Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 09, 1902, Image 1

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I . - VOL XXI. - BR KEN BOW , C-USTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCTOBER 9 , 1902--EIGHT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PAGES , NO. 17. I
. .
, . ' . . . . . . , . . .
"H.kablrc. "
l ,
"Silver Plate /Ital Wears. "
; Buy Spoons
knives , forks , etc. , buy reliable brand9 ,
even if they do cost n litHe more. They
Qrevorth the diffcrencc. The prefix
. .
1847" on any spoon or fork insures the
genuine Rogers qunlity , faInous for wear.
Full trade-mark.
1847 R.ogers Bros.
LtJMd 130
lirndnatu or Chlc IlO Ovi hnlmlo Collet e .
. . . . .ene . , . .
" -
School Supplies ,
. ' ' . '
J. G. Haeberle's ; '
I r
- - -
I . Perle Elizabeth Fields ,
IDI > > In bl l1 n jBnn. ! :
9 a. m. to 12 m.
I 1 :30 : to 4 p. m.
Or by appointment.
116r0fficc ovcr AllIlcrson's Jcwclry Store
: in Rcally mock. Brokcn How. Nchraska.
. ! :
C. D. Day has 11 IICW wcll and witHl
millllnd says hc is donc hauling wllter.
Rev. F. 1\1. Graham fillcl thc pulpil
on SUlHlllY c\'cning in placc of W. C.
Miller. Pastor.
We lcarn that J. P. Staat ofCalifornia ,
has soM his trcc claim ; who thc purchns.
cr was we did not hcar.
MaUie Podge wcnt to the south cas1
corner of thc county lust Thursday read )
: to he in hcr school this wcck.
Well aftcr 11 long spell of Missour
weathcr. wc havc ot hack to our OWl
Nebraska fall wt'athcr ; 111oh how glnll
'fhe chicken season was ushered in. 01
1 Wednesday morning hy thc pop , pop
pop , of shot guns , remituling one of HII
Fourth of Jul ) ' .
Mcssrs. Kcarncy 11t1(1 J. A. I\ellcnharge :
havc just hought thc Chllrlcy Michc
. furm of 320 acres. Considcrution t1m '
thousund dollars.
Earncst Colcnllll1 l1tul wife drovc o\'c
. I Sunday aftcrnoon lookin over his nc ,
purchasc , thc Flwanls farm. lie wi ]
\ rent it the coming year to Arthur Whitl
Mrs. A. D. Hunt atll1\1issAchsah wer
Brokcn Dow visitors Saturda ) ' . Tllt :
, I were accompanicd home by Miss Thorpt
who will teach the school in District Nc
C. G. Empfiehl 11lHl wife of Rylt (
drove up Sunday to bring Grand 1\1
Waddington to S. Wuddington's for a vis
before returning to Ohio where S11
. , i I makes hcr homc.
UA.Llr RA'rEH TO OltlAJI ,
AND DA.CI ! : .
Vlaa Tbe Durlluwtou ; Roule.
October 15 , 16 and 18.
Oul ) ' 1-7.10 to Omahu uml return via tl
. Durlington Routc uccount National COI
, . . ( \'ention Christian Church. 'rickets goo
to return till Octobcr 24 , but extensic
till Novemher 30 may be secund.
l or additional information u k tl
nearest , nurlington Route , or write ,
General Passenger Agent ,
16,18 Omaha , N braskll.
I '
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . _ " , , . . . . . , . . . . .tl" " ' , . . . < - . . .J. . . . . . . . . . ! . '
[ : t : : : = ]
c. II. Coons of Callaway , spcnt
Saturday in the city.
S. S. McConnell of Georgetown ,
was in our cit.r 'ruesday.
B. P. Morris of Ansley , wao ! a
count ) ' seat visitor Saturday.
F.V. . li'ield and wife of Dunning -
ing , were ill the city 'l'uesda ) ' .
\V. \Voods made a IH\6iness
trip to Dunning the first of the
A fc\v more College student
boarders wanted at Mrs. Eva
W. S. ShannOtl of Ledi , was a
business vistor Ito our city the
first of the week.
E. R Purcell went to Omaha
Sunday night on 42 which was
about twelve hpurs late.
Daniel Barrett of Wcst 'rable
was in the city l\1ondayatlll 'l'ues-
day transacting business.
R , E. Breg-a of Callaway , was
in the city 'l'uesday transacting
business beforc thc district court.
R. A. Moore of Kearney , was
in the city the first of the week in
attendancc before the district
court : .
Clair Cox , who has spent several -
al days in our city returned to
his work on t he D. P. railroad
'l he church of God Eldership
will con\'ene in the U. B. church
at Broken Bow , Nebr. , Oct. 12th ,
and continue one week closing
Oct. 19th.
Fred Stack has sold his restaurant -
rant to Alvin Burk , who took
charge Saturday. 'l'he 1 I\PUllLI- .
CAN exten s its best wishes to the I
new proprietor.
E. Kinzler and wi fe of Mason
City , were friendly callers nt. this
omce Monday. Mr. Kinzler reports -
ports it to wet too work in the
grain in his vicinity.
Mr. Curl'e'si new addition to
his residence is nearing comple-
tion. Mr. Currie wi11 have one
of the best and most commodious
residences in Sargent.-Sargent
New Era.
Milo Young came over from
the Bow 'rhursc1a ) ' on a short
visit here , ha\'ing been away all
summer sightseeing and visiting
with relations and friends in
Maine and other eastern points.
Our citizens that attended the
fair at Broken Bow are unamious
in the report that it was a very
successful affair.Vm. . Cramer
had his running horses there , and
they made an excellent showing.
-Arcadia Champion.
Roy Daniels \Vestbro , Mo. , .
has purchased the Howard
Decious restaurant on the north
side.Ve understand that Mr.
Decious has purchased a restaurant -
ant at Havenna , which he will
l take charge of at once.
Lynn J. Butcher the 19 year
0(1 ] son of S. D. Butcher is a
hustler in his business with no
experience as a canvasser , he
took orders last week for 18 farm
views in 4 Y days and sold 21
I Pioneer Histor's.-'l'he Citizen.
'l'here will be a meeting of the
Brolm Bow Political Equality
Club at the home of Mrs. C. H.
.1 . Jeffords on Frida ) ' eveing Oct.
c 10th , for the purpose of electing
omcers for the ensuuing year.
All members are requested to be
, \ I' ' prescnt. JUI.IAVII.T.IS , Sec'y.
II 'Phose needing , glasses , or
. those hang eye , car , nose or
e throat trouble , should not fail to
> . call on Dr. Seymour and his as-
o sistant at the Grand Central
; Hotel , October ' 25. ' { 'he high
terms in 'which his work is spoke
I of by his many patients and
friends in this city , is sumcient
it guarantee of his ability to do all
that he un ertales.
M. T4. Fries was remembered in
a very nice manner last week b ) '
. . the Jacob North Printing Com.
pany of Lincoln. Having a large
plate of him they printed 300 zinc
etchings and presented them tc
l him. It is a lendid picture oj
Mr. Ii'ries , hav1l1g a fac-simile oj
III hi autograph below his picture ,
Most of our business houses an
Ie adorned with one of these picture !
an it is a beautiful example 0 :
\ loyalty to our home candidate.-
Arcadia Champion.
_ . , . . . , . , . . . " . . . . . . . - , .1Io.JW . .it. . ! . . . ! . . . . a
J. Bell of New Helena , was in
town Wed nesda ) ' . "
Elmer D. Johnson of Merna ,
Snndayed in our ity.
Jolm Welsh \Vesten'ille was
a city visi tor 'l'uesday.
Martin Cunningham of Oconto ,
spent 'l'ucsday in town.
Chas. Savage of Sargent , was
on our streets Wednesday.
Harre Andrews of Anselmo ,
was in onr city \Vednesday.
Ii' . A. Dnnn of Dunning , was a
city visitor the first of the week.
\V. G. Hanney of Ansehno , was
a cit ) . visitor thc first of the
HeHornaday and wife were
city visitors 'l'uesda ) ' and 'V ed-
N. C. 'l'arleton \Valworth ,
was a county seat visitor \Ved-
nesda ) ' .
H. J. and Martin Kolbo of
Lodi , were cit.r visitors Wed-
J. I' " Brechbuhl of Anselmo ,
was a county seat \ ' sitorTed -
D. It Smith of Callaway , was
transacting business in the CIty
'Vednesda ) ' .
D. Christen ( if New Helena ,
\vas among the people of our cit ) '
M. W. and E. D. Oldham of
Brewster , were among our city
visitors \Vednesday.
Mrs.Villis Cadwell is attcnd-
ing the Baptist State convention
at Hastings this week.
R D. and Jno. ' 1' . Miner of
Dunning , were in attendance at
the district court \Vednesday.
I. Judge : \Vall o Loup Ctt ) ' , was
111 the 'tIt ) ' thc' hrst of thc week
transacting business hefore the
district. court. .
The Western Light & li'uel
Co. rece'ed a complete outfit of
plumbers tools and pipe yestcr-
day , and are now read.r to plumb
and attach gas anywherc desired.
Jim ' ( 'hompson was home from
Broken Bow over last Sunday ,
and he certainly does tell some
wonderful tales about the agrt-
cultural exhibit at the fair up
there. not the least of which was
a head of cabbage on which 7
men could stand at once.-Arca-
dia Champion.
'Vahl. Bros. , who have been at
work repairing and fitting up
the Schroder building for their
Steam Laundry , say that they
will be in operation and ready to
give prompt attention to the
laundry business next Monday
morning. They ha\'e put in the' '
latest and best machinery obtainable -
able to handle the work with , I
and expect to draw tra e from up
and clown the line. The bo's are
weU and favorably known to the
citizens of Broken Bow , and
merrit the patronage of the general -
eral public.
MARRIHD-A ) ' pretty wedding -
ing was witnessed by the' several
relatives of the happy couple at
the home of thc bride's parents ,
Mr. Bert LamphearVesterdlIe ,
Nebr. . at high noon on 'l'hursday ,
Oct. 2 , 1902. 'rhe groom , Mr.
Oscar Goal' of 140di , Nebr. , has
honored the teaching profession
in our count ) ' for several years.
Besides having been an educater ,
he has also increased his interests -
ests on his farm near LoH , Nebr. ,
where Mr. and Mrs. Gear wi11
make their home , until now he
can leave a school of many for
that of one. 'l'he hridc , Miss
Grace 14amphear \Vcstervillc ,
Nebr. , has al o donc much crcdit
to our public schools , having for
se\'eral years been one of Custer
county's most proficient teachers.
The bride is a refined lady of
many charms , and her presence
will be greatly missed in the
abo\'e community. She was neatly -
ly clad in a Nile Grecn Silk trimmed -
med in white , while the groom
made a very favorable impression
dressed in a black sack. At the
appointed time Jesse R. 'l'cagard-
en of Broken Bow together with
the good couple marched to the
well rendered music , which is a
characteristic of the Miss I lsie
. Saville's manner. 'l'his happy
couple will be instrumental in an ) '
community for good and culture
f and the , best wishes of theirmau ) '
- I friends will ever be their helpfuJ
stay and pleasant UlcUlor ) ' .
. . . . < < " " -
" " '
" ' " ' - ' \ .r.r. ' '
'A"-40 " - . .
. : : , .u.
CI.urch Hcr"lce" .
St. Jo 1m Episcopal sen'ices
Sunday , October 12. 'rwentieth
Sunday after 'l'rinit ) . . Sunday
School 10 a m. Morningpra'cr
and sennon 11 a' ' m. Evcl1lng
prayer and sermon 7:30 : p. m.
'l'he public is cordiall ) ' invited to
these sen'ices.
\V. II. XANI > HHS , Hector.
Bible School 10 a. m. ; Communion -
munion 11 a. m. ; Preaching 11 :30 :
a. m. ; Endeavor ( , :30 : p. nt. ;
preaching 7:30 : p. m. Pra'er
mcetingVedncsday evenmg
7:30. : AU thesc services need
) 'our presence , but you need them
more. Come. Hemembcr our
pews will be here the last of the
month. C. V. AI.T.ISON ,
DUHINnHH CO'.I. ( a Nfi'VH.
The total enrollmcnt now numbers -
bers 135.
There are now seven instructors
in the college.
Pres. Roush made two drives
to West 'l'able last week.
'l'he coUege uses 12,480 sq. ft.
of Hoer space , or almost an acre.
Four students last week bade
'goodbye ' to school and entered
actual work in business.
.One hundred new and up-to-
date Maxwell's Advanced English
Grammars were placed in servicc
last week.
Several students will t nish the
course in stenography soon. Pres.
Roush says hc has positions in
view for all of them.
Pres. Roush now has a handsomely -
somely furnished oflice with an
all glass partition looking into
the typewriting room.
Howard Hall from thc shorthand -
hand department who went to
Omaha last week has secured a
position .where he is indirect line
for promotion.
Prof. Garlichs of the Music
department will give a course of
free singing lessons to studeuts ,
meetings two evening in the week
at the col1ege.
Mr. li'arritor of Ncw Hclena ,
who has a son , li'rank , in collegc ,
was a visitor last Monday. He
says he will soon ha'C another
student to send.
L'he following students ente.rcd
last week : Chas. Morrow , Arnold ;
William Hussom , Brolcn Bow ;
mmer Jensen , \Vesterville ; Katie
and Earl Boots , Broken Bow ;
and Harry Willis , Camerson ,
Pres. Roush has had lately foUt :
times as many applications for
students to take business positions
as therc are graduates of the
school to 1i11. 'rhe Rcmington
'l'ypewriter Co. wrote from Omaha
last week asking for more young
During the past week a large
number of new students have entered -
tered the Musicdepartment. 'l'he
names are Lena Shultz. John
DaltonEarlMolyneuxMiss Mathews -
ews , Chas. Richardson , Clarence
and Hugh OrmsbY , , Misses. Min-
nic and Eflie Shmn and Sadie
Whitehead. The department
now occupies nearly half the downstairs -
stairs space in tha old college
JH8trlct Court.
'l'he case of the State against
J. A. Harris , cashicr of the
li'artners Bank occupicd the time
of the court from 'l'hursday until -
til Saturday evening when it was
given to the jury about 5 o'clock.
'l'he case was stubbornly fought
by both sides until the close.
'l'lte jury rcmained until 7 o'clock
Snnday'morning when it brought
in a verdict of guilty. 'J'his isouc
of the cases that grew out of the
failurc of the bunk a year ag ( ]
whcrc the cashier was charged
with falsefying' the records in 1ill
report to the statc Banking Board.
At this writing the court has not
passed sentence. We arc in.
formed that the defcndent will
appeal thc case. Mr. Harris ha
many friends here who had IlCJ } > '
ed that the vcrdict would have
been different.
fuster County ! Inu Uuys Ulg UUllcb.
Col. Josh Wood passed througl
Kearncy 'l'uesday morning fron
Stunner to Omaha with stock an < '
. he stopped to tell us that he hac
just completed thc purchase 0 :
the old Streater ranch an tllt
. . . . . ,
. ' .o 'J " - - ; ,
_ ! . .t f , :
'rillson ranch. 'l'he old "home
ranch , " as he calls it , contains
5,630 acres ; and taltes in seven
miles of the banks onVood Hiver ,
400 acrcs in cultivation , 50 acrcs
of alfalfa and he will plant 100
acres more in the sprin p all fenced -
ed with cedar posts , while ' ! 'illson
ranch contains 1,370 acres , all
fcnced , has 1,200 acrcs of line
meadow land. lIe paid $40,000
for the whole. 'l'his is the ranch
that Josh has leased for a great
man ) ' ycars and now he becomcs
its owner , and'l'he Democrat congratulates -
gratulates him , for hc has bought
a big hargain.-Kearney Demo-
Dietl in Broken Bow , Satuda ) ' ,
October 4 , 1902 , 140uis J. , eldest
son of Aaron and Sarah Pool , of
Anselmo , Nebraska.
' ! 'he deceased was born in Put-
man county , 11linois , December
2(1 , 1873. He came in cluldhooll
with his parents to Nebraslm ,
where he grew up to be a strong
and active man. lIe taught
school a little , but preferred an
outdoor life. He went to Montana -
tana last April , and while there
was injured at IllS work , which ,
I together with a cold , led to his
dcath. At last he was taken to
Broken ijow , that he might be
constantly under the doctors care.
But it was too late. Ile was too
weak to rally , and died in les ! : !
than twenty live hours after
reaching there.
He was a bright and good
) 'oun matt of a social dis-
positton , and was not known to
have an enem ) ' .
He leavcs a sorrowing father ,
mother , sister and four brothers
as well as a largc number or loving -
ing friends to mourn his early
The funeral was held in Broken -
ken Bow , at the Catholic church ,
Hev. Father Flanagan ofliciat-
ing , and the remains were laid to
rcst in the Catholic cemeter ) ' at
that place.
CAlI. I ) 01 ; ' ' ( ' ' 'ANI'H.
We wish to express our hcart-
felt thanks to the friends , both
old and new , who so kindly assisted -
sisted liS throllg-h our late trouble ,
the sickncss and dcath of ollr
belovcd son .1Itd brother.
AA ItON 1'001. ,
ANI > li'A1\III.\ ' .
III Memory or Iulo 1'001
ncareHt I.uie tholl has leftllH.
I.cftlls in this worlll of tJllin.
To our hcartH comcs 11 y arnin ,
Yearning for thy love IIgain.
Often for th ) ' checrillg prcHcncc.
Will we lon 1111(1 ( wish III vain.
1IIIt we fc11tolay ( , Dear I.uie ,
Our reatloss is hilt ) 'our gain.
In II world of lightllnd glorYi
In II worhl whcre cOllies no l\I ht.
IIe is free from care of earth's tille.
With the shinning IIngcls whitc.
Whcn our work on carth iH enlcl.
Whcn we cross o'cr ( lcllths ( lark sca.
Will ) 'ou in that land of sunshine.I I
Dearcst I.uie wclcomc to thce ?
Per the night is closillg round liS.
'Ve huve all the cnrCH ,
Ioose thcse \ 1011(1o ! Give frecdolll !
Oh. hrcak down thcsc willis of clay.
Oh ! dear Luie Gel docs know hest.
lIe has takcn YOIl hOlllc to rcst.
Why sho\lhl we wcep ? Why thus complain1
Whcn our 10SH is your etcrnal gain.
Mrs. J. W. Holdcrman fillcd hcr hilS'
hand's } ! ulpitllt Custcr Illst SlIIllay.
Weather fine for hayiug Ilnd threshill '
Mr. Scott is IIOW in thc vicinit.thrcshing
SlIIa11 glain a geol a\'cragc crop.
Aftcr spending the S\lllllllCr with hCI
mother , Mrs. 1' . J. I'rovincc. Mrs. M. A
, . Boice of Wcst Fork , West Virginia. startc (
cnroute for h01llc 1\Ionday.
Stant Iycrs has ugain 1II00'cll to thc
SlIIith ranch frolll whence he hal movc (
to Gothenhurg SUml ! fuur or fivc yeari
Born--'u Mr. anIMrs. J. F. Foxwurth )
Oct. 1St. 190:1 : , twin dnughters weighin !
. 4J anll 5 ltJs. respectivel ) ' . Muthcr ani
hahie. . cloin wc1\ \ awl Juhn is CUII\'lIles
A trio of cowhuys } ! usscflltyno yester
clay in cllre of two hundre(1 und fifty-s 1
cultle helonging to Diuh WUOllruff uJ
Gcorgetown , Nebr. 'fhey were gras ! > cl it
Cherry count ) . . Nchr. and : ue in finl
, condition.
Johnl\lorford of l\Itmlu. Nebr. , inform
us that a grellt deal of the corn is badl
injured by frost but there is milch guO (
ripe corn. lIe 11150 infortns n ! ! that hi
1 son in the Dow , II. 11. Carrel who go
1 tired of Custer three yeartl ugo Iltlll wen
l to Colorado tr'ing to find the l'oncup
l tree is now in IIIlI lIII Territory workill !
f on the stction ut $1.25 per duy
Coul hun : dOlle as well in Nebrut ku.
_ _ ' . . , . _ . . . : .t" _ ' . _ _ . _ _ . . . _ . . .10.J . _ _ ,
m ; ]
Ji\ m .
. . . .
. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t1 -
Get your Clocks at Ed.
McC0I11as' .
Mone ) ' loaned on ll11prOV
farms. J Al\tlts LItDWICH ,
7 18 tf Brolten Bow , Neb.
Clocks , the vety best , at
Ed. McComas' .
Ji'OI { SAI.H-A Hve room house .
and six lots in Broken Bow.
16 tf S. M. DOIm.Is.
Lubricating oils of all killls at
\Vilkin's drug store.
li'ruit jars at J. C. Bowen's.
Just received a car of hedge
posts at Dierls 14uI11bcr & Coal
Co. in this city. Price , 12 a11(1
HI ccnts. 2 tf
Iegan.t Jewelry at
Ed. . McComasp. '
Job printillg at this office. )
Farms for sale and lands for
rent. Now is the 'lime to gct a , '
farm cheap , as the cheap farms '
are all goin , and prices are au- 1
vancing raptdly.--J. : G. ,
\Vall paper at J. C. Bowen's.
Several good farms for sale at
a bargain , including my own.- :
JltSSH GANDY. : .44 tf \ 'I
Dr. Seymour , here Oct. 25. "
See Ed. McComas' Fine
lots and a few five acre lots in
this city , for cattle , horse. or farm. . ;
land.-Allcn Rcyncr.
Green and dry fruits at J. C."I
Bowen's. r
. . . . . _ 1"- .
li'oR 1 , 2 , 7 and 8 ,
block 5 , in Jewett's addition to : ( .
Broken Bow. Enqnire at tbis
oflice. 11-21 tf
West Union , Nebraska-Yea ,
we will pa ) ' a part cash for butter -
ter and egl11. : HUt/us G. CAIUt.
'Natches--They Are Fine ,
At Ed. McComas' .
FOJ { acres f ; 1 nd
in good state of cultivation adjoining -
joining Broken Bow for $200.
Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf
--0-- ' ; : EI gant Watches go to 1
Ed. McComas' .
The Rm'uBLlcAN and Intcr
Ocean , $1.50. -
Ceiling wax for sealing jars at
J. C. Bowen's. 8 tI
Pepsin Gum , two paooages for
a nickel at Wilkins' Pharmacy. ' .
" '
Ed. McComas has a Fine
Lot of Nice New Silverware.
\V AN 'lm-A girl to " 0 general
housework. Call at thc Presbyterian - !
terian Manse. ll-tf.
Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , dentist , office
northwest corner of Realty Block. J
8-1 tf. .4
If you intend to build call at
Dierks 14umber Co. and get prices. ,
Jar rubbers , thc best , at J. C.
Squires Dros. who recently : .
purchased the Willing stock are
old implement and hard warr deal-
ers. 'l'he ) ' are preparcd to meet
thedemands of their patrons. 'rhe
public is invited to call and see
them for bargains. Fair and
honerable treatment will be their
motto with all. 10-2 tf.
U---Sc'ltIour : c'e spccialist ,
here Saturday , Octobcr 25 at
Grand Central.
. - . -
A good house for sale.
17 tf. II. llANGS.
cnrl.e I COMI.
, Not wishing to carry carpds '
we will close , thcm out at actual
I cost. 17 t f SQUIHJ S BRos. .
, .
- lUnrket UelJOrt 'or 'rooUY ,
\Vbcat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ n
Uarley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. Ur.U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l
I u'o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11 :
UaUor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Kltl/ / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hi
I'o\lt . . II"r bu.llel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : i
t Onlon . per bu.bel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t.W
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8\1.018. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OO ' . .W'j
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