Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 5

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    , ,
. . . - -
G. E - Cttd1T\Il'S USllcb.
'Ve had the plcasure one da ) '
last weck of visiting G. E. Cad-
wells stock ranch about five milcs
south cast of the city. Mr. Cad-
well ha ovcr 1000 acres of land.
fenccd and well improved
to carryon the busincss in which
hc is engaged. Mr. Cadwcll has
been a resident of thc county for
, Y.J . about twenty years. In this
, , time he has been engaged in
farming. raisingcaltle and horses
on a limited cale. Ahout two
years ago he Hold ofT all 11 is stock
and was tcmporaril ) ' absent from
the county until last winterwhcn
he returned and engaged in the
busincss of raising thoroughbred
cattle and hogs. lIe has stocked
up his ranch from some f the
est families ( Jf IIercford cattle
that the country an'ord .
I n his herd of registcrcd Herefords -
, fords hc has six head of heifers
which contain blood of the great
, . . \ Dale bull No. 66,481 , which sold
for $10,000 and his son Perfection I
sold for $9,000 and gaincd swcep- !
, stakes over all hcrds at the .in-
ternational Stock Show of 1901.
He also has several cows from
Birk Armour's herd of Kansas
City , who importcd 300 head in
_ \ ' 1901 containing great Anthony
; . lood ,
1 lIe has four head related to the
_ . grea'test'Herord ( sir Corrector
48976 owned and red by Mr
' I etom of Missouri.
Mr. Cadwell has others rich in
, Garfield and Grove 3rd blood. He
\Ias \ two calves from noted impor-
ported sires , all having some of
Lord V/ilton blood , 4057. Oneis
sired by imported Hircules No.
82203 and the other by imported
Southington No. 63769. He has
in his herd a number of fine
, " . specimen of the Herford fam ily
as can be found anywhere. Mr.
Cad wells long experience in raising -
ing cattle and attending state
and international stock shows
. especially qualifies him to judge
. of quality. His herd was bought
by personal inspection from some
of the best herds in Illinois ,
Missouri and Kansas and they
I can not be surpassed. Stockmen
wishing to have the best the
it r- country affords to head thcir
\ heard necd not go outsidc of
Custer county to find them as
Mr. Cadwell can accomodate you
for less money. then you can purchase -
< . chase no better animals in the cast.
, : ' . lIe i : > also engaged in raising
'i thoroughbred Duroc Jersey hogs
and silver laced chickens. He
has as fine a line of the JerseJ
hogs as can be found in the state.
His original stock was purchased
of some of the best known breed.
I . ers and he bas bccn very fortunate -
" ! " ate in securing with his predi.
, ' gree stock most excellent quality ,
. . He has a number of males as wel'
' /
, 'Ji. as sows about three months old , .
, f. . .
' . . Where to Locate ?
\ , Why , in the territory
i ) traversed by the
: ' . Louisville & Nashville
r Railroad.
Great Central Southcrn Trunk I.ine ,
KentuckyTen nessee. Alabama ,
Mississippi. Flordia.
. . . ' . . . . ' -WHERE-
l armers , Fruit Growers ,
Stock Raisers , Manufacturers ,
h1\'estors , Speculators ,
. and Money I.endcrs ,
"ill find the greatest chances in the
United States to make "big money"
by reason of the abundance and
cheapness of
; Land and Farms ,
. i . Timber and Stone ,
' ; > ; Iron and Coal ,
" ;
: " Free sites , financial assistance , and
freedom from taxation for the munu-
Land allll funns at f.J.oo per acre
und up'wards , and 500,000 acres in
, , . ' West Norida that can be taken gratis
under the U. S. Homestead laws.
. , Stock raising in the Gulf Coast Dis.
J trict will make enormous ) .
. Half fare excursions t le first an
third Tuesdays of each month. us know what ) 'OU want and Wt
will tell you where and how to get i1
-but don't dday , as the country i !
filling up rapidly. Printed matter
" , maps aUll all infonnation free. Addres !
.f r , . R J. WEMYSS.
General Immigration a11l1 Industria
'I , ' . ' Agcnt ,
1.0VlftVII.I.E. KY.
. . .
. . . . ' . , . . . . . . . , . - -
. { .q"i. ! " .
of his own raising registered that
are beauties.
Those interested in thc 'Duroc
Jersey breed can well afford to
visit Mr. Cadwell's ranch bcfore
purchasing elsewhere.
- - - - - -
OUI " 1.1 'U , ' .
Bditor 1 I\1'UIll.ICAN.-D R Sm.
-Death visited this comnmnity
last week and took from us l annic
'Voodman , wife of On'il Stor ) ' ,
and oldest daughter of James and
Jane Pierce. She was born in
Charleston , Mass. , Octobcr 2n ,
1856. She came to Leroy , Mower -
er county , Minn. in 1857 , whcre
the family lived twenty four
years and thcn moved to Custer
county and took up land and
where she has lived ever sincc.
July 4 , 1888 she was marricd to
Orvil Story , Scpt 3. 1902 , aftcr
a short illncss she was takcn from
us , being 45 years. 11 months , 1
day old. She leaves to mourn
hcr loss her husband , two daughters -
ters and enc son , her father ,
mothcr , six brothers , and one
sister. She was a good daughter
a good sister , a ! ; rood wife , a good
mother , a christian. For many
years the family has held a reunion -
union at the home of her father
and mother. 'Ve shall not soon
forget thc last reunion on Sep-
tembcr 5 , when the whole family
were present. 'l'his is the first
death in the family in a married
life of forty some years and her !
parents were more ready to reave
her than they were t9 have hcr-
lcave thcm.
On the same day that Mrs.
Story died Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hargan lost an
only daughter , Pearl , 13 month"
old. Both funerals. were hcld at
the same time and p1acc. Kind.
friends decorated with Bowers
bo'th coffins inside and ou t and
one could but think how eauti-
ful evcn in death. All the m m-
bers of both families join in sin-
'cere thanks to thc friends who
so kindly assisted through the ,
sickness , death and burial of our
100'ed ones.
1\IH. ANI > MHs.JAJ\1l\S PUtHcJo : .
f\IIanuol of Soli Culturo.
i Send me a 2-cent stamp and I will
mail you a copy of Campbell's Soil Culture -
ture Manual-a valuable work that every
farmer ought tu ha'e. J. FRANCIS ,
General l'assengur Agent ,
13-16 Onmha.
, . Notice to D01l1111uol1t 'fnxpnJerii
- -
: As you ought to know , personal -
, al taxes arc ue October 1st of
each year. and are delinquent
, and subject to distress warrant
l cing issued Feb. 1st of each
. year following. I ancl tax is due
Oct. 1st , deliquent May 1st. and
. advertis d Oct. 1st , and sold to
highest bidder , or at private sale
. No , . . 1st after date' of becoming
1 due. so g vern yoursclvcs accord-
, ingly. 'l'he law says you shall
appear at the treasurer's office
and pay your taxes. and if you
do not , the cOl\ntytreasurer shall
collcct personal taxes by distress
warrant after the above datcs.
I bclieve that nearly everybody
wants to pay their taxes without
costs , and I have concluded to
take this mcans of notifying
'everyone through the press. Do ,
not neglect this matter , but attend -
tend to it as soon as possible , as
I do nat want to make you any
extra expensc , but I must and
will collect delinquent taxes according -
cording to law. as I bclieve that
was what I was elccted yom
treasurer for. 'V. A. GnORGU ,
7 tf County Treasurer.
Tllro' Tourlot Mleepurac to 'Vultll.
"he Burlington Route has authorizet' '
the low rate of $34.25 from Broken Hm' (
Nebraska to Washington , D. C. , amI re
turn fur the National l ncampment , G
'fickcts on sule October 2 to 5 , in
elusive. Good retuOling until Octobe
14 , but extend to Novemher 3 , 1902 , ma ;
be securee } ,
Thro' tourist sleepers Omaha to Wash
i ington , October 4. Double berth f3.oo.
Ask the Burlington agent , or wnte
Generall'assenger Agent ,
l 12.15 Omaha , Nebr.
IIOHH .U.l .
; I will hold my next horse sal ,
, at my yards in Sargent. Satm
i day , October 11. 'Vill offer fo
sale a choice lot of well-brei
1 brood mares ; somc choice 3 and
year old unbranded colts ; abou
20 head of well-bred suckers.
12-17 F. M. CURRIn.
" J. ' ' ' . . v.-lt . . . " f . :
"ir , . . 'J . . . , . : , ; ; . ' T ) _ : :
ltepullllcau lte5oluUous uf CUlter County
The repub1clllI ! ! ! of CUiter ! count ) ' iu
com'cntiou assemhlce1 , rcafl rm till ! prill ,
clplcs of rcpublicanii\l\ ! set forth ill the
nlltlonll1 pllltform of 19 < > 0.
Wc congratuillte the peoplc UpOIi the
happiness alle1 proiperit ! ) ' that hll'l comc
to them liS a rcsult of republicall policy
lIlu1 rcpublkull lcgislatioll. Wllges wert
lIe\'er so high , 1101' producers so wcll
cmllpensatcil for their proe11\rts \ liS IIO\\ ' .
Men werc ncver NOcll hOIecl. \ . c10thell
une1 fC11 , tUlel havc IIc\'er hefore had more
conlelltment of miUtl than during the
years since republican policy has been
enacted Into law.
We congmtulatc the I'res llentane1 the
Army on thc satisfactory prorcss ! mlUlc
in the ' ) III surprcssm the in.
snrection mil cstahli\hillg order. IInel we
unquallfictl1) ' endorse the polic ) ' of our
Jto\'ertlmcllt thcrein. Our Ilag Is in the
Philippincs 111111 there it will rcmain until
such tnne as the American people mil ) '
deem it expeelient or proper to give the
islaUtls a free nnd tlllepellllcnt govern.
ment. such as it hns just givcn Culm.
'fhe American Arm ) ' has tnken up the
work of maintaining authority in the
' , anel while we 11eplore atlll
severc \ ) ' condemn any instanccs of crnel.
ty which mil > ' hl1ve occurrelt , we remcm-
her our so1chers are fiJthtlng a harharous
anel treacherous foe which ha ! ! Inllicteel
most rcvolting aIII1 inhuman atrocitics
upon iL'I prisoners. It is the Nation's
Arm ) ' Ilrawn from e\'cn' section of our
countr ) ' , knowing no p litics nor creed.
hut fighting the Nation'lI battlcs under
the Nation's llag : amI we rescnt with
iUttignation. the recent democrati effort ! !
to drag its honor in the dust atHl cast rc-
preach upon its fair name.
We congratulate the rcpublican lart ) '
for the faithful fulfi1hnent of the p edge .
made at its nationnl convcntion of Jgoo , .
to give the opprcsseel Islmlet of Cuba a
free and imlcpendent govcrnment , which I
was consumated at Havana on 1\Ia ) ' 20 ,
by the wiUlllrawal of the American
troops anti the turning over of its government -
ernment to its own people. "
\Vc commend our poesent county offi.
cials for their husiness like methods in
the administration of count ) ' affairs.
We congmtulatc the people of Ncbras-
) Tn upon the prcsent prospcrity of onr
btlltc , and we commend the husiness like
,81111 economic methods cmPloycll , by , GO\ . .
Savllge and the stute officlllls of Ins IItl-
ministration , which have rcsultell in n
saving to the state in comparison with
administrations of nenrly two
lutHIred anet fifty thousaml dollars. He
it further
RHSOJ.VltU , That we disapprove of the
incquality of thc prcsent methoels of the
assessment of propert v for taxation ,
U ere beinJt no two cou lties asscsselt up'
on the same Imsis.Ve thereforc demallll
thnt our re\'enue lawli of the state he
amended so that e\'ery dollar's worth of
pro1 > crty or franchises shall he assesscd
at Its ; actual cush valuc atHl that the
levies be 11ccreaseel to the lowcst possible
mnnber of mills , that will provie1e suffici- '
cnt revenuc for county and state pur-
poses. He it further
RItSOI\'ltU , 'fhnt it be ma e the duty
of the attorncy gcucral aUtl county attorney -
ney to see that the law is propcrly
cnforced : anel be it further
RnSoI.VII,1'hnt we recomlllencl the
calling of a constitutional cOll\'cntion in
the near future , or thut the question of
amcmhncnts to the constitution he sub.
mittcd to the people of the state for their
With the un erstanding that the Hon.
l" . , M. Currie is a candidute for the'posi-
tion of conlresslllan from this cOllgres-
sional district ; thcrefore , be it
RnSOJ.vltD , That we recognize in 1\Ir.
Currie his emiuent fitness for the plnce :
aUtt us n mark of our cunfidence , we 110
hereb ) ' authorize him to name thc Ilele.
gation to represent his interest in the
ongrassional convention.
G. n. 1\IAIR ,
D. 1\1. AlIsumUlCom. .
.F. C. WII.SON ,
JOliN RltI SI ,
IInck to the Ollillomo.
1'he Uurlington Route has authorizeel
the low rute of OIlC fare plus $2 for the
round trip from al1 points on the n. & 1\1.
R. R. R. to many points in Ohio unel
"ickets on sale September 9 , 16 allel
23. Good returning for 3U days. ' 1'ickeL- ;
solet via Chicago , Peoria or St. I.ouis.
Ask th Burlillgton ugcnt , or writc :
Gellernl Passengcr Agel/t / ,
12-14 Omahn , Nehr.
NOR.T"'VnST IN ttEP'I'nltlllnlI.
AND OCTonnl .
I.ow lIale. . Every Da va. . tUe
nurlloICto. . Route.
To poinLc ; in the Rig Horn Basin of
Wyoming. in 1\1ontana , Idaho , Washing-
tOil , Orcgon alld llritish Columbia the
Durlillgton will sell one way tickets at
uncOllllllUnly low rates cvsry day in Sep.
temher and Octoher.
Ask the nearest Burlington agent , 01
wrtte , J. PRANCH ; ,
General Passcllgcr Agent ,
12-15 Omaha.
Preeldeut Jloo evelt III 011101111
1.0' " Itate. . VIR urltustou Route
, - . .
Presi ent Roosevclt's visit to Omaha
September 27 , during the Ak-Sar-IJel
festivities , will be n gaIn occasion. J'
gorgeous electrical pagcant Satunla )
evening. Septcmber 27 , will he olle 0
. the featurcs. ' 1'his will be rcpeatce
October 2. ' 1'he Ak.Sar.Ucn fcst'itie
I oyen this year on Septemher 24 anel con
tlllue until Octoher 4.
, I.ow Rates via the Burlillgton Roule-
: Ask the IIgellt. 12-1 ,
. .
- -
_ COPYRIl.aHTS & .c.
Anone.endlnlt II .ketch IInd do > > crlpllnn w ,
! lulckl , aloortalll ollr oplnloll lrell "lIelller au
InTenllon I. probabl , ) latentablo. ( : lJmmulIll'I\ .
UoolltflLil , conl1l1onll&l. Hanllbook on l'ILtenl.
.ont treu. Ulllo.1 'I/onc , tur .ecurln&'J'ldllnla.
" ! Lllmtl taken IhWUllh ) lunl1 ; t. . . . rOI'I , ! '
IJ tclal Mile , . wltbout charleln tbl )
Sti ntific Jfm rican.
A. hand o"'It'I , 1II1I.lral"l1 " , , "kl. . I " , rll .t rlr.
eulalloll ut n1 oclelltiUn j"ltI"il 'I't\tlll . U
i IN lr & O 3 ; ; 'lf l wrt o ;
Ur..uth IIIt o. 10' tt ! Wull1uh > II. h. \ : .
! , ; : uJf " " " J..1'ftiI.t. : , . . , . . " " - "
. . . . : ' " "i . . : . , . . . . ' "ll
U. S. I.Jsnd Officel
JA"ES WIIlTEIIKAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itfllater
F. II. YOUNU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ltec "er
All "dnrillewonb unllor tbl. hoatl "III be
charged tor 11leval rllte lvlll Ilro per
tor IIrat ID orllon , and eec vcr lI\uar. \ tor eacb
tQb equo'Jt In orllon.
"sfluare" IlIlen line. or traction thereor.
t.arollno : tIp fondant , will take
oollce Ihnt on t III Ihlrll .lay of 80plembcr I go : ! ,
I.IIrs M , Nt.hoD (111I1nlll1 III ell his ( , oUUon In Ihe
DlRlrlot Conr' of CUUrr county , Nebraska ,
lIaln.t Ibe defendant the obJecl anti : > tayer of
wh'ch ' are to obtain a II'crco ot divorce trow 11I11I
dofelJllanl ou the Rrounll of wilful abandonment
for Ibo elaC ( ! of two ) 'oar.llIsl Ilut , you Ilrl' rt' .
qulre.1 10 anewu slliel prtlUon on or hoforo tbo
l. JIh Ilay of Octobrr , 11)02 )
U.III thts tblrll day of HClllamher II1O'J. ! I.AnIM. NKUON.
lIy JAMES LItUWICK , 1IIs Attorllcy.
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
The following Proposed Amond-
mantto the Conltltutlon of the State
of NObraska. as horelnaftor 80t
forth. In full. Is submlttod to the
electors of\ho State of NObr
to bo voted upon at the Sknl
olectlon to bo held Tuesday , No.
vember 4 , A. D. t902.
A Jllint Ite.olullon ( lfOIIO.hIR to alllcl1l1 .ecllon
IIno of Arllrlo IIlIe ! ' , . , of the ConetlluUon tithe
ho ! IIate of Nebrneka , , elauvu 10 the lnallllU
of BubllllLtill1f uml allo\llllll \ : OI\Ond1ll1'n11l tll
the ( 01l8t11utloll of the 81oto of l'ebrllskn.
TUllE ot' TilE b'l'4TK 01' EU1U81(4 :
SECTtON I ThAt Brcllon one of MUch ! I1tteen
of Ihe Conlillutioll or the Btato ot NebrMka lJo
amclldpd to read aB fo\1O\vt \ :
ectlon 1. Ither hrhnch ot the lej'sIRturo
JUay propoeo amclldmouta to UII COlllntlltoo : ,
aud Ir the aame lJe ro'1 to by three.firthll of Ibo
IUclIIlJera elected to each bOlllle , .uch tHollosed
amendmoutB sbllil bo t'nlered on the JODrnn'lI.
with Ihe Y < Ja and narB , an.1 pllbllllhell nt le t
onro each week III at : ellit ono newPI"per In
( 'IIch county Ivhore a toWllpaper , II tlubllllhed , for
Ilhlrl ) days Immetllntel1 11reCCetUnIC tbl ) next
t'tectlon or ICllatOrR and rel1fo enhtlTeB , nt whIch
olectlon the same IIhllll be submlUrd to thO
electors for aPIroTBI or rdectlon. nUll Ir a III' jor-
lIy or the eleclorll voUn lit luch "Iectlon 011 Buch
propo ellllmondlllont. ellall vote to IIdollt sDch
nmendmclIl , tllo alte shall become a llart of thIs
Constllutloll. Wben moro HulU 0110 amCluhl'ent
IB Bnbmlttellat tbo nme elocUolI , they .lIal1 ho so
Bubmillcd aB to enobo : tbo oleclora 10 Tote 011
each am8udmnt paraLcly.
1.11 ballotA lI t'll lit Huch o'(1c. lou 011 such
amendment IIr alllendnlPlltR ahail have wrltlell or
prlllled Ibereon the lullowlult : For propoeetl
IIlucndmellt to the Constltlltlon rolatlng to ( hero
In&ert the BDbJcct ot the nmendment ) amllgalnpt
procoBed mcllelmoL t tn the ConHLltutlon relatln ! ; :
to ( erc Inscrt the subject of the nmcUlltnout )
811I1 Lhe vete 01 ench elector Toling on sucb
amendment or amendmente eban bo doslgnatell
by the eleclor by nakllll : a croeB with n lIen . .r .
l'cllcl1ln a olrde or Bquare Lo bo IIIaccII at the
right of the IIneslho worda " 1'or or Agaloet" the
11rOposiJd amendment aB lie shall .Iulro to vole
thereon , or by Indlc.tlns : hlB IlrcCrrnnco on a
Tot'ng machlno wben Buch machine lalll UBO.
I. Oeo , W. M arBb , ecretl ry or stille of the
RIBl6 or Nebraska , do herebY certlty that the
foregoing lirollo ell amendmellt 10 the COlletlu ! (
tlon or the Rlato of Nohrap" " " III n trae and correct
copy or tbe orlRlnol onro11etl allli c groBeed bill
a8 paeoCII hy the Twenty.eIJTCllth IIceeloll or the
Icgle18luro of the Slate ot Ncbraskll , lIS allpear
from B81d original bill nn die III thlll otl1co , and
that IIlIld propoeed .rnt'noment Is .uhmltted to
Ihe IIIIall0ed vJlerli or the Itale ur obrAllkllnr
tlelr adoption or rejectIon lit tbo Roncral olt'rUon i
to be lIe.d . on 'rul'sday tbl ) 4thay \ or November ,
A. D 11m. I
In tusUrr ony wbereot. I baTe hote.uuto sot my
band apd amxed lbo great oeal or the slate ur
Nebr8ska. ,
Done a' , Llncoin Ihll 2'nd , Ia.y . or Jaly In the
yellr of our ! .ord One Thousllld Nluo nndred
and Two. or the Independence ot Iho 11nltt'd
tltales the Ono lIuurtred and 'l'IYunty.eoventh ,
alld ot thll atate the Tbhty.slxth.
l uLl OBO. W. MAnsl/ .
'j-W-74 8ccrotary of 8tatc ,
- - - - - - -
Editorially Foarlo8R
COI1BIBtOI1Uy Ropublloan
Ncws frolllull of the world-Wcll
WrittCII , origillal storics-Allswer. ;
to queries-Article. 'I on Health ,
the Homc , New hooks , atlll ou
\Vork uhout the farm aUll gardclI.
The W ekly
Inter Ocean
Is 11 mcmber of the Associatc1 !
Press , the olllyVcsterll Newspaper
reccivillg' the elltire telegraphic
lIews service of the New York Sun
1U1Il spccial cable of the New York
World'-llnil ) ' rcporL- ; from ovcr
2,000 special corresponetcllts
throu hout the coulltry.
Suhscrihc for the RH1'UIU ICAN
IUllt thc \Vcekly Illter Ocean one
) 'ear , hath papers for f.1.50 ,
\\"il' , ' : , J . , ' . , . # "oJ. . _ ' . , , . . ! . . . , , " : ' : . .
- - -
- - -
In Oollllty Oourt , wlLhln and tor Onater oounty ,
Nebrllk- the Inlltler of tbe eltate of Shelter
Kt1ward. Doeeued.
fo the Orrdltors of . .It ! eltale !
You al\l hercby notlftodl Thlt In'l1I alt at tbe
Connty Coort rOOIO , III IIrollen 110w. III &BId
Oounty , on the 4th dny uf NO' mler.IIIIJJ . ; 011 tha
tli day or Jalillary10.1 \ ; allt ! ou.tho , CUI Ila , . ot
March 1\101 \ , PRCIt at III o'clock a III. of nclt Ila ] '
to rccoll'e RIIII cUlllllloI 1\11 clllhJ1I1t.III C pa..l .
cuata , with n'Iell' to thlr ! adJuslment anll
Tbtlmn hnltoJ tor the Ilrooollallon ! or clnlmll
.g"llIet IIIIIdIlBt"lo Illolx mOl1thl trom the -lIh lIay
of Hrptnmber , IPO'J. and the thnn Itmltl'll for I' . ) '
mont IIf dobtll hone ) 'o\r ! trolllllllld elato.
Wltneu W1 balHhllll the Henl or eahl Couuty
Oonrt this 41b da7 ot SOl'lemhor , wo : : .
12.1r.-1I1I ( IlALl J. A. AILtoUlI , OOllnly Judlo. :
Ulllt\d ! .i1l\lo. 1,1\1111 Onlcc.
Ilrollen 11011' , Nebrlloka , nIlDet. 21 ' J1\tJ
Nollce III hereb7 IlvclI ; thnt Iho folluw/nlt'Mllle,1 / ,
"eUler ha. Rled notice of hili Intelliloit to lIIa o
ftnnlproot III oOllporl of hili clAlIII. allll Ih&1 I\hl
( IrOOr wl1l bo mndo he fore UClleler RIIII IIncoher
lit lIro"8n lIw , Nuhr s\oa. \ ; 011 801ltcmlJcr 26IO' \ ! ,
vir. ; MOileR 0 Mont/(01l\0rv / IIrokolllow \ , Neh. '
for . the II K 71111 , WN W ! - ( Sectloll 1.1) ) . W I ,
H \ \ 1-4 8lcUon 17 'I o\\'lIl1hlp 11111. ltanlo : " 0 w , .
lie 1I1\'lIe 1111I10110"1111Vllrc" : ee tIlIHO\'O his
COJlthlllou. ro..II'II.e . 1111011 an.1 cnltlvltLlon nt eo hI
lanl , III William W J'ooloy. JamC's II ,
Slol'gott. llonlln ( eMOlI , Irwlll A' ' hllllugh 1111 of
IIroken How , NlhrAskn ! , JHlR WIIITKItEAD ,
J\.It \ I1 1I1'IIIIIor :
_ . . . - -
- ' - - - -
C. > unty Gourt , Cllllier Coun ! ) ' , Nchra ka.
'ro the lIelrs nlHllltlxt or I\ln ot Ahram D
110Wlll \rrC'need \
' 1'011 athorohy 110\1111'.1 thRt Cn'l aillt C' . W.
1I0\VlUal1 , aon 111101 llrutb.r of R\"I .Irc'aeoll , hllVc
1I111111heir Iwtlllolllnltahl COllrt , IIskllll : that O.
' 1tlrr 11111Y ho 811\1ollllcI , Almlnlptrl\tnr or thn
elll\to of Ahralll U.lo"man \ decrn.ell. fla"l
II1l1ttor hlill hron set ror hcarlnl { ror ! iollloUlhcr
: 'tllh lO' . ! , lit 10 o'clook II 11I..111 the Con Illy l oort
Uoom , In Broken "ow " NnbrnRkn , when all tu.
lOleelllllllarlio. l1Iay npl1lnr a11l1 he hturd.
Datell 'Ian 2lroI : dayof UKU"t 100 : : .
tot85 \ [ KAL ) J A. AmlotJlI ,
Count ) Jllllgo.
_ .
- - - -
To wl1ol1llt may concern :
The COlllmlulonor IIluolntell 10 ,1\Iv a rOl\1
commcnelnll .t U. cornur botwcon Soctlou. . 1\ Mill
II to.21 thcllco 80uth 011 Hrctlon IInll nno mlle
Ihcnce eouth Oil most prp.ctlclo rmllo followlII/ot /
IlIr'I1Y a8 now rundo 10 a tlaeo nbout Ii ro.11I 8. W.
on IUtToy rrom Blatlou No. 0 Ihercon thl ) mo.t
11racUe 1 ronto to Intorocet rOlld o. now lIurvoyoll' '
011 the 1.10 "ccLion IIno about O'J ' rOIls moro or :
leu south or Nn II thenrn lIollth anll weat ou
pro.cnt "UtToy tt : till' 8. K corner or I-Iectlon lU
IO.1 : ! nnd alao n k for the vocntlon of the IIlCSl'llt
r01i11 hetweoll stolloll NoI IIUlI whcro till : wild
Inh-r8l1ct Ihe \111111(1 \ outh of Htlltlun ' 10 H has
r"I'orlellln tavor of the loc.tlon t horont. IInd 1111
obJ..cUon. th relo.or cl"'lII " tor damngeR , II1USt
ho lIIed In thn Connty olork'lI omco on or bctore
noon ot the 2.1rd day of Octollor. tlJO' ! . or 11Irh
road will bl ) o tabllehell tber'lo.
In Witne.B Whereof. I have hcrullnlo sct my
hand a'\ll Malar al.counL" Ihl8 21th dRY ur
. \IIjust : ( , I I ( ) , alco. < Y. 01l"8Y.
11.14-87 I e1l:41.1 : County OIorll.
In the Dlltrlct ( Jonrt Thorenf at the I\Lh ! Jnlllcial
I > Istrlct.
Htllto of Nobra.ka. OUBler Connty , u.
James N. Clarko. Hecl'lver 't'lohraekll I.OIID .
, Tru.t Com pan , . ; PlantllT : VI. W1l\18JJ1 \ Walker ,
- - Walker. hlB wlto. Jame8 M. IClllll1ll1ton ,
- - EddIngton. his wlfo , Ii. N , ' 1'10101. John
tHnLe of Nehrapkll. Aflftlll CounLf , 88.
' 1'0 WltllAlII Walker. - - - Wnlkor. his wife.
Jamellto \ Rd'"tj. ' ton - &t..llngton. . hl wlfo.
B. N. Till" . John E. { In cr : You aud each of
you are hereby 1I01'lIl'd ' Ihat thl ) nllovo named
IllalnUIt hllR hroll/bt / tbo above eutlilod action to
Ihe alloo named Court allIllI8you. . ' 1'Ilat the
l1uelllrayor of the IICIlUoli IUrl1 III Mill
, anIon are to roroclopo \1)orl/alo / ; bold hy Illaln
lilt 1/t'IIII.t / ' th , e"lIth.wct cluarter ot Reet'oll
ol ht ( II ) In townHhllllWellly O ) nllrth nnll rnlto
, 'IRhleen (1111 ( WOBt In 811101 OUBLer cOllnly an.1 to
bllV6 aald rpnl.calato 1I11pra'sod ' nMorllsolJ nnd
sold to Bathry the amount duo 1llIlntllT , 00 hi ,
mortgage \.owlt . : ! I ! O with tOlillor COtit Intorl' I
rrom Uctober firt loo. ! aud co t.'I or Bult You
amI each or 01l nru hereby null lied tlillt Iht'
furthar ohJecL or Pllitl action I to have you atll
OBch or you lIarred and force'o.od of 1111 ellulty of
redemption In al1d tn 801,1 ro,18slalo. , You lIud
elloh or YOI1 Dr' rurther 110Ulled tnat YIIII arc rll
qulred to 81'Iloar DIIII an"wer the IletlUolI uf
plall1UII on or before Monda , the ! . 'IIrh dny ot
Octoller IUO' ! . JUIK N. CUIIKK , Itpcclvor or
Till : ImU.\8KA Lo.\N .to 'TIIUBT CO.
J3dll1 \ .11'10. ' 1.t. IIAII4N , tly' , .
- - - - - - - - - -
! ! 1
( y r ,
crlber. Only SO ceuta : t y..r.
A ( . ' 1) ; 1o..ulll.I colorel ! Ila'lI : lot" .
'uhlono : Ir..rn.klnr .annuml. . : Ian" .
wurk ; bouuholol Ioinu : Ii < llun. t'C. "n"'I'O' , .enl ! JO , 10' la'nl ' c" r
I.ody alenl. , . anl < ld , "enI lur lums ,
, 9ty1l911. Hftlhtble , Hltnp1f. . U , . In.
dIlle , Jtconumlcal : tn,1 hhllll1lely
Perluct.Ylttln\C Paper Patterns ,
M ' .
All Seams Allowed oDd Prrloratlon6how
I the n ' ! lnD end SelliaD lInu.
Only 10 . "d IS Cenl. each-nun" hhhr ,
A.k lor them. Sulol In nealy every city
a,4 lo..n. or by maUlrom
113.115-117 West 31&t SI. NfW YOAK. It
- - - -
: . 2t:1t-- . . . - . . , L"r' ; ; " , . . . . . . . \ - . . " :
.e :
" - -
Unit. " at , , , / lId OlUel , (
Morlh I'laHe. Neb. , AlliO.tJlI . f
NoLlce11 herpb ) glvcn thllt the toUO"11.I1I : II' "
ell aettler1M \ died notl o ot bll 18tt tl01l Ie
m'lko dnal ( ItoOt In 8Q pnrt ot hi. olalm , Ind
thllt 1111I.1 Iitoor , ,111 be hlalo b tore tb coullt ,
tUdgll or l'lIlIer couut" Noht UII , at Bmb"
lowl.Nllbr. . . " . . on 8 ptnmll r I , tM. 11&1
A1UI. < C1' 'r. JlII.I.MAN , Uomutoad Iilntl'1 No.
17001 , ror the Nelli , I Ctlon J8.own.blp . 10 N"
' "I'K" ' 2Z. wo.t , BIb I' , 101. Do names the toll ow.
IUR wllnec : to prcrc hi. eoutlnaou. reeldence
IIlon and cl\\tIullon \ or . .It I land , , ' . : Jolla I. .
Wllllaml , of limite" Dow Nebrn.k , , : John W.
lIogQl \lroken \ UOIY NobrUkaNel.ou IIU1-
lIIan. or IIroken HolY , Nebra ka : 8 \ rtnn II. 1111I-
l1Ian ! . . t Drokeulow. . NI'bra.ka.
\I.14 , 1 OlloMa JC. KlucKoulteglltf'r.
- . '
N0110R ' 1'0 NON.RKSmKNTS.
In the I > Istrlct Court , OUlt4Ir Counl7 , Nollr..k. .
Kllul' , WooII , PlalnUlt ,
Y ,
Wlllllul1l1 , 1I0blllf' ' . ducoaeell. }
Kt all Iofomlanlft.
lIara : U. J olillu , I"hnlnl tratrlx , ur the stale ot
WUlIam 11. 1I0blltlli decoa.ed. "nd Mar , 11 ,
Ihalllh , I dlth n. ) uh , 8pencer n , lIobll\l
11I111 Knthrlno H. 1I0blltll , II1lnor chlldr 1I or
WI1I1I11U H. I1l1l1l1t , dtlcelilcll , a\H1 Bara U.
IIl1blll.1 hi. wlJow 811d gnardlau or I'ald millur
you III , . cllch of you will toke uotlce. tbat on tlus
2Mh. IltlY ( f AIIIII1AI , A D. III : . ! . Iho 11I111 mlza I' .
WuodlllIlnUlI \ , t1lrd her 11oUUolI In the Dlelrlct
Court of l'ust r l'lIlIlIly. Nebr"ka. tlnl obJcot aJilI
1\rllYI'r uf Whkh ! lfI' tf ) a ccrtaln real
u tate lIIorl\:8/II / , n\lllle , eX ( ' d and dollurcl' .
hy Ihe 8/1111 William lorrl sand Sala 11
lIoh1ltR this plainUIt , u 'o e Soulb h&lr of
HI'cllonl < 'ollrtt'OIl ( II ) In 'lolVn hlp FlfteOIl 1I:1l :
North , Hauge'ollty tll'O (2 ( : . ! , Wept of the Clt".I' .
M. Cueler county. NebrRska. to Pl'curo Ihelr un.
corlnln I'rollll orv 1I0to for thu SIlIl1 ut $ '
.llIlnd .TRut. SLh , 111\111 \ , .Ino alll 1'lISlIbl/l Jan1. Gth ,
1t1):1 ) : , 11'11I1. I.rr cent 8011I1'11'111 In16relt Ulnt-
011. Ucfault halnK bocll madl ) 111 Ibo pA1ulcnt.
IIf IIRlllnote there II IInW tluo therliln thofulI\ :
S : .oo.II ( ) . J'lalntllt ( ) rayo. for a dccrae that ] ' 014
ho requlrotl to Jla7 tl10 umo or lhat uld land b.
I'ohllo sallpry thu amount JUlllln .aM nolo' , "Itlt
Inlorcllt and coe& . . You IIro rpljulred 10 IInwor
t hili 1"'l1l1l1n on or h roro tbo 11th , da , or October ,
1002 , or Judgment wl\1 \ bo rendered agalnl' ) 'OU
I > l\led at IIrokcn 110" , t-ebratk. , thlll 25th
day or uGust. IIIO'J. ELIE' " I' , WI'IOD ,
. - . lIylter IIttor oy , LI' " ' ' MOMAN.
- - " - - - ; ; :
It IHII.t nle luntcrlal
taiNt KOCH Illto 'Your
relllilred , vuleh Ulnt
reHnlt" , In.a Ilcr'cct
'oh. ' It Is tile IQOW ) jOW
Hmt 110081,110 , bUBln089 , Itoy b o lol'
oo.n buy thu 11110 klndo of matorlal
thnt J UMO In ropl1lrlnKJ buL skill
18 Iho moat Vlllul\hlo mlltorlal tbnt
, an bu mod In wntoh
It nd tllo bun ler oan' t buy I ti.
0011 my oklll for whitt It Ie worth I
! lud It will o08t you leos tban.
bunltlln : lit lower prloe8.
. . W . HAYES ,
.Joweler and Optlolan. .
WCRt ehlo of oqunro. .1
- . ,
1.llIcolli. "enver ,
OUIIIIIII. Ilcleou ,
CIaIClllru. natte ,
"I. .JONell" . I"orttund.
UIIII..H : cu. " , Hult I.ake Clt .
HI. I.OIIIR. A lIel HIlII l1'rllJJstilJlr :
An I"ulill. . 1II..t Alld AU . qt ; . I.
Alld "onnl 'VcRI.
No. " ! Jllbtllolh'.Iltr081 dnl\ll \ Lincoln , Om. .
ha , IIJt. Josoll' ! 1 . .tlea.1I OilY , tit. LaUIIL Chicago
cage alld aU poll1t. "nstnnd eooth. . ; . 6 0Ia.w.
No. 'H-Loelll exprOI I.nlly. . 1.lncoln. Omaha.
Chlcnlo anll a1l Iloll\t. OA.t nud O1t11U ! :13 : a , m.
Nil , 41-Vesllbuloll oxpreu dailY , 1I010na , tiCal.
tic IIUlLo. I'ortland RlIIJ 1111 l'acJlle : CoalC
I\O/ULA. / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B04 ara
No. 43-I.ocal UJprUBd : dally. Alllan lt anet
InhrwodlnLo IlOlnte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 8J1.
tlloepln ! : , dlLhlR and ro.Unlng ChAir cars ( Ioat.
Iroo ) UII thrnughtralnll. TIcked .old and ba\l- \
gllgo C'ltoekl'J . nuy point In till United tllate.
and OallaIA. ,
luforJ1laUou , 1U1I111I , tlmo table. aud Ilc1Joc ;
tan on or wrlto 10 U. L. Ormsby. ageni , or J
l rllnolt. n. I' . A. , OmnhlNobraalta. .
U. L." , Alrcnt.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
POlich for W 8t w111 clnso at S p. m. , OXCCIlt
\lunda \ ) ' when It will oloso at 01111 II m.
l'onuII , OAftt tor train No. .u OIO fi at 8 . [ II
and tor No. 41 cl08o lit , 1\.30 . . .m. Alall for An.ley
al\l , polnl.ll ousl lit Urand IRluud oarrled on train
No. 44.
OconLo via of 11)0 nn. ! Tnckorvllle. clally. ox.
cllllt ' : inndllY c1UAI-It. at 7 II ml returulntr same tlY. ;
CnllllIVItY VIII , Mc'IUuley dally oxoept BUfld .
CIOROA nt 7 . m , retnrnln : ; emu tlllY.
1InllnI , Vallo , via Urelln nnll Klton close at 7.
m'rneillay , 'I'liutBllay nud tlatnrda1s , roturnlug
sure 0 day.
Hnmflor Via allfllAey. UenrKII\.ow" aud UlltOQ
arrrtvo lit 1I.lm. 'l'uosdu ' 1 bursd" " Dud Batur ,
day rcturnlilK lollVO > > aL 1 ,30 811ml ) Ilay.
Ol1ln ) hOllrH rrom 8,00 n m Lo 8.00 II ! II , 8un-
I daYR rrllm rIf. I' . tn. to 6:4 : p. III. l..obll , OpOD
wl'lIk IIIIYA fri\'l' ' 'j " . VI. to 8 II. m. BUllda.1I 8'00
I a. m 10I n. m. ( loner.l dCllvllry not open HDU'
d.y momlu ! : a. horotororu. L. .J.'TT. P.M'
- - - - -
- - . . . . - - " . - .
- - - - - - - - - - -
[ . , CLOSE
! . Prt _ . : / , , .
1 t. -
m fL .H l. ' . W My entire flloelc of olothing. Big out in pricc8
. m t
-El ) < or TJld : i03 Shoos to red ueo the tltook. Oome Bnd
" / {
' I IlVO : your mOBsuro taken for B
' t ; )
i 1 / : - " " r f TAilOR MADE SUIT ,
' - F Prices From $8.50 Up ,
5 lij The rigors of winter will soon As Good As You W nnt.
I be over. m
- Pleasanter days ahead. ) Don 'r ergot that wo
I m Drightest fJrlghl things things In store In Men's fC'r Dress aliI ( S ELL G ROC E R I ES
( Goods that we have evr shown [ .
l WI . I\ ' ) a t U a8 } I 11 rJOCH , ant I ) ) BY tl IU
dur s en. I ] I
I t [ m IJ J)3t1erns ) Come for and the look Spring at them-SOD f a" Su " ! . ! ( J ) H8 If ! h es t M ar k e t P rlces f or P ro d uco I
I ; ; ; : , II ; : , i.h
] ure-all Everything the time-never made to your othr- mm. . ! [ H A R R YAY
wlse-vrlces wondrously low. 1 J
N p
, m
llL _ _ _ _ _ J ) nroko U'W , Ntbrallkn.
lli Ill1 ! IDmi
I , . , , ii' J _ _ _ _ _
_ _ . _ . _ . _
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- -