Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 6

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    if- - ' - ,
" " = ' - - . . 'THE - - - . - _ - _ - - - . . JhvE . _ - . _ - . _ - . - . _ = _ ' - . - . . - . , _ 011:1.1. - l _ - _ _ : _ c. . . = irALIsMAN " . . - . . - _ - ' " - _ . - . _ . . = - . . ; - : . - - . . . . . . - , . m
- . . ' ; ifA YALJ : : : ' :
'PUR1TJfjA ;
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. . . . . . . ' .
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' M RSCA RO'LTh-e. ' - ' .OR N E = " ; " - " ' =
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' ' XI.
CIlAP'l'l'jlt ' .
It WIl.'l lilliI ! ' cillsu IIC II duy'JIIr:11 : IlfId
nppenrl.J III AliI'l ! IUlljer II/lfl IIWl'e IfJlwly
than IIlIlInl , Ihlll III'r illiCit1'IlIrl'd ! Ihe
nparllllelll wlwr ( ! IIIII ! 111111 111'1' IIIWI were
IItUng , wllh 111I Ollen 1I.l\ ! \ ' III hlH hlllld.
"rll Il Crolll l1ollle'IIUIII hili wlCe , w110
aUll fonilly Itnvl' Ihlll nll\lellutloll \ to hl'r
lIutlve Inllll ,
"Yell" III' rl'lll/l-ll / : "It III CI'OIll III ) ' wid.
owed II III LI'J" , lIelltlruh h 'III"
"No hnlll1rwlI , I hope , " 1111111 MrR. 'Yul ,
worlh , nolll'lng IIml her hUllluulI1 looked
gruver eve-II Ihnll IIIIIIUI ,
"Y's : lite IIlIltd of tlellth llfill clIlrre
lIer dwelling , I1lId Inlll'lI lilli' of lwr dUIIg1l. '
" 'Vhl h onl' ? "
"l lh\J\beth \ , anll lilaI' is 1110111' 1I0W , "
"Hilt wherl ! III ) tl-herrn ' / "
" : \liIrrld , IIncl mun ) ' 1II11t-/I 11I1Ila1iL. She
begs , thllt we w1\l \ givl ! Il'r AIIt e for II
' whoe ' IIIIl' thlllllH , wlU ,
) 'eltr , : ! Im'lIlnCe ! ,
eb't'l' 'hel' IIplrlls , 1111I1 hell' to reHtorl hrr
h allh , "
A IIluule Cor a few IIIll1nenls 11lrnlllell UIO
brhhlnCIIII of MrM. WUIWOl'th'K : cuunl-
nOlleI' .
"JIow el1n we pl1ro her ? " Hl1i.1 . 11111' .
"Do we III'ell her ( ireselll. { ' 1111 rnllclt I1S
Debornh lIo't" ! ! Mr. WnJwort11 iUllulred ,
in un el ellt whlclt clm'lt'tl WIUI Il u de.
greof / relll'oof.
"I Ihluk WI' 1I01l't , yet he.r goillg 01' rl- !
malnillIII / lIol 11 1IIII'Hllon Cor us 10 lit. .
cide. Woulll you like to jO , Allce'/ "
"U il were 1I0l for leaving you , I
fJhoultl , " rcpllecl Alice , IIlhhllr colorlll ,
for IIbe l'Jlonght ' of Ullrlehh , nnd 11m loug
time which IUnMt cluJIe ; IIl'Corl' 1111" loulll :
. hOlll' 10 II ! ' ! ' hllll uglllll , nil I 1'111-1 lib I' cOlli-
11111'11 wllh L111' I'IIIWIIL ! of I\1rll. 1 lIIl1toll ,
'J'lm lIuhjecl Willi now IIroPIIl'II , IInli
AlIcI' sut IIPllllrtmlly calm , whi1l ! IlI'r
unc1H uud l1unt 1 ; ( > llt ulI 11 1l1-IIIIUMY I OIl'
'Yt'1'H11 tO'II ! , BILt Whl-U sll1 ! WUII III her owu
roolll fill ( ! gUVI ! wa ) ' Iu 11 hnrllL of lellrl-l
produced ' , y II MII'unge 1Il11l1t1l1lJ ; nr jU ) '
und HIII'rU\Y.
. ' " . . ' . . . . .
, ' nlls 'Mlcel" '
( It Allco "turled 11 liltlu , UIIIlllIlIl\llIg I'uund ,
RI1W SlInll Wul/clnll / ,
"Gooll 'lIIo 'nlns : ' , SIII1"II , " MillllhuIUI ; 11
smile. "It Is u long IIrno . ; 111' I IIItW
' ' ' '
) 'ou.
"I'vo heell gone on 11 " , Iinrt. JlIlIIlng
-y'y'gl ! . r IIIIHlUltlllj'I ! YOIl , LeCor r WI'JlI ,
ut 1 IIl\d \ to go IlWIlY 80 suddl'lI thllt r
hl1d 'no 'conv nlent chuuee. "
" "
"Wilt ?
"It you I1linlt It ISII'l lakin' Inn IUllch
lIberly , 1 shoultl like 10 : IHI ; YOIl II tilles-
t1on. : "
"By no nH'nnll. "
" 'Veil , lhell , [ houldII / ( \ ! lu lIu Y\ ! you :
'tclll1l ' It rou eyer guve a LrinkeL , which' '
was' 'tnlltcnod to a lJuI ! rlLholi you wor ( '
round' your neck , Lo thut Ilruud Bnltlillh-
wom u , Mildred nacres ? "
"I l1evt'r dId , 'Vhy do you wish In
know ? " ,
"You Imow Hilly ClieSRlll/lIl / , the pretty
1I0usemoid thut ullcd to live lit rO\ll' IIn.
cle's , hnll , ( o Il lIumber IIf monUIR IIUSt ,
bcC'n at ! 'Irr. '
WYllllhullI'lI , whlre ! Mlldrl'tl
Dncres lIuull ! It hcr IWII1l' , Itefore he
went 10 ICulth\lIlI- "
"Yes. "
" 'Yell , on dl\Y I4 < hl' IUIII hel-II 10 sel'
Ier rnoUwr. Hh Willi 011 lu-r way hllCk ,
and Slit duwn IIn II l'ue1 ! ell/III ! lu II dUlIIll
or wl1lowII. Hhl ! hlllin't IIl'I'U Ihl'I'I ! lonl ;
boforc Hhe hellrd'OICl'lI , onll 11lCllllIJ ! :
tllrou h thl' WI1IUWII , Mhe HI1W Mildred
Dl1crl'tl Rnd Gllhl'rt 11'111111111111. When
they hlld nrrlved rlltht 01T OUlrll1t where
shl' snt , shl' IIIIW l\IIHH ) ) \ ( ' ' ' - tlllll ! sarno-
t1tlnl ; frolll hl r lloclu.t 11I1I1h'e It 10 11'lIlk-
lanll. 'J'hey hlilted II little , while II'aJk-
bnd IxI\l1\/lld ! \ / ! It , 111111 thllt Ituve her 0.
chanl'C to Ae thltt It
Willi II trinket fnst-
cned o Ii' 1lue rlltboll , which IIhe was
cl.'rLllln 111m 1I/IIIIII'Un "
very / YIiU wl lIr.
"Whal dltl Mlidrell 8I1Y'/ "
"Rhc , couldn't mllllO uut ull tlult she
I > ald , fihu 1I110k-e 1111 low , hut IIhe brftrd
cnouh ( 1.0 mnrlc 111'1' thlllil thd It WftfW't
1Iy IIIY'Cilr incllull IIhu eUlue hy It. Aud
Won , 8CI\ln , HI\I \ 111\111 Hbe IIIII'\Y prelly
well Ulal you Mt 100 ! ; rullt a slore by It
to Ive It IIV a , "
" 0 , WJI ) ' did . ' \tl1oJr \ do thul "
"II. WftR for n\1 ooll IllIrlln l' , you mny
-be ccrlKlu of tl1'.1t. . Mlhlrl.t ! DUl"l'I 'I III a
wlckl'tl WOlUal . l'r ) ' 011 hl\ll ollly Ill'Cn
tbe Icy rlllhr ! In hl'I' I' "ej , UII 1 dltl OIlC ,
} 'OU ncverVollltl lau\'e truflh'd her. I
hue flll'Cll Inl1luIK und wl111lJmlflt with ,
out my courue ( 'vcr flllllllUl : hut Ulal
look of larrH 1111111 ( ' llIe Mhudder , 1I/111110me'
how look QIl my courn ! ; ! ! U\\'IIY. JUlit a
It a fI'rllcnt hud Iou ked lIle III till' eye ,
that [ ImewvUK Auln' 10 Sllrillj ; upon ml
nnd col1 I'oulld 11I1' lll'Ck Ihe very uexl
lulnllle , wllhoul lilY IlIwln' any mealiK II
prevent 1\ . "
Alice land , ou olAe or two occanlon ! !
cnullt ! a lIIere gleul1I of wbllt Slluli 'Vat
klns 111111 delllglluled un Ihe Ie ) ' ! : IILtlr , UDI
the l'Ulollonli Inlllllrcll hy It wt're Cur Cron
brlur ; Illl'uliunl , onll lu It IIlIght d-b'l'C <
even r'JlllIIhled lhose III' hud deHeriLet1.
"II'arl'well , 811ul1 , ' HIIIII Hhe , jlvlng hll :
her hllnd. " { thllnll ) ' 011 fllr ) 'our counse :
6nll11hllll tl'IIIl'UlIr It. "
As AIII e lurued Inlu Ihl ! ( Illtb whle
led IlIwnrdK home , Bllns drew the bill'
or his 1111/111 ucrOSR his e'I'H.
' ' 'rtuIL girl , " /lltld he , UII he flloud watet
ing ber till a tUnt In th I'uth hid he
trol11 view , "UR Ill ) ' wlfl' nnd Ihnve otIc
unld , COIlle.'I 11llrer ! to 111) ' Ideu of un ang. .
than auy IUllrllon I ever linw wulll tli
olrth , and 1'\0 honN Hl-Z Ioone ) ' suy tll
IJI1IUe. "
'I'hat evening It wnli decldrd Ihut Alii
bould go to I IIlulld ! , ! lnd IlIIlIIelllnl
. prc-pnrRtonll ! were Ulodu to I' laer dlllur
pre .
Urn. JUllIston , Ur. WulworUI'/i / fllsh !
resided In a rell\leclaLle \ quarter of 11
great Drltmh UlelrollOlis. I.eaden cloud\ '
had all day darkened the autumn III ; ) ' , I
that tbough only a little IItler I'j o'cloc
caudll' hlld been brought Into lhe Ulll1l
weMI where Url ! , 1 lUsIIIIl was slUlug
&II. uncomfortable 10oklllJ [ , hhu'/ / ' . ,
dutlr , " "WI101110 plain sewlnJ : reRting IItI
Ill'r 11111.
HIlt. ! hnd he11 slltln 11111K Iru or firteen
1II11IIlIs whull 11 little' ImRIle WUII henrd
wllhllut : tlw door was opl1l1'd ! hy n Rlald
Hen'ln11I11I1 , ulld n Y UII , Lrhht fnce
10llJwII illto the hea\'y , dullullllrtllU'nt , l't
IIIUlIllll f'Clllcll 10 Mrs , IWIRtll1l Ihat R
JuKh uf IIlIlIShll\ ( ' had hCl'n let Intu tbe
"A II el' , rou remInd me of 1 lIzuheth , "
HnlllIII ! ' , tllkIII the lovely Ilrl hy the
11111111 nnd lendlllg her forward Illto the
AHee , who RIlW In hel' ( Inltsed ale
eOlllllellllnCI ! Il rCllemhllluce 10 her uncle ,
whum Hbl' 10TI'd , longed to Ihro\\ herself
III hlr arms , hut the reHeI'of her man-
11t'rH n well IUIII repelled her. She lIenreh.
l'tl III vaIn for n Hln le ray of the warm
nud genial Ihht lIuch liS hrhbteued und
at Ibl' Hllllle time , ; ortelled tile counteo
uunee of her nUlit 1 lItller ,
Mrs. 11llllstoll assisted Alice to divest
heNWlf or her clonk nnd hood , and then
polntlllJ ; to u ehulr lIear the lire , rel\ueRl' \
e 11m' 10 III ! , ; ellted. As AliIX' IInHwerl d
her IlueKlIolI1I rclnlh'e to her brothel' aud
slsll' w , and lwr home In thl ! now
world , Bhe could Ilot fOI'Lullr wonderIng ,
all Hhe lool\l'd rOllnd the Iloomy a\lurt. \
IIII-nt , how the light ot the ) ' 0111I1 : life
whIch bud HO recl'Ill1y gone out henenth
till ! lIume l'OOr could have heen 80 hrlght
nnd 1111 goldl'lI 118 It WI1S described 101m
lu Il letl'r wrItten to her nunt by Edward
lallilltou , before his sister hud been i
Hlrlckeu by diseuse.
A.'I LhlR Lhou ht come lotu hel' mind , n
! wl'vllnl entered and lulll tbe table for
thrl'l ! IwrliOulI.
"It will bl' IIl1ugger and morl ! comforta'
hll ! tll take 0111' e\"IIIIIJ ; ' men I Iwre L1l1m
Irl Ihe hull , " l'l'mtrked : Irs. mllllton.
Aliel ! glnlleed Ilt the tuble , und could
lIol Imugllll' wholu the third Illutc coul
hI' for.
" I.r Hon came hOUle .resterdu ' , " said
Mrll , mllstou.
AII"C loolled lIur\lrlsl \ ! . for Mrs , 1 l1Is'
Llln hud 1I11udlII tu him In her Iutlel' , IIUY-
Irlg Ihut be bud been absellt IDoru lhun
a ) 'eur , 111111 expected 10 n'mulll when'
hI ! WUII a YCUf longer.
"lie CUUle unexpectedly , " sl1id she.
"Some bUIIIIICIIS rejulrld bls preRl'nce. All
: -IUOU Wi Ill' 111111 atteudcd to It , he wlll rc-
At Ulls moment till ! dool' ollened , and 11
'oung II1lln , In Uw pluln gl1rb of tbe IIlOCt
to which he bclouJ.ell , I'nterl'tl thl : allllrt-
IIlI'l1t. Alice wall struck with hIs gl'uce'
fulund nuble buurlu . Ills featurl'lI were
linely clllsled , nud his rlch , IlosHY hair
wus not 80 closely cut Lut thut It HllOwed
Its rwtural teudNlcy to full round his
forehend , whhh : waif hroud und very
. . . . .hlt ( . , lu Cfl'C , wa\'y curls. I1IJi'eyes ,
wblch wrre the chungeful bezel , were
lJrlht , b'ullling IlUlI Intellectual. At ,
tlmeH they exhibited a slllular IIweetness
or ( Xllress1oll , rarely seen In connectIon
wlt t.l10HC traits or counlenuncl' tull of
chnracter , whIch may he conillclered tbe
( ICrfl'ction at manly heauty.
" Iy son , " saId Mrs. mIlston , tumlng
10 Alice , "and Ihls , Ed ward , Is Alicl !
Dille , the or\lhlln \ you hu ve heurtlme mention -
tion , whl > , Hlnce IIhe WIlS Ihrt'l ! yeurs I > ld ,
hall Ill'en my hrot/wr / N a thun'lI wurd. "
Edward llIstoll weicollled her In a
munnlr ! 1111 ! 'Ordlul 0011 reslH-clful thut
III once IlIslllred cent dellcu.
"If mot/wr / bud told me lhnt Him W811
eXllecllu ! ; you , " lIuhl hI' , " 1' woulll huve
one for rou myself , Insteud or hll V Irl I ; 11
servnnt Hent. "
"You Imow , IiJdwurd , thllt ) "OU hn'I ! a
cold , " hili mother halilelled to RIIY , "Illlli
It would have b'Cn unwise tor ) 'OU Lo ox'
pose yourlieJr to tbls daut(1 ulr. "
'Vht'll they had tl1kl'n tbelrlluCIs \ 111
the tuble , I d wu'd EllIstoll lIahl grllce ,
whldl , without being e hllded to one of
tboe ! 10llg pruyerll which 011 Rlmllnr oe'
caHlol18 the Purhul1t ! oUell telt tbemllelve
clllled UIIOII to mole , W S rl'verent , COin'
prehenslve und ullproprloto. At ltlt close ,
Mrll. 1 llIl1t0I1 guve her lion u 1001 ; , as II
sbe tbought tie hl1ll been too 8parln ! : 01
time uud wordB ,
"We arc tnuht thnt we flhall not lit
hl'l1rd for our much slellklng , " IJl.lld he , h
uns\Ver to Iter look.
Alice senrcely noticed the quality of t11l
food tbat wus before her. Even the rc-
utnrks ot I dward 111ll1stou , which showcl
a rure delicacy at pel'cclltlon , jolued to I
liberal , wl'll'li'tored mind , could not pre
vent lIer thougbts from wilodering tl
Clarence IIarlelgh.
At tbl1t very momenl , shl' thought , b ,
I mhht be wllhlu IIcteen mlnutCfl' wulk 0
ber , ulld yet Rhe felt thnt , : .ltuuted Ii
shl' now WOII , amid tbe whIrl and edd 'ln ,
tides or the grent city , the brolld Allantl
Itself hnd scarcely formed a more illsu(1
crable obstl1eh' to any cb nce nwetln
Hhe Iluew that In the Il'tter fro III he
Junrdlon 10 hIs 81ster , of which she wn
the Lellrer , : 'IIrs. Ellis Ion WIIS rellueste
II 10 mnke ! II1l' of lIuch rl'Strlctlonll IlS woul
I ! Le l11H'ly tu pre\'enl Iwr l1ud IIurlelK
from beln ! ; thrown togethl'l' .
. . . . . . .
Olurenee nllrlrl h nnd Gllhl'rt Ii'oll
Inud , tbl' nhht they left thl' bllnquellc
hull , \\'t'rl. ! cOllducled b ) ' u IIUl'Sl1h'llnt I
IlrnL'1 tu Ihe IIhol' ( } of the 'l'haml-lI.
Lout wnll III waiting , whel'e wel'e statIO !
I _ l.tJ lIevrral ) 'eo\l1en of th ! ! gUllrd IInd t1
rcquldle : COIIIIIIl'ml'nt or wulerlUl'n I
tnke them to the 'rowor. 'l'hongh 1111
hud rl'Ceh' 11 hint thul thrlr 1IlIIIrillo
ment would be Hhort , II Willi III 110 en\1
h1l' frllme or mind thllt the ) ' took Ihl'
IllacclI In thu hOIlI , wblch they wI're cnr
rul should be all relllote frOlll eneh 0111
UK thl' IIlluce wonld l-rmlt.
SwlClly propelled b ' th ( ' IItrong 1\rI
of tbe wulermen , It wus uot lon I'
they werl. ! 111 the shudow of thl' 110011
IItruclure , whleb loomed 1111 dimly lu t :
r , darkness IInd obiwnrlty of nlrht. So ,
)0 pnsslng Lent'alb the low and dlslUnl UI'
\11 thllt hnd 110 orten cost Itlt ominous IIhl1
YO ow on the hellds ot tbe Lrllv , tht' Leu
k , tlful und tbe Innocent as111 as of Ihu
rt. who were stllined with crIme , the Lc
I. was IJt\ll1ght close to the IIt lIs , altilit
ek I wl ck th l1&dolcnt waTeltrek" ! with
, . . ,
. .
. , "
. IIIIU'/IIUr. Hure Lite lIeulenant of
till ! ' ! 'uWIr ! IItoOlI ready lo conduct them
to Ihe ! h llarole IIlll1rtlOlmls whlcb had
bl'HII Ilrepurcd tor Ihum.
" 't'hlll Is the chlllulll'r ulilihuud to you , "
snlll he , 1IIIIIrl'IIIIIIIg 1'III1llIlId , III ! ! voice
hulC lost In thl ! hnrsh IratlllJ ; ot till' helL
118 It Rhovccl hlWI , .
"l 11111I11111IIw / to hlve , ItetlllluJ : , lilY
\'nltt , IIl'Ilt 11I0 lIIrly III the lIIorulug , "
lIulll ' 1'lIl1e/alld / ali he ellllrl'd the IIpart.
111l'1l t.
"HI ! shell he IIl'nt you , " wnll th au.
'l'lw room Lo whIch IIlIrlrhh Willi con'
dueted d/lTeretlllltle / from Ii'nlklnnd's. It
Willilorhnllll / , a little Inrger IInd n little
Jloolllhr ! , whlll' the willis were JrIHcrlhe
wIth the llaUll'1I of mauy au uuhappy' '
prltonl'rvhose : Inllt nnd only elres.'I trom :
the dluk prilion.houlle wa ! ! to the Rcnt. :
foM. '
! , 'nlie/uli / hllil JIIst risen the next. morn' !
rug wlleu Ihe wnrdeu ndmltt11 his Vl1let.
"NI'II Hl ildlug , " slIlcI Ill' , " , te(1 this
wuy. "
'l'he vnlet oheyecl , though wllhout ml1nl'
fllIlIlig OilY jrellt IIlncrlt ) ' , I
"Y 011 lire Kurprlsed to Hee nil ! here , I '
SUJlJlUII ! ! 't"
.Tud illl ; hy Helhllng'lI looks , he wns uot
III lite leuslllUI'l'l' ' , Ills Ill1tiWer , how.
e\'er , WUII HlIllIclenUy eourteouH ,
"It Is , " I1l1hl Ill' , "where muu ) ' of lhe
IIrst geutlemeu In Ihu loud huve be un be'
fOl'e you , "
" 'l'l'ue , ulld with IIttll' or uo expcctaLion
of ever regnlnillj ; thllr Uherty , while I
IIhllll he frt'u II/uln In n tew days , Did
you ever noLlcl' Ihe little shop kept Ly
J duthllll , the , Iew ? "
"I ha n' , I remember of Iolng there
tor you OnCI ! , hefore you wellt to Amer'
"Yes ; ) 'OU wenl to hIre me n mnsque'
rUlle IlreHs , I.ook lit this. "
"It UPllenrl-l to me Lo bo Il piece ot grC < ! n
gins ! ! . Onn It bu worlh nnythln ! ; ? "
"YI8 , morl' thftn Il thousand times its
weight In goll1 , " I1nd ho held It In the
RIIIIhlue ! Ihllt came Into one of the windows -
dews , to 1II'Iug IUlo llla1 its rIch and vh'ld
colorll ,
"It mURt be aH ) 'OU SIlY. r never SI1W'
so Inngnllicenl Il je\Vl'l. "
"You musL tulle It Lo the , Jew , and with
it , hl1ud him lhls ( Ilece oC 1111111'1' , on which
r huve wrllten Ihe HUIIl 1 expect him to
gIve lIIe for It. "
"Whut If Ill ! IIhOllld reCuRe ? "
' ' 'ri.-ere will be little dllllgor ot tbat , A
single gluuce nt the gl'm will IIhow him
thllt whllt I dllUllud III ouly two.thlrds Its
relll yulue. "
In a few minutcs , Lho wllral'u cntered
wllh the Jll'llIoner's morlllllg TUeal , and the
vultt , IUI\'Iult heml IlIl-Itl'lIetl'd by II'ulldund
to make whul hllRlo hI ! cOllld , withdrew ,
and beut hili stepll townrdll tbe IIholl ot
Jeduthuu , the .h-w. It WOR In a nurl'OW ,
dirty slreet , ocellll ' ! lIg the front \lortlon \
of a meuulooklng hlllllllng ,
As IteddlllJ ; lulerelilhe shOll , he cnught
a gllrnlse of Il young and helluUfll1 wom.
nil. as IIIIe dlslllIJleured through Iln OPpO"
IIILe door , lIe hUlllled tl1l' .Tew the opl1l ,
who stllrted II little at' sight or It , and
eyell blm rat1wr Iccl'lIly.
" 'Vho Hellt Ihls' " he Iwked ,
' ' 'rhut will l11 ) 'OU , " relllll'ti Heddlug ,
and he ( IUt the IIlecl' of puper Into Jedu-
tbun's hnud , glveu him by Ii'alkland.
"It Is wulI , " lIald he , whl'n lie hll read
it. " 'rhe glHltlemun IIpoke to me about
a gem he willhell to dllpose ot , but gu\"e
no description of It. "
liMy nu\sLer told me he had written
the price he Ilemnnded on the llluce or
IlIlpcr I gave you. "
"He has , and I will give it. "
Without saying mOI'C , the : Jew counted
the mone ) ' 1111I1 handed It to Hedding.
Having 81'cured it nLout Ws pcrson , be
IInerl'd a minute as if he wished to 8ay
lIomethlnl ; more , hut IInnUy turnIng aL'
ruptly uway , lert the IIholl , He bad no
Hoouer 10nl ! Lbllll till' .J I'W took tbo opal
trom the druVer wlwre be hlld deposited
It IWcI cUI'erully exumhwd it oncl" more ,
"It III the I1l1ml ! I jU VI ! to Abl , as II
birthday girt , three ) ' ( ' 111'/1 ago , whicb
floon nCterwurd she IORt , " suld he , Hpeak'
Inl : to himself.
lIe then eurefully enclosld It in 11 cas'
klt , which h put in his pocklt.
( 'l'o he continued"
'l'ho I.oarnetl Astrnnomor.
1 Ime\V u luarncd IlliU'OnOmer
'ViIO nll thinKS el1rthl ) ' " ( lul'ned ,
Anti wunderetl through tbl/l pleasant lanl
\VlLb counteuunco upturned.
11'1'0111 ( 'l1l'ly youth his hl1blts were
'fo hold uloor CrOI11 meu ;
lIe thought this old world's happenln8
But little worth hIli ken ,
III' Haw no wonllcrs In Ihe tn.oel
Or In tbe Wllvhl ( ; grnlls-
He never tbougbt It worth. 11m wb11e
To woo a pretty IIIRH.
And not avhlt this good man ca.rea
For polentato or ( lOpl' ;
TII 111m the ( ; reulcst mun Willi he
Wbo made the telosrolc.
But lIun and moon arosl' antI lI l
Pl'cchwly wbon ho lIuld ;
. lIe Imew whence eacb cOlllet came
And where each comet ned ;
Alul for hlK ptun to whle the 8
1i'roll1 ocr the glorious Bun ,
Among tbl' Ll'ethren or his Uk
lIe much l'Cnown had WOII.
'l'hls good soul dIed and went 00. hlgl1.
But much to his concerl\
lIe found thl' l.uowll'l1Je gleaned whll
I.ert nothing more to lel1rt1.
'Vlth telescope , Crom o'er a cloud. .
lIe now pccrs down to cnrth ,
Aud Ihttls out strange o.nclYO -drot
About hili plRcc , at birth.
; ' -Bultlmore Sun.
Untilit li1ntJlllt. the rIIl)111 cater remembcr tbt
he 18 oruulwtl : : 10 be a mau , und tber ,
tore has no Illternlli grist mill. U"
not orgulllzl'll for Ii Ioose , to u e
school girl Ilhrllso. Peopo ! otten d ,
11ser'e tlm IIlImo ot goose by el\lIl1g \ (
Ir raphlly uut ! cltrt'le\sly ! , hl'eakln doe \
ethu heu1th. INIIIO outing Is ul"J co
er tlull\'o ! 10 o\'orcutlng. 'l'hero H'fl'tnS
bQ no excuse for u rl1l'mOr hurr'ln II
ns melllll , Imt mauy ot Ihem boll do\\
I'C their tOOtI IlS Cllllt IlS thl'Y CIII' with
he ) ) ' Iwlfo , n.nd lie arouul1 for an hour a.ltc
\\'IIIU lie " 'lIlItClt ,
Id' iSbn-Tal.e cQl'e , A trred ; that Isn't tl
renutly COl' tlOUKlclwt'.ss. Dou't ) 'OU s ,
lilt the hotUe Is marked "Polson r'
lit II uroonlnc.IIluit's ) th OR& 1 WaI
. -lX1\-DJW.
. - ,
. . - . .
: Shown Washington m
: by the President
. . . ! J3 : : ' : J : J 'J , ' ' 3I ' 5" ! J' : ! I ' 5' ; II
- - - _ . . . . . - - -
" ' , ther . hllllpcnel1 to
"i\fany \ ) 'Cllrli IIJtO ! !
lIIe In Wl18hln ton Olle of the IIleas ,
IIntest ellhwlles of 1Il ' life , " Rllld Cormm
Uo\'ernor 'J'hOIllIlR 0 , . .Jonelot Alubulllo
to II Wllllhlll lull Intll'\'lewCl' reccntl ) .
"I wnH II tllel'l' IItI'IIIIII of a boy nml
\\1114 111'011I1 of Llw fneL thnt IIIj fnt r
111111 IIlI0wHl lIIe to 1Il1l1 e 11 jon"e ) ' to
IIw 1I11t1I/II' ellilltlli 011 III ) ' own hook ,
The : , lItlunlll HuLel118 thcn the chlel
' ' 111111 thlthPl' I ' nnxloul
los\I1' \ ! l'ci1nlrell , !
' 1 ; . : et n IIIIIIIHe of Lhe Ilotuhles I knew
0111' IIrlll : ' ; tlwre , \\'IIII1IC1'lng IIhout I
111 ( ' hOIHIU It tWPIIlS tl11\t Itot / Illto n prl. ,
, ' 1111' IUlI'lul' 11ulte h ' ncchlellt. The sol.
t a ICel1IHwt WUs II nlcelooldng 0111
" 11111'111:111 with ' ' ' henevolent face
' : a'lI' )
11111 \1'1' ) ' HI/UII W ! ! were chattIn ! : to-
, dlwl' III Ihe freeslYII } ' .
"i lold hllll thllt I Clll1le fl'om the
( ) lIlh 111111 Lhlll my chief nmhltloll was
U 1IIIIIIw hllllds willi the Pt'eslllcnt. At
.hlll he IIcellw gl'eutly umused , but
IrL'HlltlI'I . HeI'loUR and toll1
! ! /I'I / W tIlO
'hllt If I'd wllit 0111) ' a Cew minutes he
, \'uuld IIt'ol1llNe Ill ! ! the meetlug that I
UII I ! fOl'-thllt I shuulll see nnll tulk
, vlth the Prehlent.
"l'l'elielltl . he leCt lIle , hut In a sl10rt
whllc sen'lIl1t hrou ht word thllt I
wlUl'\Ynlltell outsltle 11I111 l-on ucted mete
to the Htl'eet , wlHH'e lhe kInd old mnn
: ut In 1tllll ! cnrrlngc dl'awil by a pall'
JC Rlllenull hurRel4. 'Oet lu , ' snl be ,
allli I lost no time ohe'llIg , AI1 the
\\:1) ' to the White nOUe I wns In n
( dnd of trunc ! ! , nnll It WUH 1I0t unUl
we rellclll'd th ! ! exccutl ve lUunslon tbut
I wollO up.
"It must ha\'e been the extreme dct ,
rl''nc ! ! thn t I Hn w a lot of people : lI1d
ntle/lI.1ullt ! ! 1111) ' my'enel'l1ble friend
thllt cnuRed1lle to realize , us hy a IInsh
01' Illtult1011 thnt I hnd heen talwlI un ,
IIlr ! the wing of , Tul1les lluchnnlU. : It
\\'US the Prcshlent hImself that hrought
lIIe to Ihe White [ louse. 1.01' n minute
with hoRh / dltllllence I hung huck , but
he 1I11111e lIle J.O Inside , lUII.1 for an hour
01' 11I01'e I wus U8 royally entertnlned ns
Iholll\1 \ I hnll been a young pI'lnce.-
Wu\hlntoll Post ,
I ,
'l'hl : ; ll'lcle Is to make seven cork !
flwlln on the water In perpendlcul l
JloslUon , Plnce one cork upright OI
the tahle ntll.1 nround It the six otherR
Helze ull sven of them wIth your han
lIuII Irnlllerlle Ihem In tbe wuter. Pul
} 'our hnnd.Juck \ slowl ) ' , lcnvlng th
corl.1I to themselves. 'l'he water tba
I IIlIS Iutl'ullcd between them bolds tben
tuJtother nnd they will swim In per
peutHcular position , us : : ; hewn In thl
" illustration.
llul'jllnr' TClulcl' Spot.
'rill ! burJlur Iml1 enter d the bouse u
IlullU ! ' all IlolIslhle , hut bls shocs wer
hot padllell , nnd they mude some nolSl
lIe hud jUKt reuched the door of tb
I helll'oom when he heard som ! ! oue IUO"
hius / . If uhout to get up , und b
pnuRed. 'l'Ill ! sound of u WOll1all'S volc
Honted to his curs. "If you don't tak
011' your boots when you COUle Inlo thl
hous ! ! , " It Rulli , "tberu's goIng to h
trouhle , nnd u lot ot It ! Here It's bee
rululnl ; for three hours , and you dar
to trnU111 OVer my carpets with you
muddy hoots on ! 00 dow118tnlrs un
Inl.e them ol ! Ihls minute ! " IIp. wer :
downstulNi wltlwut a word , but be dl
not tnl'e 011' his hools. Instead , be wcr :
strahht out Inlo lhe nIght nlnln , au
tbe "pili" who wns walUng for him Sl\1
1\ ten l' gllsten In his O ' ( ! , " 1 cnn't 1'0
that house , " he said ; "It l'cmlmls me <
10me ! "
Ollicst 80ntonoo in the " 'orId.
, In tbo new volumes or the Eneycll
pedhl Brltunnlca there Is an lllusLmtia
of a tnblet of Mena , daUng from UbOl
4700 B. C" wblch contains the oldc !
written sentonce'ln the world. One t
Ie the tlgures on the tuhlet Is 1\ bull , rnch ;
, nt the top of Its spoed. It Is rell1nrlmb
tlll\t the bull 18 represented by U
sculptor In 11 phue of movemellt III"
. , clsely slmllur 10 thl\t revealed hy I
sluntaueous photognilihy In rece ]
. ) 'enrs us holng the nctllnl nnd re
movement at the I\nllllul when rIIcln
Ii'or slxt..slx centuries this dlstlncU1
method of gnlloplng was unknown ,
1t uud Indeed unsllllpected- us mo
- CI'nll , until reveuled y pbotographlc I
14 \'esUgation of nnlmnl 10comoUon ; b
11 It WUS upplu'enUy well Imown to tl
e- curly urtlstH ot l11g 'pt.
'n Pcrnmuont I.t\lulmnrks.
n"Yt.'S , I shall ho glud to run out al
to ieo ) 'ou sonll' tlnw. 'Vhnt's . ) 'our nUl
" " houses In t :
Is her "Why-or-the
ru I'ond uro not numbered . ) 'et. You St
a the nelghhorhood Is un entirely m
" "Well how IIhnll I find 'OU
! rono. . , )
" 'i'urn to the lett nt the stutlon , UI
wnlk down the rend until you como
the secend bIg Imddlo. My house I.s 4
rceUy opposite. "
Don't encourage a pellco disturb ,
1t. 11. Har , a IOsslp , ar n tlIlut.
. .
0- - . . : . : . . . _ , _ _ = ; pJ ' ( . ' " I ,
, " " - "
. . . "J"i < 'L- -
f > " . . . . _ / . _ ' , : ; : tz l. '
- ? !
: . _ f
- .
. . . \iojif- " . - ' 4t ' " ' ' . \ . . - = r- - . . . I
1iojif ' l' r . . . . . : . _ . . I !
r'k $ '
. . _ , ' -'k . '
1\lnJdul : Uuttcr ill 1I0t'clltlu..r. .
In a recent llome nnll ) o'armluul1 :
Shllds , of ArkunHus , giveR some I.olnbl
' )11 the subject. Hhe "u's : I suy by
1111 meuns get a Hepurator , then buy
\lllIk ! . ' : UlII lurge enough to hold one
I11Il1c1ng of crenm , let It cool , Jlut HI ( >
I1tl on the cnn nnd hang It In the weU.
It dOL'S not matter whetbr It 18 III
the wuter or not , It wlll kep cool , und
wlll be read ) ' to churn In twent.fuur
hO\l1' ! ! , Ulle a thermollwter and ! ! hurn
at nhout IH or tj degrees. Take up the
hutLer , wush thoroughly by pressing
with tlw padille. Don't drug the pad.
Hie through It , ns It spells tbe grilln ,
Slut It , usIng pure salt , unll mold It
as quick ns poslflble. Wmp each pound
In a nIce ch'Jtn cloth wrung out of
coll1 water.
Oet you un eUlpt ) ' butter keg trom
.your grocery man , here holes near the
top just below tbe Iltl , tpll.'C ! !
of new rope an make n. bandle , put
ulce , clean , new whIte puper In the bot.
tom , then put In the buttcr. Put another -
other pIece on top just below the l1
and hang It In the well , Paper Is bet.
ter than cl < Jth , us the clotb mildews ,
When ) 'ou ure reedy to go to town ,
use atlother keg Just IIko tbe one In
the weU ; put u clean towel In the bot.
tom ; put In the butter ; then another
clean towel on top , Fa.sten on tl1e Hd ,
wet soUle clean slcks In n. tub , told
tl1em wltbout wringing on the oottom
of your wngon , set the butter on
them , and W1'llp wet sacks aroulIll the
lees ; n.nd on top. As ) 'ou deliver the
butter take the cloths off , talee tbem
home , nnd wush und sCllld thorougbly ,
Keep two sets of cloths ; wblle one set
Is sunnIng find dr'lng anotber can bo
used , We hU\"e u. separator ; we sell n
purt of the mllk sweet , the rcst wu
malco buttermilk , We set It and let
It cla ber ; , then take an old-Cashloned
ehurn-dasb , und churn It up and down
unUl It Is free from lumps :1nd Is
sl11ooth. Don't put uny wuter In It !
leave It thick ; It sclla much better.
When you al'e rendy to go to town ,
mix what buttermllk you bave from
the cream wItb It.
- -
Saw-FlUng DevIce.
Selecting a Cl'ossCUt saw that wlll
work rapidly unll with case requlrcs
cons Idem hie experlcnce , A suw ha\'lng
,1 cutting teeth , us sllOWU In cut fit
a , to 1 straight drag tooth , b , witb becket
ot S:14 gauges thinner tllun edge ,
\vlU do as mucb work as any otber.
It requires less work to kt'Cp : such a
saw In order. Iedlum tblckness Is
.a" d (
"l d
beat. A tWck saw Is clumsy aud cul
a large groo\'e , wh110 u very tbln ODe
requIres freqllent resetting. Our cuI
sbows n filing Crnme for a crosscut
saw. The base , c , 182 feet long , 1 fool
" wMe and 6 Incbes blgb. It should b
rastened to the fioor. 'fhe pieces , d , d ,
arc 2x3 Inches and are morUsed In th
hase. Tbo piece , c , Is lxO Incbes , eul
shnpo or I > U w und beveled 10 the saw.
'fhere arc three % -llIcb bolts at c , C. c ,
on wblch flaw rests and Is tlghtenC < J
wben put In the frume. Tbo entlr <
height Is 45 Inches.-W. A , Sharp , h :
Ii'nrm nnd Home.
Fcel ! for LurhlJ : ( JIenli.
There Is probably no teed bltter ! cal
culated to promote luylD ! ; In fowlll tbaI
cowpea II , Peus or beans or anl sort al"l
good , but Inl'go ones must be grounder
or towls w11l mrely eat them. Ot cow
peas the smallest variety 8bould bl
chosen , as towls unused to sucb grub
must be accustomed to It gradually
But once t tbem to eat peas nnd thl
victory Is won. 'l'hoy are a perfect sub
sUtuto for Insects , mcat scrap , blood
meal and other animal pl'ejlaratloni
tbut arc orten so combined with cheal
snbstaucos that the bens al'e 11 10UI
tlmo loarnln ! ; thnt when tbey are rei
"r..obsmltb's coll'entrnted egl ; rood'
tbey ought to lay fluently , Instead 0
almost hUllercoptlhl ) ' . Pea \'Iucs wltl
peas ou them cut us soon fiS the pea :
nro tul1 gl'own nnd whllo yet grlD I
thrown lute the cbleken yard , w11l givi
them exercIse nnd tlIery sort of foot
Ibelr nature ern'ea , 'fhey w111 cat th ,
pea II , the len \'es , and as mucb of th ,
' 3lems as Ihey can break up SUl1l1
enougb to swallow.
A GOOlt Thln to Do.
There Is no branch of fnrm operll
tlons thnt can be permanently nn ,
:11 : ] profltnhly Improved moro easlly un ,
n , at Il'SS cost th u the poultry ) 'ards. ,
ue dollnr or two In\'estod In egS ! ot goo
! e , hreds of fowls w111 hrlng huck man. .
w tlmci the Investment within a yonr 0
1" two. It ) 'OU wnnt to Impro\'o ) 'OU
lid poultry , you can do It qulckl1 , cheapl
te and WIUl but llttle risk.
11 Drecders hu0 learned tbo t It pay
to send out no eggs except trom coo
. , Itock , .A sItting or two I.s nil that I
! ! r.
r.needed for Q good tltart. A. very re ,
dolba aput tor 1:0011 eRS melUli
. ,
, I
- , . -
nIce flock or. to\vls In one YC3l" . w .
you mny be In a position to sell t4
your nelgbbol"ll ut good hi" IU'lccs-
Bxehan I
CuttlUJ ( OrUB" EIII'Jy.
Ohernlclll nnul/Jls Is suld tQ s&um
thnt Ull ! gross cut when the Heoi IU
rlilelled , or Is 111.'JU'ly rlle , hils llRo.ql
the sUllie nlllount of lIutlitlan QS 11
hM whcn cut em'Ucl' , nnd thus 1iUm'
ulloIt to IItllnd that It mny lDUrcase
welgl1t. 11ut when the CO\T puts 11
througb hc ) ' lahorutory sbe dOC 11.01
Hnd tbe flume Yillue In the lateeut b .
' "
1 > > lrt or thu seeds hllve rattled out "t J- ,
and heen lost , und the remabtdor are r. '
o small nud flO cnc:1sell In u. dry COQt.
Ing or IIhell Ulnt not many g ! them
are chmn'l1 up , and tbus pl1SS througb
the stomllcl1 nnd lJowela unlllg'Stcd.
'rhcn thu stalks whlcb contaUa the
most nutriment burore tbe sced Llaa
forUll'l1 huve bewme sImply weed ,
I , llhre us Indigestible us bean l1oles , and
she gels but llttJe nutrition from \h.Qw \ ,
We thInk If she oould spea.k 8he
; ould sny thl\t two-tblrds or less 01
the awowlt ot hn. ) , cut curly , nut ! Del
sun-dl'IL'l1 too long , was better thaaJ..cJ' /
usuill rnUlIn ot bu.y , ripened before
cut nnd o\"erdl'led afterward. tf
IIhe CUD not talk she bas mlW.T UniLcI
put herse ! ! on relOl' to tlIat e1r \
nt the mnmc pall nnd the cburn , nnt'l
It Is becuuse tlIe owner faUs taped
pod understund th c reCQr / tkAt he .
docs not know the facts. The nlo tq
weigh the milk nnd the Datx.'OC1c
for the butter fat l1clp to ten what t.
the best rood , as well as which 18 Ib < <
best cow.-Amerlcnn Cultivator. I
UaylnJ : 011 Solt 1'IIcalow .
Along sluggIsh streams are UIoat ! '
nnds ot acr's producing talrly good
cow ha ) ' , but on wbleh temn.'I clln.nQ
cannot be driven wltl1 UI
danger ot bccomw ,
mlrel1. The work 1.1I
therefore nIl done b ,
f hand , Including the
arluded ! task of , "polmg !
, " or carr'lng the hay Lu largu + ,
cocks on u. pair ot pales , to the
edge of the upland , wbere It Is to be
louded. 1'0 uvold this drullge17 some
farUlli use mud shoes ( or their horses ,
us 111ustrnted. The shoes are of gak , 1
Inch thick unll 8xlO Inches for a horae
of uyernge welgbt. Edges ure bCTeled
und plu11ed , nnd ends arc strongly
clcatcd on the under side. IIoles nro
made to fit the projecton.'I ! ot the IroQ
shoe and an Iron strap , which II. blncl "
Amlth w111 mak ! ! from the 111usb'atl01l
for a few cents , passes across the hoC ) )
and Is fastened by Duts on the lowel
side of the wud sboe ,
After Harvcst.
Arter the wheat Is harvested
young clover grows l'llpldly , as Its sU - !
ply ot plant food Is l.ncrca cd by rea. I
Bon of the rldda.nce ot Its whent OOSl'
petltor , but mllDY farmers allovneQi
to grow , mowing them dO\YD bcto
tbey produce secd. Such a plllD Is bet ,
tel" tban , to leave the weeds to mature ,
bUl the proper conrse to pursue Is hi
mow the weeds when they are 10UDi '
:11Id before they hu\'e deprlvod the ;
clover plants ot food. By mowln ; ;
them two or three times dnrlng tb (
lIummer muny of tbem wlll be d
r.UPIlnsV.ork Horses.
Whether or 110t It Ilays to ell WQd
horses W118 tested at the Mlehlgaa ex , ,
III rlment station n.nd r'ported In Ii recent -
cent buHetln. The conclusions WeIe :
not ns definlto as might be desired ,
' .1'ho stat1ou , however , belleves that thu
borses whleb were clipped did tbe1r
work wlUt much greater eomfort l.u
early lip ring than those wblcb were not I
clipped , ' .1'hls at < : ourse means a great
denl when Ilnlmals al'e ut work pre ,
paring the Innd for spring crope. 'rhf
cUpped borses nlways look bettc.r. ,
Orue" tor Iullly : Lundlh !
Awnless brome grass ( bromua IQ ,
m'mls ) w111 be found excellent tor . .
, on drifting sands. It I.s 11 porow a& ,
, looks somewhat Uke blne grass aad . .
suitable tor Ugbt , dry , poor solllJ and
reslstll dry weather. About UUes
I pounds ot Reed per acre should bo used.
It spreads by creepIng underground
stems or root stocks , It w111 not thrive
on wet soils. Wbllo not as valuable as
muny otber varieties , yet It sorne well
on Ught. sandy soils upon wblch 110 QUi. i
er crass wUl grow.
Commer lnl Feedln tuaa. ,
' .1'lle Nuw York axperlment stat _ ' ,
1 says that In Its Inspection ot cammer- i
, clul feeding stulI unmlxed or atlind- I :
ard JQods were Couud to be of flllrll ,
- uniform IluaHty end practically 08 1
- good us the guamntees except I. IL ; j
slngh Instllnce. The discrepancies o&- .
cnrrel1 wltb the mixed goods , many o&t. or . ' 11
wblcb contItlned oat hulls , as ShO\VA 'I
by the percentaJe or crude tlb r proa-
, cut. Atlulterutlon or cornmeal ftnd
other gralu products appellrs to bo
1\1 nunJlru : Dl1trr C'oWQ ,
, The proper manugement ot dILlr1
cows emhrnces far more than thek
mere cmuunlng with food. "The co- "
Dllll.s by the 1II0utb , " III an old BaYID
nnd It Is quite true to a ct'rtnlu extent. .
but It she he gIven o\"en large qUllnU1
tI s ot unsuItable or hatlly balMnceci
food IIho wlll not milk to bel" tullestj
capnclty. Resides , there lire great
L' Ulnny other thIngs to be attentlE'd to a ,
v.ell ns the teed , sucb os waterIng a.n4
Un111 lie ! Jh.
It seems a probnhlllty that ba1 wtK.
continue hIgh ono wore ycar , 8l1rll a"
excbunce. LlUlt . ) 'ear's drouht ! nreeL- f
cd the nrea ot meadows In flo West.
bo'ond doubt , and the cro ! , repo J. . . .
place coudlllon helow the Ilveragv. . I
Some dry weather Ulla Yt'31' l.all cut
is tbe posalllllltlea ot the crop badll , [ a
porUgns of the East tbe WQntJuar , &IaJ
Q been equally dry. I