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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
I .c Rail Road Wreck. - - ( ) NE MA IS INSTANTLY JULLEU. Sovernl Peolle IlIjurCtI-Twll } : lIghll'S WrccketJ , Ono Cnr UcmflllshClI 111111 Scvernl Conchcs nnmnjcll. Last Sunday morning about ( , o'clock this city was the scenc of a serious railroad wreck that rc- sulted in thc death of enc man ( colored ) , the injuring of several , the complete demolish of enc engine - gine and another badly damaged. One stock car was a complctc wreck and sevcral passenger coaches damaged. The collission was betwcen passenger train No. 41 and freight No. 47. No. 47 was switching freight cars from the main track , the cngine being attached to the rear of the cars. I t only lacked a fcw rods of gaining - ing the switch whcn.No. 41 came dashing in from the east. 'rhe passenger enginc ran into the tendcr of thc frcight engine bad- l.r damaging it and dcmolished a stock car just in front containing two registered short horn cows , J. G. Brenizer had bought at the state fair last week. One of the cows lost one horn and half of one foot was cut off , whilc the other cow e capcd uninjured. Thc passenger engine was a complete - plete wreck. A colored man , who occupied a position betwcen the tender on 41 I and the bag-gage coach had hisI I skull crushed and one foot cut off , killing him instantly. In a book he had in his pocket , was written Preston H. Higgins , born October , 1860. From the cloths I in his grIp it is evident he was a cook , He was known by the I name of Hank in Omaha where he worked and at Ravana as Abe. No one seems to know where his home was. Coroner Robinson impanneled a jury consisting of E. F. McClure , E. D. McCormick , I Jas. Wait , Dr. T. W. Bass , Jas.I I Largey and Amos Noble and viewed the remains , but post poned the examination of witnesses - ses until the train crews could be THEDfORD'S - BIAItDRAUG T THE GREAT fAMILYHEDltlNE Thedford' . Dl Ck-Draught has saved doctora' bUls for moro tho.n sixty years. For the common family - ily ailments , luch as constipation , indigestion , hnrd colds , bowclcom- plainta , chUls rmd fever , bilious- ness. headaches rmd other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and regulates - ulates tlie liver , assists disostion : , stimulates action of the I dneys , purifies the bl oJ , rmd purgcs the . bowels of foul llCCumulations. It cures liver complaintl indigcstion , sour stomach , dizzlncss , chills , rheumatio pains sidcacbo backache - ) ache , kidney troubles , conabpation1 dinrrh a. biUousncsSd'lios ! , bra colds rmd headache. Every drulI- glat has Thcdford'e Dlack-Drought In 25 cent paclmKcs rmd in mammoth - moth size for $1.00. Never llCCopt tsubstitute. . Insist on having the origi.n ! mndo by the Chattu ooga McdlClDO ComplUlY. I bclleve Thedford' , Black.Draught b the but medicine on earth. If Is good for Any And everythIng. I have a fAmily or twelve children , And for four years I hAve kept them on foot And hulthy with no doctor but lack. . DrAught. A. J , GREEN , lIIewara , La. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rumu. Andera D , Real Eetate. Eetate.ANDERSON I Landl for .1110 end rent ID l niter connt ) ' al , boaght and lold Abslracts NomPII ) ' aud nORth n OIDco-Malll Slreo ! , Uulwoen 4tb and OIb Aveni f - secured. 'rhe body was givcn a respcctable burial next day by I Undcrtal < cr 'Woods. I 'l'he most severely of the IIUIl1- bel' injurcd was Chas. ' 1'ubb9 , Jireman 011 47 , formcrly of At'nold. lIe was quite severcl ) ' hruiscd and scaldcd. Wi1l Powers a passellger of Seattle re- I ccived a decp gash ill the face and otherwise badly shakcn up. Both were takcn to the Brol < cn Bow Hospital wherc II1cdical treatment was providcd. Mr. Powers resumed his journe ) ' west next day and Tubbs was able to rcturn to Alliance j'esterda ) ' morning. Mesdams J. W. and Julia Ramp , the form r of Galesburg - burg Ills. the latter of Warrens- burg , 1'10. , sisters of C. C. Big- gerstaff , who were on the train were slightly injured but not seriously. Mrs. J. W. received a sevcre Imoc1 < on the head and side from which she was rendered - ed unconscious' Sh was taken to the Commercial Hotel aud in the course of a couple hours was able to ride out to her brother's two miles in the conntr ) ' . Miss Julia enl ) ' sustaincd a slight injury - jury of an ankle. F. II. Young , who was in rcadiness to get otI the train had one lip slightly cut by coming in contact with the [ ; Oach. 'rhe glass in the front coaches wcre broken and the vestibules of sc\'eral cars were crushed together. In the course of three hour the side track had been cleared and the train was attached to a special engine prodded - dded , which enabled those that were able to continue their journ- y westward. 'rhe wrecking crcw was on the ground in a short time and br nigh t the main track was clear. Just wltich crew is responsible for thc wreck has not been settl- d. IDach claims the other was lrespassing on its tim . 'l'he lestimony in the coroners inqucst may determinc it. l-rCHlclcllt ItCU'HCVClt lu 01111&1111. I.ov UBtCIi Vll1l1nrllll"toll Routc. Presidcnt Rooscvelt's visit to Omaha , September 27 , during the , AkSaren I festivitics , will be a gala occasion. A ! { org ous electrical pagtant ; Saturduy venttlg , Seplcmbcr 27 , WIll hc one of lhc featur s. This will be repeated October . 'l'he Ak-Sar-Uen 2. - - festivities open this ycar on Septcmber 24 al'llcon. . lilllelntil Octobcr < I. I.ow Ratcs via the Burlington Route- t\sk the ugcllt. 12-15 ' . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - U"NO. II. GOonncl hus bought a corn culler. A hcavy frostlasl ni htnipping tender \'cgclahles. Nnshy acknowlclges II large meloll frolll II. H. I'hc1pfl. Miss Gruce M. Griflith will ride to al\ll from hcr school on her lIew hycic1e. Davis Headlcy hils cut fourteen acres ( ) f corn for G. A. Griffith witt cut morc. : oru ripc aUlla good crop , D:1\'is will ut for C. G. ulld 1\1. \ P. EmpfiP.ld laller [ lart of the weck , 'rhe Genera\manuger \ of the Oconto , Kcarncy aUlI Southcrn "c1cphone lincs ( did'nt Icarn his name ) accompanied iJy II. W. Georgc stopped at Ryno last Ilight , Nasby ucknowledgcs II p\eusant \ visit from Mr. and 1\I rs. Lilcs last weck. Mr. [ .isles hus poor health has tumors on his hcck mil } throat and an enlption on his lips , fears are cntaincd that it is cancer. - - NOU.'III'V' H'1' IN nil.'IOtlln u ANn OC"'Ollltlt. I.o'w UntcP4 Jiv.-r , ) ' IJn" " 1 , . U1C lIurtlu"ton ' 1'0 points in thc Big 110m Bmin ; of Wyoming , in Montana , Idaho , Washing- lon , Orcgon al\l British Columbia the Burtington will sell one way tickets at llllcommunly low rates e\'sry day in Sep- temUer and October. Ask the nearest Burlington agent , or wrttc , J. IrRANC1S , General Passellger Agent , 12-15 Omaha. J. C. Moore Abmoo" , . & MOORE.Abmoo" 1d adjoining . counties , Eqnllle8 Hud mortlalle8 lade. Dee , Droken Do" , Cueter county , Nobraska. THE P. D. SMITH COMPANY , Alwavs ItI1VO the hOllt ( lunlity of I ltmbor and ether huilding , na- terials at the LowestPrieoR , 'Phooo No , ' 10. O. R. JUDKINS , Manager. i' . . - . . -or. . . Notlco to IJchllllucut 'fn : < puYCrN , - - As you ought to l < I1ow , personal - al taxes are due October 1st of each year , and are delinquent and subject to distress warrant being issucd Ii'eb. 1st of each I year following. T4aJ1l1 tax is duc Oct. 1st , deliqucl1t May 1st , and ad vertised Oct. 1 st , and so1 < 1 to highest hidder , or at private salc No1st aftt r date of becoming duel so g-oyerl1 yourscl\'es accord- ingly. 'l'he law says you shall appear at the treasurer's o ce and pay your taxes , and if you do not , the coun ty treasurer shan collect personal taxcs by distress warrant after the above dates. 1 belicve that nearly evcrybody wants to pay their taxes without costs , and I have concluded to ta1 < e this means of notifying everyone through the press. Do not neglect this matter , but attend - tend to it as soon as possible , as I do nat want to mal < e you any cxtra expense , but I must and will collect delinquent taxes according - cording to law , as I believe that was what I was elcctcd your treasurer for. W. A. GUOHOR , 7 tf County'l'reasurer. 1..0' " JIt".rllH TU Ci\l..lIfOU.NfA. . 1 vcr. . ' nIl. ) ' III MCI.lclllhcr "uti Oc- tollcr 'In the IUlrfll1Ktoll : ; acoutc , ' 1'0 San Pwncisco , Sucramento , Los Angeles , Sun Dicgo und Ulun ) ' other points in Califomia Thc Burlington Route hils lUade the extraordinurily low rate of $27.40 from Brokcn Dow , Neb. Tourist slecpcr aily from Omaha , Lincoln , Hastings IUl othcr main line points. topo\'crs uowetl ] ) ut 11I1111) ' California patti t9. Ask lhe urlington ugcnt , or write , J. FRANCIS , General Passcngcr Agent , 12-14 _ . . _ _ _ Iahu , Neb. JC"OIl"f : U ny , vorIIlK' Chi1dren often cry , not from pain , but from hunger , although fed abundantly. The entire trouble arises from inanition , their food is not assimilated , but devoured by worms. A few doses \Yhitc's Cream Vermi- fuge will cause them to cease crY111g and begin to thrive at once very much to the surprise of the mother. :25c : at Ed. Mc- Comas' Broken Bow and Merna. I..O'\V JlAI'I < ; M J < ; " ' ' ' r. " 'Uro' 'rfJllrlHt Hlcc.urtl' tfJ 'VUH"- III.toli. 'rhe Hurtington Route hus 'uthorized Ule low rale of $34.25 from Broken Bow , Ncbraska to 'Vashington , D. C. , and return - turn for the National Encampmcnt , G. A.R. 'rickcts on sule Octobel' 2 to 5 , in- clusivc. Good rcturning until October 14 , but extcntltoNovcmher 3 , 1902 , may be secu rCI 1. 'fIno' tourist slecpers Omaha to Wash- ington. Octobcr 4 , Double berth $3,00. Ask the Hmlington agent , or write J , FnANcl , Gcncral Passcnger Agcnt , 1 .15 ' Omuha , Nehr. $1) 110 PremlulII rill" BI'Ht Skhmncll l\liIk \ L'nlr , 'l'he Beatrice CreanH rj' Com- pan ) ' will g'e tive dollars to the best skimmed milk calf cxhibit- ed at the Custer County Fair. PI\HHY FOSTIt ! { , Agent. IInlNCU l rf)1I1 thc ncud. C. 'V. 14andis , "Porter" for the Oriental Hotel , Chanutc , 1an. , says : "I know what it was to sutTer with neuralgia , dced I did , and I g-ot a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment and I was 'raiscd from the dead. ' I tried to get some , but before I had 'deposed' of my bottle , I was cured entirely. I am te1lin' de truth too. " 2Sc , SOc and $1.00 at Ed. McComas' Br01\Cn Bow atHl Merna. l.cUcr 1.IHt. 'rhe following is the dead letter list for thc week ending Septcmber 9 , 1902 : Harrv BakerMrs. Rose li'razer , (2 carls ) Miss Fannie Kalouse , Miss Mary Kennard , Nels Martin , T , B. Nichols , T. J. Parkust , ' 1' . B. 'l'hompson , 'W. ' 1Wolf. . Parties calling for the above w1l1 please say advertiscd. L. H. JEWETT , P. M. H rvcst 1I0mo I'lcllle , The ele\'enth annual picnic of the Douglas Grove and Le Park Farmers Club will be heM in the grove at Wescott , Thursday , August 28. The following is the program : Adllress 01 Welcome , 1\1. E. Vandenburg. Music , Ladies Quartette. Recita on , Dora Moon. Address , F. 1\1. Currie. Music , Organ 5010. Recitation , Keo Curric. Paper , W. G. Eastman. Solo , A. Moore. Address , } 'rof. Durnell , I.incolu. Music , Duell. I "cnrP4 " n 'HllCI1t1c. l . II. Fostcr , 318 S. 2d St. , Salt Lake City , writes : "I have becn bothercd with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years ; tricll : many doctors without relief ; recently - cently I got a bottle of IIerbine. One bottlc cured mc , I am now tapering otI on the second. I have recommended it to m ) ' ' friends ; it is curing them too. " i SOc at Ed. McComas'Broken Bow 4 and Merna. ' , , . , , " " . . . . : > - . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . , . . . ) . . - " . , - - - - I - = . . . . . - - . - - .61S1.mP IT R , I "Till it Pay to Attenlpt "Freal ( Taxation ? " Reasoll for COJnparisonitl1 Other States. ( IsslIcd Under AuthOl'li ) ' ( If tlH' HalllOuls : uf Nc l'lt kn. ) In till' at.tlclcR which havc immcdiately preceded thl ! ! , WI' have , iven the dctails of taxes paid by the railroads oC Nebrnska , amI the amollnts they IUlve paid in thc sevel' l COlin ties of the state , ( UHI it willllC noticed that In the foot-notes which accompally thc Jlgun's g-ivell , there is a liue of comparlsolls , showiJ\g' what olher slates ha\'c done in regard to tile taxatioll of railroads which filII through theircolllmollwc\lths. In thc matter ( Jf laxatioll , as in nuy other husiness matter , the people of Nehrallka dcsirc to , nlld nat. urally shall III kecJI ill Hill' with what is dOlle ill other statcs , No greater disastel' cOllld OCCII' " to the ! , tate of Nebmslm , lhull if , h.r ill.adviscll iH'tioll , it hltvuld throw itsclf ( Jut of line rcganling matte I'd of laxatioll of corpomte properly or of any proper I ) ' . .I t lIIay e a taldllg propositioll fOl' a dClllagog-ue to advocate thc over taxillg of railroall cOlllpallie : ; allli thereby work a hardship against them that wOllld not ar.erlle to other line ! } of property within the state , but it WOIIJ.j he an advertiselllellt that wOII'ld paS J through the whole United States , proc1limillg that the people of Nebraska did 1I0t intend to be as fair with capital all othel'states of the Ullioll. It wOllld reprolll1ce herc in Nebraska that prejudice which took Kansas a term of at least tell years to dispel. 'fhe cOlnp risons which we havc madc in thec foreg'billg statemcnts include cvery state in thc Union , with the exccption of Massachusetts. III Massachusetts - setts , New York alld several other statcs , laws havc been passed which work a hardship against railroad corporations. In New York , the ollerous tax paid by the New York Ccntral railroad is bcing tested in the courts ; its ill-advised law is , vorldng a hardship against that road , while not injuring the others in the ! > tatc to atly extcnt. In Massachusetts , through a contract made in the early days between the corporations - tions allli the state , aud their excise laws , the taxes are out of tine with , vhat is done ill other states , and there is a general movement among the bnsiness peoplc of that state looking to the corrcction of this a bUfoe. In Harper's Weekly of l'ebruary ! 15 , 1902 , the fol- lowitlg is an extract from an editorial iu regard to this maller : " 'l'hcre is a vcry strong movement in the state of Massachusetts for rational corporation laws. 'rhc cOlllmonwealth is waking up to the fact that , under its presL'nt laws , large modern corporations cannot be organized in the state , and Massachusetts capital is scekitl/j / illvestmcnt elsewhere. Not only the corporation - tion law is re'itrictive aud uarrow , but the tax law are as unrensonable as those of New York. 130th statcs tax nil the of property a corporation where vel" it is situated , and this is double taxation. * . , . . * * An clrort is being made in New York and will be madc in Iassaehusetts to put an end to this s'stem of double taxation. Thcre is a feeling abroad that New .Jersey should not remain the refuge of aU coplbina- - . " , , . - . . - . . . - Hltl SeUlca' ! ! Annunl l'lcui ( ' _ 'Yill be held in John \Velsh's g-rove ncar 'Vestervil1e on Saturday - day , September 13th , 1902. 'l'he sc\'cral committces are making necessary arrangemcnts and able speakers will be present , among which are lIon. P. 1\1. Currie , 1-1. M. Sulllvan , C. 'W. Beal , and others. ' { 'hose desiring to havc a good time and enjoy a day of. ou ting in a shady grove will not be disappointed. Everyone come both old and young. Ample shade for all , including your teams. Elegant Jewelt'y at Ed. McComas' . - . . I CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS ' 0\ . , . 'l/ col o , ) ( \.0 c\l.5. r J SI/ St1tl/t / Oe. I III" " " , Always relluble. L""Ur" I\Sk Jlruggl8t for CIlItJ.l'rlIt'S , III It , . " aud f . .11I 1n.'lnlllc boxes. Bcnll'II willi blue ribbon. T" . " ' . . . . . .Iher. 1t..f"II ' 1111":4"1" : " ' " . . . . . . .11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .uu. tallli 11..1111110. . Bu ' 01 ) 'our IIrngglst. or IIII . . . . . In tumJl for . . " . . . . 'l'.II. 11..1,1. . IInt . . It..lh' " Ii. . . 1.'Ur. . . . . in Inter. by relurn 31nll. 10.0111I 'rC8Umolllal , I old bT un Dru "lsts , CDICIIFJ8TJR OIIBMIOAL co. 2100 1'1..11. . . . . . SIJ..llr. . I'IIIL , . , Pot. Mention Ibl. p"per. WILLIS OAWEr I Jl1illl'VI ! ' m : nn 11 jfi : Jl' < < f ) & lP. CAMERAS AND SUPPI IES. Free InetmcUons t10w to'take anldr.velopo \ t plclure with e\'Or ) ' camera sold. l"lnlehln\t " done lor om tllr lI. Latest Styles in Photograph . BANGS STUDIO. n8tall\l \ hell In 18111. Broken Bow , Nihratka. ! . _ _ _ u _ . _ . _ _ _ DB. . ' 1'.1. II'AHNH\\'t ) It 'I' 11 , D.E I'l'IST t. Ollk" UVll "I\II' Urouy. - - - - MIlO' : HOANI.ON. ' , , ' -I'wlrll'lor of- lIe.tnllrallt.I.lInch CIlIlIlIt'r. I.lrllll a " ( ) rtmcllt cf COllf..olloulu Ie. . OJjlIr. UI , < 1 ' 1'011111'1108. Nortb ltIo of Puhllc I'Iljuaro. : IIrukon now. Ncllrulia. J" .1. SNYDEH , t } : PiDD 4 } ffirD ) , A l o"'JL\.lC. : ; ' 110 JUBUCO or Ihe l'uelJ. ipectalllttentoD ! ! KI\'en collections Cepofiliono tak uIt'n81011 voacb. H8 nl'aUy executed al1e\ \ all kind. of leal ! pau'rs' ) I wrllllJlI. OIDoe In tbu r ar of llink : of ComlUcrc ' . IIroken Bow , Nobraaka. tiou which waut liberal treatment. " J II WicOURlu it ( Ippears that they have an entire- I ) ' IIi n'l'rent form of taxation for railroad corporation. frum othel' state ! ! , as the taxes arc collected in the COf/1I of all excise tax' , being'cottected on the " 't grol\S aruings of the companies ill such a way that ) - - while the tax is heavy on those roalls which have 11 large arlllllg cpacity , it is very light 011 the e which arc opemting at a loss. 'l'his form of taxation looks fah' , but it would not e popular in Nebrnslta , because all of the taxes charged IIgainst railroad corporations , ill , . , 'iscollsin arc turned into the stllte treasury and , . IlIe\ , ' arc relieved from paylng taxeR 'locally along .their lilies. In the poorer counties of Nebraska , tit I. would lIIeall practically bantruptcy. ! In Wiscon.ln , then i'i a gClleral movement looking towards a. change in lhe form of taxation. After having tried a law somethillg of the samc character as that. of Wis. . consin , Michigan has returned to the direct form of I taxa tion. 'l'hi" wholc of the subject payment of taxes on the part of thc railroad corporatious re elves its lf into a 'lucstion as to how much of their reveuuc . should he divertcd to this purposlo ! . ' If the laxcs werc out of reasoll , 'it would placa Nebraska in an nncnvialJle light beforc all investor. . For political reasons , a few men huve made themselves - selves prominent by advocating a systcm of double taxation of railroad pl'opert ) ' in the state , but when thc people onee tIIlderstand what i , ; done , Ilnd how it is done , we do not bclieve their efforts will avail. 'fhe railroads of Ncbraslm , up to the present time , ha vc not earned an IImlue amount on the investment made ; for a series of years there was no profit derived from the investmcnt as II'hole on Nebraska railroads - roads , and while dnring 1900 two of thc railroada paid a fair di\'iden au thc capital invested , very many of the railroads ill the ! > tate failed to render any returns whatever to their owners , Nebrallm has 1I0t as yet got the population , nor 4- the completed system of railroad ! > which would warrant - , - rant this state ill imposing such obligations on the corporations which now exist , that would drive all future investors in such property from the state. The fig-nres which have been given are. all from reliable data which can be investigated by anyone so disposed ; thc uverages per mile being from the report of thc Intcr-State Commerce Commission , and the details of the usiness of the different roads are taken from thcir ol1icial reports. while the figur s here ill Kc raska are taken from the auditora' offices of the ditfercnt railroads. 'Ve. will now continue our/comparisons / with other property in the state , showing some remarkable facbJ concerning the changes hi value in various counties , and how by thesc changes , the railroalls have been obliged to carry more than theJr proportionate sharI ! of taxation. ' . . . . , . . . ' ' ' . \E1. .1..Q1' .H : ; l - t - - - - - C.H. JEFFRODS , J > o1)ded Jl bsfl'IZrCfcz.l' , Ah-Irnch . . PrOIIIVllrnhheli. ) ! ! . Yonr BlIsluelb . .Jkltr,1 t ) " . III IIlIIk 01 Commerce lIulldill , : , Broken ! low , Nchruskl& , 'raxe paid for lIon-rC'Hidentt ! . D RS. H. U. & W. E. 'l'A T 0 ' 1' , PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. Ollleo oVl'r lIaeberll"1I Jhug storo. 8rokc.n lJow. . - Nohrash , DH. e. 14. fit ULIIENf' , Physician SurgeOlJ. 2011 81 lr\\/lY / frolll " , , , .t end lu Really Block ; residolll' . : lrt WIJIII MJ . chorch. on BQIIIO ellie of Btreet. Urokcn 1I0w , NebrMkn , CI INTON DAY , Physician & S1Jrgeon. OlUco In rear or . he Bank or Ce'IDDlerrc. Jr. ! I , dance Oth honso wo t ur lhe U ptlst chnrch. lIrohell Uow. Nebrllakn. o. 11. CON RlID , . . . . , Dealer In , . . . 1'nlllp8. WI1I1\ Mills , 'I'an\II \ , Flttlugs , G 90llne Eoglnl'II , oto. . ctc. Urokell lIow. Nebruka , CITY BARBER SHOP , B. O.lIUTTON. Proprietor. ! Fjrsl-ela s work. Hellr Hoom or lIrokl'n lJow Blule Bank , lIrokellllow. NI'braeka. W A. THOMPSON , _ ( to . . ' ' , t CON''RhlJTOR ; ! IJILmm. I'I IIII and ostlmales on IIhortnotlco. BrokOD How , Nebraska. , , I.D. . < 'H AZE , . . . . . . Dealer tn . . . . . Granite. Forelglllnd / morlcan Marbles. Ornament.l Work a Specialty. Uroken How. - . - Nobraska. CAl\lEHON & HEESl , I 6lH l'1) ys 80u ccz.l1 l'S A'l' LAW. lIoomll8 and 0 , Ucalty Dlock , Broken now , Neb. S.M. . DORRIS , lnBJll ! ! Jlfil ! ! ! ! 'a1lnu At. kinds of worl [ III our line IlolIll ! , romplly IIlId In nUt-dRSS or er , ct'l"Hoel : : 811u ! , UII Iho corn r " 'est 01 the hosc hOUbO. ' . GI'\.i < ; U" A 'X'nIAI. . . llroken Bow , . . - - Nebraska. CI1'Y MILI , E. F. MCCLtlUI ! . Prup. It'o I lonr. lluckwheat , Gnluun , Feed , ele. , ' . . . , . . . . , . . , ' , , ! ' : . ; " , , LI\TE AND , LErI' LI'Tl , is my motto. I will sell goods to the pubJic cheapcr thau ilny other house west of Lincoln , and if will 'a you spare few t Ji11l SI I will gladly show ) 'ou my goods :11111j tell YOI1 my prices. $1.00 savcd is $1.00 made. , / . . Come in and sec. ; ' ' . . I take in . \ eggs exchange. . , : . At Collom's old stand , west side of public . ; Cuh Grocery , Dr ) ' Goods and Notions. , square. . \ . ' " . ; - _ , , T. W. COOK " . . , and . . . , "S , ( ! , . . . . . " MRS _ L. L. SHARP : ! . ,