Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 09, 1902, Image 7

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    ' : " ' ' ; : ; . . . . . .
I . , . . jII' ' \ " " " ' 1'\'r"l >
IJ I J - . -
i illckr ; O'lIrlcn Tclls Wlll1t lIothen a
; , Zoo UulTnlo. I
, r Homeo , one or the bls blucl buTuloes !
r M Ow New York zoologIcal park , hus
I t been BUflllCCtCtl : ot Insnnlt ) . . lIe
r becn the most llervoUS creuture nbout
the pn1'1 , . No sooner woultl he IIc down
; ! ' in u aunny comer or 1Iis lleld to snooze
: tban UII lie would lenp. lmortlng : , nUll
I with ahnklng lIcutl clll1rse some Invls.
, IlJle crel1ture across tbe pl1sture.
A nnturl\lIst wlIo vIsIted the purk
wlltchctl the I1'el1t lJrute th1'Ough 1Iis
V : spectacles for a time I1ml then gln'c It
' 1:18 Ills ollln\'n \ thl1 t the process of shed.
ding the hnh' lJrougl1t nlJout 180rt of
mild In81\nlt1 nnd thl1t all nnlmnls
were likely to BulTer trom It In the
MIcky O'Brien wns nn Intcrestetl wIt.
ucas or tlle wlld ImlTnlo's prnnks the
other nfternoon. Micky Is not 11 nut.
\I1'1l118t-lJUt he Is IlUtUl'lll. lIe Is enl ) '
13 ; ) 'el1rR old nnd yowed thut It wn8
1S goud lhl the wlld west show to see
tlll occaslonul slurts ) ot HOUlCO , sl1Ys
the NIw Yorl , Worhl. 'l1c grcilt ) lrnlrlc :
] aWll-luowcr 1ll1tl lJecIl quieti ; ) ' COllllOS'
Jng himself for Icep In n fllllul : ) ' C01'l1er
for aOUle time. Smldenl ) ' he IcnpNI
"Up ul1l1 tore down tlw line tOWllrd the
110mc llfise IlS It there were tl11'ee mcn
.on bnRt's I1nd It wns two strIkes.
Mickey wlltcl1ed the lJulTulo l'1\retull ) ' .
As soon as the crcature got composed
nln-whlsk ! be wus ocr down the
"I hnve ItI" ) 'eUl'd Mlck ; ) ' , enthuslns.
tl ally. "I know what ails 111m. There's
snnunel' yallc1' bIrd up 10 them lJushes .
bulllllng a nest and he's tr'lng to steal
hnlr c , = t the Imanlo's buck. Watch him ,
; nowl" :
And sure enough , ns soon ns the
wNlr ) ' Imrtalo got nIcely settled dowlJ ,
for another l nooze tlle little summel
'yellow bIrd , nlJout fiS big 11S n cannr ' . :
nme fluttering down and tried to pull
rr n IIlece of tlle loose tur nbout thE
great boyinc's shoulders. 'Ihe ShU11J
dnws or the tickle ot the little feet on
.L. the nllnost bare skIn nroused tile bnt.
1'alo nnd nwny he went. 'rhe yelJo'
bIrd flew UIl to hIs nest with ullttle sofl
lmir tor nest lining.
Romeo Is not crazy. lIe sImply objects -
jects to being held Ullll1l robbed of Ill !
-clothcs In brond dl1 'lIght.
'The'VorJd Still Needs the Workers.
:1'b ( ' "orld still nCl ! tl tIll ! workers , thougb
it may sometimcs forglt
'I'hnt It OWIS the wear , . la orers an evcr '
lasting de t :
'Vlthout tbe busr ; toilers gold would ceali (
at once to buy
'I'he things that plcns\ ! tIle palnte or arf
grateul to the C 'I ! :
I'h world still necds the llcopll ! who l11usl
labor dny by dny ,
tJut the world keepg on forgetting. in ill
cas "going way.
The Indy in her satins. who is be\Utitu.
to Rce ,
{ "orgetll tbut thOlc who Inbor lend be )
all her witchery :
Withont the bUBY toilers all the milliom
811e commnnds
'Vould not procure a piece o ! scentc
, Reap toVuh her hands :
'I 'Vithont the busy pl'OplWl10 Dlust label
. all their alg
, All her money woul n't even buy ne"
laces for Iu r stnys ,
1'he magnnte wbo looks proud ! ) ' on hl.l
million-dollar "acllt
1i'orgets to glTI ! Ule carpenter a singh
kiqdl , . thoug11t :
Do ceascs to remember IU ! he Bips hi !
splcndld wlnll
1'bat " , Wlout the oncs wbo labor therf
, vould be no fruitul Tine :
Be forgets that all 1Iis m01l'y wouldn' ,
clcnn tht' crumbs awa , .
If there were no hlckleSil pee lle wll (
must labor day by ay.
I'he ones " , holle nnmel ! are famous , w1 (
nre } 1igh and great and lIroud ,
f'orget tbat pride would le without thl
busy , weary crowd :
Without tile onel who lnbor none coul
hope for greatnes8 here ,
Without the busy toilers nlwe \ prizf
would lRavpear.
Ob , nil ! world still Dee s the peopl , " , he
mufrt toll through all their ! inYB ,
Bu' the world is 110 forgettul In Its easy'
1011l ! waYB ,
-Chicago Hl'cord-IIt'rnld.
\ . Simple 01' AccompllRhuumt.
, } ) roplcy Is one or the shuplesl
( rlllles In the worll1. It II ! snld tlml
there are only thlrty-slx origInal sltun ,
, tlOI1l , or hlllcpe11l1ent nnl1 distinct Rt
, quences or occurrence , known to facl
or fiction. Whethm' or not thIs It : ! true
It Is true that life Is vustly more 111m
pIe than most pllle HUPIlose. ' 1'hE
I professlonnl prophetH , wllO th1'lYe It
greater numbprs nowlulu'H , thnn thes
e\'e1' throve lCfore , hl1"e only to l'ee
the slmIlle. elementl1ry combluutlonH 01
elreumBtunce In mInd , 1\1111 ussl n then :
with n good rejturd : to prolll\b\1It \ . , tc
1-:11111 : a g1'eu t reputu tlon fm' sl'crHlIlp
It Is yerJ' < > UAY to he a prophet If Oil !
It : ! neyer going to he culled to accounl
for 1111 the thIngs thut never come true
" 'cntlwr l"rU\lhIHH. \
1Il'rrlngt : ! can Iwent 11 storm nUll \II \ (
direction III whIch It Is tomillg. : 'l'hl'
an ! not uble to see the wlml IIIw I
pig , hut like u III the ) ' can I n1ClIlhlst
weather. lIenee the hel'1'ln s ulwu1 ,
durIng a storm choose the Hufest 8)10 )
In whIch to swIm. ' 1'he ) ' either o 011
to , sea or come In"ery coHe to lund
On one occasIon the reshh'nts rOUIlI
n certaIn lJay snw a shonl ot herring :
60 dose to the shore that they wultel
in and caught the fish with thell
. hands. Shortly afterward a most vlo
lent storm ragel1 o\'er the sen lUll
coast , but the Inl1er llOrtlol1 of the hu , .
snrr'red the least.
"Let U. 1\11 l > ra'I"
Give us , JlOrd ,
I A. 'l'hls blcssln' grcatlf ;
llnrd boss sense
, 1.01' hUIJU1n natur'l
I -Atlanta Constitution.
An epltullh on mnn's tombstolll
aever Indlcllt s that be wus nlore. .
" . . . . . . " . _ . . .
, .
. . . . . . . . . " " - . - .
. . . . .
' , - , ' "
m 'y f" " ' " 'I. , --I.p-- : : ) i ! \ ! 11
Theory Thnt lIu"bnllll COlUmltted Sui.
lIlo Not Illlrne Out by IIer TcaUwuny-
U'UI II J rlcl1l1 uf Dreyful.
rarls , Sep. : JO.-Emlle Zola , the
novel1st , who gained , addItional
promlnenco In recent years because
or his dereoce or tbo Jews and of
Former Uaptaln Drefyus , was found
dead In hIs larls house Monday
morning. Asphyxiation resulting
from the fumes from a steve In hIs
bedroum Is gl ven as the cause or
I M. Zola and hIs wHe retired at 10
o'clock Sunday night. Mme. Zola
was seriously 111 when the room was
broken Into. At about noon tlbo was ,
removed to a private bospltal , where
she recovered consciousness for a
sbort tlmo and was able brleny to ex-
plain'to a wJglstrate what had hap-
I M. and Mme. Zola returned to Paris
trom their country house at Mo nn
ycsterday. Owing to a sudden spell
of cola weather the heating stove In
their bedroom was ordered to be
I1gbted. The stove burned badly and
the pIpes are said to bave been out
of order.
Tu the magistrate Mme. Zola ex-
p'alned that she wok , early this
morning with a sphttlng headachl' .
She awal.ened her busband aod asked
him to opec a window. SI.e saw hlUl
rise and attempt to move towards a
wIndow I lmt ho staggered and tell to
the floor unconscious. Mme. Zula
faInted at the same moment and was ,
thorororo , unable to gIve tbe alarm
Mme. Zola docs not yet know of
her hllbsaod's death. and it Is feared
sbe may sulIer a relapse when in-
formd of it.
The deatb of M. Zola , wblch only
hecamo generally known late tbls af.
ternoon , bas caused a great seosa1lon ,
In Paris. and this evenln tbere WUE
Q constant stream or caHers at tb (
Stage nllna er Kills Wife.
New York , Sept. 3O.arry Rose ,
stage mllnager of tbe Garrick tbeatr (
sllOt and Instantly kIlled bls wir (
Monday at their apartments In Wesl
'rl1lrty-tblrd street Immediately af ,
terwards he surre.deJ'ed blmself 81
the nearest pollee station , wbere b (
handed tbo revolver to tbe seargent. .
sayinJt "I have just shot my nire. '
Jealousy was tbe cause of the trnJt ,
edy , Rose , IIccordlng to bls stutemen1
to tbe pol1le : bavlng detected hu
wlte In an intrigue and bllJng mad
dened by ber admission of guilt.
Mrs. Rose was rormerly an actres !
and was known on the stage as Dell. .
'rbe man cl.arged hy Rose wI tl
bavln ! ! aIenated : the anectlons o.
hIs wife Is Samuel \dams. 8 wealtb
real estate dealer and a constant at :
tendant at first nlgbt perrormances
with whom Rose was on terms 0
frlenaly Intimacy and whom he say
be Introduced tu his wltr.
Adams was Jl'eally ; overcome 01
learning of Mrs. Rose's tragIc c1eath
but denied that there had been an
Impropriety In his relations with her ,
Rose was hold without ball by thl
coroner and committed to the tombs
The couple had lJeen married four
. teen years.
1\\all Carrier a Suicide.
I SIoux Palls , S. D. , Rept. 30.-J I ]
i rome S. DavIdson , mall carrier con
nected wI th the Sioux Falls pllstol1Jce
cnmmlttted suicIde uy shooting him
selt twIce In the head \\lth a ro\'ol
vcr. IIe was the son ( If "ollnt :
; JIlc1 o Davidson. Lllverne , Tlnn'
'rhe deed was committed In the batl
room of the o\'erumenL buildIng
IIe and \ \ Ire returned oulr las1 , even
Ing from a vIsIt with her relatl\'es i1
Ulo\'eland , Minn. Da\'ldsoll , owlnJ
to 111 health , had be,11 glUllted lea \ ' ,
ur absence UlltJI July 15. IIe lea\'e
a wUe , but no chlldt'ell. NenoUi
prostration doubtless caused thl
deed ,
Wife-Beater Shot Delld.
Peshtlgo , Wls" Sep. aO-Gus Shel
feld , a Peshtl o farmer , was futaH
I shot today by hl < ; son. Hhelteld , It I
saId , was beatln his \ \ He and th
boy shot the father to proteot hI
He then carried his mother to hel
and drl/ve to town , Ivlng hilinelf ute
to the ol1lcers. Several tanners ha v
volunteered to go on the bOY's bal ]
The sympatl1y of tbe community , 1
Is sild : , Is \ Ith Mm.
, - ' . - - . . < , "
- -
- - - - " - - .
" 'r"'f , " ' " " ' -\1 \ ! " " " " . " ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . ' ' - - . :
, ' ' '
- -
Stftto SeURl r tel ! ; tit' 1IIft1 b Alkedlt
J xplnlll.
ltartJnglon , Neb. , Sept. 30.-Last
A prlt an hI ycstlgatlon of the Cedar
comity treatlurer's reCords WUtl c.'un
by Accountants Ualmon and Valen.
Line , In July a report was submitted
to the county board co'ermg the tour
year term of ex-'rrensurer 11. D. Sing
from 1 9i to 1U02 , IIndlng a sh1rtngo
of $0.079'hlcb Mr. Sln promptly
settled. : Notwlthstandln the ornclal
report has not been made publlc ) 'et ,
it Is currently cl1l1rged and qui to weil
understoml that the report when made
publlo this week covering the two
terms of ox.treasurer ' 1' . \ Zeigler ,
frum 1801 to 1808 will declare a ! lhorL-
age or considerably' ' over $2tOOO. ) or
this amuutlt the r port will say no
small am.oUnt hel ligs to he state aud
a. Ye y large , sum to the county sC 1oo
Mr. Zeigler's first term "as secured
by a personal bond and hIs second by
a bond giyen by the I1dellty ! and Deposit -
posit company or "blaryland. It Is as.
serted that practically all ur the al.
le ed shortage occurred during his see- I
ol.d term. Accountant GlIchrist or
Omaha and was here lnst week in the
Interest or the ecuriUetl company and
will return this week and make u.
tborough Investigation of the second
term of Mr. Zeigler's records In behalf
of the bond company. ' .r. ( ) aunon
being "cst on his summer vacation
the Investigation of Mr. Zeigler's record -
ord was made entirely by Valentine ,
who Is given credit ror unearthing the
matter , Innsmuch as ZeIgler's accounts
were Inspected and approved by the
state examiner. 1.'he bond examiner
settlement wns made by 111m without
the board of commissioners.
Owing to Mr. ZeIgler's promInence
In pOlltical clrclc.i , he having represented -
sented the Eighth Rcnalorial district
In the last legislature , tbese dlclosures
have startled the entire community
and surprised his frIends. Mr. Zeig-
ler's bome at the present time is lola ,
Kas. In response to tbe earnest In-
treaties or hlH friends he came to Hart-
In ton lnst Friday evening , returning
: to Omaba Saturday wltb , Accountant.
GlIchrlst 11ersons who are In a positIon -
sitIon to know best about Mr. Zeigler'/ !
IInanclal condition claim that he has
sulUclent property Interest In Kansns
and elsewhere to make the alleJted
shortage good , and be will undoubtedly
make an effort to do so.
It Is dellnltely stated that ex-Treas.
urer Peter Jenal , who held the olUce
for the two year term immediately
preceedlng Mr. Zeigler has requcs'ed
the county commissioners to investigate -
, gate the records or bls administra-
Young Womah Courts Death.
Tecumseh , Neb. , Sept. 30.-Mrs. : , wite of Ellis Younv , a prosperous -
perous tarmer who reflides five mlles
nortbeast of 'recumseh , made a futlle
attempt to commIt suicide last Mend -
d y nlgbt. When her nusband returned -
turned from hIs chores In the early
evening he found her In bed In an
unconsclouR condition with a partly
empty str 'chnlno uottle and b spoon
lIeur by lIe hastily summoned Dr.
' .r. E Fairall from this city and wltb
proper . the woman's Ufe
was sa ved. She had taken a gener
uus duse of the polson.
Mr. Younl ! Is a man fully seventy
years old while &be not over twenty
five. 'rhey have been married but
two yel\rs , and he has grandchlldren
nearly as old as his preseut wite.
Mrs. Young would not give her motive -
tive for tbo attempt at self dlstruct-
Ion. It Is said that bel' husband Is
kind to her and they apparently get
alung well.
She Is quoted as saying that she Is
not entirely satlslll'd with her matlal
relnU.JOs probabl be n disappoInted
with her husband ( JUly by the re-
marlmble dllference In Ilje. Of late
she lias been remorseful and sullen
and at anotller tlmo libollt a month
agu she threatened to kill hersolf.
In the dead of nl ht , It Is saId she
toule her husuand's razor and stole
out to the barn and when tound she
was cryln aud Intimated she df > -
sired to dIe.
_ Both Mr. and Mrs. Young are well
known In this vIcinity and enjoy
- goud rl'pllta lions and this rash act on
. the parL of Lhe woman Is much re-
_ gre tted LJy fllellds.
Guilt y of nlll1slllughter.
Salt LalCltv ! ! , Ptah. Sept. 30.-
! loy Kal ltll. the ( 'llhteell-year.old
. hllY who la'it Novemher shoL and
. fltally : WIIIIIII ( ! ! ! ! \ \ lllam S. Haynes ,
II ChIcago tlavcllll man.hllu the
lattm wa < ; seltln III the rutllrJ'la
or the } \I'utsul'd hotel was toduy
e rOil [ III lIl1ty of volllntarr man-
slall llter Selltence will e pabsed
OctoLJer a The defense alle ed that
Harlles had attempted to assault a
woman relatl'c of Kalghn's and Jus.
tI tlcatluu was pleaded.
Cracksmen low Safe at Holbroolc ,
Holbrook Neb" S'pt. : JO.-Durg.
V lars entered the larJ g store or Miller
s & Cooper dUlln Sunday nl ht by
a rnreln open the rront door. 'rhey
s blew open the safe but only obtained
a sll1ull amount or 1I10ney , pl'01.\ably
$ :10 : , ' 1'he prlnclp1 ; ( hlluu e was to
the safe uud ullllrilng. A n attempt
wal' ! lIIaclo about sIx months a"o to
rob rhe slore , buL the thieves were
frlghtoned away aftcr havlnl ! the sare
duor ull re dv to IIgbt tbe ruse.
o _ _ . > II oi . ; , "
- -
- -
, " " , " ; " ' 1'1"H : . , . . . . . , . ,
I . ' . . " , \ , ! ' > ! r "
: - _ _ . _ . . . .u ,
Ifnvy . .U < " " Allnlhcr ot it" 1.I'lIlllng om _
con-CnUa Il Act or Chnrlty.
Oml11'a , Neb. , Oct. i.-An unsol1ed
printed slip or dlrcctlons for usln
It Hos' rat pulson" hus been dls-
cO\'Clcd b ' dctectlves In one ut lhe
rooms or the Uuthbertson residence.
1800 Uhlcago street , where l dwl1Td
Cuthbertson , a tele rapher , and the
memhers of his tallllly of rour were
poIsoned at breakfast Sunday morn-
In .
'l'he sUjtar which Is supposed to
hl1\'e cent lned the bulk f the polson
has dIsappeared.
As a Do\'ellst would say , "tho plot
thIckens. "
: Mr. Cuthbertson , Interviewed al
bls home this mornlnjt said :
"YeA , we are all reco\'erlng nom
tbe attempt at our lJ'es , aDd while
the thing was unrortunate. yet we
consIder ourselves as very fortunate -
ate In escaping' . We are all Stilt and
Bore and scarcely' ' able to move , bu
all are out or bed.
"We I-ave : tbe suspected coffee nnd
milk to tbe pollee for chemical
analysIs , but when I went to et the
! m ar tor the same purpose It lu
dIsappeared. We tbrew the stult out
at IIrst , but later l'icraped ' up what
we could tor use or the poll co. ]
wunt this thing sltted down to th (
hottom ,
. . .
.rhere Is a young man roomln
here wbo IS somethIng or u cbemlst.
Yesterday he remarleed that be woule
tuke this sugar aDd clusely examln (
It , but nothIng mure was said about
It. The sugar was hele ufter he left
th.e room. And last night It bud
dlsappellred. Tbls young man ma )
have talcen It to analyze It , and ]
ha ve nlJt seen It this mornltlg' .
It DIrt we w11l do e\'erytblng possl ,
ble to discover tbe miscreants. ane
wm punish them , It possible. " 'rbe
milk and coffee Is In tIre bltnds of Dr ,
Sto1 < es of the Omalra medical college ,
to whom It was sebt for a chemica :
analysiS' . Tbe oxamlnatlon Is ex ,
pectod to be banded to tbe police de ,
The finding of tbo wrapper anr1
directIons ot tbe rat polson Is lo.lke
upon as an Important Itew In tb (
search for tbe poIsoner. ! 'he mo.
tlves at the polsooer are UI mucb II
mystery us ever.
An Epedemlc of Sulclde5 ,
l\cw York , Oct. I.-Lieutenant
Commander William V. Donau\oth \ ,
or tbe United States navy , committed -
ted suicide today on the battleshll1
Keasage Ilt the navy yard by blowing
out his brains wltb a revolver.
Friends of CoulIDander Uonaugh be.
lIeve that be WIlS very much worried
o\'er the manltold duties or his posl.
tlon as executIve onlcer , wblch arc
considered to be more arduuus than
those ot'any other posItion of ranI !
in the nay.y. Captain HarrIngton oj
the Booklyn Davy yard said :
"Therc Is un epIdemIc ot suicide In
the navy. as surely us lhero was evel
IIn ephlemlc ot fever. Such a thlnl3
may occur und can ba explained.
The man has prollably heen thlnkln
or the other suIcIdes , which arc verj
sad l11Yalrs. and then In un unguard'
cd moment the desIre to 1ry , It selzec :
hIm and It was all over In a min.
Uommandor Dronau h waR born In
Kentucky and entered thl' nava'
' \cI1l1emy In 1873.
Calls tt Act of Charity.
New York. Oct. l.-Honry PhlpPi
of the Carne le Steel company , wlH
ave $100.000 to the reller fundfol
dl stltute Boor ! ; . arrived on the Kals
er Wilhelm Der Grosse today , Mr
PhIpps was reluctant to talle aboU1
his lfL. but sa Ill :
"I sent Arthur \ ' llte. the author
to see Mr. ChuUlbc.rJaln IJefore 1 de
clded what to do , aDd the anRwe
( 'lime hac1e thaL the It woulei 110 al ; It the satll1tlon had lJeel
chlln ed and EIIJland ; hl1d been thl
sufTerlng country I would have glvel
lhem the money.II
Tries to Kill a Sheriff.
Des Moines , Ia. . Oct , 1-Sherlf.
O. C. Scott came near being the vie .
tlrn or an nssassln Il1te lust nl ht
and Is now In a serious condition , n
the result or a power ful tJlow on th
head. deal with a club In the band
I or ai' unknown enemy , who lay II
walt In 11 dark alley near his born
In Oso ( : 0111. .
He WILS found unoonsclous an hou
I later. It la Dot boll Ted 'hll InJulli
"lU preTc fatal.
a , . , , ' I" . , ' ; i " . .i. . . . _ /lLW.o .
- . - -
. , 'T ; I' " ' " ? : " . " 'f" ' " 'T : a' , I" ' ' "
oNE -
O"rlll r.HUe " 'Ja"t the J nture JI. " , II
Sturn. I
Lincoln. Nobr. . Oct. < 1 , _ " No , I
am not afraid to HO back to llercc
count ) . . 'l'hey can't do more thnn I
hnng me. \ 'am a crlpplo ror lite
I1nywl\Y. I don't cure much whl1
they do. " 'l'heseV ere the words 01 I
Guttleb NelHenllnd I1S he lay \11I a cetIn
In a cell In the pulice stallon'rues.
tlay nl ht. 1Ie WIIS sutTerlng from
wounds receIved Wllon he WIIS cap.
tUIOl1 , but hu hns recovered sunlclent.
Iy to ho tal.en hnck to the county
where ho Idllec1 hIs wlro nnd her filth-
I'r to stand trial. HherllY . 'unes ' 01
I'lerl e oounty Clllled to ; hi m Wedlles.
duy. 110 was lit. tJe penitentlllry and
liS the shel'ltY deslt'od to leave on the
l'arly mornln l'lkhurn : t(1ln he
hrou ht the pr Iso'IOI to the pollao
tatln , ( to be held over III h i.
In any e\'ent he Intcnd' : ! to protect
him rrom IIIIY IIttempt lit mub vlo ,
InCI' . Nol onllnd will he arrlllgned
lor his prellmintuy 011 Monday next
, I lid 11 specllli term or COUll , will he
held on Ootober 2U , at which be may
lie trlcd.
" 1 receIved ( Jo < 1 cllre at the penl-
lentlary , " 110 said. " 1'here they
washed my wrunds every little while
nd Have me plenty to eat. It is a
lIed place to stay. " wnlC dooLor III
the pe111tentlllry told me thut I net-
er would be able to do heavy wurk
aHalll. I hllve a bullet In my hIt !
and the woulld In my arm Is runnln '
III the time. 1 feal blood polsonlnR
will set In. It : sa\'o mo much
palnlr they would hl1n ree. "
He was questIoned about the mur-
dels and showed no disposition to
a\'old that subject , . He aald that ho
had been workln In Kansas wheat
Ilelds nnd later In Dodge county ,
hIs stato. berore olng to llerce
l'ounty. Ill' hils twu hrothers In that
, 'ounty. He had 11 desire to see his
huy , a little tellow born eight JUunths
lifter lie find his wUe parted. She
had sue(1 hIm ror a dIvorce. Be
went to his fnthol-In-Illw's rarm and
IIsked to sce the baby. Ills wUo and
sIster refused him. 'rhen he told
them he would come hack whell the
"old man" was Ilt home. Ill' went
there a little later and found Dreyer
thore. 11 e asleed to seQbthe boy and
the old man toole artor him with a
pltchtork. Bo f.rced Nelgrnllnd In.
t , ) n corner IInd strnck at him. Then
elgenllnd pulled the gun on Dreyer
and warned him not to advance.
Breyer said "yuu won't shoot an < 1
, ; trucle at him again , runnlug ono of
the points of the fork Into NelHell-
lind's Unger. 'l'hen Nelgnellnd Ured.
l'ho shot made Breyer pause but
he made a IUIIge nt : Nlegenllnd und
t he gun wus emptied. with Dreyer
less than a rod oway from hili slllyer.
I lie wulleed away slowly but did not
rllll just then.
" 1 run around the end of tbe
arn. " said N elgcnnnd , "and was
loading mY gun when my wire cnme
around with the pitchfork In her
hand' . She stnrted for me and I told
her to Iccep away. She never halted.
I Urerl nt her. She partiy dropped
l bllt ol up un ran after me ngaln.
I suppose I could have got away tlOm
her but I was exclted and I shot at
her agaIn , That tlmo the bullet
I ! truck brr over the left eye nnd she
"I am sorry I kllled my wIfe. I
I IIdn't mean to kIll anyb dy when I
iVlJnt to the tarm. I hud a little gun
hat I bought when I wag In Dod e
ounty .rbe old man crowded m )
I with the tork and had to shoot him
. La save my llfe. 1 would hl1ve taken
I II forty-Ove calibre gun It I had In-
tended to lelll anybody.
"No I never shot lit my mother-In-
law. The sherilI tells me that she
was struck by a bullet but I never
I hot at her. She mllst have got In
IHn e wblle I was shooting at the
"That story about me assaultln
Lena , my wife's ' sister , was wrong.
r I never met her at all. She WIIS on
I he other sIde of the fence liS 1 went
own U1e road ana I heard her cry-
. I" , hilt I dldwt touch her. I read
alJout that In the papers. It's all a
I lie II
I lIe showed much Interest In the
Iluestlons put to him and answee ( ]
1 hem unrescrvedly. There was nOLh.
III ho wou id not tell. II e slJemed to
( JIIJoy tallelng ubout It , When the
I , 'onyersatlon was ended ho tllrned
liver 011 the f'ot wllh his face toward
till' w.1I1 and sl lIcd , It was the aCt
- II0Jl IIr a 111:11I : III paIn hill clllciess as
. ' 0 what thu future helll for him , He
. \'as sorry the lIIurders had beun COlli.
mitt I'd hut he said heVas JustlllecJ
III prutectln hlmseJr.
, . . Yes , I t was a hall dllY fur mo , "
. ho salll , "No. I WIIS not crazy. I
W/IF ; excited of course while the shoot.
II J. { was oln on. hut I was IIl1t In.
, aile , " Hpoulclng of hIs cllpturo he
, aid they didn't ulve him lIIuch
hance elce ; he wuuld ha e ( Jt away.
' ! Jpfllre 1 Iwew what they wante ( ]
, \'lIh IIIC they be an shootln .
Woman Ilt Ed2'llr Badly Burned ,
l dlar , Neb. , Ol.'t. 2.-1IIrs. W. L.
Cutter was seriously burned 'l'uesday
- while blacldn a stove wltll sODle
'clHlllf ! liquId blacleln . ' .rhe tire In
he steve had one nar Iy out , bul
Ill ! Sltl\'O WIIS hot enou h to lJ.nltc
he hluoleln which cl\'IJ.tht IIlImdlate ,
y to her clothln IInd hetoro tlH
IIIInirS cpuld bo extln ulshd she Wa !
1:1111) : ' burned on thn rl ht side of tlH
face , right shoulder Ilnd IIrl1ll all (
the rlloht ( sIde , espcellllll about the
waIst. where she Is deeply burned
' , _ , u . .i. . . , " d , ' . .jtUo " " - ' . - .
\ . - , - " . . - ' # " d " ' " . . "
' " ' .n'
, , . . , : r" "
Iot- + + + + + + + + w + fo + + + + + + + + + + '
: t : ' '
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Dykcns A lei liS ot Seward , grade
U , while play In" with u shotgo. ' . .
aturdIlY , shut ofT both hl1nds. "
Den Orlebol German tl\rlner 11 , . ' : i
'ng ' near West Unl(1n , commItted snl
: Ide by jumpIng Into II clsterc. III ! : '
leaves n wUe and seven children. " , . '
John Muir , brother of the coroner
, IHll hllllselt I\t Mlltold. It IS nol
< ! lown whether It was nil accldentw , "
Jeath or a case of sulolde.
John lIedltes or Shelton , stole his
ten'ea \ ' old son , n lund from hiS
Jlvorced wire nnd I1ro\'e towurd the
( { unsas line wIth the ohild , Ol1lce '
Are tollowln hll1l.
Mr. IInd Mrs. Dlln Buck or 1"re.
Inont were 101' oned as the rseult o
mUng ese 11\01' snuusllc for dln'ner ,
I'hey hud n nllrrow escape but wHi
'rhe prelimInary hcnrln or 13cl1
Hpragglns , cl1Urged with shooting
. l'homus Butterlleld lit aykln rc. .
eut1y , was held to the dlstrlot courl !
under bonds ot SIfoO. lluttertlold
will reco'\'er I
, e. J . CaIn , ot It'nlls CIty , has ac
cepted position as salesman lot
n Omaha house , and has reIgned
, Ignod hIs position as city treasurer.
rho council has t11)poluLed 1. Dmc
o fin out the unexpired term.
Because or the bll ( crop nnd gener-
prosperity or the county II neW town
as sprunl { up. ' 1'he new town , Darr
located eight miles west or Lex lng-
lon and Is no bourn town , as two Ig
Ilovators ! , a depot , lumber houscs.
Ilnd substantial dwelllngs are being
rected ,
, '
Jumes Armstrong UnIon : paolno
yard SWltohman ut Uolul11bus rell be-
rore II tram rlOm whIch hovas out.
Llnl { olT cars aud WIIS knocked 'over ,
lH1vln two rllJs brolcl'n alld hIs rIght
wg badly skluned , Lhe pllntllloon ! ! beIng -
Ing torn trom the lelf. No Internal
InJurlc ! . ha vo been dlscoverc byth
attendlug physlclllns.
Olar llcrsoo atLempLed to cross the
track at SI , lntJY between Ll1e enRlm
and blind baggage of a Union Pa-
elllc train No.4. 'nil' tmln started
aud cau"ht him under Lhe heels.
Ills left toot wns crushed and his
rl ht one su badly manlled that It
lUay have to be amputated. It , Is
I '
believed that PIerson was IntOllcllt- .
ed , .
J. II. Ulel a German farmer wht
hns resIded near Calhoun for u num'
bor ot years , and who was arrcsted
about sIx weeks ngo on a charge of
I ndlng letters containing obscon , ' ,
ler.t.ers . and pIctures through the malls
to MIss Overman , the oll-bteen : year old
Ilughter of , Jobn Overman , of Blah
was given prellmlnury bearing at
Omaha and bound over In tbe SUi.
or 3500.
The change or pastors of the Meth :
D lst church at Schuyler , was a greal
lupriso to tbe membership , theU
ba vlng been scarcely a tbought at
/lnything / but that Hev. J. P. Yost.
who had b en thOle two yenrs , woui
bo returned. lIe IR strongly In fllvm
In the congleagtlon and umung fib.
citizens , and the work In bis charge
WIIS In prime oondl lon , tbo mem :
borshlp having ljcreased nnd tbb
hurch prospered flnaDclal1y under
his Incumbency.
It hns just been made public tl:1at :
dward Evans , a young Ulun wbo WII&
nurn und raised In Nebaskl1 Olt1" " 1111" ,
been elected to thu presidency or the
011 t JI V constructed Oupo llreton rn 11. ' . :
( Uy In Cunada. Mr. Rvans gradu.
tted from tbe 1111-h : suhool about ten . '
tears a o and want Irnmedilltely to )
l'roy , N. Y. , where he entered the 1
Polythecnlc InstItute nnd on "radu.
ttlng settoled in New York city , " 5
where he l111s risen rapidly until now
ho Is nearIng the to rounds of hIt-
DramatIc circumstances surruund.
III Lhe wo < hllrlJ. ; l rldllY at llyann is
3r William D. Clarl ( and Miss Myrt1
Shawbreg , 'rho bride groom seriously
wounded IllY on a cot at the hom. .
or J usttce Ura wtord and swooned
unce durln the pTO rr.SS of th cer ,
cmony. SCllr\ely : hud the Judge con.
cluded tlte IInal and pronounced them . .
of wedlol'k when ox-Jlldge Shawberg ;
Lhe brIdes fllUler , with a crowd uJ : .
rrlends stormed at the dour for enter.
! ) nco 'rhe an ry purent IInd hIs com. ;
paolons were denied admlsslcn IInl1
! ; Ilve up theIr elYorts to wrest tile
bride from her husband.
William Stover , SOD or George Sto-
ver , an old settler ot Pine RIdge ;
u ency , died rrunl the clTects or
hI w dealt him by ProDrletor Glee"
or the Green hotel. Sto\'tJr wat
I drunk and abusive , aDd whllo oject.
Ing him , Green struck him wlbL I
) l lugle tree. Stover did not scorn t
be sorlou'ly injured Ilt tbe tlmt1
! lnd went homo Ilnd to bed. Next' , '
morn I ng he wns found In 18er101l' '
condltlun. and medIcal aid wna sum.
. moned , bu1l he died before Doon.
. " , - ' " . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. "illl 1