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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1902)
! - - . . . . . - - - - - - . - . . : , . THE , JEw l n iA , , 'SMAN _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' : : : 0XI. i" " ' : ' r- : - : . . PURITAN AND + . GJYA E ( ! - - - - - - . . MR-5 : cA. t. . T c : } ; "J : J I. ) ) , - I , , t ClIA1'Tgll IX-COllliIlUCll ( , ) "Thl. . il 11I11Iltt'I'IHII hll lIll' S , " "XIII SII IIIl1eh 1\11 \ n II nl'IH'III'I 10 111' , " " 1'111 IIfl'lIlII Ihnt 'IIII'II lilllllhnt It h ; , " " 1\ \ " 110 IUl'IIIISfIl'I' nlll'rlll" " : II ! \11IIt , I dnh1 ' hnll I'IIUll' II III hI' l'plIoI'ltI to the I 1111\,1' \ ( It wns tlll1'1I ; fl'IIIII , " I " \\'hllt 1H'lll'l L tu 'IIII t'lIl1 thc nltt'I'a. tloll hI" ! I 1'111I 1'11'1' 1111111' , " "I' will 11'11 'Oll. 0111' uf thl' Il'ttl'l' : ! I t'l'ccin'ti rl'lIl'I'tlllr WIIS fl'OIll III ' Allllt Dcrmlllll , wlw , IIflcl' till' Ill'1I1h uf II' , IhlrllllJlolI't ! wlfl' , 1II'I'Khlpii O\'l I' hll 11111 eholcl , Hhl ! 1111'111111111'11 t lllt II will , b ' whlt-h - II' . 11111'1111:11111 , 11'1'1 1Ill ! thl' whoh' of hili IlI'ulll'l'ty , II fl'\\ , ' 11' lIdl'S cX' I CClltCtI , 111111 tllltell ,111I11' , wm : , hlill 1'1. " ' ' I III 1'1'I'lIlIpet- celltl ) 1'1111I1' tu IIlthl. IIllCt cdlhlll thll 0111'1111 Wl'ittPII I'xllclI ' Ihl'ce i 'enrs Inllr ! , to n IIII ' , " "UlIlhl'I'1I 11111/:111111' / : cllllldllplIl'p , 1 KllOllld tllll1l" lIlIIl IllIth wllll HIWllhl Ill' Wl'ltlt'll tlw Hnllll' lIIolllh nllllllw SIIIIIC IIII ' uf Ihe 1II01lth , " "Bolli 14111/:111111' / : 111111 fOI'IUlIlIll' , . \ I'1I 1It CrIlHUr ( ' , 111111 II "hl/h' / : Hlt'olof ! thc [ II'n will IIIl1lw lhe 111111' II six. " "Trlle , hilt nil nlll'l'lIllol1'hh'h 11I1II'ot ' I be so 1ll'lIcnld ' mnlll ! n to Iler ' Ill'lec. I tlon will 1'1'1IIIt'I 1'1111111111 well , [ II ; ilK ilK II cur.tlll hnJll1. " " 'l'wu r'lllIll'Iltcs which IIIhll' IKII't 11 < ,11- ellmt III. , Ttlll c fIJI' 'olll'l'Icll' , " AH he 1I11\1hl'll \ tlllllIldllhI' ! / : tOIlI. IIl1olh- er pnrchlllcllt frolll hll'l IlIIcliCt , IIlIl'ullelllt ntHI Ilnlllll'll It to l1lth'ed. "YOII dldll't tcil IIIc thllt ' ( ) III' Allllt DernlOnt IIlIt ollly 1II1'l\tlolllll \ ! tlw will , hilt KCllt It" "I hlldn't mndc 1IJ1 mr mlllil tlll'lI ' whether to Rhow it to 'Oll 01' 1I0t , Look at UIC dlltl' . " "I thollht , 3'011 Rnld It waR lIlliI'll lIh ll. " "So It WIIH , Wll1'l1 1 reccln'tl it. " "Onn It hI' IIIISHlhh ! lhllt Ihc 11/:111'1' / : IIluc which I HI'IlI'rc HO CnlrlIlIl'Icl'ihl'tl WIIH ' a /1\1:1" \ ; ; : "It call hl' . " "Uut'3'OU dOIl't COllllt on rccl'l\'llIJ : IIn ' Jmml'llintc h'lIcfit Cor 3'0111' trollhle , " " \Vhr.tlwr 1 do 01' do 1I0t IIII1Kt tlcprtHI on CII'Cllllllltnlll'cI , I IIIl1st 11111 Ihhl/H / : III train , 110 thllt If l'doll't will IIIl ! 11I'lllc , I mll ' RI'ClII'e thc flll'llllll' , It wc I'Il1ccl'l'd III cstrllll/III / : Alice 111111 IllIrll'lh I thllli. thut 1 1111I nl'itlwl' tlO 111'1'11\\11'1'11 \ thllt JIll- tlcllcc IUlII IlerNe\'I'I'III1CC will 1I0t 11111111 ' bl'llI hCI' to IIst1I 10 III ' Hlllt. " "JII wllll'llC NI' , IlI'lthl'l' C thc wills w1l1 lIe of nll ' \111111' to 3'011 , " "No : hilt IC , Oil Ihl' Otlll'l' ' hmlll , 11111' . lelh Hhould ' ' hl'I' III \\11I tltlll ! : mlll'l'y , ! \ \ 11m t JIIBtClld of Ihl' I'Iph hCIt'I'NII hc I'xl'etl'll [ , that II hlllllh'l'll nCl'l'S III Ihl''IT 1II'II1't of tlw wlltlel'lIclI : ! I : ! hll'l hl'ltle'l' > ullir dowl'r , " "TIll ! tllIll' will 111'\1'1' 1.01111' whell Allcc Dnle wIll hi' UIIII'IHICC IIIII'II'I h'l'I ' 1ll'hlc. Swift 111111 HIII'C 111:1'11113 I1Il1:1t hI' IIIIHle liNe of to [ Il'CVl'lIt It , Hhoultl olhl'l'lI filII , YOII wlll 1'1'1111'11 to BII/llllld / : lho I I't ! ollilortu. nity thllt oITel' ! ! " " "Yes. " " 411 w111(11 / : at till ! I'allll ! tlllle. " ' ' ' 1'hllt 1:1 I' , 'J'o I'CIIIIIIII Ill'I'I' IImOIl bCllrll 1I11111111\'II/CS / : , 111111 WOl'Ht oC 1111 , l'ul'l. tnll ! ! , If 1I111hlllIII / : to he I.lllned h ' It , IK whll t 1 IIhOIlI,1 , hll'c 110 CII II C3' 1'0 : ' , " OII.\.P'J I ll X. ( 'lul'l'lIc ( ' 11 I'III/h ' . thl' II / : , dlll'illl. : ' lirl't ' tlll'Cl' III' fOlll' wl'l'ls II fI 1'1' his 11I'1'1\111 III EIIIIIIIII ! , 111\11 , with 0111' III' two ( 'XCI'II' tlolls , IIhSl'1I11'11 hhllHelf CI'OIll COlI\'t , Xo doubl , he CI'It Ihllt thc clllllpnlllollShlJl ot Huch 1111'11 IIH Hochel'llt'I' , Bllcldllll'tlt , 1111I' . r ' ,11'1'11I11 11 ' LlIltl'I'I1 ' KIIII ' ' ) , IIWl'e , I'l'\\ , tlll1I'lcl'flll / : , hIHOII'lIt 11I111 " , hoW3' ( ) lIlw of Hllddlllhlllll , with Slm'Ci ; of nthl'I'b whose , 'll'I'1i 01l11l1l1ll11l'1'cc1111'11' \ \'it'II\ ( ' , \\011111 1111t l'IIClIII'II ) C hi III , dtht'l' h ) " 1lI'l'Cpllt 01' -'xumlll' [ , o IIISII : th oll/h / his two 'I'III'8' , lll'uhlltlllll III ,11 11I1111111'1' to slItIlf\ ' his 8e- " ' ( ! 1I11111XIICI ! hi ! : jllc\J. \ : ( ' , A tlm'.l'lI III' 1II00'C COlIl'tll'l'1'CI'I' ! 1:1'01111- .ed I 01.:1'1 h'I' ( III the hlllllllll'tllIJ. : hllll , throllh which , 01113' II 1'1'\\ ' 'elll'li 111'1'\1. ( )1Ilh' ! , Uhllrlc ! ! 1. hlltl IIIIHbCt ! to tlw : ; cllf- lultl , chnttllll ; on'nl'iolls Imhjpclb , 80llle \lC hl'III IH't'tt ' 11111'1'1111) " sen ullt'd with cOlII'l 141'111111111 , to IIII II 1I\\'n ' thl' IlItCl'hll Which W01l1t1 clUIISO [ Il't'\'llIlIblr to thc ( 'II. tl'lIl1ce or thc Idlll ; , "Will 1Il11'lplh bt' hcro this C\'Cllhl/:1" fi\l : ! , nUl ! of thulII , IIddrelslullnl'l' / : ' , Iel'- nU'II , "I bclle\'e he IIns ! : I'l\cllIlI"I ' , 'olldu. ficclltlcd to ! : I\'c hi : ; 111'011I1,1' , tll thlll ( ! f- Cect , " Willi thc l'l'llly ' , "I IIlIth'I'"lnlltlIow ! wh ' t111 hl'ilhthIIlCl'H / : of II cI'l'tnl1l 111113" " I'YCII IIIllht liS \\1'11 filII OU 1111 IeI'hl'I' ! : . " f " 1111CIIIIII' 'IIII to h , ' l'II1i hlelll'll T' III. ( juh'l'd the I l'st Hllt'lIker , " ] , Ol't ! Al'I'lIn h'll : ! 1111' thllt his ob- 11111'111'3' IIIl1l1t lJu luhl to thc Chlll'I' of n II tU I' 1'lIKtie hc COlllld III thc IICW woI'111. " "AlIll'hnt IH 11I01'1' III1I1Cl'OlIlItlible IItlll , " Raid KIIIIJ.1'cw , "DIlIIII' HlIlIIOI' sn ' 11 filw III 11 l'rcclf > loulst , 111111 cschl'\\'tI 1111 1l3'cr alplll'cthnn [ \ a sat.color'd ! owu , n ICl'chh.f or c\IlIbl'le aud Ilhlllel'H of the IiU lIIe , " " . \1111 80 stiff with stllrch , " snit ! nnllth. 1'1' , "r , "eutlll'O to HIl ) ' thllt , 1II.e the 1'1101' . 1II0UII 1'lIffl'l ' W01'll h ) ' Qllel'lI Bess , the ' WOllld IItllllll 1110111' . " "I IIhouldl1't wondl'r " , IInitl Kl11hrew , "Ir I1nrll'llh ahollld turu to bc a 1'1I1'1tlll1 11 I 1I11"\ ! \ ! . " " or I , " ault ! Jerlll'n.uJ 1111\1' lillS' Sleeted he llnll Il'allllll ; that WII ' eVl'r bllll'e Iw f'tll1'lIl't ! from the prm'hlCI'II , " 1'1 IIlh'lsl' ' " snltl KlIIlgl'ew " ) 011 , , "to he on ) ' 011I' IIlIlI'Il , IHI liS 1I0t to IIInllltl'st UII ' 8\11'111'11011' sllOlIld lie 1II1l1e ltIs all\lI'lll'nlll' \ 11\\1'1' thltl I'\'CIIIII with hlH hnh' erOII\lcl \ ] nfh'I' tlll ! Cllllhioll of thl ! HOlllldhl'tHIK. " " . \1111 wl'lIr1nlt n stl''plc'crOWlIl'tl ha1 IIl1d 11 IInd.colfln't ! dOllhlct to IIl11tch hit lud ' 10\'I"d OWII , " I'alll II n 1'1'3' JI'I'IU'n whll Jlroh.IIII ' Iwltll. : r\'lIIll1lh'd of hi : ! OWl \\'eIH ttlll 110\11'1101111 of I'lch llUrple1'1 \'I't , \\'Ith II t\1II ; eUlhl'olllcl'ed h IIl1dl. 1'1' chll'f , whlcit "I'llt n CllllIt 01101' or 111\11.1 thl'ou.h till' 1'11011I liS hI' .Irew It rrOIll hi : llOl'I"t , Iw 11I'\1"hl'll 11 WilY n pnrtlclt' 0 tWII lit Ihl' ! : listl'lIlnl. : [ lowdl'1''hlloh hnl 111'1'11 11111'11 to hl'lhh'lI thl' IUHtCl' of hi ' ' ' ' hllil' CI'UIII ot the "II'I'\'I' IUIII ; , \\'II\ , olle " \ AI thl IIIUIII111 tl1I' t'lItrllllCI' of 11111' 11'11:11 III II 1It'I''i WhUM' rll-hnes" 1I11t1 ( , \t \ , SIlIll' : j'clInll.tI,1'11 wah hili malll ) ' 11111 . , , , _ . . . : L j , . . ; " IHIIIII'whllt hnllJhl : : ' sl 'h' of bl'lIl1l ' , cnus. l'tI II 1111I111' to clII'l thc 1111 uf BIICldll . hlllll , AlrllOHt lit Ilw 141111I1' 1I1001l'IIt U\I \ Idlll. : 1II1111c hl/l l'IIIt'I'C IJ ' 11 ellITl'l'l'lIt 110111' , : II" 1111\11111'11 lOWllI'IlH the gl'UIII [ III 1111 I'IIS > ' , fnlllllllll' 11I1111111'1' , fIJI' 1I11111 ' of thuHe ( 'UIIIIIISilll [ ; It Itllli I'ell , hll l'OIllllIlIluIIH [ , 1I0t 0111) ' III IIll1Ur II 1)IIIt'-llI'ellllth 1'/cnIH" hilt III II II III lli'rI eSH willI nl1\1'1I1Iln'S 111111 IIll1el fmlll's , ellll'lIlhit / : ! 'CII't : ! or I'xlle. WlIllc 1I0tldll' ' thoHe [ II''Sl'lIt with II /I'III'I / : ! 111111 1.:01111 hllillUl' 1I111111'ni to hllll , 11 . .II/hl / : I1JsllII'hllllCI' 1Iltl'IIcll'I1 1I1t1'1It1011 10. wlIl'l1s tIll ! IIOUI' IJr which 1II11'I'I/h , / : hll f01l1l11 111/:1'1'1'101 / : , awl , lit IIIHt , 1'11' > 1111. : hlJh nhll\1' SIIlIII'I'SII'11 [ WII'III'I of I'I'IIWIISII'IIIICI' , \\1'1'1' h'III',1 , Ihl'se WIJI'III : "I IIll1st:11 / : III , fOl' 1 11111 till' IIl'III'cr or I'Ollll'lhllll ; for his IIIl1jcHI ' which illY wife IIII'/I'I' ' hllH COl' ' ' ' ' ' ' " / : 1I11111 a 'I'II1' 1lI'I"WI'\'cti liS thc 1I1111le of h'I' e 'e , 1.:1\1111. : It II [ lllIce I III II hex of [ lollshl'll mllllll' , Ihl' whole I thill' , h ' thl' Hille uf hl'l' he t Jll'lIl1l.clIl' . " "Xl'llhl'l' lhe [ H'I'II1ISHIOII IWI' thl' orell'r Is UI'CI'/lSIII' ' , " HIIIII ClIlI1'h's , IlIlIghlll/ / : , nil tbe lI:1h I' I' I'oICIIII.tI ' I111H11I ' fOl'w 111'11 , II 8tOIl\1111111 \ 'eolllllll Collowllll. : dose tll hii' ! ' ' , with IIII' hl'Ollll , 1'0111111 fllce II oo1 ! Ilenl nll llI'll from exl1lellll'lIl ! , A w01'11 CrulII BIICldllJ.hlllll ClIlIleel the lI hel' to filII hnd" whll ( ' , wllh 1il'III1r 1IIIIIIIell slelll'l , the 11I1111 IIIntle hll Wllr tu' \\'III'lls lhl' silot whrl'e thc Idlll. : Hlnoel , " 'hclI 111'1'1\1.11 wlthlll \ ' II short lillilnllcc uf hllll , Ilnlllll'lIll11. : to calch IIIht , or tlle Dlllw of Bllcklllghnlll , hc HtO1111'I1 [ with II [ 1111.1.11'11 IIh' , 1I11t1 Hel'1I1chhll ; hll 111Ic1 to IIsKlst hiI' 11I1II0IT , IIltel'lIl1lelr I'eglll'llcd Ihc Idlll ; IIUlI'the tllIlc , "J sholllel Hllr thllt this \\'IIR thc 1llIg , " Rnlel he , III II low tOIlC 10 hltllsclf , lixlll" " : hi : ! 1'1'11 011 Chlll'll'H , "thollgh tlw othm' 0111' Is Ilressl'll HIiCh II nallou delll filler. " " " 'IH'I' hClllll' thnll hll'l ' ( ' ! ' hll\'c HIIPIIOI'II'II I hilt lhc tll\"IIIIt , thllt doth hl'lle II Idll ! : It ! IIIl1de oC 110 hl'ttm' Htnff thllll IIICC ! ! , 1'lhllllllH 111111 jl'\\'IH , 140 tlolI't hI' [ lurreel liP , GCUl'/I / : , " snlel Ohlll'lel ! , IItillt'I'SHIIII : IIl1eklllghnlll , whu , IIIw hllllselt'IIS III. t1l1ltcl ' dl\'cl'tc nt thc 1II1111'S 1II 'HllliclI. 11011 , Allothel' look , 10llgcr IIl1d 11101'1' selll'ch. IlIg thlln the othl'rH hllll bel'lI , 1Illlelll'cd [ 10 U\'CI'COllle 1I11 ' 1I11erlll ! dOli hi , IIJIlI nil' IIl'OIlChlllClulI'lell / : 1II0l'C 111'111'1 > ' , he Imc11 lit his fcut , lit the HIIIIIC tllll ( ' hll ghll ; II [ IIII'Cel , 1'0111111 which wnH \\1'1111111'11 II KIIOWY 1111111"11 , closcb' to hlH hl'I'IISt. " " 'hilt IH ' ' wllh ' ' " 'Olll' : , 1113' oocl fl'lellll1" HIIM o 11111'1 C : ! . "It Is 0111 ' thllt ' ' . ' " > 'Olll' lIIaJ < .st3' , uud Ill' 1IIIlilccl hllll clC with III1c1uln ! : the nlll1- Idll , 111'1 hc HIIOlw , "wolllcl gl'lIclollbl ' pllalltJ ! to nCl'l'pt this CIII'I' ' .Clllllb. " "Ollllllflth , 1II1111 ! hcttm' gl\'c It to 11I3' I'OOIll , " "X'lt CUI' II 1.:0 hI dIlCllt , " snhl tIll ! 111111I , uwllllltl 1 1I 1I111 hll\'c It tOllch hlll'slneh. " " " 'hr , Ull'l'e's nOlhlll dllllCI'OIlS ! IIhont It , 1 hOlc [ 1" slliel Uhlll'll's , "Xo : IIn' IllclIHC 'Olll' 1I1l1jc8lr , bllt It wOllld he IlIlttlll' II HlIght 011 lilY gllml Dllllle IIII' I'IT , who hn : ! IWlt [ It III the 1II11111c lJox with het , hest hl'IIIIl'lir ! eVel' sllIcc I CIII'I'I'd the ' ( ullr 1II111'C with It thllt clIl'I'll'll 'Olll' IIInjeHt ' hl ! 'ollll till ! I'ClIch oC thoSH who WPI'C secldllJ. : fm' rOil. " "I.l't IIW bl ! ( ' , " 1111111 Uhndcs , IlIljllstlu/ / : 11\:1 \ I 1l1'I'h ! : . " 1' tllll1l , I hll\'l' sOllie l'pcIII- lel'lloll oC 11 hl1I1111'c thllt hCI'\'I't ! IIIC , UII II 1'1'1'111111 occlislolI'hlch IIII/ht / : 1111\1' ( ' 111111I1'11 1llIIh'I'11 ; with thc wllltl , liS fill' liS SlCI't'IIS [ ! COIICCl'llI'd , 1111I1 it WIIH wcll fnl' III ! ! thllt It \\1111 HO , A 1I0ell hlooll. lhll'sty 111'1I/:001lS / : 1\ ( lll lIIe III slht fUl' h'lI 1II11111lt.S 01' IIltll'C , thclI 1111 hilt OIlC bl' 1111 to III , 111111 It WlIslI't 101l hefol'l' hc Col. 10\\'l'l1 hili I'XIlIllIIIt' . " "I1cl' 111111I1' WIIS SpccI > 'foot , 1IIInsl' ! ' ' ' ' , " 'Ol\l' IIInj'st "Hhl ! wns1'11 . IInllll'l1. YOIII'S Is lIell. dl'lel. Drl.l' : ! ! ' , "It Is , [ III'IISC 'Ol\l' IIInjcst ' , " "It IIUI'II pll'lIsc 11I1' , 111111 thnt I'I/ht / : wclI , tn IIIl'l't 3'tHi III II 1IIIIcc'hl'I'I' , lit I hi' tllIIC 'Oll dltl IIH' HlIl'h & ; olHI IIet'\'lclJ , tlll'l'I nil' 111'111'1'11 lit tll' c1uIIHe : or III ) ' C\'I'I' heltl ! : 1111. IIIlltl'I , , 1lholl/ht / : , lit tll ! ! IIIUlIIl'lIll1f 'Olll' l'IIIt'nIlCI' , 1 111I11 SCl'lI thnt hOlll'tlt flll'O be. CIII'l' , " Hllhl Uhnl'll's , 'J'hl'lI I'I'nllll [ ; to 1'1111I1' 0111' III IItlClIlllIlICC , he 1I\'I' m'th'I's Ihnt ItI'llIlrlcl. Hhollill be11'01111'11 \ wllh I'Crl''shll\l'lIt 111111 10t:11I ! , \\'hlll' , tllrlllll 10 11elllll'lcl. hhlltll'ltl Ill' ehtll'It't ; ' ! 11111I 1101 III : : n n\\'n ' III tl1I' 11I01'111111' : till he hnd ' elthcl' SCCII 01' hCIIl'l1 frolll hllll. "I Iholll.hl , " snltl 1I1I1'1elgh , who , \\Ih two 01' thl'l'l' IIlhl'I'S , WIIS Itlllldlll ! : II little alHlI't , "thnt Gllhl'I't 1 lIl11111111 ; WIIR tll bo hCI'I' this \'pllltll : . " " o Ill' Is , " HIIIII he whlllll ho nlhh'l's ell. "I IIlwllltln't wOllllel' IC , Insh'/1I1 / IIf hl'ln 11111'11 with I.oltl , which wOIIIII 1'1111 hll' hllll to I'I'SIIIIII' with fl'esh sllrlt [ hili lilt ! hlllllls Of ItIXIII' ' , his [ loclwts W'l'C 1\1\11111 \ 10 COli. tnln 1I01hlu bettcr tholl II Ccw worlhll'fi : ! 1.I'II11tH'll'lIh tlll' 1I1nrl , oC I"III11C I1l1l1nn ehl'f , willieI' thnll his Innlls. " Ill' Ilnll hnrlll ' I1nhdlcd SllCllldll ! : wh11 I 'nlklllllli Illude his alllICllrllllce , "Ah , hl're Is 111) ' IllItmltel" fl'csh Crolll thl' new worltl , " Hnhl UIIIII'II'I" , I'orlllllllr 1I'lnlhim hIs hanll , "I hellrlll ' wI'lcOIIII ! 'Oll hnct , to IIWI'I'3' II 11I1\1I , 1'\'l'n Ir 'ou nrl ! thl' O\\'UI'r of nil ml\ll ' IIcrl' liS lII'e 1'01ltllllll'll III III ) ' Unlh'l1 KhlJdollls. " " 1' cnll II:1SIII'C 'Olll' IIInjl'lIt ' , " HII\l1 \ 1 lIll , . IlInll , "thllt tlll'rt ! W01I11I UI' 111111' ! llncl' fnr bl't\\'l'l'lI ' IIIr 1I01llin tl 'lhlllllS 11111 thc 'l'wl'lII ! , thc whole of which Is 10t worth thl' ! pllce Khllll'l1 b ' till' H4 'nl , , Onl" Wlln the /111I 0111 I1'lnnH elllll'l Ihllt [ mrt of thl''ol'ld II howlll wlltll'l' . , III'SS , thl' . cOllldn't 11\1' lt 011 II 11I011' i 1IIII'IIlllIh' [ 1I111111tOI , I bllnt. : IlIhllblt. I'll chll't ' h ' bl'lIrs 11111 woh'IS. " t "I hnlt ( : qlctell , " Kllhl I1 \ ! I'I W , 1111 , " I tI'I'HII Pllldllnd , "llt , 11111nl > ' 01' 111. , . , IIICI' , 'UII'ollld I'SpOIl 1' thl' 1'.I.lIklll(1 I Ilalll.hh.I' ot HOII 1111111 dlll'f , 1111 hln/ / : . ' ' ' ' ' nllll ' ' 11'1'1' to ' , 1\1' lullw elll\ll til' 1'01'1 . with the j\\'l'h ; III her 1081 1111 tIll' blil , rount 1111' nllldel'l. " "I ' ' ' mnhlen " ' ' . lu\'I' HII'n 1111 Iltlnn , 1'1' I' [ lltd hI' , "whol' Il'ilnlt l' 'es wo1I11 1 shnlllc tll' 1'l\'st tllllllolIlll I'\'CI' IIIIS CIOI I tl' 1II11' : ! of Goholldu i I wOllldll't CXCI'lt [ , ' ' ' thll ' ' . " i 1'\1'11 : Hpleliltl jl'\\'el. ' . . \ hI [ Inl.e , he tosSI'1 UJOII UI tnbh' " the [ ' h ' Dnel'l'S 011 fchl'd lltlrct Cro1 } 1 Allct Dult"'hlch 111 Is dcccnt ! , sccm. , ' , - ' , \ , . \ - ' - . . - - - - - - - - I'll to Onsl with e\'l'ry hle or Ule rich nllll telllllllll fllhl 11111 HIHlrkll1 wllS 1'11111'11 II e I' , At Hhht of I , Ilrlll.h'8 flCl' Ilullt CI'II.nll , 'J he lext mlllllte thl' } looII I'ccciell , ICIIVIII lp nllli chcel , IIH Plliu lS teuth. , " "A 10vI 11(1'11 , I'l } e , } 0111 ' ; , Is I lnt , i ' 1"lIlkluII11" 1111 ,1I'IIIn . " ' , ' 0 ( ' , I"IIJdlnc Si 11'11 IJt 11111 r'Jl . " . "I think r\'u I'oel'lI ' Ihllcl / : eCI'c t. , ll ' , " Hnll luedllhlllll , IIIJdll It 111 111111 I'XIIIIIIIII I. "I thol/ht / : I " ! ! I't 111 , . IH ' ' , ' , ' ' . 'ou tll\II. I UI' , 11' 11'111"h 111' ' . , , ' ' to ' \ lhll'll lt 1.11':11,1'1 [ I'C\'IOIIHh 'olr goll 10 Alldcl. "r tlolI't 11'1'1"1111 to Hn ' WII'I. or wlwrl' It WnH JIII'ChnHlII , " 11111 I.'nldn.d , "I'hc II'/t nllil thl' lut tlillc 1 e\'I r ! IW I , ti I . ' ' ' , It ' 1.01111 1'11 I I own 111'llt t11 . llcl < of 011' 1II0re 111 II I fill 11111 hl'wlch. , . . Ihe ' or Ihc III' thll 10Ht ltlcll'ah.tI hCII. tC ! of WltlllHor " , 1)rtl'I 'l11 ! b ' Hi' Petel' Leh" ! 1IIIcl. " hnrl ' ' how ' Jet the "YII 1'ltI'I' ' ! Ilnd ) 01 IItlc UII I 1'1 II It 1 , 111111 HOIIW olherl , 1111' ' ' ' ' fOl'l'st ' ) 01 Cllllllnl'C 'Olll' hClltll'R wih the c of tw , COIII'I , " 1111 tw ] 11.e of Bllcdl/IIIU " woolI 'IUllh of ' ' "IIIH thll ltte 1 3'011'1 . a Inlld. rl'll Ildll1 hlllh'IHI KIIII/lc\\ / : ' of l"lIlk. " "Yes , IIH I'cil 1114 thc fl'lsllst I'ose III .hlll , Hn1' Whl'I'I' tl 1'lllll'c of thnt 1IIIIII1r ' . " 10wel' II elsJllcl1 by Is HIIII' ! ! , UI 1 "lel' 1IIII ! " HIIII Ohll'lc ! , 111lnnhl/ / : , , ' ' 10 he . IIIIH''sll',1 II I'nlldllnd's sUlcwhlt hlJh.lowlI ( ' ' . " , Alcl IlIh' . " "Whnl ! Ihl tlllghtl'l' of HCl.lllnll Dnle , who. I'\'e 1111'11 Inltl , I I'hO't tlllle hl'fll'e hlH 111'C'nl' , ' , ! calsIll Ihlt Itll Ild 1'U1111 : llhnll Wllwol'th , to 1m IIIJulnlcd her . ' " ' /lInl'IIIIII' / : ! " ' ' , ' ' ' , " " 1'11 ! lle 'ol' Iljc13' , "AIII he soon IfI'WI'tI ! clIIlgl'nted to ' " AIII'I'lcl ! " . " "le 1111. "I 1'1'111111 hll well , " snlll the Enrl or AI'I'all. "lc sel'\'I'd nndcl' C 1'01'cl , ns n cnJlnl1 If dl'n/oI1l8 / : , thnt used to clthcIIIIIH. Hllhle thelt. " horsl's In thc : talls of tl "I 1 IIIhtllw not , " said BIcdnghnm , "onc 11I1111101 , who oWlcll I plnceb' IstltC III ' 'lIllhll'e , wns the Cnlr tlalsel's IIClc Ihout. , " thlt 1.'llkllld . Is In slch rltlrl'S "lu WIH , " sld ! Arrnn , "I Is " ,11 thei , who ItalcQ In YOlr " ' Hllid ' . ' , Ilht' Iarr3' .Ter'1II3'I ' 'rhnt . Is 1I0t lulc ch'lr , " repled I nlk- 1111. "True , ' ' ' ' her , i 'Oll 1111'1'3' I wi thcl he luch thc snllle lS I ell I'II lol ladmndc 3'01 his hclt" which , I'vc } wlrd hI' . " Oll' eOltemplltld. ! Iellwhlc , Harlel h had I'emqlll'd 11' ICllt , tholgh with cOlpresscd 111s ald , , ' f1hlll Iltlc asldc C3'Ci , le now drew 1'nltuud a "Dlrc 3'11 8a3' , 01 the wO'd and honor If II glltlelnu , thlt Alce Dull' gavI' 'ou thut op117" he demanded , "Ti you mlllw It IIPIlnr b3' whnt right 'Oll IIlk the luestoll , I wi sny noUllllg IIhont I. " "H3' al 1 II.\"hmal's right. " "Aud h ' the right refuse to . HUIC l UI. /WC' I . elleltlon uHked wih 80 much Il- rOIIICl. " 11m lIot In 11 mooe , jnst now , to my ' In the gnrh of - ( loUt Iln Unll' hlllli- Iy. I delulld to Imow If Alce Dale II\'e 'Ol Ihlt 011 [ oC hcr own Crcl wi. " " "It WIS fl'l'ely gl\'cn. " IH , She ' " ' ' It ' . " "I fllse nl'\"e' n\'e to 3'oU. " " 'hit 1 havc Hnldls true. " "I ' 'word. " shlllot tllw 'our " 11,1 UI 8wOIl dlclde ! I , then ! " ' , who hlld . Ohl'lls ellolgh 01 wlll'IIS Hllhl to Il1ccl'St:111 : b ' this whal was olnl forwurtl , . tllle , 10W Intl. llKcc "YII 11'1'1 10 fOlgct , " slle hI , "lhut this 11 uellhcl' pl'lcc ' ' Co I' I 1\1' I IlrCICllce IIWI'I"I hl'ols , BOlh IC 'Oll wi 1IIIasl' l'nnslllll' , ' 'OI'fII'cs UIIC' IrI'Cst'OI , , ' ' Gllert I'nlldmll fO' to dl'I'ide thl' IIIStlI1I h ' thc H\\'OI'd , 11111 'Oll , alal''IICl' IIlIrlllh fOl' [ I'o\'uldng him to It , Hl'lIIllIIhl'l thlt ' 111 Ila\"c this 1IIIce fU' I'I'III ' flllshcd I II/i / : I 11'1 II thc 'row- PI. Hit cOle , aldllls fcntl'es l'elaxld 11110 their 1111111 10)1-hullrl'd IXllesslnn , "WI h\'I' : ulrellll ) " Ict 01' felst of fl'lIls ! : ' It 1t111 fl'lst wlllllg ti . 010 IIht wcl Ill'CI I HI"IIIthlf / : , he tool. hi ! Illncc lt thl' tlhl" 11111 thc othcl's , IlIchlllu ! lal'lcgh nlll 1"1 ld II 1111. who dal'cd lnt l'UrIlSC , Col. . I I lowcl his IXIIIIIIII' IIth _ _ I = II. - _ _ Chllh'lm 1IUHt J'u h , 'J'he SllIse uf hUIIHl' Is \'II'llblc relst , ulltm'goln ! 11rel'elt fOllS Ilrcf. ' to , ' , l'elce racc 111\ltlll ant soclel I 'OU' lte bor fall to lespo1I wih his ' of ' I'lhlto chidIsh Icll'llwnt tu 'Ol' 1111'(1111 joke , that , deplessllg IS lt tles It Ilst he to 'ou , does lot SII'I to 1l Illtm' Ihout which to 10 1 wllw II hls , hecluse , Ifel' 111 tl'l' Hl'Utll , tle fnul IIIIY not be so luch wih the l'llhl lS with thu jolw ! I howc\'C' ltc N , or [ lS his cate- ehlsllllllllle la ' hc , le\ ' ( mlel his OWI 8\111 cllllllsh jlstS ! , \ ' ' pllrs Coolsh tl'les1101 'ou , at which , ur thl Slle tOIWII , hc eXIlcts 'Ol to lllu h : I' he \ ' Is 1l'lhrll. IlIstlet wHh ' , ' ' ' jo 'olsless wih 11tm'II1 gl 'el of hllIrt Ild the Sllshile \Igolous 'OUI I11Inl lfe Ild slllrls-Ihel II- dled , his cOldlton Is aUIOI'II , 01' his ' \ ' ' 11 wrolg , Ild 'ou Ilst Ihll I IIlIL'I ' wa ' to put hll Ito a ' 1ltl'11 l\l smllj 1'port with I Co , 'For lau hler lS n lcre outlct for all- 111 SI)1118 Is natull to 11t. PII 'fl1I'ss we ! hm'e wih Ol' fUled 11111''athel'L'l hrcthl'el , blt the ludlbe [ eXll'csslol of Il'th Is 10lOpollzed by \111. the h'ast lall'I1 of al tle Inl. Ills , I helps to dlTl'l'Oltlto hl\ flol the lowI'l' 1'\1 of the 10Ikc . ' : It Is ole of the 1I'Is : of his to th ! hhh plrlull gOls-Ilrper's , 1:111 " ' ' , SOlethll1 'I'tll "Xow , , Tohl see hm' ! ! " shc bcgln , 111 wih . " sct jtl w , "I lust hae : O to " . \1 rl ht , " Illd ,10hn II'OIItly , " . " "hUII' Is. I "n ' , .T ! " slw OOlll'ss 011 ( x(11 111(1 , 11111Islhl . "what's the Ilter' , ' 'ou ' ' - : . \en't we1Phllelllhin Press. Not , I 11 t 11 ! Wlhm's-I bolo\'e Arthur Is Irrlhl to Il'ollose to 10. BeloOf cour80 ho II , nnd there nrc thouSIUlls ot othel's Just lke hhu- 8mat Set. , : , , . ' _ " , ' ' ---r _ ' -r' ' , J''l. ' _ ; : : , . ' . ' - , . " - . ' " " " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . c - - - - " WOMAN'S LOVE FOR THE BRUTE , lY Is It that the surgeol who " Hen'es 01 the lrllg lne Is 10. cllly Iglored ? asks Jies . Orccllan , the "etel'nnar correspond. Ilt who wries of Irhe MII II UII. , 101'1" II the Ilgrll. No Inn who has i . le ( ! real ljhtllg cln dellY thnt the ' ' ' Is ' the I1lnt'J' sl'geol usullJ' . Inn who hel rs the hrullt of dut II nny ICtOl , lc Illst face the dalgers of I ho fght wltlout the excltemcll of /Jhtllg. n , ! sa\es 1110 whlo the ott. er ! desl'o ' It , But who tl'ls ut the sight oj' I mllul' ' sU1 eol' ! Oll II dl\en to the cOlcluslon thnt Ihc social Idolntry ot the f ltll 1111 III ullfol'l Is fO\llcd ( ) the 1IIItO nd. mlmtol of WOICI 101 hl'ute force , Dtu ! ; It ns 'ou wl , thl fuct reo 111118 thnt the 111 who Itls IH more Itract\o to the fOllnlne hCl't thnl the 111 who sa'es. . I Is the UICOI- selous l'lmto of wealmess to strclJlh , the the ' , 111 more tellulc sl'elgth Ill 1010 rlthles ! Its mallfcstntlols. the 10l'e Irrusltbly fnscilatn Is hOlllry becoles , 'rho lal II Illfol'm IU ' ho al ullcouth , Jlnceless fotow , wltholt I useful tlouht II Ils head- stl , ho represents that m 'sterlous powel' chlrtered to sla ' , One to destror ; , Is murder hy the Inw ; And gibbets kcep the lfe Innd In awe ; 'o murder thousnn s , takes a specious name , "Yar's glol'lous nrt , " an gh'es Immortal - tal fnme. , I Is ni odd thIng to refect upon In this glorious Ohrlstal Twentletl century - tury ; and 'et , no naton can preser\e Is Integrity or Is Instutons wltl0ut the of soldiers. use The OllneBe empire - pire , with , , Ilhabiants , wns conquered In 1804 uy ltte Japan , The 80ldler occupies nlmost the lowest rnk In Chinese socloty ; In .1npln the 801. dlor Is the \rlstoc1t , Ald It Is true ot ut histor tlat when the soldiers of alY naton censed to ho a spcclal obJect - . Ject of honor that Daton perlsled , ! 4 A lndll ; talor sa .s thel'e Is to ue II ' ntoullt of 1 > lc st11111pll S used 011 wool gowns. A wool \'elng just "cre- Ited" by 111m has u skirt the lowcr half of which Is trlmled with a hely IHtern , done II nlrrow sttched UIUlls , of tafeta , but II a darlcer sll o thll , . . the "olllg , 'l'ho hlolso 111 UPIWI' ' of the sleo\es IU'e t'lmle lu the. . Hlme WI ' , and the larje cotur Is nlso elcd with sik bll11s , 'lw uatste robe rcsses coutnue to be tlo rage , :111 III thcse dl 's of bnr , Ilns they Ilre bought UI ) us cagC'I ' us I the scasol'IlS not 1010 tlan half spent , Eluroldcled uatstes are Ih'ely , e'OI at 3i cellts Ild UPWI\1 WOlwn who ha0 l els and taste huy a few 'ar s of the embrllllercl batRte for trl1111 ald the plllln for the gown ; this Inls . 11 IlIexllellsl\'e dress , nli If propol'I nUHle wi look as wet lS a $ i robe I'eS' , The cmblol er coultcrs 110ted to o\rlowlll with genuine uarlllls II the80 uatste om- broldeles , ISet us tlo haldsomo whlto brohll'l'lcs , " " , el at 1 "mlre ! SOl ! ' ' 'l'hose for ulldel'lusllls Ire especlnty cheap , whie SO III I' 11'0 treall'cs Ile 19 ue f0111 Il Ihl l'ellH1t uoxe for 0 fcw ltr ' pelnles , l ely of O\crKc"tl t vcncss , Ovol'solsll pcoille um usuaty \cry Ihle-jriled , hllhly organlzel , and Intolleut , il If tle ' L'u1l OVCI'cole thIs , wonlll weakless hecole capuule , consclcutons wOI'kers. 'rhls fallg- tor It Is n fu I II/ ant a very scrlous Ole , . too-Is In exa/erato(1 forl of , which selt.conscousless , whie oltre- Iy dlforent frol egotsl or concei , causes sel to 100m up II such lurge proporUons on . the 1I1eltal I'otna us to overshadow C.crythlnl else. 'rhe vlc. tlm ot It feels that , wlelcvcr hI goes , ho Is the contol' of \ ' , obser\'aton Ild that ni o 'os , 11 tholhts are focused 1111 him , Ie Inl/lles that people arc cttcll'lllg ' his mO\'Olelli aud hl8 per- SOI , anll Illkllj fUl at hil eXleme : whel , II realt , thc ' are not thlnkhll of him , and perhlps . tltl 10t sco him , 'l'hc sl'est WI to cOllquer 10l'uld SI'I. SltVl'ItSS Is to mllle , with 11.01110 ns freu ' lS posslblc , nul whlo ullprnls. 11g 'our own Ibll ' nld Iltelhenco nt lelst ns Imlartal ) ' lS 'ou would thosu of I tl'II'I11 or aCIUalltllee , to forjot 'ourself. Unll'ss 'OU CUl be. eomu of Sl'lf , ' " ulconsclous 'Ol W110\ cr ( Ither IIPIWIut 'our hest 0' do the hest of which 'ou are clablc. I re. quires wi power ami ni ulbeldlng Ite. terlllltol to cOlqUC' this arch en. emy to SICCCSS , but whnt hus b ( \ouc enu , be \aue , nld lar who \i- ' ; " < own hy It 101' 'ClrR have , b ' their OWI errot'ts , outgt'oWI It alli 1'lHel to COllllllllug Joltous-O , , Iai'dcl 11 Success. To UO\'C on Uhctlcnt " 'Hc , Sce yonr wlfo lS seldol n8 possible , If ahe II warlhearied 111 cheerful 11 temper or If , afcr a dn "s or a wecl.'s ahscnce , she leets 'Ol wih a smlll face , nld In al afcctlonnte mnlner , be sure to 1001 , coldl ' upon lIer , nnd nlswer hOl' wih mOles 'llblcs , r she forces hack hel' tears , 1\1 hi resol\cd to look chcel'ful , sit down Ild gnpe In her II'CSIICO tl she Is ful ' cOI\llce of ' ' , 'Ol' Indlferellce . NO\el thllk . 'Ol ha\o In .thllg to dote to lalo 1IIIIIp ' , uut that her hup. pllcss IR to now fl'OI Jrtlf 'llg 'our CIII'lccs : lull whel ! hc his donI al n WOIII cal 10 , he st'e . 'ou do 10t nn. { enl gl'lllee1. No "o. tllw 11 Intell'st In 11 . ' of he' PII'SUIt ; and If she Isls 'Ot. l\l\lce , 111,0 fcol troublcsome und Illpertllent , I ! he ItlUjtl to rly 'OU good- humO'cdl ' , on ' of ' 111 - 'olr peculari- tes , le\er jell In the laujh , hut frown her Ilto slelce , I she has fauls ( which , wllout . < olbt , she wi ha\o , Ild perhaps ma be Iglorut of ) , le\'el' atempt with Illdc , ss to correct them , hut cOltlllaly obl'ldo IpOI her cars : "Whnt 1 Iood wlfo I' Smith has I" . "How hnpp :11 Smith Is "lh his wlfo ! " "Any 1an would UO hnppy wih such a wIo ! " In cOlpan no vcr scor to know : rou ha\e a wIe ; trent al her remarks with Indiference , nld be very afable nnd complaccnt to e\ory other lady , I 'ou folow these directons , you 1ay be cm.taln of an obeilent uud - wife , hear-broken PhYIlcoly l'crfcct 'Vownn , A pertecty formed woman wi stand at the average hel ht of feet 3 Ilch. es to { feet 7 Inche. She wi 'weigh from 12j to 10 pounds , A plumb . lne dropped from a poInt markcd u the tp of her nosc wi ful at a point one Inch In trent of her great toe , Her shoulders nnd her hips wi strIke I strulght lne up and down. Hcr wnlst wi taper gra unly to a sIze on a Ile dra Wi from the outer thlr of the col , laruolo to the hIps. leI bust , wi monsure from :8 to 30 Ilches , her hIps wi measure froU G to 10 Ilches more thnn this , and hcr waist wi enl for a from to 28 , ' bel 2 Ilches 'rhe upper arm of the formed perfecty womln wi elt the walstle , aud ler forearm - arm wi oxteli to a pollt permitng the to reach mark fngers a just uelow the ml dlc of the thigh. She shoul } mcnsuro froU her wlist to her fcet about a foot moro Uiln 1101 lhe waIst to the croWI of hCI' head. leI necl. should ue from 12 to H Incltcs around , her head ercct , nnd a 01 lno wIh te central pilne of her bed ' , unt hC' foot should bo of I slzo ! nd shnpe to con , l I'm to her hands. 'ho - . wol-plpor. toled woman wears a shoe olle-hlif the ' Ilzo of tle glo\e her ) Ianll cals for. 'hus , If a WOIHn WOU'S a six glo\e she should also weur u thl'eo ShOR- New YOl'k Newf Chlllrcn's llnlHhmcuts , I Is nO'm' . wlso to punish a chld too serC'cl , No pllldlnj at dinner , uelllg sent out of the room , a curtlll of gumes , or some treat lto omltCI wi bo qulo sulclent to show the chli that It Is In dlsgruce , ald wi Il'obahly be a punishment which It wi remember , ' ' ' 'l'hl'eutellllg or frIghtening laught ' chldrel Is worse thll useless - less , nnd Ie\'er , no\'er shut up a chid , ospeclul ) ' 010 a t al nervous , In a 1001 or cllpbolll' alole , ' 1ho aonles ! and terrors , 1010 the less horrlbli tor belllg ImugllarJ' , thnt some chldrcn hne \e Bufered from IH11shments or this sort hl0 spelt theIr Ier\'cs for lfe , und In some cllses have sm'lousl ' undol'mhled thclr healh. ' 1'0 tale no notce of a faul Is of tell the uest way of punlsiling a chid. Uhldren 110 al unconsclolls nctors , nnd , hallg II stroll sense of the rmltc , enjoy beln : laughty onlugh to rl15e a sccno ; but a wlso mother not argue wi wih her , or , uut walt chid declaln wi un- ti the tntrums lre 0\01 Ind thou tnlc ' quleUy , 'hls wi male tur more 1m- prosslon temper , thln a scoldIng II te hent of Obscr\u Uou. . Girls who kllow . . sa thut whel 'ou lese .our appote for chocolnto tues n1l wnut to " 'rie . uad poetr . , CupId's going to "glt 'o' If .o' on't watch ont , " 'here's a hcap of money spent tor rouge , false trlzzesnd eyeurow penels that should ue Invested I sonp nIl ua th urllhes. } A womnn who bought two uonnets for r celt nt I Illner . stampede SI 'S tllt It'f \ shame the WiY these shop. . Ieepers get I pOOl' mOl'tal's 10ne nwn ' from he Some mIsguIded girls hn\o nn Idea tlnt to dreis the hair nrtstlcnly Is to wind I up In u crlsscross mop that looks lke i plo or jaclcstrnws. 'he vnllt ' microbe Imows thlt It hns tound n free lOdging hOlse with no wood.sawlng to do whcn It cr ells Ilto the minded brnln llscl cels or the glddr , shalow. " 'omcn' " HllthtK In Al'Htlnll , 11 tl0 mater nf womeu's r"ht ! Ab 'ssllil Is fil , . the leld f othe : ( ! ountrles , . \1 ntal' ! of the Ab > 'sll tlnu home nl'o 100la'd nCer by the WOlll ) , ' 1'10 house with ni Its contl helen ; . to the WII & 1,1 Ir the Ilubald or. I f : : . ; : " & e hU8 : h\m \ om unti he L " ' l'l' ' ltnt & I'cs Ufl- : : iv t . . , I' , ' ' ' " ' ' , " , , I , I " " , , ' , , 'I . - - - - - - - - - - - - - INVESTIGATING "WATER CURE. " , 10w Btch 1 CUMC 'Vonlel 11 ] , OIICt ! . Icforc n Jluluc 011 Jury I the "wltl'r ' , " n8 prctced In . , wel'o II\cstgllel In ll Ihlllpiles \ OIIH cOI' h ' our jude , jur ' IlId wit. hlSR s 'stel Iwt'c lt hOle , 81)S the Ohio Htlte , Jol'lll , We might expect 1 dllloluo IfetwceH the plliltf 1111119 ntol'lIe ' , who hegills the cou\eraton sOlethlug lw the folo\'lug : "Whlt Is ' ' lIame't' t "IJ ese Emio de SOlglssllo. " r ( Of ' the dofeldlut would nt . " once ohject to the winoss llwlng a Y 1 " " nnl0 lt this lud tle objectol would t be noted , ) , "What Is 'om' 1ntonul , " 1/1 a l"lplllo. " " \ Is ' ' " , \\llt 'Ol' lsluoss1" "I Itl ougnJed Il the Illsurgent husl- nesH. " , "How 10llg II\e ' ' lt that . " \ 'Ot t1dl 1" l " ' ' . " "Abolt tll'co 'elrs. , "nd 'ou O\'er lIel' of the rOledy Imown lS the 'wiler cul11' " "Ye ! , sh' , " "Frol wlol'/ " , , " ' . " ' 1'he Unlcd tlteR soldlcrs. , "nl ther reCOllIWllllt hlgll "r' . " . " "Ver i ' " " 10' ) whn t Illamcs 1" . . ' .1 ' . " . t USI'Jell I ts. "Dd tl ' pre\11 011 'ou to tnlw then tel' 1" . \n c\c . "Yes , si. : six or sc\'en of them II'c- ' ; \aled on le. " "Wi 'ou ! tlte 1111Iul ' , Jose , to the ,1u.\ just how ' this 'wlter cure' Wi' ndllnistered' ! "The sohlers bould Ic Hecuely Ind whlo H\e held 1e the sIxth Inserted u 10so nozzle Illto I ' louth nnd turned on the wuter. " . "You mean to HI , then , that this 'wlter cure' II In Illteruul reledr1" "Both Inte'llll Ind extlllll ! , sir : 'OU BCO , when 1 ' clplcltJ' W1S tnxcd to nts UtlOSt . the wutcr o\e'Jowcdund rn dowl 1 neck uIll o\'er mr person , " "Wh did 'ou lIolplotest 1" i I "I WIS too ful for utternco. " I "WJ 'ou plclso stlte , for the boncft oC the jury , how luch water 'ou swal- 10wed , as nelI' lS 'ou CII judge' " "I should sa ' ubout two uarrels , " ( At thll point the dpfen alt would I object and . un expert sllclnlst 01 the caplelt of the hUlln Htolach would be caled on to testfJ- , ) , "Wi 'ou 1IIIII. stlte to the jury : what discomfort this e1uscd you , I " Dn ' 1" "I expel'lolcC I 10ist sensatol Ind n feelllg of fulless thlt see1ed to 'ordcr 01 the point of cxploslon. ' 1'lIls 'WIS prob1bl ' due to the fact that I In not accustolel to tll.lnl wutor In uch . " IlrJo qUllttes. "Did the soldlC's hold any - con\ersl- Iol wih 'ou whllo they were udmln- JstcrhlJ the 'wlter cure l' " ' .Yes , thc ' aslwd me to tel ul io secrets I Imew. " "DId 'ou do It1" "Ccllllll ' ; I told thcl 11 1 lnow , atl 1010 , too. " "DId the opcrton I1PII' 'our thl'st " fol water1"I ' "Yos , I dl'lnk 010 ugh wntm' on that - occlslol to last le 11 sUllor , " " 'ha t Is ul. Cll the next wllels. " 'lho Curp Nulmncc. An Infuence tIat seels to Il\'e , \'er ' latellll efect bnss - UpOI tlo fsh- \n \ II Lllw Brie II thlt of the Germun 'cm'p. I IsC'J' elerll ' helh\'e 110llg sportslell aud Hsholmel ulkl ! , thlt the CII ) Is to 01' lat\1 Hsh IlS the Ellglsh SIlf'ow to our bIrds. 'No olle Iccuses thc Cl'p of ha\'lug suf. Helent enterlrlso to eat othel' Hsh-e\'on 'Slll fruut It roots alollg the HIlwnlng hmls . all Is belovd to . e ' -01' e gs b the 11101. I hiC helrd thlR cOlllnlnt uhout ; El'le , ut the St CII' Hats and nlollJ the bl 's of Wlsconslll , showlllg thut e\'er.'wlel'c In th ( ! hllw region the .cl'II Is holcln tile sUle lsrcputl ! , How ,1uch tlth thl'l'l' Is III the stO'les of ; hlR . sl11wn cltllg would bo hurd to , Sl , but It Is cerlliu thlt call ure to hI fouud b ' tlousalls al Ibolt the Igl'eat lakeR. SOle of tlel al'e 10n- : sters In alze Ild al root about the ' 'banks of ua ' Ild bl 'ou lud the bot. It01 of I\er ' shalow I1111CC , l11 ' s111 Ilkes ha VI been entorul , ; , sa 's a writer ' II OUtllg , Ind tholr Wl. te's . turle 1'101 cr 'Htll to lud color Ih thc l'ootng. 'hele Is no douht that ther lstl'b IplWU ucds nnd do an In. lelse Ulouut of harm , whether they al'e egg-Io\ors 01 IOt , Olco ] or Heel lon , 'l'holls U. Heed goes to [ alno ; occuslonll ) ' und occupies his SIUUer ' lelr Old Orchm' NICh .ole lrlll j Iho WI'1 mOllth8. Ie has become 51 " \ I ueh In 10\1ud In New York thlt he Is ofen asked If ho Iltolds to become ,1 , pelmanent rcsldent ot the cl ' , 'l'he .Iwl . ' hc parrIes the questoll Is Inter- I , stng "I fnd. " ho snll to n of \llells \ , "that the 111lnclll Inportance goup bf ' , . ' II ew YO'Ier Is gauged b ' ' I , tl0 em'l. . nest wih which ho IClves the ciy or ho luteness of his return ; hIs riches . me \easm'cd . hy the Icngth of tme he ' . " j 8tIQ'S I wa "Blt 10w uuout 'olrlelf" nskcd one , "Wel , he sul , slowly , "I nm stl , .COIIIIII , olcc hOI's. " - Phladelphln Jhoto rlllhr ; In 11811III 'l'he camera promlscs to hecomo a ! 1lllsilcIIsahie 11 huslness If'ulrs lS the ' 'Juwl'ler , I Is now hohl ! used In the I'ellrolucton of Ilocllentsl stats , tcal tahles 111 otlcr 11110'8 whose , IluIllcltloll hr lIalll woull be lahorlols 11111 Ixllsl\'I In a ' brlof pel'lod ' , , Uw Cllem rel1'o < uces these wih nb. Iwilto corl'ectnell Inl wIth llch labor 81el ouout sh : wcoks utter the welt ap. pl'J'1 at a 11t'S dOOI' , It looks to him as If It wcre holdlll . rcunlon , : I fnnl1. I