- , - ; : . . ; ; - . - - ' . . . . , , ' " . , . . . " . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " - , r" . . ' " " ' r " ' , . . . ' , < . i"l" ' ' . . . ' : lI" f , .T. , . . ' "r ' ' 1 I , , - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - j , : AN ITALIAN CAPTAIN , , . Cured by Pecsru = na of Catarrh of the Stol11ach Aftel4 Doctors F liled. - - , fI I f . , " , ' < . I . I . UA PTAIN O. BI Il'l'OIg'l'1'O. Olilltl\llI O. Bl'rtolctto of the Itullall Bnrquc "Lillcelll's. " III n rCCl'nt Ipttcr from the chll'f officc of thc Jtallnll Burl1l11' Tll1ceIlPN. ] > PIIRncola. PIn. . wrltl'R : "I have suffered for se 'cral J'cars wlill chronic catarrh of tllC stonwcll. Thc doctors prcscrlbed for mc without my receiving tlC least bcneflt. Through enc of J'our pamphlets I bcgan tllO use of Perunn , and two bottles 11n 'o en- ( lrel } ' cured mc. I rccommcmPcrunn ta almy friends.0. . BI.rta/efta. In cntuI'I'h of Ihe I > lollluch. a well UR catarrh of nll ' IInrt of the hOII ' . Perlin : ! iN the reml'lb'.s hUR 11I'I'n otten sail ! if ( 'pruna will CIII'C cutal'1'h ot 'III ( ! Jlllrt , It will Cllrc catarrh or nn ' olhl'r lIart of lhl' ! Jody. , Cnlul'ru is ( 'ntal'l'h wllpre\'l'I' 10catetl. :11111 lhe I'Pllletl ' that will CIIl'C It unr' I. . . where will cure It ever 'where. 1 . Tlw follo"lnl : lelter from Congre s. ulnn I1rt\ln \ spenkl ! for ItRclf : HOlls. : m' Rn'la:5J. : TATIVES , l. WIII GTON , D.C. , f Dr. S. B. tlnrUnI\n , Columbus , 0. : Iv , Tlelll' lJ4)rtor-lt gives mc 1111\ure : ! tn "el'tlfto , th excellent cIII'nUTc qllllll , tiel' . .e 'onr . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . t 1II1 lIdnc - Pl" rUII:1 :11111 : rall- t nllll , I hnVl' t hI ! e U IIltIlelc. ! + I Ulon' or 1 , . ; < .1 ( or II 'tHaneI' , , ( It 1 l'enllllY wit h + cllti\l'l'h nf thl' , t ! /Iolll/Il'h n 1II { I cOII tirl\lIon. : A I rcslllPllee In" . 'V n q h I njton h II 8 Inl'l't CoJ . tlH ! ( , u'l1IlhlpI. ! m\ , , . . \ tew ! tottll'S i " - uf ) 'onr I1IclI , . . . . t t . . dill' hI\'I' : 1:1\11 ' I\ltllO : < t rOI1lJlI te rellet , nlll1 J nm ! rure that n cl'litillnlltlon of thell1 will effcct n I'll'lllllllcnt ' Cllrl ! . l'erllnn Is sllrel ' n won. , ICI'CIII l'Nnetly tor cntllrrhnl nffectlons.- .T. D. Hotkili. ' 1'h18 II ! n enc ot c\tnrrh : of thc stomnch which h:1I1 rlln for twenty.fh'e ) 'enrs , accol'llIn ! : to his statcllwnt , nnd Per\1na has at on"I ! ( 'OIlW to his relief , pr01111111 ' aceomllllshln tHl' him mOl'e bCIIPit ! than hI' hlHI he\l \ nltl ! : 10 l nll In nil other rem- ellies durln n 1lIal'II1' of n cClltllr ' . It Rtnllll ! ; to reltson thnt n mlln of wcnlUI IInli Inlllwnce. like n COIIres ! ! ! ' IIIl1n of tIll' J.l'C'lIt Unitell StntpN , has left no orl\lllnr \ ' 1I11'lIns IIntrled nnd no tlor.c : : nntlll'nel , to linll n cllre. 1 f slIch C\\1'ea \ ns thesc do not verlr ' the clnlm lIut olll ' that d 'sllellsll\ dill' to catnl'l'h of lhe Nlomach , 1mt nlRo thlll 1'1'l'lInn will C\\1'C \ CIIIIlrt'h of the stol1lach , it Is Il1I1Io slhle to Imnglne how nn ' cvl. , lpn1 ! ( ,0111,1 , do so. If 'III 110 lIot dcri\'c proll1l1t 01111 sotls' factIlT rl'slIlts from the IIRC of l'erlllla , " 'I'lte at ollce to Dr. 11al'tll1all. ! : Ivlll II rllll statel1lent ot 'ollr cnse. nnd he will Il' JlII'I1RI',1 , to Il\'c 'ou his vnllln le nd. \'I"I I'atls , \ " ! ! : , \dlll'I' : < ! ! Dr. IIal'tmm. : Prpsdeut ! of Thc Harlmau Snllitarlum , Coillmbus , Ohio. I - . . " " " "I , " " : : : . ' . 'r" " " I 'IJ' , ' , ' : 'I : . . ! . " i'j' , , . ( , , ' , ' I I " ' , I : : " ' : . ' . I . . . . ' . \ , ; : ! , ' I" " ' , . . , ; ' . , ' ; - ' ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ; , ' ' j'- ; ' " " " 1\ J : , . . . ' , ? ' , ' "t' . " I. I , , ) . ' " .1. . ' . ' " . : " " " , ; ) \ . , 'I , I \ . . . . ,1if'4'k' , ; " " . II , , : : . " " , I" ! i" , . " : " , , , iii " c. " . I' tiN" , : . : . . . 'iI:1t" , . , : , . " . " " : , ' ' ' . . .1. ,1' : ' ' ' ' , ' " . " " c " ' ' ! I'fo ' " . . ' , " , ' ' r. . , ' : PI" . " 'I' . " j' . . , , . . " ' " " I" " : ! ft : . . , ' . . . / , ii' , . , , ' " ' ' . ' " ' . I. ' . I.f . ! , ' " " ) . k ; , , . , : ' I , , . ' . : ' " - 'r- THIS IS A TYPE of the bright , up-to-date girl W 10 is not afraid of sun , w nd or weather , but relies on CUTlCURA SOAP assisted by CUTICURA OINTMENT to preserve , purify and beautify her skin , scalp , hair and hands , and to protect her from irritations of the skin , , , heat rash , sunburn , bites and stings of insects , lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports. lllch.that nlll.lhollid know about the skin , scalp , and hiliI' Is told In tlio circular with CUTICUlU. SOAP. - - r1 r ; . . . rv"I r1 ! IF LAME. STIFF. OR SORE. USE MEXICAN Lin..irnen..t. Musta.n.g . . . . . For SIXTY YEARS , The Best Remedy Linown for Ma.n or Bea.st. Je J < < . ; f c.- : . tL > ' . The Lull.1 E'cn ' " New Cool-I'm alrald I can't tale I the place mum. ' \ ? Tlstress--\VI1Y New Coole-Well , mum , the kitchen - en table ain't hlg enough for plng- pong ! -The SI\Ctch , , 'Mrs. Gllzzler ( as Guzzler comes In \ unsteadily at : J a. m.- You have no eoxuse fflr comln home at this hour and In this concJtlon. Gllzzer-I ] had one , and It was a dandy , but I Il\n't think wbat It was.-Phlladophla ( Record. TUIRI : IS NO 'tQWEll J I SLICKER LIKE , Forttt } "l l' o end fter ) 'W' J of U3e on the e tem c t. rower' ot. Jf'oof ? Oiled CO U Yme IntrcxtJ d In the We t end were C lled icker bY the pior.w nd cawbty ) , Thl ) 9f' phic name toM come into "ucleneml we th t it i ) fre t.howh-YtT ( uly ! appUed to manylUb"titute3. ' ? ou W l'\t \ th , Look for the .sl of the r"hond I tm rwr.e Tomr 01\ the bultoru , I HAD ! DlIlAtI > > a 'nUow .uD .501.0 y RfI1RefNTATM : TRADt I I THe WORLD OVtR. A. J. TOWER CO. roSTON. MASS. . . , .J . . . . It ! TABUSHeD lUll. : I : , : t Thompson'sEyeWater Georgia 1I0W ranls as a ] eadlnl peach state , with 7OG , OOO peacl beqrlng trees. Next comes Tary land , with 401,500 ; then New JeT sey with 2,700,000 ; and Deloware with 2,400" "Ir , \ ef1IlIlIon noy--Please , sir , I oan't IIndCl stand this lotter-It Is so badly wrl1 ten. noss--Slmpe ] nough-l can read It- I should thlnl , any donltcy could rea It.-Ally Sloper. . The French. are very thrltty. OIH tenth or the popuatlon ] are doposll ors In sa\'lngs banks. n\LL'S CATAItIUI CUltE Is taken Internally. Price 75 cents , Usually the Case.-When a youn man Is alone with hli : sweetheart , h IS generaly supp scd to be hodlng ] hewn own , W A _ N T E D Men Na'l1IAbJobodledaaelSto for the tJnlhd Atat : . . .d b J1l ' . Wr\ . for latOl'lIIa lo. . , Na , u.oru1Un& 4t.1'I. ; : < u , IW MuonloT.mpl. . Ohioo , N. N. U. NO.7 3 6-3 7. YORK. NE - - v. , . , . _ . " . . . . . . , " e' ' . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . , _ _ _ _ u _ _ . . _ . - - - - - " ' ' ' . . . . - - ( ' 00111\ for Youurc ChlcK. When the cnrl ' .hntehell ehlcl B nra two or thl'co mOllth8 0111 It Is n ooll Illun to o 0\01' the flO ( I nlHI tulw out such pullets liS nre Ilrom\dll \ ! nlHl which will form lhe III 'III floek of the win. tet. . Such chlcl.sl11uHt be sellnrnted frolll the milin flock , so thnt the ' mu ' be gl\'oll the l1eeell n ttentlon , nlHI mU8t be Ilro\'hlell with 81wlter nt nl ht , e\'n thou h thl' ' hll\'e the 1'I\n o dmlng the dn ' . COOl1s 111\0 thnt sho\\'n In the IIltIR- trntfon nre IlIepenslve , UR tl1'Y lire f01'med from Inrge dr ' goods boxeR. Snw the hncl , of 11I0x so thnt n 8lnl1t- IlIg roof mny lie I1nllcd 011 nI\l \ 110 eo\- ered with tnl'l''d pnpCl' to IIInlw It wn- tel'l1roof. 'l'he dool' Is hinged to the box n1\(1 \ the lIIustratioll shows how It IH hoolwd Ul1 durlllg the dn ' whel1 the chlcl , , ! nre out. 'he three nuger holes of gOOlI 617.1\ , just nbove the door 111'0\1110 ventllntlon , nlthough lit olle Ride Is IIn OI1enlng to III'rmlt rresh nil' III the COOl ) while the wenthel' Is WI\1'm \ , this ollenltlg to be se. c\ll'el \ ' con'red wllh henwll'c'lwHItII ( of rnther line lIIesh. If for nn ' real'lIl1 It Is dCRh'nllle to cOlllllle the hlt'dR 1'01' nn ' 1101'11011 of lhe dn ' , thc ' will be quite comfol'tlhlo ! If n wlltel' cnn Is Illaced Inshle the coop , ns RhoWII III 1 lg\11'e \ 1 , IIm1 It Is ReC\Il'CII \ lit either Rille h ' , n 1001' of wh'e to 11 screw , so lhnt It cannot he tflliled OVI'I' . ' 1'1\1) \ wn- tel' mn ' he 110\11'cll \ Illto the clln from the outside , through the wire lIettlng. 'l'he smllll fooll tl'ou h , hewn nt 1 lg\ll'e 3 , Is so Hlmllle nn 'olle CIIII malw It. ' 1'wo enll IIIIces ! nrc 1ec\11'ed \ h ' n hottom honrll , the desh'ed size ; 11 nlll'l'OW 1311'111 Is 11111cellut the hnel. nml nllothel' slrlp nnllell fl'om th ( ' hlghcst polut. From these two strips nl'e fnstened h'n \ ' ' wires , which IWI'mlt the chlcl.s to thrust their hellds through nnd get , , - COMI'LB'rt ; l'OULTHY lIOUBE. the fooll , which l11n ' he thl'OWI1 III froIT the outslll ( ' of the coop , IIlthough the chlcl.s cllnnot get their fCQt 111 It. FI : : : me 2 shows the roostH , which nre slm pl ' hQn'y clents nnllcd to the hex , lilt ( the roosting poleB secured to them , nl shown. Remedy for Gapcs. Gnpes nre usulIlI ' due to tilth , the cat In of the rcslduum of food pre\'lousl given ntH1 fe'dlng In da 1p plnces. I 19 belleved thnt thc ' nre propagntcd 11 earthworms , lIut fucts hnve been dls : co\'ered suhstantlntlng this clnlm , 'h , ! Jest remed ' for gnpes , If lhe chlcls wll ent , Is to ndd n tl'flspoonful of sph'lts 0 tUl'lCntlne to n mlxtm.J of one Illnt 0 corn menl nntJ n hnlf pint of mlddllngF sn 's nn exchnnge. 'l'horoughly Inc01' pornte the tmpentlne with the dl'y mil terlal , then scnlll ns much of the mu terlnl ns mn ' ! Je required nnd fQPl1 t , the chlC.s ) on n clenn bon I'll. Put Ie ] drops of curJoJlc ! ncld In ever ' pint 0 drlnldng water nnd chlln/e / the wnte frequenUy e\'Qr ' dllY. 'l'herQ Is no Sill' , ren1'd ' for gnpeR , altllmwl'tlng ft'll the - . tll's into the windpipe to drnw out th , - gflIC worms cnn he done enl ' I" . , nn ( ' : \ " pel'lenced perfmn. There nre SUgPRt : : remedIQf ! , hut the ' nre sometimes as I'll till to the chlcl , , ; ns the gnl's. - TI.e Hunt 1'11 : . , - We hn\'e hem'd ' \ IIcol11e Rn thllt runt pig waB not worth rnlslng , nIHl I - would be better to kill It nt hlt'th , 'l'hl d mu ' he true where the Jlttcr Is 1h1'g \ , one , hut If the sow hns milk enough fo ' , it nnd the others It costs hut IIttio t , - , rnlse It to wenning time. 'I'hen take I t- from the others , thnt th 'y mn ' 1111 crowd It nt the trough or In the sleeI ing quurters , nnd feQd It regulnrly t fntten qulcld ) ' . It will never ent a vel' large nmount or make a very lurge hOI but 11' henlthr : It will fatten qulcld ' nn soon be nhnost liS brolld as It Is Ionl The chenpcst ntHI hest pork we en made WIIS n runt pig thnt we kllle when It weighed n llttle less thlln IG pound ! ! , so fnt thnt he would not stun up long enough to cnt. 'Ve ne\'er henr It squeul for food-Amerlcnn Cult VIl tor. An Old GUIIIer on Guurtl. I "Keep nn 0111 gander , " SIl 'S a wrltl III n gurdenlng puper , "If 'ou wO'11 protect ) 'oung ehlcl'ts from their I'll' ' I mlcs In the 81111pe of dogs , cnts , cro\\ _ and magpies. The gentlelllllll will 1 D , - ' ' ; - - - . - , f0\l1111 of grl'lIt use , IIhlfting nil ob.l < 'c. tlonahlo { , 'hnl'l1ctl'l's with cO\l1\11ellllnhl\3 \ 1)I'0111111nes8. Not enl : } ' will Intrudt'I'8 he s\11nrll \ ' lookell nfter , hut the gllllllel' will \11111 \ e 11811Ul'h \ noise liS posslhle while performing his Ilut . . tllliS gl"ln tlw Ihlultr ) ' lel'ller nllli glllno rearm' wnrnlng wheu 1111 Is lIot right. " Joll1c.fnllc " ' 1111)1111111 , . A fnr\11cI' \ of Dodge County , Neh. , \\'rltl's nil ( ollowR 10 lown II0111esteuII : "I hll'e 111111 SO\11e \ eXllerlments with hOll\e\11ll1le \ \ windmills thnt t woull1 IIIw to cOlltrlhute for the hellt'lit of ' 01lt. 1'1'l1Ilel'/I. / I hn0 heen eXIII'rI111l'lIt hi/ / : with three dCHI/IIS / , shown at I , nllli a. The shaft to which the nl'ms lire nt. tnl'hl'11 ' ' the fO\11' . nl'c UIH'lght , \ nr\11S \ pro. jl'tllIg nt right nngll'H ncro ! ! ! ! the UII' lIeI' ellli of t11C shlltt. H ' IIIIICIlI swillg. IlIg fl'lImcH CO"l'I'CII with cam'lIH on the nrmll the wltld will cllteh IItHI turn thl ! shnft h ' hlowhl ! : 1I1-IIIIIst : the fllllS Oil the shIes Indlcnt'd hr arrows. As the ' paRS arolllld to the Ollilosito side the ' / 2 . - l1mrtIII" W1'i1l1l1t.1. . , - - ' - - - - - will 011l'lI liS Sl'l'lI lit O. Itl FIJ\Il'l' \ 1 at . \ will ho scell olle of thn WIIl R eatch , Ing the hl'ce1 ! IItHI Is helll In place ! J II rOl1e IIttllchl'd to I1w 111'111 III the 1'1'111 of It : 1111 It P"RI'R ! ; ; lIt'oulIll to B Its ell 1 IR towl\1'lls till' wlllli. Plls dll 11 lilt II furlhl'r the willd Htrll ( , R It Oil lhl' oil IIOHItO sllle , 11IHI , hll'lnJt lIothlll to 1'1' . RIHt , It miRes out of the Wll ' unlll I conWR nrolllHl to the llOhlt H , when I fllils In position 10 lIgaln clItch the wlllll 'l'he some 111'1IIcl111e Is found In Figure : 2 nlld 3. 'TheRe wlll s lire so conRtruct ell liS to become pllHlulous ! lInd 11111'11 stl'lIlncd whell relurlling ngnillst thl wind , to be cllught 1'Igld when the WhH lIcts upol''hem ' so ns to obtllin powcr. ' 8011 for Smull l rn1tK. It Is nlmost hnpoBBlhlo to do the worl of prepurlllg the soil for s1111111 fruit too thoroughl ' , nlld this is particulllri the cnse with strnwhl'rr ' plunt ! ; . Muc , of this preImrntol' ' worl , mny be don In the Inte summer 111111 fll ) ) liS 80011 11 the crop now occup 'lng the soil Is r. . movl'd. li'm'WI7.el'R should he nPllllel the soil shoull1 he Illowed nml thorollgl Iy hun'owed lInd CovlI'ed ! wit h n crop ( ] Rome 1,111I1 thll t 11IU ' hI ! plowclI under I the enrly Hprlng. After 8u'h Cl'oll Is plowcd 111 III m' th soli should hc hllt'1'o\\'ell HI\'I'I'lIl ! tl11Ie-ll : : Il\1t \ It III the hesl Ilo""lhlo cOIHlltlolI 1) ( fOl'o HettillS ; the 1111I1ItH. If enc has , H1I'11 > of gl'OIllH } that call he IIRed for th . , 1I\11'IIOSO \ nt this time It will ho fOll11(1 1 , . good Ilnl1 to Ret ollt a IIl1mher of1 rletlcs of sh'nwh'I'I' ' 1)lallts ) 1I0W , uHln - . the pot-growlI 1II1IIItH thllt lire olT'I'C ; , hy 1II1IIItsmell lit lhls feIlROII. Thes Illlnnts will fruit next Hllmmer , an s while the ' 1\1:0 \ quite Inoxilenllivo ther 18 no chell per wa ' of havlllg n test bel Dhu1cr for Corn FOlhlcr. It Is coming tI\11e \ when Souther farmol's nl'e jetting r'nlly to top thel , corn for fmlller. As corn hils been s . 8cnrce this 'enr corn- fOlhlm' will , top proha- hly ! Je worlh more thllll mmnl. Jo'nrn1tH'S know that whell 1 ' - Ing tops , the ' often ' . get ollt of ordel' fl'ol11 not bell1 tied tightly \.b . . r1 _ cnollgh. By IIslng this hlndm' 'Oll ( 'u tie lhe 8tllll,8 firmly. It Is mllde lJ II tlllln n 111ece of hlll'l'el sin ve ahol f elshteell Inchcs lon . IInll two sUeli I' three feet long , with rlngfl 10 RIIII 0\1 I ! cOIl of stick. Wh'n closed to elhe l' fasten hook IIhollt one foot fl'om 10wl e elllJ. Use n llalr of hln es to fast ' _ stll'liR : to the sllIve , IInll , tllldllg n Sh'll ; 1 a 1-3 feet lon , with one ( 'nd fllstell I 1 _ "lIl'klR / Rhown. Cnt ! w\'l'l'o'11 holl'I ! the ( 'I\I \ of SII'UII 10 fit IIn ' lJUIHII Wilen thl' hlll1lllo Is hOlllld , tlll\C t\\11 nnll tic. 'l'hell l'ell'ase the bhHlel' Ill : 'Oll ha\ ' ' th'11I1 ' tll'(1 ' a \ ( n ( shenf.-A. it Henon , In 1.1\1'111 nlld UOl11c. s e CncnmllcrH : \re1o/ls. 1' Cu'umhel'8 , IHIIIIItIWf ; ! nlld melons pI' o fer rich sol ! alld nn nl\11111l1nee \ of wel It rotted munnre. Old RIIWItlst ! , or rotll It wood mixed with mnllure , nre snld I. he servlclIhle. It will bc 1111 IIdvnntnl o to nllow cucumlH'rs to row 011 8tal1 y or hushes UIC sllme ns penf ! . 'l'om 11 to. . , . mllY nlso be fllstelH'd to stllkes. 01 " of the best pillns Is to row cucllmhc 1I10ng 11 fence If the locntlon Is 1101 tl shndr. " ' 111 Grn7c In ( 'nuul1u. A conslderahlo number of Texi rallehmen hll\'e Il'lIs'd gra7.lng Inl from the Canadian goverument nlld n 110W eRtllhllshlng rnnches In Albcr along the ea9t'J'n sloI1O of lhe Hocl Iountalns. ' 1'he Canndlnn gOVel'um ( ' will give lenses on rallges In that locI It ' , It Is sahl , for tWent ' .one ' ( 'arBllt nomlnnl I'eutnl of 2 cpnts per ncrl ! . Is claimed to be II'er , ) One stock cou h'y. . - , - - - - - - - - A GOOlI Cool ( " 'ulltel. Iw hnll shullI'll not Ilhllmfl.lllh ) ' , nor hall dnllll'll with thro\l1llhy ! , Which ( \ften tl'leH to 11ft the \'cll tOI' jllst n IIllle look ; Bhe n\'ohll'l1 the 11111110 , did tI ! \ . \lIn Bllzn JIllllllnh , Anl1 dc\'oted 1111 her Intellect to lenl'alll how 10 cook. With nil I'nrlll'At nil' n\1l1 \ A'rlOU9 slit ! III 11 III I'd NII'WH 111 'Htl'rlollq , Anll 111 1It \ ! erl'11 nil tll ! ! IlrOl'l'1I8e" ot 111nklll whoh'H0111C hn'llIl : IJrr Ilh' ! ! wcre l'lIdl a 11(11'111 , 111111 tlhe would proullh' shol1'111 ; "Oh how 1111'1"'III her hllHhulltl he : " ! ! ' frleltls'nnd l1l'I hborH 81\1d. Hilt , nlll1 ! for nil ellllcn"or , lhnt ( OI'\\1 II1H1 tOI'I'\'er Showlth 1'nte , 10 he n cn1'\1In \ 111'1111 , o ( III ! ! ) loslt lOll l'rlll'l ' : 1"01' " thl' tl'lInthllt hl' I11nrrlel1 b ' d ' ! ! . 111'111111111 \ Hn hnrrlell Thill he wnllhlll't 11'1 111'1' coolt n Ihlll ; ! hut tent IIntl It'n 111111 gl'lIel. -IlIl1ll1l1nllolls , Jo\11'lIal \ , ( 'uuuel ) TOllllltoeH. See that l'ubhl'l'S 111111 tolHI II\'C \ In 1II't" I'l't cOI\lIl1on \ 1111I1 thtJl'ou hl ' cleall , Scnlll th1011111 1I1'H nnll 111'1. Into will jnrs 1IIII'It ns I1Illn ' of the tIIll'Ut t01l1\ : \ ' toeR 118 ' ( lU l'lIlI. bl'ln ell\'I'ful \ nol It In'l'III1111 : II half'll'IllllIollfnl ! of 1'111 ' : ' lIll'n ' In I'llongh ( ' 011 : 10 I'nch jn 1' , 1)J1Il' ) ( wntl'I' to 1111 to o\It'l1owlllg. " 'llll' on em'h top. IllIt 011 lhe I'nhhewipe \ 011I till ! Ihl ntld H\I'W \ thl ! ! on IIhont lwo Ihh'll ! ! , tJI' AO thnt 'Oll 11I11 ' JlI { , ] . It III In' lhl ! 11.1 wlthont ItR coming 011' , 11\1 \ : Htlll 100Re ( 'lIough 10 Il't out the Htealll or HIt'IH ) ; of WOlHI mlll.l' 11 IIl10 pllltl"n'1I 10 It the boltolll of the hollel' Illlli : ltnlll lhe jnt's 011 I hIs. 'I'hl' cI'lm'cI'osR ! sll'lpl of wooII shouhl he 1111 Inch OI \ wo fl'on the hol tOIll of the boiler. 1'0111' II 1'lIl1ngh cold wlltel' 10 COllie hllif wa ' l'l Ihe jllrH , Ilul thc 1111 on lho holll'l' nlll hell hill'll fm' twelll11II1UtCR. \ . 'l'al\.011 ! the Ihl : tI1I1 liS Aooll nl ! 'ou clln hlllllih _ thl'lII wllh n eloth HI.'I'l'011 elll'h ja : . IO\'el' : as tlj.ht a'i llO'slhle ! whlll ! 1111 jal'R stili stallli In thl' hot WI1 I ( 'I' . 'l'al'l out 111111 tIhll'n ; fill' thl' Illst lime. CO\'l' with a WI1 I'm , 1111 mil elolh on a wOIHII'1 tnhll' . Whl'lI colli lInt nwn ' . 'rhe to _ matocR la'ep th'h' halle ami IlIs1'o oj most 1I1e fl'esh OllI'S. TO/lltt. Trim the crusts f1'01l1 Rtnle slices yo' wlHh to tOIlSt 11111111o'e \ It cllrefllll , o\'er n clear red fire for two mlnuh'1 I Then turn It over nnd let nil the 111011 sture be dm wn out of the brel111. I\u tel' nml sene hnmedlntely. TonRt mil be utilized , eRpeclnll ' for brellkfnKt , I 1111 sorls of wn 's. Plnln tvnst III n ! I vorlte III mORt houBeholtls , lhen thm Is mill , tonst , crellm toost , drOlllJc ( , B on tonst , wnter tOllst , nnd the ( ' : cellent dl8h of bl''nd ROIIIed In e 1111 mill , which hils nil 801'Is of nllme Frclleh , Spulllsh , Get'mlln 111111 Scote tOl1st , but 11101'0 IH'opel'I ' e g11 tonll At thc luncheoll IInli II hili 11' tl1h : tOIlSt 1I11111'lIrs 111 nil fnrm8lllIlcr \ chlcl I'll IIIHl with snchelahles nR nHpal' , IU8 IItHl flllnllchlllIlcl' \ mhlc11 meal fl'lcllflI'S ! ! IIml cl'cllmell mlxtl1l'cs 01' I the delicate Cllllllile. Unllcl ) TOIIIUC , ( 'orlllHh FnHhloll. SOllk the tOIl UO for twellt ' .fol hmlrR , cllllllgln the wlltel' twice ; lhe tnlw It out of lho wlltel' , HCI'npe It 1111 cut 01T IIn ' ll1 ! colorel1 bltR of flit , 1111 'e Htlcl , IIbout two db7.ell cO\'CS ) In II ; 11\ \ 1. It Into 1\ deep snuccIIIIll with ellOUI- : cold wnter to flulte eo\'r It. Whe It hells 8\lm \ It vIry ! well ntH1 let i1lmmer elltly until It Is quite tenlle 'lIlw It out of the 8l1ucellllll , 81\1n I , hl'uHh It over with hcnten egg 1111 11rlnldo thlddy with line hrelld erlllnh Brnwn It nlcel ' In a hot o\'cn , IHlSthl It conHtllnt1y with plenty or hutte Sel'Yo with IIrown gravy. Tutti I ruttl. : 'Iinke a cURtarl1 with one pint of mil ' 1n(1 ( IIvo eg'gs. When cold lIellt 11110 It : } unrt of rich CI'en1l1 , alll1 pill III tI free7.cr. When half frozen nltcn It al , tlr Into the Cl'l'lIm hlllf a IIOUlll1 ( 'III : If crYIIIIIIIZl'd ! flg'H , Ilcllches or 1I111'Icot und IImcs or ehert'les , all choJll1'I1 VOl IInc. Beat In with these the Juice III ra tOll lH'l'l of Olll ! lemon ( Rweetell 1 :11111 11 A'1I18S of ) ) ale SIWI'l'y or whl wlue. UOVl'l' 1111111 , 111111 fl'CIe ! hnl'd. I.lImll n1nl. 'I'wo ( ' 11/1 / < ; ( ' 01.1 roast Inmh , ono CI I'old hollltl ( lulll tOI'H , two cUlls hpcl two l'lI l'lIIl1 111'1' II I I'Id I' ! ' ; , ( 'ut the lall IItHl polalo 11110 neat l'uhl'H , the lIef' Illto HIIIII II mOl'cls. . ; AITllni o In a ne 01' Illluce , llx thl' m'at IInd Ioln II till HIII'IIIIle with the choPII1I hN1 Dre8s with mn 'onnlllsc In which IInle jlllee tnlws lhe 1IIIIce of 1I111stnrl1. fn ; IIlsh the 1I111 'OUllaIRe with IIncl ' clIO ( led llickle. Crcn m 10'1111 II 1 : . One pint of milk , the yolks of h I'ggs , a Tllpce of hutter the size of hlckol'y nut , 111111 two t\hlellOollfll ! IIf cornstllrch. Wet the cOI'lIStlll'C'h It little collI milk ; mill to the rel11l1ll1d In n double holler , nlBo the ( 'gs III nutter , swcetenlng to tillite , an.1 . Un V ( 11 IIIK with vllnllln , not forgeltlllg HIl ) ( ) When cold 1111 the crust nnd mlllie : rc ll1erlngu ( ' ns for lIIuon. tn ; . Ihlsllhcrry 8l1rnll. nt I ollr qUllrts of f'Il raspberries , cov 11 , wllh one qUIII't of VIl\'IIII' \ ; anti let Bini a ! lVer ulght. Strnln , thcnmld Ollt : ! pOUl It .If 8ugur to every pint of julcc. HI 11' twenty mInutes , bottle nud keep In Llry place. . - . - - - . - - - - - - - - . ' - - - - 1'lfnlO r. nlomhor Mr , AURIIU' . P IICllkeS , } tcthoc1Ism hU9 Ialncd In New York Ity nearly ,17 per cent slnct ) 1875. . . . . ' . 'llu'sl'Ancdos. I'lenlO rcmcllhor Mr " ' A now thlrlH In thc way or rcnc tors tor elcctrtu tamlJS Is one made o' mloa. l'Il'IIIO rcmcmber } In. AU UI1'III'ancakc3. At Kaswln , In Pa.rlfll the RussIan go\'ernll1ont has opened 11 HusalnD 1chool. 1'le .c remember Mr . Amlltl' . rancltkes. : Torchon Inco of ! lny pattern cnn now bo made by ono 1I111chili0 owlDIt to a recenlln\'enlicllI In Yhmnn. 1'lolIlC remember Mil.mllll' . I'allcakcll. mahOI > 'j'erreglannl of A uslralla b iahl to bo the heaviest priest In the world , his alleged weight lIelng 201 ( lOU n da. rlclt 1J rl'l11elnhl'r Mra. AUSIIII' l'ancltkcs. 'fhose who nul Ice the rapid growth Jf their IIlIger nails should he hnppy :01' : It Is consldcred to Inlllcnto guud ,1ealtll. PI 80'S Cllre tor curell mil of n lcnnrll1118 on,1 , l'eI'M ' IItl'1lt eO\1h- \ ! 'W111. II. Hn l'l'1 SOl1 , : ! : ! 7 W. llbt : IIlrc t , Now York. Iorch r , . 1001. 'fho number or students nL the Unl\'erslt . or 1IC1l1n this slimmer Is 5lJjlJ as ugallllt ! filOl , last summer and 0,471 last winter. - - - - U e Iho fllmol1 lIe,1 Crou 111\11 mllo. r.ar ; ; .07. . 1'lIck , ' ! ; ! ! ( , rIII . 'l'ho lIulK Compaur. I ' 3ollth Bend , hilI. A Wlj.lmall. Cl' , It wlltollng plact : )11 the Dutlh : coast , the IIIUtllClll/llity / Is gl\'ell prlzcs to the elllldl'oll who lJulid the ltest slIlId ensUes 1I0ll't fOfllIllIf ! ; ! ! : ! ! -ut. IIICI. : " O Itl'l1 Cro'lt IIRII 11111I' uuly 6 l'elltH , 'I ht ! ltuu C' II\I'"fl ROllth IICIIII , hltl , 'l'ltrOll h lilt rtlclllllLIOI1 In Indus- t.r lal entcJjJllses Lho BetH n Deut t.sc- he Oello.scl1schaCls halll ( hst $867" . GOO c1l1rlllg the Illst. half 1'car. )1. . . . . Wln.l < > w'ft OlTII1o.1I : . H\IIOI' r"r chlldre" 't ' < 'lhllllf , .ufltll. Ihe 1tlllll0 , l'r.Il" ! , , , IlIn.uOl\ "II. ) . 1.lncllno. . hilI cull < , . t Q lolUo , 1I0w to lII.keY < > III' hnlrlfr < > wlwo Ctrl In on\\ ) . , "try.h"Ilo " 11.1 rlft'I'lIv" , 1'001\,111 \ 2 " , r II , A , I.I'II"h . , t en" I'"yell" , ) II ) . , Loole Out Fur Hqualls.-Lel a ] 1111" tal , < o the drgrco or A. B.-that Ig orlde-l1r.d s\1e \ may hope In tlmo tl1 I' :10 entltlod to that , of 1\1. A. The Ihuohfnl Inll..r : 'Oh , l rnulln , I have Bomethlng fery Important. to Bay to JOu , lIut th words arc mlsslnl { . " "Just Bny them. I win say 'ycs' t1 UJythlnl-Meg endotfeer , laottcr'l Plying 1Bh have been know" t.n ump ten reet ubovo the surface ol ! ho sen. A slnglo gll1ln of the best qUIIJltt , , f musk \\111 scent 1\ room tor twenL IcnrB. In nOli Three 1\lontllll. Oolitic , ! tHI" Sellt. Uah.-Mr. W. A. 'I'm'I'Y , of thlH plne ( ' , Huftered for 11I0uths with II'tr ' HIJVI'e ! CUHO of Ithl- , 111.1 'l'I'ouble. lIe WIIS / iO'cI'y hlld thnt he wns nll11ol't counned to hlH hell 1'01' ihrco , l1\olllllA. \ IIo Il'Iell IIInny IIwlllelllps , lJUt hI ) i'oultl Iwl gct I1I1Y 1'llIef ! till Ill ! co 111- ' l11enccll to UHe n rcmelly lut'odllecil ! hm'e SUI11 ( ' tll11e II O 1114 II cme I'or KIlI- . ue ' ' 1'I'ouhll' , till' nlll1\o \ of which Is , 1)01111' , ; Klllul' ' 1'11I14. : , : 'III' . 'rel'r ' I-III\'S thul the secolld dny\ \ nfter commencing to use this rel1\ellll \ ho could notice 11 vCI'y 10 11 rl\C11 1m , ! Il1'oVemel1t In his cOlHlltlou , nllli In . Hhort lime ho wus IIble to 10 IIhout ; ngo lu. lIe Is nntnrnlly fIJII'd with grntltutl I r. to Dodd' ! , ! Kldnl'Y 1'11114 f/I' Ute 1m , t , mense nmount of good tlH'Y hl1 ve d01l1) 111 him nnll BI1YH : I H. "I woulll reCOmll1elHI 1)011l1's lldncJi I Pills 10 every Rtlffel'CI' from 1(1l1ncy I' , IIlndllel' tl'ouble. for from my OJ ence I nm 811l'e Uwy l\1'e lhe IIcat mClll ( 'Ille to be hlul for uJ ! dlseuflcs of tJll nl1tllre. " II , I ' n : ; CASTOR IA ! : For Infants and Children. , 'y The Kind You Have Always Bought' ' (1) III ( ) Dears tho71 ? / / . te Signature of J 11 : H , Ih Is fit to ls. ls.m 11"p p- \0 II lis III (11' (11'HI 11'- It. It.a Twentieth Century \edlclnc. er Cascarets Candy Cathartic are nl ! Itl far ahead of ancient pill poison and , till liquid ph'sic as the electric light of )11 the tallow candle. Genuine stnmped a C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. AU druggists , , IOC.