- , ' , . . , , ' . . . . . J , . . - w- - , . " I I . ) I 'I ' - VJ , " I' , - 4/ I I ! S , , I [ 1..cfs ( jeF\tfyt . . . . cts ple.a.s'a tIYt , Ct.5 . ' . . Be.f'\.e.ficially ; r : f\c s lr ly as . Lax ive , . . . Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to the healthy I because its com- I " . /4. . - Storngn of Snmmer Gownll. In toldlng dellcute summer gowns tor packlug in the trunks , It tissue paper Is crumpled and laid In the crease ot the sllrt Jll a rather large buncb , bat part ot the trock wHl bo mucb less lIable to become wrinkled In transit. The separate skirt. . Is now to' be bad In smart effects In pongee , both in natural color and pastel tints. The weather man Is mixed in his dates. Skin ot Beauty Is a .101 FOI" vor. . T. FF.I.IX UOUnAtTD'M ClltlENTAL D1L vnEAM , on MAGIOAI , IIE\V'l'1l"un c nemoY 1 Tan , 1'lmplel , F.-ek. : ; : ; q J I. . . 11Mb Patch e. , Ralh and . . Sl < ln dje..e. . and . . . .r7 . ' ' ' . . lob on bl.m'I' 'I . . . . 0 deO".deteeUon , II . . " ' Itood the . . 1..11I1 : : t..t _ ' . . . . . at 6 7"An , a..d 1 " , ! 5i i h .0 harmle. . " . . . ' " 0 ta.telttob.lurell : g II l'rOerl7 mllde , [ , CO Areep noeollnler _ telt at almllar name , Dr , L. A. I : : ; : t'.lIt : tnn la I'Atlen\l1 "AI 70111ad1el wll ! IIle them , I r eom. mend 'Gnuralld'i Oreem' . .the'e..t ' .rl ' " - harmfnlot all the ! Jkln pre"ar. . , 4IoD. , " . Fnr " ,1. bT all Drullilloh and Fanenod. Peal. . . In the 11 , S , Oanada lI\1d Eurnpe , FnED T , nOJ'KINI : ! . J'roprl&tor , 81 O..atJnn. . . t. . N , y , - - r , . \Vnnt Strnlght Eyc . Many Japanese women arc undergoing - going the slight surgical operation necessary to straighten the slant ot the eyelid , which distinguishes them so unmistakably from Caucasian wo- men-N. y , Sun , Wood Intende to be made into pi. anos requires to be kept 40 years in perfect condition. RId yourself of all fear of being in- consistent. Temper Is something that at onoe gets tbe best of a man and betrays the worst at him. PtSQ'S Cure for Consumption II the best medicine I have ever found tor coughs and colds-\Irs. : Oscar Tripp , BI. : nock , 111. , March 20 , 1001. About 2.000 persons are empluyed in the 1,271 hotels for tourists in Swl tzerl..nd. PU1'NA 1 r'AnFLE , DYE color Sill.001 I1l1d Collon nt olle boiling. Most women have a dellgbtful way. . . ot being mean , \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD : e i FALLING i : 0 g. . HAIR i I 0 Prevented by shampoos of CUTICURA : : SOAP , and lig1. } , dressings of CUTICURA , . I I purest of emollient Skin Cures. This treatment - ment at once stops falling hair , removes i crusts , scales , and dandruff , soothes irritated , , : itching surfaces , stimulates the hair follicles , : 1 supplies the roots with energy and nourish- . ment , and makes th hair grow upon a sweet , healthy scalp when all else fails. i ( . : Millions of Women e : . Use CUTICUJU. SoAP 8Psl ted by CUTICURA OINTJlF.I\T , for preserving , e .A . purlt1In , an'l1feautlfyln ' the skin , for cleanlihljIho \ N'ull' or ormlll , . . , .cales , and d/\ndrutl , and the ptOl'plrlj\ \ tailing hair tor pottcnlnj\ \ ' , whitellllllnd poothlng red , rough , anrl pOle han.ts , lor hahy ra hcs , i -hlngs , I\UtI challol\'s \ In the form of hath for allnoylng IrrllaUon , : Snllllmmatiollbtnd ureraU'eVcltl.n" : e8 , and for IItIlY sa Dative , antiseptic Slul'po es which rcadlly uggest thenlBol\"o to women. CUTICUIU SOAI' , to cll'ltn e the skin ; CUTlCUIlA OrNnll''iT , to heal the sldn , an,1 CUTWUItA nt. OL\'tNT I'Il.Lt. , to cool the 1,10011. , A SII'IOLK : I i BitT Is often suftlclunt to cllro the most torturlnll' , dl.nl\'urlnlC \ , Iu-Jlnj\ ! \ ' burning , and N'.aly ! kIn , r.alp , and h100lI humours , rashes , Itching. . , and Srritatlons , with loss of hall' , whun all else talla , .dIt. Dt801c1lhmucbllut the , , "oM , DIII. " 0.1 > 011 21 , : < 1 , Chart.ou. . P'I" f. < ln ou. Fronth ' 'qjJJ1 pol ' R. clllal'ahrl'1l. , l'unsa Dauo . .0 CIII" , COLr.tlUl.l'NPO" Booton , 'If ' .A . . IQ'"CoTIC11. . . . . . DUOL.a"T . l'ILLI ( Choeo'.I. Cool.d ) are ani" , to.ttl. . . . " OOouI. . . IIIh. $ . , . . . .mlul . labotllnt. . fo th. .11.brel.clllquld CUTIDUU , " "OL"UT , a. . . .U u tor all , . . . otk. bI < > od pwU.n &lid halllOlU caro. . 1D peckat " 1&11 , eo dOH" c > cc OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOO YOUR GRANDFATHER ' ( C 1b'tti ; MUSTANG LINIMENT A. cupbo In the rd S"xt I years bOo Tl'ulre WUI n.o better romftdy thon. lor Mhn or Boast , and there never ha. been e. . better remedy .Inoe. Keep it In the houao. - - - - - - - - I t. . . . " - . . . " U1..I&M' . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . _ " . . . . , . . . . < . : . { . . . _ . . . . . . . -.Io ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - , , " ' . . . . . , . . . . . . h' . . . . . . . . . . " . . _ , , ' . _ . , . ' . J " 'orlh Knowtng nllt1 TrYing. If a t.hln . coat of wblte paint is pitt on the outside ot a screen door or window it will efIectivoly obscurE : the view from outdoors. The paint Is scarcely proceptiblo oven on thE : outside. and trom within cnnot b ( seen at all. The largest mass of Dure rock salt in the world 1ies under the provInce 01 Galicia , Hungary. It is known to b ( 550 miles long , 20 miles broad and 25C teet In thickness.PhlladelphiaTlmcF , Sngur Calle In.ods. 'J.1wonty.slx different kinds of in , sects have been enumerated whlclJ attack the sugar caln.-Hclenc . - - - In n nlHl " 'ny. NIght actcr night , with rest I1nd sleel' ' broken by urlnlll' - troubles. Plllnfu1 passl1ges , frequent cl111s of nl1hlre. He' tentlon , ml1ke the da - I1S mlserllble l1e the night. 1\1nn , womnn or chillI with I1n ' wl'ong condition of the blmlder nnd l"dl1'Ys Is In 11 hnd WilY. Don't delny 'till dangel'ous Dll1hetes comes , Cure the trouhle before It spttles Into Bright's Dlsel1se , ! telld how certnlll lire the cures of Doun's Kl l1l'y Pills I1nd how they last. ,10hn J , Schnrschug , n retired farmpl' , residing I1t H4 Concord street , Aurorn , III" SIl 'S : " 1'hree ypnrs ago I WIIS II snfferer from bnclmche and other kidney - ney disorders , I1ml for months exhnust. ed 1111 IllY knowledge of medicine In I1n endel1vor to obtain relict. Doan's Kidney - ney Pills cured me , I1nd time hus not diminished my estlml1tlon of this pre- ] aratlon. Not only did DOlln'H Kldne - Pills cure me at thl1t time , hut l11thou h over three years hnve eillpsed , there has not been a symptom of a recurrence - rence of the trouble. I COli sider this . > rlIlI1rlltion ! to he 11 wndel'ul kh1rIC ' ren1l'IIy I1nd just I1S represented. " A I.'HI I' ' ) TRIAI of thlH grel1t JJd- Jey medicine , which cured Mr. Schnr- Cllll , will he ml1l1ed on I1ppllcl1t1on to my pnrt of the United States , AddrmHi { "osler-Mllburn Co. , BUffl11o , N. Y. For Inle by 1111 druggists. Price GO centR er box. Irelnnd IIIRetrojtrl' llon. lreland Is steadily losing popua- tlon , The decreasc last year was 31" 435 , entirely accounted tor bl em 1- ratlon.-N. Y. Sun. A. Rellnble Prcpnrntlon-A Responsible - sible FIrm. O ( the mnny remedies before the pub- lie Ihere lA , p'rhllPR , none Ih"t haK h''n IHll'h uniform 611tlACllction ns gl "s Crl'llm Bnhn , the renO"lIedpl'dfic ( or Clltllrrh "nd klnch'l',1 , clisenlleA , I'or over n (1IInr- tN' o ( n centur ' it hils stood the oed tl'.t , growllll { In Iiollulnrily ns th ) 'CllrK roll hr , until the fnme oC Ihe oocJ wOl'k It ! lIIR Ill'rCol'mcd hns mnlll' It n houII.JIOIiI wo1',1 the country ovcr , A lIoothlnl { , eO\clI'ioUM \ nnll ( 'ntir'J ' hnrmlclill huhn , it III pntl : ' 10 " 1'llly ' nllll hrlnA ! relief nnd comfort to the thou14andA who are liuffercrs from c"tnrrh In thlM climnte durin ! ; Ihe ( nil , winter "nd sprlnJ : 14I'0140n6. A morc rc- liohle nor honornhle firm than the PIO- prll'torA , Bly BrotherR , whose nnll\e Ihe celehrnted reml'lly bearR , cnnnot III' foun ; ] In nllY hURlnel's or procsslon , 80 Ihnt In recoll1l11CllIlInl ( thlR Ilrl'pRraton ! to KufCfr' erR It cnll truthully he snl(1 ( thnt It IR 1I0t only meritorloull nil to the Inrf'dil'ntR of which It 18 composl'd , hut thnt It Is bncked up by honor and Integrity as wel1 , A a tarmer's harvest lasts nutll tht summer boarders depart , Tht'sc crisp , . mornlnJ1 don't forJl't Mrll. ' Austin's Pancake ! ! . Always Iood. Grocerll , One way to exterminate weeds Is tc cultlvatc them , JlALL'S OATAnnll CURE Is taken internally. Price 'it ) oentll , . . " " " " " . .L . "u" , . ; . . . _ , . . . ' 'IIII..oIl i.o . . . . _ - - . I , . - . . , . - - - - - - - - THEY ARE LOOKING FOR THINGS , Perllotll. Who Go A tOtll : the Hreet Wntchlul : the 81dcWlllk , I " 'fhe 'Iost nllil ( ounl1' columns o ( the newspnller Is re IIOII\lhle ( or ruther Ilccullnr hnhlt , " Hllftl 1II ohwr\'i\lIt ! cll I. lon , uccorl1hl to the l'W Ol'll'UIIS ' 1'lmes.Demol'rnt , " 1\1111 II ] lroduces n rntlll'r HIII ulnr IIl1'ntul COIItltlolI. ( It hlll-l cllusel1 1Jrell : : t IIIU II ' III'r801l11 to IUnke II rllthcr clost ! Hlud ' of thRille. . wulIs oC the clt . , fllHl 1111 douht mllll ' of them II\\ ) III the COlllllullt hOIIoC plcl\ln Ul Honll'lhltlJ. : nrr'uluulft' . 'l'hp ' hn"o ull Horts 01' wlhl I1rl'III11S I IIhout fillltlll Jewl'lrr , lIIore 01' less "III , uuhle , nnd hl I'olls of mone ' ulIll things oC Ihnt 801't , I UIII 1I0t HIlCuldn of the unhullp ' 111111 l'xh'ell1'I ' ullrort\l.j l1ute cllIHS whose IIfl' Is slellt ( III sel\reh. In the HlllcWIIIIs 1\11(1 ( the Jutll'rs fol' wbnle\'pr trlfie th ( ! ' 1II11 ' IlleIlp. . I hn"p In mlnl1l1 dlffl'l'l'lIt ' sort of Ilenllll' , Ileollll\ who urp 1II0re ( 'IIItI\'u l'11 IInll ' more relined , IInl1 whose IIIhllls hu'P h ' dpgrel's l\'nt Illto t h ( ' J.rIII\ ' ( ! , MII 'lh ! I Rome o ( thl'm hU\'t ! ( oUlld HOIIWlhltl lit , i some time or othl'r ' , 1\1111 this hils cllul-lel ! them to spllreh. IIWI't ! or less I1l11gelltJ . , I I Ihe shlewnll , I\S thl' ' rush I\lon tht ! IItref't. I know of Olll' cUSt ! of I his wrt , I n 'oun mnn who hllH hl'l'1I 1-10 Inllu. I r.llced : h ' the hnhlt thut hl' gol's ' nlon ; ; I the strCJt with hll-l henl1 lnwlI ! , oftell pnsRlng his J\'nrl'Ht nnd l'\osesl \ frft'lHls ! without 8celnJt thcm. lIe lI\ul1e the stntl'ment to me fI fpw l1I ! 'S U O thnt dUl'lnJt the laHt 'enr II ( ' hlld found six 811'er dimNI on the HllleWIIII ( , 111111 hc had rnd\lall ' dl'lfted Into the hl\hlt ( If fearchlnJ.t ; the HldewulI(1I , , : Itll his ( ! ' ( 'S I1H Iw IHIHRpd IIlong tht ! Htreetll , 'Jll'- Rld's ! , ' he 8111d , 'I 1111I ulwu 's reultlng tbe 10Rt nnd (0\111 < 1 cnlullln III the IICWH' lI\perN \ , und the thIng hils II sort oC fils- clnatlon ( or n1l' , It hUH Ilroll\lCd a perpctunl condition or II10lltul ( 'x'lte- ment , nnl1 of CO\lrllp I Iol't II Jtrput 11'ul of pll'nRure Ol1t oC It. ' Now , here Is II curious thing , len for sonw tlnll' hnw' Indulged the foolish huhlt o ( coulltlng crl1ckR In the HldeWIIII(1I or lIl' rulh poles , nnd touchlnJt thlll H with their bn } ( ls , hut few o ( us hll\'e hl'en I1wnrt ! of the cxlstence of II ! 'Inss of men who arc constl1ntly trylllg to I1nd lIomethlll ns they brush nlong the street , When we hn\'e found 1I1ml 1001dllJ.t Intentl . lit the sldewl1lk we ha\'e Hl1llpOsed thut they 'Were countJn ernc1s , or tr 'lng to , , keep from RtePIln on CrnCIH , 01' ml1l ( . In Rome 60rt of eurloull HtUily of the sldewl1lk's topoJ.trnllh - , hut Inllt11(1 ( w ( ' . now lellrn thl1t the ' flr ( ! IIct11I111 ' look , Ing ( or wel1lth , tr 'hlJt tolnd / some. . tblng thnt SOlll'hOlly elle has lost. : , Whnt strl1nge f1JJhtH fanc - dotIl tlll ( ( ' In these Il1tter dl1 'sl" MISSION OF THE CHEAP CIGAB. ) [ ctholl in thc 1\IItIlnc8H oC Sclllnl { for AlltOll1tety I.ow IrlcclI. "So you I1re J.oln to try to force UJ retailers ont of the h11HhICHS ! " ex. claImed nn Irute IItt1P < 'I lIr mun , brls , ) tlIng with IlIdl nntlon nnd addressing , the mnnngpr of one of a number of cut-rn te clgnr Htores , "NothIng of the Idlul , " replied the I mnnllger , bust1lll nbout his \\'orl ( . " . \nd the tobncco trllst hns P11t 'ou up to thlR I1ml Is ( ( ) otlll the 1 > lIIs ! " wns the cigar mil II'S 8ccond explosion , "Now , see hl'I'p , " slIld the mllnllger , taking the nngry little mnn by the buttonhole I1Ild lendlllg him out o ( the I wn ' 01' custolllerll , " ' 011 clon't under- stl1nd the I1Ule , 'Vo're Im'renslll thl : consumption o ( tohacco , WO'l'O Imlld- Ing up 'our business , " "Don't see It , " nlll the retnller , "when 'ou sell n slnmll1rll , cent clgllr /I'P / (01' ] CmtH , " "l'hlt's : just the wn ' we're dolllg It , " replied the Inanuger. ' ' 'I'IIl ! man who snwlws t'ocellt cigars II ( Iny comes In hcrI1nd talCsI'e / ( or 12 cellts and HIIlOlws them ull In II dn ' . A ( ew \\'cpks of thllt , ancl he wllnts his 11\0 clgl1rs Hery clIIY. II e gets tired of coming > > roulld here to loole for bnr- gnills , IIlId In II ( ew weeks he heglllH to slop I1t 'our 6tllnd , as he used to do , hut Instead of hu ' ' ' ) 10 centlVorUI of cigars , he lea\'es a ( ] nnrter In your cash rpglster nn(1 ( cllrrlps n WilY hulf 11 dmwlI clgllrl'e''e Inot'ensed 'OlU tmd ( ! ] ! 0 I'l'r ' cent. " "I hadn't looked lit It that wa ' , " 8all ) the I'etnller , cnlmlll down , "AmI here's anothcr scheme of ours , " contillued the IIlllllaJl'r , "Hundreds of slIlolters ne\'er treat thplIlsel\'es to 11 10-cent rI nr , We offer three lO-cent- ers and thrpe n'ers for II quarter. The smoker tl1keR tJWIII IIml ets the taste for the better clgnr. When he comes hnck to your Hhop hc wnnts 11 1O.ecnt cigar , " "By JoH's ! II grcat scheme , " said , he cigar mnn , flulte I1ppeased.-New York Times , The l\lotJon 1 > 1'\vl1l1ed An old town oln'lal of the city of 111'on , na" la 's III Hhort StMleH'thl1t during the nl ht of the pnt'thfullke llIRturbunces or I s.sj ( till ! clt ' coulell \\'II' ! III Hcsslon. WIll'n Ihe ! f11nlw fhok the city hnll from bnsmllent to little the coullcll- lIIen rllIl nut , thlllldng the house would loppll' o\'er , Whereupoll the wag who who IPllt the IIIll1utes o ( the meeting cOllcluded hIs record with the ( ollow. Ing selltellce : " 011 motion of the city hnll , the council adJourn'II , " Hcr J xlllllnllt1Jn. "Women nl'I1n ullchnrlta hie lot , " re. mnrked IInwkens us he laid I1slde his pape , "llecause wh ' ? " aske1 ! thc other bait of the mntrimonllli combination , "Becl1use , " replied IInwleens , "every time two of thl'/n / get together thl ' talle I1bol1t some other woman. " "If they do It's becnuse they ore not conceited like the men , " replied Irll , [ 1. "When two mln get together thc1 always talk about themselves. " I First 10\-0 brenks beartB and seeonr ) love mcn.ds them , - - . . . . . . . . . . \ " " , _ , , _ . . . . _ . . . , . . . - ITALIAN OF THE ASH DUMP. - , Wherc ThIll t"I : ; i ; ; ; ; ; ; OCtll I uel Co. 111. . 1..lr. . . . , ' 1'llI'ro Ig II "lillii' 10 l\'el. .thlll , 8mI the Itnllllll Is l'0/1I17.lIl1t / uf thl' fnl't , nl. thouJth the \'lIttle Is 1111I1111 , 110 ! ; lIther : cillders , wood , rll R , bottles , III\IJeI' , rub. ' ber 11I111 ll'nther IIhol'N , 111111 oltl tin CIIIII. ! , nil of which hll \ ' ( , bel1I throwlI n'II ' by oth'rN. SOllll'tltlleR two m' IIwrl' ' flllll' 1IItoI unlto III 1II1l1ehl thell' l'ullectlollll nllll dblPONltl or thelll , forlllhlJt III 11 SIIIIIII WII ' 11 trust III' eO'01'el'llth'lIIIlIIH ( - I try. I 'I'he coal nIl 11 wood I hl'y ullll1.\ for fud III their hOllies , untl tlll'lI till' othl'l' ' products of thelt. 1111101' 11110 1II0Ilp ' III ' the followlllg WII\ \ ' : I' rho old IIhoCII nll(1 rubh'I' ( ure Holtl to 11 Hhoellllll\Cr , usulIlI ' lIuother ItHlluII , I 111111 hrlll frol1l n tom : Cl'lIls u IlIIh' , the Ilrlc\H \'lIr\'III , IICCII'III1 to I heh' COli- dlt Inll , 'he IIhWIIIIlII'I' ( rl'llu Irs t IIPIII 1\1111 ( IIHIIOSI'S of thl'lII ' 1I 1I111 nil lIecolIl. ( hll lid , 'J'11l ! rn s 1111(1 ( 111\\11'1' \ III'l' lIold tn the wholl'lIlIll ! ' 1111I1 , ( ll'IlII'I' , 111111 IIsUIIII ' hrlll 11 hOIl t' Ii CPIIIII 11 h1llllr(11'1 ( ht ( or nhl 1II\III'r uIliI 1I1I'herl ! fl'OIll 10 I to HO ClIts ! II hlllllh''d wl'l ' hl ( m' rll , I 'I'ho hoW's lire WIIIIIII'(1 ( nll(1 ( dlslllllll'(1 of throllgh the IIlIlIIl' n ( 'IIl'y , I'hc 1II'lc. ! I of hottlt s t1l1ctllllll'S , 1111 u'rllle helllg I $1 II hllllllrcd ; hut tllItllllnll IIl'lIlol11 HellH Oil n "hl'lIl' ' ' ' 1IIIlI'\pt. \ , 'rill ! hOlll'H ' llI'e Hnld to t hI ! ( m.t IlIzer flletorlell , 2 II tOil 1)'llIg ( 111I111 , 'rhe till ealls 111' ( ' RollI to fOlllldrlmt , : wher ( ' thp sohlt'r 111111 thl IIrl' IIIcltNI olT ' 1lIliI the Iron Hhe'ht IIrl ! IIwll'd UI ) nIlil snsh wcl htll 1I\1111e (1'\11I thelll , Ohl t01llllto cuns 1111(1 ( fl' 11 It ( ' 111111 Ilrlll $ :1 : 11 tOil , IIrHI It tlll\l'lI IIIn ! ' ! ' thllll .tOOU nf thl't'o ' cllns to 11I111\0 11 lOll , 'j'hcr ! ' III11s1 he 1'011I ( ' 1II011l' ' 1II1111 ! ' III thlll hIlIlIIlPIIII , for nil IInllllll l'ellhllllJt III NYnrl 'It ' ' to Ihnt ' ' : ( \ \ ( ( IIII 'H cUI'IIUI'lIlIolI the 11\1111 of $ :10,000 : II ' ! 'lIr fll' t h ( ' ] 11'1\1. II' e of ] lll'lelll thC' IIl o\'e'IIIC'lItIUlII'(1 i ( 'oll\lI\odltlt'H ( tl'hllllllll , IbC' ' ( ' 1111 It ) ! ( rom t hI' II'O\\'II ( I hnt h'HI' I hl' dty's nRheH IInl1 Jtlll'hllJe to tilt ) lIen-Chrls. tlllll glldpn\'or WOI'ld , IT'S UNNECESSARY TO SAY. ! 'lllItIy UCltlllrl'lI thnt Are l . .t1rcl ) ' SII' llcrl1..IImt nt AU Tlmc ! ! . A now soclel ' ISlrOpollcll 10 hllve for Its title " 'l'll ( ! Hoclel ' ( or the SIIIr'H- ] slon of O1l\'lolls HllIInrlR. ! " A list or \ tppcehPR ; III to bl ! I lrl'l III TI'd which the to. clet . hinds Ittwlt 1I0t to URe , thus l'lo- \'ntlng thl' l'hnrnclcr o ( l'lIprnll'oll\'l'r- sntlon , II ( 'I'l' nt'l ! fHllIIl' of tlw Hlle ! : ! . mellR of ( ) h\'lou rPlllnl'ls : "II is lIot the actlllli Ilc I'pe of h'nt rp lstl'l'e(1 hy tile therlllollll' lr whlt'h 1I1111iCft It ftO 1111- cOlllfortllhll' ; It 1ft thl' hUIIIIIII ' III th\ ) ahnosJlwr } ( ' , " "I ( lolI't 11I11111 Ihe mone ' ; It's thf' 1lI'lnl'lllle of Ihe Ihlll . " "Olle 11l"er ! 1I11lerslaIlIllI ( the IInllW whl'n onl' Is IlItroduce(1 ( to II Iler. i son , " "If the wlllea' W'I'e IIIt'red It would hp JURI nil Joncl nil the wutel' ot I1l1yelly , " "The troullll' nhout Jolng to fUllllller 1'II\'llcI1s ; II ! It tul11 'Oll 1010 101l to et hOIllt ! . " "Yoll 1:1111 : IlIIt 011 two frpsh collnrllll Ihl ' 1I11llhl'lIl1e\'el' ( hll\'e n cl all one 011. " 'fllPlie arc slu ! 'IIII'lIls o\'cr whleh 110 olle dllllHltl'S 1II1I1Ihl' ' IIIU ' he Irwl'ellsed to 111111111I0111 111111 III It cd ( legree , 1'he ob. ject to he gnlne(1 ( 111 rl'rrllllllll from Ihem III ralher IlIcll'lhlltp PXCl'Ilt that they wllste I lillI' , hUI all I'vpr 'Olle hns IUlIIwnsllrnlll ( ' (11I1I1I1It1t1I ! or tlllle to wnsll' ' . ulIII 110 goU1a1 ( ' 1111 Ill' Hhowl1 III I HIl'III It , the \\01'1. 01' 111S , S. 0 , It , .sH'lel ' SI'CIIIS 1111 Idlp ( 'XIII'lIIl1ture of ee- ( ort , If ( ! ver 'lllllly ( 'a rrh11 nn u t houht- : ; I ful ( 'oll\'erllatloll II RIalI' O ( 1II'nlal ( 'X- I hllusllOIl wOIII(1 Ioon Ill' hrollght 1I1H1l1t where ull cOIlvel'sutiollH wOllld ( 'PIIHe , I1l1d slll'lIce III CHIIIUIIIY ( , liS e"l'ryollc 100nwH , III lIIorl' rnlllllI : ; on 1111' 11l'I'\'eH thnn nil (11'1'1111 o ( t"OIllIllOllllhH'e re- mnl'les , 'fhe IIullllllg of tOIlg'ueH Is 'I'm excellellt delldl'lwr of t1loll ht and 110 olle should IlCrllllt his thollghts to worle oVtrtlme ! If he Ilesh'ps to he hupp ' , - Chlcl1go Chronle1e. Not n OhlrlCHO 'Vord. "It's mlstnlw to supPofie thnt 'JOBS' is n Chillese word , " RaYH a foUr'd Hhlp's carpNltl'r , " 1"0 tra\'cl ( dll oed hit In the orll'lIt III III ' tillie , 1111111111I011 : ; Ihe od(11 ! IIIItI mills o ( IlItoreRtltlg IIIor- mntloll I pll'I\(1 UI ) \\'IIR II Imock-out of Ihp gellult1l'IIPSS of 'JOllS' IlS n Ohl. nese worel , OhllllllllCII ol1ly 1010W 'JOSf ; ' whl'1I thp ' l'omo III eOlltnet with I lIroI'nlls , A Chlll'so } lrll'1t ! thnt I IJeclIIlle ehll11ll11 ' with III l1al1lOw told ne thut th're WIIS 110 slIch wor(1 ( III Ohlnese. lie eXllnln } ( ' < 1 that the word waH n ( 'orruIIUoII of the HpnlllHh worl ! 'Dlos' and hnd ( " 011I ( ' Illto IIHe thro\l h the rnIRslollarll's. Mnll ' l'I\I'ly mlsslolI- I1rles , Iw Hall ! , W'fe Rl > anlHh prlt'6ts , I1l1d their IlrOIlUlIl'l1l tlon ( y ( 'Dlos' WIIH IIpeedlly ( 'orrllpled 11110 'JOSf ; ' by IIU- tive tOllh'11l'S ' nll(1 ( nlllllll'l 10 the Chi- lIesn II 11'11 C'S , It'H olll ' nn till' Ohlllmw : R'II hoar(1 ( tlul t till' word Is IIIllprs ! J(1 hy Ohlllllll1l'lI , III tile IlItpl'lor , the ] lrll'st ' toll1 IIIp. thl' ( 'plt > < ; tllIls 111111 110 JOIo\\'Ilg ( ' of It , " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 1'1111 'Stl1It'lIIlI/ . : 10\11. : TIll ! usn or ( 'I'I'I ) ( ) (01' IIl1l1rJ1ll1g'I'lls Js b OIllIIl : : 11'1'11 P\'er ' dllY , ulIIl 111 I sUlllmpr the ( 'I'IIII" ' ( lIhrlc IH SCIII''ply II cell , 11111 ' Ilb 'II'hIlIS Irotl'tt ! lI nlllHt WOUWII'ellrlll ( 'I'eIlP'Il1s ! at ILII ' R'II ( I ROil of thp Yl'lIr , 11I111 thu nun'H v 0111 n : ; , grelllldlne , 1111(1 ( Slllllllll' IIIlltm'lnls IIII\ ' ! ! to a InrgI'X ( ! 'lIt , rl'llhl < 'ed the l'rCIIC rlrnrlcrr thut ( ol'lllf'l'l ' WIIH n dlsUIIl'tlve hrlllJc of hl'rl'u'Plllell t. For wl10\\'H nr olher WOlllell wenrlllg t1'epe 1I1ollrullll- : Is the ( /1II'Y / lit } lrCII' pnt t.o wnar a Hhflrt'ell of flaw grenn.I I I ( linn ( ) ( ' JflI1Ze , fulling In gl'lll'eflll foltls. . fit the huck nUll tlrnlletl nn n ball n l't frame ( y ( light weight , C(1 cl ! , , 'Hh 11. . I nnrrow IlI\nd of crple , A bow of crepe adorns tile front of the honnet. It Is ns tInporlnnt thnt 11 man sbouhl nctjutrc new wuys ot CornlllhnenUng as that n womnn 8hollll1 J < 'nrn ncw WIlJ'S of e& klng I'otntocs , I " . ; . . . . . , . ' - " " " ' " . " , _ " . _ , J T QQ OOOOOOOOOQOO O OO Q O. ST. JACOBS OIL POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Bncltache Hendache Feetnche All Bodily Aches AND 0 CONQUERS I. I.g PAIN.J { J QQ OOQ OOOOOOQOQQQQQOQOO I .No man Is at all times WISC ; he Is 'Jeten otherwise , Tt'nAt ThoRO'ho IIRve Trlod. I H1JJ"J 'mU O from cnlorrh of 11\11 ' khlfl 1111I1 ' ' ' for . bllt \\'or 1 IW\'I'I' hopl'd ' cllrn. gJ\14 ( 'rl1\1II Bnhn f'l'mR ' 10 110 0\1111 that , -b t'nr O lrom , , I : Wnrrl'n 1't'I1I1IChi. . CIO. . I II , I 'rill gO I I "H Cn'l1m Bnlm nnd to nil n\llll'nrl\lll'l' \ \ ' urn 1'lIrt'll of clltnrr'h , 'l'ho tl'rrlhl. ! hf'lHlnt'1I ( ' from whll'h I lOll ) : ' MIIITI'I,1 ' , 11r ! ' ! : OIW-\V , , J. IIltchcol : ( , 1nto MojoI' U , H01 , nn(1 A.,01'11" BIIITI\f ) , N , Y. Y.I I Y RO wnll n III 11'1 I'll with cnllJrl'h. 11 ( ' 11MI'll m " Url'lIm Bnhll 111111 thl ! dls. n rt'I'nhl' ! Clllnnh nil left hltll.-.l : C. Ohllllll'nll , , \ rl'olll , III. 'I'h ( ' I\nlm 110-1 : lIot Inltntl' or cnll a 8111'1'1.lnl ' ( , ohl h ' Ilru IHIR nt GO , I'ls. or mnlh'll h ' I I ' Brotht'rH , ! 1 Wnrren HI" cw York. A nlolllohlio nur" " Sl'llllol , A free sch101 to teach , horses note to be afraid of alltomllJles hus been ; ; tarted by thc prcRlclcnt flf the Au. tombllo club ut Lenox , 1\IIISS , The Icssons consist of drl\'lng Lhe machine - chino pllst the horse at ; dlffclent rales of speed , mukln him Jollo" It. etc. . and huvlng t.ho horn blow at him , 'rhree les'ons \ snally ljunIce-N , y , Sun , 1 mposslblo to lurCHce al1cclctcnt : , Not 1m , USRlblt.o be pro pared ror It. Dr. THomas' Electric 011 , Monarch o\'er pain. ( Jarn me. . I 1\lnnl" 1'0 r III 111" , ' 1'hls recipe for commeal t lIl1ln51 was selected frum among a honsc- wUe's chulcest fO.l1Inlns : Two CUP ! ur Indian meal , two cupfuls of OUI , Lwo e gs , one heaping tablRI > OOnrnl of sugar one heaping tablspoontulot , melted butter , two 1'aspo Ulft1ls of Imldng pow er and milk to make i\ thin battcr. ) I" " \ \ 'In.low':001111" : , . rt\'IlUl' rnr ohlllrell rethlnlf , pofte , , " II , . . j(1l1n , rr < lner. Innaltl. . lo. . . . . . . , 2 butlle. Ilia ) ' 1..ln , < III\ " .In < \ eullc ? , , , . I Cor'Jle ' f Ifnllh. Chop fille lIuUklcllt cold corned beel to mlllw Oll ( pillt ; cold Iwlled } ) oll1tol'1t In the HUlllp ( ] Unlltll ' . ; \IJx lIIeat I1ncI (10' lutol's ' togf'lh'I' ; ! Jul them In n l\ucl'pan. . wllh II tllhleSllOollful of hutter , ten- FIouful of 0111011 juice , II cup of Htocl , \tIHl \ HIIIIHJOOllful ! oC ( lPflper ; stir con- tl1l1t1 ' hut ctll'l'fully 1111(11 ( It .1t1"t comel ! 10 tlw holllng' I'olnt ; Hel"'e ut 1.I11CC era huttered tOl1sl , 1A bsenco makes Ule heart gro" tonder" when It comes to tho. bllJ collector , CASTOR IA For Infants Rnd Children , The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the / " ? I'J / Signature of "C" With a Tail. The IIC" with a tail is the trademark - mark of Cascarets Can y Cathartic , Look for it on the light blue enameled metal boxl Each tablet stamped C , C , C , Never sol in bulk , All druIDists , Toe. WrT WfATUfR COMfORT J There i no tl5fllction : keener than being dry and comfortable when out : " in the horde t "torm. YOU ARI : SURI : Of TIll : ; If' YOU WEAn oWF.1ls : J I /'JJIt AA LICKER MADC IN I > LACK ORveuow 1lACKf.D IoY ! OUR GUARANIf , J.TO\VfR CO" O TON.MA' , A.5K YOUR DeALcR. . . / ( he will nol &upply you 61 . . . , . . ia fol' 0. free CDIII Je of rmmta Md " . .b. g : ' : : ; ; : , : h Thompson'sEye Watel N , N. U. NO , 740-41. YORK , NEB . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . . ' \1.01oo , " " "