' - - ' . . . . . . . - - - , " , ( J" : " ( " " ' " . ' /1 / , , ' , , " , " , 'J " 1 v- Custor County Republican . . . . AK8UnRV. JIIDrron A rUntlsmm BROKEN BOW. NEDRASKA 'he youllg I\llIg : Alfolllln of HIIIIIII 1M IVcry Inch a bo ) ' . It talteR the COIIAtllllt Illhor oC 110,000 ) COpJc to mllite mnhlI's for the w01'111. J , , - - , 811enco Is golden when n 111'1 IHlr. Illes } I'r JlIIA for tile belleflt oC II , rOUII nun. 1.0\0 for It womnn 1I0pelRsI ' heJOI1I1 Us rench hns ruilled mnllY n mlln's IIlreer. It ooesn't tllite II 11111t1'd SlnleH wnr. dllp long to fllIlI n roc I. If thel'e's olle Iresent , A successful huslrle 1I IIInll Is 0110 who I Induces otllor lIeollle to huy wllnt ho 1009n't wnnt , j ( Agnln , Ille truAtll mllY he like tllo l\lls. 118111111 > 1 Hlver hCClUHe ! there Is II tl'cnt I I ( ult nllenll oC theIn. ' Sir Wilfrid I.llnrler decJllled n liceI" I Ige. WII t nn enlgmn he mUHt he to WWlnm Wnldorf Alltor , I Probahly Itujjnrd Kipling's III ell oC leaTen Is that It la n IIll1ce wllere YOIl ( bu't meet nn ' of your relntlves , AU clvllhwd Wells come up out of tngnnlsmj the only trouble I , some of ! , ! 1ew seem to be dl'lrtlng hllck to the wJglnnJ Htllrtlllg poillt. There nre forty.ebt : dlfferellt specleH It the hOtlNe fly , . nnd ( 'nch one of thlm ! Ise9 the pol/shed / pllte of the hulll.lIend. I , d lOnll tor n slnUng rlllk. KllIg Altonso sn's he's golllg 1'0 mm' . ry the glrJ Ih' wnnts. 'l'hnt's right : , penk tip , Alfey , nlld It she HIIYH no hit l'br n good IdllP on the wrist , I ( ) nce In n while the Cool.klller tiel ; ' tB bls hllslness IInd somehody oeR i ' arongf1 the whirlpool rnphlR below NI- . , , gara lrn1l5 IInd escnpes III1\'e , I' ! I Automohlle racln hAR talwn the , m'e ot horHeruclng at R0ll10 of the I ! oullty tlllrH , As 10llg AS the IHOIlle ! call , . in the utnllds IInd he slife Itt ! 'ell1 I \ leGrtll , It fR reported tllRt the piano ngentR ne selllnl ; Inrge numbers of theRe In- .bmuents to the fllrmerR , Alas ! IInR lIe < < nhlnot orJan gone the wa ) ' of all ! lloss enrthly ? SIItcclI ] ) cllrs have been \lI\ed \ \ within * 'e dty Jlmlts oC Dulnth within U Hhort : tmc. DurIng Ule snme pm'loll quite n lamber" hnve been HerlonRI , . Injured on : 'n SnIle street , Chlcllgo , Andrew CarnegIe Is golllg to hull1 n IOooOOO home In London. Betore long 1\ may bo Vosslhle tor the muJtI.mllllon- th to truTCJ nround the world IInd tJeep In his own 11IIInce every night. Genernl I ew 'VlI1IlIce haH mnl1e o\'er n,2ooOOO out ot "Ben 11\11' , " hnt he I:1Ys } IC wouhl not " , hiRe IIn ) ' ) 'olmg nnn or young womlm to go 11110 IItern- ! fire , liB there Ifl enl ' olle "lion lIlli' , " IIId , of courR < ' , hut 011(1 LIJw " 'lIlIacIJ , ! 1'he fn < : ts which the IIiMt cellSllR ha0 I' f rOulht out rtg'IIl'llIng ! the II ( ) ' nnl1 girl " wuge-worl < ers or the countr ) ' lire ana- : Ionn } sorrow , Apllroxlmatel ' th're nre SOOOO children In the fnclOl'les oC the 90ut11 nlone. In the Norlh , l1eHlllte moro : Igld Juws , there nre otlwr thoUlmndR .f laborers under n fit working ate. . ! 40mc dllY this bur1en of InduHtrlll1 wrong WIU be Jlghtened , We are JIvIng Jonger than 011I' fore. fnthers did , nccordlng to'a recmt cen. ms report. 1'hls Is 1\ fine trlhute to medlcnl nnd sunltur ) ' science , but the extension ot hUlnntl lIre Is enl ) ' Hllghtl ' rovenJed In tIu. ' stutement thllt the liver- age age nt death Is rlHlng hlg'her 111111 : llgher. Our JIves nro not IIINlf1Ured lolely by the "hours on the dllll" 111111' the fig-urga on the morlullty IIsh , t\i \ , . : omfort , In the nnnlhllntlon of time 111111 Ipace , In the provision for the elljo : ! , , ' 10nt ot edstence , In the \'nrlely of hi" ' , experiences , the lire ot the twentieth : entury mun tar outrnnl.s the JiCe ot hls forebears , A big pJncnrd In the wlndqw of n Ilothing store rends ns follows : 'I'he Dompleto Outfit ot a Gentlemlln for srm . " The dlspJny Inchllll R every con. telvnble nrtlcle ot gentlemen'R wenr from top to toe , night gown nnll hO\lRe IlIppers Included. Whnl do ) 'OU think It thnt , you whose nnllunl clothing' hllr nma under $1001 You nro no gonth- nan. ' .rbat la to an ) ' , ) 'Ou ure no gentle. nn accordlng , to the hl11111cntlol1 con. Ined In the nbove legel1d , You lack t'i00 worth of bell1g a completed gentle , IDnn. Ask 0 child to dellne the menn. Ing of the word gentlemnll , Nine out ot en w1l1 sny , " .A. woll.dressed mnn. " flow mony ot tbem would Il1clude n . . . . .orklng mon , cnrr'lng hOllle his din. cr paU , In the cat'gor ) ' of n gentle. 1nu ? Isn't the clothlllg hOllSO legend torrect ? ? Docs not commerclnllsm ( ' ( lit \bo \ modern ' ' , lexlcogrnphy ? 'l'ho ( I'ot'rh. nnn Is not recognIzed , the exoteric gets t11 the credIt. Who Joolls tor nil the lualltles of a gentlemnn clothed In n $7 lull ? Yet tbe quulltieR nre often there. 1'he old snylng Is untrue. Fine fenth < > rR Jo moko fine bIrds , Edward Eggleston , one of the oldest I well 01 the best known ot the coterlo .t Indiana author. , Is dead , nla Indus. bT was as nrJcd as bls lito wes whole. -.om. . . tew aU ot 111M work was ot an ole. r I I .oI. L . . - : . . . ' . , , ; ; ; , -.r. " ' , , , , - ; - " - " " " " " " ' I ' ' ' 'i''IT 0' ' ' - , ) 1 " 1""r , ' I . \'lIthl 111111 ullllftillg' ( 'hnrncter. no en , ' ' 187 : lHI Cor III ; 1If11 till' 1IIllIlfltl' , HOllIe tll/lI' 11'11\'ll'd the circuit , nnd fl'OIll 18iol tll ISihe \ ) WIIS 11l1slor or tle ! Church oC Uhrlstlnl1 gllllen\'or In Brook- I 'n , In IHjO lII.hellll h compelled him 10 I'rt In' from the 1111 I lilt. Prior to his 1'ltir/'llll'lIt he hlld edited Ho\'ernl 111I' I p011nl1t 1)l'llItJl'nIR , nlllon tllllll the 1ltUe Cot'1I01'nl of ChlclI O , the Nnllolllli ' ' ' 1,1I1'lh Hllnlll1) School 'l'enclwr , 111111 ( nlullJollle , 1111I1 the lIull'llCllllellt oC ew York. A ftCI' his l'eth'lIey frolll the IIIln- IHlr ' he lie\'otlll ! IIlrmoplC ! I'lItlrll ! ' 10 lit. ernture Hnli IlI'oduced n hlt'ge nllllllH'r oC hlogl'llllhlclIl HI'lches , hlIOI'lclIl WOl'Is 11I111 HIOI'lps , Ihl' hN1 ! Itllu\\'n of the IlIttpr helrlg " 'I'hr 1I00sll'I' S'hool. mllHtel' " nllll " 'I'he Clrcllit HIIII'I' , " While lIot 1111 nuUIIJI' of Ihe III'HI rlllll { , hlR worl'H 111'0 exlrPIlIeI ' 110111I1111' 111111 his boollH fOl' ) 'oul II lire IIIIIOIlg' Iho heHt and most UHI'ful of their' khlli. All hlfl IIte'rlll' ' wOI'lt , Irlllepd , I'PIlN'It'd I hl' hlgll ehlll'lleler of the writer , - - _ _ _ _ u I cw pcr/HlIIH who lire fllllllllllr with the owsls oC HIIIII 111111 Ihe ( 'llllIlltloUb lIuder which It IIOIll IHIH'S'lI1l'illlllclI ( ! the stlltelllclllH of Hr. 1 < : , lwlII'll Ill'Ools , helld of Ihl' I'hllllllolllhin IllIhllcsehool , ! ! , 10 the ( .rfct that slnll lIot olllr cllltl , \'nleH Illell'gllllt fOl'llIS of eXlll'l'sHloll hilt I'IHIlItH ! III II IO\\'el'ltl ! ; of tlw 11101'/11 10lle of thoHe who IIse It. 011 this lIuestloll nr , Bl'ooks tnl < CH 1Ilt''ct IHHIIO with 1'1'0' CeHHOl' 0 , Htllllil.'Y 111111 of Clllrk Uili. \'crHlt ) ' , who Iii wont to Il\1hllcly \ expn- tlnte IIpOIl the IIHeflllllesR ot filling' In nldlllg ho 's nlld glrlH to IIcIIIIII'e "lIu , ellC ) ' oC Hpeech , " 'l'hcl'e Is little dOllhl thnt the posHeRslolI of 1111 extellded . cllbulllrr of Hlnllg tondH to " 1111 ell C ) ' of Hpeech. " It nntllrnll ) ' IlIdllCCR n r'nd ' nlld ( 'nR ) ' 1I0w of wOI'ds , which cOIIHtI. tllteH "lIl1eIlC ) ' , " hilt whnt 1"1111 ot 1111' CIlCY IR It ? Wh ' Hhollld lIumlcy 111 the IISC oC Illcorrcet , Inel1lIlIl Hlleech he en. cOllrngll1 ! 01' cllltl\'lltcd In chlldrell or III ' 1'O\\1I lleople ? An ellR ) ' 1I0w of worlls can hlll'llI ) ' he suld to he 1111 nc. cOlllpllflhuHlIt ! IC the words nre COnrR ! ! , \'III nr Itlclognllt l1Itorllolls of tlw mothel' tOllgllc , Neither CIIII It he con. tended thnt sllch "fllwnc ) ' " hHluceH tll ( ' hllhlt of IICC\ll'IIII1 cXllresRlou of Idens. ' .rhe cllIplo 'llIent of Huch \'ehlcle to COI1\'IJ ' IdellH lire unworth ' the HerlOlI ! ; attention tllOuHhl of unr perRo II who UlnlwH UIIY pretension to refi lInent 01' I'Iltiollnl thhll"II . Clellll thlnl"ng 1\1111 Cort'ect HII'ech JO together. I'lIre Nil' gllHh IH IIlItlll'lIl1 ' Ihl''chlde or pure thou ht 11I\(1 \ high hlens , It If ! IIIIIIOF. ' Bible Cot' n persoll tn lhllli. ! ! nllohllll tholl htH III Hlllllg. Ullrelllled 01'1I1 III' thllll"lIA' IH 111\1 \ IIl'1llly clnd III tllP I'IIA' I' ' ' I'hetorlelll 1'Illllllmt of tI,1e HII'I'\ \ ' 'he lI'ollhleH of the hle 'ce 1t'lIHt hll'e lell to Xllrel'slollK oC wOllderllll'lIt lit thl' collnpKc oC lhe hlc 'clc fIHI , hilt thnt hllll heA'un hefore the tl'llHt waR fm'l1Iell , 111111 there II ! 110 1II's\'r \ ) ' IIfI to Its cnlll < c. 'I'hl ! IIrst of thl'lII WIIS n rellctlollllgl\llIst thlH Amerlcnn fnllil or ' ' . comlllOIl o\'C/'doltll. / ; thlll H , Iell 111111 WOlltln ! hnlf 1"11 cd tholl1Heh'eH h ' rldlllg ton fill' . gnry plellsllre trill heellme u IllenHlU'e ( 'xc/ ' , tlolI , In which the wel\l1" ! cOlllpet1tor were Pllillfllily exhnllsted. An nlllwluic dlflsuHt fOl' the wheel followed nmollg the \"lclllnH , IIIII11Y of wholll would ne\ " el" 1II0111lt n wheel IIgnlll nfh'r olle RIICh helll't.hfl'nldll 111\(1 \ hOlly.rnclclllA' ride , Allnthm' cllnse WIIH the cheal1enlllg of whN'IH , which III'ou/ht / tltelll wlthlll the rench of the plnltwst 111'011111 nllll l'IIIK11 Hocllll dOllhlH Illnollg tIUI'lsloPI'uls \ , who c01l11111ffOl'11 to IIII ' : : ; IiO Ill'l' whl'e ! . 'j'ho IIItIII'HlolI ot' till , ' ' ! ! ( OIlIIlUlIIII'S l'Ullle jllHt In IIl1t1 ! 10 Hn\"t the lI\'Cl' 'lIIell , who WI'I'e II hOllt 10 eXllh' ( ' , alHl hl'ollght hucl. to tlto horH ! ! HOllie of hlH 0111111110 , All. othl'r CIIl1HC III 1111111) ' IllneeH'IIH IIw lie. tCltllhle cOlll1ltloll oC clt ' streets IIIIlI coulltr ) ' rOlllls , gxcept 011 II I1rHI.dul''i rOl\d , II hlc 'cle Ifl n Hot'rOw , III\I \ the 111. 'cle I'ld'I' exhnllstH the c ( ROOII dllIghls of n few lIoulevl\1'I1s nlld IIn occnHlolIlI1 illg'h\\'II ' thnt halllWIlf > to he In Call' COli. dilloll. III ! wlUlls varlet ) . nllll no\'CIt ) ' wlthont etllnJ ; them lit the cORt of tl'r- rll1ll1l1) ! ' hnrd Il1hol' IInd of cOIIHldernblc hodll ) ' peril , It Is Sll hI hrRldeR thn t th cxerclHo IH lIot nR hellellclnlllH some oth , ers , hut Ulu1er fllvornhle conditions It IIffol'dR n Illcllsnnt me'IIIS of getting abont 111111 seeln town I1nll Ioulltr : ' , nncl tlm llrohnhlllties nre thlll the IlreR' onll'ellctloll will ho followl h ' n 11,1" 'lpd of Iner'IIHlnA' I\lHl hel1Ith ' 11ell1nllli -for wheels , 1 n fnct dI1II'H ntHl rellnh' men ' Hn ' Ihnt this IlCrloll hnH alrl'l\llr l 'e un , " . l'rouh'tI oj' l\11t11-l\lnkln. : . , Tbe geologlcnl S\11're ) ' of the Unlte1 Stllles hns Issued n report showIng 'tbnt nIt hough t.went ) . ) 'ean ; hus been derot- ed to mOII } > lng out tlto countr ) ' , the Inrger Jltu't of It Is stili nnsur\'ed , In some of the " 'estern sections the worlc IHllttelllld ! ! with the b'rentest dlll1cultles nnd daugerH. Hecelltl ) . 11 pnrt ) ' sent to II1np lIorlhe1'l1 Montnnn was ohll ed b ) ' the e\'el'It ) ' of the wenthN' to climb Clilf mU1llltnill 110 fewer limn eight timeR-the InRt 1,300 fe't on foot-hl'- COl'e 1111 oliportnlllt ' WIlR IlI'eHolltcd to et n Ilhologrllph ot the Il\1rroullllln coulltr ) ' , ' 1'he I1hotogrllllble method Is omplo 'Cl In nIl such wild I'l'SIOIlS , When the lI(1gnUns were \1nlllly \ sc. cured II'ns nfter wnltlng' nil dn ) ' In II driving SnO\\'fltorm , 'I'hen there wns n lull 01' a Cew seconds , during which six Hnnp hotfl were mlllie. During the othm' so\'en dn 's the snow wns unremitting , Cowpea 1\8 FUlhhr. Tests mndo by II. J , Waters of the experiment stntloll at Colul11bln , Mo" hl\\'e demonstrated that cowpea Ita ) . or clo\'er hey la superior to timothy liS rOllsh teed tor fnttenln ; cnttle , lIe mndo Ulreo test ! ! , using sloers or dltTer. ent nges each Ume , nnd found thnt the anlmnls gained much mo1'O flesh on tllo COWllCli. . and clever hay than on the tlm. othy. 'fbls descrlpUon , we bello\"o , OIB all bo 's : 'I'hey are ne"er on hand whclI wanted to do an1thln. . : . . + + .r > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + f I 'ff\Vg ; I + .1o + ' 1- + + + + 't'I - + + + > t. + + + + + + + LITTLE BREECHES. [ 1I01l't go mnch on religion , I never IIln't hlld 110 ! lhow : Btlt l'\'e got II III 1111111 n' tlghl trill , sir , 011 the hlllldrtli n' lhlllgs I knuw. I 1I0n't IllIn Otlt on the Ilrollhetl , A 11I1 Crce.wlll , IInrl Ihllt I'ort oC thing-- Bllt I ! l'lIe\'e In 00(1 ( IInl ( the ntlg ! ' ! ! ! g\'cr Billce 0111' night Inst slrlng , , 1 come Into to\\'n wilh Home tllrnill ! ! , Allil III ' 1Itt1 ! ' Gub ( . ellllle IIl0ng- No fftlr' 'cllr.)111 ) In Ilw COtlllt ' Uotllll 11I'lIt him for Ilrclt ' nnll IItrolll ; , I'l'art , ulIII chlllll ' IIl1d ' , IIII" ! : ! , AI\\'u 'H relld ' 10 1I\\'Cllr 1111(1 ( Ii ht- Anll I'd IlIrnt him to chllw terhoclwr .JI'S't to I'I'I II hlH IIIlIk-teeth while. 'I'hl' 11110cnnll ) 110\\'tI III\ ( ) II bllllllet . \H I JlIHIIl'II ! hJ' 'I'lIggnrt'B , . ; tnrl ! : I \\1'111 III COI' n jllg flf IlIOInRtorl'H , Atld lul't thu tU1I1II lit Ihe door. 'J'hl' ' HCIII'I' < < i lit ! wlllethlllg nlld stnl'le - I III'nrll olle IIttJu Hflunll. Allil IwlHo.Hpllt onr the IIrnlrll' Went tenm , 1lItie Hr'rche ! ! , nnll 1111. lIell-to'Hllllt u\"I'r the proh'le ! 1 Wl1f ! : nlmoRt froze wllh Hkeer ; But We rouRIl d up 101011I0 lorchcR , Alld ! ; I' rrhed for 'I'm Cor nnd ncnr. At 10Rt WI' IItruck horlles nnd wn OIl , SlIo\\'l'cl lIIull'r n lIott , while 1I1OUIIII , Upsl'l. dellll hent-hllt of little Gnhe No hlle 1101' hnlr wns fOllnd. Aud hl'l' ! ' nil hOll1 lIollred 011 lIIe Ot III ' CI'lIow.critter's IIld- I jl'st 1I0ppeil ( Iown 011 IIIJ' III rrow.bolles , Crotchil'l'p < < 111 the IInow nllli pro'el1. . . . . . . . B ' thif. I he lorchell W 111nYl'd ollt , AIIII)1' nUll IHrul Pnrr Went off for " ; 011I1''ood to n Bhl'l'pColcl 'l'hnt he Sllill'IIR lIome\\'hnr thoI' . " 'e COlllul it at last , ud n little I'Ill'd ' " 'hem they shllt 1111 thl' lomhs nt 111/It. / We looled ill nud ! 'ceu them hllddled thor , So w rm , nnd RleI'PY , IInll while , ' \1111 thllr sot Little Breech's fIIul chirped. As Ilenrt liS e\'er YOII 51'1' , "I wont II chnw of tel'bnckl'r , Aud thllt' ! ! whnt the mnttl'r at lIIe. " IIow did hI' It thnr ? An'ls. lIe 1'011111 1)\1'1' hnwnlked In tlInt stol'lI1 , TIIl'Y ' jl'Rt stnolll'll dn\\11 1111(1 totl'd him 'I'n whnr 11 wns slife nll ( } wnrm. Alldl thlllk Ihllt Rn\'in II little chl1I , A 1111 fotl'hlll 111m 10 hlH OWII. II II tlllrllC'd IIIg'ht hl'ttl'r hllilleHR ! ' 1'hnu loafillg' ' orOIlUI ] the ' 1'hroue. -.J ohll lIllY , FOR A HUDSON BAY RAILWAY. Jrenm of Canadian" Now I.lkely to I1ecollle 11 neallty. The stntellleut II few III 'I ! al1 that lhe CII1H\llIlIn o\'pr\lment \ hilI ! etulppe ! ( ] alnrt \ ' which will lIegln at once lhe exploration of the vnst wilderness Ir- IIIJ ; lIorth of the Great I"ltes Bcems to Inillente that tha projcct for n lIud. son Bny railway , which hns been n < lream for mnn ) ' ) 'ellrS , mil ) ' become a r'nllty In the lrellr Cuture. 1.ItUe 18 Imo\\'n of the chnrncter of the coun. try between the Inkes IIUll .Jllmes' 1I11 ' , hut \\'hllt hns h'en heard frolll hUlllel'H ; 11111 lIullnn lIlcl's lellds 10 the 1 > ( 'lIl'f thllt thp IwtlIon ! \\IIIth ' , wllh lIelloslts of cOJ : I 111111 1II'l' , \ \ ' It h I'ea t rm''sls , 111111'lth 1:1I111s\llIlIlIlo : \ fol' ngrl. ultlll' ( " 'I'he tllKI , of slIl'\'e 'III thesl ! oxlell' Kin' Il'ul'ts will III' a slUIWlllloul ! one , al\ll Ihe Canllll1a II gO\'l'rlllllent Iloes not eXlleet that the IlIbo's ! of the survey. III } lal'ly \\111 he ( 'Oll1l1lotcll within two 'eurs , . \Jthouh ( C'"IIIIlIalls rCllllzeJ , the wI'nllh of the 1111118011 BII ) ' t'Ountl' ' , nnd tllllelll1hout a rlllll'Oall for It for 1II01'e thlln t\\'elll ' 'ears , the ) ' Illlnlly were Corcell to HIlIIlIIlIsllle 111111 wlltch Amer. Icnn clIlltlll 110 the hURl ness , 'l'he Ilrst 8111 wal ! tlll.,11 Homelhln over II ) 'ellr IIgo , when a ! 'oad waH hllllt north Crom Salllt Hte , llIl'le Into the Corests In the IOOHO H\'OI' ! eunlr ' , chlell ) ' to cllrrlnll \ } to the mills at the "Hoo. " Whllo It Is hy no mcuns certalll that this 1'0:111 : will e\'er get a ! ! fur north 1111 JameH' Bay , Il Is helllll'll Ihllt WilY. Jt'rom the "Soo" to Iooe ! Jt'udor ) ' , the Houthornlllostlolnt \ of .Jllmes' Bn ' , IH n dlslllnco of IIhollt r.oo miles. 'l'he Ioose river , frolll Itl ! hellllwnters lit Brun8wlcl , Post , RI\'cnly mlles JlOI'th of the Cllnlldilln I'lIl'Illc Iltw , Is ,12 [ mlle8 long , ! lnd the 1'0:111 : would follow Its cOl1l'se for the most ltIrt , not much IIlIownnce helng mllde for de\'lntlons , ' 1'he upper slretch's of tire rh'er run for cOllslllorahle dblnnce ! ! through muskeg , or \unpy : IlIlId , nnd for 11 Jon str(1tch the surroulll1lnJ ; country , thouJ.h Iwn\"lIy tlmberl'll , Is compara. th'el ' le\'el , It woull1 not otTer all ' moro dlC , t1cu1t Ilrohlems ot en lneerlnJ. : In rail ronll huijdlng thnn ha'e heen ! 30J\'ed slltlsfnctorll ) ' In the pln'rle8 IInd SWllm } } IIIUlI ! ! In norlherll llnnesotn IInd WII > lonsln ! , It Is 1I0t cerlaln thllt III ( ' Rtorles of the vnHt mineraI w'IIIth of the Ioose river country nrl ! justll1rll , for little prospecting' hnR beell doni' , Hut IIHllle from the timber , n rich fllrlllllll : COUll' tr ) ' undoubledly could he Olll'lIPII II10n the vnlle ) ' ot that river h ' II 1'II1I1'olld. Ien who bave traveled throuth Crom tbe AmerIcan Hne to .lnmes' TIn ) ' re' port nbundnnt e\'lIloll ( ' ( ' of the rich fer. tlllty of the Boll , With n rnllroad , thlll section , IIOW n dl'SoJnte wnlte , would b'Come ono of the rlclwst ngr/culturlll / peetlons of Cnll. ndll. 1'he nrgumellt 11111110 lIg'nlnst Its IIlrlculturnl de\"elopmenl Is thllt Short sellSOriS would make dlverslllec1 ngrlclIl. ture Impossible and that "rain would 1I0t t rl\ " . 'rhc ) ! ; ( ! fnmlllor with the countr ) , howQver , report that tbe lIeason alon , ; . . , . ' . ' . the Ioose river Is not 80 much Shorter thnu Uillt of Innltohn , one of the greatest whent lIeIts oC the world. l lt- ty miles Iollth oC , Tnmcs' Bny Ul cll. mate Is nolllffedld hy the chnnes ! of Ihe sen.'erJ' Hudson Bny post has Its nrdell pntch , where nil kinds of vegetnbles lire rnlsed. The da\'elopmlnl of these rich farm. 11Ig' InndH wOIII < < I , It hi thOIlJ.ht , he n hlg hl\'estmellt for 1I110:111. : : . The Ioose rh'er dl'olHo ! 1.000 fIet In , I : ! 111 II es , nlld , helll II ( 'ollslnllt sllcceHslolI oC I'll phIs , offel's wOIIIl'rful ! oJlllortullltlcs fol' IIIl1n. uCllellll'llIJ. : thrnug'h Ule de\'Clolll11ont of Its WII tCI' Iw\\'pr , WAS A FAMOUS FIGHTER. I'nrtrllit flf Gcn. Clnrlc Hnl1l. : " 111 the " 'ur ) ) e"nrtlllcllt. III the of1ll'e of Ihe ( , CI'l'llIl' ' or Wnl' thCl'O hnll H II tine oil IlOrtl'lllt oC Glm. GeOl' e HogPl'H Ulnl'I" which Is oC Illter- cst just nt the IIl'eHPllt 1I110. ns It Is this GCII , Ulnrl. who figure ! ! 111'0111 I 11 ell tI ) ' III Il pOIJUIHI' 110\01 1111(1 pIli ) ' . [ oreovel' , the llllilltlllg' ntlrllctH I1IMIUonlllllltereRt fl'Ol1l Ihe fllct thnt Its OI'III / 1111I1 how It l'IWlwll ItH III'c8ellt 11111ce lire lJue\- tlonH whll'h 110 olle IIOW III the " 'nl' Dc- III11'tll1l'lIt SN'II1H to he II hlc 10 unswer. 'l'he 11I1I'1Illlt shoWH the Gellcrnl In the 0111 hul ! IIIHI hhte IInlforlll of our foro. . fllthel'H. times , ! ln 'H II wrUm' 111 the Clevellllld Pin III Dellhr. ! IIls fnce Is rnthel' oC the } I\1I'ltllnlcnl t 'Ilo , with n high forehelld , close'Het lip ! ! nnd II firm nnd I'll tllI'l' Hhlll'P chin , Gen. Chu'l { wns horll In Albemnrle COUllt ' , Vh'glllln , In 1ii2 : , but flpent the grelltcr } llIl't of his lIre In Kentucl , ) ' and Indlnlln. In 17i8 he rnlsed n slllnll volunteer - unteer force In Virgin/II / , crosHPd the Ohio , reduced lIenrl ' nIl the British POStH hetween thl ! lIsslsslllpl 1111I1 the grelll Inkes nnl1 IIrl'eHted the hlcurHlons of the W ste1'1l Inl1ll1l1s , Ills mnrches tllI'ough the Imthless wlhlel'lIesH were so rlllld thllt he gellernll ) ' took the cnemy h ) ' surprise , his Ilrudellce ! l0 gl'ent thllt he rnrel ) ' lost II mllll11111 hlH dnrlllg hns lIe\'or hlen ! S111'lI11Rsed. III nttnckln Vln. ClnneH In l eIJrullr ' , li7n. he WIIS fI\'e da'H III wndlns his nl'l\J ' nel'OSS the "nl. Ic ) ' of the Wllbnsh , flooded with melted SIIOWS for II breal1th ot six mllea , geneI" nll ' wnlst deep nnd somctlmes up to the shoulders-nn exploit that pnrnlleled 1IIInlllhnl's crossing of the 'l'hrIlS'melle mnrsh. Gell. Clnrl. wns vnrlousl ' emplo'ed by the Stnte of Vlrglllill IInd the United StntH up 10 17BG in mlllntnin/ng / pos- sesRlon of the westel'n country IInd sup- 1I'eRsing Ind/nn / hostilities. IIe died In 1818 IIellr Louls\'lIIe , K ) ' , . 1'hiH cOIIluest nlld nrmell occupntlon of the 1I0l'thwest terrltOl'y hy Gen. Clnl'k'IIS mllde the J.round on which the COUllt de Yergennes nml the Amel'l- clln commissioners ohtnlned Cor the United Sintes , hy the h'entr of ] 7&1 , n boundnr ) ' on the Jlne of the grent lales Insteml of the Ohio Hlver. THEY OWN 700,000 ACRES , Ami Over aoooo IIclul of Cuttle Ileum on Their Lunl1. . It l'clulres no smllll deJ.ree of finon. clnl genlns nllll nllmlnlHtrntive ability to lIelull'e ( nnll mlllntnin n trllct of Jllnd 700,000 IIcres In ex- tent. On this nrea from 30,000 to .JO , ' 000 hellll oC cattle nre con s t II n t J Y I'onmlng nnll futten- III J. : for mllrket. 1.1111I1 u1ll1 cattle I\I'U \ oWllell h ' the fll- mons 'rnt'le ' 'I'racl ; : U 11 t tIe COmlll\ll ' , , . . " . ' , n. . . . . . ' . . . , I. . . . " ' \ , ; " VI' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : : : ; III II , , _ , 1'\l'KAIIII. Sonora , I e x I C 0 , 11I111 III ' \l'iOnn , Its memhel'H lire Bnr- lIcit Adell Puclwnl 111111 W , U , Greelle. I'aclwl'd Is nlltlve of 1'0I't\'lIIe , X. Y. . \1 :1 : he loentell III 1'eIlIlS\"lInln ) alld wellt 11110 the 011 hnSlleH ! ; , remlllnln until ] 882 , wholl he locntell In Arizollll , sottlltl lit 1'ombstolle , 'i'here he toolc up mllllllA' , nllll later wlmt Into t11 cattle husilless , All Sirloin , 1Iolman Ii' . Dn"s "Pille ' 1'ree Bnl. Illds" tells In verse u n1l111bOl' of stories thnt actllull ) ' hllll11Clled "Ilown In llIlnc , " 111111 lire relllembercd thel'o to. dll ' h ' 0111 nnrrntors. One relates to Hllrllo ' McGnuldrlc , II Inndlord of thnt Stlltt ! , lit whose honse fnmOUB men III. . ell to Slll ' , thnt tIleY mlg-ht ( lnjo ) ' u ml'l'I' ' jol , , , , Burne ' WIIS IIlwnys loynl to his fl'imills. At one time a new meat deaJ. er cllno : to town , IInd tried to secure the Inndlord's t1'llde , "I hnve nlwnys bought ment of Jed HnHlcclI , " snlll nru'y , "uncI I juess : I won't change , " "nut , " snld the o III er , "old Hllsl.ell doesn't know his business. He doe'u't e\'en know how to cut ment. " " ' \'eH , " drawled Barney , "I've aI- WII 'H found that he Imows enou h uhout It to cut sirloIn stellk clear to the horn , and that's good enough for me , " Hlhulnc81 Is Increnlill . 'I'he proportion of sightless to seeing persons hns been wntclwd with especlnl Interest In Gr nt Brltnln and the Int. cst statistics Indlcale thnt It hns tallen In n hllJf century from nbout 1,00 : In the million tll Home 870 , or more thlln 1-1 per < ! ent , 1'hls decllno hns heen so tllI1ell liS to show III'ett ) ' coneluslvel ) ' tlmt It Is Ihe l'I'sult of hetter conditions of IIvlnJ : . Improved surgery aIllI doubt. less a decrense In the ratio of perilous 10 non-perllolls employments tor the mnsses of the 11co11Je. A wOlllnn gh''s birth to n boy , nnd , with cnre und devotion , rllises him to ) 'cnrs , 111111 mnleH n mnn or him. Arter twellt.ll\"e or thirty ) 'cllrs ot her Influ. ence he mnrrles , nnd ) n six months the ) ' lire slI'lng his wife "mnde" him. It Is ns hllrd for a new ll\lsbnnd to I IIvo up to cxpcctntlolls us Il Js for the i chief mourner at a SunerRI. I . . - _ . . . . " ; , i.-to I" - - 'I'he Unltell Stal < ! fJ produces 25 per cellt oC the worlll's COf\1. A comhlne of nH the peanut Cnctorlcs In Vlrglnlu IsilliteI' WilY. Irs , .T. O. Smith will supervlso tlld conHtruclion of the Inlo ; : chllllnel In the St. rouls fall' grounds for her hus. bnnd. DUI'Ing .Tuly tlte Pressed Steel Car Company turned out IIn nverllge of ] 03 cnrs per dny , of n total vlllue oC : F3- 2 OOOO. ' It Is told that the grols ! membership of the Inbor ol'ganlzlltlolls who arc con. nected with the Amer/cnn / l < 'ederntlon of 1lIbor exceeds 1,000,000. An uttempt I helng 111 II de to con , solldnte the lendltlg' mullellhle Iron fOllnlh'les of the countr ' . with capital from $ HiOOOOOO to $20,000,000 , Ono of tbe l'esults Cor Englnnd of the no'r wnr Is thnt the wllges of tlte I working people fell off nen1'I ' $8,000" : 000 Inst J'ellr. ns compnred with the pre\'lolIs one , Xc\\ ' York cnpltllilsts nre Iwomotlng n $2jOOOOOO trust to take In nH the IIX mnnufnctorles , hlllldle mnnnCnctorles and grlnl1stone factories In this coun. try fillll Cunndn , the plllnt8 to be op. e1'lItCl.l under one mnnngement. 'i'he production of Iron 0\0 In Frnnce ja centered prlnclpall ) ' III three districts -that of the northenst , 01' the Ieur' theetIseIle , Is the most Imporront , producing 4,500,000 tons of the , OO , ' 000 tons 01' Iron ore mIned In Frnnce nllllul\H 'j thnt of the P 'renees , pro. dllcln 2,0,000 tonR , IInd thnt of Nor. mand ' , l OOOO tOilS. The monks who mllnufncturo the Chlll'treuse IIluol' In I"1'ance hn ve let to IIn Amerlcnn ' 1II1Icnte for ninety. nine 'el1rs tbelr cloister , fnctory nnd groundR , Inclndln the mountnlns where the wild plants 1'elulred for the IIluor lire gnthe'red , together wllh the recipes nnd good will , l.'he rental Is said to be $2)00,000 , A census report on the manufacture of locomotlvcs III the UnltCl.l Stntes durin ! ; the census ) 'ear moo fixes the numher turned out nt 3,046 , of which 2,7j4 were hullt In lwent ' .elght independent - pendent estahllshments and 272 In t went ' .s/x / : rallrolld shops. The In e- pendent concerns emplo ) ' nn nggregllte cllpltal of $ .J0,813 , U3 , nnd pl : ) ' $10" .1,1I14 for wngcs , Uornellll Vnndel'hllt , the millionaire In\"entor , keeps hnlf n dozen mecll1ltl. Icnl drnu ht men busy on drawings of his Inventions. When In Now Yorl , clt ) ' 111' . Vnnderbllt spends most of his time with thl.'se draughtsmen In his of tlce on the sevcntcenth 1I00r of n busl. ness hlock on BroadwlI ) ' , where may be seen models nnd drawings of fire boxes , coal cnrs nnd other devices whlcb he hns patented. Sta tlsllcs complied b ) ' Carroll D. Wright show that the business of till. , Ing Hummer bonrdlrs ! footed up the rather startling sum of $ OG,3G'l ) [ In ew HampshIre alone In 1SU ! , nlld It hils. to 1111 nPI'lIrnnCNt , st'udlly III. crensed sillce , Xot selltlmelltlll results IIlolJe ! In1' followed Go\'Crnol' Hollins' IlIg'lIlous ( 'oncepllon of the Inslltutlon of "Old HOllie Week , " ' .rhe nnnual"Islt oC so 111111I ) ' of the sons 1111I1 dnug'hters oC the Hlute froll1 nil 0\01' the country has re\'l\'ell theh' reeoll'ctlon of the n I'eeuble Now En llIlId sUll1nwr cll , mate and hUH boollled th sumlJlC1 bO\I'Ilt'r illdustr\ , ' . Hell l.'lIlott ; who hllR returned to LOI1lon ( lifter n tour nmon the Inhor or lInlzllllonH of the United Sintes , hllr. Issned his rcport on the 110sltlon ot Amerlcnn labor , lIe dwells upon the buo 'nnt 111111 hopeCul demeanol' of the workcl's , nnd the lremlllng fmnkcr nnd more businesslike l'ellltions between - tween cl1pltnl nnd Inhol' thnn pre\'all& In Bng'IIIW ! . The power of unionism seemcd to be J.rowluA' . American em. plo 'ers arc more sclentlt1c thlln those there , IInd the worlel' does not give the maximum of wOl'k for the mInimum of wages , ns he do s In Englnnd , 1'11. lett mnlnt.alns thnt In Ellgland the highest Iuallt ) of skill and energy Is clnhned b ) ' the cI1'plorers to constitute whnt the ) ' cnll a\'erage ablllt . . In Amerlcn , on the other hnnd , superior proficIency nlwas recelvcd extra com , pensa tlon , Trinls of the Dr. ) ' Gool" Cleric. ' r , " f'.1 C1erl.-'fhls IICmls XVI. mnterlal Ie $1 < 1 n ) 'nrd , Customer-Well , hn\"en't you nny I.ouls XXX , for 30 cents ? SouIIIl RIcCI ) . We sleep the soundest between three nnd five o'clocl ; : In the morning , An hour or two nfter going to bell ) 'ou sleep very soundl'j then ) 'our slumher grows gnHlunll ) ' lighter , and It Is cas , . enough to wnken you at ono or two o'clocl. . But when four o'clo < : k cornel you are In such a stnte ot lIon100Jence thnt It would take a creat deal to wak. en yoo , . . . . . . ' . - - ' - - - . ' / . - . - - . t . . . . ' - ' - - r.wMitu WTfLES ' GOLD EVERY YEAR. t Z t I i I : iI iI i I I ! I faits to cure. Thousands who have been de- clared Incurable al balhs and In hospitals hue I thrown away their crulches , beln ! : cured alter usln ! : ST , JACOBS OIL , Directions In eleven I ii iiii RS f j L _ _ J ' ; Justice ot thu l'eaco IIf'HY BUII Y , . of Jersey Olty , recently marrIed Mrs. Mary Deelier , and the ceremony wac' pertormed beforc a mirror , 1'11. brIdegroom olllclated as the minister. and , looking In the glass asked tte usual questions of his own l'el1ectloD" and answered tbem hlmscf. ) Then' he pronoul1cnd tbe couple man and wife , kissed the bride twJco. once I tor the juslcLe , and once tor th. . room , and then started on hIs honeJ moon trip. " A 'Vondcrf'nl PilL " Fremlom , Io" Nov. 3-A splel1lld. , remedy has recently been Introdnc/II iD this neighborhood , It Is called Dodd's Kidney Pills , IItHl It hils cured Uhcn , matlsm rIght and left , On e\'ery hllnd. . mllY be heurd Rtorles of the remlll'lm. ble reco\"erl s nnd from what has lIeen I , stntt' nlrend ' there seems to be no 1 cnse of Rheumntlsm that Dodl1's Kid. . . , ney Pills will not. cure , One of those who has aJrcady tested , the virtue of Dodd's Kidney Pills I. Katie Anderson of this place , who snys : "I can't say cnough for Dodd's Kid , ney Pills , They hn\"e belped IDe so much. I sutTered very se\'orely wItb Rheumntlsm. 1.'I\"e hexes cured me completely , They arc certnlnly th6 most wODllerful medicine I have ever U8ed. " Osuge County abounds In just such cases finll If the good work keeps on ; there will soon be no Hheumntlsm left . In this part of the State. A professional "Wild Man ot Borneo , " named Oall\'n BIrd , a ne. gro , went to a hospital at Syracuse , . N. Y. . to bave his horns removed. 1 Under his scalp a sliver plato had j been Ingenl usly Insorted. In wblch stood two standards. Into tbese standards , when ho was on exbl bl- tlon , BIrd bad screwed two ( loat's horns , and thousands 01 peope } ha \ ' , paid t'l : see bls horns and hear him l'k. < , " , 'j PUTNA I Ir\lIl I : \S DYES pro- r j dllco tbe brllItest : : allll fustest colors. . , The Cathedral of Gothonburg. . \ which was onJy built In 1815 , threat. EDS ? to collapse. Ir , AII tll1'R tnmollR J\lIckwhrnt \ mnkr thp nnl' 1 IIl1l'kwhl'nt ( 'ukrf < , Hrnl1v In a muml'nt. Ask ( Of It. Hctusc Rnhslltntcs , France's Hcclely or Dramatic Au , thors cOllects lcr Its clients son'f & 850,000 a year , : ' 11'1 < . AI1f < lIn'IInl'kwhl'nt II ! thl' fl'nl Ihlnl : : ' . - I'I ! yon III < ' fenl JI'lIIllne 01(1 hllrkwlll'nt 1111\01' , III' "nre 111\1 \ ] ' : : I't Ihl' ' : : I'nllll1l' , No amount of mlllinory can eve operatc as a substl tute Cor a woman' sweet smile. ' Energy all gone ? Headache ? Stem Dcb out of order ? Simply a case 11\ \ torpid liver. Burdock mood llItter will make a new man or woman 01 fOll. An Irlsurnan in speaking of an ae tor said : "He acts th'3 part or : ! dead man true to 11 tel\ - - - rlso's Cure tor CODlllllptlon ! cllrea m , ot a tennclous nnll persis lent cOIIlI- ! WD ! , H , Hnrrlsou , 227 W , 121at IItreet New York , Mllrch 5. 1901. What a relict It would be If musl. . clans were born instead ot beIng made by practice , Gonel : Sr. " , " hy " 'hol,8,1. . . A postal caffl sent from Blllvl1le tc one of the allsent brethren reads : "Dear , Jim : -Nuthln' bnt good Dews to te11 you : Your crap paid 011 the mortgage , your brother urokf 011t 0' jail , an' your daady has jcsl got $1,000 'JUt tie railroad for run nln' over bls le . Ain't ProvIdence provldl n'A ! tlanta Constitution , ; Sewnt JIIIJ > orteI1IJolllf'M , Violets , roses and daises hu\"c dls , appcared flOm the doIlies used tOJ ceremonlaJ table setting. 'rhe now. cst Importations Ilrc plain whIte , 11' heavy IrIsh embroidery. CASTOR IA For Infunta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought' Bears the /fl / Signature of J. . . . _ ; " - - " ' . . . , -.i.- ! " , ' . '