Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 3

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    . . . - - . -
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' 'II\'II ' > H I ' " 'I' ' ,
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- - - -
l\fM , street Attire BboWfl TClllleucy ,
Townrd BhulIUclt- ; Tnllorhl"-
Oored Skirts Arc BtyUMh , hut Plent-
ed Oncli MC the Newcr.
: lie" li'wk corre.qllondcn :
_ ' " . . _ II " ' _ H. ' . . . . . _ . .
f Y
. , lUll I'LrtH'L U L LU ! :
thlru ! is n lIuLlclllblu
retllrn. towarJ "Im-
plrr tnllorluK. l"I a-
turt ! ! ! tihnlllhuw tl1l1 )
tunllullcr ; IIrt !
basque coats , hublt
cI aL'J , lhrCl."Qunrtul'
l'OntH , OIChort
wl k1ng UIHI tlw e-
cllnc ot thc ! lhullcLl
Ilounce. ' .rhero ill 11
tOllCY tor Ow IIse
ot tYO IUllterials ,
one l'ough , IIIt !
IInLOOlh , in wnlklul ;
Wt1S. It I ) u g It
t wee d s , trlc7.I's ,
ooevlots IIntl chucked -
ed umtcrinl.'I are
I' " In h Ilvcry attractive 111
'q\CIl" nud show many beautltul bltmd.
1 partlculnrly in browns und gr ns ,
GtL'CIId aru more conspicuous Olan uSll111
In Quuh materials and appear vcr ) ' ottlm
In brown , gruy or blue mlxtUrl'8. ' .rhere
is tl bluc tWl't.-d with a very 1DIIU grcen
pin dlcck thnt makl'fl up prottUy , bud
( : here are rou h browns shot with threadlt
I -ot dull blue nnd oran e thl1t are nttrae-
Ithe 1a tailor gowns. Sue e leathers arc
- 'Y 'AD aeceS60rl on many ne" taHor ( 'UWllil.
. , . ' , The leathers arc tound in almost any
color and are UBlod In bandH , pipings and
fGr cuflB , collars and belts. 'They make
pretty waistcoats , too. Suede cents made
< > ver trleze skirts arc a 5t'l1&h novelty.
Belbi and pipings ot vivid orange It ! < nther
ATC shown on some dark wools , on which
tiley are the only high colCll" . Finish ot
bright stitched ! Iilk turnishes tJhe neC'd
dash ot rontrastlng color In other gOWDB ,
'llhus in the gown ot this Initial ploture ,
w1 ch wns green twccd shot with white ,
the collar and tubs were red
Irtltched In white and finil Jed with learl
. buttous.
, J
All , vnlklug skirts are unlined. Clrl u ,
, , lur akirts have disappeared. 'l'11U Jrl'tl
Wrt wltb flare below the knC < ! : f Ilnd
bw , but the ple11ted skirt is Ule l1ewr
tnoll,1 nnll ' ! l'f'TnR to hI' fill' I'mnln' ! qo"t.
, , ' - . " , , " " " ,
hUUltl' nud enmiur ; hllre IIweepilll :
[ lIcll dlverdt ) ' III wruPII l'l Inillclttcd
tor tlill uud , , 'Iuter , but loug ftnd tJuee-
1I1111rter l'OUts are 8Q richly finlrhed and
nru altogetJler so handh'Ome , tllat they
flrobnbly will domluut < ! ' . 1.lght cloth. . Rnd
ralle ' silks nre USN tor thetle l'Outrt , nnd
lIIany hundoollle velvet coatK lire seen.
' 1'hl' ) ' ure lIIorc eluhorately tr\mllll"l.l \ tluiU
in Carmer seUIIOIL'I , hl1l1 ! : loosel' nUnround
nnLl JUH'e ! rumen'e ! heU ylceves or 11\11.1)
( luffR. Stole clld" nlllJ tnncy l'QUars atloru
UlallY to bt. tlll'il tor uveulna nnd car-
rla ) ( \ \ ' Ilr tlliR wlut'r. mack vclvet
111ukeR 11 ( ' stunnlngl ) ' l1'lnltned with gold
or ! ! l1vt'r cmhrotlry ! ! umItet \ \ \ " ) ' ru lace.
folre IN rcfitly meN and looks well
wlll'n ' trimt1led.wlUI . beav ) ' cream lace aUlJ
"luck or eolored vclvet. Chanse-
uhle I > l1k IR uSl'll Cor short l'OOt. ; with a
tl'lruU1ln or guipure.
Ne"'lIurket l'OUts pro11lis to be st'll'Jb ,
nnd the fU\'ured l' < llors ure red and soar-
let. l..oofe mantle l'Oats nre seen. too.
&true clos ! ! lilting short looats hnve S110ul-
der CIIWS that dll ) to fi polut at the back.
'TIlte lhouldcr lQrtlon or tbe oope 19 bul-
tOltl-d hack to Jlve a hood e1Iect. D I4.lcs
1111 thcse coats tllCre will be morc l' pM
than InveICcn worn reccntly. A larKe
shure or thlose outer garments have 11 look
ot nO\1:1I ) ' , so tile arrny or them now In
the sliver gra ) ' moire , hangln ; : Cull end
cut awuy In trent , w th a gray veh'et
collar ; a long white broadcloth dtmk
trlnunlod witit giber embroldery and rose
pink vclvet , nud an odd 81lOrt coat ot
gray moire with cape coUar and trim-
mitl ot peach Illnk rose ruchings.
Mirror vcln'l , almost as tine I\ad BOtt
os crepe , 18 one ot the season's very haud-
80me materlnls. It Is pus1 ng panne tD
the wul1 , nnd small wonder , whim Ita
. . J
" . ,
. .
' - . . . . . - : . . . . . . . . . . . --J
SillPLIDS OJ , ' MANY NEW WUAl' ! : : .
quality and colorings nre considered. It
will be used tor almost everything-
cloaks , cents , S'tret and visiting own ,
and evening gOWtk'l. In the light shadea
It Is , perhaps , at its best. Silvery shot
cIfeets In pooch pink , blue , nile gr l.u ,
rOM pink are lovely , end In comblnntlon
with rich lacc and trolling silver embroidery -
ery will he rival : ! ol s.hl r traD.'flllrent
tubrlcs. Swisses , lUoussl'lines , are alr.o
to be comblncd with velvet. Silvery jleen
mirror velvet , ahout the llrettlcst IIhlde
at all , WfiS the material ot the It'tt-hnnd
gown ot toolay'lf : third picture. It hnd
plphlb"S and revers ot black and White
stl'IJlC'd silk , and wns embroldere in gold.
Pl'nch pink , numed ay 'handsome tor tLls
velvet , is In general Caver , and is much
used in liberty satin Cor house dresl s ,
with Ince Ilnd chiffon trimmings , D Hc te
blulos arc liked tor house dresses , too.
A blne liberty satin gown is shown here.
Its fichu draping ot white chantilly was
caught at tile waist with a black velvet
how. I1nl Itq . . ' 111,1.1 W'Iot ! 'Imoro\c ' \ , . " , , -t.lte
. '
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. / 1'I \ ' ! ' SATN.
f , ' It appeurs In side or kilt pleats nnd In
: "cry broul : , shallow box-pleats stlthed !
I down 10 below the knc's end tbl'o Il'rt
. to Uure. 'I'helle sklrta ure Terl har.1 . to
, ' ahnle nnd tit 811100thly over the blps.
V'1 . Rowe are made with a closely filted plain
I I r 111)1 ) yol.c to which the pleatNl skirt I.
I' \ , .tlnchl'd. . WIUI these are seen the modi-
. fil'l1 Norfolk jaeket nud tbe loose blouse
Llnt with hnsqut' , ( ' Jleclally tor outlnq
"nltll , whl'tl. till' ) ure preterable to eton&
( , jr bolero j:1ckrts. All .idrtll are 11 triUe
. . ortcr than Jest & ' 1180" wWI , Utose tl1r' '
\ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . - - . . . . .u , . , . , . . . . . _ . . . . , _ . . . . . . . : . . . . . . _ .
clllffon. ErnIlre lIlotlels In satin and rei.
Vet are very swaggur tor evening an
bouse wear.
New tall sldrts urc ratber striking 111
coloring. StrllX'd WCHef ! have Revers I
colO'nJ , os a rule , the strJpl'tJ both \\d
and narrow. 1 lowered IIllks are pretty ,
BOweitb Buch large , Ii'praWllnlf :1tternj
.lII to rcmind 01\1I ot Dully \Ollnl D. Dr I' '
dCtl dl'S'ilns ara to be Itylbh. Bilk. an
ulJttle heavier In texture lUul. UfO a aou ,
utlDJ' appearuco. . _ _
. _ - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ oL" . . . . . . . . . "L.
. . - . .
Fuur It. "nllltlllllnry 'Vnr YeR.olllln Ua ) " ( II
l'I\lInllO , n'lIl "ltunUun Tlter au,1 nt
Colon Is Scrim. . .
Wusbln/ton / , Sept. lO.-Mr. Ehr-
man , vlce.consul.general at Panama ,
luh'lses the state detmrtment by cabh'
that Agna Dulle has been surrendered
LJy the government forces. Ii'our rev'
olut.lonary war vessels arc now In tbl'
hay o ( Panama. and the revolutionists
reported to be moving toward the
rail road. Mr. Ehrman considers tbe
situation at Colon and Panama ser-
Tbe , omalals of the Colombian legation -
tion proess not to be seriously
alarmed over the ! > urrender of tbe
Kovernment ( orces at Agua. Dulio.
The number o ( government soldier ! >
there 13 estimated to be somewhat
less than 3000 men , and while tbelr
loss III admittedly a setback , Colom-
bia's representatives declare the etTpot
will be to stimulate tbe government
greater activity to crush out the re-
bellion. ' .rlw general understanding
here has been that the jtovernment
bad about 7,000 men under lums on
the IstbmUl ; . Wbllo this may be an
over estimate , legation ol1lolals say
there Is sul1lclent men left to ol1'er
strong resistance to any e1Iorts the
revolutionists may make to lake the
In'er-ocl'anlc railroad or the cities at
Colon or Panama. .
The revolutionists arc thought tn
be In the vicinity at of those places.
Since the capture by the Insurgents of
the gunboat Hoynen the government
Is without na\'al protection on the
Pacllto coa"t , th IUlh the BOlato , recently -
cently purchased In t.he United States
IS now on her way down from Seattle , ,
This vCMsel , the omolals say , will be
more than a match for the whole reb-
No advlces regarding the surrender
of the government forces at Agl1n
Dulao have reacbed the legation.
Washington , Sept. lO.-The govern
ment bas decided against. the stle 01
Intoxicating liquor of any description
"L."A our Samoan possessions. Shortly
after the tripartite agreement between
England , Germany and the Unlted
States for the gevernment of the Sa.
moan Islands was made and the as.
sumptlon at the control of tbe Amerl.
can portion of the Islands by the navy ,
under whlob Ithe government wai
placed , a license for tile sale o ( liquor
at Tutulla was granted. Bnbsl'quent.
ly , upon the recommendation of the
naval governor , this license was re ,
voked , not how..ver , before the united
States vice consul at Apia , Mr. Black ,
I lock , had erected a hotel at Tutulla ,
In wbloh tbe sale of liquor was carried
on. When the license was revoked he
lodged a protest with tbe navy department -
ment claiming tbat tbe prohlblthm 01
the sale of liquor would work tIua.nclal
Injury to him and representing that
Its sale would In no wise corrupt the
morals of tbe natives , who he represented -
sented , were not addicted to the use
of Intoxicants. It was also r'present-
ed to tbe department that the sale 01
Intoxlc.\nts was perrnltted In the Brit ,
J h and German portions of the Islands ,
Aler duly considering the matter ,
the navy department bas dl"clded
against Vice Consul Blacklock , ann
the action o ( the naval governor In :0-
voklng the license bas been sus'alned ,
Minister Lelsl1mnn at Constantine
pIe h38 Informed the state departmeL 1
that he will depart from his pot 11.1
once on leave of ab enee , placing ! tIr
bpencer Eddy , secret ary at the lega
tlon , In charge of American Interests
It Is understood that Mr. Lelshrnal
b\IHecure : I satt.factory al surancc fro II
the Pllrte that should b no fur
ther delay In tbe adjustment of thl
war qll stlons , except. . the case of Mh
Stone , which , owing to the Inabllit :
yet. . to del ermine wltl1 which countr
the rcsponslbillty IICd-'l'llrleey or Uul
\larla.-would he talcl'n IIp later.
Stamps , Ark" S < , pt. -The wlfeo
,101111 lIarp r , a resldellt of this placc
liaR been murdered , her slayer u..11I1
an I1.x . < " with wlllchhedealtthewflltIlll
I wo heavy b ( ) WSA hen ! ille WiLH aSlee'll
lIer heart ' s alnll it t evered frllm Ih
buciy. 'I'he. woman's husband has dl
, Derlln , Sept. -1.'he German for
I ehm olllce Inlurms the Ar-soclatel
prrs'l ' th , t the IIaytian pro\'J"lonu
I IClVIJrnment ha..communlcated to Gel
I , m LIlY that naytl reJareh'd : Lhe 1"lm
II1lst gunboat Crete-a-Plerrot as a p
: rate , and tbe Interests of Haytl wer
unwuchrd by the action of the Gel
, man jtunhoat Panther In slnkll1 th ,
, Urt'te-a-P.errot at the entranC ( : of th
narbor ot GonnlvCi.
- , , " . , , , c . . . . . I" . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j , ' , . . .
- - - -
nOYf'fllor Stonf'l'n"hle ' to lIettie the8trlke
Nu ChnnllIln hltnntlon.
New Yurle , Sept. 10.-WlIIlnm A.
. , tone , of l'ennsylvunlll , who came to
this city nnd made an elTort durln
the duy tu see hnt could bo done
towards seltllllg the nnthrnclte coal
trlke , returned to Harrlshurg , I'a. ,
tunlght without Ilppurently llUvln i
heen able to nccompllsh a settle. ,
lIent. ' 1'hore were rumors nfloat
I hat the o\'ornor's vhdt hud results ,
hut Uenrge W. Porkhs , ot J. P. Mur-
\tan & . eo.t denied tonlJtht that there
was any chullge 111 the situation.
Word to the salDe ofTeot wus rrcel'ed
by ) on dlstunce telephone ( rom Pres.
Iden t \lesllule ot the Deleware ,
Lncnwanna & Western ralllrolld , who
Is out or town.
Governor Stone wns acoompanled
to the olty by A ttornoy General Elk-
In of Pcnlls'lv.\nlu , nnd Senator Flinn
of l'llt.sburl ; . ' .rIle three held fl con-
rm'elJce of several hours' duratloll
with P. A. Wldeller at 1111l11ldelphla.
III the oltll'es of the Ullited Stntei
Steel corporation. A Cler the r.onfor-
ence had lusted nn hOllr Mr. WldclI-
oller went to Ree J. II. 1Ilornu ! ; at the
lattor's onlce nnd nslccd him to IIse
his IlIlIuence to end the strike. 'l'en
minutes aCtor he returned to his rei-
1ll\T conferees and told thorn that
Mr. MUftIan bud declined to Intor-
Before leaving the city Governor
Stone gave out the following statement -
ment :
"Attorney General Elcln , Senator
FlinD and myself hlLve beun In con-
sllltution fur several hours todny with
P. A. n. Widener of lJhlludelphlu ,
who Is a director or tile United
Stutes Steel oorporatlon Ilnd I\ssool-
nted with Mr Morgan In many busIness -
Iness Interests. Mr. Widener Is very
anxious to see the strike settled and
today took the matter up with Mr.
Morgllu. We arc doing what Nr
cnn. "
Gnnenor Stone was askpd whut
progress toward n settlcment had
been IUnde dlll'l ng the cOllference had
been hud from . Morgau.
ofo these qlll'stions he answered
that he had nntblD ! : to suy beyond
what was contained In his statement -
ment and that the ether partlr.s to ,
the con ference bad also been pledged I
tn silence.
Governor Stone nisI ) snld thRt ho
had no atJP.lntment , . II ere with 'eltbor
Senator Plutt or Go"ernnr Odell.
When he was questioned nhollt the
sltulltlon In Wllkesbarre nnd as to
whether he Intended to send more
troops tbere , he replied. that he had
nothing to say.
The governor was told of n report
In circulation which was sUPPJsed
to account tor Senntor Platt's prediction -
diction that the coal strike would be
ended tills week. It was to the
efTect that Senator PJatts hud leno"-
ledged o ( a plun to have a oommlttee
appointed rtpresentlng ! New York ,
New Jersey and Pennsylvania tbo
committee to act In nn nd\'lsory ca-
paolty , and to suggest leJ.lslation fer
I tile settling or the stl'lke nnd be
prevention or other labor troubles.
Governor Stone refused to comment
on this report.
Wl1kesb rre , Pa. , Sept. 10.-Presl-
dent Mitchell of the United mine
workers ot I\merlcn tonl.zht denied
III the most emphatic terms tbut
tbe c..lal miners strike had been declared -
clared 01T.
I'You can quote me In the strong.
cst terms. "he said , "tbat tbe strike
Is stilI on I have recel ved no proposition -
osition from the otb lr side , end I
have made none to tbe operators
AliI know of any negotiations to end
the sullce I ha\'e read In the newspa-
pers. ' 1'l1e strllee Is stili on and will
remain aD lIutl1 declured olt by tbe
mlne-workors In cunvcntlon. It Is
, up to tbe operatoJ's. "
I cronton , l II. , Sept. to.-General
I f uperlntendent Rose of the Deleware
I & Hudson Rallroarl complDY mine
ciepartment suld toduy that he bud
, no knowledge of ony negotiations
. which could pos3ibly lead to 0 settle ,
ment or tile strike tins week , nexi
week or any other dellnltely deter.
. milled tlmn. lIe said the Delewa [ (
& Hudson compallY stands In eJ' ct ,
Iy the s line posltlun as It did In thl
bel.tlnnln : lIf t.l1U . sHllee and had 11 (
lutl'ntlon of ofTerlng an V cllnilessllln" ,
Thl. , statement hV Supcrlntenrlenl
- Rose Is In barmony with slmllal
< ; tatemenlS made by SlIperlntenlll'lll
. . Iav of the mrlc. anrl ! 3l1perlntl'ndI1nl
Phlllipi flf tile LlIllkawannn rec'ntly ,
NotwlthitulIlInl ( ; the dcnl'ls or the
rirobability uf tin early settlemenl
. the nplnll1n prl'\'allq hero that the
mines IIJl rlntcnclents have knowled 1
lit Sf ) ne fUIIVOlII\lt ! \ whlcl1ls IIkoly tt
suon end the Ht rl ke.
Aurora. SOllth Dakota. Srpt. 10.-
Eclna , the IInly chllel of G. D. Cheat
hall1. anti Mirv , dllulltor.f ! Fre
, . LlIIy. buth chllllr'n nbout fonr year
i- of IILte , were bUllied to ceath ] whlll
playlUjt In a bal n Yfsterduy.
Clevelllnd , 0. , Sept. 10.-IIealtl
Ollicer Freldrll'h of this clt.y has sen
n letter to John D. Rockefeller , call
Inll his attention to the fact thn
, edlcal scl < < nce had os yet fulled t
discover the smallpox erm and thn
slIch discovery wouhl probabl
mean till' el\lOlnatinn \ of much hurnu
misery anti thu sllvln or many live !
e lie usk1r. . Hockefcller to provld
Ie a funr ) fur the pllrpll30 of havjlg ! It
Iu vusthw tnn ( carefully carried 00.
. _ , . . . . . _ P. . . . . . . . , , . . . " L : . . . _ . . . .
- . . . - - - - -
Sl'llllrnte ! I rom "nmll ) ' nlld 'J."hrentnnoll lo
Hill I v ry J\tembt'r-l.Iucoln Uluud _
"uuIIlI. . . RenU" ' ) .rncl ( 111m.
! > Icrne , N eh. , Sept. l3.-Gottlleb
Nolgenflml , the murderer or wife and
father-In-lnw , Is hiding In cornllelds
not Ulun } ' miles trom hero , nnd possesS -
esS ure huutlng him. 'I'he IlInn hunt
follows the terrible tragedy which
occured ut the homo of Albert Brey-
er , a funner In SlolIHh precinct , midway -
way between 1'Iorce nnd Nortolk ,
.1'rlday ! nlRh about sundown.
Uottllob Nel enl1nd uppenrod In
the burnvnrd nnd Mr. Breyer ordered
him olT the plaoe , wheleupon NelJen-
tlud replied by dmwlug his revolver
nud tired tWeI shots ut Breyer , botb
tuklnll cl1'oct , Nelgenl1nd then went
bohlnd the burn , reloaded hili re\'ol-
vorl appeared lIfuln ! and UrmJ four
mllre shots at Ureyer , two bullets
tllklng elTect below the heart , on o-
Ing throuHh the 1ldneys nnd one
through the forehead.
oLllle shouts nttracted the attention
or Dl'eyer's wife and two c1nJgltters ,
one the divorced wlfl ! ot Nellenllnd ,
who calllu runnln out. ' [ 'ho ' n he
shot his former wife In the hend , lelll-
11If : ; her lustJully. lie alst shot and
Berlou-Iy wounded Mrs. Dreyor In
the 8houll1el' .
lIe grnblJOll the YOlln et dnughter
nnd snapped his revolver nt her bllt It
fnlled to gu oiT. lIe thell tore 011
the clothing olT her budy nnd eicllpec1
lute the corn Iteld snuth or the yarel ,
and up to this nftertloon hUll Dot
been lJuptnred. .
Mr. llreyer was able to get to the
house and wurd was sent to tlte neighbors -
bors who went to town and summoned
Drs. l'easant and Woodworth. When
the arrived they pronounced Mr.
Ureyer's case as very HerlouR , fearing
lhe wors' . Mr. llreyerdled t.hls mornIng -
Ing shortly ntter 7 o'lliock.
Gottlieb Nel enllnd , the murderer ,
was tbe divorced hUband ! or Mr Drey-
er'tI daughter , Mrs. Anna Perters.
Orhey had been married nOOu twO } cars
when she secured n divorce. Nelgen-
tlnd being a wortblelis chllrMter He
went to.Kllnslls ; , but c.\me back n few
days ago and has been In the neigh.
borhood vowing that he would kill tlJe
whole family.
'l'he Lincoln bloodhounds were tele-
Iraphed for thlB mor , Ing and arrived
this noon. 'l'h < , y were taken out to
the farm at once. It was reported
'I bout o'cluck that the cloJs had
found the tl I1. ' 1'he dogs flUowed ;
the trail all the afternoon , but lOlt Iii
LOwards darlc and were brought to
town for the nl ht. ' .romorrow tboy
will be put out allaln.
- -
IIumbolt. . 'Neb" Sept. 12.-For the
second time within a month complaint -
plaint hus been mnde regarding the
presenoe In tillS city at a "peeping
'rom , " who Is rnnklng hlmselr especially -
pecially olJnoxlous , and for the second
tilDe a chase resulted In his narrow
escape tlOm capture. People were
stundlng ou the walk tallcln when
they suw n mnn approach the residence -
dence of Ted Calhapp , In the suuth
part of the city , and atter peering
( 'uutlously througb the window. climb
lutu the urnnehes of a tree near on
upstairs window nnd settle down as
I ( to wutch tbe house and Iti occupants -
pants ,
The bystanders quietly communi-
uated with 1\1r. Calhupp and with
two or three companions he st'lrted
on u tour at Investigation.o1'he Intruder -
) truder hud tnken warning , however ,
, and bardly had they started In his
t direction he slid down froru the tree
aDd started all the run. [ Ie was pur-
J I sued , but In the darkness soon dill-
, talced his pursuers , who produced
} I Dr. Gandy's Lluodhounds und pillced
them 011 the scent. 'I'hey fullowed
the trail clusely until the pursuers
, heurd a shot , and then carne bliCk ,
reruslng to follow furthor. 'rhey
were taken buck und started over I
this time gnlu down near the depot ,
_ where u party of roundeas were cun-
I sliming a Iceg of beer. They fallol1
- , to Identify nny particular IndlvldulIl ,
f1 however , and the chase was aband.
t Lonrlon , Sept. 12-For th Urit : time
' the Incident of the ohJl'ctlonable
' cartoon or the Jart Q leen Vlotorla ,
'I Duc d'Orleans has reLurned to Eng.
, I land. Yesterday evenlnl { he received
y' ' a notification from [ { In Edward
D I that , to quote the Morning Post ,
i.1 ( oorne doors of England are r'opened
Ie to him : " 'l'he duo goes to ofer ( II
u I prayer at tbo grave ot tbe Oompt de
_ . . . . . . " , Jl _ . . . - . . . , ;
+ + + + + + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
! : : : : J
+ + + + + + + +
'fhe Hov. A. W. Alrord at Llnce1" .
prellched the dedlcutory , Berman at
the ( ) penlu of the DCW Advent
church at ' 1'ecltmsoh. Th sect Is
not vcr ) ' strong t.hero , bilt I ho cd. . nce
Is n rnodclln compactness Bnd doslJn.
J. A. Unphanlc , ot ArllnRton , tilled
Satllrda } ' from a strolco uf apoplexy ,
u ed 83. lie waS OUO ot the fits'
B\tters ! \Vashlu tlll1 county and Willi
II moUl bor of the lerrl torlill IC'fistat-
ure In 18 ! ) .tJO.
The Nuckolls r.onuLy fair wl1l bf
held at Nelsun rrom September 22
to 20 , Incluslvo. This will ho Ull
twenty-Utth , annual talr of t I' coun.
ty and preparations have becn Ilmda
tc make It u recMd brualeer.
Uecolpts for pestle \ , Including
Rales of stalUps and the 1IIeo I\t the
Omaha pOlltultce ! for the nlOlIth of
August , shows nn Illcrease ( J'r vet
lU per cent. 'lihe ligures IU ; Au ,
list , Hl02. $311,360 8 i lI nst 1001 , 11-31 ; , .
\17.60 \ ; ! rlclelse , $ 12 2.J5.
D. D. Johnson , lIvlnll near Leigh. .
became Insaue Sunday D1ornlJ "n
lUll his fll.Dlly olT o ( the fnnu. Cnn.
stal.llCrlslIlan tlud deplltll'I' took
the ml1n to UUlllhlll\ls \ , where hJ will
be eXIIUlIr.ed by the IUBaility cftmmls.
'l'he nldenearilrll ( annlvcrsuy : of
Mr. and Mta. Il1umle uf WesL Point
wns coh brll.tcd Ilt K flUIIQ'S Ii LIl , last
week , Borne 160 rrlenll of the 00 pIG
IIldln/.f / In the cI'lcliratlon1'ho loca1
lJiLdeL band gave tltem n. concert 11.001
tlte recoill lon , and In the evening
tI\lpper \ aud IIILnoo wnR Jlvcn.
A. S. Ulchunlsull hall J.I ven up bls
plnce as editor uf the N'eJtIIskn OIty
'l'rlbllne tlnd Jj'lUnk E. IIclver hU9
lllken charge. 'l'ho .lIpor..wlll : be
chun ed from n n IndctlendentJ to It
republlcnn ur lIn aud will be con-
duo cd alm'lI Ilructicully tho' same
lines us hel'eLoture.
O. 1 { . ChaUl\erlllln , brother 'of O.
M , ehulllbellaln , tl10 clIsUlor'of thEi
dcClIr.ct Chumberlilln' bunk or oreourn-
! loh hus tell'gl'llphed to , onlcers of the
lmnle that hl9 brother Is prusl rated
becullso he lun uut rulso th ' rlIudi !
he weut elst nfter , nnd tll' : ' ' . wll1
return aud sotLie with , all delJ."dtors.
Fol1owlng arc Lhe mortlluges' filed
and rcloaRed In GII e coun y , ror the
month ( I ( AUlust. . , lOJ2 : Nurpb f of
farm mortHa cs tilt , , ! , 12j amonnt ,
$2',950j , number of farm murl1l'agCB
r.l as d I 2. ; j amount" .28,7 2j city and
town luortllIgcs filed , 18j aMuunt ,
H3,242i olty and town mort.agCi . : reo
leased , 271 amount , $30442.
On account of Iho failure ot tb
Chamberlain bauk tit Tecllmseh tbe
I.Iralwh bauks of the Inllitutilm wl11
be clm.ed lit Vesta nud Grat _ 'fhos\ \ !
were cnlmtllzed tit $5.0UO euch. Cash :
ler Ohuluberluln evldeutly , utguged
hlB hume for $1.000 the dav 1)(1 ) Icta
t wn , us a 1ll0rtlIIge : ! fur the amount
IIl1s been Ulet ! ,
Leo Shnrp of Omahu hus , 'lslted
PlnttslllOuth to I'Jok uver the round
wltl1 u view 01' 1I10VlllU his machlno
sb Ip t. . . th ; , t cl ty. lie wishes to ID-
ttalilln electric 1I"ltlln und steam
heutlng plant and run thlsln cun-
nectlon with 1IIs manufacturing
plllnt. The plan will be un Import. .
\1ut \ Industry tor the city.
'l'he dental ontce of Dr. AdJDlS : , of
Flemout , wag entered Saturrll11 , or
; ; UII < lI1Y und about $75 wurtb ot. fiUp-
j.Il1csculIslsllng uf old Ilud teeth stol-
en. 'l'hey werc takeu frulD a draweT
In a cuse IInd nut missed at the lime _
A mun by the lIame 'of''lIl1aI1l8 ' ,
who Is nuw under aflust at Lincoln
! ' 1l/11ged / with going thruu hL , dent-
Ist's unlce there Is suspceted lit hav-
IIIg done the Jub. Wlten arrested
there he hud slime dental trools.ln
his posses310n IIlId Is thou ht tt ) have
lUude a specIalty ot gulnR tbrou 'b.
Jontlst's oUlces.
urtlars : ! paid a "Islt to the post-
, nice at Arcadia the thle\'es lIleralJy
. , Iowlng the safe tu pIeces the ( OX-
1loslon , IDlllelll a report that was
llCanl 1111 over town. The thieves
I hen made their escape unmult'Sted.
I ntrunte : to the bullldlul { was ob-
tuillcd at the front duor by means of
II orowbllr. Aout $150 In cash was
taken from the safe and It Is evl-
dent tltat the thieves were either sat-
litled or senred as severnl r'uistcred
letters Jlnd the StRrupS were left nn-
ouched. No cleto tbe thelvcs bas
bee II found.
By the IIrra ementl ! of the dlreo-
tors , the Churnbelllll.n banks at Grat
IInd Vestlol hllve been re-opened. ThE
depositors Wdre Infwmed that they
cnuld have their money In full It
t hey whited It. Da'Id R. Odnr
says thut he saw Chllmberlaln nt St.
Joseph recently and that he will return -
turn lind give himself up 0d.r says
thut ChumhNluln Is ulrnost bruken-
hcurtod. Jaml's A. McPhel1\On Clt
I thl'i ' city bas refused to be appulntt.'Cl
recel vert
. , ' : . I. . , . . . . . . . .oiI. . dIt : . ' ) ' 1LJ1 ; _ . . .1' , , ,