Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 7

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    I > . , 1IIIl' . . . . _ r - _
\ :
J ' .
I 9
I ,
iI i I ,
, : Y'
, " . . , . \ :
f ,
. 'The Sal1ative , Atltisep-
I , tic , Cleansing , Purifying ,
I ) Beautifying Properties of
. ' CUTICUIA. SOAP render
it of Priceless Value to
Women. '
ror- : Much th\t : eTcry woman should know Is told In the clrcnlu
WruPled about the SOAP.
' ' ' HIL thc farM V i to attcnd to th la ter
C a
mer IS gather. - . . . e - /J't. . I ! . ' -0- n crop ? That IS Just
" ing his crops what it is intcnded
i , his body is gatherin for. It drives out the
-1 , . . a crop of aches and M _ U 5t . . . a II " g aches and heals the
Pains " cuts , bruiscs nn alIf.-.un ; ! wounded fle h , most
, backache , sore mus. - . thoroughly. It s tIC 1
; ' , " Qes and stiffened L- I n Im Best liniment for thc
' : joints. Why not aHow , D flcsh of man or beast.
t ! ; -
' 3 : "
' \ In San Fracl1lcso there Is a tele.
t ; . , hl113 for every sixteen persons ; In
: . \ Greater Xew York , only one for e\-
( ' , cry torty.elght of thelr resldeots.
: ' , A Texas spld r caves n baBoon
, .
' " f our reet loog an two feet wide ,
. / jwhlch she fastens 1 q tree by a slo-
, : Ie thread t.hen I rches 00 board
\vltb her half dozcn 11 tUe ones , outs
the tlhreatl , and : I vay oes the air
; , ; . fillip to some dlst t point 00 the
. , . "l , ' - -
; ; \
I'h' , i. ; : : ; "
" ,
r.y , ; .
t '
, \
. .
; .
" : 'F '
\ \ ' " . "nltb I'rD < I'let ' In ke-openlDIl enn. . Tur" .
. . .
R "IInd JOU I1n < t tba meut a.actlu It I.ft
ao , "al'ut tbaU1aplutbl. " " , .
. I
Potterlllilm lJeet anel Toncue. .
Oc Tot/Cuc (1f/lOle ( ) , Veal Loa' ,
DCfllcd lIam , Drlsket Dee' , . I
811cerl SmoAed lJee' .
Att _ Watarat J'l..or ro..t. . Palnlabl. . anol . .
I . . . . . .Ieeo. . . . Your .rocer .bould hilT" them.
N. . lI. NO , 737-38. YORK , NEB
j. . . _ ' "i.
A monster mnshroom has been
gathered In a l1el l at Northwood. It .
wellhs 21 poouds 2 ounces , mcasur.
Ing 39 Inches In olrcumference , and .
grow In three da's.
The greatest colIee drlnlcers are the
A merlcans. Last year the I mportn-
tlon of coffee cust the people of the
United Stntes S52OOOOO.O. The great.
cst tea l1rlnkers are the En lIsl1 , the
Jtleatest wine drinkers arc th French ,
and the Ireatest beer drlnkres arc
the Germans , .
In Ouba it is the custom to se ] ]
peeled oranges on tbe street stands ,
I can rccommend PiSO'8 Cure tor Con ,
lJumption tor Asthma. It hns glvcn me '
/-reat / relief.-'V. I , . 'Vooll , Farmersburg ,
lnll" Sept _ 8 , lD01.
Glass bath tubs are In use In Ger.
Don't forget large 2-oz , PI\CkRIO Red Cro , .
nalll\lue \ ouly 5 ( 'enta , The ! tUBS Company ,
South nend , Inl ! .
Los Angcles claims to IIave a reat-
er &t.rctch of attractl ve ocean beach
In Its \'Iclnlty than any othcr Amer.
lean city.
U o the famous Iter ! ere ' II II ntue. L rge
"o ? , pAckage 5 fO nt , ' } 'ho Russ Comanr ,
South lIend , Incl.
In consequence of an Increase In
the prlcc of Gorman coal sent to
Switzerland , hat country Is now beIng -
Ing supplied wltl. American coal.
) lr , Wln.l"w' 10llTlIIo.n tlYIII1I' for . .blldr..n
t..thlnlr. .ort..n. the & 'tIml. . . . . < tuce. Infiamatlon
.11. , . . I'aln , ( 'ur. . . wind colle. t c bottle ,
Is taken Internally. Price 75 ceoUl.
The physical etTects of vlolnnt emo ,
tlon are shown by hytsrela and var.
lous forms of Ins1nlty In aolmals , as
weB as In man.
NothIng halt 80 tine n Mrs , Austlo's I'ao.
cnke 110ur. Ask rour grocer tor It.
FITS J'.rmo.nrntly ( 'ured. No nt. or nrrTou'n"s
"ner nl"bt day' . u.e of IIr , Kllno' " Oreal nutorer , ! ! rn < t for FH JI : U. o trial boUle alld
Ir..Ur. , Dlt-It , 11. KLINF : . )1. D. .31 Arch St. , l'hlla.-
tle1rhla , P. . .
W A N T E D 70fea far tho. Unit. . . . ! 8tatM
NaT7t abl. bodied. a. . 18 toM.
, ad bore . , . U to 11. Writ. for Infurmatlon. Nanl
u.cnatttn. u.A4.nOld , It11l1uoolo T"mpl. . Chlo&aCl
lOt. , I . , ,
U. . loDe. -
Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold lr. bulk.
8eware of the dealer who trIes to tll
" .omrthlnl ! lut a' II 0 ed. "
I ' , I.
/ i't0WF1lr ;
. ! I
M. : J
, ) t. ' CILED
4- ' TO
. I EP yOU DR.t
A. & 7. TOweR co. . 80 TON. MAM. I
. : to.-
. I I
Snn'lvorll or the Ilehelliou Ilelotc
: \Iouy Alllltlll" ! : Olllt Stortllu ! : lucl-
\JelttK \Inrehell : , Cnlttl ) 1.ICe , Forol-
1111 { ttxllerlelleell omt IJnttlc SeeucfI.
Oencrnl ThO\11as \ . .TonnthJttTaclfon
(8t0l1l'wnl1) ( ) dlNIn : [ ' 10 , 18l\1 \ , oC Illju.
rlcs recch'clI at ( 'hnnccl1crR\'lIIo the
nIght ofn : [ - 2. 'I'he Southern Ieoillo
hl\\'o nlwa 's InRlst < ' 11 thnt the fntnl
shots wcro fl'O\11 \ the muslcts or , lncl ; .
Bon's own nll'lI , Ih'l h''r < ' 11 , or cours < "
uml < , r n mlsnllreheIlRlon , sn 's the ow
YOI'I. ConlllH.'I'clnl \-'rtls'I' . 'l'hc - tIls-
W\o to ndmlt thllt lo'cd'ral hullotfl
could Idll the hel'O , , 'hom th ( ' ' almot !
worshIIHd. Ills los ! ! was mourned In
the arm ' nnd throujhout the South ,
nnll his Ieoillo profes ! ! to helleve that
bls denth wns the h'glnnln or the ender
or the ConCederne ' , ntlll that hnd ho
lived their cnuso mIght hnvc trhll11lhetl.
History will doubtless tnl\O Il dlrrer.
ent vlow or the IlIntter. It was quite
e\'l < lent thnt Jaclson hnd hnll his dn - .
It wns 1I0t In the nllture of things thnl
ho could have continued these exploits
whIch hllvo mlldo him Call1ous. H
\voul ! ho n vcry a'\'c Indictment oC
the generals opposcl1 to hIm to assume
that ho could hn vo Icpt on surprIsing
their camps hy sudden strokefl.
The greatest or nIl lows dellver'd
by Jnekson wns at Chancellorsvll1e , nnd
It Is to bo doubted whether there was
another genernl In the nrmy of the Po.
tomnc beRl < lcs I1ooler who woull1 hn'e
gh'en Stonewall hIs ( ) llportunlt . nt thnt
time. .1nclFon'H ; thesis , ortcn cxpressed ,
wnsystlfy : the ellell1r , " but the commonest -
monest soldier In the Ii'cdernl I\l'm ' In
Vh'glnla hnd comc to t1l111erstllml , ll1ek-
Ron's mo\"ements. It WIIS n frequent
snylng In the cnll1ps when 'cneo\U'lIghtj :
news wnll dlssemlnnted from nrm -
hendqunrt'rs nhout the 'mllltnr ' "Ihlll-
tlon : .INow 1001. out for StonewlIll Jnel. .
son on our flnllk. " E\"er 'hdy1IlIe \ > I"
stood thnt .1ncleson had to he l'eelwned
with , nml It could hn\"o heen ollly n
question of time whcn ho would hnyc
been reclconed wltl1.
For nnother thing , Jnclson's methods
could only succeed In the IIbsence of n
strong cnvnlry force opposed to him.
Stleh , n force ho hnd nev'r encountered ,
hut tl1e tIny of his good luck In thnt respect -
spect hntI pnssed when he wns Idlh ll.
Hooker In hIs hllndness hnl1 s'nt the
now nmi splendid cll\'nlr ' corps of the
army or the Potomne on n wild rnld
nrouod the rear or I e. Nothing WIIS
gnlned hy It , hut the nrmy lost the
ed'lIn UIU'dB thnt HJOuld
.strong m nn \'lIn )
hn\'e preceded It on Its OWll finllldll
movements nrouml the rellr of Ice'f !
strong posItion Oll the Itnppnhllnnoek.
nnd thnt en'nh' ' corps heoll In .Hs
plnec. masking nook.r's march dml
gunrdlng Its finnIe , StOllUWIIIl's Rclwnll'
of m 'stlf 'lng would hllw ! flllled. IIls
mnrch would 1111 VO III ] ( > ll. detcct'd , liS.
In fnct. It WIIB detecled , hut n foreo
'would hnyo heen nt hlll\11 \ to ( 'Iwek It
nnd to gl\'o IIoolwr wnrnlng so ns to l'lI"
nble hIm to pl'epnre for IIII ' omjlnu ht.
In the Yer ' next cllmlIllgll ) , that lit
Gett 'sburg , It fell to .1eh Shull't's ca\-
nlry to tr ' to repent the StollewlIll tllc-
tics 1\1\11 \ fnll uon the flnllk IIl1d I''nr
ofClIllt'S : ! nrm ' Oil Cl/ll'h'r ! ' Hld I' .
IInll he cllrrlell mlt his ) lllInR IInd 01' ,
ders , Gelt 'H'U'g wOlIlII hnYt ! II 11IfT'J'-
ellt hlstOl'.r. But Plell81111toll'S C'a\'lIh'.r
corps WIIS' ' on hlllld , nnd Whl'll StUlIJ'J
struck his 1I10w It fell UpOIl the /ih'oll
stee ) of Custer. Gr'gg ulldh'llItosh : ,
It wns nlwl1 's so nftlr tl1l1t III the IIrJ\\ \ \ '
of the PotOl1llll' , lIud wheue\'er tIlt ,
flnlllH werc l'mlnllg'cred II ' .1I1cl < sou-
1110 1I100'OllllItS It WIIH whell the en vIII.
ry wns IIhsent 011 other dut . , IIl1d theu
thc lufllutry WIIS nlert.
' .rhen , nnother thIng , .1I1cl.8On'8 field
hnd heen chnn ed. Iongstrl'et f1I 'f ! thllt
'the newspllperf ! mllde .Tllel\son's reputll-
tlon hy oxpoltlng ) his cOllquestf ! o\'cr
the ) lett ' little nrmles In tIle SheulIII.
doah. lIe ne\r ! met his peers In thllt
re lon. Nntul'l\ll ' hIs people demlll\lled \
thnt so formldllhlo n mnrshlll should ho
nttl1ehed to Lee's mllin tIl'm ' , but he
mndo 110 brllllnnt success as n fighter
nlollgslde of Longstreet 111111 A. P. Hili
nml n. II. Anderson. Ills grent mllreh
from the Shcnnndonh to IUchmoml to
help rnlso the siege wns n Jl'ent fellt ,
hut Its success " , nB due to the m 's-
ter ' of the mo\'oment , to the tlltulty
of the Federnl generals set to watch
him nnd the fnct thnt the nrmy of the
Potomnc bcsleglng Hlchmond had no
cn\'nlr ' to spenk of , bnrely enoug1l for
outpost duty. 'ho nnturl11 pineo for n
cn\'alr ' corps , hnd there been one connected -
nected with the nrmy of the Potomac ,
would hn\'e heen to the northeust of
Hlchmoml , 1"1ht : In the Illlthwa ' of
.1nollon's 11IlIl'ch. 'hell thnt Hank
woultl no\'er hllve Ileen turned ,
As It wnB , when tolJ hattlc openC'd
.lael.son got to \ V01'1tio'cl'lI1 houl' ' ' late
and conlt'lbutcd'el'Y 1fltlo to Lee's
strength. ItVIS so nll thl'oUgl1 the
enmjJalgn oC the sc\'en dl1 's 11\0\11111
Ulehmoml. 'he attncl.s of the ConCpd.
emtes upon the IIrm ' of the PotolllUC'
were rcpulsed upon three 11IlTen'lIt
fieWs within n weel , . I.eo'8 losses WPl'e
frIghtful , and .1Aclson's troops 'Cl'e
bUI'ely engnged. .Jnel.son's next mO\'l'
wns to steal a mnrcb In the 1" < ' 1\1' of
Pope's nrm ' nt l\nnnssns , 11 most dIu' .
Ing mnneu\'er , but ho placed his whole
force In a trnp nnd would hnve heen
annlhllnted hnd It not heen fOI' the lie.
: th'lty nnd devotion or Iongfitreet.
.1ackson's grent wenlmess ns a gen.
ernl wns hIs morbid reticence. ITo hnd
no confhlnnts nmonb hIs cOllengues or
subordlnntes. 'hls " , ns a gl'ent mlR'
tnkc In thnt kind of a warfare , In which
ho followed and led to his ruin. In
none of hIs eut enterprises wns tllereI I
It second In eoollnllnd 1118tructcd to tnko I
tl leadership In case ot necessity nnd j
. .
cl\l'r ' on tl\l' wor1. . Such n stnte of nt.
fulrf ! ( 'llIlhl NtF.lIy l'l'Hlt ! In tIlC IrC ! ! { Of
nn nrm ' . , II1CI < 8011 was woundNI lit
Chnl\e'lIl1rs\'lIIo whllo en ngl'd III duo
Hl'14 thnt II\'ollerl \ ' belonged to hit : ! stuff
I oC ( ) mCl'n , or at the most to olla C his
hrlgnlll'r . Il ht not the 111l1ee ot the
lenlh'l' of un nrm ' III the erHlenl 81hllto
t10n of .TII'I.solI's force ! ! nt thllt tlmo tote
to nt IIIHht outllhlo of his plel. < , t 11I1l'1i
to r'rOll1lulter In the fnee of nn 1'1Ielll ' .
I A wI whcn he Wll8 shot dow1l , the mon. . .
ml'nt , RUCC'SHCIlI Ill > to thn t tillie , Willi
\'lrtullll ' IIl1rnl ' 1.ed COl' wllnt or n suc.
CSSOI' to the Cnllell chletllill.
I Stili , , ll1claou wlla II grellt lenl1er nll
n grellt soldier. 1IIs IIl < 'n Idolized him
111111 hIs sUII'rlors trustell him. 'I'he till.
( mts ho dlsllln 'clll1ltell him for 1\11 IItde-
Ilellllcnt CUIIIIIII\I\lI \ , hilt III 11 SlI1l\l1 l1elll.
'l'hl' ' woulll not hll'e won fOl' him the
connnllllll of one of the grent 1\1'1II1e1S \
deitlned ! to flettle the Issue hy IlIml
fighting. It Is wen to reclIlI these fllcls
: ut this 1In\ ( ' , when II 'otmg gencrntlon
Is stud 'lng thc slIbJect or wllr. 'ho mil. .
' \clenls \ to ho lool'etl UII to In ca80 ,
of " 'nr should ho soulIII onCR. Allie.
tUl'esCJue 1\1\11 \ thrilling eurccr Is not lWC'
e8SUl'll ' the most ImrvlceJlhlu OUI1 In
war nllr more thun IlIl lvlllICc.
The Orlllllt Army } JuHon.
lIow dl'lIr to lilY ] lCnrt , is this Grlll1l1
Arm ' Bulton ,
An ( 'mhlcm of IoynllJoltl cnnllot
1111) ' .
A IIndge which thc Nntion , In srntlh1l1c
put on
The hrl'nllt ot the herocs WJIO cnme
home to die.
AM Com rude II we wcnr It , OTcr hcnrts
thnt lire beuting
With pride nil We thlnIc of the dn ) ' ! !
thnt nre IlI\l > t.
Shouhler to shollllh'r , nil liCe Is retrellt-
lng ,
I'rnternnlly grcclln with loynl h\I1I18 :
cln pl'd.
ClIonUS :
The littll' ' hronze hutton , the dnngcr red ]
huttoll ,
.rhe Grnlld Army hutton we wenr wIth
lIueh llridc. II I I
Ir : tlllnger ngnln should threllten " 0111
Jlor ' , "
'he hltle IInd the J1'ny , then , wOl\ld
rnll ' IIrollnd
The stnr-sjlllurlcd bnnner , forgetting the
I > tor ' ,
.rhnt we. nIl oPlIonents , l1nd CTcr been
No Sorthcrn or Southern , 110 Eastern , no
" 'C'stern.
Anll'rlcllnR ' eVl'r. united we stnm } .
Shol1hler to IIllIIuldl'r , withnut n 1II\I'stlon ,
Onl'rll obC3'111 , hut ju tlce dl'lllunt } .
anOIlUS :
The lit tic IIronzc hutton , the c1nnger fried
Imtlon ,
The nrnn(1 ( Army hutton ' ( > wear with
lIuch pndl' .
-Amcrlcnu .rrlbl1nl' .
The Vcternn Ao w ] t 11.
An old IIInll with sllver ' hnh'"IIS
led Into the cyclorl\lIIn of OuUyshlll'r ; ,
In N ( w Yorl ; , hy n hrl hl.Cllcl'd little
mills III n jnullty J. : 'IIHY hilt nnd drest : !
IIlul Hilt down while HIll ! dellcrlhCll tc
111m thl ! f'nlureH of the Illetures In do
tllll. occIIslonally IIHlclllg hm' Il (1l1estloL
or shlllrn ; : his hClld Hlowly , ns IC Iv
douht of the IHC\1l'lIl : : ' of her IICCOllllt.
Hh ( , hntl Ilescrlhcd 10 him In her o\\'n
WII ' Ihl' cJI1.rush of Plcketl's mCII IIlId
the huuJ.lo"hallll : conllld lit the Htollc
CmHC : wherl ! the J'l'nnHyl\1I11111 vetcl',1lIS
met the chllre ; : of the HouthornerA ,
\\'he > 1I he 11111.1'11. "Ul\t whJ'e's the Ill' .
IIII\ ! , ' . rl ; : 'I"
"Oh. 'Oll 1IIl'lIn till ! hI ; : gll1l8. 'l'l'y''o ) )
11\1'1' tllll'C ! ! Oil tIll ! hili 111 II l'OW. "
" , \11 III a row : " III ! asla'd.
"YCII , " HilI ! 1'lllIed. !
lIe IIhonk his hen I ! . "I , oak aroUlIII , "
salll he. " ' 1'JI'I' ! 1IIUSt he some 11101' < '
that 111'(1 lint lu lIuc. "
"YIH. ! " Hhe > snld. " 'J'hl're arc sOllie
Ilo\\'n hl'J'e IlI1t t1w ' all
\ \ , lire upsct aud
I'I'III to he 111'01 < ell , I thlllie thl' ' are
husted , "
"l that where till ! men arc coming'
oveJ' the slone wall' : "
"Ye , gl'llllllpa. "
"Is thm' a ro\'o of trces ? "
"Yes , grlndllll , It HeelJlS to be full of
uwn , hul the sl110lcc Is 60 thlcl. yon
C'lInnot see tlwm. "
"Oh , I cnn see thol1l , " he cl'lel. ,
It was then notlee1 ! by 80\'crnl people
\\'ho were listenIng to him thnt he wns
bllnll. The little girl sllld : "Oh , 1\0.
J'andpn , 'on Cllu't Hc e them. "
"Yes I can. " ho nnHwel'ed. "I caullee :
them ver ' well , nnll the hrolen cnllllon.
too. "
' 1'he chillI I 001 < ( ' { I II t him with Innocent
Iurprlse ; ItS she 8111d : "Yon are joldul ;
uo\\ " : '
" o , m ' dear. " rr.pllell the old mnn.
" ; ; 0. ' .rhnt wus tbe Illst thing I ever
fa w on carth. 'I'here WIlS 11 ca Isson ex.
ploded there just this alllo ot thnt fenen
nnll that wns the lust terrlhlc plctnre J
ever saw , for It wus theu I lost rn
( I 'eslght. and I hnve never got the 1lc ,
tUl'e of It out of my I1IllId. "
IIIH 1'IlIllItI ) ' .
10'11\1111' IIoul.-I tJJllltl'/itnnd thnt the
routJgo clt . feller tlllltllllH hce'll 1I0nl'llln'
lit I II SUl1lmCl'tlIIW'f ! Illed last IIIJht lu
r.ort of fi pcenllur JlllIlIIlCr.
1 I1I'IIWl' IIornllCalc-D'lmow Ill ! there
wns an 'thlll HI ) ( > ( : IIIIJr ) ) ( 'l'ullnr nhont
It. IIo died dellll , HIIIIIns \ foils gl'U-
( > rnll ' do.
Jo'nrmel'lIonl-Aw. 'ou lalOw what I
nWllu-tho cnniC : ! of his dellth " , ns pc"
< , nllllr.
FlIl'l1Ier 1I0rnhelllc-D'lmow 1If ! It wns
either. lie llled of Il cOl11lllnnt1on ot
mnshroom appetite nlld toadstool jutJg.
ment-n pretty comDlOII fallin' amongst
clly folks. I'vo 1I0tlced.-Juclge.
DurIng the Civil War thc Conteder.
lito cnllsers capturell or destroyed 80
shIps , 40 hrl : ; s , & 1 harks , 7 schoollers
nnd 8 othcr vessell ! tlyllll : the American -
can flas.
Little Swltzerlnnd hllB nn enormous
I1rmy 10 proportion to populntlon. ' ! 'he'
populnUon Is 2,000OOOj the standIng
army , 120,000.
, ,
. "o1"H. + + + + + + + .Jo.H- + - : . . ' : " : . ' : " ! " : " : " '
: ! : -.r'"H'1
: .
: - = = - - - - ' - - -
- - - -
- - - - - OLD----
I i
- + H. + + + + + . . -t + I + t""H------ : : : : : : + , : , - : , , : ,
' " - - - - ' " . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Dn , . b 1Iolle.
'fhe flny Is donc , alld Ihe durlml' ' ! ' !
f"lllls trom tl1l' wlll of NIJht. ;
A\I a fentlwr Is w/ttcil / , lo\\'n"nr(1 (
I , ' rom nil enle ! In hlN lIIJh ! .
Ilee / the Ihhtl or tilt ! \11I11It !
OIealll throll h the rnlll nl1ll the miMI ,
Allllu fecllll oC Natlnrlii conll'ii 0"1' 1n0
Thnt my 80111 cannot m ! ! ! ! ! .
A ( ( 'clln ! ; of ! lnlllle/ls nI\l 101l1(1n
1'hllt Is nnt nkln to 1111111 ,
AIII ( resl'mbll'ii Borrow Oilly
' \s the mist rl'sl'lIIblel the rnlll.
Comr , rl'n,1 , to me10110 1100'm.
: : : ; 01111' Hllllilic Anti hCllrH'lt la , . ,
Thnt 11111111 lIootllc thIs rl'tlcslI ! tl'l'lIn ! : ,
And hUlllah the IhOIlJhts of lIn ' .
Not trolll the jrnn(1 ( old mlllers ,
Not ( rom the hllrdll 811hlll111' ,
'VhOn ! ! IIIltnllt rnotsll'p ! ! I'eho
'l'hroll h the corridors of Tlml' .
1'or , IIIw "trlllll oC IIIArt11l1 11I11/111' ,
Their I11I hty thollchts IIIIJ : rst
Ilfc's enlIl'ss ! tllll nlltl 1'1Ih'lI11I' ;
And to"lIhht I 10llg for rl'Nt.
Henll from some hlllnhll'r 1lOet ,
\\'hose ! lonJIIIII1hc(1 rrom hIs IWllrt
AM sJOwerH from the doml ! ! of 811mmer
Or tellrs from the eyelh1H stlut ;
'Vhll. throllJh lonl ; dn ' ' 1 or lahul'
A nIl nilhtH dl'\'nhl of l'n/l ( ' ,
Stlll'lIenrd In hlN S01l1 tile IOIIHlc
Of wOlldcrfll1 melodIc ! ! .
SlIch son : ; ! ! hnn' pO\\'l'r to 111111't
'I'he retlel ! ! PlIlse of ( ' 111'1' .
A ntl corne lIIu ! till' ' hl'l\I'lIclloll \ (
Thllt ( ollows after Ilftl'er.
'fhl'n 1'1'1111 ( rom the t rl'lItnlrcd'olllllle
The ( WCIII oC Ihy clwlcl' .
And Il'nd to the rh 'l11c of the POl't
'I'he heuut . IIf tIl'oice. .
And the tll ht 11111111 he filled with mul !
And th ( ! CllrNI thllt IIIcst the tillY
Shnll loltl tllIlr IImtH , like the Arllbs ,
And IIH HIII'ntl ' HII'III nwn ) ' .
-Henry W. ronjhlIow.
0,1'1 , . ruvc'tj I.ikc 0 Helt , Hed HOII .
O. my IlIvc's IIIit : ' a rel ( , rl'd rolle ,
'fhnt' ! ! l1l'wly ! 'llrnng In .Tnnc ;
0 , my III\'c' ! ! lilt I ! the ml'lulIl' (
'I'hnl' ! ! swcrtb'111I'e.1 \ . In lilliI' .
As fAIr nrl thnll , lilY hOllllle III ! ! .
S , ) deell In 111\1' 11111 I :
Anrl r will 111\1' thl' ( ' stili. III ' tleul' ,
'III n' the SI'IIS I\n \ ; : dr ' ;
'fill n' tht' ! < II'II ! ! Jnni : dry , m ' tlenr.
AIIII tIll' rm'ks Jr\l'It wI' th"11111 " :
Anrl I will ItIV ( ' th'e > Htlll. nJ ' (11'1\1' ,
'Vhlll ! the ! llIllIls u' lite shall rlln.
An,1 fnre thrl'1,1. . lilY only IlIvo !
Anti rn rl ! tIlI'C Wl'l'l n while !
AmI I will ( 'OIllC 1\Jllln. my hi'I' .
'I'hll' It wI're H'JI thollsnlld mile.
-HulH''t 11 II rn/l.
- -
1\11118 AIIJIIHtn Coftlo , , . " ' . .It Horn 1I111 }
Ueorcd In t-hclbyvUre.
HIHlhJ.'vllil' . Ill , . la 's clalrn to the ( lis'
tlnctloll or helllg the home IInd hlrth.
pllll'C of IIIIIIIIIcn \ I\lId wonltm whoH ! !
dlverH tnlellts IIlIve won COl' them 1nn. .
tlollul 1'PlltlltiOIl ! nnd reUN'tel1 ( 'rl'fllt
1111011 thlH cllJ. . ' . I'rollllnelltllllHHlJ ; thlfl
1I11tllllr ) ( 11'1 flsfl A 1I lIstn Cottlorll'
\lllIInrl \ ' 1010\\11 III ! nur'Hle ; bJ. . ' hl'l' Slwl.
h ' \'lIIe rJ'Il'tlllf ! .
( Isfj CItt1ow waH horn on , \ ) lrll 2 ,
1878 , At tllU en\'I ' lIJe oC 3 ' < 'lItt : ! she
- - - -
- ' .
plnyed the pin no b1 enr nnd lit 4 ho-
cun the reglllur study of mllHlc. Irrom
; hut ngo until 0 her only teacher \vUB
'Jcr motlJ < , r. Since then she hns Htudlll ]
ilnder the he t tencber ! ! In this coun.
: ry nntI In Europe , whcre ahe 81cnl
live yenrs nnd Illuyed herore mnny ot
the crowned hends , eliciting In every
IlIstnnco merited npflln IIHe nnd com ,
mendatlon. Her success In llerlln Is
hlstor ' . ,
'rCl\\1I Wllh ! IInny Jlllitoric 'J"'lWf ! .
Lltch/lclrl / , { . ; Ollll. , hUH \IIoro \ IIIHtorlc :
trel's than nnJ. . ' ollwr town In New Nllg.
' 1\IId , A\IIolI \ others I\I'C two elms 1lllIut- I
"d 11 > ' John U , Cuillollll , a 8ycnlllol'u sulll ,
:0 : he OtiC of thll'tccn pluntct1 by Ollv'r
Wolcott , Hignor ( If the dcdul'Iltion of In _
] l'jolllll'nc ' < " and IIl1l11ed I\ttor thc tlill' .
oen ( lrl 11I1I1 colollles , IIn elm wllll'h
lI'r\'cd liS a whllll'lng post lu colonllli
: lays , alld willow tree which gl'lH\ '
! rorn n WIl\Iklug stick stuck In the I
rronud hy Colonel 'J'I\rllndge ! , the Alllcl"
cun olJlrer who cllptured MuJor Amrt ! ! , .
he Brltilih HIY. .
HwkR Jamu"e 1hr Loltt Teeth.
A ltussluu flIwru alngcr wlJO 1JltIv. / . ,
cetb III II rllll WilY IIccldent 011 the
l'ransCaucmdlln lint ! hils Just been
nvarded $ il ( ' , OO d lUU CB , or at the rate
It $10,000 ror ench tooth. She clnlmed
hnt the JOSH or her teeth llro\'ented her
rom slngJng and deIlrlved ber ot n
urgc revennc.
"Aro you tJrolw ? " nlked one lJrukl"
nan ot Rnothr.r. "No , but 1'm rl\k.
hi ; ' , " was the reply.
WI > AU f"
' .
Backache .
I AND All Bodily Aches I
aaa QaQOaaaaOaaQaaa aaQQQ'
. . .
- - - - - . - - -
- - - - - -
In 11 speech In LOlldoll the other.
rlny Sir Henry Oambcn. UnnllormaDI
Wid Ull ndrn1rnbh stury of Lhe ad. !
vice , :1ven by all ] 1I11Ishman ; , a
ScOtchllIllU nnd nn II Ish 11I1111 , rcspece ,
lIvcly , to 11 RcnLlcU1un whoio ! serv l1tl
was cllnsl\htly brpuklt1 , ' rllcles In ,
the houslholc1. ' 1'ho l nIJIIYhUnn saldl
to the cmloyer : 1I0h , Ret rill of hlml
-dismiss him , I ! ' 1'110 Scotch m1vlco
WIIR : "Stop the , II1llntJy' ' oub of his
\VI C9. " I'But , . " sllid the llIuster. "
he bren ks 11(1e \ \ Llm n his \VaKlS !
II1110unt lO.1t ' 1'1'11\11 \ , " Hliitl the
irIshman , , . mlso his \\1I\l\R. \ \ I !
1JlIlIlJlu to Ullllo.
111 nrellcl.111.1t. . , HI'llt. tit h.- \1 r. J. 8. '
WhU..h'I\lI , lit thiN 11111 ( ' ( : , IIIIH glVl'll the
flll1(1wlll leltel' Cor 1l1IhllcutllIlI :
"UIIHOlh'lIl'lI , I WINh In rccllUJlwnli
DOIIII'H I hhlfy ! PIIIH Ullli to retlll'l1
thlllll'H fOI' till' g'rlIt hl1lt'lit ! I hllvo dl. "
rh'ell Crolll U few 1I0x H ot thlH sphm-
dill r < '
"I hntI Jchllle ) ' h'ollllle very 111\11 , In
fnct , 1 Hul1'ln'll ! Ho milch thllt for dn'A
III Il tllllC 1 cOllld not ct out or the
chnlr wherc I hall bCl.Jl ) HUting wltbout
"I CUllnllt dCMerlhe the ) } luH I IIUt.
frld ! ! for thcy WlH'C H01JlothhtJ ; ' tl'nrtuL
"A hOllt sev11 or clJhl m01l1l1ll UJO [
IW lIn IIHI I ) ) odd'H 1\:111I1e. : ) ' PllIH nud
Vl'J'y HlOU tlllll1l1 that they Wl't'C bell-
hI ! : IIIl' .
"I cun truthtully HIIY Ihat they hllvo
dOllc mc mor. , J0011 thnn nil the. other
IIIl'IIII'hleH I hllvc over Iuk'n.
"t hl1 Ve bl'ell "rell tly II elw fit cd b1
th,1II nud It It ! my dllIlm ! to. I't others
Ie 111IV Hit , ) JOt It I\nyolle Iii Hlllterlni { as (
lulTerl'tI thcy rruty know \\'herc \ a euro
III1IY hc founll. "
In the 1810 of MUD rouds lue kept ;
up by a small tax 011 every hoot and
every whee ) , and a sum equal to one
day's , Jabot ycnrly from , a ) ) the In. .
II : bltnnfs.
Jon't , Olvn VI ) .
Don't lie dlco\ll'IIJet ! b ' Iinst ctrorta
.to IlJull'elltt ! 1111I ) CIII'O trOIl1 th jlJlYrlndl ,
or Ills thnt COIl1U frol1sic' \ ! , I'hlu.oya.
YOII Ulay IIIIHH nllhts ur slcclllr.H loss.
IIIIt nllllOyoll lIy frclJh'ut IIrlllltUOn.
Yonr IIl1ck mlt ' lI < : ho ! IIcc n toothache
or SJlllllen t WItCIl'H } IInd t w11l e8 or
hnl'l'lIche 111I111 I1\l\lw IIto.n II1IHC6t'Pcl'o
hllllf ! YOIl hn ve IICI'\'nIlH 14111'118 : IIrovellk. .
IIrl'41 Ollt , tlnIU'lRSI'I1. 'I'ht'r IH ( 'ure tor
ull or thl ! ! 1\1111 rut. f VlI'Y ! tJ'ollhle ot the
h 1I111t1 1'1' IHul Ie hllll'YH. ' H'nd lhlH cnSG
ullli lIote It tcllH how \\11 thc CIIJ'\ ! was
t. . . lell "
( hlll'les lhIl1 I'eJHt'llh'I' \ ot tr I ! ll
l'urH Oil thc I" H , & 1\1 , H. It. n. : IA
I'm'le , 11111. , HIIYM : " 111II\'u Jrentcr talth
In DnulI'l ! Kltilluy PIIIH to'IUY ) thall (
IUIII In thc fnll of J8117 , when l.begall
Il\lelng thcl1I , 111111 wIllie It IIIIIJllc It.ntu-
IIICllt o [ the 1'I'H II II. At Ihllt , tll1IO I
hlill slll1'ered. wllh l'IIJINIl'HI ! .1111I1 Rore-
IWHS of the IIl1clc which wlla 110 IXlrU- ! !
clullll ! ; thnt I cUllltl HCIII''ely turJ , III bed
1111t ! nOIlU'H lhll1cy I'I1IH cOl1llllotcT ]
cllred thlA troubll' . I nm nlwnYII : readT
10 hlliortle VOlln'HclIey \ Pill" ) } orson.
I1l1y to nllyone I'ctl\llrlng n kldncy rem-
l'ly. Attt'l' U lUllHC of three YI' NI I
l1Iake IhlH stntellllJllt wlileh Hhows mT
11IIdOlllited flllth In the Ilrepntn : lo J. "
A 1.'HI 11 ' ! 'ltIAI. ot thlll "rout kltlney
1I1C1l1cllI ( ! whhh : lIIrell' ' Mr. Jh lgren
will hn nutlll'lI 011 npIllIention 'to " .DT
part at thc U. H. AchlreHH II'0 ter.1III-
IIl1m Co" l1urrnfo , N. Y. ] , ' 01HUle bT
IIU drllGglIlIH , no ( ' ( mtll IlI'r IJ x. ' . \ '
, , . . . ' ,
umboCl pens hllve bccn IIscd In In-
dill fur over one Inlndred 'earB. They
arc madc IIko the ordinary pen : and
for a tew hours writing are lld to
be very serviceable.
- - -
NolhltlJ : hell " 0 One nil Atro , A tllIlI'lj I'a-
tnke 110ur. Aek your grocer for II. '
Ducles are the \\IosL \ uUUlcroUldowJI'
In OhllJll , and to 1'1 11 the ohlef unlllJ t
food of the 'MonollaCJs. ( 'rlHiy , art'
! cept , on every farm , a 11I1 , ( Ii , all'Uh
lakes and smllllcr IItleaOlHJ 'l'her'
are lIIallY heats III sOllie uf wlllh ! aJ
liS two thfIJ ) \ c kopt.
! . a.1
NolIlIlI/ / : bait IiO 0111' nil JIIr" , AIIHtlU'tI l'aa
rllt ! ! Hour. Auk your grocer for U ,
New Cook-I'm afraId I can't take
the place IOUIII.
llslrcss-\VIr ?
Ncw ( Joolc-\\ \ , mum , the kltch-
eu tahle ain't hl enough for ping. .
} > Oll ( ; I-Tho HI < ctch.
Oarl Sell or , nn emlncnt , tllu11ist.t :
dCllare9 : that. It 18 not only nut hurt.-
rulJ to read In It relumhent : posl4
tloll , hut actuu1ly bellollclal to persons
sons of weelc cyeslght. 1'hroYllI
the hel1l1 1 > < ICk , ho usserts , brill '
gravity Into pJny , and partially
empties the veins overfilled by prolonged -
longed work with the oyes.
For Infantn and Children.
The Kind You Hayo Always Boughf
Bears the
. . /
Slgna.turu of { h .T