Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 02, 1902, Image 3
- - - - - - REHEARSAL OF CRIME. 1\Ian7 Simple Acts 'Vlthll1 the Which Are Overlookcll. J'nn ' people who hu ve nc\'er been ac. cusell of wrongllolllJ ; nml who Ih'e strict. Iy "within the lu w" often muke them. selves lIuble to lIne allll Imprisonment , ntHl lire not pUlIlshetI ollly becuuse the JIl WII ure not ellfol'cetI. ' 1'he mnn who titnnlH IJlfore ! Ills window , whel'a he cun I bt. " 'een ' frOlll the street , to udjust his < :011111' or lIeektle , 01' to get u bellm' light 011 n coli II l' button , commits n mlsde. JlleUllor 1'01' which It 1I111Y be 1I11ell or : J1111 ' bo I1I1lH'lsolIlJtI. ; 1 It IH nil rllht 10 be IdlltI to tlte tIog , I , JUt thel'e Is In mUll ' muulclpullUcs II tllle for ullowhlJ ; the ! log to rUII ut htrge. Aftm' 'ou II/we / Ih'en 'OUl' dog n l'un mu.1 Htartcd to tuke u wulL. : , If 'ou ure g "lllO la' 1' , 'ou ure lIuble to be n law. bl'cukcl' hr wtoPllng , lit u Icttcr box to Rtrllw n 1I11ltch for ) ' 0\11' clgm' . 'here Is u eVCl'e pcnu1ty fOl' dcfuclllJ ; u let. . tl' box , IUIlI lUuklng murks 011 It with n mutch cCl'tulllly ! locs lIot Improve the 100kH of the box , 'o throw puper on the Hlrl' < , t IH oft,11 n lIuIIIHhnhlt' olfellHP. ' 1'0 eXIHl'lol'llte ! 011 tbo lIUU1' uf the cur Is nlso u 1I1lsde1l1cunor. 1 Allolher "cI'1111e" Is lhnt of wuvlng a flng , .It does 1I0t mlltter In the Icasl , whnt the lIng mn ) ' be , 'ou must not , Wfive It III pUbllc 01' ) 'ou wlllwuke 'our' self IIl1hle to 1I11e or Imprisonment. I ' 1'0 Illn ' without n license nn ' muslcnl InstrulIll'nl 011 tlte street Is unother UII. slife IH'uctlce , the tIulIger of which Is I . quite UIIUl'Pl'ccluted ' , 1'er 'hOll ' Imows the Cumlllar "Keep olr the gl'\SS" signs of mun ) ' parks , but It Is prohllbl ' 1I0t Imown that In some 1I1ul'es the remlu'knbl ) ' severe ) lulllsh , mellt of ten du's ; In jnll or a $10 line I mur ; be Intllclcd on the offender. An. I other IIIW , which Is not , however , with , , out fome : necesslt ' , If : ! thut threntenlng l the'mun who throws bunana skins on the Htreet , In New Yorl { clt ) ' he Is lIu. : hie to n $ IIlIe or ten dn 's In prison. To lm U l' In U letter ' , howevcr simple nUll hlu'mlefs : , 01' to pIny uny gambling game. such us U frlendl ) ' game of poker { on the t1'l1ln or bout , Is punlshnble with , n tine and a term In prison. + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ' + + 'H + + \ : t Recent Trembles t t of Mother Earth. ; + + + + + + . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - - - Mother Eurth has certalnl ; ) ' had some. thing on her mind during the last few monthf : ! , l'erhups never waf : ! a like pc. rlod chlll'ueterized b ' ) more widespread seismic dlfturbunces : , While the woe of St. PIerre was not appreclnted else. where It Is loillted that ' ' , , ) out e\'er ) con tlnent except Austrnllu wus fubject : to enrthfunke with frl'ful'nt accompany. Ing volcanic disturbances during that time. llcre Is the list : JunullrNo'a Scotia , Croatia , Mex. Ice , Lisbon , li'ebrunrRussln , Scbemneha. Mnrch-'J'urkey , Ituly , Tchungerla , and Luccn , respectlvel ' . Allrll-Guutemalu , Icelnnd , : \ layurtlnlque ( volcunle ) , St. Vln. cent , Spain , Frunee ( South Bordeaux ) , 'Wufhlngton : ( Mount Redoubt , volcanic ) , I r Croutln , : Mexlco , Sun Pl'allcisco , 1.101'1. dn , France ( the Creusot district ) , the Cupe Peninsula and Greece. June-Italr : , Hussla and Chile , In Yelltrl , Buku and Chnco , respectively I ( the two last volcnnlc ) , Cheshire , St. Ylucent , Slcll ) ' , India , IIhnuln'ns ; , and III Jul ' , ' 1'urke ' , Salollica und St. Vln. cent. Just nn Averalo Day. Mrs , Morse wus n truthful womnn with nothing to concenl , so when she \\'us nsked , on the witness stand , to tell what she did on n certain day between the hOIll'S of feven : and nine In the morn. lng , she resllonded without n trace or reluctance : "First I helped little Jim get tIressed , tor he neyer can manage It alone. Then , I run downstulrs amI mude the griddle. I cake , and SIlW to Mr. Morse's corree , I ! lutI curried U1l Hobert nnd Dorothy for teur they'd be late to school , nnd ute ani orunge antI Home tonHt and a boiled egg -1 remember It was boiled too hnnt. Bridget )1I1811't ) learned the right time yet-und then our minister's wire came over to et me to help lter cut out u cout tor th ( ' buby , nnd then I dusted the purlor , and made t1ve beds , and Btralghtelled the rooms , and mended three ot Mr. Morse's shirts , amI pressel ! out Home neckties , nnd did a little tIarn. Ing. And .I'd just got the pudding made und WUf : ! beginning on some glner cookies when I heard that cry thut stnr. tIed the whole neighborhood , Now I wonder It I'n ! forgotten nn'thlng. ; " But the judge , who , previous to her roeltnl , IIlHI wondered whether Mrs , Morse hud not been III a position to see . more of the cataftrophe : thun she seemed to ndmlt , pressed his hand to his Corehend wltb a dl\zed look. nl.tin lIlsbed Japanesc Liberator. Mnrfluls Snlgo Teugumlchl , the dls. IJ Ungulshed who died or CUll , cer reccntl ) ' In Yokohuma , pin red such r n prominent pnrt In liberating Jupun t fl'om tllP rule or the Tycoon und In reo IItorlng the Mikado that he hus been Ij known I\S "Tho Orlontnl Gnrlbnldl. " lIe I It wus who In 1862 drew up the Jupan- C6e declarutlon or IndellCndence , tor do. I Ing which he wnH confined In a Bmull cage for three ) 'ears , until he coulll neither stnlld nor wnlk. lIe recoyerell In time to lurgel ) ' aid In the 'l'ycoon's o\'erthrow. The Murfuls WUf : ! hlghl ' I l ducntl-d nnd held numerous govern. ment ol11eeR or high grnde. Thfllr Idea. "Just think ot those sclentlsLs climb- In { : up tllOse volcanoes und peeping . . .t , . down Into the crnters , " hlverell Irli. l'osdlck. " 'l'hey wished to gd nn Inside "Iew of the sltuaUon , " explulned Mr. l o'l- ' dick. - " . " " - : : : S TOPS HIS TO U R . PRESIDENT OBLIGED TO ABANDON WESTERN TRIP. UNDERGOES AN OPERATION KNEE INJURED AT PITTSFIELD , PROHIBITS Ac'nVITY. HAS SUFFERED MANY DAYS CANOI r.sTJAS ONI.Y WIII N I > AIN ImCO\IES ; INrl NSE. ( ) IcrRUun In No " "n ) ' Crltlcn' ' , RIIlI Can- lUtion Not SerlouRStRrts un Iteturn Trll' tu W'uRhlugton , . . " > . . - , . . . - . - . . - " ) ro. . ro.rCf" > - > - ro.rI : INDIANAPOLIS , Sept ! 3..At e 5 :45 : II , m , tile follolvitlg official statement was issued : At 3:15 p 1/1. the presidtntI.'ent frolll the Columbia club to St. Vin- , cent's hospital in his olVn carriage , " ' ( and shortly after he was in the V hospital the operation requirecl was perjormed by Dr. George II. Olit'er of Indianapolis , in cOlisultation 'With the president's pltyician , , At tile conclusion of tile operation - " tion tile pllysicians autllorized the ' ( followinG statement : V " .As a reat/it of the traumalism ( bruise ) received in tile trolley accident - dent at Pittsfield , .3ass. , tllere 'Was found to be a circumscribed collec"I i tion of IJcrfectly IJUre serum in the X If middle third of the left anterior' V ' tibial region , tlie sac containing e about tll.'O ounCel , which was re- 1/Io d. , . II The indications are tllat tile " ' ( president should make speedy reX e comy. " ( Signed ) V , GEO. B. CORTELYOU ' Secretary to the President t : ' < .It < . .a..u eUI.Jt . .ua < .a'CJt-.Jt..e.Jt . i1 Indianapolis , Ind" Sept. 24-PreBI- dent Roosevelt's western trip came to an untimely end In this city Tuesday , lIe was found to be suffering from a welllng 18 the left leg betweeD he Iknee and the ankle that required im- Imedlate surgIcal attention , and , In. \stead \ oC being talcen to the train to 'continue ' hIs journey to Fort Wayne ' Milwaukee , he was conveyed to St. VIncent's hospital ; where he was op , crated on. The operation occurred a\ . 13:45 : o'clock , and lasted only a short Itlme , when he was taken to a private Iroom in the hospital to rest , ; After taking a lI ht luncheon at 7:50 : p. m. , he was conveyed on a 'stretcher to hlR train , which had been backed up to the "Y" near the hos- pita ] , and at ten minutes to eight o'clock the traIn left for Washington , The first intimatIon that anything was wrong came In the form of rumors to tbe great crowd that was patiently waiting around tbe Oolumblaclub and the soldiers and sailors monument Cor the president to appear. It was about 2:30 : o'clock , balt an hour atter the time set for tbe president - dent to leave the , city , tbat a few of Ithe ravored ones In tbe crowd received that tbe president was sick and that the restof the trip would 'probably ' be abandoned. These statl- ments were as promptly denied as fast as they gained currency , but 600n the rnmors began to take on a more serious - ous cbaracter. "The presIdent bas burst a blood vessel , " was a whisper tbat went aroun1 amen tbe police otl1cers and eoldlers. "This cannot be true , " saId otbers , "for tbe president is in tbe corridor conversing with Senator 1 ! alrbanks. " ' .rhec it was said that the president was sick , Ithat he had fainted , and finally a. rumor was started that hft bad been abot. Tbese rumors however , dId not appear - pear to reach the crowd. and the tbousands stood patiently after tbe speecb by tbe presIdent from tbe bal. cony to see him make hIs way out of the club. The minutes bfgan : to fly a.wa.y , and st111 he did not come. A balt bour or more pasied and finally It was noticed that a movement of some kind was on. Tbe presIdent's carrIage stood In trent of the entrance of tbe club , with Oolonel Wilson , tbe governor's private - vate secretary inside holding the Ia.rge bunch of American Beauty roses tl1at had been given tbe president In the hall. Will Carry 011 to Japan Phlladelpbia , Hept. 24.-1'he first ot a bl t1eet of French sailing vessels has Just a.rrlTed here to load 011 for Japa.n , The veBsel Is the ship Faul- connlerre , laurched only II. tew months ago at St. Nazalre , Tariff UIII In Rclchstng. Berlin , Sept. 24.-The relchstall's customs tarlty committee belran the second reading of the tariff bill tooay. The centrlsl8 , German consen-aUves , and tree conservatives have decided to abide by the a rarlan Increases adopted at the first readlnJ ! which the government has pronounced Inaccept. able. able.The The Berlin butehers have added two and ono-balt cent. " per tIIIIIJ to the price of pork , making It 26i cenl8. be outlook Is dlamal. ' J. lOCHINVAR IN KNEE PANTS. 1101 ofIxtcl'n Abtlllch J\11 L R Yelu \'u1111 It'r. Sioux City , Ia" Sept2.t.Arthur Nichols , nged sldcen : , ot EmerslJn , Neb. , It 18 charged , enticed mossle lIayn s , nged fifteen , also of Emerson - son , to tuko u ride with him. Slie WIlS enje 'lns the ride when he drove Into Hubbard , took her to the depot and \Tulted until a train came nlong. lIe put her on the trulu with a tlcl < - ot to Sioux Olty , and suld ho would drl vo bacl < to Emerson aud follow 011 the next train. When be reached Emerson he was met by an oillcer and arrcsted for u11l'ged abduction. 'rhe Irl Ilrrlved here and was enjoyIng the ] Iks carnIval. She chanced to pass the police slatlon just after her father had telephoned her description - tion to'Ohlef Da\'euport. The chief recognlzlnlr her , put her In the wo- nllm1s ward until her father came. when she burled her face lu bls coat and wept. Saloon Stabbing Affray Lincoln , Neb. , Sept. 24.-Walt Shel' don stabbed Warren Sne1l1ng In noeenstock's saloon at)15 \ 0 street Saturday night about 10:30. : Two knlCe wounds were inl1lcted In t.he young man's back. Sl1eldon made his escape. Those who witnessed the trouble said Sne1l1ng was with a crowd of friends at tbe bar drinking. 8heldon was In the back end of tbe tlaloon. He callc < t to the people at the bar usng ugly names. This Sne1l1ng re. sented. lIe went back to ask Sheldon what he meant by such language. Sheldon's reply was a knife deftly used. Before those at the bar realized tbat a fight was In progress Sne1l1ng exclaimed that he bad been stabbed and Sheldon ran out of the saloon. A crowd of Sne11lng's frIends followed him. He ran soutb and west toward the ratlroad yards. Wben his pursuers - suers were almost upon blm he dodged behind some freight cars and was lost to view In tbe dark. Snel11ng's wounds were said by the physician who was called to be paIn- Cui. ' 1'hey were deep Hesh cuts but will not prove serious. W1l1 O'Connor , John Kelly ot 2130 F strcet and F. F. Robinson who lives four miles east of the city , with others , saw the fight. Robinson said he the knife and could swear tllat it was wielded by Sileldon. Sbeldon is II. borse trader and once before was mixed up in a cutting scrape. Snelllng Is a young man about town who has hac' ! trouble with the police anll who has been goIng a rapid pace of late. 'Both were intoxicated wilen the stabbing took place. The police at once began II. searcb tor Sheldon - don but he could not be found. He is a. rown man of large size while Snelllng Is II. mere boy in appearance Troops In Demand HarrIsburg , Penn. , Sept , 24.-Gen Gobin , who is in command of the troops In the bard coal strike rl'glon was ordt'red by Governor SWne Wednesday - nesday nlgbt to send the First batal. ion of the ' ! 'welfth regiment to Lc- banlon to assist tbe sheriff In preserving - ing tbe peace where the iron and steel workers of the American Iron and Stcel ManufacturIng company have been on a strIke for ncarly fiye months. The batalion , wblch bas been on duty at Sberman ever since tbe troops were scnt tbere , left tbat town tonight for Lebanlon In command - mand of Colonel OIement. The troops reached Lebanlon shortly before eIght o'clock. A delegation from Lebanion called upon the governor today and reques. ted that troops be sent to that olty where rIoting has oecurred among the strIkers. The men went on strike May Ci , A few weekH ago tbe company started - ed up several of its rolllnJ { mills wIth non. unIon men , all of wbom were negroes - groes taken there principally from Houthern iron works , Tbe presence of the colored men areatly excited the trikers and there has been disorder ever slnec. urUngtoQ Track Washed Trenton , Sept. , 24.-Tbls vicInity and surrounding country has witnessed - ed one of the heaviest rainfalls known for years. 'fhc precipitatIon was reported - ported from three to seven Inches , Canyons and low places were ful1 of running water from onl' to several feet deep. l.'he Republican rIver rose rapidly and carried II. portion Of tbe e11.t bridge away In the rushing water. Numerous culverts and bridges went out. Water came r01l1ng down a lit- te ] stream about two mlles west or town known as Elm creek , spreadIng rapIdly along the roadway , runnlnll over the gratdes and Burllngton traclc wa.shlng out about seventy ralls , tiel and ballast down the rade , An en. glneer on No. 14 noticed a. weak IIpots on tbe track , and upon examination discovered tbe dangerous conditIon 01 the track , possibly avoiding a bad wreck. Accused of Killing FIsh , New York , Sept. 24.-The lnqulr , into the c1eatll ot the late Nicholas Plsh , banker , clubman , and son 01 IIa1ton \ Fish , who was secretalY 01 state in president Grant's admlnls. tratlon , began today before Coroner Jackson. The jury tound that FIsh's deatb was due to a fall caused by a blm , : itruck by 'rlwmas J. Sharkey. Shark. ev was held In $10,000 ball tor the action of the grand jury. . , . , t t , IBLOWS UP HOTEL . - - - - - - MAN USES DYNAMITE AND THEN KILLS HIMSELF. ELEVATOR TAKES TUBLE FALLS THREE STORIES AND INJURE - JURE PASSENGERS. CHINAMAN ACCUSE PO LICE /A' / s" , TIll' ) ' " . .It'.1 In 11111 uotlnn of " 'UotI1U1I ( :111111-1,1111111 : II ) " ( o'l\llJnc Uebrh. Washlngon. Sept. : ! 1J.-'l'he Golden Eagle hJtel , on the corner of the J erse ) ' \'enue and D street , wus dJ'nall1iled this mornn at 4,30 u'clock. by Ii'rank McKie , CIne uf the guests. whu sUbsequcntly oommltted suicide. Between twenty and thirty guesls were thrown from their beds by the explosIOn , but only the proprIetor , Luuls Brandt. aud his wile , "elc lu- jured the latter serlousy. ] rr e roof of the bul1dln was blown off and the failing \Vrecka e crashed tllrou h to tbe basemen t , 'lea\'IIJ ' the structure us it wrecked by a tornudo , } J\'ery pane of ! ; Iass ' In the building and the adjoining 't ructures was broken. 'l'he explo- : ; Ion called out thc the departmlJnt , 1'he alTalr Is en\'olved III liomo mJ's , tery. The proprietor ga\'e a banquet last ulghL In hOlloI' or hIs wife , who hlld just returned from Germany , uud McKie was It gucst. McKie had . ' 1J0ardld at tho' hotel tour years and. . had been treated as a member of tho. Brand tamily , whloh includes a daughter , Sophie , with whom McKlo was said to be in love , Drand donles that there was any understundlnj. ! between - tween the two. Mclle remarked last nIght that he was Iotolng to walt until - til Sophie returned trom Germany at her mother's then e was U'oin tu bls old home In Philadephla. ] ltl1s. Bland and Iler dau bter return d about 8 o'clock last night. 'rlJe attempt at ; wholesale murder tollowed tills mornIng. MoKle. with .1 pistol In hl hand. was seen by an , employe t > f a luncll room opposite tbe hotel just before tbe shots were Ured. Wben the explosIon occurred 'a slight blaze sprang from the debris , but it was qulcky ] extlngulsbed b\ , ' the fircmen. Brund and hIs wite were rescued berore many of the thirty - ty guests of the establlsbment bad reached the Durt of the Ilu IIdlng i'11 whll1h McKIe's room was located , McKie , wIth a revolver clutched In his hand , was found lyina on tbe Iloor with bls head In a pool of blood. A. bullet hole I.'ear the rlgbt car ud caused il'staut deatb. Brandt was bruIsed about the bed ' and shaken up badly and receIved a severe cut on the left leg. Mrs , Brandt sustained bruIses about the body and a cut hand. When the wrecked building was searcbed toduy enougll dyumlte was fouud In Mc- KIe's trunk to blow up a block of bulldlngs. Tl1ere were sIx whole stlc1cs and parts of two or three broken - ken stIcks , togetber wIth a box ot caps and a quautlty or wire for long dIstance o1'ploslons. lIe had at least nine stIcks of dynumlte In bls pos- session. McKlo was about twenty-olght years old. He as formerly of PhiladelphIa - delphIa , and bad reatlves ] In Ohica- HO. ilis brotller , Hurry MeKic , was killed In Ohlcago lallt year , nccardlog to a telegraDl touud In tbe dead IUlln'a room today. McJCle wall a ma- chlnillt in the Davy yara here but re- wl ned Og IDberlt1DI ( upwardll of 820- 000 about feur VOQfS 31(0. ' .rUIH amount be III said to bavc IOllt on 'be races , and t1.l1.l act i. acorelilted by iome to 'bls 101i. Datec'les arc nvosthzu.tlDB the calle today. Elevator TAkes . Tumble. KaulIlI.8 OIty , llo. , Sept. % 6-Au tlovatflr at tbe Emery-B1rd-Tllayer Dry Goods , company , aarrylll twen- ty-tJve YOUOIl women employees , fell three storlf'I at noon Tburlldav. . A dozen G'lrhi were Injured , but IVlth tbe exception of Emma Parish , aged elllhteen years , w o was hurt Internally , aod who was uncoollcluus when removed to her Iome , It III be- ilc\'ed that Done were seriouilly hurt. Several tal nted and for a titue It Was lhoulitht many had beer : . killed. 'fhe elevator Is uied for frellCbt , bllt at the time ot the acoident the Irls were being carried to the top 1I00r tor luncbeon. It wall loaded to 'he limIt. Not ( Much of Tlckot Left. Topeka , Sept. 26.-Jamcs Tapp ot I\'lchlta nnd John Madden of Empo. ria , have refused tllC1 nominations or at torney general and supreme court Justice respeotlvey ] on tbt. allied peoplo's tloket. Thh makes fout of I tlw 1I1\mlnCeil \ to refuse the places. . ' 1'he nHlI1aRCra 01 Lhe pany'flll prub. Uhly call another conventIon. 'l'he onloers were nominated by means of tbe initiative and referan. um , , " . I" " , . , . . , , . . . . . . . - - . - , - . . . . . . , - , . ' . AGE.D MAN KillS HIMSELF. Irrrlll1ulTlIIRn , ul Nurlh IIt'1l1l , I110WIIIIII thnel OIT. North Bend , : N b. , Sept. 2Cltl. . ZOIlS ot this llll1ce wcre horrillod ) 'es. I terday ll1urlJln to learll of the death of J'rcd ! HorImall , uged sixty-two 'ellrs , by his own hand. HolTman I blow olT the top of his head with It tliot ; ulJ lalt ovellln IIlId his body IVlIS foulld this mornln JJ'III Ilia roum of the slmck which he occupied alone in the southern cd e of tuwu. ) Irs. Howurd , who 1I\'cd Ileal' by , bcurd the l' port ( If a Hun ubout li o'clock yestertlay urtcrncon. She flurod ! thllt HolTman had committed slIlcldo , ns he hlld told a IHlIu or or people thut he WU ! ! tired of lI\'ltIH. When ller husband cnme homo sLe asked him to luvesl ate , but he said the shot WIIS probably IIred by SOIllO ono huutln rnbhlls aud paid no at- teutlou to his wlto's approhensic n. 'rhls lIIoruln sl e sent her ten-yeur- old son to HolTmllu's house to see If boYns there. 'l'ho boy knockcd , but \.Ilere was uo rCSlluuse. Ho wen t hack to his mother uud she cuuRed some of the nlc"hbOls to HO to the puce ] nnd breul < opou the door. 'rho.y found the reDiulns of HofTmun ] yinjt , In a corner ot the ruom with the top of his head abovc the ellrs ontlrey ] blown away. A shotgun lyltlR near by told the slory oC the self-destruction. 'l'bc slHht which met the eyes of the party us they entered the room was . It most sickenIng one. ' ! 'he bmlns oC the dClld mun hlld fallou Into 11 pnn und looked us t.1lollgh . they hud been tal\Cn Ollt und luld there. mood and partlcos ] of Iesh ] und brain wore scattered on It sofa und the wnlls und tlnor of the room. A stream of blood lmd lIowed the 011 tI ro lellgth of the roolll , leu'In pools here nlld thore. 'fhe deadmun had carefully taston- ed all the doors of the house before k 1111 n \tusel \ f. He left a letter ud- drcsseel . his children , which read as follows : 'INorth Bend , Neb. , Sept. 24.- 1 > ear children Don't let the county bury me. Bury me us oheup us YOll can. I ha0 worked hard all my lite and can't work uny mote. God w111 help you remcmber mo wheu tbls you see , 90 Hood bye. If. HolTmun. " } jelow the letter on the same PUHC was written IIHeud ahe Goroy Bros. 'rhey w1l1 do somethll1g to help me. " HolTmun hlld a wlte and nille children - dren , IIvo of whom ure murrlcd , but he had .Jecome estranHed fmm them slime years ngo. He 11 ved the lite of a baoh tor , cooking his own meals and doing 11is own housework. ] j'our weeks ago he was talcen 111 and two wl'eks ago he wus sent to the JJ're. mont hospital. After remalnlnH there one day and nIght he was reo moved to the county poor house. Last week he was allowed to oomo tuck to : North J3end by consent of the board of supervIsors. SherIff Kreader and ( joroner Drown arrIved hero on a morning train In response to a summous by telephone and held an inquest over the remulns. Only rour witnesses \Vero examined alld the cuse was oleary ] shown to be one of suicIde. lIon'mun had told several - , eral ot his neighbors that they need not bo surprIsed to Jlnd him at any time with hIs toes turned up , as he wus tlrod oC living In the wa ! he was , The jury , of which J. J. Keiser wus foreman , reuched a verdict ot death by suIcIde. l utterfleld Much etter. Falrbury , Neb. , Sept. 2G.-Cousta. ble ' ! 'om } jutterlleld , who was shot by W1I11am SpraRglns at Daykln last Saturday nJght , Is sun alive and ox- hlbltlng very proDHsrng sypmtoms. County Attorney LJ. H. Donney and County Judge O. C. Boyle went to Daykln last nlRht to secure tbe Injured - jured man' signature tv a comparnt ] aRulnst Spraggins. and found the constable in excellent spirits. IIls physicians suy , barring lInforseen complications , he wi11l recover. The complaint a alnBt Spraggins charges "assault with Intent to do glcat bodily harm.II While some dissatisfaction Is expressed - pressed that the chur e did not spec lty an "Inteat to kill 'the mildness of tbe complaint Is accounted tor in tbe fact that the penalty Is preclsey } the sUlDe In ellher CHSC , and In an- ordinary court It would be much . . eusler to prove the former thun the latter cbarle. , : . 1'he prisoner Is a man about tbirty ! yenrs of age and has a wife and two children. It 18 said he has a moat un overnabe ] temper , and Saturday nlghL's shuotill was but the outgrowth - growth of a melee tbat started some ten days u o , wben a man b.v the name or mack Ilot thp. better of him In a filtlc encounter. lIe had marched two of Ulaok's brothcrs home at the point ot II. 8hot un and WitS looking ror lllack with the avowed Intention ot killing him , wben he D1et the constable. Killed by Failing Oebrl . Des Moltlcse Ia. , Sept. 2W. . O. Walden of } joone dlcd In the l105plt- al today tbo result or Injuries reo celved In the collapse or a one-story Urlck bUilness IJJrJek on the prltlclpal business street of Des Mulnes. As ho wus pusHing the hulldln the front suddcnly tell olltwurd , hurylng him In the debris. Durln the Doer Nar Hungary exported - ported 86,080 horses to South Africa by wuy of b'lume. , . , + + + + + + + + + . . . + + + + + + + + t + + + + + + - [ \EBRASKA + : i t + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + W. J lghuer has purchased the 1)a- 'lliou ' roller I1IIIs ] from ( ) . Jlogedon Dr $10,000 , A three day harves\ \ ' festival was ( Jill II t N ell"h wi th Itn nttendance or ,000. O\'er $2,000 "US netted from ! 'l'hls will bo used IO tulr. sum to : " rnrd the IHtrchase of 1pnck , County Olerk 1.'l1nner of Ulchnrdson ounty has turned the tax books for 1102 over to'the county treasuror. , 'ho IIGsessed valuation of Ulohardson OUllt" Is $ :1,401,0'15 : nnd the total tax \'Icd Is $ It1Iilli2.J5. : 'rhe trades carnival and strcet fulr f Superior wus held ] ast weok. unollg the features wore two baso- 'all IoIIU1CS ! IL duy , spccohs by state \Jlulnecs \ , trade exhibits and band .oncerls. . 'l'he Xortollc IJlght & Fue ] com. lauy , with a cnpltlll stock oC $ l OOOO. I1ld the Rlslu Olty bank , with n 1I1111tll ] slock or $200,00 , hnve med holr nrtlcles 01 Incorporatlou wllh he secrotur ' of the stato. A t the l1uctlon sue ] of horses 01 hI' VlIlley Land IInd Cattle com" 'any held lit Olaa11n ; ] slxty-el h\ lead WOlO sold , brlnglug good prloes , ' , vernglll about $ :15 : , from yearl1ng Ip. Blddlul { was spirited aml11volJ IIHI every horse sold for cash. I'he 1Iurll n ton has announced that t has rantd telegraphers 1rnls < < If from $5 to $10 a month. ' .rhe men 'Celvlll this ralsocre the ) OW01 mllrled ] Ulen IInd their wageD w\11 \ be no 11 1110nth hcrellttor Insteud of , GO uHl 115. ' ! 'he raise was made offectlvQ 50ptcmber 1. Oharles Dilley teamster living In obraslm OIty reported to the police hnt ho WIIS knooked down und 'obbed of $ lli.70. He can Rho no Account of the rohbers other than that they ca.11e lip behind 111m and Itruck him over the head. There Is ' 10 clue to theIr Identity. 'l'he machinery and ten oar loads o.f s\.one . und other matorlal for the new creal mills to be erected In Glen- , tlver , n suburb of Beatrice huve ar- rived. It is the Intention of tbe pro- ' lectors of the enterprise to huve the m1l1 In oper.ation by the , tlmo snow Illes. I While wor1.clnK . with a disk harfIJw Oharles Ernst , a young turmer near recumseh came near losing his life. As it Is he Is sulferlng with a sovere- I Iy lacerated back und arm. 1I1& hOr3es lunged forward and he fell 00 the ! .Icat backward ' .rhe lines wore wrapped uronnd his wrists and his fall caGsed him to jerl { them. The Horses huoked the harrow onto him with the result above stated. Artlces ] of Incorporation have been lIed ] wIth the secretary of state fat the Interstate ] ndependent Tele. phone company the objcct of the company - pany being to erect a lll1e In South Omaha In opposl tlOD to the Dell COnt- pany. Incorporators are : A. A. Wright , 'rhomas Neuly , L. C. Gibson - son , Frank Crawford , W. C. Lambert , Jor"ensen , R. Rowoy } , Daniel llano , L. J. Oarpenter , John .Fynn Bnd James ] { outsky , 'rhe capital ' .tock Is $100,000. The dam put In by the Stanton Water - ter Power company at a cost ot $ ' 1- 500 wus completed lust Saturday and was carried out for the second time about six hours utter its completion. 'rbe structure was put In by the Beardsley Gravity Dnm and Consruc- tlon company and had not yet been accepted by the Stunton Water.Power , rnmpany. The contrnct prlco was 87/i00 / , of which $ CiliOO had been paid dllrln construction } Jack cf tbese payments 18 a S10OOO bond glTen bJ \Ile Beardsley company. A liard 8truge1e. When you have a bnd back , a back. , that's Inme , wenk or achln , It's a burd struggle sometimes to find relief and cure , but It's n harder struggle when the dangers beset you ot urinary dis- orders. too trequent urination , retention - tion or the urine with all the 8ubse-- qlleDt Imlns , annoyances nnd sutrerlng. 'here are mnny medicines that rellevo tllese condilions , but you want a rem- edy-a cure. Head this statement ; It tell ! ! or a cure that lasted : Vt > ternn Josiah llellcr , place or resl- deuce 700 South Walnut street , Ur- buna , Ill. , SUYII : "In the tull or 1889 I IJrocllr'd Doun's Kidney Pills at Clln- Dlu hum's drug store In Champnlgn. and uttcr tnklng the remedy consclen. lIously .1 matlc a public statement ot the results. I told how Donn's Kidney ) > 11111 relieved me ot kidney trouble , dls. pOBed ot my lame back and the pain. neroll8 my loins , benenth the shfluldel blades , etc. During the Interval which hUll elul ed I have hud ocaslon at times ' , 'to l'fOrt : to Doan's ICldney 1'1118 when 1 uotlced warnings or another attack. and on each' and every occasion the reo .ult obtalnetl w 1s just a8 ButiaraCtOl'7 as when the pills were Orst broght to illY notice. At this time I just as em. pbatlcally endorse the preparation as I jdhl several 'enrs ago. " A FlUm TIUAL ot this great Kid. .ney medicine which cured Mr. Ueller will be malled 00 application to an , purt or the United Sh\tes. AddreJll l < 'oster.Mllbllrl1 Co" l1ll'alo , N. Y. (0'01 sull' . h ) uU drugKlsts , price W cents pel : 1./ , .