Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 06, 1902, Image 1
. , - - - - " - - " ' ' ' ' ' ' . , ' ' ' . I" , ' ' ' ' ' > ' . . . . . . , , . ' , , , 4 - . . h ) ; ' : ' , ' ' EPUBLICAN. , . . , - J STABI-JISHED 1882. 'l'IE OFFICIAI.l PAPEH Ol CUS'l'gl COUN'rY. I./ARGES'l' CIRCULA'l'lON OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'HE COUN'l'Y. = . - . . . _ - - _ . . _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . . VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 6 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 21. I . _ . . _ . - . f' . . . . I \ ' " i"r i .r ; \ r " ' . " . ; , " " , . ( . . . ( . , . , . " . , . . I " " . l' . , ' ' . . ' . .r . ' " . . \ < \ , . I . .j . , ' " / . . , f , , t \ 1 \ \ . ( \ } l' " , .1 . . ; t ; . \ tl . , . . . ) i , . 1 : . , I . . , Y 1y bo .a. ow : n. Y. ka , Illeia , lIn ! ; . . - , t . l'At. - 01' , S. , rA' . . - H1. lIIock ; ' 110 ellle brAk" . - tts. ope t .1. . , Ills. ' I . . . I. t 1 .1iI - . - D---- ( I What ; : I W i -1 At a jewclry store is nsolute ! . reliability. You've ' got to de4 pend on. the jeweler's for so 1IH1I1Y thiugs auout which you OIl't kilounythillg yourself , that you shoul11 carefully select , the OIlC to tradc with , 1\1) " , I : . . ' . \ , . 1ftilln"I" nt Chlc/lltll / OPI hulJnlc CulICga' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ene. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - : School Books , i71 i71J. . ! ; 1' - If- . - - ' 1' .r au ets Y. . I' * . -AN\- f. ' * . * . S C 1 lOll I S IIpp I ICS , k 'i" .t A. : " 11'1' 11'1'A'I' - A'I' - M. " " - -'I' < * J. G. Haeberle's. -.It. .J. 'I' 'I'k 'I' h _ ' - . _ _ _ _ . . R. Pc : Ie EI izah : : t h Field , ID D D 1 D : U jB1rlIl OllllICH I1OlJHS : 9 a. Ill. to 12 111. 1 :30 : to 4 p. Ill. Or by appointu.1Cnt. II61"Officc ovcr Audersou's Jcwelry Ston iu Rcalty Block , Drokeu Bow , Nebraska. . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Green and -dry ruits at J. C. Bowen's. ' Having sold uut mj' business , and wanting to go away , will ash those indebted to me , either hy book account or note , to call' t once and fix up same. J have ( ) good farm to rent or sell and some city lots to sell or. trade for land with difference. Office- 'Vest room in Bank of Commerce. 19-22 GEO. WILLING. Doctor A. M. Earel of Lincoln , Specialist in diseases of the Eye , EarNose , and Throat , Careful and the fitting of glasses , will be . . at the office of Doctor C. L. 1\1ul- lins Monda ) ' No10th. . 20-21 If 'you intend to build call at Dierks Lumber Co. and get prices. ' [ 'he Brose'Commcdians do not claim to be thc DIGGHs'r com pan ) ' on the .road hut do claim to g \ ' ; } the ' ' and ' ' mGGHS'1' GRANDI\S'1' cnter- tainlllent of the ( 'a on , , or mone ) ' refmHled. ' [ 'he ) ' will be'a the - . opera house in thi city , Friday , No\'cmher 7. Sec the pecial announcement in toda's IHlH.'r } of Dr..C. M. Headrick's \ ' sh to Broleen Dow , Friday and Saturda.Y , No\'ember 7 and 8 at the Commercial Hotel. 'Farms for sale ar.11 lands fQI rent. Now is the time to get' farm cheap , as the cheap farms arc all going , and prices are ad. . vancit1g rapidly.-J. G. Brenizer , . - - - - . Special sale on trimed hats , al , so streel hats at Mrs. P. A. Walt ton' . Would be pleased to have you ladies call and see. Basi side of squarc. 21-2 Squires Bros. who recentlJ purchased the Willing stock an , ( uld illlplclllcntand hardwarc deal- ers. 'rhey are prepared to mecl thc dcmands of thei r pa trons. 'I'll ( public is invitcd to call and set them for bargain . Pair aUt honerable tr atllleut will he thei moUe with all. IG-2 H. , 1 : : : : : c ; : ; : : : : : : : :1 : .r. n. McGuire is sarllly elected supcn'isor from the south-west. ' 1'om Arthur wm too gootl a ctnnpainer for l in Morris b ) ' ninc votes. A. II. Copsey has reason t . be proud of his race for member of the legislature. . W. J. Taylor will postpone his in tended remo\'al to Lincoln this winter. . indefin itel \ ' . Will Frey and wife of De Queen , Arkansas , .arc here looking after their interest in this vicinity. The RedmoUtI Compau ) ' will play in the Broken Bow Opera House , l dda > , night , NoH. . . G. Hiser re.elccted - . . was . super- . ' V1sor W1 tl' 1I1creasc ( I. ty. ' 1'hanks to Algernon and Elk Creek. ' 1'he defeat of Dl\'e 1\1 ercer in the second congressional district , . prov s that hh nomination was unwis { ' . Geo. Brown and wi fe of Sew- i anI , arc visit1l1g in this \'icinit ) ' : with relativcs. 'l'hey came in I 'rue day night. Hemember the date of the : Rcd- mend opcra conipany at the Bro- leen Bow Opcra House , Friday night , Novcmber H. Mrs. 'Vi1lie Hards , of Central City , l x. Grand Matron of Nebraska - braska , 'V. R C. \'isiting" Mr. and Mrs. J. J. 'Vilson. 'l'he.ladies of the Preshyterian church will hold a fair earlin Deccm er. Date and place 'will e announccd ncxt week. Sargent precinct : , > cems to ha\'e rcturncd tp her idols again this fall. in.timated that the rum pow r got in its work . to our injury. 'Va it and sce t e best entcrtain- ment of the season 1 > y the Brose' Commedian at thc North Side Opera House l riday night , November - ember 7th. C. D. Pelham , one of the republican - publican war horses from Ansel- mo , came down with the eletion returns frol11 Victoria township yesterday morning. 'L'he C. W. B. 1\1. will hold an open session and render a very interesting program Sunday e\'en- ing , November U , at the Christian church. All are cordially . in vi ted. "Davy Croc1ett" by Ed. Red- mend at the 'opcra house Fridav night , November 14 , will be drawing card. If vou wish to " enjoy a ran ? treat "you can 'not afford to n11ss 1 t. Circle No 1 of the 1\1. g. church has 'postponed their entertainment - ment from election day to Saturday - day , Nov. 8 , on , which day they will serve chicken pie supp'r at , ( , p. tn. in connection with their sofa pi110w sale. For Brosc Com median Entertainment - tainment ever tickct is sold on a guarantee to refund your moncy if you are not satislied. Hemem- ber thc date at the North Side Opcra House , Friday and Saturday - day nights , November 7 and S. Olc I. und died Oct. 14 , lfJ02 , at his home nine miles south of Mas n City , Neh. lIe had almost been"an invalid the two pa t ycars. 'fhe funeral was held 'the lhth , at the Danish I4utherian Church , of which he was a membcr. Serviccs heing conducted by Rev. Ii' . Anderson. S. P. Great , manager of the opera house , has made dates with the 'Brose commedians for Friday - day , November 7. The company is 'known as the Brose-Comme- ' . djans. Ben R. Brose , the leader and proprietor , is lcnown as the King of laugh producers. It is , one of the companies that guar- antecs satisfaction or money re- funded. As'l' go to pre m we arc in. formed by the secretary of the Custer COllnt ) ' Horticulture Soci. ety that the annual meetiug 01 lhe socicty witl be held in this city. Dec.S , which promises to ex- cell all others in a practical up' . to-date program upon horticul. l tural subjects. UortHulturists 01 prominence from the state societJ I witl e present and address th < : I meeting. Watch for the pro. l' 1 Kramme which will be puhlishe ( : later. . , - Ii' . II. Young was a passenger for Wetlue Hla. ) ' . C. H. Kranl of Merna , was a f.riendly cal1er ) 'csterday. II. J. Shinn of West Union was in our city Wednesday. Judge H.eese went to Wedncsday to hear the election rcturns. Ed. I edmond wilt impersouate Dayy Crockett at the Broken Bow Opera nouse. : V"riday ight , No- \'ember H. , Jacob Stauffer of O\'er , made this ofiice a pleasant call 'Ve nes- day. He brought in the election returils from Grant. M. I.l' Frics came under th wire with the handsome majonty of 450 in the district. 'Old Cus- ter will give him about 300 ma- jority. ' 1'he Christian Endeaver of the Prcsbyterian Church will giye a Musical at thc Opera House on li'rida ) ' evening , No21. . Progratt ne announced. Next week , Ed. l cdmond is popular with the people of llrol < cn Bow and there is n douht but he will be greeted with a full house at the Broken Bow Opera House , Friday night , Novcmher 14. Hear the wonderful aluminulll chimes , musical sleigh bells , Ullt- sical steamboat whistles , flageo- nets , clarinets , flutes and dozcn other instriments at the opera housc li'riday and Saturday nights N vemher 7th and 8. S. C. 'Valdron was pre\'ented from 111alcing an active campaign hyau accident which laid him up for two or three week with two or three brol.en ribs , but the \ ' ters remembered him an ) ' way with a small majority in Custer. ' ' ' circular 'l'a'lor's roar-back againstli'ries lost him votes in Brolen ; : Bow 'fowl1ship. 'l'hose Sofa Pillows at sale at l ealt ) ' Block are just the things for Christmas presents. Donl fail to sce them. Ray Armour and Clyde Wilson who arc tattel1ding the state University , came home li'riday returning Wednesday. 'l'he republican of Custer county ha'e reason to congra tu- late themseh'es over the results , considering that the opposition was combined against l1S. C. E. Gand ) ' was qnite severel , ) ' kicleed in the stomach by a horse ) 'esterda ) ' evening. Dr : Mullins w s called to attend him and at this writing he is reported out of danger. nn.T1 < : I.I.O. . 'rhreshing in this valle , ) ' will he donc to morrow. Jcnnie' Waddington. Allum Hill and Hachel Beals had their names on the Roll of Honor Isst wcek. 'Ve expect a wedding in the valley in the near future but we 1 wont say just now who it is , but will later. Candidates for omce must feel safe in these parts , as only one has callcd around , and was hurr- ing1i1ee all passed to get to Cal- laway. 'l'he vote tOt1Utloruw witt ( li sapoint somc of them. ' 1'1e } farm hands in the country ! rcnllnds u of the Coal mag-nate of ' 1'ennYs lussia this fall. ' 1'he ) ' I I talk terms to the manager 011111 jump their job at their own swcct will. Olle hundred huskers could find work in the north west corner - I ner of custer. A A _ _ A AAA AAr.p. A Aft A A n ci11\ ; ! " : ' ; : > ) ' : i : t ! . _ ; ; : " . ; ; t ' ! & , ! t-'t , m . cW'l" . -r"1t , - . . . . . -1) _ Ir"'t 'AA " . . .II ; ' " " ' " " . " - = " , , roa IJ,0. . : JtI : em Have twenty miles of Hog Fencing , . . : A car load of Barb Wire , I. : : . j A car load of Buggies and Wagons , : . A car load of Furniture , and : ! :1' : (500 ( boxes of Castor Oil Axle Grease. r : : . ; . Will sell below all : ) c . , \ .I ' 4 . < J ( I , ,"t1"tOrS. : : : : ' :"t1"tOrS.wJ. . C ! ! 8 ttM ! ( Nl.'y _ ! : ' ! ? ! ; J1l\iJI.I' \ ? - ? m ' W'J : ! oi : ! o1. ' ' ; $ vvvvvwvv vvvv vv wv' v v - - - - - - - - - , - - . ; Judgc Heese went to Lincoln yesterday. Kirikaid carried Custer county by 250 to 300'otes. . Mickey's plurality in Custer county is about 125. - Republicans' carried Kansas , Colorado and Idaho. G. H. ' 1'horpe's majority for SL1pervisor is highly flattering. New York elected Odell , - publican for governor by , re-I 'rhe 1\1. E. church has commenced - i ced the erection . of their parson-I , age. Iowa elected , thc cntire congrer- sional ticket , except the second district. ' J. E. Ca'enee of Georgetown , was in yesterday with -he returns from Loup township. ' ' ' ' 'l'he election 'l'uesday waR a splenc1 ic1 endorsemen t of Presi- dcn t Hoosevelts policy. Dent forgct the Chicken Pic suppcr and Sofa Pillow sale in the Realty Block Saturday night. Mcrcer's defeat in the secolld district reminds us of ne , Geo. Dotsev . who forced his own nOIl1- inatio.n in the big Sixth. district for congress some twel'e years ago. Defeat followed in both cases. Brose and Clemens have apper- red in all the leadins cities in the , Dtited } states in the past fiftecn ycars. 'l'hey re harpists , singers , dancers , mustcal arttsts , commed- ians , and high class entertainers of the highest rank. 'l'hey will be at Groat's opera housein this city , Friday , November the 7th. 'I'he M. B. A. lodge enjoyed ; another of their entertainments . . and banquits lat Friday evening. . It was a farewell reception to their rctiring president Rcv. S. : 'V. l ichards , who lcft Wedncs- , day , accompaincd by his elder daughters , Misses r40ttie and -l"lorence , for Blair , where he has I accepted the pa1torat ! of the Illaptist church. - - - - - - - - ' - - - ' - II I I 'l'he entertainment given bj' the Brose Comedains are not allmusi- cal but fun from start to finish. Head a few of the reports of opera house managers : Gibbon , Minn-Nothing but the highest words of praise ir. heard of the cntertainment. Lamberton , Minn-He kept the au4ience in an u1roar of laughter from start to fi111Sh , Elkton , S.D.-Clean up-to-date ! and better performance than : most companics of ten or twelve people. Pipestom : , Minn-While 1\11' . Brose is rifhtfully said to be a "wholc show" iq himself , Miss Clemens' work fits in very nicely , malcing the entire entertainment as diverse and pleasing as though there were ten or a dozen in the company. Lenox , S. D.-'l'he second night broke t.he record. Played to lar - - est business of any company tIllS season. Canton , S. D.-Better than nine tenths of 'the best shows traveling. A1cester , S. D.-A pleasure to recommend to anyone wantin ' a nice clean show boiling over wlth fun. lUnrket Itepnrt for 'rnnllY. \VhP.At. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Ullrh' ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2\ : : OAh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : Corll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2b Hyu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 I UnUor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II ) RI : ! I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 I'otlltl' . per IlDlhol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .10 . . Onlon . per busbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , , " 1 i Chlokona , per pouud , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , II : ! nOKa , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 00 ; , ? ow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' 2.76 ( ( f. 4.1X' t'el8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' .00 @ fI.W Torke'IIperllouncl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .La ) tllr.w.ller cwl. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .10 ) 11A , . New , I'lr ' tun. . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . . " ' . . . . 3.60 lIlJar. lIAr cwt . . . . . . . . . .I.h\ . , fI.roo ) . , , Lctu.'r ' .IHI. f ' . ' 'l'hc following is dead I letter list for the we'k ' 4nding r November 4 , 11)02 : Miss Eva Allison , S. S. Apple G. , V. Cutton , Mrs. Sarah Uag- erty , n. P. Morris , J ti. Ohen , Mrs. l o crt Philil t 'VfIj.1 tewcr , fc Dr. W. 1\1. Seaman , Mrs. A. W. Seaman and F. W. Smith. Mrs. Lue Damle ) ' , Frank De- cents , James GilJson ; : , Miss Mat Histens , J. C. Hanker , MiRs An- I nic Jcnkins , Albert W. 14cwis , Miss Bertha McLane , Mr. Ira Page , Mr. Curtis Paul , Mr. A. Rawson , Miss May VIer ) ' , Mr. J. W. Watson , Miss Carr ) ' Wiseman , N. n. Whitne ) ' , Miss l..fula Young and Mrs. Mary A. Young. Plrtie : calling fot' the auovl' will plca ! c ' : ttl vet'tis d. sal' I. J 1\WI\1'1' , P. 1\1. - - - - - l'ollrt u\1jollrlletl Iolltll\ ) " . The October term of court adjourned - ourned Monday. It was one of the longest sessions that has been held in this count ) ' lor Hev- f ral years and the docket was prettj' well cleaned lip. On the la1t ! da ' of court the 1II0tion for a new' trial in the Harris case was argued and lIIotion denied. 'l'hc court ga'c lIarris a sentance of one ) 'car. ' 1'he attom- e's for the dcfence took an appeal to the Supreme cOllrt and got an order suspend ing sen tance from the Suprcme court until thc case can be rcviewed. . - - - - - clnlrc' r'VICI' ' . l'RltSIl\"tl\1UAN cmmcl ( . 1\I0ruiu $ cn'ic nl II II. 111. Suhjecl : " 'j'ruc Worship , " Hvelliu Hcn'ice III 7 :30 : p. III , Suuject : "Chrilt thc 1\1011. el. " Y. 1' . S. C. H. III 6:30)1. : ) 111. Spec. iull11usit will he I cllllered in th e\'clIlll . ! All arc eorcliully i"'itcII " to thcst. scn'iccs. 1\1. I . CIIUllCIi. Rcn. . W. C. HUlltingtoll , n. n. , l Chancellor of the Nehrasku Weslyn tllI'crsity , will speak iu the 1\1. H. church SUlllla ) ' l\torllill allll e\'elling. DOllt fail to heat' him. GI-O. : 1' . Tlll1'HS , Pastor. lU'ICOI'AI : ; , CIIUllCII. St. JOhll'N Hpiscopnl Rer\'icc SUlllluy , \'cmber 9. 'l'wellty.fourlh Sunday ufo ter Trillity. l\Ioruill praycr uu11 sermoll at II a. m. H\'Cllillg prayer 111111 sermon ut 7:30l. : } m. SUlHlay School al 10 a. 111. 'rhe public is conliay ) ) im.itt"11 to tht'Sl' scn'ices. I1A 1"t1S' ! ' CIIIJIlCII. Ordel' of worRhip fot' the week com. mellcillg SUlllluy , No\'cmbcl : 9. The IIi. hIt : School IHHlr , 10 u. m. 'fhe fI'ccptioll of sOllie new Nchulars last SUIIIluy was a pleasant fealIre-IIIore Oil the WilY. Jj. \'illc worship at II a. 111. Subject of scr. 111011 : "Hopc. " The sen'ice close ! ; ut 12 sharp. TIll : jUllior society meelR at 3 p. m. 'fllI Scnior sodety begun itl ! Wllltcr'sYork with an attelldullce of 48 lust Suuday. The honr i6:30 : : p. 111 , Gospel prcuchill service at 7 :30 : p. 111. J'astor'H thelllc ; "Sparkles frolll 1\ W ) ) . " just sixty lIlinutes of good old- tillle gosl\el , : ; OllgS , serlllon IIncI 1\11 ; 111111 tillle to get hettcr acquninted at the do.iI' . \\'cIlucsl1ay , lit 7:30 : p. III. the lIIill"\\'k se/\lon of prnyer. 'j hursday , lit 2 p. III. , the I.adies Aiel ocicty mcets in thc pra ) ' . CI' roOlll/l of till : church. To thost II 11 lit- tnched to the other churche , II cordial wclcomc is extclllhlt to attClIII any or all of these ser\'ice , It. 411 nIED. DnAN-Do'l'v-At the' residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Heynolds , in this dty"last Thursday evening - ing , at 8 o'clock , Arthur Dean pf West Dhion , and Miss L'tlcy Doty of Walworth. Rev. Trites , om- dating. The bride is the daughter - ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doty of 'Valworth , who are among the pioneer settlers of that vicinity. The groom is thc only S01l'of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'homas Dean of 'Vest Union , well and favorably Ienown in this vicinity , where they resided for several ) 'ears. lIe is a soher and industrious young man with a bright future before him. 'rhe HnpunIIcAN joins the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dean in congratulations. 'l'l1ke NoUce. ' 1'he rcgular annual mecting of the Custer Countl Agricultural Socit ) , and Live StocIe Exchange will be held iu Droken Bow , Ne. braska , at the Court Housc , at one o'clocIe P. M. , Tuesday , Nu- vember 11th , 1902 , for the purpose - pose of electing officers and di" rectors for the ensuing ycar , and to transact such other business as may come before said meeting. J. J. WILSON , Pres. E. C. IIouslSec. . . " 'rop. . Tin ; ; COIIGH AND , vt un : . . of.- ' ' liE COLt ) . luatvolJrnmo'laJu/I" ! ! . alllrl rarl' ! II cold In ouo ) ' . No Cllrll , NuI'AY. Price , Ii c"nl. . 1'1'01 WE TO fJ IWITOU8 III ( JaUllty Courl , Wlthlll AOII tar "nller ruunt ! NI'lIraikll lu Ille mlltor ot tbe Clrate ot Jobr hro'Jer , d"ceaeed. ' 1'0 Ihe'crellltou ' of 0\11 \ tPlalt' . y"u Ira lI rll"ylulllI.1 , tbat I will' lit at till coullty court rOulll. In Ilrakell Ilow. In al\ ! count - t , . 011 tbo 7tb dn of 1I'ellrllary. 1003lad 011 Ibl 711111uy of MAY , 1',0.1. each ilL 10o'cluck a m 0 " I'h duy. to reeel , , , aull'ulllilltl all cl\1I111 allllillU paid eplllteV'tlt II vlow tn their " "JuPt moot a/ld allowllace. 'rbo lllUo 1IIIIIIell tor thl Ilto o"tlUentot claims lI"alol' luld eelllto 18 .IJ 1II0/Ilhe trolD tho7tb day or NOTOll1ber. I90ZIIIIL tbe Ime 1I1111111d tor Ih".p'YII"nt at dell1 , , , enl ) 'tlif how .ald dde. Wltne. IIIr hallli alld itA fit 1&1t ) COUll' , , . courL .111. III" tll' lit NO"J l'lOZ. ' i-W'a ' J. J. .ayou. . V llutJ ; . t , , I' , l mm BUSINESS POINTERS. m ' I' : i : : t { , - . . J. C. Moorc , abstracting. 2t1 Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . Mone ) ' loaned on Improved. . farms. J AM itS LUDwlcu , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. Clocks , the very best , at . . Ed. McComas' . 1 SAI.1\-A \ five room hous and six lots in Broken Bow. H. tf S. M. DOHRIS. Jersey swcet potatoes at J. C. Bowcn's. Lubricating oils of all kinls at Wilkin's drug store. ElegAnt Jewelry at Ed ! . MeComatill. . Job printing at thi office. , . ' 1'wo hours of solid amusement , with the nse of a Drop Curtain. No waits , no drn&TS , at the opra housc in this city , Friday Nov.,7. > Lumpsl All . Jdmls and sics at J. C. Bowen's. See Ed. McComas' Fine Jewelry. Cran berries at Bowen's. l ol { OK 'rlAD t-'rOWIl lots and a few Jive acre lots in this city , for clttte , horses or farm land.-Allen l cyner , 'l'he Daily Star o ( Lnicoln : Neb. , want agcnts in every 10ctI- : it ) . , and in addition to paying a liberal commission , is offering" some handsome premiums to clul ) raiser . l ull pa'rliculars ma.l b obtained by addreslting The Star , , Neb. 20-22 West Union , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash for butter - ter and eggs. RUI1US G. CARR. WatchesuThey Ara Fine , At Ed. McComas' . Sevcral good farms for sale at a bargain , incJ.uding my own.- Jl SS1t GANDY , 44 t ( J.'OH S.A.I.1t-l male hog and some shoa ts , also 4 milk cows. A. D. BANGS. Abdindon wagon is the best \ngon on the market for the 11l0ney.-Squires Bros. 20 tf FOr Elegant Watches go to Ed. McComas' . 'l'he 1 l\PUDt.ICAN and Inter Ocean , $1.50. Pepsin Gum , two paakages for a uickel at WiUdns' Pharmacy. A cyclone of fun from start to finish , evcry thing new and novel - el is what the Brose Commedians promise at the North Side Opera Housc Friday and Saturday nights , November 7 and 8. Ed. McComas has a Fine Lot of Nice New Silverware. Dr. T. W. Bass , dcntist , office northwest corner of Healty Block. 8tf. . At the old stand on the corncr. Pure new cider for mince meat at Bowen's of course. .A "I.cellil otter. The RttPUnrtcAN and Nebraska Fur" mer CUll be had at this office for a IhhitL'I.\ time for $1.35. Call eatly if } 'ou want to take al1val1lll e of this offer. Here is two papers for little more than thc cost of Olle : . . 20-28 . - . A good house for sale. 17 tf. H. BANGS. Repairs for any stove made.- Squires Bros. 20 tf . The Brose-Commedians comes , highly endorsed by the press. 1 Remember their date in Broken . i Bow Friday Nov. 7. FOR RUN'l'-A store building ' 1 25 x 50 feet and five rooms on , se- j1 cond floor , opposite Bowen's stor ' north side , enquire atBrokenBow j I Roller Mills. 10-16-tf. . .j Pure York State Maple Syrup and buckwheat flour for breakfast I r is fine at Bowen's of course. : i I FOR SALlt-li'ive acres of la d j in good shl.te of cultivation adjoining - I joining Broken Bow Cor , $200. . Inquire at this office. ,3-27 tf ' ( . " Just received a car of hedge posts nt Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. in this cit ) ' . Price , 12 and 16 cents , t { . - , . . - - - - . . . . . . - - , - , . - I . . . . . . . ' \ . . . ( I .