' . . ' 1""J\ " ' " ' ' , . < ' " " . . . ' - " : , / , " ' ' ' ' ' " " " , , . " , ' 11" ' . ( " ' : ' 11. . " , . ] III. . . " , rtI. ; 7" J'I" " ' , riff' ' 'tf ' I , - , . , . . . - , . - , ' . . , " . " . - ' . . . , - - - : - - - - : - - - ' : : : c - - ' = ! r = : - " : : : ) } I IH { cJEWEl Elt TII ! N B = - - _ - - " : . . . , , _ . . : : . . : - , .2--E - - - : . . , 7 PULjTAN - , AND - VA V ALIEa ) ] I - ' , , . . : : ; ' . . _ ' ' " - : : : : ----IDy : : - f ' = ' : : : ? - = : ' : - - = : " - ? 'i ' _ MRS.C - 'O N NEI:5 : . , _ - , - , - - - - - - - - - " ' " - - " - - _ V H _ ' _ " nn . < ; , HCllU"I'lm XX.-ColIllIIIICll. ( ) " \\1'1'1' " YIII ! fOUlIII whl"re till ! wI/lllll'he IIIl1r "I'I'I' ' leU 'Oll'/ " " " wn IH'M'I h ) ' Ulorl' . Ih/lll / nlll' , 111111 IIC1t'l' I 'III \II \ , ! ' olle tlf'ld fnr houl IIrl' hili IInl I't'/I nll rellll'lwd. 'I'he 1II11111er or 1111' hJiI I' when' I IInw lilli , whn Wllii ' ' ' ' In 1111I1'1 UII II JUIII'IW ) ' , hu I'hlell j'\I'lh'r : 1111111 UflIIUI , 111111 till' lI'hL which It.IIlIl'1l CrUlI1 Ihe IImll' , which hI' OIlIetl to HI' wlllll11w wluUwr WII , IIIU1\1 hllve Rltl'lIl'1l'tIIllYltlelliioll , ror I SIlI'C'lh'd III rl'\I'hell Ihe IluorHlel' , will' ' 1' ( ' I rell , Ill' , 'I\'lIh till ! II HIlIIIIICe of II ! I'r\'IIIII , l'1UTled 11\1' IlIln till' hOllse. A .II'W ! llIrJ I'UII Wllii III'Hcllrl'tl , whn drl'ii 1'11 Ihe'OUIIIJ nil lilY fort ll1'llIl , IIlIel IIl1ollll'r. whll'h ' hI' CUll filII. l'rl'tI lIIore 1I1I1IJ.erouH : , III lilY HilleVIII'II 111'1'I'lIl11e ImowlI 10 1111'111 Ihllt IIII' ' I' lIligh' ! lUll'110 Ih'e,1 , ollllo lle WIlS I'hlll' I'(1 wllh till' crlllle oC 11I111'111'1' , IIIHI thllL I IIIwrt lie the 1II'I'SOll HIIJlIIOSI'II 10 Ill' 1I1111.tlel'ell , t.lwy dl'll'I'lIIll1l'tl Cm' II whlll' 10 1\1'1'11 "ill'nt ou Ihe IIlIhj'cI , while , It 11 , , . .III1I' , I1I'Y III' . , rrl'llsell their efftll'ls for III ' I'l'CI"'Ct. . 'his If ! tll ! ' HI'COlld tlu ) ' oC the hilll , 1 UII. derslolld ? " "It IfI. " "I'Wlllli 10 Ivl' III III ) ' Il'sIIIllOIl ' . " "Are ) 'OU Ilhl ? UIIII YOII 1'II1111re Ihe J1 l'cSSllr ' exrllclI1'lIl 111111 Clllhut" ' " " 1\1 : ) ' Jlll3'slclull hus givell hili cOllsellt , " Ullrll'lJ11 ; WUH Ule firltl wllll ! s w1w WUK ( 'nilI'll Ihut urtcrllOOIl. WIII'II he hUll lill. Mll'll the little III ! h011 10 IIIIY hI' Il'ft Ihe room hy II 111'I\'ale tloor , JIIRl hacl < of Ihe 1\'IIIWIiIi ho . lIIlItoll III t111 ! lIIelilltlllle lwei I I'clI I'lIl1ed 10 Ihl' HII1I\4I. \ lie hll little IQ lIt1d 10"hat IIlIrll' 1-h . hull Hllld , 111111 wllI'lI hI' 111111 wll , II'1i WII , chl1lr wus IIIuCItl where he lulIl litooel , BI'url' I1w I < 111'c1.ltorti : IIII IIl11e 10 I'qm's10 e/lClI / OUI'I' nil' cul'lOiillllItI / liur"l'iiil' O'CIIHlolI. ell b ' this "I'OCCI'IIlIl , lIurll'l h e1ltt'l'cll b , ' the HOIIW IIIIor 111' wI'nt 0111 lit with 11 l1UII Il'llllilll ; all his 1\1'11I , 'Phc mOil /WI' II II ! I I WI'II1 < allel ugllllll'l1 , 111111 WII'I'er ' lillie , UII 1I1111IIII'lIl1ee ! which Willi 11I'\jhtellcll \ : hy UI ! ' 11111I0-1 ( , I'IIIISOII llll ( ! oC u lIewly ciculrlzl'd WOIIIIII 011 llls forl'hellli. At Hhht or him 111 , lid II II stllrlell ( 1I11t1 11 SIIIII1I'II III1Hll o\'l'rHilrellll LIt ! coulllelllllll'l' . 10'01' U ( 1II111111'niM lw foulld II 1111 I illS II I hll' tll 1'lIIlrehili ( \ 1I lta- tlOII , olICI hlH Iil'Ht 11II111I1 1' was to 11t1I'III11t , w'hlll' Ih ! ' 11111'1111011 oC 11\ \ ( ) e Im'sent WIIS drn WII towllrcls Hl.tldillS , 10 Jcu'e till' court hOllse. "It wJt1 10llk UH tr I W\l'e J : : II Ill ) ' , " he 611ltl 10 llhllHl'IC , lifter 11 11I011I1'111' , ; J'enee' tlon , nll the hlllfCorllled lItelllloll WIIS , tlWI'I.tOI'C IIhullllonccl. Ueildill hll\"lnJ ; h eu sworn , Hulll that : OIl. the uVl'lIln oC hili HUllo-ell ; lIIuril\r , GJIIlert 1l'IIlklull sellt him 10 J eclul1lUn , the JUW'Ii , for Ule IlIIrtlOsC oC 11(1)1111 ( ; 0111' l1l111111'I'tJ IIUlIIlIls , for whlloil l'he ' .1 w helll 1'lIlklnnd'li hOlld. "All r WilliIIUI. . ' . IlI ; a IIUle hllml court alljoluhll ; the , Tew'H IJ\llIdlll \ Ii , " he wellt 011 to IIU ' , "I hl'uril HUIIIH une lillY , In 1\ low \'ok' ! ' : ' 1'hllt IIIUlit he OUI' IIIIIU , Cor- kll . ' 'hiH HOlllewllut slartle 1111' , 11M 1 t1l0uIht he mhhl lIIenll me. I IJuhkellc : I m ' "I'IIH , IItHI Ihe next IIIll1ule I rl'llche ' Illl' shOll Ilour. 'I'u 111) ' 111 IIII1Y , I fUUlIl1 thllt II WIIS IUc\'I'II. \ 1 111\1' "I'\'l'rnl IUlIcl ra l'Ii , \\111'11 I WIIH Hclwll : h ) ' I h ! ' IIrlll ullIl Jlullell 01T Uw Ht.S. ( I sll'Il gh'lI 10 Crt'l' 1II"I'l'lr , 111111 al tl1 ! ' sume lime l'ril'lI IUlIIII ) ' for helll , fm' I COIIIIII 1'11111 I hllll morl' tllIIlI olle to l'OlIh'ml wlt'h. Fl'om thllt 1111\1' , fOl' 11101'1' Ihlln I WI ) wI'CIIi , 1111' WUIi a hili III , to 1111' , I'xcli tlllIl lit olle tIlIIl' r hll\'e a 11111I recolll'cllllll ot Cl'ullug l'nlll IIlId wcnk , IIIHI of gulll lowllr ii I < 01\1l'I'11111g ' wilich 1 look III Iw Ihc firl' on thl' Iwnrth nC m ' IIIIIHtl'r'K 10IhIrIIH , " 'l'hlM "IOtl'lIl1'lIl , 111'111'1111 of helllg IlIvnl. iilllh'd h ' a Hll'icl CI'oslI.exlllllllllltion nC thl" wltnesii , ulIll b ) ' Ihe Il'flUlllony or Ihe 111frl'I'I'IIL lIIeIllIH'I"/I oC the tllwlly who hn u11'l1 lowurds him till' lIurl uC till ! gOl(1 SlIlIItIt.ltllll , Willi 1II0l'e fully 1i1lhstnuUuted , IIIIlI l'ellll < ! I'cll 1II0rt' cOIIliitent. A/i Hulltliul ; IIteadll ' Ill'rlllslull ill IlellY' III ; : Ihot he l'lIterell thl' Kholl , IIr nil ) ' { lllrt of Ihe hllll lll' ' ; , 110 how Flilklauul'K hOluJ CHnl" : 10 hI' In thl' lllllrc wlll'rl ! Ihe Jew lullllltll'il hI' 111I11 fllulll It , r'llIlIluCII u 1II , 'wry Hlill 10 \xIIIIIIIII'I. . 'I'ill It coul 11 ( ' , thl' CIIUIlIlerUI' \ till' Ilrolil'Clllioll ob , It'I'I1I 10 Ihl ! n'h'uM' oC Ihl' 111'1801\1' . 'J.'h QS > aRRhlb. hl' 11I111111111111'11 , wlht ' uye 1I1'l'Il eIllJlIO'I't1 hr him for Ihl' llUrllUSc ! of o\JtnlnlllJ \ ; It. ' 1'111' gl'el'l1 ot guill , SUI. I'olieil to hI' com III 011 to hlii 1'111'1' , jlL'itll1el1 him III mnklllJ : : IhlH III1S l'lIulI. . \t t11111 crisis , 1111 hune'it.luuklnJP ; yel ) ' I1l1ln , who hnll ellll'rell UIC court rOOIl1 lutll nft the Ilul'811un ot the bond wns broughlUll , HUll whllm 1ltU'lelgh rl'Co"ulz. rll 1111 HClldrlck Dykr/ ! , made hlft W'111 to' . wllr ll Ihe counlil'I'1 ! bl'nchetJ , IInd rl'Quest. ttl 10 hI' tlWOl'11 us a wltuellJ , " [ think , " lIultl lie , whell his I'l'lues1 ha been com\llIell wltb , "thltt whnt ] ! in"e to SR ) " muy throw lIome lIht , 011 tbl Ilolnt In questlou. Lute III thc eTlIln 0 : Ihl' lIe"enleellth ( Ill ) ' or Inllt 1II01lUI , I IllIrlcll trom hOllle with 1\ load oC coul1tr Ilruduce , und IIrrlV'd In Ihe ell ) . hetorl dllrl1rellk. 1 Wl'll1 to tIle stnbh' where l'OIllIllOIlI ) ' go , nllil wuklllg t11C hotlt1er 111111 III ) ' hursrlj : 1111"11 cnl' ot. As ther" " ' , bll'l room fOl' m1 wagon ulIller covel I l n't 111 < 1' III ICI1\'e It , tlO I crept un l' thr. &trll w III tilt' bllck Ilurt or thl' WllgO\ ] tlo H to U COli pie oC burrels , and was Ix rllluluJ : ; to III ! n IIUlI' drowsy wlen iil'lIr "olcI'1I clo"e by. r " , us wl c IIwllk III nn Inl\lullt , tor 1 I1ldn't know hut SOIll Ihle\"cs hlld Rtrolled that wa ) ' , and woul Ill' hl'IlIII" ( thmnse\'cs ! to IIOll1e of m thc"lIc. 1 k'llt slIll n U mOUlle , und IIsl tllcil to " , hnL they snld , " 'ft"IIS lucly , ' lIald olle of thl'ln , 'th h ! ' got Ihl' hOlld , wlwlI lie went to the 01 JI'W'Ii ' I'rll ' ' ) 'elil a ) morllhljt. . . 'Why so ? ' Hald ulloUler voIce , " 'Uon't ) 'OU 11 ( ' ( ' thnt It will be 11rO ( rhhL to tile \Iolnt ? ' 1111111 h ! ' who had 111' IIIOkl'u. I . . 'Yl'S , 1 lice now , alld 1 rllther t11111 thllt IC Jeliuthull ll1ld ImuwII how it WI goln' to burn 11111 own flngrra , he wou' ' /I\ ' ( ' let It he where It wall , Instead I ( llekln' It up , ' said the ot1l1Jr. " " \\'nll the nnme oC the person lIIelltio td , who WIlS reCl'ued to , all Obtlllllil - - IJRSI'II 11I1I of the hOIllIVIIH here IISllCll hy I hI' 1'lUIlS1 ClI' Ille 111.tellst' . 11 II rll'llll 111111 Joiliblull hllh luokl"l1 nt 1"I1I1 < 1l1l1tl Whl'lI 11.111 . IllIl'lIlIlIU waii 1I111.ed , 111111 HII w I hiltI 1001 < oC III II' II HI'lgony II\VI'pl ! I\'I'I' hili fIU'I' " 'I'JII' IIt'IIIY Willi 1I0t IIIl1re thnll hllie II IIIlllllle'li dllltllIlI , hut 10 li'lIlkllllll , tlu' IHlI'rUl' cruwelell IlIlu Ihllt hlilC , uillllie Willi elloulh tu embitter II IIC'lIlIIe. Whcn the aUHw'r oC 1I1'1111l'lck clllne clear lIull dllllillel , "It WIIS 1101 , " It Willi wl.1I rOl' 1.,11 < 1111111 Ihllt he stood wetlge III , alllOll1iO dellse u crowIl , II ! ! other. wl e , 110 I'elll III1 sudlhm Willi the I'eyul' /ilun oC his Cel'IIII" " ! ! , UIIII he mUHt hnvl' tllllell , "Old Ihcy cnll ellcll other uy 1III1I1C ? " wali Ihe lI'xt Iinestioll which was Itske oC UIHI rllk. : , il' 1\IIIr \ ! Imc or thcm clIlI thc othcr b , 11/111I1' , " WIIS his IIlIlIwer. " 1 > 0 ) ' 011 1'\lIlmhrr ! whnt It wns ? " "YeH ; IL Wl1Slwllum. . " Oorl < 1e 111111 hili two 1II111y cOIICederntcB were cOlln'red trolll Ihe coul'l hOIlRto Newgllte , thell' clllployer J'llIallllllg ! sUII IIIISUHlCClrc1 ; wIllie the .Jew , cOllducled 10 his OWII 110llle hy IIlIrlelJh : tllll 1 lIIs- tOil , tOUII AIJI , Alice /llId l\Ii't ! . S'lwyn to We1culllc hIm. ASCIll'th IIIUlIzlIr \\1'1'1' IIlso thcru , Ihl' Sllllle telltlIllOtl ) which lU'u\'c theil' l11/1sler'li InllOCl'lICe huvilll ; ' IilluWII them to III' 1lIll1h'ss , . . . . . . . ' 1'wo dll1j IlIlel' l l\lklllu vlHlled CO\'kie III 11IH eell. "Are 'ou KohlI ; 10 hclllllle Ollt oC Ihls ? " IIHlw,1 , Ihe cOllllellllled 1111111. "Yuu IIl'e hl'sleh yourselt. YOII dOIl't lulOw wltlll ) ' 011 lire Hllyllll ; ' , " \VIIS the 1'1' 101'1. 101'1."I "I shull Imow wl\1'l1 \ I I'l'Odlllm 10 Ule \\'O\'ld whllt n douhle'dycd vlllnill 011 1"11 " 11 < 1 II 11 Is. " "You'll Ihlllk helleI' oC whllt ) 'OU say wlll'lI ) ' 0\11' rll e hns hll lIme II ) cool. " "YolI'lI liull ) 'ol\l"KclC \ I11lsllllwu , As Hurtl ) ' liS ) ' 111I II VI ! , Ihc wor1l1 sllllll kno\V il. " ' ' 'l'hl'rl' Is olle WI1) ' to IH'I'vuUI It ; " and liS Iw ! ; IIOkl' hI ! III'ew Corl11 1,01l1nrd whil'h 111\11 \ heell CUIICI'lIlc" IIhollt hili per' Hon. 'rhe 1111ick eye of Corl < 1e clluJht the I'lellm of Ihc shlllhlJ ; lill'1 lIil11ed lit hIs I br'lIst , III seasoll 10 wl'ench It from his hllllll. 'rhe lIexl 1II0mellt l'I1I1 , < 1l1l1d 111) ' al his Cel't with the POIIIIII'II IIhellthe hi his IlI'lirl. 'I'he deep sllellce oe his 1:1'11 for len or I fifteell mlllllies rl'fllalllUd unurolwn , ex. ' cepl t1l11t 1I0W IIII thell n nervouJ motloll oC the prlluller cl1ulled 1tl1lnt clash ot his Iroll tulll'1's. ' .rhen the dual'VIIS un- 10cl.ed I1l1d hel a little IIjal' . " 001111' , " sliid Ihe lurulwy , l'U11' time Is 1111 ) 'OU were 10 stU ) " . But how Is thIs , Corkle ? " he IId etI , sccllll ; I.'nlldl1l1d ex. lended on thl' lIoor. "lIl1s your friend ICIIW to Bleel ) ? " "YeN , lIud WOIl't walH' very soou , I'm thlllldu . " "Who ld thIK ? " ' ' 'I'he decd lies bet wcell him 111101 IlIe , I 1i1l11110SU , " 1l1I1e1 Uorl < 1c , suddeuly. ClIAP'J.'I lt XXI. III Ih.fel'I'lIce to the wIshes of Mrs. m. llito : II , Ihe 11111l'rlllgl' ot Ollll'enCI ! IIl1rlelh IIlIcI Allce Dille was 10 tulm plnee lit IlIr ! houHe , 1111I.1 the 1'IreIllUUY ! WIIS 10 UC per- forml'd III Ihe 1111I1nIlmple tI1lUlUl'r Hult- I'll to the I'l'llgilluii CII IIh ot tllt.- sect to which she hclullgl't ! . 'l'he JUl'fltli Werl ! uHseU1hleo1 , IlIId Abl ha jUljt finished twhlllll ; the hrl lIl \\'rl'uth , wltll the rich brown tI'eliReli at Alice , whl'lI there clime 8everal qulcJ. , IIhllrll rllps lit th door. " 1 or Ihe hrlll ! ' , " said some aile who I\I0o In Ihe shade ot Ule IlOrllcu , IIl1d who qllickly turned aWIlY afler hllu lnl ; ' sOIllILhlug ! to the 8l'rvallt who 111l opeu d the door. "Here Is 1i0ll1l'thllll ; ' Cor the brIde , " sal he 10 I1's. mll lun , who ordl'red It o be ! ; ( 'lIt tu Allcc. AIJI undid the cord or blue and white tlotJ ! bound round It , aDd relIloved theen. . velolle. "no" brllutlcull" she l'Jclahneod : , 1111 a box ot pure white ! TorT , dellcnlel1 au l'llibomtely carved , was IH9Closed to ylmT , 'I'hey bent on'r It , IIl1d rcnd what WIUI wrItten on the Idlp ot IHIllel' glued tthl. " . cuyer ut the box , " 'fhn'Ota to the IIweet , ' It 9A1S , " Iinld Alii , " 'I'he writer must be &Ome oue who knoWiI fltU , Bhall I re-mOTe the ! 'OT'L''l' ' "Ye , 'Vc must see what It lJt. " "A glCt delicate alld 10TelT aa the cu- I.et which enntllinli It. " "Bee , " saId Alice ; "the monllng de. . . . iii IitUl sI > arkllulr In the beu't ot the-se halt' blown ro 'es. " ' ' ' .rhl'l I1re just "hilt arc needed , " 1I111e ! Abli "tor thougll Mrs. Elllsion relluested 10U to wellr no jewelr" fllte caunot objeel to rour "enrlng thcIII' . " 'l'bey were 80011 Ilrrauged arnld tb ( IiIlOW ) ' tolds ot the lace k\rchll't worn b , Alice , which was oC a texture 50 fhUt IInd dellcltt all to make It of It price mnn , tinll'S grealer thuu Its wel ltt III gold Word hn already bl'Cn seul thl'm thnt al wall rendy. 'J.'he .Jew , who had oc'Cu bidden to th\ weddlll ! ; " WIIS IItnmllng In Ihe doorwI11 01 t1w 1'00111 conUguuus to that wllere till ccrl'lnollY WI\S to bl' perCorme , 11111 where IInrlelgh , Elllllloll lint ! otheri : wcrl n"nltIng thl' bride. "Whullce COUles thh1 sJekenllll ; IIKI deatho \ or1" exclaimed the Jew , nil hi sh'lllIed buck tor Alice I\lId Ahl to cuter " \\1Illt Is It ? " IiHld lhrlelgh , ! 'OUlhll Ilulcldy Conrnrd , " 'l'here Is n subtle an ddeallly POISOI somewhere lIcar , " rl'lllIl'I1 the Jew. ' 'It III nothhll ; but the { lerfume oC thes rosl' ! ! , " lIold Alii , "Wlll're1 " 'hilt roscs ? " he luked. " ' ' " nnd she th ' 'I'hese , Ilolllted to 1' wor by Allee. " ' 1'he1 are Iollioned , " ald he , iii 11 ture tllelu trom tbe 1I010ln at Ule trltbl u. cllell bride. g Unrll/lih lIuntQhtf thMl tflla 1tJ ltalle rI't"I" ! < ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' , , . . . ' . ' ' ' ' ' 1' ' ' ' . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . - . , , . _ . - - - - - - ' - ' - - - ! lnd In the nlmolt ! trnnllc tcrror ot t11" IllOlIlcllt , Ihrcw thclII frolll II Wlllllow , "lIow Is It , Alice ? " Raltl he. "Hllcnk IIIHI tell IIII ! tll ( ' ) ' ha\'eu't hull lIml ! to 110 yuu hllrlll. " "rill II Iltll ( ' faint , " she rCIIIIIII , ftt , tl'll1lll1l1g 10 811I\11' \ . " 1lIlIld" sulci 1' IIWlIl'cI milston , nHIIl1 ! 10 tlw Jl'w.tIller ' lI1s III'I ! aJ whlll ! II snllw. " "JII Ihpl'c lIothlnJ ; which call HIiVe her ? " exl'1l1hllell IllIrlpllh , II he tool , hl'r III hl1\ III'IIIH IIl1tl hllrl' her 10 II cOllch. "I' 'alOw ' ( If 1111 1I1I11t10le ; I hn" ! ' It al ' ! t 0 111l' , hili il ClIlIlIot Iw ohlllhiell 111 time. I Cenr thl ! hlltlcl of clellih Is IIlrelld ) " 1111011 hl'r , " suld Ilw , Iew. "Ie ) ' 011 1I1l'1I11 thl' Ilerflllllu ! llIch 11.II JOIi KaYe 11I1'111111 . \ hi , ' " hn v ! ! some herl ! . " AIIIl 1111(1 IIn'II II1l11' Jolll hex Crom her IlOcket , III shalw resclllhllllJ ; Ihe vllllu\ \ : ' retl < ! 111 II I' lit Ihe IIl'psent IIny , ' ' 'I'hllt III It , ' 1'IIIa. cOllrllgu. It Is sllll lIIore subt1t , : than the 1I0lsou , IIlId will ROOII l1ervIIII' , Ihu whule H"lItclII ; " IInll he 1wld the pleallalll IhollJh IlUugellt Pl'r- fume so thllt Alice CQult1 luhule It. 'l'here Willi II IIIll1ule at harnsHIII ) ; dOllbt , /lelll'cely relle\'l' hy hupe. 'I'hell her color lll'all ! to rl'lUrll , UII thl' IIluggl h , allllost fl'ozell lillIsI' 10 resume Its IIl1tur/ll , henlth. . CuI hellt. A few 1II01Ilelll ruore I1l1d 1111 I llllJ.er wus Pllst. ' .rhe Jew IJllndud the . lIertulII to Ahl. " IulUIII' uf It , " lIall ] he , "YOII , too , hllVl' uuell en llnJere . " 'he ) ' did 1I0t Hee , durllll ; ' all this tillie , a pille , hllJllrll fllce pressed IIJalnst olle ot Ule willdow panes , 1I0r the cul:1It - tI'rlllK c'es which wure walchllll ; Ihelll. I \m Ie tll'y ha , they woul nut , III their w\l \ lerroI' alld IlItcuHe excilutl lI , hn'e Jlveu Ule clrcumstullce II slugle Uloulbl. It wnll not till they kllt.w thnt the 11' . dble dUll gel' was IlI1st thllt some olle IIsk. ! 'd whll t hll uecome of the 1I0isollell lIow. ers , No one Imew. UurlulJh , too much agllnled 10 Imow whllt he dl whell hI' thl'cw thl'lII tram the wllllluw , hud 110 rec- ollectloll of the ch'cumstllllce. 'fhe SIr' ! Yllllt who had rccelycd at Ihe oor what hll 110 lIenrly pro\"c a flltlll gitt , ellier. IlIg Ibe I'llom as till' IlIqulrleli were Iwlul ; mllde , liultl that he SIIW Mr. lIarlelgh I throw Ihem tl'OIll the window , I " 'l'hey lIIustll't remllin Ihel'l' , " ! luld tile 1ew. "re they o , more Ihnll aile lite may he lost hy lIIean.1 ot Ihem. " warll ] 11Istoll , hlwluJ ; callt'll Cor n lalllem , wellt III senrch ot them. All he helll the Ih ht clORl' tu Iherouud Its raYR Cl'11 all some ohject which , il 1llilcare to hllll , was II l1U1I\1I1I \ fo 1'11I , 1)'IrII { ulldel' the wlnduw lIext Iu Ihe olle where e was Helll"chllll ; Cor Ihe 1I0wI'Ii. ApprullChlll1 ; ' It , he COUII It WIIH a WOIII 11 II , I1 ( ' clIlle tor belli , IIn when he had uHslsled to carry hel' 11110 Ihe houe , llarlelgh an Alice SIIW Ihllt It WIIS lIl l'e Dacn.s. "She appeurs 10 be dead , " Hul Unl' . ll'h h. . "ls It Iwsl.lble Ihut she fouud thl' 1I0isolled Ilowers ? " " 'herIJ WIlM uo nlI. ' tha I she shoulll . lilltl Ihem 10 Ilro uce tht effuet ) ' 011 see , " I'elllllrkutl the' , Jew. " 1 cl1n lIercelvl ! Ihllt Ihe slum' elllll ) ' ellhl\'ill l'IIIUlIllles fl'OIll Ihe tlowers Imlalljled : Iu Hueh a lIIaUII'I' wllh the hl'clIstlmol , she wearllIS 10 1II/11c It IIcl'm IU'obuble Ihut shc mllde an effol't 10 teal' the III Ihellce , as I l'leclell In Ihese. " 111 a sholt lime u slight convulsive 1II0YClllellt Wllg IWI'C\lIllble , euuslul ; ' II IUliutie Bhe hlld on to slhl nsl e , which wOIIIIl hll VI' tullclI 10 , lhIJ 1I0ur hut ! 1I0t II corner of It been wounll roull her hnll . llnrlelgh , WJIO sloe neur , rUllloved the Ulllllt1e , wll'n It wall s cn thnt her hnn wns c10se over tbe tlowel's wl ch hull UCl'n thrown tram Ihe wlu u\V , with IQ ! Ilrm aud rllld II grnHII as to crush them. An ntlemllt to remove thelu U Wl1kIJlle her to 11 deJrl.'C at COI1SclOUSIIl'SI . " 0-1I0 , " she murmure . ' ' 'I'lley are Ilowers Cor the hrhlal. r lost them some' how , but I IIhllll IW11 ! them safe now , 1111 I can gin' Ihem 11110 thl' brldl't ) OWII hanll. " "CUll II he Ihal It WitS she who sent thc 1I0wl'rs'Huhl l llward 1 11ILou. "It n1llllt have buuu , " replIl'd IIul'lelh. , She l'ecoJnlzed his voice. "OlllreucI' 11IIl'lell'h , " 8111 she , "Lhere WIIS on whll Htollli between you un lIIe , but Bhl' III out ot the WI1) ' 1I0W. DOII't try to find llUw It Cllllle uuout. It will never Cllllle 10 light , 8tll-1.Ion't 10 ) 'et , In a minute I'll he ready to ) . ; 0 with ) 'OU , " As she spoke , wltb II sudden ( \ffort Khe rnlsed hereJr frolu her rt'Culnueut pos- tun' , Ihl'ew out hcr I1rms In u wlld , 1m- pnsslonc IIl1Ulller , I1S It she whlhed to pl'event ROllle OUl.1I ' delnrtur . fcll hack nlllll11melUII lel ) ' explretl. Att r whut hn Inkl'O 11lucc , till thougllts ot Ule IIllen ld ! wedllluJ : wcre tor thl1t l'venlnl ; ' nhulllJoned. 'Vhl'll , In n wl'Ck utterwurll , Ihe I'nest. ' ! I'C'IISSI1II111ed , It was uot uloul' to W111I\li1i the IJrldnJ ot IIurlelgll anti Alice , rur ere they return' ell to IheIr own homl's , I dwurd ml1 tou und Abl RUHhtoll had m , , = wLre I'Ccched the nUlltiul IICIICdlcUolI. A tew monlhH trom thIs Ume. HllrlN h un hIs ) 'outhtul bride TIs111 d the home ut her chl1 bood , It WI1i the t"Tenlng utter their nrrlvnl , I\lul the 1I1r , ! teeM und trosty without , cllWt'ed Lhe oacru > > Led SIIOW to IIpllrkll' III the bell.lIIl1 .r the Cull moon , Ili It slrl\Ted wll thoWH.uWo oC dlnmoud8 , was lemlcr . . . .Ithlll the am , pie parlor ot the WlllwOl"th Carm hQu/ICo to a kJlld ot tl. UTe lIIellllWDl'fOa Rot eall ) ' tb descrIbe. It seemed tll Allc Ihat f1 finl:1l'Ii , lUust hu ve bl'CU bUilT wIth hoc tot"mcr guarlllun'lI fucL-lH re l ! Uuothla. : a Will some IItl'rU alld rljhl III1 nd there , sl\1y \ Ivlllg IL u little dL'ih .t lIuu.i hlDe , It "ns cl'rtalu. that he 11Iut sNII.U1 , Ot' aeT' er betore , so tull ) ' glTl'n hlmwt Ull t t1lnt socIal enjoymellt , . , hlch de'ft'lopil th ( bctter nnd the 1II0re killdl ) fCl lIl1g oClUI nnture , sluce , hy II mlsll1ke cununon tl tht' enthusln8lJ > ot hlJ 11m ! , 110 bad , It his own mhlll , coufolltldl'll lWt1I tile pUrl nud hmocl'nt Illullllureli oC Ule home cJ.rcll with thosc which he con.-ldl'rl. . 'falm 11m slntul. But I1U lel'ucrcltunot / rl'sl..t till con8tnnt and t'Illtd IlIfllICftCCR ot the sun nnd his nrlllicllll colllness RUI ! aUiiterlt ) lulll grl1llulllly yll.II11'11 tl ) the nUe all ! benh n Influences oC hl'r who pretJdl'i 0"1'1' his houRehohl. "You don't Imow who Aunt Jnne Is do ) 'ou ? " snltl mill , who , 1111 In formc : dll.II , 111\11 taken U KURt b ) ' thl' &J e 0 Allt'c. "No , dual' , " she relllled. " \\'ho Is she'l' "Uncle Gabriel's wife. You Imow h , 11 taught my brolhers nUll me to call hili uncll' . " "A1111 WI' like to , 110\\ ' , " RIIIIl Helljftmln "Ill' llou't 'cm so sl1'anl'l' nj he usel to. " "Ol1hrlel , " snltl Irs , \Valwortk , " 118 beun 1lIurrll'd to the good.llutnrel ! . lUUl11 iUI : Jllue llO\'ering alore thl\n a y\r , 11111 belnr ; wl1"Onr ; lUll healthy , she U1l\ke nothJnt : .t splnnlug and wcnlag UI 'i cu 9t IUs belt , ' whlcl1 be ou'ce , 011 . ; ; - - . . . . . " " ' . C' , w."r ; - " " " certnln o < : cIIslolI , nllu ell to , IIlIll at man' 1tln , , ; a large dlilry to his l'nllre SlltlstllC- UOII. " "I'JI1RfI ! Aunl , Tillie's tllce fillli his e 'e , " slIl II < 'IIJI\II1I1I , "COl' It 1:4 : liS his IIUlI 118 rouul1 1111 th. . Cull 11I0011 , " " I ) ' Hon , " Mil III hili tll tlw I' , rcp'o\'hl ) ; ' I ) ' , IhuuJh 11111111' coulll IJ ! ' s'ell 1\II'l \ > hl/1 / III hIs ' " ' II111HIII'1luffer ' ' l'Il e 'e , ) 011 /luffer 'olll' : < to cXlljgl'l'lIlc wlll'II ' ) ' 011 III II I\ ! ! CI UI 1111 1'1 , BOilS. " " 1"01' " m ) ' 111I1.t , I Ihill" it Iii uoth"lJ ; bill Ihe sllllllie IIlIll clludlll II'Ulh , " lIuld HIIII Wlilldllfl , who , hlllll'rlo , hllll heell II Slll'II1 { llIrlllker of Ihe sodlll elljo 'lIIellt , 111111 who cOlltlllllell 10 thllli. that It e\'I' Ihll'l' ! WIIJ 1111 IInlel all elll'lh , It WIIS Alice. ( 'J'lw ell , ) HE RUINED THE FEAST. StorY or JlO1'Olle JllekAoli Got Jllh III"ehnrlolc. "I'm not gencrtllly t'e\'engeCul , " Fmld MI's. HlIIIII. , " ! Jut wllllnJtlr : rcterdll : ' would hll ve 1 hn ve Collowed ,1 tlcluwn , my wultermtln , to the gl'lI "e. " , Jllcl\fwn Is 11 good ellough mlln , gUlIl'l'tlll ) " , Il1'etcrnn tllrllll ' gl'U , .c , ! Jut l101lte 1\1111 IIgllc to n deg1'ee , I gave him a good recommendlltlon when I sent him 11 way thIs mOl'lllng. "Why lll 1 sellll him awoy ? Well , tltill's the stor ' , Yestel'lll1Ir. ! . Blonk b'ouJht , two men Ct'leml : ; home to lunch with him. I hullnc"e1'seen ulther of thelll hefore Ilnd m ' pllntry WIlS Ilhont In the conllltion of Iolher Hub. hurd's , so , altogether , It WIIS 11 very Be , rioUH occllslon (01' lIIe. 'l'he cook work. ull clusperu tuly hllrd , though-she's u good soul , IH the coolt-l\nll 1 got out the fruit cllitc I WIIS sllYlng Cor Ellster Ilnll lhu llruservell ginger that's the light of III " e 'es , 111111 together we fix. cd Ull 11 IlI'esentll le little fetlst. " 'l'he piece de rcslstance of the re- IJast Wtl II dish of c1'enmcd turkey , IIIIl e of the remnunts at yeste1'dIlY's fowl , cited out ' beln ! ; sJ\'cad upon buttercd tomt , " quotcs tile Baltimore News. "It 1001el1 quite Il t'cspectable Ilmount when It was gll1'nlRhed und on t"e dish. I\lId I Cllutionell r.lt. . Blank not to help too lu"lshly , put my trust In the potllto cl'o < ) uettes und leUuct' Sllllld nnll tl'led to e hnpl ) ) ' , . . ' . -\11 may : n't be well , ' I murmured to rnYRelf , like the hero of n melodrn , ml\ ; but alas ! It WIIS not , for the re- douhlnble Jacl.son was well to the tore. As soon It. ' ! I found that hu hnd put on his patent-leather shoes In honor of the comlHUI ' I had Corubodlngs. " 'l'lIls Cootwenr hlld once belonged to Ir , Blanl" 60 I Imew exnct1 . how slip , per ) ' It WIIS , hut I tried not to care , amI to tall , of the news oC tile day In an Intelligent manner 11Iat wouhl please m ' hUHJUlIll's ! school chuUls. ' ' 'l'lw HOUP COllrBe pussed olr Rplendld. Iy , though J IIctson servc It like a juggler tosHlng plates , an then cnme tile turl.ey loust. I hope , you ha "en't antlclpII ted m ) . denoue- Ulont , but .Jaclson dropped the enth'e dish of that dalnt ) ' on the Coot of one of UI ) ' guests. He WIIS aIrily trylnJ : to 11ft a vegetable dish with one hand while he prcsll1ted this with the other when the accIdent occured , " 'Go un get some more ot that er- un-entrce ! ' thundered my hus and , 'amI sClIll Suah lo remo\'e this horrible delJrls. ' " 'There aln't no more turkey , sah , anll dllt's de trnfe , ' snlll Jackson. 'rhen , 'Lemme wIpe otI your shoe , sah. ' he suld lo my guest , " ' ell nnd mnlle "Ot COUl'SC , we laugh Ulel'r. " O\)1' the occurrence , and nib. hlcd wllfers 1I11 cheese nr1l1 sllllld and tried to thlnl. we were 1'callUng : , l.I\1t 1 thllll. 1 ! tnow two men who had lunch : COil at a downtown hotel about 3 ' aftel'noon , o'clocl , that "Jacl.son ? Db ! he's back at his old haunts In 11 Ilulclt.lunell room , nnd I've 110 douht he's succeeding nllmlrably. " 'l'lw Pcnch In Babylon. Nothing Is now more unIversally accepted - cepted thal1 that the peaell Is an 1m. provell vllrlet ) ' of the almond. ' 1'he almond has a thin shcll uround the stone , whIch spills open Ilnd exposes the stone when mature , ThIs outer sltln hus Hltnply become 6esh In the peach , so tlmt Is nil that gIves It 11:2 : speclllc ehurllcter. It scums now clear , from Investigation In tllc hIstory or ancient BalJylun , that III tbeir gardens -uow l1early four tbousand years ago -the pOl\ch WUH cultlvatud as It Is now. It must havc lJeel1 wany years eforo this Umt the peach was Improved upon the nlrnol1d , and this fact goes to show the great untillulty of the fruIt. Pos , &llJly , gurdel1lng In Borne respects , at leust so far us It rdutes to mnny 01 our cultivated trults , wus nlil rur ad , vlweed six , or perhups eight or teD UlomllU1d years bo.ck us Is to-dny , Phoonlclans , as proved by the rl.'Cords , httd In Ule1r gardens nimolllls , aprIcots , bIUUl11US , cItrons , graJ's , oUvcs , peach , ea , and pomegrnnates : and eTen su.ar , cane WUII In extOllBho cultlvaUou. Tribute" to ilia Gonius. 'lhat verT wealthy lUll ! fortunate . .Ylollllls1. Senor SllruHate , ha rccelv cd durlnJ : hIs curoer 118 I1n artist a Hel of pe.ula trom Queeu Ylctorlll , threE rln11 ! from the Gcrman EmlerOr Wll helm I. , II. blue erlluuel walch from thl Emperor Nl\polt.'Oll IlL , 11 lamot\ ( L'IIltrom / Dom Pedro , a portrlllt etch , cd III gold froIU the Emp1'C8s Auustn ! nlld n set of lllu.monds froln AlphollSI XlI. , with whIch Ilnd mnlll other yal uahle oITerlllgs he meWl ! > to eurlch hli untl\'u town. The Author 01' Plnl\fbro. 'rho late Sir .Artlml' Sulllmll wus enl , of the wealthiest muslcialls In Europe l rom the Sa\'oy oper'lIs he drew I [ Jrlllccl . Income , lIud ml\ny ot hi : HongH proTlded him wltlH\"er.welculUl clll.'cls e"cr ) ' quarter. As II ml\ll 0 lHlFlllless he had few 1'1\1118 , alld the dl s rectors ot the Cr1 > 1111 I'nlllco 1111 < 1 tllOSI ot the Sn'oy 'I'hentcr knew well hi 11111\1ICIIl.1 Ilblllty nlld hIs shrewducse e A IIttlo II'Arnlng Is u dancerous tl1hlJ a to bo without. { I ' . , ' ' ' ' 'f'I t' . - - , . . " . _ , . , . - - - - - - - - OUR , BUDGE1 OF 'UN. HUMOROUS SAVINGS AND DO. INGS HERE AND THERE. 1okcI ! IIml Jokelct8 thllt Arc BUllllOlCll to JlII\'C lIccli Hccelltly BrJl-Hllylu nlld UoltlJH tltllt Arc Old , Cllrlnu IIlId LnulthuhlcThe'cck'I JIlllllor , 'l'm'cll'I'-1 Wllllt II lIell fOl' the night. Clerk-II \'en't got one In the house , Ah' . "Unt one Ollt of the hOIlHC ? " "Oh , ' ( , H , " " \\\11. I'll tnl,1 ! thl\t. Whcl'e Is 111" " 0111 In the hncl , 'n"I ! , sll' . It's the " \t'll \ " ,1)lIT ) ' hell. Don'l ! 'oll o\'et. on the 111'1'11'-1 : , ( ; ood.nlJthl , sit' . " - - QuIte HIIl'crellt. \\'esll' . - Yo' 1001. trollhled , . , Hllstus ! 111'ell't 'Oll got dIJ ner"e to prOlOHe ) to hl ! ! ' ? HIIoItus-Oh ! , , II0PIIO(1 ( lie queRton ! , hilt I 1I111't got de Ilene to question [ Jop. Uo IICllen 1IIIClI. : \h1l1g1'-IIow Iii It you're not going ( lilt . \'uchtlng with Charlll ! ugnln ? lJnlllt took hoth his hands to man. . l\Jte the lJoat.-Sl.'ptcmhcr Smlu.t Set. I I How CUll It ? . > ) _ . . , . . . . . . . - , . " . l" . . , 1 < ; l1dle ( lI ecl G-Say ) , pop , aIn't the world l'Ourlll ? Ills Pop-Yes. Edllll'-'l'hell how can It e\'er come to nil end ? In the 'VrouJr Pew. lady Custor er-Glve me n package of lu rpJns , please. Green Salesnmll-You'll find those In tht' huh' muttl'esR department , ma um. -Ohio Statl ! Journal. Cuu tI 0 11I1. I Stl'l'1I [ other-'Were you In swim- ! ruing , BolJble' ! Bouhll'-What If I'll sa ) . ) "es ? Stern Iother-Why , I should whIp you. BoblJlc-'l'hen I refuse to answer.- Ohio Stute Jourllal. JlnrsiJrhtcd. "Dolly Is going somewhere with that "oun 1111\11 tills evenIng. " "Yl'Solll ! to sIt w.lth hIm in the hl1ll1llock. Hight ufter lnner she went ullstnlrl ! un pllt on a dark shIrt waist , " -Portlund Oregonlnn. The Southern l'hilospher. "You look hUIIPY , " ventured the tour- Ist. "Culdu't be more so , stranger , " l 1111l' the lunky native. "Dldu't the IIghtnJng strIke your plnce ( " "Y , hit the woodpile nn' split up enough kJndUng to Inst six weeks. " "Ilow ubout the cloudlJurst ? " "Oh , that SUVl. the old woman n wcel'M wUtihlng. Just hung the clothl'S ont lIn' the wltt r dId the rest. " "But the earthquake ? " "Well. that sl1n.'l1 SQme more work. Chlll'lll' up 1111 the mllk uroun' Into lJutlel' . Ilture Is mUll's greatest help , stran el' . " UIAul.poln ted , 'l'he l..lIt.lr-Dld an ) " QUe call wWle I WlIS out'/ 'l'he [ nld-No , ma'am , 'l'hc r..uy-'I'hut's very strange. I WOUller whnt people think I hnve un " " for.-'tloonshlne. : "lit lrOD1 duy" . - A lIot One. - - . what professIon would , nhoUr-ln fofJIll me to dlstiugulsh mysCllt ? lL1aH KIWlem-Ohl Any ut all-a lite. lon x lorQ1' ill AtrJea , for Instancil. Scheme thot Fniled. ToOl ( tctwlngly-WOUld you be sarry to bCQr * 1Int 1 am going to WRrry El1)-"tb'/ Mnym ludec 1 should. 'l'om-Wb , ? ) tayw lwcLusc I really like Edyth. At the DUnstrelll. BOUCII-YCUii , sub. Ah kIn prQve dat . NOl\b didn't take enuf to Cl\t on dut YO ) " . s a ! : ; e. ' 1I1abo-now kIn ) ' 0' proye It ? Houl's-Don't do good book say he only took one Ham ? ? A [ ortol J nemy. "Au1It Sally Is tl good old soul , 1 sup , posc shl' hmm't nn enemy III the wOt'llI , " "I nlll't'll , 8he hns \ I kllow one , Site once spoke or Miss Blenchbloollas 'tltn1 . skI wltll the 8und ) ' haIr.luck. . Iove1a Golden Drenm , Shc-AIHI wll ) "Ou speak to Itfila to- morrow. dUM' lIe (111 111s111:1oI1Don't \ , \\:1rlinj : ; - 't 'm .e upl-Puck. \ : ; . " . \ , ' , " . , . . \ . : : - - - ' . . . C' ' " . . - , . - . " "T " 11 : ' = - - - _ _ _ , _ J JtA She Coruered 111m , 'l'he clt ) . editor WM troubled , not tc . II'.Y nn ry. "Hnng It nil , " he excln.1mc . M he 1' < > 11(1 the Iltter ae1lIreS1ed to his d pnrtmcnt , "my wife hns been asking lIIe thut CJtI tlon for the last week unci , rt'rUHctl to lie bothered- " lIe lUlk\:11 ut the lutter ngnln and jumped out of hlH chair , ' ' 'l'hundcr nnel guns , " he rl'led , ' 'It'l ! her hllndwl'itlng , too Xow thllt she hils learned the trick. shc'lI mlllw nl ( ! settle e\'ery socin household IInd hlstorlclI ! quesUon thaI comeH up , ul\li I'll he , 'Ight 011 IlI\nel tc tnlw the hlnme If 1 l11ulw a mlst.ake. " , . ' . 1.01' a 101l tlmu he remained bti \ In thought. 'l'lwu he , 'eslgnCll.-Broolo Iyn Engle , AM Jle Ulillcrtltoocl It. Smith-Where IIl'C 'ou Ih'lng lI w ? BI'own-ln St. LOllis. g"er ecl there'/ Smlth-Xo. Brown-Well , comc over und spend I weel , wIth \IS IInd 'ou'll Iw\'or llvt un 'whCl'1 ! else. Smlth-Wh ) . , Is the clhuute thnt. fc 'talOhlcllgo News. _ . - Cozy lu Nume Onl , . . ' wfull . tlrell-md waul Cholly-I'm It - : to rest'a lt. Cllrr'l.-'l'hcn don't sit In the cozJ corner. ' ' HI8 Onl , . Hequc t. 1udgc-1'he jury has relur1led n YC1" dlct of guilty. Hnye 'ou anything te say for yom'self before sentence 11 pls. . < red ? Prisoner-Only one thlllg 'otlr honor 1 trust you wJU se ) 'our way clear tc deduct the time occupied b " my L'oun sel's speech from UI ) ' term of ImprJsoUi ment. I' ' NcnrlrlJ : the AJe LImit , I Flrst1lIghtIdll.J. . DeKIl\\or ] Is bIlL cd us having appeared cfore mnny oj the crowned hellds of 'urole. I won. del' who the ) ' wel'e' ! l''rontrow-All thOMe who reigned pre vlous to the eglnnlng of the l1 UO tecuth century , 1 Imagine. l. . Gooll Alv1ce , IIlx-Green sent $1 to n man who ad , yertJscd to Impart Information thai would mlu le anyone to Sfi"O money , Dlx-Dld he gut the Informat1 < m ? IIlx-Yes. 'l'ho u nrUsel' wrote and told him not to send nn ' more. Tool , It { or Gruuted , GuI e ( at the cap1tol-See ) that mllll across the WII ) ' ? 'l'hnt Is the spcnkel of the house. Jay Green-Dew tcll ! lIeow long ht ! ' his olu womnu een d ad huh ? B'oMion. , , " " ' - < - - ' "lIow do ) 'ou sell "our wooll ? " "By the cord. " ' "How long hus It beeu cut ? " "Four feet. " "I mean how long has it been sluCf "Ou cut it ? " "Not a bIt longer than It Is now. " His Ob8Cr""ution. " 'l'here fire two critical periods Ie e\'II' . marrIed WOmll11'S liCe , " observ the bachelor phl1ooophcr , "Put we next" sulll the \'er ' Y011118 man. "One" replied the b. p. "Is wilen she luts a hired girl an the other Is whet ' . " she hasn't. 1IIB Expericnl1e. IIlx-'l'he ) . say thut every hN\.rQ Il\ugh udl1s n duy to one' > > life. DJx-Don't clleve n word or It. lIlx-Why not'/ Dlx-A wan kicked at least a wee. oct my life recently blK'nuse I laugbe4 when u banuW\ . peel up1.et bhn on tt Illl wulk. A Polntcr. ' You cnn Iometmcs see preltywelLtc the future i YO\ get the rlgllt focw 01 tbe ptlt-PUCk. low 10 Fel. "Is It severe uUn k 7" il , I nske wiCe. "IB 17" suld the dYBpepUc. ' ' c fiS thugb 1 1111 wten evcFytbt ITe w utQuod 1 a Qok bokV'-Puck. Too ' l'hl0lophk "U's tOlly warm , " Bl the perM' \bo oula nt IUriF 1 Qncc. "YCi" anl"lrcd the nuU wl i good'tur d tbt h iriatcs. "ni I'l f ot 1 1blk tht ' ' (1 are not i doDlr or b.g ; \ forgettg t. (101 t .now or y" " , - Star. sllcwllk-Wasbon Not : xneU , n Complment. lc"ittIgnrUe i bUs. JewettYo\'c . beUcr t your 11 I. surr. ( ? or He\ItWbat JewcU-You' lable to ( lIe of joy.- Now York ' .1l.'S. Approrrlnt J xvreIAlon. negnl - US Woo don't you \h1 my fine ? Imprtw Egyptn clgrettC a kiing lss , 1ksYcs they are perfctl ! Wen ' \'nterell. StubbYou cmplain about tes streets being damp. Why , I know , cl ) ' where tbe stret nre alwys a Ielll of water. : ! StubbVenlce. Pen-What cit i tat - ' lut Not SaU r. ) . ' 1'he Authorrbls i al nOllelU about the 1 rr profesion bclng UI . he'ItIY. : ' 1'le PO'f 0\n Wby , i 1 tf greatest avpettt prouczin 'he wor . , . , . , . . . , ' , .w. . ' ' . . . ' , ' - b'w ( _