; . . .
. /Ulssing / Consul Returns.
lluntlngton , W. Va. , Oct. 28.-
Alonzo Garrett , United States con8 1
at Lundo , Mexico. has returned to
the consulate , according to a tele-
ram recnivec1 here , after wandering
with a party ot triends In the Slrera
Mudre mountains for twenty days.
1'he party was on a hunting trip
and became wnterbound. Tbey
were cut oiI from the outside world
and fears were entertained tor tbelr
satety. Still , excevt tor short food
supplies and a superabundance at
water , tholr su11'ering was campara.
tl vley sllg b t.
Thrown nnd Neck Broken ,
New York , Oct. 28-Frank E. El-
well ot Brooldyn , an international
authority on motorcyel1ng and a frequent -
quent contributor to the mnJ\azloes ; \
devoted to tbls sport , has been klll'
ed near IIIcksv1lle , L. I. , while par-
til'lpatlng In a chIli race.
The bead stem of the machlrle
hroke as he was speeding along at a ,
fast clip , and he was hurled to the
rollnd with suoh torce that his nerole
was brulCn. Eh\ ell bad traveled
through Europe. Asia and Northern
AfJlca on tbe machIne tbat caused
his death ,
1'here were seventy-two cyclist in I
the pa ty. Elwell wus the last man
In thfl string. As the 1- ty neared
l1icksvllle ho put on full power in
order to catch up with tI.e and
whllo crossing the railroad tracks
his machine sUddenly fell apart. I
When a pbyslolan reaohed him he ,
was dead.
British Not Pursued.
London , Oct. 28.-A dispatch to
the Dally Mull trom Simla , India , reo
ports thut Colonel Swayno and
forces are conllnulng their hiS/ /
flOID Bohotlo to Bel bflra , Somalliand ,
East Atrica , and that they are not
llomo made bread Is responsible tor
many a crusty temper.
Prlsoner8 when arrested In Morraco
are required to pay the policeman
for his troutle In taking them to
It Is announced that the BritIsh' '
museum hus pUll'hused the ten.pound
aerolite which fell reoontly at Crum-
IIn , County A ntrlm , Ireland. I
Each year abuut $5UUOO If ! expended
III ! lprlnkllng the stleets of London
with sand to prevent borses from
sl1pplng. I
It great cold turned our atmos-
phure to liquid air It would make a
, eu thirty-live leet deep over the -
tuce of the whole globe. sur-I
- - -
The longest continuous stairway In
the world Is that which leads to the
tower of the Phlludolphla City ball
It oomprlses 5D8 steps.
'I wo Killed In a Wreck.
New Orleans. , Oct. 28-1'he north
bound tralll 1111 the Mississippi Valley
road , whloh left belo at 1O:15u'c1ock :
last ; III ht , was Nrelked 81JUth of
llaton Hou e as a resull. of runlllnlC
Into a IIw\'o of cattle. 'rhe enllre ,
train was ditc'hod. BlIglneer Heary :
Kehlman ot New Urleans and a negro .
Iramp wcre killed. Murnoe 11. 1
Hughes , a oigro titeman was tatally
Injured. None ot the passenger8 were
burt , though many had aarrow esI I
apes. II
I , '
'T -
" . . " . . " . . , . . - - - - - - . . . . . . . . .
Joseph W. Folk Is looked UpOIl : IS the
mnn of the hour III St. r ollill. 1I1J hnll
brought to bn ) ' the men who urlJ nll..I : . d
, . . _ . . . . M. . ' . ' . . . . . " . . ,
LU 1111 n. : L uuu 1111 :
clt . br rellortlng to
brlher ' , 1\1111 nohe
dec\ure8 \ he wllllnnd
them In thlJ Ill'nlllm.
tlnry. Mr. l.'olk'us
borll III 'l'lJlIlIlJllllee.
It'or 'lJurll he WIIS a
IItrllgJlInJ : 'uun ; ;
11w 'er III St. LUIIIH.
. ' .rhlJn hi' Willi elected
c I r cui t nttol'II"r.
'l'hl're Iii ( lothlll\ :
, "r . pllrtllulllrl ! ) ' tl'nlllt.
I JOSElll . . . .
W. For.i. .
Ing ubout this ) IONI.
Uon. It consists of sUJl'rvlllln tllIJ llrmm.
cutlon of nil crltnlnnl trill Is In his COllllr ' .
Dllt Mr. Folk llroceeded to mnklJ , > onlt ! '
thltlJ : out of the llll1ce by ettlnJ : aft..r the
1I00dlers who hu'e Infeted St. LOllis fOI
I the last tWlJnty renr ! ! . At firlt he'UII
laughlJd at , but now he Is fellrl'd b ' thole !
. who jeered at him and Is belllg conrllt- !
ulated by the respectnhle pll'ment In t.
- : - : .
I 'o l\Iurquls Ito , boUI In IInd out uf
1111 > IIn , III nscrlbed the cre lt for the nego-
tllltions of the Anlo-JllpllUelllJ ) trlJllt ' of
I Inutunl prutlJcU'1Il _ _ _ _
ngnlns't tl ! lI gres'
slon of Hustll:1 : In
the Orient. ' .rhou h
the mnrquls In IIJ. :
shnlng ; the prlJ11Ih'r.
ship of .J Ulnn ) Icem.
cd to rctlre from
politics , It Is cvldent
that he reslglll'd to
perform nn even
greater political mls.
slon. He ntllclc his
tour of the world ,
. . .nunl. . . .h n. . ' . .hlu
. l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' b . .uu. . . . . . . . . . . MAIIQlflB ITO.
countr ) ' nnd vhuUn ! ;
I [ . .ondon aud St. Petersburg. The trip
lonmed innocent enough , but hl' wns blaz ,
In ! : the wuy fol' , Tapnn. Defore he reach.
ell home , the negotiation of the tNnty
Wilt ! announced.
. ' . -1'
Congruss1I1nll Charles dgar Little-
field , who will be requested by President
Hooserelt to c1rnft an IUltl-trust bl11 fez
, . , _ I'nn..tl1'rntlnn nl''lt
_ _ _ . _ _ . n. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Congrcss , Is the
representative ot
the Second District
of Maine and wnl !
electe to fill the
' " ' cnused
'o"ucnncS' by
the denth of Con.
gressmun Dingley.
l\Ir. Littlefield Is a
nntive of Lebanon ,
Me. , nn Is l yellrs
old. IlIJ wall lid ,
mlUn.1 'n .Iu I.oM I
I . . . , . . \u .u . . . . : un. u'
1870 , becnme a
. . LITTLIl'WLD : .
member of tbe
Maine Leglslnturo In 18,135 , IInd Speal < ez
In the following 'elll' . Ill' ser\'ed HS At-
Lorne ) ' General of Maine from 1S8J ! to
. : - : - I
"Little Hell , " In Chlcngo , Is to ha'l"e
a chufch. Rev. Dr. John H. Boyd of
the First Presbyterlnn Chnrch of [ JJVOIH.
ton , has told the .
I members of ! tis
congregation thut
I the Jowly uro too
\ oVCl'lookel1
by the high. Ill'
believes thnt mis-
810nVork should
he lIlHlertnken III
the dUI'k l tI' < .ts
uf the cltr. IIi
ongregution thlnk
n8 he doeR , for tht.
L" ' " - . ' -
( Irepnrntor ) ' IItOI'IL"
11.\ , ' . , .
\ ' been tnken to 11.IHI UuU )
11stitute 11 new mls810n In "Little llell"
II1d to cnrry on 8IJttlement work. Dr.
no 'd has been hend of his present church
for the pnst seven yea \'II IInd has 11111du
wonderful strides III hill work. IIIJ WfiS
Lorn In Mlsliisslplll.
I Admirers of 1\fr : to - , who Is the
editor nntI IlIIbJlsher of the Omalm ISte ,
: Iuhu thnt he Is one of the gl'cat news.
I _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ . . _
111I111:1" IlIln 01 ule
country. Ill' hUB
come Illto proml ,
nence by bolting the
nomination of 1,10n.
gressman Dnvld II ,
Mercer , who hUI !
repr'sentl'd the
Omnha cllstrlct since
1812. ! The NenNa-
Hn..1 nn.rn n .1. . .
. _ - . .u. . . . . . . " . .v. . U UI\ :
E. nOSE\\ ' ATIHI.edltor , 1ft'tI
vnrlOU8ly. S 0 me !
Ihlnk he WQ8 actuated by pnrty 10)'nIty ,
Ithers . nro of the opinion that the bolt
' . .as adopted IUI 11 m'uns of "glJttlng
I\'en" wIth personnl enemy. So IUlh h
II certnln , however , the action has canHl'cJ
. ! Stir of more than locnl Interest.
- : - : -
Interest In Senator William P. Fr'o I
IfInlne ; \ Is revived by the rumor thnt he I
Ii ngaln to marry , his \Vlfl' hflvhu : .111'.1 . I
about 18 month" ,
ngo. Ills first wife
WUII Onrollne
Speare. nnd the
ludy to whom ho Is
now fl'ported to be
ngllged is Mills
1 lIen M ny of PIJI't-
\1nd. 1\Ie. 'l'he SI'n-
! tor Is no\v 7 : . ! ) "eIU'd
) Id , 1"orty-olIlJ ) 'eu\'ll I
11:0 he mnde his de.
IJUt In nubile lie" tf.1 : .
- u. . n _
II lIlenibl'r of the I.\\'J UII 1"11J. : . . I
Unlne Ll'glslature. Ill' wus II llreloldcn-
: lnl elector In 18GIVns
- , \Vns first electtJd : to
ongress In 1871 nnd has represPllte ( )
IIlIlnlJ In the foellntlJ fur
twent "onl' 'ea's.
: \fss \ Ethel Veltel , otherwise known liS
' . : 'rlxle , the girl who met with thlJ IIccl.
"mt In tlae sllde.for.IICo from thwlIlt'r :
\"orks tQwer nt Stillwater , O. ' . , died
rom her Injuries. She was 1 { ) YOllrd old
.llllllvlJd nt Joplin. 1\10. \
Flro willed out the
entire business lor-
Ion of Gervais , Ore. , two blocks of Crulllo
1II11I1Inl8 , being deatroye . 'he los8 Is
1.0,000. '
NeW' trial grunted JnlUes Wilcox. 1 1 .
Ibeth City. . C. . under Hentl'nce TU Le
IlUIged for the tIIurdor of Nelllo Crt/plley
- , . L l. ! . -
4,329CASES 1,650 DEATHS
lJonllr"'RU nt One l'lnco tll IJrt'nk Out IL
Another-Jnlln" , ( : hllllnllli IH.trlcts III
1 & :1pt lIelll ! ; ScourJell.
Washington , Oct : 29.-1'he teartul
ravages of plague and cholera in the
old world arc set lorth in muH ad.
vl es received b ' tbc marine hospital
From Manlll1 Chief Quarantine
Ol1lcer l > makes cunscr\'atl
erry a \ ve
estimate that the cuscs of cholera
that ha ve actunlly occurred I D the
l'hl1lpplne Islands slnce Mllrch 20
IIISt , uggreJtute se\'enty-11 t housund.
wltb a mortality ot 75 per cent. lie
suys under date ut St'ptembor 10 , that
the dlseaso has practically d Isuppear.
cd from these provluces I1rst lutcot.
cd. 'l'ho o most recently affected 1\re
sulTerln soverely.
Tne province of 110110 al\d llpd. \ ! .
jacent Islund of Nebros ure badly. 'n. '
footed. ' 1'he situutlon I ! ! 1\ll\rmlng. \
Sarno of the tuwuS ! tn these pro.
vlnce8 have IU8t 10 per cent at their
population. The epidemic continues
In Japan the latest artvlces show
thllt tbero have been 4,329 , cases and
1.050 deaths from cholcrll.
The cbolera slluutlon in China has
been Bummed up. Provinces of Hu.
nan and Shansi. the cltllJ , report a ,
foUowa : Nanleln , epidemic , forty
thousand deathsj Shouyanghslcn. ep.
Idemlc , hreo thousand csaes per
( Juy j lIslncbou , epidemic ; 'l'alyuan
Fu , epldemloj IIslnotientzo , cpl.
demicj Shuuyang , epidemic. Shl1lch ,
epidemic ; Klnklang , reportedj Nan.
cthangfu. reported j : : : ; heoJang , reporl. Coo Ohow , reportedj Tlen ' ] , 'sln.
reported. In llrlDR KonK since the
beltlnnin of the outbreak there have
been 459 cases and 3DO doaths. Not.
withstanding this the local author.
Itles dcolllro the colony free trom
pIa ( ue Intectlon.
According to Ii report ot tbo dl. .
reotor generalut the E\typtlan \ depurt.
! Dent or health tbe cholera epidemic
oontlnues tu claim u largo number 01
victims. The lIumber of infected
plates Inl'reascd to 1,557. The num.
lIer of cases re lstored during th ( '
weeK ended September 15 , amounted
to V.407 wllh 8,178 deaths ,
or the 2i)20 / cases of cholera r ( ' .
Istel'eo between July Hj and Allgust
15 , 2:1.081 : were ratal DllrlnH' the
fuur days trom September HI to September -
tember 10 , there were Ic l.tered .1 , '
048 cuses anr ! 3.701 deaths. In Sue ?
Ill'tween Septtmber 15 aud Septembel
19. twenty-u I ne fresh cllses were reg.
Istered. In Damletta the dally num.
her of cases recc.rded Is said to br
thirty. Knrnale and Luxur are also
Infected wlt.h the diseuse.
In Alexandria during the weel (
ending September } / ) , sixty-four
11ases ot cholera occurred amllll
Europeans. with forty-one deaths
Durlo the following IIvo days thirty
live laSI'S : und tlVenty lIyo deatbs wore
mil Posters Hl1ve a Riot.
Chicago , Ort. ! } . -In a riot cauie !
by the American Pllstln service' "
I1ttempt. to po , > t bills on a board al
Murgan and West Monroe streets , b
the use of non. un Ion 1l1bor , seven
men were severely Injured. Service
:10 : the Morgan street car line wa'
mspended and a riot call was sen t Ir .
A Inrge orowd gathered at the cor. . er
wd many of them assisted the unlul.
Itlen In stopplnll the work. Whell
ll.o pulice arrl ved the non.unlon mell
IJUd deserted their wagons and es-
aped ( rum the showers or stllncR
Jr Icks and other mlSS Is. 'l'ho CWd
lIspersed upon the appearance of tile
101lne. and nJ : arrests were Ulade.
A bill ur Injunction was I sued b )
rudge Ch'lmus toduy on oehulf 01
he A mer lean pustl ng servl ( ' ,
lI3lDSt ! the blll postelS' and bllll rs'
wlon. No. I , rcstralnlng the unluu
'rom malntalnln pIckets 10 front or
n the vlclility of the plunt of the
\merlcan posting sOlvlce. It uis ,
'estrlots the union trom Interforlr g
vlth mcn " 110 arc working on till :
) , urds or the company pusl1ng bills.
Willing to 00 Ualf Way.
: Ohlongo , Oct. 2D-Hepresentath' S
It the various rnilloacls centering III I
hlcugo met today and took up the
lemauds tlled wit/ / ) them on Saturduy
IY the brotllCrlwod of rnlhv lY train.
IJen 1'llese demunds arc fo the meu
mployed In the yurdM , and are ror an
IIcreaso 10 wales averaging \1bout \ 10
ler oent It was understood bQL thr
lemants are willing to arre : , to a Jf
lor aOQ increase.
_ _ . - . . - , - - , . _ , . . \7'.J , . . . . .
- -
- -
- - - -
, . . . . . - - - - - . . . . . . _ -
I New York.atrlkt I "SlJttlcrnent , fl'rnuVell or the the only con IIQ
rlous hnndlell(1 ( to Indutltrh\
lrogrlJslI. 1o'1\1J luonthll of relltrlctetl hH
l'I'uduetion hnd begun to check tblJ wlwell
lit IIInny rnnnuCllcturln centers , wbllf
therlJ WI19 a IlCrclJlltlhlo dllllinution It'
'consIlIllPtl\1J dernnndH. n9 thlJ IlIIrchlIdna :
uf thl atelldll ' cJ
power ) wnge'lJllrlllr )
Irellsecl. SII\'lng9 hn\'o been oxhllulltl ! ,
nnd lIIueh 1lI0nlJ ' hils gnnlJ out of the
countr ) ' beclllllle of thlll IItrugle ; , Iut tht
nollon's rl'lIInrkllbl ' stronl : pOtJltlun n ! !
snrrs 1specd ' relllorlltion of prOSpll'UUI
conditions , " 'l'ho CorlJgohlJ : Is Crorn the
Week ! ) ' 1'rllllo He\'IIJ' " or H. G. Villi ,
Co. It rontlnue ! ! :
'l'runsportlltlon Is now the worllt ff n'
tnrlJ , and threlltlJnll to coutlnulJ disturb
In ! : . While the grnln crol1g ere bulllil
1lI0\'ClI the HUI'lly ) or r01llng Rtock nnd
1I10tl\'O powlJr will pro\'o hIHUUlc\lJllt \ , 111
thou/h / o\'cr ) ' effort III mllllo at tllIJ HhnpB ,
IIberul ) ) remllllUIi blJhl' ' ; offere,1 fur lJurls
d lIver ' . 'l'hllt the rullwu's lire wlJIIc. .
cUllled III evhlenced b ' eurnhl/H / Cor the
first wcek of October 3. Iler cent lurer !
thun Il\st ) 'lJnr und 10,0 ller cellt ubovu
Jnnllequnte sUlllll1ell of fuel cnuseJ fur-
tllI'r hnllkhlJ : of furnllce8. but thu offeet
: If 11 ecrensl'd outut ) of domestic III ! ; 11'011 .
hall bcell pnrtly ncutrllllZl'll by Inrgcr nr. ,
rlVl\l1I from nbrond. Prnctlclllly 110 vrlce
cnn be nHmed for Inunedilito llelh'IJl'Y ul
homo Iron. UII thm'o Iii no dlsllosltlon to
nluke concclllllolIS Cor lllstnnt l'OntrllctH ,
: lwln , ; to thlJ nl.ll1orll1ul coke Rltuotlon.
l ortunately there 111111 heen II ttl l' Inter-
rUllt10n nt IIIIIHhhlJ : ml11s , und the outtmt
of rullll. structurul IIIlIterlnl nlld klnl\l'etl \
lines Is wl'lI mllintuilled. Consllmers nul
only find dllUcult ) ' 111 securlllg tited frow
the mills but encounter n further clelu )
on the rnllwl\'s , which nre unnb10 to hnn.
die freight Ilrolllptly. Orders como for.
ward fredy Cor the henvler IInell , numcr-
) U9 contrnctll being offerecl for stecl rnlill
for next y'nr's deliver ) ' . nlld the pinus for
bulldlng8 nnd bridges kcep n lot of bUlli-
ness 111 slht , In he lUllS. chnnnols and nn'
iles , Plate8 for sbl(1)'urds ( nre 11180 :
[ reely. . priccil tendlnl : upwllrd on taulk
Itl'el. UlghlJr Crelght rutell huro O\IoCI \ ( .
C i"ports or Ons1red. Bteel ,
'J'l1e railroads con\hllll \
I Cblca o. J piling U ) ) oarnlllls an not'
I wlthtitnndlni : the grCAt declines -
clines IInturnlly to bexllected In thu reports -
ports of thlJ IInthrnc\te \ cOlli roadR , the
Corty-three lending IInell show an nggl'1-
gllte Incrense for the firllt week In Octoher
of 0.18 per cent over the corresllolllllnf ;
week Inst 'enr , ThlJ Grent Weat.\11 re.
, runlns \1l1certaln fllctor in the wellterr
rate situntlon. The Mllwnukeo Is ho
lIeved to be contemplntlng an extlJlltilot
to the const. although the Intest repol"
SIl 'S trumc nrrnnJemlJnts hnve been Iler.
f'ctcd with the Union Puclf1c' uncI thnt
the Mllwnukee will not build. at leU'lt
not nt prescnt. 'l'hero 18 S0ll10 grumbling
011 the pllrt or rnllwuy cmployes III the
West. but nothing hUll occurred to ' , 'Ufo
rnntlny UIlClIsillellS /lpprohensloll ot
allY trouble.
Oooler went her hnH helped retnll trmle
. Iodernto ndvnnces are 1I0ted 111 mlln ,
commoclltle8 , wh\1e \ Iroll nnd Hteel nro nan.
tcrlnl1 ' higher. With coni obtllilluble
mnny furllllces thut hllvo beell crippled
Cor a 1I10llth or moru nro expectl'll la
I'csumo operutlons on tht ! former 11I1'g8
scale , 'fhe Northwcst III mnklllJ. ; Bub.
Htalllt 11 Illlns In the Jencrlll'olllmlJ 01
/luslne'H. / 'L'he Nflrth I\'l'lIt 10ll ll tlao cOin
try. I.IIHt week l\IilllllJUlolI1I ) IJrolw m'lJry
Ilrevlolls record with II pruduetlon of ' , '
sao burrelH of lIour. ' .rho lIour demllnd h
1:0011. with InfJulr ' eomhlJ : frolll VCr'y !
flunrter IIl1d the ) lroslect ) Cllvornble Cor
IlIJllvy grinding by the Northwestern 1111I1f
to the turn oC the yellr , Ol'nln recllItlt !
IIrc IncrlJlIShlJ : IIOUllJwhut. Jubhlng IInll
mnlluCllcturln lines IIro doillII / HnUIICac-
tory buslneHs. 'l'ho hunkll relIl.t ) the
f1l1nnc\al \ tone very Cllvorllhle.
'l'he whont mllrket hils belJn cOlltlnu ,
ously IItrollg , ) ) lIrtly 111 IIYIIIlIlUIY ) wltb
the strength In corn. 'l'hero Is little
, , 'hent 111 l\IhlllelllolIs ) uncI not mOl'e than
enough coming to HUP111y the mills , while ,
mlllerH lIelllng lIour freely hl\vo been hid. I
jerH p.\'ery dny for whellt to nrrlve. I
[ ; : ,1 , ! ; l ? s )
. _ _ -T _ . . . . . . . . . . .
Chlcngo-dllllllJ , cumlnon to 1II'rue ! ,
$4.00 to $7 , O ; hogll , shlppln ; frlldetl , I
f4.2 to $7,15 ; aheep , fllir to choice , 2.oo
to $3.CiO ; whent , No , 2 red , 70e to nel
: : orn , No.2 , e to Me ; outs , No.2 , 20 < < :
to 28c : rye , No.2 , 4He to 40e ; hllY , tlm.
: lthy , $8. O to $1J.i : O ; 11I'III1'1e , $0.00 to
13.oo : butter. cholco creamery , 21c to
2.1c ; cggs , frl'sh. 1& to 22e ; potutoc ,
Ijiie to 42e per bUlihel. I
Jndillnapolis-Cllttle , shipping , $3.00 to
HGO ; hogs , choice light , $ ' 1.00 to $7.00 ; I
sheep , cummon to prime. $2.t : 0 to 3fjO :
wheat , No.2 , 70c to 71e ; corn , No. 2
white , ( lOc to 01c ; oats , No. 2 white ,
31 ( ' to 32c. , I
St. r.ouls-Onttle , $4.GO to $ { .2fi : hO H ,
:1.00 : to $7.00 : sheep , $2GO to $1.00 ;
wheat. No.2 , USc to Ue : corn. No.2 ,
55e to t : Gc ; ontll , No.2 , 2Uc to 3Oc ; rye ,
No.2 , 4-7c to 48c.
Clnehlllntl-Cllftle , $4.riO to $ Gi ;
houlI , $4,00 to $ i.2 ; Hheep. $2.JO ; 10
$3,2 $ , wheut , No.2. i4e tu 7 c ; corn. o.
mlxl'd , U2c to Oc : ! ; Ol1tll , No.2 ml'tod ,
30c to a1c ! ; f'e , No.2. filc to 2c.
Dotrolt-Cllftle. $ a.oo to $ U5 : ! : ho ,
FaOo to : ji0.00 ; shlJcp , $2.1'i0 ' to Hoe ;
\Vheut. No.2 , 74c to 7Uc ; corn , Nil. : J
rellow , flrie to IIBe : ont ! ; , No. a whitl : . .
Hc to 3rie : rye , "Ve to riOc. 'III
lilwllu1wl'-Wheat. No. 2 northl'rn , I
72e to 730 ; COMl , No.2. 01c to Ur : : Olltll ,
No.2 white , 32e to aac : rye , No. I , ! iOe '
: u 2c ; bnrlcy , No.2 , 03e to tHe ; Ii0rlC ,
ness , $17.40.
'l'oll'o-Whent } , No. 2 mixed , 740 to
ific ; corn , No.2 mixed , 42c to 43c ; oats ,
No. 2 mixed , 27c to 2 e ; clover Hce ,
Irltn , $ O.i ,
Uuffalo-Oattle. choice ! shipping IItee\'ll ,
4.00 to $7.7 ; hUgH. fllir to llrhlle. 4.00
.0 $7.2fi ; Hheop , fllir to cholco , $ : t : ; to' ' : illwbs , common to cholcu , $ .1.00
o $ .f O.
Now York-Cattle , $ { .OO to $7.ooj
loglf" $3,00 to $7.00 ; 8beep. $3.00 to
; 3.75 ; wheat , No.2 red , 70e to 17c ; l'Oru.
o. 2 , Me to 110e ; ollts , No. 2 whit/ ) ,
tic to &Oc ; buth'r , cI'ellworl , c to 24cI
'iP ' , wuterD , 20c to 28c.
: : 'J. : < ' Ijj ) . ' ' " ! .JU " : , _ ' . F'- :
7ron , ' ; I.
. , (
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
t 1
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Dr Stephen S. Miller , coroner o. .
Dawson county , died suddenly.
MiCJ9 Laura Gregg , organizer and
lecturer of the Stnte Sulrrn e assoc-
IItion. addressed a lalile audience " ,
Humboldt Jast we k.
J.M. Hann1l at Ainsworth , received
nil nbdomlnnl WOUnd by tryhlR to
rope II ollif with a knlte io hlB hand.
110 Is seriously hurt.
West's Itrocery sturo at St. Paul
WIIS badly Ihll1ltlHed by re Sunday
lUornlng Most Of the 8toole was
saved. The loss Is covered by Insur-
' 1'l1e 14 yeur old son ot Daniel Kes.
oohll , reshJlng Ove mlles west ot Do-
utrlce was badly injured by being
thrown trom a pony. The chancoo tor
the Jad's reoovery urc tu voralJie.
Articles ot Incorporutlon haTe been
flied by Ute Uomun Oathullc catbe-
drnl building board , whlcb hUll been
orHunlzed to erect II oatherdl1l fu
Whllo thrcshlng neur El11s. GOttO
county , Chris Knooho. a prominent
German furmor , hud the mlsfllltun
to run the Une of 11 pltchtork In bls
right oye. 'l'ho dootor has little
hopes of saving the 'njured ' optic.
Oonduotor Hothlock , Drakcma.
Worl11sley und unothor brakeman
were budly bruised by a train on the
Missouri Pucillo near Nebraska CIty ,
plunging throuKh the bridge In 'be
creek twenty teet bolow.
' 1'ho ordlnanco aHowln"Y. . 1' . O.
Kenyon ot Omaha to purchase tbo.
ahanllonod lines to the old stook
yards a8 wlthdn\\VD by the C ) lUIOU .
andu new one 111 fOduccd , cqulrlng
a $100 tortea t us It BUllruntco , '
P.V Dlrkhous r wus showIng his.
frleuds a Becolld lUwth ot 8traw. .
berries tbnt bo picked trom hl8tarm'
south ot Papllllon 111St week. 'l'be
berries wore well formed and wotI . . .
rlpenod. ' 4'
A ml1l1 named Young was stabbod"
by 11 tellow tww chuylor ut. a dunce
given at the homo ot David Kluck.
near Rlchland , Youn 's condition
Is 80rlous. Ills assallunt i8 being
Many ImprOVemeIJt8 have been
made at Yutun during tbe last . , oar.
Fifteen now houscs have beeu bulltB
$5,000 church erected , two ether
I churcbes repaired. und manT brlo
. slde\yu ! ' I ! tl : i
. .
Coroner McCabe ot Ltnootu coonty .
wlIJ exnmlne Into the cause ot deatb
ot a man at WaUuce , found uudor n
wugon lJox. and of the deatb at R. A.
Urown , a mall drl VOl between here
and Gundy , who , from all uppear-
unces , droppe dead on his route
Hobert Tllompson , alias Joy , who
hus just completed a year'8 term In
the pelltentlury ror burglary In Oum-
' 1m , was met by a detective when no
stcPlled trom prison and taleen ta
Cunuda , where ho has a ten yeurs'
soutence tu servo.
John Wilson , un old Implement
dealer ot ' 1'rlllUlIul1 , wus severely and
pwJulJly ! fatally Injured by being
kicked uy II hurso. Ono of his I gs Js
brokon. some teeth lawcked out and
he \ \ as rendered unconscious tor several -
oral huurs.
Oharles Ogoms , a prosperous farmer -
er , committed sulcldo with a 22.oa1l. .
ber rlflo at his hOlue eight miles
nortbwest or Gibson , becuUSQ his
threshlllg wac ; delayed and the payment -
ment ot a few small debts retar ed.
Jl1s home rcl.1tlulls wcre pleasqn , ; .
I ltany A. , FIsher , n young turm l
llvln ( ! just east of J'aIlR ! CIty bud a
IIno hUlse. new buggy and hurness'
stolen. Bo Lied the borse to a hitch ,
rack In the main part of town and :
weut to do sume tradlug. lIe wag
gone Icss than thirty minutes. On
hl9 return the hOl80 was gone.
A t a 8peclal moetl ng of the bond'
of directors of the Wahoo Luther
academy It was decided to erect & '
: neIY schonl building at a cost or $18- ,
000. p , L. IJlyw , an architect trom ;
Llnculn , was appoluted to draw uPi
the pluns and hpecillcations. Work
w111 be cOllllllellccd us soon as the
plans are ready. 'l'he site lor th
! .Iulldlng Wll1 selected ut sunrise j '
with proper ceremonies. ' ;
'l'he persccutlon brought by Gover- 1
nn : Savage ug.tlnst Hurry lJurrls , & ;
carpenter whu Is churged with smug'f
lIlIg opium Inlo the pententlury , Is.
likely tu bo droppeo , as the two IIIflStl ! ;
Impurtant witnesses have dlsap- "
peared. 'l'hey were short term coo- . . / ; '
VICtS who had been dlsohar ed. '
An order hus beeu issued by AdJo- '
tant General Colby lIJustering outl
Company I , Secunrl re hnent , Nc- '
'br Iska National Gllurd. stationed at I
T cJlllsoh. 'l'he
principal ortlcerR resigned - ;
signed some tlruo IIgu and the com- I
puny failed to elect n captuln , Udlllg" ,
no line whu cared tor the plnce. 'l'hl )
Millard Rilles of Omaha may DO aB
slltned to11I / the vacanoy clcated.
D ow men die trolD overwork.Vorq
Is almost II harwless as a Ifle Hi