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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1902)
" , , " 'I' " " " " 'I" ! ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ' - ' " " ' ' " " ' > ) " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . " . , , T' . - . " . " , . ' . . , f' 1)0 , < /I I " ' \0 ntllLbrartan \ tobLetr , , J - . . . . . . . II I . , l ES'l'ABLISIlED 1882. THE OFFICIAI4 PAPER OF CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y : LARGES'l' CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN 'l'IlE COUNTY. ' J II XXI. BROKEN BOW CUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER PAG S - ; r . . . , VOL ) ) ! ) 25 , 1902.--EIGHT , NO. 15. / r - - < - I . . J MOVED IJ I J ; TWO DOORS J EAST Of ! J tCUSTEB 1 . I NA 110NAl ! BANK. j : i . . . . mil I ! 'J ! d r.s0n I . , . , , \ , t of Chlc llo O ) thalmlo College . . . . . . . . e"C ) . , . . . . . - - - - School Books , ' , ' J. . Tablets . . , . . . 1 . . , ' . " . . " t - NH.- - , , r. . 'Schoof Supplies , Vn , n , -AT- . f ( ' ! J. G. Haeberle's. i . ' . . . . . . . - . rerle Elizabeth Fields , . 1 _ . DR. " m mJ D B J 18 Il ] . iii' , . I' OFI ICI IIOu\S \ : 9 . . to 12 . " f a. 111. m. I" .tflf r' 1 :30 : to 4 p. m. Or b ) ' appointment. -Officc ovcr AIHlcrsoll's Jcwclry Storc in Rcalty Block , Brokcn Bow , Nchraska. , IIAIF RA.TEK TO K'r. I.OUIrf : " . AND C" : . . Vln TIIC DllrJlnltoli ROllte. Oct. 5th to loth. Only $18.35 to St. Louis Ulul'tcturII , IIcconnt St Ionis Fair. , Ask thc Burlington IIgcnt. 15-16 ' : - ' " Dlsh'lct COlIl't. j I , "to- 'l'he district court will convene i. ' September 29th. 'l'he following' " jury cases have been set for trial : : : on the following dates : , \ ' , " 'l'he state vs. Harris , Oct. 2nd ; ; ' , Fuggit vs. Moore , Oct. 3rd ; li'ug- " : \ git vs. Moore , Oct.3rdBrownvs. ; , : . ' Moore , Oct. 4th ; Rublee vs. Stuck- , , ey , Oct. 4th ; Myen vs. 'l'ierney , . . .Oct. 4th ; Van Bnrldrk vs. Fess- enden , Oct. 4th ; Raney vs. Mc- . ' . Ginn , Oct. ( , th ; Mrs. Cline bell vs. " : : ' R R Co. , Oct. 7th ; Scott vs. \Vaddle , Oct. 8th ; Bank vs. Hutchinson - o chinson , Oct.8thBankvs. ; 'l'ooley , " Oct. 8th ; Bankws. 'l'ooley , Oct. 8th ; Kalbo vs. Ward , Oct. 8th ; Valley Bank vs. Reedhead , Oct. 9th ; li'rcdrick vs. Andrews , Oct. IUI ; National Bank vs. Chandlcr , . . . . Oct. 10thVright vs. Finlen , , i Oct. 10th. I : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : I ! i Dr. R. C. Talbot shipped seven I I cars of cattle fo Omaha'l'uesday. C. A. Ch pin had one thumb badly cut I the .saw in Conrad's shop Sathrday. Bcn Grcible of 'Valworth was in the city Saturday and remained - ed over Sunday. Chas. Hammond shipped a car of cattle to the South . Omaha market 'l'uesday. ' [ 'he C. 'V. B. M. AuxiliarJ' will meet with Mrs. C. A. Chapin 'l'nrsda ) ' October 2. Mrs. 1\Iabel Manuel of West Union , is visiting with her sister 1\1rs. Heynolds , this week. John PernieSupt. , ofthe county - ty farm was transacting business with the- county board 'l'uesday. J as. Ii'airfield of Mason City came up Monday night to assume his duties as marshal of the count - t ) ' fair. 'l'he late rains has put the ground in excellent condition for fall plowing and many will improve - prove the opportunity. JOIlll Robinson of Fleming Valley bought another car of cattle 'l'uesday to feed. He is now feeding two car loads. C. C. Connelly .of Gandy is in the city visiting with his sisters Mrs. C. S. Martin , Mrs. S. Cay- wood and Mrs. McClain who was here from Iowa on a visit. 'l'he rail road rain guage shows two and three fourths inchcs of r il fall during the last rain. Ha.ring is temporarily suspended , but fall plowing is' being pushed. n. O. Sweezy arrived in the city MOl1day to look after business - ness affairs. He is now locatcd I at Omaha and is engaged in the h,9-.el ! husipess i1 ! the Capital. hotel. - He" . J. \Voods and daughter of Mason City were friendl . y callers - ers at this ofi ce yesterday. 'l'hey were un their way home from the Holcomb settlement where they had bcen for the past week. If you are interested in the' g'rain market and will scnd us I your name we will send you our I Market letter and the Chicago Daily Post free of charge. Updike Commission Company , Omaha , Nebr. E. K. 14itchenburger , the horse fancier , has his pacer on the grounds at Broken Bow and expects to bring home a little more cash as a result of the fair races , than he will spend taking in the sal le.-Callaway Queen. Rev. C. 'V. Bohart of Hoosier was a friendly caller at this ofiice 'l'uesday. lIc was on his way to Gibbon to attend the U. B. coni ference. Owing to the roads being - ! ing so m1\(1 < 1y he left his team and went on the train the rest of the dIstance. 1. F. Miller residing a few miles west of town has just finished - ished threshing 4,285 bushels of rye , 631 bushels of wheat and 51)0 bushels of barley which took a steam threshing crew a solid week to grind out. 'l'he total amount of grain was rabed on two hundred acres of ground , and at present prices would almost pay for the land. "Stand up for Ncbraska.Callawa.r Queen. - . . : . ; . ' . ; \ . . . . . . / . 'i. ' : . . : . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . { . " ' ' ; . ; . . , . i' " . ' ' . ' . , . . . . . : , .I..J r { : . " " ' " "It . . . . . ; . _ _ : ; . t"'f : f ; . . . . . . . . . . , . . : . : . . . , . . . . . . : . . ' , . . , { , . : . " " . . ' . . . . : i" " . ' " . . . . . . : " . . . . : ' , . . i''i " . . . : . . : . , : - . ' ' ; . ; , ; . . . ! . ! . . , . ; . . . , . . : . . ; ' . . { _ _ : ; : . ' . . , . . . . 1i' . . . . : . . . _ ' " " . . . . ' 1' ! . " , . . , ' . . : . " ; . . { . : ; . : ' . tr . , , , . . ! . . . : . . ; . . . . { - _ L : ' " . r " " " , ' . : . ; " . , { . L . ; . . . n' III . : ' ! . , J C > : : PEFI..A. : : : : aUSE : ] . . , ' ! \ : : ! y. } t BALANCE OF WEEK MM . M , . . - : ) , ' ' ' ' 'J . . ill. ' iI1 ! i THE NYE CO [ 1. . .1. i ! . . Thursday Night : ! < if ! ' . ; t. : 1 " 13URIED A I\E" t ; t. Y1 . and . ten silver . dollars g'cn awa ) ' to ten different persons " . L . 1tl t 1 Ie audIence. .ii : 1 Friday Night : j "CITY 01 : : 1\.1EW YODTr" i , . . " . . ' ' I. . t , , , l' f'l. .l"\ .I. " . ) and an elegant book case given away. r ; Saturday NI ht : . , } ; t , . ( T-tE { ! VIAN OF IVIYSTERY . f . ! and a barrel of mone ) ' alHllacHesgold watches g-i\'en awa ) ' . M W o' t4i , dance the rest of week to those holding resen'df : . , : ed f'eat bckets. r , . . ' . . . il. . . tI t . . . . ? f/ ! ; lr : ; . ilr ; : . rPt.1l "flt.r \ . . to. r ; i7. r : ! ] J : . ! fJ.mrh ; ! . . ' . ' ' ' . : . ' . : ' ' . ' . . . . ' ' ' ' . ' . . . . . ' ' ' . : 'W.'i:1I'.YJa : .itii' : : ; i : : : tJ..i. : : ; ; ; N' : : ; ? hi. ; : 'f'th'l It. ! : : f f , . . . ' , " ' ' . : ' . . " I . ' I J as. Dare of rAllian was among ( he cit ) . visitors yesterday. \V. P. 'l'rue of Georgetown is in the city attending the fair. Mrs Diah 'Voodruff of Georgc- town is visiting in the cit , } ' this wcek. E. M. 'Vebb of Callaway camc ovcr yesterday and remained over at the county fair Mrs. S. II. l ced proprietor of the Arnold Hotel was a city \'isi- tor Monda ) ' . Curtis Weimcr a nd wife of mason - son City came up 'L'ues ( a. ) ' night to enjo ) ' the County li'atr. Jolltl Lyle is down from Alli. ance on short \'acation. He will return the latter part of the week. 1i'oR SI,1Residence propert ) ' with 3 rooms and large hall , good well , barn and 4 lots. Call at tIllS ofi ce. OM. J. Amsbert' ) . of Milo , II. A. Amsberrv of Durham and 1i'rank Crouch f Knoxvil1e , Iowa , arri ved in this cit ) , ycsterday on a'isit. . 'l'hey are among the prosperous famiers of the Hawkeye state. 'l'he two former are uncles of ours. H. McBurnie has accepted thc position as foreman on l eneau's ranch on the Middle Loup. lIe was in : yesterday after a new mower and a hand. He says Mr. l cneau has t ve hundred head of line cattle 011 the ranch of which 250 head are 3 and 4- years old steers. R. P. Sianclford of Merna was in the city ycsterday closing up a deal for another quarter of Custer count ' land. At the rate our own citizen are buying up the \'a- cant land this scason it will not be long until there will he no snaps left for the new comer. It shows a healthy condition of affairs. Mrs. Harry Day of Broken Bow came over on 'l'uesday's stage and took the train for Kearney. After lea\'ing the train in that : 'dt. she missed her purse , containing - . taining SIC. in cash , two rings and her trunk check , and aJ tast accounts had not succeeded in finding it.-Callaway Courier. J. G. Lcming came down from Deadwood Sunday morning to visit a short time with his family. He says that it has been unusu- ally wet there and the work of sinking the shaft in his mine has been retardcd , but work on it will be resumed in the near future. Mr. Leming expresses great confidence - fidence in his property proving alright whcn develeoped. 14ast Sunday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Purcell of Kilmer settlement , west of 'l'allin 'rabIe , were on their way home from Joe l ichardson's the wheel struck some obstruction and threw them out on the ground. Their two- ) 'eafold ! boy babY , was so hadly injured that it dIed before Dr. Robinsoll of Arnold , could reach their home.-Callaway Courier. MAlumm-Sepl. 17th , Otis Shores Maud Loyd at the bride's home in the presence of 30 in\ ' ted guests the bride is the oldest daughter of Jas. and Julia T40yd also are of the best workers in Bethel Union Baptist church. 'l'he groom is olle of Snake Hun's best nterprisingyoung men. After the ceremony which was performed by J. R.V oods the gucsts were invited out to a beautiful supper. After speltding the evening in pleasant conversation we all took our departure wishing bride. I . and groom a long and happy life.I Bride and groom received quite a number of valuable prescnts.- . While threshing- the home of his father , C. R Krenz , near Dale , last Monday , Jos. Krenz lost two fingers , and had his hand baclly mashed. He was tencling separator - rater when his glove caught in a chain on the grain elc\'ator pulling - ing his hand around the sproket wheel. IIis cry for help caused the engine to be stopped but before - fore the machine could he stopped his hand was badl. > , manglcd. He was brought to town at once and Drs. l\1orrow and Downing made an examination and amputated the third and fourth lingers ; his hand was badl ) ' mashed across the palm , but the doctors hope to he able to avoid any further amputation - putation and at the present writ- lIlg the wounded member is healing - ing nicel ) ' . Jos. has a host of friends who sadly regret his un- fortune accident and who one and all stand ready to assist him in I every possible manner.-'rhe Merna Round Up. II. Ii' . Kenncd ) ' went to Omaha 'l'uesdiwith a car of cattle. Jasr 'Vallace of 'Vest Union , is { alnng in the County li'air. U nclc Silaf' 'l'hompson of U p- ton , is in the city taking in the Pair. Jas Humphrey of the thc King sttlemcnt south east of town has moved his family to the cily. lo.y 'l'hompson and wife of Callawa ) ' came up 'l'uesday to remain - main during the fair and visit with his parcnts. J. C. L. 'Visley , publisher of the New ] ra and Lead r at Sar- gcnt is in the city attending the County Pair. Presidcnt l oose\'e1t had been com pelled to abondon his western trip , owing to having to submit (0 a surgical operation , as the result - sult of an abcess beet ween the knee and ankle resulting from an injury received at Pittst eld , Mass. , at the time of the trolley car accident. 'l'he agricultural displa ) ' on the fair grounds from present indications - tions wil1be the best for years. 'rhe fruit exhibit is first class. At this writing Wednesday even-I ing the outlook is most favorable for a great fair. Owing to the rain the first of the week the fair will be continued over Saturday. S. C. 'Valdroll , the reImblican , candidate for the legislature. came in from Over yesterday evening. Mr. Waldron is not only one of the substantial farmers - ers of the southwest part of the county , but is worthy of the high 'position to which he aspires. His majority will be counted by the hundreds. A. II. Copsey , republican can- cHdate for the next legislature came over from Westerville yesterday afternoon to aHencl the County l ; air. Mr. Copsey is one of Custet. ' ' county's most progres- 'sive farmers and his election _ to the legislature will be in the interest - terest of the farmer as well as other matters of puplic interest. 'l'he N'e Co. is holding dawn the boards at the opera hous this week and giving the het ! of satisfaction. The illush' ted songs and specialties are making a big hit. To-night the moving pictures of "Cinderella and the Glass Slipper" as taken from the play in Drury 'l'heator in London will be shown. Also several others. Judge Kinkaid the republican nominee for congress is in the city. 'l'he judge is exceptionally . well qualified for the posItion and is very popular where best known. His election is practically con- ceeded. Those that want to make the accluaintance of the next congressman from the sixth district should see him while he is in the city. ' .L'his ofiice acknowledges the receipt of Vol. 1 No.I ) of the 'Vaco Guidepublishedby J. M. Amsberry formerly of Mason City and later of Ansley.Ve were not able to discover anything that indicated that the GUide is the advocate of any political party. 'Ve are led to infer that the Guide I is neutrial in politics which is an ! improvement over the Advocate of which J. 1\1. was formerly pub- lisher. 'j'he RltI'UUIICAN extends to the Guide and its publisher its best wishes for success. 'l'he Guide is a five column quarto and has a liberal advertising patron- age. MAR HIHD.--SHItl' ARD-CA RH.- At the M. E. parsonage , Sunday Septemher 21 , Alfred Shepard and May Carr. Rev. Geo. P. 'rrites fiiciating. 'l'he bride wore a light gray dress trimmecl with white silk and applica. 'l'he flowers were white corn ltions. ' [ 'he groom wore a suit of con- ven tional black. Brides.maid Emma Carr , Bridgroom , Mike O'Brien , wearing pink Coraml- tion. After the ceremony they dro\'e back to the home of the brides mother , Mrs. Carr where a bountiful supper was served to 25 or 30 relatives and friends. 'l'he high contracting partics were the recipienes of a number of valuable and useful presents. 'rhe groom had a house already furnished and they went to house keeping at once. 'l'he Rltl'un- LICAN extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Shepard and wish them a long , happy and prosperous - ous life. 1\1. f4. li'ries , the republican nominee for the state Senate ar- ri ved in tlte ci ty last niffh t from Arcadia to attcnd the 14 air and mate the acquaintatlce of the voters. Mr. li'ries is a man exceptionally - ceptionally well qualified 1'01' the po ition and a man of strict integ- ri ty and in ever respect worthy the support of the public. He should have 500 majority. IIUHINlttH COI.I.ltGIt Nn'VH. 1\IIss Inc ? Shnrp vlsltcll school last l rI. dll ) ' aftcrnoon. Ro ) ' ntHl ClilT enl 1\IIIrCul99 } , hoth of Brokcn 1I0w , cntcrcd 9choollast wcck. School wl11 bc dlsmlsscd on 'l'hunday : , I I rilla ' fillIl SlIhmla ' nftcrnoons ) ) on nc- count of thc fllir. 1'he social g\'cn ! to thc coltcgc shlllcnts h ) " thc Y. P. : : ; . C. H. in thc Opcm Housc , I.riclny cvcnillg was It grcat succcss. 'l'hc prognunmc Wml particularl ) ' cnjoynblc. Rcv. Shcttllr In campau ) ' with Dr. Cnmphcl1 of 10WII , caltcil at thc col1cgc Wcdncsdll ) ' forclloon. Dr. Campbcl1 cx- prcsscd surprisc at thc aizc of thc Instltu. tloll. Grcat Intcrcst 19 shown a 1\11 IIII\11Y cntrics arc heillg Uladc in various can- tcsts in fair exhibits for which' PIC . Roush olTcrs prizcs aggrcglltlng' sixty do1tars iu valuc. 1\Iorc thllll tcn havc cntcrcllillto thc pcunlllllship contcst. Rcv. RCIHting , thc cvangc1lst froUl thc Prcsh'tcrian church , gavc ashortl\lldrcss to thc shHlcnt9 al thc opcning of school au last 1\l0l1l1ay IIftcrnoon. His catncst- ncss 1\1111 cvidcnt conviction gavc grcat forcc to his rClllnrks. I lis principal thclllc was studcnt idcnts. Church Hcrvlcc . Jtl'l C01'AJ. CHURCH. St. John's Hpiscopal scrvlcc Suuclay Scpt. 28 , cightccn SlIIlIlay aftcr Trinit ) ' . SlIIII111Y school IU II. III. Morning praycr filill scrmon 1 I a. m. Hvcuing praycr 1\1111 scrmon 8 p. III. 'l'he Il\Ihlic Is conti- ally invltcll to thcsc ! icn'iccs. 1H. . CHURCH. 'fhc 1II0rning scrvicc nt thc 1\1. H. church witt bc n rcvicw of thc ycars work. In thc cvcning our hopc to hllvc with us I Rc , ' . 1' . . RIUl50111 of Cnltaway who witt prcach. , Gno. P. 'l'IU'rJiS , 1'1I tor. DIEU. Howland , Saturday t110rning at th residence of his daughter Mrs. Put11mell of this city , J. II. Howland. The deccased was a resident of Oklahoma. lie had been visiting" here with his daughter for several months and had arranged to have started home some ten days or two weeks and was tateen sick. During his vist here he made many admiring friends. He served four years in the union army. HeTaS a member of the 1. O. O. F. and his funeral was conducted in charge of that order 'l'uesday morning from the rcis- dence of his daughter. Another daughter of Otdahama arrived Monday night from Oklah > 1na in time to attend the funcral. HOCAIIOOjll-At hcr homc six : lIIitCi ! wcst of thc ci y , Wcchlcillay ! Scpt. 24th , 1902 at 5 p. III. MrR. Anllic , thc wifc of n. H. IJogahoolllagc 36 'fhc dcccascil hml ollly hccn sick II : ; hort tilllc 111111 hcr frlcllds of the city hmlnot tca1'llcil of hcr ! iickncss Ulltil her dcath ycstcrday cvcn. inJ ; . She Icavcs II 11\I5hl1l111 1\1111 scvcral cln\clrcn \ to III on I'll hcrdcath. 'l'hc fUIICI- III witt hc hchl lit Custcr Centcr ut 3 o'clock this aftcrtloon ulIl1cr thc auspiccs of the 1\1. B. A. lodgc of which shc was a IIIclllhcr in good stunkillg 11I111 carriccl un insurancc of $2000 , ill fnvor of hcr hus- hancl RcS. . W. Richards witt prcach the scrlllon. Thc RtI'UIII.ICAN cxtClllls thc sinccrc sympathy of thc vicillity to the rcllltivcs ill thcir grcat hcrcavclllcllt. Wcstorvlllo lU. } , Circuit. . Sunday Sept. 28th will be 3 grea t da ) ' on 'Vesterville circuit. A numbcr of preachers 011 their way to the annual conference at Ord are expected to spend Sunda ) ' in the beunds of the circuit. AI1 all clay meeting- will be held it1 the church at Westerville undel charge of the pastor assisted b ) Hevs. r4. L. 'l'homas , C. C. Mc. Caslin , J. Buc1dey and others , At'Vesley Chapel , HcP. . M , Case will be in charge , assistec1 by Rcv. 'V. II. Hornada ) ' , J. G , Ilurlbut and others. Basket din. ner at both places at noon , collect' ions morning and evening. A financial statcment will he mach at both places at the evening ser. vice which will shew not less that : S1200 raised on the circuit 1'01 church purposes during- the year , W. g. .MAT'1'JlJtWS , Pastor. ltlnrket ItCIJnrt fur 'rodaJ. : \Vhcat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Uarley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3r , @ .4 Uyo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : lIuttor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I KICJ. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 J'otl1t04.ller bU.III'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Onlon..porhusbol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 Clllokon. . pElr II and , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 ( lOg. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0 COWl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2.75 tiT. 4,0 Btt'els. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II.OJ @ fI.fI ' Turkeys , per POund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l Htraw.percwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Uaf.Now , per ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 ! Jugar. per owl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . li. : nm : ) 1 USINESS ftMJtUJ : i\ Q i' i . J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2 f Get your Clocks at Ed. McComas' . Job printing at this office. FOR'l'hirteel1 Hed Dur. ham , Pebruary and March calves , amI one 'earling and enc tw year-old l cd Durham bulls. Jl'hirtcel1 miles north of Broken Bow. 13-1 ( , 'V. P. ROG1tRS. Money loaned 011 improved farms. JAMHS LItDWICH , 7 18 tf Brole11 Bow , Neb. Clocls , the very best , at Ed. McComas' . - 'l'he Custer COU11ty Fair will be held at llroken Bow , Nebr. , SeJ , > tember23451902 , County li'atr all da ) ' , and Street all night. Come everybody. I ) f - Lubricating oils of all kinds at 'Villein's drug store. li'ruit jars at J. C. Bowcn's. Just received a car of hedge posts at Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. in this city. Price , 12 and H , ccnts. 2 tf Elegant Jewelry at Ed. McCoJ.U. ti' . Farms for salc anti lauds for rent. Now is the time to get I. farm cheap , as the cheap [ anns are all goin ! ? , and prices are ad. . vancing rapully.-J. G. Breuh cr. . \Vall paper at J. C. Bowen's. Several good farms for sale at a bargaip , including my own.- JItssJt GANDY. . 44 tf . . Dr. Seymour coming' Oct. 25. Dr. Seymour , here Oct. 25. 15t& See Ed. McComas' Fine Jewelry. ' \ FOR SAr.1 OR TIAurTown lots and a few five acre lots in this city , for cattle , horses or farla land.-Allcn HeyneI' . _ Green and dry fruits at J. C. Bowen's. . . All kinds of plain sewing and quilting neatly donc.-MRs. M. C. LHWIS. 14-15 - FOR SAL1t-Lots 1 , 2 , 7 au(1 S. block 5 , in Jewett's addition to BrolCn Bow. Enquire at this office. 11-21 tf - West Unio11 , Nebraska-Yes , we will pay a part cash for but. . tel' and eggs. RUI us G. CARl { . Dr. Seymour , eye specialist , h re , Oct. 25 at Granel Central Hotel , c . Watches" "They Are fine. At Ed. McComas' . S'l'A ! Yltu-Sepl. 9th , one bay horse , weight about 1200 ; small star in forehead , left ea.r. plit. A rewaI'll of $5.00 for his return to the Globe Livery Barn , will be given. S. D. Smu'AHDsON. - FOR SAI.It-Five acres of laud in good sbte of cultivation mI- joining llrolcn Bow f 1' $200. Inquire at this office. 3-27 tf - . . . . FOr Elegant Watches gQ to Ed. McComas' . . - 'l'he Rm'uuLIcAN amI Inter , Ocean , S1.50. l Cci1 ng wax for sealing jars at J. C. Bowen's. 8 tf - , Pepsin Gum , two paGkages for . a nickel at Wilkins' . Pharmacy. - - - - - - : Ed. McComas has a Fine I Lot of Nice New Silverware. - - - - . , 'V AN'l'HIA girl to do general . housework. Call at thc Presby. terian Manse. ll-tf . . Dr. ' 1'V. . Bass , dcntist , offIce northwest corner of Realty Block , 8-1 tf. . If you intend to build Dierks Lumber Co. and get pric s. Jar rubbers , the best , at J. C. Dowen's. 3I I . .rIZc CoutUHt CIOItCH Hoou. a _ f : 'fhc Burlington Ronte's contest ( or the hcst photoRrnphs of Nchrasku sce.ue o clOSCR Octohcr 1st. If ) 'OU II1\\'e gOOli IJhotogrnphs of rchanls , growing crops , o arvcsting s cencs , cattlc , sheep , horses or poultry , bettcr sClld thcm in without \ ) dclay. Ask the Burlington route agent . for fun pnrticutars , or write J. llUANClt ! , G. I' . A. , Omaha" J .