- - - . " - " " ) 'JIII"'f"- - . ' ' " " " ' , ' - : " ' - and they never will be. The fusionists havc JlIn Weavcr and Jerry Simpson. 'l'hat is all. And thesa two traitors have been chasing up and down the country for six years , trying to lay thc' ' populist party in the gra\'c beside the greenback party. 'fhey had about accomplished their pur- posc , but what they left undone . has been supplied bv the fusion- " , r l 'ists of Ncbraska. Populists 1 would be only too glad I to vote the populist ticlct , hut the fusionist - sionist have killed the partj" , and there is no populist tic1 < et in Nc- b\ \ braska for populists to support. 1 , , : : , ' Therc is no enthusiasm o\'cr the , " ' . : ' . gang' of dcmocrats fUnl1lngon thc . , fusion tickct. How c.ln mcn en- , . thusc o\'cr thc petty dic1w1\s of 'j\ \ thc spoilsmen ? What is there in : the election of a-democrat for , g.n'ernor : to uakc pupulists I' happy ? ' ! 'here might be a little : f' democratic patronage to givc to ' : ; U democrats , and the dcmocrats of \ ; ' thc cast as doubt would congrat- I ulate the democrats of Ncbraska I upon destroying populism and . - - . - , . ' \ ' Where to locate ? ! Why , in thc tcrritory trrn crscl1 by the Louisville & N ash vine . . Railroad , -'l'lIH- L ' Grcat Central Southcrn 'I'rnnk Iinc , -IN- Ken tuck \ ' .Ten nessep. , A Jabama , Missi sipJi { , Flordia , -WmmH- Farmers , Fruit Growcrs , Stock Raiscrs , 1\lllnufacturers , Invcstors , Spel'ulalors , anlll\Ioncy Lcnllers , will fillli thc grcatcst chanccs in thc Unitcd Statcs to make "hi moncy" hy rcason of the ahunllance allli of chcarncss Lalli and Farms , Timber 111\11 Stonc , Iron 1111I1 Coal , I.abor-E\'erything ! Frcc sitcs , financial assistancc , atld . frcedom from taxation for the manu- facturer. Land ami farms ut lil.oo pcr acre and upwards , I\IUI 500,000 acrcs in West Horida that can be takcn gratis under thc U. S. Homcstcad laws. Stock raising in the Gutf Coast District - trict will make etlormous profits. Hutf farc excursions the firstllllli third Tuesdays of cach month. J.et us know what you want and we will tcll you whcre atlll how to gct it I -hut don't dclay. as the country i ! filling up rapidly , Printcil mattcr , . I maps anll all information frec. Alldrcss R J. WEMYSS , General Immigration and Industrial Agcnt , l.ounn.II..E. nv. : . . < - " ' ' . . . 'I' " . ' , - " " . , . - ' . carrying the state , but populists and populism arc no wherc to be found in the shuOle. 'l'he figh t is between the two old pal'lies , the same as it would havc ueen , had populism ne\'er ueen born. 'fhc populist part ) . of Nebraska is dead , and no one has clonc'more work to kill it , than the editor of the Indepemlcnt. Beforc reform work can be reasoned ag-ain , fusion must be killcd. The qUIckest way to kill fusion is to vote the rcpublican ticket - et until fusIon is good and dead. 'fhen populists can organizc the allied peoplc's party if they wish , or join the socialists who are al- read ) ' in the field. 'l'he question now is one bet ween the two old parties. It is . a. question of whether dcmocrats or republicans shall fill the officcs of this state. 'l'he fusionists havc voted the democratic - mocratic ticket for six ) 'cars to kill thc populists party , and yet claim to be popuHsts. Anti- fusionists can as consistently votc thc republican ticket this year to defeat a dcmocrat for governor and kill fusion , and still bc popu- lists. 'l'he fusion traitors have sold out our part ) ' . Now I am in fa\'or of ridding the st te of the traitors who have sold us out. - - - - - - HC'IIUIIIiI.'I\II UCSullltlUIIS IlrCIlflor COllllt ) ' The rcpuhlicans of Custer county in convcntion asscmblcll , rcaffirm thc prin. ' ciplcs of rcpuhlicanism as sct forth in thc' ' national platfonn of llOO. ' We congratulale the pcoplc upon thc 'I happincss allli prospcrity that hus comc lo thcm as a result of republican policy 11I\11 rcpublican lc islationVugcs wcrc ncvcr so high , nor prolluccrs so wcll compcnsatcd for thcir products as now. Mcn wcre nc\'cr so well housell , clothcll anll fCII , anll huve 1cvcr hcfore hall more contcntmcnt of minll than Iluring the ycars since rcpuhlican policy has hccn cnactcil into law. We congratulate the l'rcsillcnt anll the Army on the satisfuctory pro rcss made in the ' ) in surpressin thc in- surcction ani cstuhlishing ordcr , anll'e unqnalificdly cnllorse the policy of our o\'erumcnt thcrein. Our fla is in thc Philippincs alUl thcrc it will rcmain until such tllnc as the Amcrican pcople may dccm it cxpcllicnt or propcr to givc thc islands a frce and indcpendcnt overn- mcnt , such as it has just given Culm. 'fhe Amcrican Army has taken up U1C work of maintaining authority in the Philippiucs , and whilc we dcplorc and sc\'crely con cmn any instanccs of crnel- ty which m:1\ ' have occurrcd , we rcmem- bcr our sohlcrs are fi hting a barbarous and treacherous foe which has inflicted most rcvolting anll inhulllan atrocitics upon its prisoncrs. It is the Nation's Army drawn frolll cvcry : "ection " of our country , knowin no politics nor crccII , hut l ghtin the Nation's hattlcs undcr the Nation's Flag ; alUl we resent with TO CURl < ' ; A COI..O IN ONE DAV Take L XlltiVO IIrotl"8 ( luloille Tablets. AI ' 11ug 18tll refund the 1lI0nuy If It tails to cnre. E. W. Orove's slgnaturo Is on cacb box. 250. . 1 : . . . . . . ' : " o : , 'f. ' , " " " . . . . . . . ; . . > , : : . . : , ' . , .1. ' ' ' ' . . . : . ' . . . . ; . , " . : . , ' : , < 1. . : . , , iO . " ' : . : 'f. ' ! " ' . ( ' , . " ' , ' ' ' , ' , : , O , : , , , " , . , , ; " . . ; . _ . , . . . . : , ' 1. " " . . , " , ' ' ' ' , ! , 'O , , : , f - ; . : . . , : . . o . : , ' ' 1.1. 1"1.,0 : . ' . . . , ; : : 'I" ' , 1.e " . , . . : ' . " . ' . ; . . . " , ' . . : . , . \ ( ! . " ' ( ' : . : : . " . . : . " .O , . : , ' : : 1"4.,0 . . ' . : , " , . . . : , ' : . " . " ' " . . ' ! . t . . . . : . : : : : : : " ; : : : ! ; : : : m. ; - : ; : : ' + ir. ' " : " " ; : : ' ' ' ' ' ; : ; " " ; Jt. ' ' ' , ' . \ rE L O . 'j I U . . . ! . . . . - - . . i . ; . . J U 1. f All parlies indebl1ld to the Eagle Grooery , arf'qlleRted t ; I to oall and HettIe their aocount hy CJRb at onoo. I mURt have ! f : i : money to ray billR , I ol1unot do businoRB on wind. m . YOU"ti truly , ! i . . . , , , . ! l- I j t ! ' : : : " W . S . . S W AN , i.el . tl . . . , . . , . - I..W 1' ; : " " P I .0 pI etor . . : tI 10 Bars of Soap for 25c. . . ! . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . , ' . . " . . . . , . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .1" ' . . . . . ' _ -I. ' ' . . ' . . . . ' . . " . . . : . . : . . . . . . . . " - . . . . , . " ' . . . ' . . . ' . ' , . ; . :1" : . . . . . . . . . . . - - : : . . . . . . . . . " , . . _ . . . 1.,1I. ' . . ' . . . . ' - - . ; . , ' . . . . . , ' . . . . 'I . . . . " ' ! , ' . : : " ' . " .et . . . . ' . . . . " " ' : . . e. , , l , , . , ' . ' ' : ' ; . . ! I. "i.j.J"I. . 1'.M1.'f.1..I. -.J..i . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . ' . . . , , . , . ' . : .iW.Yv.l ! : : ' ; 1.fi i.t. ; : : : ' ; "i : i : ; ' { : ; ' : ' : ; : " } " " ' : ; : : ; " iJ. : / : " ' ; ; uoI' : : 'iuoi. : : : irw ; = - - - - - - THE FAIR STORE . , I I 8IUAKINO ! VICIOUS KICKER I LIVE AND LErr LI\Tl is my motto. I wiB sell goods to the puh1ic cheaper than an ) ' ot ler house west of Lincoln. and if yon will spare : a few minutes , ] wIll gladly show you my goods and tell yon my prtces. 100 lbs granulated sngar. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S50 \ 18 lbs best granulated sugar , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 . 1. sack of Bcst High Patent Callaway Flour. . . . . . . . . . 1 10 - ( 1 sacle of li'anc ) ' Bakers Flour. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 CI bars 'Vhitc Hussian Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 All Other Goods as' Cheap in Proportion. . Jo. W. COOK , and MRS. L. L. SHARP. - - , . . I indlgnntion , lhe recent democratic effort ! ! I to drag its honor In thc dust' utili ast re. . pronch tipon it ! ! Cnlr nnnie. I We cOII ratulnle the repuhlican Cor thc Caithfnl fulfillmcllt of thc p edge I ml1lle at its nnlional convelltion of 11)00 , to give lhc oppresscll Isll1l1l1 of Cubn a frc al1l1 indepcndcnt go\'crJ1mcnt , which cOllsulllntcd at IInvana on Mar : l0 , by the withdrawal of the American trop nl1l1 thc lurning ovcr of its gO\- crnlllcnt to its own pcople. Wc cOlnlllcllI1 our IJI'Ccnl coullty om. cials for their busincss likc mcthOlls in thc nllministration of countr affairs , We con ratulntc lhc pcoplc of Nchras- 'a upon thc prescnt prollpcrity of our ! ltalc , alld wc conllncllIl thc husillcss like al1l1 cconomic metho < 1s cmplo'c < 1'h ) ' GO\ ' . Savage I UlI thc stnte officials of hisIll. . ministration , which have rcsultcd in a saving to the stale in compnrison with nl1tllinislralions of lIenrly two lUllllrcd and fifty thoullalld dollars , Bc it fmUlcr . RJ\sol.vttn , 'I'hat wc disapprove of the illcqunlity of the prcscllt mcthods of the nSSl.'SslIlcnt of prolerty for tn"l\lolI ( , thcre licing 110 two COUll tics nsscssc < 1 up- 011 thc snlllc.basis , We thcrcf re < 1cn1l1l1l1 that our re\'clluc laws of the statc he alllclillcil so that evcry dollar's worlh of property'or frallchiscs shall bc asscsscII at its nctunl cash value allli that the le\"ies hc dccrcasl.'tl to thc lowcst possihle numhcr of mills , thnt will pro\"ille suffici- cnt re\"cnuc for county alld stale pur- poses. Be it furthcr RJisorVII ! > , Thnt it hc mllIlc lhc duty of the attorncy gCllcral nlld county attor' IIcy to sce that the law is propcrly cllforccll ; n11l1 bc it furthcr R1iSOJVIU > , 'l'hat we rccommellli the calling of a cOllstitutiollnl convcntion ill the ncar fUlurc , or that the question of mncllllmclIL ; to the constitutioll he suh- mittcil to the pcople of thc stnlc for thcir ratificatioll. With the ulltlerstnllding that thc 1I01I. P. 1\1. Currie is a cl\tlllidnte for the position - tion of cOlIgrcs ! 1l1ll1l from this cOllgres- siollal district ; thereforc , hc it Rltsor.vliU , That wc rccoglli-c in Mr. Curric his emillcllt fitllcss for thc place ; 31111 as a mark of our cOllfillellcc , we do hcrchy authorize him to lIame the delc- gation to rcprcscllt his inlercst ill the r.ollgrassiollal conventioll. S. ] . , CAN ON , G. B , l\IAIR , D. 1\1. AMSllJiRRCOlli. . P. C. WII.SON , JOHN RliISl , IIRHI M. . 1.1 < : , I will hold 111) ' next horse salc at my yards in Sargcnt , Satur- daj' , October 11. Will ofTer for salc a choice lot of well-bred brood mares ; some choice 3 and 4 ycar old unbranded colts ; about 20 head of well-bred suckers. 12-17 li' . M. CUHlm . f/l This slgnaturo 19 on every hex of the genuine Laxative Brome = Quinine Tablets the rowolly th t oCllI' II D 00111 4D ODe dny . - - s.M. . DOHRIS. lmnWl ; &Dmah1Jllno AI. kinds of work In our IIno done promlltly and In I1nt.lafts order. ca'rIted fhop : ! on thc crUDer west 0) the hOle houso. GIVR UI'I A TRIAl. . Urokell lIow. . _ - ' Nchr.ska , J. J. SNYDEH , . . :1 , > > , : n1J " ' [ } Wm } , N01UL1Ic. : IdilO Justice or the Peaco.perlalatteDtou ! ! KI9cn to collocllono nello lItons takfnllcneloll vonch. era lIeatly executed alld aU kinds of legal papers wrlnon. Office In the rl'ar of Dank of ConlmOrCI' . 1I10llen : Dow. Nohraska. CITY 13AH.BEH. SHOP , U. O.llUT'I'ON. l'roprietor. Flrst-olaps work. Hoar Hoom of IIroken Uow State ! Jank , ! lroken Uow. Nebralka. W A. THOMPSON , . ( ! O Tn l"rOn & BUlI.I > lUl. P101l8 and ostlmates 00 shortnotlco. IIroken lIow , Nebraaka. I.D. . ( : HJAZE , . . . . . .Dealor In . . . . . Oranlte , Foreign and /lIerlcAn Marbles. Ornament ? ! Work Specialty. lroken ! How. - . - Nebraska , C.H. JEFFRODS , J cz.czl cA bSfl'rzrc . ' fcz.l' , A b.tr.cll I'romptly Jl'lIrnlllhcd. Your IIUHluel" 'ollclwll OJ'co ' In Jlsnk or COlllmerco lIulldirll : . IIrokullllow , Nub/a ka. Taxes paid Cor non-residenls. FRANSE MOORE , KI BfI lPn m ID B ] iI. Two block oerth of Orlnd OelltrA I lIotel. Pat. rOIlIle ! , ollcllod , Prict's reasolillblu. DHH. ItJ. . & W. 1t ' 1'AI O 1' , PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. Olllc" ovu lIaeh"/I" ' , , Jru titore. IIro\l1I ! low , . _ Nu"ra. . . D H. c. 14. l\1 U J4 [ N8 , Physician Surgcoll. 2nll talrwa ) ' from W"'L end lu Hualty 1II00k , redhlunco , : JII Wtlt Jot. . chnrch. 011 ame aldt IIf trttt. IIrokulI Uow , Nehrlllkli , - CI41NTON DAY , Physician & SUl'geon , omcoln r.ar of tile lIank of COUlml'rclI. Ho 1 dence 6th boullo WI.1t of tbe lIalltlJtt cburch. IIroken Dow , N ehra lia. : \ [ HON & REESE , CAlHON ff I-9 YS 0u9ccz.1101' A'l' L.AW. nooms 8 and II. Ite.Uy Dlod : , IIrolt'D Uow. Neb . EVANS S'l'EAM LAU DRY , 1.llIcoln , Nebra.ka , I'atroll.ge 80llclloI , 1I.0.HUTTON , l'rol1rlolor elly lIarbor ShOI" G.E. . CAD\VEI.4L , . . . . Oroclor of. . . . nuroo , Touoy 1Io . licit blooll nrthelr Cl8AI , PrIces rlgbt , AlldrePR , O. It , O.\I > \ \ ' IIII , lIrokell Bow , Nobra.ka. M nCE SOAN LON , -PrOllrlctor 01- ' n.Uloralll& I.ll1lch Oounter. l.nrlfO a8u'rtmellt of COlltf\otlonarlol , 0lgar8 and Tobaooo. . North Ido of I'ubllc 8Qllaro , Uroken Dow. Nobra8ka. - - CAl\l1CHAS AND SUPPIJIlCS. Freoln8trncllonl how to take and develope e picture wllb 090r1 camOr. lohl. 'hllsbIDt ! dOllo for .matllros , Latest ? tyles in Photographs , BANGS STUDIO. Itatabllhl'llln 1891. 13rokoll Bow , NlJhrallka. O. 11. CONHAD , . . . . . . Uealor In. . . . I'IIml18 , WIIIII Mills , Tank , . IrltullpIOaaelln : 1lIglllc8 : : , litO. , etc. IIrokou 1I01V. Nebraska. DB. . T , fJ. FAHNSWOlt'l'II , DENTIST , JY'"Omce OvCr : 8wan'8 O/orery. CITY MILL , E. F. MCCLUlIIi. I'rol' , Ityu Flonr , Ul1c\wheat \ ; , Ordlhlll , ] . 'con. ulc. WIIJIJIS CAnWIU4f4 ill n7 I3'l1m : ! ! l11 JIBhNl&e3t' ) . . 0 _ _ u. t ) I ! Offi . . n'u e. JAMES WI TEllEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltegletel F.II. yOUNG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltocelvel LEOAL ADV U'rISI m 'l's. All nllverll8cmenh uu.ler this heall will b , chargell tor at levlIl rlllt , vlz : SI.UO pp.r qnu , tor firet Inftorllou , nUll 60c I'ur sqlll1ro tor eacl snh cque 1t IlIpcrtioli. A " 8'lunre" III en lIuoa or fraction thoreo' , l'U LlO LAND ! lALE , Ullited States Iaml olllcc , Nonb l'lalle , Nobra"n. Noticea ! horehy ulvell that III IHUSURIICto lu , structlulI" from tbo Oommlllsioll at tbB OeLera LallI Olllce. Hlltler Buthorlty TepIl'd In him bJ tiectl"l1 2455 , Hevlecd BIRtnteM U. S , aM umeoI.\ hy Ac of tonllre e auproved Febuar , . 't1Lh 18\1 : ' > WB wllillrocced to olIer lit IlutJllc 8111e at to o'olocl a m. all the ! jth day of Novcmber. 11102 , at tbll oflice the follow" It luet 0 : laOlI. vi ? . S. E. 8. E Feallou 21n \ e ! i no IOciloD a.'i. ' 'ow08hlp 16 , N , Hango 21 , W" tlLb 1' . M. Alll'orsool clalmlog IlIlversly tbe ahovo descrt hod land arc atlvlod to 1110 llielr claim at thl olUcu on or beforu , tbe day , lcMlgnatcl1 for thl eomlDcnc'mont of Bald sale , otbcrwlae thcl rlght will be forefi tl'd. Dated at the Unltod St.tes I.and Olllce. Nortl I'latt , Ncbra ka , U.8 ! 22 dRY of Seplomber , 1M 10.20-94 010,1' . l"UBNCU. ltejle\lr. \ , HOAD NOTIOI' . To whom It mar concern ; The Comml81110ner sppoilltl'd to ,10 w a r081 cOlilloOOclult lit Ii Illnco TWO ( : l ) rOl'l ' 110mb ot Ihl I'cnlor of 8cotloll 10 , ' 1'1wn8hll' 10. UIIIIIe : . ) trom slatloll 1 87 IIUltrCr8 30 mlouteK wcst I , cbaluK 37 link" to etatlon 2 .cclloll line at pinci ; I rod l'"rth of one half from sl.tloll WOBt challis 14110ks to etatloll 3 on nOlth sldo of 1I0e from tatlon 3 north 5t , It greoe 30 mmutell WeBl : I chaille 28 links to .tatlon 4 arouod bank III creek : trllm tatloo sonth 73tegccs west chaine lib links to statloll I' > to I' place 2 rode nortt at 8tatlon 5 wept 8 chalus BllIots : to atalloll a on' halt soctlon willter"beut ellio cCttoll 10 ; traIT tallon 6. west 40 ohaln to StAtlOU 7 011 uno hall soctlon IIno W statloll 7 north 42 degrees 4 : 1lI1uuteB wOlt 21 chalos to ltatlon II center pectlov \I ; atllUtm II north : L dcgroes 30 ! luuatos wcst rhalns 711Dkl to st\tlon : from Hlallon II IOU tli 87 degrl'cs Wl'st 4 chains 5 links to StatiOIl J ( oorth of Realler honHo ; from 5tatlon 10 north 71 degree. 30 mlnutos weet 8 chnlnl GO IInkl tn st4. 11011 II at ohl road ; from stillion 11 north 34 dn , grces wc t 4 chalus : lIlInka to statloll 12 ; trolll 8tatlou 1 north 60 degrees 30 mlnates wcst , chains 43 lIoks to IItallon 13 ; from station I rortll 18 lIerecs , : 30 ml outes wOBt4 cMlns 11 link I to stallon H at Bcctlon IIno ; tram Itatlon 14 oorl 4 chains SO links to station IC > on ectlon to nortt WClt corn r of Hectlon I ) . tOWIIIIIll1 17. rano : : 21 and to Tneato Iialt of road No. 40 as tollowl cOlJlmellclog at soutn ealt "Boctlon 4 eRst enl halt mile hils reported In favor of the ostabllsh. mCllt thereof , and all objectlona thereto , or claims for Ilamlges , mUlt be 1ed III th , ! Couoty Olcrk's offioo all or be fore noon of Iho 4tb day 01 Uecembcr. 190 : ! , or , uch road will be edtnbll.be ( wllhout rofcrence tbcreto. In WlLnoss Whereot , I bRvo lIoreunto .et m ] balld IInd seal of a11 ! county. tbls Oth dllY 0 October.lOO : ! . URO , W. Daw"r. : t7-.10-\l7 : Lslt.u.l : Oounly Clerk. . . . . . ' " - . - - ' . - ROAl ) NOTIOR , To whom It Inny coocern : 'I'be OemlUls lon a\'llololl'd \ to , Iov II roaol com. mooclolt at a I1II1Uon III on 101111 No. 570111 Mectlon 111. TOWI1Bhllllt1.lIl1oItO 1lthenco ! shont 110rth up Ule CAII'on shout ono halt Inllo tllonco north east to 0110 IUllt .cctlon Ihlo thence north 1I101I ! : 0110 haU .ootlon 11110 to IIbout line IIf , octlon to Ihence Dorth OARt alonR ohl r(1all or tbere IIhout to ono hllU .0CtiOIl line thence CAst .looR ono bait 80cllor. linn to lecllollllllO wlll'ro Inlor8oCIR with ronll No , 576 .galn and to ncate road 11I0 , 1170 botwcol1 81atlon 1'1 aUlI who/o l'rollneod roall Illtora ots wltb It.t polM IIbovo mellUcned hM " , I'orleliin hvor of tbo cBt.bllsbmont thoreot , Illd 1111 obectlonnlbereto ] , or claims fnr dimaRO' must ho filed In the counlY clork's omro ou or hefore noon of the 41h dll" of December , 11102. or Il1ch road 11'11I be estahUehed wllhout reference thereto , In Wltnon Whl'root I bl1\'o heronnto eet my hantlllnil 80.1 or sa , II COl1l1ty , thIs 61h IIIIY of Ort. 1'10:1 : , Oao. : W. DaWRT , 17. O-1I6 ( SUL ] Coont1 Olcrk , PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. The following Proposed Amendment - mont to the ConstitUtion of the State of Nebraska. as horelnafter Bet forth. In full , Is submlttod to the elootors of\.ho State of Nebraska to be voted upon at th genera , elootlon to be hold Tuesday , November - vember 4 , A. D. 1902. A Joillt Ite-olullon IITOIIU.hIR to IImClld lectlon 0110 of Arllclo II teen , ot thu ConstltuUollul : ho ! Itllto : of Nebraska. rclatl'u tu the lIIalllll'r ot nhmltthljf IInd adoptlll alll01l1l1l1l1lltl tlf the COlIstilutlon of the ftlltO : ! of l\ehrllska. UK IT na90L" U AND ENACTItIJ IIY Tnft LEnI81.- TUIIIC at' TIIK STATIC Oil' KUUAeltA : BIOTlON I That ArcUon one o Arllcle IIlIeon of tbo CIIUltlllltiOIl of the Utate of NchrMka he .mondNI to rcad aa follo'Vi : t > ocLlolI I. lIhcr hl..1Ich of thl' lelt'Allituro lIIay I'ropOlO 1I00elllllnollt. to thlK COIIBtlllltiOll , ami It the same bo IIlrool to by tbrce.firtbs at the member , IIlectoll to each hou e , .nch IlrollO.c.1 n\UorulmonUl \ , hall bo entcred all the Jourlla II , \vlth the yttas and naJ's , IInti IH1bllshell nt ICRllt OIlCO ollch week hi at : oalt on8 ' In each county 'Theru II Tlowspaper Iltll1bIl5hl'l. tor thlrly dllJ's Immc\lIatnly IlrcooolIl1l : tbo next olectlon of sOllalors anll rel'fI8entaUv08 , at whlcb elcoUlin tbe same sball bn , ubmltled to tM eh'ctors for approYBI or rl'joctfon , ami If a 1m jar- Ity of the elcclors voUnlt nt Illch olectloll on RIICh IJropo edllmenllmellt , , hall vote to adopt 8t1cll nmendmellt , thu Aamo Rhalilleco\Ue \ a Iia/t IIf thle enoAUtntion. When lIIoru than olle alllollllll'CIII Is ! lnbmlltcd lit the salDO oloclloll , they shall be 110 ubmlttctl as to ooablo the ulectors to vatu on cach amlll1dm.nt llparately. All ballots ulcll at RIiCh ulet\oll ! Oil such . amendmellt or IIIIIelll1mcnia Hb.il hllvo wrltlell or' 11rlnt'd thcrcon Iho followhllt : For propolloll amendlUcnt to the Con8t1tutlon relating to ( here IlUort tbe lIubjeot of the amendment ) 1111I1 agulnllt .monlimeLt tn the COllfttltntlon rclatlnlt to ( ] lore Inlort the ubject of the Rmt'/lIlmoDt ) al1l1 the vote 01 cnrh elector vollllg on ! Inch nmendm lIt or ameOllment IIhall bo deslllnntell b ) ' the elector by ILnklnjf n cro 8 wtl h a I'cn IIr l'oncliln a IIlr.le or laaro to bo Illaccd lit the rlubt of the IInclllhe words "Iror or A alllst" the prollol"d amemlmentl ae hu .hall de..ru . to volu tbcroon. or by Indlc.UIIhll / prcternnco on II votIng macbmo when snch lUacblne Is Illu80. 1.000 , W. Marsh , 8ecrotn , . of atato IIf the IItate of Neb/aska. do hereby ccrtlf , . that the foregohJI : proposed amendment to Iho COlletltlll Uon of thllSlalO of NobrMka IA 0 true alld correct cop ) ' of the orll.lual onrollell and cogr08eell bill as pa .ed by UIII Twonty..cventh seulon lIe the hgl lalul'tJ of the Stnte ot Ncbrn ka. as oppealP from sllill orlgillal bill on IIlu III tnl8 unIcu , 1111I\ tbat OAld proll08ed alllnullmont II .ubmltted to - the Ilualilloll VJtcr of the .tato at Nebraska for tl olr adollton ! or rejection at the Itcnoral oh'ctlon to be hOld ou 'l'UClldllY tbe 4lh Ihy of November , A. D , lIJO , In tetll ony whl'roof , I bave hore.nllto sot lilY hand alld aUlxelithe great RCllt of the alate of Nebraska. Done at Ilocoin thl 2' ntlllay of Jllly III the year of our 1.0rd 0110 ThQus1nd Nho , iluntlrcll ami Two. of the Jntlopondellce of the 'hillcd Statc8 the Ono IInwlrod uud 'l'ITent.sovellth , ami ot this ItlitO the 'I'hlrtY'8Ixth. , lUALl : OKO. W. MARSII. . -20-7-1 frcrotary : ! of State , r - - - - I ' America's BEST . . . Editorially FoarloB9 Conslstcntly Ropublloon IiNcws from all of thc worlil-Wcll wriUcn , original storics-Answcrs to lncrics-Artic1cs ) on JIcallh , the HOIIIC , Ncw hookll , lUll 1 on 'Vork about thc farm aUlI artlcn. The W ekly Inter Ocean Is n mcmhcr of thc Associatcil Prcss , the only 'Vestcrn rccciving the cntire tc1c rap l e news scrvicc of the Ncw York Sllll and spccial cahle of the New York \Vorlll-tiaily rcporL ; from ovcr It . 2,000 spccial corrcspollllcnts throughout the country. YEAR ONE DOLLAR Subscrihe for thc Rm'UIIJICAN 31111 the Wcckly Intcr Occ/111 enc ycar , hoth papers for $ ( .50 , , . - nOAD OTICl1 : , Tn whom It may conclrn : Notlco III hamby Klvoll that J. M. Soott Ii. . fillclllI ' In have the soctlon 1100 between Boctlon 2 111\11 : : s Ills.I'J . and 27 , townlhlp III n0/11l rlln ! : ! ' If ! W08t , opel1,1 a R publlo hlghw. , IInl all ohJrctlnnft tll'roto or clahns for damagOll mUlt bo III'd In Ihl ! count , olork' . onIce 011 01 be- torC ! noou of the : ! 1th tis , . of November , 1m or luch r01111 "III be stabll8ed wllhout reference tboroto , . In wltnoes whereof 1 bavo boreunto lot my hauII and sOlllof < Jolter county thll 24th IIa1 of September 1002 , 010. W. Dlcwar , Oonuty Clerk. 1 18-03 111 J08. I'IOMAN. Doputr. In Tht' DItrlct Oonrtr CUlwr < ' : ouotr , Nobraoka. Auton Smook , l'lalnt a. VI. I.oul l > lttmar , The Union Tru.tOomraIlY , S. B. , Oahlwell. Truno , O. S. Enlu .ud rho OVln VMloys ! lallk , Dufellilante , To Loull Dlttmllr , The Union Trod Comp"7. 8. R Oaldwellt trnuoo , and O. 8. Knlu , noo' rt'ftilicut defenuanta : Yon a/ul eacb of you will tnto 1I0UCO tbat on tb. 2111h IlaT at Illl00J Anton 8noct\ tb. 1111111111I1 , IrobUrarYi lion in tbo DI.trlc Court \ of CuUcr Connt ) ' , Nebraska , agaloat Ton anI' each of YOI1 nnd cthl'r defondaots , tbo object and I'ray er or 8nch I'otltlon are to foreoloso certain lIIortgap'o exccntClt by the , alol Loul8 Dittmar and MU111lttmar , hlB wlro , to tbe UnIon Trud . Oompan , 111'011 the South halt of the lIouth "un quarter , the soulh weBtof ! the Ionlh : ! ea8t Iluarlcr , alilt the Nllrtb won . ( of the sooth we.t IIUalll'r or Soctlon two 11) ) In town hlp Thlrtoen (13) ( ) of range twcnty.two t22) ) , elLuate In Cnltor count ) ' , Nobf .ka , alll mOrlgago ! then to .ocura tbol'llymollt of 0110 ct'rl.aln romheor1 IlIlnclp.1 note d.It.1l neremher 1 , 18S. , 10 till 0 by ellie' I.oull Dittmar a/ulMar. DIttmar "ayablo to tbo Unlou. 'I'ntIOompany tor the um of $800 , dno aUlI pa , . , able five ( II ) fellrs trOUl lis Iinlo with I"to/eet at 7 lIor cellt IIntllll1l1turlty aUlI10 Ilor cellt thore- IIlCer. That , aid IInte and morlll.go ; that there IA " \J\V Iluo 111'011 8sld note aud mortltagtJ tbo Bum of $ . ( X ) , tOKether wltb 10 per cent from Docamber I , 18113J for whloh .UIU ' ' pray. for 110 ecroo of tO/eclolure anll tlat sllhl rcal cwtlltO lIIay . be sold to 'alldy till ! amount dUll ther call. You 1\1\11 cach of you .arc rcqureo to answer .al d Iletltlon 011 or bofolo Monday , tbe 10th da , . of No\'ember , 1\102 \ lI"toI1801110mllOr20,1002. ANTON I.IOOK , ( 'IAlnUIT. I lU.IO..11C > O. L. UUtTRIISON , AU'y for I'lalntla. - - " ' - - - It I"'t the . . . . .tcrlal th"t KOCK I..to YoOur rClualrcel wAtch thnt rCKnltK Iu Icr'cct fOh. It 10 thc 1fOW { ) J10W thnt clocs the buetlloBs , . .ny bUDlElor 01\11 buy the flue klndo of materl I tlJlJ ! U90 lu rcpn'rlll ' ; but skill 19 the moat valul\blo material tb t , all bo u od In wntob ropnlrluf ( ; nlld the bllll ler cnn't buy Iii. J elI my kUI for wimt It IB worth nud It. will OOBt. YOII 1009 than b"n1I1 \ at lower prlooB. F. W. IIA YES , .Jeweler I\ntl Optlol n. West eldo of oqunro. _ TIME TABLE BROKEN BOW , NI B. 1.lucol. . , ncuvcr , O.lInllia. IlclcDa , ChlcnKO , Dutte. ht , . .Jowcph.orUn..d , l"unNaK cu. " . Hnltl..akcCIt . I'It.l..onl' " A..el HUIIJrral1cIHCO : All l-ollltK EnHt Alld AU I.olnt. Aliel Hontl1. WCKt. No. 4:1-V6 : libulcd CII'rcsl dall" , Lincoln , Obia- ha , lilt , J08olln.lan..s Olty. tit. Lools ! , 0111 oligo and 1111 POIDI > I " "Itnotl soutb. . . . tI O' { a.m. No. H-Locnl oXIJron .1,11) , ' . Lincoln. Omah. . CblC lo and all pollltll OAllt olld south.l133 a.DI. No. { I-Vestlbuloll OXl1ro8S dally. 11010na , Meat. tlo Uutlo , l'ortlanll end all l'aoillc eoaat Iloilltll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00-1. . . No. 43-I.oc.1 oXI're 1 dall" AlIIallct ! alll1 IlIterUlelIat.o Dolnts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .l1l\tI \ pta Siooplo , dlr.lug and rocllnlog chr.lrCAl'I ( sea' . free ) 011 through tralll" . Tlckcs .old and baggage - gage chockud to an , . point III th. United ! ltatel and Canada. Intormatloll , mnp. , thllu tablo. a ld tlckot tall on or wrlto to II. L. Ormsb , . .gont. or J 1o"rauoh , O. 1' . A. , Omahl Nebrll4k. . u. L. 0IlM8111' . Atroht. SOHEDULE OF DROKEN DOW MAILR. I'ouch tor west will clOIO at R p. m. , except Suntls ) ' when It will elope at dUll p m. Pouch , east tor tralR No. 42 oloeM at 8 a JD anll fOI No. H ClOl08 lit , 11.30 a.m. Mall for Anile , 111111 1101111.8 oust of Oralld Island oarrled Oil traIn No. 4& . Oconto ,111 of lIyoo and Tuckervllle. dally ox. celt ' ; lunda , . cloee8 , at 7 am : retnrnlllj [ sa/ou day Callaway Tla , Mc'Klnley dall , oxoept Hunday closes lit 7 a Ill , returnloK same day. Honed Vallu , . vIa Oreon and Elton 010.0 at 7 a m.Tucllla ) ' , Thuraday and faturda1s : ! , roturoluK slim 0 day. Sumner Tin OUfUsoy. GeerKotowu aud Ulltoa arrrlV08 at lI.30. Tue dllY Tborsdny .nd ! I.tur- day returlllnK leavo. Al12,30 lalllO dAy. OlUc hours from tI.oo a m to 8.00 p m. Buo. days from 6:45 p. III. to 0:4 p. m. I.obbJ epee week days from 711. m. to 8 I' , m. SUlldt' " 8:0 : : II. m. toI u. m. Uellcrlll dOl1vllry Dot open Snn. day mornlog as heretofore , L. Il.JawlITT. 1'.M' - - . - - - . . . . - _ _ _ - . _ . _ . . _ _ 0 _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . I I AM GOING ' 1'0 m l CLOSE I m f'fJ1.J ; \'tif1. \ . . .r. . 1. . . , w J . - ; 1 OUT Ib l m My entire slocle oC olothing. Big ont in pricoB I " &tn . , ' ' . ' ? J of IJaltio1 ShooB lo reduce the Btook. Oomo and . - . . ' m ' ( . ' . have taken : : ; ; - your measure for a I ; - r T llOR MADE S IT , . , ! [ PrIces ham $8.50 Up rb The rigors of wlnlerwl11 soon [ J As Good As You Want. lbe \ over. J , I'I asanter days ahead. r Don l Corgot lhat " ' 0 m F UIIIhtesl UlIht ! : : lhlngs things In store In Men's f'r lress all. -D S E L L G R 0 C E R I 'P 1 _ S l J COIJJS that have ever shown . we r > : , I LsI . m n t 0 aM I t } rIOOH , alpay I lb 0 -lIr s cn. . . . ; r 1 : Je ( ; UIl1 s : and loolc ; : ; : at gf them-500 s ; : ; H. If ! h es t M ar k . e t P flees f or P ro d ueB. . , , . . A. l , .luY:11 : Tailors Chlca o U. S. . [ Jvcrything : . made to your meas. . l II C H A R R V D A V I m ur -l1\ \ the tlme- never other. J . , IlJ wlseorlces wondrously low. I 1 1 ill I P.J In 13rokon 13ow , N obrBllka. I , lJij lJij t _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1'1 -