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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1902)
. , . , , - , . , , ' . . , . " " , , , . , , ' - . . . . . . . . ' " ' < , . " . , ' ' . ' ' 'p' ' . . ' ' . " . . . . . . . . , . . . . r , . . , - ' \ , . . , . , . " , ' , ' -0 ; " , " ' . ' ' ' ' ' , , , lJ07'&r" ) ' , . . . - - ' ' ' " - ' . . . , . . . 1' . , . . ' . ' . - . V" ' \ . . / < b. ' ' 7.1' ; ' 7f" . . ; , " " " " < T1 < " 1 ' ' ' ' 'f'- ' ' ' . " . 1" 1.Um..rlAu Boolotr . Ill" \ 0\\1. \ \ 0 , > ' . : USTER OUNTY EPUBLICAN. ES1'ABf4ISIlED 1882 , 'l'IlE 01j\FICIAf4 PAPER OIi' CUS'.rEI COUN'rY. LARGES'I' CII CULA'l'ION OIi' ANY PAP.EI IN 'L'IlE COUNXY. . . ' ; : - - - - - - - - - - . VOL XXI. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 16 , 1902.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.18. 1 \.I \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I"j - ( "lI.rluhlre , " , . . 1 . "Silver Plat ttat rVears. " Wh ; ou Buy Spoons . .knivcs , forks , etc. , buy reliable brands. eveu if tltey do cost n little JUorc. Thcy , Qre wortlt the differcnce. 'fhe prefix : " 1847" ou auy spoon or fork iusures the genuiue Rogers quality. fumous for wear. Fulllr"te.mark , , 1 84-7 Rogers Bros. AI ! d r.50 > . . . \ L IIllhlKle or ChtCKII'O 0111 hlllmtc Collego. . . . . . . . . , . .ene. . _ - - - - - . n - - - - - - - - 4.I 4. Schonl Books , 1--- I' I'.l .l ! ' 1' ' " i- , 'I' a Jets -3r- , * * -ANII-- , I. i7f\ . i7f.I , . .I ( \oj' , , , { ? tt School Sl1pphes , . . . ' \ T : . ; . . . . . , - , . . . . . . . . ; ' , . --I . . . . . ' > --A'I' . . ; * I < * J. G. Haeberle's. . .IL , 'f' ' ! .1 r _ _ , , . _ _ Perle Elizaheth Fields , OIt ID5) JJD ! ) lli B llM B ! ) ] 1I OItl'ICH JlOUH : 9 a. 111. to 12 m. 1 :30 : to 4 p. m. Or by appointmcnt. J 6Y-O Il ee O\'cr A IlIlersoll 's J ewcl r ) ' Store ill Realty Block , Broken 1I0w , Nehruskll , . . - - - - - - - - - A good house for sale. 17 H. J I. BANGS. Buv somc bcautiful sca shclls to 1 > e utify your homc. l ycrson & 'Watts arc selliug thcm at coast priccs. Go carly and gct a good sclcction. A few more College studcnt 1 > oarders wan ted at 1\1 rs. l va Martin's. " S. P. Great & Co , s. Car of Barb Wire Came , In this Thursday MOI'n" ing. . - - - - - - - - li'oH RHN'r.--A store building 25 x 50 fcet and Jivc rool11s on sc- cond 11001' , opposite Bowen's Storc north sidc , cnquire at Broken Bow Roller 1\rills. 10-lh-H. . f- Pure York State 1\laplc Syrup I and 1 > uckwheat 110ur for br'aldast is fine at Bowen's of course. One of thc best farms in Custer County. Alll1at valley land 7 feet to water 4 milcs from Broken Bow.-A. T. SF.\'DOI.T. FOR SAI.I\-Ij\ive acres f land in good state of cultivation adjoining - joining Broken Bow for $200. Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf' ' - - - - - - Rare value in guaranteed jewelry - elry at Ryerson & 'Watts . . , - - - - - - - - - - ' - " - - Just received a car of hedge posts at Dierks Lum1 > er & Coal Co. in this city. Price , 12 aud 16 cents. 2 tf ( Utln 1 $150.00 worth o beautiful sea . . ( shelh ; and curior. from all parts of the world just received at the Post Office Store. 'l'hey are going - ing fast. Go in at once and see something you may never get a chance to see again. f. - , - - - " , . , ' . . . . . . - " . . . , " . . . . . . . . . . I . J , "St ' " . II [ : : : : : I Court adjourned last Saturday to Monday Octobcr 20th. S. f4. Cannon of Westen'ille was a city visitor Monday. G. Hiser of 1\lason City was a county scat \isitor Monday. Anothcr soaldng- rain visitcd this ' and Sunday this'icinity Saturday - day , S. TbGlovcr of Dry Vallc ' was a friendl\ . ' caller at thisoftice 'l'ues- day. l . D. Comstock of Wescott , was a friendl\ . ' caller at this ofticc ' 1'u esd a ) ' . T4. Hollandsworth , t , ' po of this oftice has g-onc to Duell county on . a two wceks visi t. I 'l'his ollicc aclmowlcdgcs thc rcceipt of a hasket of line applcs from the Cretc Nurseries. J. C. f4. Wisch' thc socialist candidate for c ng'rcss favorcd this oflicl with a friendh' call - l\londay. J. E , Adamson anll wifc wcnt Wednesday to attcnd the I nter- National con\'ention of the Chris- ian church. 'I'he Cretc Nuneries shipped into Brokcn Bow a car load of apples in bulk the first of the week for salc. 14e\'i Poor took homc wi th ! J i 111 yesterday a new wagon in which to haul his large corn crop to the crib and markct. . J. C. Maulick of Seneca Kansas - sas aITh'ed in the cit ) , 'l'ucsday morning tu look after his interests - ests in this locality. l ev. S. W. Rich rds occupicd the pulpit in the Baptist church at Bair ! Sunday with the \iew of acccpting thc postoratc. 'I'hc Baptist church has extcnd- ed a call to RcS. . P. Morris of Sparta'W ' ) consion. He. , is. e pected to he here ncxt Sunday' . James T4edwich anll wifc wcnt to T4incoln to-day. Mrs. 14cdwich will rcmain in thc eastern part of thc statc scvcral wceles'ishing fricnds. Mcsdamcs Humphrcy and l encau wcnt to Omaha Wednesday - day to attend thc International Christian con\'ention that con- \'cncs thcre today. 'l'he Epworth 1-4caguc will givc a "li'cast of Fivc 'fablcs"at Realty - ty mock li'riday nigh t Oct. 241802. ' 1'he puhlic arc cordi all ) ' invited. Don't forg'et thc date. Hollie 'l'owsley has mo\'cd his resturant to thd room in Custer block recent1 " vacated hy Mrs. - T4. J. Gandywhcrc . his customers arc call and see him. R M. Dic1eson formcrly of Cal- laway , hut who has hecn located in sevcral places thc past two years is now located at I3radshaw having' g'onc there la't Saturday from 9maha. l\T D--Smith-Porter-At AI < lm - - - - the residence of the olliciating minister ncar Berwyn Custer Co. , Neh. , Oct. 5th , 1'J02 hl l . Bellis , : ' 1\11' , Ira W. Smith am ! 1\Jiss Nora : It" Porte l' both of Bcrwyn , Nehr. S. D. Butcher secured fifth p1' % e olTcred hy the H. & 1\T. R. . Co. for thc hcst photograph of farm \ ' ews of the state. 'I'he priC is a tic1\Ct to St. Louis and rctu1'll. l\lr. Butchcr thinles if hc had comnlCnced earlier he would stooll good chance for first pri e. I ev. l\lorris of Sparta , Wisconsin - sin occupied the pnlpit in the Uaptist church Sunday morning an e\'ening. TIe attended the Baptist state couvention at Hastings - ings last week and impro\'ed the opportunity to'isit Broken Bow 1 > efore rehirning to his 'Wisconsin home. The 'Western Light & Fuel Co. are kept 1 > us ) ' putting in lights for the husiness houses. 'rhey ha\'e put in lights for l\1cComas" drug store and W. J. Woods , furniture - niture store this week and are 1I0W laying the pipe for the building - ing s o the north side of the square. A. Wallace former1 ? ' of Wal- worth and later of tluO } city , who moved to Jameson Missouri two or three years ago wrill's ' us to change the address of hi. . paper from Jameson Mo. to Sargent I Ne1 > raska. Mr. Wallace hase\'en- idently come to the conclusion I that Custer county is still geol { I enough for him. - , . . ; . - : : . . : . : . . _ - - - = - - . - - ' . . . . . Hev.V. . H. li'orsc'th who has becn visiting with his parents at Ncw Helena and 1 > rother in this cit.r the past week returned Wcd- nesday morning to Ord where hc has been continued as pastor for another ycar 1 > ) ' the 1\1. 1 . con- ferencc. Mrs. Elsic V. Gump and two sons , Bcn and Lyndon , and 1\1 n . Grace B. Stucleey amI daughter , Helcn Hunt , all of Napicr , Pa. , daughters of l e\ ' . Hunt , are at homc with their parcnts for a fcw wecles at I ucmont Manse , 'Georg town. 'l'he little Ii\'c-year-old . daugh- tcr of Jol1l1 Perjl t , of l\lerna , who was scdously hurt by falling - olT dm'- thc ing merry-go-round - ing thc fair in Broken Bow , we are plcascd to sa. , . is lowl.y re- co\'cring at the hospital in thc latter place.-Mason City 'I'rans- cript. 'l'hat is a little bettcr than thc first rcport circulated which was that thc g-irl died at the hospital within an hour and a half after the accidcnt. li'or the information - mation of the 'I'ranscript and othcrs who Iw\'e hccnmissinforll1- ed relativc to thc facts In that matteI' , wc dcsire to inform. . them that the girl was not takcn to the hospital at all and that she was not seriously hurt. She went ( lin ct homc from the fait' and while she received a slight scalp wound , that hIed profusely at the timc , the injury did not keep her out of school a day. D. W , 'l'homson who is locidc at Pullman Washington in the mercantile business sends us the following concering thc exhibition - tion 01 fruit at Grange\'ille Idaho street fair the first > of Octobcr lasting four days. " 1 he second annual street fair in Grangcville closed today altcr four succcssful days. I t is csti : mated that 8000 people \'iBited the fair. SOIllC remarlmhly Hnc . exhibits were shown , cspecially. ! in thc line of fruit , \'eg'clahlcs and g'rain. Apples 18 incl1l's in circumfcrencc were shown. t : un- flowcr heads 14 to H , inches in diametel' wcre cOlllmon. Corn was shown with stalks 14 feet tall , with ears 14 inchcs in length aud three and otic half inchcs in diametcr. A striking cxh ihit was a shcaf of "sevcn headed wheat. " A new \'aricty of wheat was shown with. hcads growing' frolll se\'eral stcms at thc top of thc stalk. It Was estimated to yicld 100 bushels per acre. Other samples of whcat were shown frolll liclds which had yieldcd ( ,0 to ( ,5 bushe Is per acrc this season. A numbcr of thc exhihits arc to be sent to the f4ewiston and Spokane - kane fairs next wcek and th ( ' week followin'g. " . . , - - - - - - - - - - Nu 41 11111 UI' , - - - No. 41 , wcst bound passenger train was held up livc miles wcst of Lincoln last Saturday ahout 2 o'clock in the morning. 'I'he rohhers Hag'ed the train hy the use of a danger signal lantern which brought it to a statuI. 'I'wo of the IIIcn co\'cred the l'lI- g'ineer and fireman with revoh'p1' ! and compelled thcm to detadl cnginc thc with express car fro\11 the remainder of tIll' train lnd pull the express car a distance away. 'I'hey compcllcd the man in charg-c of the car to open the door. Dyminite wa uscd toopen the safc. 'l'hcy then removed the cash and departcd for parh unknown. A third man stood Ifuan1 of thc passenger coaches to pre\'cnt anyone from going' to the assistants of the crcw uutil thc work was complcte. Break- man Moore returned to 14incoln and notified the authoritiesofthl hold up and a posse , including Detective Malonc and his hounds wcnt in pursuit but failed to apprehend - ' . prehend the ro1 > 1 > ers. It isc1aim- ed 1 > y the officers of the road that there were not to exceed S2000 , in the nafe. ess than a year ago the same tra1l1 was held up near the same place and the rohben > escaped. { Jnco ! ' . 'lIm't ! ( 'ull'n ' Cumlng' . Burks Big Pavilion UncIe'l'oms Cabin will exhi1 > it here on Monday - day evening Oct. 20th. ' 1'he cumpany numberg thirtfi'e artists - ists and \IIusidans \ , traveling- their own \'esl hule palace car , showing under a waterproof tent seated with the latcst improvcd pavilion opera scats. 'l'heirlarge I elevated stagc fitted with ncw and appropriate scenery enahlc - " . - . - . , - - them to gh'e a correct and realistic - tic prod uction of the great drama in its entirety. Prof. Duncan's supcrb ot'che - tra will delight all with a speciall ) ' arrangcd musical - cal program , making an cnjoya1 > le cvening of mirth , music and melo- drama. Prof. Pilcher' Algcrian band will give two open air concerts , at noon and 7:30 : p. m. . InlKI N ItHH COI..lttut N Ii'VH. ! li'our new st ; nts entered last I weck. Prcsident HOlHh went to Hyno last 'l'hursda ) ' . President Housh spcnt Satm- day in Grand Island. Ben l ichards of Oconto spent last Sunday at home. Mrs. li'arritor called at the prcsident's ol11ce last li'riday. 'I'he College 1.iterarj' Socicty will meet next 'l'uesday e\'etling. David Dewc\ . ' after an absence of two wecles. has rctmned to school. 1\Iate Moore and Hamah Ryer- son havc elu'ollcd in thc Music Departmen t. I Professer Garlieh's chorus class for students will meet on Friday evening of cach week. Jessie Bartley of Broken Bw , ! and f4conc Overman of Dun11lng. . Clltered college last wcek. 'l'hp Normal departmcnt has recently - cently sent out one thousand letters - ers t teachers in 110rt hem a nIl wcstcrn Nebraslm. 'l'he Music departmell t under i the direction of Professer Garlichs will g'l' a concert 111 the opera house about Oct. 30. ' On account of the great. corn crop , several of the young men studcnts cxpect tu spend some time out of school helping-in corn harvcst. . . . Sixty ( lolt rs worth of ' 1ew sheet music , and collcctions of standard composers , has hecn received - ceived hy the Music dcpartmcnt. 'I'hl' collcction includcs the works of American , Gcrman and Pol ish composers. 'J'hc l\I usic dcpart men t recei v- ed two ncw pianos last week of the hest malec. One is an Estcy made b ) ' the well known Estc } ' Organ Co. anll thc other is manu- facturcd hy Stacy and Camp. Each case is finishcd in polishcd oak. Onc hundred-twenty ncwdou1 > le scats havc 1 > een rece'cd. . 'rhey were madc b ? ' the A. II. Andrews School li'urmture Co. of Chicago , accordi ng' to spccial plans furnish- cd by Prcs. Housh. 'I'hey arc of the desk pattern with drawcrs and hook rack. 'l'he seating capacity - pacity of the colleg-e is now ahout thrce hundred. A pplicatious for several tcach- crs havc hcen receivcd hy the Normal deparmen t. 'l'cachcrs are vcrj' scarcc. All but eight out of ninet \ ' countics in Nehras- ka havc raiscd the averagc salar- Lcs , 1\lcPherson Co. has secured only two out of the ten tcachem it needs. Out in Scott's Bluffs Co. on thc Colorado line they arc paying' $40. a month in dist ict schools. I n Cherry Co. SOUlC ( l1st- rids are paying$50 a month. 111I11111 J'all In lIer ChaIr Last li'riday nool1 whcll A. E. Anderson returned to his jewelry store from dinner he found his sister 'Miss Mollie dead in her chair. Shc has heen visiting with her brother here for several mon tlm and remained most of the time with him in the store. It was her custom to stay in the store at noon while Mr. Anderson went to his meals. She was in 'I. her apparent health last Friday noon when he went to dinner 1 > ut on returnillg in a half hour he found her dead sitting in a chair. Heart failure wa dou1 > t1ess the caune of her death. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock her funeral sen'ices were held in the Pres1 > , - terian church ami the remains were laid to rest in the Broken Bow cemetery. 'rhe d ceased I was not strong hut was abte to 1 > e I up and assist in the store most ! of tlH' timc. She ' was a 1II0st cs- tinmble lady and enjoyed the es- teelll of her ' ' acquaintances. 'l'hc HHI'UDT.ICAN extends to Mr. An- dcrson the sincere sympathy oflhe communitj' in his great bereave- 11l1cllt. . Ilun. Elizabeth , the wife of 'JB. . 'l'hompson , who rC 1les on the I1011and farm southeast of tOWll was found dead in her bcdlast 'J'hursday moming. 1'he deceased was in her usual health the day previous. When she retired in the evening shc complained of a pain ill her shouldcr. Ml' . 'l'hompsol1 prepar- cd a poultice and applicd it on thc all1icted part. It was about thrce o'clock 111 the moming he woke up and inquired of hcr hcalth. Shc answcrcd him and I turned ovcr in bed. On rising next 1110rning' about ( , o'clock shc was dcad. 'l'he dcceased was sixty four ycars old. She was the mother of scven childrcn of whom ll\'C had precceded hcr in death. Shc lcavcs a hus1 > : uul and two sons to 1110urn her death. Her funeral was held Ij\riday and her rcmains laid to rcst in thc Bro1c- on Bow cemetery. 'l'he HHI'UII- I.ICAN ex e1Hs tilC sYl11pathj' , of thc comm\l111ty to the relatJ\'cs in t hd l' Jrrca t _ _ e a _ I.n . t. D'okell , now l'olUlcnl . 'llIl\lIty ' Clull. At a mcetingof the Brokenllow Poli tic l gquali ty Clu h last Ii'ri- I day cvcning the following ot1ice bearers were elcctcd for the cn- sueing ycar : Prcsident , Mn . Caroline Carlos ; \'ice-preidcnt ! , 1\h : . C. II. JelTords ; Hcc. sccrctat'y , Miss Julia Willis ( rc-clcctcd ) ; cor. secretary , :0,1 is ! > Lencola Great ; treasurcr , 1\lrs. Louisc 'raylori auditor , 1\In . 1\1. I . JclTords. 'l'hc next meeting of the club will bc a progr.1l11111cutingat Mn\ . Cha . Bealthceveningofthe24th of Oct. All ar ial J.illvitcd. : CA.Rn Olr " 'U."NUt : , Thereby cxtend lilY sincere amI heartfelt thaules to the citi ens of Broken Bow , who so kindly gave' me their assistance and sympaUI ) ' at thc dcath and funeral - eral of I11j' dcaI' sister , Mollie. A. g. ANUItHSON. ( ) \II \ Hottlm'H ll'otillg , 'j'he undersigncd old settlcrs of Cnstcl' county , belicving that an old scttlers association should he maintained in this county herchy issuc a call for a g-athcringof the old settlers of Custer county to he held in Brokcn Bow , Wedicsday , , Octobcr 22nd , 1902.Ve mge thc old residents frolll every part of the county to attcnd this gathcr- ingA permanent organir.ation will he elTectcd and an annllal gathering will hereafter be lwld. A splendid prograul will he carded out at this l11ecting , which will hc anuounced latcr. If the weath- cr pcrmits , thc gathering will takc placc in the puhlic squarc , and in case of cold or stormy weather it will bc hcld in the court house. All old settlers are urgcntly rcqustcd to he prescnt. Busi ncss session will cO\Juncnce at 10 a. m. , and pragrol11 will hc carried Ollt in the afternoon. Bring- your dinncr baskets with YOIl. T4. 11. Jewctt , C. H. Holcomb , A. I . Humphrey , g. R 1 ) urccll , Dan JIasle ll , 1 I. " 1. Sullhtn , C. TI. JclTonls , Dr. R V. 'l'alhot , D. M. Amsherry , Chas. Penn , Jcss Gandy , W. U. PUt'cell , W. A. George , C. W. Beal , Mrs. C. 14. Uutterson , Mrs. Martha 14cwis , 1\11'5 , J. J. 'l'oole y , Mrs. A. n. t : tuclcey , 1\11'5. A. , W. Gandy. - - - - Church , , "crvlCCM , l\PJSCOI'AI. CIIUllCU. SI. Jolm's Episcopal , Eer\'iee Sunday Oct. 19th. The twent-lirst Sundayaftcr Trinity. Sunda ) ' School loa , III. Morning - ing prnyer alld scrmon II a , III. \'eIl ng ) [ ) ' and Sermon 7 :30 : p , III , Tllt pu - . ic 1S cordially invitce ! to thesc fCt\'ICCS. I W , J : -ml RS. Rector. 1\1 , It , ClIlJIlCH. l'nadl ug Iwrv ce in the 1\1. E , l'illlrch SUl\Ila } ' , Mowing subject , "mclllcnts of SuccesIJ , " Tcxt I Cor. 3 :21 : alul ,12. l \'ening suhject , "ReCf'nt H\'Cllhl 111111 their Lessons" inchuling lliliscussioll of thc rcccnt suprclllc court decision regar . infr the Bihle in tnc public : ichools , Re. me'm cr the cvcning service begins at 7:30. : G. 1' . 'fRIT1 S , Pastor. lI\I'1'HiT CIItIHCII. Scrv eI $ tll II u , III" nnel 7 :3U : p. III. h ) ' Rc\ ' . . 1' , l\lurris , SlIIulu } ' school ut 10 a , m. All IIrc conlillll } ' ill\'itcl1. cur'ct..t Co" . . ' . I Not wishing to carry carpets we will closc thcm out at. actual cost. 17 tf SQUUS ( nwo . :21Q : : r ! 1 BUSINESS POINTERS. $ > ! 1II1I < " ' _ _ : < . . . . _ ' " . . . . . J. C. Moorc , abstracting\ ( ( Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . . .Moncy 10ancd on Improve farms. JAMltS LItDWICH , , 7 18 tf Broken Bow , Neb. . If ) ' 011 are thinldng- buying a farm now i the time. Make your wants lmown. A. T. S YnOL'l' . Clocks , the very best , at Ed. McComas' . - - - - - - - - li'oH St\IH-A live 1'00111 house and six lots in llroken Bow. 1 ( , tf S. 1\1. DORRIS. , Jersej' w'ct potatoes at J. C. Bo cn's. , . . . Lubricating oils of all kinls at Wilkin's drug store. - - - . . . _ - , I el\lel\l1 \ \ > er that Od. 25 is the daj' that Dr. Seymour will b hcre , and you should 1 > e at tb hotcl eady , a his time will b fu 11) ' occupicd. School 1 > ooks alul supplics < < ; If all kinds aL Rycrson & Watts. Spccial attention gi V II distric cxchangorders. . Good ) f& & . Large barn , 2 gran- cries , wind mill , nearly all under. fcnce , 70 acres brolce , 1 > alanc pasturc ' . mil.g from Bro1cen Bow. ' - A. 'l' . SI\\1101.1' . - legant JQw.Jlry' Ed. McComa8' . ' Job printing at this office. . . - - - - - Ii'arms for sale and lands for , rcnt. Now is the timc to get ! farm chcap , as the cheap farm . lf ( all goin'9' ' and prices are ad- vuIcing rapul1y.-J. G.Brenizer. _ . . . T-4a m psI AlIld nds an Ii sizes at J. C. Bowcn's. . See Ed. McComas' Fine " : Jewelry. " , Jt'OH SAI.H OH 'l'HADI\-ToWl1 " lots and l few five acre lots in : this city , for cattlc , horseg or farm \ land.-Alleu Reyner. Dr. Seymour will he here Oct. ! 25th and it is a foregone conclua. . ion that he will have l 1 > usy day : , as h is successful treatment of eye , and car troubles have won him tIe confidence and friendship of all his patients in this community. . Green and drj' fruits at J. C. Bowen's. - - Cran hcrries at Bowen's. ' ) Wcst Union , Ne1 > raska-Yes , ' we will pa ) ' a part cash for 1 > ut- . t ter and eggs. H.UIrUS G. CARR. Watches--They Are Fine , j At Ed. McComas'j ; Several good farms for sale at J l bargain , including lIlj' OWI1.- ' . JHSSlrGANDV , 44tf 1 FOr Elegant Watchc5 go to " ; Ed. McComas' . . ' 'l'he l HI'UlIl.ICAN amI Inter. Ocean , $1.50. \ < Pepsin Gum , two pallkages for , ; a nicleel at WilIdng' Pharmacy. . . - - - - - - Ed. McComas has a Fine Lot of Nice New Silverware. . J Section of range land in Dawson - ' son Co. 2 miles from irrigation . also one-hal f section in Gosper 3 lIIiles frolll Smithfield , part farm . ' ; , land. Also other pieccs write me. 1 ' 1' . . -A. SUYUoI/r. Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , deytist , office " ; 1 northwest corner of , Realty Block. 8-1 tf. . _ . - - - - - - - . At the old stand on the corner. Pure new cider for mince meat at . U n's of course. , _ 1 If you intend to build call at Dierks LUlIlber Co. and get prices. , " Squil'eB Uros. who recently , . , purchased the \Vi11ing stock are old implement and hanJware deal- , erSt 'rhcy are lrcparcd } to meet , the , lel11ands of their patrons. The pu1 > lic is tl\'ited to call and see' : . them for bargains. li'air and honerable treatment wi1l1 > e their motto with all. 10-2 tf. 1000 acres in western Custer mostly ta1 > le lmd.-A. : T. Slty- 1101.1' . Dr. Seymour eyc specil1list , here Satnrdaj' , October 25 at Grand Central. . I , .