Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 09, 1902, Image 6

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    t ' - cnSt iConnt Republican
: I ; : - ; ; ; ; ;
. . ' ' , MITOn A runL" " " , "
, , >
'J'he 1IOI'th pole l'ollthnwlI to IIInllltllln
,1' , , Us .splcudlll Isolntlon ,
= - - = = =
" Wonldn't It III' n 11I1 0111 worlll If
there were no rlellclllolls IIIo\llL' ! \ In It' !
Do wonll'lI with fllllpllI/lel / nt'C'I 1I wC'ar
their wnlllis ( 'ntlow , jllst to { ( ' ( ' ?
It Is the 1II0St IInlHlIlIh ! ) ' Rort of scn.
lIment thlltpll ! the hlh' 1I111'I'Y ' 1'racy
up us 1hUl'O , :
- - . - - - - . - - -
- - - - - - - -
Afr , 1 It1.RhIlIllOIlIl IInnollnccs thnt III'
Is tllroll/h / II/htlllg' / , IIl1t II ! he thlllI h
tlllkln ? 'I'hat II ! the IllIPlIlIol1 ,
Aolt 110111 ( ( ' loww when' thull' nl'xt
/IIenl Is cOllllnfl'OlII / , hilt tllI'Y 1I0II't
know how 1II11l'II It II ! going' to cOill.
HORO Oll hlnn hllR IIhollt duclelell to
ActUe In thhi cOllntl' ] ' , Sill ! ell lIt In
Iwow hy thIs tllne whet hl'r IIhI1aI \ It
or not.
Alter hIs rnferelll'c to "collllllon
Amerlcnn clny" 1 lIIllerol' Wllllal1l will
III\Ve to do sOlllethlng Ilmlty nice III
kel'P UII the hrotherly l'I'lntlon ,
A noston IIIl1n IN tt'ylUJ ; to Stlll't 11
homo for pOOl' InVl'ntot'R , It HlwlIlll he
fiUCtlllp with n nlllllhur of ooll plllilled
cells for tlw perpetulII lIIotlon crowtl ,
George I'nllwla , 'l'rnln h/l8 / hnun writ.
Ing hlR l1utohlolrl1phy , hut he IIIIYH he
dOC/ln't eXllect to get rich fr01ll the
/lalo of It. Mr , 'l'rnln alwlI 'S was 11
1II0dest IIIl1n ,
It hns hl.'en fo III III thnt 11 LonllonCl'
'ho dll'd sUlllloillng he wnil worth ILbollt
n 1111111011 really IlIlsselliled I1hout len
111 11lon8 \ , 1'hero uren't llll1n ' of 1111 who
have uille 111 11\ \ Ions In slll/lll / chnll ( ! lu
our llockets for which We cnllllOt nc.
'I'he Knlser's hellet thnt the cOllt of
mll1lnrlllm Is more thllo rcpuld hy the
1IscJlI1ne nllll trnlulug secm'ed Is aim.
ply nnother wny of expressing hIs con.
vlcUon thnt n few 3'enrs In the nrmy
Is t'lllculrttl' to crlldlcl1te IIny IHlt ! .
mOl1J1rchlcnl Idens thnt the cltl1.en mny
hl"e ImblllCd IlrevlouHlr , It III not 60
much the wclfnre of the couutry ns the
stahlUty of the throne which he cou-
'fhere hnd been n domestlc crIsIs In
the Wecks fnmll - . 1'he maId of nIl
work hl\ll bccn 111 ; compnny hnd IIrl'lv-
ed unexpectedly , I\nd the wel\ther WIiS
VNY hot. l1ut } "Iorenco WeeltH Illul
just come homo from co11egl' , nl1l1'prnv-
ed U rc-enCurcelUent thl1t sl\\'ml the llllY
for the tlrl'd mother , When the skh'l11'
IshTaB O\'er hm' lllother sl\ld , "J.'lor. .
cnce , I heHeve you sweep 1I1ll111ustlnd
cdo1 111\11 wnsh dIshes better Hlnce 'OU
sludlell cl\lculus ! " "Why not , mother ? "
anRwered the gIrl. "Isn't thllt what
: l\lculus Is for1" Good George IIm'bet't
exhortell womcn to devout servIce
when ho wrote :
'Who sweepR Il room I\S ror Tb ' IIIWIi
ake8 thllt nlHI th' nctlon fille. \
'l'od'IlY his voice Is echoed hy tlw cd ,
UCI\t 'r aUlI lhe llOHUcli1 oconoml ! . ' 1'0
be libIe to do whnt needs te , he done , ,
nnll to do 'It nt a 1l1lnute'll nollcu , Is to
he the most lJrrect prolluct or 111Ill ern
Cllucntlou. A W01l1/1n / 1/1 urgl'd to It not
nlone by re11slon , liS In eurller tlmes ,
hut b1 every soelnl conshlerntlon ns
well. TImt a WOUlun cnn rl'/ul / GI'ucl '
or calculate nn cc1\pse \ mnkes her 1I10re ,
not less , ready for servIce In nn emer-
gencT In kItchen or launllry or dlnla
'room : Thl\t sbe knows how to U1 \ her
eAd I\nd her hand for largo matters
Is ground ' for eXllcctlng her to be sk111.
Cui In'8ml11 ones when occasion re-
qulrCf . '
Ohlldren's dal " 118 celebrnte(1 at
Ocean Grove , N. J" on 11 recent 8undny.
Alter 800 lIttle ones bad 8.ung songs
nnlt receIved souTenlrs In the 8hnpe of
Ilhtmlnum cnrds with lIelcnnleH In
tbe center the ReT , , T. 0 , Wll801l _ , D , D"
Itrls t address Ulcm , lIe hn 1 Hclectell ,
1\8 his toplc , "The nest ThIn ! ; In lhe
World-Good lIel1rt , " nefore repcnt.
Ing 'hIs ' text to the child 1'1'11 , howuver ,
the good man sllreall OtU his Imndsttl
If In benediction I1J1d said : "Now , my
little triends , I am going totill. / . you
\"bl1t Is the beat thing In the worll1 ? "
" Ionel. MoneT , " came In n Hhrl1l
. 1'1\On18 from the BOO Interested lIi1tcll'
( 't'f ! , And It III thus thM the teaehlngH
ot young Mr. Hoclwtoller , who 8/tyS /
money III 1I0t nll , and ot Mr , Cnrnegle
nnd Mr , Schwnb , who sally dlchu'e !
that mOlley docs not brlug hnllliineils ,
nre Ignored. Ii Isllttlo wouder tllllt thl'
/ood / prencher wnH so startled t hn t hi'
forget " , hnt ho hl1l1 Intcudd to Hnr ,
But why ahould " 'e conshlel' thosu
children lost 1 'l'hoy slm1)ly I ! 1111\\1'11
that the ) ' possessl'll the loWer to oh.
ticr'fe nnd hall the honesty to stntu thl
coneluslons to which theh' obill'ryn ,
110ns hall led. 'fhe dllTerenc ( ! hetwel'll
those BOO children nnd most of th (
grown people who Iu'eteml to gh' (
tholr oplnlous liS to the grentest thIn/ / ;
In the world Is thnt the chlhh'en wel' (
truthrul. Most of them , howoyer , will
liTe to learn that money Is not the hes1
thing In the world , evcn though It 1'1
occupies the tIlOughts of men that It !
possessIon sccms necessarl to thclJ
The habIts ot a rIch man are alwaYI
Interesting to tbo gelloral public. 1
ho have both health nnd wenlth publll
curIosity regardIng Ills dIetary , his ro < :
rootlons nud hIs clI1lly reglmcn Is nc ,
oontuatl'd. It a man can accumulllt ,
riches and at the same tlmo IS1 U ]
stores ot bodlly aud mentAl TIger tl
. tinu , upon In old o& & : he becomea ! .mcl .
, , \ rl1ro hlologll'nl flpeclmen al ! to In'l"Uo
Iltlll ' /I 1111 coli t'JllIplllllon. ' 'J'lw rl'l'l'lIt
pll'lIll'111 collnllllll of Preshlellt Sl'hwnb
of till' Uultell Htnt"lIeI'I trllllt h/ls /
IItlJIlllialClI 111\1111 ( ' Illterest III the hahltf !
or othN' uOlllhle ! ! or the III1Il1stJ'lal nnll
IInnucllll worill. It n\llleltrH \ tllI1t the
JI'ent fiullncll'r ! ! or the couul I' ' nro 'u
IIlI/l'h / ' Ilulll'r phYHll'1I1 1'01111111011 than
IIIlght he ( XIectl'll ) Iu 1111'11 who hn\'c
Htreut/llt/sly / / 1I111111eli thlIlsl'l\'l' 10 the
hulltllllg' t/\I / \ of gr'ltt furtll II l' ! ! , \utl'rl.
cau 11I11l101l1l1re lire 1111\1' to 1111' 11111101"
II11H'f ! of ret'l'l'lIl1ol1 IlIIII rl'llI xullull II II
lIIellU ! ! for \lrcj \ ll'l'VIIl 1II'II11h ItllIl IlIdll ( ' .
III 1ll1g\'II ( ' , 'I'hl ! IlIlhll IIf " 1 ulIl'I.II1 ! ;
ore" f1'01l1 worl 10l1I1'HtI' \ / \11 1'lnt/1I / ot/I / ,
door 11IvcriliollH fOl' II J.ooll : Ilol'liou ot
IJ/lch / , v I'll I' I III'colIIl/lJ. / : 11I11I'1' gl'ul'l'llI
IlIIIIIUg' till' 1'lIllll1luH of IlICltl'ltl' ' 1111 well
IlS 1I11111Ug' I hOIlwhoHI' ! hll IIIl'SIl Ill'lro -
fl'Hslollul I'll It'll " 01' 1M nil 11 III 0 l' ( ' UIIIII ,
CHt ! l1'1I11' , hilt who Ul'\'l'I'IIII'II'IIH / the
iltl'llill of Itil I'XIlClllllll'l , ltllHH1'1I Sage
IIllpl'nrH In IIlnllll ot/t / IlIIII IIIIIIIIII ! eXCI'II-
11011 10 lilt ) 1'1111' IlI1IUUg' IIIlIlIoIIUh'.s IlIlCI
hllltlHl1'l/l1 / 1I111 II/1leil / l'eglu'llIlIg l'eCrl'll'
tlOIl lIuli 111 verli hJll Ii , Nenrly lwery OIlU
ol' till ! otherH IntCl'vll'Wcd gl\'l'H n l'nr-
tlilu 1I11l0llUt of tllllo Inolf / , ' : ll'ht1I1g' ,
hlllill J'dl'l , hlll'ill' l'IIl'1I1 , hI1l1I1n . Illlhiu/.t /
Il/III / IIl1lnlllUhlllug' , Bllt HIIIIIII'II Hllge ,
Ilt till ! IIg1' of 811 , III hlilo ItllIlllI':1rly , de.
l'lnl'eH hI' UI\'I r look 11 vnl'lI 11011 , 111111
hllH "IW dlvel'Rlnll ( 'XI'l'pt lIIaldn ! :
- - - - - - -
We IIIIIY nlltl'lI\'y I he VI'I'y rich nwn ,
hel'lIl1/HI / WI ) IWIlW thnt. of nil ChiIlHe ! !
Ilwy 111I'I ! I hI ! IlImlt'Ht work , t he hell \,1 ,
eRt Hlmlll , IIw IIIOHt wOI'ry 111111 the
lIlIl1t 1'1'111 I'lIjo 'UH'ut , 'J'III' IlIstinct fOl'
11 CCIIIIIIIIII 11011 , Iwlng 111I1'1'1 ' 1111111I111.
oVll'\\'lwllllll 111111 1Il'IIdellH the finer
lIeUHeH thl'oll h whll'h wl'lllth I1\IIY \ 1111
enjo'ell , Bllt W ( ! 110 1'11\'Y the rich
IIICU'H wh'e ! ! 111111 dn ughterH , who ueel
Htl'IYt ! for uot.hln , hut 111I'U freely
IW\ll'el1 Iuto Uwh' IIIIIR all theIr henrlt
IIII1Y deHlre , Alld there we 111'0 IIIlghLJ
II ' Iu 1l'1"Or ! , 'L'he lIullllllllh'Rt , 1II0H ! regt"
Il'ilii WOIIWU III t hlil 1111111 11 re the 11110
wh'eH llucI 1IIIIIght < ! I'S of rich IIIl'n , It
IH trlle they hll ve lIut ! hOllses , their
cnrrlnJes HlIII autolllohlle ! ' ! . their fine
dreHselltIJeh' IIII1Jnlllceut .Iewolry , thel1'
StlLtu clills ullOU one II110ther , thelt'
gl'IlIllI dlunerR , theh' hrllllllnt l'ecell.
tlons , IlItll nil thnt. Hut It Is a1IL \
\'Olwel' . It Is IIwrel ) ' a mllhogany IIn.
IHh Ullon a hnse or Ol'l11l1l1ry , common
limber , It Is not haplilness. but enl ) ' IL
pretense of It-uu extrllVIIJnnt nttempt :
Ilt IlIIltlillon of It , 'J'he gl'ont muss of
WOI1I1II ! without welLlth , who work In
their hOUlell , rnlll' tlleh' chllllrell them.
HI'ell , cook the meuls. menll the cloth.
lug' UI\I tlo the thommlHl null one \lU-
elulluJ ; tnskH of the housewIfe need not
euvy t hose llstenluA' hUller1leA ! of
fllHhlou , 'I'lle el1\'y HhouM be on the
otlwr Hltle-lInll lA , 'I'he llItllllest women -
en lu the wO\\llIl'o \ hllrll.worklng ones ,
Not o\'ertlixellllrtlllgell , whose Uvell nro
ucceRHurlly IIIIHeruhll' , hilt the women
whoe time nml mllulll lIuII h/\lulll / nrlf
e\"el' oeelllilellin mnltlng the home ha1)-
pier nUll life fOl' tho"o " ahout them
IIWl'etol' , 1I1l111111ll'Sii mUllt come from
wllhlu , IInll It Iii no mere plo\ls IIrecep\ \ )
thnt thl ! bellt HII tlsfllctluu comes od
Hervlce Ilerformed fnlthfull ' for S01l1 < )
loved onl's-IIOI'\'lce thut requires
the light IlUd efl'ortlludllPllllcnllou ,
An OhIo womlln'lliltS to Imow It
she clln IIl1fel ) ' Relld hel' 'OUllg llu\lgh.
tel' tll Snu'ranclsco \ IIl0ue. he Clln ,
: \Iollel'll 1m vel hils not heeome n nilit.
tel' of Hlleell lIud IlIxury 1I10lW , It hM
belJll mnlle IllIsillhle fOl' It womnn to A'O
lIu'whm'e ut Iln ) ' lime , b ) ' rail 1II1l1 WI1-
tm' , covm'llIA' thoullulIlls of mllefl , with' :
out fel1r of IIIHIIIt , Illr ! wnntllllre : quIet.
Iy uttendell to , the few dlreetlonll needed -
ed arc g\'en ! her at the rIght time , Ilnd
Hhe now lI'n'elH ns InllelllJlu1ent1) ' lIIull1S
c01l1fortllhly liS n mun , 'l'he truth or
thnt slntlment ! IR II trlhllte to the char.
neter of 1I10n In the emplll ) ' or trnnspor.
tntlon companIes , 'J'hl' '
mny not IOS-
lieSI ! colll'ge degroeH , hnt , iu the mnln ,
they nre hl h-mlnlled gentlemen , who
lIeldom forget thnt the ' hit \0 wives und
duu htl'rs or their own , And yellr by
your the numtnl 111111 mornl Htnlllllllg of
these men Is Imllrovlng' . 'l'helr positions
carry more dllulty 111111 responlllhlllly
thnu they ouee .11d , A womlln l'ecentl1'
vlHltClI Yellowstone PlII'k Illoue , Once
thllt trIll wouM III\\'e seemed ItU Ululer-
tnlduJ ; , Onee Othl'I' women lIIul uot : )
few Inen would lu\\'c IIUI'HtlOl1l.'d her
Hunlty , If not 1\1' mornls , hnd she IIn.
uouneL'I1 bm' lutentlon of tltl lng stwh n
jOUl'lIey without nn ( 'scort. It Iii IlllTor-
cut nnw , Nohody (1IIl'stlnncll , noholl '
gOHillll'lI : , nohody IItllred , ' .rIm uelgh ,
llOri' : wives wllihl'll they cou1l1 go , nnd
thnt wus 1111 , I.lsten to the t1'lyeler :
" 'l'he COlllluctorH 1II1l1 brakemen mlg'ht
hll vo hl'l'n m1 own hrothors , 1111 wcllllltJ
tlwy t'ellt me , I wus not glvell 11 Ills.
COUl'tl'lIUS word , I dill not meet nns
IIUlShl'l'H , IInl ! eTerywhero I fIlUIII ! the
I'lnl ! AUll'rlcnu genllemnn , with hili hnl
, 11\1' \ , nuxlllUil to ohllA'I'Yll1I1IA' to 110 Itu ) ' ,
, I hlug' fill' m ) ' comflll't. J Hit W 11111.1'1111 III
\\01111'11 1m vellnl- : without escorlsI :
Oliluillu of mell hils gOlW1p 100 IIl1
cellt hl'CIIUHI' of this trip , " 'I'he worll
Iii A'I'IIWIIlg' hl'ttl'l' , You ( 'nil Reo tlu
HI/IIII / I'Yl'I' 'wllCl'I ! , 111111 the le lImou
or01111'11 whll1')11'1 \ ) (111) ' cllllches :
I fnd ,
" 'hut ) In 'l'hou/ht. /
: \I\'s , Locullo-'j'hls Iii m ' now eVl'n
lug gown. Whnt 1111 you thllll of It ?
: \11' . I.ocullc-Whew ! DOlI't ) 'on--o :
-wenr IIl1ythlug elHo with It 1
: \Iril , LOCllllo-Ob , 'l'H , 11 tcw l10wers
of course ,
: \11' . Locut1c-We11-or- belle
get ubout two ( Immn sunl1owers.
When 11 mnn ref erR to the happy da ) '
when } IO wus bnreroot bo ) ' , It Indl
cutes that his bank IIccount wll1 tld
him to the grave. Poor men nove
. . speuk of anl happlnCM In counectlo
with bure feet.
A. girl Is U certulu to sow her nrre (
tlona aw . . IQung 1I11\n to IJOW hlu wll
outy ,
' ' . ' : - : . . . ' U1r't"01 ' . . . . , ' " ' . . . . 'f" ' . . . . . ,
< < - : ' - : -I. , = ! T. . . -'fJ : : : . . .
- . . . . . . -
-TO -v- _ _
; 7"
- - -
81&n" or It 00011 111 IJker.
Wh11 It ( 'Oml to hu 'lug or rallling
It dlllr ' l'Otoo 1l\1IU \ ' nelect ! 10 ( 'Uu ,
, ; 1111'1' whl'lhl'l' till' cow , from her gen-
lrnl ! 1I1)lll'lIrnnl'C''IClmll / ! to he IIttNl to
do gooll work In the dnh' ' or 1I0t , Now ,
It IH to he ullmltt1 ! thllt YOII cnnnnt
t.ll ( 'I'I'lnlnl ' whether a cow III n Ilel'l ) ,
1'11'11 milker from her gcum'al apIIl'n\ "
nllce : hut Hflll , tlO Inrge II perlentJ'tjt' ! '
of the hlA'h qunllt ) ' COWl ! of the Inul1
IIItt'e cN'talu externlll III nH thllt hll\'I'
come to he I' ( ' nrlled nR the m/lrl / < s of ,
a good cow tlla t It II ! roll ' to oyerlook I
these mnrl ! ( when Heh ct1ng COW/l ' )1'
ouo'l ! hl'rl1. One of theRe ffIlecllIl sIgns
thnt I I'xlreml'l ' Ill\portnnt \ mn ' he
cO/llllrehellllel1 / under the tl'rn"ca'
pnclt ' , "
In Ol'dl'l' to tU1'ln I/lr / e amouut or
hnr , grlH s , ellsllnge ! tllll grnlu Into
' _ . . . -'I
- : : : - - - -
milk nnd hutter n cow must hn\'C
Ilirge , deep hody nnd a large udder ,
The cow Illulltrnted shows the grent
dc p hod ' nnd the splelld1l1 de\'elop'
meut or uddN' thllt chllracterl1.e the hip :
milker ! ' ! , A cow's hodr Is n hutter am }
milk factory , You call1lot expc < : t 10
/IInl. / < , I11t1l'h hutter and milk In a small
rJ'tctol'Y. ' The "wCllge-shnpl'll" cow has
a def'p hJI ( ( ' where ( ] ( 'pth III l1eeded-
where the I11nchlne\'y of the body 15 nt
work com'ertlng fodd1' Into dairy products -
ucts ,
Notice the tu11ue H In the rore pnrt
ot the uddl'r anll how well It runs u
bohllul , 't'lth the Inrgl' , wl'llplnced
tents nnd 1111 genernl nppeurllnce ot
Inrge enlUlclty. Such nn uddel' , when
milked Ollt dry , will fnll In loolle. sort
folds , like nn empty hllg , It Is II good
t3'pe to hrr.l.'tl to ,
Plo"lnl : Unllcr Oreen Crol18 ,
While we nd\'ot'flte III wlng unller
green cropH , whl'n the ' nre not worth
more for stock food th.n for mnnure ,
we 110lleyo thnt there nre fome 'lolls
whm'c thIs Ill'Hl'tlca mt ' do lujur\ ; '
r\thl'r thnll gool1. If the 1'1)11 Iii light
111111 III1Ulb' , ltll.'l.lug nltrogl'n , or when
It II ! stilT 11 nd nl'ells to he mude more
1))1'OUS ) , thou nlm t Hn ' grcl'n crop Is
/I / good mnuure for It. Where It III low
/Iud / wet. 111111 perhnps hnH too much
IIc1l1 lu It , n heu\3' CrOI ) of clover or
uther greeu manure will usualI ' he nn
Injury to the sUt'ceClllng crop , uules
It Is gh'en nll < o drcs.'ilng or lI/11e / In
Home form , and we would Ilrerl'r to
Pll ) ' more for n good Ilhosph/lte / of limo
or tine ground phoophnUc l'Oclt , with
un nddltlon or pottsh , thnn to USQ
elthorlInked lIme or 8u1111mte of lime.
Yet In n limestone 0011 we hnYe IIcen
green mnnurll\ ! { work wondern , nnd sO
It will ou Innd rl'cently eI00red , wllCre
the hush nllli hrush hud been burn(1
ou the ground , Pho/lphnte/l , lQtash nnd
wood ash'S may he I\\t on to grow
the grl'l'n l'rop , nllll Ir IIsed II1I ( ntlly
will bl'l\I'lIt thnt nud the RuccelIng (
, r1'01 . O\'II on the surl'ncc nnd hnr-
rowed lu th ( ' ' do not waste or d.o nn "
hnrm It thf" nmonrrt Is much more thnn
MIH ( ' 1'011 1\l'l'ds-Amerlcun \ Cultlyntor.
How to Set u Hen.
IINC'II n gOOlI wny to ! 'let n hen , 'rho
nl'st IR lIl/ldl / ! In a 1'001\13' hex , with n
t'Over , Nnlled to fine side ot the box
Is n IIttll' Pllnt .1nrd , flints on top nlso ,
In whIch watfr nnd teed lire kept con ,
stantly. ' 1'ho Il'n cnn JO out Into the
) 'nrl1 nt nn ) ' time , ellt nnd drInk , nnd
- - - - - -
: -alfr : } 'ull A 1111'1'1.1\ ,
- - - - - -
has no l'mllintion to WIIIIIIl'r IIWII ' IUIII
let her e gilet / colli , Whl'n' so\'eral
henll are Hlttlu , u contrh'nnl' ilkI' thh
for ench t\'eR nil hother 0 ( 10nl llI
ntter them , to Sl'e thnt two 110 lint /:1'1 /
r ou OUl ! Ill'Ht , ( ltl' , You Il\1t rooll 111111 wntl'l
In the dlshl's-the hl'n " 1101'S thl' n'st :
I , C , n , Youu , In 10'111'1IUIII lIoUII' ,
l' Bhm'e J nrleh11 ell ,
The COmllll'te shadlll or thl' ! loll rap
, dly l'urlchl's II , e\'en without the appIl
catlon or mllUUrl , It l1\/I / ' he that shlld
Ing CIIUSI'S a dell081t ot nltrogl'n tron
the air ; over ) ' tllr11ler kno\\1f that whl'r
e\'er n stAck or hay or Hlrllw hns Iool
tor severl\l I/\onths the ground under
neath Is not only eurlched , but froWI
btUCli darker In color , Anyone mllY tr
d an exveriment all tollows : Select UII
DoorMt spot f round .It the fArM , Ja
- - - - - . _ . ' "
O\'l"l' n sll'll ) of IIII ' 1IIJth , uut nboul
II 'II1'd \\1 < 11' , n few Inches of RtrltW ,
nlill CO\'OI' with hnnrll , or , If preferrrll ,
. In ' olll ' It hoarll on the gl'oun < 1. I I
Ihel11I'e \ Is fleelle < 1 to ! wmethlng netel
thl' co\'erln Iii I'emo\'ed the < 11fl'ct'euct
III I'o\\'th hetween the \lortlon \ Ilre\'I ,
o"sl ' shnclell 1111\1 th/lt / not shaded wll/ /
ho'el' ' I/\nrkelt \
Hllltll of the Furllllru : IlIIluetrJ" .
There nre 10.JlS,022lOI'SOUS : \ clIguge
Iu IIgrll'ultUl'nl 11\1 rllu1l : R , while nil oth ,
PI' lr\lluslrlN \ en age 1SS.tiiOOO Iwrsolls ,
Ol\Othll'd of the C'nth'e nrell or this
C01I11tl. , Is de\'ote 1 to tllllug of the soil ,
' 1'h I' 1' ( ' nrn todll ' l'iimr.Ji : rnrms In th
Unltt'll StateR , nnd the ' \"alue or fnrm
1)lIICI't ( ' , Including ImpI'o\'emontRlItoch
Ilwd Inlllll'uHlItll ! , Is $20,1'i14,0U1SJS : , ThE
lltlluhl'r nf fnrm ! ! hils l\uadrulled \ In thE
Ilnst IItt ' 'enrll. while the "nlue of the
fl11'mlul. : Inld todll ' Is fiye times a !
/I'l'ntllll / ' the Helling price of fiet . yeur !
ngoIol'e : thnn JOooOOO fnrms hu'E
heeu Inld out I1nd fenced In hlettierI ! ,
prlnclllnl1 ' In the West , In the pltst teu
'ellrS , Fifteen thousand fllrms were
gl\'en awn " by the Government durIng
11)01. When the Indlun Territory Is
ollonel1 for settlement , IIbout 1004 ,
8,000,000 ncres of One fnrmlng land w11\ \
be olTen'l1 for Hille at low prices , nnd
farmln wl1l receh'e nnother valuable
aCfJulsltlou to Its rnnlu , There nre 300"
000,000 ncres of unsettled Inud In the
United Stntes rendy for ImmedIate oc'
cUlm ne ' ,
'i'he totnl aereage us\(1 fol' furmln , : ;
pUl'1I0ReS Is 841,000,000 ncres-an aren
which would contnln England , Scot ,
land , Irelnnd , 'Ynles , Frnnce , German1' ,
Austrln , Spnln , Japan nnd the Trnns ,
\'nnl , lea\'lng sufilelent room for se\'
smaller countries to go In around the
edge/l , None of these countrIes , or nil
of them comhlned , would mnke a re-
sllectable showing wIth our agrlcul ,
turnl productR , The vnlue of farm ex ,
ports In 1001 wns $0J1G28,331.-Re-
' \"Iew nr RevIews ,
Yle1d of Cheele From Milk.
With ordlnnr ' milk the yield Is about
2ii 1I0unds of cured cheese for eacq I
pound of hutter tnt In the ml11 , The I
per cent of hutter fut In ( lIrrerer.t
milks \'Cry nearly determines their reI ,
atlve'nlues for cheesemaklng , Pro.
fessor Vnu SI 'I < e found by a series ot
experllnentll that wIth ml1I rl1n -
1111 ; rrom 3,4 per cent to .4 per
cent the amount to ench pound of hut ,
tel' rnt was 2i2 pounds of green cheese ,
or 2,5 pounds of cured , th'c weeks , It
'was found that per cent milk n\ndl !
hut 2.4 pounds of cured cheese ( or
each IIoul1l1 of butter ( ut , but the better
qua1lt ) ' of the cheese rrom the richer
1l11ll wns tbought to compensnte for
the RII ht dllTerence In quantity. It
will be seen that n hundred pounds of
.1 pel' cent milk made ten pounds ot
cheese n1\\1 a hundred pounds of 5 per
cent milk made twel"e pounds ot
cheese ,
Corn.1hlltklnl : Pel : .
: \l\1es \ H , J\tng : , of Incoupln Connty ,
I J1\lnols \ , writes In lown Homestend us
tollows : "I hu\'e 110t seen an lllustrn-
tlon of the new
husking pe , and
R lu c e n gl'en t
mnn3' 0 r 0 u r
l' e 11(1 e l' s would
lIke to know
about them , I
scud you n Rlmtch
of one that I hn'e been using , It will
require alhort tIme to become nccus.
tomClI to one of them ntter the old.
( nshloned pl'g has been used , but when
once n lIerson ets used to thom he can
mnke good headwny In takIng out corll ,
1'hey arc sold In nIl the markctR , nnd
consIst of a RtOUt strap with a hook nt.
tnchl'il , nR seen In the llIui'itratlon , "
811ceeH8 with Pou1try.
'I'hoBe pl'Oplo who do not h1 ! ye good
SUCCMS 111 hntehln eggs under hent' ' ,
usunlly will 110t do much better with
the InclllJ/ltor / , 'fhey mny be divided
111 to two l.1asllC's , one that Is careless
nllll neJlectful , nnd the other th/lt /
III altogeUler too fussy , who wnnts to
he stlrrlllg the hen , or feeding her , or
hnndllll the e gs three or four tlmes
n dn ' . For either of these to suc.
ceed with the Incubator there must bo
n thorough reformntlon ; 11 determlna.
tlon to rollow the Instructions given
exactly , and do no more and no less
thlll1 Is explicitly Inlrl down , and to do
It h ' the l'locl. , 'L'hls cnn he dOlle , of
( 'oursC' , hut how lI1al1 ' cnn or will settll. '
I down to those rules ?
tllcn1 Aulnml ror Beer.
'J'he tlrHt point obser\'ld In nn Ideal
nulmnl of hl'cf t 'fle Is his form , ' 1'hlil
w\1l \ npIH'ox-hllato the rectnngular. It
w\1l \ 8how 11 hod ) ' thnt Is compllct , ilym.
I metrical , hroad , deep nnll cloge to tlh ]
I l"ound , Ll'gS IIrl' onll of use to l'nl'l' '
the nnl1nal IIroUl1I1. III' Is "strnlght III
his Ihll'thnt I , the lines from the
tup of II'houltll'l' \ ! to the tllll head ,
1\1\11 \ froll t hI' hl'lsl.l't hncl. to the purse
111'\ nil uellrl ' 11I1I'nlle1 as Iwsslhle , OR arc
nll'o thosl' rrllm the ceuter or the shoul ,
derfi to the Cl'ntl'r or tbe thlJhs , no do\'I ,
n tlon from the horl1.ontal beIng n110we
the top lillI' , 'I'hls will gl\'e the form : J
I'eclnngulltl' nllllellrIlIlCl' .
Oet After the Dorer" .
In Au ut we Jet nfter the borers 111
the orchard , Wo find them by the wood
dut ! ' ! around the stem of the tree. W (
go nrter U\l'm with a sharp Imlfe and
n smnll wlrf" . It0 do not get the jot
donu In August , wo do It In September ,
aYlI FArm Journal.
. - : - : . - : - : - : : : : : .
_ . . ; 1ll Ulpt ; ' J.I- : = : = -
. I
Catarrhal ,
" , \ \ '
, '
, -
first Presbyterian Church of Greensboro. _ Go. . lInd _ _ _ Its Pastor nnd Elder.
dny wns when n\l'n ot prnmi.
TIlE l\I'sltnt/11 to i\'e theIr testl.
monlnls to llfOprletnry ml'dlc1neH fOl'
pnbllcnt1on , 'l'hls rlmnlns true to.da '
lit most proprll'tnry l11ellldn/s , nut
Perunn hns bl'come so jUlltI ' fll mou ! ! , It ! ' !
lIerlts ) nre kllown to so mlln , . people ot
hllh and low IItntions , tllat no one hes-
itateR to see his name in print recom.
mendlnJ ; : PlrUnll ,
' .rhe hhheRt men in onr nntlon 1111\'e
I\'en I'erunn n strollendorsement. / .
ren r/present1nlo : all 'clllss/ ! ! ' ! and sta.
tlons nreIulllly represe.nteI.
A dlgnlfil'd ' representlltl\'e ot the Pres-
hyterinn Chnrt'\1 \ in the tl'rson ) of nev.
10) , G , Smith n01'1I not hClIllnte to &tnte
publicly thnt 1) ( ' IIn ! ! IIsl.'Il 1'l'rnna in hii
, family and found It cllrl'd when ( , ther
rl'medles fnill'll. In thlR statement the
He\ ' . Smith Is f."Upported by an dder In
his church ,
ReE , G. Smith , pnstor of the Presby.
terlnn Church of Greensboro. Ga" writes :
"Ruing used Perunn In my tnmily
for some tlml' , It givell me pleasure to
testify to Its true worth ,
" Iy little boy , se\'en yenrs or RJ. : ( " hnd
heen suffl'rlng ror 110mI' time , , 'lth cn.
tnrrh of the lower bowels , Oth/r rl'me'
. \1es \ hnd tnlled. but ntter takh\J. : two
bottles or Perunn the trouble almost en.
tlrely . dlsappel\red , I"or this 81)eclal
walad , I consider it well nigh n specific ,
'VI. . ten 011"0 "Iattor ! ! COlll11ed ,
E\"ory stran er who cnters the
white house at Washington 'is counted -
ed by an automatIc register. The
Intsrument Is held In the hand of
ne ot thc watchman statoned , ) at
the door and tor every visitor he
pushes the button. Congressman ,
"mntors , members of the cabinet and
newspaper men are not counted-
Washington Star.
_ SuperviRor'R Story ,
Lockport , N , y" Oct , 11th1,1' : ,
I eorge P. Penrold , Supervisor tor thc
First Ward of the elty or Locl < port. has
wI'llIen the following leUel' for puhH-
clition to the neWSp/lperR / :
"It gl\'es me great plensure to reI'-
omml'nd Dodd's Kidney Pills itA Il ellre
for Kldlle ' Tl'Ouhle ,
"My klhlC'S troubled me more 01'
It'ilS for yenrs nud trelltnwnl hy locnl
lhYlllclans olll ' ga\'e me Inrtlnl anI !
t < 'mpornr - I'etlet ,
"All oIl ! trlend , knowln m ' trouble ,
/ldylsed / me to tr ' Dodll's Kllhll' ' PI\1 \ ,
tcl1lng me nt the slIme tlme how much
they hnd helpell hIm ,
"I used altoget bel' six boxes nnd
round n permnnent CUl'e ,
" 'l'hIR " , ns two ) 'P.l1l"R ugo , nnd I hn ve
not sluce been trlJublell In nn1' way
wltb pains In the hnck or an ' ot tha
many other dlRtreRslng dllt1cultles arls
lug from dlsen81'1l kldne 'H , "
( Signed ) George P. Penfolll ,
30i Church St" I.Ockport , N. Y.
A man seldom wants a thing after
be gets It.
For torty Dr. Fowler'H Ex-
traot of Wild Strawberry has been
: urlng summer complaint , dysentery ,
rllarrboea , bloody flux , pain In the I
stomach , and it has never yet failed
to do everything claimed for It.
The sculptor Is obliged to cane out
his own figure.
AUF ; \'OUJt VLOTHIs , ; FADE" ?
Use Red Crose nan Dlue and make them
wblte again , Iar ! _ o % pac'age ! 5 cenls ,
' I
r or two ple tuk tir , Il'mon8. two
: uptuls ot hut wl1ter , two tablespoon.
tuls ot cornstnrch , two CUIfuls of white
, Fug/1r / and rour ( 'g' II , Grnte the rind Into
the water nnd. to ether wlt1\ the corn ,
Ftarcb , boll tor fiftl'en 1I11null'8 , Add thc
sugar und , when cold , the yolks or the
fgg'R and lemon julcc , Htlrrlng weU to.
, getlH'r , Line two dishes wllh JlnRte , pour
In the mntforlnl nnd IInkl' , Bl'at the
whiles surr with "Ix tl'URpOOnrulll of
while sugnr , pour 0\1"1' thl'lIe" \ while
hot , return to the oven IIml lIakl' II 1l1'1I.
rate brown ,
. . n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"As tonic for n'eak and " , am.
out people It hlfs few or no equals. " -
Rtw. E. a , SmItlJ.
Ir. 1. .T. HOllmnn ! ! , n prominent mer.
chnnt ot Grl'cnFboro , Un , . nnd an elder
III the Prpsb\'terlnn Church of thnt
1)lncl' , hns nse J P/rlllln. nnrl In n recent
letter tll The Peruna Iprllcine Co" or
Colllmblls , Ohio. writes ns tollo"I :
"I < 'or It long tinw I wnR tronbll'11 with
cutnrrh of the klllnl'YR ' nnll trIed mnny
remedics , nll ot whll'h gR"l' mf' no relief -
lief , Pernna wns rl'l'ommelldl'd ' to me
lW se\'ernl rril'nds , 811d attf'r IIsln : : It fl'w
hott1es I 11111 plcnsed III ! 'lay ' thnt the Ion. ! :
looked tf1l' reller was rOllnd and 1 am
now enjoying better lualth than 1 have
for years. and can heartily recommend
PerlInlJ to similarly afflicted , It Is
certainly great medicine. " - " , . J.
Rossman ,
URtnrrh is essentially the same wll/r-
f'\'er located , } ) erUIlI1 cures catnrrb
where\'er located ,
IC 'O\l do 110t derlTI' prompt I\nll sati- !
factorrl'lmlts : trom the use of PerUl111 ,
write 'at once to Dr , Hartmnn , J.ivlnl ; a
lull IIbtem/nt ot 2'our case , find he will
be picasI'd to ; ; It'e J'OU his \'alunhl nd.
vice rllot ! ; ,
Address Dr , IInrtmnn , Preident ot
The Hartman Sl\nltnrlnm , Columbus ,
Ohio ,
'rhl' eRIII ! ' ! ! ! qull'k ' hrl'/lktlliSt : rr ! ! , AUltln's
Pancake ! ! , ltem1 , . tn s'rTe , At grol'ers ,
An mmHte ut an Insane asylum In
Vienna lias to bo closely watched to
prevent him frum standln. . . : on his
bead , which lie wants to do all the
time ,
It JOUvl > h beautllul , clear , while clothes
u e Red Cross nail lJIue , Large : ! oz , packae !
l cents ,
You can't take a woman at hcr
fnce ntlue. as long as cosmetics arc
on the mnrkct.
Two millIon Americans sutter the
torturing pangs at dyspepsia. No
need to , Burdocl. Blood 1lI ttcrs
cures , A t any drug store ,
French aeronauts are planning to
send a ballIoon across the deselt ot
Sahara. Pigeons \'VIII ' be the only
passengers ,
- -
Don't. let the little ones suITer tram
eczema or other t.orturlng skin dls.
cases , No need tor It , Doan's Ointment -
ment Cures. Can't harm the most.
delicate skin. At any dru store ,
50 cen ts ,
A hapP.T thnllKht- Irs , Austin' ! ! T'nnl'Rkl'IJ
tnllll' ' 111'1I'loU8 , Your Krocrr ! ! lIllplles , y01l.
IJnll neen to n ClrCII ,
In a small school an inspector was
oxamlng a class In Heography. IIe
harl failed to puzzle the bright youni :
sters , and In despair demanded nt
last to know "bat Is the equatol' ?
There was.1 momentary pause , and
the Inspector smiled trlullIphantly ,
Hut the smllf ! had halflly Rot tl Its
widest limits whtu a fierce looking-
hov wIth a flhock of lanJled hair
growled out the answer ' ' ' 1'11 ( ' 'qua-
tor" said ho , "Is 11 menal-arle : lion
running round the earth , "
.rhe do '
catcher's labors should be
J'otftto 111111'11 i t.
One cupful of yellst , ono u"rul ot
\\'nrm wntl'r
, one cuptul ot
stlS ; r , onp.
'upful or m/lshed / potnto/I , 0110 cllprut
) f buttE'r. three e s , et to rise In the
1\ornln , nt noon luld thl' butter nnd
' II allll Imenll It : then Il't It rIse 1\k \
hrl'/ll / ! , Whel
) light. mall' Into smnl1
"lscuItR , let Ihem rise nnd bnle In II
Ilull'k o\'n , " ' "
1.'t lty.elght SlllrlnlOlIS cases welo
elisposl'(1 ( of by II Brooklyn 1/Ia / lstrato
the other day In torty'II\'e minutes ,
establishing a recnrd for the court.
L "AsT 1 '
-ti I ( j . . " Kalsomines arc temporary ,
dJ tn" V rot , rub off and scale. ,
. /
i . . ; - " " - : , ' SMALL POX ! '
and other disease germs arc ,
. : , - r , I , nurtured and diseases dissem-
$ inated by wall pa1ger.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . should be used in renovating . , ,
. . . }
! , . . . . . n.o . . . . ' bo. " IUi . < I. ' 0 . , " . . .0.'I..fpa.1 . . . . . 116 . " , > o.I " . ht . . .nd dl's'nl'.ect'lng all' \VU 11 S. 'r - , I
OMPANY. Grand Ra
= il