Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 02, 1902, Image 10

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The UOUIIIY ( . 'l\lr.
Custtr ! ounty fair of 1902 has
passed into history. InnHlIty respects -
spects the fair was highly successful -
cessful while in others it was not
as satisfactory as clesired. 'l'he
exhibit of abrricultural products ,
fruit , stock , and rowels' was considerably -
siderably above the average year.
Of the shelled grain there was 83
sacls and good disply of corn in
the ear and grain in the sheaf.
A large varity of grasses were on
exhibit which was not only highly -
ly creditable but set ofT the dis-
pIa ) ' of the hall vcry materially.
'fhe fruit exhibit was the largest -
est thc county has cver had. 'fhe. .
finest specimens of tbc county
product was furnishcd by H.
Weaklin of Berwyn , consisting of
several varities of applcs , crabs
and pears. Ben 'l'albot of Bcrwyn
bad on exhibit 5 varities of era s
and b varities of apples. A.
Gustafason of Flcming Val1cy
bad three varities of apples.Vc
were unable to get tbe namcs of
the other exhibitors in this class
except Stevens of the Crete Nuni-
eries who had an extensi\'e exhibit.
Among the interested spectators
in the class was D. L. Myers of
Sargent who haste acres plantcd
to fruit trecs , ncar Sargent.
S. K. Haines who resides east
of town led all others in making
enteries. In all classes he made
395 enteries. A large number of
them were for his neigh ors and
others that he had solicited
throughout the county. In the
agriculture department we were
unable to get the individual cx.
hibitors except where they wcre
present and pointed out their ex-
hibit. Of those werc Rev. S.
C. Cadwell of Lodi who had some
exceptionally finc potatoes , carrots - .
rots and onions all of which werc
awardcd premiums. In the poultry -
try dep rtmcnt Mrs. Pannic
Moore'of this city , Allan Reyncr ,
and G. E. Cadwcll had splcndid
. cxhibits. l\1rs. Moore had three
varities some very finc Buff Cochin
and Partridge Cochin. G. E.
Cadwell's silvcr laced carried oJT
- . - .
- - -
\ , ,
: . [ ! ,
, "
; ,
i : , " '
, '
t. , Mrs. Fred
rnaldt (10UDt Club. D nton
. , : " Harbor. JIIlcl1. .
I. , ' , HAfter my first baby was born I did not
, Hem to reqaln my .trength although the
. { doctor gave me a tonic which he consld.
f . ! > ' Ired very lupulor. but Instead of getting
' . . better I grew weaker every day. My hu. .
' : ' ; ' . bancllnslsted that I take Wine of Cardul
' : . \ \ ' . for a week and .ce what It would do for
: me. I did take the medicine and was very
grateful to rind my .trength and he lth
. .Iowly returning. In two week. I was out
of bed and In a month I was able to tAke
t > ' . . up my ulual dutlu. lam very cnthu.l. .
. .tic In Ita pral3Co"
\ ' , Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs
. ' of generation for the ordeal of prew
: nancy and childbirth. It prevents mlS.
' carriage. No woman who takes Wino
of Cardui need fear the coming of her
; , . child. If : Mrs. Unrath had taken
" " Wino of Cnrdui bc10re her bl\bycnmo
ahe would not have been weakenCllas
: . , she was. lIer rapid recovery should
" commend this great remedy to every
" . expectant : Jnollier. Wine of Cnrdui
' regulates the menstrual flow.
, _
\ , I ,
' \ ,
_ . ; , " , , . . . . . . . . 1 . " "
. . , . . , .
. "
, "
t'.w. . : . . - ,
l1rst pl'ctttiutU. A1tltl : HCj'rlet' 11u1 :
tu r1C's , ducksl pigcons and eh ick.
cns on which he rccch'cd se\'cral
premiums. Among thc exhibitors -
tors of cattle were B. J. 'I'ierney
of Anslc ) ' , Silas 'l'holl1psonof Up.
ton , Bert Dcthrcage. I rank Weis-
enredcr , I . T-4' 'l'holl1l'son , G. l .
Cadwell , Allcn l eyncr ,
Dr. J. G. Brcnizer and Peter
Rapp. Mr. 'l'icrney hrul on ex-
hibitiou cight ) 'earling Durham
hulls and two COWH with calves.
'l'he hulls wcre finc specimen of
thc short horn class. 'rhey are
of the Young Mary family. Of
the number Mr. 'I'icrnc ) ' sold six
while at thc fair.
J. II. Stewart of Br01ccn Bow
bought BaneYI which was a year
old t1) { 12th of last May and
weighs /)30 pounds. Hc was
sired by Billy Hawkins No. 12H. .
Gco. Dcwey of Ansley purchas-
ed. Carter , hc was a ycar ol 'the
14 of last April and weighs 1170
pou nds.
Ln. . Jcwett of Broken Bow
bought Charley. a roan Durham ,
a ycar old the 12 of last May.
\Ve failed to get his weight , hut
he is a fine animal.
B. McDowell of Lee Park
bought anothcr that was a ycar
old the 20 of last May. . li' . ' { , Ilomas
of Merna hought the enc that
took first premium. He was a
ycar old 1\lay 10. I
Davc Christcn of New TIel- :
ena bought the one that took second -
end premium. He was a ycarohl
May 7th.
Mr. 'l'ierne ) ' has 1cft thirty
hcad of registered Durhams all
from the best herds in Illinois
and rank among thc first in qua- ;
lity. He proposcs ncxt Yfar : to- - ' :
have a much largcr number on
exhibition at the fair. Those
that want to invest in the Durham -
ham cattle cannot do bettcr than
look over Mr. 'ficrncy's herd.
g , [ -4. 'l'hompson and li'rank
\V cissenreder cach had on cx-
hibition of grade Po11 Angus
cattle. Messers Happ , Dcathrege ,
Silas 'l'hompson and G. g. Cad-
wc11 cxhibited the Herefords of
which they had somc line animals.
Dr. Brenizl.r : had an exccptionally
fine Durham cow on exhibitton. :
A11cn Rc'ncr had both the short
horn and Jcrsey brecdH represent-
cd. Among the exhibitors of hogs
wcre Prof. Roush , G. E. Cadwc11 ,
David McCrac1en , Al1en Rcyncr ,
II. Rogers , P. U. Munk , 1-4. Mc-
Candless. John Wehling and C.
A. Pittin. 'l'hc Jersey red predominated -
dominated but the Poland China
and Chester whites were not with-
ou t reprcsen ta tion.
Grand Pa Willts had enc of the
linest springcoltson exhibition we
have secn in years. It is about
thrce months old and weighed
CJ2 pounds. Ham Rogcrs had a
line span of two year old mules
that wcre not bcat.
Had the weather een favorablc
the fair would have bcc'u a great
success , but the grounds had to
be ahandoned Friday owing to the
rain. 'l'hc fair was cxtendcd ovcr
to Saturday hut owing to the mud
and wet weathcr a number of the
attractions had to he abandoncd
and the street fair could onlj' bc
put \Vedncsday and 'l'hursday
nights. Not being on the grounds
hut a smal1 portion of thc time
we cannot givc the result of the
raccs , exccpt the ladies contcst.
'l'his requircd the lady to harncss ,
hitch and dri ve her o\\'n \ horse.
'l'he contestants were. P ar1
Jcwett , l ilbert . 'l'ierncy antI Mrs.
H. J. Morton. 'Miss Jewctt camc
out lirst , Miss 'fierney second.
Thc receipts of the fair were
not sufficicnt to mcet the cxpeases
and premiums for which the rain
is responsi blc.
_ _ _ _ "
Raimul Anderlon ,
. .
Real Eltate. J. Abstrlctor. C. Moore
Landl for UID nnd rent an CUlter county alJd adJolulng COUIlt16 . Equltle "nd morl .ge
bougbt and lold AbdLra t plomptly lIud neath made ,
um e-MIII" " SLret , 1Iehnen 4tb and Mb Avenued , token now , Cuetcr count ) , Nebraska.
AlwaVII have the best quality of
IJurn er and other building illa-
torials at the LowostPtiooK. :
'Phono No. ' 10.
C. R. JUDKINS , Manager. "
' . . . , ; ( ; . , " " 'I'f ' . . . . . . ' " . .1 - - ' , - .
- -
t. . . " , . < o'H'-W.- . . ' - ' .
' . , , ' ,
- " ' . . \o. . . . . .W' . 'l " 1t > l4i'L. ( . . " \ J
Mr m f m
I _
Fusion Etravagance ! : : vs. Republican -
publican Economy.
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Deficit Which Was Left by the Fu.
I.I10nist Administration Has Been
Wiped Out and State Institutions'
Ledger Now Shows a Good Surplus.
Nol/llug / IIUIl done 11I01'0 towurdll ox.
Iloll lg the oxtl'l vugunco of the fUllon.
IlItli In malluglug the affulrll of the
IJtato thal the oconolllY nnd lJulllnesll-
IIko uwthuuH of the IncumlJent HopulJ.
IIcun olllclnill. i
An exnlllinutlon of the I'oconlll dilli i
closcs the fuct thut there now rOllialne.
of Ihe lotul IIUIII ullilrupriuted for the
lIIulntenl1nce uf the va1'ioull depart.
montll of the stutu hilltitutlonil , U lIur-
plull of $18J,225.lJ ! , and un unexpended
lJull1nce of $43 , OOO.
How dIfferent Is thIs from- the con.
dltlon of affaIrs when the fusIon lilts
went out of IlOwerl
'fhe fuslonlsts entlroly exhuullted the
nlJproprlatlon and hud a shortuge of 1
$149.000 In the form of unpaid 1J1IIti.j
'fhe dlfferonce In favor of the RepulJ.1
IIcan admlnllltratlon Is the dlfferonco.
lJetwoon a surplus of $18J.22 ! .G and a
detlclency of $1-19,000. or $338,225.1J . :
'rbls dlfferenco , so large ns to e ul-
most starl1lng , Is due to economy on
the part of the UopulJlleanB and wanton -
ton ami recltless prodigality and ex.
travagance on the part of the fusion.
Fuslo"lsts ! Out for Spoils.
'I'ho principal Ba vlng has lJeonl11ade In
connection with the state Instltutlon .
These were the princIpal SPOIlB of the
fuslonlBtB. Into them moro than : WO
relatives und fl'lend of fusion leadol'li
wen , clandestinely smuggled thel'O to :
bo 1I01lscd. fed und often clothed at
the expense of tile StlltO. When thu
fUlllonlllts tlll'nod ever thu Institutions
there were 227 peOIJle bolng fed and
sheltered III thorn who WOI'O neither
eInplo 'es nUL' Inmates. At one Institu.
tlon two : : ! epHrute talJles were 1J0ing
mulntulnod tor twenty.soven fusion
1/araBltelJ. At unothor , one-quarter of
the accommodations WUIJ monopollzod
by rolatlves und frhmda of the omclal
In chllrge. At anothol' , outsldors were
tllken In und 1J0al'ded at the stllte's expense -
penso and for which the state 1'ecelved
no COmlJOnBatlon. AntI still at another
prlvato loulJO rent and olllco rent
Wert ! paid In coal and groceries atolon
from the statu. whllo Ilt unothel' II. fusion -
sion nOWSIJUIJel' Illunt wu : : ! given throe
l'oonHI with light , heat , powe1' and a
llionopoly of the jolJ printing , for 11.11
of which the dear taxpayel's had to go
Into their poclwts und sottle.
At the Boat rice Institution a fusion
suporlntondent , aJ'tm' having made wuy
with neul'ly evol' 'thlng that wus not
rlvuted down , del troyod the records to
concoul his crlmo. 'j'hol'o are yet war-
runts In the hunds of the pl'eBent su.
lJel'lntOLlIlont 01' that Institution that
were Issued against approlJl'lutions
mudo hy till ! last legislatlll'e that .
never lJoon called for. ' 1'he presumpo
tion Is thnt the eluhl1s , which were
filed lJefOl'O the fusloalats went out of
IJowur , were fmudulent and the lJest
evldol1ce of thlll III that the warrants ,
' thol1gh Issuell nearly two years ago.
'have not aB yet lJeen claimed lJy tl18
IndivIduals 111 whose name the claims
were lJIod lu\(1 ( tlw warrunts dl'awn.
' 1'h080 a1ll1 other fURlon rnills on the
treusUl'y wlpell out the I1IJIJI'Oprlatlons
and IJrought ahout the largest dellc1en.
cy In connel-llon wIth current expenses
tho. state hus ever lJeon called on to
Governor Savage's Instructions.
When Governor SavaHo I\SBI11110d the
rolnB 01' government ono of his tlrst
acts waa to call In thl' supel'lntendents
of the state Institutions and enjoin
thom tu the strictest econumy cOl1slst-
ont wIth good government. Governor
Savnge Is a hard.headed , methodical
man , lIe has had hard 11(1 elllclent
trainIng In lJuslness lIfo. "I wunt you
to treat your Inmates In every respect
lJetter than they hnvo over beCore been
treated , yet Iteop within the UUlount
npllI'oprlated. I witt tolerate neither
abuse of the Inmntes nor extrnvagance.
Treat YOUI' Inmates liS If they were
members of your family 3nd IIIHHHI the
state's money moro carefull r than 'ou
would your own. No ono lJut OInployes
Rntl Inmates and mlno ! ' children of the
superintendent must lJo permitted to
sta ' at the Institution. " 'Ithat 16 what
the IJlg.hearted , IItrong.mlnded man
trom Custor county said when he as.
sumed the oxecutlve chl\lr ,
ll ' consulting the figures l'epreBent-
Ing the expenses of the dll1'oront In-
stltutlonH , It witt be fOllnd that the
governor's Instructions were strIctly
olJsel'v d.
Remarkable Showing for Economy.
PossllJly the most remnrkalJle showIng -
Ing for economy Is made by the two
suporlntendents of the Institutions for
the Insano. More than a year ago thu
hospital at Norfolk was delltro 'ed lJy
nro and IIhortly thereafter the 2118 Inmates -
mates of that Institution were dlvldud
lJeweon the hospital at I.Incoln and the
allyillm ut Hastings. Notwlthsta11lllng
this large and lIudden Increase In the
numlJer of Inmates of these Inlltltu.
tlons , Suporlatendents Green and Iern
have succeeded In ml1naglng thQ at.
of tb.tSI respective InstltutJ
' ' , , , . . - . . . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ .
: r'II : \ o\ .mJ ; ; : ' ! o1 , , ' " . t ! - - '
, . . . . , - - - . . . - . . . . . . - . - - - _ . - - , -
. - . " ' . . . . . . , . . " ' 'I
. . . . . . . . _ ft. ' '
. . , ' ; I.'L or. T- I . " . . . - . ' . ' . . . . : - .
J S o OhlSh1l1lty ! ( ! M ii ) hnvd Ii lut'gd Mil"
I plus at this tlmo. 'I'he unoxpcndell lJal.
, an co of the I1llproprlatlon for the Nor.
folk JIOBlllul Is $ H,88 .Gi ! : , and the sur.
pIns In the approprIation for the Hast.
Ings asyhun la $ O.3GI.37 unl ! In the
LIncoln hoapltal $3WUW. : 'I'hltl Is the
1J0st showIng for economy that has
OVCI' lJeen mallo IJlnco thesa two Instl.
tutlons were estahllshod , and that , too ,
In fnce of nnprocedonted 1II'Ices for
provlllions and fall II 1'0 of crops which
compelled the state to go Into the mar.
ket for Jlotatoea unl ! other artlclcs ot
food uSllally grown on Its own latHI.
The Institution for feelJlo mll1ded
youth at Beutrlco has a lurge lIurpltul
to Its credIt. Thongh the numlJer of
Inmates Ims Increased , and though the
Inlltltlltlon hUll lJeon IJl'ouHht up to a
very hIgh atnndard , Superintellllent
Johnson hus conducted It so that the
surplus In the funds itt this time Is
The term "surplus" In this connec.
tlon lIHJUns that the Instltutlonll have
lJ en IIIl1nagod for that much loss than
the cost esthnated lJy the leglsluture.
the unexpended lJalunce of the total
appropl'lutlon for the departments und
InstltutlonB lJelng $435,000.
'l'he eviction of the horde of fusion
parasites fr01l1 the Institutions und the
Ihnltlatlon placed on the RepulJllcun of.
I1clals , which permitted even the IIU.
pcrlntendent to have 1I1s wife und only
minor 'chlldren at the Institution. en.
nlJled the RepulJllcans to materially
re uco oxpenllQs. The fuslonlsts POI"
mitted nearly every employo nnd 0111-
clal to move 1I1s famlty Into tlle Instl.
tutlon to lJe maintained at the expense
of the state and further permitted
Btate officeril and prominent fusion
leaders to Ills pose of cumlJersome reIn. . .
tlves und frIends In the same way.
At ono Institution a fusion congress.
man moved In his entire famlty and
made his home there and the state
paid the expense , while he poclceted
$5,000 a yeul' . alt for the dear peoplo.
When congl'ollS adjourned ho returned
to NelJl'aslta and jolnod hlB family nt
the Inslltutlon. Illness overtook hhn
and he died and the report Is that the
remarlmlJlo tlpectuelo was preBentel }
of a congl'osBman'lI funeral at { state
Institution , nUL' III It at alt unlllcely thut
the .fu lOrul expenses or part of thom
came out or th state funds.
It would lJe hllrd to find anywhere a
record that 1'01' fraud Hnd extruvaganee
would compare with thut of the last
fusion admlnilltl'lltlon ,
Where the Money Went.
The /Iuestlon hU8 lJeen aslted repeat.
edly. What did the fuslonlsts do with
the money UPIJI'olJl'lntod und how did
It happen that when they went out ot
olllee they left lJehhul them $ 149.000
of unpnld blltll ?
That question no one lJut those who
dlsshmted the fund ; ! can answer. 'rhe
money was not expended for Improve.
ments. for the lJulhllngs were In a sad.
Iy dilapidated condition. At the Koal"
ney reform school , the lJulhllngs were
so near n complete wreck that they
had to lJe proppud UIJ until repah's
coul lJe made. 'rho money was not
expended for current needs lJeyond an
ordlnury degree , It toolt a lal'go part
of It to support the 227 iuslon guests
and It took 11 large paL't of It
to malto up the lJanlt accounts of
some who wore holding ofllce. Some
of It went to "YOll1' Uncle JIII.e" Wolfe
for pigs , which ho sold the state at
prlcell rnnglng all high us $124 each.
Some of It went for drugs thnt were
novel' dtlIvpred ! , and for linen , lacolI ,
nnd fancy dress goods tll t were
charged to the state as gl'Ocerlos. IJllt
that were for the private use of wlve ,
daughters and daughters.ln.lnws ot
fusion .
In a. thonsands ways the money of
the taxpayOL's was scattered with a
reclt1essness that would malte the
prodigal "Coal 011 Johnny" 1001 { to his
In.uroIB. .
It Is always snfe to array yourself
on UIO side of your country : It Is al.
ways safe to stand agulnst lawlessness
nnd ropudlatl.Qn.-Major McKinley , at
Canton , Sellt. 23. 189G.
It IB not t1'lle that as the rich have
grown rlehl'l' the poorer have grown
poorer. On the contrnry , never lJefore
haB the avomge man , the wage-worlwL' ,
the farmer. the small trader , lJeen so
well off as ! n thlll cuuntl'Y unll at the
present thue-PL'cshlunt Hoosovolt In
mesBllge to cungress , Dec. 3. 1901.
- - - - - - - -
Call the roll of nations that ure for
protection. . . At leulit 430
million people ure In I'uvor of protoc.
tlon IInll 38 million Ul'itons al'O against
It : to whom must ho udded those
Americans , whose numhm's uro not
Imown , who. whllo living under onr
Hag. SPm ! to Collow another-Major
1\1cKInley at 'I'oledo. 0. , 1 01J. 12. 1891
- - - - - - - - -
'l'hen ha vo lJeun IIlJulleli connected
with the uccumulatlun of wealth , yet
It rcmuhlli true that u fOI'tune aecumu.
lated In legltlmuto lJushle8S cun lJe uc ,
cumulated LJy the IlCrHon spoclally
1Ieno11tel1 only on condition of con.
ferrlng Immense Incldentul LJonet1ts
upon others. Prc6hlellt Hoosevelt. In
message to congress , Dec. 3 , 1901.
- - - - -
President Hoollovolt's'Iows on tar.
ur ro\'Itlun wel'O explained ut length
III his Sllel'eh at Logunsport , Ind. . Hopt.
23 , 11102. ' 1'ho Il1'eslllent udvocated
ehunge8 In nlan ' present Bchedules ,
declared them udvlsnhle , owing to new
cOllllltions , LJUl he Inslstod upon enc
1I0lnt-that nothing must ho 1I0ne to
Jnterfore with the American stanllurd
or Ih'lug COI' American worltlngmuu. A
C01U1UIBslon , or LJolI ' of experts , mOll
of a elml'Ucter IlLJO\'O sllsplclon , to act
011 proposel ! altoratluns In the turU !
schedull'l ! . was ull\'lsell lJy the preili.
dent. He , howeve1' , declnl'ClI thure
mUllt be no abanllonlng or the IJollcy
of protection , on I ) ' 11 readjustment ,
mnde nccessal' ' lJy the vurlous
ehanguB In the world of commerce.
'I'hese , he said , 111ust 110t lJe too rndlcal
or of nature to unsettle conditions.
, . . . _ . . . " . . . .1 . 1 -
' -
. . . -
. . . . - - . . . ,
' . . " - -'f ; ' " . . . . - . r- " . . . . . . . . . . . _ d' ' . . . . " , ' : _ ' /Jo. " ' ' ! " ,
. . . - -
p ! 4
! .JG PD
Absolutely Pure
. '
- - - - - - - - -
11"1.1 ; " It , , , ' 'I " TO O.IAII" .
ANn n"cn : .
" 1. . " 'II nllrll. . tlln 1IfolUC.
Octohe ! ' 15 , 16111\(1 ( 18 ,
Only $7.10 to Omaha UI\(1 ( return viII the
Burlington Rr'ute IIccount Natiol al Con-
vcntion Chri5tiull Church , Tiekel good
to return till Octobcr 24. hut extension
till No\'ember 30 may be sccurcd.
l or mlllitionul informutiun Msk the
nearest , Burlington Route. or wrile ,
J. l"JANC1S ,
General l'aisengel' Agent ,
16.18 Omnha , NelJraska.
- - - - - - - - - - -
III'anuol of Soli Culture ,
Send me a 2.Cclrt.- : tamp alld I will
mail you a copy of CamplJell's Soil CHI.
ture Mallual-a valullhle work that every
farmer ought to hnve. J , FRANCIS ,
Generall'assenger Agent ,
t3-16 Omaha.
IIUtf.HIIo : u""I. " " ' .
I will hold 111) ' next horse sale
at my yards in Sargent , Satur-
ay , October 11. Will of Tel' for
sale a choicc 10t of we1l-bred
brood mares ; SOI11C choice 3 and 4-
year old unbranded colts ; about
20 hcad of wc1l-bred suckers.
12-17 l . 1\1. CUHHW.
- - - - - .
s. 1\1. DOHRIS ,
ll 1l\ : ! ! ! : ! : : llilQ
AI. klncts or war ) , ; In our line Ilonu ptomptly
I\nlt In rst..dn ordlt , ncd SbOl1 all tbr
corner ' , : o t 01 the 1Ioso hOl1oo.
GIVF. { 1M , . . . TUIAI. .
1Irokoll Bow , - _ . ' Nthraska.
9Jc.d Jl bsf p : cdcz.I' ,
Alutrll.cts l'rollll'tlv Jo'lIrlll.h"I1. Yuur UIIHlllel
"ollelt ' ) Od Uti III 1I lIk IIf CUIII lereu 1Iulldllll : , ,
1Itokell 1I0w , Nubt".ka , .
Taxe ! ! paill for lIolJ-re"idputH. "
ITf BiI : v ] IDJJm ! BBiI
Two blocks norlb or OrplI' ) OCllirp \lotl'l. I \ . I'llt.
ronl\o ! .0Uel'cl. I'riCl'H reltHollnlolu.
D H . It. O.V. . I . 'l'A LBO 1' ,
OllIeI' oVI'r lIaeherlt"1I J Iru Siore.
lJtokJ1I Buw , . - Nohra&lI.a.
D I { . O. IJ. 1\1 U [ J LENS.
Ph ysician SurgeOI1.
2nd H.lrw"y .rum . " " . end In ItenHy IIl0nk ;
reside lit" , 3r.1 WUdtt. . I , chlltch. OJI tlI\IDC lde
of etrtlt. : ! lItokclI BIIW , Ncbrn kll ,
- - - -
Physic'.ian \ Surgeon.
OtJJco In rellr , , ' 'Iou 111\11" or Commen'c. Un.l.
denee 61h bon" , II , . , , , . .r tbe Jlaptlet church.
Ihul. . , lIuw. Nt'ltrllskn
- - . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
CAl\lltHtn & I ( tiE : lt.
Glf1 I'-90ys ou-9ccz.ll y.
AT L.o\W.
Hoome 8 amt O. Itcalty lJIoek , IItokl-II now , Neb.
. . . ,
. . " ? "
. , , . " . . "l" ' , . . ! '
' '
_ _ 4 ' : " , " o. ' 1.L , . ' r ' . : : : 4" \
HCllltlJlICJ\11 lteso tUtofis ot Clidei' eOUht
'rhe rCJublicalls ) of Custer county in
convcntion asscmblc ( ! , rcaffirm thc prin.
ciplcs of rcpuhlicanisma9 set forth in the
nlltionul platform of 19 < > 0.
We congratulate thc people upon the
happiness I11U ( prospcrity that has comt :
to them lIS a result of repuhlican policy
l11ul repuhliclln legi1lation. ! Wllgcs were
never so high , nor produccrs so weU
compensatetl for thcir as now.
" , Ien wcrc ncver so wel housed , clothcl (
l11ul fc/l , 111111 havc never hefore hl111more
contentment of mind than during the
years since repuhlican policy has heen
enactetl into Illw. "t { .
We congratulate the Prcsident alul '
Army on the satisfactory pro ress m&l
in the PhilipJines in surpressmg the in.
surcction I1tU [ estahlishing order , and Wt :
tI1ulualiliellly endorse the policy of our
go\'el'lIIuent thcrein. Onr flag is in the
Philippincs 11I111 there it will remain until
such tllne as the American people may
( lcem it expcllient or prollcr to give the ,
islllluls II fret : Ulul 1ulepe1Hlent government - I
ment , such us it has jnst given Cuba. \
' 1'hc American Army has takeL ! up the
work uf maintaining uuthority in the
Philippines , 11I111 white we deplore and
sc\'cl'ely condellln an ) ' inRtances of crnel-
ty which ma ) ' have occnrl'ed , we remem. ,
her our soldiers lire lighting a harlJarous
IInll treachcrous foe which hils inflicted
most revolting lUll I inhuman atrocities
upon its prisoners. It is the Nation's
Army /ll':1wn from evcn'eel ! ell of our
coulllry , kuowing 110 pCllitics 1101' creed ,
hut lighting the Nation's hattles tm er
the Nation' ! ) Flag : 111111 we rescnt with
indignation , the' recent democratic efforts
to drag its IUlllor in the /lust IUIII cast re.
preach upun its fllil' nume.
Wc cong1'lltulate thc : : epuhlicun IJUrty
for the faithful fullillmcnt of the p edge
nllHle nt its national convention of 1900 ,
to g'e the oJlPl'esscl1 Island ( ) f Cuba a
frce mul indepcndent go\'ernmcnt.'which
was consumated at Huvana on 1\.lay 20 ,
hy the witlHtrawal of the American
troops mill the turnilfg over of its go v-
er1llncnt to its own people.
'Ve commcllll our prescnt county officials -
cials for their business like mcthods in
the : ulministmtion of count ) ' affairs.
We congmtnlate the people of Nebras-
" 1 upon the present prosperity of our
! ! ( lIte , IInd we comlllcnd the business like
mill economic methods elllployell by Go. . .
Savllge and the state officials of his ad-
miuistration , which huve resulted in a
sl\'ing : 10 the state in CQmparison with
( ! Hlministratiol1s of 11eurly two
IInlllrellalHllifty thousand dollars. Be
it further
RJ SOI.vlilJ , ' 1'hat wc disapprove of the
incllwllity of the prcsent mdholls of the
assesslllent of propcrt. . for taxation ,
there heing no two couilties assessed up'
011 the sallie hash ; . 'Ve therefore demand
that onl' re\'enue laws of the state 1Jt :
amcndell so that every dollar's worth of
prollel'ty , or franchises shull he assessed
at Its actnul cash , 'ulue and that the
le..ies he dccreased to the lowest possible
IInmher of lIIi1lS , that will provi e.s ffici-
ent revenue for county allIl state pur-
poses. Be it further
R1iSOJ.vlitJ , That it hc made the duty
of the attorney general allIl county attorney -
ney to see thllt the Inw is properly
cnforcell : and he it further
Rlism.vlilJ , ' 1'hat we recomUleful the
ca1ling of a constitutional convention in
thc uear fUlure , or that the question of
nmendments to the constitution e suh-
mitted to the pcople of the state for their
With the unllcrstanding that the lion.
P. 1\1. Currie is a candidate for the posi.
tiun of congressman from this congr s.
siolJulistrict \ ; thcrefore , he it
RHSOt\'HD , ' 1'hat we recognize in 1\11' .
Currie his eminent lituess for the place :
allIl as a mark of our conlidence , we o
herehy authorize him to nllme the dele.
gation 10 rcpresent his interest in the
( 'ongrassional con ven tion.
S. I. . CANNON ,
G. B. 1\IAJR ,
D. 1\1. AI\1S I\IUW \ , } Com.
p , C. Wn.SON ,
JOliN R1U SH ,
HTJI. . 'rilE COtlGII
\ . .NOVO It n : " OlrF Till < ; cOI.n.
1-Jl\xtlUvo . ( ' '
- UtulIlo.Julnluo 1'ablete cnrca cold In
ouo lilIY. No Cure. Nu } 'Il'rlcCl fj centl.
. , { '
0'b ,
to ' . < 'TOf.
o\\ - " 80
\IO S"b
CO f\\6 tltIlII
H.I' . . . Ah'IrellaltJp. . 1..tI. . " ask tJrugglet for
! III'I" ' . '
" "
. . .at's tN4HISli III It..d anlt
. . "ke. .Id IIIplnllio . . . . .lIlt'r. ltou'S. . . ' Bt'ult'li . , wllh blue ribbon
. n..1' " " da"'r" " . " "ba" ;
. " 11. . . . . , , " .1 it"lh.'l" " . . . JlU ' of
. ) your lJrulCglst
or 1 < 1'1111 It. . III hlllll''I for . .R&-I1."t. . . . . . . :
& . .
n..IIII. ulIII . . n.'I1. , , . I'"r I"dh' " . . . . l'llrtlt ' T. , .
ItYIrt""r. ' . . n"n. . IO.OOO'l'pBlimollhol . Hold bT'
2100 lthuU"u" S'I".ne. ) 'IIIL . , PA.
! Jeutluu 'hi. paller.
( Successors to Geo. Willing' . )
. . . . . (
Hardware , Furniture & Farm Implements. !
We are carrJ'ing' a full line of Buggies , \
Wagons , Feed Grinders , Corn Shellers , and 1
Fence 'Vire.
We have in stock tl large line of I
heating stoves , and cook stoves of the best 1
manufuctUl'e . . , :
see us and we will 1
make the
: : E3rices Fl.i b. . 't.
At Willing's Old Stand.
.1. . ,
3rokell Bow , - - - - - . . . . _ . _ Nebraska ,
- - - - . . . .J
- " - - -