Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 25, 1902, Image 2

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. . . .
LCuster County Republioan
. . . . . .Ax8lIBRUY , XDITOIt A rUDLlSIUtJ
Some wldowR Ileum to thlllit lhnt n
husblUld Is better late thnn noycr.
On n 'wc.'Itorn ' rnco trnck there III n
horse nnmell Crlmc. Is It not IIlmost a
crlmo to run hll1l ?
Europc III ngnln dlBcu8IIIng dlBarnln'
mont. Hut the ICruIIP gun worlts nro
running right nlong.
A MI8Rourl acronaut h/lfl JURt mnde a'
dectdcdly novel nflcellslon , 110 wnt ! ,
Jent up lor thirty dllYs for gnrnbllllg ,
.Agulnnldo mndo the mlHlnlto of his
IIfo whc ho Silt for his picture with
Admiral Dowcy nil the sllllpshot nrt-
1st :
A veternn of tllO Civil Wnr n < < cd 78
bah.i mnrrled a girl of 18 , Ailil 0110
tl2Q ! = $1 IIluno to the list of widows' Ilcn.
lo1B ! ; , , Mr. WIll'e ,
The GovenlOr of Yucntnn reports
hnt his country hnR neither II wnr nor
rovolutlon 011 1111111 ] . 'l'llis woeful Inek
ot enterprfso 18 truly deplorllble.
The IIInn who will Btell Into I'reBI-
qent Hooscvelt's Bhoes ntter the next
election will hnvo every renHon to be
proud of tJem , IIe PIIYS $18 IL pnlr.
; Plng pong Ifl to he dethroned , A now
gl1me Is comlll Illto fnvor. It Is pla'ell
with a pnlr of helloWR alld IIn air hnll ,
and-It Is calle < 1 Pllr-pull' . Oh , Ilshllwl
A fisherman Is snld to have founll n
pugget of gold In a fish cnught In Ialce
1oI1c1llgnn. T11ls Is n lIOW wny of Imt-
ng the golll cure where It mllY do the
U10Ht good.
Francis A. Inhller , of Now Yorlt ,
plother nch mllll , has stnrh. ' . In to
ulld col1egca , It wm presently come
Jo } )1l68 tIlnt college bulldlllg wJII be u r ot the overcrowded llrofes-
'onB. '
I Drlgbl1m Young's grnn < 1son hnR been
nppolnted Generlll Superintendent ot a
rallrond thnt runs somewhere In Utnh ,
'It ' tbe whole Young fnwlly trayels on
. "paper" tIle rand won't pny n dlvhIen < 1
In a million years ,
Jonb Dull promlseB to make the DoerB
o happy unl1er his rule thnt the ) ' will
e Wlhllmed of thernoelves for not hllv-
Ing begged him to take hol < 1 at the be-
ginning. It Is to be hoped thnt John
18n't werely talklni In order to hear
} he aP.P1au/ie . ,
Twentyslx miles a day would be but
n snnll's pace for an ocean steamer ; but
the t\fentYofllx miles of Pacific cable
. ) lowlIIJ1nufnctured.eacb day arc reeling
.otr the'dlstunco between the United
Statea and the Philippine Islnnds which
this name cable will practically reduce
trom eIght thousand mllcs to fifteen
mlnutCB ,
One peculla'r result of prosperity In
Innny of the mnnufacturlng Inelustries
'Is to mnke bunlnes8 dull In the fllcto-
rleB which produce lowcost gooes only ,
whereas In tllnos of general depression
these cQncerus are the ones which run
ovcrdme. 'l'hls rule npplles to the
classes ot thlngn which Ileoille Ulust
buy , not to the Be with which during
l'erlo ' Iij ot IItngnlltlon they can dispense ,
Young _ Irrcd G. YnneJerbllt Is huy- :
, Ing a "camp" tt d p tn the dlrol"
) . eacka for hlmsel ! 'nnd n party of
. trlends , The "ahlluty" will cost IIhout
1SQQO. ! Jt 11lM. : . , A.nI 2 l )11 ) t1 !
wood : cncili room wl11 haye a bnth ,
with hot and cold
wnter , nttached : n
gll8 plant hIlS been Installed , nnd the
kitchen wJII bo
presided Oyer by n
w.n-'Teek chef. It must seem terribly -
bly rough for a young mnn who hils
been brought up amid rollned surroundings -
roundings to hayo to
go camIllllg In a
rude place I1ke that.
A report by ono ot tllO United StntM
ronsu1s In JDngland calls attentJon to a II .
. resolution ndopted In ? . c
! lray by the N\
Ilona I IrederlltJon ot Fruiterers. 'he
resolution Is directed against the tmsnt.
Israc ory way In which Amerlcun np-
pIes are Bhlvped to England , nnd nsks
that the Canadian plnn bo adopted , by
which the government sorts the apples
nnd tumvs tlJo grade upon tlle box or
battel. 'ho federaUon anys thnt this
or any other Vlan thnt w1l1 Insure tbe
English purcbaser that the lua1ltr ; of
tbo apples ho buys Is wbat It pretends
to be w1ll grootly extend the mnrket
tor American apples.
Wben Hnrvard University mnde
Prcal < 1ent Hoosovelt a doctor ot Inws
Hhe honored one of her own { ; rnduates
1 ns weIl ns the cblet maglstrato of the
nlltlon. 1hlrteen other Presidents hn\'e
' heen cOIlego graduates , 1111(1 two at
lenst ot the remaining twelve entered
college without finishing the course.
The two Adamses and Hoosovelt wore
educated at Harvard ; Jefferson and
T'ler at William . and Mary ; Mndlson
nt Princeton ; .Wllllam TIonry 1I1ll'rI&on
nt Hampden-Sldnoy ; Polk at the Unl.
verslty ot North OaroUna ; Plorco at
. Ilow oln ; Duchanan at Dickinson ;
Gruut , nt West Point : IIaye ! at Ken- ,
. . yon ; Gnrfield at WJ1Ilamll ; ArUmr at
UnIon , IInd Denjamln IIarrlson at MI.
arul. , Mcmnley entered Alleghen ) ' , but
fo \ loft on nccount at J1I health , and Mon.
, rO enllstcd In the Hovolutlonary nrmy
wlillo a studeht nt WJlllani and Mary.
The great Durllngton Railroad Com.
pl1ny bites the pennies as hard 6S ono
ot : Its ' 50 a month clerks. A few , , , ecks
, ace ODO ot the englae of ttJo ( )"O ,
- - - " , - " _ ,
lila'lIngton & Quincy Hnllrond jumped
the tl'llcle nnd domollsbed a city hydrant -
drant _ 'flto clly of OhlclIgo rendered n
I hill for , ( JG , tllo cost of II new hydraut ,
I A few days following COlUllllssloner of
, PlllJllc Work llIoclc1 received a reply.
'he Burlington Hond held that the
vnhle of the scrnp Iron IIhould be de-
duetl'l trom the hlllthll t scrnp Iron
wnH worth : . ! centH n ) Jollnd. Devuty
OotnlUlssloner Brennen figured that a
hydrant sold for Herup Iron wouM
hrlnIIbout / $ J.07. So this nmount will
douhtless ho l1eductcd from the hili.
You would scnrcely expect 11 great eor"
poratlon to he HO [ Iartlculnr nbout the
Ilcnnlea , ut wntchlng tllO ) Jennies
Illllk's IIh'hlends IIoHslble , HI/ / ; concerns
PIlY hllth slllllries to llIell who cl1n save
more thuJI their Imllll'll' : ' ! by IteeIlng [ an
(1ye on the little leales , , T. .T , Hili ItIlO' ' ' '
to the traelloll of Il cent tbo CMt of
everythlug thllt gol'.Ji Illto the Orent
Northern rOlldwa ) ' or 1'0111111 { stock.
WIwro olhcr lUll/lagers would faU to
mnltc eXJenes , ho llIalteR money.
Grcllt IndnHtriul enterprlscs nro con.
IInclell with flUl'cess lIy mnklng tholr
olltlre prollts frol1l the utlllzlltiou of
whllt Willi fonnerly wnste , " 'rnlce cllro
or the IHnnlell , 'he dollllrs will tak"
cnre of thumlleh'es , " Imllvldunls
well as COI'lorntluIIR [ must lellm tllis
leHson. MOllt mun fnll lIecnnse tI ) ( y
ilu0 never len rned the old-fnshloned
lesson of economll ' . 'l'hero 18 a blA'
dlfferonce between stlnslneslI ; nnd
economy. 'he mllllllgcr ot a hUlllness
who clln mnke the dlHlInctlon , the
mUllllgcr who cnn run the line between -
tween thrll'tlnpsH amI 1I1 JlIrdllnCSII 18
the mllllnger who succceds , It pnys
the HlIrllllgton to hllve 11 mlln who wJ1l
loole out for the discount of $1.D7. It
thnt corporation clln IIfford to hlro a
man to wntch tlle corners , how much
more Is It lIecessary for the mnn who
Iloes lIusllle811 fOL' himself ? A largo
I'olnme or business on 11 smnll mnrgln
Jt profit with HOmeblly to loolc nfter
the lenkage-thnt Is modcrn buslnoss ,
No 1I1etnphor so Ilccurnt 1y doscrlbes ,
: hc fute of the mell8ures whleh hnye
-ccch'ed moro or less of the attontlon
If Congrcss without nctually pnsslng
IS to sn ) ' , when ilio long , seils Ion closcs , I
hnt they nro lllele-trucltee ] . It ImpHes 1
lome progL'oss nlrendy made , and n II I
hanco to 1II0VO forward nt the next Bes- , I
fan. 'ro sn ) ' of most ot these bills tbnt ;
hey hnyo been Itllled would bo to oXllg. 1
: erute. 'he Congressional Uecord Index I
hews , for eXlllUllle , 118 mnllY ns alxteen
cglslntJyo stntlons between the Intra- I
luetlon or a certain prlvuto pension b111 .
, nd Its nppro\'ul b - the President. No j
l'OIuler ndJournlUent o\'ertnlees mnny n ; .
Iloro hnportllnt measure some dlatanco
hJs side of the Whlto 1I0uaei Lcgla- '
IlUon for the restriction or Immlgrn-
lon , by the rending nnd writing test ,
Ins been under conslderntlon by aever-
I Congresscs , but has In each one becn
Idotrucked somewbero on the jour.
ICY. This 'enr the House Commltteo .
oported a bill to codlty the oxlstlng I
: nmlgr11Uon IIlWS , without changing I
hem In anr eSllentlnl pnrtlculnr. Some-
. .hat unexpectedly , the "ed\lcntlonnl
Est" wns offered as Iln amendment ,
nd curried ; the Sennte , however , un-
rUling to pass hurriedly on so Import-
nt a project , hIlS Illl0we < 1 It to lie
vcr In committee till December. A.
hipping aubsldy bill pnsscd the Sen-
te , hut efforts to get It reportcd hy
110 1I0ulle Committee ! Jnve becn tmll-
Illllng. 'wo mllltl\ry meullures were
Ide-trucked still cllrller In their course ,
'ne ' for the Improyement of the mUtua ;
rlglnntlng In the IIoulle , WIIS reported
rulU Its committee ; n Sennte meaRuro
) proYlelo for a generlll start cnmo to
at11ndstlll In committee , 'I'he bill for ! !
110 creation of 1\ now Department ot n .
ommerCQ went oyer. , So did measIe :
res tor tbe better protc < : tton ot the t
'r ' hlent , an < 1 for tJe r\vlslon .ot the " ;
ankrUItcy bill , as wltll 118 two proc \
osed ! lmelHImontR to the CoustltutJon
, Tiicil l a pn' B ci tile Sennte ; the bU1 II l'
) IIdmlt now Stntes to the UnIon W8S Ii
Idc-trncltCtl , btft the1'l ) Is IIn nrrungo- '
lent th11t tb(1 nt'st traJn In December 11
hllll tnlco It on , for I\t lCllst another 1\
1111 tOWtlrd tIle termlnnl. C
t !
'fho QUl'lIest mention ot wheela In the
Ible Is In Exodus xlv. 25 , when the .
hurlot-wbcolB ot the Egyptians were
tnken 011' by tbo td , " althouJh I
hllrlots are mentioned In Genesis xII.
II , But there were ohler nntlona UlIll\
lle Egyptluns. 'rIle Chnldeanll UBClI
Illlriots , nnd the Grecks are said to
ave hnd chnrlots at the slego ot Troy ,
( ' ) { ) ( ) D , C. Probnbly In reality ilio
, 'heel Iii about IlS enrly a picco ot ma-
hlnery ns any now oxlstlng. or course
haa been devolopetJ. but tbo bicycle-
rhoel of to1uy Is a direct dcacendlUlt
t the section ot n log ot wood used
y the agrlculturnl peoples thousnndll
t y urs ago ,
Their 'Vords Stuck.
When MarIe TWl\ln wus In Egypt ho
lie dny nrrunget ! with Il frlc > : nd to ll'iet
1111 nt ono ot the 1 > ) 'l'lUnIlIH , 'fho Int.
r engllget ! two olel but experienced
.rubs to cul < 1o him to the IIlnco. lle
tterwurd complnllled thnt , although CI II
o hud Homo Imowlellge ot their nl\tI\'o II
IIlgullge , ho coulll 1I0t nscertulu nntI
lllllg thnt his gullIe ! , ! IIIIc1 slllll to him , el
"You should hn\'o hh'l'tl ; roull er
len , " Mr. Clemens told him , "Theso
> othless old tollows talle only hPlIW
.rl\blc.-N'ew ' York 'Imes.
1",222,140 for 1.0ull autt lonoIl8.
'ho census lIurenu has lasued a rc-
ort on the manufncturo of pens nncl
ellclls In the United Stntes for ] UOO ,
t sho\\8 tllnt a totl\l of 1,071,7"1 WU8 -
I1vesteel In this manufncturo In the
Iftr-fivo ; estnbllshmonts roportlng fQt
ho United Stnte , 'fho vnlue of tb I' ,
roducts Is returned at " ,222,149 :
, 'uges , ' 192,405 ; mnterlnls uSClI , mill II , I
upplles , freight nnel fuel , $1,747,8.52. II
You nil hl ar tWs frequently : "I'U tell t
ell J"au , , bl1t 10\1 ought to do - , " IJ
- -
. .
. .
, .
- - -
lIy n" , . . S , Id'fllrd YOlllllt , D. D ,
Per he lo\th our nntlon , nnd he hath
built WI II HynlluonUe-Iulcc TII" 4-r ; .
Shall you he Ill'Ople' ! ! fn vorlte ? Verify ,
whell .rou hecollle tlwlr love . SWtet !
hooll , Iw-towed hy Imhlle llre H , hy Iluldt
JlUIRC beat of our tJ1I1eR , hy nil cluHlil'H
thluldll for thelllNel\'ell , RWl-et hOOll to
hf'lh.thnt ! , shoultl wc cnre Ileell clOWII
for felluw-II'IIIJ.I0" , a t om Pllrt t'xcef'llInJ. ;
\1'11 , to IIH will COlliI'll ! : rllteful l'I'co/lIl. /
II 1111 , ! , l1rller thllil the t'llltll1l1l , tl'lIrer
thllil HOl'row IIChr ! WI ! IIl'e ! : oJlel Bt'J.ln
Ul'lIrellt , ron ,
Stlllle\\'hctl ! wnr's rn"n 1' tore II Ind ollt
of Ilnre'utR' , Dice-lot
IIrlillj - thrtJw hllll II
IIllIVt ! to ollr t'xl'lI } It'ro to CIII'r ' hlH 1I1)lIr ) ,
bllrllish hlA hellllt't , tllIy hi ! ! tent , go petty
crrllndA. S 'IIIJ1l1th ' for the little , lone.
lIome fellow Olll'lIcd two henrtH , the
HlIve's ] , the 111 IUIter'H : , nllil Scr1lltllrc Hn 'H
he clllled the ho ' hhl chillI.
Slclml'lH : Nlllote thc IlId , nlld IJ"III fever. !
to ell he Aeellll'd to Ceel hili 1110ther's
hlllld nllIll1 , : -0 , It WIIS fullhflll lII.e
hers , t1lollgh ollb' UII' rOIl h ellptlllll'S ,
wnlchlll ! ; tenderl ' till ! 1II01herlesII clIlltlve ,
'l'hell throllgh slIldlers' flllllrtel"H IInll clly
UnlerS , too , Were tender. A fOlllltlll1l of
good wl ht'1I : went from hiM hUsolII e\'er ' I
whither , Comlllotion olltslde. ' ' 'l'henz -
IIrenelnzllrene ! " cr ' llOlllllnce ustlr.
"I'll nalt him to Cllru lilY dllrlln I" t'X-
clnlnll'd 0111' Moldier , hendln over IJed-
aide ; 1101' wns theru hCllthell or IIebl'lw ! ,
strect wnlr or HII lIelllnry elder who did
not wnut to henr l1ls lIIeslIlIge , Isrnellte
rulers rUllhlll , slIppllcnting , In his behalf ,
euoglzlng ] II Homnn ,
'I'lle devil tllite 3'our celebrities whose
tllme rings 10lldl'lt : fllrthellt frolll homel
'Vhnt do wife , hllllbnnd , children , brother -
er , III II t I'r , doml'trticR , emlllo 'es , neighbors
t'stHy ? Don't trouhle 'ourselr , teacher -
er , to show tllplomn nIIII dir..ctors' commendation -
mendation and nncestrnl pedlgrc ( ' . t
YOllr pupils , keeneflt , cruelest , klndert :
critics , bring verdict. Your blnndlsh-
rn n18 of ltlest : : , oh , tIrnng rOfm II08t ,
re given the lie or else eclillsed by wit-
,1eS8 , ot their underlings , 'I'hc roofs of
mme famlllcs' servnntg' gnrrets arc low
mOllgh to Icp ! UII ! . , . , 'hoe ] hOIlIl11OId out
, ( hea\'en. The man wllo HIIYS It ml ht
1110IIt ns 'Well first pnck bill hnSlIgtJ tor
.Iarlng town ; bllt to treat emJllo 'prI liS
rl'9us wOllld mllllt end RtrlkeR aIIII the cv-
! rlaortlngly worse-getting
servnnt flllCS-
Ideas of equality now pervnde Amerl-
! an commoll clnsses , nnd brhht , amM-
t.lous men and women will not engnge
; hemselves to be put at society's very hot-
Xlm ; will rather work , tor lesS' and hareler
I where ; hence the InE'vitnhle , a trltle
lligher ranlt for mill alld "Hellen toll or
lIore nnarchy and good-Cor-noUllng cook-
! ry.
: \Ienuwhllc tbe lowliest alight to do liS
Jhrist would In tlwlr plncc8 , Immort. 1
) ralse : to Robert E , L'e for otTerlng
leat to laboring womnn on train near
Itlchmooo nnd refusing tl101C offered 11Jm
mmedlately by officcrs nnd privlltes , he
IrotesHII11' , "Gelltt'men ! , It there wnll 110
leM for that tired womun , there enn be
IOlle tor me , "
Addltlon/ll crown to QUl'en Victoria
hnt she ne\'er tllsc1lnrged domestics for I
: t'ttlllJ. ; old , merl'ly llromoted them , as
,11M , 'I'JlOrutoll , aged 82 , : lllvited Rllest In
Inlnce Pllrlors at jllhllee , served with re-
l'l'f thl1ltlItll , spect/ltor of her l1lnjellt"s
rlulUJlhll1 tll'parlure , escort /ll1d return ,
Grantll'frt IlIlnl'lryric ou David 1Jivllll-
tQDe , reckon 1 llellt ' of Susl nnd ChulII
.nd th se blnck 11 ( 'n who wO\1ld lillye
lIownllId dl'slllsed Ilia Tlces , fidelity
hnt car\'ed hll' rilltlon 01Iyuln tret !
I'here IJe ( J1L't1 , huried his llCl\rt there ,
i'rapJled hIs hOOy with c/lllco , barl ( nnd '
IIII\'as , nllll later. for IlIslIlse ! , mailira
talkH : fidellt ' th/lt suffered I'\'cr 'thillg , '
INked ( 'ver 't1III1J ; from Afrlc/I's jungle to
) lIglnnll'jj llIriou nhhe ' , con\'e 'IIIJ ; to Its
'I'IIve the tlUNt NO d'nrlcherishcd , nnd
II Jlroof thnt 10" ( ' , nCIIl'e11ler-Jlk lovl' ,
( ' , 'cr W/lII wnsh'd , 1W\'cr will be , novel' :
nn be ; ro 'nJty , nobility , Rtnt 1nllsllhl , :
ele'lIce , II world's'clIl'rntlon , bl'lecked
Is bier with Illunortelles , while humorist
1lllclell.t'll Into thrt'llodr , wrote :
It ! lHclls no 1'IIIlalih to 'gunrd n lIame
\'hlch 11)11 "hnll 11rnlst ! whlll ! wOTth '
work Is Imow11 ;
Ie JI\'ed nlld died for love-be that lJis
Let murble crlll1Jhe ) ; UIIII be his 1I\'lng
Shall ) 'O\L he Ill'OlIle's famrite ? Verily ,
crib' , when tht'lr lover and scrvlng thclr
hht"Rt Illterciltfl , "He hath built 118 n .
rllllA'OA'UI' . " Look hl'rl' , b ) ' Genllesaret's :
IIIbayt"tl Bhore. h'r licarI-white strand , !
stllllll1le across ronllceil clllborately
! U'n"tl , callttals wrought wondrously ,
lI'hl'o'l IIl1d Hh\th'rt > d nrch-rl ns ot the
oUlle of Gotl , thffr Homan captnln built
nck 3'Ond'r w'lI-nlgh nilleteen centuries.
, h , mel"And , lffius Ill'\tlh : 1 therelnl
lull , nil hnil , 10,000 11'lItwollnces gnUI-
rl'II III f1lW Iintliotism climnxcd , epHolII-
: t'd I
W\IO \ Jlrocct : 1s more 11hllullthrol'Ically
11111 the church builder , S/lbbath school
1.lntr , Snhbath b r\'lce sllllllOrter ? Did
ot Nupoleoli fo este 110 goVerllmellt "
llultl elldurl' wltl/ollt / It" dtht'lIshlp : be-
IUI':3 : at wor ; hi I , nJlelcollic TelhIJUs
IstitUtJOIL'i fl'nrt,1 lIcCOrtllll I ' 1 : \111 _
011 IlllY fillllllci/ll illyeb" lltellt thnt.'Ie \ \ ' -
frolll hl' 'olld . .tllt''t II , wJJl A'I'ntry ! 'OU _
1Iil'll'ssl ' dollllrs In
) nil Ii0sIIIlnl wnlls
uII CQ I. ! , dollars In BIllIe ! ! fiud Chl'lst1 ,
ternture . , atrl'WUIIIllOI1j ; mll' ' tlo71 stntlol1s ,
ullnr.ln lIulwtullrief : lillt'nldng God's 10\-- ,
klutlllt'M.'i ' . . .
II : ' 'uuto. .lIumkhlll after .ollr
oh'Is IlIlent lIud ) .our money grasplug
1\1\11 \ Is asllt's. How llIuch sutHlIlel' that
lIllt'rllnUll'nagoJue \ . looms uphen you
: llib the l.doMr'ij llIodest ) ' ? Allproaoh
It ! tOl'lI-ullfit till' ( 'l'nturlon SIlW hlmselt
'RO "Iiulfi t ! bill Greek wor,1 bikuuos ;
nl t he th'l'1llt'd himself lu dl'l'Pl'st sOIlI-
) signifies his Grl't'k word exloin ; , Sill-
re-l1o bid 'tor hlllo ,
Jjlr ( . tI ' IItoplt > , 'ohsl'r\'l' '
) ' \ ' ) 'OU lIfnf'ltll1 ' , ( , I' '
ko N'huclladn'zzar'aUl1tlllA' "
\'aUl1tlllA' , "h Ilot .
/111 gl nt Uab'lolI that I have hullt ? " ,
It' ' III'\ ! quite willing to let ) 'OU 11150 go '
I , ; rlltlll , Criterion or honNit &elfexnm-
mtlon , evidence the ntmospbl're 0 ( the
[ ollCdt urronnds U8 , it Is as It 11"0
- -
1fll\lttcn with Belf-dIHapproval , Job-like ,
mcnnlng eye 8l'eth thee.
ntcr dark room-all' nppnrentl ' clelln ,
'I'urn slmtter slat-through sunshine's
[ ) l1th hlllulllerahle Jnfinlteslrnnl motes IIro
\\'reHtlll1 . Once St , Pnlll shook ] Innd"
with hllllclt ! , rell\arklug \ , "I SUPlJose I
'TaR uot. Ollf ! whit hehind the very chlefC'St
apostleH , " God turncd Ills window slat ,
Kf'nt trial ! ! , vletorles , mightier bllptJsm ;
tllen Paul wrotc , "Unto me w110 nm less
tlllln the lellst ot nil saln1.8 , " Gradunte
him 1nto fIOluthood Ilnd on 1Je at IInra-
dille lie suhscrlbes himself , "Sinners , of
whom I nm chler. "
I'ollow , Cllesllr's mnrcl over west.ern
} < ) urolle , POI1lPf' "R nround the Medltcrrn-
nean , CI'nHRullnto ! I'lIrthlll , by desolation
lunlcll'd , I"ollow '
ollr text's 8'011IIerl-Illlel !
1Il1l ' 'flurs thus be trllced-b ' the mercies
he bcstowl'fl , 1110 flower ! ! he set n-bloom ,
In , the ooll lie sowed uuto n hurn'St
whI'e the field Is hlllll1l1l lIycs , the s ed
Is worrlll 111111 decdK
, the gllrneMllg our
t'POCh'M mul , tlI ! renpers allJcls , DC'-
scenr ! II lilt a mlle of depth , next crawl
n crevice I10urs below thut , nrterwnrd
cJIavf ! a crnter of Huh/tl'l'ranl'nn / volc:1l1o
1I11t1 IH'1lel1t11 thnt Inferno hUr ' the Sn-
tllnde lIulJ.l'stion thl1t lIIagnlficent oppor-
tunitlf's 10 .
Nerve fellow.mullklndnre I'nst ,
1I0ue loft tor ' In '
3'011 3'our hllmdrum u"lst-
enc ( ! , o\'el'-welJhted with dIHI\lvllntn es ,
GenltiH to love and look tor humunlta.
rian rOllds I'ternlt-Ioug can hla"Your I
Chunce" goldell on doorS' nil over our I
cities nud cOl1ntrj' , Before j'OU tHe and I
III c' , tor GOll's salte , tor man's snlte , lEt's
do something to dimillish our Hhnme when
wo gree IInl'11oWI1 cal1taln from Galilee ,
grtet Sn\'onnrolll , Florentille community's
henefnctor , who wore lhe red hat of martyrdom -
tyrdom Into the cell'Slinl glory ; Columhla ,
rescner of Scots nnd Plels nnd Irillh ; An-
scJ1/1r , delivcrer of Sweden from bnrbaric
hondllJ.e ; Luthpr Ilnd Lincoln , 'Vhlttler ,
the poet ( 'mnneipntor : Gnrriflon , the jonr-
nlll1l1t eJl\lIncipator. \ ; Wendell PhllllpR , the
orntor emnneipl1tor ; , Tohn Brown , the
mnnnclplltor Corclng the Issne to ( 'risls ;
Hownrd , llriton ; IltIrifier ; Nightingnle ,
sweet IIngel of thc ho pltnls ; Grace Darl-
InJr , InSJIlrntlon ot IIfe-sa\'ers ; 1I0rtce
Mllun , benediction of the schools ; Gongh
IInd Frnnces Willnrd , knightly defenders
of our firl'Sides agl\lnst alrohollsm's a .
saults ,
Shnll 'ou be people's fn\'orite ? Yern , . ,
verily , verily , when UlCIr lover , sCITlng
thl'ir hlghl'St Intercsts nnd approp'l'iating
the Christ , Rem em her yon Christ's pin.
nnclin ! ; fnlU1 with this captniu'lI ? "I
have not found so grent faith ; no , not In
Israel , "
As the Mllglnns ever Rtud 'lng stars
trackell the meteor to Dethlebem ; as tIll"
IIhC'flherds fffiW the beelillmolled finger 01
the ! ! ky ' '
1IO' nt down at Jesus' manger
cradle ; ns Galllenn fisher folk met the
Master via boata nnd nets , eaell finding \ '
in ! : him along Mil I1ne of work ; Ul11S the a
captain , accustomed to enrop and rom11
mands and nbsolute obedience , conceived \ '
of Jesus generallssino IlOOve the unl-
verse Ilnd discosI. nnd health nnd mortal- a
kind all suhject to hi " t 1
! ! word , "I also am.
a mnn set under authority , hnvlng under [ 1 ,
me lIoMler/ ! ; and I sny unto one , Go , and P
h ( ! g ( ) ( > th ; nnd to another , Comp , nnd he
rometh , " Sny in a word , and my ficrvmt1
shnll be healed ,
No matter who , or where , or 1\1Int you tI
ore , something akin to Goo still stays
and tdghs for hJm , Uncnnny and yet en- 0
tieing , l < < > lInd the sailors' legend , telling " ,
how off Drittany's const , undernenth the g
wa\'C1 ! , an nnclent TillllJ.e lif.l ovenvhelmtJ
I'd , Its church 1I111tl'fl ! ! tandin , and I\-er $ :
nll nnon the mariner 1I111Y hear bells ringIng - n
Ing fnr down the wntl'r IIb88 , Oh ! to II
strike a bl'll peal In your being's dcpths , h
nit ! 101lg-hld111'1l lInctunr ' withIn calling
rou to better Helt , to hest self's Ood.
Hing out the olt } , ring In Ule new ,
Ung out the fnlNe , ring In the tr1 e ,
Ring In the vllllnnt IIIl1n IInd Cree ,
lUng In the Christ that Is to be.
* CW >
A Perlletun [ Llfe-We ha\'o not dl-
I'lned thc whole GosIlel when we poln
:0 the four GOllllels und su3" , "It Is ull
h&o , " Only 111 It limited sense Is that
: l'ue , for the IIfo they record Is Il per-
) etul\lllfc I\mong men , 'hero Ilre01 -
mle ! ! of It In the life of to-dny that
ne not put Into prInt and bound up In.
1 book.-Hm' , , J. A , Hondthuler , Pres-
) ) 'terlan , InellunnJOlIs , 1m ] .
Soul CI'anslng-L'he : capitalist needs
t thnt ho n1I1Y IIpll [ ' the Golden Hulo
10 thllt he nUL ) ' Illlow to live ns wpll
IS 11\0 , The ell11lo'e [ needs It thl\ hq
nay 110 no longer an eye sen-nnt , but
.hl\t bed ) ' IUIII soul will do their work.
> rencher ! ! neNI It more tlum nl1 oth-
rR , thnt UIPY have chllrlty nnd com-
non sense I\nd bo wllIJng to follothe. .
Inster , doing nil things with an e-c
lingle to his glor-Ue\ . D. Leneh ,
ethodlst , Chlcl\go , Ill.
'l'he 1I0rne-'l'hnt plnce on the eartb
vhlch gives us our s\\'eetest Idens od ,
leavcn Is n wellorderClI , sweet , god
) - , rlghtl'Ous home. Buch a home I.
vhllt I term the American pnrndlse. 1/
he homo centers nil Ulat Is ot cholcCR ,
'ul\1e to In \1111111111 , the family , tll
Itl\te , Here nre the hallOWClI Inlfll
nces of 1111 the famll ) ' and of God , I
he l ome Is whnt It ! 4hollld be , tor Gee
ov's to dwell In the hOtHCS of Deople1
- HeDr. . PI c , tltrel , Baptist , Clevel uHlj
) hlo.
God'R Uoyellltlon-GotI's revelation
f his chnrl\cter In , Teslls Christ was
ho word Illntle fieHh , God al1(1 man Ihl
ro revealed b ' Godin ml\n , Grl\nd < , nt'l
cnrrled up to servlco nnd sllerlfice , ,
em' , conselenc , bC/lut ) ' , 1\1'0 born ed
gain tor the l'lIt'l' . fUII. his own reCo
elfed him not , 'fhe J.Jw . continued to
IIY thnt Godlo\'es enl ) ' the Jew , The
celoslastle IImltt'I God's Interest to.
ho church. 'he Jlt'oplo or tbo reform , a
d faith d'clarcd God's Interest con , elle
.ned to the elect It Is now prett
'ell un < 1erstood that God lo\'es us nil. l 1
'he race Is redeemed. . : . . tev. A. H. PenIl1I
Iman , Congregutlonalls Adams , reI
{ nss. " ' "
t '
. . . . ,
"Tho manner In which weeds nro
known to Improve soli Corms It remarl : .
nblo sclentlflc dlscovor ' . 'rlwlr roots
extend Into the stlll'er nnd more com-
pnct snbsoll , whore " 0 ordln/lry Jllunt
c/ln renchlnd ntter loosening and openIng -
Ing It up so thllt nlr Ilnd wnter clln hnve
nctlon upon It , sucle up from below
grcnt quantities oC potnsh BUItS nlHl
phosphorIc ncld. When these weeds lire
plowed under or dIe , these sltlts nnd
acids nre left tWnL' the sl1rfnce , where I
tbey clln bo utilized by the cereuls Ilnd
root t'ropFl which live uJlon thcm. I'or ,
Instnnce , wh ut IInd Ilotutoes flourish
woU wJero these weeds have gone he-
Corf ! nnd dOlle tbe wOL'Ie of gettlllg the
JleC'Cssnry food Cor them from the subsoil -
soil IInd tJelir. . , .
"Much lund Is oC uo'nlllO until thcso
weeds come In and make It so , This Is
pnrtlculnrl ) ' true or sundy solis Ilnd 1'0-
clnhned mnrsh IlIndH , which arc defi.
clent In IIOtush , 11 thing necessllry In
all fllrmlug IlIue1. On these the defJIler
rootl\ ( [ legumes , Buch liS gorse , broom ,
alflllfll , lupInes , sullll I\nd the Jlerenulnl
belll1s 111'0 of gL'cUt vulue. Theil' roots
not enl ) ' rellch down Yer ) ' deep Ilud
brIng up po tush from the subsoil In the
mnnner descI'lbcd , but tholr leuves tuke
grellt quuntltles of ultrogen from the
ulr. Now , when Il soli Is rich In pot-
nsh unll nltL'ogen It Is good soli , Ilnd ns
these Jlluuts die uud [ ell\'e their gllth-
[ ! red Jlotllsh und nitrogen on the surfllce
the SlIud ) ' Ilnd m IU'S h ) ' 80lls become
! ; oed I/lnd , All the flU'lller hus to do Is
[ llow thcse rotting weeds unl er und he
IlllS good I/lnd on which ho can rulse
erellls , root cI'olm nnd tObllcco-thllt
1lIIrdiest nnd most weurlng plnnt UpOI1
; 011 ,
"Tho gO\'erumcnt hns Induced Curm-
) rs to tr ) ' l loL'ldu beggllr weed. Ono
! XIlerhnenter reIJOL'ted thllt b ' planting
t In his Held und plowing uuder the an.
lUul crops for two successl\'e 'C/ll'S
he soli had been contpletel ' cJanged
n texture and COIOL' . Another Carm-
! r discovered thl\t a Cl'Op of beggar
, "ecd turned under will , when decom-
lased , rotnln near the surfuce In rend ) '
'ench ot the roots of succeeding crops
lOt only nil the nltrogpn thnt It took
IUt of the atmosphere , but also what-
\'er fertilizers were subsequent1 ' IIp-
Illed. A third repoL'tec1 thut nil his
telds produced more Iuxul'1ous crops
tter hll'lng beeu given o\'er one sel\-
on to a rllnk growth of this weed ,
" ' 1'0 find out how much chomlca11 [ [ -
:0 this weed relllly takes from the ulr
nd the sUhsoll , the go\'ernment plnnt.
d a san < 1y field ( lIaL'e of an ) ' of the
unlltlos on whlcb ordlnurcereuls nnd
egetnbes [ thrive ) with beggar weed , I
nd when the crop wns nt Its height
Illrvested It , root nn < 1 all. The crop
I'as then reduced to nshes and the re- .
ult anllyzed [ , It wns found th/lt oer ) . ;
In of beggur weed nshes contllined 508
olmds of IImc , 230 pounds ot ph os-
horlc acid and 4S2 poundR of potnsh.I I
'wenty or twentfi''e tons of beggnr ] 1
oed hny were required to mnko one
> U of nShes , but every ucre yleded [ tour
> us of beggnr weed , It was flgured
ut th/lt a four-ton yield per ncre ,
, hlch Is nn average , one ncro ot beg-
nr wecd would ) 'Ield 150 pounds of nl- I
: ogon , worth ] 5 cents a pound , or
22,50 worth of IIltrogen Ilnd potnsh
nd phosphoric. I\cld worth $5,2i : , mak-
Ig 11 total or $22,7G worth of fertlllz-
19 chomlculs tl\ken from I\n Ilcre of
)11 worth nothlug ut Illl.-St , Louis
'Vondol" of an Acre.
According to the SlIn I 1' nclsco
hronlcle , Samuel Cleek , of Orlund. hus
lC most romllrlmble acre In Cnllfor-
III. It embraces a barn and corrlll ,
overing 75 by 75 feet ; ,1' bblt hutch ,
5 by 25 feet ; residence nnd porches
) b ' 30 feet ; two wlmImlll towers , 2
3 by 16 feet ellch ; gnL'den , 40 by 0.1 B
et ; blael.berrles , 10 by UO feet ; straw-
eyrleB , Oi : by DO Ceet ; citrus nurser - ,
) by { IS feet , with 2,300 trees bu < 1ded ; I a
Ile row of dewberrIes 100 feet long ; Iq
mr Ilprlcot trees , two oak trees , three
aeb trees , six fig trl'l'FI , ten locust
ees , thlrtIlsSoL'ted gernnlums , twe\e [
mon trees , 7 yonrs 01 < 1 , ono 80'ear -
< 1 limo tree , from which he sold ] O t ,
) zen limes last renr ; eight , orunge n
eeB In benrlng , tour brell < 1frult trees ,
\'e \ pomegranate trees , a pntch of bllm-
) OS , three cnlla lilies , fOUl' prune trees , ! p
Ireo blue gum trees. six c 'press trees , , a
IUr grape vines , one English 1\'y , two 01
mey suckles , one seed bed , ono "lo-
t bcd , one snge bed , twel"o tomato
nes and thlL'teen stand of bees , AtC
r mnklng a comfortable living for sl
mself nnd wife otI this single acre , al
1' , Cleek nd < 1s $400 a year to bls bnnk T
Mornorhln ! : Made Easy. W
\lost \ persons ha"e tried some rn(1thod tl
mentnl IIssocllltlon br which to fix
IlIgs In their memory. Sometimes
e Hnds thnt the memor ' pegs did not m
lid. 'fhe Now York Times tells of J C
reporter who met with dlsnster from -
I'lng IIn ellR ' lUethod of mnemonics. I
[ 10 IlIId to wrlto Ilbout Ir. A. H. Col. _
Ihoun , the English tru "cler and on- ,
Ileer , lIe WIIS told that nrterr. : .
Ilquhoun's nnme shoul < 1 be pluced the
: tel's " [ . I , C , B-Member of the 1
stltute of Ch'lI Englne < , rs ,
'Thlll'lI cllsy to remember , " tJought
l ) relorter. [ " I. I. C. E , spells 'mice. '
In't forget thllt. "
\\'hen \ he hu'nell In his copy to the
It or , howc\'el' , the lettera nfter Mr.
Iq\lhoun's IInmo were "n , A , T. S. "
: \1011 . '
or Gl1n.-'hldl ?
L'he cost , of 11rlng a single sbot from
1.lnch gun would I/ly a prl"ate sol-
) r for { l"e ) 'ears.
IVe deslro to be ubsolutcly correct
d In tuture descriptions ot girls " , : Ill
or to their palo pink lips , Instcnd of
. . . . , . . , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . .rp.e. .
A mnn whllso first name was Jobl
Rnd wbo WM notorJously close nnd.
stIngy dJed some years ago in t. .
1)aul , and two young men wbo wc : > rC'
wo11 n ware ot bls procll vJtles sat up' '
with the body , It Is a Rrewsome 00- ,
oupatlon lit best , and In order to !
make It as cl1eertul as possible. tbO'
two men lighted nil the ItI1S In tbo
room and prepared to make tbem-
selves comtortabJe. Tbe , dozed , but
were awakened by some noise tbat
sounded very uncanny. Ono ot tbe : .
young men sprang to hIs teet In tcr- ' \ - ,
ror. Tbe ether merely yawned and r
remarked ; IIJol1n wants us to turn
down tbe gas.-Ohloago Ohronlole.
Bhowlnl : the 'Vay.
MOllt ot our readers know nil aOOu'
the nches nnd pains of a bad back ;
very few people are frce from alck
Icll1neYIJ , as the kl < 1neys nro the most
over\vorltetJ organs of tJo body and
"go wrong" nt times , no mntter how'
'Well the genernl health m\y : be. Th
trouble Is 110 few understund the Indications -
cations of Itldney trouble. You are-
nervous , tired out nnd"eary , ha"e-
stitches , twl ea and twitches of bnck-
acbe pnlns , but lay It to other causes ;
l1nully the nnnoranco Ilnd aufferlng attendant -
tendant with urlnnry disorders , retention -
tion of tJo urine , too frequent urination -
tion , multe you L'eallze the seriousness
of It. At Ilny stngo you should tuke j\ '
remedy thnt will not enl ) ' rellove but
cure you , neall the following and
profit by the le850n It tenches :
C. J , l\IcMurrnr , a resident ot I rcc-
port , III. , address 47 Iroquois street.
says : "I have greater faith In DOlm's
Kidney Pills to-dny thun I hnd In the-
fall oC 180 ; , when I l1rst tool thnt rem.
ody , nnd It cured mo of an ncute pnlD
ncros8 tJe back nnd hnporCect action.
of the Itlclneys , Since I rnude a pUblle
stl\tement of ttlCse fllcts nnd recom.
mended Donn's Kidney Pills to my
friends and ucqualntl\nces , thoroughly
belle\'lnJ ; us I did , both from obseL'va-
tlon nnd oxpeL'lence , that they would
do Just as they were represented to < 10 ,
I nm stJll plell5ed to re-endorse m , .
statement given to the pUblic shortly . (
after I first began to use the remedy. " "if'
A IJ'REE 'RlAL of this great I\Jd- :
ney .medlclne which curcd Ir. l\Icl\lur- \ \ .
ray wJ11 be mailed on nppllcatlon to
nny part of the Unltod States. Addres
Foster'iltllburn Co , . Duffalo , N. Y. " 'ot
sale by all druggists , price GO cents
per box.
brlg-nUon In 'VI.condn.
For some years irrIgation bas been
carried on experImentally in WisconsIn -
sIn under the directIon or tbe state
university. Some ot these experiments -
ments bave been conduoted at Madl-
mn and some at Stevens PoInt. Last
rear drought In WIsconsin being very
; cvC1'e , tbe results In tavor of irrlga
Ion were very marked. In the potato -
to fields alone the yield was 160 bush-
31s of potatoes In tavor ot those Irri-
ated. This dlfl'erenco docs not exist -
ist In most years , but Irrigation Is
11ways an Insurance agaInst loss
rrom drougbt-Farmers' RevIew.
Have Ulled PJso's Oure tor Consump-
lion nUTly two years. and find nothln ;
to compare with It-ilIrs , Morgan , Berke-
ley. Oal , . Sept. 2 , ] 901. A
The ' \'olcanos Irazu and Peas , Costa. -S " ' 1
Ice , arc now quiet , but Turrlelba.
s reported to be In eruption.
For wlat r or summer , Ilrs , Auetln's [ 'an-
! al.e : ! lour , Always good , At grocel'1 ! .
One ot the now apartment houses " ;
n New York City is equipped wi teL
L swimmIng pool Jin tbe basement ,
DiphtherIa , , ; ore tbroat , croip. In- \
tant rellet , permanent cure. Dr.
rhomas' ElectrJc 011. At any drug ,
, tor . "
G SD ! was marked on one wIng ot ; !
In exhausted carrier pIgeon wblcl
: : . .
: lIgbted on the Bteamer Porslo.
vhen 3000 ruHes from land. '
Use the famous Red Cross Ball Dlue , Large "
oz , package 6 cents. The Russ ComJ > anyp 4
outh Dend , Ind.
ElectrIcIty Is now bOlng adopted ;
s a motive power In many slata ,
uarries In North Wnles.
. .f
Don.t forget n Izugu 2-oz , packare Red Cro ! ! !
all Dlue only 6 cents , The RUls Company. .
( ! 11th Dend , Ind ,
, j
Japanese national1laRs are alleged ,
o be practically unobtainable just I
ow In London.
Terrible plagucs , tbose itching ,
csterlng dlsea'ies ot the skin. Put
n end to misery. Doan's Olntmen'
ures. At any drug store. '
Fltteen FJlplnos , just arrived ID ,
aldwell County , ' 1'exas , Intend to
: art an a rloultural colony here , r
ad Itave sent tor their tam Illes. A
'boy ' propose tolntroduoe a number
r Pblllppine agrloultural products
hlob they bellevo to be adopted to
1e Texas cllmnte and soil.
Orders ha ve been gl ven tor the re-
loval of tbe wire fen co enclrclln. . :
Dolla" Weekl ) ' copying letters at Home dUrfDIr
5 'I'are hours , Fire centa tOI partlculan , D , II ,
1'0,110:1 : 672 , Runoet tlupply Co"lloehUt4r , NY.
r or IDE flS HUH ! fAII.S
, IN A JMisH ! ! as
' ' alan ha history ,
, . \ Tl\i l told In o.n
. intere tln bookl.t
which l 'yOIll" for
the k1 .
OJl'ON , MAS'- .
Mokcr 'if . . . -I- ( (
WlT WfArJM : .
) N SALt ! : fveRY1VHJl ! : . I11n