Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 18, 1902, Image 2

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    - . . . " . . ' - - -
Custer County Republican
. H. AllBUElUtY , JtDlTOlt .t. rUDTISURR
BROKE"N now , NED It A ! ; JA
All royal rohds now seem to Illelude
n rlll1 through AmerJcI1.
Some people Imt 011 nlm heclluse that
l.q nllout nil they hnve to put on.
, T. Pierpont MorJtlln snYH Jlolwr la.n .
wl IC11 gnll1e. Plerp Is tl hard losor.
I Helrlnterest IH 1I10re IIIwly to wup
n 1JI\11'S judgment tlU1II nn.thlng PoIse.
, } h st or us woulll prl'er to hnve the
dnwD come without the dark hour In
'rhe wlnJ1l o ( riches ennhle thl\m to
Uy up nlld roost on the hlJhellt
One.anU the wOl'ld may not know
how the other hnIr IIveH-hnt It hl1H
I"o't hnngloe n ml1l1 belongs to the
'VI'Stetnble klnJdom b'cnuHe h.e Is II'en ,
crnble soge.
' } 'hc Cznr Is goIng In for reform nnll
the OOlsncks wJl1 he given more tnr.
gct pmctlce.
I.ord Snllsbury has refusell Il duke.
dom. IIow Umt mnn must he pItied
bI WJ1llam Wnhlorf Astor.
Don't wnlt tor grellt opportunltlcI. ! : A
10llg , cQntlnuolIs wnlk will ftl t O\'t
U10re ground thnn a short run.
A mnn wllO tI htsfor freedom nnd
wtna Is II patriot ; If he fights and loses
he is Q. plg'hended ohl hllheclle.
( losslp n\'ers thnt the boy Idng of
Spain /s / nctlng like a bud hey : hut gos'
HIp Is responslblo for man ) ' untruths.
Tlint Vermont farmer wllo went
awny trom home just he fore IIlnner
thirty-nine yeurs ago nnd hils just re.
tUBeel desen-ell to 1Inll his dinner colli.
A woman's club recentl ) ' dehlltl'd thl ! !
qUCfltlon : "How long should n wife
8ubmlt to a beating he fore IIhe lell\'es
lcer husband 7" 'l'hut's I'IIIIY , Hhe
8h0111e1 submit long enough to get holll
ot the Iron poler.
The Inhubltnnts of the Isle of I'lnfs !
re uncertaIn us to their nntlonlll sta.
1U9. Since the ecuutlon of Culm hy
the American forces nnll the Inallgura.
Uoa of the nath'e government , they
Im'Tc bl'en ( letuc1lell from the provInce
elf C1cnfuegos nnd are now wIthout
nmehlnery of admlnlstrntlon ,
than thnt of the little town on the
Routh coast of the IIllulII1. 'l'here arc 11
number of Amerlcnn HeWers on the
llI1anc1 wllo ohjeet to their cOlulltlon.
They (10 not wish to be Cubans , bllt If
tlley cannot he Amerlcnns they do not
want to go wllhout Cubnn support for
their 8chools. Ouha may not be In.
cllned t/1 agree to the exchlslon of the
lfIle of Pines from the boundllrles of
UIO repuhllc. It Is only provided b '
the I'latt IImenlhlllmt thut the ques.
tlon of Ro\'erelnl ! ) ' over the Islnl\ll
shan be settlell by tl'eut ' . Culm 11111) '
conaliler thallt hils nolhlng to ! : aln b ) '
\\'Ing \ the Itdnllll to tlm Unltell StateR ,
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
lIato genernll ) ' hllltH wl\,11 lis'lctlll1
\ " un bls cleuthhI'C1. Yet the IItor ' thnt
( ) mes from St. I'chrHhllrplI1llhnHlzNI /
he fllct thnt tile HlnIH II IIltle IlIffl'r-
( 'nt from the oflInnl' ( ' 11111\1 \ thll t wo
meet on the streehl , lIe Inn : 11I\te evell
while Death lIee mll lIhtlllg ! for 111'oce.
, tlence III the houHl'hold of hili fOlHl1nn.
t seems thl\t Hussln's world.plnnH con.
iemplatOll n long-draw II wnl' III the
'l'rans\'nn1. It mennt n1lnost the t 'III
ic tba bUIIIls of the Henr's Jt\ut ! rlvnl
In Asia. It mennt tlmt Great Brltnill's
brnlns n1ll1 sInew 111111 gun mUlt bo
mobl1lzed under 1\lIchcner : , lest nnothel'
Mnjuba Hill put a pl'rlOll to BnJtllsh
\1Slllrntions for nscet1l1elle ) ' In the Hoer
Il\nd. And meanwhile the neyer'8le'p ,
. Lng Sinv couldllot the Husslanlzlng ot
Asln. ' nut peace clime to the wear '
warriors In the , 'ales nnd on the kop.
JleB. It mennt hnplllneAs the worlel
ner , except In Russin. 'j'here Hrltnln'f
1mrdshlps were counted gnln , while hl'l
successes of nny nnturo were cnu o fet
\1I1n regret" . Indeed , RO upAet wns th (
government nt the \1II0\Pl'ctOI : : } victor )
of pea co In Afrlcn that lis dlsalpolnt
went overcame Its courteRY , ntHI wher
1lng IDIlwardln ) ' , IIR thourht , upon hI !
11)'lng bcd , no word of R'mIH1th ' WII'
went to ttlO emhnsRY of Great Brllllll
at St. PoterRbllrg. Of course , It ml h'
have been that SOIllO ono forgot , 11\1
rorgetfulness In 111plomnllc muttel'A frl'
: IlIenUy lends to II rel\u'Rt \ for pnss
ports. 'l'ho Hla'S nre 11 CJuel'r lot. 'L'hl
world would not he too fmfo 111 tlwl
Genernl We'ler , ho oC the hlool1
.tulned rllH1latlon ! , hus u Itln on hI
hands. Hpaln's Minister or War I
nothing If not self.seeltlng. II Is nu :
. bltlon lenps hIgh. 'l'ho nrm ' ho COI
.hlerro his prlvnte proIH rty. 1f ho 1m
bls way all tbe go 111 lace 111 Spal
would be decorating his unlforml
( rrom ruler of the IIrm ) ' to ruler ( J
Spain seemed n not hnposlllhio lonl
rho Qneen Regent ho counted ns n
ally. In the young Altonso he hope
to find a shrinking youth who could IJ
eoerced , It not cow d , ut somethln
.prang up In Aifonso'll Boul when tIJ
kingly wprds were suld , A craving t
bo ruler In tact as In nnme. So , latel ;
w1\en tbo pnlco wna stili slumberlt11
hQ bas been In the habit of orderIng
reglmcnt of artillery 011t tor rovlew r
ub tltuto tor brenkfnst. 110 hos pal
the &l1cers and men for tholr troubl
. _ . . . . . , . . , . ' , . - - . . . .
- - - - -
mill Ll1l'Y nrl' 1I0t nt all I1IffJIlcarwll OVCl
I Illa'llIg Rolelll'r before tholr ' "v ruler ,
But W ( ' 'llr ! III eIlRSI'UIIUl'll. 1 ( " I'I'CII that
such Ilerrorlllllllrcs wC'nl"n hIt ! monop ,
I ely Oil hm nlJplulIH of the nrm ' . lIE
has tll ) liRe tor u Idlll ; ( hnt Iloes not
hrenlfllHt In hell , /llId / a Idlltlll1t / or.
I iterH the nii1l ) ' ollt " ,1 , lollt rOIlHulling
Itfl hend Il'llelR him to t rn Ilorous
thollghlfl. But the worlel will hhl AI.
fonso oed fortllne III hlR IIlIIhltlon to
find out whl1tll IdnIII / Rllllin enn < 10.
Il IIIl'lIns thnt he m/l / ' thl ! HOOlIl'r nnd
the lIIore tllol'OIlJhl ) ' If'nrn what the
KIng of 811111n IIhOllhl not do , l or SIIIlIr.
needs n kJIIg thl1t Imowft nnd reflllectR
the people nll < l tlwh' necclH-ono thnt
will conllnntlll nlld cOllllwl ohedlence ,
RllIl olle that will Rtoll the 1)llInderhlJ ;
nnd Htnrt n rl'nnlsRnnr.e. AlIIl If , Incl.
dentl1l1 ' , Gelwrl1l We 'll'r Is IInhorftl'll ,
Spllin will he IlIh'lIntllgell 1111I1 thu
world will IIPllln1ll1.
- - -
- - - -
The l'l"h 'ollng IIIl1n who will network
work nnd who IIlwnllft IInpl'ontnhl ) ' I1nd
foollllhr the money hlR Il1horl\\ls fu ,
tlll'r Il'ft him Is 0110 of the flvorlte :
tOIlicH of the RIN'n 1II01'l111Rt , who US1l'
nil ) ' has little to IIpend IIlId who thinks
110 HII\IH ! ( hlf' ! Ilttlo WIRel ) ' . A pro.
rl'RSOr nt the Unl\'l'I'lIlt ' of Chicago en ,
1I\'enfel ! nnd hlllnl1nlzed his leclut'e on
the dry Rllbject of "Hent nnd Intl'rcst"
hy holding 1111 tolcorn the hllo ntHl ex.
trn\'ngnnt lions or the 1'1'h. lIe hrand.
cd them ns "llIlrnRttl's , " who IIhould
not he 11110\\'l'd to drl1 w Ihelr Interest.
"Il Is , " IIn hI the profelillor , "n crime to
Rocll't . to pll ' them Interest on money
whlc.'h th ( ' ' ellil not ( ! arn nnd which
tlll' ) ' nTe ! not 1I11111g for tllo good of the
romlllllnlt ' ' ' - nil the "ftood of the com.
111 11I1 It ) ' " If' ! IIIl1lerstooel hy politi I'n 1
rconoll1lf1tR , 'l'he ) ' rl'lH'ohnto nll ex.
IlellClItllrl ! fOl' cnles nnd nil' , tnRt
horsl's , 'nl'htR nnd costly Roclnl fllne.
lonfl. ! ' 1'he " ( ' 1'11I1e l1 alnRt Roelely"
whl'h I he IH'off'SAOI' < IeIH'ecl1 tes III ns
(1111 aft sOl'let ' Itfll'lf nnd will Inst ns
IOllg all It 1101'S. Unlellf' ! the possollsnr
nf 1IIHl1r11ell wl'l1lth Is fO mndl ) ' extrn\ "
nJnnt IIR to warrmt : the aplolntment
of a l1nl'llInn , there Is no wny In which
he cl1n he delrl\'Od of hlR Interest nnd
forced to nhandon the liCe of n drone
for thnt of 11 tol1er. The world mURt
talte the SOlIIl : of rich men ns It finds
tlH'm-the had wIth the gool1. When
the 11nlmlll1l1Sloneel statistician 1001s
the mnttm' lip he will find thnt the
'percentnfto ' of the favorites of ror-
tlllH ! who 110 not work nl1l1 only
'HIHI111 ! IR small , nnd the percent.
I1ge oC the Rons of rIch men who
centngo of t lie lion ! ! of rich men who
tnnle a IIroler URe of thflr ! mone ) ' Is
Inrge. Thl' gooll whIch the Intter 110
fnr exce < 'lls the evil the former do. Un-
fortnnl1tely , the lion of 11 rIch mnn nt
hili omce liNd , Is not 110 consplcllous ns
the son of tll < ! rleh mnn drlvlllg furl.
01ll 1 ' In his "Hea ftrecn nutomoblle"
und the CHIC jetR little praise , while the
ot.her g(1ts mUl'h CODR11r . 'rhe "parn ,
"ltes" ha\fc thl'lr IIses. Whnt woull1
the 1111'0Tho WIRh to point morals nlll1
adom tnleR do wIthout them ? WhNl
the lrl1ncher , the censor of mnnnerll , or
the political (1 ( onomlrot who objects tc
expondlture whIch Is not reproducUv (
needll n to t or "horrible exnmple"
ho cnn IIhv ' 1I find u wenlthy Kpene ] .
thrift to ser\'e his turn.
I Puhllc altrntlon III ullnnl1 ' oecuplell
with I'\'nts thnt at' or the da ' , aml
\hlltII:1S \ : . Url'nt I'hanges thllt nre ( U:1' : '
' ' oftl'n o on unuotlcl'll , ' 1'0
Ila ) ' a r'n I "hnn l' , IImountln ! ; to fi
l'I'\"lutlon In fnrm 1If ( ' , Ii ! In IH'O reR'I
'I'he rural tl'h'llhone , rural free 11l'lh' ,
I'I'Y , nnll th troJl'IInc.g arc hrln/ln , /
so man - of th ( ' 1I11vnntll1's of tla' tOWI
tn till' c01111tr ) ' thllt Ihe l'I lnft Jon'rll' '
I Ion will ne\'lr ! he n hlo to ren JlZ ! ) bo\\
Its fntlll'rs Ih'ol1. 'I'he ollll'r m\1 ( ' : \1
stili l'Icall ! the old farm vllln ( ' , l'emotl
fl'om I'I\JlwlI 'H , wl1l're 'ear IIfte'r ) 'e1\1 \
e\'l'r'thlnft cl'lIlcr11 ahont the Iwtty nf'
faIrs of IIn Isollltell commlllllty , ne : h
bor'ti I'hllch'en marr'lng nelrhlJor'f
chlllll'ell , 111111 mnklll now homes tend !
on the hOl'll'rs of the old. . \ I1n ) " ,
jO\l1'nl' ' 11) ' ten1l1 WIHI nn extended ttlp
and a , 'Illt to the l'lty an e\'C'llt or wldc
ftprelld Interest. ' 1.'ho railway anll telo
JfIIlh ruIned thlll ohl.tlmo village. Uu
the rovolutlon tlICY wOl'led 1g :1era
tlon II O was nothIng COmpal'll1 to th
, revolution that Is now goluft on. n re\'o
lullon that will In ten ) 'enrs make thl
fllrm the IlIenl home of th ( ' wcl1to-d\ ' '
'ro-da ' than farmers II
I - moro 4,000,000
I the Unltcd Statl'S hnve dally mnll de
IIverel1 at their doors. ' 1.'hlll Is t.he . rc
port of the AssIstant Postmaster Gen
I ernl. As n result oC lI11s dal1) ' 111:111 : U1e
nre sendlnft out no uverago of two let
tel's where before they sent one , Whc ]
rural free rtelh'ery wns first proposc
It was rhlleulell ns a fnd , a new mean
of HCJuatlllorlng the Imhllc mone - . It I
now In operntlon In ever ' Stllte In th
UnIon c ceptlng fontnnn , whcr
1I10untalnou ! ' ! rO:1l1s : thus far hn0 mad
It Il11\1rllctlcllhll' \ , B\'l'n InllIllm thl'r
Is II ronte frol11 onIC to 00111 ( tI\01
'j'he Ill'plIl'tmellt ( 'Slll11ntl'8 thai wit :
\he 11I'I'Sl'lIt mOllth snoo routeR will 11
III Olll'l'ntlon , avC\'a llIlt tWl'n1)-I\ '
mlll'1 In Il'nJth. II Is safe to prl'dlc
that elnl'ln Preshll'nt ' ' '
I. HOORe\'ell's tel'l
s O\'l'l' ' thllld ' l'lth'll fnrl11 .SI CtlOl wI :
s hnve Its dllll ' II1nl1. ' 1'ho ' rurnl tele
I' . phone Is not so far alonl-t as rural dl
\ . IIver ' , allli thQ trolley line Is enl ' heln
( I exp'rl1l1ll1tell with In the West. Ihl
n who will vent111'e thnt In tc'D ) 'C'l1r8 11
the IlIIportnl1t form rends will not b '
lined with wlro nnd man ) ' of them lal
) . , vl h tracks ? II1Ulcrto It has been th
I1renrn of the farmel' to sa\'e enough t
enjoy at last the eonyenlences nud 1m
urles of town life. Alreac1) ' the chans
ma ) ' be noticed. 'fhe ) ' nro 1 > ulll1lng thei
110W bomes on the farm. With UJ
fncllltles they now enjo ) ' the town doc
110t pr cnt 80 mnn ' nttfllctlons. 'n
cbnnge Is most fortunate.
Wo wish thnt wo coulll take cnro e
future ambitions as a girl sponks (
gctUng mnrrled , nnd use "w11en" 11
. stead or "If. "
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. .
. . . . , . . . . ' 'C > < t > .
: 000D
3bort ) torie $
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Thl' I.lvlllJ ; Olmrch quotes this ex.
trnct from 11 Connerlcut ! wo 1111111 'H
dlul" ) ' , dntI'I11700 : "We hall roaRt ) ( ) ,
for d IlIlIer , II nil Dr. S. , who cl1l"\'l'lI ,
Iwld up a rlh on hlH furl" nnll Rahl :
'Uere , ludles , Is what : \Iother Bvo wns
mude of. ' 'YJs , ' HIIIII Sister Patt ) . ,
'alld It'll from \'r ) ' mlleh the same 1\11111
of critter. ' "
Gmwrlll lIornco Porter , the Amerll'all
mlnlHter to Irrnnce , SU'II thut when h. . .
dopnrfl1I ! for his pOHt 1I\'e 'ears ago , his
parting wordK' to Mark 'fwl1ln. liS he
WIIS ahollt to honrd the steaml'r for the
other Rhll ! , were : ' ' 1\Iurlc , muy the r10rll
he wlllJ 'ou. " "YI'S , " t.1J0 humorist re-
Jllled. with II IIlIght cough , "and I hope
lIe may occuHlonl1l1y find n l lsure mo.
ment to PIlY Home attentloll to YOII
01110. "
An 1I111 < , ttered IrlBhmnn npplll'lI to t hI'
Phllade'lphln Court , of Nlltmnllzlltlon
thl' ether Ilu ' , when he WIIR nlll , < , I\ \ :
"II u'e YOII r'ad the DI''III rn lion of 111'
deIencI'ncer' "No , IIlr , " waR the roe
ply. " 1I1I'\'e 'ou rend the Conlltltlltloll
of the United Htat's ? " "No , lilt' . "
j'HII\-e you rl'ud the hlrtory of tht'
United Stn tI'R ? " "Xo , 1111' , " he rl'p'n tcd ,
"No , " fxclnhnNl ! the judfte In dlll.ul'l :
"well , whllt hnve 'ou rend't' " 01 hnvf !
red hnlr on me henel'our ; honOl' , " wal'
the Innocl'nt reply.
In n Rl'rles oC skelchl'H. elltltli'd
"LI htB nnd Hhnllows In { 1 HOIIIltnl , "
; \lrH. ' ] 'l'rton tellH of 11 molullcholy IIInn ,
dl'prcflcil with rheumntlsm. In her cot.
t:11e : hospital , whom Hhe wnntell to
chlor ! hr , < 'llIlIn , : , OrdlnnljhOlpltnl
IItl'rutlll'c wns no gooll. At IlIl't ' , lllIlel
the 111Irlll' : , jI Hhn ) ) rellll hIm 'Three
1,1I In n Heat , ' IlI1el If thnt 1I0l'I'n'l
III11UHe hIm , I Hha ) ) ! : h'l' him UpllR hOlm
lellH , " Ho IIht" ! 1'1'1111 , till 11111111) ' "II I'e.
, hlt'tllnt smile ( 'lime over hlB fIlCI > , IInd
ho IInlll , with HlowlatlllfnctJon : 'I clo
thlnl , thc ) ' III ! three rum 'uns. ' ' ' Thnt
wnll the turnlllg poInt In hlR IIltICSH.
110 recovered comilletcl ) ' , nnd left the
hORpltnla hrlght a11l1 cheerful man ,
It Is flllid thnt Renntor , Tonell , of Ar-
lnllall , dropp'd Into Mr. Honr's com.
mlth'c.ronm to see wbnt the : \laR8nchu ,
seltH H < ' 111\tor thought of Go\'erllor Dn-
VIR' III't In Jln rilullln n nl'gro on cJ\lIl1.
lion thnt Ill' go \Iassnchusetts. : . " " 'hy ,
1 nCCI'It tlw oVerl10r'8 COIOIlIment for
Sta tH , " 11011 r IH r'ported to hll'e re-
plll'l1 : "whlll ! tlw IICJro ; wnll 1001,1'11
11pon I1R n ( 'rlmlnlll , It Heemll that Om'-
erooT nil \18 rnrdl'd ; hIm liS n fit Ruh-
Jlct for ArlmllHnA , But wlll'n he founll
thnt the n'ftro Willi l11noc'nt nl\d cn-
pahle of good cltlzenHhlll. he WI1S cll-
reet\l to o to fnIlHacl1\1f1ettll , wh're
we hl1\'e only 0011 CItIZCIIR , Plellse
co 11\1' ) ' to thl ! JOV'rllOr my thallkR for
his compJlmC'nt to fllsHnchusettH.\ '
( 'nator P'rldnR " 'n ' ' (1 thl1t once when
he wns n foIlltlor. a trl'nUI1tOIlH ! Rtor1l1
. c.'ame up , nnd It 100)\1'11 ) all If thc \'cH 1'1
\"ere 1100m'll to o under. III tJ1 < ' milist
, or till ! ex < 'ltl'tn < 'lIt 11 mlnlltl'r , who wns
one of the pnRfI'ngNII , IIHk'd the ( 'II ) ) '
tnln If he could 111I \ 'Clrn 'I'I'II , "Oh ,
nm'er mInt ! nhollt the Im1 ' ' 'I'H , ' ' " /lId
thl' cl1)tnln ) : "the n1l'l1 111'0 sWl'lIrlng too
hllrt ! to IItop rot' prn 'I'rS , anell1f1 long 1111
'Oll 11I'ar thl'm HWIu'IIIA' : , " 1I11II'd ( th ( '
( 'lIlltllln , "Ih'rl' Is no Ilall l'r , " The
L tIIlnlslt'r'lIt hn'l , to hlH 1'l1hlll , . \ lit.
tll' whlll ! Intl'r , wlll'n the HIOI'III ftl'\\ ,
worRe , the Ilrclwhl'r wl'nl on 111'\ \ , 10
SI'O whll t the Hlllloff , WI'1' IlollI , 1'1H'1I
I hl' Wl'lIt hacl , to hili wIfe. "ThulIl , noli ! "
he I'llIcl , (1'I'\'l'n tI ' , "thosp 11111 n ( ' ( ' st III
' 1\\'earlllg , "
" 'rIlIlCC PlrHt , tllltcd : fooItllteH Sccolld 111
Yulue ( If Product.
Wllh the IH'ollllllcnce thll t Is hl'lnJ :
given In IIIl1n ' IlIl1rt'rS to the Huh ,
jl'ct of ( 'hlhl Illhor It Is IlIt'refltln tf
note that In 1870 , nccorllllll- : the lasl
, Cl'Dlmll , ' ( ) ,8 pl'r cellt of nil the ollerll'
- th'ell of Hili , 11111111 In this counlr ' Wl'r (
chlldrl'lI , while 111 moo the IInmlwr pt
. youU1fui wor1'8 ] blld 11ImllllRhed t (
10,8 per cent. The d'crcase tool , Illac (
lHtwcen ! 1870 nnl1 1800. SInce the Int'
ter ) 'ear there has been a slight In
crC'Ufle , ew .Tl'rsc ) ' tlhows the gr'atl'RI
fnlllng off of I'hlld emplo 'C'Ii , hll\'ln
\ < 1roI1P1'11 'from 32,1 per cent to Ii pm
( 'ont. In contrallt to thiN , the prollor
tlon of chilli opcratl\'l's In Pmmsyl
- Vann ! hns { frown grenter Ifurlu/ / . : the
entire perIod , reports the ew Yorl
' 1'rlhulll' .
America Is 81'C0l1l1 to I'ranco In thl
nllllualllue / of Its lIk production. It
1000 7J pC'r c'nt of the sllle. used In thli
countr ' , WUH nmnufuctured here-al
Increallo of ti7 pr ! cent stncc 1Sij ( ) ftlH
pt Hi per C'lIt ! llnce 1b'OO. Amerlcl
I ! how protuces ! 8. per Cl'lIt of the Rill
" \'Ihhnlls \ III1I1Ulln ' . .0111 her ( ' . TIgoocl \ :
' . 1I0Wl'llIcltmlly \ InlJlOrtel1 Crom 1' III'OII' '
II nr ( ' hl h-'II\RS 1I0\'ltll's , haml.madl ! sill
e yel\IR ! Il11d hlllllHulIIlo silk lal.'l'
C whllh arl' 1I0t III'OltH'cel ( here to all ' ap
: t prl'clahle I'xhmt , hut \\'hlch will , wltll
n but douht. hC' III1U1l' III clue tllIIl' '
11 1ralmtal 111111 1\:1\11\11 : 1111I:0'hleh h
\ \ : ; , \\'hleh , :
) - reason of thC'lr extrl'lIIe II htnoHs 11
\vel/ht \ / , I1re solopulnr \ fOl' Slllll1l1l'
g WI'll 1' , 1'0nH ! from , Topall. III won th
It value of the ItnportH of IIlIk III1111Uflll
II tlll'l'lI wnt ! $ : ! H.80a. .I\I \ : of thl' 1IlIuc
0 III. pl'ol1uet , 101 , fI,2:18 ,
11 I Therl' III'I'r ' little ( 'OIllIWIJlIolI fl'O\I \
o RhrOl1l1 with clolllestio mll11l1fachm'H 0
o "owln 1111I , mill 1111H'h1l1l' twlHt. II
, rntt : , the Unlt < 'll Stlltl'lI Ilrodu < 't It ; ; un
:0 : i'I'rsall i ) ' nclmowll'd e'd UII tHIIIl'l'lor I
Ir nnnt h of pl1rlt ' IInd d 'o to thnt of un ,
10 lother country , heculIlo ! enl ) ' thl' hl'l !
; Jnpan 111111 ChInn tIIahlr ( ' , d'ed m :
LO weighted , nre uRNl. It Is notl'worth ,
thnt at the PnrJa exposition of 100
If Ihe grund prix d'hoIlncur , the hlgl1e-s
It kwnrd given , wns nwftrc1 l to nn Amel
11. Icnn exblbltor of this clnlls of silks.
More rftW Bilk Is solll nnnunlly I
- - - - - - -
NeYorl , than Is consumed In l rnnca
I which Ifl the Inl'lest rl1w.slll consum ,
Ing coulltr ) ' fit mlll'ope. AH to the s lI ,
, Jllg value or the product , the Ullltl'll
Stlltes fanks RecollIl , belnHurpUSlled /
I h ) ' France , which stili domlnntefl ,
wltholtt Sl'l'lolIS COl11lletltlon , thl
worlll'H ml11'lctH In rhlt1'ch orllnmente
nlld chUlluhlt'H IInd I'lIrJftllln IIpecJaltlrs
I'opresentlll the UIII'emnC ) ' of I'nrle
faRhlons for w01l1en's wear. Mnl1Y of
these ure mude on hnl\ll looms , the
CIllnntltles reCJulred In different pat.
terllfl and st'les helng so limIted thnt
their production In the United Htntc !
11) ' Jlower loom wenvln/ / ; would not IIf
pron t n hi e.
Ha\"c Nc"cr Ucndcrcil AllY nllis rOl
'I'hclr Hcr\"lccl ! .
1\ot enc of the seven local doctors whll
} ) l'rforl11ed lIervlces In connection with
the IcKlnlC' ' tra edy In thlll city Illst
) 'earIIIYR n uffllio cOl'reApondent of
tlle ew York 'frlhunc , hns recelvcd
nnr compcnsutlon thus fnr. 1\eltbet
hl11 an ' of them an ) ' olllcial or direct
ImowlC'rlge that hI ! will ftet any COin'
pln lItloll.otwlthRtandlllg RtatelUenh
to thl' rontrnr ' , nOlle of the lh'slcllll1E
( ' \If fluhmltted hlllll fnr lIervlel's , nnd
the l'ntlre IIlIhject of COl11pellsntlon WUE
loft wholl > - to the Go\'ernment. In thE
long' tlml' that hils elaJlRed no Govern'
I11l'nt om..lal . hnl ! eyer cons11ltcd nny of
the dn..torl ! on the mattei' . The loca )
p\J \ 'Rlell1ns who were In personnl nttell'
dllnce IIpon the PI'elllclent , or who were
cnlled Into COnSl1ltlltion In t.he cnsc ,
were [ Irs. lntthc\V D. Innn , IIermllD
1IlInll'r , Ohorles G , Stockton , HoswelJ
Park nnd EUgt'ne Wnsdln , the latter
Iwlng In the United Slates , farlne Hos.
pltal s1''lce ! , Drs. IIcnr ) ' It. Gaylord
and Uerman G. IntHlt1g'l'r performed
the lIutoPfl ) ' , nfolslsted h ) ' some of the
Ilol'tor8 lInmerl.
" 1\one of the locnl lh 'lSlclans who at.
tl'nclecl PresIdent lcKlnle ) ' or who
pel'formctl the a IItopi'lY ' ha ye receh'ell
1U1 ' compcmmtlon , " decln1'ed Dr. Innn
this lIf1ernoon , " eltherJas \ nny of
thl'l11 be n comHllted In IIn ' wn ' on the
foIubject , ItVIIH agreed when the flues.
tlon of compematlon waR first ngl.
tnted thnt no bills IIhould he submit tcd ,
and the ngreement was observed. Thl >
doctors sIl11pl ' permlttell t.he Go\'Orll'
ment to follow Its own courfle. In con.
sequence none of us Imow oflicll1l1y
what hils heon done or whnt will be
clone. All we Imow Is thnt an Item of
$ -HiOOO WIIR put In the emerftency bill ,
That Informntlon WIIH derh'ed from the
ne\VfI1nllers ! ; In fact , nll that wo know
ahout the entire mutter from the time
our lIef\'lees were performed until now
hUR heen lenrned through the newspn.
prrs , "
"Has IIny arranJl'ml'nt IJecn made to
dIvide the compensation If It Is al-
' "
" one whate\'er. We nssume that ,
If the Go"ernment allows an ) money.
the Goyernment will nrrango the np.
portlonment among the ph 'slclal1s , A
I understand It , DWnlllIn , because
he III In the Government service , will
not he Included In thIs divisIon. We
nre 11'11 , 'Ing' everything to the Govern ,
ml'nt. "
A Qucstlon of Gonbolcncc.
"Some folks , " snld the store clerk
Hnre too honeRt. Now I'\'e hnd lIom
hOll ' coml' In to me when the bO R wnt
IItllnellnJ ; : h ' , Iomchod ) ' thnt had hou hl
something oC me the day hefol'e , nne
hancl O\'l'r two cents nnd sn ' :
"You J11\'e me two cents too l11ucl
chan o ) 'l'stercIny , nnd I'lll'oug'lt I :
lind , , '
"II 0 ( , ollidn't reRt , you flee. that man
IIntll ho'd Jot ; thnt two cents off hI :
cOIIll'lenco nml returnell It , Rllt It
Jettlll rid or thnt load hllnselC he slm
pl ' shlrt'd It onlo me. Here's the 1J0s
! ltlllHlIn hy when thnt two cents Ii
I retlll'nell : uncI the hOMS a 's to hImself
with his eye on me :
" 'JIIII ! It ) 'Olt male n mIstake 0 :
t\\'o cI'ntH , 'ou'd mnl\C one of two 1101
IlIrH ; ' nnd o you sce , that super.holl
I'At man's return of Ihnt t\/o cents mn
do me a 101 of hnrm.
"The mennlng of which III. If I t'n !
mnle mrself clear , that we dOIl't wnn
) to he too blumed honest. A mnn CIII
he too honest nnd worr ) ' hImself ove'
trlfJes thnt he oUJht not to hother over
HI 6hOllld flny thut If the hOneR ! 111:11
mURt brIng two cents hack let him tUrl
It In BOme time when the bos wasn'
t 'round.-New YOIII : Sun.
Bdlson's Qulc1. . Re ) rtcc.
There Is n sparkling , even dnzzllng
qUl1l1ty In Edison's repartee , wbleh I
usunlly \lrprlse ( to strnngers. Peopl ,
gen'rally appronch the heuv ) ' , selt-con
tnlned looking figure expecting replle
of ponderous technlcnl Importnnce
b6l1ce tholr SUrlrlse.
The wlnrd wns llproftehed the othe
dl1Y hy nn enterprisIng IIghtnlng'ro
/I / elltnnxlouR for some wonl of prals
for hlH Wl\reR fl'om the l'Cllt man. Edl
SOli wns non-commlttn ! .
"Well , " snlll the IIghtlllnrod man a
Inst , "do 'ou nPllro\'e of Ihhtnlng'rod
' ' 7"
I1n'wn )
"It depcnds upon tht ! bulhllng , " saIl
" Edison.
"But Is It nn ' oed In nny case
11 " 'oulel ) 'OU ad v 11m their use 0 :
r churches , forlnHtllllce ? " ventured the
rod mn u ,
" ' \1'11 , " rl'IlIrd gdlfon ; , wllh twlnli
It' "the ' mlJht he of use on churchei
It doell 1001 , I\S though Provldenco wer
11f n hit nhscnt.mlneledllt tlmes.-nosto :
( : o\'I'rnnwnt of .Journl\lIl1tl.
11 Mr. ASCJulth , the I'ngllsh stntumtlI
) ' said In n speech nt a recent press hnt :
: t . fluet that nl'nrly every tn'mher of th
prl'oont lh'ltMI ( 'nhlnet , from the prE
) ' mler down , hnd work < 'lJ for tbc pres
o nt onq time or nnoUIPr.
It _ _ _ _ _
Some people think thln8 ; t1ley don'
( ; aIml / others 5ny things thc ) ' don'
n thlnl"
' - - - - - - - - - - -
New Yorl , printers' union hns started
i movement to erect n Lnhor temple.
A lrrench contractor hns heen In
e\V York 101)ltlng over the slt'scrap ,
! rs there , propnrntory to building a
\Venty'stor ' nllarlment house In Pnrls
U1 nn IIcrennda.hnlf site.
Eight thousan employes of the
rJttshurg Plate Glnss Compnny ut
iolwmo , Ind. , were notified of nn In ,
reaHe or . . per cent In wnges. Sltllled
) len will IIlso bo gh'en premltllnr. for
ihl ! least bfulmge ! of glnss In hnndllng.
'he contrnctor8 of Inl1lnnl1polls 11I1\'e
! hned the now sCllle of the Carpenters'
Union , which culls for nn Increuse of
ve cents 1101' hour. A few of the con ,
Irnctors would not aJree to the scale
mLII lifter Il strJl\C hnd heen ordered
\1111 the mell hnd been out for nbout a
Sl'cl'otllr ' Brnmwool1 of tIle Internn'
Iiollul ' . ' ' Unlol1 "
1.'nlOg1'l11Ihlcnl pnld pel"
nplta tllX on 42,144 members to the
t\merlcan Federation of Lubor for the
month ofIn : ' thlR 'enr. 'l'hIH Is the
IlIrgcst numhl'r of members the organ.
Izatlon hllM had IIlnco Ita foun atlon
IIft ' yellrs ngo.
A Germlln firm hllH jUHt lIecured n
contrnct for thll't.two locomotives tOi
an Indlll railroad hccauHe. as Lorl1
George 1I1111111ton , Secretory of 8tntl'
for hillin , 1111)8 , the Iwlce 1I111de Is 20
per cent helow thllt 1II1111e hy English
IIrms , while the Joods can bo delh'eret1
In 11 much shortcr time ,
I ull ' 20,000 mell em\llo \ ' ( ' 11 nlong the
Ink ! ! frollt In nuITnlo I1l'e perfecting an
ol'ganlzatloll whIch will have for Its
IH'lnchml ohJect the IIholltlon of 1111
Sundn ' wOl'I , . ' 1'he 1I8tlncludes scoop.
ers , shovelerR , coni hen vcrs , lumbcl'
sho\'el's , freight hllndlel's , pile drivers ,
Ulurlne fIremen , en lncers nnd tugmen ,
Snntlllgo 1lcsll1s , , the representative
of the American Federation of Lubor
In San Juan , who was sentenced to
three 'enrs' hnprhonment ! Cor "ut.
tempth1J ; to ralso the prIce of lubor , "
and who hils been Ilcqultted by tbe Su.
preme Court of Porto Hlco , " ,111 ho re.
rtult'ed to IUl ' the tine of $2 Imposed
I1Ion him hy the lowel' t1'lhunnl for con ,
tempt. We hope the dIgnity of th'J
court will he full ) ' npllclllled hy thl'
The .Tourne 'men Tailors' Union of
Amerlcn IH conducting n cnmpulg'n tor
free worlshopH throuJh the columns 01
Its magl1zlne , whIch Is bearing' fruit III
mnny localities. In an editorIal In the
Inst Issue Editor Llnnon Invites 1111
who think thl1t home work , tenement ,
I hom\ ( ! work aUll outsIde shops are
! preCernhle to ( l'ee shops furnlfhed ! bll :
I ( \mployln tllllor8 to write to him :
! space will be gh'en them to controvert
the nrgutnents submitted In fnvor of
the free 8110pR ,
'l'he eYorl , lahor hulletln Hhows
that the amount of hllencfs among the
, orJonlzed wOl'lcrs or thnt State WfiE
smaller for the Ih'st thl'ee months of
thlf ! ' ( ! ar thall fol' an ) ' slmllnr porlod
Ince litntlstlcs hnvo Iwen kellt. 'h (
PI'opOl't\on \ fOl' lhe 111I1I1'\el' was ( ; ,2 per
cent , 'l'he 11 ve1'l1Je numhcr of dll ) ' !
worked h ' 1111'11 wns Gja. 111\11 \ the Ilver ,
n e wa eH 1\ \ lit tic ovel' $18-1. ' 1'111' num
her of lahul' organizatIons In the Stnt (
at the (1)(1 ( ofInr'ch : wns ] ,1):10 ) : , I\n In
1 crCllt > o of tltty.nlne Hlnce Illst Hplltcm
_ her. Tlw 1It : l'l' nte memhl'l'Rhlp III no\\
s 2mO : O , IIn IIlcl'ease of enl ' a,80 ! ) Sh1CI
" , list S'lltemhCl' . .
- - -
- - - - - - - -
, .v . (
, : I
" \ - = - - : ; . ; : ; . . - = . = - - -
ChISI ) 'our hnnds behInd Y011 ani
III1'n 'eI'1'I \ ts 0111wl11'd us far II
IloRslhle , 'l'hls will bo found a benetlclll
l'xCl'cl e for those who have 1'011nl
II Ihoull1l'r8 ,
. .
Unldll Gornum 80llilcra gcunomlcn
Olle of the peculhu'lties about the mil
I. , t l' ' HN'vIco In Gel'l11nn ) ' Is the pute1'nl1
Intel'est that the otl1CCl's nre requlrel
o talIn the frugnllt ) . of the mer
L'he pn ) ' of the soldlN' Is enl ) ' sl cent
1 dn ) ' , hut the army l'l'gull1t1ons gUl1rl
t jelliousir. Each mau Is expected .
\Ccp his m011e ' In1 1Itt10 hag suspen
! d from a stt'lng l\l'oU11l1 his neel" nnl
lilY o lcer during Inspection ma ) ' d (
nand to hnvo the bag opened and tbel
: olltents shown. It It be found thu
ho soldier Is IIpendlnJ : : hIs pay too tree
y ho Is reprhnnndeeland punished. IT
II ' : ompelled to muke his PI1) ' cover hi
COllcluslon ot thc ] ) CUCOII 'VJIO : ReCDII.
cil to , SclI JII" l rlllt.
"YearH ngo , whell 1 wns In the trult
IJUslness , " said 11 Mlchl ulJler the othl'r
Ilny , "I used to tuke some long chances
on the npple 1111I1 pearh crop. I mean
by thnt tl1at I would huy thl ) ylelll or
Rn orchurd uncr countluJ ; up the trees
In hlosllom , ntHl , strangely enough , [
never met with 11 lees oC IIny account.
My ncnrcHt IIhnve wns with n good old
llencon , who hlld riOO peach trees In St.
Joe county. I knew the orchnrd woll.
( t alwnys Hent fine } ) I'UCheH to nnrket.
rlnel one SMton ! I determined to COPpeL'
the yJeld. I struck the plnce w1l ! 'If
those riOO trees londed down wllh hlmT
soms nnd estlmuted t.hat the > ylel < l
oul not be less thnn 1IiOO hushels. 1
tl1ered the dellcon JOOO cash In Imnd ,
but he shool , his hend. 'hen J wI'nt 111)
2 O , ancl I1nully mude the flgurf ) $1-
500. 'hut was $1 11 bushel , nnd thn
pickIng un IU\cklng wns to hc nt m
. .
'No , I don't think I'll do It , ' replier !
the lIeacolI , IIrtCl' scratching his hl'lul
for a while.
. .
'I don't believe you'll ftet n hetter
oITer. '
" ' : \fehhc not , hut I thllll < I'll trust
to Provldencc : 1 mny get nt IClwt ! $2,000
for my pellches : '
"I IIIdn't cure to rnlse my figureR , "
salll the buyer , "Imd so th" mlltter wnlt
orr. I heard from the orchml .lust as
the treeH were covcred wltb young
pencheH , hut ahout t.hllt . tlDle n drOltftht
set In 11t111 things heglU1 to hurn. There
wasn't a stIlell of rain for six weekA ,
und there wlIsn't n pench thn.t , vnsn't
bnked 1U1I1 shriveled I1nd dried unm
you coull1n't tell whnt It waR , 'fhe f'1OO
trees didn't yield lIve eatahle peaches ,
Meeting the dell con nloDg the last
weel , of AUJust , I said :
" "Veil , dcncon , I'm $ lrlOO In pocket. '
" 'Yell. ' he slowly replied ,
" 'Going to trust to Pro\'iI1e'n e :111'
other HCllson'/
" 'Not entirely-not quill' , I'vl ! fil-
ured It out thnt It I accept 98 pel' cent.
' ) f n good thing and trust to ProvIdence . . , .
Ibout 2 per cent. I may be able to buy"
ne a Imlr of new boots next yenr.- "
Detroit ItTce Press.
'I.'lIl' Day 'Vas Flnc.
A ten-toil IIteum-Immmer III 110t th
( Iroper ImJllement to employ In crosh.
Ing peanut shells. Yet whut Adrlun II.
Jollne culls tbe "habIt of IntenectunJ
domination" sometimes leud ! ! hI a ml -
I1se of mentul force whIch RUgC.'its ; ; \
IIlmllnr dhlproportlon bel WN.'n the
worl , und the Imtrument. ;
Charles O'Conor , one of the last as
well as one of tbo finest 01' our dJ nl.
Oed h\\Y 'ers of t1le ohl 8c11001 , was a
mun of kind heart. but WflH rendered
somowhnt overbenrlng by the prnctlc
of cross'lucstlonlng wltnessf'f ! nm ] con.
founding opposing counsel.
"I hllve 1\ vivid rl'collect Ion of tb. .
great Illwyel' , " snys Mr. Juline , "ll
was a 'charnctel' ! ' lIe had n lDelnn.
choly , lIubservlent rlnve In his ornc. ; ) .
nnmed Effingham. llellII ) ' , Uillt was DOt
his tIIune , hut Il will do , Poor old Er.
finghnm would sometimes JITeet hi , .
muster ot II morning with fawnln ; ; po.
IItencss , rubhlng his bunds IInd , . ; nyln ! ; . . -J . . .
'It's u fine dllY , Mr. O'Conor. ' . ,
"Whereupon tbe jurIst , lIxlng n coltl
and glittering e > ye upon hIs nfahllJ
cieri" woulcl reply :
" 'Efllnglllun , 1 : un In good bealth anI !
In fulllloHsesHlon of my SetlfWH , I kno\\ ' "
thnt It Is II tine l1ny. IUlll I do not ne < 'll
' 1111 to remlud me of It ! ' "
Aftl'l' such u Rnuh gloom l1oublles5 l
sJttlcll down for gmnghnm , how eyer
brl ht thc RI1I1Shlne , nntll his crushed
SIlll'lt had time to recover from lhe
[ jore ! SJlcncer's nnrnin.
1.0rll HpI1ll'cr ! oC Althorp , one of U11 !
; n'atest of hoe ] , collectors , Willi lit
10me ollly in hIs OWII ficicI , One dny ,
r .n hrowHItIIIhllllt / BOlld Ktreet , he weut l
Into the ! : ! hOII of a dellll'r lu brlea-hrac ,
The dealer , who knew him b ) ' Hlftht ,
said , IJersuaRlvely :
"Here IH a tine 'liit of oltcry whIch
roUt' lordshlll reall ' ougHt to have , nnd
you shall hll ye It v < , r ) ' ehellJl-only t\\'o
gultwnB. "
So IJOrd Spencer bouJtht It null took
It home. nUll set II lu n hlJh place , One
dny n conuolHseur ot chInn IlIJld him n
visit , 111111 l.ord Speuclr ! showed hIs
"Whnt dIll you gIve Cor H 7"IIHlwd the
"Two gulnenH , " nuswcred SpenCI'I' ,
raUlCr proudly.
"ll'm ! " salll the conuolsseur. "At
Lhat price Uw tnnrmlllnlle fthoulcl ha'C
been InclI111el1. "
"Whut dn you mean 7"
"Wh ) " thnt precIous ) llece of yourI' I
Is tlothlnJ,1 ; more or les : thm n sblYllnJ :
nnrmalule ! IIOt , with a Te'n thlHlIo . . . . I
) : Ihltell ! on It. "
Jol\elIer ! I hlln tllO [ , 'er.n".lllHc. :
Onewl1o hUH t l'lll ! oVlr the world flU'A ,
'Your J\artlnlclue fl'lenll
Is not to 1m ( : omlllrl'll wllh the dukltc
II snalw or A ustrull/l / , It Is like tbe pic , j
s tures yon havl' Heen of sin , a long red
snnle , with eyC's the IIYlng ( 'mhodl- 1
II mellt or ( ' \11. 'j' e 11ultlll's nt'ver ftO
alone. If you Uf ( ! unfortunate cnol1/h /
to 1\111 one without 1,1II1t1 lIs II1nte the
latter wl1l folio\\ ' your trnl ! remorselessly -
lessly , IIIw ele lth , or fllte , and though
; ou caml ) twenty tnlle Crom the spot I
, t will 1,11I you UH ! : ! ure liS you kIlled Its
I , ; lUrtner. "
- - -
Gruwn . 'uwel J uwncd I
The grent rohy SU\l11oRell \ to bn'1'
Deen twlped from the SwelJlh trens. I
ury vms not 8tolell at all , but merelI
pnwned by 11 memher of the roynl fnm. I
ny. WhIch of the ) lrhlcl'tJ went to the
pawnbroker wltb It Is BUll Il tlCcret , I
but the king could put a lUUld on tbe ) . . : i
lowel at an ) moment U nt tbe same t
time he t0111d I'm hitt etller hand In
bill pocket ,